Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 19, 1852, Image 3

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go SEEKER or Orrtcs.—The public life of Mr.
k , ,esre is like that of the late Snits WRIGHT, in
41i , res pect, that it has been distinguished more by
' t h e modest declination of office than by the pursuit
dale e moluments or lame of public position.
He resigned the office of United States Senator
f ro m New Hampshire, and refused ail the proffers
politic station in his S . tate which were made to
rem p him from
. his retirement to private
.life, and
f r om his professional pursuits.
}le refused the Attorney Generalship offered by
Tresident POLK Ile . accepted a commission in the
Arra y, which he resigned when The war was end.
t i In January last he was named as a candidate
f or the Presidency by the Demcijratic Convention
* ib is Sate , but declined ttakt Ina of his nainti for
::,ei potion.
w ra l us ing, June Bth by T. HINES Esq., M R
jog , W. Gnus.En, to MISS Hstarr E. PARICZII
both of Bridgwater, Susquehanna Co., Pa.
New f-lbucrtiscineuls.
y, & E. Railroad
ARE now receiving weekly over the above tho
-4i ronghlare, all the latest and most fashionable
Mrs of Goods arriving in New York, fresh from
tat taads of tee importer§.
Also, the choicest and best of heavy Staple Goods
and at prices that cannot fail please.
Thew arrangements are such that they can sell
Foods at wholesale for cash as low as they can be
purchased of the jobbers in New York city.
With an humble acknowledgment of past favors,
an examination of their very extensivh assortmen t
of Gods is respectfully solicited.
Towanda, June I% 1852.
- 4 LL persons indebted to the estate of AMOS'
J KISSES', deed, late of Athens township, are
herebr requested to make payment without delay ;
all persons having demands against said estate
us requested to present them to A. G. Pickard
duly authenticated for settlement.
SANII. FARWELL, Administrator.
:imithfield, June 14, 1852.
• Auditor's Notice.
i malkr of uotrzbvtion of filmic raised by Sheriff's
Sole of the propaily of ../0/IS BE
rnfiCE is hereby given that the undersigned
i having been appointed by the Court of Conl
on Please,of Bradford county. an Auditor to dis
,Ate the foal raised by Sheres . sale of the prop
s of John .Benson : wiil attend at the Court,
case in Towanda, on Saturday the 2lth day 'of
ly nest, at the hour of one o'clock P. M, to attend
the duties of such Aire. At which time and
!e. all who have claims upon said fund, aro re
red to present said claims or be fiwever debarred
refrom. NARK n - McALPIN, Auditor.
Towanda, June L 5,
To Contractor's
,',LED PROPOSALA for erecting a, BRICK'
EDIFICE, 46 feet by 70. with n Laserrent for
use of the Presbyterian Church in Towanda,
`, , e received at the office of U. MERI3I.I. Esq.,
the evening of the 6th of July next.
Pans and 5 pecincations may be seen at the said
after the first of Juft•.
By order of the board of Trustees.
Totvgi.!a. June IS. 1852.
Treasurer's Sale Adjourned,
iTII. Thirsday, July Ist at 2 o'clock r.. M., for
th- balance of the uusened tracts of land, and
kali the tracts of seated lands returned by the
,enri f qtaTe , that may there remain unsettled.
"•ea , urer% Office, Towanda June 16, 1852.
mzcaamrxes LODE in I
'ARPENTERS & JOINERS will find a full as.
torment of panes, gauges, fSWS, Fquares, trying
tienelg, compasses, iron and wood spirit levels,
clinic', center and roger bitts, broad, hand and
atm allzes, hammers, chisels, gouges, chalk
Ind spfols brad and scratch awls, tape lines, &F..
ACKSMIRHS will find anvils, vices, bellows,
I, band and shoeing hammers, rasps, files, iron
hand drills, horse shoos and nails, a screw
and a ,corn,! as.mrtin en t of cast, German (spring
American lilirtcr steel, Swedes, American
.1g i.h iron. •
. .
'SONS wit; find brick and nrasterinrz, trowels,
warors, honng hatchets, white wash brushes,
onitantly 011 hand at MERCUR'S.
'En" FaiE.—Contractors can And a superior
tide of Safety Fuse at ERCUR'S.
Pay tfp! Pay . 3p
BONS in , ith , e , l to the subscribers either on
tiaokacenlnt nrhy note, are hereby n titied that
mug be paid wi:houi further delay. Imrnedi
',en:l,,o to thiit call will save Cost.
ra:,!a. June IC, 1:12.
& Moore, Iv o. 4, Brick Row,
reemlnz one of the larg6f and best select
:,nrtuirnt of SUMMER GOODS, ever offer
:), market,and aS they mustlbe sold they in-
It attention of the people to their stock and
June 1, 1852
LS. Mackerel, 3 and whole Barrels
irnh and sweet, just reed and for sale cheap,t TitAr . ',Y MORE'S
WS and bhoes—a very a•atensave assortment
” r "Pentsz at TRACY ¢ MOORM.4.
an.l Iro;:—a large assortnient just reed
a; fir save by TRACY 4- mOoRE.
Int I.
.1416. 4 Brick Row.
