Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 06, 1852, Image 4

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Agricultural Productlam of Vail
col Slates.
The extemleil area of the,. United States, ecveftisi
it skies, For twenty digrees of lititudr , anti
about fifty-five 'ilegrees at longitude, all in one corn, I
at miss, while's it the t favored n ti n 0:•
the lace of Ai • ill,. in Ili vat I ely of i•ot
turalproduetions. Then: ie holt:tag essential ni toe
existence 'of man, and •iti• few of the In int ies.o
gra•ify the palate, wiiieli rC e 1101/steed iii the 1:1;i . e.
bkneik /311 iltie ii not only advantage
04ar por , ple possess in the'f.otinetiiin of
the article of bread stuff, ale foliff of life, a detiehei •
cy fu the supply of which is proilt.ctive of so marl
m i sery in ratty cQ n e t i e s, an wide it Joe extent o'
untie) y, c prelitandiu4 so many degrees of 1.4 -
in le, and longitude, which it platitod, that a f rminr
is an event which is almost placed beyond ate
tiountls of possitiiley. N the crops-fail -In one see
lion, the ?wide.; is so great in another that the fail
tar , is scarcely felt. For instance the r icle rtl
wheat, the principal staple of bread stuff-. Thi
amin is !aimed in troy Stare and Territo , y r f the
. Su also, weh rye, Indivl corn and potatoes.
iia• ley is raised in nil the States but Louisiana
Bilck wheat in all but Loundatia and Florida. Al'
the Southern Stites, With the exception of NI ar) land
In well as one or more of die Western States, pro
daces rice. Evety Stare except Delaware, makes
sugar, s O the articles necessary for the pro/Incite;
oh-meat, hay, oats, Bits , every State produces mote
or less. These facts prove that our nation 'teed be
dependant on no alter for the necessaries-able,
'even in the most unfavorable . seasons. Dow yawl,
more favored are we in this respect than our Brea'
commercial ri cal—Great Britain! Therti'ilie whole
commercial system is liable to be disarranged by
year of comparative famine, or by the failure ptl
a single crop.
Ohio raises more wheat than any other State ;
Tenessee raises most corn ; Pennsylvania the most
rye and buck cheat; South C.irolina, the most rive:
and New York the mn.t pntatees and hay.
The production of wheat has for :many years been
extendin; on the West and emir:wait:lDi the E :.1
The wheat lands of New York, Pennsylvania and
Maryland, are becoming in a measure extiaus(ed,
and their yield per acre it much lei in prnp.atinn
than I at of the newlir cleared, and prairie land 44
the Wen. The Western S tees, indeed, ate now
pin ezcdlence. the wheat growinst Slates of th e LStion
and it is to them that the lattice - millions must lank
for the pineipal means of tnstenatice. It will be
centuries before the Union States will teem with a
population n hick, like that of Er,;lind, will retrire
aq whir.-1) can be raised from the Soil to siippos.
life, or before they will be forced to depend upon
any other nation for the ample article for too& lii•
deed, it may well he doubted whether science will
not keep pace with the growth of population, arid
teach our farmers the proper materials to res:ore
the exhausted fertility of the soil, thus rendering art
as productive as double the quantity of land as
at present cultivated. When we cciesider the almo-t
countless millions of human beings who will old.
mately„ at the present ratio of progression, find sub.
sistence within the present limits of the United
States, we are lost in the mazes of speculation at
tee, home destiny Moor beloved country,
ttraNING Lsroas AGAIL-1n answer to " An Old
F.illow Burner' in a recent number of the Farmer
and Mechanic, I will say that-one field 431 about sir
times oime coverer with a mixture ot Oak, Hickory,
and Pine, exceeding one hundred cords to the acre,
and on what was then the most 'valuable part of
my own farm the timber was failed in March and
April, and after taking oil a pint of the best timber,
was burned over in June and burned clean, and it
was's° in fact, for I was unable In get enough fir
several years 13 pay for tilling, and then it was only
by ploughing deep and turning ape- new soil to the
sun which in a few years much improved it. Anoti •
er_field adjoining was gradually cleared and the
wood arid timber sold off leaving the brush to rot
on the ground. It became a pasture was finall
ed in with the other field, ploughed and planted
without manure, and gave me from 60 to 70 bush 4
els doom per acre,- and when in grass the yield
.w..a quite double to the adjoining which was burn
ed so clear. Since then I have burned as hale as
possible, and my neighbors profiting by my exank
ple now follow my plan which has been demon•
strafed before elem.
As for yellow pine !andel should not quite like
to waitior the timberto rot, but I would not born
more. than I was obliged to, and that in heaps,
plough and put on grain and grass seed.' All
know that pine lands generally do not come in to
grass as readily as lands bearing other timber, and
hens I would plough and seed liberally. I have
trjed this plan on land bearing pine and scrub oak,
and am satisfted it is better than burning very clear.
Now Mr. Editor it your correspondent will make
the experiment and keep his Dr. and Cr as faith
tilly as I have for more than 30 years, I think tie
would be satisfied on the subject, JONAS.
To Vora FA1ME418...0/13 of the most important
parts of a young agtioulturises professional edcoa.
Ow, is the charactericts, marks, qualities, and ca
rebililies of slt descriptions of all live stock tiecescas
ry for agriculture. Some knowledge of sketching
or drawinktive animals would be highly conductive
to therpapit ascertaining, a proper idea of shape and
proportion ; and should there be an intelligent bu Ch
er in the neightorhood, I would recommend him
to see as much of his business as he can consistent
ty with his occupation—to weigh the live aninnit
from its handling, size, and appearance in his mind;
attending the slaying of such animals, examining
its w ,en dead, and comparing, this with his
own opinion of it when shire, would at} lend him
to.form more correct and solid opinions in his fu.
tune transaction with let block. •
-Rut —Rye flour, when made into good
light bread and allowed a day or two to - ripen, is
very nitrations and wholesome. Rye &ir rtro , e
rurally resembles tvheaten flour in its composition
than any other; it has, however, more of ePtli:iti
gummy and sugary sobstanctes, which makes it
tenacious, 461 also imparts a sweetish taste All
groins and roots which have - rnach much in them
uttidergo .great change in their chemical coin posi
itow - by - bsking—floor becomes more nutritious, and
nibs. easily dlgestibte, because more salable. This
is also .the-case with flour—that is, the starch, gull.
en suit augar, of potatoes--wnen baked, or what
is L- still better, when roasted in the but embers ot
tut oldjasttioned farm house fire.
