Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 20, 1852, Image 1

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1.111570 2
gaumbin atorninn, illarcf) gO,
krltrtril Vottni.
(From the National Era.)
it 1. G. WHITTILIt
b Great peate in gurapt t Order reigns
troth Tiber's bills to Danube plains r
1,30 say her kings and priests; No say
The lying prophets of our day.
Go lay to earth a listening earl
The tramp of measured marches hear,
The rolling of the cannon's wheel,
The sbutled musket's murderous peal,
The night alarm, the sentry's call,
The quick-eared spy in hat and hai4 ,
From Poles sea to , . .
The dying groans of e xiled l melt.
The bolted cell, the galley's chain*, •
The scaffold smoking with its stains, -
Order—the hush of brooding slaves !
Peace—an the dungeon-vaults and graves!
Oh Fisher ! with thy world-wide ner
And ‘nctvs in every water set,
Whose fabled keys of heaven and hell
Dolt hard the patriot's prison cell,
And open wide the banquet hall
Where kings and priests bold carnival !
Weak va ' sal tricked in royal guise,
Boy Kaiser with thy lip of lies;
Base gambler for Napoleon's crown, -
Barnacle on his dead renown!
There, Bourbon Neapolitan,
Crowned scandal. loathed of God and man;
And than, fell spider of the North !
Stretching thy giant feelers forth,
Within whose web the-freedom dies
Of nations, eaten up like dies;
Speak. Prince and Kaiser, Priest and Czar,
If this be Peace, pray what is War
White Angel of the Lord! unmeet -
That soil accurs'd for thy pure feet,
Serer in Slavery's desert flows
The fountain of thy charmed repose, '
So tyrant's hand thy chaplet weaves
Of lutes and of olive-leaves,
Not with the wicked shalt thou dwell,
Thus saint the Eternal. Oracle ;
Thy home is witb the pure and free,
Stern herald of thy better day,
Before thee, to prepare thy way,
The Baptist Shade of Liberty,
Gray. scared, and hairy -robed, must press
With bleeding feet the wilderness !
Oh ! that its voice might pierce the ear
Of princes, trembling while they hear
A cry as of the Hebrew seer ;
Rereirr f Gov's CINGDON DnAwrra 711/1.11!
Malaga Raisins—How Prepared.
the editor of the Rochester Advertiser, while
American Consul nt Tangiers, made an exenrsion
through the south of Spain, and in the course of his
lama passed through the country in the •icintty of
taiage. where the most delicious raistne are grown.
Ile thus de tribes the very simple maner in which
the choice.' rai.ins are prepared a-
. You have often partaken of the Malaga raieins,
the most delicious, of all preserved fruits, and so
have our countrymen ; but every, one !bay riot
know how they are prepared. Tne process 111 the
most simple imaginable. As soon as the grapes
begin to ripen, the vine-dressers pass through the
sme-vard arid cut the dusters off from the vines,
and leave them on the naked ground, turning them
aver daily until the heat of the sun and the warmth
of:he earth upon which they lie, have baked and
dried them. when they are gathered up, put into'
boles and are ready for use. This it all the won
der and mystery there is in preparing this delicious
• (not. To my inquiry why they did not place leaves
or some clean dry substance of the kind upon the
ground, for the fruit to lie upon, I was told that the
- naked ground was much better, that, in fact, the line
favor of the Iron was dependent more upon the
warmth of the earth than the mere extetnal heat
of the sun. Care has to be taken, however, that the
keit does not get wet while undergoing this process.
Bat as it seldom rains during the summer or vint
age in this country, it is very rarely that the trait
has to be taken up kefore dried.
The vintage, or season for gathering the fruit,
commences the middle of August.—Now—in April
vine•dressers are busily engaged hoeing, digging,
and hitting them up, very much as the farmers in
the Statetdo their cos, potatoes, Am. 'They GA*
for the palpate hoes somewhat resembling s pick
ax, excepting that the outside has throb lonVrongs
with which they loosen the earth very
The soil generally resembles a light end sandy
loam, and does not appear capable elf producing
scarcely any vegetation. But the grape and-olive,
ynu kt.ow, will flourish where almost 'any, other
vegetable wilt starve and perish. In all diatTartpf
the South at Spain through which I traveled; from
Cadiz to Malaga, Granada, &c:, this same barren,
sterile appearance of soil is ripparent upon mount-
It! and uplands The general sutlaeo of the'
country is not merely undulating, but mountains ,
to a far greatet degree, titan 1-had any idea. 1:do
'e"IY believe atm these arid hills and mountainous
comprise nine-tenths of the land in the province of
Andalusia, and that the fertilespots—the vegas or
v alleys--constitute only one-tenth. But these latter
are-tge gardens of Spain.
