Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 12, 1852, Image 3

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    :A rr angements for their unwearied exelions to make
the Convention comfortable during its session, and
to the aims of Baltimore for their courtesy and
kindness to the members individually.
Mr. Wigging, of Georgia ogeted the folloiving
esoluiton which was adopted •p•
Resolved, That the unanimous thanks of this Con.
ve nom be rciended to Hon Jan- W. Davis, the.
residing i.fficer, and his able assistant, Hon. • MT.
I t win, and all other officers, for the ab!e, dignified
wh i efficient manner in which they have .discharg
ed their duties.
The Committee, appointed 'to inform Mr. Pierce
and Mr King of their nomination was announced
rt.: follows Erastus Corning , of New York • J. S.
B ar bour, of Virginia ; Jacob Thompson, of ? ' Miss.
: Governor 111eClellan, of Michigan; and
l',erre Soule, of Louisiana.
A rop;ion was made, but the question was not
taken, that the thanks of the t onvention be•Present
eil to the rlrrg ) - •
who have offetei up • prayers for
their Ftweess.
Mr.llJllet gave notice to the Democratic Natio
nal Commtvee to meet in Washington; at the Ma
mmal hi o : e t, on Monday next at 12 o'clock
The Convewion then adjourned sine die.
Mr. gavii notice that he had printed cop.
i es a the Democratic platform, which he wiluttl
now dikribute ; and immediately there was a Ire
menduui rush to the table for them—one of the legs
el the table being knocked in the scramble.
• A few huzzas were sent up, by way of a fare:
we ll, an d then the crowd dispensed. So ended the
iiainmere Convention.
[The rmluttons of the Convention will appear
n our nest j
SUICIDE —Miss Laura Lull, a respect
able American :;ii l, of ►Vest Brookfield, Mass., corn
mireut..ilicl,'e a day or two since under the follow
ing been the victim of
cruel and heartless desertion, and laboring under a
E ensiveness of dtpappointment And wrong inflicted
open her. she visited Worcester on the morning of
fatal jay. but only to find her last hope crushed.
Retornirg in !he East „Brookfield station, she lett
the Cars, and inquire - Alit what time he train passed
up towards Spri:Oield. (which would be in a short
toe.) she started on foot towards ►Vest Brookfield,
arid disappeared beyond an adjacent Curve. .:.Very
g.m the train came np,. and when. the whistle', was
sanded, she snatched her purse, arid taking a ring.
from her linger, gave them ni a little girl who was
tralkinz by her side, telling her to hurry up a bank
oat of the way of the cars. This, done, she imme
dately laid down upon the track, and almost in an
arrant was a mangled and shapeless form !
c*— Gov. Ramsay issued his proclamation, giv_
ing paicial notice that the Maine .Lamor Law has
been ratified by, the people of Minne..oia. and went
into effect on the 3d instant. The rnajorny for it
•sas 191.
lIE undersigned respectfully announce that they
.11 have adopted the following Rules and Scale of
Pr.vs in their respective Printing Offices, which
sri:i hereafter be adhered to strictly :
liveruscments, not exceeding 12 lines, I or
3 consecutive inNertions, • $1 00
*err gth , e , larrit in,ertion, 25
She.arNSa!es—each tract, 1 50
Adminkirator's Notices, 1 75
llerchailts adverising by the year, 4 squares
cries=, including paper,
IN D dethicrioa made if ordered out before the
el ~Ithe year.]
Mecaarnc , averti,ing by the year, not ex
• cee t.nt: two =quares.—and paper,
m.‘,lc, if crdered out before the
the rear.]
"r husinesq Cards per year, not
art, •'.1.2 S and paper.
A - . 111 ., 1!• r; rte,: t ef;me marriages and
e•l., 7. 12 11 e per year
Pa;e:,t 3! 1 p, r (*4 hiuu , wall paper,
do h:ilf do
.„ Timer do 9 00
All comma:dr:limn.; 1.. r ihe benefit of individuate
, ocietits will he charged 25 cents
q. 1 . 13 .r e o f t I,n set up in small type.
a'l: , •! , ry.ments to bepaid for at the'first
C .irtafier
;:l . ransient advertz;einents to be paid f o r in ad.
''.),,..,— . 1 sheet, per 50 cop., or under, . ,51... T 4
.' , i I - do do 200
, !)1. do do . 3 00
do - I do - do 500
r rvery 50 copies over the above 25 per
dst:e.. C ai, y, per qs.irc. 75
Drels. per dozen, - 50
Lrle ropp:s. 6+
111 Circulars, on fancy paper, per-750 cop
, 2 00
1 00
I no
af!itional 50 copies.
p .I.k of 50, in common ink,
Tfr.ry a ',I tional pack,
n? r. 525 cents per pack extra.)
`r'-^ ::lcommon ink, per 50 copies, 350
colors 51 extra.)
A' 1 sVork and blanks to be paid for at the
dt'irery. E. 'O. GOODRICH,
Publisher Bradford Reporter,
Publisher Bradford
New 7.lbuertiseuteitts.
