Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 13, 1852, Image 1

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    aill-g , 54Ms
an iliontinn, lllcmt la, 1952.
(Frog the Patsburg Commeretal Journal)
Oh ! comrades fill no glass for me'
To drown my soul in liquid flame;
Fur if I drank.the toast should be—
Tc blighted fortune, health and fame
Yet though I long to quell the strife
That passion holds against my life,
Still boon companions may ye be;
But comr.tdes fill noglass for me
I know a breast that once was light,
Whose patient sufferings need my care;
I I,now a heir( that once was bright,
But drooping hopes have neztled there:
Then, while the tear drops nightly steal,
From woum'ed hearts that I shonld heal,
Though hobo companions ye may be
oh ! comrades fill no glass for me!
NVlum I was young, I felt the tide
Of asrations undefiled ;
Bur manhood's years have wronged the pride
My parents centred in their child.
Then by a mother's sacred tear,
By all that memory should revere,
Though boon companions ye may be. .
Oh! comrades fill no glass for-me !
fixre a blood on your hand. Julia," said a tall,
rie made woman, in a homespun dress, as
•tie," t,p the health of the solitary farm honse,
r of England, at the close of a cold
, mber t day in the year 18—.
e :,er.on thus addressed was an ironfaced far.
about the middle size, with dark eyes peer
i,.rthealli a pair of shaggy. eye-brows. His
was flushed, as though old age had been
Ike wildfire through his swollen veins,
~,s brawny hand as he looked at the clot of
blend thtit.stamed it, seem to have been made
:croclant of
1. eis blood,'' said Brown, for that was tl e
‘• but it is all off now; bring me my
' The wife—for such was the first speaker
wed him long and anxiously in Ibe face. nor
isioq seemed to be floating before her eyes
mr almost escaped from her compressed
hr. what h the name of nature ails the, au
-a,! Blown, endeavour g by an ill-contriv :
In B,lence her fears " It people go wlfere
are ilaughtered they must expect to gel
T e blnoil of sheep was not on your hdntl,"
na wife firmly. "There was a molar choly•
•; nun oil the hill, to clay. He had money
a raluable watch. He-offered me a piece of
r,ilireciing him to the next village, and eel
bl• our clock. Hare you seen the etran•
fewuleA.of ihe hardened husband now
actN! two a !earful Scowl. " IVornan," said
, !.at have I to do with travellers on the hilt-
Mind your own affairs." Then .changing
Dt.e :o a sort of whine, he said, 'ClGive me my
I am ell!,! al.d . hungry, I cannot juke
taa any ionger'',
Joke wi ti me r'_ gaid the poor it lie, with a
tenanee agonized with horror, God gram that
prove a pke."
Ir supper was now placed upon the table.—
fanner nee his supper in silence, and then went
!. 11l a lea• momenta he was lost in a deep,
terlible sleep.
.Haviog seen that everything
islet, the good wile put on-her hooded cloak,
out upon the lawn. It was a cold, and
es el ening. and the lulls !seemed to be turn
:3 misty shadows, before the wand 01 an en
and the waving tree-tops seemed like the
o! the ni id n ight deep. The bleak wind howl
!) amid the elm trees by the way side, arid
yof a distant watch-dog carpe echoing up the
The unhappy wife followed the track of her
about a mile. She was now startled by a
roan. Scanning narrowly the hill-side, she
ive,l a place where some persons had appa•
caged together, in the snow-drift, and be
, riiitle distance. she beheld the melancholy
•zer. whom she had directed on •his course,
floors previous, lying on the ground with a
lid wound upon his forehead. Brown's wife
strong tevolute woman, yet she trembled as
used the wounded man and wiped the blood
tin eyes. Finding that life vies not extinct,
re him upon her shoulders Co her dwelling.
