Wrabforb Orr*. -Sow Free • SPeeetli - • rrse-Men JPreedems for Pre. Territory. E O. GTlOcalcm, Eorroa. Towanda, Satarda, March 20, 1852 -hex , c ts/t - rointisst cats. - - W3l. SEARIGIIT of Fayette Counf 7. Terms .of The Iteperter. 101 SO per annurn—iiptld yrar SO eenls wiil beteleduciedc.fin cub paid actually in advaneee II 00 will be ii•Ourted. No paper tent over twn years. unless pan, far ' ADVllrrtsveltwes. per square of ten hue*. 50 eeaU forth /tot and 33 Wits for each euhsevent insertion. E rr Otflee in the '• Union Wore." nonb vide of the PubPe door to the Brodrord lintel. Entrance be,weeo Sleeere, Adam.' end rlototro law °trees. ir r We have been to pre-oeeopied by other ilia, several Oitorials initndtdf•r this We olio paper tire necessarily deferred. They will not. however spoil from keeping North Branch Coma. By the proceeding,. (4 the I.oaislature, it will he aeeii thai Ili e :S.,rlll Riwnrh bat was laid over hem Fi May until Nliniulay. On the latter day, a n her of members 1,614 absent, the STetta:e refused to take h up. o:7' The bill atallipltitti the Cayil :13naril and to at,irh tre have lieretbbtre referred ; paused the Sen., ate b' the fi'llatifinr. vote : • • • Taari—Merws. 13.1il v. B.tmes, Carothers, Darliriwati, Gilertriev, Hamilton, Ha-left, Kin-ey. Mr•Mortrip. Malone. Mar:l l ia., si n me n bett flyers;, Hnheitsim. Shtmer amt Walker—l 9 Nass--Nlesors. Burkalex. 'Evans, Fenton. For Pylll. FlNfly, Fa){toil, Hamlin Hoge, Jones. McCas lin. McFarland. Packer and Srint.erson-13. The bill provides for the election of a Secretary of In•erttal Improvements for three years, aml makes his appointment subject to „the approval o,f the senate. It also proviiles kir the appointment of a State Engineer, by the Governor, subject ro the approval of the Senate. These are it, principal features. Tor. F.l.lo:c' aural Br:vino . —The 4annarinamber, (being Vin. 1„c01. 39. of the Ainericass Edition, Leonard Senn & Ct/ . 7 , Itoprisit,) of this veiling ;00 standard Qnartelly is received. The Edinburg Review is she leading Whiz ptattlieusiorr Great Britain, and it. ;Ability ha' Itin t sz been fel. anti ack nowledged vast only by the liveral . minded of all parties, but by the enemies of prazress who have tented *vs influence. The reorint 01 Messrs Leon. art Scott brings it before the American pub. lic at a cheap rete and in neat and convenient form The contents of the present slumber sire: 1. Gr ins mid Descartes ; 2 Bishop Philpetts ; 3. Recent Legislation : 4. Chruch Mime ; 5 international Copyright ; 6 Pet raven Nosmantly and F.nglais!l 7. The Ordmiresce Survey of Scotland; 8. The ex pecth 'Reform Bill. (ittr Tner.:l4e-neAL WORLD AND JOURNAL nrr 'rim TIN~ A RT•. 14 a aMmi•rnnrrthly palter nt 2i 11.520. pallighe , l iri Ne.. York city, 257 * II 0.0 wily: by 'Myer Dyer. et 51 50 per smittirn, and is - worth tionhle ale price ot .irtr.r•ritptinn b come~ highly recominentleil by the patron's eel ghnnt the cautery . . anti a j motet Iwtter emit-elated to de'. vale the standard of ntusieal to-te wet do not know or It is 11/.1 the thing nestled in thip fltrietry at this time; atal a enth.criher makes a sale meat, for he gets rl5 worth of music beside hi. Take it all who are anxious to hear ntufi• cal new•, read mneical or improve CatsT REvte.t..—Wu i 113;4 tenrith sons have experienced religion, in their attendance npon pc:meted meeting; held in the Methodist Evisrcopal Church, at Manville. In about five weeks, 95 persons are reported as having attached them selves to the Methodist F. pimopal Chun+ in Mil ton. In several other places the Mr-tlindists have lately been making large additions to their Conte gat ons. Revivals are alsn going on amongst tie paptitts, at Mune,. and Jersey Shore, at.d ia the Presbyterian Church, Jersey Shore. Vrrn M r.ssace.—We publish this week, the ve to 111essa;nfrif o. , ttr.litat.ta, to tetich we invi:e the attenion of pm readers. We are gratified at the lifottuarica which Gov. B gives of that item and honest y nt character whir+ endeared the SnuNg to the people. We are certain he stands in t'-is way nt cm-ruin aril special fegisla. firm, however molt a democratic lion-e may be seduced from its rimy and its principles! Let Goy. 11 tread firmly in the course he has Marked out, and. hit Will be sustai ed by the people. '& " •St AT at, VAT !Irian rl Llay sorening the feh hest . the barn of Mr. 'Truman Baldwin, near Great Bend Depot, together with a It rge quantity of hay and grain wa.destroyed 1w fire. White the Agents were at the file, twenty dollar/5 were taken from the drawer in the Depot building At the same time a brims wait stolen from the barn of MT. John Gllespie, about a mile below the •Depot The whole is eripposed to be the work of %confed erated-band of phustlerera. *t. The past few days have brought the balmy breath of Spring, and with the snnw which it has dissipated, and some rain, the Sumnehanna has filled its banks. A large quantity of lumber has passed this place on its way to market to remnner. ate, we trust,:the hardy lumbermen for their toil and exposure. Cc:7. The nitizens of Elmira, N. Y., have organiz ed a society for the detection of hnrse thieves. Al a meeting for the purpose of organization, it was stated that more than one honked Imams hid been stolen, timing the part year, in Western New. orki and very few ot them recovered. (I4r A Public Meeting was held inNorthumber. land Borough last week., which adapted resolutions urging the speedy comple.ino, by an appropriation front the Legislature, of the North Branch Canal. BtNJAMIX W etcn Ja . who contested the Treasrt• ship of the State of New York, with Jiuss M. Cori, has been successful, the Conn deciding Indite en* healtithnlgqiil toil. 'phis u Itu~ . (8 . 1 5 0. 4 I - 4 tiiea e r a ra_ .. w: L m, ~sra+~c~~~.s.-` ^.F'.,s:l;iCa =II oro the Senate and Muse Representatien of fits iComatenssmiliker :—IBOVN9-5 116 Iblr.