Pay Up ! Pay Up
rsi)Ni3 ebted tot , ,e 'subscribers either on .
toc; ac c inns or by note, are hereby notified that
pa- , I without further delay. Irnmedi
a ci.1,00 thi3 call Will save Cost. •
T , 7. HALL
June 10, 1852.
racy & Moore, No. 4, lirick.Row,
RE ri . ec:7ln7, one of the largest and best select
, oi a ,, nrinient of SUMMER GOODS, ever offer
•alL,s rna:!iet, awns they muslbe sold they in
a-ention of the people to their stock and
Jane 1, 1852
1 " 31 -•". tckerel, In and whole Barrels
r— h an , ! ~ weet, just recd and for sale cheap
- • ________
and :shues—a very extensive assortment
;' , Hiaq at TRACY ¢ MOORE'S.
a^.,l Iron—a large assortment just rec'd
sale by' TRACY e f MOQRE.
11r,: !
No. 4 Wick Row.
1142 01E3r dt. BOWMAN
INGIust received from New York a larg . e
general assortment or Dry Goods, Grocer.
Bard Ware, Boots and Shoes, Hats,
• ihirnets, Parasols &c., &e., and in fact every
of roerchandise, all of which was pur
-4: ,: %piecedelued low prices, and selected
reral rare frir this market. In making this
14 • 1 ernea t to the puddle, we want it emphaticaly
that vie are determined to offer such in.'
the way of cheap goods, that none shall
c.- 4 buy gouo any cheaper at any other
Iciest in town, keep this in mind. No 3
' 4 .4, June 12, 1852.
ITIS-I° y quantity, in exchange for goods
paitl for lumber at
WANTED—For. which goods will ex
4aLged on liberal terms at
1412,1852 PHINNEY 4k. BOWMAN'S.
HATS. BOOTS ¢ SHOES—a large as.
, %1 9
'rtment,soki very cheap for cash. by
10 00
5 00
5 00
30 00
17 00
HS&MC Meteor
Montanyes dr. Co
E . T Fox
Joseph Kingsbury
Joseph Powell
D Bartlett
B Kingsbury .
Phinney & . Bowman
Tracy & Moore
Packer & Bennet
El C Porter
J M Reed
Stephen Felton & Co
JOhn Laughlen & Co
Patrick Burk
Dennis Lynch
Michael Keny
Timothy Halleran
Michael Ronan
Michael Nest&
C Coleman
Bailey &Nefeld
Isaac Post
Hall & Hassel
J W Wilcox
H & A Campbell
W A Chamberlain
A *Warner
Geo Handal{
Rock ell & Co
I Peckhiun &'Mithet"
. ,
Boots and Shoes.
Gaiters, Buskins, Slippers t Polkis and Boots,—
Also a fine assortment of men's stid hcifi calf, kip and
morocco Boots, Shoes and Brogans:and a good supply
of gent's Gaiters and Congrese Bootis -just received at
Juno I. • '
~ Mi ntoe windins.
SI A ENERAt stock or Finding's, CoMprisint oak
and hemio k Magid Sole Limber, Calf, Binding
and Lining Skins, .t and kid" Morocco; shoe thread,
and nails, and else y!hitig•needed in the line may be
found at junet MBROURIA.
S UMMER HA '9.—A fine 'assortment:Of the latest
styles of moleskin, liossvith, Hungarian :Tenants,
pedal and palm leaf Hata, just opened at - .
June ' IifERCUR'I3.-
QPillko AND SUMMER RONNETS.--4 choice
1 .7 selection of ladies'..end Misses' Bonnets, and at
great variety of Boeiet Trimmings, now opening -at
Jvne I._ .
ORVIS' eitra quality CORN STARCH , manufas
tared expressly for culinaty and dietetic purposes
for'sale at junet MERCUR'S.
An .Appraisembnt and Classification.
OF the sales of the different petsons engaged in
the sales of Goodi , *nrei,and • Merchandize in
th the County of Bradford for.. 2 l.llst.year 1852, with
the amounts' of Licence hereto Annexed.
♦LDS=. Vass. Amount
Freeman N Wilcox &Co - 14 700
John Horton
Wm. Jessey Sr, Co
Elmore Horton
• •:: ;.. musts ?P.
Anson BidTeinin (liquor) 14 10 50
L A Gardner *Co 14 700
John Watkins 14 700
. . .
Welles 44 Harris - 10 20 00
Geo& A Perkins 12 12 50
W illtim K itre 13 10 00
Chester Park ' 13 10 00
James O'Herren — 4 (liquor) 14 LO 50
Thomai J Brooks ti• Son (domestic) 14 350
Wm H Fretcher do 14 35n
R M Wellse ' do 14 350
Moses Sawyer do 14 350
C H Herrick 14 700
Eduard A verell 13 10 00
Charles Comestock 14 700
L D Taylor,
J V Daniels
A Motley ¢ Brothers
M C Mercur
F Hall 4Co 13 10 00
Vandyke & Owens (liquor) 14 ' 10 no
Hardine & Lee do 13 15 00
Manly & Galan. 14 700
Horace Tuttle 14 700
'l'- corxxszA.
Markel 4. lir
Aarkel .. .avenn -----, (liquor) -14 10 . 50
-Lorane Dodge jr do . 14 10 60
i B Austen 14 - 700
D V Barnes "
- 14 7 00
W . Woody & Co
J G Brown
J W Merque (liquor) 1$
R R Hanley &Co 7 14
L D Taylor
Asa Brown 14
Charles Pratt l4
Zino:, - .
