fadOgi ZIELio ME TOWANDA: 3nne 19, 1952. Ortrt Vuttrii. KEEP IN STEP. rou who would Warr together must keep in Step!, At , the world keeps moving forward, Lila. army marching by near yo a u n not its heavy footfall, That rssoundeth to the sky `Fume bold soldiers bear the banner—. ' . souls of sweetness chant the song-- Lips of energy and fervor Make the umid.bearted strong ! i,lke brave spirits we march forward ; If you lingeror turn ba'eks, . You must look to get a jostling Wide ron stand upon the track. keep in step. Mr•g neighbor, Master s.itandstill, Gazes on it as it goes ; !ivt quite sure that he is dreaming,) In Ws afternoon's repose ! .Nothing good." he says " eai► issite From this endless moving on," Ancient lams' and institutions Are decaying, or are gone, We are rushing on to-ruin, With our mad, new. tangled While he speaks, - a thousand voices, As the heart of one man, say— Keep in step. Gentl.l neighbor, will you join us. Or return to " good old ways l" Take again the fig-leafapron Of old Adam's ancient days; Or become a hardy Briton— Beard the lion in his lair. Millie down in dainty slumber • Wrapp'd in skin of shaggy bear— Rear the hut amid the forest, Skim the ware in light canoe I •• {y, I see! you do not like it, Then, 11 these "old ways" won't do, Keep in step De assured, good Master Standstill; All-wise Providence design'd, Arpiration and progression, For the yearning human mind, Generations left their blessings, In the relics of their skill, Generations yet are longing For a it-eater glory still; And the shades of our forefathers Are not jealous of our deeds—' We Gut follow where they beckon, We but go where they do lead! Keep in step One detachment of our army May encamp upon the hill, While another in the valley, May enjoy " its own sweet will ;" Tli+c, may answer to one watchword, That may echo to another; But in wiity and concord, They discern that each is brother 1' Brea,t to breast they're marching onward, In a rood, now pi.aceful way ; You'll be jostled if you hinder, So don't oiler, let or stay— Keep in step ! Fcs.s c Ism ENCE.—I have noticed, says %Vast'. I , ,tton brag, that a married man falling into Mt& ! ,, r tine is more apt to retrieve his situation in the warld than a single one, chiefly becaulie his spirits sit toadied aid endeared by domestic endear ments, and self-respect kept alive by finding that ifeviA all abroad be darkness and humiliation, yet ~ere is still a litle,worlil of love at home, of which tie is monarch. 'Whereas a single man is apt to no to waste and 'self-neglect, to fall into ruin like same deserted mansion for want of an inhabitant !hare often had occasion to mark the fortitude with soich scorner, sustain the most overwhelming re verses. TilO5C disasters which theafi demi . the ;pm: of a man and prostrate him in the dust, seem neall forth all the energies of the salter sex, and give such intrepidity and elevation to their Charac: ter, that at times it approaches to Sublimq. Noth inz can be more touching than to behold a soft and tender female; who had been all weakness and dependence, arid Ave to every trivial roughness, whale treading the prosperous paths of life, sudden ly rising in niellial force to be the comforter and Fop porter of her husband under misfortunes, abid ag wt . h urislitiiik mg firmness the bitter blasts of adversq. As the vine which has twisted its grace fill foliage about the oak, and has been lifted by it m the sunshine, will when the hardy plant is riven by the thunder bolt, cling arount it with the caress hg tendrils, and bind up its shattered brow ; so, too, it is beautifully ordained by Providence that roman, who is the ornament 'and dependant. on martin his happier hours, should be his stay and enlace when smitten with sudden calamity ; wind ing herself into the rugged recess of hii nature, tenderly supporting his drooping head and binding op the broke n heart. WiIAT A COCNTRY !