Ir4;gth tastes eingior:
7 . Ita ,tutab "' o
Plackwood's Zeagazine.,-. 7
inixriusil Reduction in the Rotes of ikishEll 1-=
Primitttili to 44t, • '
rox RD iSCOTT Gil,l a:i t New •
L) ork,_cotu4uue to pul,tfsh the.roilnU , ir.g
peri.,dica!,, 1:7 •
II Qti;i l lelfy . ite.viessr.(Ennserv4live)s
The E U ibtAr2ti 1
;The North lit,u,li Rev irsy;(Tpie Church)..
1 he West.ti:gll , tlfr ' reirVit4(tily.(6 l ).
1.113a1t o Mar4itte.,(Toiy) ,
, hrse wi;uks ure distiughiThed by the.
Political .Lades r.bove, ind , czled, Net but a .stnall , .
4 titer contents is iiub
jeclst."„ It is their iderary.cliarapter,rigch . „giveo ,
them tlie4 chtyf value„ and in that they stand. con . -
:eisedly . abovs all oilier journals of . &heir class:—
Riarkreo4, still u:nler . the master!): g uidance ,ot
ChristoiLher Norit, tnitini4iiut its ancient celebrity,
and i,, at this tine uouNtrilly attractive, from the
serial vvorlis of Bolw4 r, and other literary notables,
written f"r lb;i1 magaline.und,lirst ap caring iwits
columns, both in Great Britain and in the United
states. Such works as "The Cartons" and "My
New Novel." (both hr Uulwer), •!M)s Peninsular
Medal," " The Green Hand," and oilier serials, of
which numerous rival editions arter'isstseil bylhe
leadine publishers in this country. have to he re
printed by those publishers fmm the pseeslif Black
wood, after it has been issued liv Messrs. Scott, &
Co., so - that SUbscrihers to the Reprint of that Ma
gazine may alwn Srs rely on havint - the earliest read:
me of these fa•ci tale:.
• These Reprints have now been in ccessful
eralion in this ciinntry for twe?l, 4 l, years, and their
circulation i.§eorKiantlV on the incita•ie, ticitn • ith•
wiling. the coniie!tiion they encounter from Amer- .
;can teals of a similar class and from mime
ran. Drercs any Mae-AzMeA made up of selection;
Crom peril dicalo. This fact cit'ariv
the e. , l ,, nathm in which they 'are held by the
nreir,,eent readtn7, public, and afford 3 a guarantee
, hat they are estaidt-hed on a lion basis, and will
, he continued without interruption.
TEEIO . III Aso easstiniss:
(See list of Premium Volumes below.]
Per. ann.
For any one of the four Ws and one P'm vol. lel 00
For any two " " " one " 500
For any three " " two " 7 00
For all four of the Reviews " two o 800
For Black w‘sol'..; Maeazine" one 300
roe Blackwood & Re4's " three :" 990
F. r Black tv'cl & four Rev's" three " • 10 00
[Payments to he made in all e.asei in advance.]
he Premiums eonsiq of the. following works,
hack volumes of which will be Given tt, new S'uh..
‘er ibers. aecool,ng to .he number.,uf periodicals or.
dered, as above explained.
onseeniive Premium volumes cannot in alt ea
.nc he (arm:shed, except n( 'the rorcign Quarterly
Review. Te prevent di:appointment, therefore,
where that work ts nut /thine wanted, Sub•rribern
will please order as many :afferent works for pre•
miutm: at there are volumes to which they may be
A discount or t wentyfive per cent. from the
above prices will he allowed to Clubs ordering four
orrnore copies of. any one or more of the above
works. Thus: Four copies of Blackwood or of
one Review will be sent to one address for S 9; four
copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $3O ;
and so on.
*„* No premiums will be given where the above
allowance is made to Clubs, nor will premiums in
any case be furnished, unless the subscription trio
ney is paid in full to. ihe Publishers without re
course to an agent.: Money current in the state,
where issued will be received at par.
The postage nn these Periodicals has, by the late
aw been reduced, on the average, about laity per
ent ! The folic wing are the present rates, ea:
Any rretnnee not :ion males, 9 cents per qunrter
Over .510 mtd tt " 1.510 IR . 4
Over 1.5110 land " 4 ‘ :MOO ' " 24 " "
Any dnktatlee mat eire , ql,n7 51x1 miles, 4 cents pet quarter
Over 5)O :Ltvi - iFoo B "
01,•er IMO and" u 4soo 14 "
At these rates no nhjectioa should be made, a%
heretofore. to reemvinz the works by mail. and thus
ensering their a:peedy, safe, and regular delivery.
Q Remittances and egimnannioaisona houhi be
always addre , sed, post paid, to the Publishers,
79 Fulton 'Street . , New' York,
Entrance 54 Gold st.
. . . _
N. B.—L. S. .5c CO. Rave recently published,
and have now C.r sale. the '• PA IMEIra GUIDC,"
by Henry Stephens of Edinburgh, aad Prof. Norton
of Yale College, New haven, complete in '2 vois..
royal octavo, containinz' 1600, pai . kes, 14 stP.ei and,
(100 v,ood engraving*, Price, in muslin binding
$6 ; in paper covers, for the mail, $5.
New Chair and Bedstead Warerootn,
,110 ESPECTFIII.LY informs the public Oat he has
lA, opened a shop at his'neir bongo, corner of Main'
and Paine streets. nearly opposite Edward Overton's,
Towando. where be will keep on or manufacture
to order, Flag-seated, Cottage. Windsor. Fancy, Cane
mated and Common CHAIRS; made of the best ma
terials' and of superior durability.