Parkhurst & Lamb
Ezra Holcomb
H i Perkins 12 .12 50
Elisha Phinneyl3 10'00
Brown & Rockwell i:::'' 13 10 00
O.P Lyon .- ~ ' -- t . 4 .11' 7 '. 7 00
S 9 Hinman (liquorr 13 15 00
B.gownFon & Frisbie
, N Ti Betts
George Atwood
John Baldwin' 14 7 00
P W Champion 14 7 00
Smith & Baldwin 13
_lO 00
p H Little 13 10 00
1 Bailey & Son 13 10 00
W F Robbens (liquor) 14 10 50
Hareland Cornell
111 F Buck
C F. Wilson
A H Vow - hes
Wm Guntaulus
J W Woodburn
SF Washburn
Judson Holcomb
H W Tracy
Means & Storres
V Baird
(liquor) 14 10 50
14 7 CO
Kinney & Salterleo
W B Campbell 4 , Co
SMiTtlll LLD
W Bullock & Co
E El Tracy
13 10 00
13 10 CO
(liquor) 13 15 00
Durfey & Fritcher
Hiram Spear
Enos Hubbird
Freernaa U raves
Ma nye 1 & Leonard
F D Ballard
Eli Baird
L W C Herrick
G F Redingon
SW&DF,Pomeroy 4- Co (liquor)
Stephens & Hopkins do
C K Spencer & Co (domestic)
S W Paine do
riarg.4. - a -r. i - ',7;:'. '.':-
' ' 11. rt,.
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 013
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 700'
10 CO
7 00
7 00
7 QD
7 to
14 7 00
!4' .. 700
13 10 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
(liquor) 14 10 50
do 14 10 50
'do 14 510 50
do 14 10 50
do 14 10 50
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 10 f,O
14 10 50
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14' 7 CO
14 10 50
12 12 50
13 10 00
12 12 50
12 12 50
12 12 50
11 22 50
12 18 75
14 3 L 0
14 3 50
10 20 00
10 20 00
13 10 00
13 10 00
13 10 00
13 10 00
11 7 00
13 10 00
13 15 00
14 7 00
14 10.50
14 10 50
14 10 50
14 10 50
14 10 50
14 10 50
14 10 50 --
it_ 10, 60 -A .CHANCE, FOR, BAI
14, 10.60 mitt Subscriber. Paving concluded
14 10 60 ±..rbusiness, offers The sale lhe.balatu
14, 10 00 • 'of 0.004‘ ai GREATLY'REDUCED
op Persopalvishiclg4
(10inesitc) 14r 3 ; .50- Ppporitin4,f4r gelds* ;
do . 13 44' • 111 1 0. t 6 ca ll ' - 1
do 14 ._.0"0. 1010. 3 41 4 a
.de. . 7, •. 14 .:-1.:44)50 - flut • 114-Y
•:do ,
a q
, ;:,147
• `i'llz-W*2,•-'•;qi-A.,--.4-ts•ix.',---
i co,
" - " 1. "11.4 • 0
~ .4;;...A. . ,4,00-
- ; •.•-• . 71
'N'VEI Russel - ." • •
John Roberts
Wheelock. dr. ilotleitback,
A Lewis - . ~"
Elisba,Letri:s- 4 • -
_Ciro's - Avery
E ;sat Piollet
Myers & Alien
A list and ( classification:ofl3eer bottles, Ealing hoc ,
ses, 4c., under the Act ttAssembly, of the - .loth
April 1849 entitled ail Act to create a sinking:6.a
&c.. for. the County of Bildrord fOrthe . year).Bs9.
Athens tp;—Thomas Cooper • - :8 00
Athens b.oluHJ Carmer 8 500
Moir Merrell " 6.b, 00
Darliftritiosburr, & Miller —)3 5-00
Bradt eldMarcusß Geroald . 00
Monroe-;-r Guinand 8 500
koranda bore—George Este! 8 500
I - • Reed Smalley b 500
Isaac 8 Postai 8 : 06
Miles Carter 8 5 00
.• _ ' Post 8 500
Troy boro—D4tabbins - 8 500
eheitten - Drake 8 5 00
'I'D ieleti- "8 GnO
Ul.ter—Daniel Harkin!
.' , 8 5 Ou
A list and classification of the different Distilleries
in Bradford County as directed by the act of As
sembly of April 10, 1849
Springfield—William Brace 10 5 00
Sheshequin--S Newell &Co 10 , 5:,00
Standhg Stone—James Gorden . 10 1000
Troy—John E Goodrich 10 5 00
A list and classification of the persons:engaged in
the sale ofNostrums, Patent Medicines, &c., in the
County of Bradford, under the act of Assembly,
of the 10th of April 1849
Athens boro—C H Herrick
Geo H Perkins
Canton—F Hall & Co
Leroy .Parkhurst & Samuels
Pike D Bailey & San •
Rome—J Holcomb
Towanda boro—il C Porter
1 Id Reed
Troy boro—F L Ballard
Charles Drake
Eli Baird
Notice is hereby given, that an appeal will be
held at the Commissioners office, in the boro of To
wanda on the 15th day of July next, at which lime
end place, any person ag grieved by the foregoing
classifications can attend if they think proper.
Towanda May 1, 1852. Mercantile Appraiser
Farmers, look to your own interests !
