=Si l l'atiforb t4Yr.- feat soil; Tree - Speech, Tree Men Prim/one for Pr.* TorrelerNi;: ji E. a- GOODRICH, EDITOR. Terms of, The Reporter. j • SI 00 pnr rennin—it ftaid withao the Teta 30 4,1.ta Ktil .etually to s t amper $1 00 will be deihtetr.t. :VA porter .ettt °Veil% yearn. oulefot polft fer. , lovroer:to.over.. per eopttre of ten WIFE M tened for the feet ttrlt 2 er.sis tor each anhs,ctent in:et-dog. trrthileo to the ti 11.011 ittoe:i.l, north side at the Poliiitt: et-i.tire.'n• to Awn to the Bradford lintel. &outlive he.woert Means. A.lnnie awl otimea. • auda, Saturday, March 6, MI More"' *Branch Csunl—Citeering News. The till 1,3 prnvida for ttke immediateeompletion gibe North Branch Fvension was tviceti up in the Senate,. on- 4au'ay morning lint, and passed to en. iirosonent. The yra. eon the trar;retitring of the MR fut . & n.tl rea ting -ed •%t r• 4 rs,B ril e , Runes, linekalew C l otbb, Review, Foryth, quern: key, Al'Fartand, Mayhias, Parker, Robertson, Sanderson, and Shimer-18. The nays were Messer. Ca/others, Carstm, DariOnvon, Felton, lia.lett, done:•, Kunkel, McCaalin, Sialone, 'Slyer*, S' fifer arul Walker-12. The lullusing is the bill as ordered to be vigrose for a final reading : gr.cr. Thu the Govirnor of the Common wea is hereby authorized to borrow on till faith of the. Commonwealth, and of the revenue hereinafter mentioned and which is hereby apecifi rally pledged for the payment' of the Meiest and the repayment of the principal, the sum of eight huoilred and fifty thousand dallarei and issue cer tificates of loari therefor redeemable in thirty years from date, to be paid needle internal improvement read, and appropriated to the expenditures under this act—the said - loan to bear interest at a rate not •eaceedirtg six per con'. per annum, payable half yahrly" in specie on the first day ofJannary and July, to he termed the North Branch Canal Loan. Sect 2. That there shall be annually ,aet apart by the commissioners of the internal improvement tund the revenue accruing on the said canal, horn mid alter the passage of this act for the payment of the interest Rini fial lignitlation_ of the debt here by authorize:), and it aliall be - the duty of said core. Tra issionera abet paying the interest annually, to in. vest the surplus, together with its accumulation of interest; in the said loan or in any other, loan of the Commonwealth, if said loan cannot :be purchased at its pair , value—the said inveaiment to form a sinking fund for:the redemption of the:principal at ma:urity. Seer. 3. Thfd the money aullanized to be bnr 7 rowed by this act !hag be applAl to the immediate completion ol the North Brancitfextel.sion of the Pennsylvania Canal and the Canal Commissioners are hereby. directed to complete the said canal iit the shortest time practicable. The lVays nil Means - Committee, of the House, have reported a bill making the loan SBOO,OOO, E. 50.000 less — thaii that authorized by the above. It is salt that a majority may be decided upon in the House for the bill, and if so, we shall soon have die satisfaction of announcing that the North Branch is to be completed during, the coming sum mir, and ready in the spring of 1853, to be a source of revenue to the State. THE reilLIC Worms —The bill which Mr. Mot- LENDS:RC, Senator-from Berks, has introduced,, pro poses the - election next fall of a Secretary of Inter. vial Improvements, to serve for three years, at 52500 per-annum . Ile can be removed for misffemeanor in office on the address of a majariti of each House, and -has entire charge of the public works. He is toappejlit the different inperintendents, supervisors. collectors of tolls, and weigh-masters, subject to the confirmation of the Senate. Ile is to have the pow. cr of removal, but is required to file a statement of the carves in each case in the office; of the Secreta ry of the Commonwealth, whence they are to be sent to the Legislature for their information. The governor is to appoint • Civil Engineer for the three years at an annual salary of $2500, who may be re. moved hy,the Governor, with the assent of a ma int ity of the Senate. The Engineer is to have charge of all repairs, alterations, surveys, &c. Montlily,reparis, containing full detail of all wen .litures (and debts, with. the otlect, name of person, , are required, and provisions is matie - 4osa the examination of all vouchers and bills. The super intendents of the Columbia and Portage railroads, end ant ervisors of the various divisions of the Ca r:al are to appoint all subordinates, the number of hom is to bh fixed by the Secretor) . of inte-nal Improvenents. Al tree tickets for :persons or property over the public works are abolished under heavy penalties.. It is provided the present Canal Board be abolished as soon as the Secretary is in- ) stallsd in office, and that a Canal Commissioner be titit elected next fall. Nea CouN'riiiintrs.