.- .. . , . • 7 -.---- ONE ItlosEGose.—li will be remembered that on i t. f . lan: reletaation of Wisslringmh's birthday in this i 1 Al r ip u ry Git6oll, one of th e sarvivers of,- '; . ~,.v.. b at tried men's ev.iii..P Alma present rm . biped in the :emirates of he of Casion.:-! Sit cu- b's ~.., 10 lot iesidence in Gurnee County. in rlii., state, he took a severe cold, Irom the effects of morning: at the advanced w hich he died yestehlay cots years and 24 days. Informaion of Mr a g e Git( wadi was yesterday telegraphed to the continental companirs of this city, and this morn. ~, g romminee Iromthe various Contineldal Cot ps, oiler commenti ot Cap lielme. intended proceed hi. , me t lens and brincing the ferhainlto ihi a i.... , to • - , - 1 - Here they will be laid in state, and be ftmilly - ,::,..: e d „, G we liWf.oil with military honors The r, ii.toeti.st eompar les.. of Ne‘+ tuk, Jersey City and Bro rici% 0 , will take a part in the luneral ceremonies )1, Gthion, in 1780, was a member of the Life ords el the Carnmander-in-Chief, General Wash ,. p .,, a ith whom he continoeci till the close of the „ ; r , when he liceired his discharge at Mount Ver. i ,ca —S. Y. Tribune. A fUll in bealf ol the town of Lodi, Senca rouniy has ju-t h beer! presented and decided aga inst her. G J Gstuttlsott pastor of the Reformed Dutch pro Lod toreTillag, for bastardy. He has also beesecuteid seduction by the friends o f the, victim, Miss Lon, a young lady 16 or 17 years of e who has always borne en irreproachable , char an acier. goodev gentlemn is a men of tallents !lying a g education, a nds i very genteel in his appearance and address He has quite a large lam• I of children, among whom is a daughter 17 or 15' year of age. Miss Lott was employed as help. il,e family, anti it appears from her testimony that this man accomplished his fiendish purposes a , vartou4 jimeF, while she WAS in bed with his ccn t hiaghlei . , a miss of some 10 or 12 years —Ge. , ca Gazette LIST OF it RORS • DR AW N for May Sessions and Oyer and Term i ner, 11352, ORAND /CRORS. Atbeng tp.--David Walking, 0. 11. Spring, Anson Beidleman. 'Warren—Joseph Prince. Me—Harman ,Briggs, P. H. Buck. Towanda bo.—N. N. Betts. Windham—Perly Johnson jr. Smithfield—l,. D. Ormsby, Calvin Chafiberlin,Bar• nard IVeod. Franklin—Stewart Smiley, Ilnigbery—Joseph Doty. sne,hequin—Jostah Kilmer, B. Burgess. Burttngton—Chas. Taylor, John McCord, Dewey Buel. . Asrinm—Wm . Ten"' SiandmG Stone—Wm• Kingsbury Monrce—Gen. H. Doll. Wr•os—Luther H. Scoot, Dimock, Rome—John G. Towner, Ari.ll6 ICROSI.S7IIII I T 1 2 b e r,-I{ gy m. Gunsaules, Heour Owen Daniel Pair—J. S. Robert', Ceo. H. Little, Curtis Terrell, Wool Beecher. hen% tp.— W. G. Stevens, David Gardner. Andrus. Orris Fi ishie. Gilbert, Jacnb Kerrick, ot —Wm. mil s. Perry Robart .car•ra—Chas. W. Browning. eilp—Chas. F••rguson, David Prutzman. item—Criah Terre.. ialu