Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 06, 1852, Image 3

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    Later frees Csdllene's.
. .
The Steamer Crescent City , arrived et New Yotk
on T ue sday last ,from Clingers, with the California
mails, and $1,56,0015 in gold.
!his arrival
most important item of news brought by
!his arrival is Vibe election of Col John B. Weller,
. formerly of ditto, more recently of the United Statei
Mexican Boundary Commission, from whisti he
W :IS r emoved, ire believe, by General TaSlor, and
since then a resident of Celiforri. iHq.vrett elected
on the !oh lilt., at Sacramento, where 16 Legisla.
Ince. is now sitting, on the Bth baliot, and ober the
louse, in mint Convention, hii spent two days in
- '
tless balloting.
Gov. Bigler has isred a special Message, touch
ing die financial affairs of the State, in which he
utges upon the Legislature the early adoption
M measures to relieve the burden of that state's
. Itabilties, and exhibits the amount of her in
deblness By the comptroller's showing, 81,000,-
0 06 still sending unpaid trom the expenses of last
s year's mrilitary expeditions.. The aggregate in.
debtless, civil and military , of the State, on the 31st
Dec., was 52.142,439, 1 4.
Great excitement exists among the Mormons at
the Great Salt Lake. The difficulties between the
people and ourgovernmern agents have made them
resolve upon defending themselves monist further
interference with their affairs on the part of the
general government The report, [which, after.
all, may be w itheatyloundation.3 ears that fort ifica•
tins ate teing erected, and means of defence pro.
sided. .
1 All was quiet at San Diego at the last accounts.
Troops had gone to the Gila, and no further distur
bance was expected with the Southern Intliarrs—
Cmpany F. 3d rt., with aj.ndrews ha gone
to o the mouth of t he Colorad M A I
o. Provisions have
been sent, and a depot is to be made at the junction
of the this and Colorado
The United States Board of Land Cortimiision
ers has been in session since the 2151, but had clone
Fremonot's eelebra•ed Mariposa claim was the
first pr•ser red for deco.imi. The Board has order
el a survey of it in conformity with the meets and
bounds specified in the Mexican idle
An action ha. , been brought against the editors of
the Stockton Journal for libel, by Mr. Fremont,
that paper having asserted that extensive (rands
were abcot to he perpetrated in Europe by the j 1
agents and under the sanction of that genileman.-1
The ?Mariposa gears claim of Mr Fremont was
represented in the alleged fraud. The damages are
laid at $lOO 000.
Jr the mines, much inconvenience and want has
been expedience by the failure of the water sup
plies. Digging has not been very bri-k, and pros
pectime parties have made but few rich discoveries
within the pad month. The laborers have worked
sut the waver, and are disposed to " ley by," wait
. ing I.r more. Since'Thuisday, the rains have re.
turiml. and copious Showers have fallen in their
int r,or. Lite will revive prospects in the mines.
The Alta California of the Ist instant says: ,
In tie list of passeinzers by the Terinii•ssee, this
morninz appear the names of 4r Frernont, la'lly
and danzitter, who, after a residence of fifteen
month. in our Slate, return to their !MI ice shores
I I afir.rd. 04 emcee plea.nre. thoneh, to be able to
gale that it is the intention of Mr Fremont In auain
:.,ke up his reeirierce among us on the soil which
~ etieray, enterprise and daring secured to our
toreinnietil. fie will be absent from California
mil r August or September next. and in the
inranwlitle, with his family, will visit Europe.
Newburg, Grange county. N. Ir., has a population
or 11.415 arrortlMg to the last cen•na—an increase
of 2,783 over the previnivi censui. This places her
No. 55 among the principal towns in the United
01 the 12th ofJaimary lam, a ham! rraerenty
rnbtwrs. well mooriled and armed. fell norm a VII
laze In thoS;a , e ot 'Mex len, 'anti plundered
ti+ penple of above ittaty thon4and dollars womb
rf pae , and horses. A pleasant siste of social
A bill is • before tlfe Louisiana Legislature requir
ng evert person desirous of emetic 'pitiful a slave,
giveribrind to the Governor, before doing so,
Iran.poration beyond the limes (II Ike Stale.
i.a4e 1 , 116 neglects to leave, the state he is
CCU his freetton.
Ili ytitchelh the comic 'putt:l4r, in Pittsburg.
r,t , 261 h, was run over by the ears at the Allis_
droni His arm was broken, and his ku'l
fraoure4as to leave no hope of his recov•
r , r1.20 is the morrt rapidly growing city in the
11 rtcern country. It has now a population of 40,•
But t.ilthough but 28,000 in 1850,1 and real Water
tttelltre at high prices than can be obtained any
hrr• Its r.tipreinacy as the great metropol
4 :he %Veit will not be long a matter of
par. -
Tlie - Ma;nalistior LaW. has passed the
Popular bo,ty nt itie Rhode,l4antl Legjslature— was
!ust in the Seriare, Yeas 11, Nays 20.