—The C incinnati Cc4intetcial Flea up the agony and goes it with a rash, in a AROUlitig paragraph, as follows : We hare the longest railways and telegraph lines, the best wives, the fattest children, the big resrrivers, the lastest steamboats, the worst police, the most adroit rascals the sun ever shone on, and re can put a chunk of ice in one of Hull's safes, chuck said salo is Mount Vesuvius, hand it out af ter years, and cool a lemonade with the contents In short, we are a mighty mass of conglomerated nsefulnes., each fragment doing the test for itself, bat all mankind one mighty circumference for the whole, as the hunter said when he split a rail for a ramrod." fr.," In the days when tchmenlieut was largely e nv ged in bree.iing mules for the Southerly mark et one morning, Tracy who was is sttiesi a a an. tee as ever whittled a shingle or sold a clock, . Vottd t ith a .s:tuth Car inian on the MOPS of the, Capitol, when a drone' males pasted by on their southern jnurney, ''Tracy," said the Carolinian, "there goes a tl•mpany of your constituents." "Yee,.' was the dry retort, a they are dOODUIRIG g ' '' ll/ Z t Sauth Carcilina to teach school." SOS =IN . ,1 ' . . . . . s , :- , . . - • . . . . .- .: I ' _ *:" sue, •:';' -;. 1,.., .-. . , ...,, • .. • •• THE , BRAD„ ;..... IP li*"" VeW have visited the flourishing town of New Baintree,hlaesachusetts without becomingsacquain. ted with Abe beautiful ao l romantic vicinity of black pond. Shortly after the experation of the French and In dian War, a hardy settler named Warner, built his little Cot by the pond, on the bank of the beautiful Ware river. On the morning when the defenders of Fort Edward sailed forth under,theCommand of Colonel Williams to meet the advancing enemy led by Baron Dieskan when the former suffered death, Warner, then a private, was one of the last to seek the retaining shelter of the Fort and distin guished himself ti short distance from tot watte -by a long and obstinate with a gigantic chief of . the Oneida tribe, whom he killed, and according to the rude fashion of the day, bore his scalp in' triumph to tamp. During the war by his courage and ability he won then the envied honor and title of captain. - One morning, a few years afterwards, he sur prised his wife by his speedy return from the forest where he had intended to remain during the day. He entered the bens without speaking and hastily seized his rifle. She noticed the firm step the un wonted flashing of his eyes and stern compression of his lips. "Husband," she said with an anxious look, what has occurred to move you thus 1 1 "Moved," he replied, "do I really appear mo ved 1 yet it may be so, bin not with tear, tear cannot move me." " Fear !" she exclaimed with alarm, "have you been in danger Speak, oh, I entreat you." He. smiled, and that smile served partially to dissipate her apprehension : white she shrunk back almost ashamed at vehemence of her most anguish ed alarm. " Do not agitate yourself my dear wife," he re• plied, you see I am now sale and with you, but do brinr, me my box of flints and that quickly, for I require one that will not miss fire. When she returned with the box, he after a ann. ate selection, affiied one to the hammer of hiari• fle a and hecarettilly cleaned the vent hole and re• loaded it. a Now," he said as his eyes Jd rapidly along the barrel of his piece, " I at,. :ow about ready." r „ His wile, who had noticed all these precautions, said in a calm but sad tonel fear you.will deceive me." ' I haie kept aught from Yost,' he said, "it was affection that prompted the act ; but now you shall know all. A week since I learned that an Indian, hid been lurking in our neighborhood From in• quit ies he made of the neighbors, I found that .1 was the object of his search. This morning I un expectedly saw him. He retreated hastily, but turn ed for a moment with a look of deadly hatied and defiance. I understood its language—the looks o f an Indian are more expressive than his words—it plainly said your life or mine." "Oh my husband you sure will not go forth to meet this dreadful savage—it would be unutterable madness. Why cannot you fly from this honitle place, and thus elude him." " Fly— ah, it cannot be poor trembler. By hea vens it shall never be said I 'fled from a single In• dian ; besides I know this blood thirsty savage ;it is Black Wolf, the celebrated chief of the Oneidas, find the brother of him 1 slew at Fon Edwards.