Iffatritat --t fr ,„kon. on the ith hist by Stow Sm. Es ileyq., u r. go Semites, to Miss lisistizri% , t h of 11-ankh°. Nets rAliverth*Oiliot,,:.,_,:',_.% Land Wiistianl46 - • op WARRANTS, inlaid nidei phi. ait;ot bought by ... A pril :11h, 1852 r LAP3Rlr!iliAgorcog;c4 ~78f(or IS OF 80111 just'tied; 44 for salvia - Aprll6th, 1852 B. KINGSBUIIirtt, ADMINISTRATOR'S' NOTICH.. it persons indebted to the istate 7 of 'JEW'S!. AD SMITH. dee'd late of Canton :township are Irby f igurate] to make payment without delay eel a ll /Irons baying demands against said estate Trquefited to present Orin, to A* G. Pickard 11 authenticated for sentiment. MARGAR4T NOTE • A. G. PICK %RD. Com, April 17, ISM Administrator's igt folksivlng tante, are on the list for trial for gay Term lest nun WILL. ) t nKirby, vs :I W&NM Decker. • P pule . ex et al vs. William Warfiehl. im Vandennes ad'm vs. The Coneth of Pa, se Benjamin vs. David Benjamin, j a t W H Titus vs Daniel Foss. rid II Bull vs. J P Bollezra, • tbea Doyle v'. Wrn Bunch bail &c., j T a n. vs. Wm A Lane, !).Barthut .s. A Dunham et al, a's Leoyds ose vs Gen A Mix . tt al. i Weston's ex vs. Healey Merles , & Hyde same vs. 0 P Ballard. • • . same vs. Abiram Pierce, I Ellsworth vs II R Backup, Shepard use- vs Athens Dr dge Co, er Benjamin vs David Benjamin, DeCaters et use vs Silas A Fox, Ellsworth as Guy 'Tozer. ' Mercut's use vs Joseph Kinpbery's ex, 'nun') Willi. _ W F Anfean et al vs John bateau et al, Clark vs Sam'l Baird, H Spencer A ngevine Bull, S-teptierrson - is J Calvin Writs. tit Barber es. Benj. Stephenson. Worred & Son vs Coulbaugh & Alden, i Gill vs J N Freelone, fitogbam's trustees vs Isaac co) & tern ten. a Dunning vs John Reed, sleomb vs_Pumeroy Goisline, hemostat vs C E Rathbone, store Wilder vs Almon Eaton, . th Holton vs Wm Trout, Johnson vs William H Brown, IF Cole vs H U 90ff el al, P Hitter vs. M 8 W a rner. I Coolbaugh vs Wm S Dobbins et al, Post vs Geo Sanderson, 'Ballard &c vs Timothy Case, re Edsall vs S W Paine, \Rice et al vs Anthony Snell et al, . Binghim's trustees vs William Chapman, Tozer assignee &c vs J E Canfield, Bioeham's trustees vs Lorenzo Irving, d Burt vs David Hapeman, Bingham's trustees vs Humphrey Mosher, is Matson vs Ira & Richard Jerinnings, ocenson & Co vs A Clarks.adm. ,C Dr Chasteleaux vs Lyman Matson, rook' vs The Township of Springfield, I Thadsey's use vs John Selover, Burt r. David Hapeman, i Philips vs John W Miller, rJ Farnsworth vs James H V , i I 'Diner vs G H Lewis, lead et al vs Win Carl, illard vs S H Fitch, lock vs A Buck, Fitch vs Geo Manley, llokon vs The Township of Durell, lelmo vs Charles Drake. I Directors 7of Towanda tp vs G B Taylor et al tier vs Emanuel Sylvaria. AI vs J A Record. iril vs Wm A Phelps, C Stevens vs Aaron Ostrander, ( n Humphrey vs Wm Humphrey, silard vs illsills Sturdevant, Case vu Wm S Dobbins, 'Canles vs Geo Beck jr, THIRD WILIII. nt gaine's adm vs Geo Fritcher, orlon vs W o Gibson et al, - as Noiriert vs -Jr aihan Bush Jr, .. 'iron vs Wm of Ing ill et al. son-dc Kingsbety vs J A Weller. it Paine's adm vs James U•Grace, ' ON vi Wlll D,'Graw. etc sme vs Hiram Knapp, Wool use vs James Lee, AO AniwerVer al vs l:hatincey Blakeslee, twit's use vs C 6. J N Lewis et id, • le vs Reminston s Lewis et al. 'cuss for the first week are made returnable irsday the 6th day of May at 10 o'clock A. M. ' second reek nn Monday the 10th at 10 o' . M, and for third week on Monday the 17th it at la o'clock A. M. ALLEN M'KEAN, Prothonotary. via, April 11. 1852. . 'PARTICULAR NOTICE. , pawns having unsettled accounts wi h the In.eribers, are requested to call immediately, an t e them either by note or payment. ,And is dud are over due, most be paid. ands, April 6, Int H. s. & AL C. MERCUIL 'CL—(tt hereby given to all persons indebt. to HORITIo BL CK, (late, Register and r) of Bedford County, that their accounts )orvely bevettletl immediately, or they will in the hand. of an Attorney for collection. t week . of May Court willlbeihe limit of for- HORATIO BLACK. ?kik April 9, 1R52 EXECUIOR'4 NOTICE. prrstnii indebted to the estate WILLIAM ReOCII, late of Litchfield township dee'd, ehm notified to make payment without de edlPersona having demands aglinet said Present them properly attested for *elite. J.AM LUECOCK: SAMUEL DAVIDSON. irld, April 17, 1852. Executors. CUt Your Ray dr. Straw. £llB and CiIRN $H tL RS, *RI be Yet kw for Cash or appmyret eredi4 at TOVIKINB' FOUNDRY. Ida April 17, 1852. • emanda Whigs. 81 neltholders of the Towanda &Was un„_._ llll '.. Y' ittrebv notified that ton MOVIVA av of Nil nett, en' - election will be held at House, for a PrtKident. Treasurer and Si; of nth" Comp any . The poltswiLl be open lid closed lel o'clock P. N. M. C. MERCUit, deeP tL April It M 2 " hERd NOTIv a —Notice is hereby given ftehave been filed and settled in the of. titmer of Wills in acid for the county of cassis of ackninistrationi Dixon the fa. wet, via: ate. " o /1 of Matilda Eenjartsio ad ministrator s of the ester or zaward 4 deceased late of Athens. letattst of Thomas Eilibit Rieento.