ATTAHOT Ileses—How n is manr..—The rems , nf
( iitavipoor, on the river Ganges, are cultivated in
enormous fields of hundreds of acres. The delight
ftli War Born these fields can be smelled at 7 miles
distance on the river. The valuable article of corn-.
tome known as the attar of roses is made there
‘'tte following, manner :•-On 40 pounds of Wiea
Poured 50 pounds of water, and they are then orm- ,
tilled over a slow fire, and 30 pounds of me water
obtained. This rose water is then poured over 40
Paands of fresh roses, and from dial is dist,illedlo
Pounds of rose water this is then' exposidln dm'
Cold night air, and in the morning, a small gsinfil
of c
. 011 Ls found on the surface. F lom' 80 PO* s .of
` O3 O, about 200,000 in number : of ;The ellifilqa an
ounce and a half oil is obtained ; and eeen f ollavi
4tpuor, it costs 40 rupees (120) an ounce.
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, -:.isomardmili:Ritewalcanuarrativ.c?
_ . .
16'10%45116g pap* lam iktiorffhiribohltivpoe
the mielieOPPi RiTffs *,beelN feed at;the Acid:
ee!i ; 4 1 )0_,1 634 _,etrtr*.IIII• Notice
M the S olid Yodlotts abd-Pdicrisidopia living
Forms of the Matter floating with the water•oflbe
*did If W Teei
41 1 ; , Qt AltelPitith Vie „fivevtrells a~Zay ,at lie
rate 0f , 13,701 0 000,232,701..cubi0 kat a , year: ')The•
5050thpirti:or4,100,000,000 tied of din volutie is
Mud ? In this mud are pond 112 different'
4 1 37 Ai
lolithariss, 2 palythames, and • Amaral unformed
species. A comparison of thelinsiselpiii with vief
'o9liee an the, Nile Ovee Ike i fo l olei
The gillitek,r* gebOi z AA. at;
the rate of 609,000 -cubio'leef a ;second; Malkfis
siasippi, 437,111 cubic few
. *second; Nileo7?,lSf;
. yedOrfil. ' the , ihe'
3 1 1 0*.i0Fife ee e dYee-lerge illFt'el:!ilePanges
at . high water, and two and a half times as large as
that of the Nile. -
Thepropertitins of solid matter contained in the
rivets Ilre as follows : : - " •
In the qatigeti, Bpcnbielii: ; ajiedeind ; in , ihe Mis
sifisippi, 147 cubic feel in a second ; in, the Nile,
I.3tcubio feet in a second.. $o (bathe MississtrOi
is by far the purest river of the three.' Finally, or
gapio lire enfant in the:turbid portions of the rivers
in the following portions:
In the Ganges, animal microscopic life forms one
third to one-totuth of the mud—giving from 139 to
187 cubic feet of animaculae in a second. In the
it format from one4wentketb to one-tenth, gir
ing trout six to thirteen cubio feet of worms in' a
second. In -the Missiisippi, it forms from'one-fiiA
tieth to a thirtOttitil, giving the Fathers of Wiite , ri
from two, to four cubic feet of animated mud, which
it rolls by Memphis, evettsecond of its life.
It has been noticed for •fe lot, twenty yearithat
the climate of the -temperate zone is gradually be.;
coming more eqnabley and that-of die late '
the ex—
tremes of heat and cold in winter and summer are
decidedly less severe. A circumstance, somewhat
corroborative of this theo7 Is Earthquake
are coming North. We are being treated ,W an ac
quaintance with some . of the monopolies of the tor
rid zone. They have felt a 'arias* shock at Bor
deaux, where never, in memory of man, was one
ever felt before. It lasted eight seconds and did a
remarkable deal of work, considering the time it
! had to do it in. It began' with an explosion-and
' finished ,with three rise:illations front :Youth to North.
Pictures trembling ppm - the walls; tumblers
off from shelves awl-broke ; • the glass winilowt of
the churches shivered into splititers ; clocks that
were piing were stopped and others tharhad stop ;
ped. were set going. It was two o'clock , at night,
and the horizon was a lurid red, as it the last rays
of a conflagration was still lingering in the atmos
phere. In the surrounding country, the cattle Were
as frightened as the men, and uttered murmurs
and e.omplaiuts.
at M
tIING THE ITTEL-7/HW . young titan are ,
acquainted with.tbis.very familliateipression,and
that too by sad experience. • Now' we knew that
this nothing of getting the mitten" is by no means
as agreeitble wilt' is cracked qp be, and it piOdn-
Ceti no very pleasant sensation in the.mind of the
ardent lover. When in answer to the anxious
" Mies, will you accept of my company," she ;gays
half good finmoredly, f shaitt, none bill thoie who
have been similarly situated,, can form any conjec•
cure of that peculiar sensation, which it naturally
creates. The victim feels—oh dear' he feels all
over. He would gladly change places ivith,irfink
turtle or a bullfrog, ler then he, miglu And some'
friendly hiding place wherewith to conceal his
voted• head. The soul seems rot a moment, t 6 se
crete itself somewhere between the torid zones;
and the beets that but a few'ineinents befo r e hi:san
ded like the deer of the forest, is now endeavoring
to hi.le its blushing lace between the ,fiver and the
kidneys. However, it be is a ra;ut tit sound sense
he will attach no blame to the fair one who has
thus repulsed and thwarted bis'desigu, but after a
few mements . perMrbation ofmind„ he wilt come
to the , naturaide conclusion ,that, if she Joni : want to
go home with him he certainly eareenotbing about ,
her company. ' Aad furthert7nore, alt it 'ecirnmonly
takes two to'inake a bargain - and as Itie
I Wally makes a .proposition, we e think it perfectly
jest that -she exercises. he owe liberty and-choice
in all inch matters. :
VuLGAIUTT -.We.woold guard the yoongagainst
the use dl every word 'that is net perferly'proper..,
Vse oo 'yrofahe
that vronkl.put t ie blush Jo the most leaseive...!-
You know. not the , tendency of. habitually using in. ,
decent and profane language. It may neverberob.','•
literated our bearis.