— In revenge fOil his brother's death he seeks my life." "Then for my sake," said the afflicted wife and for the sake of the Rips innocent—she pointed to the cradle which contained a prattling infant of two summers—do not go alone." i. It must be he replied firmly, though ap parently moved by her affectionate arpeal—" my safety depends upon it. As a savage, 1 must meet him as such and defeat him as such, and that in his own barbarous-.manner. Remember you are the wife of a soldier, be firm, or at least," he said, with an emotion he could not control," do not man me. "If I fall"—he hesitated for a moment, then Suddenly caught his child, kissed him again and again, pressed a burning kiss on, the cold brow of his wife', hastily embraced her and rushed from the house. Ho had not been absent an bent before he dis. covered the Wilzig place of the Indian —The wa ry eye of the sat : age was too busy not tone al soon as he was seen. Then commenced these fearful movements by which the sons of the forest strive to induce their foes to leave some portion of the body exposed to their deadly rifles. The chief, though the most renowned of his tribe found the captain in every respect his equal, and after lid( an hour of intense labor and suspense, neither: bad gained advantage. The Indian, at this moment, saw Warner leap from his lurking place and disappear behind -the trunk of a large fallen tree. What was now to be done he knew not—he was too wary not to appre hend some stratagem by Warner ; he, therefore,. neither advanced nor retreated, but kept behind a gigantic oak. At length to hie great joy he discov ered the hat of his enemy slightly emerging above the, body of the tree and, quickly disappear. The Indian smiled with savage aught as be muttered, It ihe paleface is a great warriors, but afoot." The son of the forest would not lie ~when he could stand he would not expose his head 'and his feet at the same time. Dating the soliloquy lie was slowly poising his rifle, ready to take the first advaatage date itnpro• dent movements of his adversary. The het was not eo clearly visible that he fired. It quickly.fell, and . was silent for a minute then a wild eiuiting whoop reached through !fie forest,and the:: Indian, - rushed forward to secure She scalp of his fallen en.; eritY. When within two rodit . of the fatal freti4;*. Paused with amazement. 11efotWhitn;`*ith:ipW ed rine, stool the powerful iorrkek Warier. On!; look of unutferable . balei it was die.clileftatit's talk -1 • 2. • ' ' • PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, P‘;BY The Bach Pond. • • " ILESARDLESS OF DENUNCIATION FRO ANT The report of hie rifle resounded through the forest, and the Black Wolf lay writhing among the fallen leaves. Tt e captain was not the tool the Indian had sup posed him. Feeling that neither bad gained any advantage, and being desirous of briging the corn. bat to an issue, he resolved to haiWill to a stratagem, which, if successful would give him a fatal adiantage over the Oneida. lie, theretore, threw himself behind a tree, and slightly elevated Vis hat Upon a stick. This the Indian saw, and after wards fit.ed at with the result we have already stnr ed above. Warner looked upon his dead toe with the stern oy which warriors feel. " You have been a great chief, but a cruel war rior," he soliloquised, yet your weapons have been used with courage and skill ; you shall not be de prived of them even in death. With cords he affixed the rifle, that had proved fatal to so many to the cctICI hand, placed the torn , • ahawk and scalping knife in the wonted place, tied a large stone to the feet, and placed the body in the canoe.. When near the centre of the Pond, he lifted the inanimate form with his face towards ffie setting, sun ; and the smooth waters became the Indians grave. Warner, though a eonquerer, returned with ittid nen to his friends, whose joy can be batter imagin ed than described. From that day, this beautiful sheet of water has been known and called the black paid. Thrilling Sketch. , In the month of October, /824, my vessel was lying in Mobile. I went ashore one bright morn ing, to do some business with the house to which I was consigned, and as I passed along