Just received from New York a large
and general assortment or Dry Goods, Grocer
(Query, Bard Ware, El.ints and Shoes. Hats,
tk , ttelq, Pa raon!s &c., &c., and in fact every
^a , it of merehandi. , ,e, all of which was pur-
It unprecedented low , prices, and selected
al care f.,r this market. In making this
, c^lnent . to the pubhc, we want it emphaticaly
a4,d ss: we are determined to offer such in.
, 'in the way Of cheap good., that none shall
C an hilY yoocb. any cheaper at any other
, ilne Gt in town, keep this in mind. No 3
Ish, June 12, 1952.
R--Any in'eschange for goods
ER—cash p3i , l f,r lumber at
W ANTED—For which goods will cx
:attzpkorilibevil termc at
BOOTs Or SHOES—a large as-
Lent, stAl very cheap for cash, by
! lIN haying unsettled accounts vviitt the
iorrs, are reque3ted to call immediately,
e them either by ewe or. payment. And.
tat are over due, must be paid.
1, April 6, 1832.
toocbted to ihe . estate of WILLIAM
dec'd, Lite of Warren township, are
quested to make Payment without delay.
I snlit haring demands against said estate
ival to present them, duly authenticated for
• JAMES M. 130 WEN, Executor.
March 25,185:.
GOON, a large variety --Bonnets and
8 good amortmenr, for sale by
~i~Yet~tinaiu; &c:
K. S. &
ARE 611 - opening and OfTering for sale at Whole
sale and Retail an exterunee stock of SUMMER
GOODS, embracing a fall assortment of goods usaal
/y kept by then., which were purchased at extremely
low prices, and will be sold at lower prices than the
same quality of goods are sold -in any town west of
New York. We sly to alt, come and examine our
stock; and those who pay Cash for geode will find it
greatly for their interest to buy at the Cash stare. -
Towanda, June I, 1852.
Boots and Shoes.
A LARGE.ktock of Ladies', Children's and Misses'
Gaiters, BuskinsOillippets, Polkas and 800 t...—
Mao a. fine assortment of menjs- and boy's calf, kip and
.morocco Boots, &maraud Brogans, sod • good supply
of gent's Gaiters and Congress. Boots just received at
June I. - M ERC UR'S.
Shoe Findings.
A GENERAL stock of Findings, comprising.nak
1 - 1 and benittia tanned Sole Leather, Calf, Binding
and Lining,Skine, boot and khl,Morocce, shoe thread,
and nail's, and everything pealed in Ake line:may be
found at janel MERCUR'S.
SUMMER HATS.—A fine assortment of the latest
styles of tnoleskin,Koruth. Hungarian, Panama,
pedal and palm leaf Hats, just opened at - •
June 1. MERCUR'S.
selection of ladies and misses' Bonnets, -and at
great variety of Bonnet Trimmings, now,imening at
Jime 1. IitERCUR'S.
ORVIEV extra quality CORN STARCH. manufitc
tured expressly for culinaty and dietetic purposes
for sale at june l MERCUR'S.
An Appraisement and Classification.
Fihe sales of the different persons engaged in
V - the sales of Goods, Wrfres and Merchandize in
tit the County of Bradford for the year 1852, with
the amounts' of Licence hereto annexed.
♦LB•AT. - Clam Amount
Freeman N - -Wilcox & Co 14 7 00
John Horton 14 7 00
Wm. Jessey ff. Co 14 700
Elmore Horton 14 700
. .
Anson Bidleman (liquor) 14 - 1,10 50
L A Gardner 4 Co 14 7 00
John 'Watkinsl4 7 00
ATIIINS 11050. I
Welles do Harris 10 20 00
. George A Perkins 12 12 50
: William Kirre 13 10 00
Chester Park 13 10 00 1
James O'Herren (liquor) 14 10 50
Thomas .1 Brooks 4 Son (domestic) 14 350
Wm H Fretcher do 14 860
— II M Wellse . do 14 350
Moses Sawyer do 14 350
Cli Herrick 14 700
Edward Averell 13 10 00
Charles Comestock 14 700
J V Daniels
A Morley 4- Brothers
M C Mercur
F Hall ar Co
Vandyke & Oviens
Harding & Lee
Manly & Gillan
Horace Tittle
Markel 4./1 avails
Lorane Dodge jr
A B Austen
D V Barnes
(liquor) 14 10 50
de 14 10 50
14 7 00
14 7 00
W Woody & Co
J G Brown
J W Mercur
R R Hawley (!e Co
L D Taylor
14 7 09
14 7 00
Asa grown
Charles Pratt
Parkhurst & ramb
Ezra Holcomb
H J Perkins 12 12 50
Elisha.Phinney 18 10 00
Brown& Rockwell 18 18 00
0 P Lyon 14 7OQ
S S Hinman (liquor) 13 15 00
. .