,Whpa'yOrt, grc#,. uj
you god ,at tongue's.epdtsome,eapressiins
which.yon•would not use fn any moneY.' , : Wants
one you learned when quite young: By heiitg Care
ful you wilsave Yourself a of trouble,
and mortification anti sorrow. Geed meti haveia,
ken sick and.becrome Jackal& thesemotnente
they have used the most vile and indecentlinguago
ititagiaable. 'Wharf infcireted utit ellei a' reale
tion to health, they had no ideit of the pain t ey
had given their friends irtrataiiiiidiey hadlearned
anti 4fßeatleJ‘ibe4 o eVierliees i cilikiheed3r i a d
though years, had pissed ',since ahoy, bed spoken ca
bad word; the earliest 'impreisieris had been indeli
are iioPlettie,oo„OPYßlS.ei‘faPPagerawli Pry
J.kiegtace yourselves. , t-,.1 - .
A Pooe Etaszeser4-1. 4 .' A !worthy-but:prot minim'
ter r a writes* t iriend'ltom the t otintryi ifte4neelek
401 a the t :rawrjM l4lol,4gt4 t
the eatilsketmoWdeblige himat•woo!dvarbistfin
ten dareenv the taith - -bf • Atkallartf.' -Tfie'dighie
rettima went ittliA:AlerAeltC3* :
'endorser Oa Qom must Rai 019 the age. '
04.(1.3 , 1„rfosi;;,,A_Alu-ti , 4lstfte gy. , ftt. 'kqt '
"' • t•di: vll
. .
• • t.' 1:1 1 ; , }r. IV. F. , . `a
!PI .niit
- -
! t' t an k , • .:
4V 115111 /9 4 1 44F1.1' 1 94.1. , !:4, ,
• In old tin ee, just p er : , 03enatory...0 the .;New
Netherlands had been wrested from the bands of
:their High; Miglitirielia . Iftittelilteneral
'of Holland; Secondreild wbile it
was as yet, in afilititptiet etate; the: piolthre. was a
`tk4 l 4 l i4-inexianpica..„ nese . wove piratical ro ,
,vers-of the deep, tabu rnedasadverk ib ihrteir of
'pease aniengithielpiii . thibreentethiiiilin4Ankisb
metcf ti s b `f 440'4,
Recces, io the harbor of MaaboutheN4and.rof,the
laxity of the scarcely organized gosermitemOrr
mike it a blintif ienilezvbol'wfille)ber . Tho
. 1 0 . 0*2!, ,I'ool 0
Crewe trltAnee..deemadene,,:*
'rumples el eeerytotantry.'aed Clime, !night basset), , open d4i . itheut = iber stets* - albs
burgh'; bttitbeethi . 44144
away tb it keit:Oahu:l4h plan gr ,. at beltpiicq; . l4 ;
the Wary merchant, and then squandering: theiz ,
'pine-, in 1 Means • drinking; .gensbling,
shoottagl and astounding Abe rielighbOrhoial with;
sud4eAbtavii and raman
ktJejigitt.'itie, indignation, of government: was
aroused * and it was .determined , to , :ferret. an this. ;
'vermin brood from the colonies.' 'Great caristertik:
trotttriolfPlaeer among the pirritekint finding inlieit
is purinit 'them, and their, obl beanie ' to
,places They secreted their• , money and
jewels in lonely out of the way places ; buritathem
about the teild Shares' of ibe rivers and see: cairn,
and dispersed thernsehres„ over ithe face of ~the
country. , . I • . • ,
Am• •
ong the agents employed to - Want them' 'by
sea was the veriovrn'eC Captain - Kidd. He bed, isiOg.
been a hardy, a4t%,.r.turer,.a, kind of equivocal bord
erer, ball-44er, ball -muggier, - with' a tolerable
dash of the pickaroon. He had traded for some
lime rimont tie pirates' lerking'abant tie `seas in
a little rakish, rnOquito,,luilt !easel, prying into ail
kinds()apiece., as busy as a Mother: 'Cory's
chicken in a gale of•wind.- • •
Thls'netrdescript personage crag pitched upon hy
governmen't as,tho very intuijo command a vessel
fitted out to,cruise aphis the piratea,, since he
knew all their haunts and lurking :pleces--acting
upon the shrewd Old, maxim bf losetting a '"rogue
to catch a rogee." Xidil accordingly sailed, frem
New York in the Adventurer galley, gallantly arm.