\firti- l _ :of the .fintate id Iblrerarttailives,lhitithatt , " An:Aette alive to certain sieved sitspele‘Afiluiltarize*Mptinoirtre 411 imitteciblio the sitilt oftit e Ohio and_Pennaylap 'nieriailroaertaionips4,' , aintfacceltyr ptirprares, ' has to den Tor eijr-eppioeat: Ater- thie most anxious and d libellee nomination of its pia. Visions, I haVetouceind it to be my duty to relent itM Yew The ninth section of-the bill proposes to etcher me lire ecoristouted authorities of any corprv..t.ini within the /Commonwealth. other than mute c•pal cerporattnne, to entweisbe to the capital stock of she Ohio and Pennsylvania railroad vermeil and tu t pay for the same in. muey or olkirttisit.Oltlaj be agreed upon, by nod with the uuthoiriee of sa id company; -At maybe somewhat iliffieeltio -defies the ezitno.of the power proposed:to hp conferred by the latter pad or this section. or - to decide hew 'tar it m ight release theae corporation' Flom the re strictions imposed by their oriened charters lam of the opinion that whatever blight hive' been' 'the intention Of the attthor of this broad and-ungu anted li:evince, 'hot it would most certainly vest these corporation , with the right to make, paytnent in mo ney, or in bonito and obligatinha in any f ion or, site which site authorities of suchtunimrations might' deem . proper ; and thus the subseriptint. t,f tote Erupts-aim i 6 the stock, of another angle be-paid. its certificates of-.stock of five,. ten, tw e 47o ^l Ark; d. , 1111=, or in bona* or ether evidence of intiebtiere of Similar dertomination, thereby creating a fie' ittou capital, assimilating a circulating medium, audibles directly:vont livening the principles -laid down its my it essage to reference to the Yotk sent Hanover railroad company—that no certificate or loan shottlil be created of a less denomination titan one htindrerl dollars. , These consitlennioni alone tine Sufficient to constrain me to • ithhold my sanction Other principles embraced in this bill. and others of a similar character, which here been pre sented for my approval, are suggestive of coesider, a im's or a mist grave and imPrittant Charaver, which sheaf!' in my opinion,. command Col settees attention. To those I desire briefly to salads - • -__The principle of allowing one corporation to out*. scribe to the stock of another,,is of modern origin, but its practical spplication has been increasing, and the power rim er it extending to the alarming degree The first trace we find of this principle, is in the firm, of authority to. spectS! objects. Next we find a few instances of the extensinti of it to the municipal authorities of certain small towns, f o r partirular and „very limited purposes The firm itnponarit exercise of the principle is find in the supplement to the law incorporating. the Central railroad company. The law extended so 2ertuitt monietpal carporatiot a the right to subscribe to the stock*of said company. and limited such subscrip tions to a maxim of five pet cent. on the tieeerata. itapperty of -aid corporation, and define the mode oh paymen . lo this particular it is analogous to tie plinciple as therefore sanctioned. The sup plement to the era incorporating:the Snmhnry and Erie railroad company. recently adopted, authorizes municipal and other corporations to subscribe o the capital stock of said company, and to p a y in c a s h or in the bonds of said corporations, in sum of not lass than one hundred dollars, being six per cent interest, payable semi.a I sanctioned this tatter bill with much reluctance. I regarded the application of the principle as hound in this bill, more extended anti liberal than the safety anti true interests of the people seemed to warraid.. I regretted that the power in mitt-crate h d not been confined to certain municipal ("Anvil'. Felons, with restitutions on the amount to be firth. scribed, at d a provision in/tened ana-ding against the sate of the bonds of the cities, tom wits and counties which mat subscribe at an •o jig 'our rate of ttkoont should the tieressi , ies of me railroad company it any time require such action The great importance at the Snnbmy and E,ie railroad us a Slate enterprise— h e p e culi ar mist va ried interests involved in iteeonstniction—abe I rga ' seen') , the State, as yet unaided , by nor plea/ ii n prov.nrients. 'to which it will a M al i she oily erne matket—the difficulties yaw+ man o r s-1. ly surmendstil the laudable efforts whim, me new being made to secure theateceretary capital to co it nirure site wok—ell the.e considerations imlimed me to look w lb pecubar farm on this areal enter. prise, and in Oran,' let inarh 111 0 0/ithl r4eVit 'le its .neerS 4 in go far its the application or a• pie whirls I have al wa)s 4egatded as liable to dan gerous abuse., It is now tiongle by the section nutlet consitlera firm, to go a swot fur her, and to,in h i r ize b a - i kit; rstlroatis and other corporations wrhin this Stair, to subscribe to the capital stock of a cm Filtration whose worke are moiety located in timelier Sate. and mike payinent to any form the officers may deem property. I would be understood a• desiring to emir:yr:las stossoccess,of 'my public project, by adhering ten aciously to a tiiii:contractedtporteye bni.ersperienee has demonstrated that we comma be ,too caimans in the creation of corpor its powers. The moat an ceptable principle, in such legislation. is liable to abase, aril ilia+ a project wise atitl proper in Pat+, may be attained ihran..h the use of means- eaten. toed tot greatly lessen its legitimate hirelings Whilst.thereEee,'snbscriptions by municipal e a r . csirathms may to some 'rent be allowable. weCan readily imagine thai this power might he on exer. cised as to do n 4440 harm to t"e pro, dr. The right to make such sob-snip ion, and pay i n b ole t i w i t h. out any conditions s 4 to its extent, might a ir° the people represented by such municipal corpora. buns, and most anemia-Written., witticism seeming the construction of-the improvements tor which they are lazed. The bonds of the Corporations en subscribing, might under a presirsitre of 4nancial difficnities, be sold at a motif 1111.00114 sacra