4fe has alto for sale an assortment of Bearraans,
at low prices
Repairing azd Saal:ng Common, Cane-bottom ant(
Flag-seated Chairs, on reasonable terms.
Cherry, Bisswootl, Whitswood am! Cucumber lum
ber taken in plyment far whit'.
Ha - frusta' that bia long acaustAtance in this county,
and the durability of his Work as tested by many years
experience. will secure - Wm a share .uf public patron
age. Towanta, March 1, 1851.
John W. Wilcox, •
HAs removed his establishment to 11. store,
corner of main street and the public square, and
continuo the manufacture of Soots and Shoos, as
lie imaltitt received from Iliew_York a large.asaort
:tent of Wooten's, Children's and Misses; ?Ants, which,
are offered at low prices. The httEnifon'ef ilia
is paricolarlyditected to his •assortMent; . 00Mprisieg
the folloiring new styles 7—Enamelled Lina
_boon: ; do. shoe!. ; black lasting end silk gaiters ;
walking shod*. buskins, are. Mica..' gaiters and shoes.
of-every de-caption; A large assortment of Child:en's
fancy gaiter., booth and shoed, of all holds. •
For the Gentlemen, almert - efery style of gaiters and
fheaf• This stock has. been personally relented, with
care, an he believes he can offer superior attialee at
reasniuible pricep.
al` The striettot attention , NO to .-Dianufae/urr ng.
and he hors by doing work well to ;merit a etintion
nice of tht- liberal patronage helms bithert a received.
Tow rule,.l4,4ity 8, 1851.
ifragili. - 12117 ,
HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE to.`!tir.i . i4;" ICk•
Row, (up stairs,) in the room formerty occupied
hy Hen. D. 'Wilinot as twain be
pleased to ace those /4014'n hig piefeasionai services
Towanda. Ndieintier 18, 1831.
1113 Car 111Msa 11173111.1112311:11011( 11 1 .11E.t.M19-
'v calmer setter - 71m,' , ,
AVING• located' in lleservices tatty'
1.4. be obtained by addressing a line througlEthel' •
Office, or by calling at the
. olltee illyases Mercur,
Esq., where he 'atilt be fou nd, or label. w 'written, ! .. R
iicat i nim may be Irft. 'Nov: tl5O.
FLOUR, of the best quality, also gootLWAAlikaia t p o
stonily on bawl and for /Plc chefrilf7"
Towanda; hfilt4, 7 lB . lre. -rote,
ftlt~rPli~d • ~.~.
POEM 1 tINE 'Cott
•mien Quarterly Revew (one ',ear).
Blarkwomes Magazme (six month-)
London Quarterly R.-view (one yeai)
Bentley's .Mi•cellanv (sot months). •
alinhurgh Review (one year).
Motrorh.htan Magazine (six months).
Westmmister Review (one year).
ron ItLACKWOnt) . % ,TAGAZIXI.
r. 414 . •
NEW -r
-FIRM.- , AND 4SIEVI:'.. £4:30135.
.1' S., -rf.,Te• -
atlirdrOtovegi - eripiver,l3rass,l* - 1
i, . i , AND Kg lON WARE.
ETAtt, & RUSSEL!. having formed a copartner=
• 1.21.'.11e Whip, relettfully call the attention of the rob.'
tie'tSkheiritasortment," to rehich large Aulditions haver
rCcerit4# hero made, making it the largest and moat
vaned ver ofrerili in tiik region. Among the 'TRIM-
S& bI rcrtielea a few will he enumerated:
Iran and Nails..
r. g 611 , American and Steed — ' attune and round'
Enallsti and American relined; hoop,
„head end horse
*toe iron ; nail rods and malleable Iron of ell descrip.
sic.; with a gor,nl-,alsortment pflll"ailt,t-311,
11 1 1, ill end 20J t 4. If arid:6 inch spikes
wrought nails am! horse nails, hy ti's potirlJ, keg or
ton. „Alen, east, German, Englieb blister, American
spring. and tire steel, Ara,,,
- Carpenter's and Joiner's Talabilt •
Of. ell Aescrtptions, iiz broad, antsprsr and. hand az es ;
hatchets, adz, j"irter's esst,slesiMettimb firmer and
learning chisels ; common and cast steel itugurs.aif all
sizes, from to 2 inch ; braces and bins ; augur and
rind bats extra; planes and plane irons; hind, tenant.
X cut. keyhole end slitting saws; iron and steel and
try agneres of nil saes, froinM to 15 inches ; hammers,
eririt levels , bevels.'lape fines, Mortice triages, of ell
sizes, screw drivers, scratches, hollow sugan, &e.
Diacksadth's Tools.
Any Ho, IheHoles, vices, hammers, sledges, sinting
hammers, stocks •ad. dies, drilling machines,
Tanner's Tools.
Shovels, pgnaro or round _points picks, hoes, hay,
straw and manure forks; log, cable and bindingcheins,
crow band,•grnbbing hoes, rems, gross scythes; scythe
nathes, scythe stones end rifles, cradle scythes, bush
cy the.. corn l cutlers, flock plough moulds, garden
akes, hoes and• trossetsiscoOp shovels, &c.
Carriage '
Carriage bows, top leather and cloth; patent leather;
podia 'oilier cloth i• brass and silver plated huh bands,
roneava and Dolton panel-no ; brass and silver dated
curtain framers, lining nulls, carriage knobs, `apron rings
and hoiiks, Antal) joints; brass and silver plates joints;
pi.ariting, card ; striped lace, wide ai,d narrow; silk
sin pill 'lace, new style ; top . lining, worsted fringe,moss,
varnish - cloth, patent aides find axle arms; Fringe, 4e.