The avrelling_in Aurora, on Cayuga Lake orrred
Dr Mr A.yery of Looiorille, occurfieti by Henry
, WWI !marl) ; desuoyed by fire on Sun
at 6 n' e llok, Mr. H. Welts' In=a
moeliv roverea by irouratice. - Mr.Charlos Wart
of Fracuse !oat all.
NOTlCE—Joseph Joriephnot Agartl.lelt home in the
erring of ho 22, 1852. He went to Greene and
;sired that night since which time he has not been
!lewd Isom. He was a boy sixteen years old, had
lue eyes, dark her lorehea I, and was a floe look
re rounz man. When he left he was clothed in
Wile diem, coat, black satin vest and black pants
her. black and preen cravat with red bore er and
hlwk cloth cap. He had been a student at the (.3v
lard academy doling the pail summer, and was a
"'y 0120 d tiaboi., and maythave studied too hard.
lie took no money with him The public are re
7 aenedlosend any information they may have to
Extsars has 1, his father, at Smitheille Flails, Che•
,into county, New York. .
The Press are also requested to notice this.
D ly
Ail I
otti i
WnWsvn t MAN !—The vexation.' to which Mr
ma Mrs Gnhischmidt are Pobjecteti, in filtirthamp
1, re vividly (hinted in The Plarthampion Couri
That paper says :
qierboorig t chap arrived in town on Saturday—
natlereil timselt at the Mansion House. and di‘-
iatched the porter *ith a l etter to Mrs. GolOchrilli.
'intern the astounding intelligence that if she
9 not immediately send him ten Ihonsand dollars
Altould he obliged to go to insolvency l Another
but more modest chap, informed her
taut„ tpandmother bore the name of Jenny I.inil f
IthoA , nr in part, and reqnested three or tour
" I ' o l l dollarit. And still another, that a relative
ri•ipstl tocommence business, but was short of
thousand would give !dm a good eLlart•
Ldthie lode sum a mere drop in her bucket, was
Lreque.leS, Other equally ridiculous 11'-
1164 are doubtless made. It is a pity people will
befouls of themselves in this way.
'llesh Married,
eciain, Feb. Idth by tbe Rev. S. J. Gibson
14.01010 C C. Goss, to Miss !Iht.isrls Goontsro
dl icshequin. Feb. 19th M awns Loris;, daughter
11 / 1 1 ,1 1 and Jane Gore, in the 2d year of her age.
. 15 nr little children to corn. unto me, ant forbid
e ° 3 GI% for of avert is the kingdom of heaven."
received at 11. Kingsbery's an morn:float of
nATIL of the latest Spring styles. Also a fresh
44 ' 0 1 I. 1852.
$ 1i 59
: lI I°
be °'
SEED.-60 bushels of Clover Seed, a
notrior quality for Isle by
•Xisll 1, 107.1
News Items
New cilbverttiektente.
A full stitelitelit or the affairs of the
r A N the thirty-first day of December, in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty
The amount of capital stock of this corporation paid
in, of *ecured to be paid in, or invest
ed according to the provisions of its
charter, is $lOO,OOO 00
Received, since the period of organiz
ing, being Jane 13, MI, in addition
al premium notes, &cash premiums,
over and above premium notes expir
ed and cancelled, and cash premium
Office furniture. fixtures, books and eta
tionarp on hand,
Total amount of assetA,
Losses and expenses paid and allowed,
included losses on fire insurance, ex
penses and fees paid agents. expen
ses in organizing ibis Corporation and
for Office furniture. fixtures, books,
blanks and stationery, $7.492 73
In addition to the above. there is claimed for los•
ses on proof, and etpense acCoutit unadjusted.
$4,609, of which amount there is claimed G•r loSses
which this Company do not feel themselves bound
to pay, $2.900.
In addition to the above, this Company have re
ceived notices of losses on property upon which
they have issued policies.,to the amount of $4,500,
of which it is not known the amount claim/qt.
Of the above assets. except the Premium Nbtes,
the whole amount owing to this Corporation, which
la mostly secured by good bonds, and all consider.
ed good. $5,370 15.
The Premium Notes, with the exception of about
$l.OOO, are also considered good.
The amount for which this Company is bound as
surety, and for which it may become liable on the
happening of contingent events, is, on policies of
Insurance, $1,084,290.
' , L. Y. GAMDINER, President.
Aunts T. Kit.t.say, Secretary'.
Mogvnostraty Cousvt. 5 16
Leonard Y. Gardine, Prsident, and Alden
T. Mallery, secretary, of the Co l u mbian Insurance
Company. being severally duly sworn depose and
say. and each for himself says, that the foregoing's
a true. full and correct statement of the affairs of
the said Corporq& to the best of their knowledge
and belief, and t they are the above described of
ficers, and the offiArs thereof.
Ssr..rn and subscribed to before me, this 25d day
of January, A. D., 1852.
C}The publication of the above report is made
in donformity with the Act of Aasembly passed the
12th day of April, ►1351.
.1. E. CANFIELD, Agent.
, Athens. February 19. 1969.
• Clovez Seed for Salo. •
50 BUSH. CLOVER SEED, a first-rate article,
.for sale by E. W. HALE. •
Monroe tp.. February 21, 18M.
