a -ardorcfro- gootlo. Wee lftil,lFree SPeecki .lEVeet Bleu: Preediosi for Pre, Tarrners. GOODRICH, 'EDITOR. . Towanda, Saturday, January 17, 1852 an per the yew. ISO eente will blitteslueted-53rerosh.)Wsistettirstly i» usiestnee Ole 00 will be *dated. 'No paper sent over two year*, tulles, pool for. ..liortartairotevra. per square of tea fittest. 50 crate An the iret urn) a rem* for each &otos...quern inaerstrni • ,Irrraies twibe - - thorn( Block." tooth Aida of the INblte 1 1, 14ore;Znext.slortr t'oe. Etrettiord llotrattee Leavecu Mmes. adamenod Eicreirs law °nice& . Dleveasepts of Kassao3., "q'ttiti iti . "Jyte lett' Washington on Mtirtday last.— At Atutaliolis he WWI cotklueie',l to . the' eireith've mansion and alterwurlf vigited' the' State House ; both branches Me Leglshiteie. He vras expected to arrive at Baltimore oti Tues. the',:Harriibura dele liakeflihd already arriVett -118 ( trould4eieli `eiilSiirreif 'Widneslay: • • - • . n • ,• • Goss' tc.--;The Tribune hai the fol• towing hdelligence in regard to the tno*ements towards the Presidency at Wasnington "The plot thickens. Str. Wehster's friends are 'arriving. • - A sery large delegation of '4r. Fillmore's friends: frornNew•York are close by. . The Sauthem Whigs are pressing Mr., jillmnr tot' his* decision. Things are thus rapidly..entain. to a head. ) What th 4 titret of the shock of rivalry will' in ihe" Administration we shall soon know. Mr. Fillmorigaireaut Immo time ago that he could not consent that theta should be a Presiden. fief eindidate. in his Cabinet.. Any hour may turn up' a Significant result."--,.. Vero' Ilessaok..-In another column will be . ftiuttil Cov , Jou:tyro:l's veto of the, bill repeating the Bth section of the act of 1847. In our judginent his reason for the act, are sound, and it he had promptly and immediately returned tt *hen ir was cd;'we shoUld have taken pleasure in avrard -11 him ctedit for his independence. '"Or:b Sccit" has carried the delegates in Lancas ter Courtly, by an overwhelming majority. The "War Horse" is completely discomfited. Cass sours 6or 8 delegates out of the whole .uumt:er. The Irght has been raging for months, and has ucunpied an immense amount of time and citrus a mint of money to carry it on. • -, C'tievatiza ficrcvzStsse Is HOT %V.trea AG S% LZ'Aecounts front 1 Vashingion state that M. Web ster is preparing a response to the !scent letter of Chevalier flul4entann, drawn forth by Mr, Web. atees speech at the Kussuiltilitiner. Its tenor has not transpired, but, it is not improlable that the Aastriart Charge may haveltis passports tendered W. hm. Ouro Lcuou.sirat —This body assembled in 'Columbus on Monday, the sth of January'inst. En the Serrate, Joel W: Wilson was elected Spealter, and Charles C. Flood, Clerk. In_the House, J. C. JOhnsori of Stedina, was chosen Speaker, and Ma fan Medary, Clerk. These gentlentervare all Dentocliks, of course. 'Other first page, will be found the charge of Judge Motor, delivered to the Grand Jury of tirailfdrd County, at the December Te►m of our Calm. It is universally_ acknowledged to be an able and' lucid production, reflecting credit upon :!le foetid acquirements of its author. o*P.2ievr s 2 Skarrioloirg Itohat siojesr—cpuister feitt. of the new plates have made their appiarance in Philadelphia. ,The engraving of the margin of the left end is itupeifectly and coarsely executed, but is well calculated to deceive. Qtr Profossor NI. Stuart, ?maklent of the Ando 7Of Theological SsatiaarY, died on Saturday, the 31 ins:ant. Ctrants SCOZMWICLL of this County, has been appointed ono of the Transcribing Clerks in the Abuse of Representifires Of this State`; 1 • CO- The blassaebusens fegistataribei re-elect eJ Gwen& S. licierrrcia, 83 Governor, and HEIIRT W. CVMINA oe Lieutenant Giretna. C,atlic or tar. Floc ar Tux Carrroi..—The Cline of the bunting of the Library of Congress bat- been discoverei to be *careless construction of the floor of the gallery. The jo'sts which support . the gal lery had been ipserted into holes mule in the walls of the fine through which the building is heated front. The fires in the committee rooms below are madegf wool. and the soot which formed. on the inside of the chimney look Are and burned up to alto joists. The timbers are too far above the tire.. place to be set ori'gre 4a any other way than by . the burning of the chimney, and sack an event could net have occurred at any time withont corn. municteiug fire to the library. The steam of the Libra t ry were formed of timbers filled with gsbrick. hogguta.” 'The horizontal pieces were tel into ifie walls fitrthe purpose of strenatitealmf fhb street. ore, thus Affording the metres el coma enieating the. fife to the vertical ecantlim ' one of which was pia: id_ :gait* the kill in each partition. That such a &Terra* has been discovered should have exisle,l in such a bitilding.-is molt wondered st. The fact .14cited probably also explains why the same Libra. fir caught .fire on the morning of the same day of Iliroctstit in the year 1823. . we rum Immo y the steamer Mexico, whictOttiivedr at New Orleans otilhe- 3d inst., we hafirnewald fi poptdar outbreak' on the 18th ult., againstrthe lureigners,esased b r • reduction in the ort ; puorisions, during which a number of storeki were destroyed and lives lost. Congresshad adjourned, after passings resolution for borrowing two millions of dollars. the defeat of Carvajal is etififirntedit 'lie had lour men killed - and smutty wotidded,,. ' . "De4cli JAY Fitzpurct.