* of the "d t estament of Andrew Foley deed' late '• 1 Berm:Rh. mcscnti of E. R. Beckwith. adistinial4l4lnr .nasofih e enue Alban iferissitb deed * nfßemo r W. Strtmg. lite of lEdsbetir oot of C. N. titrait, admiiiiswator of thy 1/ . B trait deed o f T h ate rare wrtir will be presented to toibe apiwa r s lir/Ilford county, on Windily. the 3 d day lett, fw ennfermation and allowance. R. L AWRENCE seOrr, wester. ossi. Towanda. March 27..1451* R Y giJOLTN. a large sad spleaditt almOrt terl enall priet•u Tore. . 'beast' . rer's 'Sale of Unseated Lands '•': IN BRADFORD 'COUNTY - - Iponioaaet of the presollions Ai ifiCi. - or the amend Oa'ssid The iiittldati of March sad other Aeil of Assemblf,srill be • exposed to public sale at the Commissioners Office, in the Borough of Towanda, on the ad .iforattar of ince 1853, the tracts of band described in the, following Hit. finless the ta' dee 'oe them ire - paid before that time. - METI ALSANT.' '4OO ' Joseph Anderson. ' - . 1124 . 90 107 John Barron, jr. ' -4'40 ' 11 pt Frederick Eastatur. 93 pt :Males Bush. " 455 400 . Peier Benson. - 9 4 00 4111 Andrew Buckbart. $3 lit 173 pt Adam B e getter. lo'3o ALOANT AID NOXIIOII. . • 357. Joseph Thompson. • 13 10 • AIITTMX awn assail?. 300 Philip Brown, . is eo _ Ahtttlit. 1111 lit Christopher Alien% 10 53 50 pt Hannah Hubbard. 3 00 116 pc Barret Joel. II 25 , 49 pt Hannah Hibbard, . II 35 -5 pt Hibbard William. • ' 3$ 100 pt Thomas Jackseia. 41 00 lOor pt - William Jackson. ' 6 00 100 pc Thomas Edwards, '4 00 ASYLUM AID 310111102. 437; John Kidd, g$ 3$ Atesirs. 1512 200 Charles Carrel. 620 1490 550 stile. 10 14 1533 191 pi James Wilson. 989 1679 129 p 1 HUths It Fisher, 173 rifting ass 11111011111211% 1591 67 pt James Wilson, IOS 1539 310 p 1 dame. 6 51 • 1591 63 pi UM!. i 133 1331 di pt same. 144 t0L6311.11 Mil SPIIIIIIIMIBM 'Er ( 952 170 pt Myers Fisher. SST 960 28 p 1 lame Columbia, - MI 952 Id pi same do, 138 975 239 pt satlie i 11 .4 5 04 949 10$ pi Mien Yiiihet, illptiagfiehl, 927 cameos. 410/ Casper Shafner jr.. 11 63 405/ John Morgan. tlantoB it Lefty, 851 202 pt James N. Barkedi 424 4600 111 pt Jolla Vaughn, 424 4601 31 pt same. 158 BUSLINOTON. 1494 8$ pt Charles Carrel, 1 - 94 14911 195 pt same, 4 10 1488 190 pi same, 2 .10 ter. 400 Andrew Hardy, 34 00 400 Samuel Haga, 24 00 ..1• 400 Samuel Hardy, 24 00 400 Samuel Siddons, 14 00 400 Samuel Temple, 24 00 343 Samuel Bett, 20 60 243 Joseph Bete, 20 60 343 lames Bela. 20 40 343 John Bets. • 20 60 400 Henry Dyson, ' 24 00. 375 Samuel Cooly, 23 47 348 Peter Edge. 110 60 400 Samuel Edge, 24 00 343 Samuel Brits. 20 60 4011 Simon Hardy, 24 00 375 George Were, 22 47 400 Joseph Seely, ~ 24 00 400 Henry settly, 24 00 " 400 Peter Temple, 24 00 4 0 0 ' George Temple, 24 00 490 James Hardy. • 24 00 400 Nathan Hardy, 24 00 400 . Joaepb Siddons, 24 00 343 George Edge. 1141 80 400 Paul Hardy. 24 00 400 James Siddons, 24 00 400 Stephen Hollingsworth. . 24 00 400 Peter siddons. . 24 00 400 George Quitman; •24 00 400 Joshua Cooly. 24 00 400 Henry Hatt'. 24 00 285 Deborah Stuart, 15 88 400 Peter Seely, 24 00 300 Samuel Nichols, 18 00 437 Wm Gray. Franklin at Monroe 28 16 owaseissa. 4132 686 James Wilson. ' 42 33 470 90; pi, do, 5 42 470 146 pt do 875 LettoT 202 i of Frederick Beams 200 i of Henry Beck 1110311101. 4371 Ephraim McAdams, 26 25 434* Thomas Hamilton, 20 011 400 Robrrt Hampton, 24 00 400 Samuel North, ' It 00 400 Peter Shots, 24 00 400 Samuel Anderson, 34 PO 400 Harmon Castawr, 24 00 4co Jonathan North, 'l4 00 400 Peter Nurth, 24 00 400 Frederick Shots, 24 00 272 Mary Ellis, 111 J 2 400 George Shots, 24 00 390 Ann Harris, 23 40 230 Mary Willis, 13 80 400 Joseph Castator, 24 00 393 John Moore. - 23 55 280 Hannah Woodruff, II SO • 400 Peer Hampton, 24 00 400 )antes North, 54 00 $9 pt 'Sarah Lebo. 2 32 41 . 9 Isaac M door, 26 90 arnassar. 516 soci Charles Carrol, 12 00 507 250 same, 5 18 616 169 pt same. $ 55 loss. 111 11l pt Jartids Pope. itiverrtst.o. 41$ 100 pt Chide" Carrot. 2 10 492 460 ifitine. 0 45 491 IS4 pf =1 maim ;wit. 5691. 961 lubdlion A. miiiho, 5692 1211 pt salve, ra•c•rorA. 162 Pella Gem*. 10 56 • II? Peter Henry. 13 60 TROT £ D , •varaYUT6ke -41 i( pt Jamea,Wiloon. 102 474 167 pc same. II 50 460 101 pt , same Troy, 6 10 WTIOZ. fit 124 pi iambs rope, * 511 ALSO-41A' sametiori:aidphice eiiit be Ex , posed to sale the following Real ghillie, in pursu ance of the forty-first seek)* of an Act of General AssemblY, passed the Ifth day of April A. D. 1554. yeas. I ' A rL eued warnic: I I. l nini- Limprivi. Celan; of Roma/ its. I TAT. 11146 Beeilunio coolbeoglr, 200 050 1049 0 0 :go" 1 26 1650 a M SOO, r 75 " Batten Rockwell, ler 70 aziEst. lAN John Oates. " Abram Miller. _' • 10171111 ILL. 11411 John Grilling •• , It C - 1. 92 -li Thomas Whaling, " 22 et. 1_ 06 Chester Boller, 126 69 11 69 a - Edmund Whaling, 70 116 0 Seth Wolters. 2O 10 It a litutadirAffea • • 190 • 262 1844 :tg-' • 1110- • 92$ virseratare 109 , C a rl esi Green' 93 41 II a S. Maces ' trb 91 istifitatie reale , fled • e6f 4, William Dyer 5 10' 29 " • • Jervis Platt , , 1 -4 11, a 101111VOOdirin 40 10" Ciao urennsup. -•, 14$ lieDry:Cooper ' 151 P S: q. mairitis:* " • • • . • ,11140 - lifts &Motel Disizabelt , to -15 =UMfMK; Aim , ' of Taira. 2 P 2 2 SO EIM Er] CIO FM I% • . •15 •t ~~CIlt9~ `.- 19411 Barb/ 814 1 Serts.r' , 50 121 19.50 .logbais Stone Grist Mill 1 - .05 1850 Samuel Coo , 33 Exit Chandler '25 35 . Daniel .' - • . 40 • smotirs "Sorra. ' . 11149 Edmond Hagar 39 12 171 asuiranna. 1846 William Roe 100 '1 41 * • Wm. J. Rose - 136 " 186 - " — Georee Cook 100 ' " - 156 " John 0. Sterns 192 saw mill 966 '''' oeis. Cannioghaat . ' " 14 121 1849 Tho's liciwlind 7 20 " I'sB 4 ‘' Jolla o.2llkrhs ' 192 saw IBMS II . Tlllteatellig. • . 1050 Geu.Tanner . " 411 • If , a ' Michael (girt ' 100 " ' . 114 a UM); itinfield - $OO 114 vowassi Ti. 1148 Eibeit Mckke IMIOT 1110: 1114 f Cans Williams 1111 21 1112 William Greens 100 1 If "seri*. 111110" James tiatey 111 U 120 WTBON. 1147 Seth Barrow hoe.* • Is 7 " Harry Parks - 110 - ITS " Jobo & Dennis Whits TO 10 Ibi 1049 - Jas. L. Goalie* 10 5 V ti " William Vaught 40 II $6l " Ira Owenls • 56 " John Owens' en. 110 50 56 Wllllll. lON Jaeobeorsart 70 108 4. 4 Abram Minier 30 *0 100 deo. H. thirpard 273 0 447 lIIIT/34111114. lad Luiher L. &trait 73 340 sis " 3am'i Fish ~ i 48 wasn't. 1450 Caleb Carmalt HIS 1 77 " Henry Blanchard ha iso " Stephen Sherwood 100 1 66 " lames Sherwood 10 70 WINDIMI. . , 18411 James Bast iag ' BENJAMIN WILCOX. tit... Seer. Treasurer's 011ce, Towanda, April 1, Ls 63. DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. TAR. U. C. PORTER has just added le Air assert. meat a large stock of Fresh Drugs. Medicines, Chenikals. Oils, Paints. 0/6i:wire and Liquors which are Ito* offered to the public at low rates. His stook of FANCY GOODS & PERFUMERY is the hirpst find Mist compbms ever offered in this market. - Also a choitsittasoftnitint of pure WINES 4lk LI. Ql7Ollll, auitoble for medico! presoak A large variety of timphertil.Phospene, Fluid,Lard and Oil LAMM% containing many new and beautiful styles. Being agent for all tha hest Paled *Midrib of the day. purchasers may depend upon primulas a genuine article in all cues. All the Drugs and Medicines kept at his establish ments may be relied upon as genuine and of the beet quality. having been carefully selected with • new to their usefulness. co- !South *tom of the Ward Home. and No.l. Brick Row. Towanda. Match 20 . 1852. •pedal Court. N" rE is hereby Riven that a special court of dommon pleas will he held in and for the coun ty of Bradford, at Towanda. commencing on Mon day the 17th day of May nest. at one o'clock. P.M., and to continue during the week. (if necessary) at which time the Hon. R. G. WHITE will preside, for the trial of the following causes, to wit : • Pendleton. Riley & Co. vs. Henry W. Tracy. Henry W. Tracy vs. Ethel Taylor. David L. Scott vs. W. D. Clymer, et al. Thomas Elliott vs. Israel Smith. Welch. Longnecker & Co. vs. John Wood. et al. Stephen Powell vs. Henry W. Tracy, garnishee. Earl Nichols vs. W. Coryell. et al. John Beidlemsa vs. Nebediah Smith. H. & R McGeorge vs. E. Dunham. et AL Subpoenas for special coon as above, returnable Monday, May 17, iess, at 10 o'clock, A. M. April 1. ALLEN McKEAN, Prot. To Creditors. TAKE NOTICE, that I have applied ko the Hon. the Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Brad ford County. for the benefit of the Insolvent law of this Comm. nwealth. and they have appointed Monday the lit day of may Court next. for the hF snag of me and my creditor... at the Court House, in the borough of Tows. da, at which time and place you may !attend, if you think. proper. March 57. 11152. ISAAC CASTER. WASIIIIIHerTM I I-1113131, 9 Corner of Front and Waned Oath, COLUMBIA, PA niUnia fit, Proprietor. (*.Lam bermen and others visiting Colombia, are requested to pay the Washington Motel a visit. where they may be assured no exertions will be spared for their g►atification.. March 20. Infit "WE STOP THE PRESS," TO announce .the arrival of a new and splendid assortment of Spring and dinnimer Goods, from New York & Philadelphia. They were bought for cash at Unusually low prices, and will be sold 10 per cent. cheaper for cash, than at any other es tablishment in this place or the comity, Apl 10 BURTON KINGSBtRY. TIREBBliDS—in variety, from India silks. to 3 cent Calic•is. Also the latest style of Dress Trimmings, at apt gt. ItINDADERYN. BEFORE lookinc eisewheie. it would be well for Ladies to look at the Spring Bonnets, Anificial Flowers and Ilibboas,-whieh are wild Pic, vErs cheap. April 9 B. KINGsBgRY. OAPs. HATS. BOOTS 4 SHOES—a large as k:, st•rtmeht; sold very cheap for cash. by April 9 0. KINGeIdERY. CROCKERY & HANDWAIIE—a large assort mem. cheap, by B. KING4BERY. GROCERIEFL—The qualily and prices of rests. Sakai* and Coffee, always speak for them selves. at atlllo U. KING'4BERY'eI. ACKEREL.-40 half gamin. and 25 quarter barrels;at H. KINGSBERTI3. 20 qtrorrAps Cl!llolBH—Thei are worth fooltiak at; if nd(lruying, for sale hi April gr. RINGIBERY. MZds PORK!-50 Mils: Prime, for which a high priec wu paid,and for which a high price will be asked, by 400 B. KINGSBERY. A CHANCt FOR BARCiAIkb Tins subsdribe,f.firriing sale to close up his business. o ff ers for sale the balance of his stock of Gra& at EtREATLE REDECED PRICES. for 'nab. Pinions' wishing to avail the riselves of this opportunity for . getting goods Will fi nd it to their advantage to' call ince. &Chi would also request all who have accounta on his books to close the same immediately,either by payinfht ofbf note. April I. IM2. E. T. FOR. 1 61 0 R, SALE OR TO RENT, - A SMALL FARM of abOlii Ally sofa, in Ilitilintans township , about four miles frotteTpindila. atlibthirty.aerca improve 0. and • humid hodse aml Parn erected reon.- Ill'or forth& parltctilara dimisire of Rev. hremials Ahern or Misslmt!'ontin, Tinned* .' or by letter_ post paid 6 MORS MeMAEION.L. potpie. Sullivan county. Pa. April 1.1555. teH tiMoile; n«inde sue. taw and Crapes se WWI, Pimuss•lbetu, Palm Wand Cando U‘P guar ern rail.' S:ZZ FE "1-:‘7 4 ' • BYETifult- Arrils of Yen& &Von's 'levied 'oat of the Conti of Common Plea,' of Bradford . County, and to Me directed. vdl be exposed to pub'. 'lie Rale, et the Grath House , in the koro;ofToirandi no Monday the ld dap of MAY, at one'dolock,'P; M., the following lot pier* or parcel' of land situate in Rome village:bounded and . described,, as follows to wit : on the north bathe new tied Priding' rom Rime village to the town road; so Balled by lands of J. Holcomb:* smith and mist by lands of !obi Passmore. Containing 7600 feet of grounds be the same more or less, all improved. one framed lonise not quite finished, thereon erected. , Seized and taken In execution at the suit ofE. * C. T. Smith vi. Charles Evans'. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of ladd sheeted' in Sheshequin township: bounded as fel• lows :on the north by lands 'of William' Horton ; - on the west by lands lately belonging to Charles Horton; the,south by land of Wilbert. B. Nor ton, cortteriog on Jeremiah Kilmer :•on theeast by landiof Andrew - Webb. Contaiping abont'3l acres more or less, about 60 acres improved; ' Seized and taken iti exicuiion at the suit of An. drew Webb now to the use of David Cash vs. Wil• Ham Hatton jr. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situated in Smithfield tp. bounded and described as follows :on the north by lands of Elijah Tracy west by lands, of H. Carlisle and Henry Quick ; south by lands of Ebenezer Keeler; east by landlord* William Rolfe. Containing about 30 acres. about 28 urea improved. one frame house. and one log barn, and an apple orchard thereon. I SO ' , cited and taken In Mention at the gait of Chsr. don Wilcox to the use of Doroalla Ford vs. Timothy Ro!fp. ALSCI- - -thk tolltiteing pieces or parcel of land situated in Tiroy bo., bounded as follows :an the north by lands of-0. P. Ballard on the east by lands of V. M. Long ; on the south by main at. ; and on the west lid 0. P. Hillard. Cotimining 49 feet front and 911 feet back. All improved. with a large brick building thereon. occupied as stores, shop die. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Jam's Voorhis vs. Sydney Hayden. ALS I.—The following desaribed Ogee or parcel of land situated in Towanda borough, bounded as follows on the north by lands belonging to C. L. Ward, on the east by lands belonging to J. C: Ad. Ants. Wm: Mien, Sydney Hayden ddd heads of•ba N. Stephens; on the south by the tidblic square on the west by main street. Cootattlingaboai ono half dcre be the same more or less. all improved, with a block of framed buildings, two stories high, extending about 120 feet on the public square, end about 50 feet on main street; occupied as a Able shop, dwelling houras..lawyer and justices of lees. and a billiard room: Alio One other building. oos and a half story high. about le by 30 feet On the ground, occupied as a Shoe shop One other build; ing two stories high, iocludiog . tbe basement, about the same size on the ground. ociapied is a harness shop. and one frame barn and shed thereon erected. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ful ler, Waller & Co., and W. H. Starr& Fellows, and Mills & Thompson, and Frothingham & Beckwith vs. Hiram Mix. ALSO—Tbe following lot piece or parcel of land situated in Rome township, bounded and described as foibles to wit: [tbe undivided halci on the north by lands of Silas Gore, on the east by lands of Silas Gore, on the south by land:. of Roderick Morley. on the Weal by lands of Geo. Horton land William Elli ott. Cdotalniut ninety live acres more or less. about filly acres improved. One framed boos% one framed barn and I small orchard thereon. Seised and taken in execution at the unit of D.C. Hall es F. M. Lent. Al.BO--Tbe following lot pitce or parcel of land situated in Routh Creek township, bounded as fol lows : north by lands of William Burke, east by lands of David Hildreth and Ralph Crane l south by . William Decker, and west by lands in poSoielliult or James Dewey. Containing one hundreiland t four acres, about thirty-five acres improved. With one log boast, log barn and two apple orc'tard. thereon. ALSO—One other tract if land situated in South' Creek township, and bounded forth by lands of wi dow Aber. east by lands of James Dewey, south bf William Decker, and west by lands of Philo Fassett. Containing seventy.one acres, with about twenty live acres improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Darius Bullock and James H. Webb. administrators of the estate ofJohn L. Webb deed, to the use of E. ft Beckwith ►s. James Dewe►. ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land situated in the Borough of Athens, Bradford Coun ty, bounded and described as follows to wit : on the north by the public highway, on the east by main street leading from Athens bo. to Milltown, on the south by lands late the property of E. Herrick, on the west by a lot in the possession of B.F. M'George. Containing one acre or thereabouts, with one fram ed house and one framed barn thereon erected. Seized and taken in ezecution at tne snit of Fran cis Tyler vs. Geo. Fritcher and Nathaniel Flower. ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land situated in Wysos township, bounded and describ ed as follows to wit : On the north by lands of Da rias Williams, on the east by lands of Daniel Cool baugh, on the south by lands of Juba Owens. on the west by lands of John Bartlett. Containing fifty acres. be the same more or less ; 'boil, eight acres improved. , Seized and taken in elecutiob at the suit of Pat rick Kildor vs.' Williatn Carl. ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land situated in Ulster township, bounded and described as follows to wit : on the sotlih by lands of C. W. Holcomb. on she east by lands of Hiram Heath, on the youth by the road leading from Ulster to Smith field. on the west by lands of Cyrel Sweet. Con taining about one half acre, one framed house, a wood house attached and a small apple orchard thereon. Seized ■nd taken ie execution at the Snit of Ulys ses Mercur's use, vs. Mary Pike. . ALSO—The following lot piece et . parcel of land situated in Burlington township, notin_ded and des cribed as follows to wit : on the north by the Car roll lauds, on the east by lands of-Addison M'l(ean. on the south and west by lands of Jeremiah Love land. Containing one and a half acres, all improv ed, with one frame house; frame barn and saw mill thereon. Seited and taken in execution at the suit of LS. Ellsworth now to the use of Simi M'Kean vs. B. Nichols and William Nichols. ALSO—The following property to Wit : situated in the townships of Wyalnsing and Tuscarora and bounded and_dereribed as follows : begiaiiing at a sugar tree. thence by lands of John Locke and A. Gwenip, smith hall* ft degree. fait three hundred and eiglay-fiviperches to a coemer..thenet by" fandi of Henry Toland abd Alborg Loctie.,bouth.eighty-nitie and a half degrees. west three Iniadred and eight Verdes to a birch. thence bs VQier litritts;tioio ty•eiglit and one fourth degrees, east foui hundred and ninety-three perches to the place of ,beihming. Containing three handred and foray - nin e acres and otie hundred peithes ; an allowance of six percent; about fifteen acres improved and three log Oases, and two log sheds and a &w fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ma ry .Toland. Maigaretta Toland. Slicabedt Toland & Julianne Tolland vs. Ingham Moire, admintstriitor of Jonas Ingham deed. ALSO—The following lot Veceir parcel of hind situated in ifarlington township, and bounded and described as follows: beginsiag at a post the south east corner of lot No. 25 anion the n ooh line of Charles Scotto:4 lot; theneesouth elf degrecs east one hundred anasixteen and 2-10 perches to a post and stones, the nottlassf emenee of said Scouton's lot, thence' north Ithi of a degree. east 105 and 6-10 perches to a post an tberteirth linrof the Simpson for NO. 1. Menet donh 811/ degrees. west . one hun dred and liaises and 1-10 perches to a pea and stone the sodth-irest coiner of said Simpson ': lot, andthentesouth # of a degree 105 andls.lopert,liv, to the place of beginning. Containing leeway six times and eighty-one perthei, being lot No., 23, .on E. Overton'ti,niap, and 50 acres of the *Gat end. of lot No, 4 ; abbet siiiairtioyfed, one log house tberu otlereetet . edited and . taben its 'asneutiiit'st the snit of • ward'Orettoit vs. flylifester Hill. ALSO-.The tpllovring lot piece or Pared °Med situated in Spriagleld township, bounded and, des aribekaa wows: north: 5f ioldn of Joseph Bebiasos;'ea - the east bf lands oyet 'Mikis.* Jr. - ' - ...'=~ibrettaiuo~ar- - - . . on the south by lands et Madison Rosaiand-irestbr the highway. kadiflrfto o the Cottotteoed to Pleas. Asat.!,slley. Containitt 'bout mlCltandred , acres more or less; about twentyillife at fee IMpiOved; one !limed louse: ens (rimed biro, Mit law Mill and a small orchard of filth treo`thirreomr I Seized' ndtaken in execution at the Suit at Juba Arnotys..lno. T. Learned: ' • - e ALSO—Thefollowing Peep or parcel of land situate in Wyalnsirig toirnsbip. bounded' as _fol lows t beginning at a pest and stones "milli', .ald Springfield townshlti Wirt reetti2edyadfoirilaglinds ofJohnsod Paldier. and rittinang thetice 'dards 86 de. grees west 14 I corner of land certified to' Hurtiph- Fey antl=Dadiel dkoirns lieiri, !hides by and with said certified lend, sofa 24 degrees; eaar. , llso per ches to a borfiet on the sbotherly.lide of ' , lot in the warrantee tiltheof Sheritiati. 'patented to Henry Toland dec'd, thence with .aid Noels/mob $8 'degrees emit, on "belied Of certified Stittdgflotptod thence by and With the Same, north IS degwei, west 2:12 pe . rshils to the place of beginning. Containing 141 acres Ind 94 perches, tie the sante tapteitr less, With about 6 eats irpprreA siiihlt shanty thrreon. &tied and in execution it the suit of Mary rotund. Margaret's Toland. Mlizalieth Toland sad Julianne Toland vs. John Gartland. ALEICIRy Writ of kvari facing. the following 'described fog piece or Parcel of tia situated in the townshipiof Granville. bounded and dbscribed a. follows: beginning at tht north • west cornet of a lot deeded,tu art ila.iter at a post ; thence east 110 sod 5.10 riekhis to i Oat Ofi,tke sotith title of lot No. 130; theisee loath along this-linear said lot No. 130.41 pelihri to a post; theice 'sit :thing the south hoe of said tot No. 190, 110 and 9.10 toe white,lnaple; ihence north on the west linelof said lot No. 130.44 perches to the beginning. Con taining twenty-nine actis and one perch strict mea sure. All improved, with one old frame' house and one new framed house paolyfinished, two framed barns, and an orchard of fruit treed therms. Seized and taken in execution at the sift col Steph en Pierce vs. Z. S. Parsons adatiniatrator of Muth Bayer deed. ALSO—By virtue of sundry irritate! Levari Fa cies, issued as above, a piece or parcel of land in Granville township Begtonittg at a post N E ca.; ner of a lot contracted to Thomas Batley, Jr. thence east 93 p to the east line of warrant lot No. 1473, thence north 43 p. to a post. thence west 99 p to the north east corner of a hit heretofore deeded to said Baster, thence south 43 p to the beginning. Con taining twenty-four acres and oafs hundred and tflty perches. ALSO—One other piece or parcel of land,begin ning at the N W corner of uid beretof..re deeded lot, thence west 39 p.. thence south 42 p.. thence east 39 p to the south west corner heretoforedeeded io said Baxter, thence north 42 p to the beginning. Containing ten acres and thirty eight perch-.; both pieces included containing thirty-ftve acres and twenty eight perches. strict measure. all improved. and no buildings thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the nit of Ste• phen Pierce vs. E. B. Parsons, administrator of Cyr eh Paster, deceased.l ALSO—AII that piece or parcel of land situated in Wyalusing. part of a tract surveyed in the war rantee name of Patrick Moore, and bounded as (fol lows : beginning at a black soak sapling end running thence north 12 degrees west 22 and 3.10 perches to a white ash thence south 73 and 14 degree ; west 28 perches to the highway ; thence by and with the same nnnh 31 degrees west 41 pnehes to a while nine; thence north 72 degrees ; west 33 perches ; thence south 35 flumes ; west 23 perches; thence south 73 degrees ; west :9 and 1.10 perches; thence south 'l3 degrees east on the line of certified Springfield, 131 perches to a post and stones, atijoin ing Squire Mills': thence north 69 degrees ; east 168 and 7=lo perches to a brook sapling the begin. ning. About 20 acres improved. a small frame house and a few fruit trees thereon. Cont.ining 73 acres and 150 perches be the same more or less. seized and taken in execution at the pint of Mary Toland. Marearetia Totem!. Elizabeth To:and, and Jaians Boland vs Darick Cobb. ALSO—Oge o her piece or parcel of land situated in Sou h Creek township h• - •onded as follows : be. 'finning it a black oak_ stump the south-westerly coiner of warrant No. 9t62 ; thence north 222 per ches,to a post ; thence east 70 and 1-10 perches to a post ; thence South 212 rubes' to a post ; thence west 72 and 1-10 perches to the place of beginning. Containing 100 acres strict measure. Annul 30 acres improved. one frame house, one frame barn and a fed , fruit trees thereon Seized' and taken in execution at the suit of Sanel Pettengall vs. Horace C. Talitnan. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situated in Shesheqoin. bounded and described as follows : beginning at the south-eat( corner of a lot run oat to William Dates,* maple; thence south 70 degrees. east 50 perches to a post; thence south 76 degrees. east 126 and 2-10 perches to a post sotoh wo•st corner ors lot run out to • Richard Johnston ; thence north tr degrees. east 127 and 9 10 perches to a post ; thence west 42 and 8.10 perches to a black oak for a corner; thence south 103 and 4-10 perches to a post; thence west 81 and 1.10 perches to a p.ot ; thence south 72 perches to the beginning. Containing 90 acres and 50 perches strict measure. About 40 sores improved, one wood dwelling house and one framed barn and a small orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and takbn in execution at the suit of P. J. DeCater et cm. ♦•. Isaiah Y. Johnston and Vincent Tuttle terre tenant.. CHESTER THOMAS, Sheriff • Sherifi's OMee. Tovran , la: April 1. 1852. j Notice k hereby given. that an solotint cElnal to the roNts. will be required to be paid upon each sale when strati/ down to the bidder, and upon a failure to comply with' this regulation. the tract of land wi:l again be offered for sale. ADVERTISEMFNT. 500 310015 ACIMBINI 11111.1 MID. ANY good. nCtive and in:elligent map, with a, small capital of from $3O to $lOO, cad make large profits by engaging in the site of the following Popular and traoftil Books. Chainbers' Information fur the People: or Popular Encyclopedia of Useful Rnoiledge. Two large imperial octavo volumes, containing 1700 page,. Peterson's History of the American Revolution. 500 large octavo pages. with 200 fine engravings. .-Peterson'., History of the United Btates Navy.- 800 lame octatio pages. and /50 fine Engraving,. Prose, Rediattable Events in the History of America. Tito large octavo volumes. containing 1800 pages and 700 Engravings. the best History of America publi.thed. Frost's Pictoial Life of Wisliington. Alptend id book.containing 600 citalio pages add 150 ele gant Engravings. The Cheapest Life of Washmg ton ever published, 11 1 Ioore's History of the Indian Wars. Pine col ored and Plain Plates. . . The True Republican'. Containing the (naa . ginil Addresses and the Pim Annual Addresses and Mes .sages of all the Presidents of the United 'States, the Constitutions of thq most important. States in thri Union. arc. EnittellOthed with introits of ill the Pa& irlinta. tiiirrirved o* steel, and a fie* Of the •Capital of thi United State's. IRO pages, limo. Fox's Book of Maityfs t A 'Splendid Frailly Edi. tinn, Mtge ghetto. with 51 Engravings, beautifully hound in poo=eco. gilt. . I Be Cormenin's History of th e Popes. 000 large octavo pages,. with illustrations. , . ~ Josephus' liVorks. Pine Edition, ale large vol oine. , , - I IV . - ' ‘i' k's Sturm a fleabane o n or of God. St. Pierrel digdies of Nature, White 'a liistnry ot)he WOW. A. Valuable Gene ral History. One lenge ()Mayo volume. with hind' some Engravings. ~ Lives 0f Great aria Celeb rated Cliatacters' 4 - ;dell and countries . One large volume of 1104 - pa. gels. w* oumernoi Engrasiagn;. - 4. agell, ll .Togeth with Wiumber !IMMO. Vit P. ;.rfr'S panic.. Way adapted for Ropidar Itesding,,.. .. ,• .. • carr The tied .1 iltind_watioillb e given to Ayr* tars t! rues = eagagi Ut MC sale of Lie above WOO% gnic . . .. - For Witter partietdars, address , (postage taild.) Al. & J... 4 - OLSON. PublishOrair ' , No. 00 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. amt. seed _ . 50.11j81L. CLOVER WED, a trovaatattiale, far ails by • , W. 141.11.; Itemise tp.;Tobioary ft;1111i.- CEII CEMEM . • • • sikintgainraw:4-14% , . . VrAYE' not* its Stem et large stock of Geed. LA New York and other nniikete, which srs offerei wholesale and retail. at Li, lowest possible prim +. V einentkm a few things that mey always he found el "our Store. Prints.' gingham., poplins, M. dis m es, like. of the late* styles; (homes. Ilsrdwere. Cuykery, Bode and aim; Hats, Caps. &C. dre., Of libieb ws here alarge as. eintment, selected with grist ease end offered es law prier, Ind will not bs undenekl. • Alwri.`6x.4..Y• glognm..weeden wire, slaw soh leather.' besides-.- thousand ether- inlets, which ws wed Dot smenturakk - all of which , we offer Ite"our customers at price: that must Rise great 'llaislketton. ai. our entire Stock his , been laid in a. • Sins when Ste market was unessemese , 1y depressed, and goods were many per mt. Uwe than usual. By attention and prompluesa in meeting the want. or iwirpoutto . •!.. we hip. to mint i eau. tinuanei tbre.pitronage that his hitkertolreen liberally.hestrrered them re. MONTANUS' 4Ce. .Towanda. Oct. 11. 1•51. ;. A LT, -G 00D S • ET. FOX, wo u ld. fully Inform his oft (rites& . -and the eitiwnsOf ain4ford in general th at lie is now rectivingat fulfiller.* Of FALL 000101. whit* be is desirous of disisaliecot at a very Ma 4#0 . 11M fmna first cop , beingsatisfied that his goads ani Weis. ed wifti ai niuiticare, end bought st feast, at low priceess iis_neighbors. be is now anxious tsi.;tutositese• bilpustopeis fbat they will Ys sold at timaht kinglet pritxtplease cal and see, -as there is surely no biro • in Itoosiing how cheap imm‘folis do sell podi-kall soon. Corner of Main atl-rine meet. Books cob — kit ! AComplete assortment oftehooly Ma k, Cl. cal •Ss Miscellaneous-Books, constanilf ke' tlp and for sale at the lowest rates by. Igor. :19. 1831. 0. L. BARTIAITT.' Fall thid Winter Goo 6. $4..2;4.14 : T 8 new receiving iirect from New York a law sad / splendid assortment of Goods which he offers Se ail at prices whi:h cannot fail to suit the closest-buyv. Cr., for Calm. Pacinccr, on A ersovito Cason.. JIG respectfully asks a cell from all persons wishing is be goods cheap, as he is determined not to be undintarL Towanda, November 24, lASI. VICTORINES AND CUPEltt—a few setts for Ws V ehesp at ne2l FOX'S. 60 DAY STATE SIiALLP, various patterml i la* ors sal qualities, just received et (rt. 14, 1851. • ME RCM& WORTH of t3beep Peha wanted foe $8,368 Cash by H. 49r. A. C% LATER FROM CUBA . Itzethrtion... of • topes QTR.,. later news via New York lk E. R.- LK.** arrival,ol.a eesy Jame stook ofln - Mau:din ot, PNINNEY & BOWMANS No. a Brick Row watey they are prepared to sell at wholesale or retail for Cash ar Ready Pay. cheaper than the cheapest, from the feet that they purchased their stock fun ca s h i n e very are. pressed state of the mariet. Don't mistake the plate. No. 3 Brick Row next door to Dr. Flastons.Drug store. 5 TONS SUGAR, just received, at wholesale sad ra.tail. PHINNEY & BOWMAN, SAur,, • ;:nr• tot.. also Iron, Nails, Han!wars, 4 to if and Marker.' in Mils.. 4 and 1 bbls, for sale bj sept 22 PH iNNEY & BOWMAN.: I 0 CHESTS more of those three and four shilling. TEAS. at PIUNNEY & BOWMAN. QIIEETINGB, shiriinga. strip es. and ticks. for sale: 1 .- 7 by PHINNEY & BOWMAN. - BOOTS & SHOES, the largest and cheapest, aimed merit in town—and Hata and Caps, at wholesale an.' retail. PHINNEY & BOWMAN. CROCKERY, GfiuswarP. Paints, Oils. Glass, Dye% &c. -PHINNEY & BOWMAN. DRESS GOODS, s large variety n—HorVetar Shawls, a good assortment, for wale by - • arp22 PHINNEY & HOWMAN. LUMBER WANTED, et PHINNEY & BOW MAN'S, for which crib will he paid. on 1 - v H fo K r A g T. RypeHer7,lWEorny..ktakesnoi;vzcAh;inpt BuTTE R-100 Firkin% wanted, fin which portal/di will he raid. PHINNEY & BOWMAN. COME ONE. COME ALE. and examine the New Goode. which aro now being exhibited atll ap26. B. KINGSBERY'R. i•F t DUSHELS RYE 4r. coa.v me. by dr — V July h. E. FOX. LASTING POWDER-50 kegs Blasting Pow. B der. by fla MONTANYES & CO. CROCKERY.—The largest dock In town. Fnli dinner and tea setts. of white granite and Mee ware, which will be sold cheap at FOX'S. EVERY one knows that the place to find the large,. Imminent and best quality of gloves of ell dee* Mildew; is at aple FOX'S. B UK Silk and DM Silk Lace fur MANTILLAS .t spa- DRY GOODS-A g ood assortment of Aterisoas,; Cashmeres. De Lains, Alpacas, and prints now Inning at jig MERCURIO. Grceries 6 HEI'D. of Sugar at p o rices positively less than arty before sold in town within one year. also. Melia see sweet aml gond from 31 to 50 els. Rio. Lipka and Old lava Coffee that cant be beat. Fine bane Raisins, 'Pepper. Apices. Saleratus, Ginger. and a gm. mai assortment of groceries ; alma full supply of fresh new Teas warranted as usual, good gnd right rir money returned in all cases ; just received and for as* at sep. i s . 20 BALER OF SHEETlllo..,common and. One' Ito 10-4 aide- A nice,amorimiot aftlench ed Geode, bleached and brown Drilla.! C - Mah and Tint. PPM brown and bleached Table Linden, Checks.. Lin*, spy. Ticking. Cotta► Yam, Batting. Wicking and Wadding. wiling cheap at PDX'S. A DMINISTRATRIX'S N9TICF:. ALL persons indebted to the estate of A. 1 4 , V. Vsngorder, dee'd. late of the.township4 ire hereby requested to make payment with Out delay. and those having claims against said estate. will Ostia present them duly authentiostity (or witlement. • MATIT.DA VAN(IORT,ER, • r Doren. September 22. 161 4 „ • Adinnistrattir. By •sip rt n, phut Oh; tbe VensfeetateßY NEW.AHAViLS i TM received by,espress anot , .. e r cask of Da, 4 State flhaie,ls. splendid ssyie.,. et , Tnivanda. Nov. 28, J. KINGSBERT. • PO . it Winter Goode: 7.:Vniroar arBOII3EXT. preceiving • large assortment of Pall and Maw for Goods, direct Imm.New York 'which is .timed at Greatly reduced ,priees to cash buyers. Toutanda. pet. 11, 1851. EXECUtOR'S NOTICE.. Lit A ie . ritontt indebted to the estate o(. WILLIAM -DAV , EN. deed, late of Warren tommillip. ire hertbs reqoested to make paTmetit withoth delay. and, all persons having derizathis minima said estate are *equalled to present thitaktiolv anthentiestid Coe settleumm. ..! /AMER M. BOWEN; Esseatew. Wairen.Marel 1152. Fis" FISH t..Meekerel by the bbl.. half /mist?: ' AOC mod pond. Alen a allelee . quality ft 01* 1 1 01= 1 ,1av maims! and flw sale by - . . 141 1M1 1 *' . . . . .c. M 9 =1 WM