—.l new counterfeit leirdol lar note of the, Ilarri,burg Bank, we understand, has made its appearance. It is said to be %recal culated to deceive, though, as we have not wen it we cameo ;ive any particular description. Counterfeit SPY' on the Wyoming Batik of IV i Ike. harre, areal-o in circulation. Vignette, an ox and T• 1012411 at rest, with a man reclining against the ox. flt each end of the no•e a female figure, and at the to :tom a small coat of arms of Pennsylvania. Le:. ter A. and dated May 7, ISM.. Purports to he en graved Draper, Toppan &Co. whose imprint is at the top of the note. The general appearance of the nine is bad, and the engraving poorly executed, though calculated to deceive those not accustom ed to the handling of Bank pi per. The shading uf the title and the denomination is very coarse and irregular. In genuine notes the shading is always In firm prral:el lines. tlttDos Quikreny Rcitcce —We have receie. ed from the pubti.hers, Leonard Scott & Co , 79 mutton sorest, New York, the Jancary number of ihisatly conducted and interesting peri laical. The Vilna-jug aro the tillos alba , articlrs contained in this riumber: Memoirs of Russian a-id German Campaigns; Kew Gardens; Physiinorny; Junius; fli4idand Destilition and Irish Emigration; Ilerin's Notes, Fa - A:Ali-tory of the Rohlan Etatos; The Froncli aristocrat. - - - TUC DCHOCit4CI OF Batt/ORO "...Ile Harris. hug Minn publiihes Dr. SAILASURT:CiaIIt address and apologises to its, reuders by saying that its "el- Les to c..rni4 with a request of the Democracy of Dradfotd, to liablish the able and eloquent address, t w i lo t remu n t tnr the scarcity of editcnisl in this day's 1. 4 rill ."C"1 - :"Titrw.lreritliiitikttopilittertiMitlite New Yoik,,for the murder of hiawife, and latyy reVitell Of seen* periotk—Fas e;epattcl'in.the. city pt , iscfn on...FridayOhe . • .oaidie havinig4 eiiiiretk i p: and thing harinibeint deyelcipiiki in ilti..aubse: quent exit m inatiow 01 hisinkkqees,,i!ofargaiettit•Loli4; rani, in an.herize the .tiecieive tainterkte Nobel I . inl4belialf;.:lie preeoldfinnoilince # 4o the Inaj, I moment, and ll.* hot words as reported in the piece ' -Were :---i There is the baddtut justice in the world in Niiii Void -1 ini'llii - intiritei - el. - Odi'aili or other my innocent-a will come out." TIT:; Gnr:vr WIZARD.—Thb, eennrriiiiished end neomparatile magieino, with Iliselteeflenit lady and infant (air; Wive been giving their beautiful suul re fused levies` et the CoenHew to lane end fob ionnbie ebilieneem. Their wonders have been the delight m! Onirutinn of ej. riynoras of D: tans of- the Soperioteoient. ' [the il.trrishurg Keystone is publishing a syn opsis of the ilecisionsi7ot,the Supet intenJent of Com mon Schools. As the Common School Law is but imperlrelly understood we shall republish them for the benefit of Scho:l Directors and others interest , ed.]-- Itsthool directors may establish German Schools under the ; GOrnmon school low, or cause German and Englbili be-toight in the same school, but i r the B o ard 7if Directors cannot be required to causer German to tie taught. They should consult the wishes of the people or their fiterict in this regard, and if any'considerable numgei of the Germans de sire toftive their children instructed in their own langnagc ' their wishes should be gratifmt. The directors have psi - Phi-ire juriitliction over this sub jec!tstid fiom their decision upon it there is no ap peal; the Superintstlent having only the power to rlc ate- 11 the voice of the pciople is not, respected by them the only remedy ts to elect persons who will respect it. All-laws; or parts of acts, rel•stive to common schools, passed previous to April 7 , 1849, which are inconsistent with or are supplied by the act of that dice, are repealed Some acts previous to that date reduced the number of directors in certain dies tricts to three. All those and eimilar acts are re pealed, and every district must elect sias4irectors in the manner provided by law. A tax levied by the. votes of less than four direc tons is illegal and collection cannot be thus en- forced. In cases where the Constable refuses to receive I the dtiPlicate from, the Treasurer, the latter may appoint some other person to collect it, who may or not be a resident of the distriet, and he should 're. quire security tram the person so appointed, but he