Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 08, 1852, Image 3
so. Pox IN OWEGO —The Owe e le - Gaintie give . " w ino account of the Small Pox in that iir to ;,3CE• ...The first case of Small Paz, in this oe j about seven weeks ago, and there-have ben t " 03 11 pox and Vorioloid, Ifl-or 12 cases In all ; „ e . a child of seven weeks old ; -resulted' in-death. three cases now remain under treatment, l a each of these the disease is rapidly detlin• 15. "Th fnrther spreading of the diseases;bailey . b a e i been effectually prevented; by the - prompt efficint action of the Board of Healthi and the preevalence ol the disease in our 'village is r'..,',rpliended by those acquainted with its pres • e‘teet and the precautionary measures which r o . e tern adopted. The houses where it .exis:s cloed, and in addition the whole town en vaccinated, which is without doubt, a :•;.,lecnon against Small Pox. Crie facts exactly as they exist and the ;,,, , ii;e country will see tiat they may visit ji entire impunity—without the least I'.i.: 0! o exposure. , rg,,! SHUT FROM THE MINIE RIFLE —On Fri o. !.,,:: a g entleman ; being a member of the South levon i; it iit Corps, was at Turf, practicing in order t test a new rifle sent to him for that purpose by a idesman ttf Exeter. lie fired one shot at a mark o Valli, di-cant : the mark was situated half way , iisteep hill (Po' lehill) on the Devon estate, 'the at being 100 feet high The bullet struck against wiece of rock, glanced over the hill, and at a dis irce of 30 feet perpendicular descent on the 0p .41t, Ee struck woman totally out of sight of ic m ark d sman. as a the hill actually intervened be. root; thorn. It inflicted a flesh u ound in the rh, and the gentleman learning the extraiardina tact, doected every attention to be paid to the itierer, who has expressed hetself thoroughly sat- Ft ea with the handsome treatment she has receiv . The distance has been measured under the sus ntilendenre of Mr 1 Dow, of Powileiliant, and was found that-from tire spot where the shot was Id to the place wh9re the woman stood was 1,- 6 yards, actuallygnore than three quarters of a Pe. This fact has excited weal interest, and icw's thaudi which has been predicted of the Mi. tale as an offensive weapon will he realized-, rd tom the ground for practice should have a clear '.o,ce of a mile at least. F„,111 THE WE-T INDIES — A Frizzrrtenl ofa wreck t 0 ,,, th e Peescacnt—lid the arrival of the impeller Levantine, at Halifax. from Bermu i. kid es n.ive been received to April 23. The po. crop planed at liermtitia in Decemberlast pro -I.,thi a tine return. foe ilretia.l.l Chronicle has a statement that on le 4 ult. a ship's figure head of unusual dimen ic,„ , xa . c ast a :-;;nre on the windward part of the ; ha I on2inally been fully eight feet high, trx n: a , e:dnr in the act of speaking: he I. an.l holds ascrcll in his rigid hand, ”: ;t .,, n_ a =cor!, which is partially th ro w n ~.a I: 0 , cut of white pine, and gilt, and the ..,-er,oo:;.trture that it may he the remnant of imer President, though what grounds ire for such a supposition we tiave Lot yet -:':J e : , -I . l.!•rinn hal arrived at Detriarara from the ur the peipo4e of introducing the cul -4.4 lice ode the island. _ leVPr ,rag zratlnally abating at Barbadoes, now confined to 4a dots and foreigners.— e • ::,etintetidelit_of Police and Lt. Geo. Bolt hat! :I..%C..tDENT —We regret to announce, that et this week. Jona.: Markel, a ton el i,OO Markel, nt townshy in this coun- MCI writ a sad and fatal accident from the (I is : a un. \Ve lace heard tall ;es of the iiec , ars. Our information is, that it liappetied in ; when tputtit, lie was ho,ing upon the ~,s let re,tiii , 4 upon a chair, a:.d the t •..!e. It is suppo,e I that I,eit C • mall, he had erl ihe chair for the poTnze nl b:owing 1.:'o 11 to vcerraiii wheiher luaileyi-or not, agd • .; in Contact wrh the chair rung. .I.ein;. , , we and wa , The I • - ' (-1 - 0 ::;..! out a: t:o? ! pat t t.i Coe. ~ -v:t•rt I ,Ct t a low rr,i tt:c4. rJ wattlintzs, to ittos..kc°ii ~lies 11 , 1 IV. IVonov....Y.:ry; to itoia t.y the death of Judge yro:ne Jude shall be elected 6, 1 . ..2 t. I,t accordance with the e•X- ME 11113111 ENE I;.' CO:I;plitUt1071 of this Stale. ;ht al the next general . elee..l ,11 dice Jrl the tun lerm—filteen rear:. zve . . - ky Station N.T. el. TkBLE. ; 001\1: IV !ST. H. :i4,•Ni=ht Express,A.:r.'s 2:3 r.•:. 2 I Day Express, r.m. 426 L:1 %la] I train, P.M. 9 In. ; t! CCOITI Mn(in tilll),P.n. 145 • 2•Express freight. A.M. 2 OR at V: av,rley W.t vo!rley fur Towanda, tcrtre A. 1:„ :. It : , 011 the arrival of the Da) . .!•1. 