Harem Trimmings irad•Sudr//rry Ware of the hit.
eat and most approved stylves, and of
'tense Trimmings,
We have on hand si full ass atment. Also a large quan•
lit) , of LEAD PIPE, which we are prepared to furnish
at the lowei.t prigs , tu4ether with copper anal bri;annia
mop stocks and cork stops. Any quantity of Pump
chains and Well 41 ,, , rings. A general assortment of
Saw mill, circular end wood saws; plastering and
brick trowels; lathing heartier*, shovels and tongs ;
flies and rasps of all IP and tack hammers;
drawing knives, turner** chi-e'' and gouges, saw set'is.
ralhpers, pincers, knives f.aks, carving knives and
Irks and slew;_ butcher, pocket and pallet knives;
creich wrenches, trunk, chest and till locks; tailors and
sheep shears; table and hell caidori ; dinner and tea
hells, ciao and etiaCnrned gattf . r , kettles; brass kettle.,
from tvo quarts to ball a l,rtel ; !Tallow ware and
cauldron ketiliNi; tea and cotfce pots; brass and bri
t:nada cmdlesticke and, snuffers: trays, fruit trays anti
large servers ; curtain 0W1411 4 1 pins of the latest sty lee ;
stair Dias and holders, and gentlemen's pocket
scissrs; mints and razo'r eirps; German silver and
to Omni a table and tea spoons; hair, clothes and shoe
bru , lies ; brass anti steel barrelled pistols and revolvers;
gun locks, steel nipples and nipple wrenches; shot, shot
pouches and poWder flasks,; ham door, strop and T
hinges. Also tnantifaciuring and will keep constantly
on hand a large assortment of •
Tia and eTaparred Warc.
We Ms° alio just received 30 tuns of STOVES
composed in port of the following patterns and sizes:
Repu!dican sit tight Cooking Stave, Number 4
Farmer's dud , P 4 9
Lady of the Lake,
Queen of the West.
Iron King,
Improved Premium
Eastern Premium,
Jenny Lind Parlor Stoves„
Cylinder do 3 and
Air tight do :: 1 to 3
Air tight 6 plate Stoves, :: 2to 6
Six plate Stove; 3 to 7
The above comprises but a 1. w articles of the assort
ment which they offer to the f oldie. and all of which
will he disposed at extremely I , w , rates. In proof of
this, please call at Hairs old sr intl. south side of public
square, and extending to Pine ,treet.
n" . Old Copper, Iron, Brie+ and most kinds of Pro.
duce, taken in payment. „Tocrinda, June 6. 1651.
U l- M11L 9 V77.1Y-inI.L:nMSY.IIO222
Es Still in Opration I
Tsubscriber; have moved to the new huililinv, on
-L Pine street, iintritolr heloss Msreurs store where
they will keep nn hand end' niske to order, ploughs,
stove and mill irons of almost ..I1 descriptions. Turn
ing and fittirw, tip work, will done also on reasonable
terms a. at Elinira'ol Osseo, tll.l iron will ha taken
in payment. JOHN . CARMAN & CO.
Towanda, April 26, I Flst.
Saddle, Harness & Trunk Manufactory.
- INRE CULP & Co., respectfully inform the public
that they have taken the shop lately occupied by
C. F. Harder, on Main street. a few doors below the
Brick Row, where they will keep on hand a large
stock of
2L4a2a3% ala4M-03 MUM%
AU articles in their line manufactured to order, and
made of the best material, and for workmanship cannot
he surpassed in Northern Psnnsylvanis, They solicit
a call from those wishing to purchase, confident that
they eau give satisfaction both as to quality and price.
Cash will be paid for Hides and hheep Pelts,
t the highest rates, at our shop.
Sale Leather, Upper Leather. Harness Leather ant
Cat! skin►, for sale in-onv gummy.
3 'monde, November lOtfri. tRAO.
Maki Pubocribers ropectfully inform the public that
th,; 7 l‘avelaken tlitcshop formerly occupied by
Adam esen.rine. on Main street, nearly opposite
Drake's waron sho t ;. where they are prepared to do all
kinds of BLACKSMITHING upon reasonable terms.
They are determined by doing their work well and
prompttv; to merit, as they hope to receive a share of
'public' Pitiniige.
---HiaftSII,4OHOEING-dorteitrthe-best manner. All
-,k ip#s plopalring/Kichinery; executed in the most skt)!•
fuLmatr it ter.
)110 151 WORK for !etiolate will also ire made acid
repaired When desired.
All:work done at their shop, will be warranted lobe
weU tfone, and manufactured from the heat materials.
The public are reetnwed to gqive tis a trial, end judge
fur thetnaeltr,
Towanda, tttay 2, 1851.
. • -
ADANt EDEN WINE respectfully informs the pub
lic that he now occupies the ',shop where himsel
anti brother hive for -tars -winked, needs. opposite
Mkity? IF:lry, wirer he itrrrady to - do slivarrt. ,
tris tine, former! ink, hi hesEmanner.t iro de.
tenoned e repuitt A noshes , ittailied ifittlfm
-ormtiman sh,clipot stiffer by any neglect of the inter
eats of - itilstotnersior by any inattention to businet it.
TOOO, pl4rittfectured j crrder—naaetkinerypf all
'ltthile repaired in the bl.rt manner, and every kind of
j Itcpititing
_anthlfirrufrefuring will be ibme,at short.-
vtylis (166 J.
Hatay Shecjog,nit,seasonable terms. He will "ji g°
itd4 - Crat6ifrk - Widtiii in payment. for work, but ob
jects strongly 10 eit, r "' • • -
Towanda, A 4.117 1851 i
, ; 1 : - \'' 4 6f4ARLES K LADD, M. D.
-innythclok AND 'l3l7ftnailhf, Ciffice In de
viistalrs; North side pt' the'
hrrelra L a w °flies.' 'Entrances
• • earlkesjiy• and' Adams' law officer ; where ha
maym alWaye be rolund, when) not rofeefitumq tallaZed•
Towanda, July It', 1850.
! t~f~t~lltf:~~~~
TT P r - N -- Y.