en and duly commissioned, and steered his course
to the fdadeiras, to lionavista,te Madagascar, end,
cruised at the entrance' ofthe, tied ,See. , Instead,
however, of making War upon the pirates, he turn
turned pirate himself—captured friend or foe--en
riched himself with the - Spoils - 1A a t ealday
man, manned by Moors, 'though Commanded by
un Englishman ; ,and•having disposed id his prize,
had the hardihood -to return to Bosh:6, laden with
his wealth ) with a crew' of his,ionratles pi his
keels. . ,
Ills. fame had., preceded hititi The alarm was
given of the re-appestaneer , bithie'colphtire - of the
ocean. Measures trere,falian (Or hi , e, i.Vat
he had dine; it is saiddo hut, the greater , pan of
his ireasurets. 'He 'even atienitited to draw his
sword and defend himself wheniarrested bdt 'Was
secured and throivit intO . Prison;'with sevend‘of hie
fol'owers. They were oarried to Rogland ,in a fri
gate, where they were tried; condemned, and hang.
ed tit Execution- Dock. Kuldilied hard, lot the
rope with Whi6h he was'fintlied up broke with lila
weight, a 1 1 1 1 .119 1,9.19141119 the g 9 491111 ibe las
tied/op a second time, andeflectnally ; from whence
arose the stary.of his having been taloa hung'.
Such is the main, putlipe.ofgidorp history ;,
it hail an., innerneraftie progeny of
traditions. The circumstance of his having buried
great treasures of gold end 'jewelli' after returning
from Iris cruising let the brainiOf all the, goo pee.
pleng . ifiecoOt in a fermept. There were,
traits oa suipors t cif otal sums Mood bent i and there;
sometimes in one pan of the country { eometitnes ,
another; •at trees ;arid merit bearing rnysterititie
marks, doubtle:sii„intlicatini the apois 'Oltere.
ore 14' quoins fuoutlwiilt liatarish char,
aatent, the plunder-el Kiddla eastern' prizei- but,
which the . common "people' Took ; tbr diabolical .of
thakic InsC4ioni„, '
Some meorted the spoils to bate been buried in
!Wintry ansettle4 fiscal, about Plymouth and‘Cepii
Coll Slat* otheritarts'ol . thg eseter?i,
rkd various isiticeriln:LlngratiafOrtnni, - haF,q,*eß
row" Ipui r intwo been masscied ,
'by ,talirentatoet money.diners t •
„rl4/11 t r -,, M11 19 ,
'Tars ONG) $1 4 ., Jewet t ja PC'ent Cora.,
manication-ton.,Boaton paperp,/ s.daughter: of ihs
Daniel of•hisiotp,elier; VC: balitirti
der r Leh!' hi hetti:,earit.':
,e - ppeOtigtri : ; ri. grad
Tut 1.41 413 1 .4 tP:Plitlift,ber heitri 111411,fhe Aggilkad
in-this wretched stem until about eighteen YearA of
age; wlierran %dials .dootor chanced to - see 'ter;
thepother„ Ma. B. 'thitthti qqit of opie#
a L tt~t`totiat o ; .qap tier; d rewire,' as follbwr.
DifiJe fly .onion, and from • the _canto lake -omit
piece the size of ichommon wialnyti:; "fill - thirtavi=
ty with a treats
to ; eq(44, in , il P 04!gt(!) 1 4 , 0 ; Tots 01
qutot par; nntityou come to thet 'portion eligtm
•Iy colored or pen it rate& by the mbriceni 'much tip.
'the hai f antr*of thiftilyreirc Poitrite , i;O:Ehlo:'l:hio
( 1 4:°rti1 13 -PIO42O I, :Pf (464 PRiVi IeOI9 PP 4
ermailerAno tlaughterilltaci to. bed
•which viverfow eansiderehte pain
which - lasted for,sidielifie.':`'fieloielifo,i iii tiVitif..