fOe ; and whilst the pro. pie would be called upon to pay me in creel and principal of the lace at such bowls. the amount alizetl to apply to their favorite project, might •not reach fifty cents on the dollar. This power, to lob. *cube, never shisuld be exercised by municipal tor. porationa,uttleas,the interests of. the. people repro settled by such authority are directly and certainly identified with the project o r , w hi c h t h e mone y „ I to bra expended. Th operation - iv* b e equita ble when applied to the people of a teen artily whose interests are indentical, but when applied to those of a Molloy it may not be so, On. the contrary. it may prove mist unjust and oppre ssive, subjecting them to burthenit in the shape of nisei for the -con struction of a writhe improvement from which they may_never realize any benefit either directlrce.. re. mote. The people in one section of the country mey derive' advantages from the construction or a public improvement, while torte of annther sect i an, equally razed for the payment of the principal and interest of the debt nocontracted may possibly real ize no benefit at all. Anti in reference to all other corporations, such subscriptions PllOlllll be clearly consistent with the purporterafor which such corporation arms orittginally created A sistet,roate; within whose, limits it is proposed to expend a ;rennin of the_ proposed sub scriptintin, h a s had c ome experience on this !object the result of which ii recorded in a cenotitational prohibitinn of allsnch municipar-nbecriptione. even if rinthorized,by attired vole of the people. I have not learned what circumstances brought the State of Ohici to the adoption, in her lundimental law, of so wise a restriction on corporatelctiOn, bet it is fair to conclude that the neeteeshy - for - the adoption 'of socn restraint had been fully demonstrated. The inquiry now fairly presented, in view of all the.cansuleraluata connected with - this subject, is, what policy shall we adopt for the foturel is is to this point,' desire to ask pint attention. Assuming. the principlei that tmecorporationtnay sobocribe to the.stock of soothes % under proper restrictions, , it neverthelere dear, Mat itworestrained in its apply cation and extension, most alatmingtivsls Mils re. stilt from the practise, a nd there' wilt" probably be no more proper occaotteurthen the preseht for the LegioAstroet to tbserniiturupon muds Axed S6lll'l3'l. yieldinglimitsailhwhit,k m a A p ur e*, :e b oo m ., rpstraiired., These gen liest.tie„itirceitaineit by as extrininition . of theletili that'll?, likely tai faith Lfrorit its toga** stew' Tfterietoit . PrOleinertlffill '10411041611R1114.1614110048ifig*;." ',"t• PriM darrinaLlee. sue voasea7--- - or political conaohdation ol numerous .•iitporatiors, rations in their ofjects. powers, run, purient*, lot a. testitealt paptmittstsfotate, Spurned mainly:Al the : . itigiVe;ol meat • Vim. may ettereistetwetAfe an laleitettitireanicei tliv:4,lenitat Itattchiteigid t Melt of legiithitiniitatitall alio, as their abil ,sly; tolntliete. indiyidnal riglee slid ie t ,'" the' jfitdd ot* l'otperstniat •to'7, Secto7el).4 , The crOa ion ol file itineselpitalidirben allowed to pay,such subwripitons by loaning their thereby waiting an potfiroial and delusive' inter. Mtl i setol , 4l4....oollletled4 o . o . ol4 b o, wi t W at e ...atattiel l - onion in - the' meat iniuriou. constipieireee to the t opple generally. . tesideneyin'tenricentiationofecittii i. rate power; thereby neutraliziet many of the pub.. lie advantegee stitch may result from such ertnt. Ontorhorlettation;•createil tin" Oplicifiti "patfirairto public gpod, in rivalry' with'inother , esisintishentfor it Jar* purpose (Itywhich .riyelty the ; pohlic =are mainly bernfiant) may thus become astemilatni its their interstate awl riertfito mid 0t onai iftundi un checked monopoly. and greatly lessen the public good weer-Odin their original Turniation An velem sire exchange of stock. anti'-bonds, anti -reabectip. 'ions, must Its4et efonyert of menet! and inlet-netts. tweet' these inetiltuttets, whichCintint fad' to wpils, infinite initiry-to thetteres of the twitple: '- If there nos posaibtlity that evils of I tself 'Mao r i. ludo may (low form the unrestrained application of cheirritteiple referred to, it_is,oitr solettin,they • hi sink tor'; reutetdy iii - guards " and - restraints to be applied where this prittriple is %tined in eri. This in •roy're i •iition; .hint teem': be granted. even in e• rettirietedrform:sacepl lot. the nroutotti of some great object of,pnitlio good and pree.ing Unpinning e. that canton be reached by Ibe ordinary mode inditittriat enterprise. The eorptiration% ainhorized to stithreribe 'emelt; be eNrificullY owthedothe ansount.of eutercription limber to a,mnclerate per .yentsge , rn tjie, plitpally' at the corporation asking to sphseribe,..-end in ease, of trinnicipal subscriptinn,there elintsid be a, indetitiiyoflnteresT betVrieii his critporitihn nth: scribing and 'the object to be prethinteal . by 'Animism, and the payments in allzaset required to I be made its cash,suoi.emin the bonds or the evi.• demo of indebtnesto ol inch corporations ~ I have, iati.fied niy mind ditittfie eriation of bonds ol this kind, to be handed over in a corporation in be eon' warted to their use. w dhoti •mstrietion ;as , the camel they may command io.triarket. le ammo hazardous' experiment anti may he motile the means of meal ir.jory to a honest and colon +mg people; whilst tin the other hated, - the subsenriolis to be paid tit mo ney will let much better calculated to advancer the true intro ems of any greatprt.t..... i lin enterrrise, and be , greatly relieved from the evil consegneneemwhich I I have refereed. Indeed. I can see not/oral rennin why the bonds of a municipal corporation ahinthi be handed over In a railroad company as alt They • cameo be u-ed in the consitroion of the wink bus must be re lured to cash. Nor can I see why the antherioles at a mtuticipal corporation may not have tins-effected as adrallfilt , Moll.lV as the mimes of sm other corporation lam confident that this policy. whilst it will not intetfere with any ol the advanteges of soca matitcierd aufocript inns, may greatly lessen the chances of minty in she people. There are other feat ref in site bit! berevtlth re turned to which I cannot glee my twenty: The third secoiou is in the hollowing mon*: to Thal School Directors of the btrough of Bridgeport. in the county of Motnetenety. be and are hereby anohortz. eft to borrow a sum of money on Schott' properly, in said district: , rp„, , , , prini,is weedy delve-nee in its lontiation, not specift ine the amount of ma nry to be drawn. the the mode in ,_w hich the school property Anti be pledged, nor afiscribing suck property, nor rlylteing the pmpoae for which the moos y 1101'1041rd shall be applied The section is tint only defi.