is not required to do so If he does not take se. , eerily ho is personally responsible for any loss that rn av be sustained. Collectors must pay over the tax collected by , them to the persou„who is Treasurer at the time payment isTrmade.'7' The Treasurer is revireil to paw all orders upon him which are regularly drawn and maned by the President and •Secretary of the School Board, if sufficient lands are in his hands. lie has un right to go behind the order to inquire whether it was drawn for a legal purpose. If the President and Secretary 'drawn an order -without the authority of the- Board they are guilty of a misdemeanor, and if the Biiird direct an order to be drawn fur any other than a legitimate purpose they subject themselves to indictment At the annual settlement, or soon thereafter, the usurer must pay over the balance of school mon ey in LS hands to his successors in office. It is a misdemeanor in office for a collector to purchase warrants, fur which he is indictable— The Board= of directors can • compel him to pay the tax collected try him to the same funds (or in legal currency) he collects and no other course will meet the approbation of the Department School directors have the abstract right so com pel scholars in go to either of the schools within the district of their residence u if they go at all, but this right or power should not be aibitrarly exercised. Where a scholar can be more conveniently accom modated in an adjoining district the directora shook' mAke arrangement as is provided for in section eleven of the school law, and this holds good as to sub.districts, though in the latter case the directors are not required to mane the arrangement designs. etd by the law, but they s hou:2.!lo co. There is not, and cannot be, a Zoneral, ble rule laid down in the regarl to the distribution of school lands among sub-districts. The diiec. ors are required by law to pay for the erection, pur chase or renting of the necessary number ofschool houses for their entire district, arid for " all neces• sary expenses of fuel and repairs," out of the gen erel fund of the district, (and this duty is not in any manner changed or- avoided by the formation of 1 ,aolt-Alistrie.taSantl they, are also required by law to appropriate a sufficiete sum of money to each sub district to keep all its schools (each number as is ' necessary to accommodate all the scholars,) in op. eration " not less than three months" in each school year.' After having made proper provision for do. Mg these things , th distribution of the balance of of the funds in ieir possession is left entirely tothe discretion, judgment and integrity of the directors. It is certainly their plain duty to make the diatribe. lion in a manner that is just 46 all the sub-districts, showing specialfavor to none but they are the jtalp ea of sct at is just anJ proper. For any mal priations of school fonds they are indictable, but the Department has no power to punish them. The Directors of some districts appropriate pro rata share according to the number of scholars to each sub district This plan of distribution may be a very good one in many instances, if the re. Fintements of the law, before mentioned are first ulfilled, but will not answer *e a.general rule. A sob-district o; thirty scholars May require a teacher of super attainments, one whose 'services cannot be obtained for less than .fay) thirty 011ars per month while another having fifty scholars might as well be cared lor and its school as ellec;pary taught for for (say) twenty dollars per month. depending upon the attainments of the scholars. The wants orsub. districts must be considered in the distribution of the school funds arril not merely the [lmmo( scllnl. ars. It is manifestv wrong for the School directors to appropriate a sofficient amount of moriey to one eub-d strict to keep me schools in operation six, eight or ten months, while to another a rum barely sufficient to keep its schools open three months is approf rusted. Money ran only be rightfully ap. propnated by Mc Directors with the view to keep the schools of their district, and of the sub districts within ia bound., ia' operation as near as may be an equal length of time. The amonnt - of taxes; paid by Ili neighborhood or stib.districts should not be perm.dted to influence the amount of school funds appropriated to each school or sub-district to the least possible extent. A sab.district containing only twenty scholars may pay a lax of fitly dollars, while another fraying one hundred scholars may pay only the manias amount. The first would require only one school, and the second at least two If the scholars were of equal grade it would cost (say) twenty dollars per month to teach the school of the first, and forty dollars per month to teach those of-the second. Under these eitcumstances, the Directors should appropriate twenty dollars permonth to the former and- forty dollars ta the liter While such circumstances exists therecan be no general role to regulate the distribution of school funds to sub.ifisitriets, and such distribution can only be properly made by the Direitars by complying first with the requirements of the law and then die. tribming the balance of the funds in Ouch manner as to do no positive injustice to guy. DEATH IV TUE LAwr :SERVITOR, Of THE BOSVOS TEA PARlT.—David Kenniann, who bad fought in many of - the battles of the Revolution, and is Imp. posed in be the Last survivor of thelktuon Tea Par ty, died at the reauletwe of William Mack, Chim r), Feb. 24, aged LIT:: lle suppor.ej the Free St 11 par'y t IBM Ncve You, Feb. 26. lo a the brearnshirkdeatic Imm Li verpool, whbristen nth bodrimm Liverpool and LonApo t reached her *had tits; o'clock this *ming., SW inrconntitted virry heavy wear* during the greatir porlisionot ben paraage. The ,A)riri rad rag Liverpool on Ilatirdayl.evco.; akni a paesalnid-len days, and tnesitY4ntra boom. IV - me=Maw- The political intelligence , though interesting pre. - vents hothingrotrilftvrimponenttl:: The hank of England has reduced theo rates for gold unt standard. ssauxa The most nattering aCcoants are received from the Austrailian gold regions. Large sondes* of gold were ~kin espected bum thin quarter. • In the Horise of Commons on Monisry, the 9th The near ieforrii Bill Its main, points are:...The borough franchise is to be reduced from ten pounds to five pounds ; the cutlery from fitly pounds to ten pounds. In Ire. land the eopotr franehife is to be reduced from eight pounds to live pounds. Few class voters are to created out of those who pay forty shillings per annum directtasea. Assessed taxes ur lucerne tax property qualification for members, la to be 4 abed. tithed, and sixty - seven small towing is are to been lamed by drafting from inhabitants of the neigh. borhood. Lard John Russell alsd. proposes to abolish the oaths now taken by the *omen Ca•holie Dissen ters, and the sole obstruction which now prevents the adrritasion of Jews to seats in Parliament _ The Lords eninmlssioners of Her Majesty'sirea. glory, have authorized the admission of Colt's are arms intended for the instruction Of the workmen . in England, and for sale to the officers in Her Ma- •1 tys r'service.lf* the House of Lords on the 9th, the Earl of Granville, in answer to Lord Stranglool. stated that LertrPalmerelothad sent no reply to the demon 'trances of certain foreign powers as to the political reltigees residing in, this country, but believed that had the noble Lorktemained in office, he would. have given a similar reply to that whrcb the Earl of Granville had forwarded. In the reform Bill all`mention of the ballot is stn. dionsly omitted. Lord John Russell's speech upon the bill was immediately followed by a very animated debate, in which several leading members of all parties took arominent part.• . Mr. me and Berkley indignantly complain ed u II ed oi t he omission of the vote by ballot, and the latter asserted that during the progress of bill he had moved to insert the clause Mr. Bright admitted that though there were mme defects in the bill, many of ha provissions would be halted with delight. I= Palm, Nloutlay, Feb. 9th --The President yester- day, paid a visit to Versailles He went in a close chariot, attended by an escort of Cuirassiers. Tne object of his visit was in address the officers of the garrison, who were reported to be entirely disaf- fected. limo» bad Wei circulated that it was intend s ed in place two hundred officers on halt pay in con sennence of their OrleaniPt leaning. A tresh list of Senators is said to be on the eve of appearing. About half of the Senators will re. ceive pensions. Two hundred and forty thousand pounds per year is talked of as the civil list which the Senate is asked to vote for the President. Tnis, consider. ing that he has not the domiin prim to keep up, would . e abont equivalent to four hundred and eighty thoUsand pounds, which was allowed Louis Philippe. Another ba'cli of two hundred and eighty Ingot Lottery emigrants for California,left Paris on the 7th of February. A third party will soon follow. The Governor has received many more applica tions than the funds of the lottery will allow hem to attend to. There are rumors of a secret undereitanding be tureen the Austrian and French Governments. No attacks upon Lord Palmerston will be allow ed in the Paris papers.. . It is said that the Legitimists will not stand as candidates for the Legislative body. M. Viguire, an ex-Representative, has been set at liberty with orders to proceed to Brussels The Brussels journals stale that Gen. Lamorici• ere has returned to that city in a very critical state of health. The President has pardoned M. Peyronne, con demned to transportation by the council of war a Bordeaux. Commercial affairs throuzliout France are general ly q u iz!. Manufacturers are wailing for orders to be givea and ispecula;C: 4 having bought up immense quantities of every kind during tiro 15. 4 t two months have now ceased to purchase for the moment, has led to lower prices in woollen ; cotton and silk goods. lIWITZRIILAND The Smiss journals announces that on die propo, sition of the citizens of Geneva, a subscription is to be trot up In all the cantons to pay the som of Z,- 400,0001, mill remaining due by tbe cantons of Sonderland for military operations in 1846-7. Gram There is nothing 01 importance from Spain. The Queen has become convalescent. The criminal who made the a:tack on the life of the Queen, was executed . the afternoon on the 171 h. MADRID. Feb 4th —Don Mar.in Marino Gomez, has been sentenced to death in the Inferior Conn, and the cause was immediately sent to the Firet Hall of Audience. ne Queen's Life again Attempted —There had been anniher attempt made upon the life of the Queen Her Majesty was leaving the church, bearing the royal infant iri her arms, when a jesuit priest, named Maino, knelling before her made pretence of presenting a petition, and asthe Queen paused, struck at her with a e oi g naril which he suddenly drew from beneath bus cloak. The poignard penetrated the folds of her Majes ty's dress, bot striking one of the whalebone eta)* of the dross. the force of the blow was tented aside. The dagger, however, penetrated the flesh just be low the last rib, but only caused a slight %Torun!. A second blow was immediately given by the as which only caused a slight woond 011 her Majesty's arm. The priest wasimmediately attest. ad aze ptoved to be a wretch of the vilest character who; liaci ;;den in turn a priest, a soldier, a traitor, but always an ttaaASsin. mom/. In Hungary The Government is pushing things so far u to ervut monuments in commemoration of the Austroatuisian victory. The Minister of the Interior has issued very *trim ! . gent orders providing for the periodical inundation of the Danube, which usually takes place at the melting and destcent of the ice which blocks up and turns the suburbs of Vienna into a navigable lake. Llist year the descent of the waters was so impetu ous to sweep away every thing before it, and the damage to property was immense. swims. A pooraer ma,gaaine at Lon&len, near tiding°. bro, ezplo.led On the 2lth. The shock shattered several thonsand panes of glass in .the city of Stock• holm, particularly in the Palace. The magazine, contained 281:10 pounds rl powder, and the lOrra trrgs estimated at 115,000 'haters. Two dead bodies were tumid among the ruins. Ots• A cannon grape shot, weighing about Mira pound, was found in a man's skull, which was thrown up by a person diming a grave in St. An drew's Churchyard, Mt. Holly, N.. 1 , a few days since: His spade came in contact with the shell. and hearing something rattle, he picked it up. root found this ball, which had entered just below the eye, and lodged in the back part rat she heed. The Mirror *ays-r' that during the Revolution. portions of the two great armies taccopied prominent poso tions near hatsown, occasionally-exehanging shots with each other.-bat not coining 'nor general artic l e. Is is said, boweverohat quite a severe be the was fought some three miles to the east of the town, in which conleat about 306 were killed, all of w hom A ere hlried'in the Fa\ ;Tail aben - • Mentioned." 'X r ~ ~~sy ~' ~~i(s► Maw Ycum,.fiaTettnAT, Feb. 213, 1852. ' T#ii fact,of ibe sleek fiil, the:increased and% in. orengtig abonditicel of n*lneyd' - : It ie.-becoming a ;dttlsoo the market: All the dieConnt tiouseXlield imetntployed tuella* ova* laseFrider Oen ,ingorarying froui fifty to.onel, - .llmndiad and fifty thotwind dollar leach. This wilearulfrom . itersott al inquiry. limns are alleiing to A laf greater ex. tent titan they ire accepted ; and on call as low as five and five antl_kbalfßer cent. The banks are vihilo they'd* nee iodieiaS I .proponionally their Liscounts, fearful of operating cue the foreign exchange market. From England, we learn that money is already -pressing on the market unduly. The Bank of Eng land has fifty millions of dollars unemployed owl .lati after it very recent investment in Exchequer bills ; antl private c.spitalists hese also large avails lids reedit, for Which thereis tiO - piesent home em. Pkirmen!" and uo foreign employment but in , our own market The consequence has been lame. sales and or ders for 'American bonds - and stocks from federal and state stocks to Western- Railroad bonds. The stacks of government have advanced in this market since the Cumbria and Atlantic's mails have been delivered ;al per cent, The state of continental Europe is such as to de. ter English investments there. The East India and China markets have been glutted, leaving no room for immediate extension of enterprise, and copse. quently the knetgn capital which we temporarily lost last year, is coming back to us. The state If the cotton and grain. markets are in Our favor rather than otherwise, for without laying stress on the certainty of any excessive demand (or our breadstufls, the circumstances compel us to tore. see, a continued steady export demand for wheat and grain. The stocks of England are light, insufficient far her consumption betweeen the present time and next harvest. The effidinent cannot supply any quantity. llenee the certaioy of our large stocks in the interior beinr *anted . Prices in ' Liverpool show some fluctuation, but not in contr adiction to the fact we • have stated.— the Ingenuity of buyers to check a rise if stimula ted, and demand is withheld and cenfined to im mediate wants, especially when arrivals are light, as they were uring the week intervening between the.aailing of the Atlantic and the two - preceding steamers for Liverpool The demrmd mnst of necessity revive, and the shipments from this country are not yet sufficien ly large to prevent a gradual rise in prices in the Lie ea-pool market. Yet they may be when our own, supplies from the interior improve, which cannot le tiff the Erie Canal opens. Very high prices are not to be anticipated, but pricer su ff icient to draw forth our large hear ts in the west for shipment. Moderate at.d remunera tive prices will prevail, removing permanently that extreme depression which prevailed in the fall 1 here which, together with the low state of the wet.- tern rivers, prevent - d the sending forward last years produce, to which the tameness of our dry goods market is to be ascribed. • . Reiter times are now coming; and we venture to indicate that the middle of summer, oh its coming round, will find usVilith perhaps the largest amount or unemployed capitplever witnessed—tutlerasome wild speculation, ottwhich there is not the least in- I ilication, to scatter tt e incomings from our present vast. resources, 'boo d take place. this exuberance re think will happen, though the foreign exchange market should not change its 0 \ present fixed rate of 101 per cent, for sterling. That is the very I west rate at which gold can be shipped with any profit, and may, therefore - , tie considered as the want hour of the dial plate. ' II sterling - banker'S bills fall below that rate, no shipments ftfizolil can take place. While at that rate the shipments will be moderate, and e small advance woukl indicate the defiantly of approach ing heavy exportations. While the amount of coin exported is minutely counted and largely commented on, all our receipts are scarcely alluded In. The quantity brought by emigrants is not sufficiently taken into considera tion ; and when we consider that emigration ih creases the consumption of foreign as well as do mestic goods, we need not wonder at the amount of nor imports. The imports:are nnquestionably light this season. They amount to much less than they did last spring. Neither England nor France send os so many goods, prices having been unfa vorable, as last seasons importations left an over stock. Hence another cause of the abundance of money ; the demand• for which has, within these few days, become comparatively light. Prime and even good commerzial paper of satis factory dates, has become scarce, and there is yet lingering a reluctance to take long dated acceptan ces. Tice reampts and shipments of cotton increase,— The apply is folly equal to, if not rather greater than the dement'', though that is moderately and continually active. The stocks here and in Liverpool are lighterthan et the same time last year, while the consumption both here and there is greater. Yet there is n dis position to realize in both markets, which keeps prices down. Our markets both (or cotton, wheat and grain, will sympathize immediately with every fluctua tion in the English markets. The Cambria bronght advice, of a slight decline in cotton, and prices here immediately gave way to to the lull extent of that decline. The Atlantic advises a temporary pause and heaviness in bread amfls, end our own market immediately sympathized. Speculators have also been realizing their profits, always a cause of temporary heaviness. Yet the decline in freights favors prices, as well as the probable late opening of the canal. The river is lint likely In open for navigation until the middle of March, which is three weeks later than last year, and the canal not until about the lit 01 May. Wee. tern grain and flour is ccruequently firm from this cause, and what decline has been exhibited in the market has been on southern. Provisions are firm. Pork, with light receipts, is steady, but the prospective receipts, on the open ing of navigation, are excessively large.— Evening Post, The Philadelphia Ledger stye it is generally con ceded that the opening otthe Spring Trade in that city will be followed with unasnal buoyancy and a general rise , of prices There conclusions are foun .4led on the fact of the known want in the ,market for all the anthracite coat - that the various avenues can supply, and the general close condition of all business. The last yeaes stringency in the mon. ey market has pretty much lopped trade of all 'is redundancy, and yet business is in that healthful condition that it can spring into usual activity. The .1 good time coming" seems to be close at hand.— Af o ncv continues easy, and good piper continues to be Railed at 7i a 8 per cent. liltirrzaroult.—A letter in the Richmond (Va.) Times, states that a few days ego, while several men were engaged in blasting out limestone, near Buchanan, lime Court county, they discovered a cave. with en entrance of some six or eight feet in height, and upwards of one hundred long, with two apartments. In the first they found some earthen ware and a large stone cross ; on the cross there was "some carving, bnt it was' so mnch Laced by the band of time that it was scarcely dirt. cernible. A number of citizens, wlth a lantern, antweirently entered the second apartment, where ibex/nand a skeleton sealed on a huge iron chest, with its back resting against the wall. 0 0n opening hii chest they found it to contain gold coin, perfect ly smeolt on one side, and , . cross with some char asters on it, on the other. The gold in the chest, by weight, is worth seven hundred and eighty three dollars. Otr Tux "Ad topromde ftr a Regieration of Marriages. Births. and deaths, "haying been preeee 4 ed to Governor Joliniann on the 14th of April, iftst, ' being within 10 days of the close of the session of the Lnishaure, and tint having been "sent back within three days" of the meeting of the present session has becomea law and is publish ed, u each in the Hatritibilist paper.. It gn i n effect en t!.e le of Joie net'. - • M UM - 11 giret-M• FIRST 111C$110111• ! r - T* liiiasiimaros, Feb. 27, 1252. . sr—Tho Seillfte commenced butinstie at quer* r %lore rifler'. • : Mr. Gitlin etroveiVfliat tfna private , ealetitiar , . poilponedtor one ha& di order to enable ICRlteit' to inbmittis retinas, in ptirpnirtire °This irldieared desire yesterday, which was agreed to. Mr. Shell. then Jottk Mfg flbor„ sud pmceeded ,at sOrtiefeonsiderabfe tiV . repiYienhe refereiiii made to him during the prevent debate upon the Compromise. He said it was due to himself that he should say that the rev on why he did not res por.d to the animadversions ortho 3enatof !lasi /Pa; hams (Mr. Clemens,) and the romewhat milder strain of the Senator limn Michigan, (Mr. Quito was, because he was not present in Washinoin at 'd nine; baiini, been'called sway by piiisingruid r mgent cirenmstances. • He_deeply , regretted personal altercation of every kind, and did not desire needlessly to obtrude him self ripen the Senate but in this case no alternative was Left to him, and he could not, with justice to filmset! and his constituents, evade a reply to the remarks which these gentlemen during his absence had volunteered: He then quoted from the remark* of the Senator from Alabama, (Mr Clemens,) who he said bad charged him with knavery and treason; and..he Clemens!) remarks wete applauded by Senators. It was his intention, in his remarks, to pursue the course usually pursued in the courts of justice, and to discredit the evit'ence of the witnesses wile have borne testimony against him: He should show that the Senator from Ala. barns, (Mr. Clemens) steal in no such high moral or political pmrition as to impeach the integrity of any map. Ile