THE undersigned respectfully announce that
they still continue the manufacturing business
at their old stand in Monroe, one mile above Mon
roeton on the Canton road, where they are prepar
ed to accommodate all who may favor them with a
call, with anything in their line, from the carding of
a pound of wool, to the manufacturing of any
ity into
Cloth, Flannel or Cassimere,
on short notice. Having understood that wool boy
ers—travelling the county—have often sold their
cloth as of our make, we wish it distinctly under
wood that we have no one peddling our cloth for
stool ; neither shall we allow any one la do so, be
lieving elm this is only a tar upon the Farmer, and
a practice of which unprincipled dealers take ad
vantage to cheat the inexperiencedbuyets ; therefore
any persons'wi .ping to exchange their Wool for
our Cloth, can only do so by- calling at our factory
where we will give thear as good bargains as they
can get this side of New York.
We will warrant our cloth to be made of go:41
wo6l and not composed of filth—"n short made for
iervice, and not merely for sate: Call and try us,
and we flatter ourselves that we shall be able to
satisfy you of the correctness of the above state
N. B.—Those having unsettled accounts with ns
will confer a favor by calling and settling the same
immediately either by note or otherwise.
Monroe, May 19, 785:, .J. INGHAM & SON
For Sale.
oming County ; heavy timbered with White and
Yellow Pine; Hemlock, Chestnut and other kinds
of timber suitable for lumbering. The land 1.4 well
adapted for grazing, after the timbet is cut off. A
good title given. None of the above land is more
than ten miles from the Susquehanna River and
North Branch Canal, and will be sold in large or
small quantities to suit purchasers. Terms ea'v.
For further particulars address ELISHA FOR.
q#EST, Attorney at Law. Allentown Pa.
Allentown, Stay IS, 1852. E. FORREST.
Selling off at Cost ! !
/THE snbscriber will sell the balance of his stock
J- of Goods. at COST, for cash.
Towanda, May 1, 1852
THE subscriber is now receiving the most men •
sive assortment of SPRING AND. SUMMER
GOODS that can be found in this section of countr y .
Towanda. April 30. J )S. KINGSBERY.
To announce the arrival of a new and I . )lenditl
assortment of
Spring and summer. Goods,
from-New York & Philadelphia. They were bought
for cash at unusually low prices, and will he sold
10 per cent, cheaper for cash, than at any other es
tablishment in this place or the county.
RESS GOODS—in variety, from India silks, to
JJ 3 cent Calicos. Also the latest style of Dress
Trimmings, at ap1:0 B . KINGSBERY'S.
BEFORE looking elsewhere, it would be well for
Ladies to look at the Spring Bonnets, Artificial
Flowers and Ribbons, which are sold so very cheap.
April 9 B. KINGsBERY.
CROCKERY.—The largest stock in town. Fu I
dinner and tea setts, of white granite and blue
ware, which will bo sold cheap at FOX'S.
GROCERIES.—The quality and prices of Teas,
Sugars and Coffee, always speak for them.
selves: at apllo B. KINGABERY'S.
MACKEREM-50 half barrels. and .25 quarter
barrels, at B. KINGSBERY'S.
C+ QUINTALS CODFISH—They are worth
lookinr• at, if not buying, for sale by
April 10. D. KINGSDERY.
ESS PORK!—GO bbls. Prime, for which a high
.LV_L price was paid,and for which a high price will
be asked, by apllo B. KINGSBERY.
4 14,', 7: 00
14 • • 7 00
:14 -;_ „' - 7:- . 00
-..14 ; :. : -. , TOO
'l4l:'. -- 7 00'
• -..
_-= • - wnwz
(liquor) . '-'l4 •;10 50
• - do - 14 lO 50
- - 14 • '7 -00
4 5 00
4 500
4 "' 00 .
4 5 00
4 5 00
4 5 00
4 5 00
4 5 00
4 5 00
4 5 00
4 5 00
New ltbnetiisements.
DP. H . ..1 p ::: , :,: : P Q : kT- E;''*, ,'
Wholessfe'iind'lbtail beifer in
~._-...GROCIMM3si 3A1R,17021131, , ,dic. -
STORE in the south end of the ,Ward House, well
,-;litiftort as the largest, ebeapast and most oftensive
iiiiiltil*llt-iiest of thet,cny. Partieular attention will
I: 4 3oiiiin 19110 y :or all yrkk.may_wiah to calf, either to
eiamhie.orc prirchasei l :!*, any medical information
wilt lis'etteerfully.'and gtirkilfousi# given! to those who
Who wish- to consult concerning tbeineel**-frientli.
ICoritinuetts supplies of fresh and rieentlf:prepartd as ,
tides ate 'weekly arriving; beving been , carefully - Se
lected with a view to their, usefuhtess, end any aificler
Wanted not usually kept, either will be found here, or
Procured at the shortest notice by Express, for those
leaving their order. -, Accommodating clerks always
will be .early to ea 't/y,4l:4lTound any prescriptioniand
endeavor to make!, (whatever the purchase) mutually
'agreeable.' All ga-xis shall be considered warranted
as represented, and being Agent for the best and pop
filar Patent - Medicines,-"all those found '1 this store
can berelied upon; in all cases, as being genuine. The
stock now comprises every article in the trade, among
which may' be found the following:
- 'Drugs and Medicines.
