Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 17, 1852, Image 3

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: 4 ,r,
!,.:, ..i
1411 112 15 2
2 12822
1 415
1 1 mipi
124 pc
2 9
9 10
3 io l
17 le
71 il
bi/ 1
61 71 6'
9 20 21122
6 27 28,29
3 4 5.6
0 12 13
4 26 26r7
71 II 21 3
8 8111:V
4 IS 18,171
I 391 22138i3134
Wasbington County
'° Located tit Granville, Washington Co., N.Y.
THE largest and safest Mama' Insurance Com
pany in the World! Capital, $936,980 33-
Oyer 110,000 members. Charter renewed for thirty
years, under the General Insurance Law of the state
of New York. _ , ,
- A-REPORT. giving the whole amount of business
of the Company, since May 15, 1845, to October
Ist, 1851 :
Whole number of policies issued to October Ist,
1451,... . 118,283
Whole amount of- property insured
'to Oct. I, 1851, $98,458,998 00
Deduct amount of risks expired and
Leaving amount of property at risk,
Oct. I, 1851, $89,153,407 00
Whole amount of Premium notes re
ceived to Oct. 1, 1851,, • $1,131,077 15
Deduct amount of Notes expired and
Leaving amount of premium notes in
force Oct. 1, 1851,
Whole sni't of cash pre.
moms reed to Octo
ber 1,1851, $405,497 44
Atet col. on assessment. 144,813 90—5551,311 34
Am. tint of losses and cxpensee paid to
October t, 1951,
Am'ot of cash in Treasury and in the
hands of Agents, $62,1320 06
Am'nt of claims for tosges,•tidited and
.allowed, and not yet due by the terms
of the Paticies,to bededucted from
the abuve balance, as follows viz:
oe Octilber, 1851, • $1 ,035 5 50
" sinvember,• " . 4,048- 10
• December, w. - 7,205 26
• January, 1852, 0,60 20411,010 06
sing a balance in farativf the Coin
pany,on tha Ist day of October. leaf,
after paying all claim. allowed, of $40,989 00
p?The publication of the abotre report is made
n donfermitv with the Act of k f sembly pas se d, the
11th du of April, 1851. firkfT4
Athens. Jannary 12,1852..
To the Collect Airs. •
TICE is hereby given to the Collectors o(Btata
and County taxe:l, that the duplepates..mast be
tiled by February Court; or costs will be made.
J. M. PECK. Deputy Treasurer.
TreammOffiee, January 8, Mt.
- - _
TREAS. the Moo. DAYID Wtr.dor, President
Judge of the 13th Judicial district, comp:_sed
the eounlies of Bradford, Susquehanna and Sul
an, and Myron Ballard and Harry ACkley, Esqrs.
oetatesOn and for the county of Bradford; hare
fined their precept, bearing date the Ist day of
,nary, t 852, to me directed, for bolding'!; court
matter sessions of the peace, common pleas and
court, at Towanda, for the county of Brad
i, on the first Monday of Pebruaiy next, to con
le three weeks. --
loft! it therefore hereby given, to the Coroners,
vices of the Peace, and Constables of the county
Bradford, that they be lima and there in their
IT persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said
with records, inquisitions, examinations, and
their remembrances, to do those things which
their office appertains to be done; and those who
!bound by reeognizarrc , l e or otherwise to prose ,
te against the .prist - iners44lo are or may be iti this
' of add county. or tritirAte or shall be bound to
ear at the said court, are to be then and thereto:
mute ag ainst tbetrt as Shall be just. Jurors
requested ig,be punctual in their attendance,
!ably to their notice.
.ted at Towanda, the'.sth day of January. in the :
year of our Lord 1852, and of the Independence
of the United States the seveney.sizth. „
, ISONS having business with me, may call
during my absence on ROHM:LTC. SIMPSON
is fully authorized to transact any bOsiness on
behalf. He may be fonnefeither at the office of
"-Ile, Maaon & Co., or in the old Totianda Bank
maul% I, lea. MICHAEL MEYLERT.
ail irs NOTIGENotiee is hereby even
that 'tee have been filed and settled in the of ,
)t the Register of Wills in andlor the county of
Itonl,#ecoants of administration upon the fol.:
Jig estates, viz
final account of Thomas Mantel . guardian of
Mary sod Rrastai Manley, minor children of
Manley deed late of Canton.,
final l ee oo 4l of Afirianlfakes - adnunistratrix of
late of George Hakes deed, bolt of Albany.
4al aecoant of Hiram Drake administrator of
mote ofJohrt Stoore deceased, late of Rome.
knial areoard of John Elliott, rter°f the admin.
I D" of the estate of Humphrey Brows deceased:
If account of John Y. Daniels. administrator
state of Mark Prestos; , deceased, late of Bur-
al account of George BTikesfey and Wm. C.
mrd. administrators of the estate of Albert R.
d eceased, late of Towanda bow'.
nal account of Charles Hemet. one of the ad-
Itrators of the estate of Humphrey Brow.'
late of Wyalusing.
al account of Chimney Frisbie, girardian of
ah W ebs 4 er, minor child of Joseph Webster,
A 'Windham.
lid account of Asa Stevens admialstrator,of
tiara Et ievras-deeeased late of Standing Stage/
thesame wilt be presented to the •Orphaleil
'f Bradford county, oat !Oddity the Id day of
try next, for contlemattina''and allowance'. •
H. L. SCOTT, Register.- '
Office, Towanda, Janusry 3, 1852. '
Moro Weii,.ooo4B:.
& A. CAM PBET4 gni 4 4Pin recehlni a 187161
asommeat of good' fut dm fall apt!' wiatfi trade.
minds, August 28, M 1...
No atom.