VPl . M.Minqat I#IIPRI *P4
.6e4tikitifeyihat•AtiJminetell-hf Ahertintlantl noise
!of cod oft pit ion ! stor toorflovineamtp,mid for
Inrre than threa ,t y_ialiji4t*hettkifitkl,o ;#rii
entirely Te:iNia,"tdificcOak'jiti; l it S:pooo4 f tl 4
ArM4l ,lBl , 4 1 4,4*2,bctin PlußfOsieil Ttlib. gut faltillY
for many years, the case is so FratifYing that t cen:
c'ef*a9 )
A ferianypteci dikir 44 . 4
ir.ra';llo ;.r
4'4l^ • ;
A ; „ D IP, II e„9„ -ti l f „. „ }1.4 ' 413T 'CIIFIA4.Ii:
...framed, A.-D..1.771, Whemeenimd ,, Butgeyne
comedown hem' thellonhvolitnl Width` Mighty - at:
my ebt.le - grio
shag delablynent,,M dettolatiThe, cOuntry meowed,
10.4Mplutt themselves with-the. aped. •.:
• Bennington enwpartieulady markedgis etriatiect
of thelietitigainicki,'
his Atte Oa futitAlientegeetul befebtorroe
miles west of the town, where he fintifiedurongly t
:his tear beimetenu utiles beelr.‘ The inhabitants
cif Beimingtonitere meet alarmed ; the militia be
lea bad been eine the, OR htel, awned;
holeeeery they formed a finis:between the town and
the etrenty,-within aboulthree miles of them,- and
by some mans got 'lntelligence of the lay flag
epee to deetrotthe Mien. The inhetiitante were
oCinetesiotionsNia *mid to the VIP
get elation cad mtertioes. &manual was held,
and it was determined not best to wait the enemy's
apeetetell, halo ed skit and'altaek 'tent in" the*
'strong held. Ever,! Mtatit;tiblti (Obeat: arms went
limb to the The women and cbildten were
paraded atom the Main street, with the carts And
wagonti loaded - with Their ferbiline and effects a lh*
. leif,cito,the r aoticin, • ntela,9e in case
-the enemy rivalled. Thus matters were dispos,
etlr when the important day arose which was• to
decide thutate of Benningreb.' General Seek, arid
the iitnerirs With him, Considering everything e%
risk upon die exertions of their little band of invin
cible*, es they afterwards proved, made suchludi.
cicalt•' 4l4 eneelOttels, and each an rutaxpected and
spirited attack' upOn the enemy, in their . works, that
they at.oncp, .by .The crowning, aid .c.f suspicious
heaven, forcediherri from their lineyand redoubts,
killed and taptivated neatly the whole of Their par
ty: " iithabitanteheinf the
,attack, aii4 waited
to lute, the issue titiih a diststlistliug anxiety, not to
be conceived, much less vspreseed. The firing
ceased ; and, lo comic( Notre in taste", `an in
foams and as be approached, he firing his hat
into the air, end announcing to the .trembling mull
titude the joyful tidings of success and victory !--
"The day-is oncown I the enemy arciianquished,
and you are all Vary soog after then eyes
vieie gratified with kiting the intended authors of
theirdestructioni led captive through the streets, and
secured under guard in their meeting house. Not};
Mole" now tudd Or heard, scarcely,, but elude.
14Ms of, praiee to God for their deliverance,- and
mutual congratulaiions of each other: • -
But they haitsearcely enktiredtlietelicity befoni
their hopes Wire
. alt blasted by prirspects of the
deepesi distress.. 111 telinge trom every quarter, in
quick succession, crowded in upon them.' The ac
tion to the northward is reneWedl 'An:express ar-
Nies - with 'an accede! Thai a strong reinforce.
Meet had engaged Col. Benicia', and that he was
fined to. , fiee • before them.: At the earns time a
patrol fronted from thefouthstaniwiat intelligence
diet a pAity of,lhfi enemy, consisting or a thousand
men, were epee the, (own from-that- quarter. At
the tamer time the , ptisimert Made an iestreection
in the meeting-001e: Whit . it:sad reierse of ke
fpne 1. from,ihe most flattering prospecte,
duced'iti a situation beset , with ills, and environed
round withAlangev and with darkness, without*
gleam ot hope left But He whO 'Meet' the Jai ,
into night, anti night into tlay, for nictitate', did pot
t9rAHO:albeni...,Tll6—iniard,..bss ceeruome
soon reduced, the Insurgents to order. A second
patrol from the southward Contradicted the report
of the fonder. Col. (Varner fortunately came up
to the assistaece, ofCal. Hernek,.iu an advantageous
situation. They engaged and, vanquished the ene
my,a second time. Thus were their tears again
diepelled, arid their despendhig spirits revived to
,praise r . And now 'they bad Teirure.,to at.
teed MOD kifi,ed and wounded., •
•• A good old gentleman; who had two:tons in the
field,- whose furrowed cheeks and .silver' toils ad.
did vitnerribleness to his hoary brews, being tolil
that he was unfortunate in one of his.sons, replied,
", What! has he • mishelutved !'did he desert his
post or atirink from thit cheree,l7, a 1‘19 ) ,ir," said
the ieforMant, worse.. Than th at 'heis , among the
stein l'he fell contending, mightily in the camel' ,
r,(LThen am satisfied," -replied the' Integrable AM ;
,hrand lar him before thei l tlift teisntp
t it* be hold and eurvey)he trailing ofmy 800 i
ORS vbiC,h the empire was brought in and laid be.