'AClDS...'''aloes ..'' orris
Acetic —•- ' assafoetida• , Fquill
Citric arabic valerian
Nitric ,• camphor senego
Muriatie ,opal ' . sarsaparilla
Aquafortis gamboge -:. gl i t..r etc
Sulphuric guaitte - '.. .. • , .• /AVM
Tartaric etc myrrh . ... ,-- : magnes ia
oat star. shellac - ....,,'", ; . eulPhur.
tragacintis ate - • tiematone
mtg. '' ' calomel . •
!cream tartar
7 06
Life etc • --
EA tuts.
Cinnamon • •
Pe: teian (Jea'ts)
E.'-tra etc
neata foot `
olive . : ,
aperni , - •
cloves :•:-..
he ra locir
juniper .
aavin •
rosemary .••!-' - - 4,
neroi i -; .„...,:!;-.'
Wintergreen etc
!omithell. f.
Lemon etc
cod liver etc
urn ursi etc
Fen: ;reek
Ca rra way
Colchicum etc
l e:e dian
apijelidt (pirilt)
marsh rosemary
Lavender etc
Sugar, Cofi,•o and Tea of all kinds, molasses, spice,
pepper. cloves. mu,l rutimeg, mace, fish, rasins,
citrons, currants, sal d oil, c chocolate, soda,
buttougrackers. rico, starch, ginger, saleratus, whoe
and bar soap, sperm and tallow candles, jugs, bottles,
pipes, pepper sauce &c.
Coaniac, Otard and Ainericln Brandy., St. Croix.
Old Jamaica and New England Pont, pure Holland
and Am. Gin, Iritek and Nicinonzaheta. Whiskey,.Ma
deha I.iabon, ShgKy, TaieritTe Port, Muscat, 'era*
and Champaign Wine..--Coibti,:!p, Rose . , Amour Moc
kee, Noycau &c , cheaper tM` ever °Med.
Soaps, Perropgry and Fancy Goods.
Shaving ciente, military, windsor, medicated, sand,
musk, almond, palm, french, toilet, rate, and
r-nt soaps, !Arline, French, apd
,Wrights ex of. j ockey club. patchoully. bog,4lecarolitte..musk,
u rs, rdena, heliotrope , - sweet . , brier, geranium,
g flowers, west crolkuu'net`ir mown hay &c.—
Caelma 3 ,, cologne, bay and rose waiter,.,'-Lilly white,
spa? sib pe irl pn.vder, fillip haktiffelk -hair invigors
, re, hair, hair oil, potnadallnittinster.
perfumenails, playing cards, pencil : steel
pens, fish hooks, drawing pencils, percussion cops, red
black, and indelib'e combs, purses, pocket booke,
port mom's, wafers,pocket mirrors napkiii4ritigs and
travelling companioni &c. -
- ;
BRUSHES; ` `'•
flair, hat, env*, aernb, shoeipaint, marking,,yarniah nt .
sash, artist camel's bait, striping blender's and badger's'
whitewash. counter, fles h, tooth, nail comb broom cloth
infant, lather, table, horse and Hacking brushes.,
Tobacco and snuff boxes, nipple shells, nursing bot
tle-, breast pumps, teeth rings bed pan , syringes, shoul
der l*r.ces, trusses, suppcciers. pessar'es,eatlleters,cup
ing 61 s-es, graduates, mot ars, spatula, forceps lancets
thermometers, liquid and spread adhesive plasters, &c.
Paints and :Dye Stuffs.
:Stk. red, cam and log wood, foam, Inc dye, cuiltear
red 6.111 P ',ere, madder, alum, copperas, blpe vitaol, 80 1.
tin, composition vchemic oil, vitriol. oxalic and all the
arils, grain tin, pumice and rotten store American &
Chinese vermillion, Spanish brown; American & Eng
lish Venetian verdigris, Paris green, white, black and
red lead, chrome yellow and green, japan, coach and
copal varnish, lampblack, !Marge, putty, whiting ochre
spirits turpentine, linseed oil, rosin, chalk, umber. sien
na, gold Icaf, bronze, &c.
French G 14.1 21-30, 22 30, 20-30, 20-24, 22-2 r, 14-
15,,420, 12-18, 12-16, 10.14, 10.12, 8-10, 7 9.
Patent !Medicines. -
sOLE AOF.NT rein,
D 3 :.4ayiies Alterative Expectorant, Sanative d:c.
Fitqtre's eipectorant, tonic humor correcior.O.
Mend:ranee Gargling Oil fot horses,
8 0/ones medicines, wild cherry..l.c-i.:
Brad's 'Pulmonary Balsam end Extract, etc;
Orricleir Vermiruc.
Houghton's Pepsin or Gastric jurce for dyspepsia.
Osgood's Ind'an Chotagogue, for fever end ague.
Searpa's Acou.tic oil for Deafness.
S. P. Townser d's Sarsaparilla.
Schenck'sPulmonic Syrup.
Dr.. ICrelePtt Family m• divines.
liutrbing's Dyspepsia Bitters.
Hoofland's German Bie.trs, for Dyspepsia and Debility
Brown's Essence Jamaica Ginger.
D.dray's Rat and, Mice Exterminator.
