Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 29, 1852, Image 3

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    ' Leverrier, the celebrated astronomer, Who
he r oc ied from theory the existence in
the plariet
N e ptune, and pointe:d.out the place in the heavens
bee it would be discovered, is one of th e petition
:l s e nators of Louis Napoleon, at . - 15,000 france
T a d o rn, ii is not a bad appointment , however,
rnesome res pect!, setting aside the high morality
w o o ] in serving such a master. The abstracted
ode ol a mathematician will make him not a no
r,' member of a body of whist; is not required to
han d l ing but say yes when they are directed;
w as cornlonable provision by the State 'will per.
m i t e m en of science to devote himself to his stud
in w ithout care for his subsistence.
wo rmy Station N. T. Sr. E. Z.
GOI %a Ireis 111 T. it. 1111• GO WEST. B. X.
,si g hi Eap,A.N• 1 34 •Night lNG
Express,•.x. 628
il„ Dress, P.X. 217 Day Express, eat. 426
i iii tra i n , . a.m. 853 Mail train, rm. 922
A 6,011 004 ,
non I.X. 4 23 Aecommodation,e.x. 1 45
so n i g ht, r.x. 838 Express freight, A.W. 208
•po not /top at Waverley.
ccStages leave Waverley for Towanda, twice a
in—at 9 A• M., and upon the arrival of the Day
w . M.
rest, at • •
Lege Towanda P twine a day for Waverley—at 8
A , g, to connect with the Day Express going east
it 2 it p.m.—and also at 9 P. M., connecting with
fl i t mil train going west. '
New gibvertmements.
nrrn r il"' ""'"a" , zu, Ow. ,
Sealed Proposals,
WILL be received at the Canal Office in Towsim
11 da, until 12 o'clock, A. M., of Thursday the
10th day of lane 1852 for the completion of the fol
lowing work on the North Branch Penn. Canal, to
wit: sections 213,.. and Tow Path
Bridge Lock 52 and Cu 2 lverts 78, 87, 110, I 11,
ll2and 184; and for Guard Gates. on sections 80
Ind 117. proposals must contain nattlks In full of
apartnerships or firms, designating nearest Post
Ofice. By order of the Boltd of Canal Commis
-1101103. WM. BRINDLE.
Superintendent N. B. Canal.
24, 1852.
Towanda Ma
Ready Made Clothing !
& 11. A LEVIZODZOIL, dr, CO.
VROM Elmira . N. Y., have just arrived in To
wanda, with one of the largest and most COM•
fkie assortment of clothing ever offered in this sec
we of the country. They are manufactured by
themselves exclusively, at rocs which will make it
o object for the public, to buy. Their. goods are
made and trimmed in the latest styles and from su
perior cloth and will be sold for one price and for
us' MT*
Give us a call and if we do not satisfy the public
of oar ability to mike good our promises. w, shall
met ask their patronue. Customers can "be fitted
with whole suits by leaving their measures at our
core II the shortest notice.
Locartoss.—Next door south of Mercur's Main
aTowands ; and No. 7 Water st. Arnow. Hall.
Elmira; and under A. C. Porters Hotel, 'Pioga
Tioga Co. Pa.
Towanda May 19th 1951.
THE gubseriber would respectfully invite the at-
I Tent= of the public, and Cash buyers gener-
OT, to the large and desirable stock of
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,
elnch he is now receiving and opening for sale at
it Old Stand of Thomas Elliott, one door south of
'se" Ward floose." He intends to keep on hand
Lady every article adapted to the wants of the
country trade, and will be constantly receiving such
dicier, to ills stock as will at once render his as
wriment desirable and complete.
The patronage of the public is respectfully solict
Torand'a, M,
LAWES Dress GOo'ds—an assortment of Lawns,
poplins, hareges, de lains, mouslM de laines,
fiambrays, giaghams, etc. at
May I 9
Large stock ofMerrimac. blue and orange moor•
41 sing and furniture Prints, for sale sit
May 19 1. POWELVI
IROWN and bleached Shee logs .and Shirt ings
land all other articles of Dry Goods, a large stock
May 19- .1. POWtt'S;
A Large lot of beautiful Bonnets, parasols, rib•
botis,Gns, gloves and holier) at
May 19 .1. POWEL'EI
InOTS and Shoes—The largest and be=t lot of
Boas and shoes in town just received by
May 19 J. POWELL
AINTS, oils, glary, nails, door trimmings etc.,
fatale by
Lay 19
EA, Coffee, Sugar, of all kinds and plices, Mo
lasses Syrup, ete:for sale by
Mar 19 J. POW ELL
lODFISH and Mackerel—a fresh supply just re
ceived at
Hay 19
lORK aod Nitity of Pork and Floor.
;as; rereired and for sale by
May 27 I. PO WELL.
Attention Regiment I
tieREADY! . TAKE AIM! 1 7 1RE11
1 01 IN E. GEIGER, would say to his old friends and
Publir at large, that he has constantly Mr hind
smalseturing Rifles and shot Guns Acc•—
swortment of Guns may be found Double
g.ragle barrelled Guns. R irks of a ILkinds wammtcd.
hider Finks, Shot P*ches, Game . Bags ,
. Cap
' ll4 to. Also, Powder, Shot, Cspsqf te best quilt:
Allen' sir barrelled Revolving PiKOK single
t_d!*dirlfroeltin g Pistols, Mlle Pietas, double bb'l
'"lnd rownam steel and brass Pistols.