fora him..l3e then calbrlort bowl of Witter end a
napkin, led With his own Miele 'washes the: gore
from his well Corpres, tifeetrtg
w Ptitelar 13 1 401 a. Complacency, as the Wiesen , eft
; relied itOgitieh - had - neverfett*OT
perietMC~d..°" l ' •
. -- ,"*Ke4ntiful le death when Panted by urinal
ttplfrrectovs 0141;4004 which is phed Incomes man
tiy.thoweriumpheet to fait; when by telling we titre
to eancireist,' honor and intritoriality - ...,
11 1., a qa tiPYOr'ant•Pr. bet eons to imitate
eft,Pliehl4e4Sample,flunl to become rivals for such
distirgmished glory-640 stand feeble' the hear of
her ?distreise.' strnobia'teridielde tier Came, ilia
•• 1,••• 1
• •
er.4 1 4.. . vil roused to,aitenthe pub..
tic disputations held at the AoadetnyTtres - .once
sat& if hit' utidetstito4l_tatia::' . g l 'Nfi,!' replied the,
i tf gut - 1,4:4401M his 'br
seeing whO is angry firat:".
41,1, y_'.
bourn iript kgmiqe
ofat r, Oio•pihlmitinB ti ke loquenceE9P, the great,:
nerirtgiltitcreinlfyL I .48 Noureir•ee," replied n , loaf.
er—u I tract a sack at II at% bestirs'
your coat wiL2mireLT:
i n.
PAS ohl mad we heard to exclaim whiles sitib 1
at fiettiteettns,bibir day:: 7 'o l :l;..esP,figitOirfikill '',
:.IC"l"°•,.'iAdMif:Flf.ifiP6rl44l"-‘lO-16tkii 4084,
i°4441116•4104ttnt.. 0 , 40 UFO aOltdroevapil. wily
`airnilliefiketa isinglispinfriltosul tredve bioanirl
ki : .cir i4l ill . ii4lalasla„de,l 7 all in;',if's :-.
, Li
pole, who, is the length of a Ilungarian I"
~.~: t
'". 1
IN; 7-P • :4. g,
• ifteitelg it itteikiteelene:
'' . lteeiteieninO'since IA at ' - Pat' the waetilOweeiflkSefing-Chittn. fill within the
passenger .tutin -on the e p r seriulroad 'arrived...ate resent tethuty; And most ("fete knowledge wtrett
small taillege and : itto ppingtat the. depot, it lovely we-now possess hai been obtained:Arians' As last
couple got out and:inquired the" way to Thee min: fifteen sears, - AS foreign interemirse tenernes motel
idtifr'a" O' fettle:himAte hnoseJohn'made'known frequent and unrestricted with this country, w - eirhett
the rite undoubtedly-become better and-better acquainted
oftholy wedlitek performed. The reverend. gee- with itiebistory and the character ot its 'inhabitants'.
homes teas just teravingto perform it ser vice di n , The -recent senlements,and great increase of traria
other kind, and suggested that the parses-shotilti dn.,out Pricifigehorss.will opeu it. more. direct tom.; But was In a hurry' and the municatien with China and reeder , whatever ,con:
MiniSter thinking he ; neeld make a,shortcase of it, cent that people fat mere imereenpg and import.
consented .to , tarry; „nut the, ni e lsgroom ..-was_ not ant to America. The antiquity of that nation, tree
quite teady.- litsnrunk Was en the , platfonaii - and log ite history by a tTeettrerie3 of events back,in
saih lite,tiddreetfinie the 4 mlthistetn:: • ' ••• thisigsse ortablif. its treat e,ttent of territory and
Soreion litst."lUilp Me A . 1111402' f , rewires"; its literature and its arta; its govern:
On getting it into the house he added.- - meta and ifs immenseimpulanori, estimated at up
" Just map mitt up o wn s e d i r i t; nee es h e er Wardsnf 200',000,f0 canstitnte objects of extraies
dresies? - ttirlian7„ o , l 4o . Binary interest. Itassing . .. these tomes, the N. T.
said bb tka•YPl4n4T, l o/ ii - sPit t nat:4. l4 'tiosientleds Vatra!*anid - hlerthanicailanees ate eutnect vitally
',spine you inst.& ulastainst and help -.Elizibetb r inteMatingle country ,on the eve of banishing
dress." , . • _ , ! . • . its borders the evils of intemperance ;-ee
&ingot:lab ae'retinestarlionld bi denied. the TCA COP.