Ms , agent for Herrick's medicines, pl_sters, etc., Ar
drew's end Killer, Graefenberg medi
cines, Pile Elcaiiiiiegietc., salt 'heum, teller, ring
worm, spivin and wonder ointments, etc.; tooth
cordial, FAcsters, porsdinan's salves, eye waters, lini
ments, era-ice soap, bablig . poiaan. Fobensack's
and Clark's Werni syriiN„christict's Galvanic CO:1-
lives, Mollies Phoenix Hittite, Trask's magnetic,
Skin's, Dailey's, end MeAllisteir'e Ointments, Dil
low's Heave Powder, Conditlorf.rowdert acc
the numerous kinds of Pills.
Light. • '
Plump-me, superior Darning fluid, Otrinphene,whole,
lard and sperm oil; now and beautifirl-Putteinsefiltild
'amps now being , opened: Camphone, side and hang
ing lamps fer hall end store use, girandoles,
- zany . Amy, .wo g
3. & S; ALLICILITZEtt, 4;0.
haVOIIISI arrived in 1.0.
1: • wanda, with one of the largest and Most com
plete assortment of clothing ever offered thiS sec
tion'of the cottntry. They are manolit'ctured by
themseh:es exclusively.' at rates which.tvilVmalte it
an"object for the public to buy. Tbeir ands are
made and trimmed in the latest styles and from su
perior clOth and wilfbe sold for one pric 'and fOr
. .
.. , ,
;Give i;ti a call and if we do not satisfy the public
of oar ability to - make gimd onr promises, w e shalt
*Cot ask their. patumas,te. Customers can be fitted
With whole suits by leaving their measures at oug
store at the shortest notice.
LocATtoss.—Nexf door synth or moroor's Main
st. Towanda ; and No. 7 Wafer st. Arnnut.4 Hall
Elmira; and ander A. C. Porters Hotel, Tioga Vill•
ago. Tioga Co. Pa.
Towanda May 29th 1851.
ffE subscriber would respectfully invite the at
tention of the public, and Cash tiuyers gener
ally, to the large and desirable stock of
- Staple and rancy Dry Coeds,
which ho is no* receiving and opening for sale at
the OM Stand of Thomas Elliott, one door south of
the ".Ward House." He intends lo keep On hard
nearly every article adapted is the. wants of the
country trade, and will be constantly receivich such
additions to his stock as will at once render his as
sortment desirable andmomplete.
The patronage of the public is respectfully solict
Towanda, May 19, Dm.
LAWES Dress Goods—an assortment of Lawns,
poplins, bareges, de lains,, muslin de laines,
chambrays. ginghams, etc. at
May 19
corro sublimate
red precipitate
ether.',. .;-
I • g#Ot"?P-''.
iii!d leif
cas'ile soap
, waice turpentine
aqt.a ammonia
brati,h lustre ,
A Large stock ofliterrimac, blue and orange moor
IX nine, and furniture Prints ,for sale at
May 19
.1. PO WEL'A.
B ROWN and bleached Shea ins and whirainzq
and all other articles of Dry Goods. a large stock•
at May 19 , J. TOWEL'S.
11 Large' lilt of beautiful Bonnets, parasols, rib
bons, fans, gloves and boisery at
y• - 19.- J. TOWiLII
Doors and Shoes—The largest and be 4 lot of
.13 Rotas and t hoes in town . jpstreceived by..
May 19 I. POWELL
_ .
)AI N I'S. oils, glass, nail, door if immings etc.
for Pa'e by May 19 J. POWELL.
E.l, Coffee, Sugar, of all kinds . ] and prices,Mo
11 lasses syrup, etc. fur sale by
May 19 J. POWELL.
tit• pitch
riODYI:ill and Mackerel—a fresh sunplv jnFt re
eeired aI May 19 J. POWE,VS.
, ath brick
DURK and Flour—a quantity of Fork and Flour received and for salt by
May 27 J. POWT.LJ,
41 , 14 , 4inpw..
otter or aonatto
:A - OEEN. E. GEIGER, wotildseyo' Old friends and
the italic at large, that he has eontrantly on hand
*and manurieturing , Rifles and Shot Guns &c.-
- Among his a ortment of Guns may be found Double
and-single handled Guns, Rifles of all kinds warrant , d.
'471!0n der Flasks, Shut Pouches, Game Bags, Cap
Irrimet s. Also. Powder, Shot; Caps of the beat qual •-
t: , >. Aliens' si-z. ;Aped Revolving Pistols, do ein4h;
thurelted self-rocking Pist,•la. Rdle Pistols, double bb'l
PiAtoli and c.tout,m steel and brass Pistoli.
F a., F. F. 0., F. F. F. 0., Powder in Cans con
.tantly on hand.
Any of the.abovo articles will. Le sold awful cheap'
fa the Ready Tay.
Keys of any kind fate d to Doors, Trunks (many
other kind of leek . an shot: notice and reasonable terms.
Re i piliriog done with neawe, a and despatch: Shop a
lots toils north a the Brad "it d House. •
;.Towanda, May 22, 173:2. J. - E. GEIGER:.
HE'copartnership hereloforc existing between
A. Josiah Francesco .and N. C. Tomkins, is. this
day diss,tved by mutual consent. The books,notes
and accounts will be found at the shop, where one
or the other,of the parties may ahrays be 'tound
ready to attend to any person wishing to settle up.
We would here remark, that persons indebted', to us
will find it to. their advantage to call and settle their
accounts withoutdelay. JOSIAH FRANCISCO.