; laai him 'down in the passage; she opened
"then door where Brown was sleeping. His peaty ,
breathing gave evidence that the sleep
inkenness was upon him. She then carried
.Ner thronli the kitchen to a littlerbed-room
dm generally retired when the abuses of
q .;:dl companion became insupportable. As
of the wounded man brushed by the face
.vra, his hands indistinctively grasped the bed
s and carried them over his head. Having
sae,! die ‘ - uuml—the bleeding of which had
decked before by the coagulating blood—the
eto dressed it in a, manner well approved of
medical men, gave her patient a composing
' ll , and then returned to her seat by the hitch-
emer now began to be himself- lie mov
,i a wounded snake in his unquiet pleeP. He
sJ itis eyes and glared wildly around him.—
g'ie is no- upon qty hand," said he, " Meg,
~11 a juke." As he said this, conscience felt
i'witig of the warm that never dies, and a
.et along the limbs of Barium told but too plain
' 41Le•itati sealed, in blood, a bond conveying
of es Outing rue, hie miserable soul.—
Ines of h 4 debauch tone like a. mist Upon his
E Re
brain, and he slept again. His wife now paid the
stranger another visit, and finding all working as it
should, retired to her desolate couch. Morning
came, and the sobered farmer arose trom his pillow
of remorse. His face was haggard, his eyes blood
shot, and his hair like that of the furies, seemed
changed into serpents.
He said but little, and went out immediately aftet
breakfast. His wile saw him go op the hillside.
She. knew that he had gone to bury the body; and
she rejoiced to think that he would labor in vain.—
Noon, and night and morningcame,bnt no -husband
approached the farm-house. Weeks rolled on, and
John Brown was no more seen on the hill-side, or
in his homely dwelling. His whistle was hushed
on the moor and hie footfall awoke not the echo
of the lore; t-way.
.The stranger, in the mtrinwhae, recovered, and
a justice of the peace was sent for and an of
was made of the facts of the case.
The murderous wretch was described with fear
-511 correctness, all—alt, but the face. That was
concealed by the slouched hat and could not be
described. The wile breathed again. With a wo
man's wit, she spoke but little of her husband's ab
sence, and when she alluded to it as absence of a
short duration, with her advice and consent. •
The stranger proved to be a nobleman of wealth,
endeavored to cheer the gloomy shades of the de
serted woman's heart ; but it was a vain attempt.—
There was no cure for blighted love, no peace fur a
refined heart. God alone can be the widow's hus
band ; God alone can gladden a widow's heart.
"You shall never want, Meg" said the hoble 7
man, as he sat by the farmer's wife, a few even•
ings after he was able to walk I must go to Lon
don ; business of importance urges me •there.—
When you are in distress, one hit o of the fact to
me, will produce instant relief."
A carriage with the Ead's coronet, now drove up
to the cottage door. The wife said nothing ; she
seemed to be lost in .an unfathomable mystery.
Will you not accompany me, my faithful
nurse I" said the stranger, as he prepared to depart
from the dwelling of charitable love.
" Nay, sir," said the wife, " I cannot thus sud
denly leave the spot of my early hope. Here sir, I
was born ; here I was married, on yonder green
hillock I danced away the sorrows of childhood ;in
yonder church, whose spire npw gleams in the sun,
I gave my guilty spirit up to God On yonder plain,
sleep my children; beside the old oak rests father
and mother, the first born ; and the last upon the
catalogue of life. Here, sir, I have smiled in joy
and wept in joy ; and here I will die."
Entreaties and prayers were all in vain. She
withstood every kindness of her guest, atd finally
accepted'only a reasonable charge for his board.—
As the Earl was about to take a seat in his carriage,
tr.° deserted women approached him.
"Stranger guest," said she with much feeling,
I have done you good service."
" You have," said he, while a tear of gratitude
stole down his cheek. •
F 2
" Will you do me one favor in return'!" said she
"Most certainly 1 will," said the Earl.
" Then write on a piece of vellum what I shall
dictate," sr id she with a hurried voice.
He took his nen and wrote in plain characters as
follows :
" Circurn , tances hare convinced me that an at
tempt to murder me on the night of the 10th of De•
cember, 18—, on Stone-Hill, Lincolnshire, would
have been successful, had it not been for the kind
interference of John-Brown and his wife of Hope
This paper is left as a slight memorial elan event
which time can never efface from my memory.