ORM „YE R. 44 10,6 E
Thai . ftic - dicii,e:A3iiiarrii:,:'"//le;itr . ?" -H , 2 nor. 'qil,ciher
Mineral sub4taiice'
This remedy fur .41Ftitms. iittiter of the,siost coraor•
L linsry, etv . Airtl. It ert,loually eradicates worms °t
all sorts 00 adults.
11,..te,Ortn's without the real cause
being knoten, Stnne other reason is as.:ittned for the
trictineio, unfit teoi:,te to curs the real Lowe.
What irihe'nio respciittihfitty tostri .
who does. not itnow, t)oea not un
dorsmind, the complaipi riliich'W - destitkiinf 4) PS!) . Vi
cious tloweta'Orlife--:ehilaren.
What should he thirttkl-,‘, r;
The answer is plain,. ,Give the Vertnifuste. wtlieb
will be sure to do good ifthey have, np worms, an ),if
they have. it will destroy and eradicate theta with a
certainty and 'precision fridy a4tuni.rhing.„
There mercury or mineral Mercury .is
the basis of most warm remedies ; and the remedy is
sometimea viTorse than the disease. eo never use loz•
etiges,.but . tely upon this. Every person will be eon.
vinced on one trial that it is the most perfect sure
ever invented.
-The immense sale tha4his Varmifuget has, is a sure:
test•ofits a lde and the estimation in whittrit
by ' It would be quite too4ipensivtilo poh
lisp the ♦elifinea - of certificates that have.been Oren!
fur this article, and the users or it are requestedi to
spread the name to a persons whom - they` think will
be beneflued by it.
Speak of it in all fainilies, and you will do your du •
ty to your fellow creatures, and feel mooned of the ap-
probation of all good men, and will receive your terverd
in• heaven .
We cRII on oil good citizens to make . hnown the of
fee of this v ondrrful reinedy .
Retrimlber, and n.k for Orrldes yet inifuge
Startling Facts.
liondrels of children and adults are lost Pearly with
worms; then some other cause has been supposed h 3
be the true one.
It is admitted by all doctors that tames a man. wet.'
men, or child exists. but what sooner or later are
troubled with worms, and in hundreds of cases. sad to
rehte, a aupposed fever, scarlatina. cold, or some other
ailing carries eft' the flower otthe human family—
while in truth they die of worms! and these could
have been eradieatert first clay, by the use of one butt le
flow sickening the thought that these things should
he—and wt , o elm ever forgive themselves for not try•
ing this• WORM EXTLFIMINATOR, when they
know that even if the case was not wormy, this reme
dy mild not by any possibility do hurt—but always
good as a purgative. let the e r erese be what it may.
How important then to use it. and who will dare to
take the tesponsibilty to do without itl Let all pa
rents S'‘,A themselves this question in truth and soter•
nera. l
For oil.) by br. H. C. PORTER, Toorembi. Go
rni Acento. ley'
ARE you trollied application received and instil-
Th. nitres effected by J. E. CNN FIELD, Agent for
the following cafe and wipular roinfriniea
The nudson River Tiro Insurance Co.
eAwl a 1...... .............
The St. Lawrence Company.
The Empire State Company:
CBIMai %200.000.
The Washington Ccreparky.
Capital over 412[11).000.
The State lacteal at EtaiTisberg Pa.
With a large Capital nd large increasing Cash Fund
the Great Penn4tsania Company.
The United States Lire Insurance Annuity & Trust
Capita/. $250,000
On the new principle by which the insured partici
pates in the profits.
.1. E. CANFIELD, Athens, Pa.
ti• 9
,J: 4to 6
it 4 and 5
N 71'W Pralt.
MiNAJTAT3Orff Riatti_an.
7 to 10
kw , and 4
TELE subscribers would an
(' " E141 ' , 4 ,' flounce to the public that they
t have now on hand, and will make
Afea. • to ode 01l kinds o'
Cabinet 'Furniture,
such as Sofac,Diyana, Lounges,
Center, Cord. Dining and Break
' fact Tables. Mahogany, Wal
- nut. Maple anclCharry nureauc,
stands of various hinds. Chains
and Bedsteads of every description. which are, and
will he made of the hest material and workmanlthe
manner, and which they will sell for cash cheaper
than can be bout:lit in any other Ware-room in the
2 end 3
Zt7.1.13.30Y-1VZ.13.1 1 .21 COPE=7SI,
on hand on the motet reasonable terms. A good
HEARSH will be ftirni-bed on Funeral vecTisjons.
Towanda, lan. '2 I. 152. JOHN KZ I'AN. -•
11 1 `11:7aq\arArV..1.1 :•1 "2 , 51 - :1111) DTA,
Important to Housekeepers:
THE :nbscriber thankful for the
'liberal patronage heretofore re.
- ceived, be leave to inform hi.
p i:tends and the public generally.
4; 11 ,
° and those commencing House.
• ..keeping in particular that he has
j Mil now on hand a large assortment
Mil now
FURNIITHR, which he will
warrant to be made in a substantial manner, and of
tit" best materials.
BUIMAUS, such as mahogany and walnut dress
ing bureaus. merlde ana plain tops : mahogany and
walnut tirvihstanils, marble tops, snit plain, of dtf
ferent patterns, Card and end tables, Sofas Coach
es, whatnots. dm.
BEADSTEADS.—ifigh, Field, French and low
post beadsteads. finished in handsome style and of
approved patterns, together with other furniture usu
ally called for, all of -which will be sold on the most
The NII,IIhC/11 , er tcnltn provided with a plain
and fa'hi , n•able HEAR`qI, and will held
readine.s m attend in all ..rders iu untlertakmg.
He will furnish ice hose* when desired. by the aid
of which the enrp,e may be kept for a week. COP.
N. D.—Fornitnre ti all kind.• made in order. and
warranted to be of the best materials and workman.
Towanda.Jattnary 17. 1852.
TAISSOIXTION.—Notire is hereby given, 'hat the
JJ partnenthip heretofore existing between the ISAIh•
scribers in the (harness and Trunk malaise business is
this 'day dissolved by nioturt eonsent. E. Smith di
'son •wilf settle the business of the late firm. Those
indebted most Make irnmedister payment, and those who
have agreed tit pay 'grain: are Mottled that unless de
iivered'et tae Coati agreed, Cash will be expected.