1",!. • r t•••`,- x day fur Waverit-y—at 9 r -;1-c' woh the D.iy Express goinrr east ai , J at 3 P. M., connecting, with p.AI4 wr Marrlcd, r. 7 on C 31 inst., by Rev. H.H.Wolleq. , ' , t. au,, 111 !tr. of Roelie.ster. N. 1., to . !.11t4,1a.,,,R1er Of C. Et,q. 2i. by Rev. C. E. Tay- VA!: A. of Sprlllgtllll, Brad. Co.. • Yull.t:l",:r E. NEWMAN ; of the former Died. In As)inm, on the morning of 1., Nh. - EL' ZA ETU LArontE, wife of the Laperte, in the iLt year/of her her a most exemplary c'narac i 'l , ..tard s forty years she was a consist. Ihc Il pti chu rch,and educated her the precepts and practices of the Chris ti .r acquaintance with the scriptures .tigh, and she always labored to apply of daily life. §he died k. - 11 ttrung faith' in the merits of Com. =lll 3burrliscmcuts. - at and Towanda Mailrood. to persons interested in the Commi tWoin r' • ' o - poration will hold their its LIP , I I:. t 0 !: , ultivan co.. on TC.l›- d, :v mAy next, for Inc purpose of " I eccir inz subscriptions to the a 6. The following are the - • Cu m•l'h'Pk:mon, Wm. Colley, Geo. II \ Mihlenber7, .1. S. James, N. H. s.„, wham,Megargee. Mark \V . B. Clymer, G. A. Nicolla, John 'Cu u. It. Joseph Paxton, C. larkson, Emanuel Lazarus, J. liqp , rt, J. F. Cowan, C. ll`:Eldred, \l Ni 'chart Mevlrrt, James Taylor, W. r '• Zan,r, A. J. Dietrick. Josiah Jack- V .l e.ot, G. F. Mason, C. L. Ward. Ed. i" 1 1 Laprie, Wm. Elwell, B. S. Russell, A. McKean. Henry Gibbs, Charles jr. David Landis, John Heller, Daniel Pr„ Jr. ) Mae 8, 185'2. !—Ntackrrel by the bbl.. half and qr •."' • atot pound. Also a choice quality of Cud ' icceived and for safe by NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. THE undersigned has purchased a large, antt choice selection of NEW GOODS, bought under the most favorable circumstances, .and for sale as low for cash as can be bought elsewhere, and lower than any braggadocia can or will sell. May 5, 1052. O. D. BARTLETT. • • Sellmg off at Cost 1 .1 rpHE sabicriber mill sell the balance of his Crock of Goods, at COST, for cash, Towanda. May I, 1852. STONE WARE—a fine assortment, selling, for cost, at FOX'S. THE copartnership beretoforeexisting between the subscribers under the firm of P.S.AvEus & E.ll. TUTTLE, ie this day, by mutual consent. dissolved. All debts due the firm, are to be paid to P. S. Avzits, who will also pay all the liabilities of said firm. E. B. TUTTLE. Smithfield APri129th,1652. F.S. AYERS. Land Warrants. LAND WARRANTS, leaded under the act of 1851, bought by April 241 h, 1852. LAP3RTE, MASON Zia Co. NEW SPRING GOODS THE subscriber is now receiving the most eaten• sive assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS that can be found in this section of country. Towanda. April 30. JOS. KINGSBERY. PARTICULAR NOTICE. A LL persons having unsettled accounts with the fa- subscribers, are requested to call immediately, and arrange them either by note or payment. And all notes that are over dqe, must be paid. Towanda; April 6, 1852. H. S. & M. C. MERCUR. ATOTICE.—Is hereby given to all persons indebt ed to HORATIO BLACK, (late Register and- Recorder) of Bradford County, that their accounts must positively be settled immediately, or they will be placed in the hands of art Attorney for collection. The first week of May Court wili(be•the limit of for bearance. HORATIO BLACK. Towanda. April 9, 1852. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. TELE =SEX COPIEPANY., LAWRENCE, MASS. NNITACTURE Steam Engines and Boilers from Bto 1000 horses power. Hoeizonlal En• gines, on heavy iron bed plates, cast in one piece. All have expansion valves; all joints ground so as to be steam tight without packing or pint ; all bearings and wearing surfaces large, and running in adjustable boxes of bronze or Babbitt metal; all balance wheels with turned belt face. The Regulator is attached to the bed plate. The Porch Pump is in an independent stand, stringed with crank shaft and tight and loose pulley, ready to receive a belt from the engine shaft or from any other shaft. The whole style of work is not sur• passed by any engina builders in the Unitod States. Boilers of the best'American or English iron heads, cast or wrought iron—either tubular or with dues— made in the most thorough manner. Engines from 8 to 100 horses power constantly on hand or in progress, to be delivered within a fete days of the receipt of , art•Foider. A Iso,-Steanit-aw r Mills, capable of sawing 6000 feet board Mee-sure, of one inch boards, in 1:1 hours, with one Mulcy 6.,w, and requiring no other fuel than the sawdust. The folrewing are the prices of a few of these ea- genes : Saw Mill,• including steam, engine, boiler and iron chimney, completc; iiitrnan irons; muley saw irons; setters ; feed, andVl bolts and irons for. 06 feet of carriage, complete, $l3OO, Steam engine, 10 in. diameter oiCylinder, 25in. stroke with tubular boiler, sontaining 3CO square feet of heating surface, and all castings, pipes, valves, and other parts necessary to set it in complete opera tion,;•ols2s . , Steam engine, 12 in. dianiet,.'r of cylinler. 30 in. stroke with tubular hotter, containing 480 square feet of heating surface, complete as before, $1715 De:leered on the cars of the Borten and Maine Hal ran lat La..yrence,9.6 miles from BJsdon. Terms, cash on clelivery: Boiler.: for the :Love modified to suit purchasers, and vricPs acc”ditudy. MrKay v. late of Pit:stiel I, M.1&74., wheat. st , .rn en-ire. sr' already lzmolr., 'lave recently 1 , 11. Fm f the works of the C. rx Cornpony,and will with their increa=el factittiet and expe rience, to appr.)ved cagines cheaper and better than-heretafdre. . May 8, Itas?..y GORDON McliA.Y. Agent. $ 5 0 0. CEALL 11 Tif G-.E! A'rl+V ER concerns the health ..and happiness • of a people, is at all times of the most valuable importance: I take it for granted that every perm will do all in their power to save the lives of their children, and that every person endeavor to pro mote their own health nt all vat-Wires. I feel it to be my duty sr h•mnly to a..ure you that WO/FtNIS, ac cording to the opinion of the most •ebrated phy , icians are 0:e primary canars of a large majority of diseases to which children and aloha are Kahle ; if ycu have an appetite continually changing front one kind of food to another, bad breath, pain in the ctoctach, picking at the nose, hardness and fullness of the belly, dry cough, slow fever, pulse irregular—remember that till these denote Worms, and you bhould at once apply the re• medy : MobenEach's Worm Syrup. An article loundedupon sc ientific principles, corn pounded with purely vegetable substances, peing per• f, fly sale vvh‘.n taken, and determined in all its effects ural not leaving, the ar. stern in a dise ased condi !ion, as rrioQt vertis , ll n.:switn.:.coinposcil of Calm/H.1,10r the rernovab,of Worms, such as Lozenges, Vermifuges,. &c., but - has performed the most astonishing eures,and saved the Its, s of thousands, both young and old,who have been pronounced limiclevs—incurable by Physi cians. Head the following, and become convinced or its cfacacy over all others Mn. J. N. Hon r.7s-s.ica..—This is to certify that my chi1d...15 years of age, having been sick for sYorirs,and was at!tended hw Dra. Loper, Whillis and Phisler for a long time without receiving any benefit ; when after g , ving her-op asrincurable, I went to/Philadelphia and consulted one of the best physicians i t her disease still growing worse. It.was at this time I was induced to try Ifobrmark'A Worm Syrup, and after taking two bottles she entirely regained her health. Hoping that this will prose a benefit to parents whose children are similarly affected, I am yours, &c., No part of the system is more liable to disease than the LIVER', it serving as a fi:terer to purify the blood, or a proper secretion to the bile; so that any wrong, action of the Liver-ell ects the other important arts of the system, atn t l results variously in Jaundice, Liver complaint, Dyspepsia, We should, therefore watch every symptom that n ight indicate a wrong action of tho Liver. These Pills being composed of Ruots and Plants, furwsliell by nature to heal the sick —Namely, Ist : Au Expectorant, which augments the secretion from the pulmonary mucus membrane, or promotes the discharge of secreted matter. 2nd—an Alteratite, which changes in some insensible and in explicable manner, the certain morbid action of the ustern. 3d—a Tonic, which gives tone and strength to the nervous system, renewing health and vigor to all parts of the body. 4th—a Cathartic, which acts in perfect harmony with other ingrenients, and-operating on the bowels, and-expelling the whole mass of corrupt and vitiated matter, and pyrifying, the blood, which de stroys disease and restores health. Agents for Bradford Court W—Dr. Ff . C. Porter and J. M. Reed, Towanda; C. H. Herrick, Athens; M. Bullock & Co. Smithfield ; Barnes & Bailey, Waver ley ; It. Spear, Springfield ; Eli Baird, Troy.; L. D. Taylor, Burlington ; Brown & Rockwell, Monroeton ; Parkhust - & Lamb, Leroy; Chas. Rathbone, Canton; alsoT. B. Howland, Columbia, travels in the adjaceu counties. • MERCUR'9 "Newscmcititi. Dissolution. Watts RIVER, N, J Hobensaelt's Liver Pills. Treasurer's Bale of Unseated Lands' IN - -BRADFORD COUNTY. • IN purauance of the provisicinti of an 'Act of 'the General, Assembly, passed the. 13th day of March 1815, and other Acts - of Assemlily, will be exposed to public sale at the Commissioners Office, in the Borough of Towanda, on the 2d Monday of June 1852, the tracts of Land described in the following list, unless the tales due ° on them are paid before that time. No ofNo. Warrantee Ain't of I Went Acres I Names. I Tar-e. ALBAN T. 400 Joseph Anderson, 107 John Barron, jr. 78 pt Frederick Castatur, 93 pt Moses Bush, 400 Peter Benson, 418 Andrew Buokhart, 175 pt Adam Waggoner, E. T. FOX JiLniocy in) moxion 387 Joseph Thompson, ASYLUM AND •LBAST 300 Philip Brown, ASYLUM. 181 pt Christopher Avery, 80 pt Hannah Hubbard, 218 pt Barret Joel, 89 pt Hannah Hibbard, 5 pt Hibbard William, 100 pt Thomas Jackson, 100 pt Jackson, 100 pt Thomas Edwards, ASYLUM AND 31031101. 4371 John Kidd, 300 Charles Carrol, 550 same. 191 pt James Wilson, 129 pt Hughs & Fisher, • •TDINS •ND DIDODIRT. 57' Tot James Wilson, 310 pt same. 63 pt same, 68 pt same, COLUNDU •ND syeacsorm.n. 170 pt Myers Fisher, 28 pc same Columbia, • 66 pt same do, 239 pt same dc., 108 pt Myers Fisher, Springfield, 1512 1490 1533 1679 1531 1533 1531 1531 952 960 953 975 949 C • vr . 4101 Casper Shafner jr.. • :63 405 i John Morgan, Canton . .y, 851 202 pt James N. Barker, 4 24 211 pt John Vaughn, 4 24 3! pt same, 65 4600 4601 111711LIITOTO7i 88 pt Charles Carrol, 195 pt same, 100 pt same, 1491 1493 1486 1482 1470 1170 MO ROE. 437 i F. phra m McAdams, 434 k Thomas Hamilton, 400 Hobert Hampton, 400 Samuel North, 400 Peter Shuts, 400 Samuel Anderson, 400 Harmon Castator, 400 Jonathan North, 400 Peter North, 400 Frederick Shots, 272 Mary Ellis, 400 George Shots, 390 Ann H.irris, 230 Mary Willis, 400 Joseph Castator, 393 John Moore, 280 Hannah Woodruff, 400 Peter Hampton, I 400 James North, 99 pt Sarah Lebo, 419 Isaac Manor, 1516 1507 1315 ROVE. 121 176 pt James Pope, SMITHY! ELM J4BB 100 pt Charles Carrol, 1192, 450 same, 1491 181 pt 5691 5692 TURCAROIIi• 182 Prim George, 217 Peter Henry, TROY •ND BURLINGTON. 49 pt James Wilson, 167 pt • same, 100 pt same Troy, WYROI. 121 124 pt James Pope, 1474 1474 1469 ALSO—At the same time and place will be ex posed to sale the following Real Estate,.in pursu ance of the forty-first section of an Act of General Assembly, passed the 29th day of April A. D. 1844. R. BowkiN year. To venom Asseesed.t f L nialwil. 1848 Benjamin Coolbaugh, 200 1819 .. •• 2017 1850 . N, ~ 200 \ 1819 John Bates, " Abram Miller, 1848 John Griffin. 94 Thomas Whaling, 92 Chester Butler, 194 " Edmund Whaling, 70 " Seth Rogers, 20 10 " Susan Ill'AtTee 190 1849 do , 190 rnisIELIN. 1849 Charles Green 93 " L. McKee HEILHICK. • 1829 _William Breck 110 William Dyer " Jarvis Plait “ John Goodwin 40 LITCErI6LD• 1848 Henry COOper 155 ORWELL. 1949 Elias & ban'l Dimmock 07 , PRANICLEC Andrew Hardy, 24-00 Sainuerilaga, 24 00 Samuel Hardy, 24 00 Samuel Siddisna, 24 00 Samuel Temple, 21' 00 Samuel Betz, 20 60 Joseph Betz, 20 60 lames Betz, , 20 60 John Betz, 20 60 Henry Dyson, 24 00 • Samuel Cooly, 22 47 Peter Edge, 20 60 Samuel Edge, '24 00 Samuel Fritz, 20 60 Simon Hardy, 24 00 George Moore, 22 47 Joseph Seely, 24 00 Henry Seely, 24 00 Peter Temple, 24 00 George Temple, 24 00 James Hardy, 24 00 Nathan Hardy, 24 00 Joseph Siddans, 24 00 George Edge, 20 60 Paul Hardy, 24 00 James Siddons, 24 00 Stephen Hollingsworth, 24 CO Peter Siddons, 24 00 George Castatur, . 24 00 .Joshua Cooly, 24 00 Henry Hardy, 24 00 Deborah Stuart, 15 89 Peter Seely, 24 00 Samuel Nichols, 18 00 Wm. Gray, Franklin & Monroe 28 18 on IN VILLE James Wilson, do, do 904 pt I d pt LKR(IY. 202 of Frederick Beates 200 3 of Henry Beck 11111611ERT. 600 Charles Carrol, 250 same, 169 pt same, same, SOUTH CHEM:. 994 Julmson &Jilin, 128 pt same, Unno- Ilniprov c Am't o ro pved ea. I Tnx. Saben Rockwell, 100 £LDLNY. ECEEEEI 848 Saral Stevens Ingbium 131013; , , 850 Samuel " • Earn Chandler ". Daniel Hill 848 Edmond Hagar 11311111111ILD. 848 William Roe Wm. J. Rose a' Georee Cook " John 0. Sterns ai Geo. Cunningham 849 Tho's Howland " John 0. Sterns $24 00 6 40 4 68 6 55 24 00 25 07 10 50 850 Geo. Tanner " Michael Bogart 4 Geo; Maxfield TOWANDA TP. 848 Egbert Bickler 23 20 849 'Cams Williams " William.Greeno ie 00 850 James Gazley 10 83 3 80 12 95 6 35 33 6 00 6 00 I 00 WYSON. 847 Seth T. Barstow boo's 3 Harry Parks 60 John & Dennis Whits 70 10 849 Jae. L. Gosline “ William Vaught ,4 • Ira Owen .25 John Owens' est. 20 50 'WELLS. QM 1850 Jacob Corsatt If," Abram Minier " Geo. H. Shepard a 30 10 14 3 89 2 73 lir TALIMSG. 846 Lather L. Stewart " . Sam'i Fish 1 05 6 51 1 33 1 43 850 Caleb Carmalt 198 " Henry Blanchard 125 " Stephen Sherwood 100 " James Sherwood 50 9 57 69 1 38 6 04 2 27 849 James Hari ing 25 BENJAMIN WILCOX, Treasurer Tr , surer's Offiee, Towanda, April 6, 1852. GS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, GROCERIES AND UQUORS. DR. H. C. PORTER has just added to his assort ment d large stock of Fresh Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Oils, Paints, Groceries and Liquors which are now offered to the public at low rates. 1 84 4 10 2 10 His stock of FANCY GOODS 4. PERFUMERY is the largest and most complete ever offered in this market. Also a choice assortment of pore WINES & LI QUORS, suitable for medical purposes. A large variety of Camphene, Phospene, Pluid,Lard and Oil LAMPS, containing many new and beautiful styles. Being agent for all the best Patent Medicines of the day, purchasers may depend upon procuring a genuine article in 01l cases. All the Drugs and Medicines kept at his establish ments may be relied upon as genuine and of the best quality, having been carefully selected with a view to their usefulness. . 7 South stole of the Ward House, and N 0.2, Brick Row. Towanda, March,2o, 1852, Special Court. NOTICE is hereby given that a special court- of ' common pleas will be held in and for the coun ty of Bradford, at Towanda, commencing on Mon day the 17th day of May next, at one o'clock, P.M., and to continue during the week, (if necessary) at which time the Hon. R. G. WHITE will preside, for the trial of the following causes, to wit : Pendleton. Riley & Co. vs. Henry W. Tracy. Henry W. Tracy vs. Ethel Taylor. David L. Scott vs. W. B. Clymer, eJ al. Thomas Elliott vs. Israel Smith. Welch, Lungnecker Sc. Co. vs. John Wood, et al. Stephen Powell vs. Henry W. Tracy, garnishee. Earl Nichols vs. W. Coryell, et al. John Beidlemon vs. Nebediali Smith. H. & R McGeorge vs. E. Dunham, et al. Subpoenas for special court as above, returnable Monday, May 17, 1852,.at 10 o'clock. A. M. April I. ALLEN MCKEAN, Prot. 42 85 5 42 8 75 A Lb persons indebted to the estate of WILLIAM 11 BOWEN, dec'd, late of Warren township. are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate are•requesied to present them, duly authenticated for settlement. JAMES M. BOWEN, Executor. Warren, March 25, 1852. 2 S 3 2 80 11-107111,, Corner of Front and Walnut streets, COLUMBIA, PA. DANIEL 71/33148, Proprietor. (3[l.ctmbermeta and others visiting Columbia, are requested to pay the Washington Hotel a visit, where they may be assured no exertions will he spared tor their gratification. March 20, 1832. "WE STOP THE PRESS," To announce the arrival of a new and splendid assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, from New York & Philadelphia. They were bour e , ,ht for cash at unusually low prices, and wtli be sold to per cent. cheaper for cash, than at any other es tablishment in this place or the county. Apl tor BURTON KINGSBURY. 12 CO 5 18 S 55 DRESS GOODS—in variety, from India silks, to 3 cent Calicos. Also the latest style of Dress Trimmings, at . ap1:0 B. KINGSBERY'S. 3 61 BEFORE looking elsewhere, it would be well for Ladies to look at :he Spring Bonnets, Artificial Flowers and Ribbons, which are sold so very cheap. April 9 B. KINGsBERY. 2 10 9 45 3 SO (-JAI'S, HATS. BOOTS 4 SHOES—a large as sortment, sold very cheap for cash, by April 9 B. KINGSt3ERY. 67 87 7 88 rtROCKERY & HARDWARE—a large asctort k-) ment, cheap, by B. KINGSBERY. 10 56 13 60 GROCERIES.—The quality and prices of 'Peas, Sugars and Coffee, always speak for them selves. at apllo B. KINGz•TERY's. 1 02 9 50 2 10 MA CK EREL-50 half barrels, and 25 quarter barrels, at B. KINGSUERY'S. 2 59 90QUINTALS CODFISH—They are worth looking at, if not buying, for sale by April 10. D. KINGSBERY. ME SS PORK!-50 bbls. Prime, fur which a high price was paid,and for which a high price will be asked, by aptlO B. KINGSBERY. A CHANCE FOR BARGAINS! THE subscriber, ha line concluded to close up his business, offers for sale the balance of his stock of Goods at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. for cash. Persons wishing to avail themselves of this opportunity for getting Goods cheap, will find it to their advantage to call soon. And he would also request all who have accounts on his books to close the same immediately,either by payment or bv note. April 1, 1852. E. T. FOX. $2 50 2 25 1 75 70 8 3 76 2 93 6 1 95 27 1 05 69 16 59 I 26 96 2 32 2 28 FOR SALE OR TO RENT. A SMALL FARM of about fifty acres, in Burlington, Township, about four miles "••• "rv:- ..7- from Towanda, with thirty acres improv ed, and a framed house and barn-erected he reon. Fur further particulars enquire of Rev. Jeremiah Ahern 'or Michael Ronin, Towanda; or by letter post paid' to DENNIS McMAHON, La pone, Sullivan county,,fa. • April 1, 1852. 41 5 52 23 3 96 B 51 10 1 29 10 s 1 11 10 1 50 RICH Ribbons, Bonnet Silks, liaise'and Crapes et ap26 , FOX'S. Clover: Seed for glzde. srl BUSH. CLOVER SEED, a first-rate article, Y. for sale by E. W. HALE. Mortrott tp., February 21, 1851 10 2 33 10 15 rixs. - 50: 50 o 01 Grist Milt . 05 BOSE. dTANDIWO STOSZ. 38 12 171 100' 141 138 1 86 100 1 56 192 saw mill 3 66 80 1 32 7 20 1 56 192 saw mil; 3 66 =I 42 $ 100 200 121:352 25 ' 85 100 EEC= 112 85 70 " 5 40 15 70 1 08 10 20 200 275 . 6 6 67 73 140 2 1E1TC333 I= EXECUTOR'S NOTICE geed 2thantsculents• _— - -- - - , 11.11332113PV11 RAWL B " Wile 'ot ti-writ of Test: Vend. Expo. * : issued. m i tt ; of the Court of COMaXili 'Pleas of Tioga COuntkand,t4i ins, dkreettl, will be exposed to. publi ; sale..atthe Court Howie in,the, bnro‘ of,To. wand ,on Siiiirday,the 22d day Of May, at fo'cloelt Kti M. the following Piece or parcel oflarid situated in Or ovine township, Bradford Co.. bounded and described as follows, to wit : on the north by lands of Ex& Baxter. on the east by lands of Zotastus and 4hn Ana,ble, on the south by lands of lobo %roman, on the west by lands of nabs Bailey.— Con4ning about 76 acres, about 60 acres improved. withre lima! l framed house, two frame barns, and a sm II apple orchard' thereon. Se' ed and taken in execution at the suit of Laac Beau vs. C Baxter and Naahen Baxter. rf CHESTER THOMAS, star siff's Offme 4 Towanda,Aprir 29,1852. , jSh : ~i }I F. ill following .- :uses are on the list for trial for A_ lay Term 1852. nowt. WEER. : Job Kirby, vl. JW& N M Decker. .I'P Boll's ex et at vs. William Warfield, 1 John Vanderines ad'm vs. The Com'th of Pa, Jesse Benjamin vs. David Benjamin, P 11 & W H Titus vs Daniel Foss; Davi M Bull vs. 3 P Bull errs, . ... Reub n Doane vs. 'Wrallussell bail &c., A H 'ozerl vs. Wm A Lane, 0 D Bartlett vs. A Dunham et et, Cha'. Leoyds use vs. Geo A Mix , t al, J N Weston's ex vs. Begley Morley & Hyde • . same vs. 0 P Ilaitard, same vs. Abiram Pierce, i f L 8 Ilsworth vs - 11 R Backus, Job hepard use vs Athens Bridge Co, Pete Benjamin vs David Benjamin, P J eCaters et use vs Silas A Fos, . . 1, 5 Ilsworth vs Guy Tozer, M C ereui'S cise vs Joseph Kingsbery's ex, 1 80 2 25 1 86 4 20 6 37 1 23 1 62 2 22 2 61 66 58 7 88 48 saws!, wr;Er• A & F M'Keib i et al vs John M'Kean et al, Silad, Clark vs Sanf),Baird, Wm;11 Spencer vs Akkgevine Bull, E S Stephenson vs J Calvin Wells, David Barber vs. Benj. Stephenson. J K Worrell & Son vs Coolbaugh & Alden, Johnl Gill vs J N-Freelone, Wm (Bingham's trustees vs Isaac Cash & terre ten. Eben Dunning vs John Reed, J Hd'comb vs Pomeroy Goaline, U T h ompson vs C E Rathbone, 1 The duro Wilder vs Almon Eaton, Elijah Horton vs Wm Trout. G lyohnson vs William 11 Brown, Wm F Cole vs II G Goff et al, Elias Micier vs. M S Warner, E B Coolbaugh S Dobbins et al, A A Post vs Geo Sanderson, O P Ballard &c vs Timothy Case, Jesse Edsall vsS W Paine, W'A Rice et al i vs Anthony Snell et al, Wm Bingham's trustees vs ‘Villiam Chapmar., Guy Tozer assignee &c vs J E - Cantield, Wm Bingham's trustees Lorenzo Irving, David Burt vs David Hapemao, Wm Bingham's trustees vs Humphrey Mosher, Lyman Matson vs Ira Sr. Richard Jennnings, J B Stevenson & Co vs A Clarks adm. C J. & C De Chasteleaux vs Lyman Matson, W Brooks vs The Township of Springfield, Euclid Chadsey's use vs John Selover, 1) A) Burt vs David Hapeman, James Philips vs John W Miller, Willard Farnsworth vs James H Vaness, 1 Wm II Clymer vs C H Lewis, John Read et al vs Wm Carl, 0 P Ballard vs S H Fitch, G W Buck vs A Back, A & C Fitch vs Geo Manley, Beni Chilson vs The Township of Duren, 0 M Nelson vs Charles Drake, School Directors of Towanda tp vs G B Taylor et al R E Baker vs Emanuel Sylvaria, A B Smith vs J A Record, John Bird vs Wm A Phelps, Jacob C Stevens vs Aaron Ostrander, Newton Humphrey vs Wm Humphrey, 0 P Ballard vs Justus Sturdevant, Reuben Case vs Wm S Dobbins, John M'Canles vs Geo Beck jr, TRIED WEEK. Clement Paine's adm vs Geo Fritcher, Morton vs Wm Gibson et al, Nicholas Stnpert vs Jonathan Bush jr, John Strung vs Wm S bpi( et al.; ' Sanderson & Kingsbery vs J A Weller, Clement Paine's adm vs James U Grace, Boor Davis vs Wm DeGraw, D R Mver's use vs Hiram Knapp, James Wood use vs James Lee, John Van Antwerp et al vs Chauncey Blakeslee, G F Mason's use vs C & J N Lewis et at, same vs Remington S Lewis et al, S 77 1 80 1 66 70 Subpoenas for the first week are made returnable on Thursday the 6th day of May at 10 o'clock A.M. Fur the second week on Monday the 10th at 10 o' clock A: M., and for third week on Monday the 17th May 1852 at 10 o'clock A. M. ALLEN M'KEAN, Prothonotary. Towanda, April 17, 1852. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE A 1.1, persons indebVid to the estate of JEREMI 4-1. All SMI f 11, dec'd tale of Canton township are hereby requested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to present t:lem to A• G. Pickard duly authenticated fur settlement. MARGARET SMITH A. G. PICKARD. Canton, April 17, 1852. Administrator's ADVERTIS:EMFNT. 800 1300 E 40.151EZTTEI IVA2O 9 TED. ANY good, active and intelligent man, with a small capital of from $3O to $lOO, can make large profits by engaging in the sole of the following 'Popular and Useful Books. Chambers' Info, ti.'., for The People: or Popular Encyclopedia (A I ' Knowledge. Two large tinp , rial octavo IV.. , containing 1:00 pawis. Peter,on's History t f the American Revolution. 500 large octavo pages. with 200 floe engravings. Peterson's History of the Vreited' States Navy.- 600 large way() pages, andlso flue Engratings. Frost's Remarkable Events in the History of America. Two large octavo volumes, containing 1660 pagos and 700 Engravings. the best History of America publkhed. Frost's Pictcy ial Life Of Washington. A splend id book, coataining 600 octavo pages and 1.50 ele gant Engravings. The cheapest Li& of ton ever putdished. Moore', History of the Indian Wars. Fine col ored and Plain Plates. The True Republican. Containing the Inaugural Addresses and the Firtt Annual Addresses ant( btes• sages of all the Presidentsof the United States, the Constitutions of the most important States in the Union, &c. Embellished with Vortraits of all the Pre , idenis, engraved ou steel, and a view of the Capital of the United States. 500 pages. PJ,mo. Foes Book of Martyr's. A Splendid Family Edi• tion, large quarto. wiih ns EngraViugs, beautifully bound in, De Cormenin's 'History of the Popes. 000 large octavo pages, with illustrations. Josephus'• Works. Fiue Edition, one iarge vol ume. Sturm's Reflcctiotis on the Works of God. St. Pierre's Studies of Nature. W bite's History of the World. A Valuable Gene ral History. 0130 large octavo volume, with hand some Engravings. Lives of Great and Celebrated Characters: of all ages and countries. One large volume of 800 pa ges, with numerous Engravings. Together with a number of other Works particu larly adapted for Popular Reading. . Cr The most liberal discount will be given to Ageotts 'mho nzay engage in the salo of the above Valnable Books. For further particiilars, address (postage paid.) J. dr, J. L. GIHON, Publishers, No. 99 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. B. DAGUERREAN ARTIST Towanda, Era& Co.; Fa. - Doom over the store Store fonotrly occupied by IL N. N. Betts, Main street. .• Feb. 13, Pail and ,VTinter.:;Goods. ll seozrz aunties , " . . . . from .nosy in Store it lame dock r Good, fro NevrAtorkrand other markets, which- are .offesed wholesale and retail, et ere lowest possible prices.— Nye mention a few things that may always be foiand•at Our Store. Prints; ginghami, poplinr,l4: dlaines, "Ito. of the latest styles,• • Groceries, Hardwire, Crockery; floats' and Shams Hits, Caps, &c. &c. Of which we have a hike as sortment. selected with great cave and offered: ftlow prices, and will not be undersold. Also, hogelY, gloves, wooden ware, glass, solo leather, besides ■ thousand other articles which we need not • encnuarath, ell of which wo offer Eto our ' , customers at plicei'that must give great satisfaction, as oat entire Stock ham been laid in al.& time when the market was uncap:49u ly depressed, and goods wen: hinny per ceni. lower than usual. 13y attention and promptt.ess in 'meeting the wants.of our customers, we hope to went aces, tinuance of the patronage that has hitherto Items& liberally bestowed 111ONTAI / IYE*' Towanda, Oct. 11, 11351. FALL GOODS. ET.FOX, would respectfully inform his old friends and the citizens of Bradford in general that ha is now receiving a full stock of FALL GOODS, which he is desirourrof disposing of at a very small advance from first cost, being satisfied that his goads am select 'ed with as much care, and bought at least, at as low prices a 4 his neighbors, be is now anxious to convince his customers that they will be sold at' the right kindof prices. Please call and see, as there is surely no.itarm in knowing how cheep some folks do sell goods—call soon. Cornet of Main and Pine street. rooks ! Stooks! A Complete twortment of School, Blank. Classi -11 cal & kliecellaneons Books, constantly kep op and for sale at the lowest rates by. Nov. 29, lels l . 0. D. DARTLMTT. 11,.. , e =I.E.-v. Fall and Winter Goods, E. T. TO'S, is now receiving direct from New York a large and splendid assortment of Goads which he offers for vale at prices whi:h cannot fail to suit the closest buy ers,.for CAse, Puoneca, on Aresovan Caaurr. lie respectfully asks a call from all persons wishing to buy goods_ cheap,is he is determined not to be undersold. Towanda, November 34, 1851. VICTORINES AND CUFFS—a few setts for ealo cheap at m2l FOX'S. 6/1 BAY STATE SHALLP„vartais patterns, cal k/ ors and qualities, just received at Oct. 14, 1851. MERCUTVBI, $8,3 68 W ea O sh rß' by H of Sheep Pelts a loa A ntelfor LATER FROM CUBA Execution of Lopez ! - - STILL later news via New York & E. R. IL of the k.-3 arrival of a very large stock, of : . Merchandise at PHINNEY & 'BO WM ANS N'o."3 Brick Row which they are prepared to sell at wholesale or retail for Cesh or Ready Pay, cheaper than the cheapest, from the tact that they purchased their stock for cash in a very deo pressed state of the market. Don't mistake the place, No. 3 Brick Row next door to Dr. Hustons.Drug store. 5 TONS SUGAR, just received, at wholesale and retail. PHIN.NEY & BOWMAN., SALT, a iltge lot, also Iron, Nails, Hardware, are ; and Mackerel in bbls., / and / bbls, for sale by PHINNEY & BOWMAN EMI itCHESTS more of those threo and four shillings TEAS, at PIIINNEY & BOWMAN. QUEETINGS, shillings, stripes, and ticks, for salo 1 0 by PHINNEY & BOWMAN. BOOTS & SHOES, the largest and cheapest assort. ment in town—and Hats and Caps, at wholesale PHINNEY & BOWMAN an.' retail CROCKERY, Glassware. Paints, Oils, Glass, Dyes, ‘.../ &e. PHINNEY & BOWMAN. Dt'SS GOODS, a large variety—Bonnets and Shawls, a good asportment, f vale by PHINNEY & BOWMAN sep'22 LUMBER WANTED, at PHINNEV Si. BOW M A N'S, for which ce“h will be paid. 522 WHEAT, Oats, Bye and Corn, taken in exchange for goods. PHINNEY & BOWMAN. BITTTER-100 Firkins wanied, fur which part cash will be gatd. PHTNNEY & BOWMAN. COME ONE, COME ALL, and examine the New Goods, which'are now being exhibited CM 175 13; 1 7811ELS RYE & CORN for sale Ry 8. B. T. FOX. - - - "WASTING POWDER.-50 kets B:asting, Pow tler, by tflB MONTANYES & CO. CROCKERY.—The largebt stock In town. Full dinner and tea setts, of white granite and blue Ware, which will be sold cheap at Cat your 711 , :tyr &. Straw. STRAW eurrrts and CORN SFIELLERS, will be sold very low for Cash or approved credit at TONIKINS' FOUNDRY, Towanda. April 17, 1952. DRY GOODS—A good assortment of Merinoes, Cashmeres, Do Lair's, Alpacas, and prints now °ening at jlB ERC UR'S, Groceries. 0 lIIF D. of Sugar at prices positively less than any 0 before sold in town, within pne year, also, Moles ses sweet and goo] ftom 31 to fin els. Rio, Laguira and Old Java Co ice that cant he beat. Fine bunt Raisins;!Pepper, Spices, Saleratna, Ginger, and a gen oral assortment of groceries; also a full supply of fresh new Teas warranted as usual, good and right or the money retuned in all cases ; just received and for sale at son 12 l• FOX'S. 2n BALES OF SHEETING, common and fine 1 -. 1 a t , l 10-4 nide. A nice assortment of Bleach ed Geode, bkfached and brown Crash and Dra pery, brown and bleached Table Linnen, Checks, Lin Revs Tickinc, Cotten Yarn, Batting, Wicking and Wadding, selling cheap at FOX'S. "At - MINTSTRATINX'S NOTICE A M. persons indebted to the estate of A. W. B. Vangorder, tlec'd, late of the township of Durel. are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and those having claims against said estate, will please present them duly authenticated for settloarent. MATILDA VANUCiRDER. buret!, September 22, ISSI. Xelministratrie. By Express, Bind from tte Mannincturen ! NEW SHAWLS! JUST receired by ext. toss another case of Bay State Shawls, spler,did styles. at Towanda, Nov. 1851. . J. KINGSBERV. EXY.CoUTOICS NOTICE. Aperson', tndebted to the mgate of WILLIAM LUREr,OK, late of Litehfieli township detfil, are heretri notified to make payment withoutrle lay ; ar , ..t all persons having demands agsinst said estate,- will present them properly attested for settle. me•at to •J A M ES I.UR.COCK: SAMUELDAVIDSON Litchfield, 4pril 17, 187+2. Frtecittnrs.',-, Towanda 'Bridge. rrIE Stockholders of tha Towanda Brills: pany, are hereby notified that on MONDAY the 9d day of May next. an election will be held at the Toll House. a Pre,ident, Treasurer and six managers of said Company. The polls will be open ed at 2 and chi-A.4 at 4 o'clock PT M. M. C. MERCUR, /St ey. - Towanda. A pril 17. 1q.52 ry GUEST*, YOUNG - HYBON,ltOpOrial:Hison Skis and 111.Ick Teaa. Also *l5 Rin and Vist ?e:::‘ el it (MY"' UZI B. KINGSBERY'fq,