She read if over and over, aver he had signed it
•"It will do," said she. " Now, farewell,"
The grateful Ear! sprang into his seat. He threw
his purse into her bosom. " Farewell," said he in
a husky tone, and away rattled his marriage with the
istigihness of the wind. The-coronet flashed in the
sunbeam, and then the vehicle with int outriders
was lost in the winding forest way
Ten years rolled away, and the wile of John
Brown suddenly disappeared from Hopedale, and
the farm house like a deserted thing, stood soltary
310 silent, amid the smiles of autumn. A middle
sized stranger with a sailor's jacket and a tarpaulin
on, ai.d a bundle dangling at the end of a club over
his shoulders, rested beside the door of Hopedale.
The stranger, thotfgh somewhat intoxicated, appear
'led to be very sarc i - He looked in at the wasted
door-way. He gilied upon the cold batten hearth
JO saw the planks worn by the loot of the thrifty
house-wile, and marked a portion of her dross in
the broken pane of the kitchen window. The nail
where the good man's hat hung for years, was there,
with a circle around it of unsmoked paint. The
crane hung sadly in the corner, but the music of
the singing echoed not there. The stranger raised
his hands to his eyes, but what caused Lim to start
like a frightened bird ! "It is bloody again," said
he, with a look of horror. "0, that I could `wiper
out that tout—that terrible stain from memory. Ha!
it is on my hand as fresh as when I murdered that
poor, melancholy stranger. God of heaven : I can
not wipe it out!" The stranger had cot hti hand
with a piece of broken glass, and a clot of fresh
blood was upon it in reality. He felt not the pain
of the wound in his horror ; and satisfied that heav
en had marked him in his own terrible way, he
wiped oil the blood and turned to depart.
The Sheriff was beside him, and, he was titreted
for an attempt to murder. He preserved a:sullen
Silence. lie followed the officer to hie carriage,'
and was soon on his way to London. The prison•
received its victim; and the gay world smiled as
brightly as before.
.The day of trial came. John Brown, who bad
taken another name, was tried as - Samuel Jones:
and the cue brought together a isst concourse of
people of both sexes. The prisonel4stessom plac:
ed at the bar. The 'jury was duly empanedeJ
The advocate for the crown Wati•in big Place• The
prisoner's cowmen was beside hinai:and the judge ,
was open the bentih: •
- zy;
Brown, as he entered the dock, had been so
much agitated by the dread Wilily of his guilt, that
the prospect of speedy punishment that he had not
cast his e`ye upon the judge: looked can.
fimily at him. He saw the keen ej eof the judge
fixed upon him, and warted with horror.
" Oh, God 1" said he, with a, loud voice, while
the sweat rolled down his chalk like face. "It Is
the murdered man ! Ha! he has come to judge
the guilty. See, there is the forehead scarred. Ah,
it was a devilish blow. Back, back, I say ; let the
dead man look his fill. 'There is blood upon my
hand ; see there, thou unquiet spirit; that band
was reeking in thy gore ; 'twas merciless when
thou criedeet out, be merciless now in thy turn, thou
man of the spirit-land."
Here the prisoner fainted and fell upon the floor.
A great sensation was caused in the court by this
singular circumstance, and it was not until " order"
had been shouted for some time, that it was suffer
ed to go on. It appears that Brown's neighbors all
considered him guilty of the crime of endeavoring
to murder the individual named in the beginning
of this narrative, and who was now the presiding
judge of the Old Bailey. The affidavit was kept in
green remembrance, especially by one farmer in
the neighborhood of Hopedale, who had appropriat
ed Brown's farm to his own-use, and who constant
ly watched for the murderer's return, for he kr.ew
human nature so well as to be certain that no wretch
can be so callous as to forget the spot sacred to
childhood, innocence and early love The robber
seeks his home, the mu ? rer seeks the shade of
his once happy valley.