The iadp ' wriii',o!Cair • .The, earliiit knowledge we hive Of the Take r
an she wisalacut to descend she bethought thertteif l i nta,er Tea-tree as cultivated in China, some
that John's wedding cr."rig" was in' herlizink, surd where about 350 years after the Christian ere. Its
elle would thank the young kitty if she wa l la fairy" botanicar affinities relate it to the Camelia, and it
it intrilehati.ioein end Olt We l to ge i res ay; l • ' grows equally in mountainous and level district
The rig was reseerdingly taken into an .djoiaing but is eintivated to most advantage in a light rocky
chamber, and the. bridegroom showed -*here' he Wit It is sown by potting several Beetle into a
might Make ready. ' This occupied lime. - ',Rut, hike in nursery beds, these are then transplanted in
length the parties deseendet, end,lalCino rheir , in s ; tows tour reef apart. They begin to yield leaves
lions, the tweeze was about i ncernm e c o. Ate is three years atter, but the plant does not attain its
instant John filed off to-•a diritant•part of the room, tali size until six or seven years. IV eh Care it
where the young lady was sitting' and Said le hers- thiives' fifteen or twenty yeari, bin the leaves grow
° "Come now, spode you juitiLm and stand up side hardand harsh after the seventh year. The tea.
of glizsabede, it wilt make her, feel better." . t, shretiresembles that of the broad tented mYttleOind
t The ladytacieessiten. --The t wo o va seen eus h, a flo wer veriiike the wild rose. Them are &tier
, oner flesN'and - the clergyman fit It Wit 4x em' but although it has been a matter of
, Pee • „2,
air of coama, that the' heppis cee t ae wou ld ph e
, the deep whether the 'different kiods were distinct
later, train and
_proceed on their way that sPeCies cir only varieties-it is knowiAc to be a fat - t
But all harry was new over. • The• parties seated that there are only two species, the green and the
themeelves and seemed at home. At length Jdhe black. The rest are mere combinations of dies.
epyingtt niann, said to thiyOung,ladY, still in the two in proportions, or changes vrrou la by diner.
teems- - ence of soil, culture, situation and degrees of tent.
• "Come now, spose you'aine us a tuns on that perature, similar to our common fruits.
thing theta." The black tea is grown in the maritime prov in:-
. The lady camplied tit was a sentimental tereg, ea, of FonKien and Canton. green tea is grown in
and the bridegroom wes in raptures, . . the provinces of Xiaguare Kiang si, and Cite-Kiang
sr Neves heard such' a right acorn good thing i n The annual produce of a shrub of large size is from
all my life; and now spose you go right through it 15 to 20. ozs , while the average yield about G Dun ;
agi!! cee, tied 1000 'rivate . yards contain from 300 to
1 . 1 wait repeated..., about thin timeabe car whistle 400 Plants. There are about three crops.annually
announced theapproaeb of the twin. They wq ," l gathered, the first about the middle of April, which
informed; bet John said - he had - no thought of going, consists of the eaily buds,-and is by far the most
from such n confounded geed placer that night.- esteemed for its aromatic qualities and fine flavor.
They aleyedi in .the morning they tea, the e a r ly The most superior tea of the first picking hears the
train, and just as they were leaving, the generous appelation of the Flowery Pekoe." Because the
and grateful bridegroom "slippeda silver dollar into !eaves are covered ivi:h a -title white down. The
the hand - of the clergyman, lila: eyes opening and Second crop is picked six weeks afterwards, and
glisteeiqg like the tieing sun. the third crop about the end of May or beginning of
"There, said , he,•take that, I'm going Tip to.— June. We It avefieati of four crops occasionally,,
I've a brother there;. he's going to be married, HI but as the third crop, of leaves yield tea of
lead : turn, ried down here, 'far you do the tin n i n g ) strength and flavor, a lonith we apprehend iitrasit
handsome,"in the picking men, women anti children - season , '
are employed. end the leaves are stripped by hand
!els from the branches, as rapidly as enssible, and
thrown into baskets suspended from the neck, end
and conveyed to the drying houses.
.Friteratonesnts7.Cie...s.e...f.-ss LOC., Le,. ' l / 2 •
pounds pet nay, for which be reeelvesabont sic
cents. 'The leaves after being gathered are
Y. care
'acetet I and placed on bamboo frames, and
ten lit the wind to sotten and dry, v.:l'in they ire
tubbed and rotted until red spots begin to appear,
• I
When they are tested by having boiled' water pour
ed over Them to obiretve whether the leaves tutu
The green tea is less highly dried than the black
and on this account it is supposed, that the termer.
by retaining its naturel juiees, leas
_a greiter efleCt
upon the nervous system. It is a vulgar error in
attribute the stimulating qualities of green tca to its
being dried upon copper, aqd this error has been
refined by the , best chemists of Europe, who huge
Analyzed it, and been unable to detect a particle of
the insetete of copper. ,Butthe Chinese do adulter
ate teas but it, is ,the eiviltzed traders that have
taught Mein. The usual method is - by mixing the
first, second, and third gatherings, and_ passing oil
sticks insteatief leaves. In Consequence of the de
mend for green tea, the Ilong.merchanis and agents
not the grotters 3 adulterate the black by giving it a
green appearance by neeeping it in iedigri-blue and
similar poisonous ingredient/I use English months
ants etijl farther deteriorate this plant by a plentitui
admisture of sloe and other leaves, with ditcolot,
Asoistirlroor air Plarrsso Mho B —Th e Ca--
rtadians talc:pi an' lager:ions plan for Uncovering
the trees that are stored with. honey, They Galin'
a number ofi the flatware in the (crest. aval,earati.a
i........doirrycrrtartnertlerthThilitsvhibh is a honey
edr..b,'ltndlif the little' Squire eglass, large,enough
to atfmit the light into every. part., •
When the bees seem qratiated with honey,. two
or three are ailirwedlo, escape;' and the'•direction
which they trike`iitattentj4o3i:iiaolo;iinfil they
become lost in the ,disianue." Tile 'winter then pro.