-ient in hem, but it Contains a prin. c.ple wtncl, to lily mini us hts4ltly, phieerionnbill prniio.4nr to pledge iltit argued pulped} fora debt of the school that' ict. and thus render it 'tattle WI jo.licist sale for touch debt This, it seems OE. me. Sheets' not be allowed, The commits school eye. tem. having for its 'diem . the palmettos!' td your youth. mist their piepara•inn to ofischatge the high and I.nrereiv thew. I , lAm/ode:in cameos, is a part 14 the most *acted aunt valuable marhinery rat oily g row tttttt era It. in countries governed by power rather than by popular i..te',lntence, their pions, m ac' 1.. and whet bol walk. tol detente/1 4 %am exempt ed from jtultrial sale for i tolola out whom t io rp.s a , hem* moiety the means, of.lefentos and ntetirtry inr nor ionattity. ehonld Its• unaided wch equal ears As well might be *old the rot; tis and lotthre to Pey' the deb .% of a township. or the public alms hiutote, the coon bons., or county prison, for the debt ol the comity. as thp school Monroe fir the debt oldie school distort Nor is there any necessity tor *rich 'mor ay. The whole latable properly of the district is a lready pledged tar its debts; nod the LeOgi.lattile may ptoride that the colleetion be eonforted in the same way a. against township. antleutintie -. di any other official mode directed against the school taxes or the :I'-tool. The fi th section of the hill erects parts of Wash. tottmeoitiiri B-vics Wu a separate -clued distort. and- the sixth section provides shut the qustifiell voters rri sohl rii..ries, so Sleeted. shall I he elm led to 'tact six thief-tors nerrinollv. This an It notation on this general law providing for site electron of two ol the sit Illreetni• yearly, in order to secure to the system a' all gimps the ail erintaae of expettenced direr ors, and should not in my nein , ion be santvionerl. Them is molly su necessity for s, amid legisi; nll this subject. except to re ol da!e new 'linnets. The law of 1849, private,' idler mtieh rap..foolen s onit great tielthemtion,„is intended to establish rut uniform system throughout the Stole I All ionovalions on this uniformity most magnidy. / the dim .'dries of aohnioti4 tine the system, and con. 'pestilently impair its rffi tetteV. The 14th section provides for the erection of a' bawd ol whoa' (fitments for Oxford township, Phil attelphia comity. to entente of three members. anal also fur a board of like rituriber fin the, baronet' of Fratokfortl. turd declares that iheae &rods shall re spemively have concurrent jurisdiction in• both• ha , much ant township. It Wes probably the intention of rut nether of this seetion that the ,six •direentre elected by the township and botongh.. shoukl :cnn. %nude one Yard and havd jtoisafiction; over both Rut the section, before me does , toe prqvitle. Eneuminlite impracticable proposition dl two irides penitent beards each having perfect power to exert., else authority over the Whole district. ..Thernarts other'fitaltifes to which there 'are no otripersons, hot f tern obliged to notion the *hide bill: The cite mnstance strikingly Mamie, she import; misty of connecting variation. diversified andincon. grays tudjects in the same bill. And I must, _tribe indniged in she mina k. dictated alone' hi a setts° of duty, that I sincerely hope some remedy may be found for this growing evil. The necessi ty for separating bills lens been greatly increased by the law assers•ing an enmlment sax. Some. of the bills contnin rinml•er oh taiable provisions— the law is nut enrolled anitimblished until the lei is paid n hill—one party interested appears and inakesins share,,of the paymeet—another declines to do an—confusion and tliffictilty,enstie—which, in some instances tiering she present SeitSloll has been cored by leti.lation, and thus the leeislahnn oftlhis year s rendered necessary to - Site effect to that of a former session. The whole practice under this.. system, demon. tomes its evil tendency. The native hook when &Wished is Sin thininaly-:.emboacing on ' the same pages law of great public impothmee arid one Of the m - st trifling local character. • The compilation olearieue *objects in the - same bill, very frequently, embarrasseeshe action of the ligholator; and swears* the sievesa of a doubt position vithich Would fail if present Oh ha met' mer its alone. WILLIAM BIGLER: - ,EXrecitTIVICCUANSICR,.. . • ' Harrisburg;, March ,I. 1142 • Oz'r A merchant ini-Ittiana ufloin to make a bet (11 ttb,ooo that he will swift! hum.Citichtnati!,to Madiann. in'the Ohm River, in !lie month of Augeri next, withantAerp amt. with 0 0 1. V fif j e en mitelPeA. reft mill ietreitintiento afa. "'Me' liyetla Casuist , ety4 'ette.t.nverailitt2eilleitta et* nlakigg for r.ihe ercareph4lertero of the , fear.: anti frorn na aegnantrainee n ith ihe gtallematt,lmeebes. itat he vriti ercjet as proposed or iitilrrhe under. Al ? 711.11• T 811C81110 , 1111. :8041,..WARIIROTolierlaMi 12. 