B . rown . son & Frisbie
N N Betts
deo'r g e Atwood
John Baldwin
P W Champion
&fifth & Baldwin
G H Little
D & Son
%V F Robbens
14 7 00
14 7 00
13 10 00
43 I() 00
13 10 00
(liquor) 14 10 50
(liquor) 14 10 50
do 14 )0 59
do • 11 10 50
do 14 10 N
do 14 10 50
Haveland Cornell
B F Bock
C F. Wilson
A H iroorhes
Wm Gunsaulus
J W Woodburn
SF Washburn •
Judson Holcomb
H W Tracy
Means & Storms
E W Baird
14 7 00
liquor) 14 10 50
14 7 00
Kinney & i?ialterka
W B Camptiell g Co
W Bullock & Co
E s Tracy
tlirfey & Fritcher
13 10 00
13 10 00
(liquor) 1.3 15 00
arm :Mitlmo. r .
Hiram Spear •
Enos Hubbard
S Williams
Freeman Graves
TROT Dago.
Maxwel & Leonard •
F D Hailard
Eli Baird •
I. W C Herrick
G F Itcdingt3n
Wdo D F Pomeroy 4' co (liquor)
Stephens a Hopkins do
C K Spencer & Co (domestic)
8 W Paine do
H . S & M C Mercur
Montanyes & Co
E T Fox
Joseph Kingsbury
Joseph Powell
0 D Bartlett
B Kingsbury
Phinney & Bowman
Tracy & Moore
Packer & Bennet
H C Porter
J M Reed
Stephen Felton & Co
lohn(Langhlen & Co
Patrick Bark
Dennis Lynch
Michael Keny .
Timothy Halleran
Michael Ifonah
Michael Nester
C .
Bailey tr. Nevens
Isaac Foal
Hall & Russel •
W. Wilcox
& A Campbell -
W A Chamberlain
A M Warner
Geo H Bunting •
vutpAN 10 00
14 700
Roc lutell &, Co
l'oc !sham & Ifatfier
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
13 10 00
(liquor) 14 10 50
do 13 15 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 700
(liquor) 14 1.0 50
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
13 10 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
Ft 7 00
t 4 7 AO
14 10 60
14 11L50
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 10 50
12 12 AD
13 10 00
72 12 50
12 12 50
12 12 60
11 22 60
12 18 75
14 3 50
14 3 50
10 20 00
10 20 00
Id 10 00
13 10 00
13 10 00
• 13 10 00
14 7 00
13 10 00
(liquor) 13 114 00
14 7 00
(liquor) 14 10 50
do 14 - 10 50
do 14 10 60
do 14 1 0 60
do 14 10 50
do 14 10 50
do 14 10 50
do 14 10 ,50
dlp 14 10 50
.4o S 4 •10 50
0.44 JO 50
14 700
(adptwe) 1 4 aM)
do 43 ; AOO
do 14 3.50
do 14 3:io
do .14 350
,441 14 350
~.. do , 14: 350
William Gibson
Pay Tracy
Jacob Ide
Geo Toll:irate
Marcus Tyre!
Robert Cooper
W A Russel
John Roberts
Wheelock & Hollenback
W H Welles
A Lewis
Elisha Lewis
Cyrus Avery
V E &J E Piollet
8 Coolbaugh •
Myers & Allen
A list andiclassiacation"ofßetr houses, Eating hou
ses. 4c., under the Act of Assembly of the 10th
April 1849 entitled an Act to create a sinking fund
&c., for the County of Bradford for the year 1852.
Athens tp—Thomas Cooper :is 00
Athena boro—H J Carmer 8 5 00
George Merrell 8 5 00
Burlington—Vosburg & Miller 8 5 00
Smithfield—Marcus B Germ'ld 8 5 00
Mqnroe—F Guinand 8 5 00
Towanda boro—Georg e Estell 8 5 00
Reed S malley 8 ' 500
Isaac 8 Post _ 8 5 00
Miles Carter , 8 5 00
. Isaac.Fost 8 500
Troy born—D Dobbins 8 5 00
Charles Drake 8 5 00
• T B Borden 8 5 00
Ulster—Daniel Harkins 8 5 00
A list and classification of the different Distilleries
in BratitortWounty- as directed by the act of As
sembly of April /0, t€ll9.
Springfield—William Brace 10 5 00
Sheshequin--3 Newell dc Coy 10 00
Standing Stone—James Gorden , 10 6 00
Troy—John E Goodrich 10 b 00
A. list and classifieatinn of the persons:engaged in
_ the sale ofNostruma, Patent Medicines, &c., in the
County of Bradford, under the act of Assembly
4 5 00
A t o he r n th s e bo i r oh ot—.--‘Cr Apr
Geo H Pete:." 4 8 00
Canton—F Hall & Co . 4 5 00
Leroy—Parkhurst & Samuels 4 5 in:
Pike D Bailey & Son . 4 5 00
Rome—J Holcomb , 4 5 00
Towanda boro--H C Porter 4 5 00
J M Reed 4 5 00
Troy boro—F I. Ballard 4 5 00
Charle. Drake 4 5 00
Eli Baird
Notice is hereby given, that an appeal will be
held at the Commissioners office, in the boro of To
wanda on the 15th day of July next, at which time
and place, any person an grieved by the foregoing
classifications can attend if they think proper.
, Towanda May 1, 1852. Mercantile Appraiser
Farmers, look to your own interests !
