Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 03, 1852, Image 4

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- • a COP. _
dramon of e Id '
•• " V3w I at
telit et
till.-be-slitentnienetit many men -weir9
inictirtrigliterredon account of the entire besot their _
bmttards .and kiegrrrsons began to tin dawn - their
Bawl oanawi tofibe ntillehad been worth ataleteis
o antes bashel„,iliOJ ciJer at the press,.ahey to wry
antyteit_einit:lihthetilifei. less ; When '' the' tree.
brae welt and the - gra - and waiirrie4Ahand IreWfrorp
high grams, small atones, an& all thing& that .eratirt
treabteln piekilterp, and the mill was near, you
could get yoafhpillea gathered anti the cider litaderi
for ortattall of it, minus every tenth barrel for the
wall. The apples-in the orchard, tmgathereri, were
wiartbitboet three' cent* a bushel rsance and drying
apples tea to twelve. If gathered, ,fifteen to seven
teen cents, and prime, nineteen; apples•or gritted
varietiel I'a-only-five ,
_Bat as temperance prOglessed, and the ifittdiery
Ares-ceased to burn, and older as a drink begat to
1,0 discarded, the complaint of an overstock of up.
blekbecome less, oiler rose to a dollar or more a
*noel, sad apple* in proportion, and to that day the
PON of apple& has advanced just in proportion as
the quantity of cider has diininished. For three or
more years, cider apple* have been worth, deliver.
al in the fill, about twelve • cents; common
cooking ripples twenty4lva to shisty•seven, and
grafted itliintet huit,lffly to saventy•five Now what
bas caused this change 1 in the filet place apples
have been Waal worth ten to fif een cents to feed
stock. The stations idea that they contained no nu
triment, and *nuid diminish the qnantity of milk
if - frit . ktitsmaire, hay bean entirely exploded., ,If you
iill'have cider you must pay what the apples are
writ tot othpr por:posea, and ;for making besides.
; ;thin main, the time was, and rim many years
i l
slate r when we- nal -btu few villages thickly
limited lint that each family could raise their own
fruit. Now, With us, the villages of No and South
Atlases, Lee, Barringtrm, West Stock "rigs, and
Piltsfleld, to say nothing of others, turn' a market
for more apples for eating and cooking an the`
country furnished thirty years ago. Look for a mo
ment to that little world of brick walls whi h We
ealittsw Wilt, will) its hundreds ors thousands of
applaes.ters, and all Ito ba-topplied by others, out
of the surplus remaining af t er their own wants are
supplied.. -
- t
Look at our large cities, Sur.on,- Philadelphia,
Albany, and a hundreds of les.ser ones. Then look
at the broad south. Why, the market is not one
quarter supplied. But the prices are most extrava
gairly high., The ground which would bring,
ectiralps of the saatiohe,,,five dollars worth of ;,Iretin•
Lag apples, at present prices, would not keep Italia
sheep, or 'he tenth part of a cow lt cider apples
Were ealuable productions at six cents per •bmthel,
:good grafted apples should be offered at fifteen to,
twenty at the orchard, gathered in the usual way.,
arta should Le picked and barreled at twenty-five'
cents. And whin this price 'domes thus,,,the . .de
wilLtaiiiiereaiitd fear fold 'With: thii.ltrirrer t
number of inhab tents.. They o ill time become a
profitable article for daily consumption, in families'
where they are now onlytoccusiconaly admitted . .as
a luxury.
But the population is constantly and rapidly iral
anti CA 'int:realm is mainly ofmotipro !
ispecially in the Old states. The farming,
Srui ,, wsising population is remaining about stationary
in many towns decidedly decreasing, while dm
crease ler in the' commercial and manahmturin
eines - and villages. This we deem en imponan
'consideration, in the correct estimate of the inter
Viewing, then, the present scanty supply, at the
aery high pie. a, the increased consumption which
would - follow a rittinetirin of price, a re.lnction
which improved cuitnreand a judicious adoption of
kinds to the varying seasons of the year would per.
mit, rand yet remunerate the producer, and the in.
crease of population ; that Increase being almost
wholly conqnmers We believe there is no dan
ger of a surplus until the quantity - is Manama swop
ty foul. Anti if the time should comet when it stir!
Tit t pay for sending to market, it. will be worth
Inure than the cost of the production to feed teemed
fig., and horses at home.
Large Seed Potatoes ea Small.