Sheriff's Sale:
lIQY virtue of a Writ of Vend. Espouse issued
1.." nut of the Court of Common Pleas, of Bradford
County, and to me directed, will be exposed to pub
lic sale, at the Court House in the born. of Towanda
on saturdav the 20th day et March at I o'clock, P.
M.. the following lot piece or pared of land situate
in Rome tp.. bounded and described as follows to
Wit—Norih by lands formerly belonging to Burton
Kinzsbery. and lands belonging to Eleazer Town.
send, on the east by lands of Oscar Elliott, on the
south by land formerly owned by Moses Canfield
and lands in po4session of Henry Tanner, on the
west by lands of Abram Vancise. Containing about
one hundred and seventy acres mote or less, about
fifteen acres improved, one log house one framed
h use and slab shed and stable thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John
'Rundle vs. Henry Cole.
ALSO—A certain piece or parcel of !and situated
in Towanda bo., beginning on the east line of 2d st.,
on the line between the land of. the late Elizabeth
Means and the lot herein described, thence south
3i degrees west 160 L feet along the east line of 2d st.
to a stake for a corner, thence south . 813 ii degrees
east HO feet, thence north 3i degrees east 100 feet
more or less to said Means line, thence north 861
degrees west t36i feet to the place of beginning.—
Containing 14650 feet more or leas. Reserving fi
feef-frum the east end of said ldi fur an alley ; all
improved, wilh'stone walls for an ice house thereon
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Full-
or, Waller & Cn. vs. 1.. W. Tiffany.
ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land
situated in the township of Wells, Bradford county.
bounded and described as follows to wit I north by.
lands of Joseph IL Raton. weal by lands of Wm. A
Raton, south by lands of Hezekiah Dunham, east by
lands of Floyd Helmes and lands belonging to the
Bingham estate. Containing about one hundred
and thirty acres more or less, about one hundred
acres improved, one framed house, one framed barn
and an apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at thesuit of Sarno.
el W. Reynolds. use vs. Samuel H. Baker.
ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land
situated in the Borough of Athens, Bradford Coun
ty, bounded and described as follows' to wit : on the
north' by the public highway. on the east by main
street letvting.from Athens . bo. to Milltown. on the
south by lands late the property of E. Herrick, on
the west by a lot in :he possession of H.s.M•George.
Containing one acre or thereabouts.., with one fram
ed house and one framed barn thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution at Inc suit of Fran
cis Tyler vs. Gen, Frifther and Natitanirl Flower.
A LSO- 2 Tlie fallowin g lot p iece or Face' of land
situated in Athens tp.. bourn ed and described as
follows to wit : commencing at a stake on the north
side of the highway, corner of D. S. Brown's lot. or
mill yard, thence along the highway to the corner of,
D. Gardner's lot. thende northerly along the line Of
said Ito, to the line-of if. S. Bfown's lot, thence west•
erly to a pine stump for a corner, thence Southerly
along the line of D. S. Brown's lot to the place of
beginning. Containing one half acre more or less,
alt improved. one two story framed dwelling house.
fle, framed blacksmith shop and a few fruit trees
Seized and taken In execution at the suit of John
Holbert to the use of D. Gardner vs. Ira Ai Vander-
AtB(l.—By virtue of a writ of fa. f have feel/
ed on the following described lot piece or parcel of
lend, situated in Rome tp., bounded and described as
follours to wit : on the north by lands of Milton
Wattles, John Moody and S. F. Washborn. and on
the east by lands of Arrunah Wattles and Milton
WattleS, on the smith by the mill yard in possession
of Lewis Goff and Jesse Sawyer and lank of L. T.
Lent and Edwin Ridgway and Peter Allen, on the
West by iciffe and L. T. Lent. Containing about
one hundred and fourteen acres be the same more
or less, about fifty acres improved, two framed boo.
sea, one framed barn and en apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Lewis
Goff vs. A. F. Eastman.
SherUl's Office. Towanda. Feb. 19. 1952.
Notice is hereby given, that an amount coral to
the costs. will be required to be paid upon each sale.
when struck down to the bidder. and upon a failure
to comply with this regulation, the tract of land will
again he offered for sale.
Eiull agek. , ;kl3 &margin ,
Adams dr..lllZastarLsae,
HAVING enteral into copartnership the practice
of law, base also established an agroty fur the
sale of real estate in the county of Bradford. Persons
Wring real estate which they desire to well. by ceiling
End }easing a description of their property with the
terms- of sale, will undoubtedly find it to their Ideas
Persons desirous of purchasing can learn where prop
erty is for isle--a description of the same with the
price and terats of payment and be infonnad ai to the
Tclitlity of title. J. C. ABAMB.
Towsodt, !Wry ;,15:s'i. J. St aCTA Ri••~~E~
Wis. =M A
ROOM over the store Store formerly occupied by
N. N. Betts, Main street. Feb. 13,
THE subscriber has a small lot of superior South
'. Down, most of them the progetfy of imported
stock, and fully equal in neatness of farm, and puri
ty of blood, to any in this section of the State ; hair.
log rented his farm they will be sold low, to those
Wishing to breed such animals.
