Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 21, 1852, Image 3

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    111. 7 7-1 -
The Imbed and tviiik
Exrearsicxv.iir.Kllool. IN PIIILADELIitta.--Ilire
' 5
nihat Mr. James B. Richards, a gentleman of.
tool i• C ow in oureity with the object of Open-
Einerimental School for reeblaqlfindeit
7 0 ,b e cife Chi Mt; his. lot" sot*
been al the
item! of the MasseyWrne. '' Et.
;,,,,,,taittehool for Teaching and train iagid cask'
we are told that., his bum*, ilitislar,-ture
t 'decided. The Exporiminiat*licizolmris
mos . .
( fin October, UM, with tea pnpds.
WWI g ate %TOP class 4 1 ciiild,„:lo mat,.
rein ell as physically, that coda e
in Nlassachtisettis. There ate, we may stee,.
t c lasses of children who are Likely fo be Herte
l!). the System of Mr. Richards. • First s ituise
ar e mentally deficient from the want of a Put
:lt a mount of brain, Filch as the Aitecs. sec.
! h o e alio have a sufficient amount of brain,
ire deficient Irom a, low organization, or in (eh
-0414, because of a violent spirit, temper or Iteb.
Third, those who are imbecile from a funetion•
trangement, or a natural impetectinn of some
:War organ. Of the ten 'pupils who cotrimenc.l
with the Experimental School there were aev.
deplorable cases. Indeed, of the w h o le num
here were only two who knew tin 1 practised
abit'of cleanliness, decency or order. There
moreover, only two who "possessed any
rof articulation—while two had no ability of
n otion. One of the latter is now with Mr. R.
d. when he firrt entered the Institution, he rip.
illy had not as much force mentally or physi.
as a chit .1 of three manl orc y., althongh lie was
and a half years of age. The only thing thai was, when laid upon his side, to roll
it n - lew incites upon the floor. This lad is
unite sprightly anti intelligent comparatively
:mg and will be able in less, than a year to et
a common sear: of wi h 'advantage. In anoth
boy nine years old, who bad for several
en at one of the best common schools in
ichnsens, without the slighest improvement,
to far relieved in about two years, as to rec
rice his studies. with al. grPat advantage and
is much confidence as children of nearly the
age and of ordinary intelligence. The fact of
toner idiocy was entirely lost sight of, and
I not i. e d etec ted by strangers or even by his
ier In a third ease. a lad of eight years of
hod a head frightfully deformed, arid manifest•
l aity characeristics:olifie ape. Thus lie would
rather than walk, and chatter rather than con
,L.while lie was utterly insensible to the re
?tits of civilivation, the beauties of order. or
tones of cleanliness .11is situation was
ui tie exttethe, and it Was: al.
hopeless even by the best phrenologists, to
id or to improve, him ; nevertheless, in the
rte of throe years he has attained habits of per.
ordet and propriety—takes the entire care of
selt—arid demeans himself at the table and in
r places. as well as any child of his age. He
di erect. converses easily, has learned to read
has nox no citernal appearance of mental in
excffn Iron the smallness of his head. He
herond all doubt. be able to learn a trade or
ort. and thus to acquire a position of lode
,leure, ills feelings re fine—his sympathies
keen-:-hi: attachments are warm—and his men
ins are liindly aril generous These three ca
nt the or, original pupils, with their results, will
In the reader to form soniethina like. an ode•
lea nl what may be done under ari
and Flein.ficent syitem for a class of human
who have hitherto been in a great measure,
who, indeed, in many ins'ances,
been trea'ed with cold indifference or revol'-
uel'y IViibin the three last years Mr Rich•
l‘superintended about thirty-one pupils in all
of tuts number eight have been qualifi ql to
'he r egular schools, while all have been more
improved. Indeed, of three hundred cases
lie has seen from time to lime. he has never
h one that appeared hopeless. The results
sett so favorable, so tar as Massachusetts is
eJ, that a State Institution has been estab
!l that Commonwealth—tire Leg,islaturOt hasi
an Induced thereto. mainly through the earn -
t 1 vtlie tent efforts of the well known Dr. Howe
and for many years has been. the Director,
,ioe,ii.teddant of the Massachusetts Institution
te 1611,1 lli Richards visits this city, at the
;we of ~me of our most distinguished
and %% ith the object, as already stated, of
'shrug experimen'al school" here. lie
.s to Te,iile permanently in Philadelphia—and
d crieoces in this particular branch of ethica
l.: lann.inoy, will no doubt secure for him the
Bence and respect to the community. Here
have never had anything of the kind in
t kalifs—while it is estimated that there are
the lip& of II e State, from two thousand to
r.five ilefidred persons, of different ages and
lions who are in a condition of mental imbe.
and to whom such a school as is proposed
be of infinite value. It is, therefore, that we
end the enterprise in the warmest manner.
,e:ces the niost liberal support of every benev.
bean—and cannot but he atte - ded with good.
will only add that Mr. Richards hae,establisli
isell fur the present at No 73 south Sixth street
is now ready not only to receive pupils, but
;milt with parents and gaardians in relation to
)n,'.tion, prospects and care of initecile or id
.ldren.—PlTadelpiti t Envircr
,ronrANT DECl‘toli.—The Supreme Court of
11‘ State. Judge Lewis delivering the opinion,
derided an interesting case. The Court of Corn
• Pleas of Philadelphia county instructed the ju
i thecase that if they believed " that the defen
was the tenant of the plaintiff, and rented the
him for farming purposes, and the manure
made upon the land in the ordinary course of
'mg. and was heaped np in the yard, and the
dant. at , ent the time his leaie was to expire.
me manure. (the enbjecl of controversy.) and
away. without the consent of the plaintiff
there was no authority given by the lease
in do en, the action ran be sustained, and
'aintin will he entitled to recover the value
tan nn [hat was in ,this manner taker. and
away " An appeal was taken, and the So-
Court affirmed the decision.
We learn from the Rochester Democrat
tow Weed, Esq , who is now in Paris, has
pailting of the Genesee Fails, execut.
1::43 by a brother of Louis Phillippe, while
were passing through the couctry to Niagara
The owner has consented' al the solicitation
Weed, aim thin ancient painting, the first eV.
de of the Fal4, Rhall be presented to the City
pester. -Mr Weed writes thAt the view was
torn the east Fide of the river, about opposite
hl R ite of Alcoire cotton factory. The arti4t
tie rk etch while his companions, Louis Phil•
Iwo °the's, were preparing a collation
upon i. blthket under a tree.
Duratcrrn. Flour BETWEEN' OFFICIAL""
Deco: rei at Madison, lVisconsin.
201:1 ult , between Lieut. Gov. Burns and Be
firotin editor of the hi:Olson Democrat, and
dent of ihe Senate. Brown had his cheek
broken, and Burns got his face badly scratched
.nrn's attempt to gouge out his eyes .The
is Were finalleeparated by t he' bystanders.-- ,
tine of the tigltt is not stated.
..resirletit Fillmore has receivpd an nnto
trnm the Bay co To- is, written in Am
Taeleher eatne inclosed in a rich velvet patch
i,amewed ith gold tassels and builione. It
lm,Prited by a translation and was forward
tae American Consul at Tunis, M John lit,
n said that the foray: thousand muskets which
a has purchased, are a part of those sold by
Wertiment at Ihecloise of the Mexican war.
ion e'p. by C. C. do s. IL Cowell
kin , of a plat( trm of LUMBER, consisting of
lank lloarrhi, and part of Hemlock Joke &c o ,
' ,•• (• ,, In,l and the same' , i4filei on me Docket
11, Mt 111 LEK, J. P.
. tin t M O.
A full statement of the sat:sof the
atif s
n—s the thirty- fi rst ttaffinhiSstriber. in the year of
%./ our Lord one thititisainietglikAtkirlred and dfiy
The amount of apilatiacifilk "4ration paid
• in, in securetoa
ed according to theoTistios* hit
charter, is 18100,000 00
Received, since the yierioeaff neganii
ing, being June 13.
l6St;'io addition
al premium notes, & l ash repelling,
over and above premnimnotes expir
ed and cancelled, and cash premium
returned; -
Office furniture, fixtures, books and sta•
iionarp on hand,
Total amount of assets,
Losses and expenses paid and allowe4,
included losses on fire instirance,ez
penses and fees paid agents, ex pen
se s in organizing this corporation and
for office furniture, fixtures, books,
blanks and stationery, f 7,492 75
In addition to the above, there is claimed for los
ses on proof, and expefise account unadjusted.
0,608, of which amount there is claimed for losses
which this Company do not feel themselves bound
to pay, $2,300.
In addition to the above, this Company have re
ceived not:ces of losses on prolierty upon which
they have issued policies, to the amonnt of $4,500,
of which it is not known the amount claimed. •
Of the skive assets, except the Premium Notes,
the wholmount owing to this Corporation, which
Is mostly secured by good bonds, and all consider
ed good, $5,970 15.
The Premium Notes. with theexception of about
$3,000, are also considered good.
The amount for which this Company is bound as
•surety, and for which it may become liable on the
happening of contingent events, is, on policies of
Insurance, $1,084,290.
L. Y. GAMDINER, Prosident
Auns T. 7i4LI.LIIT, Secretary.
' Leonard Y. Gardiner, President, and Alden
T. Mallery, secretary, of the Columbian Insurance
Company, being severally duly sworn depose and
say, and each for himself says, that the foreaningis
a true. full and correct statement of the affairs of
the said Corporat!on to the Lest of their knowledge
and belief, and that they are the above described of-
ficers, and the officers thereof. and subscribed to before me, this 23d day
of January, A. D., 1852.
G} The publication of the above report is made
in donrermity with the Act of Assembly passed the
12th day of April, 1851.
J. E. CANFIELD, Agent.
Athens, February 19,1852.
Cloven Seed for Salo. -
50 BUSH. CLOVER SEED, a first•rate article,
for sale by E. W. HALE.
Monroe tp., February '2l, 1651.
Sheriff's Sale.
uric virtue of a writ of Vend. Exponas issued
1) out of the Court of Common Plet's, of Bradford
County, and to me directed, will be exposed to pub
lic sale, at the Court Pouse in ibe boro.' ofTowanda
on Saturday the 20th day of March at 1 o'clock, P.
M., the following lot piece or parcel of land situate
in,Rome bounded and described as follows to
wil—Norrh by lands formerly belonging to Ilurton
Kingsbery, and lands belong ing to Eleazer Town
send, on the east by lands o Oscar Elliott, on the
south by land formerly owned by Moses Canfield
and lands in possession of Henry Tanner, on the
west by lands of Abram Vancise. Containing, about
one hundred and seventy acres more or less, about
fifteen acres improved, one log house one framed
h 'use and slab shed and stable thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John
Rundle vs. Henry Cole.
ALSO—A certain piece or pardel of hand situated
in Towanda bo., beginning on the east line of 2d st.,
on the line beiween the land of the late Elizabeth
Means and the lot herein described, thence south
31. degrees west 100 feet along the east line of 2d at.
to a stake fur a corner, thence south 86/ degrees
east 1461 feet, thence north 31 degrees east 100 feet'
more or less to said Means line, thence north' 86/
degrees west 1465 feet to the place of beginning..—
Containinie 14650 feet more or less. Reserving 65
feet from ' the east end of said lot for an alley ; all
improved, with stone walls for an ice house thereon
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Full
er, Waller & Co. vs. 1.. W. Tiffany,
ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land
situated in the township of Wells, Bradford county,
bounded and described as follows to wit ! north by
lands of Joseph B. Rum, west by lands of Wm. A•
Raton, south by lands of Hezekiah Dunham, east by
lands of Floyd Helmes and lands belonging to the
Bingham estate. Containing about one hundred
and thirty acres more or lees, about one hundred
rcres improved, one framed house, one framed barn
and an apple orchard thereor. .
Seized and taken in execution at the nit of Samu
el W. Reynolds, use vs. Samuel H. Baker.
ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land
situated in the Borough of. Athens, Bradford Coun
ty, bounded and described as follows to wit : on the
north by the public highway, on the east by main•
street leading from Athens bo. to Milltown, on the
south by lands late the property of E. Herrick, on
the west by a lot in the possession of H.S.M . George.
Containing one acre or thereabouts, with one fram
ed house and one framed barn thereon erected . :
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Fran
cis Tyler vs. Gen. Fritcher and Nathaniel Flower.
ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land
situated irk Athens tp., boom ed and described as
follows to wit c commencing at a stake on the north
side of the highway, corner of D. S. Brown's lot, or
mill yard, thence along the highway to the corner of
D. Gardner's lot, thence northerly along the line of
said lot, to the line of D. 8. Brown's lot, thence-west
erly to a pine stump for a corner, thence southerly
along the line of D. S. Brown's lot to the place of
beginning. Containing one half acre more or less,
all improved, one two story framed dwelling house,
njte framed blacksmith shop and a few fruit trees
Seized find taken in execution at the snit of John
Holbert to the use of D. Gardner vs. lra A. Vander.
ALSO..—By virtue of a writ of ft. fa. I have Levi•
ed on the following described lot piece or parcel of
len i, situated in Rome tp., bounded and described as
follows to wit : on the north by lands of Milton
Wattles, John Meody and S. F. Washburn. and on
the east by lands of Arrunah Wattles and Milton
Wattles, on the snnth by the mill yard in possession
of Lewis Goff and Jesse Sawyer and lands of L. T•
Lent and Edwin Ridgway and Teter Allen, on the
west by Kiffe and L. T. Lent. Containing about
one hundred and fourteen acres. be the same more
or less, about fifty acres improved, two framed hoa•
see, one framed barn and an apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken io execution at"the suit of Lewis
Guff vs. A. F. Eastman.
Sheriffs Office, Towanda, Feb. 19. 1852.
IlailAl9llk .44051WDZ•
Adams is Macfarlane, •
HkVINU entered into co-partnership is the Frractlee
of law, have alio established an agency far the
sal. of real estate in the county of Bradford. Persons
• having real estate which they &site to sell, by calling
and leaving a description of their property with the
terms of sale, will undoubtedly find it to their edam
^ Persons desirous of purchasing can learn where prop'
city is for vale—a description of the same with the
price and terms of payment and be infoimad is to the
validity of title. - J. G. ADAMS.
Towanda, !dry 2, 18.51. J. MACFARLANB.
MMoro•Nour Goods.
H& A. CAMPBELL, are again receiving a large
• assortment of goode for the fall and winter trade
Towanda, August ts, i it
. -
3 .g -- : w P„
oom, verAslinsA 9 re e sumpoy A ciupte.rbf
.A,8 F 1!„,r..., weer. -TO 13,
•Itettp. ,
T ttE'iLVsE fitkitias itittn air lbrisrstip - itint
pingeny ithpoited
stock and fully equal in Weatiesenrfnith'.'andiutri;
tyArtitioli; any in f thii section 'of The State ; bar
ing renleitbilfariti therwill be sold - low; to those
wishing to breed such - aninsals. •
Friendsri Ile, Susquehanna County. Ps.
Feb. 14; 1852. CALEB •13.% RIP 4 ALT.
36,405 56
ALLrspeons are hereby cautioned against pat ,
chasing a NOTE. given by me on the 29th day
of January, 1852. to Moan Anderson or Unreal...for
twenty-fire dollars ; due on the first say of June
next. As I have received to value for rsaid Note,
and therefore do not consider myself morally or le
gally bound to pay it, and . sball not do 2.4) unless
compelled by law. • DAVID COLE.
Leroy, Jan. 30, 1852.
500 Co
$136,905 56
Firm & Tavern . stand for. Sale or Rent.
THE subscriber offers for sale or
it rent, a Farm and Tavern Stand omit•
ed in Ridgbury toruship, on the main
•-• road tiont Athens to Centreville, one
miles soot of the t i tate and two mile: West of
the Rockville depot, on the N. Y. & E. Ral!r 4 ad.
The farm contains 75 acres of good farming land.
„under improvement, well watered, and with every
convenience fur a tavern, and an excellent location
for custom.
Empire of the sub'criber on the premises, or of
tlatid Gardner. Oreutt's Creek.
Lidighory; Veb. t, 1852, STURGES NIMES
A" persons indebted to the estate of SAM'!.
BENNET, late of Eidgbary township deceaa.
ed, are hereby notified to make payment without de.
lay ; and all persons having demands against said
estate will present them properly attested for settle
Ridgbury, Feb. 4, 1852. Executor.
A LI. persons indebted to the estate of ABSOLOM
COOLBAUGH, deed, late of Monroe township
are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay, and all persons having demands against said
estate are requested to present them duly authenti
cated for scftlement.
Monrce, Feb. I, 1852..
ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to the
estate of CHARLES ROGERS dec'd, late of
Canton tp., are hereby notified to make immediate
payment, and those having claiMs agiinst said Ps ,
tale, are requested to present theni duly authentica
ted for settlement. EMILY ROGERS.
Canton. Nov.
,29, 1851.
PERSONS having business with me, may call
during my absence on ROBERT C. SIMPSON
who is fully anthoriz:d to transact any business on
my behalf. He may be found either at the'oMce of
I.aporte, Mason & Co.. or in the old Towanda Bank
January 1, 18:4. MICHAEL MEVLERT.
CHESTS YOUNG H YSON, Imperial. Hyaon
I Skin and Black Teas. Also 15 Base Rio and
Java Coffee, jest received at EPC WS .
DRAPERY MUSLIN, largo and splendid nelort
milt at very small prirra at Pnrs.
, THE subscriber offers at private sale,
- that valuable FARM,heretefore occupied
s• • by Wm. S. Hayden, situate in the town•
ship of South Towanda. Bradford coun
ty, Pa. It contains about tiIXTY ACRES of im
proved land, and about thirty-live acres of wood
laud. There is a good house and barn, and other
outbuilding.s, and an apple orchard thereon. It is
well watered, and situated within about 3i miles of
the borough of Toe anda. •
A credit d•ilt to given for a portion of the pur
chase money. For further information enquire of
• U. MEncra, B.sq., or of the subscriber at Elmira, N.
Y. Jan. 9, 1952. WILLIAM WALSH.
Taros for Said.
THE subscriber offers for sale his Farm situated In
Wysoz township Bradford cooly, about 3 miles
from Towanda and 1 from the river. Containing
about 120 acres, about 65 or 70 acres improved, and
well watered,wirhatvcrel good springs of waters The
buildings upon the farm Consist or a large frame lam,
and log house. These premises offer many inducements
to those wishing to purchase. and will be sold at a bar.
gain. Credit will be given for ono-half of the purchase
money if required. For further particulars enquire of,
or address the subscriber at Wyse: P. 0.
Wysor, Aug. 16, 1451. W.M. D. STROPt.
®ll Right at the Furnishing Depot.
& A. CAMPBELL, return their sincere thanks
111 • for the Patronage heretofore bestowed.
and would again call attention of their friends and cus
tomers to their late arrival of New Sentso Goons.
Consisting of all things necessary fur clothing the out
er man ; which will be sold at a little lower rrlc es thn
has hithertofore been asked,
Mean giro W+ a call bcforo purclissingelgecyliere.
11. &. A. CAMPBELL.
ITHEREAS, my wife MARY has this day left
• Illy bed and board, without any just cause or
provocation, this is to forbid all persons harboring
or trusting her on my account, as I shall pay no debts
of her contracting after this date.
Towanda, Dec. 27, 1851.
rr HE Copartnership heretofore existing between
TER, is this day dissolved by mural consent. All
persons indebted to the late firm are requested to
ez.ll and settle with H.C. Porter, who has the charge
and control of the books and demands of the firm,
and who will settle all demands outstanding against
the fi rm. SA 21 ILISTON.
Towanda, Jan. 13, 1852. H. C. PORTER.
And as notice has been given in the papers nearly
two years for all persons indebted to Huston & Por
ter, to call and settle their accounts, this will be
positively the last call. .All indebted are requested
to call forthwith, as means will be immediately ta
ken for the collection of the Pract'ee and Store !re
counts. AIN the accounts are transferred to if. 1 1 .
Porter, who will he found at his Drug 'Store. math
end of the Ward House. H. C. PORTER.
DrOss Goods.
RICH FOULARD, Chameleon Chene, Brk .Dress
Silks, French and Beep O ctanes , a new article
for summer dresses. French an d English Lawns, Bilk
Tissues, Linnen Lustre' and any quantity of nther area
goals a
Paper ILlngings.
THE only complete assortment of Paper Siniumpli.
lionlers,Window Paper, end Fire board views,
kept in this region, and et prices a* low as eah be
found at retail chile: in or dot or the principal cities, at
HARD WARE.—A very large and general assort
went of hard-were of every deseriptiontincluding
Carpenters, Joiners and Blacksmiths Tads, Harness
and Carriage Maker's Trimmings and Tools, Building
Materials &c.. eonetantly on hand and fur sale at very
low prices by M E BMW&
EMBROIDERIES, A very iarge stack of Swiss and
Muslin Edgings end Inserting., Swiss and Mus
lin Bands. needle wrought Collars and CulTs, fine
wrought Linen Handkerchiefs, and in fact the largest
and bed assortment ofErnbroldered Good. ever before
offered irr Towanda at. FOX'S.
B LACK 811.1(8, also a few patains of Caney Silks,
whieh will be sold cheap at '
Administrator's Notice.
AnirriPAU,n lP ATEMEN e r r'' "
°ZUNI lecelitii and Ilitspeattiturlis of the Coanty of Illisitterd, the JL 11151,
241000 - 'lVgarigiimiOrrlacti. , " o . o einber 3*tit,
i , 4l4 PA b t ic acciriA , : , s ' l ' 6.
- -t 863 00
'l3, 3193 83
tiyo4lslliiipioYeralilils; 111 08
' ' 101 441
•' 4 88
581 33
2.631 60
Wind '`
Books for public oflicili 8 38
Crier's foe*,. f ' 84 50
Variota* Incidental Expetiretr;
e., 214 95
Printing. \
Bills for 249 50
Support of convicts in C. 8. Penitentiary, 189 89
Bills for stationary, - • -- . \ . - 173 44
Township line views, 7 00
Prothonotary &c.51M1 54
Wdlf find wild cat certificates, \ 18 75
Bridge view*. \ SO 75
Sheriff 'e feealor stttunoning)uron. . \441 00
do for conveying prisonersto t. \ .
8. Penitentiary. .1.0 oo
Costs in civil suite. 87 410
Justices' inquisitions,
82 6.
Accotiots with the sacral Collectors of Dimly Taus for l'
i To.tio I Ir. and Piamrsor Amount 1, A mon itt
reaL i • Boroughs. COlleClO/11 , Cblifr 1
d. . Cilllteird.
Sheshequin, Elijah Illorton, 22 98
Columbia, Henry Sherwood. 103 OS
Asylum, Jason Herron, 4 36
Standing Stone, Isaac W Westbrook, 18 38
ToTanda tp. David Hotly. - 4 08
iiitighury, - Hiniin Dewey. 892
Ulster, ' Jame!! L Vorsline, 85 01
Athens tp. N Etitainster, 4 20
Albany, William Lee, 106 83
Columbia, Cornelius Furman, , 120
Monroe, J II 'Smith, 8 73
Rome. S o lomon Spalding, 3:1
Towanda born', I. W Tiffany, 241 01
Athens hum', William Hancock. 21 50
Athens tp. N Eilminster, 79 00
Burlington, D A Ross, 113 28
Duren, 111 T Vangorder, 66 77
Granville, Harrison Ross, 138 73
Litchfield, William Bostwick, , 121 74
Monroe, H B Myer, 189 01
OrweU, A G Mathews, 4 II
Pike, Ransom Brink, 45 36
Ridgbury, Hiram Dewey, 67 25
springfield, L Leonard, 17 15
Booth Creek, William Goldsmith, 60 19
Standing Stone, Isaac Vantiess, 80 IS
Towanda boro', P L Shaw, 30 09'
Towanda tp., Dennis M'Gill. 446
Ulster, James L Oorsline, 53 72
Wyse ir, A C Hinman, 51 63
Wyalusing. Benj. Ackley, 1',2 07
Athens bow, Guy Tozer, 192 38
Athens tp., James R Stone, 290 37
Albany, ' Moses A Ladd, 98 02
Asylum. Cornelius Quick, 76
Burlington, R R Phelps, 64 73
- Durell, • M T Vangorder, 64 71
Franklin, Gilbert Gay, • 79 17
Granville, Benj Saxton, 113 46
Herrick. Geo W Elliott, 03 21
Litchfield, William Bostwick, 66 66
Monroe, „ H- D Myer, 1 63 - 40
l'ike, G WAlumphry, 172 96
Rome, Lawrence Yofight,* 103 66
Smithfield, IS ft thane, 2 56
Springhill, D D Black. 136 48 •
Standin g Stone, Alexander Ennis. 01 78
South C reek. • Cornelius Haight, 91 19
Towanda boro', W A Chamberlin. PO 11
Ulster, • G II Vrndyke, 109 99
Warren, Rufus Buffington, 221 47
Wilmot, James II Tyrrel 2 00
Wyalusing, A P Biles, 49 89
Athens boro', Wm H Fritcher, 315 42
Athens ip. John H Murray, 1000 66
Albany, Hiram Crandall, 183 79
Armenia, Jacob Y Dumond, 54 44
Asylum. James H Morrow, 296 74
Burlington, Pll Pratt, - 606 31
Columbia, Geo Wil s on, 488 06
Canton, John Gray, 468 80
Dwelt, R E Gilbert, 298 36
Prat:ail& Randolph Lyon, 183 28
Grapy ilic, John Ferguson, 293 51
Herrick, M 13 Porter, 209 29
LitchfielJ, Joseph P Munn,* 309 02
Leroy, Davld White. jr. 245 21
Monroe, Anthony Mullen, 454 48
Orwell, Austin Russe I, 479 20
Pike, 0 Ellsworth jr. 635 41
Rome, \V W Woodburn, 32/3 64
Ridgb •ty, ' Charles French, 314 99
Sheshequin, Josiah Kilmer, 637 36
Smithfield,` • Asher Iltintington, 623 92
Springfield, Truman Rowe, 432 43
South Creek, Ira Crane, 186 IS
Ptanding • Stone, PII Havens, 273 45
'r uscatolit: Hiram Shumway, 221 62
Towanda bozo, Daniel Yandercoulr, 1221 02
Towanda tp. Reuben DeLoug, 41 t 79
Troy bona% Ueo P Freeman, 593 75
Trey tn., John M'Kean. 239 80
Ulster, Simmons C Hovey, 3:iB GG
Wysor, John Dresser, 496 81.
Wells. P 11 Knapp. 311 13
Wyalusing, George M Black, 451 51
Warren, Levi Brown, • 514 G 8
Windham, ' A Dunham. jr. 34 78
Wilmot, .1 I. Jones, 136 85
•Since pail
DR. Johk Horton, Treasurer of Bniiitord County, in account with maid County,
Money in Treasury, Jan.'', 1851, $ 3048 77 Returned on duplicates prior io 1851,
Duplicates of Cu. taxes prior to 1651, 4070 22 do of 1831,
do of 1851, 11793 64 Returned on judgments, notes, &c.
Judgments, notes, &c., due the county, : 855 29 Collector's percentage,
Unseated land transcripts, 190 59 Orders returned,
Miscellaneous receival•, 58 31 2 per cent. commission on same,
Abatement on state tax, (excess on that Collector's man( rations,
allowed Collectors, 76 91 2 per cent. on same,
Balance due the Treasurer, 1507 02 Uncurrent money in treasury,
DR John Horton, Treasurer of the Co. of Bradford, in nal with the Conelth of Penn'a. CR
Duplicates of State taxes prior to 1851, $3109 43 Returned on duplicates prior to 1851, $llO2 84
do of do 10,875 66 do • of do t 179 76
Unseated land transcripts,l44 40 Collector's exonerationq, 1 6 f1 11
do percentage' 1457 72
_ State Treasurer's receipts, 7368 42
One per cent. commission. 102 14
P.sorteratlons on unseated land•, 6 06
Balance duo the State. 2743 51
Orders issacd in 101,
Orders outstanding Jan. Ist, iga,
e5..A.01 BRADFORD COUNTY. 884-+We, the undersigned, Commissioners of said Conn in do here-
SEAL. by certify the above to he a trite and correct statement of the Receivals and Espenditures of said
l.ov•sa County. from the first day of January to the thirty-first day of December. ISM, inclusive.
Witness our hands and seal of office/ this twenty-first day of Janoarv. A. D. ISS7..
- ru Re, ES SQUIRES, ! Com mivs ioerrs
TS now receiving an exteosive assortment of GOODS, purchased since the late decline in pt ices, and
1. which.cannot hill to suit the taste and wishes of purchasers, and meet the wants of the public ; and
as every body knows that he always sells Goods very cheap, it is not necessary to Make any 'remarks
on that subject ~
T Shall iti a.few dart receive a very large catalogue of New Rooks !and Stationary, and being !estrous
of dis Posing of double the usual quantity this seaion, shall reduce the prices to a very low figu .
szuraria Norm.
Rain; agent for the sate of thr Bay State Shawls , ih Otis borough, lam enabled to o ff er the much
lower and in larger variety than any other estahlis oent this side of New York. Large sup of
these shawls *IS be reteived Miring the winter.
ri4ll. Ngils, Glass, Oils, Hardware, Crockery, Boots tad &c., . JOB. EINGSBErtf.
Constables & ittlegidgcattit2B2 8
Erecting_nelecoon house. . , ', 310 14
Prisoner's support, 1850. • 838 Os
do 1861, • 726 56-1658 68
Interest on and payment of loan, 1861 35
Counsel fees in criminal subs, 50 Oil
Wm. Ellell,.counsel in Com'rs, 30 60
Costs in Commonwealth suits. 859 63
Election expenses . 475 90
Insurance on public liniWings. .32 75
On ro,nirael fur jail yanl fence, . . 6:6 40
Laying state road from Forks tp. Sullivan
county, to Monroe, 33 00
H. Spear, commissioner in 1950. bal. 45 60
.8 Decker. corn. in 185 n, balance. 21 75
do do 1851. • 119 73-14 l 60
A. S. Smith, coin. in_ 1830, bal. 7 75
do do 1951, 72 2i— 80 00
Sturges Squires, corn. in 1650, bal. 21 00
do do MAI, 163 60-184 50
E. M. Farrar, Com'rs clerk, 1851, 400 00
$18,963 76 $12,321 21 $278 93 $703 87 $3.553 72
$21,600 65
$14,129 40
County Orden in mond with County of lindlotd.
$16049 :59Orders returned in 1051,
304 50 1 Orders outstanding, Jan. 1, 10:2,
$17,159 09 1
he Cooly
• A mmani
4 30
3 9Z
29 lb `
16 09
1 20
9 56
113 29
34 36
9 00
97 07
135 12
3 11
tt el
30 00
L 3 72
20 00
32 07
50 00
233 41
25 00
40 00
22 50
68 09
04 41
5 69
16 50
4 60
1 85
8 39
4 87
4 77
5 71
14 75
4 33
5 OG
6 07
57 62
44 76
136 83
80 00
2 66
9 00
115 72
40 00
74 ll
16 69
81 61
17 99
2 00
45 00
1 99
9 56
3 96
135 65
211 00
61 00
40 00
:60 30
359 46
443 97
434 17
198 32
114 10
8 92
6 24
14 41
1t.84 9 f,9
of Bradford.
A monnt f
22 OS
103 05
la 38
4 08
25 00
4 20
106 83
211 OI
21 :41
65 00
20 26
t 29 73
21 2I
al 23
4 11
45 36
17 15
7 07
60 15
30 00
4 46
lb 03
6 G 9
110 74
13 I 1
46 36
12 88
20 39
13 12
8 21
11 28
10 34
14 29
23 20
31 07
79 13
B[ 12
18 Z 9
10 80
:4 75
6 83
63 42
9 28
17 82
23 17
171 35
4 89
179 87
789 68
119 79
14 44
13 i 0
216 85
142 09
8 78
2 87
97 17
39 18
103 119
176 0i
61 21
101 48
3g5 3
193 6i
5 41
51 40
175 10
16 :A
4 GO
7 32
5 27
47 17 -:- VALT; n lame Int, also Iron, Naiii, lirrrdware, &c ;
119 3.2 1•3 and Mackerel in bbli., irn,l bids, far sale by
64 10 scpl.27, PliD/571:1' & BOWMAN.
f."1:5 40 , - -
40 f 0 urtne• - r - e , more those three and four drillings
rt+ TEA:I, at PIiTNNEY & 110 WM Nti.
29 52
11 99
1? 411
24 00
16 33
V :7
146 84
299 13
I 11
9 59
50 75
$1524 36
4035 36
737 81
703 Si
16943 89
838 87
27R 92
5 57
32 00
$24,600 65
$11,129 49
$16.243 92
210 :0
517,151 09
liTecchOrtb*, ATs,
Fall and Winter Goods.
. tltar i giikkrZt.s l . at. co .
AVE miss fio tkrore Isto stock of /;souls fermi
New-York . and other . ,nigrkets, which tAiv . virtierl
arholesale anJ retail. at &Ai lowest Las..sitar prieei.—
e mention a from things Ukat-rnili statayspo found at
JUT Store. Prints, gingham', poplin.% M. dliinos.
of the Is is stylcs;
Grote to , H trdwisre, Cri et ny, 8.0 ens Rh.,es,
Hats, Caps, tte „ of abich twe have a loge as
sortment, 'elected whit areal rate end offered at low
prices, an& 'kill nut, be undersold: Ate.. ItotuorYi
glove,. %v.-Alden *are.. glassy. solo ItatLer, ts , lstdsis •
thousand orber sni,94i which we need not enemerste,
ill of which we offerr loners to/Our PM ai prices that
must give great eatisfactput, as our entire block lola
been laid in 11. n time arls4s t o msAket eras nnrommon
ly depressed, apd many per rent. lower
than usual. Hy stteution atild,prompi...ess in metting
the wants of our cit-t•smers."*e hope to merit a con
tinuance of the patronage that has bil . herto been so
liberally bestowed upon I e.. MO'S EA'S IrEzr * Co.
Towanda, al. 11, 18.51.
A t, I, .0 001) S
, T. FOX. would resper4rully inform his old (rims
L• the dt:z ns t.f tirsdford in eeneril that he
is LION ircrisinca full.tock of PALL GOODS, whit h
he is desirous of di .poiMg of at d ?cry xmifl a‘lvace
fmm ne a t. , ent, Irlin sati.lied that hi. gn0..11 are ecirct•
ed with as medicare. and boughl at • least, at as low
prices as his neighbor., he is now onzinua to convince
his cuatomda that thry will he .01.1ot the right hind of
prices. Please cal and sec, ae there id surely nn harm
in knowing bow cheap sumo folks tin Fell goals—call
soon. Corner of Main and Pine street.
Becks ! Books !
Campl.•te assortment ort•trkunt.Blanic. ClasNi
il. cal Ft Mi.cellaneous Books, con.tautly Grp up
and for sale at the lutre,t rates 1 , 7.
Nov. 29; MI. o. P. B krmAirr.
Mr S.: 11114 r
Fall and Winter Goods.
m. to. raiz,
Inow receiving direct from New York a large and
splendid assortment of Good which he reefs fol
sale at prices whi7h cannot fail to suit the closest bop
crab for Casa, ritontscr, on APPlitiVEll Cs r. lla
respectruTly asks d eel fron all petsons wishing to buy
goods cheap, RA he is delorminett not to be undersold.
Towanda, November 24,44351.
V _
ICTORINES AND CUFFS—a few sett. Mr Kale
cheap at na2l FOX'I4.
60 BAY STATE SHALT'S, various patterns, col•
ore and qualities, just received at
Oct. 14, IRSI.f:RCUIT'S.
$QO9*--; (Q l WORTH of :Sheep P. waht , ll
U (-) Cash b H. & A. I%
By Express, Dina from the Moonfaclarers
JUST received by express another i.a4e t.l 13:ty
State Shawls, splendid style 9. at
Towanda, Nov. 2d, I'+sl• J. KINCISBFAIV.
Fall & Winter Goods.
TS now receiving a large assortment of Fall and Win+
tei Goods, direct from New York which is offered
et Greatly reduced prices to cash buyers.
Towandi, t )rt. 1 1. 15331.
New Arrival cf
H& M. C. MERCrIi, are now receiving a
• very extensive assortment et Goods for the Fall
mule, %Mb will be sold at who!rsair or rt.! ail cheapeir
than at any other store in the County.
Tatvanila, Fie l it. 1, 1Q5...
Execution cf Lopez !
STILT. later news via New Yotk & E. R. R. of the
arrival of a very large rock of Merchandire at
PHINNEV &BO WM Nr's No.:: Brick Rnw which
they are prepared to sell at wholesale or ret ril for Cash
or Ready Pay, cheaper than the cheapest, from the tact
that they purchased their mock Gr cash in a very de•
pressed state of the market. Don't mistake the place,
No. 3 Brick Row next door to Dr. Ilustons.Drux store.
TONS SUGAR, jest received, at wholesale and
SIIEETING:?, shirtina4.);Ftripeg, and iiekx , few sal*
B& 0 ES, the . largest and cheapest assort
ment in town—and Hats and Cape, at wholesale
an•' revul
CIZOCKI:R V, Gia'ssware. Pairos, Oila, Glam Bye*,
TARESt 4 l;000S, e hrgo rlrirty—Bonnets end
1.1 Shawls, a good aicortrnent, for sale by
- - _ ----
.IL4 MAN $, for which ra-h will be paid. e•:.Z.
AIT HEAT, Oats, Rye and Cfl7l. (Atm in exclimize
for goods. PHINNEY & DOWNTA:I:
BirrrEß-100 Ftrlins wailed,fm• which part rash
will he geld. PillvNeY & BOWMAN.
HA T§. (Atr. llontsaild Shoe.. ; R cases new stsla
of 110 and Caps, Also a larze :10(4 of men.,
Wotnens end CliNrt,ric roots and cline. 1•10 received
1111 E ht f:, COME A 1.1., rifp! evunir.r the :' , :eve
Gonda. whirh are now bow eN'ail.ite-41
0r26. 11. KiNCSBEitrA.
^ 7
July S. E. T. FOV.
LASTL'iG R.-5() keg• Pow--
kJ der. by IIR MONTANYES & 1•0.
CROCKEI:V.—The targeNt 'tack in town. run
dinner and tea gent; of white granite and blue
ware, which will be Rohl cheap at FOX.R.
j;' VERY our ituoixa that the place to find the latacw
-I—d aaaortnicut ana l.c,t quality of gluacs of all .Ifst
crirtioni i. , at ip2G FOX'S.
Q riDOZ. I'anam3, Leghorn, Palm Lcaf and Curl ,
•- , X I Straw at npl:G 11%1:A'f.k.
- - - -
B L'li and lint Silk Lace fur MAN FILL.AS at
sto2o revs.
DRY GOODS—A good sesortractit of Merinos'''.
Cashmere*, Dc Lain., sr.? prints n^v•
neMer. , rt p
A.-1 if
ll' D. or Fltigar at priors than any
la fore solif in fawn within tire year, iticn. iiintaii
ses sweet and gnol horn 3t to no rt.. Rio. I.ngnins
and OIJ Java Coffee that cant he heat. Fine Minch
'Pvpivi, Spires, Niler3tus, Ginger, amt a Re , '
en' assortment or groceries ; r. 140 n fail .itelif) of fkeh
new Tess wnrratiled Ronal Roil right or rfis
money retcrned in all rises ; just received an.l for
at r ep. 12 • FI 1X S.
R ICH 111.010 n., Bonnet qdks, Leine and et , nru
BALES or SHEETIN I :, r.nmmnn 'and fine
to ido. A nire as.otmmt of B leach.
al thiroillt, bleached and loown C. tab anti Dra•
wry, hmom and bleached Table tasttwo, Cherka. Us.
a;tva :ricking. Cotten litan, rt
Rain , . cheap at
QI/ KS. tan eit.ilbver et,l k u' r.
tad Pm] Saiins, Flnvyntes of ev•ri
c• . 0! foun3 at
Ail" ictil.'o.