—The Claidand Plaindeal. sr contains - 11in partieufars,of the freezing " to death of the driver of the stage `between that oily_ and whilts - on his seat driving daring that Another lean was' (mien to death in the townef Ltunberg, in a• barn, whither he trati, sought refs ;e tram the pitilou ligral.__ We. alia hear of another death. irt,tho tore et Eititts4 l °fit 1841 Iv .4. pr4ishcd fro#t .cold bile , eking to mgo , M==Z - TArlfre . ,liattoreble 1/4.;Serveleisr cincl— , d 'House 1,-,l2epiatOtiitiCiy tdePeretral,asserefory • j•,l ,FEttow.,,. Crrizetas Ihe-.abtmdentre o?i r st, r sweat, theitteiverel: hid+ (Oen p!iciide,lind - the eittintediete and =individual" and social prcoperithatre lobe tonna tiew motives of gratitUile tinhe Fother . of Mercies, who fuilils our riertitries in his hands That greadul homage, the acknowl ,cd4metit or onvindepantlence on hi. Aleti it rettilek Never, hi the history of the Commonwealth, has there been a period of more prosperous tranquility 'Die citizens of the Slate, aside from other sources of contentment. have at last realized that a cane ot,disquiet, which has'for the last twenty.five years oppressed them, fs'abotit in be removed` A begin: ping has been matte in the practiFal Jitritlatiett of the publiti'debi. >s• On the 14 of DeceMber, tholimeent of the public debt Wes, - ' 340.843 ; 379 31 rc 1851, .840,114,2P3 39 MEI Thus, within the late three years, there have been effected wieduetion of upwind* of seven hundred thousand dollars of indebtedness; ' without impairing the effieiency (Oho pidslia: works, or retard ngany plans of praeffeal beneficence, such as the Le,gisla lure, according to a policy of wise economy, have thoughivreper to authorize, tln'etin hesitate to attribute this important, result to ihe"etieciesful operation of the efficient and real sinking 'fund sytitein; esitablisiheal by the art of the 40th April, Ai D, I&19. The detailed transits:dons of th.e.cornmiseioriers of the-fund williappear in their tripod to be sebniiiteitio the Legislatere : This eyete, copied in its leadien features , f rri rom That sitiiirti was established' in the early Years of our forthe extinguishment of the national debt, .has worked 'admirably. While 'there can be no, precipitate cancefisktion of public securities, spelt . as, would derange and disturb our monetary relations, neither-Can there be, under the present law, any 'such accumulation of stocks in the hands of the Commissioners as to tempt or permit the applica.ion of the fund, order any accidental emergency, to mher purposes than-that for which it is set apart.— "Pledged to the payment of the public debt, it must be sacredly regarded. The creation of this fund, 'anti the adoption of the system of making no loans, unless provision for their liquidation be made in the laws authorizing them, have already exercised a metal influence on public policy. Like the pro tective system in national legislation, though by another process, they prevent the Representatives of the people from heedlessly incurring new debts; they make the payment of the public debt a part of the fixed policy of the State, which no one will be willing to disavow or disturb ; they interfere wi t h no extension of publics improvements or expendi tures for beneficent purposes . The first application of Surplus revenue is to pay a portion of the State debt, the next to extend and maintain such objects of public improvement as will, when completed, increase actual revenue and diffuse the greatest good. To maintain that system of financial policy, which has for itwobject the gradual and certain ex. tinguishment olthe public debt, is as well the duty as it will be doubtless the earnest desire of the gen eral Assembly. Believing that the revenues of the Common wealth, if properly guarded, are adequately suffici ent for both objects—f again and earnestly press on the attention of the Legislature the Maims of that great section of the State lying on the'Nortleßranch of, the Susquehanna. The North Brattah canal ought to be finished without further delay. Iti comple tion would insure increased revenue to the Treasu ry,tind would t>aasrimple act of justice to a large portion of the people interested in its construction. The propriety of calling upon the National Gov. eminent for a portion of the publid lands in aid of the several 'great lines of railway communication ,within our borders., is again suggested and urged upon your favorable consideration. To the existing and complete internal improve. ments'of die State ; or rather to the mode of their administration, invite special attention. There is lir it some radical defects which . need reformation is wanting-in its proper checkeand the enforce ment of proper responsibility; tO secare which it is resipectfully, urged upon the Legislature Iq make such change as will authorize the election of one Canal Commissioner by the - people for' a term of throe yeale, to whom shafi be intrusted the whole supervision of the system, and the selection by the; Legislature of an Engineer, to serve for a. similar term, to whom shall be committal!' the duty of ma king the necessary examinations and estimates of the propriety and cost of construction wit repair of the public winks. That a commissioner or agent for payment' shall be selected by the Internal Im provement Commissioners, to be charged with the disbursement of the public funds amorally appropri• ated to these purposes. Officers thus inflected, ow. inn their appointment. to di ff erent powers in the avernment, would, from that fact and the nature if their duties, act as checks upon each other, bring re s i -onsibilty directly to each department of the sys - . it:Tne a nd secure a more active and energetic dis ctiargsr I, caa „ o i L i 4 doubted That the revenues derived from the peCie corks ought to be very greatly in. crease d . Th e% im . vrivemente should now bring a clear revenue to the ostler Sates, canals and railways have 'lrely failed to become sources of such revenue svito.n iwatry yams from the period of their construction, wh:lewith us, from causestereofore suggested for Legisi: ; We action, and mill within Legislative control, the malt has been widely different. Our system of education is far from that perfation which is desirable. The defects appear to orig.: from that insufficiency of lands, and the want of proper teachers. 