The unfortunate man, ignorant of his wife's ac
4hrie, and unconscious of the certificate in her pos
session, ignorant of her existence even, after along
ennui in the navy of England, returned to view the
pleasant homestead, the green valley, the quiet hill
side, and the sunken graves of his parents and chil
dren. He had met the argue eyed speculator on
ins way. The old affidavii hung like a sword of
Damocles over his head, and the informer saw the
poor, broken-hearted sailor borne away to London,
and, as he trusted, to a felon's grave. Such is he-
man nature. Man carelessly feeds upon the fruits
that hang over the church-yard wall, and gathers
roses from the sacred r lains—" Where once the
life's blood warm and wet hit. dimmed the glittter
ing bayonet."
The trial proceeded; the evidence was strong,
and the jury, without quitting their seats, pronounc
ed the prisoner at the bar, "Guilty."
Guilty 1" said Brown, rising to his feet, "can it
be 1 Ah ! I must die a felon's death, and my poor
lost wife. Oh, that pang. How her tender endear
ments now rue up in judgment against me ; her
soft words, how they thunder upon my gloomy soul.
Her smiles of beauty and innocence—great God
how they sear my heart ; must I then die without
her forgtvness? Oh, the thought is torture, aye, tor
ture, as dreadful as that experienced by the vilest of
the damned."
Here the prisoner became unmanned, and bury.
lug his face in his fettered hands, wept like a child.
The strung passion of grief shook the prisoner's
limbs, and rattled the chains with terrible distinct.
ness. A short silence ensued, and then the judge
put on his black cap, and prepared to pronounce
that awful sentence which can never be pronounc
ed without awakening the dormant sensibilities of
the most degraded, which none, in fact, but the
condemned, ever hear without a flood of tears.
" Prisoner at the bar," said the judge, " stand
up." Brown arose. " What have you to say why
sentence of death should not be pronouqued against
you T' said the judge continuing, his remarks. A
slight rustling noise was now heard at the bar, and
a female in widow's weeds, leaned her head over
to speak to the prisoner.
" Stand back, woman," said a self sufficient tip
s afl, who, like some of our constables, imagine the
old adage, " necessity."
The woman drew back her veil, and looking the
judge full in the face, said. " May it please your
worship to permit rue to aid my husband iirhis last
'extremity 1' ' •
The Earl thought he knew the face and the tone
of voice, and therefore commanded the ofhcer to
place the wife beside her husband.
" John," said the meek-eyed woman, as she rais
ed her countenance of angelic sweetness to heaven,
" I was forgiven by the son 01 God ; I can and do
forgive you!'
The wretched prisoner fell upon his wife's neck,
and the minions of criminal law, with faces like
tanned leather, and hearts ' like paring stones be
fore the Egyptian tombs, stood pity struck, and
waited for the end of this extraordinary scene
" Woman," at length said the judo, while a
tear rested in his eye, " it is my dreadful lot to
pass the s:ntenoe of the law upon the prisoner.—
You had beater retire."
The wife started, and looking the judge full in
he face, sard, " John Earl of —, do yon ready
ect the parchment scroll you gave me at Hope-
dais?' handing at the same time a piece of vellum
to a :onstable who passed it up to his Honor.
"My noble-hearted, long-lost nurse," said the
judge, with a look of joy, " veil do I recollect you
and your last request, but in this case, the law must
take its course. I will, however, recommend the
prisoner to mercy?"
"Mercy !" said Brown, "who talks of mercy
here! There is flood upon my hand."
!" said the judge—" remand the pris-
The court adjourned—the prisoner guarded by a
throng of soldiers and lipstaffe, moving eking to his
cell, and the wife followed the judge to his chat n.
bent. The next day-"a pardon for John Brown pass.
ed the seal, and the beginning of
. the week
saw the husband and the noble spirited wife at
Hopedale, with the judge fora wel c ome guest.=
Years of peace and joyous plen'y rolled on. Long
and fervently did the pardoned criminal pray 'for
lorgivenesi, end at last; l in 'God's own time, the
bloody stain upon his hand was Washed away by
the blood of HIM wb'o died ou Calvary, that Man
might end at fait ajtatious test ln the *Atte of
matchless beauty, and of never dying love. The
farmer of Hopedale for many years was considered
the exemplar of the country around, and at last
when he died, rich was shortly after his wife had
departed for another rest, he was placed in the
same grave with her, and over their bones a mar
ble cenotaph was raised upon which was inscribed
in deep amt lasting letters— .