then called upon Mr. Sunnier and Chase, who gave their testimony upon the point at issue. In continuing his remarks, Mr. Rhett quoted the assertion of Mr. Clemens, that Ser atom had applaud ed .his —Mr. Rhea's—disunion .speech, and then called upon the Senator from Itlassachusetts (Mr. Sumnery to testify as to the justnede and truth of the assertion. Mr. Sumner said that when the Senator from South Carolina (Mr. Den) addressed the Senate an the occasion referred to, he was in'his seat, and listened to the Senator's remarks attentively, and he was constrained to say that, as a lover of the Union, he heard him not only without approbation express or intended, but with eritirp dissent. Mr. Rhett.—Will the Senator from' Ohio be kind enough to state whether he applauded or no I Mr. Chase said he occupied at the lime a RCM the next bat one to the Senator from South,Caroli na, (Mr. Rhett,) and did not leave it during his [Mr. Rhea's] speech. He was trot aware that he y had so far forgotten th ecencies due to the place as to manifest either a /oval or disapproval of the sentiments uttered. tar as the Senator [Mr. Rhen] kdvocated the rinciple of States Rights as defined by Jeflerann arid Madison, he agreed with him, bnt so far as he advocated disunion, he [Mr. Chasej dissected wholly from the views advanced The same also was, line with reference to the speech of the Senator from Alabama [Mr. Clem ens.] Some of his views he [Mr. Char-e) approv ed. but from others he entirely dissented. Mr Rhett then resuming, said I a should go io. further. Every Senator knew that :here had been no sig n of applause. He next proposed to arraign the S enator from Alabama, [Mr. Clemens.] and by his own words make hint convict himselt of - Jhe grossest inconsistencies. Here Mr. Rhett paned a moment, having mislaid the memoranda or the charges. He finally proposed to omit them and have them published in his speech without troubl ing, the Senate with them. Mr. Clemens-I , W rtv have theni now. I want to answer the charges before I leave the Senate. Mr. Rhett after a timber pause, succeeded in find. ing, his memoranda, and then proceeded to read a series of charges of inconsistencies against Mr. Clemens. • Mr. Rhett saitl that the Senator frost Alabarria, two years ago, intimated drat those who supported he compromise bill were traitors to'the South, and would sell their smiler to Satan and betray their Sa vior for halt the money that Judas got. Now hd [Clemens] sustained the compromise. In the for mer year, he was a States Right resistant man. In the latter year he was a consolidation submission. ist In the former year, he denounced the com promise measures as uricanstittatimial and unentlu• rable by the Stmth. In :he lirtier t year he defended them as constitutional and a sour& of great bless. logs to the country. In the former year he de. nounced the submissionists as traitors In the lat. ter year he became one himself, and denounced the resistance men as traitors.: In thd Ammer year he considers a dissolution of the Union as a sharp and severe remedy rendered necessary as a protection' of thestiglas of the South In the latter year he praises the Union and rejoices that it is not dissolv ed. In the former year he treated with scorn the nictutett Pf blood and wo. In the latter year lie be. Came a tremess:Pos picture maker in the same line himself. In the former year he supports secession In the latter year he denounces secession as the most appalling calamity that could befal the coun- try. Mr. Rheit spoke for upwards of two home, ad ducing a great variety of testimony to prove thesis and other covert charges against Mr. Clemens. In =I with intrigoirer for Whig votes, by which he gained his election He read a note which he said was sent in the Whi.• caucus in the handwriting at Mr. Clemens. pledging himself to support the adminis tration of General Taylor He concluded his excit ing speech without alluding to Mr Cass, apparent lyforgetting him.- Mr Clemens commenced a reply to soothing terms. He took exception to the course of Mr. Mien in advertising the public of this intended as. said', and notifying him—Mr. Clemens—through a third person. He said that the Senator from South Carolina had manifested in his remarks a total ignorance of the Compromise measures—a total ignorance of his (Clemens] positinn He had drawn lalse deduc• Irons from his speech. and had set himself up as n bullying Gladiator. The course 'moted by Mr. Rhett justified him in adding to the epithets, knave and traitor—that of coward The chair and several Senators—" Order !" I. or. der !" Mr. Clemens continued, denouncing blr. I