114 Ale fienateAon+etitild *asin44 at a Aft, 1 oktitw -111ihrFebibitry tiiiivoininititswoiConitsiewe }Vito/ a.rid takelailext-tbtbe bettiVooirlintr A . thet:'littes ra• p a wn - 0a oh iteihvithipmprluni in iititoliv or in poi by steam and ollbsettbeittly vevOial memnrialo *nil .6roottukalanfitiblettt'~tiit-MleireiW fonowitevvele were reterred •uft that Committee Fie bail.pit !whelk of .that ; Committile Wilted to be ditchihtteal had never been reported in - the papere and the petiple and Lettiviviere of Maine-had been ,alarmrd,,believin.g.,as they flo, that the Commit._ ' :ate iplettilOtt twelve; titer ' , object ino alteritliti. at all; `lle thereinto thought it iiivioable to make this ex The Private . Calendar arae the/token up. and 16 ilMof no pnbliOiritetevt veltatevei 'Were ordered to be enitoteved The bill makitilt an apiropiiittiiii th'eomplete the Cennittry near the City Of 'Meanly wattra...eil The 'Senate edinieveil 'Monday; 1110 USE OF -REPRESENTATIVES. • Wwittiverroit. Friday. ,tarot It; %RAC 1 - . :• the nottrei went into Cetninitteet o f an ifierstitte Of the Union, nni et the Sim ate reentutieti ate hnrizie g the inn tinekneir Of thrt, .erfnk lei the tyre twinge' of ibe Cepitotl • Mr. lisowe (Mies..).metlet,peny open+, taking ; nee' fAt Ih 081,01i r .....1 0 the rise, prngreo. e. e , the eta RightrLinm•ement tritietriweitt ttnitrit ("nun the Own. the tint Union' Convention was hehl irf Silk' .11110 1 eal poisse4 -9n to ypeak.of 1.4144,ippi. • -His crillennts (Mi'Wjleoll had. in rather bad .. taste, si 4 ken o f the (*Line Henrinerats as trying to sneak tetelc•intd die Demiteraiic piiity." . They 'were' hey. er basof Theisen! ; - hei , ftirAltilcox •and °isles pet ,themselves outside the pale ofthe De. innetacy,by, joining the Union party, .which being Coniposed.ol men . pf the . Whig..imil Dentheralie _ parties, had Oe'tiitit' lo appoint . Helegates to' the , DeModralle-Zonvi.ntioll'. ' • _Mc Wavle (Miss) rose and ssid.4-4 , Was in., (mined that 11. Was to be denottneed, this morning by my friend. for I had esteemed htm as such, and he is such ; but rivelly'the *nom has passed. Hi. missiles are weak. suit have fallen hatmlera at my feel. My colleague says that • secession party in Mississippi existed in • chimera. end that there was Ito party of Secession. I hall thought that the I terntlionsm trall'her high A regard for truth err make a declaration se void of truth [Sensation j Mr iktowtinel desire mask my colleagno. does lie e" , 10 . 4 y I No' , hero grotty of a falveliornit the interference may be lett in the minds of some grintternen Mr 1 4 fit.erix—I have sunken boldly': my lan guage cannot be mi.runlerstood on that point. Mr., fiverwri—Do you mean to say that what I have stated is false I [Looking sternly at his col. leaDie.l ' Mr WILT-rc—firm mean to say that there i 4 nobody in Misrissippi in favor of 'secession it is false. 'Thetas' word was scarcely uttered before Brown strew oft and planted • Wow ,in Wilcoxs lace Wilcox returned it and both Clenched. in a mo ment the illon‘e Rod gallerie. we e thrown into the wildest ..larm and confusion; these in the psalteries stretching over to see the fight. while the' mentberri jomperl trom their desks and flow to the scene of c o nfliet 'Several motnetes elapsed befor. . the bet. *Jerome were separat. d IlloWn• with darn! y was- removed 20 feet from his antagonist %Won't jumped 'sport his (IPA crying "I can whip him— '. Were go.' brat dishing his snits in the air Cries o• d r where's theSergeanNahanns " Stop the fl Irons !'' " My God ! has Wilcox got altnife I" N.. r voices joined in the conlosion, for , the Sergeant at nubs, die of leers Several rtf die' a2es were Itsiockerl over in the nXel'ertlPlll. The greatest alarm prevailed Distiti2 those procrierlitig..the Speaker hurried in and rammed chair, knocking and demanding ruder Mr RitTLY . O voice was ' earl above the din, sac log. •• 1 demand that the Sergealit.ai artier to take those prose's into etrsiode." The speaker ciiiiiiiineil Ivorkin:. saying in the inter, de. The Chair [kiln k)will hear nn p. opts. imam rtntil order iswoottreil. tKunek. knorkl Re thew tem:reed the flenseare-at.Asms and whet otlll cent in r Trf•irm• their Jill. Mr. MeLastAnstr. (Pa.) —Let the Chairman of the Committee: make his report. ',Cries of NU," an." igaloti • The, It pi: A gee—The report will he receitreil whin order is restored tle earnestly appealed Ingenue, men to take th tr seats Mr Richaolson (In )—I watt going to Maki, that Five mitintes or more elapsed. when amid calm paratire quiet the Chairman of the Committee iit. priigress. Mr. CLlNnute (N C) offered a lle.mlntion to Anse the debate in one tinny after the House shall aiming/slut° Conimitte. A qaertion of order /arse when Mr. MeNfhtt.te (Va ) moved to lay the resoln lion on the tabus-Ott tl e qtlesion was negativ.' ed Mr. Biome (Miss )aalted the. &neje, Consent 'if the 11 0 (1.4, •to make a peistrial explanation (Cries, agreritl. itgreeil--€ no body oljeet..l Mr Beriwe then said : Dining the six years have occupied a seat on thin floor, I am not seusi. ble abasing t , ctlated deenrum, or committed any breach on the Odes of the House. I tlevly and painfully regret that there shoilld have been a ma.. essesity for my , llMhj so now. I shall nal recur to the eitenmsiances 'under which I was induced to perpetrate the act in the Presence at the Honse.