reeds towanlsthe spot where they•thaappear, and
hbrating one or two more of the Awe captives, he
also marksiheircourse. •
This process is repeateil until the other bees, tn.
stead of following,the same direction as their pre•
decessora, take the' direct opposite-course, by
which the hunter is convinced that be has oversho t
the nbiect of his,ptuittit..„ .
is a well. known hiet that ifyou take a bee from
a flower situated at any' given distance south of the
tree'to Which the belongs, and' earl it in the
closest . confinement to an equal distance on the
north side of .the tree, he when tiberetekir fly in a
circle for a moment, and then make his course di.
recta hialsweef . home, Without deljattitg in the
Ine.ll l 3'thi t;gittl- ' *a Pr , fell. ‘'
Thua ars hunter ,is very soon able to detect -the
tree which eonteint the honey; then by ;lacing on
heated' 'Wilt a , pieta!' 01 honeycomb; the odor,
ilbgt Melting, ii_la,stmitgAnd alluring as to entice
the' bees to aorna•doirn kens their citadel.
tlFhen thti-tree iwcittlorinithetittentity,ofhoney
fohnd' iteeicarttiif trunk" seldom hills to corn
pensatillie limner to his pessevStatlce.
.„Tur. Ditty or - larsacv,—As the infant begins to
discriminate between the objects around, it soon
cliff-Users oniCennitintance (tun ever smiles upon it
with peculiar benignity. When it wakes from
its slop, there is a watchful form ever bent over
ifs cradle.' 11 - startled by some unhappy dretn, - a
guardtati,anget Seems ever. ready, to soothe its tears.
It cold v ibat.ministeringspirit brings ita warmth ; if
hungry, she "feeds in pain, she relieves it ;if
happy ihe r careitaei,ii...!ln:loy of ' fOriovv,, in Weal
or,tvoe, Ale >r the..first,ohier,l of its Ittonglite. Her
presence iaitaheaven, Themother is the deity of
ettroi'Vealth; hrinOr,:atfalator i 'lisay , bomb:trim
#lYy:!ii4il:* ,caul ti~ioti
bfryt tocik . #4;
virtue-is dirk:Wok. Jot iodaitry labor ;
•tuiriy i t*Orthib - triiiPliillt lo' purtlideriltat 11;00.
. i irrirAheittii,sciassolbarntuy beings en 'Nadi
who .ntsryrpfetierlyfieticritlitialetr tOW"if , "-ii•
41!1•4 eviing+o l- /
heir farbprOVE!lithiresstienbsui , blinSessilapitting : i
in for themselver.
.I 4,
7 . f t ti v 'th 1 hiliOte I,' . '4 1 1141 , 01i: ; . ,‘' .f$
ing Tatter.
The scieetific mode of pros ing the finer teas at
Canton, is to perif small quantity into a cap, pour
on it pure spring water at hul boiling point ; place
the saucer above the cup, filling it also with boiling
water to increase the heat ; after a sufficient time
elapsed for the leaves to unfold themselves, to ex
amine the appearance, cOlor v and flavor of the infu
sion brit this test only suited to the initiated. Teas
Shp* be chosen for their agreeable flow bright
ness of color, and uniformity
.of laat, for it the teal
NJ:lichen it partially destroys the flavor.. 11'llett
the tea-pot they should. draw of a light coin( ) and
.e clear and free from scum t.•cts which
draw dad( , can not be good, and sl there is much
scum, there is a suspicion that they ate adulterated.
Tea should have clear soh water poured on to ii.
boiling hot, and • :not he suffered to stand Inerier
than necessary toabstract the montane qualifiers of
the leaf._. .Grcen lea requires about fitter', minutes
—black from ten in twelve: Tea: when Purchased.
• should be enclosed-in.a ea:niter that will carefully
delude :the air..
ale itoaFtiof.; to .kristotle of the greatpet , a of h . .. 5
~cnuomx-,Ttkat vt.tiot to : ,61
bui tie - Ake/J . 9u 4,llwv . e_ . to 6! Of -44reat
r,c.?011,4504 6, ~1 • ;' r "rr' • "
, 4Atte. gmt;lanet, , yottaiii th, detentfett Nras
gernieriiito,htniivitk4ottioiieen , btt that-lr' , ?t moan
.a man that pay% hia bal, the tt..t ttene , '
prevented to 114112
4 4 '‘ , 40 %
. 4 ;l' ;t:44:44;1144,,,::0
41 1 4 I fit
1 : ')
. 4 •
- 11