11 is' anifest that competem per sms, in-saffieiett numbers to - supply the deMarid for their services cannot be bad, unless some prac tical plea is adopted as part of the Common School system, to create reassume! teachers. The abili ty to impart innwledge_to othere, partici:daffy the young minds, is.to be obtained 'Only after long' mid patient study,. assisted by all the :utilities" which science, and learn ingcau afford. The, future great nesi'and hipping:es sd diecountry depend so much upon the enlighirnent otihe public mind, that the statesman and patriot cannot devote his time , ener• gies, tateuts,sos mate wonky stied, than its at tainment. The retest agricultural exhibition was so names• oast y attended, and so creditable to our people, in the display of works of skill sod home andustryias well as of agricultural implemeids and stock, that am convinced that grew public good moat 'result from it. The urgent mit:tests of a forrneratessage, &limed to be' of value and importance to this great alderman is hoped will meet favorable segos at -year hands. These exhibititine should be repealed iu edam parts of the State,and cherished as the best meansef diffusing prettiest and scientific knowl edge ofagricanare. The establishment of a State Society for Western Peaasylvania, waeldbehighly advantageous toXre people of that portion, &pay-, ed as they are, by-the difficulty of transportation, at a Lull participation in the benefits of the presentSe ciety. ~. • Contracts hags bemi Made for the .publicatiee of the Colonial Remit* and of the maps and other documents connected with the Geological Survey at the State: An interesting report from thegentle. man charged With the arrangement for publication ' of the Pennsylvania : Archives, accompanies this Message. I invite to it and to these important and interesting papers your favorable action. The so pervisionofthe publication of these Pepin) should' be entrusted to the gentleman . who has arranged "ham. Thelebor performed has greatly exceeded the amount contemplated by the. Legislature, anti hence demandit,addidonalcompiesation. The Insane 4sytum, as well as the other defile: hie institutionsonwhichthe State is directly' inter." Muhl; are in ir prosperotiis condition. The kindly 'regards of the Assent* are solicited for these iron , It is - aldose:id Ctioll 11611, *AA Will grale ! tortentaire fierieltie; that% the Prohitition of all these itletestathwAdmnistrennt of public at. fain while vdermy contioi r has fouthfolly and to sonte,l4VAlfcesOy directed, its !ahem.. bis,to l be regretted that mote was net eccomphshek but k . , AttletiltflectitftstlfirfOir "-,:' - ‘' cal good has been done. In the enactment-of the..revenne laws of the No. rveArrntrnuch injury !twilight(' . man I thfind iat interests of *Suet ' r she n Wench, miner as will protect Star terms; all apt isiOnestly desire. Timm": on fiio , met t emotions, titbit fully expreskedlny ',news spit this indiject,ruid have urged upon the Legislature thispepriety of stick action as, would ` influen ce ' fa vorably the National Congress The great manto lecturing, mining and agricultural e interests 1 Penn sylvania tequire and demimit'sschent of spree. t4 l ent Tem of tariff laws. The ill success at titling former efforts, famislies.no excuse for an a _ ission again to call attention to the subject. In the corded: eracy of States - we hold an "important position.— Pennsylvania:from the numbers of her population, and their acknowledged patriotism, hair-a. right lo demand for her" industry that kindly ' legislaiiiin -which *deserves and shook! receive. It is not the prof of a high•mintled *pie to make bargains for the senutity of their rights, and it is ecjaaliP untie. coming, tamely to submit inoppressionind Wrong.; A firm anti molly demand for the change el polo 1 . 7 : . which is rapidly impoverishing a portion of our citizens, ii;:orling the growth of;the State, and pre venting the deveoTment or its mineral resources, Would 'have die effecl of avulsing from our Nation al Government, such modideekt of. RS law!, as would protect American labor against .Ihe ruinous competition it rneets t in our markets, ,from ILO Is. bier of fcirei,gn countries It is most sincerely to ,be hopedohat the present Assembly will determine, in its action on this subject; to be faithful' to- Pehri _,Hylvaniti..zi ~ . .,-4,...-..-.- , T T, ~ :1.:::..,..-..:.