-i. which Iknow waPA breach of nitrates-se violaticitr of parflemerdarY ilecerumand tubing 1 ;vauld not have been gniliy of, except under a very refitting and etAtfaardbiary necessity I apologize tri the Howe. sincerely, aametaly, tromziy heart 1 ape, ogiee to, the representatives ot , the people : , and ex:. precut to them my 4efir tint( heartfelt regret that I engaged in any transaetieNt ithiCh by riositibility own cast -diseretlit-ott the Cohabit* rif the ffatitm More than this I cannot say. Tie Wesel. t trust, will receive the epology. I thmw myself of the indulgence of the country and ask its pardon. offer the'ettaranii;e • which which , a pact life in the service of me ernintry kflords tha alike oCetirrence will not again take place, olden m o lar some very extraortlinstry and, unusual provocation lam the last man to vinlate_,decorom in the smallest. tllifiiCulat, magi, les. violate ,i: in se flagrant a manner as to attires the attention - of the House. Mr. Wustott (Miss) said. rt iris matter or regret thail rice so soon alter having become identified with this body to make an apology. fm a breach of its Odes. During the time • ' are been a member of this Dons.. I have endeavored so lir as in me lies. to discharge all the duties devolving upon me as a eepreientative and. to comply strictly and rig._ ,idly with the rules and regulations governing. this. Hones that the 'quiet. repose of this deliheralre body-has been disturbed. i.ito me a minter of heart. kdtsorrow I tender the apology; I mean what I why rte the language of my heart Lintentled no paragement to the Dr:presentative* of ; this Nation and 'Sinter my disclaimer to,thia effect OM as my honorable relleagne - allotted lit limit'?" to Akan. Mesiant difrainltY; permit me to Sae I•consider the wrowg and mums offered.. jostified me in the course I purred.l have:nothing further to Pay., ,eictiPtln chum th a i fminlgence and forgiveness of. (Ili rite' ninimetts end geneteria ' • •Mr Jmursne - itkl.-if Mote that' the gentle. teen teem:used - ii,l unilenuatial they have been - , arrested by. order id tbe - The Spelikisr said the Sergerant.oarais **soap e+f; brit theratitatt been no arresbi.• Mr/ itattesolk fArt)..s;' I withdrairl'ihe tna FM pieerret ineffc4eal maim. were mule to ad :itionsil Munilet t uieLatle.r much upelosibp, the Mdiredjeurued tUttdmetrowt. t ~ ; Ntgftivnitet rifleto.rial - Oat at bi tiraittse the Al.atilksent did 14iivi ia tO.tuiiiiajOi ranter. ' . motiouilfie %for the relief ej fi fe li ukftie Seheylloll . %Minn' comPatiY wtak k uilau'ulyejij 21, nays 8. regulauan ail `manor'fie. miter of the public worts, einem; up in ordr; after rum_ a C95.0.4:5-449....C.vfna1iP31 4451 -. 401.4 . 4 z1Ft , _ • • .. A veto message Tiro -teat: The resolouttos relatail to The Woodworth Pat. ent was taken or and 1 .'1.1,0. Mr 111)Fr4 iiitareit that the senate take tlp till toitinaripag: titnitta,te imago/ notes at a detattnitta interlard 3 / 4 04 date altilhiri Tie* ye3s atilt nays were r .. F410, 111 0. 1 49.._t14t.v.v.a!" - !ajy. is bk r ! l ,4' kit lowihte voter,*s rti • , • YEO-4ifiinvioS.:a4letiltinfcef.7 gillikelf: Car son. ailll4. Carothers. MeMtatie, Malone. Myers, Robertson, 010.41 1 34.4radqi hrattr-Ilaily; Bitekafe#,,• ar in on, vso.s, Ferran, Vahan; Htinfilion,' MeCaiiiit• MaFarlast4 Matthias, Mohlortbeig,'Pegkerj dune &moth- • -.;' • .o. The liret elation, "wee, tiegay,l,teil, by the folloerink , , Carrelie . f..Tatetift. Frei toy,•tluettutey, MeAluttie, Bilyerecßobesteon,.Simmer, ; Slder,lYal• ker,.speeker. . , • ~ • NAYS:Me•tari. Itacialoa 7 , batik • Da l : Firigoh. .114.11zr; . Jonee t MeCtoilits, Mr Perianyli , Maleite, Muhlettberg,' Matthias.. Packet : Steklersoil , • The,24 seetiou. wee ,fie2atiYetl , • • . Yens 7 -Meeeo: Rinses "Crarothers,, Speaker.' .011mte...Mesere.flailey;' , Bockeletir.Cinstoe; Ilrabb; • Darlington. Kcitne r Fernots.,Fetsytht 09tWilt Kinzer,. MeCnelny # I Hail • Mc% note, Malone . , Mph M obbT-beirllif Myers, rikeices r Dabettien, Sinuteison, Shiitier;tli . • ' Tharedsg,-March Scatatt -;—Namertins petition"• were pvenl l ed in favor of a law similar to the Maine liquor fate, signed by'abitill '26,60i flerisins of this 'Coin -I...orrironith. • - A petition against the law was presenied signed b) 900 persons. The bill vented by the Governor yeSterday com ing up on final passage, was negatived, yeas. 6 : ' nays 21. Mr. Slifer then' read . in - place . a bill di ff ering somewhat Irom the one yenned, which was taken • Mr. Parlor opposed it Bil anniamint priivisintait, that would CtitOn its vino again. The bill passed Mr Malone moved a re.consideratims• of the vote on he first section of the bill negatived yes terday authorizing Banks to issue notes of a tieumn- Mania' of one ; two and thiee - dollars. - The b II for the better regulation and manage mem of the politic works. coming up on third read• tog was passed by the lollowing vole: Yess—Nlessrs. Bally, Barnes, Carothers, Carson, Cribb, biotin:Vein Gtlertit.eV. flatt4 on, Ringer, AleMunie, ' Malone, Matthias . . Muhlentwrg, Myers, Robertson, Shriner, Shier, Walker, fipeaL ki r. NAT4—Messrs. Bucialew. Evans- Fernon, For. s‘th, Fotilev. Fulton. Hamlin, H.ge, Jones, MC. Cesium McFarland. Packer. S iti dertoil. Mr. Frady moved that the bank bills on tweeted reading be taken up, and that they be considered iu ii.liflerietti order Mr. gorstth - siiif he hoped the Senate would tint agree to it=bank bills ought to be taken up sepa- . rat sty as other bills are. The yeas and nays were called and the motion to take them up wit' , ; Yes4-Meserr.Crahh, Frailer. itatnlin, Malone, Matthias. Shitt.er; Walker. S'pealier. NAT----Messrs Bally, itirnert, Bnekarew euird, shore, Carson. Datlinglon F.vatts. Ferno.o. F0r.y.12. 11. 41 e. J 0111.4 Kinzer, Mit Farl.itid Mi•Mortie. - Mtitatetherg. vPIS• l'ack• er, Robertstnt, Shier, Sanderson. -Adjourned. SIVIATE --Chi matino the bill twpi lenietitely to the act itt.t,pro itatin2 th • Pi• 41.114 411 ECIO yenipaily, ego, telteii tip and .4itieril Itr. MrCa.liii. Irtnn ule select entnelieeein elven she pithier! wee referred. reported by recihiti,in. the alleged defaled - Iran eel t-.i The hill fie the id/m.4114'e efehilretinri 141 the North - fbaheb canal ram.. np its order. rho Tie.: t_ein being en 4 Mtllloll 10 hike op the bill in WM* mint , nl 'he whole fin %veinal eineii,Jitieico M. K‘illtel !rowed the) trill thr takeiilic eons. elite.. e`teilel he did ittrpolte o f 2 1 01144 amiHfilmetit' Mr 94,uler4nir hutie4l 1114 !?Pii lie wmtlBl uric gri i;;to efrirstriutiPos of rh.r. whole—tier Wi . -11.41 If , 114 4 r• the bill taken n l . and ette-t.le , ed , :tiTy• The bill flow ourtml Itt it. proiier rump arta m !hit: Ahitailii be papk.ell The mullet' to Ile into entamitie of ihe whole fie ”,tueral amendment:. ,ull7. ttrgativetl—yead 1,5 hap. 15. . Mt% tbilkol moved That the bill he ini - ciplonisil tirriteirlay. eiv ttt a be:win:that it wips 'hen Mal lAte in the day to ClOlL4lllit* a balis.l an ;math. ninn 'w'll The metier' wait miller rtio . ttleiateui,‘" hen it we- anitnitletl bI a metiun to atlionot whirl' we agreed to. prtpiunieJ TII E. LATE. STATE 0 , 14 VENTI.V.