F. F. G., F. F. F. G., Powder in Cans de
-1 os band.
Allr Dl' the above artioles will Le • scrrd awful cheap
Brody Pay: •
1 . 4 1 6 ay kind kW dto DOOM Tranki 11 0
ti n ted of lacks on shot t notice and reasonable terms.
dom with neatness and despatch. Shop a
11 rais lamb of the Bradford House.
? " .4 41. May 22, 1852. J. E. GEIGER:'
[Re co partnershi heretofore existinieen
Josiah PrinCISCOp
and N. C. Tomkin g
s, b i et s this
clinched by mutual consent. The books, od
etotint, will be found at the shop, where o ne .
'he other of the panics may always be found
rLto attehd to any person wishing to settle up.
old here remark, that persons indebted fo 12 ,
plod it to their advantage to call and'settletheir
tottsts without delay. JOSI kH FRANCIdICO.
10 % .
anus, May 20,1852.
48 SILL, file Taken s the following description of
t platform of BOARDS taken upon the 17th
v o tu March 1 852, Mau. About four thousand feet
a Pine boards, mostly sixteen feet long, a few
It lfta feet long, all marked with Red Chalk wlth
asi a list of the same is filed ok toy docket.
"ft l ), May 1 9,1862. 8. 8. DRAMA, 3. P.
libtlee to Settleaves State Lead.
THE undersigned comprising a board of apprais
.l. ers. - to appraise Fall lands on whir.h any par
chase money is duet° the Commonwealth of Penn.,
*mild hereby give notice to all who may have in
their possession State lands, that the Aet of 1185,
establishing said board; was extended by the last
Legislature for one year only. Those who wish to
avail themselves of the benefits of such apprais
ment. will be waited upon by calling on either of
the Commissioners by letter or otherwise, or by_
conferring with E. M. PARRAR, Commissionerli
Clerk. IL WITH.
Towands. May ti). 104. Commissioners.
SEALED proposals will be received at die
missioners office, until 12 o'clock A. M., on Bat.
urday. June 12, 1852, for building a Bridge across
the Wysox creek, near Mr. Allen's in Rome Town.
-ship, 82 feet span. Plans and specifications can be
seen at the Commissioners office after the first day
of Jane. By order of the Commissioners.
Togranda, May Rh 11152 i E.M: PARRAR,CII.
oming County ; heavy timbered with Whiteand
Yellow Pine, Hemlock, Chestnut and other kinds
of timber suitable fbr !limbering. The land is well
adapted for grazing after the timber is cut off. A
good title given. None of the above land is more
than ten miles troth the Susquehanna River and
North Branch Omt, and will be sold in large or
small quantities to stilt purchasers. Terms easy,
For further particulars address ELISHA FOR'
REST, Attorney at Law, Allentown Pa.
Allentown. May 11, E. FORREST.
rpitt Undersigned has purchased a large, and
Choice selection of NEW GOODS, bought
under the most favorable circumstances, and for
sale as low for cash as can be bought elsewhere,
and lower than any braggadocia can or will sell.
May 5, 1052. 0. D. BARTLETT.
Selling off at Cost ! !
rpnt sabseriber will sell the balance of his stock
-1 of Goods, at COST, for cash.
Towanda. May I, 18'52. L. T. PDX.
STONE WARE—a tine assortment, selling for
cost, at FOX'S.
brag More, aro. a brick lowa
innv marinas di innv LAWS.
THE subsCriber having purchased and refur
nished the stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES fire.,
in No. 2 Brick Row, which now makes it a choice
and well selected assortment -of Drug and Medi
cines for family use, at wholesale and retail, which
he cheerfully recommends to the public,and craves
a share of public patronage.
The Goods will be sold as cheap or cheaper than
any other establtshment West of New York for cask
and cash only.
Here you will find annexed a few leading articles:
Posgate's Cordial
Elix Opi
Hay's Liniment
Senna Alea.,
do India
Cream Tartat
Sop C Soda
Magnesia Cale'd
do Cart).
do S 8
do Henry's
do Apple
Misses Hulls
do Shaker, do Lemon do
Balsam Wisters do Mace do
do Cheesmans • do Almond do
do Fir do Cloves
do Copabia do Allspice do
do . Tolu do Nutmegs do
do Peru do Peach do
do Pulmoifary do Ginger do
do Sulphur do Cinnamon do
Acid Tartaric do - Orange do
do Acetic do, Tooke do
do Benson ic Lubin's Spriogflower
do Citric ' do Musk do
du Nitric do Violette •do
do Oxalic do Magnolia do
du Hy drocyanc do Sweet Bri'r do
do Sulphuric do Jesmin do
Oil Linseed 4o Jocic'y Cl'b do
do Sperm do Caroline do
do Olives do Jenny Lind do
do Castor do Boquet do
do Neatsfoot Syringe, Pewter as'm'nt
do Almonds do Glass do
do Amber Reet Nursing Bottles, Glass
do Amber Red do do O. E.