November 5, 811. J4RE CULP.
' .
EI3.iPECTFCI.I.Y inform the p u bli c that t h ey
will continue the business nt their old stand, north
side of the Public aquarr, stuttirittlassitiran hand. and
manufacture to order. every variety 'of SADDLE:44
HARNESS, TRUNKS, VALICES, 451. c,; of the beet'
materials and of workmanship, not to be. surpassed.
.By - strict attention to business, and promptpfta• in
fullfilrtng engnigeniienta, they hope to continue the lib
eral patranage they have heretofore enjoyed. .„ •
CIRRI AUE Titiuteu 'iNtillut jun° on shalt notice,
in ;the neatest manner.
All kintis of grain. l'tectucc. 11 41 1 ,
ift,excltange work.',
Zak at Wholesale. -
DyE4Y. varifty orl-larrisop'el. Cola mbian Zak, pot .
viceivea`ht AliC,§ubscritter--he has taidCar•
rwerneafi by which , he Cao, sppply .11•rehanti•&
rti,atF.r,s, atraiorAtila, tertns cpp he had 'Or the'
pcorie,tcits. ik 01. Err:
T(ov a oda . Vo.v4. , tt lRSi. :••
•OOK HERE!—We ere now eelltug,the ?eit arti.
1.11 eie:ianktotariei st 1.9 terlte*itiltan.
it regelabie.
tire! rirel ?ire!
Cow pans.
=litebicatf.? mit!
4 ,
,1 . Tpvr, &Re* „
Ta in Irski diontsiff,
.;;; :42
..• .- •
The following f . 97.44ifiL Mie .if iimity.
'ThLtp be Ilepc,i,lcd upon milli the utmost corfidente.
Puy Iwce , the approbation of best physi
. mans in the country,. and; are_ recom
mended by all who have vied them
as superior to any .mOitines.
They have been before the Pallic for five pars,
During which time more than 5000 certificates have
been receivod,from eminent public melt
• and otheis,and are utile on file
at the Company's office.
They nee Compounded
With the utmost, care and skill, and the ingredients
me thoroughly Mired by scientific chemists, so
that medicines of.a.uniform and reliable qua! . •
lity are guaranteed in all eases.
Are particularly vsloablefnr the prevention and emu ut
Fevers in general, all Bilious and Liver Complaints.
Jaundice. General . Debility, Corn:iron end hick
Headache. Elyspepilia. Heart. Burn, Coritivernm,
Griping,. Urinary Diseases. Obstructions of
the Menses, Influenza, Asthma, and for a
variety of wile. Uhronic Diseases;, in
fine, for 401 orditimy lenity uses,
diwctionti for file. various Diseases accompany
each box, Prize 25 cents a hos. •
The Graefenberg Dysentery Syrup,
A speedy and infallible remedy in thilfitto39. Dysente
ry. Bloody Nut, Cholera Morhus, Cholera Inforturn
and the An ATIC CtIOLIC11• • d taken with the Biel
symptom., vita: somitirigi`onil dierrhces. It ne
ver fails to cure the worst possible - cities of
bowel complaints, generally in a few hours,'
shldinn beyond it day. It is Pe nace ,
VLGETADIA.and token in any tinan 7 . •
City, is perfectly harmless.
The Gratfrnberg Green Mountain Ointment.
Invaluable for Burns, Wounds, Sprains, Chillhlains.
Corns. Bores. Swirl Mita of all kinds, Rheumatism,
Erysipelas, Bronchitis, Scrofula, litters, Paine in
the side end hack immediately relieved, Indira'.
[nation of the Liovkets, Mid for all cases where
there is 11185 mutation.
Marshall's Uterine cat holican.
A certain core for Proloom.' Uteri, and for most of the
distressing complaints incident to females.- Pre
pared by Dr. TILED. POMEROY, of Utica,
solely for the Graefenhera Company.
7111. oring GRA xruntaxt.ti MEntelNrre ARS
Eye Latin'', Health Alters,
Cnnsnmptrre Palm, I Ferer and Ague Pills,
Children's Panacea, Libby's Pile Ointment,
Sarsoporilla Cempotmd.
J' The The. Graefertherg Manual of Health, e eomplete
haridd.ook of medicine for families. Price fifty cents.
Office, 21 . 4 Broad way, New, York.
CArTlox.—The polite is fenuoitterd to hear in mind
thrt euerytbing prepared by the GraefenbergComPiny
has their seal upon it.
Spurious articles have ben issued crosely resembling
the genuine in every partil'ular, except the seal, and,
the utmost care should ho used before purchasing.
Agent for Bradford County—Dr. PORTER, To.
anda. 1y39
Charter Perpeti I...Cash:system—Capital $2f.0.000
Office . o, 29, Merchants' Exchange.
nits,ANltF:Dupon the " mixed principle ." Stock
V and Mutual, which combined features otTer to in
sured members double the Usual security, The Cash
systeoi of payments ltaii also been adopted, thus avoid
ing the heavy drawbacks created by unpaid premium
notes. The table rates of premium, upon tablet' its pO.
licies are being issued, is the only scale experience has
proven should be adopted, as allinding requisite secur
ity to be insured and an undoubted guarantee for the
perpetuity of such institutions. An experimental ta
ble may be found 'worthless, at the very instant rt. poli
cy should possess its greatest value. Life Insurance,
very properly, is of eating the attention of the world.
Phe public howeve, , in their commendable willingness
to embrace and emp oy its wise and salutary provisions,
should make ultint to security the primary and most
important object, i hick can only be attained by so ad
}noting the premiet as to anticipate unexpected loss
es and fluctuations of every kind. It is the purpose
of this company annually to credit, upon the polices
of holders and hopkis! . if the Company, such an amount
of profits as ahallenot 'affect the stability, or impair the
sacredness of its t4intritcts. Premiums may, nt the op
tion of the insured, be paid annually, semi-annually,
or giverterly, in advance. 'Ali necessity information,
together with thinks, pamphlets, &c., may be obtained
gratis, at the office of 3.. E. Cavrixt.n, Athens, Pa.