the Street, it occurred to me that I might as well have a beard of a week's growth reaepd, before I presented myself at the counting•room. I stepped into a bar ber shop, and told the barber to proceed. He was a bright mulatto, a good looking young fellow, not more than two and twenty years of age, it appeared. His eyes were large, black and unn• dually lustrous. His-manner at first was quiet and respectful. I thought he was a lor.g while lather ing my face, and I told him he must have bought his soap at the wholesale price. Laughing, he re plied; that mine was a long beard, and he knew what he was about. Are you boss here, my man I" I asked. "Yee," he answered, g' my master set me up, and I pay him twenty dollars a month for my time. That's a good interest on the capital invested," I remarked ; "can you pay your rent and live on the balance of your savings'!" " 0; yes! and lay up something besides. Some times I receive thirty bits a def." " Then I suppose you will buy your freedom one of these days ?" "As for that," he replied, " I care but little.-, I have all the liberty I want and enjoy myself as I go along." By this time he had laid down his brash and commenced running his razor over the strop, look ing at the blade every tinie he drew it across the leather. His hand trembled a little, and his eyes absolutely burned like fire. I did not feel creasy, but I could not avoid watching him closely. At last he commenced shaving me. My head being thrown back, I was able to keep my eyes fixed directly op his own. Why I did Aro, eaartet tell; certainly I apprehended nothing, but I did not remove my gaze for a single instant while the ra. zor was passing over my neck and throat. He seemed to grow more and more uneasy; his eyes were as bright, but wee steady as when I first ob served them. lie could not meet my used and deliberate look. As he commenced shavin,6; my chin, he said abruptly— " Barber's handleia deadly weapon, sir." "True enough, my man," I replied, " but you handle yours skilfully, although I noticed your, hands shake a little." "That's nothing sir—l can shave just as well.— My hand shakes because I did not have much sleep last night. But I was thinking just now," he added with a laugh, hoW easy it would be for me to cut your throah ig Very likely," I replied laughing in return, but looking sternly at him—" very likely, yet I would not advise you to try the eipgiment." Nothing more was said. e soon gniebetl, and arose from the chair just as an elderly gentleman was entering the shot,. I went to the glass, which did not reflect the chair to arrange my collar. Certainly I had not stood before it a single moment, when I heard something like a suppresied shriek, a gurgling, hor rible sound, that made my blood run cold. I turn ed—there sat, the unfortunate gentleman, covered with blood, his throat cut from ear to ear, and the barber a ravines maniac dashed his razor with tre- mendous violence i'nto , the mangle! neck., On the instant the Man's eye caught mine, the razordropp ed from his hand, and he fell down in a fit. I rushed towards the door and called for assistance The unfortunate man was dead before we reach ed the cßair. We secured the barber, who, as I suteequently learned, had been drinking deeply the night before, and was laboring under mania Mu. His fate I never heard. FA amsne.—Adam was a farmer while yet in Par adise, and after his fall, was 'commanded to earn his bread by the sweat of bin brow. 7. Job, the honest, uptight and patient was a farm irr, and his stern endurance has now passed into a provettf . a . Waslunion was iar ,er and retired from the , ni t" ' tOghest earthly etiiion,lo enjoy the, quiet ofimar. flifiliaiiprfseno a ara!!101 . of humid to wan and hi, „eallitiSlhello/ of laiiimmottal ' • In= - • 06* theqiew Orleans PiAnytitt4 Egyptology aDd Chronology. t . , The modern researches into the, antiquities of Egypt promise to do rim Ara eadrhistory-and chro nology of man what (ate geological researchers have done f the history oldie world anterior to maPs existenee.. Tliti - indintry of modtrts geologists has disclosed ummistakeable ankincontrovertible evi dences of the existence of thj% globe . for , ages