-.- We gife tinthit.L! Of the poweeditent of ibis both to approve pave the nomination of Canal Om mis-i• Mel mod .the scion. of the eni ttttt ty of .the Coot tomtit,. The iiiiiiiewe dial coon:Med the action of the Convetoom appeal: to have had welting in view but the se tiling a del. 41allesd trithe Baltimore Conientriti with an espy. cial reference to bargain and trait.. Even Mt Buchanan. for whose lTeiteflt osterc , ibly , ilwt tear done, has note reliable_ inlority of the iirleglieta hi the delegation eve recognt-e ,o.rie good meO— dont ,hilly irnstwontly and. in Whinn'the party ,- had unlimited . crutfidence. and the mystery to ns is how they got there. As to the body of the deltittiou we sav hands oil Without reference to those who seldom vote a Democratic-ticket. we. would watei that the delegahe IroM the Bradford Ltistoci nearet voted for a. Dean, ciaile,Presicien . atid.tne delegate from the Alto gheity Distriet either voted Indi t e free soil ema i l , late in '4Bet did not 'vole stall But it is not neves. nary to go tine details - They obtabirsl these places. by a violation of the usages of the Dentocrane,par, ty. Tney newel:could have been fleeted in the regular way. The Modify( ot the minority WaS above all praise. - Dimiitled.'ffirtr.. find *tending by the. established practices of the pariy, -. They , indig nantly refused to participate intim outrages perpe trated. hut entered their solemn protest against them. The delegatriir from this Cottgrett.-itnial Disniet have acted their pan well. They have not only repre sented the preference of their constitnen a ••for the Presideney.but they have reflected their grit, and letermitistion in refusing tosubmit to, a loul.wron... •••-•ifuntingdort Globe : - .. ~ . 040 t. To any enqntrinri Whal - they Shall do tor a rough ainf . cold; we %mild - oak, reatl . thir . f .o..iiwilz cendtiate, which has been micrietl by one hntiiired of the first hotnietot of iinneiliqa.ui, this c a n n i l y, ID lay b fiAthe public their eatimatip,of ft • gond men). icon, They are all men 41 — itie first clap* and ni thehinheitt character • • hopeicp4iatuct• anti tinti nem; lead* them to know, anti this ib therrupinton; It the underdimetl:l3/holeaale Dromildo, hating been len:. :acquainted: with Kyer'sChiLl. ty. Pectoral, herehy.cewily per,beliel that,* in the beot and most efrectuel,remeft.lor,pelekeituyClim, r , plaint:: ever offered ,to the Aineritan mile,. Awl are weetd Men 'et* klin4lerifitir' or its entelawitieit''- and emenlyito twefithiees,-coNitillk effinufaid the Bowl a 4 trenhY . their best. confiti il , ansi with the firm conviction that it will dolor- thew rt,., 'llel ell that medicine can doe!' = Friday, March 12 FIIIMIN Mr Ilmxds horn the commit a retsolii ins: IMP t.lsljllirf.9lllllFofiliall) app ~ • al , the 'peat Omura-in Ic p e rm cgs in tote"lesolinKins ;Wove.' by 41 , 6 ' 1 wu N wit Deaareutiu h - 41; 8: 1 moot! 1 . 1844 and 1848 a' n believe ( te „ „ 4 - I is an be not only etviductvr,to th ep ,,,,,,, pe r t f ry, but easetriud to . die pireryation of the 4r4 P:r44 tae,pre‘,lti critic a, COM Bit.ll 01 hie crie t ,,,7 shootil BOW 11111/41 than ever,, 3 .1.4 to the Neu pies of sit. glorious I Istriv r aautidoltuig and surest aunties and latillainiks; and Mai me t , those oi :ay sistportanre on the efte.itr,2 tMYL tom yl pui,trc illarllfO we may enamel:l.e; a „„,,,) mm e t r o e; this by he h., ql SII4IIL Its IWO FOIIIV . IIIOI . IILrI I / I plrlll_ll l lll..l th e c, iffirtfOora - I CI: 113 13 0 , Egress of all thiulafid„ prams ; a, P•Fie . si regard ly iihe rights rekiFeil Inv the'Snifia qativet ; an absolute nom ham lenitive m oo CI Wits with the dun e , • los aihillinis of &ell 'tout a rigi , reeono ay Aticuu t viluiriabitily in the xi petatiture rit ccccc Hey Maim .from Itul pockets o f t h e people bt` J ,,, xattoit confiding the oppraptiations made Cotarress to national objets-piainly authorized k 1 the tons:iiiiftors •.. • , Itesoi veal, ;Tiled .; tht-milkerltfigTo t of_the, D. ; craw patty were smarmy ant lieepl diel. .- the retail of terntr.u-by the,iminottal pa it tot. 4 ,n atatesniati, Jefl.•r-on and. -Madison. in the and Ketrinifk) irtirdn lams ? soil in Mr Marlimti'v t , port; kind Mar whenever ithelinvernmsio depa rt Irmo tote spine of lhepo •reabinitorta and this rep, is-maims *tut aujnitous coneetr ere „, Ito the aonimy were the Resolved,. Thinfiiillentocr,atie party is the ttz , rhtion pirify rir . ih,priilial;X . itittiy, and we te en , size no othef, - . 3iVe , ,,..te t .Oitl u tliat the ilerrin viv . o °Mgr tilippiovittl, the et: 4 l , mi measures of.tltQ tat) (ingress, have tor the tater( the Usi 1111 l 41,1113Chtil.Pai fi tt ak ett i mee oh the vexed ai,444,Be;roitstivestiont :nisi: goat domestic stavek; and ilint the Democratic ism khrouglinut,ali the fitates k aro now renniting phalnax upon ,Me . principles that these meanes t 1 Must and shall .be maintained and executed, td with the flail determination that the party ilia!' a restored to Its ftwmei secentleney a n d power in '44 f adMini-rration of the 'Federal Gover n m ent -Resolved; That the Democracy nI Petterrfln) will maintain, with - fidelity and energy. the lamil execution of the . fueititre stav e t aw and The - pledge Minimises to exeit ono best eft .rls tou t the speedy repeal of inch portions of t h e situation law" asrteity the •ive ill onriids fOr the detention of fug - Wives from l a b o r e their trial, or in 'any ridier manner triten..tr aitj the con-litin lanai right's denizens of our rirtet&rtn in rtiel.iirnink their .: pro i tet fy Resolved, That:Vie DOllll3rracy of the via Er ! atone Commottweahh)iiiiring tie let tea he, clam In a Preanteitrial randidate to tile appeal of hers.: ter Stales for moil, ipnit !raga reunify. donos , h an ottptecedenied majotity, (stitestiv an.t getiealti assert their -ming and I.,ng tlekere.l reG to the lin 1111 l of fuittostme.i.a PIPP111.