Stephen R. Crawford, Paut B Goddard,
Ambrose W. Thompson, Lawrence Johnsnn,
Benjamin W. Tingley, George MlTenry,
Jacob 1,. Plotnnee, James Devereut,
iltiam M. Genntwin, John L. Linton.
Am annex W. Turniresoa, Vice President.
quits: G. bi LAT. Secretary and Treasurer
AUTCART—MandeI Eyre.
COCNREL AND A rrontcry—Thomati Batch.
HOYT, Medical Examiner for Athena
December 2 . 7. 850.
Clock, Watch, , and Jewelry Store !
• A. M. WARNER takes this method
lc ._ of inhaming his old cui.torners and thi
_./ .t pu bl ic
generally, that he has purchased
, \
J A of J..8u1.. his stock of Watches. Clocks
'''• and Jewelry. and commenced the above
loydnesti in all of its various brioches at the old stand
of this latter, tin litiii tweet, two 11.1,17,4 south of Bock
Row. this- reputation. as a watch repairer is so well
established in thus community, that it is hardly peers
...ivy, to say a word mullet point. With his long ex
perience and veil; advantages for arq ' '
.g a thorough
knowledge of the ti , isiness, tie has confidence in saying
io the public, wing on your watches and clucks, 1 wilt
do them jui.tire
All goods al.l, or Reputing done, Warranted as I
recommend, of the mono, refunded. - ,
A good assortment of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry
kept constantly op hand.
My motto stilthe---quick sates, amen profits, cult
down. and no credit . giweg. Credit need not be asked
fur—as lam bound tort-in.make its acquaintance. ,
Towanda, July 12, 1850, .A: M. WARNER.
Removed to B. Kingsbery's
If` 4.: Chesanberibs,
..' B. A o S tllleor York with stdf a s
m the la c r iil i.
slimily of Watches.• Jewelry anti
4 ‘ • '., t3ilver ware, comprising in part.
, • the .following •artics:—Lever.
a ‘ ,, , t F( ie ik ' L'Epine and Plain Watches, with
.. I_:. ....?
- it complete assortment of Gold -........:. ' 7 ' •,
'":" Jeffery, Ruch as Ear Rings. Fin.
ger Ein le, Breast Pine, Bracelets, Lockets; Gold c.hains,
Gol4l , Pens, Keys, etc. ' Also, all sorte• of Silverwar e ,
and any quantity of Steel Dealls....:all of whi c h b e o ff er .
for sale eireeedingly cheep for CARH.
.Wi'ihee. teigting, nn.trhort pollf•eritlla t.rci. rrunteo
to run well, or the money k wilt be refuntleA, node writ.
ten egreementlifinitatini tiffeett ifasimitiva,
N. 8.4-MAPLE SUGAR : and Country , ,Predufe
takeh in payment for amity and als: -learn now, and
orever, that the'Prikluee extort be paid mime the ivoric
is done-"--Isver against credit in all its forms. • -
• - W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Agetit.
Towsnia,A EN,-1H50.. • ~.•.
C 1C4(74 •• theacant":Nati jpat.reeriTed at
• WeVITheRi
nil H I D BROWN 81.JOAR. Also, Coffee, Urnabot
and.POnlired Smarr, now arriving and An *ale
wholesale or retail Vet? cheap mEßerws,
7:" -- - ---- 7 - 7 -- --- - ---
~ • ~,.
A. . I k, ~ t „ 1 ,,..,..3.0z,::,, ..-
.. i '). , ,
i 4 / . %,'' f• - .-1 if
ik.7l ;:x _
..104. 4 _,- ;‘-r k - , - ' ''' V; -- c"
MI 40 Pil Ask , _ 10. I ,' ,' 7.
..t.. , E 3. LIT- , 17,... ,
'., w -;:`,....
• • ~_ •
Af -4 4 all ..thc nurnSio'n v:irodk i 'ncaCifani; (and lam;
of them valuable) for'llie cure of putme nnt ,
nothing has ever been found which could'
compere in its elects, with this Pieparaticip.
cure sometimes, but at all times and in ail disejuies of
the lungs antl, the oat where medicine cut -give relief,
this will do it. It is pleasant to take, and perfectly
safe in accordance - withthe directions. We d o nee
advertise for' the informatihh of those-who have w e e
it but those who hard not. Families that twee known
its value will not be without it, and by its timely use
they' are !weave from the dangerous consequent:et of
Coughs and Coldrvettich neglected, ripen fatal
coneuroption; •
l'he Diploma of the Massachusetts Institute was
awarded to this preparation by the', Hoard of lodges i n
S e p tem b er ,11347 also ; the Med He thelbree wil t
inasitutes•of Art, in thi. coun t r y ; eino, t h e Dion,
of the Ohio Institute at Cincitineti; has' been given ta'
the Cuestas Pic-r0e...1., by their Goveinnient in can
,id e ratiee qj its extraordinars excellence and useful'
nes. in curing off.t ti. , ne of the'Lungs and Thro a t.
Read the following opinion found e d on ti e ionr
exp e rience of the ernit.eut Fhpocian of the Pon and
City of
Dr J. tiger :
.. .
Five yeats,trial of,ynor Cherry Pectoral in my peas.
tics, 44 0 l'rovell whe.l. 1 Ettressw from its cerapo pit "
m o.dt be true. that it et:ado:ales and Gat FP the couah s
and colds to which vie, is this section, are peculiarly
I able. I think, its equal has not yet born demeraerol;
nor Jo I 4rb•tn how a better remedy can be made for
the distempers of th e throat end lungs.
J. J.
.13 c ;Toy, 211. D., F. R. S.
Bee what it has alone on a wasted cornottunen, nab
only in the following cases. but a thousand more'
lii. Ayer : Seneca r, Jan:24, 2852.
