Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 17, 1852, Image 4

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; . "T7': - 7:1',. 171 • • „
~ violtftstraC. - .r - c , .._
t wil t __ ~...,..„. :...,_"....z,
'W.-, . . *• , :is ~•17. - . " ' •
trpon virkat dataiinn Satoshi
, n ,10 f, 7.111 ,1 IL.
311 M itcltlin'A, l 4,4lelr l9 bll t• e° 4 1 .1" .41 1k ° ,40 -
sesoii,g , lppelliokaitilldesiree,lhal cannabis rippeas•
re) , tv ittinerr-lifigibte Its 41, which • if.- the' proiltier of-a
enith, nbeie he,fiuu
nuinerous . the 'eir
amides kritieh his feriey .may eousliuclant fumiph,
abide,' bet Musa subsist oh bone
112% airlwAft;)l7lqati'
11.0 l'arir,oe: prmwher;oAith, imuttkor
red limor satariatmpou bread , -alone, it iir sign as
lfirK thaftur ighbriss tumuli neither
isn 410 bo, h4r,vr Mout Ind and eam— ,, for m the
s wad okiby , faro' shah. thou mu bread tilt. Ahoc• re
mrn MIRO ttli. O,IC id Ri if yritt ,w , k the sttiden
why be nv *r Ate mitli;ighi lairiPT:lbe,.eloieb
ies why he semi. , his ship 4 laden withrerchant.
41 ise 1 oUil ink ite) fiNfro A !why
he .d;oi, anti 10We iteurnticr no Infmnsi tiopica# sun
harrllffeinvetitio Iris Weary= limbs, or sleep lo
ioei4ions , of4nati,-LYon
arlawarpanan cannot lire and ba led,
itudvkidaidewithoht labia', toil and ears •
hietereerely 'of I(darr to - feed Upon
liai.i-bri.*beCtia! the
innetmostilesire in thes language of Acui,--:f
me with food convenient for me—lest 1 he veldt e.."d
steal, and take the itairte of God in vain." Would
Acept.„til, pre who appropriate ifiemselycsliis
tviirtftietinier4taveiteitt up ihis'petititii to 'the Dis
penser otevers.4tiod , gpioyed urpti earill, had man
been eohififiteil subl=ist npnn respirable air
asriutrition # Does not the thief- put in. his p:ea
for mercy upon the ground that lie hail stole to ap
pease the famishing gpawings of starvation? And
Moos not the eoryl -rensequies l ettri:ise,:rriercy to
waratthelitheilder,for,iiiis reason ~ :
Ilowerer inuiscentlental - the -speculations ot the
itetit silfteiirs' or the frretaPhysicaf - thetiriste they
inTAl't4l,44b4l4iiiicin sojuething more tangible than
t WAuch they Serra up. lot their hungry--disci.
risk • . ,
'Vet . tit rpon what does
,14i,,luheirill" as various as the different
aoreliticetwinwh lob he is found. The man who in,
habits fluent* . Ayres, consuming daily 'lO or 12
pound iof gild hull meat—i n' whose vocabulary
the word breatfh not knitikn-;• - •sefiiists very unlike
tie Rshatinffteditig;upOn- his poilitoei tuff oaten.
nrear---tathinese eatitiglattenea the Glea
n feeding !Top Whale oil—the slave upoti the
pLaritations -sucking the sweets of the sugar cane,
and feasting upon his bananna—the African depen
ding mainly upon the sweet dates for his mute
ono variant Medea Ofeuh,
sii,itence until IbbjcarinibaT :be 'reaChed—the,rery
mildest talaiitsitt. • • • • z
41)(1'0.,# fanitiage of:another "Iv ere
loeveraver.die-vhole inhabited earthwo ap ach
intallentrattil haspitaVtr, dAifleierqkkittl of food is
get Before Eis 7 r l , -- daily bread" ,offered in. another
torte l _tat we may oak, is man then really so
yetsage a being that he.can build the visiblebodge
of hie Irpirif f same: way, out of the most
var)itiyrnalerials! Or do all those sr? varied !etude
6141011fishment contain onei or a few similar thin.
ter/WM . 6h' prialiaily serve for lood- of minkind
nie Lauer is actually the fact." . •
Says,'Schiller ; the [mei—
4 . Four elements
lo one tom bend,
(nee form hi Dlr.
Build wand
- These Lour element.' are Carbon. hydrogen, oxy
gen); and nitrogen, Combined, form the substance
ot which plants are mostly composed. Carbon is
the.imly solid—the other three being gases. Bar
atmosphere &wording to Poggendorf's estimiee,
contains abcint 2,951578 cubic geographical' miles
of dxygen, while the respiration of man and aid.
mahi r logetber with the cations processes Of com
bustion, consume annually about 24 cubic miles ;
consequently ISO cubic miles in a hundred -years
—•••ory • oan.thaustriath part of the whole'. The
amenm of carbonic acid, in the air in propoitioit to
oxygen; is as 1 to 155. This is predicated on the
supposition that martin respiration expires a cubic
ii!Chnr carbonic acid, !or every cubic inch of oiy
gen.Opired.• The same change is carried On . by
combustion. This dam, not Owent for therpropor
iton-oNadanniti Ateid.,jonnti in the. air'. Oxygen
unship's iesdity with carbon and hydrogen. Ni
gospro britAight*Buitt for . other subst , rtnces..'
TivelleYnur rtentents form numerous cor e nimunds
Ouly !,ING •
...o.l3**Air,f"l4lfoP importance th th e
inikirit: 'MOO Broielii; acti bchreiden, com
pr, sabetances natio
_all four elemedts.
Tide inchalessibunten, fintine, casein and gelatine.
All soimel,bodies ere thimed: of these euhritarufee
tibia decomposition talcsa rhea they are
9intligtittus Jar. — gbi second :Oise inelathis
all' sobstinaii of nitrogen, as gam, sugar
ititietp.ftspirif, *hie beer, - end,be Carlon kinds of
'Mantel Li Fpa llstleac.—There• are so many
tutiticei koni which the materials to make manure
may be derived, that thowonder is, how any.lartn
neellonld neglecitct imurove h is Opportunities for
' makirCg farm as rich as a garden spot: There
. are
Shores 4creek, and rivers lined with mud — w ood's
' :di:644141 with mould and leaves; m°111(1 from
heed:lands• untfekee sides and cosnuramtal and
istgetiblei Mailer froni the marshes, and the sorap.
ings °W itches and roads; in each, and all of which
am c.a.Mpriaeaffiatkai"Oleittents of manare,'Wptir.,
ininathing latioiramt temposting, to .
stikailmsni4ll 45 , 05(i u h6r38 1 411N...aT,
atisrgi s tiVi#oo/:#0 ,
di,of 11
.f l 4 l .7l'4 l alaii°4ieraied;.,will.reake ,
She itholoas goatitsitio' It;40 'bushels. of 41hes,
tionlarifo !belting thing, erhilti - 4 - dead hotse , of
deallcia;,..cakupeud.composted with twenty toads
want& girl** tass rich- ota podia . ° e.h.e.e;s4l. '
To -Bait AerusseitSweist apples miserly :ix*.
Jraiitur eaMtrerith are;exteitent. The best
. 14 :4 1 14 6 fir: to
"}vain; tergest in. eine, wipe them main, it thin
kintiifil'ind pare them if tre• grin' is-thick aria
walk; sat Ift•tbe burst portion - 01=m from one
emytint the , frail on - welt Matted etarthen dishei or
0416 *Ai WOO oikiutit4rld
VU: r cis . /cigar.
tomplaes thumb in the oven nrothetspliaratee for
411 1 4 WI! 4air!alaqqi, Paid.. , Tabs - dial. Pair
kearold end pit in pat the! are 'Patin*
4.4rAsgfav bite' tile heti frorii the .carol your
l otra,' f ~ td placed (Soso by nature, to mtect thiteri;
d,r t rhyo i e d e. 1::•• stithd
fit t 41teccitititi'
• • 1 o
% Tut
OZZAT =NM 411711.11Tratali
..1zt..441110146 . 0 1 4 1 .101 1 4E41941*.:-.,;,,...
Ilmiostan.tqtettuitirnt-i#l44llm-Butss:if Patine'
Premiums to Mw -Subscribers
4- 4 • York, continuo to ritt4libli:liut fulitm*4 Dritish
Feripiiicals. ?sr
The Londonijaarterly Review; onservanve
The Edinburg.h Review, (Whig).
North-Britibielieziew, (FCer Church). - •
T be_ westobirosi Review.lisiberal).- • -
lillackWood's Edinburgh Magazine. (Tory).
Although these works are distingotshed_hi
political shades above indicated, yet but
poittott of their - conlebticis devoted to political sob
teem. it is their Alerts", character which gives
them their chief value, and , in that they standrote.`
'fisseilt3r*olinv6 all other ionntatsit their - chtai;.z.
Biocitwood,„„still ~utt4efidbfr_,,lnaV,F,llYAnidttnee of
Uhrtstoraer NtiffistialVattk!bi4A.oFtell, edOrily,
and-ie, 0/4. mca tiictj'itfrPrei
sgr.4l,worksvf ,Buiwcr.Anci:Pth er literitriPet tWes.
written for that ntaauzine.• atm first a Ni,eitrlng
plumps, bollt,in c Grea,t, Britain. antlAu ,thc a tinittit
Staten- 2 _. 1 3Pli Ircir l4 ?' The .caAtans , 'Llthd:ll. b l l ,
New Agee), (both by littlwer). "My r eninoular
Mellag'.", ;Me Orepi Hand." and ; other ,ayrials, of
whiPh.gmlnertnts edilicfße lt-e issued ,by the
leading, publishers itObis; coastay, 4ive to he re
printed by those it_elthstiels froin'the pagesOfalack
wood, after Khoo been issued hy Mesara..elott. &
Co., so that Subscribers to the R!prtnt of that itia
gazioe trtaY oilier rely on:hiviog the etirliesi
ing of these fwminating tales
Theit itiprints'have iow bee() sieCtritsful op
eration in this country for , tivenv yeacir, and their
ejr t zlation is constantly an the increase, tinterith•
randing ti tot"!tetition they encounter trom'A mer
lean perittelicals . ,:r 'a g!initar eft/wand frau,' twiny
rous „Rigger end Afa , ,ti e ,"7inkii ni7de op of selections
frinn' foreign periodical's: s;,!s l faci 'butes 'Clearly
'the high edtimation in which they are he!'! by the
intelligAt reading public, and affords a zuarati!‘te
th'st they are established on a firm Nulls, au.? wilt
be continued, Without interruption.
.4111? 41111.11.1 JIM
[See list at Premium Volumes below.l"
For'any One or the four We and one P'mVial.' f 3
For any two " "
,"one ' It
Furth th ree ' ei 7 00
For all feet of the Reviews " 'two " ' - 00
'For - Blaekerood'elleitgastnii" one ' '3 00
For Blackwood & 3 Rev's N three - " 9 90
Furillacksed-defOuißev i e . " ' three " ' 10 00
[Payments to bi made in all cases in advance.]
The Premium"- colts tof the following works,
back volumes of which - will . be given to new Sub
scribers, according to the nuinber of petiodtiali or
dered, as above 'explained.
- „
Foreign Qoarlerly Review (one *ear).
Blackwood's Magaiine (sit mo . raths).
Londort Quarterly Review (one year). '
Bentley's Miscellany (sir months). •
Edinburgh Review (one year).
Metropolitan Magazine (six - months). _ •
' Westminister-Beview-(ane year).
'ongeentite Premium volismes cannot in an ea
ses be.fornisbed, except of 'the foreign 'Quarterly
Review: Te ,prevent disappointment, therefore,
where that work is not atone wanted, Subscribers
will please order as many dittereht works 'for pre
miums as there Me volumes - to, which "they may. be
entitled. •
discount of twenty-Ire .per cent. from the
above prices wilt be allowed to CRAW ordering , four
or mgre copies of any one' or more of the above
works. Thus: Your copies of Blackwood or of
one Review .will be sent to one address for SR; four
copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $3O:
and so - oh.
**, No premiums be gbien where the above
allowance is made to Clubs. nor will premiums in
any case be furnished, unless the subscription mo
ney is paid in full in :the Publishers without re.
course to an - tigent. Money torrent in the State
where issued will be receive) at par. •
The postage Periodicals has, by the late
law been tedoced.,on the average, about forty per
cent ! The following are the present rates, viz:
011. 91L.Ae1ie70011 . 5 MAGAZIN&
Any distant* not exceeding 500 miles, 9 cents per quarter
Over Oe) end " " IMO " IS "
Over IMO and a " B5OO ~
Any ii.staisee not exceeding SOO roily% 4 ePnto per quarter
Over 500 end • • " 5500 '- 8 •• -
Over 1300 and" - " 2500 •' 50 ... u
At these rites no 'objection should be
heretofore, to receiving thi works by mail, and thus
ensuring their speedy, safe, and 'regular delivery."
ai• Remittances and "comniunications should be
always addressed, post-paid. to the Publiihers,
N. B.—L. S. & CO. have recently published.
and have now for sale. the " FARMER'S GUIDE,"
by Henry Stephens of Edinburgh, and Prof. Norton
of Yale College. New Haven, complete in 2 vols..
royal octavo, containing 1600 . p ages ,
. 14 steel and,
600 wood engravings . Prue , muslin binding
$6 ; in paper covers, for the mail, $5.
New Chair and. Bedstead: Wareroom.
SPECTPTILLY informs the public that be his
opened a `shop afhis new • house, corner of Main
and Panto stun* nearly opposite Edina r,Pretion's,
Towanda', where he' will 'keep ontand 'or manufacture
to order, nagionted, Cottage. Virladsnr- ring. Cane
anted and'Commott CRAM," made of the best Ma
tetisbe; andeaufteritir
He has eisolor silo 'an assortment of Banreasns,
at low piens' ' • ' •
Repairing and Sailing Common, Cino-hottom and
Flag-seated Chabs, on reasqoab o4 l4 terms.
Cherry, Basswood, %Vint** sod bacamber
Widen in payment far work. .
traits that his long acgtriirance in this county,
am m o g a ,;:bility of his work as tested by many years
experience, r in i:esne him„ a share of public patron
age, , .Towsn?s, Kai ' ', 1 . , !RS
Y Jan tirgeoz,
HAS removed his eetableabutinf . 3Ftz's
corm of_atain attest and the piddle equate. and
will manna the;inannfaOture of Boots and Shoes, as
heretofore::, - • -•`-, " • ••-
• Hetes just received from New York a large assort
went of 13'646'04V artillruik tirots, which
reit ofkrtd loW•pricre. The - attation'd the Lillis
is psr*bisdrdirected to .comititiog
tho.following newvityies :4attainelied hotly Lind 04.4
.tar , bootat , Ala - shoes Ma& lestinkstid tilk'gaitemti
walking shoes, buskitts,ifte.' - Mises' gaiters add Wpm;
of every dercriptiOn: sit,laigeliskiriment of Children's
fancy gaiter*, boots and Woes, of
- Pot the Geotiemen.pimast eripi,t,ylalpf,gaiters and
shoes, This stoc k "Jos e deco :FiensmallY*lected, with
care, and' he ,ielfiyes he can. Ofet; . aiapa . iu . o . aftiagi it
reasonable prises: • , •
srp. The striitosi attention paid .
and he boos -bY &hi; Work well tomerit a continu
a/4S of the beryl iatronago be has hitherto 'receiveiLl
Tortands, May 9 ., 1853.
HAS REMOVED Eva :OFFICE. tci'bre:Viltick,
Bow; {up itiici, j lo the cakti;formerly oceapled
by Roil: D. Wilmot as a law office. ~bars he will be
kleasallomosiboas his incetaiiM* itericeti.
Towsodmiforember/80851,...'-: , •
~, :—,,i , .; d i tt ia or t iowirminf t
7 , . -, Therundentlialirill eel, oir faini
fII 1 ble terms. the Tavern House andloire
ti 1 heimited , movie or exeegtot. ; fanning
__ - . ... land;Waatelf lit the. lir "Or Mimi'.
• • • . I, • eti, Pa. - The loeatiOtic'' el' hoes . ,
grit i
•cel •• 1 " '• i list busiangisid airs i • fisatioe:
iii*PS,10.1)00081401trowl of' kvellist le - 4%a
gotieeijo.e.oemitlONALFirtleitigeteiv, ft P 3 (,--..
' re! pries/pep is she sobsesiberatilterne, t ,
Oct. 4, test. .14:111X PAIIISMORE.
IDIIkEIi 1.0 !MAC I.
79 Fulton Eltreet, New To*,
Entswoce. 54 Gold at
r i r,klff.mmifflo
Ar*o NEW coo 03:
ilTo4lo l .i3Oi7fi, ft*lfMgri.:,',l)!*i.:-TlO3
0) • .;_3, .;
41 "E*ll.,,.bssing fomseiyat coltnrtner-,
"17. tieiiiii#TifiVeitrully coil the etteotion of the Rub-;
• fiii;ttitheii have,/
thite , 'sttditiMit.
?srititt eign offered' in this region. Among dm multi-!
TS 00041 be e"9Ms":
- -•- • - •
Eflll4slo.Atneriefu eurtilirede . raptare round
English and Anwitean rellifid t hoop. bandana hOrie
ilinelitai final rods and malleable Iron of all descrip4
00Pe,elke.; with a geoCissodutent of 4 d;
lid, &Lad. 1 - od, 12d and 20d ; 4. folind 6 inch splicer ;
wrought nails earl bow neils.,bpthos,riestid4elf..fle
itur. iastAlenneri, Kagliodr - hiker; Allelic*
sl ll 44l 7 4t3liErthllo4 B *6 slf:7 l
Pill awl ITO*II4I-MO9l V
_nliilderwiptiott . s,.. tM:O24-fIeIOWAIDE ~ 1 1. .. Vt.;
bliebetfe adz , iglift4s'llfle.."Yeo.4slll46,i‘RA alld
:fmmirle Oisel:1:e 01 01 1 19 1 1 end red oteel
•siseir.flPl l 44 ll . 2 111 0 1 ,l - ;0 1111 Iii1 10 ;.aflif1 1 ! 110
pool bOlegrel plsnes . snd 11 '0 1 4 h olo 4eafiltr
int„heyhole ihttlig,sawat, iron, and, steel end
try Awes of all roses. frate„lsl to Inelies;_haintners,
_eptrit levels, bevels, tsPit lines, mortice gcsges,,of all
*ea._ screw d aiaarand livers. agatiluar th : , ofe•luiP ll * kr. •:
Anvils. lellows, mess. dedgess rifting
hatirmers, stocks out thilling•machinesase. -
' - rarlisei•Toeikie ' '
Shovels, *peel or-'round points ; piths,- Mei,
stew and manure forks; log, cable and bintrentiartWev
crowbar*, grubbintboeit, - Takes grastiverydWaOre=
nether', scythe steerereaod rides, cradWicyibm,
cytheri, corn cutters, shovel - "plough melerlds, gerifelk
sakes, hoes and worm's, "coop shovels, &h.'
1 1thriniliti
Carria-111 g •
Carriage tows, top Teacher and cloth„ 'patent leather
midis rubtrei ctida brass,and • silver , plated hill? bands.
concave and Boston patterns; brava arid, silver plated
cin tisl frames, lining ninis,csrriage,knobS, apron rings
hooks, stomp joints; brass and silver.plated joints ;
ctirtl striped lace. "wide - and silk
striped lace, i .nlr style') top .$. 111. .50 flidge4, l ; o 4.
varnish c t o ;h:p a t e ,,,t exi.‘v and axle 'Dims ;'springs,
Ilurnees'TdidoidivW are o" he
est and most approved stylvcr. a •
. • nous°
We have nn hand, a lull Waturunent. Arp:a a;1 11 1191 1.1 "
tity of LEAD PIPE, which we are pteparcu 163 . 1 " 14 # 1
at the lOwest prices, together with copper, and bn:sl l lqn
stop. cock. and cork stops. An, quantity.. of Ptse
chains and Wellras. A general issotuneut,of
Saw 'mill, circular end wood are 'sates • plvitering and.
brick trowels; lathing home:ere,' shovels swig tongs;
files and - .rasps of- all siielt shoe and tack liiitulgera;
drawing - knives, turner's 'chisels and gouge* sawsells,
calliper', pincers, knivesend forks, 'carving' knives and
forks and steels; butcher', pocket and pallet knives;
coach wrenches, trunk, chest and till locks; tailors and
sheep shears; table and bed castors; dinner and tea
belle, glue and enamelled Sauce kettles; brass kettles,
from two quarts to half a barrel; 'Ballow Ware mid
cauldron kettles • les "and coffee pots; I:rase:end bri-'
'snubs candlestlar(scid Shaffer.; trays, fruit trays - and
large servers; curtain anis and - pins of the latest ION.;
Stair' Tods and holders; hides' end gentlemen's' potket
seism; razors and razof strops; Germain silver and '
Whams table and tea spoons; bale, clothes and shoe
brushes • h r az and steel barrelled pistols and revolvers;
pin locks, steel nipples ga itipPlet !menthes; 01 o 1 0kal
• pouches and powder disks; barn door, ship add
binges. Mao manufacturing and *lll keeptonrrtsat ly
on hands large asaltment of , •
. Tin and :spatula WitriN
*elite also
,jitstiviceived 30 tone of .troves
composed,iti part onite following patterns end Arifell:
Republican, air tight :CookingStove, Sauter_
"Farmer's ' de . do
Lidy,of the Lalte, , do ,
Queen of the West, do
Iron King. - do
Improved Preminin do
Eastern Premium, do
Jenny Lind Parlor Stoves,
Cottage do 2 gnii 3
Cylinder do :: S and 4
Air tight do :: It 6
Air tight 6 plate Stoves, :: 2to 6
SiT plate Stoves, :: 9to 7
The above comprises but a few articles of the mod
ment which they eilei to the public, and all of which
. will be disposed at extremely low 'rates. In proof .of
this, piano call at Half:told stand. south aide of public
square, and extending to Pine street.
• , rrr Old Copper, Iron, Brass and most kinds of Pro.
duce, taken in payment. Towanda, Julie 6, 1651..
ti tilt Tura mom]
THE subscribe above Moved to the new building on
Pine street, one door below !demurs store where
they will keep onihand and make to order, ploughs,
stove and-mill irons of almost all descriptions. Tum - -
ing and Guing• GP work, will be done also on reasonable
' terms as at ElminCut Owego: Old iron will be taken
in payment. - JOHN CARMAN dr. CO.
• rcmulda...Apfn VC 1841.
Saddle, Harness & Trent Heantaetari:
PoieouLps Co.,4spectfaily inform the -pebkie
thsithey, have taken the shop lately.,,ocenpiad by
C.,1 Herder, Main strut. a A:w doors below the
Brick 'noir, where they -will keep on - Mini • large
stork of
atigagt3ooo *jatt% zbamiaa'
All artielei In their line numnfaetored to order; sad
made of the beat raiterial,inA firtworkerianabiii annum
be torpeiled ht Northern Pennsylvania, They solicit
a cell from those wishing to purchase, confident that
they.ean give sitidaction both as to,qlality and plies.
oa. Cub will be paid for Hides and Sheep felt',
tbehiaheat Wu, at our .bop. • • •
kale Lea Sher, Upper. Leather. Ha 1' wess.psithes and
Cdf skins, for sale in any quantity.
Towanda. .November 19th, 18150.
HE subscribers respectfully inform the public that
they have taken the shop formerly. ocenpied by
Adam Domaine: . un Main street; nearly .opposite
Drake's wagon shop, where they are prepared to do all
of BLACKSMITHINO upon reasonable
by doing their work well and .
pro Ti h p 7, l l ; i tir e a r t in) ;2l 4 ‘ hope to receive a -share of
pub* patronsgi.
RORSer-SH MING Jane In Use Ilst .0?"110., „49,
kinds of orpalrloglrlaubinuty, rzseuttili*l.4
.ful manner. -
• WOOD ;WORK for Wagoza net alicvbiOnails and
rapaireCurliscr desired. -
, ~.411: work &ins ,at - tbairiabop, will bc,warumbialolia
'well done, land conpufactured.frona the best
Th. public are ragcculefl givP 111 $: 11 Atilt, wall ila/im
for Aheincelveci,,, A, /MN_ W 414 41rettEspiscila.„ . „
Towirodc4. Idar.-?iilB4b , •±;7:- • .
A "4ltf-Es9BN3V/NE telpeittfully juror:m.ole put,
hd POOP ,ttfe litiotiisbete
' 4o 3.orothertisse uesely- opposite'.
T o i n kka'f . oiludiy,,iirt6e he , is ready,' Aii,et wort( "
in, hit lut a ConsieT,lffn 'no - 0 07-
tiontied .thit-reptitstbief 61:17"0:)titniii4 d n skilful ;
workman Atli not suittir i bi . ssty niitt*
,ests of customersire by int' utstteiiiton - to hisinisl4 .
;TOOIM; toanufletured. taneder+-msebiaerf of elf
kinds prifalsed Itt the best enenner. end ettelY,kihd of
.Repairing sod Manufacturing Still brioneitt abort
'notice. end in the, style, destip)ti,,
Rom 5hri.. 77 .; e.S l ' 4 4 l ti a Ile wig Ow
tetee Pariatty Prance intyntai Vitirielnit*
Jests itiongty ' -
Torestiditaist.l7;ll3s,r47' •• ‘" _
1111YSICIIME. ANDASlUitageN;i V ilFiklitt.iiin
botonientlaiitrineiti fAttsiti l low pain; whets #s
may always be found when not TOnteotionaltintiriall.
Towanda; July 12, 1850.
T ll . 4 l l ‘ l , 4l ‘ slll C zer Y i '..
--...,..:07. ..4 . ,
..t.. f Pl .
L ORIO 6V II .IIP, Iti VER -14 IF,,U 0:go,
!4 - 4446tzpoit --- :t
:iii; Jim- • •-ionfillesiomviti , 414-itier.
„,„,-. "AWOL stipdarytt. , "rli il per . ifterfablib .. , :
ilia annidy iformortimironiridiniernoto
'dine s :
illtatfiksitilly t Stadia:dal sromsrof,
id rams'frairrididremandosibilti.i,..- t''4, , , , ,..ri —.•,..:::..
.• • 471liouistaltirldidt 'by Morns
.eilbant • lIM rest WM:
1, being kiminti - .i dpiairitber reason ',is' assignedlortbe ,
Meknes:4 . .4mM loolste•to mire iliwiesi douse. .•: ..,..,.. • •
•-:.Aiditainiiiiitharresponsibility- tesm - upto the
rbo dose lint knaiw, , and.the - docuwirbe doestiotmc
do:stand; the aimptsint which is destroying them rte.:
dons dullsiii•Of lifeo—ebildmti % ' „'._ '•• -. ' .", ••• '
What slailild be abitei ..,... ..,,.. i ...., ~,•.„... , ~,, 5., :. ..
,Tbe sinswerls.plaim , .Givirdseltemfogspiebieb
'*ol imam lurk gong if iltay”' bate,. ms istormisonil if
Abey lisvir e it,*ddidestroy:snd.fenaliesbilharaMitbm
antsisittand Fashion Indy; witonishing. r
~ : . ~,.'
i 7 TIMIS ituasteremy iti ! idnenryr la
Val-,lilikikanost4uorninstieibea; and lb* tersedy'dd
• • , vninmalsur-shodlsesser. dominetizesias4
*DM balmily upon Misr -,Evitry. 'penal *di tarea* ,
.7itiii4ii .** aistArifdritit it iii'• Ibtradst liedixi 4 tnt
:;'{'he; imttteneemie chit this Van:niftily* hex is a inns
uld k afits.valuoandllte.estimatton ,in *Ludt it irheid
by families. It would be quite too expensiverto. - pub•
lish the volunieirof iiedificates that bays been given
foe ibis ardele. antlabo. runs' ot." Wire ;requested .10
wised die nams :toga -pawns *hour they • alai' will
Asibeneftned by. it. , -- . . . • .
- - liipasit alit in ell dimities, and you wind° yonr4du•
ty to your fakir 'Seaton*. and 'feel asimmd. of Ake ap.
probadomof all good menonahrill receive your *ward
ut heaven,
7:Yirs:callan an gonokekizens to make known the et
feenspithis minderfaLremedy.: ./. ' •-*
.1214 bomber, and ask for , °Wick's rereolinge,,
111 #/rthritl,aot 4 .' ;
ifundreilsof children and tolattatixi s lost yeeily with
wittini, when
.come other coinoiliallein.ouiposed to
be theme one.
'lt is 111'111164 by , all Octopi tha t „fearie ii, tio4
or4helilexicto; bat enonet ni joier ire
trioitbleditkiatirtrio, an 4 „kioinf teas of 'eases. sad to
is relate,supposed fever, scarlatina; cold, or sortie other
ailing carri p es off doper,: oc,the human.
ivl4le ,in Artittillitsi die dorm at themir could
hive Veen eriniieeted io 11 . 434. i. by )ha nog of one;Gottle
of - 011111Clit YERMIFUGE.
lloW sickening the thou ght that these things should
'be—i•erid who mui Pier forgive thettweives, for not op
ing WORK - EXTIAMINATOR, when they
knew that' even if the Cue Wes not vuvms, thii reusei
dy, could not by,any possibility do hurt—bUt
goo j as a purgative, let the disease be what it tray,
H ow impoitsnt then to use ii, and Who will . 4ere in
'take the respooibility id do without it I &tall p
ies:its ask themselves this Tick:gon In truth_ andWsber-
P b" 'HUSTON & PORTER,Toirinds
_ II yr. •
-tats) Agents.
THE undersigned, !orrnerly Foreman for many years
of the LafaYett.:, Du.'" Mill Scone msenfirelory,.
240 Wastungton thrive N. (w. Track, Agent)
would inform his friends and the pnblicie gene/1411mt
be has eatablisbed a BURR *ILL STON
FACTORY at Binghamton:. N. Y. in LAroy Build
lege Opposite i•Phenix Hotel," and eadiZita
of their patronage.
Be will herre constantly on hand a large 'stock. et
Frencli.Burr /Rift Stenesote also al large supply of
Boopue ¢ .Kula Stones; also French Burr Blocks, Boll
ing Clidit, areas Wire and Calcined Plaster.
Uh undersigned assarorbis friends and the public;
that he will faithfully exec /to all Orders entreated to
hietaireoset colt' in quality. but in prices of articles
furnished. and solicits their kind patroiwge.
Orders by letter will hecswatedivitir el -much care
end es cheaply es when , pal/chasm ere on the spot. •
• ' • 20111 1 / W. SULLIVAN;
Mnglismten. May 24,1061. • • •
4 to 0
:: 4 and 4
:: 7 to 10
:: S and 4
New Work .Zintiorters aid frobber ,"
r313213111MW, 1101$4}11 di
as 'Zificrt' y.,street . , between. ffroadway and .Nastuu
Street,' near the Post.Offiee, New York.
liTrR are reEeivirig, "by daily arrivalssfrorn Europe',
Vl' our Fall and Winter assortment of rich fashion
ablifFency Silk anti Millinery Goods,
We respectfully invite all casbrparchasers thorough
11".firc`xamtrie our stock and prices, ' and, as iritersst
govern', are feet confident our goods srid,pricea will
intlice them to select from oar establishment, Par.
tinier, attention is'devoted to Millinery Goods, 'and
many of the articles are mannfactot-ed expressly otai
order, and cannot be surpassed in beauty', style and
cheapness. ' •
Beautiful Paris Ribbons, for Rat, Cap, Neck and
Satin poi Taft to Itibbons,.of all widths and ordars,
Silks, Satins, Velvets,"enernrot Velvets, for Hats.
Feathers, Anseiican and French Artificial Flowers.
Paffingg. and Cap Trimmings.
- Dress Trimmings, tante assortment.
• Embroideries, tapes, Collars, Undeisleeses and Cuffs.
FM. Embroidered Review and Hemstitch earabric
Crepes, Liises, Teactons. Elossion and Cep Laces,
Videncienes,Bluseele, Thread, Silk, eitdLisleToread
sawing silk, Lisle Thread, Marian Mimi
Ort, Etta: •
ind Plaiii &ibis, 'Book, Bisii6 d ,nl
Iseo9et Mudiaa.
Eioglisb,Trineli;Ameiican end Italian Patsy Gogds.
Sept, 6,..1851.
DISSOLVPION. , - , Notiee Is hereby-given, that the
partnership heretofore-existing between the sub
eetibers in the Harness and Trunk • making business is
this day dissolved=by nutted consent. E. Smith &
Son will stale the business of the late attn. Thole
indebted mnattin&e immediate payment. and those who
have weed to payvainftire -notll3B4•dm* ankle de ,
limed st the time agreed, Cash will be espeeted.
E. Nara; . -
November 6, 8 37.
- Smith dt go*
,inform the public that th ey
. will 'continue th e bintinesit at their old stand, north
side of the Public square, end' will keep on hand. and
theaufactum to ..order, every .variety of
HARNESS.' Titurtits,,v4trcps, he best
ina'teriala s- andolitorktivinsltici;iot to be siniiiiiise4;
, By strict attention to business 4 aud, pneiptPes,s
:fullfillincingitreuteithOhiji tdipts to continue *016:
• ail patronage they have heretofore enjoyed.
- 4, CsitsitserTentsitio will tii:doneen Shod ntitice;
,;i+ the neatest meatier.' •••
ha PrOttet' Hides, stOei, TeHs;'
Nat lie liken ,
for work: • ".c,:r
4..;; • —; .1)y, rre_
tiemoveit .10-;'l3;,,litftgsoo37-13,-;baK..l
" tv.f.
. - .lpgriikaitlicitetilinedfrOmthereity
41%14 York With • Isigs
• - 1 Veateha;' WW1:" arid
l ancer wade. , comprising in part,
C the — following anickal-7-hcvar..
~ trnpinesmt Pliiin•Watehise; with•
isioittrient :of Cold
s TesseTtl,mieli as 'Eat Ritrif.ri t i
keiltinis,BmiltPitis,l3raccteis",LoCkiti 3 Oaachiinii
GotilP j emi, , Keys, etc. , `;A all Bilitrirair,
and any Beads-411 of which he ofrem
fur sale ereestedingty cheap forfiABlE' 4 -' ,
Wiktches repik*. ( lan share notice, and urammted
in, rap themwell,K oney. irrillisi . ,.retunited„ and tr„isrit.
:tinlgroeinent "gtven,tO that erect reigiiria;
N. 'W4444,APAM and • Cotipisi'*l44 , ee
*en' id 'pi+ ; terirniiaM,4l46.
it dour :4 •."
1 -
Tiara& APpit Wrtoe.-
nualnigtyam SWAM Alia,Vistreet; Maar
is 7 end POWdereid iagirs, now arrisieeitii& isle'
wholesale a getail wry choir by MERCtrire.
$ a . _ _ de'SV '
The fainting equaled
ma p y be
,depended upon tOtkiiitidonntootrliAnce,
eiane in the gr, ,recom t
mended by alb wholgtillint •
:14, 8 1,Vir—P01 1 #,POSYM4,
They. hal ,beets 4efereilbe lablia , fet ; tiva~ eater
ifee4 tbed - 156tWeeitiffeetei dive
been reedited
"Jot ' , I; 0 - ing",oool:i' s - ind lion** pa fit:
* i^ ,t it -ttiaNialpanyWoftee
TheiqiNisVOlitistitaidt#l - -
With the utmost citte Old iiriil , tad - the 'if:strain:de
• :tittiiiiiiiont-hif Willa ;tit societitific chi:Wits; sli t
that nic4icinett of a uniform and reliable qns=•
Are particularly Takla* ferihe ir'reiention Una Cafe of
Pima itreiterstifitilkrtufluat Lives Cionsplain*,
Jaundice, General -0411i1; cdettithittiaritV sick
Headache. Dyspepsiailleart Hain,CostiStnesi,
Griping, Urinary Mower, • Obstructions - of -
the Herrses,,lnfluenia, Althina.:'and hi' a
satiety' eif o ther 'throttie:DialseirElh"
''' nest.' -- •
directions for the vario* Diseases etctictifirtny
each box:="Pritei 21Ytinnt• a Ala;
, Araticaberg.llotary yrop,.
A "speedy and infallible'reuiedpioTharthitai,lhatmlyi
ry, Bloody Fla - z, Cholera fdoihua, Cholera Irdanliziti
and the Amur' c CnoLsnu. if Iskelt utak the
ay mptomr, viz: vomiting .4idienbco. 11 new
ver fails to cure the wori4. ,puit:.sibterda#pi
bowel eomplaints,generidly tuyifeii - hourti,„,
sbldom beyotid_a Fond.:
VIWITA tilicrcifi
The Graefenberg Green Mootain'Olutmeat.
Invaluable for Brons,.Wbuntlic Sprains, , Claillblaint,
Corns, Sores. Steel Ingo atlalkkinds,-Rbenutatism;
Erriftel”e.Boultbilisi Scrofula, ulcent, Nine da
the side and back immediately, relieved; /1/84L11.
A certain fore fat PreferrateDteri; and fertnoet of 166
distressing complaints incrdabE to females; Pre
pared by Dr. TIRO. POMEROY-, of Mitts, '
solely for the Graefenbevg Compacy.
Eye Lotion,
Connnoptive Balm:
_gue Pi tts J
Children's Panacea, Libby s Pile • eititnienk
Sarsaparilla Ccitapptiniti
CO' The Graerenberg kattoril of HeettNi complete
hand-hook of medicine for families.' Pilo'
0 trice, 214 Broadway , New York-.
. . • • *r
CAVTIow.--Thi public is taltrsted•to bear in mifid
tht t euerytbing prepared by*, Graefenberg Compady
ban their twat cptio ii •
soorious anklet-have been issue 4 closely teren.bhnt
tht; een zine in every particular, except the seal, and
ihe l gt o s t ere tbattlol-be tuedbeforeparebasinst.
Agents l,'`._-e.tford .._. County—Dr. HUSTON and
Dr. PORTER, Tore'","
THE I.llstllrel , SZATV'T
Charter Perpetual Cash. • X.:Phil
• • mike Na. 29, Itterthints' ' •
CIRGAI IZEIDII. upon the `i mixedprinciple* d
and Mattial:Whinh 'combined features offer to ins
soled ;contain= double the usual ineutity, The Cult
system of payments has also bent adopted, thus avoid
ing the heavy drawbacks created by unpaid premium
notes. The table rites 'ofpremium, upon which its po
licies are beinginuellyis the only rcidereaperience has
proven should he adopted, es affording requisite Bacot
ityto be Anatol, and an undoubted guarantee for the
perpetuity of inch . institutions. An experimental 0.
tile may be found worthleis, :Lan very , instant &poli
cy should possess its greatest value. Life Insurance,
very properly, is tweeting the attention of _the world;
Phe public however, in their.corane;dabla willingness
to embrace and employ its wise and salutary provisions,
should make ultimate .sicurity• ifre primary and most
inipintan&object, which catronly be attained by an ad
justing the premiumiv as toanticipate unexpected •
es and fluctuations di every. kind. It is the - purpose
of this company anomaly to credit, upon the polices
of holden and books of .tha Company, each an amount
of pro*" as shall not strectthe stability, or 'impair the
sacrethielanf hs contract& Premiums may, st the op•
don of the insure. be' paid annually, semi-annually,
or quarterly: in advance. All neceenry information,
together with btanki,spaniphtets,ike., may be obtained
gratis, at the office of .1. E. Cattnetn, Athens, Pa,
Stephen It Crawford, .Pant g Goddard,
Ambrose W.:Than:pew; , Lawrence Johnson,
BenjaMin`W;linetey; George ftriredry,
Jane. ne' r ecretlirl
" IV iltatin - M, CiooJwip, Lipton:
_ BtEPIIEN CRAWFtIIO; President.
y. inbr4 W.' 'foot 4 ATicm PAeaideril.."
!Mental . " and "Treasiniff t
Awrr t taT,-malusoittii f ,. " ,
_ Cooked - Ain; wouturt—Thomas Balch. '
F. 8. lierx,,Medicat Examiner for Athens.
December 27./00. ,„ , , •
. . .
Clock, Watch, Jewelry Stare,!
of , infonnhig his
cashmere and the
Xr)0 101 .0 111 ,, that he ht s prosilateti
of Wasted of Wateites, Cloche
" tid y Jewelry, end coutmeneed the above
business in ell of its visions tfranibeitet the obi' stied
of the=letterort Mein Area, loin doors **lb of ifriek .
Row.. His cfpnittieria Witch' trereiher, -is sd well
establishod'inAhis tothuturffiy; that it is ,hardly Sieges.
: airy to ssyword on that
s poict._, With his long ex
:perieiiee ana'rgreat adifietegeadr'frgiiritia thorough'
itnevileihee`of the blisitigss; he f: 'confidence iln;ssying
:to thg public, bring ottl.ofir,,nte , heetuld,chichir Wilk.
:dOlhetojaggee;'" • ' ' •
All goose Sverronfed
rear/minima . ; IC: the tiongS , ' vete tidiTA: '
' Ait 8 . 61 eilaftnitinf trateheff
• deorn ` in bOt. be " . ttAtf)
1 lei be - tiff)
Tff ramified
new, ilhoThritlesiiiiciii Atte
-..- V.:1641f.n And on the op.
- if • r ,P,P7 zr9V114.,
~i posits side of t~e
eiWei,.Wl4re IT
-welr// to Stettofaetere and
on +and- art.itiads _Of e
kee P,
,‘ . gist :CHAIRS; land
..1-:1 , -SETTEES of various kinds, &
Ayer*: descrip
Cisterfr—Pnedurciorl Rice or p- kyarry ti et. air
plank, veid,be received forlvrorkv f TURNING dons to•
*Week) tinentieseetattanneei , -•r . •
a to i4,14424'
:Tou*St..l l (4)?;-1:041x , .;;', •
ALL poi* ire bret4 - Ta t i 41gilair . putObb
„XX: ing a nom Shoji/1h day of Au:
Zug 185! p-10. 111)1;kiiiic.y dollen/ow
ald: 110 10 01 . 1 1 1 iiPr9Ti , fki
*ter. ippolti!sefiligi or betind Acb, , pkv
Eiribau ticekikio: 9210.. it'cvissuia by f
l!ini(44‘ *lB4l. A. JAIEEI),
quaatity of Sitifitoitrliativititritti“ - -
LI Oct. 30, tBSI. 141.ERCtrirk
F 1
• r -COMM
17zep hisveike *wok* 0* vq*,:i;
imam of the Boweb■ and for It cases whets
Aire •
Windmill Uterine tathelleen,
Health Bitters,
41 , vet (mil' A
- .... V T
: ''''' "" t::: •-•`; Z' •,- - ~..1„,.,,,..1„.......,....... ~
N '''' Cleiniiie , nless:stecompieied by a he rioi
• leVtiteebriaal t Vertio WfAitl 4 t.of•Dr. E. L.
140 b1Z 44 ;94ria t) elehtbOx. •:F 3 . ' .
r in 'cak"iing tp : th • publialbis juatly,cefebtated NA
XREIONVAIM f.,llrAiiVekio) , one akiall j o
jingle any fa WI rife " rife or , ild assaritionaof iht,
l' sizoe
intrq..oi r efßei4ncy Omii Inek niu
:au* air; aelt knoeirig O l aCrhtie: ‘ - ,rcpi t iti ona l
; 7 TAlWltEPPME...l s, .49cieggAii.ty .
.. da
~, i... ..,:
„... Wfatry''proo fa til;,hegiiPiiortheit ii s let sn
in* pa4
we prefer th oseunekriainted with' 6i:rat to salt
).Iternielits by enquiring of-titres ,Amami! dad lry'
At:L.l4llk They 'el.! fuld.,ibiiii , perfeetli UNrand - IA
!AO:, in SU CU* Min! if . dreArtieaki lad v te t t.
clue worthy then beat eentlilitirte,ibepatniiuir -
The following `idatifiette eat stet its fer`ihe p 5 44
*ago: • 1 . , :
OM! Si ire, , Vein* Co. N.- Y.,;Miii . 10085 i:
We the endemlgnedeitilerisi tor Hamlett , * bay*
Amid pttednallii Dr: Ro;stet•goirerefigie ibitietPl/6 0 ,0
*wetted Ike bellth 4 tetechltlidaitOdaiWthaithli
ieeosaniend these, Pilllto"the *filleted is the *IS
*hid ere we me ininted. c ;.. .;.; ~- , : •
7 0., iii. ROD WM'. .: ; : 0,31. HROWN.
1 4
! --"
M. H. PHI MT& .. ; - Ttio.:one.
H. it.. TM Ara% -_- .-. • iiP.WWHHHD.- i
f , P. 5....4 00 . 4 00 Abe f ty to pibliehthisfot tee pit,
Btwanz or Covs.vearamtl,W i eltra not OW lin. ih,
any one arheitiiiiektfigiro)2 . ltrArtNe has yeld, r •
rl lb Arieke i dae s pf,•o7 ( VtlMi. I Pit(4mit ig Then d,
hid the iri3Otidence tO imitate! qur &Mee and copy,,
Circtiits; tteitineittk' ate 'LANA the put.fir at ,
careful when'. hey,psiretFigic, - tbey will be deceira
1 (o•The,tifittiniqi4peigii'Bqtri Pills can It ii i '
I.:tote/Tea arnrretil'.:of' Dr. ttOOLE . & Co., t u 4
Onondaga Co. 14.'1r-* r• ' '
• Sold by 0171§TON'8e licirrsitToryanda Pl,©i
by their Agents in every town in the country.