do Anisi Rad Rhei Turk
do Caraway do do
do Croton do ipecac
do Cubebsdo Jalap
do Cummin do Ginger White
do Fennel; - do Orris
-do Lemon Gum Camphor
do Cassia ' . do Opi Turk
do Cod Liver . • do , Myrrh Turk
do Lavandula CI do Arabic do
do Neroli • do Copal
do Jesmin do
4 tloes Soet
do Nutmeg do loes Cape
do-Orange Chloride Lime
do Rhodium do Soda
do Ros'e . Castor Russ
do Cedrat feinglaes do
do Copabia Evens' Lancets
do Ergot 'iitra Silver, Op't
do Verbena Oxid Bisafith
do Violette Blue Pill I men
do Mellesse rdide Potass
do Mellefiner Tart _do
,do Patchouly arb do
Brushes, Paint Sulph do
do Varmsh Oswalt do
• do Hair Citrate Ferri
do Hair,Camel lodide do
do Nail strain
do Tooth Proto lod Mercury
dp Shaving Strycbola
do Flesh Plperitt
do Cloth' Elateriani
do Hat lodine
Boap.'Yankee Venitrin
do Crystalline , . Kreosote.
do Eng. Wind Love's 'Hydra Corn Crete
do Coopers orphihe Sulph
do Rose . do Act
do Victors alomel, American
dp Orange do English,
do Tooth . , Precipitate Red
do Eras ivy .do White
do Castile. Sulph Ztnei .
do Military Bronze,Crimson ,
do Sevin . • do Pale Gold
,do Brown* , do do Dark do
Fricoteroui do . White •
Pain Hiller , ...
~ , ' Gold Leaf, Op't
Ayers- Cherry Pecto ral China, Vermillion'
Qsygeitated Bitters America 'do
*Miami Bitters tPrussian Blue
Chloroform Fig . do, • .
Hoffman's Anodyne ' venitian Red, English .
Togethei with Pointe: Trikpeitinti,!Valniik, Dye-
Wood's & DyeStulTep Glass, Putty:, choice Groceries,
pore Wines arnd 'Actium' for Medielipil parpossa , —;
Also, Cigars of the best brand ; and all aetielescon!
1 mud cridt di* InA,
Hatlnfdediati fie
s lttittidisof ife; If.'lliee79l,
alit herps his one' at' this store, and "111 give tot
dicsl adrift palls t 6 fipple, tbef plying . for the,
medicines only rbymmans cart ref' ' iag
their prescriptions earefely e Ed and
up. Ike meek Us been selected with gfeat emit,
arid the ris_ will be *amnia as tepresested.
AU of i. D . Jaynes' medicines. Apesebedy Pie.
l'orialsicliattstki,Frilmtfula 800. of Telly* Dad
Root, Orrick's, Robeniadpi, and hiner, veldt*.
Together with all of the naticpoimistratent medicines
now in use coaltintlganhend and for sale at..
3,14. REED, No. 3, Sikh Row.
Towanda, Map it 1:52.'
Bridge Letting.
Por Bale.
Hair Dye
- Oil
Ointment, Trasks
do Dalley's
do McAllester
Shakers Herbs
do Bx tracts
Tilden's Alcoeolic Ez't
Rb ei E :tract
Jalap Extract
Meakim's Vanilla Exit
Treasurer's Sale of %seated Lade
parinance of the provisions of u Act of .the
General Assembly. passed the 13th day of March
1816, and other Acts of Assembly. Till be exposed
to public sale at the Commissioners Office, in the
Borough of Towandson the 3d Monday of June
1863, the tracts °Mud ' described in the following
list. unless the taxes due co theni are paid before
that time. _
No of No. I Warrantee duet of
Wan Acres I Nene& TIMM
400 Joseph Atidersod, In 00
107 John Barron. jr. 140
$6 pt 'Predenck Castatut, 4 U
08 pt Moses Bush. 11 88
400 Peter Benson. • 14 00
418 - Andrew Bnekhafh 18 07
170 pt Adam Waggoner, io SO
*67 Joseph Thompson. 23 20
1140 Philip Brown, 16 00
pt Christopher Aver 10 63
60 pt Hannah /Hibbard/ 3 00
216 pt Barret Joel. 13 95
SID pt Hannah Hibbard. ti 38
6 pt Hibbard William, , $3
100 pt Thomas Jackson, II 00
100 pt William Jackson, 00
100 pt Thomas Edward s. 6 00
4374 John Kidd, Is se
tall SOO Charles Carrot. 11 $0
1400 550 same. 10 14
1533 191 pt James Wilson. $B9
1679 129 pt Hugh. & Fisher. 1 73
1531 67 pt James Wilson,
1631 310 pt same.