In the month of July last, I was str,,.l ß o b y a , iO.
lent diatrittea in the mines of California. I returned
to San Francisco in hope of receiving benefit tram a
chance of climate and diet.=-Afy diorama cr a t e d b e
was followed by a severe rough—and much canner,
I finally i timed for home, but received no iTtaia ( ma
from the soy ige. My emaih ctibtinued to pow, ewe
and when I arrived in New irork, I wan at once mutt
ed by my acquaintances as ' victim of coul om p t i m
I must rontes* that I 111.1111 , 1 sufficient reao nto [ 'n a b
whet my frieinis all b*lre pl. At this Unit I corn
ntenced taking your truly luvritual , te nie.'irins with
little expectation of Jerr y
. a any tel , efit from its ma
Yon wnotd ) not receive i , line* did I not regard it.
my stilly to state to the sfiltteil. through yon that my
health in the apace of et/ht months is fulls wrtor
FA. I attribute rt to the Min of your CHERRY PRO
TORAL.• Yours truly.
WILIJA %II W. slant
K'A.sranson ; Nn, April 2, 1818•
Dear Sir: Feeling that I have been sparrd feint a
premature grove., through your instrumentalitty (hr
providence or Gud. I will take the liberty to elpitat
my gratitude
Couch, and the alarming symptoms of Consumption
had ircloc,d me to 10,ilt to leave me Orly thITIL , Itte
hope, when my phy-iciin'tirriu'elt me a bonds ofynur
.• Pt cron A L. " It seemed to afford immediate
and now in a'frse sveeki time hes rendered me to sound
if it will do for others what it hav done for me p
are certainly one of the henefrtors of mankind.
'Sincerely vrivhing you every Wessing, I am
Very respectfully yours,
JO FIN J. CL A RK. Rector of :St. Peter's Cliarsi.
With such awurance and front such men, near*
cer proofcan be adduced unless it , be from its ,ffed
upon trial.
Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AI ER, Przoica
I:herni.d. Lowe I. MaFa.
Sold by Dr. H. C. PORTER. Towanda ; R. Rnr.
Wellotioro' z E. Dyer, Covington ; Humphrey and
Emden, Tioga ; W. 11. Elliott, Elmira ; A. Tung.
Muntrn.e ; and l y eft Llroggi,ta everywhere. 'II
riental or Sovereign Balm Pills
1: ‘
„/ „.....iz
•:- 4.
~.. -,-,---,.... ~..„, „„:,.,-;
11LOREENT - AL '44: 1
l t
~ @r E L
L. Soule & Co) , .
4 ..:4
• ‘ .14
ONE Genuine unless serninpnnietl I , y sfar.a
IN le of tifi l ibove Engraved Wrapper a Dr. E
8011. E & Co., upon each box,
'ln offering to the pohlir this justly eelehrsio/Ser
EREIGN BALM OF LIFE, it is not oar ral
make any false statements or wild assertions alb*
superior efficiency in restoring to health the art is)
sufferina, well knowing that their reputatan 1 12
STANDARD MEDICINE is of itself sufficient tea
ence for the afflicted.
Many proofs might be given of their value en p 914
hut we prefer those unacquainted with them to 01 *
themselves by enquiringenf living witnesses sad frig
the Pills. They all find them perfectly safe 0110
able in afl eases. being ptsrefu regriablc, and
cine worthy their beat confidence and patronage
The following certificate was sent us for the r. 4.
Ilvtoix-rrA. Monroe Co. N. Y., May 10,1051:
We the undersigned, citizens of Bennett'', bxi
cored perronally Dr. Sotdrii Soterrign Balm
witnerserl the health•restarinc effects therrofehreol
recommend there Piße to the afflicted sr the belt dl
which We are acquainted
Al. 1). PHIL/BPS,
H. A. TtliHE'rTK, LE VI; is REED.
P. s. You are at liberty to publmh lbw for 11 1, 1 41.
lie stood.
KW Aar. 09 CoVI9TRAPEITS I W 415 SIP nottive ,
yny ore who is ryinktrul a spurious article gas yet
rd to make taw of our name ; but some of thole
'.nd the impudence to imitate our boles and coo
Circ/lara, ib e pot& 11 :.
careful when , hey purchase, they will be deal's&
the genriine.Socreeign Balm Pills ran
wholesale and fetal. of Dr. SOULE & Co..
Onondaga Co. N. Y•
Sold by Dr. -- R. C. PORTER, Towanda Pas
their Agents in every town in the country.
W'msport & Athens Railroad Lel*
Li. TIT.IN LNG, reveettullY illiQr nstbil Y .
.G F : . :).
he that he 43s remosf d his store to Col. Oti s i"'
'wilding. one door below Wernet's ost , h thoP• 1 Y'
h" - wt 'ttiliee — all - Who MAY he in IWO
Good and Cheap Clothifig.. Ha ix constantO 6 3414 ..
to his stock:all the new and desirable styleor*o4,lll::
g - t an ve d h f i e n ett a ro a n i ft . dent he can satilfy any oat IP '•
1 1 114: r i . a u t 7 s wili t r r e t ee t to p e iv ri n i ces t n o g f r : Sr.op_mr.ilNtgeowndli:44l:7nami:;:TCeLnliattltrili f.
inthe heat manner, and which wilt be sold aggro , .
I t
}llk hakaiwo,receitreti, a large lot of Irg , ..T. t "
HILDRENS: CT,CITHING, to which he gil t , i
!ntion'initt WhiCh will he sold at low rtes. O r ~.1 . ,
ttiidiqiiiiifitirillitirfiyarhich he Can send ra ." ~1
.iele desired, with •the certainty of procor in g $ 4
article. • , . I .
Cutting and making op. done as usually
fashionable monster, promptly and to order. .1,
Towanda, May, tl . 1951 y. ..
CROCKERY & GT..ARS: WA RF, s We r (. ,-
fereJ for sale by t,
Sr..louss. May 8. 1851
D. G. 011$,