Friendsville. Susquehanna County, Pa.
Feb. 14, 1852. • CALEB CA RMALT.
38,405 56
ALL persons are hereby cautioned' against pur
chasing a NOTE, given by me on the 29th day
or January, 1852, to :quart Anderson or Bearear, for
twenty-five dollars ; due nn the first day of June
next. As I have recleived ro vnlue fur said Note,
and therefore do not consider myself morally or le
gally bound to pay it, and shall not do so unless
ZOO 00
j 5136,005 N
compelled by law.
Leroy, Jan. 30, lea
Farm it Tavern Eland for Sale or Rent.
THE subscriber offers for sale or
„ ii . rent, a Farm and Tavern Stand sttuat•
ed in Ridgbury towuship, on the main
; . road from Athena to Centreville, one
tniles south of the elate line, and two miles west or
the Rockville depot, on the N. Y. & E. Railroad.
The farm contains 75 acres of good farming land.
under improvement, well watered, and with every
convenience s for a tavern, and an extellent location
for costae :
Enquirc;of .the subscriber on the premises, or of
David Gan('lncr. Orcuit's Creek.
Ridgbury, Feb. 7, 1852. S . FURGES SQUIRES
ALL persons indebted to the estate of B AIM'L
BENNET, late of Ridgbury township deceas
ed, are hereby noufled to make payment without de
lay ; and all persons having demands against said
estate will present them properly attested for settle
Ridgbn ry, Feb. 4, 1862. Executor.
T"putting up and enclosing of a BRICK
CHURCH 82 text by 52, for the Collegiate In
stitute of the Presbvtery of Susquehanna, at Wyalu•
sing, will be let at 3 o'clock P. M., on Tuesday the
18th of March, at the School House, near the mouth
of the Creek. Proposals are solicited. For plans
and specifications, reference may be made to either of
the Committee ; bids will be received by them until
noon of t! - e day of letting. By order of the Trustees.
G. H.
H. MORGAN, Committee.
8. F; COLT,
Wyslusing, Feb. 25, 1852. -
LL persons are hereby forbid purchasing. s-NOTE
given by me to CLiNTON ELLSWORTH or
Order, for Ten Dollars; due the lat day of September
Hest. As I have received no value for said Note, I
shall not pay it unless compelled by law.
Orwe'l. Feb. 25, 1852. .10FL BARNES.
rOSSU'TH & MAGYAR HATS, with and with.
11 out Feathers. The genu ne a.ticle, newest style,
u received at
Towanda. Feb.2B, isn
A LL persons indebted to the estate of JOHN
SP4LDING deceased. late of Athena town
ship. are hereby -requested to make payment with
out delay, and those having claims agathet said es
tate, will please present them duly and authenticated
(or settlement. WM. 8. PIERCE.
Smithfleld, Feh. 28,1852.
To the collectors of ikadford County
for .1882.
VOU are hereby authorized to mike a dtpluction of
fire per cent. from the amount of State Taxes
placed in your hands for collection against every indi
vidual who shall pay hi% or her State and County Tax
ed in full on or before the 15th day of Jane next, and
the amount so deducted shall be allowed you in your
settlement with the Treasurer. The same, however,
to be paid by you into the County Treasurer, on or be
fore the 17th or lath days of June nex.. And you are
also notified that you will positively be requi - ed to
settle your duplicate in full during theterm of Septem
ber Court. By order of the Commissioners.
ToWands, Feb. 28, 1852.
Taken Up. by C. C. & N. S. Correll
APART of a OW , rm of LUMBER, consisting of
Plank Boards, and part of Hemlock Joice
No names found and the same. is filed on my Docket.
Ousel% leb. 13, :852. 9, 8. BR ‘DLEY, J. P.
1P"'" CHESTS YOUNG HYSON, imperial, Dyson
I Sun and Black Teas. Also 15 Data. Rio slid
Java Coffee, just received at ERCUR's.
DRAPERY MUSLIN. a large and splendid as-4ort
ment at very anal! prices at
All night at the Famishing Depot.
& A. CA 114PBELI., return their 'sincere thanks
.1-11 • fat the libel patronage heretofore bestowed.
and wotild again tail attention of' their friends and cue.
timers to their late arrival of Naw Britten Goons.
Consisting of all things nec essary for clothing the out
er man ; which will be sold at a little bower prices than
has hithertofore been asked.
Please give us a call before purchavingelseovhere
WHEREAS, my wife MARY has this day left
my bed and board, without any just cause or
provocation, this is to forbid all persons harboring
or trusting her on my account. as I shall pay no debts
tf her contracting after this date.
Towanda, Dec. 27,1851.
TAD Copartnership heretofore existinz between
TER. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All
persons indebted to the late firm are requested to
call and settle with H. C. Potter, who has the charge
and control of the books and demands of the firm,
4nd who will settle all demands outstanding against
the firm. SAMUEL. HUSTON.