and ages anterior to the opeearance of man, and in s deed anterior to the living species of animals. It disclo ses a long period . in'",ihtr phyeica), historl of this werl,d, &tiring which the earth underwent a variety of changes, and apeciesafter species of animals and Vegetables appeared and became extinct, and were succeededby other and neW,species, which in a like manner have disappeared—all long prior to the epoch of man. .Although the scieiweot geology is still in its inlan'ty, yet these genera} feels have been established beyond all controversy. The time has been when the enunciation , of what are now Is. miller and indisputable truths, relative,te the crea tion and origin of the earth, would have . exposed one to at least a life in the cell of a dungeon. In deed, quite recently, when these facts were first made known, they were thong,tit to contradict tins Bible, and to be subversive to the Christian reli gion. Now the researches into the antiquities of Egypt for the last tew years, have been opening upon the world a Belies of facts which are tdirectly in the teeth of the ordinarily received notions respecting the length of time the,human race has dwelt upon the earth, and which contradicts point blaph what is called the Biblical or Mosaic Chronology, that is , the chronology generally used by Christian nations. But it must be remembered that the chronology of the Jews is no part of the inspired element of the Scripture. The dates which we observe upon the margin of the Bibles, are not revealed nor can they be determined in any manner from the text itself . Besides, what,is not so generally understood, there are three versions of the Mosaic chionology;all pro lessing to be genuine, and all advocated by ant hori- ee bighly;argloclor, tckwit: the Hebrew, Samari tan and Septuagint. Yet these differ from ,each other by some thousand years. The discrepancy between the Hebrew and Septuagint, the two most popular of the three, in reckoning from Adam to Abraham, is nearly 1400 years ; and from the del uge to the latter patriarch, nearly 800. Like varia tions between them aro observable respecting later periods. The Hebrew chronology has generally been, held to be the ttue.chrnnolo6 by the protestant church es ; though dime, the Septuagint has greatly rise in favor. Now, it is obvious that systems differing from each other by some one or two thousantlyears ) cannot all be right; though the tact of this differ• ence may raise a strong presumption that they are ail wrt,3pg. Most assuredly, then, it would be no less a ser vice to the cause of religion than to that of history, if the comn on error could be corrected by authen. tic monuments, whether those monuments were found upon the health of the Jordan, or in the val. leys of the Euphrates and the Nile. The discovery of monuments that are calculated to correct the obvious errors at present existing in the early chronology of the world, and to throw light upon the early history of man, will be wel corned with lively satisfaction' itY every lover of truth and science, and inquirer after sincere know:- edge. No sane awl intelligent thristian Will r.tterept to stifle the enquiries. A more fatal blow \ to the real interests of religion could scarcely be given , than the establishment by incontrovertible evidence of facts which were de. Glared by Christians to be incompatible with the lorftlameatal articles of their faith. Egyptology is in its infancy; ' .yet ht. rgsults .have already 'demonstrated that the duration of the Egyp• thin empire, from Menes down to the conquest of Egypt by Darin? °chi's, B. C. 340, was at least 3,. 300 years—making the epoch of Menes, its found er, at the most moderate calculation 3,640 B. C.— During all this period civilization and the arts flour ished in Egypt—the latter for the most of the time in a high state of cultivation. Now it is.obviOus that the Egyptian people must have existed for a long period in their early less settled state, prior to reaching that point of civiliza tion at which they could be consolidated into a great, united empire. It has been thought that five centuries would be a moderate allowance foil this period of Egyptian developemenl, which places the origin of the Egyptian people as a distinct nation upwards of 4,000 years before the Christian era. This general result is but an earnest of what Egyptology has in store for us. Tt remains for fu. tnre researches to fill, up and complete what has been so hopefully began. ,The prdinary chronolo. gy affords es no certainty beyond the epochs of Mo- BeB nud the Exodus. But Moses flourished and the Exodus took place at a comparatively modern period in the . history of the Egyptian empire:— when hat empire had already attained the highest point ol its civilization and power. We will only advert, in conclusion, to that re. markable characteristic of Egyptian genius, which is also visible in certain other nations—the disposi tion, alter n certain advance in culture, to stop short and remain stationary. the cause of thieethnolOgi cal phenomenon would be a fruitful source of specu lation. It may ? perhaps, be owing in some instan ces, in a Measure, to a jealous exclusion of foreign influences and of foreign elements of ciicilization: or it may be owing, in the case of the Egyptians, to the feet ihit the ancient Egfpliau, as is almitted by physiologists, !age, a tiiiitiact tatiais; of the - still': mil man, mulls refingble to 'to- other subdivision oorspecies‘Allat he was, tO it %Perot anion of prerintie**lolliet.ics of the Caucasian and Negrotie* former constituting the progress stationary elements of big • - Boyle Ira a farmei t end the Blase found him a hie Foci e!id filled his - soul with poetry. Ea MM MEMO 'OARA GOODRICII. • = cc;:s A young girl of sixteen, of sterling beauty, hail fought with her hillier and her betrod# the ranks of the Lyonntise cannoniers d i re French Revolution. Th.o Whole tiiWrz her, Wm. pidity., Ofit• cars cited her as an eZample for their soldiers— Her modesty equalled her courage. She found her heroism .in ,battle. She was then a virgin. Her name war Marie Adrian. ar Whatis, your same I" inquired her judge, struck with her youth! and almost dazzled by her charms. (I Marie," replied Ilre yoeni, .therieme of the mother of God, fdr whom I am about to die. 1, What is Your age'!" • . " Seventeen ; the age of Charlotte Corday." ;" Flow at your age baser / to been able to fire a cannon against your country 1" CillFen," said one of Ike iodges,, cf we admire your courage. What would you do if we grant you life." • " 1 would poinard you as the executioners of my copatry. l She mounted in silence, her eyes cast down, the steps of the' scaffold, more intimidated at the toois of the crowd than death. . She refugid the hand which the paecutioner ot. fered her to guide her steps and cried out twice, Kw „ . ' • Oa stripping her after death, the executioner found in hgr bosom a nog written with, blood; it was a lareiveil tram her betrothed, shot a few days previous at the &immix. To morrow at this hour, I shall be no more, he said to his fiance. I will not, die without telling you once more, I love you. Were my life ofiered me to say the contrary,l woisd refuse it. I„have no ink. I have opened a vein to write to yen with my blood. I !Raid mingle it with yours for eter nity. Adieu, my dear Marie. Weep not, that the angels may think you as handsome as I do in Hee. wen. Igo to wait you. Be not long. The two lovers *ere onty separated -twenty,for hours in death. The people could admire, they knew not bow to pardon. „ .--r it - - CLovsB.--Viry 3 ms lira the unopened flowers of a small evergreen tree that resembles in' appear ance the laurgl,qr thq bay. It is a native of the Moitekt,,et Spice Islands, but has been carried-.to all the warmer parts of the world, and is largely cultivated in tjaqtyppieo.atogiene 4.eaqripa. -Thrt Bowers are small irireze„und grow in large nun bars in clusters at dra,veyy end of the brunette:v.