Ufa gorroa:-..The questioner large versus small
peones' for seed, seems at preset. to engage a large
share - of attention in several of our agricultural joist
nals. Perhaps a statement of an experiment on
Larger scale than usual will be of interest at this
Its tne fall of 18'8 1 measured off two acres. of
ground and had it deep); plowed. The soil is a
warm sandy loam, with deep sandy sobbed, trod
was at•the time of plowing, down to timothy mead.
ow; three years from the sowing. It was plowed
in the fall for the purpose of exterminating the cut
worm, 'which abounded. The following April we
,fiauled upon it one hundred two horse wagon loads
of well rotted barnyard manure,spread it early and
plowed it nine inches deep, harmed well, trunk
ed oat drills four-inches deep arfirthree feet apart,
and planted with fine large Neshannock potatoes,
chosen and preserved carefully for the pnrpoe.-s-
The potatoes were cut arid planted at the rat? of
twenty bushels to the acre. The large seed was
insufficient to complete the planting and ,we were
forced, to have teconnot to the culls, about the , size
of vralnats. The whole size was planted in ; one
day. The plants came op well, and were %well
strotked with the cultivator. No apparent difier.
pace between the large and email seed. The)
were Jug about the middle - 01 . September, commen
cing at the rows planted with Aiwa potatoes,(abont
a quarter of an acre) %ye were , so surprised to
Add the potatoes so lar7 . ,tytnd the yield so good, it
having been a favori . e theory of mine thea the large
patinae+ alone iihould tie planted, to make a good
return. We measured carefully several rows, and
etude large calculations on the probable yield of the
large seed. Judge then of our suprisa..w hen measo
aring several rows of the Lauer, To find they fell a
ItUfe short of the former, both in tia ntity and qual
by. •
Mother acre and a half that we planted a few
4sys; later than the first patch, on deep alluvial soil,
in a very careless manner and entirely with small
potatoes, produced as fine a lot et large. potatoe as
1 have ever seen. The yield of the tXp acres was
400 bushels, and of the ono acd a half sores 200
, In 18$0 I atysee4 potatoes by storing too
quantity togetinu;, and seed being very
scarce in the neighborhood, I was forre4 to plant
eescold bit probated, red 'pelmet, taro and
small mixed. I Plittilisaiiiiiteallirchitred land at the
esti ornibeitalhels 03.112041bivi1z0 1 1 3 4 0 ) Ik u e
better crop- thed !Insld be.axpected ftinthe qoanti.
1.04420 vie: 1 114 0 . 44FfsficTa41To..
sorted out all the small ones,,-aboitt thiSi;e: 4 41,
nuts and hen /ROT. seed; and in April, 1851 - , - 1
planted Tifacree'oftiehitiAirret' iirtsws three feet
apart, and at the rite 'or rilly ? een b ashers
acre, potatoes whole, or when en ontutualli large
one octoarrett."Xurin two.. When dog, they were
'seamed on the I .7.,,,thshie ones sant' lel mar
ket anti the small ones stored,foi iZettga
ed eatefolly the prodoetof one acrikaud faimd )20
bushels, of which one, fcayth was culls and the other
three fourths the. best quality. of msfYhantzbl! PT l '
toea;, and as such they commanded e high. price In
market 1 wilt also Mention, that my potatoes have
never been infected with the roe, excelit In ones or
two spots wherwthe water of a spring occashinally
flowed over the grorand alter heavy reinsialthuogit
my' neighbors for several years , past, until the pres
ent season, have lost. nearly their entire crops.'
Janet mould pa askstip "fry , reason tot my
Meat from the semirge, axe .pt perhaps, 641,4144n
ting. Yours resperAilk
A. Farmer who hsid RoilsWOG Loam.
There ate in every, es:immunity, farmers who con.
(Rife) it iMpgnitjtel to add. guaything to their aftesiay
accented stuck of knowledge. We met one of the
class a few days since, whet in - answer to our in.
gully whether he, was a subscriber to an agrieut
mud paper, indignantly replied that " book farming
was 'humbug, and That he knew were of tanning
than anybody could tell him." We did aot,argue
the point with him, conceiving it to be worse than
useless; but as we left him, weroolt a few notes of
this model farmer's premises, which we present
to your readers, with the hope they will prove of
service. . •
The. pailiog fence enclosing the homer-yard was
broken titivtp in several places; one of the binges
off the gale, and directly in from of the kitchen door
several, lank looking swine were wallowing in the
-hole, where for dear knows how long the slops
of the kitchen had been thrown. We thought, were
he really as wise as he conceived himseAt to be,
that 'fence would have been repaired,-that gate
hinge fastened; a good tneed - oI swine would have
replaced those hungry-looking ones, and the rich
slops of the kitchen would have been applied to a
better use than to creastaWanwholesome and an
unpleasent wallowing placetir swine
The barn stood On an eminence, and Directly in
front of e t a small stream flowed. From the ma
nure water was flowing, in a silent but steady
stream, and beneath some cherry4reea, that skirt
ed the lane, 1 observed large quantities of the
excrement, of the fowls exposed to the ac
tion of the weather, and aiding materially . the
growth and vigor of the wilderness of weeds
around. (fad he been so very wise, he would have
checked the waste of that precious manure; ern.)
ins.rad of permiting his fowlft to roost upon the
chi-rry tree•, (and thus expose them to the inclem
ency of the weather, but lose' in addition, their very
valuable manure.) he would base given them a
place 'of shelter, and by that means secured their
comfort and productiveness, as well as their ex
An otchard of young apple trees was almost en
drelyilestroyed by the borer; the few* that enclos
hie meadnws were in a ruinous ocmdition ; several
hogs wet° tunics in turning up the sod ; and as we
attempted to close the gate that led from the barn
Mine house, we found it wholly impracticable, one
hinge tom entirelynff, the the others so twisted as
to render'the efforts vain. Want of time prevented
further observation ; but we had seen enough to sat
iffy us that the careful persital of any good agricul
tural journal, and a practical application of some of
the hints contained in would have been - hun.
drids of dollars value to our uverwile tame r .—
Farm Journal.
Facts ssoirr Mite —Cream moot raise through
a great depth of milk. [(milk, therefore desiredio
retain its cream for a time, it should be put in a
deep narrow dish ; and it h h io hes it most
completely of cream, it should be secured in a broad
flat dish, not much exceeding an inch in depth.—
tie evolution of cream is facilated by It rise, and
retarded by a depression of temperature. At the
usual temperature of the diary, 50 deg. Fabian.
heit, all the cream will probably nips in 26 hours
but 76 deg. it will perhaps all raise in half that
time, and when the milk is kept Lear a freezing
point, thecreatSs will raise very slowly, because it
becomes partiOly
In wet and bld weather the milk is. less rich
than in dry and warm; and that on that account
more cheese is obtained in cold than warm, though
not thundry weather. The season has its effects—
the milk in the spring, is supposed to be better for
calves ; in the summer for cheese; and in i autumn,
the butter keeping better than that of summer
cows less frequently milked than others, give ricko
milk and consequently much better. The momin
milk is richer than the stealers. The butt drawn
milk of each milking, 14 . 011 . !Om and all seasans,
is richer than the first Jrawn, which is the poorest.
7 Etrects or ma stems eosin or Pcacn Tues.
—Serious apprehensions are entertained in regard
to the peach crop for the Coming season. We are
informed from various sources, that nearly all of
the buds are frozen. In ,some few localities we
learn that such is not the - case but the exceptious , to
the general destruction are, we fear, very rare.
We have. examine.] a, number of buds every one
of which gave unmistakeable ovidenctrof the de.
straction of the germ. • My one may satisfy him.
sett of the (act by cutting open, a bud, and if the
small germ inside be -of a black or brown colorin.
stead of green, there will be no fruit from that bud
although there may be a blossom.
Wale Moans- On taking possessicm of a piece
of ground five years ago, fora gardett—nreerfnihis
city, but than out upon the prairie—we found it in.
tested with - wire•wones: They were present 'by
thousaatis in every part of the soil, and the quertion
was how to get lid of Mein. Two years after, we
Procured wine refuse salt and sowed at the rate of
3i bushel per acre,, in the fall, of the year. On
Working the g ro und the following summer the wire.
worms bad taken themselves' away, save' s law
strogg,lers which have been gradually leaving ever
stnee, till now there is scarce a ralitary resident left.
This would seem to say, nit them. •
,Anintance Tea , is seating more menace eve.
ry day. There is anareely `poseirtif goof! tea to
be foniid ;`it, is adulterate:l first in Cliltril, „ kut thee
it aedergoes a finishing process when it comes hero
11 77 I_ gac.OXLa .;g:1:_z:
4.1 ra; , - `47; rat: 4A*3 1 1.4. 7 ja_iirfr;
ew Gum via jseasugta wareroom.
ittsrE6-rruLltde pisbriethat. be hie
• • qitierieire Awe% his new time. cOrner - of,Maitt
stieefsiqnsiii opposite .&lerard. Orettoo'., l
Towinidif;Wheirt•beiail Irseplonliand - ormaneractare
ed - iinicr; FfspOwini. , Cormiza;fWindarm.Fancsri Cape
Staid:an* eiinttnolv CHAIRS,. made of the beet nsix
intorsicietiorAimibility.. , • - :; •
' Be bei'aito ferrite. in Aluottinent of asaniansi
itliiw - prices • - •
•••''Repairinr ens Seatibg Consmois Canerri sad
rhii;Oemed•Cfiaire. - rieuribsonalkle Menu • -
"Chieffi - BameseoileiVbitewood and Curator low
bantam) in payment for - work. , • ---. •
He treat') that hie long-acquantanee MAW. cooritY;
anittbei-deribilit# of hit work u many.pori
experience, will secure him a share of public pimp.
age. Toarente. March ti lOW
. „ -
14AS removei.his ;establishment, to If.l4Tie's afore,
441,10.1 . pf,maindtrect„raid the,pnblic stluare, and
'twill c ontinue the mesufacture of Booth cud Shois c as
heretofore .
Halutajust received frism New York s large orsort
mem of Women's, GAildrerei caul Minn' Shneelkdch
are offered at lo•irpricee / The ; atewstiop cf the Ladies
is,psrieularly, directed le his assiirtrnint,
the foll Owing new 'styles f---etisdielted hanYlinAgai
ter boots; do. shoes ; black lasting and Silk Renton;
walking shoes. buskinarce. • Misses' gaiters and shoes:
of every Awe ription. A largs.assortment of Ghildreria
fancy gaiters, toms and shoes, of all triads..
For the Gentlemen, almost every style of taillne and
shoes. This stock hie been personally selected ,with
care, and he believes he can offer superior articles et
reasonable prices.
..Cr The attidttse adtentionfilid to lifartufOuring.
and he hors by doing work well to merit a continu-
Lice of the liberal patmnage be hu hitherto receive!.
Towanda, May 8, 1851.
Ii 9 DITME 9 loam=
Row, (up stains.) in the room formerly-occupied
hy Hon. D. Wilmot as a taw office. when he will be
pleased to see theme requirin his professional services.
Towanda. November 18, 1851.
11 AVTIT CT located in Towanda, his services - may
be obtained by addressing a line through. the Post
Office, or by calling at life Are of Ulysses Merest,
Esq., where he will be found, or where a written ap
lieatrion may be len. Not. I, 1850.
1111E1 UktlintaillDAVST73llllLQNit
Is Still in Operation I
THE isubseribert have moved to the new building on
Pine street, one door below brefellf. MOTO where
they will keep on hand and make to order, ploughs,
stove and mill 4008 of almost all descriptions. Turn
ing and fitting op work. will be done also on reasonable
terms as at Elmira 3f Owego. Old iron will be taken
in payment. JOHN CARMAN St CO.
Towanda, April 26, 1851.
Saddle, Harness & Trunk Manufactory.
TERE CULP & Co., respectfully inform the public
el that they have taken the shop lately occupied by
C. F. Harder, on Main street, s kw doors below the
Brick Row, where they will keep on hand a large
stock of
zuz.zioutee4 wantima%
Trivaas, V•LISSA, Mlllqi, ZTC.
All articles in their line manufactured to order, and
made of the best material, and for workmanship cannot
be surpassed in Northern Psunsylsania, They solicit
a call from those wishing to purchase; confident that
they can give satisfaction both as to quality and price.
az Cash will he paid for Hides and Sheep' Pena,
t the highest rates, nt our shop.
Sok Leather, Upper Lealher.llarness Leather and
Calf akins, for sale in any quantity.
lowlands, November 19th, 1550.
THE subscribers respectfully inform the public that
they have taken the shop formerly occupied by
Adam Esenwine, on Main street, nearly opposite
Drake's wagon shop, where they are prepared to do all
kinds of BLACKSMITHING upon reasonable teems.
They arc determined by doing their work well and
promptly, to merit, u they bops to receive a share of
public patronage.
HORSE—SHOEING done in the best manner. All
kinds of repairing Machinery, executed in the moat skil
ful manner.
WOOD WORK for wagons will also be made and
repaired when desired.
All work done at their shop, will be murmurs' to be
well done, and manufactured front the. beet materials,
The public are requested to nista us a trial, and judge
for themsslyee. , ESENW ENE &SE ESISCH
Towanda, May 2. ISM - •
ADAM ESEN WINE respectfully informs the pub.
lic that he now occupies the shop where himael
and brother have for veara worked, nearly opposite
Tomkins' foundry, where be is ready to do all work
in his line, as formerly in the best manner. He is de.
termine.l the reputation he has attained as a skilful
workman shall not suffer by any nesleet of the inter.
eats of customers or by any inattention to business.
TOOLS, manufactured to order—machinery of all
kinds repaired in the best manner, and every kind of
Repairing and Mann/adoring will be done at abort
notice, and in the style desired.
Horn shoeing on reasonable terms. lie will elan
take Country P roduce, in psymem for work, but ob.
jects /gooney to credit:"
Towanda, Jan. 17, 1851.
*Union Moak:* up stairs; North side or the
Public Square. over Elwell's Law Office. Entrance
between Elwell's and - Adams' law offices; where be
may always be found when not professionally engaged.
Towanda, July 12, 1250.
M,WrT7Z! !!. 7
Adana & filtaciarlarts,
LTA VING entered into copartnership in the practice
Li. of few, him else estabhalted ea sitoneY for be
aloof real estate in the county of Bradford. Persons
having real estate which they dente to sell, by calling
and inning a description of their property with the
terms of sale, will undoubtedly find it to their advan
Perseids desirous of purehming can team where prop•
erty is for sate--a deek.riptio"f the am with the
price and terms of payment and be informad as to the
ity of title. - J. C._ ADA MS.
Towsnds, Miry 11.1851. J. MACFARLANE.
THE ondersignmi having associated themaehret
together under the firm of Praneiseo and Tem
kin/taus the-purpose of earryina on the
- Carriage litaking Mathew, •
Respectfully solicit a share of Public Patroitsee.--
They pledge themselves-to make as good work and
as eat as can be produced from any other tenth%
lishment., .
We have now on hand a variety of dnished work,
and shall endeavor, In keep Onatlhtly on hand a
good assortment. so thatcustomers mayrit any tittle
Le accommodated with carriage to theirt■ste:
All persons wishine - to purchase work ofihia kind
will do wellto call and esamine for tbenselves. aS
we will sell as low as can be afforded in any other
establishment. •
ea. Repairing done to order with. tininess and
despatch, , •:4.PRANCIrICO.
Towanda, Anspll3; 1851.- .N.C. TONKIN&
AT11.62 )l
ps.iat unit ium; • coses:netw'_ityle
of end C ap e , Ali o a law rock of mew',
#mewen4 Ckildreas *Pots and Shoes joist received
.$41644,12.7i*ir-tisrir' — ' 44 .l',4 - 4101" - -...litactit.r'' , •
, >
IMO It 110"4:1114 ° fltelr '
0 ititto,4!ll
- or. worn illkstoMtrit • _ •
7Aio 4ontaino leo 31emarg, nor ony-oilta•
Mineral substenes. itputeiy Vogdate •
"bee notedy-tnt *Mania one of the now *tmor
&try; weer Used. - - ft adeetestlyetadiestes wrote of
atrsoffi Ibutt 4Vldtwe and *dubs. • - •• 5
Tho6lolol parialti, *Onto *taunt Thmitest emus
beincknoten. Sena, other Moon assigned Ox
siekness. , staid' toolate to ewe the reel mat.'
Whitt instants, eespanstbilitf • mete upon the 'prom
who does not know end the doctor wbo dose isaVin
dwitati‘therbseitait'4hintwqing those pre
cious flowiniof • - I
Wiltatirkeubil* dritsl
The insiter 'Give tbsilliforatifaSerinitieb .
will be stirs to do- goo& if they haic no wormy. mei if
they -hoe, it sriltdestroy'attd - aradiesta them with a
certainty and precision truly 'astonisitirtz
. Them ia no mercury Or • mineral in it. Mercury la
the Nish of moat setinzeretinisfiestfritrid the remedy is
SletneliPM , Trotin4 ll3l m) dur dieCafe- - t 3 P.never gee', ki
enge/..buktelY ,rete l 7, Pen= will bO:
winced on ono
,149.1 A t iLt it ammo petfact
over. invented.' , ,
,The t a mes to:s a
test of its fraluairid the &intuition ,
• nitwit it is heed
by families. It would , be.quita.too sappily& tet , rub:
lish the volumes of certificates that bee been given
for this anicle, anti the users 01 it me request-4d. to
spiced the name to a parson* nhoin they think will
be teriefittedpby it. • • - •
tifpealt. Of it in an familia; and On vill <to last Ai.
ty to your Witt* meantime. mid ,feet simtresi of ; the sp.
probation of air goof] man, and;rill receive your Reward
in heaven. .s -
We call on atlzootl citizens tomalnt known . 'hi el"
feels of this woudirini tamed,' •
Remember. and ask Orridea vernujuge. .
Startling 'Pacts. •
Hundreds of children and adults are lost ♦eerly with
worms, when some other cause bas been supposed' to
be the true one.
It is admitted by ill doetonithat ewes a aim; we=
man, or child's-Ws, bet wile sooner or fifer are
trouble. vial Winne, and in !rendre& of ease& sad to
relate, • luppored fever, searlatins, cold, or some other
ailing' names* off the dower of the huinsh
While lir nnthiberY die of wonnsl and these could
have been eradicated jn a day, by the ow done bottle
How sickening the thought that therethings should
be-..sed - who eon ever forgive rbernrekee for not try
ing this WORM EXTIAMINATOR, when they
know that even if thee casewits not worms, this reme
dy mold not by any possibility do hurt—but always
good as a purgative,, let the diseepe be what it may.
How important: then to salt, and who will dant to
take the responsibility to do without it! Let all Fia•
rents ask themselves this question in truth'and'sober.
nese -
For sale by Dr. H. C. PORTER, Towanda. Ow
neral Agent!. IKy
Tire! Tire! Tire!
ARE you insured 1 application received and insta
anus effected by J. E. CANFIELD, Agent far
the fellewtteu sake and popular companies
The IguAson Slyer Tire insurance Co.
The St. Lawrence Company.
Capital MO,OOO.
The ampire State Company.
Capita' $200.000.
The Washington Company.
Capital over $1200.806.
The State mutual at Zarsislorg Tu.
With* large Copies! red large increasing Cash Fund
the Great Pennsylvania Company.
The United Slake We insamee Annuity k Trot
Capital. .4250,000
On the new principle by which the insured partici
pates in the profits.
J. E. CANFIELD, Athens, Pa.
Important to ammekeeperm
THE subscriber thankful for the
liberal patronage heretofore re-
Iceived. begs leave to inform his
!friends and the public generally.
and those commencing House
;keeping in particular that he has
'now on hand a large assortment
of FURNITURE, which he will
warrant to be made in a substantial manner, and of
the heat materials.
BUREAUS, such as mahogany and walnut dress.
log bureaus'. marble anct plain taps ; mahogany and
walnut washstands, marble tops, and plain. of dif
ferent patterns, Card and end tables, Sofas Coed.-
OS, whatnots. &c.
BEADSTF.ADS.—High. Field, French and low
post beadsteads, finished in handsome style and of
approved patterns, together with other furniture usu
ally called for, all of which will be sold on the most
accommodating terms.-
p3' The subscriber is also provided with a plain
and fashionable HEARSE, and will bold himself in
readiness to attend to all orders in undertaking.
He will furnish ice boxes when desired. by the aid
of which the corpse may be kept for% week, COF
N. B.—Furniture of all kinds made to order, and
warranted to be of the best materials and workman
Towanda. January Ur, MS. -
-417', ---!:
DOlid .1 :
111; 1111.
111880LUTION.--rfotice is hereby given. that the
paruiership heretofore existing between the sub.
scribers in' the Harness and Trunk making business is
this day dimwitted by Annul .conient.. E. BMith'ilL
Sou will settle the business of lb. tate firm. Thaw
indebted must make immediate payment, and those who
have agreed to grain. are notified that Unless de
livered at tae time agreed, Cash will be , expected.
November 5, 817. JERE CULP.
E. Smith it Rah
110 ESPECTFULL V inform .the public that they
will continue the business at their old' tend, north
aide' of the siren% and will keep on hand. and
manufsettirs to order.' every variety of SADDLES,
HARNESS. TRUNKS. V ALICEB, &e" of the firm
emanate and of wortniarisblp, not to be surpassed.
Hy stnet attention ur business, and promptness in
fanning engagements, they bopocr continue the lib
eral- initronstre they Italia heretoforeenioyed.
Catt al AGE TRIIIIEeIiG Will be
.done on short notieur.
in the neatest manner.
All kind' of Grain. Produorr. Sidles,, 9heef Pei*
will be takei in eicbange for wadi . " .
rnk at Whokluile. ,
IN F VERY variety of liarrison'or Odium bia n just
1:4 received by the subsoriber—whe has made lir
ramternents by *bleb be cad' supply Iderthams &
Dealers, on as favorable rermalier can. be bad or tbe
proprietors. 0. D.-BARTLETr..
Towanda, Nov. 28. 1851.
T-001411EREI—We ere sow setting the beat eitiJ
Lt ellef lielineee at Ille cents per milker. .
TC, tor s t o 0.1 1 -# 1 ! • ii_Ozi!,“ •• •
• • Pni3ll3/11Di
, 101.0 - 11.
The folloring equalied ,
saies:of Family 411.ethrumt
nitst iey _scdeps4ded von with the utmost corpi da
hare the upro, Om of (he best mei
csan!in. the:•ettertifi* acrd ere recom- •
' w&i hare tiled Omni ;.
aC'surelior: (6 :o9 ( !nalleo 6 :
theiluire bees before the Public' far five live,
Daring which time more than -15000 certificates have
been received from , eminent public men
' • and °them, and arenas, on ale
• at the Cturrpany'a office.
- They taro Compounded -
With the alma care and skill, and the ingredients
are thoroughly tested by scientific chemists, so
thattsciieitina of a uniform and reliable - gum
lity Ire Intantuteed in all eases.
Are prelim:dady ralustilefitrthe preirention and rube of
Peseta in genetak . all Bilinusend Liver emapfainta.
Jaundice, General Debility. Continua . sed t4ck
Headache. Dyspepsia Heart Burn,'Cattivenee.
Griping, Urinary Diameter. Obstructions of
the Menses, 'lnfluent*: Asthma. and foe a
irately of othe. • Chronic Diseases; in •
fine, for an °fanny Gamily uses.
qi"r*an liirections Air the various Diseases seeritspasiy
etch hot; Prim 25 cent' s tint.
. The Gracfroberg My:entail Syrup,
A speedy end infallible remedy in Diarrboti, Drente . -
ry. Bloody Plus, Cholera• Mortis; CholeriTnfa'rtenn
sail the Asisvic Cucizziti., if taken' with the filet
rgymptbals, viz:
: von:hint and diarthcia. It ne
ver fillip cure the wotst possible cases of
lxivret complaints, generally nra few tutors,
abidoch beyond a thy. It it Permit
Vzori s'itz. (rd taken is attj Tian•
city is perfectly harmless. ,
The Craefeaberg Green Mountain Oltitaleilt.
Invaluable for Burns, Wounds, Sprains, Chillbtains,
Corns. Sores, Swel ings of all , kinds, Rheumatism,
Eryaipelas, Bronchitis, Scrofula, Ulcers, Pains in
the side and back immediately relieved. Inflam
mation of the ilowebi, and for all cues where
there is Inflammation.
Marshall's Merlin Calholleoa.
ti certain curs for Pro!spans Uteri, and for most of On
distressing complaints incident to females. Pro•
pared by Dr. TI4CO. POMZROY, of Utica,
solely for the Grsefenberg Company.
easszszonsmo XLDICIR2f LIZ
Eye Lotion, Health Bitters,
Capinoptive Balm, Feuer and Ague Pills,
aildrenia Panacea, Libby's Pile Ointment,
Sarsaparilla Compound.
ca The Graefenberg Manual of lirsltb, • eomplite
Itantl-bools of medicine for families. Price fifty cents.
Office, 214 Broadway, New York.
Cartrion.—Thj, public is requested to bear in mind
tbr t euerything ifFetaared by the Graefenberg9ompany
has their seal upon it.
Spurious ankles have been issued closely assembling
the genuine in every particular, except the seal, and
the utmost care should be used before purchasing.
Agent for Bradford County—Dr. PORTER, To.
wand's. 438
Charter Perpetual... Cash system... Capital $2:,0.004
Office No. 29, Merchants' Eichange.
ORGANIZED upon the - mixed principle," Stock
mud Ffhpual, wheals combined features offer to in
sured members double the usual security. The Gash
syste..i of payments has also been adopted, thus avoid
ing the heavy drawbacks created by unpaid premium
notes. The table rates of premium. upon which km po.
lieies are being issued, is the only scabs experience has
proven should be adopted, as affording requisite secur
ity to be insured, and am undoubted guarantee for the
perpetuity of such institutions. An experimental ts-
We may be found worthless, at the very instant a poll
cy,should possess its greatest value. Life Insurance;
very properly, is *treating the attention of the world:-
fhe public however, in their commendable willingness
to embrace eel) employ its wire and salutary provisions,
should make ultimate security ' the primary and most
important object, which can only be attained by so Ad
justing the premiums as to anticipate unexpected teas
es and fluctuations of every kind. It is the purpose
of this company annually to credit, upon the polices
of holders and books of the Company,ench an amount
of profits as shall not affect the stability, or impair the
sacredness of its contracts. Premiums may, at the op
tion of the insured, be. paid annually, semi-annually,
or quarterly, in advance. All neer:says information,
together with Honks, pamphlets, &e, may be obtained
gratis, at the office of J. E. Castrate, Athens, Pa.
Stephen R. Crawford, Paul B Goddard,
Ambrose W, Thompson, Lawrence Johnson,
Benjamin W. Tingley, George Wlteary.
Jacob L. Flamm James Devereux,
V illiam M. Goodwin, John L. Linton.
Anaemia W. THOMPSON. Vice President.
Casa. G. Irmair. Secretary and Treasurer
AuTusuz...Manuel Eyre.
Cocnasat. ♦as Arronarta—Thomas Balch.
F. S. Roar, Medical Examines for Athena.
~December 27, 850.
Clock, Watch, and Jewelry Store !
A.M. WARNER takes this method
am.., of informing
. his old customers and the
public generally, that be has purchased
ofJ. u., tits stock of etches, s
- and Jewelry. and commenced the above
business in all of its various branches at the old stand
of the latter, on Main street, two doors south of Brick
Row. His reputation as a . watch repairer is so welt
established in this community, that it is hardly neces
sary to say a word on that point. With his long ez.
penance and great advantages for acquiring a thorough
knowledge of the business, he has confidence in saying
to the public, bring on your watches and clocks, I wilt
do them justice. ,
All goods sold, or Repairing done, warranted as I
recommend, or the money refunded.
A good assonntent of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry
kept constantly on hand.
My motto shall be—quick sales, ernel profits. cub
down, and no credit given. Credit need not be asked
for—as I am bound not to make its acquaintance.
Towanda. July 12, 1850. A. M. WA R:VER.
Removed to B. Kingsbery's Block !
4. Chninfweritu,
IT As jute returned rem the city
erNror York with a targe
C - augpli of Witches , Jewelry end
, sliver ware; comprising rant,
(„_ the Rdlowing articles :—Letrer .
L'Epme and Plain Watches, with
\ %-t \ -•-• .. X complete aisgrunent or told
Jewelty, loch as Ear Rital, Fin
ger Rin Breast Pine, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chains,
Gntd Pens. Reyit. etc. Atan, all soots of Silverware.
sod any quantity ofotteel Beads =all of which he often
for role exiteedingly cheap for CASIH.
Watches repaired on short notice, and war r anted
to run iellor the money will be refunded. and a writ-
ten agreement voiien to that effect if regoired.
N. SUGAR. and Country PrOduer.
taken in pisitnefiffor wotk ;, and alai. learn notb, and
areverahat ,lhe Produce must he paid tohei the ujech,
is done=l . warigaitiat Credit in ~.01 -
IV, A ..Cl - 1ANIBEBLIN; Agent.
'Towanda. Aptit 28, 1850.
IFd EG87.1 en_nceor Nails just comm.,'
11-Ul,l MERUIIII%*
BROWN SUGAR. .Also. Coffee. Crashed
s 7 and Powdered Sugars, nowarrivJng and for ode
wholesale or nrtail very cheep I" MERCUR'S.
rir Ciao of
o°o 'Artiett, LI D
. —()&01,41'10N.
Of idl '4 ; tieistroos medicines estint,
of the* vslustiej for tSe ease o r
comptiiiii,..hothing,,i)”,cier been found ith
compere in ita er!ccii,, with thin rteparuk,
cure snineticnii.liht4ll,4 limes and in
the kings 'and' thitfat medicine c m
this'eeill do it. It is ple . iisant to take, a m`
safe in 'iceordinie with. ;he direetiont 1 4 ,
aidiettisefOr the infontietien cf those wh o
it but thene whole's hot. Famiiiee Out
iti' ratite Will not he without it, a n d b y
thel itYfisetitie fr o m hike dangerous
. _
Goochs and Got& which neglected,
consumption. •
'The - Upton% of the Mainchuseus
.warded to tbis,prepsration by the Ba al
tilepterober.lll47 ; afro. the Medals of ;
Inatittates . of Art, in thta country ; airs
ofthe Ohio Indtitatei at Cincinnati, h a ,
the eiltl/11T P/D/011/11., by therr Goo
eidmation of its extraordinary excellen t
ness in curing affections of the Lune,
Read the following o¢inion founded
experience of the eminent Physician of t
City of : •
Dr. .1. &Ter : Sr. Joss,. May
Pies years trial of your Cherry Pectpnl
ties, has:proven what I foresaw lrom
must be true, that it eradicates and ran;
and colds to which we. in this section,
r think its equal hes not yet
nor do I know how a better remedy ,
the distempers of the throat and lunp,
J. .1. BVITOD.
Bei whet it has done OD a wanted
only in the following awes, but s it
Dr. Ayer: tiaustrair
In the month of July lut, I was
lent dliarthomin the mines of Coliktoit.
to San Francisco in hope of receiving b e
cbergu• t ri climatal and diet —My diubsta
was' follinved by a severe coagfr—snd
I finally started for home, hot merited s ,
frouvelve voyage. My cough room :wait
and when I arrived in New York.' 111,0
gelky.isty,acquaioutocea. as a nata l f i,.
rmeist confess that I saw no sutlani,,
what my friends . believed/ At Ns
menced taking your truly iavalusble r
little espectation of deriving any brat
You would not receive these lines did
my duty to state to the 'filleted. through ,
health in the space of eight months is
ed. I attribute it to the use of your CHI
TONAL. Yours truly.
WAPII/NriTOS. Pa, April
Dear Sir : Feeling that I have been
premature grave, through your instrurnem
providence or God. I will take the Ire
my gratitude
Cough, end the alarming symptoms nl
bed reduced me too low to leave me
hope, when my physician brought me
PICTORAL. ' It seemed to afford
and now in a few weeks time has rends
If it will do for others what it has an
are certainly one of the benetctors of mu
Sincerely wishing you every Merritt,
Very respectfully yor
JOHN J. CLARK. Rector of rt.
With such assurance and from such
ger proof ran be adduced unless it be (rc
upon trial.
Prepared and void by INNES C. ATI
Chemist. Lowe'', M.
Sold by Dr. H. C. PORTER. Toor
Welll.boro' E. Derr. Covington:
Borden, T lop W. H. Elliott, Ehrov
Mont,rnPe ; and by all lltuggi.t■ rttryr
Mental or Sovereign
NONE Genuine sinless alerompanie
le of the above Engraved Wrmc
SOCLE & Co., upon rich box.
In offering to the 'nib& this justl : ,
mate any false statements or Wild .
superior efficiency in restoring to beth
arufferine, swell knowing that their n
ence for the afflicted.
Many p . remafa might Le given of their
bat we prefer th - ose 'unacquainted with
themselves by enquiring of living am
tib• fills— They rel.l find them perk
able in all cases : being purely regrkL
eine worthy their best confidence sad
The following certificate was sent to
IffewurrrrA, Monroe Co. N. Y
We the undersigned, citizens of
used personally Dr. Soule's Sorereit,
witnessed the health-restoring effecut
recommend these Pills to the afflicted
which we artracqualnted.
P. 8.--You are at liberty to pubic
lie oo&
Bg ewail or Cotrernrirrs f Wt
any one who is making a spurious
ed to make use of our uame ; bat
had the impudence to imitate our bo
Ciretiara. Cortificares, &e. Calm
careful when 'hey purchase, they . 11
QJ^Thegenuine Sovereign Balm •
wholesale and retai'. of Dr. SOULE
On..ndsga Co. N. ir•
Bnld by Dr. H. C. PORTER, Tr.
their Agents in every town in the COl
W'msport& Athens Rail
G". B. BUNTING. respecttallyn
.lie that ha has remnerd hie fin
bujOiatt, one d..or below Warrtet'a 1/11
he wifl be happy to ISM a 1 who oil
Good and Cheap Clothing. lie is ro
to his 'stock all the new and dearahlr
tern*, and feels confident he can IstA
way EOM him • call.
rust receiving from New York, ale'
hie twattruateht - of Sin./oar god &IA mr
in the beat manner, and which will be
the lirwest prices.
lie has also received. a large lot of
ClATl'lliNtt to whirl
nation and - which-Well he .old a lei
node arrangement.. by which he can
icieeleeired. with the certainty d
Cutting and malting op. don' n o"
fashionable Maurer, promptly and to orik A
Towanda. May Q. 1g5,1.
feted PA' stoo by
, c , lncituaL