Towanda, Jac. 13 ; 1952. H. C. PORTER,
And as notice has been given in tite,papers nearly
two years fur ail petscros indebted to . Hustort & Por
ter, to call and settle their at:Count., this will be
positively the last call. All indebted aye requested
to call forthwith, as means will be immediately ta•
ken for the collection of the Practice and Store ac
counts. Ail the accounts are transferred to H. It.
Postai, who wilt he found at his Drug Store, south
end of the Ward House. H. C. POFtTEft.
Gress Goods.
RICH FOULARD, Chameleon Chetse, Bl'k Dress
Silks. Freud) and Sarege DeLanes, a new artieie
for summer dresses. French and English Lawns, Silk
Tissues, Linnen Lasts** and any quantify anther dress
goods at FOX'S.
!spa trangings,
m only comp to assortment of raper timings. T
Borders, Window Paper, and Fire board
kept in in this regiotri and at prices as low as ran be
found at retail either in or out of the principal chits,
May B. O. D. B A RTI.ETT.
HARD WARE.—A Very large and general Neon
meat of hard-ware ef every descriptionsncioding
Carpnters, Joiners and Blacksmiths Tools, Irariresa
and Carriage Maker's Trimmings and 'l'oott, suildin g
Materials dm, eateitaatly on hand and for sale atvery
tow prier. by MERCUR'S.
EMBROIDERIES, A very huge stock of swiss and
Muslin Edgings and Inserting' s :Swiss and Mus
lin frands, needle wrought Collins and Cuffs, fins
wrought Linen )Handkerchief', and in feet the hugest
and best irsgartmemt of Embroidered Goods ever before
offered in Towanda at FOX'S.
BLACK KUM also a few patterns of army Sate ;
-which wilt be toil drown TOR'P.
Towanda, 'Brad. Co., Pa.
tiottth-Down Sheep.
Notice 'to Builders,
E. M. FARRAR. Clerk
Of the Receipts and Zhcpenditures of the County of Dradford, for 4 D• 1851,
from Sammy 14, to December 31st, hichmive.
Auditors for auditing public accounts, SAI 00
Assessors, 863 00
On Bridge contracts., 8199 83
Damages by roads through improvements, 500
Fuel, lOl CO
Justices. fees,
Grand Jurors,
Traverse Jurors,
Books for public offices,
Crier% fees,
Various Incidental Expenses. 214 95.
Bills for Printing. 2 49 50
Support of convicts in E.B. Pshitentistry, 189 89
Bills for stationary, 173 44
Township line views, 7 00
Prothonotary &e. 680 54
Wolf and wild cat certificates, 18 75
Bridge -views,
Sheriff's fees for summoning jurors,
do for conveying prisoners to E
8. Penitentiary,
Cost► in civil suits,
Justices' inquisitions,
Mounts with the several Collectors of County Uses foram County
Toomohipa and Nantes of I Amount i Amount 1 Amount
B I oroughs. Cul Ireton. 1 Charg e d. 1 Colluutud, I Exotic r`tud
Sheshequin, Elijah Horton, 22 98
Columbia, Henry Sherwood, 103 05
Asylum, Jason Horton, 4 34
Standing Stone, Isaac W Westbrook, 18 88
Towanda tp. David Rutty. 4 08
Ridgbury, Hiram Dewey. 3 92
Ulster, James L Gorsline, 05 99
Athens tp, li Eilminster, 4 20
Albany, William Lee, 100 89
Columbia, Cornelius Furman, 1 20
Monroe, J B Smith, 8 73
Rome. Solomon Spalding, 38
Towanda boro t , L W Tiffany, 4 01
Athens boro', William Hancock, i 50
Athens tp. N Eilminster, I BO
Burlington, D A Rosa, 28
Durell, M T Vangorder, 77
Granville, Harri•on Rosa, 73
Litchfield, William Bostwick ) 74
Monroe, H B Myer,. •
Orwell, A G Mathews,
Pike, - Ransom Brink,
Ridgbuft,• Hiram Dewey,
Springfield, L Leonard.
South Creek, William Goldin:dirk
Standing Stone, Isaac Vermeils,.
Towanda boro, P L Shaw.
Towanda tp., Dennis WOill,
:l.ter, James L Gorsline,
Wysc z, A C. Hinman,
W yalusing. Benj. Ackley,
Athens born', Guy Tozer,
Athens (p., James R Stone,
Alliany, Moses A Ladd,
Asylum. Cornelius Quick,
Burlington, R R Phelps,
Durell, M T Vangorder,
rranklin, Gilbert Gay,
Granville, Beni Sexton,
Herrick. Geo W Elliott,
Litchfield, William Bostwick,
Monroe,: H B Myer,
Pit.e., l W Humphry,
Rume, Latitcpce Vaught,*
Smithfield, S R CranN,
Springhill. ' D D Black,
standing Stone, Alexander Ennis.
South Creek, Cornelius Haight,
Towanda boro, W A Chamberlin.
Ulster, G II Vandyke,
Warren, Ruins Buffington,
Wilmot, James H Tyrrel
Wyalusing. A P Biles,
Athena boro', Wm H Fritcher,
Athens tp. John H Murray,
Albany, Hiram Crandall.