1511 63 pt
1591 6$ pt
952 170 pt Myers Fisher, 167
960 26 pi same Colombia, 69
953 66 pt same da, 1 311
975 239 pt same dr., 5 04
949 • 108 pt Myers Pitthet, Bpringdeld, 227
4191 Casper dhafner ird, 6ea
• , 40.4 John Motgan, Canton & tete', 861
• 202 pt James N. Barkers 424
4600 • 211 pt John Vaughn, 4 24
4601 31 Ft same, 66
1494 89 pt Charles Carroll
1499 195 pt same,
14118 100 pt
• LL tit
400 Andrew Hardy, 24 do
-..400 Samuel Haga, 24 00
400 8110100:1 Hardy, 24 00
400 Samuel Siddons, 14 00
400 Samuel Temple, 24 00
343 Samuel Bets, 20 60
343 Joseph Betz, 20 60
343 lames Bets, 20 60
348 John Betz, • 20 60
400 Henry Byaon, 24 00
376 Samuel Cooly, 22 47
643 Peter Edge, 26 60
400 Samuel Edge, 24 00
943 Samuel Fritz, 4b 60
400 Simon Hardy; 14 ob
alb deorge Moore ; ft 47
400 Joseph Seely; -_ 24 00
400 Henry Seely, 14 00
406 Peter Temple, . 24 00
400 George Temple; 24 00
400 James Hardy, 24 00
400 Nathan Hardy, 24 -011
400 Joseph Siddoos; 24 00
843. George Edge; 20 60
400 Paul Hardy; 24 00
400 James Sidddtld, 24 00
400 Stephen Hollingswertli; 24 00
400 Peter Siddons, 24 00
400 George Gamier, 24 00
400 Joshua Cooly, 24 06
400 Henry Hardy,
265 Deborah Stuart, 24 00
15 68
400 Peter Seely, 24 00
300 Samuel Nichols, 18 00
437 Wm. Gray, Franklin it Monroe 28 16
ILLS.. '
1482 696 James Wilson, 42 35
1470 90i pt do, 6 42
1470 148 pt do 6 71
102 i of Frederick Beates 2 33
200 i of Henry Beck ' 2 SO
4871 Ephraim McAdams, $8 is
434 i Thomas Hamilton, 28 08
400 Robert Hampton, 24 00
400 Samuel Wank 21 00
400 Peter Shots, 24 09
400 Samuel Anderson, 24 00
400 Harmon Castator, 24 00
400 Jonathan North, 14 00
400 ;eter North, 24 00
400 rederlek Shots, 24 00
272 Mary Ellis, II 41
400 george Shots, 24 00
390 Ann Harris, 23 40
230 Mary Willis. - lB 80
400 Josep h Castator, 24 00
893- John Moore,
83 55
280 Hanna' Wtiodruf, 111 80
400 Peter Hampton, 84 00
400 James North. ...... 14 00
39 pt Sarah Lebo, 2 32
419 Isaac Milnor, 116 99
BIM) agar. .
1516 600 Charles Cams!, 15 60
1507 250 same,
1515 169 pt same,
121 174 pt James Pope.
1499 100 pt Chillies Carroi,
1495 450 same,
1491 184 pt
Ott Johnson dr. Mifflin,
6692 128 pt
162 Prim George,lo 56
217 Peter - Henry. ft 60
1474 49 pt James Wilson, - 102
1474 187 pt same.lll 50
1489 100 pt same Troy, 1 10
121 124 pt James Pope, 11 bt
41.80- , .A1 the same time and'aei twill be OA- .
posed to sale the following Real e state, in petul
ance of the forty-first section or ati.fiet of OiDetal
Assembly, passed the 29th' day Of April Kd
To woos, i I I. nos- I horde. IA of
r eal ' I • Assessed. I I profed I ad. t Tax.,
lON Benjamin Coatbough, 20ef h. Be l
111411 a to* 211
100 A 101, ' 175
• trdben Roekwtfl. les 10
1019 fehn'llatia; I . lh 1r 076
" Abiani Millet, le s 93
11/96 fohtiVialp. 40 1 93,
, !tondo Whaling; Os $1 as
d Cheater Hada r . 196 Of 1 39
N. rfdanand Whaling. TO .. 120
a Seth Rogers.., JO 10 96.
a Beasts ' M'Afie
25 59,
1840 da 1 1
. iiiiitti;
lift Char le s s keie . , t ist .
• t. Pilled t o as *fib
1940 * *Mimi inch 114 , if sf,
u William, DM Xi 11 1, 411
" larrkratt, , St 1
a JohaVoodiin ,40 1 I 40'
4,reernssi. , • , • •
444 -*esti ,. Cooper' , 135 - a *a
lilt. MIK& L! .
3 80
Onstatsb Saabs•
• ' PIS& 1
INS Rini IkeireaS ' 50 '5O •SI
IWO Ingham Stone Grist MUI 1 05
11150 Samuel Cooly 15
0 • Efts Chandler $5 :
O Daniel Hal 49 54
• . rroriaiiri 1311911.