Towanda, May '2O, 1852.
vrILEB files the following description o
ILL one platform of BOARDS taken upon the 17th
day of March 1852, afloat. About four thousand feet
of white pine boards, mostly sixteen feet long, a few
fourteen feet long, all marked with Red Chalk . with
figures, and a list of the same is filed on my docket.
Dorell, May 19, 1 552. S. S.BRADLY,7, P.
raocution of Luca !
QTILL later news via New Yolk & E.R. R. of the
/...1 arrival or a very large stock of Merchandise at
PIII,NNEY & BO W M ANS No. 3 Brick Row which
they are prepared to sell at WhOles4lo or f rt d it Lo t C as h
or Ready Pay, cheaper than the cheapest, from the fact
That they purchased their stack for rash in a very de
pressed state of the market. Don't miqtake the place,
No. 3 Brick Row next door to Dr. !iustons.Drug store.
r TONS SUGAR , just received, at wholesale and
c 7 retail - PIfINNEY & BOWMAN.
SALT, n large.lot, also Iron, Nails, Hardware, &c.;
and Mackerel in bbls., and / bids, for sale by
.. a,c022 PHINNEY & BOW IAINT.
1 0 CRESTS more of ihoqoihree and four Aißingo
HrE LINOS, sitirtinzs. stripes, end ticks, for sale
BOOTS & VILOES ; tho'hugest and cheapest assort
merit in town—and arts and .Caps, at wholesale
art ? retail
Fall and Winter Goods.
raeIirTATFEES' co:
T_TAVE only in Store a larm 's stock of Goods front
11 New-York and other markets, which are ritlered
arhelesnlo and retail, at La lowest possible prices.—
ref mention a few things that may always two found at
iatir:StoM. Prints, gingharns, poplins, M. &c,
Of thm latest styles; " •
• Groceries,
1.. i.
—. ,::~
~#~ti~~el laucan~. ~~ ~~
Attention itcgiment !
• ;
Crockery, Baota and Shoes,
Of which we have a hkige as
ith great cue and offered 41 0 w,
be underlaid... Alaci._ , lolery,,
.e, gtaae. 'vote 'beaktes a
eI which we tweed not . enctnerate,
!to, our at price* that
rjlati4tic.4fitti, entire - Stock has
4ititilthintarket Was
many_ per renWlower
Won iand - , promptLessja meetu g :
itemers, we hope to merit a! eon
maga; that has hitherio 44n ar
'lBO. l-T•••11;-1)..
ED; ac' Flfllt7PlicA.: EDW
eh cesh•wili be paid: e 22
. . •
,;•• Zeotico to Settlers on State Land.
HE undersigned comprising a board of apprais
ers. to .appraise all lands •on which any par.
chase money is due to tbe.Oommonwealth of Penn..
Weald hereby give notice to all who may have in
their poslession Stele lands, that the Act of 1835,
estabrishing Said board; was extended by the last
Legislature for one year only. Those who wish to
avail themselves of the benefits of such apprais
ment. will be waited upon by on either of
the Commissilners by' letter or otherwise, or bt
conferring with E. M. FARRAR. .Commissioner's
Clerk. A. S. SMITE,
Towanda, May 2*, 1852. '_Commissioner.
- QE,ALED proposals mini be received at . the Com
missioners office, until 12 o'clock A. M., on Sat
urday. June 12, 18 . 52, for building a Bridge across
the Wysox creek. ne ar
, Mr. Allen's in Rome Town-.
ship, 82 feet spin: Plans and specifications can be
seen at the Commissioners office after the firarday
of June. By order of the Commissioners.
Towanda, May 19.'1852. E. M. FARRAR,CIIG
THE undersigned has purchased* large, - and
clinic? selection 'of NEW GOODS, bought
under the most favorable circumstances, and for
sale as low for cash as can be bought elsewhere.
and lower than any . braggadocia can orwill
"'WY 1 0 5 .2. • 0. D. BARTLETT. •
STONE WASE—a fi ne assortment, sellinglor
coft. at
Drug Ctore, Er*. 2 Erick Row.
fiIHE subscriber havins Onrcliased and refar
.l Dished the stock cf DRUGS, MEDICINES &c.,.
in Yu, 2 Brick Row, which now makes it a choice
and well selected assortMenrof Drug and Medi.,
eines for family use. at wholesale and retail, which
he,cheerfolly recommends to the.public,and craves.
a share of public patronage. ....• • • .
The Goods will be sold as cheitp,of,chsaper than
any other establishment West - Of New York* opt
and cash only. • ; •• -, ""::. . '' r
Here you will findatmaied• a few !Wing tinkles t •
Fosgate's Ocedial- . 1:
Elie Opt ~.,- , !, - .,..:- . ,1, . ,
Hay's' Linimeet.' .', ...
Hair Dye , 4.- " ' ,
~ . Harlem Ail- . • . e.4f,44, 1 , ,4._
•:: ''do „DalleY'a •.', - .:`.•411.44 .
do Mc Alles ter I•V.-.,•
shaken Herbs ,;,...:7•••,.,-.
t - " - ' , ...",.
Extracts •• - •:::::::!••r.-.•
pi T u i e l . d p en d ' i s i A m lc e o r e . olic Ex' t tk
Itbei Extract
Jalap Extract
Meakim's Vanilla Ex i t '
do Lemon. do
• do Mace do
do Almond do.
ilo Cloves
do Allspice' do. /
-do Nutmegs de
do Peach , do
do Ginger do
do Cinnamon do
do Orange .. do
do Tonka do
Lubin's Springliower
do Musk do
do %'iolette . do
do MagnoPa ' , do.
do Sweet Bri'rdip,
do Jesmin . do.
. do Jock'y CPb do,/
do Caroline do .
do Jenny Lind do •
do Bonnet . do •
Syrings, Pewter tts'm'at
do Glass : de
Nursing Bottles, Glass
do do G. 4,.
Rad Rhei Turk •
do do
do Ipecac
do Jalap
do Ginger White
do Orris
Gum Camphor . ,
• do Opi Turk
do Myrrh Turk
do Arabic do
do Copal
do Aloes Soet
de Aloes Cape
Chloride Lime
do Soda
Castor Ruse
l.iogla , s do -.
'Evens' Lancets
INitra Silver, Op't
Os id do ßisnuth
trutide Potass
Tart db
Carb do
ISnlith do .
Iflaustie do
Citrate Perri
lodide .do
Proto lod Mercury
Hydra Cum Crete
Morphine Sulph .
do Act
Calomel, American
do English,
Precipitate Red
do' White
Sulph Zinei
Bronze, Cr?mson
do Pale Gold
do • Dark do
do White
Gold Leaf Op`z
Senna Alez:;:- .
do India
Cream Tartar -
Sup C Soda-
31azuesiii Citc'd
do Carti;
do' Henry's
do Apple
Trusses Hulls
do Marshes,
vu Shaker,
Balsam inters
do Cheesmans
do Fir
do Copabia
do Tutu
do fern
do 'Pulmolfary
do Sulphur
Acid Tartaric
do "-Acetic
do Benzonic
do Citric
do Nitric
do Oxalic
du Hy drocyanc
do Sulphuric
Oil Linseed
do Sperm
do Olives
do Castor
do Neatscoot
do Almonds
do Amber Rect
do Amber Red
do Anisi
do Caraway
do Croton
do Cubebs
do Commit)
do Fennel, •
do Lemon
do Cassia
do Pod Liver
do Lavandula G
do Neroli
du Jestnin
dO Nutmeg
do Orange
do Rhodium
do Rose
do Cedrat
do Copabia
do Ergot
do Verbena
do Vioiette
do Mellesse
do Mellefluer
do Pat - about)! I
Brushes, Paint '
do Varnish
do Hair
. do Ilair,Camel
do Nail
do Tooth
do Shaving
do Flesh
do Cloth,
do Hat
Soap. Yankee
do Crystalline
do Eng. Wind Low's
d Coopers
do Rose
do Victora
do Orange
do Tooth
do Erosive
do Ca , tile
do Military
do Savin
do Brown .
Pain Killer
Ayers Cherry Pectoral
Oxygenated Biters
Stoughton Bitters
Chloroform Fig do
Millman's Anodyne L en itiao Red, Eritsh . ; `-
Together with Paints, Turpentine, Vire% Dye . -
Woods & Dce•StnQ';, Glass, Putty, eh o icAirbeeries„
pure %Sines and Liquors for Ntedieinabful.' -0,
Also, Cigars of the best brand ; and articleaeon
nected with the tratlo.. • •
flaying secured the services ark. 8 . HtriTOMP
whr keeps his office at this storrAnd will give me
dical advice gratis to p , uple, ney paying for the:
medicines only. PhySielans rely upon having
their prescriptions carefoe.y compounded ;indica,
up. The stokli has teen selected with great etre,
and the gook; will be warranted as represented. .
All of Dr..D..JoyneA' medicines. AyresCherry Pee
torial, `then s Puhnonic . Syrup of Yellow Dock
Root, Orrieli's nohensacks, and Jaynes Vennitugit s
Together wit all of the most popular Patent mediehelii
now in use instantly on hand and for sale it2s . -:,- -
. J. M. REED, No. 2, Brick Rcivr. -:,
Towandu, May 14, 1352 r •' • ,
Ooto,• Bye and Corn, taken in exetuuto
V V for gATIr: • PHINNEY dr. BOWMAN. •
TIRY ,GOODS—A good assartment of Merinos%
Casbnierts. Do Laing, Alpacas, ana 'mints ninr
eetiiriga '. jig • , • MERCURS.
„ . .
BALES OF common and en
to-10-4 aide. • A nice apsortment of
eJ tieC4Bl bteacl*d and brawn Crash and The
fieiy, l -brown and blanched' TablepLinnen. Cheeks, Lie k i
stye Tiching;_!Conep. Yam, Batting.: Wicking/
Ve4 . ,iddingi calling' cheap iii ' = :''i • '
rIOME ONE. COME ALL; olur, minh*thVievi;`
Miodsi ftich.are eibititied
,-= - ' l3. KINGEEERTT7II,
• •
n1(.4 Y,- . ISTATEtti . AIP. vationSpattestm !AK
uk , ors osti qualitits # 4o,4lecallted at -
Oa. 14; labl. ;:s" ; :r-• MtitOintitr
G- ~~~ .:^ii .. .i
-- , .:: - -- , :.:-.0.,%45,4 .
_23ridge Letting.
Chira Vermillion
America do
Prussian Blue