— The cloves we eta aro the,flowqr.p gathered balers they have opened, and whilst they are still green. After being gathered, they are smotked by, e,w4.304 fire, and then dried in the. sun. FAA , c love Con sists of two parts, a round head, which . is the tour petals or leavet thefloweyoulleil, eneltrsinga number of small stalks or filaments. The ot4es part of the clove is terminated with four points, and is, in fact, the flower...cup, and the unripe seed -vfs. sel. All these parts may be distinciy 0 1 04, ; if a few leaves are soaked for a short time in bet water, when the leaves of the flowers soften, and readily unroll. The smell of cloves is very stroll and aro matic, bat. not upplepseet. .Their Site is gpngent, acid, and lasting. Both to the taste and smell de pend on the quantity of oil they contain. Some times the oil is separated from the cloves before they are sold, and the odor and, taste, in consequence _ _ is much weakened by this proceeding. How INDIGO IS PREPA tn.—The Indigo is a shrub like plant two or direis feet high,,iiitb,delicate blue green leaves, which at the harvest time, about )lei month of August are cut off close to the stem, tied into brindles, and laid in great wooden tubs. Plank are then laid on them, and great ziones to cause , it: pressure, and then wate; is poured over them, and after a day or two the liquor begins to ferment. In in this process ,of fermentallun pee the principal difficulty, and everything depends on allowing it to continue just the proper time. When the water has acquired a dark green color it ja, purred,. Into other tubs, mixed with lime, and stirred with wood en shovels till kblue deposite separates itself from the water, which is then allowed to ran off. The remaining substance the indigo, is then put into lin en bUgs, through irbieh the Fpoksyrs pqrs a end aa soon as the indigo is &rend hard, it is broken into pieces and packed up. Indigo is cultivated in the East Indies to a considerable extent. O In the eastern part of Delaware county, in ibis state Hlete resides a man named - 21—, now a justice of the Peace, and a very sensible man, biitby common consent the ugliest-looking individ ual in the whole country; being long, gaunt, sal low and awry, with a gait like a kangaroo. One day he was bunting and on one of the mountain roads met a man on foot and alone, Who was long er, gnawer, uglier by all odds than himself. He coold.give the " Scfrire" fifty and beat him. With- out saying a word, B--railed his gun and delib erately leveled it at Abe stranger. " For God's sake don't chute !" shouted the man in great alarm.— ‘1 Stranger," replied I sworn ten years ago, that H f ever met gthan uglier than 1 was, I'd shoo t him, and xou are the lust one i've seen." The stranger alter taking a careful survey of his rival, re lied .t, Wal, captain, if l look worse than you Clo p shut° ! I don't want to live no - longer ." • • Witona Pcscr.—An ignorant fellow, FA? I ,irse about toiet married, resolved to makehimselfper. feet in the response of the marriage Astemonien 'bit by mistake he committed office of 310tipt, fir o. o e B of ripen your; en orAeit the „elentymaß. iseked him in the thumb, " Will thoglntei this vtgman for thy wife r the bridegroom anst4ered s in a very solemn tone, "I re40 4 4e4A4 1 4 , •11Wri The astonished minister 'think y 44 fool ; to which he replied, " dll this f steraliftftly; -believe." ES! The Iteiolllllolllll, Lovers. gi ft was to defend it." Eli =ME Sus.—ln the tie % collie Raman Emperor Jos& itianihe ideti awaking a lumative comments-kr silk struck the enterpriaing sagacity of two Christ ian monks, who, in the quality ol , missionaries had long resided. in China. Amidst their relight*, ge e cupations, they had viewed with an invesutating eye the manufactures of eilrin that country, the myriAs of ailkieiorms,.ktlil thhctede of their treat , meat. They discovered that the importation. of so delicate and short-lived an insect, from so great distance, was impracticable; but they ialvid,ol that s .. nueteroars piegedy 'might be preserved and propagated: -.Knowing how Ogee* ble the undertaking would be to the intiorlaracturt at Constentinotit, they arrived, after a longjoumey, at that metropolis otthe Roman Empire; andiheir• iqg impaated their project to- thri - empew were, by the fibantiltiotbis gifts and the splenddr of by promises, encouraged to carry it into execution:A. The two , pordis,, having traveled back; to' kltinal and, by concealing the eggs of.thersilk-tecYm in hollow cane, deceived a people ever jealous of its vinatneice, teArned ip : triumph to Cortstsntinople. Sith,the spoils etthe Mitt; having.