" They loved in life—
In death they were nut divided.°
The farm house at Hopedale, has fallen in 1111118.
The grey owl hoots upon its moss topped chimney.
The snake rustles in the grass by the door•eill—and
the cricket whistles in the oven. At evening tho
truant and belated plough-boy shuns the spot—for
many a white•livered loot!, if you can believe him,
has seen John Brown upon the bill-side, at the hour
of dusk, with a clot of blood upon his hand, and a
murdered traveller at his feet.
A OF_CDOTZ or JUDGE, Svoay.—The Portsmouth
Journal gives an anecdote of the lateLailudge Story,
which it says has never beau in print. A firw years
ago, at a court in New Hampshier, where Judge
Story presided, a case came up in which the recol.
lection of an "old lady was taken to ascertain at
what timea particular event of long standing oc.
cured. She stated with confidence, that it took'
place in a certain year. This led to very particular
cross examination by a young lawyer, who was
wedded to nothing but the law. " How do you
know marm, that the occurence took place on that
year ?" ." Oh, lam certain it did !" " But, mar'
how are you certain of it ?" " Well if you must
know, it was the same year my second son was
born " Well, old lady, can you not be mistaken
as to the time of that event— can you—" Here
Judge Story protested against further examination,
and said to the attorney—" there is no doubt, sir,
on this point. The mother cannot be mistaken in
the age of her child ; if you cannot tell the age of
your own, go home and ask 3 our wife, she will tell
you." The blushing attorney bowed amid the smiles
f 4 the bar. He has since taken a wife.
VARIOUS SIGNIFICATION or P 0011—" Pooh !" Paid
Lady Celmour, turning away her head. Now that
pooh is a vary significant word. On the lips of a
man of business, it denotes contempt fur romance;
on the lips of a politicion, it rebukes a theory.—
With that monosyllable, a philsopher massacres a
fallacy ; by these four Wares, a rich man gets rid
of a beggar. But in the rosy mouth of a woman
the harshness vanishes, the disdain becomes en
couragement. " Pooh !" says the lacy, when you
tell her she is handsome ; but she smiles when she
Lays it. With the same reply she receives your
protestations of love, and blushes as she receives.
With men it is the sternest, with woman the softest
exclamation in the language.
ATTENTION ! YOUNG !—The' young ladies
of the State of Maine have recently formed them
selves into a society for mutual improvement and
protection. Among the resolutions adopted at a
regular meeting, we find itie following: That we
will receive the attention of no "so styled" young
gentlemen, who has not learned some business or
engaged in somo steady employment for a liveli
hood, for it is apprehended that after • the bird is
caught it may starve in the cage—That. ws
promise marriage to no young man who is in the
habit of tippling, for we are assured that his wile
will come to want and his children go barefoot.
That we will marry no young man who is not a
patron of his neighborhood paper, for we have not
only a strong evidence of his Want oh intelligence,
but that he will prove too stingy to provide for his
family, to educate hie children, or encourage insti
tutions of learning in his community.
There is something frightful in this passion, and
of all those that attack'the heart of man there is
none more to be feared. In the others, there is
some appearance of pleasure and satisfaction that
attaches us to them, but there is only a crowd - of
chagrins, fears and disquietudes. Bacon says a
good thing concerning misers, that money is a good
servant, but bad master. It is well to be economt
cal3b in not to excess. My father said that one
should drink his wine, but ought not to eat his vines
and that we should avoid resembling that Italian,
who, wishing to excel in stieginess, said that Instead
of striking twenty-four hours, as is done in Italy, the
docks ought to strike twelve, that the workmen
might not lose so much time in counting.
CANT UNDERSTAND Ir.—We cannot understand
how it is that delicate your,g ladies, too delicate
to run up and down stairs in their own houses, are
able to dance do*n the strongest man ins ball-room.
'Tis a phenomenon ornatdre to which no one seems
capable of giving an explanation. What young
girl ever refused a handsome partener at 5 o'clock
in the morning, on the score of being " so tired
The principle coin In circalaiirm in California is
fiey dollar gold pieces, with they call slugs No
one objects to receive them; but to get these pier.
es changed into smaller coin, or, in other words,
to run these slugs into grape or canister, involves a
loss of three dollars and a half per slug, which the
Californians do not object to it.
frr The Yankee !always answer a question by
asking another. Dr. Franklin, when he travelled
in New England, was too much for them. Ile says
thrt when he wished to ask his road he found it
necessary, to save time 'by prefacing his question
with.—' My name is Benjtimin Franklin;' 1 am by
trade a printer; 1 arm come from such a place, and
am goifl to such a place; and now tell me which
is my road.'
By relying on our own resources, we acquire
mental strength ; but wheti we lean on others for
support, we are like an inieliJ, who, having aCCI.I6.
torn r eattheiffili i erille1;611(16 it difficult to wa'l'k
wiihatt OW.
.~.---_ ._.-_._.~~-~:5....~- - - ~--
The municipial regulations of the great French
Metropolis do not allow the killing of pigs except
at a place called the" Abatroir des Cochons," or
pig slaughter-house. The whole performance is
done there for the pig-butcher and only a - trifle
charged therefor. Sir Francis Head thus describes
the place :
The establishment from the outside, is complete.
ly concealed from view by a high wall, including
a square, each side of which is about 150 yards
long. I walked - around two of them without being
able to find any enirance ; at last, in the third, I
came to some large lofty iron gates and a bell,
which I look gently, in the French style, and not to
throw it into hysterics by an English pull. On be'
ing admitted by the concierge—who, as soon as
sbe had opened the door, popped into her hole as
easily as she had popped out of it—l saw before
me and on earth side, a number of low buildings
with a large clock in the middle, to keep them all
in order; and I was looking at squirms arrange
ments when the " chief" of the establishment, at
the instigation, I suppose, of the conc ergo, walk
ed up to me, and after listening to my wishes, told
me very formally that the establishment, although
used for public purposes had been built by an indi
vidual; that it was the property of a company;
and that it would not belong to the city of Paris for
four years, he was not permitted to show it to any
person whatever, without a written permit. I how
ever talked him into a good humor and finally pre
vailed on him to break the rules for this once only
and we accordingly Pepe. the tour of the estab
lishment. We first came to a long building, one
story high, not unlike a set of hunting stables ; and
on door No. I being opened, I saw before me a
chamber ventilated like a brewhouse, with a win
dow at each end, and paved with flag-stones, the
further half of which was covered with a thick anat.
urn of straw, as sweet, clean, and unstained as if it
had just come from the flail of the thresher.—Upon
this wholesome bed there lay extended, fast asleep
two enormous white hogs, evidently too tat even to
dream. They belonged to no political party ; had
ne wants; no cares ; no thoughts; no it'ea of to
morrow than it they had been dead, smoked, and
salted. I never before had an opportunity of see
ing any of their species so clearly ; for in England
if, with banded back and bent knees, an inquisitive
man goes to look into that little low dormitory call
ed a sty, the animal if lean, with a noise between
a bark and and a grunt, will probably jump over
him ; or if Ira, he lies so covered up that the intru
der has no sp ce to contemplate him ; whereas, if
the two pigs lying before me had been in my own
study, I could not have seen them to greater ad
vantage. ‘Vithout disturbing them, my conductor
closed the door, and we then entered Nos. 2,3,
and 4, which I .found to be equally clean, and
which were lying in different arimiles, pigs of va
rious sizes, all placidly enjoying the sort of apop
lectic slumber I have described. My conductor
would kindly have opened the remainder of the
doors, but as I had. seen sufficient to teach me,
what generally be discredited namely, that it is
possible to have a pigsty without any disagreea.
eble smell ; I begged him not to trouble himself by
doing so ; and `le accordingly took me acrosimha
eps. when r met several men each wheel.
ing in a barrow a large jet black pig, the skin of
which appeared to be slightly mottled in circles.
As they passed me there also a slight whiff of smoke
and I was on the point of asking a few questions
on the subject when I found myself within the great
slaughter-house of the establishment, a largo barn,
the walls and roof of which were as black as soot.
The inside of the door, also black, was lined with
iron. The floor was covered for several irides
with burnt black straw, and upon it lay, here and
there a large black lump, of the shape of a huge
hog, which it really was, covered over with ashes
of the straw that had just been used to burn his
coat from his body. In vain I looked beneath my
feet and around me to discover the exact spots
where all this murder hrd been committed ; but
nowhere could I discover a pool, slop, or the Bina!
lest vestige of blood, or anything at all resem•
bling it. In short, the whole floor, was nothing
but a mass of dry, crisp, blick charred remains of
burnt straw. It was certainly an odd-looking place
but no one could have guessed it to be a slaughter.
hones. There was another mystery to be acconnt.
ed for. At home, when anybody in one's little vil
-14,,e, from the worthy minister at the top of the hill
down to the little tavern keeper at the bottom,
kills a pig, the animal, who has no idea of conceal
ment, invariably explainii, seriatim, to every person
in,the neighborhood not only the transaction, but
every circumstance relating to it; and accordingly,
whether yon are very busily writing, reading, thin.
king or talking about nothing at all to ladies in bon
nets sitting on your sola to pay you a morning vie
it, you know, and they know perfectly well—though
it Is not deemed at all fashionable to notice it—the
b4glnning, middle, and end, in short, the whole
prpgresa of the deed ; for, first of all ; a - little petu.
lapt noise proclaims that somebody somewhere is
trying to catch a pig ; then the animal begins, all it
rice, with the utmost force of his lungs, to squall
' out, " They have caught me :- - they are pulling at
me :—they are trying to nip me up--a fellow is
kneeling upon me . : .- they are going to make what
41 pork of me. 0 dear ! they have done for me!'
(t,he sound gets weaker) " I feel exceedingly un
well ;—l'm getting faint :—fainter ;—fainter still,—
Ihetet be able to squeal much longer !" (a long
p use, "This very long little squall is my last,—
'Tie all over,—l'm dying-4'm dying—l'm (Villa
H -I'm dead !"
I Now, during the abort period I had been in the
e tablishmegt, all the pigs before me had been kill
e ; and although I had come for no others earthly
p rpose but to look and listen ;shim:nigh ever since
I,had entered the gate I bad—to confess the truth
—re' *Elected to hear 'squall; was ea/prised I had
not heard one, and,was not only ,ready, but really
' anxious, ,with the fidelity of a abort band writer,
to have inserted in any note•bock, in two lines of
The "'Pig Butchery of Paris.
treble and bar, the. smallest quaver or demisemi
quaver that should reach my ears. yet, I hail not
heard the slightest sound of discontent !
while.) war eugrosseil with these serious reflect•
tions, l heard some footsteps outisidu ; a man with
in opened the door slightly, and through the aper;
tare in trotted, looking a little wild, a large loose
pig, whose white, clean, delicate skin physically,
as well as morally formed a striking contrast with
the blaels ruins around him. In a lew seconds he
stopped—put his snout down to the charred ground
to imellit ; did ma scum to like it at all—looked
around him—then, one atter another, .st the super;
intendant, at me, and the dare men in blouses—
appeared mistrustful of us all—and not knowing
which to dislike most, stood as if to keep us all at
bay. No sooner. however, had he assumed this
theatrical attitude pan a man who, with his eye 4
fited upon him, had been holding in both hands
the extremity of a lung, thilithandied, round tvuod.
en inallet,walked IT to hint from behind, and,
striking one blow on his forehead, the animal, with
out making the smallest noise, rolled over on the
black, charted dust, senseless, and excepting
slight cotivulsit e kick of his upper hind leg, moire,-
less. Two assistants itnmeeiately stepped lorward
one with a knife iii his hand, the other vi ith a sort
of frying•pan, which he put under the pig's neck ;
his throat was then cut ; Out a drop of blood was
spilled ; but as soon us it had completely ceased to
flow, it was poured horn the flying pan into a pad
where it was stirred with a stick, whii.ii ci.used it to
remain fluid.
Leaving the poor an . mal to be siogetl by a pot.
lion of the heap of white straw itt'a tar corner, I fol•
towed the men who with their battovrs had come
again fur one of the blat k corpses lying on the ground
into a large, light, uity builthng, as high as a churche
as clean as a dairy, and with windows and doers
on all sides. In the center was a beautitul fountaitt
playing, with waterra•ks all round the walls. Br
this ample supply, proceeding from two large res.
orvoirs, by steam power maintained constantly felt
,the flag-stones were kept perfectly clean, and were
consequently, when I entered, as wet as a wash
house, As fast as the black pigs were wheeled in
they were, by a running crane lilted up by the hind
legs, until they appeared POPpentled in rows. Their
insides were here taken out, and cart led to a set of
large stone tables, where, ,by tne assi,tanee of the
water•cocks and fountains, they were not only
clearied, but became the property or perquisite of
the cleaners. Their bodies were then scraped, un
iil they became deadly white, in which state, to the
number of 300 per week, they are restoreJ at night
to their proprietors ire Park,.
By the arrangements 1 hitve cle,cribecl, conduel
ed by one receiver of the droits d'octroi (my friend)
four surveillents, or foremen, and the necessary
quanti y of slaughterers, wheelers, cleaners, and
scrapers, the poor animals, instead of being mal
treated, half•friglitened to death, arid then inhuman
ly.killed—instead of tnflicti-g upon all clashes the
sounds and demoralizing sight of a pig's death—in
stead of a contaminating the air of ihe metropolis—
undergo the treatment I have described, for iftet
knowledge of which I am deeply indebted to the
politeness of him who so justly expounded to me
the meaning of that golden law—it Sr 1.
...ism to II in ptg in Paris !"
A THIRSTY SOCL.-A very good widow lady who
was looked up to hy, the congregation at the meet•
ing to which she belonged as an example of piety,
contrived to being her conscience to terms for one
little indulgence. She loved porter, and one day,
just as she was receiving hail a dozen bottles from
the man who usually brou4ht her the comforting
beverage, she perceived (0 horror !) two of the
grave elders'of the church approaching the door.
She hurried the man oat of the back way, and put
the bottles antler the bed.
The weather was hot, and while conversing
with the sage Wends, pop went one of the bottles.
" Dear me," exclaimed the good lady, there goes
the bed cord j it snapped yesterday, just the same
way; I must have a new rope provided.
In a few moments pop went another, followed
by a peculiar hi6sing, of the escaping liquor. The
ripe wouldn't - do agaig, but the good lady was nut
at a lass.
" Dear me," Sail" :hat blsok cat of mine
must be at srmo mischief there. flea scat !"
, Another bottle poped and the porter came
stealing out from ußtler the valance.
" Dear me," said she, " I had forgot that it was
them bottles of yeast."
SHORT COURTISHLP.—The Newburyport union
says a young woman called at The house of a wit'•
ower, to obtain a situation as houiekeeper, On
making inquiry, the gentleman replied he was hi
more want of a wile than a housekeeper, and if she
wits willing to take the former situation she could
be installed at once. The young lady made no,
hesitation, and they were united.
An Ohio paper says there is a Post mazer in the
town of Palestine that dues not know the use of
postage stamps. lie thinks that they are "merely
a city ornaments," He has charged five cents on
all letters, P.O which mere pre-paid—mattin,g eiaht
cents 'in each letter.
er...7 To Au. Witoss n SLAT CntiCellll:—The
man who could present a bill to an editor, a sub.
editor, a reporter, or a printer, at such an inclem
ent season of the year, has no bowels of compas
sion—the milk of human kindness is not in him i
and his blood is not blood, but gall and wormwood.
Tt requires nice steppin4 for those vithd aid
close together, to avoid jostling each other.
In character, in manners, In Style, in all things,
the supreme excellence is simplicity
Poor Simkins put his toot up:m a grating in the
side=watk, and instantly landed an Ma eoal below
His triend Timkins remarked that it was really a
great under taking. Nobody disputed Tiatlins.