The best and theapest-Family Medicine i'ii the IToi
aid Robeite Cenitoznid
taimuLtalLordrremmiki 3 ) 2E14';
An eltiretikee, Tonic, Diuretic • env& mild Cathie',
Price, 25' Wiser isizik,:edina.hing 0' Pilh.
tachlieit unit "us Orly pins, which makes thee u
cheap win as inftirfihttindird pill, Indite/gees
' cheaper; en watninted iduch superior in a ai t , d
-various - sea, to anv of the Syrup mimes*
besideribei to thoOlsotiientecit sod prope l bra
fcir`orrefr 1 • . r;
The alien - , itig(Xileiegrierbleh bar attended the 'z's
of Dr.. Reber compound Saiiapatilla Pills is ps,4
abundant and elusive - thtiethey are truly
' airtureis Own B entedies.
ea - Get they- will gm all, curable diseases, quids
li r
mid more p, alatitly thin any other medicine no
known.' 2Th Pills are prinefstailY an **inutile mei;
tine, (their b 's being the solid extract of Sanups4
prepared in a supe ri or ginner ,) but refrcidtraly citt.
erne. to geati laitsiititatind, ;without purging names
eerily; which a4thetn,peetilielij adapted to veil,
le c
and exihheb 'pinions; invigorating and erengthaki
the bay,- p a lying the . syetem, producing new Utl
blood iia a baldly plilion of axe stomach And Ws. i 1
. They are eltinitilageStilesir'aMest physician s i
be niit 'only; ire,,xceptionable c htit efritateiousia the hid
et degree, a d'as a genelif
ry Medicine U nequ a lled.
The Com °w .
al e
ill Satingstaille'Pinst are used kit
permanent re of. Abase diseaeesi Which mina It
impure sta r of the blend, and morbid secretions'
liver and sto It; via equip:he, scrofula or
evikeleisnr, Id heart obninati ,cdterteores 1
blotches, boils, pimples, sore, weak or Wilmot
glacdular te7ellinge,xteesmasvieeffeakuii.leuissi
b one ., a cd j intes.drPfsir eiTePePkikietellna. d
m i i lymit : e 47, cougtukcoislsocanitinktAbakiwbeak
ed by eapiliery o::!itnaclictes of, the, lenge in mum
scrofulous roman:le: 4 s 'o ol E 3 llou' of the lungs
fluenza, indige.tion, lieadsethe, jamieline, fevered
chill fevers, , rnd fe!eni hi general , genial and:
debility, an diseases arisinglrons an injudicious assi .
mercury, arid whenever medicine is rewired to issip:'
rate and pVify.thisuijitediaZe f'-:'n C • s F
They a a purely vegetable"eompound, and mei.
1 1 50
used by pens of all' Eiger. 1 Thew are pleasant te:
polite; end produce no - nauspe j uneasiness' or re'
in their o ration.' liunderefs oltertiticates cno'
given of th se who have used theirs with greet'
We ask no perion to.take our word as to the u.
of the medicine, but call i - an rho - agent and pentium
box, and if on trial,it does not give the most puke'
isfactio:, itey can Teem the box and rereiretber
ey paid fo, thebarite. Parchasers. evil be
to ask ( I n "' th.ltobert's Compound 8 . .
Pills," anti oliserve that the, green wrapper en pi
box has a lac stroile.of tho,signalare of Jos. Rile
M. D. and C. P::Fay. snit° purchase none Otto
All applicatibris for agencies and •lttio On (hal
set of the medicine, itAitiaiia; post *4
C. P. Pay, Owego, 'flogs Co.; N. Y.
rot. sale
RUSTON .iSt X'O,RTER, sole we:
Towerida, Pa. - ' „ . Tat
W'msport AD' &lima Railroad Le*
GEa. If. TOP:VIVO, respectfidly informs
lip that he has remould his store to
building, one door beloit Warne's watch shop.
he will be happy 'to isee di who may be in
Good and Cheap . Clothiog. ..11e is constaralt
to hia doer alt tha new 'and desirsbre atytei
terns, and. feels Ontifdent fter atm satisfy any
may give him ;
Jost receiving Toni Nair "Vat, r forge ...
ble assortment of Springonti&unroree float
in the best manner,' atidivtdels will b epld as
the tensor •
net. rt‘Ati4,l forge Tot or Tnt
CHIT.DRE'rciIveI,OIIIIING, to which he nil
tendon 'rind which sold at low noes. 111
made nivangernents by which be can send fig se
dercdesired, 1.46,403 , certainty of procuring
,- Cutting and malting-up; done as muslin de)
faahtonable manner,promptly and to older.
Towanda, May 8,2 441 y:
;`Fire 7 IMO rire!
A BE you insured I. appliestipn Yeevived sad
integ tirek7e4 by J. r`C4NFIELD , AV e l
ths tolloaritie eiskanirPop!lac companies
:The ..$llll .v.4,4lTep `are Tswana '
"capital:, .„. . ~120 0 ,e1 1 1
1 1 1 he'il!t;344 ' . urrence Company,
'CaPital,- 2 ••• • 300$ ,OOL.
"L r fusAltholpire,*tatii CarnanY.
tapital 4' , 00,00 0 .
The l'Aristilzigtiin Cowan.
Citnital aver .„ „,„
,51200 4 0(
The Statkii aver..
31Iarrisb - xr
With a large Capital "'nil large inetessing
the r arerat Pennsylvania Company.
United States Life instannee lagnitf
Capital. :
°Plhenewlxinqiplieby which the inia
ates the profits.
-•-••••! 3.;13. CANFIELD, Atheas,N
To Lumbermen.
WANTED Wine competent person to root
wentting FOUR- t,LION FEET OF
/44GtElott two trans -of land lyinir, on Bit std
Pine Create, .The loge to be delivered is the
at Williattleps% Ltyeetoing eeunlY, the
hiO. or It . , parka thent.eoentt if predict , •, 4 0
tact Idtf.bettntereLinto- for coning And 0 "...
who* of the Moe loge.oe one. or both ""
tr~c,th The maim ,are of the ,
avr*,4lo4''fesrrices. at regards chi
*lipeten4 AP0 1 .9 t° , tia
SANUEI. A. 11.
al Kelton's Ijotcl.