184$ Edmond Hagar MI IS 171
1841 William Roe l OO 1 41
.. Wm. J. Rost! e.. 181 1 96
" (home Cook 100 - t 1 MI
a Jelin 0. Sterns v in saw mill 315
a Gem , Mao highs* 10 , 132
1849 Tho's Howland 7 20 158
" John 0. Sterns 102 saw mill 3MI
Toselasito. •
1150 Geo. Tanner ii 1 93
" Michael Bogart 100 84
O Geo. Maxfield 100 168
1949 Egbat Seller 103 180
1849 Cams Williams 33 ti 113
a William Greene 100 1 II
1660 Jame Ouley 111 ill 410
1647 Beth T. Barstow bode. 1 li it
" Harry Parks 3$ 113
a Jobb & Dennis Whitt 10 13 182
1849 Jas. L. Gosline to 3 • 111
a William Vootht g 15 s
6 61
ii kW Owen 6
O John Owens' est. so 50 31
1850 Jacob Comm - 20 1 08
IL" Abram Minier 10 8I 200
" Geo. H. Shepard 275 8 1 8.7
1041 7 —Lather 4. Stewati 73 140 tBB
" Smn'l FM i 48
1 03
6 61
1 33
1 44
1850 Caleb Carmah Ife 5 77
0 Henry Blanchard 125 iBO
" Stephen Sherwood 100 186
° James Sherwood 50 70
ISO Judea Ilan'ing 15 . 118
Triatilrar's Office, Towanda, April 8,
THE copartnership heretofore existing between the
sdbsbribers node, the firm of F.S.Ataas & E. 04
Tem:. is this day, by mound consent, dissolved.
All debts due the firm are to be paid to F. 8. Argus,
who will also pay all the liabilities of said firm.
Smithfield AprillOth, 1882. F.B. AYERS.
i 44
4 no
Eland Warrants.
Atiti WAitRAIIII 4 B, issued duder the act of
LI 1851, E bought by -
Apnl 241 h, 1852. t.AtiJgr2, MASON & Co. . -
HE subscriber is now receiving the most eaten.
sive assortment of SPRING AND BUMMER
GOODS that can be found in this section of country.
Towanda. April 80. 101. KINGSBERY.
ALL persons having unsettled accounts wish the
subscribers, are , requested to call immediately,
and arrange them either by note or payment. And
an boles that ard over doe, mast be paid:
To*anda, April C. 1652.
H. H. & H. C. MERCf7R.
AII persona indebted to the estate of WILLIAM
BOWEN, Aec'd, late of Warren township. are
hereby requested to make payment without delay,
inJ dl personi having detbarids against said estate
rite tefittesied ttt ftteseed llteliti.duly authenticated for
setilemeht. JAMES M. BOWEN, Executor.
Warren. Mae la, 1841.
Corner of Front and Walnut strati,
suunittB 3, Proprietor.
o•Lbutbermen and others ftsigog dblumbiti, are
requested to gay tbd Washington Hotei g visit; where
they may be assured no exertions will ht spared
for their gratification. Hatch 20. len.
TO announce the arrival of a new rind splendid
assortment of
Spring and Sumner Goods,
from New York & Philadelphia. They were bought
for cash at unusually low prices, and will be sold
10 per cent. cheaper for cash, than at any other es
tablishment in this place or the county.
DRESS GOODS—in variety, from India silks, to
e cent Calicos. Also the latest style of Dress
Trimmings, at agollo B. KINGSBERY'S.
BFORE looking elsewhere, it would be well for
Ladies to look at the Spring Bonnets, Artificial
Fkowers and Ribbons, which are sold so very cheap.
April 9 B. KINGSBERY. 4
AP& HATS. BOOTS 4 SHOES—a large as.
garment, fold very cheap for cub. by
menu cheap, by B. RINGSBERY.
GOCfiRIES.—The quality and prices of Teas
Sugars and Coffee, always speak for them.
selves, at apllo B. KINGSBORVS.
ltA AClEgat--80 half barrels. and 2t quarter
barrels, at D. KINGISEIERrS.
6 18
3 55
20QU1NTAL0 COUNSil— They are worth
looking at, if not buying, for sale by
April 10. B. KINDSBgIW.
1 10
• 45
MESS PORK !-50 bbl,. Prime, for which a high
1.1 l price was paiitand for which a high price will
be asked, by apito KINOSBERY.
THE subscriber.having coneltided to close op his
business, offers for sale the balance of his stock
cub. Persons wishing to avail themselves of ihiq
opportunity for getting Goods cheap will find it tq
their advantage to call soon., And he would also
reqnEst all who have aceounts tm his books to Close
the same immediatety,either by payment orby note.
April 1, 1851, N. T. "Qr.
7 fM
Catswissa and towanda
'MOTIVE is hereby given to persons interested in
II said Railroad. that the Commissioders.appoio
ted by the act of incorporation will bold their. first
meeting at LAPORTE, in Sulitean co., on. TEES.
DAY, the lath day Of MATS neat, for tee purpose.of
opening books. aqd receiving subscriptions to the
stock of said Railroad. The tuilowing are the Comm
missioners : Thomas S. Perfton. llicmc,Colley. Cko.
Sanderson. H. A&Mahlenberg, J. Y. iiiftes. it. IL
Burrows, S. He Gillingham, Saml Megargee, Mark
8. Mange, W. B. Clymer. 0. A. Nicoll', Job:knock
er, M. 8, Richards, 04 R. Paxton, Joseph Paxton, C.
R. Buckalew, M. B. Jackal*, Etnaneel Latin's. J.
Masters, L. B. Rupert, 1. Y. Cowan, C. D. Eldred,
Oliver Watson, Mmhael , Meylert, dames Taylor. W.
A. Maori, Lewis Rana, A: .1. Dietrich. Josiah Jack.
son, &Bin Wilcos, 0. P. Mason, C. L. Wani. Ed.
Overton, lobe Laporte, : Wm. Elwell, B. S. Russell,
David Witmot A. McKean. Henry Gibbs, Charles
F. Wellt4.ll l . .Dfild Lindh, /oh* Hetet, Daniel
Heft, CPEqui.y May c
ff the tiV.. Leif sod qr
tdil.; and pound. Moo a choke quiditrof Cod
doh thfa dal reciiied surd for side bj , • -
Mare) IL • moutivr ii
L I '"° 0 ABB PLATy, eel sad Stied for
wry abat i to be had the ewelry ,eter• of
May 16, 1832; W. - A: CHAMBERLIN.
'.. Olopiai lisokhr Sale. •
5n MIL CLOVEN SEED, a arst-raie article.
nr foe ask by_ , L. W. BALE.
Meares tp., Vsbraas7 lt,•111.11..; - '
'11130111131191 SALK -
BY virtue . of a writ of Test. Vend. Expo. g issued
out of the Court or. Common Pleas of T lo lla
County. and to Me directed,: Will Jektiosed, to
public sale, at the Court House ;boto' offie
Wanda, on Saturday, the 224 day of May. at 1 o'clock
P. M., the following Piste or pate' of land 'skoated
in Gamine township i , Bradford Ca, bounded and
described as folloars,l to wit ton the north lands
of Ems Baxter, on the east by lands of Zorastos
and John Anable, on the south by lands of John
Vroman, on the west by lands of Elisba
Containing about 78 acres, about 80 acres improved,
*lib one small framed house, two frame birns, and
a small apple orchard! thereon.
Seised and taken inj execution at the suit of•lsaac
Beach s. C Baiter and Nathan Baxter.
Sheriff's Clillee,To*Xoda, April 29,1852.
ALL persons inoilettletto the estate of JEREMI-
All SMITH, deed late of Canton township are
hereby requested to make payment without delay
and all persons having demands against said relate
ass reqticsted to present them to A' G. Pickard
duly autlientlcated fof settlettlpint.
Canton, April 17, 1115 S. Administrator's
500 2001 C 11.010525 Wes,
A" good, active and intelligent thin. with a
small capital or from $.lO to 1100, can make
large profits by . engaging In Sib sale or the following
fi optdar and trim& books,
Chambers' Information for the People: or Popular
Encyclopedia of Useful Knowledge. Two large
imperial Octavo volumes, containing 1700 pages.
Peterson's History of the American Revolution.
500 large octavo pages, with 500 fine engravings.
Peterson's History of the United States Platy.-
600 large octatto pages. told 1.50 fine Engravings.
Frost's Remarkable Events in the History of
Ameriear TWo large octavo volumea. containing
1600 page! ntid . 700 Engravings., The beat History
of America published.
Frost's Pintos ill Life of Washington. A splend
id book, containing 600 octavo pages and 160 ele
gant Engravings. The cheapest Life of Washing=
ion ever published.
Moore 's History ofiliE Indian Wire: Fins col
ored and Plain Plates. '
The True Republican. Cobiaißibg th Inaugural
Addresses and the First Annual Addrespei dad Mes
sages of all the Presidents of the United States, the
Constitutions of the most important States in the
Union, &c. Embellished with Portraits of all the
Presidents, engraved on steel, and a vie* Ot the
Capital of the United States. 600 pages. 32m0.
Fox's Book of Martyr's: A Splendid Family Edi-
tion, large , quarto, with 55 Engravings, beautifully
hound In morocco, gilt.
De Cotmenin's History of the Popes. 900 large
-octavo.pages, with illustrations,
Josephu.s' Works. Fine Edition; one large ref
Sturtn's Reflections on the Works of God
St. Pierre's Studies of Nature.
White's History of the World. A Valuable Gene
ral History. One large octavo volume, with band
some Engravings.
Lives of Great and Celebrated Characters: of all
ages and countries. One large volume of 800 pa
ges, with numerous Engravings.
Together with a number of other Works particu
larly adapted for Popular Heading.
13;:j. The mod filieral (Bataan! toillbegiten to Agents
Jake may engage in the of the adobe Valuable
For further particulars, 'address (postage paid.
J. & J. L. GIHON, Publishers,
No. 98 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia.
Principal office, No. 442 Broadway, New York.
Dranch Office, Towanda, Pa.
(Office North side of the Public square, with .1. D.
Goodenough .)
Accumulated Cash and Guortmtee Capital, $60,000 .
This associat.on has declared a dividend of &Si
per ceo.. for the year ending April Ist. 1852.
DEAN, President, Q. C. 11'oori, H. D. Jolt•
111. Ems, W. Perm, Pinantial Corfirtlittee.
The object and design of this asSoCiatioti is to
nable those with Whom especially time and health
are money, by the payMent of a small annual sum,
to receive a weekly allowance in cases of sickness
br accident, which shall prevent thedi ftoin attend
ing to their ordinary business: ay the payment of
the following annual deposits, you Will beconie a life
member, and be entitled to a weekly benefit during
life, if yod should be disabled by siekness of acct-
dent Roth attending to your ordinary busii3eSs bicu
pation. Females insetted against difeasgs cometton
to both sexes.
. .
The proof of Sickliest reUtlinid, is a cerrfdeate of
the atteweitit lihysician or of three members of the
association. The association publishes a weekly
Newspaper eotttnining a report of the business' f the
aisociition, amount of claims paid 4ke. The paper
is sentkiree to members monthly, or 50 eta weekly.
Yearly Deposits of Members under 60 years of
age : Table 01 Rates: .
$2 90 per year draw $2 00 per week,
300 M 300
4 00 is 4 00 "
N 5 00 " 500 4
8 00 0 8 00 "
7 00 so 700 "
spo so 800 0
000 ' " 000 -"
10 00 " 10110 *
a,. First week Eteepted.CD
Those over fifty years of age will be charged
twenty-five per cent. extra. 81 50 admission fee
will be charged in addition to the :above, the first
year, and must be paid of the time of application,
and the first years' deposit within thirty days.
His Excellency Wm. F. Johnson, Harrisburg.
Johnson. Wells & Co., Counland Street, N Y.
Bowen & McName, Sall Merchants, Broadway,
New York.
Eckel Raignel & Co , North d Street,
Bon .James M. Porter. Easton, Pa.
Hon. Richard Rroadbed, V. 8. Senator, Pa.
William hicireleyaloomsbarg.
Rev. R. Nelson. Prilicipit s i Wyoming Sentinary,
WILIII I *11711111C113 I
• Rat!. tiomtnte, Willresbarrrei
Rev. J. Boyd. do
'O. Esq. do
G. M. Hollenback. Esq. do
Ziba • Bennett, Esq. do
H. B. Wright, Esq. do
We are personally ehd well aecuiinted with Rev.
J. Dormice, 0. M. Hollenback, Ziba Bennett and H.
B. Wright all of Williestiatre. whose names appear
as references for .the ," Ifecbenies Union Associa
tion„rig. an o aniiatioti for health insurance. upon
the mutual inerple ; they . are gentlemen 01 high
eharaeteros o would not kuowjagly endorse before
the public atly,rebente, unless they. Were *ell assur
ed of its Wahl, and that it was gettemed in its man.
agement by, integrity and a prompt fulfdatent of its
D. Wismar. J. C. Aiwa. *x: *fit
Et. s,
11 S. Masers, 0. D. Burreart. E. Ovawros,
We folly concur in the foregoing opinion as to the
character and objects of MecttitniertUnion Assoeia
tioni ) El. floceg: .
13. P. PoiViti,
, • E. O. Ooonatca:
roJtA few feiponail,le g eaisted: :
Apply at
the office. A. H. SMITH. General Agent.
MORE NEW Cl . OO - D8!
!Odd agile Ateatt.en..
- 4
WO of .thifif Mends aad,oastotriere., lb,. their.
large au4 no* isionatent of. 600 s. jolt-received
and no*'opeoieg at heir Forniahlog Depot. con
sisting of all !blotto. neceatuuTto .clothe •the,ootter
man, all to be sold a liule.cireaper for the ready Vat
than ever., Come and examine, and be satia ted.
Towantlii;ltay 14,1552. •
tole, at (IA ht PREM.'S.
VELLOW, buff white Coots Panty.
I Wit lot tbieotitut CEPL,l 4 i= a i
- way Woe. flt d'W
Fall Mid' Whiter Goode:`
liconmeaursrza , at co. '
t r ifirE now 414 Stores lugs otock of , Goods Bode
New-Yrirk- end other markets, which are offered .
wholesale and retail, at Lse lowest possible vices.--
ire mention a few things that bay always be found at
our Store. Prints, gingham, poplins, litillaines, dra.
of the habit styles;
Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes.
Hats, Caps, &c. &e. Of which we have a large as
sortment, selected with great care and offered is low.
prices, and *lll not , he landeriolde •Aise,..holieryo
gloom:wt:lode* ware;-glass;- sole leather. besides
thousand - other. articles which we need not memento.
all of which we.offer fto,oor customer* at prices that
must give . great satistactioo, as our entire Stock has
been laid in at a time when the market was uncommon ,
ly depressed, and goods were many, per cent. loves
than usual. By attention and prompt-ess in wasting
the wants of our customer*, we hope to went a con
tinuance of the patronage that has • hitherto been..
liberally bestowed upon ed. BIONTANYEW 4 Co.
Towanda, Oct. 11. 1851. • '
ET. FOX. would respectfully inform his old friends.
. and the citizene of Bradford in general that iu•
is now receiving a full stock Of FALL GOODS, which
he is desirous of disposing of at a very small advance
from, first cost, being satisfied that his gaols are select
sd with u much care, and bought at least; at as lifsr
priers as his neighbori, he la now anxious to convince
hi/ cdstortime thit they will bo sold at the right kind of
pikes. Please call and see, esthete is surely oo harm
knowing how cheap some folks do sell goods--call
soon. Comer of Main and Pine street.
Docks Litooks !
Complete, assortment. of Blank. Clint*
.s`"),_ cal & Miscellaneous Books, constantly kup up
and for sale at she lowest rates by.
Nov. 29. 1851. O.'D. BARTLMTT:
IrylllMw •
Fall and Winter Goods.'
m. T. pox,
TElnow receiving direct from New York • Inge end, 1. splendid assortment of Goods which be offers C.
sale at prices whi:h cannot fail to snit the closest buy •
Cr., for Casa, PIRODOCF, OR A perm. sn CIZIDIT. He
respectfully nits a call from all persons wishing to buy
goods cheap, as he is determined not to be undersold.
Towanda, November 24, 1851.
VICTORINES AND CUFFS—a few setts for wile
V Atop It nv2l FOX'S.
e ln BA Ir
SHALLS, various patterns, eo
ors ind quitlittes, just received at
Oet. 14, 11351..
$8,368 we. o al lit l it of Sheep Pelts wanted for
H. & A. C.
LATER p i llow, CUBA
ExeCution 6Lopez
STILT. later news via New York & E. R. R. of th e .
arrival of • very large. stock of Merchandize st
PHINNEY & BO WHAM; No. 3 Brick Row which
they ere prepared to sell at wholesale or retail for Cash
or Ready Pay, cheaper than„ge cheapest, from the fact
that they purchased their striek for cash in a very de
pressed state of the market. Don't mistake the place;
No. 8 Brick Rove next doot to Eq. Hostons.Drug store.
5 TONS SUGAR, jest received, et wholesale end
Sltifire lot, also Iron, Nails, Hardware, &e 4
and Mackerel in bbla., and / bble, for sale by
0 CHESTS more of throe three Anil four
TEAS, at PHINNEY & lidWhiAN.
QHEETLNGS, shirtings, stripes, and ticks, for mild
BOOTS & SHOES, the largest and cheapest assorts
went in town—and Hats and Caps, at wholesale
and retail. PHINNEY & BOWMAN.
CROCKERY, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Glows, Dia,
DRESS GOODS, • large variety—Bonnets awg
Shawls, • good amgortment. for sale by
1.4 MAN'S, for which ea.h will be paid. 822 -
IiTHEAT, Oats, Rye and Corn, taken in a:choose
V for goods. PHINNEY & BOWMAN.
BUTTER -100 Firkin ranted, for which part cash
will be said. PHINNEY & BOWMAN.
COME ONE, COME ALL..- .1 ...m e et meltew
Goods, which are new being exhibited WI
*Aiwa =Namara
THE only complete assortment of Paper Hang
ingss kept in this region. for sale at the very
°west rates by_ 0. D. BARTLETT.
CROCKERY .—The largest - stock in town. Fun
dinner and tea setts, of whin; granite and blue
Ware, which will be sold cheap at FOX'S.
Cut Your Hal dic Straw.
sold very low for Cash of approved credit as
Towanda. April 17, 1852.
DRY GOODS—A good assortment of Mariam*.
Cashmeres, De Lain., Alpacas, and prints sew
- oening at jlB MERC UR'S,
6 Hii'D. of Sugar at prices positively less than•aay
before sold in town within one year, also. Malts
see sweet and good from 31 to 50 cis. Rio, Ligeint
and Old Java Coffee that cant be beat. Fine bum.
Raisins, !Pepper, Spices, Saleratusi Ginger, and a• gs
foal assortment of groceries ; also a full supply of boob.
new Teas warranted as usual, good and right or Om
money returned in alt cans ; just received and for sale
at sep. 12 - FOX'S.
20 BALES OF SHEETING, common and tine
to 10.4 aide. A nice assortment of Bleach
ed Geods, bleached and brown Drills, Crash and Dm
pery, brown . and bleathed Table Linnet). Cheeks, Lu ,
soya Ticking, Cotten tarn, Batting, Wicking and
Wadding, selling cheap at
ALtk persons indbbted to the estate of A.
Vangorder, decd, late:of the township of Dared.
are hereby requested to make payment without delay,;
and those having claims against said estate,will please'
present them duly authenticated for settlement..
Donal. 8e .tember 22. 1851. Administratris.
ti trim; tired from the Mantittettiters:
tIST received by express another case of Bay
State Shawls, splendid styles, at •
Towanda, Nov. 57. 1851• J. KINGSBERT.
LL WILLIAM persons indebted to the extate of
LUECOCK, late of Litchfield township deed.:
are hereby notified to make paymentwithoutde-,
lay ; and all persons having demands against said,
estate will present theniproperly attested for settle
Lite Meld, April 17, tan, Executors
THETowanda Eridge.
MEE Stockholders of the Towanda Bridge ConSi
pany, are hereby - notified that on MONDAY,
the 9d dag of May next. an election will be held at
the Tull Bruise, for a President. Treasurer and six
managers of laid Company. The polls
ed at 2 and closed at 4 o'clo M ck P. M.
. C. MERCUR, deep.
Towanda. April 17, 1452
17 CHESTS YOUNG II VSON, impend. Brow
ekin and Black Tene. • Alto 15 Bev Rio oat
1, Bey &W e recti•niEni piracmes4