17 1
to s
is• •
: 4 )
3 1 "
I 9 lig
"A 24 t‘C
12 3
20 1 21
:1 4 1
1 1
1 17 18
23 30125
`' I
) 11 2
71 81 9
1 4 111 5 218 1
18 19 28
, 1 i
9 10
16 17
2 6, 1;84 1 4 1
16 1 17 IS
23124 26
i t
5 0 '8
12 13 1 li&
19120121 . 221
8,208,531 00
257,019 88
$874,057 27
434.382 28
- iirew
L I9 T JUROPS D4O: ffic reb., fot its:ious Auld
Opt SLd V*
owls voltoiri.
Bitiliigtaigt44olin Arthoe', /oho Pain ji
Wpox;—Jesser Allen, Chester Pierce.,
Troy boro.—Willisin
Orwell—Jarvis Bodes. ,
Springfield--A. W.Kaileyl...l,eanard.
Smithfield—Lark Bird._ •
Athena twp.--.Bo*siontruswwwiS.
Standing Stone.—Alezatsder Ennis.
Towanda Ronan. i
Wyalasing—O. K. ineittain, R.' Wells.
Columbia—Denms Keyes,
Ulster—E. B. Minter. :
Towanda boron--,A. D. Jitontanye.
Ridgbery--Jaeoh Mitchel.
Leroy—Elijah Bunyan..
Dorell 7 oeorge Stone.
Herrick-41. M. •
?samosa atiaoss.—cure *mut.
Barlington.—Jobii Illoara'Alanson Campbell.:
Warren—Allen • Down, Rufus Ealllnffierl. C.:
Dewing. Nathan . Petuffietoo.
Deck‘itb, Ira Brewer. Nelson Barnes.
Smithfield—R. H. Crane, A. E. Childs, A. J. Geroolds
Patrick Sollivan,Eishardson
Durell—Geo. Coolbaugh. ,
Monroe—A. L. Enuuner, Gay C. Irvine, T. M. Wit
Springfield—Quareters Cleaverkmd, Hiram Horton,
John; Roper jr. Frederick 'White: •
'Tuyearora—J. ; H., Corbin
W4I44EO•4OSepIi.DO.D. Wm, Sibley, Moore. ,
Tortida bolo..—Thomas Elliott.. ,
Franklin... Justice Fairchild.
Rom!-Lewis OWE ~•..,
Towanda tivik.--r.Francis Gregg.
Canton—Samuel GriMo. Geo. W. Griffin.
Leroy—David N. Hkojr..Jobn Kelley. Everit Wit.
P cox.
Albany—A. LaJd, Peter Sterigere.
Ulster—Darius Myres.
Athens tvr_p.—lo,el McAlpin, Samuel Chrenshire jr,
Wroz-V. E. Piotett. -
Ridgbery—Joel Peterain.
Pike—Sheldon Piyne.
Asylum—Paul Qutlek.. -
Slieshequin..—Silas Gore.
Troy twp.-A. W. Thomas.
•scoao WIIK'
Elooth Creek—Glideoi H. Adersotr, A. M. Brow, A
Thompson. - •
Monroe—E. R. Blawvilt, Joseph Hornet,
Troy twp.—Smith Bluer.
Troy'boro.—F. L. Ballard, I. A. Pierce.
Wysoz— Daniel Bull.
Windham—E. R. Collins', Ralph W Russel.
Rome—J. N. Dunham,Timothy Hinny, J M. Moody,
Towanda tap... James Elliott.
Canton--t atnuel Fitzwater, John Newell.
Asylum—Win. Gamble.
Athens tap.—. Giles Hoyt, J. PL Tozer.
Durell—A. V. Hulbun.
Pike—Edward Jones.
Tuscarora--Geo. R Johnson.
Burlington—Charles Knapp.
Franklin—Wm. Lantz.
Springfield—Walter Mattocks.
Albany—James L Miller,
Herrick—Nathaniel Nesbit.
Wilmot—Wm. Norconk.
Sheshequin--Myers Osborn, A. Webb.
Granville—Russel Spalding.
Standing Stone—Ernstus Vattnest.
ratan waist.
Tuscarora--.Alfred:Ack.ley, W. Barrawcliff, PM.
Athens boro.—.l. B. Brockaway.
Ridgbery—Patrick Batter, John Wallace:
Orwell—Blair Linos.
Canton—Redman Bagley, Asa Pratt jr.-
Widham—Stephen Bos wick.
Pike—Simeon Brink, Wm. Bradshaw, A. Farchilds,
C. W. Reynolds.
Columbia—C..l Bradt°tkl, Albion Budd, Benj. Slade
South Creek—lra' Crane.
Smithfield.-.E. G. Duffey, L.- C. King. 1. W. Miller,
Elias Rinker.
Borlingten.=.Morgan Dewitt, John M. Furman; L. D.
Wyalosing—Ransom Fuller, Bascom Taylor.
Asylum—Elmor Horton, Charles Thompson.
Towanda b0r0....-John P. Means, Percival Powell.
Troy twp.—Datios Manley.
Armen istgohn Morgan.
Springfield—Josepft Montag.
Dorell—Daniel Trutnble.
Ulster—Edmund Walker.
to Ilse mailer of Ike Estate of James 13eNnetI deed.
THE undersigned auditor appointed by the Or
phan's Court of Bradford County to acute the
accounts of the administrator of said estate, upon
exceptions filed. and make distribution of the asserts
of said estate, wilt attend for that purpose at hie of.
dce, in Towanda boro' on the 27th day of January,
A. D. 1852, at one o'clock P. M.. ieben all per.
sons having claims against said estate are requited
to present them or be debarred from any share of
said funds. HENRY BOOTH.
Dec. 24, IBSI. Auditor.
►,HE auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court of
Ilradfotd county to settle the account of Aden
Calkins as guardian of the estate of Maria Calk.
int, upon esceptions Glad. wilt attend for that purl
pose at his °ince in Towanda boro on the 28th day
of Januars,AD. 11152. at one o'clock P.M. of Which
all persons Interested will take settee.
Dec.. 24.1851. lIMNRY
Job P. Kirby vs. - James Gotland Willatut BO
N!). 60. Pete) , T.. 1850. James W, Decker. & Wil
son M Deelter vs. James lioff—Na. $22, Dec. T.,
1851. Bradford Com. Pleas. •
trirrindersigtied abditie appointed by the Court
OC. Comoion Pleas to distribute [ands raised by
Sheri s. sale of personal property
facias, tainted ia , the above -suits, win • Allen a' to
'the chitiea of,ssidappolotmeat t at..bla'otee, In To.
da Borough. oa. the iNth day of JattuarytA:•D.
1852. at 10 o'cioek, A. K. where Perrone inter
ested are requestsd to t present their clams or be de.,
barred frons.any portion -of said fonds.
Dec. 24, 1851. KEKKif BOOTH, Auditor.
Delilah Pincher se.- John Pinscher. No. 98. Februa
iT. 1851. Ili Bradford Common Pleat—Libel
r Divorce.
0 )(MN FINCAER, the defendant in the above
ease. You see hereby mined that Delilah
Fincher, by her neat friend E. B. Mathewson, has
bled her petition (or divorce from you from the
bonds of matrimony. And that an *lias subpoena
has been returned, and proof made that you were
not to be found in Arid eountT You are therefore
hereby required to appear at the Court House in the
BOromth of Towanda, at the February term of said
common pleas, on Monday the 3d day of February
nest, to answer the said etostplaist, and shot" cause
if any ,you have, why the - said Delilah should not
be divorced from you.
• . • clizsTEß Tao Lia, slime
Sheritrs Office, Towanda, January 3, 1 ebs. it
Seth M. Miller re. Charlotte A. Araks. N 0.820. /)er,.
• T. 1851, Bradford Corm Pkas. Libel for Dino*.
1110 CHARLOTTE. A.IIIILLER, the defendant in
1 the above vat. You ma hereby notified that
fieth'M. Mil er, year husband. has Med his petition
for divorce from yier from the bonds of matrimony.
And that a• alias stdrpcsna has been received* and
proof made t h at you were not to be found in said
county. Yoe are therefore required to appear at the
Coon. House lathe boroogtrof Towanda. at the Feb
ruary term of said Conimea Pleas,-on Monday, the
ad day of February nett, to mrserer to the said
complehtt: Sod show tante. if sty yo have, why
the said Seth should pot boAvorbehfttUr ton
Sberiirs Alice, Towanda. law if to6sr
- conga' eaylity d Pfaff tson's Cotumbian fah; pia
A-2rrectiredbi tira 'atrtisahliet:L-har his 'made at
rargemiath by,wlda he esulterirafbiefebairs Ar•
Desieleal is hi 'viable Watt as Catibi hailatthe
prerbrr. • Mit.- BARTLETT
TT da
owan, /Of , : /
',.::left*i,i . .'
Wvirtue, ill si Wriirsoeveini. Eli:ones issued
'out lile,Vellrit,i(Coinglotilleall•Prentaford
CofintY, and. melirected, will be 'etposia in pub
lic sale, at the Coon Sense iii"the born.' of Towanda.
ollifonday the 2d dat of February at l o'eloclii P.
M.: the:following lin pieee or parcel of laildWituate
initomelo., bounded and descnbed as followi to
ny:a : on the north by land* of :Phillip Bartlett and
Simeon Dimock and John' Aliter. on the south by .
lands of Cheater Wage and JbseplL ,Yoke t .on • the
west by Chester Prince and-Phillip Bartlett. %Con
taining two hundred acres more or less, about one
hundred acres improved: -,one - -framed -house
one framed barn atula small orcbanl of fruit trees
Seized and takon in , ezeention at the . atiit of Jo
aeph Kingabery vs. David Etcklor,
Ay a so.:.Thr following - lot-or piece of land , idtpa
tediwthe borough- .of Vowaitdc. and hounded 'atil
I:•discribed aolollows to wit begitininton° the north
side of the state road at the son* westeorter= of w
lots owned by James. Mclntyre,,-thence-3**f toy
.north sideof said road, south eighty three derefs
west fifty-feet. to a corner, thence north two 'degrees
east one• hundred and four feet to • the . wrath. line °of
J. W. Mercur's lot, thence nearly east filly feet to
Mrs. Rice's west line. thence south two • degrees
west to the place of beginning. Containing 6,200
feet morwor less, with a framed church-building
thereon erected. . • ° • '
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ifflobn
Bridleman vs.:Solomon Cooper. :
ALSO—A piece- or parcel of Ists' An Ridgbory;
bounded• north by lands of Griswold, eas by
lands of Sturges 'Squires, south by lands of-Rieke"
and Burt; and west by lands of D. A, Smith. Con
taining•aboot-eighty acres. more or less, - about forty
ogres, improved, one hewed log house, one framed
barn. oneloglam, and two apple Orchards-thireon.'
Seized and taken in-ezecution st-the suit of Wm.
Peterson,to the use of C.F. Wilson vs-Peter fiquirei•
ALBO—A pieta of laud situate in Springfield tr.
bounded and described as follows, to wit : north by
the road leading from Springfield centre to Ridgbo
ry, east by lauds 6f Alexander Leonard, south by
lands of J. Pitts, and on the west by lands of Hen
ry Teed and others—containing about seventy acres,
with about twenty-five acres Improved, with two
log houses and one log barn and a few trait trees
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of T.
P. Wolcott ys. Caleb T. Wilcox and J. P. MeAffe.
ALSO—A piece Or parcel of land in Leroy town
ship, bounded on the north, east and south by lands
of John Hammond, on the west by lands of Francis
Harris. Containing four and a half acres,morc or
less, all improved, one block house, one framed barn
thereon. "
Seized and taken in execution at the snit 'of M. C.
Arnout vs. Nedebiah Smith 2d.
ALSO--A piece or parcel of land situated in the
ownship of Rome, bounded north and west by land
o f Thomas Bartlett, south by lands of Jos. Vought
an d C. Wedge and east by Simeon Dimock. Con
t„inigg one hundred and fifty acres, mote "or less,
about sixty-five acres improved, one fraine house,
one fraMe barn and apple-orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. F.
Harder, to the use of John Frost, vs. David Eiclilor
ard Sally L''!cklor.
oitce or parcel of land In Asylum tp.,
Beginning ata corner of Harry Dirney's lot, a pitch
piae tree, standing 0 0 'he east side of the road—
thence south . 18 0 east at.. ng said road 79 p to a cot%
heti thence south 10° east a :ong said road. 7111 pto
a tamer in Seymour Beeman's l thence alongine 1
Beeman's line north 80° east 157 p to a corner ;
thence north 116 p to a corner. a stone heap: thence
west 190 pto the beginning. Containing oh; I'lan"
aired and thirty-seven acres, and forty-six perettes,
about eighty.flve acres improved, one frame house,
fra'ate barn. [rattle carpenter's shop, and two apple
orchards thereon.
Seised and taken in execution at the suit of Geo.
Bramha tl ve.Moses
ALSO—A place or parcel of land in Smithfield
twp., bounded on the north by the public highway
leading from Vast Stnitnfield to Troy, on the east
and south by A. Phelps and west by E. 8. Tracey.
Containing about one acre,all improved, one frame
house and one finale barn-thereon erect Ed. • 1.7! . ..
ALSOr-Anuther lot of land-in Smithfield town
ship, hoanded north by E. 8. Tracy and John Her.
ener, east by the . publio highway, south by T. M.
Harding, and west by E. S. Tracy, Coniaintng
about one-half acre, all improved. •
Seiz d and taken in execution at the snit of deo.
Burt & Co.. vs. L. I. Pierce':
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land situate in She
abeguin township, bOunded north by lands of Witt
Horton, west by land lately belonging to Chas Hor
ton. oil the west by Andrew Webb. Containing
about thirty-al:acres, more or less, about twenty
acres improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of An
d*/ Webb (now to the use of David Cask) vs.
m. Horton, Jr.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of lend irr the town
ships of Franklin and Leroy, bounded on the north
by lands of Richard Morse, on the east by lauds of
Francis Morse, on the sahib by lands of Allen Rock
well, Luther Morse & Richard Morse and on the west
by lands of Richaid Morse. Containing about fifty
six acres, more or less,
ALSO—One other tract of rand In - Franklin town•
ship, bounded on the north by lamis of Joseph.Ma
leer. on the east by the high.wapleading from Frank
lin to Granville. on the south by lambs of Sylvfthus
Oee, and west by lands of Joseph MatMor. Con
taining about seven awes. more or less, abput fige
acres Improved, with one frame two story house.and
a small orchard thereon. , .
settled and taken in execution at the suit of Moly
Ban vs. Sidney Burnham.
ALSO—By vinue of a writ of Levan Faciss, all
the rightoitle and interest of the defendant in a
piece or, parcel of land in Franklin township, Be
ginning at a post writer, being the south east cor
ner, thence by land in the warrantee name of Peter
Wkly. south 294° west no pto a hemlock . ; thence
by lands , in the warrantee names of Samuel litiddons
and Nathan Honey. north 60° west 820 p to-a post:
thence by land in the warrantee name of Josph Lad.
ley, north 294° can 226 p to a maple I thence south
60° east 020 p to the beginning, being an: undivided
one-third part' of the above described tract.. Bald
tract containing four hundred and fifty two acres.
Seised and taken in execution nt the.suifb(AAL
Wateretan; 'assignee of George Wood, lrs. lateral&
Pringle and Wm. Kay and Thos. Chambers, terra
Sheriff's Office, Towanda. ian.l, 1852.
John Winters vs. Carolinciiiinter. y No. 318. Decem
ber Term,, 1851, Bradford Cori. Pleas. Liigi for
910 CAROLINE WINTERS, the defendant in ibti
.I. above ease. You. are hereby notified that John
Winters, your husband, has flied his petition for di
vorde from you from the bonds of matrimony: And
.that an Outs sbprena hes been returned, and proof
made the you were not to be found to said county.
You are therefore hereby requirekto appear at the
Court Houst‘ i in the Borough of Towanda, at the
February term. of said tommortrleal. on Monday
the Sd' day of February next, to answer the said
complaint, and show cause Many you have, why
the said John'should not be divorced from yen.
Sherire Office, Towanda, /aunty 3, 11952'.
- 41 - THERZAS, iv wife MARY has *this day lett
V V , my bed and, baud, without any just cause' of
provocation, this is to forbid all persons harboring
or trusting hei on my act ourit t es Ishall pay no detos
of her contracting alter this date,
Towanda, Dec. 27, HMI
ALL pasions indebted to the esudo of IRA
BRONSON; tate.or Ortitill :township dicease
ed, are
,berehy nodded to make payment tftoultis
laY a nd allpersons hating 'ilematids agalbsl hail
estate willpresent them property atfes(ed for
ment,to , Plin3l3lE.
• • .lAllip3 ITEIMPORO, Y.
Orwell, Nov. 11, Rat. , Efeenioes.
*t O. persons" indebted' for — the
of BRONAON is HUMPHREY, are•hereby - titT
uPclt tO;Como forward au4 BMW dteirrespeetilwelte
coasts vs , due _ 111114L'Inta •
AND }wiNtr,E,R,,:coops_
, .
ncrir :.reeeiving atueiterive-,eseo rtietsif ... oo_,Otia• Pnrebased,. sips! the - late decline
. ita .. ,,prices and
which cannot fail to suit ; the taste,arid wishes of, purchasers, sad - Cetera, 'wank' ot ate public a and
as every body kaatavre that hciiiireys t sells Goods very- itheara. it is notticasiarY to make , any tesarks
an that. subject , '..
MOUS 4121121- Asuman - ir ~ , • -• • . ,--- ,: • . -
I ;ball in siew dsys,receive Lvery large eaudogue f or 15est Books and Stationary , and being desirous
ofdisposing of double, dhe usual qaaatity this season,attall reduce the prices to a very low start,
' • 11111LILVIIII MOT. • •
Deir!Liatteot for thrtiutle ofthr, hap State Shells iii this Borough, I am enabled to offer them roach
lower and in large:evarietir 4fian soy other estahlir, neat this side of New York: Large seppliert ot
these shawls will be reeeitted during the whiter. , 1
' *
• s'•,•, ... , ' •-:!,ei:1 '• •-' =Can tri 011niWifit ~4., .,•“•
Pl* milli, Mist; Ode;ltirdware- Crooke Hoe .nd elites, tgalk are'
t l7. t ' .
"So the Gills= et' Co.
AffiCti: ; mottlditaito tieleidiniphbliethat Dow
J.T.l.litin osier literature, an age (It nelPrieotiebt
ed Magazine Popnlarity: - The basis of every Re
public rests upon the great end broad principles' f
hhiveiaal intelligence disSeminated among the body
politic. Truifing to the:patronage of an intelligent
&kne e . extensive arrangelne'nts Nave beenmitde with
the leading Ailericin Imblistiing houtes, to supply
the' best Predicts' of the Areal, written by the - Most
eminent 'Writers. BOokrsoppliedlci ordef,in large
or small gualditieif: • , ..,bletriptitilieatiiins and books'
on hand as soon as. Issued. Magazines, dec., paid
for by the number; on . deliverY; 4 - 4 ' ; - •
List of Magazines end Reviews,for 1852--
Nerds-A.m. Review, . Littcl'a Living Mot,
Xolectice C4l/ •, . • - .'. 2 internatiunalldsgasloe,
Xaicikeck ' ocker.-, - -... Harper's-
k i
Dempc.ratie, Review. - , l'abacra's , .
nant!'s.Merohnot's Mag. Goiley's "
Billioiso7a Jouraal, rtain's "
Nineteenth Cgotary, 'Peterson'. " -
vonitiosr. 'Ladies' Repository, .
North British Review, Drawing Room Comp'n,
Edinburg Review, Eliza Cook's JOurnal.
Westminster Review, Phrounlogical Journal,
London Quarterly Rev'w, Water llure Jousaal,
Blackwood's Magazine, Parlor Magazine,
London Punch, i Ladies' Wreath,
London Art Journal, &c. &c. &c.
AR of the above magazines wig be furnished at
city prices.. Harper's Mc :Asian commences a new
volume with the Der, number—the etheri with the
January., A tare quantity of Brother Jonathan's
received for holiday presents. Please call and sub
scribe the stores of the following agents :—Dr.
R. C. Porter. Towanda Drd C. Drake, Troy; M.
Bullock, iittnithlleld t C. H. Herrick, Athens ; Judson
Holcomb, Rome. Dec. 1851.
•herlit's Bale.
BY virtue of a writ of Pieri Facia., issued out of
the Court of Common Pleas, and to me directed
will be exposed to public sale at the Court House,
in the boro,' of Towanda, on Saturday, the 31st day
oflanuary,.at 1 o'clock P. - M.,the following piece of
land situate in South Towanda township, bounded
as follows, to wit: on the north by lands of Samuel
Gilbert and , Nelson Gilbert, on the east by lands of
Wm. Penton, °tribe south by lands of Wellington
Cox and Wm. Gregg, on the west by Lorenzo
Bowman, and north-west by the public highway,
being the southern part of No. 11 in the sub-divi
elan of the Franklin .college lands—containing
about forty acres,with abouttwenty-tive acres im
proved, a small nnie house and barn and apple
orchard therms.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Geo.
H. Bull and J. b.-Goodenough vs. Samuel Gilbert,
Administrator of Daniel Gilbert, deceased.
T.SO=A certain piece or_parce'l of land situated
in Towanda. bo., begin n tag_rio.,the east line of 2d st.,
an Abe. litte beriberi tbe land nf the late ''Elizatirth
Means and the lot herein, described, thence south
31 degrees %vest 100 feel along the east line. of 2d st.
to a stake for a eortier, thenCe south 86 : 1 degrees
east 146} feet. thence doith degrees east 100 feet
more or less to said Wang line, thence north 861
degrees west 148 f feet 10 thei place of beginnibt.—
Containing 14650 feet more or less. Reserving 11,1
feet from the east end 6f said lot fur an alley ;' all
improved, with stove walls for an ice house thereon
Seized and taken in ezecuifob at the suit of Pull.
tr, Waller & Co. vs. 1.. W. Tiffany.
dBEsTEft THOMAS, swir
Sheriff's Office.
Towanda, Dec. 27,1631,
Administrator's Notioe.
A Lti persons indebted to the estate 'of GEORGE
BMITH, deceased, late of Tuscarora township,
are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay. and all persons haying demands against said
estate ate requested to present them duly authentl
mood for settlement. GEGe W: BMITH.
' Tuscarora, Dec. 2, 1101. Administratnri
Books I lloOks I
A Complete assortment of School, Blank. Classi.
XI cal /Ic Miscellaneous Books, constantly Irepnp
and for sale at the lowest rates by.
Nov. 29. tgit. . 0. D. itAIITIAVITT.
Fall acid Winter Gobi's.
Tsnow receiving direct from New York a large and
elidbndid sesortrnent .of' Goods it bleb 'he aim for
sale if lififuti witi:ll cannot 10 to suit the closest buy.
eft, for Cud, Peeper; on Arraccrsn CILIDIT. He
respectfully este 4 WI front .n penal, wishing to tuy
goods cheap; is he is determittM not to be undersold.