Armenia, Jacob If Dumond,
Asylum. James H Morrow,
Burlington, P B Pratt,
Columbia, Geo Wilson,
Canton, John Gray,
. Horell, R E Gilbert,
Franklin, Randolph Lyon,
Granville, • John Ferguson,
llerrick, 51 B Porter,
Litchfield, Joseph P Munn,'
Leroy, David White, jr.
Monroe, , Anthony Mullen,
Orwell, Austin Russel,
Pike, 0 Ellsworth jr.
Rome, W W Vl'oodburn,
Ridgh ry, Charles French,
Shesheimin, Josiah Kilmer,
Smithfield, • Asher Huntington,
Springfield, Truman Rorie,
South Creek, Ira Crane, ''•
Standing Stone, Pii Haven*,
Tuscarora. Hiram estiorneray„
Towanda boro', Daniel Vandercook;
Towanda tp. Reuben DeLong,
Troy boro', Geq P Freeman.
Troy tp., John IlEKean,
Ulmer, Simmons C Hovey,
Wyse's . , John presser,
Wells. P R Knapp.
Wyalusing, George M Blank,
Warren. Levi Brown,
Windham, A Dunham. jr.
Wilmot, J L Jones,
•Since paid
DR. John Barton, Treasurer of Bradford County, In *cob% itritil said tohaty;
Money in Treasury, Jan. 1, 1851. $ 3048 77 Returned on duplicates prior to 1851,
Dopficates bf Co. tales prior to 1851. 4070 22 db of 1851,
do of 1851, 14793 54 Returned an judgments, notes, &e.
Judgments, notes. Arc., due the county, 855 '29 Collector's percentage,
Unseated land transe-iptS, 190 59 Orders returned,
ill iscella n eon s recei bah , . .58 31 2 per cent. commission on same,
Abatement on state tax, (etcess on that Collector's exoneration%
allowed Collectors, 76 91 2 per cent. on same.
Balande due_the Treasurer, - 1507 02 Cocurrent money in treasury,
I. . . .
DR, John Horton, Treasurer of the Co. of Bradford, is ate't with the Com'ith of term's. CR
Dupficates of State taxes prior to 1851, $3109 43 &tamed oo dopliesies prio;to 1951, $1169 84
do of do 10,875 66 I d 0....... _of do 1779 76
toseated land transcripts ' 144 40 Collect/ 'm exoneiations,
do .Rercentsfe.
.657 72
State treitsuier's receipts, . 1364 42
One per cent. corny:01191On. 102 14
I E,xoneratinns on Oniiafect lands; - 6 96
I gelance don the State, 2743 54
Orders issued in 1354..
Orders outstanding Jan. Ist, tBst.
e'N.Ahe't IMADTORD COUNTY, 88. —We, the undersigned, Cononisaionera of Mild I here-
SEA?. by certify the abOve tobe a nee and correct statement of the Receistals and "sit penditures of said
‘iosr - ttoi et;mfity, from the first day of January to the thirty-first day of D.ecernher . "Am,
Witness oar hands and seal of office, this twenty-first day of January. A. 1;,. igsl.
A. S SW.111:14, •
SQUIRESi Cortnifisbienters
D. 73. COTTON,
Arrest—E. M. FAirIIAR, Clerk'
7 111 now receivinr. an extensive ass.dirtment of GOOMpdrchased since the lite decline in prices, and
1 which cannot fail to suit the :am and wishes of purchasers, add meet thee wants of .the public ; and
as every body knows that he always sells Goods very cheap, it is not necessary to make any remarks
on that subjeet
200= Jab stungzonrazir.
shall in a few days receive a very large catalogue of Nest ItonksPnd Stationary, and being desirous
of disposing of dootrle the usual quantity this season, shall reduce the prices to a very low Agora
Being anent for the safe of the Bay State Shawls hs this Borough. I am enabled to offei them much.
lower and in larger variety than any other cash& neat this side of New York. Large supplier of
these shawls will be Neeired during the winter.
MIME O*oo3liii>• •
lilac•, Nig, Hardware, CroCkery, Hoot, ind Shoe', Vtati r , de*
Constables making returns & attending coart,333 82
Erecting new court house, BlO 14
Prisoner's support, 1850, 839 02
do 1851, 720 50-1558 68
Interest on and payment of loan, 18G1 35
Counsel Thee in criminal Amts. 50 00
Wm. Elwell, counsel to Com'rt, . 30 00
4 88
li4l 33
Costs in Commonwealth suits,
1591 60
Election expenses, 47S 90
Insurance on public buildings. 32 75
On contract fur jail yard fence. 616 .46
Laying state road from Forks T., Sullivan
county, to Monroe, 28 00
H. Spear, commissioner in 1950, bal. 45 50
S Decker. corn. in 1850, balance. 21 75
do, do 1991. 119 15-141 50
A. S. Smith, tom. In 1850, bal. 7 76
do do 101, 7: 25-- 80 00
Sturges Squires, com. in 11450, bal. 21 00
do do 1851, 163 50-181 50
E. M. Farrar, Coers clerk, 1891, 400 00
8 38
84 60
80 73
441 00
250 00
47 40
82 62
$18,863 76 $12,321 21 $278 93 $lO3 BT <5.h 5 9 12
$21,66:1 65
6 .2.&....:--- .- --
ty Orders in amount with Comity of Irradiant
$16849 591 Orders returned 18 5 1:
104 50 I Orders ontstandioi;Jan. !, 18Z2,
$77,t - 84 O I
skatins attroW.
of Bradford.
A mou'd
3 9%
2# 1A
16 01
1 YO
0 66
113 261
34 38
9 00
97 07
136 13
3 14
31 84
00 00
33 72
20 00
112 in
60 00
239 41
2S 00
40 00
22 40
66 09
94 41
T 3
IS 60
4 60
1 MI
13 39
4 67
4 77
IS 74
14 73
4 32
6 06
6 07
67 62
44 76
136 83
80 00
9 96
1 99
9 56
0 90
6 78
2 87
4 60
7 3
5 37
6 92
6 24
14 41
1 13
9 $9
Fall and Winter Goods;
uA V C now in Btoro inae sock of Goods f , orn
New-York and other markehr, whirl) are r trued
wholonale and retail. at LP laweat priren.—
V e mention n frit things that may always ha found et
our Store. Print , girighnin.i, 6"•
of the in'ret atyies;
Groemmt, liarcliram„ rro,o4 e ry, throbs an 1 Shaes.
Hats, Cap , . hr. ate. tlf w‘...-ich we hale a la-pc ar
aortotent. neleet.l rare. en,' ofrcred at low
mires, and wili not be um', rook!. Also, hosiery,
glove*, wooden ware, sena', b•asOrs
thousand orhor 'widen n hie!, we nerd tam enrmernte,
ell of which we offer ho our eu , tomera n rricia• dint
moat give great antisfarunn, no our entire stock hart
born Lui in a. it time ashen the ew um...rumor,
Iv depressed, en 1.14,,,.d. were many par cora. lows
than usual. Cy on•nciuo and prompt. eaS in ei•etine
the %Naos of oar cu.tooners. wo I.le to pent a rail
tiutinnen of the patronage hqt h!iherto been Du,
liberally hesioweti upon 'P. MON VAN 1 - C:C 4
Towanftit. Pet. I. I .41S
1.16.843 59
r i T. FOX, wou id respectfully ini - Jrm old frietols
Li• and the cierx •ns of Bra.! , .r.I eeneral that his
now reertving a full st..::k of rAI.I. COI/DS, whicll
ha is desirous of dispoOno of at a eery smell advance
from first colt, briny satudi....l that his 'roods nre relect•
ed with as much care, and bought at least. il as low
prices sa his nenzlthors, he i. 4 now anxious le convince
his customers that they will he snLI at the right kind of
prices. Please cdl and see, there is surely no harm
in knowing how cheap scans toik.s do sell goods—call
soon. Corner of Mtn" an.l P;ne street.
A monnt
42 OR
103 06
Is 38
4 08
23 00
4 20
106 63
Books ! Books !
Complete a%Nor:mer,t :: 4 cbc;2l.l.Sianlr. Classt
.ll. cal & Mi.ceilaneoui con,oantly kep up
and for sale at the lowest rates by.
Nov. 29, ISSI. Fn. 1). 9 ARTLNITT.
'241 01
it 50
68 00
Fall and Winter Goods.
20 20
149 •72
a T. Pox,
Is now receiving direct f ro m New York I largo and
eplandid assortment of Goods which he offers fvir
sale at prices whi:h cannot suit the closest buy
ers, for CUM. Pnonecr. 03 Arrnoern CRILDIT. Ile
respectfully asks a call from all persons wishing to bu•
goods cheap, as he is determined not to be undersold.
Towanda, Novemher 2:, 1851.
21 21
31 2
4 11
17 15
7 07
80 15
80 00
18 NI
ATICTORINES AND CUFFS—a few seta for side
V chest) at nv2i FaX'Sr
BAY STATE SH A I,Ls. various pantries, sioi
orsrs and roAlittes, just received at
Ort. 14, 1851. EECUIri.
8 49
110 74
IS 14
40 30
S 8 368 WO!:Tki of 313erp Pas wanted rut
Cash by IT. & A. C.
~ 73 0::
By Wass, ll.rat from th 3 Maniaclams:
I UST received by express Finn the r case of Bay
JF;a+e Shaw k, spcnclJd slyia+. a t •
Towanda, It•.r. J. K(NGSBERT.
12 R 8
20 59
13 4%
8 11
1t 28
10 14
14 23
23 20
31 07
Fall & Winter Goods.
18 Z 9
10 86
04 78
5 S 3
03 42
S nonereceis:ng a large evtortmer.t of Fell a nd Nrisp
ter eirtc: from Ncyr Yprk whicli is off,reJ
at Greatly reduced prir , c to cash !.users.
Toteeede, Oet, I 1, 1351,
17 22
2b 17
174 25
4 89
179 87
789 86
119 79
14 44
P. & M. C. MERCiIt are now receiving e
very extensive assortment et Goods fur ilia Fell
trade, ahkh wtII be sold nt tto‘o'rocie or rtis:iirtiespee
than at any nt!!er store in the County.
13 TO
248 8
142 09
Towanda, Sept. 4, 11,51
97 17
39 'IR
Excentioti of' Lopez!
QTILL later news via New 5 - 01 k & P. R. R. of tie
10 arrival of a very large stock of Merchandise at
PHINN EY & BO WM.4NS 1n.:3 Brick Rom which
they are prepared to sr:l at iv::o;esale or retairlor Cash
or heady ray. cheaper than the cheapest, from the tact
that they purchased their stock for cash in a very de
pressed sree of the market. Don't mistake the place,
No. 3 Brick Row neat door to Dr. liustaria.Drug store.
103 29
84 21
104 48
SRS 35
153 G • 1
5 41
51 40
175 10
TONS fq:O.'iß, last et 14-hole/tele Dad
retail. POINNEY nnwu3x.
`ALT, a large lot. alto Iron, Nad., dgc
U and Mackerel in bbla.. 1 and 1 I ! , 13, f‘,l- sale by
11T m
118 12
64 in
225 40
214 40
0 cnEsTs more of thore n,rro ami four "alining*
19 51
11 99
11 4R
24 00
16 112
QHEETINGS, slairtinv, strip,*. and ticks, for tale
by PHINN Irtr rc noNvmAN.
BOOTS & SHOES, the largest end cheapest assort
ment in town—and Hats and Caps., at wholesale
146 64
1168 13
an' retail
CROCKERY, 61assware. Paint*, Oil*. Gip* / I, ' ege
&e. & BOW %I AN.
50 75
D IZESS GOODS, a I irga vgrivly-13.ffintis and
• Shawls, !w
good ort mrnt, for ota!e by
$3524 36
4035 36
737 81
701 87
16943 89
338 87
278 92
5 97
3 - 2 00
MAN'S_ whi i cn.h will he r uid. .22
117 H EAT, Oats, Eye and Corn, taken in rxehiincip
V for growls. PHINNEY & DOWN! aN. •
ui-TER-lOn F rdo wanted.for which rill css
Ur ATM. C nixs . Bootsan l Styles ; 6 cases new style
of flats and Caps. Also a large rtotk of awns.
Wotnene end ebildrcne 13oots Anti ...Z.lle.w just received.
et MIT.GeR'S.
824,000 65
rIOME ONE, CO}ll. ALL and examine, the New
Goof , IA are now beiwr,
ap26. -Tr.- RINI> 8E1Z1".4.
1 "y" EirSHELfi liTZlfc. CORN for Ic , bl•
/rs Jety S. • E. T. F: f l,
111QT.ASTING - • PO WDEri.-4n ki•ir! 1) &9 ,,
/LP tier, by!. fl 9 "NT . n . NYEEr & rn:
ERY.—The Ir , •g t a t stock in town: Fun
dinner and t " :efts, of white granite and I,lce
ware, which Pr'il 'Ad ehr2 rt. at `..FOCI.
$14,129 49
one knows that the plaro ta Ana the lsr2ewo
"..stitment anti beat tinility of ewes of 01 de..('
",.4tions is at 0y26 FOY:S.
$16,943 SV
210 RO
Q DOZ. Panama, Idthom. Palm and C.tristl.o
01,../ Straw Hats at apt FAN'S'.
$ 17 .,154 09
BL'K Silk and:Bilt Sitk !Ace for MAN Ilia. %.$
D'(MODS--A good assortment of Merinoes,
Cashmeres. De I:siot, Alpacas. en.i prints now
amine at il4 NtriterirS.
HIFD. of -klugar at pier.* positively lee , than any
before told in town within one year. also. Molas
ses sweet and good from 91 to f.O rte. M.,. Lapin"
and Old Java Correa that rant he heat. Fins butte?
Raisins, 'Popper. Spires, SuletritoP, Gingsr, and ■ ern
coal assortment of groceries ; also a furl .11;111 4 1 0 f freak
new Teas warranted as usual, good and ri,;lit or tb•
money reternett in all (-the. ; just rteeived and fir sa l e
at i.r. 12
RICH Ribbon", nonn
Iron et Silks, Labia and CIIPPII ,t
20 BALES OF SHEETING, common and Ent
to TO-4 vi Wt. A nice oiloriment or Bleach
ed Geode, bleached - and brown AOKI Crash end rt.-
rery, brawn and bleached Table Linnet% Checks. Un
ger, Ticking. Cotten Yarn, Batting, Wicking r ad
Witittling, felling ehe*P et FOX'A.
SII an exteneie• inonrement of Dilrk and Cular
a Drees Silks,undcgoin., a el Fj....--t - •• of oiPperyr
ecier Witt beitouna at MERClitilL
Mr ONICULtirgM.S' di. CO
1Sl" 1311w7. "GL'ibr
New . arrival of