** ik liteatr conquest than either Justinian or his celebrated general, BelisailusAtad ever achieved. Under their direetiouriltreuir were hatched. by artificiffkbeat ii the worms were fed with the leaves , of the...Pratt ry tree ; they, heed and labored, and, by the use of proper means, the race was propagated and mold plied. Experience and reflection sena ;mooted the errors incidental to a novel attempt; and la a short time the subjects of Justinian equalled the chig4tse ,theceopoegement ot the insects and the manufacture of silk. From Constantinople. this valuable insect has been gradually introduced ink/ all the Southern parts of Europe: Ind the material produced by it is now manufactured in almost every country in this quarter of the globe.' Thus, ie cen t eensequence,of,a sieguist,ctraurnanutcein the• his tory of commerce, of which the epoch is assigned to A.-D. 352, modern Europe enklys, at an easy ea t pease, one of the post costly , luxuries of the its cients, which was formerly peculiar to -China, and once sold at Rome " for its weight in gold." =NI Rayner' Icy.—A raw youth from Maine strolled into an 'eciling saloon in Boston, the other day,. and !tains asked, ahlte,giged,ifittfully at the tempting dishes served out to the ,lteory kiedero, irhat be would have, threw down Ms hat and answered. i re Pork an d , beans is about as good u anything ; I'll talks a heaPing platelul--1 will. bygtly !" • Having devoured the mess with bappplike es. 101, he . rose, and saying, " much obleged," was aiiiieLvamosisig into dys.otspet. " -Here, 'fiend," cried the laddlord, "you have forgotten to pay .% - .." P i ayr sai4 the youth, white•his eyes. protrud4 ed with fish-like gooyezijy; "didn't you. invite me, to eat—didn't you a 4 me what I'd halm? 4646,41 artichokes! if that don't beat all the notions Pod seen in Bosting.yet—ask a fellow to dinner, 'and then want pay fog it." _ Well, go aiong l 7 said the landlord, too busy to dispute about a ninepence--" you•aies cool roue." "Why, yes, Lam jest so, Square," was the re: ply ; "you see Eve justze on my suaznter clothes:. (*.1.! am thy father's spirit as the bottle said to the boy when he found it bidden In the wood-pile and wondered.wbst it was. Maxims roa me Youna.—Keep good company Of none } sPl . ae , idles elf your, ,hands cannot be usafuliy, employed attend, to the celtisation of your mind, and nothing Always speak the truth. titake few promises. • . Ifase, no intimeteiriende. , •„ You mutt keep lour own secrets If you have any. ;il• When you speak to a person look him in his isee, , , , Good character is necessary above all things else. • • .. Never listen to loose or idle convenration. • When you, retire to bed think over what you have did during the day. Make not the greatest baste to be rich if you would prosper. Never play at any game of chance. . • Never run yourself in debt, unless you see a way yo get oat. lope business of others alone, and attend to jour own. Nov a PRIVILICOILID illsaisea.—A gentleman on a 'visit to Washington, recently, and anxious to listen. to the debates, opened, very cooly, one oktbe doom i of the Senate, and was about to pass in, when the , r door-keeper asked, Are you a privileged member 1".. 1. "What do you mean by such a man?" askedthe stranger. The reply was, • A Governor, an ex-member of Congress, of a foreign minister." The strange!, said, " f am a Minister)! " From wan corm or country, if you pleural" asked the offigia,l. .„. (Very grayly pointing op.)—" From the Court of Heaven, sir." • . . To this oar door ; keeper waggishly rema / ltedt•~ a This Government, at present hoWp. no iota:- Course with that foreign ?owe 1 ." . There is an oldloper,b) Maine who is ossidag. quite a formats opt of, tbe anti-liquor law. He goes lnlo,New 149j:whim and gala (Addled, end min t he*m,es bac,t ollargashis theabors:lwohrls sad a half cants for smelling his breath. He'll do. , .laalrof life, an . asivettishOs d. lire,.ol44ese. Counterfeit one, two and dnoodolly notes enthik, 4movernia7 Bank of Albany Ponrojoitilikfothoit I ppaiance. . ^s~i En A'' Si ' evitg pen 16 ilt)it wcir lea slide ttueliati ftrieVeiV: ME