Toutends4 Ncitember 24: 1851:
VICTORINEB AND CUT Fag-a Am setts fit isle
Anti it ngSt PDX'S.
BAY.BTATE Bid ALLP, vitiate" potems, OA.
'!3O. 14, 1851 . MERCUKS.
"U . 'ons sad quaiirice . just received at
eQ ,, 0r . :912 WORTH Of Sheep_ Pablo *silted for
Vki Cub by • , &A. C.
By Expresc, Direct from the litrufacturem
TUST received by esprestinfollter case of Ray
if State Shawls, splendid slyle6. at
Tciilasaa, Nov. 28, tM.. J. ICINGSBERY.
ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to the
estate of CHARLES ROGERS deed. late of
Canton tp., are hereby notified to make immediate
payment, and those having claims aoinst said es
tate, are requested to present them duly authentica
ted for settlement EMILY ROGERS.
Califon, Nov. 29, not. Administrattii.
C LOVER SEED.—Large and mall Myer Geed for
A LL persons indebted to the eatate of WILLIAM
BRADFORD deceased, lateOf Warreutownship,
are hereby requested to make istyment without delay,
end ell persons having demands against said estate eve
requested to preemie them, duly authenticated for est.
Clement. GEOROB MAO Q. '
Warren, Oct: t?, tilliclLLl
3E040 Gala 111111111CIICitilltellii—inii,
' courrft Itriavikiart,
AVINO loCated id towieda, hia &irides tday
tie obtained by adandtaing a tinetlantigh tbaPeat
Medi of by calling at the area of Ulysses Mercer,
gap, *here he will be found, or rihefe a Witten ap4
nearnon any be tell. Nat, 1,1850,
CLatiffrifo.--A view assortment of /1,4 Mode
t3lotWit just received d - idERCUIVEL
Sept. 9„ 1461. I , f l • •
Auntrotit cerkot.
/40 enaiter ftf(ks• nitrite
rting aluti6r appointed byAn Orphsieu,,-Cutirt
ofetadford County upon esettlious file , *tothe
pedal agemutt of Artmati Ladd, one of the men.
tors of said ifeeedenff,Asrlll..mtehd.' 'duties of
said ApOliktpletit, ciftice:te
tb tfthollor,uriatitki4;si ono „44toele. P 44. of
1110'04.0f intetezAtlittili jalus..thkehotitei
, • ".; • ligaigrAGOTllvAsaitur.
114atibie •
Itvikrr4 ' arzonu,''
. • • t
admit . ts&lbsacearisini
a AVINO entered into wi.Patinsiship in the practise
'of lair, haw.siscilitabilidtal en igeneY for' the
We of real estate In tbs i eOonty of Bradford. Persons
turfing rest 'estate which they deibe to sidt,loy calling
sod leaving a deleriptiont or. their 'property with ttie
teen of wile, will utalatibtedli audit to their, edian
lege. , .
Persons desirous of parchasiou cad kern where prep.
NO , is for late—a - deseriptioifOf Mean.) with the
-price and terms of payrtwit_tiod, helitifoishad as to the
%tidily; of title. ' ' " ADAMO.-
• Toscana., !dry '2;1 . 851. ).>hflitePA RT. E. •
. .
TIUsTON Alc PORTER hive just 'allied to 114:-
.11...1 assortment a large stock al Prolit Medi
cines, Chemical; Oils, Painte,..Groceriis and Liquors,
which are uovrigered to the public at low flee.
is the largest and most complete ever tottered is this.
Also s choice assortment of puts WINES '& I 1•
(ZUORS, aulteble Yar medical purposes.
A large variety of Camphene, Phoeproe, Pluid,Lani
en 4 oil LAMPS, containing many new and beautiful
Being agent* for all the best Paient Medicine, of the
Jay, purchasers meg depend upon procuring a genuine
article in all cases.
All the Drugs and Medicines kept at their establish•
moats may be relied upon as genuine and of the beat
quality, having been carefully,seleeted with s stew to
their usefulness.
(El' South stote of the Waal-foes% and No:2,Briek
Row. Towsnds, My 27, 1951.
Dien FOULARD, Chameleon Cheae, Brk Drees
Silk,, French and Barege Believes, a new article
for summer dresses. French and English 'mang o /Silk
'names, Linnen Lustrea end any quantity .of other dress
goods at FOX'S.
HE subscriber offers fur sale Its Farm retoaled in
Wysor township Bradford couty, about 3 miles
from Towanda and frum the river, Containing
about 120 acres, shoat 63 or 70 acres improved, and
well watered, with several good eprings of water. The
buildings upon the farm consist of a large frame barn,
and log house. These premises offer many inducement•
to chow wishing tu purchase, and will bereold et a be/-
gain. Credit will be given for Gnerhalf of the purchase
money if required. For ftirther parricalers enquire of,
or address the subscriber at Wysol P.O.
Wysos. A ug• 16, 1851. Wl l 4. D.STROPE.
All Right at the Furbishing Depcit,
Na "
'AMPBBLI,,ieturn their sincere theeks
• for the libe al patronage heretofore bestowed,
and would againeall attention of their friends and cus
tomers to their late entail of flew Strum, Go. no*.
Consisting of •111hings necessary for clothing the out
er man ; which will be sold st a little tower prices than
has hith ertofore been asked.
Please give us s call before tharehssingelseorbere.
11: dr: A..CAMPBELL.
• **per ittaigings.
Titg only complete assortment of Paper listi:ings,
Borders, Window Paper, end rire.bourni Vierrts,
kept in this regloh i and at prices es low as can be
found at retail elthet in or out of the principal cities, at
May 8. 0. D, BA RTl.E'rr. .
Adndnistrater's Sale,
N pursuance of on order of the Orphan's Court of
1 Bradford county, will be eirmsed to public sale
on Saturday, the 31st day of January, 11352. at Rio .
o'clock, P. M., at the public house of S. C. Vabileet,
a certain tract of land, about 50 acres, late part of
the estate of Seeley Holcomb, deceased, sititate in
Leroy township, Bounded by Hecodk, on the '
east, and.south by lands of the Bareley estate, west
by lands belonging to the estate of Sterling Hui- z
comb, dec'el, north by Tcnianda creek ; or 17 !
acres improved. with one framed barn erected there
on, the remainder woodland. Terms one fourth cash,
on confirmation of sale, the remainder in three
equal yearly iastalmeots, with interest from-Jste.—
Payments secured by bond and rnottattrt• nn the
pretoLsest . , C. STOCK WELL.
ht. L. woosTER,
betember I Administrator/I.
Orphan's Court Bale.
TN pursuance ofan order Of the grphan'e Court,of
JL Bradford county, there will be exposed to public
sale, on Saturday. the 21st - day of. Januarrtiext,
at t o'clock P. M., on the premises, a certain, tract
of bind•aituate in Da ret township, late the estate of
Allen Moody, deceased, bounded on the north by
lands of Simon Steitins, 'east by the main road, and
lands of said Stetrins,soinit Ind West by lands , of
Francis X. Hornet. Containing one and one, founli
acre, or thereabotfts, alt impray.ed• with a 1 7 0 story
framed house thereon erected.
Attendance given.and terms„of sale made ktkown
HENRY KINNE. . , • ;
beeembei : 12, 1851. Administrators.
HARD W ARE.--A •erl Itigdind general assort
ment of hard-ware of every'deleription,,neleding
Carpenters, Joiners and Blacksmiths Tools, Harness
and Carriage Maker's Trimmings stkl Tools, Building
Materials dec.. constantly on bind and for sale at very
Mw prices by • MERCHR'S.
ALL Persons) knowing theniatlees to be indebted fn
tke estate of A (MARA 51 WORTENDYKE,
deed bite of Sotith Creek, fp., are hereby requested
to make immediate payment, and those haying claims
against said safatewill please &wad them immediately
duly authenticated for *Moment.
South Creek, Oct. 17, 1851, Administrators.
ALL persons indebted to the ester, of A. W. B.
Vangorder, Atea, late of the township of Vowel,
are b.mby revisited to auks pavan* without delay.
and those baring claims against said estate, will please
present them duly authenticated for setilrment,
Doren. fteptsreber Sti. itlsl. Administratiir.
lk"persocit indebted id the estate of LEMMA.
8. MATNAIIIi deceased, ha of Ro*.qe k own .
sbip. are hereby requested to make iti:vi te pt
mit delay, sad arise having claims _gamut said as.
[Meg iii pidittspieseitt the'm dal j, av ava d ested
for' settieuieet. r ItSP..INARD.
strthttkristratoes witlt the wilt . sbnele a
Tovistuitt; 1851. •
. • iiilminixtrators.
eittOdKERY & 'uttAeB WARE, a fe ver sick ort.
NJ : tiered for r.: 1 8 by vox.
T tgt Ilkßat—We ors prow.elliatt the best aril
ele of Malay*. at woo *trillion, • '
tr. LEWt%
CCOTPII YARN nay ine k aisa aosastaarthonquart
ty at
17 •CE!Er"girta ilirtOpt, ;iib
81 1 !.D alac.k.l /4a, tklistitioßkk an&
his ttree„ just received a . Up:point's
SILKO. aa estataive a Aikattecikar•
61 Wein aka enteittiCll*Minnicea of Om . toi
color will be G3and 3411101111711"4"
mesa Goodie.
Farm for Bak..
litinAarlaittcii.. - 1.4 . i.. - -
- -----
l- aid y''-.4 4 rtrk- ~,.ow---; .s.
„ -
Fats-aid " w_ 'inte r - u
. - atONTAiintEa l CO.
. ,
HAST Dow kr Store a bOge stock of Goods from
filowdifork and other ararkete, irbirb we vetted
*bolos% and febdt. at t..e lowest lde 'rites.—
V a Mention a few tbiive that away al Tsbfrond at
rev Store. •Priate, gingham, mato lairdtaioes.dte.
of the latest Ayres; •
Groton's, liardware. CfOOOCV 4 8. snd Mali.
1 141. Cepa. dee. &r. Of which we NA, a large es.
sortrowat. sehretet.with greet core offered orlerw
prime, sod .0411 nut be uodersold. 4,10 ti holuilt,.
gloves, woden ' foam gloom, sets 1 ther e ,. breitim 01
thcaund oAie'r snicks ohich we area wise etictosta . tej
tit of variety we oak. 'tit oar code *Vital ail
Wm tries • great regisfeetroo. se set ' Week him
.beettleid In skot time whew demi** *outwear's!".
1y depressed; and giroda were may per reel: tower
then usual. Iffy - 'snooker' and prim Law hi WAAL(
the wants of our customers. are bops to meets a eon.
thorium of the patrosoge.that hoe obertw beep so
Mend), bestowed upon l sr. MOT 3 YEte l t (;a
Toenail*. Get. 11. I*sl.
FOX, wowkleespeet.t.
Lie and,Atw,cjtiroidt of. Uridi
it now Feeeiving raiisioeta
ha is desiiiiui + if itisfineing br al
from Bat coatibeing isatia6calkahai
ed with as touch Prepand, by
prices as his neigtits
"his cuatoiders that they will
Hera. .Please esti and am
In knowing how cheap some
soon. Cowles of Main And P;
_ -
Fall & "Winter Goods.
T s MURTON' 8111141121711 r.
non receiving a large - assortment f Fall and Win
... ter Goods, direct from New Yolk hich Is offend
et Orestly reduced prices to cash boye s.
Towanda, On. I I. 1951.
The first Time of Aping.
ADIVORCE baring lately been directed behttere
the present Register and Recorder of Enidl6o
County, end the office be now bolds, tO take Me fletol
effect o' the Drat day of December nett. It hicaampe
indispensable that all debts due to the Itnisieribei it,
his official capacity should be hnotideftely liquidated.
The parties interested in this notice will save Ikon
selves trouble, and the Register touch pormortl seaq
once by a prompt attention to its contents.
of the offlee must be settled brmtedhitely, 04 5 116,1g5%
eases remitted, end to enable him to accoutptith this
the parties indebted to him most pry at Mar.,
Oct. a, 1851. noRATto BLACK. Recorder.
Now Arrival at
8.& M, C. 111tRC111 are now receiving
terr-estenaive assortment el Goods far the Fall
trade, yrbi..h will be sold at who!esale or retail chapel
than et any other morn in the County.
Towanda, Sept. 4, 1 R5l.
_ Ilicoontios of Lopes 1.. - -
STIELL later news via New York & E. R. &of the
arrival of a very large stock of Merchandise al
PHINN EY & BOWMAN!, !I Brick Wry which
they are prepared to self it Wholesale or tettafbrelisli
nr Ready Pay, cheaper than the thespestf [rota the tad
that they purchased their stock for cash in a very: de
pressed state of the market. Don't mistake the 'place.
Nn. 3 Brick Row nest door to Dr.Mtnitntroaktig atom.
TONS SUGAR, jivt received, it vkhbteiate
e./.retait. • PHINNET
QALT, a_ large lot, slid Iron, MAI; Hanlonlrttoki't
LI and Mackerel in and tibia, for ealthy •
.ept2 - Pli/f4NEY tr. )39WM4N.
10 CHESTS more of ihnse three. attil font Ailllnsa
SREETINGS, shirtings. stripes, end ticks, for sale
BOOTS AL SHOES, th e lamest and cheapest assort
went in town—and lints and Caps, at istsatetrals
an.' retail. PIikiSNEY nowbuos,
(IHOCK gRY I Wassware. Paints; Oils. think Dyes,'
&e. &. BOWMAN.
DRESS GOODS, a argo esirietyttoimear Ylbd
L." :Shards, a good amporimpnt, fnr aa!o by - .
1-4 MAN'S, filr which ci,l will be PAW. al
crrrEß-;- tag Pitfalls wanted, finAgliits ettn rub
VI will te gnid, . MIN NET ,& 11,0
"UATS, Cap& Iktota am) ifher;2 ; cubs. lie* , • stpla
L. of Hate 4nil Cops, 41.03 s !was,. tik:s l lLoi . ,Arne .
Women; end Child:me bosiit, awl S:l;projuise teretted
it; • eittanitt,.•
potit ogt, COMi ALL, antiitearfie its
Moods, hith ate now Wog abitiieif AV" ' •
apt& • • - !I: KllCtlY~x:c
EERR - ELB RYE lit ecIRSr. t %di Iby
t July ik • 't E: T. ror.
awrzOrks * '
Ait aisoilthenl ot liZAbY mAIfF, alPrfltsirnt
be kept conetintly On hand 014.telad dad ea
Main illicit, above the siabslriber Ia Übe prepared tip
make and avian ail kinds or Furnitufq.„ _ , •
Tewansla, /alp t 2, t 851.. C. --wr.u.e.:
--•-•-•••-' 4
BLASTING POW/MM.-4d l kollastingPeror.
tier, by (I rdwrrOvtg - ar. ('O.
CROCKERY.—The largest stock in town. NI L
dinher and tes wits, of white granite and blue
wan:, which will be saki cheap at FOX'S, •
,1:4 VERY one knows that the place to 6 gl the laves
assortment and best quality of gloves of. ell deist,
etiptions is at An tip 26
ADOZ. Panama, Leghosn, Palm Leaf art ami d a
'•JAJ Straw gets at oip2n FOR ,
B I:K Silk tint UM Silk C.mie Cur I (ANTII4AS et
• '
ri .
DRY!' Go'i - -A 0" a' . 'Amu:nest of 31rlitiotei
Cashmeres. tie Lail* - I :ip t eu, end Prints now
Denies tt il 13 ..'
6 HIED: of Solu.'oe priced pialtiagy' lei. • thin aoj
balm a* . 1 1.2 team tilts yelt; aliie, %No.
ses tweet ead . dookfrane al to SO eta.. ]din; to)guirn
and Ohilra Cap tliat cant ba but. rine tinct,
Raisins. 'iNeppar. *pees, Seletstios, Clinger; and a_gom
end I P4,stiriment orterreimita ; liana ftill suppirerfniA"
ne:e Teas warranted rus-nanat, toed old - 144 hi at Lb°
money returned in all noes t just sesitatalleal M 41041
at a0p.12 POVIte-
p tcx Ribbons. Backiliit r, Elio bed empm
Ola MTh.
. •
9/1 BALES OE SHEETING. common aid lino
to 10-4 'tide. A nice aspertment- of Bleed.
ed Geode, bleached and brown firpl4.l Ceisb sod p a .
PerPBftrourranetetehal Table Linnet'. Mork,. Lin.
stero - Tidier. Cotten-Yarn, Batting. Wielder and
Wadding. making cheap at • FMC's,.
EMBROIDERIES. A Ittry ;atitto onek of Swim .10
frf twlin,gifiingi Ned Ingertroors. Strirworgi Mass
4u Bulb, weed's wrought Cant 0)4 CIA. Ohl
wrought tineit Minalorreliief4, Aiet t6a fitgesti
era best goiOrtment of entbrolairerilloodg eirrr . 114 forte
offered in.Tograuda at- !TIM
JLIACII 81108, Oils • few pattiwis of
which Will be Ea amps% - , A
OATS & SHOE m. • Rood . I wanklitrufer
,G en t s , Mawr. Chilatepf And Ip6nts.Bl~4 dos
silo in _ „ ,
DRAPERY IdUk g l ; ll ' * P •Pilathd-"l,Pjgfr
• 1# .