--.., I, :, t,,.. J.,.., : •-• :4 ,oo OMMASlllinkfroM-the logosOFS. PlAiWes• ,teruLl 4 enitentiury lurk been leitfbe foistme..barinite- Manta efuiliii utheh iititibir Of Gnished eons is ride eptatii to thirrecommedation of the muftis. -To se. curewunishmenb by secmneentefinemen4itis.pro., pmed to. finish anoihor .tjer ',of calls elready . cow menad. Whilst Concurring fully in the' recom. mendaticin of the worthy Inspectors, I desire you to call your early attention to their letter 1 eretcs an netted. . My agention has been directed ? by the occur rence of fearful accidents in the cities cf our Corn monwealih, to the necessity of preCautionary legis lation.on the subject of the construction of private and public buildings in crowded communities • I reap:Welly ask your consideration of this matter. ft ip idle to say that a sense of individual self-inter esl is a sufficient protection on this subject All ex. perience shows it is not so ; and that in localities where ground is very valnable, space restricted, and competition for position active, everything is lost sight of but temporary advantage. The public is not roused to the sense of impending danger until some frightful casnality, involving the loss of inno. cent hum= life, startles it from false security. Leg islation in prevention of the recurrence of these cas ualties is earnestly recommended. The laws in relation to small notes issued by banks of other States have faded to realize the re sults intended by the Legislature. In many coon ties they are entirely disregarded. In a former message reference was made to the evil conse quences likely to result to the morals of a commu nity from open disobedience to law. It is clear that the present law is not, and will not be executed The circulating medium it proposes to banish, should not , be permitted to exist among us, in its present condition. Authority to the banks of the Commonwealth to issue this denomination of mo ney, would speedily drive from circulation this de. preciated currency, by the substitution of bnczes is sued by irEljtations under the control, of the Legis lature. , In relation to this-subject, as well as to a system of free banking, based upon public securi ties, the recommendations of a former message are respectfully teferred to your careful consideration . I would refer you to the Report of the Canal Com ! missinners for a detailed Statement of the proceed ings on the public *mkt during die pitityear ; and to the reeorts °Utile - Auditor•General, State Treasu rer, Surveyor General, Superintendent of Common Schools, and Adjutant General, for information in relation to the operations and condition of their seve ral department during the same period." The tollowing estimatersof seCeipts and expendi tures for,the current year are duly submitted : • • Estimated Receipts: Lauds, , • 420.000 Melia)] commission, • 22.040 Auction duties, 50,000 Tar on bank dividends, 240,060 Corporation stocks, 180,000 Real and personal estate - , 4330.000 Licenses; Tavern, 100,1100 Retailers, ' 170,000 Vedlets, _ . 2,000 Brokers, 8.0011 Theatre, vireos and menagerie. 4,000 Distilery and Brewery, 3,000 Billiard rooms, &c., 9,000 Eating house, die., 8,000 Patent medicine, 8.000 Pamphlet laws, 500 Militia Ones, 9,000 Foreign insurance companies, 3,090 Tax oa writs, &c, 43.000 On offices, • 18,000 Collateral inheritance. ' 173,060 Canal and railroad tolls, , - • 1,700,000 . Canal floes. 1,000 . Tai on enrolment of laws, . 8,000 Premium on charters* to„noo Tax an loans, • 140,000 . interest on loans, 20,000 Sales of public property. 10,000 Tax on tonage, &c.. . 25,000 Dividends from bridge tolls, . 500 Accrued interest, 2,000 Refunded cash, -, 10,000 a:thesis,l,soo .. Fees orroblie spices, , . 4.000 Miseellaneols, i 5.000 Eatimaled,ErpendituroL •-• : • - Public workr.rucloirriiiou swirepair„ 1 ,040,0 ft Expenses of . goveturtiO, • , 240,000, Militia expense; 000 Noaioneind gratuitiee; • • •‘. - 18,000. Charitable institutions, - • • ,.19.0,900. Commcn•schvols, ,- • - -- 240 " Commissioners of Sinking (Cad, =ROO Late vitae debt, • • ' • 2,020,000 Guarantied interest, • 80,000 Domestic creditors, 8,000 Damage on public work; 10, 000 Special commissions, 800 State Library, 500 Public pride and baildings, 10,000 Penitentiaries, 10.000 /louse of Refuge, 8.000 Nicholson Lands, . 2,000 Escheats, • 1.000 Geological survey, 8,000 Colonial Records. 8 .0 0 0 Abatement - of State tax, 46,000 Relief note; 2,000 Cohosel fees, die., .• , - 6.000 North branch Canal, • 880,000 Mieoldlaceous, 10,000 An act, entitled it An - Act to graduate lands on which money is due and unpaid to the Common wealth of Pennsylvania;' passed the toth day of April, - .A. D., tea 5, expired, by its own limitation, on the - 10th slay of December last. its re-enaetnent would secure to.many the advantages- ol the law, who, from pecuniary inability, or other causes, true been unable to avail , themselves of its provisions. • It will devolve upon the present Assembly to' mike apponiontnient of the State, for the election of members of the House of Representatives of the United States. feel confident that the greatest care will be observed, to give to every portion of the Conimonwealth itsjust dahlia, • and to make the 'arrangement of theCorigresteienal Districts scricK ly conform able to those considers:l=gal population andlocality.witiott 41c11 , 11 , pply - And nOwineptlemen of General Assembly, as this the last occasion uponyhich I shall for malty, Iv message, address you,"l - beg to' ineseirr, to g, assuraricas Of lay Menem eslient and . • : W/4.1 0 ; JOHNSTON.: - Emus,* Onsaleas, - ' . Thrrisiettrg fantrary 5 41152. • "r 1 rit4 rTr 0 32 . 4, attalre.— " thitSearftry h mmoiirealth t i g rY I fi le lawn* and rues nit she **ethyl, vetoing OA Pill efts last se 'repea l . dilaw prohibiting the gee 'Oflthis Citonmensveodth for the detention d t;ve slaveti. - -Thiblessage was earl; and lhebill minim; again' before the Senate on its find passage, was yeas 19, naysll4--ik two third vote being amass. • The hollowing is the vote upon the question : fluckalew, Crabb, Dar. lingtcon, Vernon, Forsyth, Frailry, Fulton, Goons. gen Hamilton, Hamlin, Hoge, Jones, MeCaslin, Matthias, bluhlenbegh Packet, ?enders" and Shi irterl92_,_.",: . Niie—Messm, Bams, Carothers, Carson, Evans, Rashitt,' Kinzer, Iripkel,' kleVarland,lifiktutrie; Malone, Myers, Roberbon, Stifer end Walker, Speaker-44, • The Governor haisicned theresolution inviting_ Louis' Kossuth to visit fisnisburgi and hakdeputb ed the Secretary of the Commonwealth to proceed to Washington with the same,.and a teuerol hearty Welcome from the Governor himself „. The Genagralso transmitted to the Senatit the preaMbleand resolntionv of the .Select rind Com• motrCouneilo r of Philadelphia in relation to the 'recibir', of monuments to the chi thirteen Stateei Lndependelice Sgoue.- • Thilferiate . #/mtly slier adinotp4l, Skis g s pis+ oile Meted wmr. femiinjbl'conlinem iirmitief med a l / , ; , ptmd&theatineal report of the Lehigh coal, and Netrigelign Corepanypiinti slso,the firstitilinnual /piton cribs Commissioners of the Sinking' Fund: No Walnuts oflinporttince urn"trintaan . ted, and at ball Oat elevao l .on motion,' the House Adjourn ed, in honor of the day—the anniversary of the vic tory of New Orleans. SCIATIC ;The journal having been read, and a number of petitions presented, the following bills were read in place 'fly Mr. Packer, Wbill to repeal the 4th and 6th section. of the law to prevent kidnapping. By Mr. Sanderson, a bill to provide for the im mediate completion of the North Branch Canal. By Mr. Forsyth, a bill relative to the State Li. brary. By Mr. Fridley, a bill relative to foreign attach- ments, and a bill to incorporate the Anthracite Bank at Tamaqua. Various resolutions waspassed, among others onwdirecting the Outing of the Governor's Veto Message. Mr. Kunkel offered the following preamble and resolution : Whereas, Governor Kossuth, in reply to the invi tation to visit the Capitol, has expressed his intend; tion . to be here on Tuesday nest the 13th inst., therefor e, Resolvd, That a Committee of five be apphint. ed to act with a similar Committee to be appointed by thellouse of Representatives, as a Cpmmittee for the reception of Governoi Kossuth, and that they report to the Senae on Monday, what action shall be had by the Legislature on the occasion of his visit. The resolution was immediately taken op and adopted The committee appointed io confer as to the time and place of opening and deolaring the returns of the election for Governor, have decided on Thor& day, the truh inst., in the Hall of the House of Rep. resen tati v es. The Senate then proceeded to the election al off s cers, which resulted in the choke' or the following gentlemen : Clerk—John M So'liven. Assistant Clerk—J. C. Bombemer. Transcribing Clerks—Messrs Benedict, Snyder. and Raymond. • • Sergeani.at•Arma—Wm. P. Thomas. Assisran:a—John Essig And Win.' P. Brady. Dearkeeper-liiomas Assistant Ilborkeepers—John R , Reigle, James ' klessengeo—Andrew Yuma. ..458imaoi do.—Edward D. Evans. The Senate then adinurned. litiost-410 Speaker laid before the Hops° the arinnal statement of the Waits ol the Pennsylvania State 1-Icopiutl. B. bi. Biotin, a member from lAneasteriappear ed and was sworn. Mr. Bonham offered a resolution providing for the appointment of a ccrumittee ot five members of the House, to act with a similar committee from the Senate, to receive Gov. Ko.-stith on Tuesday nest. Mr. Hart Moved to poitpono fur the present Not agreed to. The resolution was then adopted, and Messrs. 13anham,Gillis, Hart, Fritz, and Schaeffer appoint ed said committee. ' Mr. Fritz offered a resolution declaring that on Monday next; the House will proceed to the elec tion of a committee to investigate the seatsepnteet ed from the county of Philadelphia. Mr, Hart moved to amend, by referring the reso. lotion to a committee of five. Loot—yeas 21, nays 66. - ' The petition signed by 25 electors was then read, and on motion of Mr. Hurt, the resolution was pas sed withont a division. A number of bills were introduced,—among them a bill to provide for the exemption of the home. stead from liability for the debts ot the owner there of, and from sale on execution or other legal pro cesses„. and for other purpose!. After the presentation of a- law petitions of no impoitanee the House adjourned. .4,817,500 ; •,.. .. • , ~... - . lisaapsurto, Jan. 12. Suave: T -The folloalngpetitiensend memorials, • others, w ere, presented,:. . • „ ly M . Cra bb , . a meinortattrom the discolors of the Penneylvanta Bank, iffr refereadela the imp°. titian of ,a mx•opon their , dividends; also also a memorial frogs areichants,ot the city and county of Philadelphia, in favor of the Te r charter of the East. On Bank. ' By Mr. Kunkel, a memorial from the Journey men Printers of, Harrisburg, asking an increase of compensation to the State printer, that he may o f ford to increase their wages. By Melt: hies, a memorial from the overseers of the public schools fouridedby charter inthe town and county of Philadelphia, asking to be exempt from taxation; the petition of members and snbsen hers loth. Temporary Home Association, asking for and of incorporation; and'a memorial from citizens of Philadelphia recommending the sem. ; the petition of Henry Becket for enact authorising the execution of a certain power of attorney, and also, a memorial from the managers of the St. John's Orphan Asylum, tra an altemtion in theircharter. Mr. gurikel i fiern the Select Committee appoint ed to receive Gov. Kmseth, made a report recom mending the adoption o' rules in regard to the In troduction of Kosseth to he Legislature. The Committeelof Reception- will meet Kossuth at York, and escort him to Harrisburg.' The galls. hes and lobbies ol.the House of Representatives Are to be occupiedby ladies only, and the floor by members and (diem slily. - ' • The Gnomer transuutteil a message, to the Sen. ate communicating the reply of Louts Kossuth to the invitation by the . Intuit, to !bit) Harris. burg. , . . The following bills em read in,place : By Mr. Cnibb, a bill authorizing the - publication oldie. public acts of the Assembly in the Legal In. .tellitteneer. . - .1 .: . Mr.. . . M Kinkle, ilk bill compensating the State. print. vas fiir ati increase of wages to their hands since the COMMittleftlllelli Of ihelicoritraet ; - a bill - refining to Coroner's inipsesek in& aeupptement to an act, en titled ." An Act relating tOttesignesa foe , the:bene fit of cieditonb and blither purposesf passed Sone :14th, 18118. , Mr. MeMutttieofFered a serial of non interritt- Aden revelations, whin • were reakind 'ordered' t o , . , ►',bill, 'Vending S. powers, oldie National liii 04,253,500 g t i~mgemift -- : tlAncussilito, lan. 10 r.' nOOMPInn. '" 5' ---7 '" 771-77 ; - ". • • 4 .. 7 .. up and prima, - 1 - . The Supplement to the eeljectotpOra - t he Erie amilgriburritadbutgb and sor:e Mad liltienpony wk. taken op on X ,tiod dtieusined unti/tbe hour of &tyrant t. Hottaic-- , The Speaker announced tho !EssnOing .Committees of tbiaessirm. Numerous - peutions were :n froakell wts of theimuntrf r alking an amendment- ter''ibe Ctil etitutitin which will prohibit the 'sale of intoxicating liquors in this Commonwealth. The following hilts time intrOdtkinf±- - :. -- - To iniorportite the Mauch Chunk Bank. - To extend die/graduating laws of 1835. To repeal the Bth section' of she act of 1847, rels• live to togiove ohms and the use of the jails of the State for their detection. . ..:Tri annul the males* contract between Oscar F. Clain and Minim, his wife. To inairporate dm Philadelphia and WWI Rail road Company. ' To incorporate the Allegheny Gait Company. . To repeal the 48th and 49th- section of the law regulating Ranks 'l'd ineorporateithe St. Joseph"' Ciillege in the ci ty of PhiladelAia. To incorporate' the Odd Fellows' Widows and Orphans' Attylern of Pennsylvania:" ' - '• Tbe selection of a committee to exsmiceinto the contested seats lion Philadelphia, county, wee on motion indefinitely postportml, and . the . petitioners allowed to withdrew their petition. ' . The - Hetielherf adjourned' • • • 1... ts ties*: 'Joutistoogs veto. r , Ohs the Bill egia ' & rate* Jails of do State for fi l le.,Autfinemento/Perseas ckuniel as Fugitives, from Service, . To tueSca nu or Petrisetvll ti.. 2-L.enittors: An set entitled " An Act to repeal the sixth section Or an act, entitled an act to prevent kidnapping and preserve the public peace, prohibit the exercise of certain powers heretotore exercised by Judges, Jus tices orate:pekoe and Jailors of this Commonwealth and to repeal certain Slave Lowe," has been held under advisement since the adjournment of the last Legislature. In obedience to the provisions of. the Constitoticm I return this bill to the Senate, where it originated, without my approval, arid' with my reasons for witholding it. To those /gamma founded on the clearest sense of duty and of offi cial res ponsibili. ty, I invite your candid 'attention. They are now, for the first time given, because now, for the first time since the passage of this act, has an opportu nity offered to confer with those to whom my ma sons may be important and with whom they, may be operative. The section proposed to be repeated is in - theft. words:" It shall - not be lawful to Use any jaiVrir pris on of this Commonwealth for ihe detention of-any. person claimed as a fiigitive from servitude OF la. bor, except in canes where jurisdiction may lawful by taken by any Judge, under the provision of ibis act ; and arty jailor or keeper at any prison, or oth er person who shall offend against the provisions of this section, shallop conviction thereof pay a . fine of 8500; one-half thereof for the use of. this Comeionwealth an I the'other to the person who proseen es ; and shall, moreover, thenceforth be re moved from office, and be incapable of holding such office of jailor or keeper of a prison at any time during his natural lite." _lt is part of a law passed in the year 1847, under the Executive Ad minitOration of my predecessor, and ,by votes nnan imously, or nearly soot both branches of the Leg islature. I This bill underteonsideration is confined to the repeal of the section prohibiting theose of our pris ons as places of detention • for fogitiVes from labor. If the legislation proposed 'undid/ores - the use Of the prisons, it is in 'repugnance to the: , Constitution of the United States as expounded by the Supreme Court. By a decision made in derogation of the local statutesof Pennsylvania, the Supreme Court of the:United States held, in so many= words, that all State legislation on the subject of the reckon-- bon of lives friun !shore whodter to obstruct or to and it, "rider or promote it, is absolotelyMid.en ; firely:prohibited. The legislation of Cotmess 'su persedes all legiatation on the subject, and by. nec essary iMplictation - prohibit); it. The States cannot enact aux iliaty provisions. en the subject. This is the very language. It, there. fore,,Em act of Assembly were p assed , aotborizing , theseveral County Coinmfts on'eis"tti erect 'stile houses of detention for persons claimed:as !unitises from labor, under such regulations as the I:gists-- tare or its agents might prescribe, for the reception and sale keeping of the inmates, such a law would be unconstitutional, and consequently void, and any singledisaontented citizen of a county may have it sodeelared. , I am unable to see any difference in this respect between the special construction of inch places of detention, regtilwed and controlled by State authori• ly and ,State agents, and the permission to use Wive alreadyr erected and regulated . .by general laws. It is the State law interfering in .he question of the ategedfugitive anti his claimant,,and such laws, the Supreme Court of thei United States have pro. nonnced unconstitutional. his net the legislation of Pennsylvania that has closed our jails against the reception of such fugitives, but a formal decision of the Supreme_ Court, declarin4 our former statute on this whim( unconstitutional ; a decision, which until reversed, is binding on every department of this government. The Governor then refers to the opinions of se,- it rat Judges of the Supteme Court, .and adds: This judgment of the Supreme Court of the United States determines the law, tar my gnitte ance, and for yours, whatever may be our individ ual convictions upon the subject. If then a prison cannot by built, under State laws,•for , the detention oflugitives—if a pristin already built and subject to Slate regulations and rides, respecting-its inmates cannot be used ; and if, in short, all 'State' legisla lien, of whatever kind, : is prohibited,hy a , solemn, decree - oi the, Supreme Cong--it is not, more than idle'tn pass an act restoratite of "law& thug expreas-: :ly declared atil known in 'advance to be unionsti.: tutional. •The writ of habeas corpus world run into these unconstitutional placesoldetention: the kal eral Judiciary would themselves have to_AeCide the - question . The State Judges, in Counties 'where the fugitive is committed by a mere Commissioner would be required to issue the writ ot. right ; and that which the friends.of ills repeal have chinned as a great boon to the claimant, would be worse than a mockery. The claim be has now on , the Marshal and his sureties, for indemnification lof thttescape,,of his servant' would be converted into a barren claim against a county , jailor, whose first duty would. be to discharge aprisoner thus held, it be ,claimed his liberty. Not so was the law fonnerly,ond before - it was decided that all State legislation to the subject is prohibited --not so will• it be hereafter, if the principle of the decision of the Supreme. Court be practically carried out, and this whole vexed and vexatious subject be - left to the administration of the United States Officers.. - The Act at Congress of the 18th September, 1850 commonly known asthe fugitive Slave Bill, would seem to lever the same views entertained by Judge Story, and prOnourwed is the decision to which re ference bas been made. Its • whole tenor shows this and` more Awn one of its detailed provisions confirm it. The custody of, the fugitive, by State aushOrity, iti,alniest forbidden. The Marshal and his 1101110191 lire made subject to a pecuniary liability loran escape, which, as the' Supreme Court of the United States have decided in a precisely,anslogous cue is defeated the inst., ant the prisoner is transferred's°. a local jail. ln.connties where there 'alto Marshal the Agent of the Commissioner 'is charged with the exclusive custody of the fugitive, and is allowed' by the. Bth section, his expenses for keeping him in custody and providing him with , food .aud lodging_during `" bis ditentiOn: '1 • " " • • Sorely; no one , can pretendto serthst this is not a full and exeltstiveOrtroiso of. Federal power on the subject. It so, the, principle of oneonstiottioott law to which these tefetred, is integtosed, .end the legbdatiOn 'Of albite tO transfer this custody to 'local pistol is 'prohibited: It is -;but. their most condom - tramint good order, andamber— 'rnoniorteadettnistmtiort or theTaw l ,that this whQla . 0 „-;,- .1 ~ 41)11- i .0 ll' pu -417., 410' I Am.' • 41 Cr • de el' RehIONATI Dk Caughloo !, 31-hop of rie II he last dictate t lie unfitness I lied a braneh i Hampshire, 1 t lioness until 1 devolve upon I York, .The 4 I the 20th of Se I .. . Aarrrace TomernteAircromer- Bcraarre o -.Mrs. Catharine Mary, residing with her • law, Me. Jacob ; Bolton of Weal Hanover 'p i phin co., wan burnt to death on Thursday • , last about 8 o'clock, by a spark ot fire from a iii the room 'fighting•upoo- her :ikahes,` by s' she was ao lathy tnitnetrthat she'd led %eau,- ternoon about 4 o'clock., SO was aged and I' "`. bled, by paralysis, front saeing hentell. , . . KILLED !..-John C.Fullei, a tailor by trade, has worked. in. Owego- /di if efintlidirriblei penr -, time, having left - thereweeentlyiin stepping , wttrairs, o l , carendar-Coming,•Swobe threat datti:i .kllare r iteressuLthe cam andwuraharl:asere andit•;, fal. r- .;.' - .:'• ';'''''.. ; •:, it..;.mii - 4) '.:,;.;;'";"'- ' ‹' , 0;:r Lord eelmerstoh,'Englfsh Seetetary k eh l t.' eign • sffairei , has•Ltenditred hiVirestrudien. l ; '' causerWill.seareely bellarowq err' the useleiv of Piirliment. He int thogreatest diploinaticinii i : ' er-of the 114, andftertripes themcatest Rogi sk r e,, er had. Her is at Mel twitter • Whig cabinet 4 , Granville in his enecessor. , c•; , er , ' 11.1- iluansa.,- , ln.a drunken quarrel, 41 1 , 14 ,', man named ; Rowland and another named l AN - , at Great Vqlley, calla:anus Co., N. Y. t he i r . • stabbed the latter Mortally. -.1 otr At Rochetrier, e tad 'named Mtsieei ti ':, few days Mince was found dead in a well. . went out early, and it is supposed she wa i l v: act of drawing a trinket of water and slipped e ,. ...... „.. ~ Acraurrrao.