•111 for the l rue its the permit, (.1 Mete tenor aciaix(ri. James Bonn natl. Tory have no•sevond dunce ; and the) fve,. le helievo that. should ballot:it' wed by Ili; Nu. er.rtte National Coder, 11111 1 l tie w i lt teeeoe I , molds:cit. old-I.Lehiuts Jackson trraytruy in 11,e Eq. stone S ate: • - -• = • ' Resolved. That wit•prive t Janice Rachvir tear catitlela•O ler IMP 04-rtiolency• with the tali, fnlenee duo the Elleonciettley of mar si-t. r Stutp.i, court-aro t o the KeyertneFlaf•••••lP le nnr tit urh-tth , tian been tin Ion:: bee i en' i led, TI ':it the lame o ou e'llial'illP9li4.'“ ..1111.;1 P4;4+oittoi:lti led VA to vottate o f republican Hinelple. i. l tett 1.110:14.NI tie et a - ttanstta• en I lied limo in, r Ithi-i1,4 I!• at an able defender of The - .I ft t 6 it , (It 00 Stale tights, a toe to .he innftt-totittrai..l ilorii, t•eetraltz tnee—the teti..cate . iil tittirerstil ..till.: the errly 'riled and en tfiilenjiii IfirritliTnit :to f the 4 ttttttt t tttttt .41 onloton. -- ......nlar.leth,lirtg mti punts fill iiipponetti of dal' f!,. cm...W.I4MM' 1111 (111 le.; a...: PA ti4 , — , ilt• P. 141111 01 •• ; Di.lite:Ponialni t eal o l lno, it. of get% r• il—thr retrial npti 1. ,, 11:n,....i1 n;Ern•Ollntir and innittlionre, of 1 1 . Mewl it 10.1101141 tr.+ anti meehattior Ttie'io-rinie lit WI Ritchst in the cantto lit the patty mill of the cetintir. afe 0 cooled iii-the heat et el the iet pie. e n d m e (tier .6.11 mi ,iii the Piet tetve .. branch I the 41.1 en.tini in hi" illiel.i, ;Littai in- Ire ii ,nll,l be : 0 , ; ,,,1,,,i „d the ate ti eveleSh'ef the ceilea). a n d (40 1 , 0 n! Ulloll.birt 11140.:Iaallif. .he sit•lnt.t. el bin+ ion amp, suet: anti the .1 e nt e r •mi int,ertenp commoim. Repotto.-11, Taal the. 0 1r1e2.4.e.. dee rd by b Conveti:non be non . , 'they are hereby in-inutiitll %Ili' loriiitii fr me 'hist Zi. 154.1. iillil li. t:-r all W and town:able et.PUtis lir seciett lii- etentsaltai Ilmutlwerl. float we thi..wit• ulait. MD 1141011 . tai '7 . 11 ,,6 Lyon flh - e - -ttere..ful ternatii.riem 01 the WI G.I 01111.fINIC - 1 , 610.1 ;qt... 0 1.. , 11 ,,,, ..I Ills Eitjfe• et' !t e rn littorter• ilf , its' Clttet tlttontha eit 4 el.onntrottore.ontt. lilt twictueti to the refills to rt el 4.6 . .114 . 0141. 41.0104.1 alit{ - rt'l.t ttttttt l'ai :Ultima- MI (1/ .111'4(1 , 0111111e111.. a. a 1t.01t.0111i.11111 gl , •11.11...1 (rionieMia - eatili horn alit. tli.. , i are Vt il .11 I, ;,,a, hr oti4lif ninon her by' die the exiravattate a Iv , * • far that fin the peisoloal - aitit -ton tow; rim , ' tt Gow linzler to iimentes.the afretit.4-110; a: We ' - tit-11.1 Prineleirr lilall Ig . ,the hint Cali I a-,6—.1 , 4 ka.6. veto mitt "rant-meet fake aist-n-i-ion betterthrie i t 0 al titt32reat naittittat ts-lie-, talitch made ,Si twit einitetit menintirbiecatoletoiriti for the rowel an'( which cnittleccd to the c Infinite re-lilt,itteht mot .r.tey rio Peoutroylifalltill 01111 et the Limed I‘4 , .we I a debt of gratitude eqmilly difficult ; tir• e*lllmileil ill ,111W1116 ;ea Rt.... 414 all '111:11 - till ilatommeir that may exitts 'he .{r-leg masa aiLiltiltimore now selected. saint' tilted by a 111.1 . 0;14,40 the, whole mintier 'hoer .sail and 'hat the "god aele2ation -1,011 Ilan' p over art) notions y animiu; Itleillph4Vea In leg , tut whom and hear their' vote. shalt be Owen it ComwrarDail ; -it • ~.. - Resolved - Thai the.Ptesitletit and Iwo int: Pteoarontit do ‘ nomitrairt an t ) append 0 scale Cr Conritnittee, ettostittii 2 - of thirteen and that May atfratun -e theirpratrims-t's before or alter oak:nonmetal. tit The COIIV*9IIIIOII • IteAulVeil. 1414 ; the. Democratic State Co C - othhalttere,shali requite a plek.to front each el to' rote to? ihe candirlatee lon Poesident and Pregldltrll nT .jot,, United Sla'ee, who may be ''''' mated by the Ballt.more Ccinvenrion, and in esalt the neglect or 'refusal , of .any elector so to do a reasonable tithe, tile State Central Committab . and they are herebyremtiotiered to outetottal : Mr Reilly 'Mowed to amend the eighth teat: hen by striking it ant mid ineettinto ; •hat the ri. mocratic delegates elecfetl by th e Coosel ol ' ll and they are hereby itrenneterl to vote in will * titinalConventrop, on the ti,-t anti every saetice: vote for the Rim. limpr"Blichanan wort heir nar inithil nr the Convetrinin adjtatrti - Mes'ini- Reilly an.l Stile* supported the tete' meat, and Mt. Hitunti oppo.ca 11. M! 1-j l ist onnved to .trike net lire atnen - 0 ,, ' 6 :' and alscii—l• that :hi. C,,,, r ow tort Wit e 1,111 11'"'t 1 '. tietie`e it tlito. iiinigrit- till.t Intents - ni the tlelv , :.il l jam selected 'Oahe Rthemore Convention. and believe that they trill iiitimphanfft aav'e' r ' e .. nooninivion of penit'a bef,,,, ,hai C o nvethoo . Mr lialil• ,supported thin amendment in r bt" adoltatiul ' ' ; Mr: Reilly then whtritrea- hie amendment . - `lllr Slice Ilion !coved to amend the ei;:lehre o ,. ~,I 11 1"'I ne.1011.0os; •• !11:11 the delcutoes fi''' n ~lairs to the N l * j1)1 C. ill vetvioll. be 31111 111.1 a ri Ileleby Itt.tint.red to vote let let mall In ' - '" I Cl' I l e • "0 1 ml' latit,sh4 favourite won of Penn-ylva"l-1 I Tll)ll..James Buchanan " t. • t out ~Mr; . l- I ttel..then,rntivell In arnen.l by gr.." . - 5. and itiptiiihrt.i;t alai ibis C,,, veoloto ha. hal o' t e etiei . iii 16' iiiip4iity and* ialettie of th e tit le'-'"'''' ya sittecteit solho'llettimoort Cant titt-rtti, Redo., l ' e l : ie - wit that they. frinmphantly ettvetta-e the (11, 'lah"'fflPellifillirUli:a before Ilse Cotiventual- Akar a feVe'retriarau from tlilr Re i ' l y 1 1 01' M .. ...r' - ('llltit:i r m -- tiverf th e prewion- tine-' l '"'-: rr 1 ..„ 1111-414°64i.:03A1i 'Mid 'he main rinee - trth 9" on'e';,,,,, "V °44- il at'11ey5.27,... Tun amendment so ant : :7; : F r k4 r eed to, and the resolution as atne ° " .Ira. 1 rn qrtrited %without tlirmit'lli ... ... ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers