• f 4448 artt.Ritt: 4 . 6fat4Arti t , ;;4 . ,r(ta!;tit'4 l t( ' -Ve .the tath•pel te It.ll,i4,litvolbeo-.l,lr.llo.ork.eit' i:iliticitt'uria itinshitlscto l llttatilriioiwoo: , 4 •Vtlitolci : oo/41. lit el in i+ to (ht.. s atiditirm el. pia'rei ,r,••• -t.• v.". 1 .itortsi,4-$ gelatilifau: 4110.41 1 3[4.113# ,8 414 , 4 1 4141.? Alte 4 .ftirwter-ottif ii!..itatziing: , nanirph , sisirse t-tite-ieht` Lte,js.ll4trigity the cite n , siNifid ..cc h l ß : -the p,04 . 4%.0t “3 4 . kA, the tice.cerX;fint-4 Cam! pra cibrisvgit**.ktt.t..V.anwiciokt3 , e TaA 1°111 : 11 . 1 0 i 191 1 .sea , * t hd 4 9 .1 k WIF' • f: olietnleal Alie tit...tenses; tchit:h ate, cdm; `ingic To flirt ii!:e`t;i:"Eakl othdts .4. i6r pn ricip N}• inn saile4 ineai :7 f l or i lt, a= . t c-icrg,, tole Lrt Jen yetUleethi filters, s.it.,o 4 —•antl..stis iSe* alO4ll a bail! Vomentof . ato eis6 of ;ilt' tpet te , . -tile :making' , 6l " - • htliit'o - - lb pit' re or, beef ; pock, t ~ txhit 1t i6,,tia 845, *ngat, a-sm;tll timinealswe,elet, more wholesome, m(1111015. , aria; . r -Pim:4lT Dir_ . . i,;; C A ft itOT 4 .-1. f.11141;044,ge esri ,oT Es.e.7c eourityiihlas:= raised 34i tens :id carroti en an MNA h at 5 . 11i3. to IhA make 1380 bu4ret,e. "Th 4 fr'rxe %Vire• !s4 l g l " apart. thie pnund.uf• orange earreteeetl was autit'n by a maehiner"'The'eekrnts were hoed three limes ii.:oZ,td.l?vree the la.t linein 4 last tietore ; 'the topkeeyefed4e..grneuti.. They ,vv.ere *WI r a r pada ; the lops ert reftt.iy eatert;rnd-ledtithecows, the tops bein4o that finie kriee :I•Y;ellbtitrt'cr the abovtc'aird giyetlre' in; st4te4rierrt of 'he ,cxpenAe cirri& are, ,34 5 4 ii . e.tus.llt, hum tha f2Ctiap of do. Essex , (Amity ztgricatitera/ Society. - The esjmiso "01 mli vaiiou aff follows : • ou M pir l vint , $7`2,0 Ten cord s inaiknre, at' sd'iler ' un Sineaaihg ilin same,, 3 00 „ 2 50 1 ~~ ~ Hawing ant] raking, Seed, 61,imeing, unit wee4litt,?,.6is; . Totalexperi§e, Value oFcrop, 3ltons at per ton, Value of Impel - Oae•half manure Dedu'e't expenses; N,,tt p-rotit, - nrtl o 1 manure contains 103 bushels So:c-rttR.DF.An LeAve.s.,—Vay fin;: gatileners would .2tolty of so foolish a thing' as to woste blierT-Yard But theiy ti l e all gaily of a waste of dead ►eaves that fall at this season of the. year, from liCeS anti eltritbs rif%ll t If every hot ivntiftl re'llerttor a 'moment nit the Ca- tura .of the'e fallen leaves—v. hieli contain not only 'vegetable matter, but the earthly salt; lime, potash. , needed for the next season's ,growth—and that 'too, exactly . in the proportiou required by the very tree or plat t from which they fall—nay more, if they - would consider that it is preeikely in this .way, byihe (PeomPositioi orthOse very' falling' fe.i . vei, rtainre enriches the soil, y,ar after year, in her great fore ptbitwould searcefybe possible for tate',l, a re 114.101ifiaititlif(ortis la allow those' ewept-awayby every wind that Wows, and finally be lost altogether.' horticultniist,wil,l Irmo week-to week, the leaves that tall4nider each-tree, arid by digging . them under the soil about the roots, where:thei will decay a:ncf enrich the soil, prai - ide in the cheapeot manner, for that tree. lit cettain vineyards iu France;thi'VineYdreitept in the lii-,b eitl,Cond'eivn by-simply .burying at their roots every anti branch that fall et the end of the season. fn the same manner,,llie leaves that fall . frOm youfrg fruit treps'should be careful!y saved and dng in Beneath' the butfat Vol the - toil. single year'sejr periettce of its good ,rosniti,will"confirin our readers in this 'practice. SawiroCLO‘ eri-SEED. -1 (I answer to art inquiry in the last number of the.tlNewepaper,' ) aslia the be,f tim - e th soWelover : tilAt% I remark that it is my piNf a t at in , the Ippring - Or winter lithe best. time ; .for.the Minis ing. reason :—Clover sown. in the fall, is spilohe kttled. First by the dry weather which usually prevails in October and November., Secced• if the weal her is favorable, the clover should L ir a start, the action of the frost would be more,liablep. destroy the young and tender tootsoisreeinlly itr-a clay 'soil, where 1 hare seen the clover drawn en tirely from thelrmrll.l, by-Aegneamtion of the soil fteqnerrt freezing and thivring. I hay, ilivats tidoceededby soi - nig in Alarch., The fink good pArrar that fattsin tha month of March, sow your seed,•and,' as you can see it on the snow,-you can sxv it more eve .ly than when sown-on tha ground, ,and when.the snow melts, it leaves the ground soft end mai4t, and-the seed is buried evenly at the prop . - per depth. When the first warm weather'comes it springs up and becomes sodiciently rigorcua td' live through the succeeding fall and winter. Sraseivoict WooD.-, 7 W00d seasoned by the fire, with quickness whilst faiVof.sao,.clues hot imbibe water; as air and water, seasoned yrool, Thi sap is keterfeq by • the se as (o fil;;9r incks4 interstices and th-tia harileued and fixed, it excludes moisture Or Abe common' air imp thus earect is - traientea from fermenting - and rottening tlye aisiile,4l,ll&cks or wood. .T 4? ruf4Euve-UrrEnsWßFlT.—Take,ol•bt par corn Mon !tuft tiro parta, inglr and saltpetre, one par teat and•Eilerid I` - ten completely . to,geater. o.le ounce of this mixture to erets pound of buuer, is well worked , into thetuner, whie,.tr as • - then put up etn4: for ti 4 o. i. 410 remain thfce . iwfiur tr - eelp beforcllce,4lt wiL be sufficiernly bleu/led, It has been ; found street when three years o!Ll. - • • •• , To rA",i4r:.i.l,—.l%.o4yver applyAn ointment made of !znnpowder, brinistone, and common grmse bc'bia.l Ole lamb, will be sur s o The. 004 n; eev : 3tttsy, math:p..ll6o of small, Alakal sir.penny.woait sutileiel it 'to theta upwatd# 0f,200 larnt , s, ' *-, , (111 TO-FAltaleas —'file can be fe jy l4 l4.3,trrirri‘6litsiitit ? lkiliefiiiiii by ire f t Ike ;tore profitable the'y all •farrects for profit. • ‘Viott oodlit !ti-day, tto fe; to-taor To tt mar rain. . • tOtc . • 0 r • r GEEILAXr DILIONEBII QUA32I I 3IERIUMSI .16 Virg' igh.T.Tlf ina , ‘!- litagalritikea 711 . 14 iiiiporteentateitatioto I:Wan/take ofateage*l -41'411 . 4 %Preen itifinrstO Wl* Sib - in-gem cF" O,l ' g rAitintlariKoTtli 031.*834 < fiatf ig taw, :44:11 ett, s.J r ?" 1 hqll,n` , I = l 3 Oft4o ) f, ; rtitietrMidTtelfamMiNi4iiini. (Tde, * ltirqj 7.tot3iVz.kavrinifirEiA,nl3ffili "i!fiAti )irO'n nriTiFir'Orifenliiildiiii i hd - aijiorile'arl4' erik's7 4 lf Wel? rlitaaaireliiiiibfet• i ty7hlCll glyvi r'l4 i er r7FI fil S nil '3640 tref:ita Wir t 4 4 4 theli''Clibt— rahle,-ityed,—stril°43iiiTerkilfelriOfiryldianne';'fl arid arthrs litn'e'ttitusittitr 4 fittriaTiVi; serial works of Bulwer,'4lid'Ather )lier&jiliiiVaide.st wrila fyrlhat,maaziar. and first tr- eprityrain its coin til At pritainbaditn j the ilnitect stilt sl eft. o . Thit.L'Athouv-and". My t\ear •Na r tiel,"„CluNtihy,4,ll4 . cr),..l My, Peninsular Medai,” Iseriali,)9l iwPich..iturneiot3, Ail/0 Aditinaip are 4aueti,by. the trading :14bi44:Ars4k .0'44°4 14.1T,4-froPaixofpogoopfil4loo - ,wort aftec„irhas ,6eeta,45.§.4e4;11 Messrs. flgoitqr. So ilia lisc. ilh4ltotiltg „4e psi tof ljtat>la = ,oailPe t may,alacalslo.Y itrVing.ttlet,c4slieFiTead L tug, , tfice:l- 7 44,4440g , •:....T.bgpi.NOPrillt fifVf bceti cAessful op eration in this .cutintry; 114 twen(ystara,.and their fiecirculation is constandy on e increase, notvrith s and in g the codittetitipa-thayit'raiiinter from Amer ican periodicals oflc similar clags and from hone rims ;Melia/ and ,Magrilines -made op orselections from foreign perictlicelr. This fact shows.tlearty ENE= MOM the 1 . 44 esiiinatidit VI which they ate held"-by the intelligent reading, publicqndAtroids a'guarantee that they are egfttbliihed . in alron basis, and will i., --, bclciratiatiffi witortt ;' ? iole - iaittiodi t cr rz : .4 2. •,, ,'Ck ti 4 r,.. 7 --, T Nue - Lyn eassrr ''''i6lint!. ` ''' "'"" (See list of , PAniurivNautries below.] ' • " 'Per: ann. . Fur any one of the font.' leSland brie Ma e 3 00 For any Awn ' 44. ' • • one " ••" ' '5 00 For any three • 0 " "-• ' two ' '7'oo 'For all roar bribe ReVleses " '19'150 For Blot Irioorrn MagtrittiPki'-' 'emit a ( ' • 1 . 00 For Blackwood & 3 Rey's. u Ithrie '' 90 lack kfour Peg's" three - 10 . 00 (Payments to be made in a;i cases in advance() 200 400 1 00 1010 21 00 The _Premiums consist of the following works, back voluntes, of which, trill be tgtveg. to Deli sith setibers, according to the number of periothealaor dered, as 'above explained. 11870 ip2ll 50 00 30 00 • • • • , 1 1 "Jrcii,, 6 'n Quarterly Review (one s ear). illackwori!kMagit,zine (six months). • I.mition Quarterly peyke,u, (one year). Bentley's. hliseellatiy (six months).' ' • Eainbarith Review (one year). Metropolitan' Magazine (sit months). • ' • Westterinister Review (one'-'year). onsocutive Premium volumes cannot in,,. all ca see' be. furnished. eAf..e t p . i.-(irth:e.‘ Foreign Qoarterjy Retries Ve prevent , aisatliioininierrt, therefore, where that work is nat._ alone wanted, Subscribers will plenpe:lirdcr...A.slAtWoripireront woks , : fur pre. miutus as tliere are yolumesito which they may, ire entitled. 278 50 116 70 1161 SO ~ -.. A discount of twenty.five percent. from. the above prices will be allowed to Clubs ordering four Pr more copies of,aor:niiis or -rifOre of the above works. ,- - -Thinrs,, Four, copies of Blachwaid or of op &lie View gill bet z eient atm e aildreesffoilll ;"four copies of the four, Reviews and Blanks/pod for PT; aid - so, n .i . ... . :•,.• , •• .. , 1 • ' +o,,:# No pre.m;ufrss Anil lie given where the, alsove 'FiliOniiicli is made .1 . 4, Clubl..nor, will. preMinnse in any case be furnished, unless the slabscrilion mu ney Is paid in full to the Publishers Will - tout ie ct.iufse so - -a l / 4 .agent ! p irlopnre.prveipsi!tortVtae riff# 1 ,),(0, , ,i4.0a9 434 "leottired - to pers:il;.'. 'i. ,:4-zl. ~t,i kancer..n r f 9 - raf.,s»,v The . r noltafge•in thesePerioakaTs bas, by. Qte,-I.ate am' been redneed,bh the 'av - eia'ge, abvtit fot !,V per ittl The fOlicwing, areqie present rates', ytz ; , FOR — aLAcKwonn simaazixE. Any distance not exceeding :00 miles, U cents per quarter Ovcr 4'o ainl u" 1500 4 11? 4 ' .• Over IWO maul " ZOO A 114 -0 • •," • • • -von ' Any ihsteihi•e e;eieding mm miles; 4 cents pet clusitgr Over 500 and • 15(R) " 8 ." , :Over 11380 and" " ' , ZOO , At' these rates no Objection should be made, as heretofpre ? to ,receiging works by. mad. and i thus eriguring Atit:ir . ,o4edx, sole, and, regular delivery. tj.Renthtincef'and communications should, be always addressed, post:paid. to the Publishers, • , . LEONARD sCOTT & 'CO., •ri s• , 791 Fulton Rtreet, NeW York' Entrance. Ai. gold st.- , N. B.—L. S., rt, CO. have reeentfy published, and have now for sale, the "FARMER'S CCM/E . ," by If euv,y Stephens.of Edinburgh,. and ProL Norton of Y.ale. College, New Haren,comNe to in .2 v6l*.. royal octavo, , containing 1600 pages, 14 .steel and, 600 wood ehgraving!. Price, in muslin, binding $6 ;- in Impel-covers, the'mail,' $5. • ' 'New Chair and Bedstead Warerom. 4ESSE- TAYLOR, Ttp ESPECTFIILLY informs the public that he has -I.‘ opened tvabrili at his new htfuseVcorner: of Main and Paine streets, nearly :opposite oßdward Oierton's, Towanda, where be will keep orehand or planuractur3 to pair; I?tag-s;ia tea. goyatte:Wilihtfkir._rnnc:9', 0 5 " seated and Common CRAMS, made of the best ms• tarials,.and of superiorAlurability: Hs has ins° for, said so assortment of litnerians, at low prices ' 'Repairing and Seating Cmnm'on,' Cano:bottom!adil Plag.sested Chains, on reasonable terms. ' Cherry, RalswOcid, Whitawood and Cucumber lum ber taken in payment for work. He trusts that his long acquaidence in this county, .andthelorability,of hie work as tested by many years experience; wilLsecure him a share of piddle patron age. TOWanZ'a, March I, 1851. BOOTS SHOES! Zahn- W. Wilcox, . • AS removed his ebtablishment to store, /I corner of main street\ and. the publie - sqtiare; and will continue the manufacture of Boots sod Shoes, es berisofere: Heins kilt, received from New Yorke large asset/- Mitt or Women's,' CAFlrrier ao.nd .117thve SA 6, which are offered tificitti pricee . 'atteiltidn:cr is : ar'icifia l ly directed . tti"his assortment; eoreprieing ;he feliewing hew etyles.i—.Eneuitelledleimp ter boots; do. shoes; • black lasting end-silk taitbfir; walking. shoes l buskins, Arc. !place' gait era' end shpq, of•eVery description:. "'X Ihrgeestoitnreili Chilirrere fanry gaiters, hoofs end share; of all kinds. _For the Gentk.gpiAn.almoS every silts'et-Raitoisatia Vhgcs- 5t0,c15.14e1 4ecp • pctsonatty , stetted w ith care, s and he relieves he can offertinperionerlicke at reasonable -prices.: CO - The strictest att.ebtiongraht to Manufacturing, and he hopea by .thrinitti work-well to merit a enatinit eacirof tht- lihemi patronage her has hitherto receivdtr. M 4y 8,1851 . }rf.tia).o , 2l , l • • • . s).• TT AS-.11,6 MO V E D-.IIIfit:OFFICE' to isin. 2;:briek 1.1.-Roor. (no stairs.) irt the room foimerktreccnpied iitsll.l). Wilmot as a law Offloit,- where he will.be teased t? gee time pj ofeasioyalrieryigeo. "iicv~ayla:lCo"aeinbeFia, )9.',1- • - --4- 3127 .4ZE- • aNerIICAMIIFIVICSIMLIWW s t.:-F.-couswe .sr nv.stni; .• ; TA - viNG Icestett tin Troedndo; bie. tierviceCntity obteinettby hddrettiinrs line through the Post OlDee,, or by taill leg at the. (Ewe of Esq.- itehere he will be founth or •OrbenOrsvritted tap. lictittilon may be Itft. Nov.l, 1850. , • Fl,oett, of the best qualify; Mimi - owl. Wl:test c %stantly oa han I and for s , l.e.,•chestrnel Towanda, Jan. 21, 1952. Ft IX*B. :".4„..„...,..„, gig; r, c,..„.„ 1 . - • • c.ltiolfc,„,.: ~_.,,.---- 1.3-1 4 NEW FIRM , AteSw -I t V 0 i Ha tr rdw .l ar e , b lofcs, t,o l „ i -1. p#rasS i- I,Tv*, it --i.otoi,lia ~tiO BEET SW. At -a-----ti _ ...sTr,,q-1 :,.,., -...,,,,,,,-t HAIL, 3:„4 . ,..WASItiLt. Witilifoitrindji Colattuipl. nership,"respeilfulli call dinikhinkifililitiho kb' tic to thais ansowutnif-T%' .r.fi100.10.44 141 ,?.. '411i r41 IrleAclFlTTok e i d ir* -198 .041 rrgr t r l t i jk lu jit varied eii rit ereif iii.ilits 0p,,.. T, _. 12 1 491ktiM *Tr , id° of artiflohfilerk - iCki..4.. i.. _ .. _0ku1n9 16 45: -- ~ 1 m Iroares Alallanthr., ,:j -- f,:•17 . 4... , . i English. AmeritikoNll4 Pm* ..Atolkosig - Auff'Qulmi English and American •refunad t, itoQp..taut4 antl;hotlni, shoe iron; nail rods and mallenblainOtaskr4.ll-1111110iPt lions, &c.; with a goocitrzataatattabt oflitaiktrerradiAdi sd, &I, Bd, 10d, 12d antlo4,l 4ifhtuld..6inelttipiken I wrought nails and horse naills - 31$ fh°, „ _l l °°°Jl: 44 4, 4l f ton. Also, cast, Grtallor , ;ZOgl.fldly.lnlntns , /4rietiFir spring and tire steel, &c. ,t-,.T.t! ,I ......... -.',.- - , ;::4 , ;.', Carpenter's and - reiner'isMoolfrt7 sl-1 1 Of all descriptions / viz: brOadvnariintraid-hart&niles t hatchets, ralt;•trfnerts etrzinteatocirtice,: . firtier ji/ framing chisels ; commotrind . :Eintsteelittigarrof 4 ll sizes, from i to 2 inch ; ',nicer- Ad.:bid:l.- ' . auger 6ii4 pod bitts extra ; planes end plann'Arons;tand,:tenint, X cut, ke . yhole and /listings:lw ; iron and steel and 1 'try squares ettllALizerktfrotnifri to 15inehes! tamminsi, spirit levels, bevels, tape lines, mortice .tpanges,-4 all 1 sizes, screw drivers, veratchesPlottonistugunt, eke.' e. . 7 1:: Mi c kii n gthfilliottli . , -.. a ..r4 ; , :i ,- ' . ii ' I Anvils, bellows,,, vices, hamnierir, elefteoiitifig , hammers, steickl'imMlimilrilliiiglitiehiiteir; &V. ' '' • .... ~ _. -, "Shodets, q or F ar me r 's: r i r poin ts ; 1100, lisy; strap and, ro annre forks; log, cablplipd binding chains, crowbars, grabbing hoes, tikp.44',.: 4 grao ic - ythes; Berke nsibes, sulhe . s r tones and rifles, ,cradfif f iscythps, bnih cytbes, corn c utters, pinuifi nibulas i gapfen ! l akes, bops and trowels, scoop shovels, Sic Carriage Trim mings. Carriage }rows, topl9tber and clod' ; patent leather India rubber cloth ; brass and silver _plated hub bands, roncave and ilcistort patterns ;,brass anti silver ?tatcd curtain frames, lining finds, curia: ge knobs, apron rings and hooks. stump-joints; ha t es sadsilver iitated seaming cord ; striped face. wide .and narrow ; silk striped lace, new style; top lintitg,,Woniledrtillifloßi* varnish cloth, patent axles tuul axle arm; ttprings,4-e. -- Harness Trimmings and Saddlery'Ware of the lat est and miiiitipproired-styives4 and of. • • ' aim Triattaltigs, ' tire'five nn handl' f ullassOrtment: Also fi large qtran lity of LZAWPIPE, which we are prepared to riniiish at dtetnivitt pricriitoz,'ethei with copper tiind'britithitia aud,cork stops. Any quantity of Primp chaintr arid<WFlT Riggings.. A general "assortmentof Etardware. Saw ' mill: eirenlar and wood. saws: plastering and brick: trowels; lathing hammers, shovels and tongs ; files and rasps of -all sizes; shoe and tack haaimers ; drawing knives, turners-chisels and gouges, saw. setts, callipers, pincer., knives and forks, carving knives and forks awl steels butcher pocket and pallet knives; coach wrenchek blink, chest and till locks; tailors and sheep shears; tablik and', bed castors; dinner and tea hells, glue and enamelled sauce' kettles; brain keules, from two quarts to half a barrel; follow ware and cau[drou &elites ;'lea and coffee pots'; brass and tin tannia candlesticks and snuffers; trays, fruit trays and large servers ; curtain arms and pins of the latest styles ; wait rods sind%hcdders; ladies' and gentlemen's pocket scisstat razors and razor strops ;Germsn silver and blitann'a table and tea ,sponns; hair, chillies and shoe brushes:. brim anu,steel barrelled pistols and revolvers; gun locks, steel nipples and nipple wrenches; shot, shot pouches and powder flasks; 'ham door; strap arid T hinges. Also manufacturing and will keep constantly on hand kluge assortment of . Win and Tapanned Ware. : , : 1 07e.htftic gab just itecatvii&SO tons of STOVIB .comported in parr of the, fallowing patterns and three: 'Republican air tight Conklin:Oh:ere, Number 4 Famiees: . : do Lady of the Lake, • do • 9 Queen olthi Welt, do Iron King; r ; ' , do Improved Preinium • do Eastern Premium, Jenny Lind POriOr Storee, Cottage do COirider ' ' do Alt'tight " do 'Ali tigtiltfdate Fildic , s;' Si: plaiiPtoie4 - ' '.' , . The above comprises but a row to‘ieles of the ai e tol t (nem coltial they offer to pubtiC,''aita nll of which will be tlispodis4 .44 ,extrqw.iy..lo347,-416.0: In proof of this, pleas. call at Ilairo ul l titaiklipctuthside of public itailoitentling s : (3:3- Old Copper, iron, Brno" and most kinds oflPro due; taken in payment. Towanda, lone 6, 1.851. rgttww7r4K , A Zs Still in' Operation rrirg ittbseribeit have moved to the new building on Pine street, one door below IMercurs store where they will keep on hand and make to order, ploughs, stove and mill irons r of atniOst all deseriptiens. 'Nutt thg iaif fitting np work; wilt be done also on.reasonable terms as a t Elmira 3 r Owego. Old iron will be 'taken in payment. ' JOHN CARMAN :Sr. CO. T6Wanda, April 26, 1851. • ' • ECONOMY, DURABILITY AND NEATNESS. ;s44titei'llarness & Trunk Manufactory, TERE CULP & Co., respectfully inform the public sJ that they have taken the shop lately occupied by C. P. }larder, on, Main street, a few doors below the Brick Raw, where they will keep on hand a large stock of • • litllliSMO e1i..\.&M)300 aratMa% TRU v AU articles in their line manufactured to order, and made. of the beat material, 411. far :workmanship cannot be surpassed in Northern Pennsylvania. They solicit a call from those wishing to purchase, confident that }hey can give satisfaction both as to quality and price. 1 t 7 Cash will be paid for Hides and bhcep t the highest rates, at our shop. Sale _Leather, Upper Leather, Harness Leather and! Calf skins, for sale in any quantity. Towanda, November 19th, 1850. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. rpHE subscribers respectfully inform the public that they have taken the shop •fufn]er.ly occupied by Adam Esenveine, on Main .street, nearly opposite Drake's wagon shop, where they are prepared to do all kinds of BLACKSMrI'HING upon reasonable terms. They. are determined by doing•tiieir work well 'sad promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a share RI public patronage. - HORSE—SHOEING done in the best manner. - All kinditirrePairing Macbirifryiexecutea in the iticistakil fut manner. •• • " • , IWOOD WORK' for wagiute tiill also be made and repaired when desired. Alf vorle , ilUne etibefr shop; will be viratranteti to be well done, and rnanufacturelfnun,llie best . rnitteituis. 'rho public geptequglited to.giv.e,ue,Lyjal, and judge for themsel WIIirBt;SEEVISpH Toiii4l-141,14321V BLACKSMITH 0 . • -A DAM EsurtwrisrE reOpeetfolly inforitte the Ob ./a. lie that he now - oe - etViest;ilie 'B3tiop rrheielirhsel si! 4,1'4411er-64e tor re: ;merited; 'nearly opposite 'Pembina" fotm - dry; where' he is ready to do all - weds in his line, as'forrrierly in the best' manner. He is de terniineft the' reputation he has ,attained as a eidrktrtan shall not suffer by ong•ue - gleet of the fitter mits'of coiterhers or by uni inattention to h '"IX3JLEI, mentifaetured to'order- - j-machineey 'or all kindarepiired in the Mist menn'er; and'every kind 'of Repairing and Will 'he done at short notieo, and in the styledesired. - • Hnrsi Shatinni•an reasonable te64: ipOirtit As c . tette . Coantry Prcd'uee in piymept fat wotk, 1)4 pert itrane,ff toYcs edit. - • ' ' Towanda, Jan. 1851:, 2 • ctiARLES: fC - LADD, 4,#1.4). TA tiViikolo 41ittg&orh,liino h ttp tiocv DI oc ," oi.. l sta'tnt; ~North tido; qf,,, )he rutdte-Square, over Elweli's Lew Office. Entfunce Between Ettiell'd luta-Adana Itist i dtliereth , Wfithleitte may itti'sa*s be foum'. , when not proles:int:Mill,- soraicit. tos and Jut) , 1850. `too 4 and 5 7'to 10 4143 , and 4 4 2 and 3 and 4 it 6 3 :: 2 to'6 :: 3to ? I , r EMU lacir „ , e i kS ,tr4t 3:il4S.fr6lpritosAriro is PAriWOßtiVritit: ladata. l 7 , z...-....-4.4.L.. K!S VERM IF •••....--....-, ,r,..- -,.., -- O,R ICM4Jacqc ...,421-cfrim . • 4.8-rfotes; •31.141-3.-ml ?4 , lftlireAteme contains lyt knntne, .fpwSkr 7 lilintance• n - 41 PK. 14.:~I ~, Digzetagdy4or worms its df 6 wasp extriter: ditkitiP ever used* iilkniroOttlOYslrAkiatoo tr9flPoPt t gltorte from childtcpAig . oo%,., Ploolondo PettotteksitFllto,fUkko.4 l ,4ll. , lfol -POW taktulwn• as°n° l / 4 . 4 0 1 W-PATA,IP.AfiI:IPOI I i,or *4 ,gi pm, until too bite to cure What the..rcelAipsse,.., ;-....,;?, ” What immense rettpeniihility,retbonpqn,this; pewit Piii 4°e° not know , •tind . :Itio — illoik! ' t 144 c) 4iwil.n9i.AP. . dototondetltolillOPialnk# l 44444f o lntg tit4er I ok Aione fl owers of lifi--- - children,,,.l ,; ~,.:„,,,, ‘!„ Atiftlat ot 10 441x091 10 :14 -pz.,, - ,r,-. : .1 .1.. , :_1?- fl- The answer 4 s;Aallite.i.;t l i ' l Y f Pri.04.0 1 0.0 1 40 Iwill . „,beinpre ig go go'og if theyliive,,no' wOrmsi,ani if they bugq, it will ileayoiegnfenulicete,,thens t wig; it ,cetleinty en 4 precision try.tkp i iaston,ilPing. ,1 , There la imnr_erFttes or stonerV An it, i 4ilexcuty4e thg.bssisr,of post werinomedies ; and the,gemedy is 1 gon4imes worse,ttent ttig0i,,,,,w9,,,, , ,G,Eierfe 1! 4 4,,, I rigee,,,but rely upon flits. Every perkon will be con.; vioceel z on one trial that it is the inost,potfect cure Aver 1anited......................._ ... ~..—,..„._-,. - . . The inimgustwile tfigtthiey.ortnifugg has, is,si sure test of itsAikeirrtild'ille , ekifinatiim'' hi *Mill lite fieiti by !airlines. , " ft *quid be ittilt4 too Men:wive to pub. ,lialiT'the irottitiliiisf cirlitteatei that have been n _give 'to( *thicartiete, and the users of it are rreguestml„to '4ireed the name to e persons whom they think Will behenefitted by it. .? ~ Speak of it in all families, and you will do your do - , ty to your follow creatures, and feel assured of the tip probation of elk,good open, and will receive your tewerd In ht.avelt. ' We call on all good citizens to make known 'the el, fecis'Of this wonderful remedy . Remember, and ask for Orem/ell-I-Semi:rage. • _ .- • Startling Facts. . , Hundreds of children and adults are lost yearly with worms, when some other cause has been supposed, to be the true one. It admitted by all doctors that scarce a man, wo% man, or child but What :sootier or later are troubled with worms, end in hundreds of eases. .sad to relate, a supposed tiver, , searlatinivtold, or some other 'siting 'carries off the :dower of the human familp.w. while in truth they die of worms I and these could have been ersdicsted in a day, by the use of one bottle of ORRICK'S VERMIFUGE. How sickening the thought that these things should he-..-end wilts can ever forgive themselves for not try ing,.this WORM EXTLRMINATOR, whew this, know that even if the case was not worms, thistremer , .dy :.could not by any possibility do hurt—but always good as a purgative, let the disease , be what it may.' .How important then .to use it, and who will dare to take the responsibility to do without ill Let all pa- Yenta ask themselves this question in truth and sober ness. • For sale by HUSTON & PORTER, Toscani* General Agents. 16y LAFAYETH BURR .MILL STONE - 3NZATM'ACTORT. THE undeisigned, formerly Foreman for many years of the Zafeyette Burr Mill Stone manufactory, 240 Washington street N., Y., (W. Track, Agent) would inform his friend's and the public in general; that he has established a BURR. MILL STONE MANU FACTORY at Binghaniton, N. Y. iA " Leroy Strad ings," opposite " Phenix Hotel," and solicits a shire of their patronage. ' He will have constantly on hand a large stock of French Burr Mill Stones, as also a large supply of 'Esopus Kuin Stones, also Frenels gurr Bolt. ing Cloth, Screen Wire and Calcined Plaster. Thi undersigned assures his friends and the public, that he will faithfully exec.,..e all Ciders entrusted to bls Bare, not only in quality, but its pri ces of articles furnished, and solicits their kind patro nage. Orders by letter will be executed with.e4 much care atati:os cheaply as whin purchasers are on the FFlnt Binghamton, May 24, 1851 NEW FIRM TRAEMSOX3 aarzeLaal. THE subscribers would an nounce to the public that they ' • )11 f hare now on hand, and will make -V 5 to order all kinds of Cabinet rarniture, - cosh as Sofas. Divans, Lounges, "c Center, Card, Dining and Break ; fast Tables.. Mahogahy, , • nut, genie and Cherry Bureaus, , Stands of various,-kinds, Chaim , .and Bedsteads of every description, Which are, and grill ,be made of the best material end, workmanlike: manner, and which they will sell for cash cheaper tban;can be bought in any other Ware-room in the country. SZELDY-EISAME CO/WNW on hand on the most reationahle terms. A good HEARSE will be furnished on Funeral occasions. JAMES MAKIN SON; Towanda;Jaa. 29,1152. JOHN RIITAN. ZolgalWiekillf,R,Tfl I,9A:nalk 0 OD% " • Important to Ztotiekeepers: , • r.ju, _. Tii subscriber thankful for the i -- ," - ., - *Z,-` - --",--- 'liberal patronage heretofore- re• etl._begs leave to inform his •,1,1 i;44"iii..• friends anti the public. geneialih. - ;..V' ' , fa: And those commencing House - - -,_ -s. Iteeptug in parucular that be has All Ail now on liand a largeassortment of FCRNITURE,which he will • warrant to be made in . * substantial manner, and of. the best materials..) . , , . BUREAUS, such as mahoganyand witting dreni ing bureaus, marble and plain tops'; mahogany and •wainot washstands. marble tops, end plain; of dif ferent patterns, Card and end tables, Sofas Conch es, whatnots. arc. • BEADSTEADS.—.High, Field„ French and low post beadsteads; finished in handsome style and of approved patterns, together with other furniture usu ally called for, all of which wilt be sold nn the most accommodating' terms. Ca' The subscriber is alsosrovided with a plain and fashionable HEARSE, and Will hold himself in readiness to attend to all orders in nadertaking. He will furnish ice boxes when desired, by the aid of which the corpse may be kepi for a week. COF FINS READY MADE. ' CHESTER 'WELLS. D.—Furniture tall kinds Made to order, and warranted to be of the best materials and workman ship: WpFollaa, January 17, 1852 piItiISOLAITION:---Natiee - ts hereby given, that the partnership heretofore epietitsK.between the eta,. Iterlers in: the Harness and Trunktnalkutii.bushaess is thia,daY #lesolved by raucurt consent. Smith 4 'B6/i eettle the'busittess orthii . late firm. Those ,iiideliteiriziost make immediate payment, and those who Jude agreed to pay grain, are notified that unless Overt* at, the, Ogle agreed, Gash bepcg shIlTll,." „ T. N'l . l!rii, 41* C ULP. Noveintier 5, 91').._ , SADDLES, MARES% AND. TRUNK -MANUFACTORY, E. Smith A' Son, ESPERTFH,LLY itlfcgm app -public. that they continua the buimeasit theirad stand,horth side got th 6 pablickv33,o,Jaidastill keel:Loci hind. and manufacture to order. every variety of SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, VA [ACES, d‘e; T atiki-jseort; materials and of woritmaaship,.not to be surpassed. • By strict attention .to husinesi, and promptness folifillittietigagementi, thei , hope tiv continuo Om patronage they have heretofore enjoyed. • ' ' C•RPIAGE TRIMMING will be 4014 cii-Lithor :rant k:4losice, in the neatest manner. Ali kltufir of Gram; Produce, Hides, Sheep 4'elts; will betaken in exchange for work.- • ' Taken trp. , • I'AIV.TATIY ;1852;2 Oa if° rin o f ' TI ttS, and latided fitith Vile; ivitit . nbintt sand feet of good lumber on top. some marked with Red Chalk, some with Markin, fan - name : that:if ,iatelligikile. And thesame ts,qcoolect on triy - d6rtket. c. 8.-13RAIDLUT; Dora. Jan. tn. 1517, -- [ ENS, b 9 -.,...--.,...---4- 4 1 115rErrrou.. Tqpritilis lEO - Tit column _ EMI bit i'LS I I.IIIIIII%. ' 1 yutoirriireiiiiiiitetlit girth Yeif Fanii 'lttedtei*o Rau be depended upon with tlte-kt 'Mak einifuleilie; Vey hare the approbutiail'q . ' , cians in the country, aqd,gre rec v org^ -; mended by'allinko have' tised.l4ol4, - - as ,samior They hart tren,betore the , Public for five! years; 130tig which time more than 5000 , eertifieeresteve been received from eminent public mein' ' end otheis,und are now- en 'file -attn. eampabetraffice. L:371#31. lire; COMPOWided With hip utmost care sad skill, and.the ; ingredients are thoroughly tested by siietttlEte . chemists, ad that medieinei of a idniforra and reliablb JOHN SULLIVAN k ME FIE :r litrotis guaranteed in all eases. ) - THE GRAEFJONBERG VEGETABLE 'PILLS . Are particularly' vtable for the prevention and' cure ut Fevers in genera SD Bilious and Liver Complaints, Jaundice. General Debility, Common and Sick Headache. Dyspepsisaleart Bum, Cristiana., Griping,-Urinsty Diseases, Obstructions of • the Menses, Influenza, Asthma, and for a . variety - of other Chronic Biasses; in fine, for all ordinary family stsarl-) directions‘for the various Diseases se-company each box: Prim 25- centrix box.! . The Graefenbert Dysentery Syrtip, - • A speedy andinfallibll repiedv in Diardnia;Dysenta ry, Bloody rids; Cho era Mcfrbus, Cholera Infarabin and the Iferaila Cuocias, if taken With the fist symptoriis,iii: iiiinittig and diiirifieeii: - '' It ne- - • ver fails liictiie,the . ,iverst possiblif cis* of • bowel compliticON Onerally in a fait hours, • • shldoni . beyond a 16ay. It is •Ptiitzt.'y Vitiirtnig,imalaken in any Ofinii • ••• tilkispecfictly harinliss i ' '- ,; • The Geaereelherg Giiin M9uatahl;Glatinent. Invaluable for. Hume, Wounds, Spraime,_ Chillblaips, Corns, Sores, Swelinge of all, kinds ~11liennialisini Ery•sipelaa,Boinchitis, Scrofula, Ul;erie, Pains in, the Bide and back inumdiately relieved,lnflam, mation of the Bowels; and for all cases where there is Inflammation. , ... ' Marshall's Uterine Eatholieaa. . A certain cure for Prolamine Uteri, and for atost of the distressing complaintaincident to females: Pre pared by Dr.' THEO, POMEWW, of Utica, solely for the Greefenberg Company. 711 E .0111511 OMAIMENBEHG MEDICINES 1111 Eye Lotion, , . .. }halal Bitters, • . Consnrnptive Balm, , Fever and Ague Pills, Chthiren s Pa:mem, -• Libby's Pile Ointment, Sarsaparilla Compourul. - Q J ^ The Craefenberg Manual of Health, ra complete hand-hook of medicine for families. Price fifty cents. Office, 214 Broadway... New York. Csurtorr.—The public is requested •to bear in mind that euerything prepared by the Graefenberg Company has their. seal 'upon it. . . Spurious articles have been issued closely tesembling the genuine in every particular, except the seal, and the utmost care should he used before purchasing. Agents for Bradford County—Dr. HUSTON and Dr, PORTER, Tovrandn. Iy3B THE LM TED STATES' LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY. Charter Perpetual... Cash system... Capital $250.000 Office No. 29, Merchants' Exchange. ORGANIZED upon the 4. mixed principle," Stock and Mutual, which combined features offer to in sured members double the usual security, The Cash sy_steca of payments hits also been adopted, thus avoid ing, the heavy draorbactes .created by unpaid premium notes. The table rates of premium, upon which its po. licies are being issued, is the only scale experience has proven should be adopted, as affording reguilite secur ity to be insured, and an undoubted guarantee for the perpetuity of such institutions. An experimental ta ble may be found worthless, at the very instant a. poli cy should possess its greateA value. Life Insurance, very properly, is arresting the.cittention of the world. I' he, p üblic however, in their commendable willingness to embrace and employ its wise and salutary provisions, should make altintato security the primary mid moat important object, %hi& can only be attained by so ad justing thopretninms as to anticipate unexpected loss es and fluctuations of every kind. •It is the purpose of this company annually' to credit, upon the polices of holders and books of the Companyouch an amount of profits as shall not affect the stability, or impair the sacredness of its contracts. Premiums may, it the op tion of the insured, he paid annually, semi-annually, or quarterly, in advance. All necessary information, togetherwith blanks. pamphlets, &c., may boobtainell gratis, at the office of J. E. CA SP! £1.14, Athens, Pa. DIRECTORS. Stephen R. entwined, Paul B Goddisid, . Ambrose W. Thonatison, Lawrence Johnson, Benjamin W. Tingley, George Wiietiry, Jacob L. Florjnce, . James Devereor, . William M. Goodwin, John L. Linton. • S I'EPHI.:N W. CRA 1.1 7 FORD,JPresident An nos R W. THOM 5t4071. Vice Pertinent-. • - CaAs. G. Im r r ecretam- and Treaspqr -71/.111Ui."/ Eyre. COthiS I. AND ATTORVIY--.-Thfirli3S - " F. S. HoT4, Atedical Examiner for Athena `;• Vaeember 27, 850. MYSTERIOUS KNOCKINGS IN TOWANDA! Clock, Watch, and Jewelry Store' of informing his old customers and the public generally, that he has purchased • • of li 4 ;P M II . u l l l .l -A li k4 i.:st C oc ik k o ta f k l e l s 'at th eh is es,: e i t u h cks t'd *tl•041. ' g . ) and- Jewelry, and, commenced the above EititildWas'in all'of its veiling tratiches aethei old stand of the latter,on Main street, two doors south of Brick RoW. - His reputation as a watch repairer is so well established in this community, that it Is hardly fleece sary to say a word on that point. With his long ex perience and great advantages for acquiring a thorough knowledge of the business, he has confidence in saying to the public, bring on your watches and clocks, I will do them justice. Mt goods sold, or RepAsting done, warranted as I reennimbnd, or the money refunded. A pod saartmint of Chicks; Watchaslifid Set Very IFeppatititoutly hated. lk,fy, : iiioito shall he—quick sates, small ,prohts,.c* down ) and no credit given. Crcditirypcdnut be naked Tor—as, I . run bound not in make its acquaintance: ToiviziAja, July 12, 1650. A. M. WARNER. _— Removed.. to :.B.:Kiugsbery!s Mgt! . . ~ . , •. , ~ 111' 4. Ch am . berlin, • ....- 1 '' ' s° ' . ' H As i ust returned front tinselly f, ..t- of New York with a large "..„ i --,-- .... -, ~,, supply of Watches, Jewelry and ) / ,i ? s : -',, Sliver ware, comprising in part, I t•. . 4 ,'•4.. , the following articles:—Lever, '7 • it r , ~. 0/1 , ---,„ . - L, .pinwand Plain.yatc.bos,-with ' . -;, 4 ,{{v ; ,.-, 9 -'4. a . .complete assortofeal at Mid : • , JeWelry, each as air Eingi, Fin. gee Rinzr, Breast Pins, Bracelets, LOckets, Gold chains, .Gold - Perti,AteSrs, etc. Also; all sorts of Silverware, awl any quantity ofSteel Bends—pll of which):lle,otrefs Air sate eiceceilingly cheap for C ASH. i lAratches.,,rapaired qn..stiort notice, and warranted to'innivell,or the money iiill' he refunded, and a writ twagracninattgiligibto that otTect if required. ' "N% - ter:—:ISTATIZSUGAR, and Country Prod uce . 'taken' 'n116146,0. lot irrettfi' and alas ; ''learn now; and orietrtifhal ' the•Prdtliree' must be ptiid When the work ,i 4 . 2tr j a var against credit in all its forms. N S A. CHANIESERLIN, Agent. Tr4andtf,'Apilt Ili' itilo:' "• • " -,r-•• '' ' ..... . . 5 ., 9 : K:GS (*were Nails jor i atlt i l4 :; (1114',4.13R0W.N-541i.‘14 • Marl, 004Teor Crusted and'POwilcrea Sugars, ;law arriving and Tor role i‘hotes.ale or retail very cheap liy MEM: UR's. . _ !MI si sry. k- 41 • e 'Vs! ~ ,,0.-:17.0:;) t. -,::--,,,,, I +Lis ;. x: ..S; EMI Milt -,Cpl upon each . box. ict 911;ring to the public this jnatlyeelebnaoisn EREIGN BALM OF-LIFE, it is not inn s a i t " make anyliditiitiiernAitiklitrieklizeilieeeti ons o f , fi ! `loyienor efffeitary to t storing to;health the li t tiC suffering,' well Ittitotiribirtbit theii , reputatio tv Z .STANDARD b'of itself ouffitiew 4 rode for the *fainted: :••• • h . • Many prriofe might begiven of their volution but weprefer those una9uairatect wi th th em to ttilartfii by "enquiring of Mini witnesses and 1 4 the theiWiterfectly safe 13 1 able in all amen, being Ptireai itegetable x and a tine avolthy their best confideatie and4tittonsta The following certificate wwi - sent inirAr-alte *to& ro A • - Hzirnizrra, lifonioe - Co: N. Y. May 10, :We the Undersigned' citiwiiis of gannet' h used personally . freiSciute's licoveivign - Bah witnessed the health-restoring effects thereet, u . recommend thew! Pills to the *Meted Sc the y es which•we are acquainted. l• • At...ROBERTI:4 • G. H. BROWN . M. D. PHILLIPS, ••DJ G. ons, A.4`lllB$l"TS; ••• ' REE D. P. S.