THE undersigned respectfully announce that
they still continue the manufacturing business
at their old stand in Monroe, one mile above Mon
roeton on the Canton road, where they are prepar
ed to accommodate all who may favor them with a
call, with anything in their line, from the carding of
a pound of wool, to the manufacturing of any.qual
ity into
Cloth, Flannel or Cassimere,
on short notice Having understood that wool buy
ers—travelling the county—have often sold their
cloth as of our make, we wish it distinctly under-
wood that w•e have no one peddling our cloth for
stool ; neither shall we allow any one to do so, be
lieving that this is only a tax upon the Farmer, and
a practice of which unprincipled dealers take ad
vantage to cheat the inexperienced buyers ; therefore
any persons wishing to exchange their Wool for
our Cloth, can only do so by calling at oar factory
where we will give them as good bargains as they
can get this side of New York.
We will warrant our cloth to he made of gond
wool and not composed of filth—:n short made for
service, and not merely for sale. Call and try us,
and we flatter ourselves that we shall be ahlo to
satisfy you of the correctness of the above state
N. B.—Those haring unsettled accounts with us
will confer a favor by calling and settling the same
immediately either by note or otherwie.
Monroe, May 19, 1852, :1. INGHAM & SON.
ror Sale.
oming Comity ; heavy timbered with White and
Yellow Pine, Hemlock, Chestnut and'other kinds
of timber suitable for lumbering . ' rne land i, well
adapted fur grazing, after the timber is cut off. A
good title given. None of the above land is more
than ten miles from the Su , quehanna River and
North Branch Canal. and will be sold in large or
small quantities to suit purchasers: Terms easy.
For further particulars address ELISHA FOR
REST, Attorney at Law. Allentown Pa.
'Allentown, May IS, 1gi.52. E. FORREST.
Selling off at Cost ! !'
,intbsoriber will sell the balance of his sack
.1 of Goods. at COST. for cash.
Towanda, May 1, 1852. E. T. FOX.
. •
rrillE subscriber is now receiving the most even.
sive assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER
GOODS that can be found in this section of country.
Towanda. A pril 30. JOB. KINGSBERY.
TO announce the arrival of a new and splendid
assortment of .
Spring and Sairunor Goods,
from New York 4: Philadelphia. They were bought
for cash at unusually low prices, and will be sold
10 per cent. cheaper fur, cash, than at any other es
tablishment in this place or the county.
TIRESS GOODS—in variety, from India silks, to
.1.1 3 cent Calicos. Also the latest style of Dress
Trimmings, at apl :0 B. KINGSBBRY'S.
BEFORE looking,elsewhcre, ii would be well for
. Ladies to look at the Spring Bonnets, Artificial
Flowers and Ribbons, which are sold so very cheap.
CP.OOKERY.—The largest stock In town. Ful
dinner and tea .setts, of white granite and blue
ware, which will be sold cheap at FOX'S.
GROCERIES; ---The quality and prices of Teas,
Sugars and Coffee, always speak for them
selves, at apl 10 B. KINGSBERY'S.
------- - -
AA ACKEREL.--50 half barrels, and 25 quarter
al barrels, at B. KINGSBERI"S.
20 QUINTALS CODFISH—They are worth
loolitng at, if not buying, for sale by
April 11). B. KINGSBERY.
MESS PORK-sO Prime, for which a high
price was paid,and for which' whigh price will
beasked, by spllo B. KINGSBERY.
THE subscriber, ha7ing concluded to close up his
business, offers for,sale the balance of his stock
cash. Persons wishing to avaitthemselves of this
oppollunity for getting Goods cheap, will find it to
their-advantage to call soon. And he would also
request all who have accounts on his books to close
the same immeAliatety,either by payment or bynote.
April 1,_1852:'' T. FOX.
Land Warrants.
LADO) WARRANTS, issued ender the net of
le sl l 'nimbi by
April 24th, 1852. LA P )RTE, 14.06 N & co.
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 '7lOO
14 7 4:10
11, 700
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
•14 7 00
14 .7 00
°ivory 14 10 AO
do 14 10 50
14 7 00
5 00
New 2lbvertigemente.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
STORE se r ial" end of the Wad Rouse, well
kno7nrae the kr/gest, chpaiestafut inolt:txtettaitett
assortment west of the city. Partidukr
be given to any Orall who may wish to call, either to
examine or purchase, 'anti tiny Medical' late/Tuition
will be cheerfullit!antgiatuifousty given to theie who
who wish to consult concerning themselvos or friends.
Continuous supplier, of froth and recently prepared ar
ticks are weekly arriving, having been carefully se
lected with a view to their ruefulness, and any article
wanted not usually kept, either will be found here, or
procured at the shortest notice by Express, for those
leaving their (neat:. Accommodating clerks always
will be eady to safely compound any prescription'and
endeavor to make it (whatever the purchase) mutually
Igreeable. All goods shall be' considered warranted
as represented, and being Agent for the best and pop
ular Patent Medicines, all those found in this stare
can be relied upon, in all cases,.as being gentrine.:The
stock now comprises every article in the trade, among
which may be found the following : •
Drugs and 'Medicines.
ialoes orris
aasafoetida squill.
arable valerian
camphor Aenego
copal. sarsaparilla
gambiisgo (magnesia nuaiae /ALTAI.
myrrh Imagnesis
shellac sulphur
Itragacanth etc. hemstone
OILS. calomel
!cream tartar
Tartaric etc
Lifo etc
neata foot
Isp e frm . .
Cinnarnopi •
Perulriant (Jea'ta )
Elm etc
Wintergreen etc
11 0 , s :hound
Vanilla -
Lemon etc
„crop i
cod liver etc
G rden
Colchicum etc
uva unii etc
j eelllloll
ipijelia (pink)
marsh rosemary
Lavender etc
Sugar, Coffee and Tea of all kinds, molasses, s pice,
pepper. cloves, mustard, nutmeg, mace, fish, rasing,
citrons, currant; salad oil, cocoa, chocolate, soda,
butter crackers. rice, starch, ginger, saleratus, white
and bar soap, sperm and tallow candles, jugs, bottles,
pipes, pepper sauce &c.
Cogniac, Otard and American Brandy, St. Croix,
Old Jamaica and New England Rum, pure Holland
and Am. Gin. Irish and Monongahela Whiskey, Ma,
dei.a Lisbon, Sherry, Tenerife Port, Muscat, Claret
and Champaign Wines—Cordiale, Rose, Amour Mu•
kee, Noyeau &F, cheaper than ever offered.
SOW, Perfumery end Fancy Goods.
IShavirrg cream, military; windsor, medicated, sand,
musk, almond, palm, french, toilet, rose, end transpa•
rent soaps, Lubin, French, an I Wrights extracts of
jockey dub. patchoully. bog, de caroline, musk, mille
fleUrs, verbena, heliotrope, sweet' brier, geranium,
,spring flowers, west end and new mown hay &c.—
Cachous, cologne, bay and rose waters. Lilly white,
Spanish pearl powder, rouge hair dyes, hair' invigora
tors, hair eraLicat.,rs, hair oil, pomades, court plaster,
perfume sachels, playing cards. pencil points, steel
uens, fibli hooks, drawing pencils, percussion cops, red
l)'.ack, and indelible inks, combs, purses, pocketbooks,
port monais, wafers, pocket mirrors napkin rings and
travelling companions &c. ,
Hair, hat, stove, scrub, shoe, paint, marking. varnish
sash, artist camel's bait, striping blender's and badger's
whitewash. counter, flesh, tooth, nail comb broom cloth
infant, lather, table, horse and blacking brushes.
• llaiseeLlaneous.
Tobacco and snuff boxes, nipple shells, nursing bot
tles, breast pumps . ,"tecffl rings bed pans, syringes, shoul
der braces, trusses, supporters. pessaries, cstheters,cup
ing glasses, graduates, mortars, spatula, forceps lancets
thermometers, liquid and spread adhesive plasters, &c.
-Paints and Dye Stud's.
Nip red, cam and log wood, rustic, lac dye, cudbear
red saunders, madder, alum, copperas, blue vitri , d, sol.
tin, composition chemic oil, vitriol, oxalic and all the
acids, grain tin, pumice and rotten atone, American &
Chinese vermillion, Spanish brown, American & Eng
lish Venetian verdigris, Paris green, white, black and
red lead, chrome yellow and grecirdtpan, coach and
copal varnish, lampblack, litharge, putty, whiting ochre
spirits,turpentioe, linseed oil, rosin, chalk, umber, swa
nk gold leaf, bronze, &c.
French Oleo 24-30, 22 30, 20-30, 20.24, 22-24,14-
18, 12-20, 12-18, 12-16, 10-14, 10-12,8-10, 7.9.
Patent Medicines.
Dr. Jaynes Altetativo Expectorant, Sanative &c
ritcho's expectorant, tank humor corrector, 6.c.
Merchant's Gargling Oil lot horses, 4c.
Swaynr's medicines, will cherry. 4-c.
Brant's Pulmonary Balsam and Extract, etc.
Orrick's Vermifuge.
Houghton's Pepsin or Gastric juice for dyspepsia
Osgood's Indian Cholagogue, for fever and ague.
Scarps's Acdustic oil for Deafness.
S. P. Townset d's Sarsaparilla.
Schencfs Pulmonic Syrup..
Dr. ICeelerts Family m•ilieiues.
1-hitching's Dyspepsia Bitters.
Normand's German BittrrJ, for Dyspepsia and Debility
Brown's Essence Jamaica Ginger.
Duboy's Rat and Mice Exterminator.
Also agent for Herrick's medicines, plasters, etc., An
drew's and Davis' Pain. Killer, Graefenberg Medi
cines, Pile Elcctuarica etc., sait .heum, letter, ring
worn, spavin and founder ointments,• etc.; tooth
cordial, plasters, poor man's salves, eye waters, lini
ments, cursive soap, bed bug poisun. Hobensack's
and Cleric's Worm syrup, Christie's Galvanic cura
tives, Moffat's fhoenix Bitters, Trask's magnetic,
Sloan's, Ridley a, end McAllister's Ointments, Dil
low's Heave Powder, Condition PcAler, arc. All
the numerous kinds Of Pills,
Phosgene, superior Burning fluid, Cemphene,vhalc,
lard and sperm oil ; new and beautiful patterns of fluid
'amps now being opened: Caniphene, side and hang
ing lamps for hall and store use, girandoles, etc.
Cowl:o6h, James, Natural 1. af, Turkish, acarfalattl,
John Ai:Liaison's fine cut, Dogg'sJenny•Linil chervil:l
- choice brands, pure Havana Cigars, etc,,ete.
All of which will be sold , at unusually tow rates.—
Remember that Dr,Porter's Cheap Drug and Chemi
cal Store is in the south end,or she Ward /louse, a few
doors above the pest.offics 1
Towanda, June 4. 1852.
*Arno: -" sazzazorcts. •
rillHE only complete_assortmerit of Paper sag.
-L ings kdpt in , this , region. for sale At- the very
lowest rates by. 0. D. BARTLETT..
BUTTER -100 Firkins wanted, for which part rash
wit be gaid. PIIINNEY & BOWMAN.
Ready Made Clothing !
ROM Elmira N..Y., haiVe just arrived lit.:Tn•
wanda, with one •of the largest and Most ._tform•
plete assortment of clothing ever offered in this sec
lion of the country.. They are manufactured by
themselves exclusivelY, at. ratan whicii will make it
am object fur the public to bUy. 'Their Onds tire
made and trimmed in the latest styles end from su
perior cloth and will be sold for one price and fur
Giee us a call and if we do not satisfy the public
of.our ability to make good our promise. we shall
nut, ask their patronage. Customers can be fitted
with whole suits by leaving their measures at our
store at the shortest notice.
Locartoiya.--Next door south of Mereuel Main
st. Towanda ; and No. 7 Water st. 4 0,rnouta Hall
Elmira; and under A. C. Porters Hoiel, Tioga
age. Tioga Co. Pa.
Towanda May 29th 1851.
r pHE subscriber would respettrupy invite the at
/ tension of the public, and Oath buyers gener•
ally, to the large and desirable stock of
• Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,
which he is dow receiving and opening for sale at
the Old Shin(' of Thomas Elliottona door south of
the " Ward Rouses" He iniettds - to keep on hand
nearly every article 'adapted to the wants of the
country trade, and will be constantly receiving such
additions to his stock as will at once render his as
sortment desirable and complete.
The patronage of the public is respectfully .solict
ted. •• JOsEPH POWELL.
Towanda. May 19, 1832.
T ADIES Dress Goods—an assortment of Lawnr,
4...4 poplins, bareges, de lains, muslin de laines,
ohambrays,gingtiams, etc. at.
May IQ
corro sublimate
red precipitate
ALarge sloe!: of Merrimac, blue and orange mour
ning and furniture Prints, fur sale at
May 19 J. TOWEL'S.
BROWN and bleached Shea intr.!' and ehirtings
and all other articles of Dry Goods. a large stock
at . May 19 J . POWEL's.
shakers berba -
i t ; 4 •4l leaf
Icastile soap -
venic.; turpentine
ague arriroon.:
brittish lustre
isruirdg paper nz .
b ' pitzls
bath brick
while glue
otter or annatto
Large lot of beautiful Bonnets, parasols, rib•
ton 3, fans, gloves and hoisery at -
May 19 1: —. J. POWEL'S
priors and Shoes—The largest and be=t lot of
Boots and rhoea in town just received by
May 19 J. POWELL
pAr: fa, oils, glass, nails, door trimmings etc.,
for sale by May 19 POWELL:
TEA.Coin e ,,,ngar, kinds 3 and prices,Mo
lasses syrup, eft. Cu: sale by
CODPIsIf and Mackerel—a fresh supply just re
ceired at May 19 J. POWELL'S.
DORK and Flour---a quantity of Pork and Flour
1 just recrived and for sale by -
May 27 J. POWELL.
TOHN E. GEIGER, wanid say to his old friends and
the public at large, that he haw.constantly on hand
and manufacturing Rifles and Shot Guns der., & c.—
Among his assortment of Guns may be found Doable
and single barrelled Guns, Rifles of all kinds warranted.
Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, Game Bags, Cap
Primers. Also, Powder; Shot, Caps of the best qual.:
ty. Aliens' six barrelled Revolving Pistols, do single
barrel:ad self cocking Pistols, Rifle Pistols, double bb'l
Pistols and common steel and brass Pistols.
F G., F. F. G., F. F. F. G., Powder in Cans con
stantly on hand.
Any of the above articles will to sold awful cheap
for the Ready Pay.
. Keys of any kind flue d to Doors, Trunks or any
other kind of locks on short notice and reasonable terms:
Repairing done with neatness and despatch. Shop a
feW rods north of the Bradford House.
Towanda, May 22, 1952. J. E. GEMIR.
THE copartnership heretofore existing between
Josiah Francisco and N. C. Tomkins, is this
day dissolved by mutual consent. The books, notes
and accounts will be from(' at the shop, where one
or the other of the parties may always be found
ready to attend to any person wishing to settle up.
We would here remark, that persona indebted to us
will find it to their advantage to call and settle their
accounts withoutdelay. JOSIAH FRANCISCO.
Towanda, May 2Q, 1352.
MILES SILL, files the following description of
one platform of BOARDS taken upon the 17th
day of March 1852, afloat. About four thousand feet
of white pine boards, mostly sixteen feet long, afew
fourteen feet long, all marked with Red Chalk with
figures, and a list of the same is filed on my docket.
Durell, May 19,1852. 8. S. DRABLY, J. P.
Execution of Lopez !
QTILL later news via New York & E. R. R. of the
arrival of a very large stock of Merchandise at
PHINNEY & BOW MANS No. 3 Brick Row which
they are prepared to sell at wholesale or retail lot Cash
or Ready J'ay, cheaper than the cheapest, from the fact
that they purchased their stock for cash in a very de
pressed state of the market. Don't mistake the glace,
No. 3 Brick Row next door to Dr. Hostons.Drog store.
TONS SUGAR, just receivrtl, pt whiilesalo and
LI retail. & BOWMAN.
SALT, n large lot, also Iron, Nails. Hardware, &c.;
and Mackerel in bbls., 3 and + bbls, for sale by
1A CITESTS more of those three and four shillings
QHEETINGS, shirting., stripes, and tielcs, fur sale
. . .
BOOTB & 8110 ES, the largest and cheapest assort townr—and Hats and Caps, at wholesale
an,' retail. PHINNEY & BOWMAN.
T_T &A. CAMPBELL wonld again call the atten
tionll.• of their friends and customers to their
large and new assortment of Goods, just received
and now opening at Vide Furnishing Depot, con
sisting of all things necessary to chithe the outer
man, all to be sold a little cheaper for the ready pa
than ever. Come and examine, and be satisfied.
Towanda. May 14,1852.
to'N, at - CASIPBELT,'S.
YELLOW, buff, and white Vests, Coats & Pony',
a large lot for sale at . CAMPLIEWS. • •
• Nooks ! Books I
A CoMplete assortment of School, Blank, Clasci
1`1 - cal & Miscellaneous Books, constantlykep op
and for sale at the lowest rates by.
Nov. 29. 1851. ();-
J. 1 Skin and Black Teas. Also itY-Bige Rio and
Java Cagey, just received at MEPOUR'S.
jr I8H! FlSH!—Mackerel hy pie
,tibt..,balf and qr
bb oteq , and pound. Also a ohqeatity•Of co,d
;fish dai reeeiTeitatidpr'Eale by', . •
March 18',- mr.itcp*.tl4
A.ttention Regiment !
. .
, .. ,
_....,,....,,,....„ 11
ofes -- A-..,.
.., 1 ...
....., ~
, .
Waken Up.
Notice:to /Settlers BD State Land.
THE undersigned comprising a Doan!' of appraip
'-ers. to appraise all lands on which any per.
eh.ue mopert due' to the Commonwealth of Pees,
would hereby give notice so aU who may have in
their eossessiote State lands. that .the Act of .182:).
estaWishingitaid boatel, was extended by the last
Legislature fur otie 'year only. Those who wi.h to
avail themselves if die benefits of such apprais
ment. will be waited
by.ealling ott either of
the CoMinissioners by litter or otheapsise, or by
confeiring with E. M. FARRAR, qolimissioner's
Clerk. A. 8. SMITH, "
• • D. B. DorroN.
Towanda, May 110.1842:_, Commissioners.
QEALED proposals will be received at the Com.
missioners office, until 12 o'clock A. M., on Sat
urday, June 12, 1852, for building a Bridge_ across
the Wvs ,x creek, near Mr. Alien's in Rome Towi
ship, 82 feet span. Plans atirl speeificattoni can be
seen at the Commissioners office idler the first Jay
of June. 13v order of The Commissioners.
niwandi;May 19, 1852. E. M.FARRAR,Erir.
HE onderr:gned has purchase:d'a large, awl
choite"&election of NEW GOOD 4, bought
under the most favorable circumstances, and fur
sale as iow for cash as can be bought elsewhere.
and lower than any braggadocia can or will sell.
• May 5, 1052. O. D. BATiTI43:II
STORE WARE—a fine assortment, selling for
coot, at FOX'S.
Drug Store, No. 2 brick now.
rrilE Sub;criber having purchased and , l
-1- ip
' niched the stock AfDRUGS„MEDICINV4 d'..
in No. 2 Brick Row, which nottr g inalkei ISA . choice
and well selected assonmsatof pr l / 4 :7, arid Medi t
tines for family oseo_kNeitolesale and retail. which
he cheerfully reccumends to the.public,an4 craves
a shtlte of public patronage.
The Good 3 will be sold as cheap or cheaper thin
any otter establishment West of New York for cash
and cash only. .
Here you will find annexed a few leading articles:
Fosga is's Cordial
Elix Opi
Hey's. Liniment
Hair Dye
Harlem Oil
- do Dalley'n
do McAllester
Shakers Herbs
do Extracts
[ Tilden's Alcoeolic Ex't
Rhei Extract . ~
Jalap Extract I
Meakim's Vanilla Ei't . I.
do, Lemon di
do Mace do
do Almond' do
do Cloves
do Allspice do
do Nutmegs do
do Peach do
do Ginger do
do Cinnamon do
do Orange 6'
do Tenka do
do Benzonic ILubiu's Springflow ea .
du Citric ldo Musk do
do Nitric do Vedette . ' d. 4,
do Oxalic - do thignolia dd
do Hydrocyanc do Sweet ilri'rclq,
do Sulphuric do Jesmin' '. do
Oil Linseed do Jock'y Cl'h do
do Sperm do Caroline do
do Olives do Jenny Lind do
do Castor - do Boquet do
do Neatsfoot Syringx.,Pewter 114.1 . 131 . 114
do Almonds do Glass do
do Amber Heat Nursing Bottles, Glass
do Amber Red do do G.E.
du Anisi Rad Rhei Turk
do cara.ray ' do do
do Croton do' Fpecan
do Cohei; do Jalap '
do Commln do Gi9g:sr White
do Fennel, do Orris
do Lemon Gum Camphor
do Cass;a do Opi Turk
do Cod Liver do Myrrh Turk
do Lavandula 0 do Arabia do
do Neroli do Copal
do Jesmin do Aloes Soet
do Nutmeg do Alors•Cape
do Orange Chloride Li'me
do Rhodium •. do. Soda .
do Rose Castor Russ
do Crdrtlt f, isi ng las s do "'
do Copabia . !Evens' Lancets
do Ergot INitra Silver, Op't
do Verbena Oxid Bisnnth
do Violette Blue Pill .1 mer.
do Mellesse lodide Potass
do Mellefluer Tart do
do Patchonly Carb do
Brushes, Paint Sulph do
do Varnish °ensile do
do Hair .• Citrate Ferri
.do Hair,Camel lodide do
do Nail Tsairi a .. ..
do Tooth IPrcrto lad Mercury
do Mating Strychn la
do Flesh ' Piperin -
do Cloth , Elaterium
do Hat ' lodine
Soap, Yankee Veratriff ;. ,-
do Crystalline Kreosote 7" s
do Eng. Wind Low's Hydra Ctigi Crete
do Coopers Morphine Sulph
do Rose I do ""Act
do Victora CalOneLlimeriean
do Orange ~ do English,
do Tooth Precipitate Red
do Etasiid do White
do Castile Isulph Zinei
do Military Bronze,Crimson
do Savin do Pale Gold
do Bronn do Dark do
Fricoplierous ' do White
Pain Killer Gold Leaf, Op't
Ayers Cherry Pectoral China Vermillion
Oxygenated Bitters ' America do
Stoughton Bitters Prussian Clue ~
Chloroform Fig do •••• -
Hoffman's Anodyne Veniti:vt Red, English ''''
Together with Paints. Turpentine, Varnish, Dye-
Woods & Dye-Stuffs, Wass, Putty, aspics Groceries,
pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal parposes.—
Also. Cigars of the ..est brand 1 and all articles con
nected with the trade.
Senna Alex..
do India
Cream Tartar
Sup C Soda
Magnesia t.;alc'd
do Carb,
do 8 3
do Henry's
do Appi,
Trusses Hulls
do Marsbes,•
do Shaker,
Balsam Wisters
do Cheesmans
d 3 Fir
do Copabia
do 'l'ulu
do Peru
du Pulmotrary
do .Fulphur.
Acid Tartaric
do Acetic
Having secured the services of ;Dr. S. Hviirros.,
whr keors• his office at this store, a n4 r will ;ire gin-,
&cal advice gratis in people, they paying for thi.
medicines only. Physicians calf . rely upon having
their prescriptions- careful:y .cduppounded and pot'
up. The stock has' been selrcted with great care,.
and the coo& will be warranted as reprei.ented.
Alt of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. Ayres Cherry Pee.'
!oriel, schencks Pulmo lie Syrup of Yellow Dock"
Root, Orrick's, Hottensack4, end Jaynes' .Yerwilfuge:
Together with all of fhb mog.popular Patent medic*.
now in Ilse constantly pn hand and for sale at
J. At: REED, No. 2, Brick Row.
Towanda,, May 14, 1332.
lITHEAT, Oats, Rye and Corn, taken in erebanis
fin' goods. PHIPINEY & BOWMAN.
RV GOODS—A' fin issortmeai of itteckelorg.
~ I Dashmeics. : De. Lains, Alpacas, anit.pints now :
Denim:* _JIB .- ' MEW URVI.
2/1 DALES'OF SHEETING, common eel knit
to 10-4 nide. A nice usentment of Blew
ed.Geoqs, bleached and brown Drills 4 CrailtAnd
pery, broar.n and bleached Table Unarm 11444„
seya Ticking, Cotten Yarn, Batting, ticking an
modinir, ae ttr aa , a to p at PDX*
'ficotiE ONE, COME ALL, and limning tbit New
'kJ Goalie, which are' nem being exhibited s*
eta& ' -...-, • -B. KINGKIEItrie. .-
60 .B - . 4 .„Y1T,AZ. 81 '. 4 2.4
ALI r A, 7= i pawns; eel.
Oct. 14, 1851. • MEROUW
Bridge Letting.