-Mrs. Trott t was tried befog f i t', Lebanon County Court on Tuesday, forthem ei , •,.. of her step-tlaughtee, and acquitted. •.. , • Small-pox is Nei.; prevalent in the we n „ 0 -, lion of Philadelphia, where sislycasesstralee ed on Tuesday. ? ININJIATITIRM ALMAINAC-Ird. - • • suND M A o r yo , of the DRY or R ,... ' , Wash. Month. s " mi l , I. " MONDAT, 18 19 7 7 2 4 1 1 4: _ • • 1 . 2 ; Tossusr 20 7St ea Wseassost, 2i 720 40 . TOCIISIOAT . 22 7IS 44 .4 Fasoss, 21 716 46 e lisylianst, ' 24 715 44 • Wier°4 . DONATION PARTY,There erdi t t: . : Donatiou , Party , assbe house otter. '• . alliSliN,„ in phealtequin, L on TR:sday creel -- nary 2tith, '1052. The public are respectfully , rd to ;tared upon 'this notice, as no farther it . I lion. will ber.essuerie:•:- ' , • 1,.. Ilia .••—•,,•-•-•,-- I Married, At the house of Mr..Grayes,M Pike, Jan. la. , by R6lO. B: L Douglass, Mr. Desssaiss : • , ,to bliss Mat .Jeiss Dank. ' ' - i - , On Theis( laY; /Una* lerk - by'Rei: - E Slily, Cusses -*reviews ••Of Eleauding Shine; b "1 Mstrras /Ass Dccatasuf Dares-•:I' ..aseamekeepert r* TH sbse l ! ..1...2.- t • r j-z-.1 - 4.7::..--1-.....- -- ' liberal patrons''' . ' - ''. tit rffll3l; , ~, lit ' l lll i '' Iti C : 0 7. BEA. DSTE A DS.-High, Field, French VII poet beadstrads, finished in handsome eityk al approved patterns, together with.otlier fun ow ally called for, all of which will be soldon 2 accommodating terms. • a 'lb lII' . 0 - The subscriber is also provide el si. and fashionable HEARSE, and will hold blask. , readiness to attend to all orders in undeiukair, He will famish ice boxes when desired, bl it.., 0 1 :' of which the corpse may be kept for a veer. FINS READY MADE. . CHESTER WEIR - N. .-Furniture of all kinds made to orda!-. ; ted to be of the best materials and v -• • -,.. ship. - ' - ....,, To anda,Ltripry 170852, . , ••, - • 4 Alltisolation. . , rr : Capartnersbip heietofore existing • • I SAMUE L , HUSTON and HENRY 0 - ;•'. . . TER, is this day dissolverkby mutual consela, ---, persons' ndebted to the' !stir - firm are repro '- Il i call and settle with HAL Porter, who has do and control of the books amt demands of 0 1 and who will settle all demands outstanding ...- the firm ISA M GEL HUSISf,. Torranda, Jan. IS. BUM 11. C. POD ...-, r:1. - -.......M•10& agealea l anuns is mow- - . EN - ~. Of HANNlnasia II ea.* .---- ~, •- ...La ss. the arofesS lo lhr k r. ' .; mil ""' - P• , he hands of the United States authorities. ' s \ 1 have thus frankly stated to the Benue ta m I fit e draltd Limetyly=anigonif this anypspellißion , iable to mtsconstreetion,conyma. aliens of*stitutional law. 1 ask (or them I did and *gni ecsisidetat ion. Wm. F. J o • Eurarskehamber, Harrisburg, Janua7,lBm7 Rasmusnon or_Bssitor C tmatrroa.—rb e Cresghlontaathoelksadthealficaof Pn w i ti ; 'Bi..hop of risen , York . , to which he. was elected the last diocesan convention He eandil44,2 his unfitness for the change of iolarge s i Q 4, 8 7 . lid a braneh of the church. Bishop Chase, ofi: Hampshire, will perform the episcopal dotist e fi: diocese until the Ascension, aher which they tl devolve upon Bishop Delancey, 'of Weiten i York, ,The convention win oat -reassembl a the 40th of Sept. next. • • In Ulster. Jaottary ,sth otryphaa fever, shelf ; itinesa of ssre weeks. Outs iirmay Srocarr "son eif Joel EfroalciieVin the; tette year of Eta; TITIVEXiaVIRIB WAIIMMI- Zmportsat "to 3lonsekeepert THE sbbscritier thankful fatl ,'liberal patronage berefolire (,3 'ceived, begs leave to infaskt Iciiends and the public gral !aild those commencing 11.10.;, :keeping in Particular thatki'l )now on hand a largess:l of FURNITURE,. wbichit warrant to be made in a anbstantiaLmanner,ve the beer materials. BUREAUS, such as mahogany and vilest ing bureaus, marble and plain tops ; alabOaqc, walnut wlebstands, marble tops. and plain, lb' ferent patterns. Card and end tables,Sofas Car es, whatnots. &c. • • ' ' Siteabinical :Medicine. ', , ` is !Awry, AND wit Mg!' 301TRAGED by what has been does all. ricinity and elsewhere. the subscriber elf -' Ipponnuity of four days. Those whoa ,(ton on the first day. can have free tris_ BANNINGS's IMPROVED BODE fi ll' weeny epplauded by the professimudZe y these who have tested their lawn le.: us weaknesses minifying support. 4 nehloviaza Banos and Runic Ilkow7i . sold by her. the sole maker and veaderdt: es. The character of these combine 1 11 ' !air been, or can be done, by soy WIT :. out any pressure or heat of 'cushioned Pt y' . inning's Book on Chronic Disease tot tala pCARMAN, can tk , found on the tat ft . ; or February: and four days followiat V !ford. hotel as Wm. Drigg's. Coaxal a" . m.solicited at all hours of the day, owatida.fan. 17.1852. day . Bra . Call :, FARM- FOR. SALE. .: ItTHß.sohatriber offers at prio°,. that valuable FARM. herctofonse P r It %L P. Raydeo. siluale in de • . ' ' a iliof itonth Towanda. Bradr 4 _,' .ty, Va. t contains about SIXTY ACRgats • proved laud, aad about thinpfice atm ei laud. There is a good house and bar. ad ,i -'"d'ilidiliill, and an apple orchard thereP.Z IPA watered. and situated within about SI IP° : theihottugh of Towanda. l • koredit will be glees for a portion sf—. 6l ,rt; 'abase money : 'For, further inkirmatioa 00 1. ' U. Iditactie`, - Elq., or of the anktcritter st el t Y.. 1 ,•. , Jan. 9, UAL WILLIAM WP' .- , , WRITE react' Cokeed Rickety Wl' lif e ' 1- v• plias , 5a..., 11.6 1 1 A