—You crest liberty to publish thisforti, kk : helots& - • Elswurs or Cotravintirtis t We arenoteweeif. oaf ode Wholl mild** Spurious article ly e ed to make wie,p.r_car-neme 4 hui seals of tb ek had the impiOcnciii , oar - hetes and em Ciretiats; 'Ciders the fabri c k careful when 'hey prirchsse, they win b e d miltd. 0:7 The genuine Botritreign Balm Pill: ear i whblesale antf - retai% Of 'Dr,", SOULE & Co., E k i. Onondaga Ce.." • -- • - Viet/ by HUSTON & PffEtTER, Towanda Pi,* by their Agents in'irrirytotynin the counitr. The best and cheapeptTaiirily Medicine in theg t 4 pre nallettle COMPOtia ,s olll9.lgLinbail=liikb 2 ) /1,134 An'; siterattive; Tonre, 'Diuretic and mild Cs ' Merl& cent; per box, conta,ning 50 Pi/5. Each box contains fifty pills, which mem tt em cheap again 11i any other standard pill, valloani ts . ,chevet., and warranted 'much superior in the mail 'various disimosea, to any or the Syrup mixtures di, besides being a mo r e convenient *no proper i z rot' nee. The satonishini success which has attended 1 of Dr. Roberts eompohnd Sarsaparilla Pills abuildant* conc4stsc., : that they are truly 21fattsiiii Own Remedies. and that tliey will cure, all curable diseases, gi t i and more pleasantly, ihan any other medicines known. The Pills are principally an "altiratirerai cute; (their basis - being Me solid extract of Sarna* . prepared in a superior manner,) but gotricienoy artic to gently assist nature, without purging war leerily; which make them peculiarly adapted and enfeebled persons, invigorating and stn the body, purifying the system, producing blood and a healthy action of the stomach am They are acknowledged by our ablest phri, be not only unexceptionable, but etricaciou& st degree, and as a general Family Medicine Unequalled, The Compound Sarsaparilla Pills are used ' permanerit cure of those diseases which arise impure state of the blood, and rtiorbidecretia liver and stomach, viz., erysipelas', scrofula, e•il,ulcers, scald head, obstinate cutaneous blotches, boiliAohnpLei, sore, :weak' Or Ipfliti glandular swellings, iheomedo•afreetiona, bones and j0inUf.„0 0 1 11 11494 4 4 1 , 81 a; asthma. and - dysentery, coughs, colds, tonaurtiption , ed pi capillary ohltructions of the lungs in scrofulous constitutions, inflatnatiort of the flucnza, indigestion, headache, jaundice, level chill fevers, and'fevers in leneral,w,eneral a dehllity, and diseases arising`from an injudicia tnetcury, and whenever medicine is require(' rate and purify the system. They are a purely vegetable eoroponnd, ant used by persons of all ages. They are p:easazt palate;and produce no !wises, uneasiness or in their operation. Hundreds of certificate given of those Who have used them with greutt. We ask no person tottshe our word as tuthi.k. 7 . of the medicine, but call on the agent and par* boi; audit on trial it does not give the most ' isfacttrut they cab return the box and receitetae ey Paid for the same. Purchasers 'mil' be pt'i . tb 'ask for " Dr. Robert's Compoand Sr.*'. Pills," and observe that the green wrapper cry i hox has a fac simile of tho signature of Jas. Istl• it. D: and U. P. Pay, and to purchase none ;!a MI applications for agencies and litters on at jest of the Medicine, trro-t lie,mldres , rd, • C. P. Fay, Owego, '11.1;.,•4 L'S.. N. V. For sale by 111,6T0N & PORTER, 5L1, 11, tocvalatia Pa ,W'ilisport.k Athens Railroad 1411 TOVVANDA CHEAP CLOTHING ST respecttully ink k-K lie that he has removed his store to building, one door below Warner's watch it he will be happy to ace all who may Ito 't Good and Cheap „Clothing. lie t,,n,Lact to his stork all-the new and deir.ll,l.- terns, and feels confident he can satisfy may give him a call. Justreceiving from New York, a large at ble,assoment of Sloth . ; am! Sum •ner in the Inst. mthrier, and which will be 531.1 the toweat prices. He liqa also received, a large lot of Y CRILbRENS"PLOTHING, to which vention and-which will be sold at lbw rate+• made arrangementa by which he can send ix licit desired, with the certainty of procunn;u ertiele. Cutting and making up, done 29 usual in ,tithhionable manner,promptly and to ardor. Towanda, May 8, 185 I y • Fire 1 Vire! Fire! A -RE you insured 1 application received k4l Antes effected by J. E. C AXFICLD , the, following /tufo and,popular companies The nudsou River Sire Instal • .......... The, St. Lawrence Comp* Capital . `fie Empire State Corpaey• Caplia, 001 The Washington COMp3n9:, Capital over. The State liTutual at Liarrisb • • withe halm Capita( •nd !UT' Incre.l,ll7V the Great Pennsylvania CamPany• The Gaited Slates Life Insurance Ineuilj . Company. Capital. ............ On the nem principle by which the' ins; pates in theprofits. J. E. CANFIELD, A! To Lumbermen. - IANTED some competent pcnsot to • riff taiting FOUR M(1.1.10N FEET 01 LOGS; On two tracts Af land on Bit Pitts Creeks. Thelogs to he ddlVerea in stt , Wilhatospart, I.yeonaina county, thocco:, or a part of theta runner if pr.ictscabit. traiVirill entered into for cutting dad whole of the rine. I'gs tad one or both .C.r.a5 14 .- The t;zkiai and b.:inklings crier references as m onis 6iiipetc'uti *IIJ l e required. Apph tO s rr.t, 11. 1. at lie;mi'.=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers