Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 10, 1852, Image 3
BRADFORD REPORTER 8 52 . 1 : cc I :' ; 0 e l l' :l.f t e 11: 6 7,.8 ) 9 11" 1 h 1141151 117 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 301 31 a 4 5 ).' lll 2 • 18 IS L ' IS 26 41 41 61 7 1 1111213 14 1 18 ITO 21 1 24 26 27 2:..1 I 2, MI 8 9 F Fos 16 EEL 1 3 011 4 111 5 21 163 ! 17118 19 20 1 13i'24 20129127 I . I -I 7 8 w ). l 1 1 1 ..1t 15 n 2122 11 21 3 1 71 81 9 1 14115116 17 2112,2 23124 28,29 301 > 1 4 51 ~III2' 18 19 *26 5 6 7 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 126 27 28 29 I 23 3 9 10 >16I? ,< • 23 24 30 31 2 9\ 1 3 01t 4 1 1 12 5 16 17\114\19 1212 , 4 251•26 \ 30 "AS' 7 .'i:. 13 14 ICI 20121 1 • 2712,8 MINIATURE A DW the er'k. ISt snAr, MON DA T, Tresn►r, WEDNESDAY, Tar ARllli, FRIDAY, ISiTURPATi% Married, h Troy, on the 17th tilt., by Dr. L. B. Hyatt, Mr. A. D. beAt.ntroa to Misi &nut McDown,r., both of Troy. t. , On 25th ult., by Rev. Isaac Todd. Mr. litlin WI Lgtos of Carton corners, to Miss SCSVI MAxi.r.rolaugh ter of Darius Manley, of Troyy. In Shishequin, December 24, by Rev. S. J. Gibson ttAvrxt. COLE to Miss Aisussa J►ss Da►ALbr both of Dore 11. At the same time and place. by the same, CRION CIT R. CoWELL to Miss Axx ELIZL BRADLET,both or Durell. ief" to Sheshermin, December 31st, by the same, Wit. DEB U. CHAF FEE of Warren, to Miss Leer A lions, of the former place. Wysox, on the 3lstgilt., by Rev. Julius Foster, Jot in Mira REED to ?tft STELLA GOODAICD, both i Wysux. I rk,, I Orestes Creek, on the 31st ult., by David Gard ner, 541., Hlnsst RuntsuAter to Miss CASSANDRA VisnAtoss, both of Athens. FARM FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers at private sale, .hat valuable FARM, heretofore occupied by Wm. S. Bayden, situate in the town ship of South Towatida, Bradford coon contains about SIXTY ACRES of ins- ,ed land, and about thirty-gve acres of wood d. There is a keind hbuse and bafa, and other thoildins, and in apple orchard thereon. it is ll watered, and situated within about 3} miles of borough of Towanda. A credit will be given .for a portion of the_pur lase woney. For further information enquire of 'Munn 11, Esq., or of the subicriber at Elmira, N. Jan. 9, 1952. WILLIAM WELSH. To the Collectors. -yawn is hereby given to the Collectors of State i and County taxes, that the duplicates must be Sled by February Court, or costs will be made. J. M. PECK, Deputy Treasbrer. Treasury Office, January 8, 1851. • Proclamation. tiEREAs, the Hon. DAr to W :meat, President Judge of the 13th Judictal district, composed !lie counties of Bradford, Susquehanna and Sul ran, and 'Myron Ballard and Harry Ackley, Esqrs. simaies, in and for the county of Bradford, have sued their precept, bearing dale the Ist day of souan•, 18.5 . 2, to use clireetk% for holding a court quarter sessions of the peace, common pleas and conrt, at Towanda, for the county of Brad on the first Monday of February naaf i to con- weeks. therefore hereby given, lo the Coroners, /tie three Not.ce is he Peace, and .Constables of the county =TEM ,Bradford, that they be then ar.d there in their ups? persons, at to o'clock in the forenoon'oftaid ay, with record., inquisitions, examinations, and her their remembrances, to do those things which their ntßce appertains to be done ; and those who e bound by recoznizance or .otherwise to prose tie against the prisoners who are or may be in the il of said county. or who are or shall be bound to year al (he said contt, are to be then and there to 'isecute against them as shall be just. Jurors requested to be 'punctual in their attendance, reably to their notice. ted at Towanda, the sth day of January, in the year of oar Lord 1852, and et the Independence oldie United Stales the seyenty.tirth. CHESTER THOMAS, Sheriff; NOTICE. .iSONS having business with' me, may eat!' during my absence on ROBERT C. SIMPSON fatly anthoriimi to tpneact any businesS on Walt. He may be found either arfhe office of ipurte, Mason & Co., or in the old Tovianda Bank nhring. January 1, 1852. MICHAEL MEYLERT. jfBTER'B NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that the'e have been filed and settle in the of : of the Register of Wills in and for the county of milord, accounts of administtation open the fol- ITion estates, viz : Final atcooht of Theme's Manley guatdian of , hloe, Mary and Brutus Manley,,,minar chitdren of ,sa Manley dec'd late of account of Mirian Hakestt i & . alS . littri; of to estate of George Hake! dec'd, la'e of:Altiany. Final account of HiraM Drake administritor of to estate,of John Moore deceased, lute of Rome. Partial account of John Elliott, one of the admio strakss of the estate of Humphrey Brawn deceased, ate of Wyalosing. Full account of John V. Daniels, administrator die estate of Mark Preston, deceased, late of Bur !ppm Final account of George Makesley and Win. C. aYeard, administrators of the estate of Albert IL 'tier deceas ed, late of Towanda boro'. Partial account of Charles Homet, one of the ad. m lairators of the estate of Humphrey Brown de 'aced late of Wyalusing. Final account of Chauncy Frisbie, guardian of tisait Webster, minor child of Joseph Webster, 4. of Windham - Final account of Asa Stevens administrator of hnathan Stevens deceased late of Standing Stune , And the same will be presented to the Orphan's , etin of Bradford county. on Monday the 2d day of brassy next, for confirmation and allowance. , H. L. islet's OfSCOTT,Register. fice, Towanda. January 1852. more New ooods. & A. CAMPBELL, aro agailkrectivinta lar g e auortment of goode for thejall and , wittier trade. Towanda, August 28, IHCTE'Fancy Colored Hickory Shirts for all ',.:Pricrs at • H. 4. A. C. a , V. * ,al2.t, 11'121 • .4 I r o l — 7 , 1 13 14 X 2021 37 28 13114 120 1 21 2712 S 1 I i 41 4 1 5 1 LI 12, 1711E5 2 1119 6 1 24 2 31 _ 11 21 891 (15116 22 23 29 301 3 4 10111 1718 24125 1 12 617 1 1 8[ 9 1314411E410 2012112223 I 2128129130 1 EWE 10 11 12 13 17 IS 19 21 24 25 26 27. 11 2 31 4 81 9 10111 115 1 16117118 122123124 25 .129,30131 1 AC-1552. Du) ot Month =ll Sun Sem. 4 "29 4 4 42 4 43 4 45 4 45 4 46 7 22 7 21 7 21 7 20 7 18 7 18 7 15„ LIST OF JURORS Drawn - for Feb. Sessions and Oyer and-Terminer, 185 S. - •• - otsanatismas. Burlington--i John Arthur. John Pratt jr. Wysox—Jesse Allen, Chester Pierce. Troy boro.—William Bush. Orwell—Jarvis Bottles. -. , Springfield—A..W. Bailey L. Leonard. Smithfield—Lark Bird. Athens tap.--Sokanon Bosworth. . Sheshequin—:-Abram,,Dingtnan. Standing Suine--Alexander,Ennis. Toianda tap.--Richard•Borton. Wyalusing—C. &Urania 3. R. Welb.. Columbia—Demon Keyes, • . Ulster—E. B. Minier. Towanda boro.—A. D. Montanve. Ridgbery—ja636 Mitchel. - Leroy—Elijah Runyan. Windhant-leorge Smith. ' Durell—George Stone. Asylum—John Stafford. • • Herrick—M. M. Timm , : 1 6 1111,1MSZ JITACIRS-111II8T Burlington—Sohn Moms. Alanson Campbell. Warren—Allen Bowen, Rufus Buffington, O. Dewing, Nathan Pendleton. Orwell—H. Beckwith, Ira Brewer, Nelson Barnes. BmithOeld-8. ft.Crane,"A. E. Childs, A. J. Geroulds Patrick Sullivan, Richardson Wood. Durell—Xleo:Coolbaugh. Monroe—A. L. Crannser, Guy C. Irvine, T. M. Wil son. - Springfield--Quareters Madertuna, Hiram Horton John Roperjr. Frederick White. Tuscarora—J. B. Corbin. Windham—Joseph Doan, Wm. Sibley, J. Moore. Towanda boro.—Thomas Elliott. Franklin—Justice Fairchild. Rome—Lewis Goff. Towsnda Iwp.—Francis Gregg. Canton—Samuel Griffin, Gem W, Griffin. Leroy—David N. Hickok, John Kelley, Everit cox.. Albany—A. Ladd, Peter Sterigere. Ulster—Danes Myres. Athens twp.L—Joel McAlpia, Samuel Overrshire jr. Wyros—V.E.Picilett. Ridgbery—Joel Peterson. Pike—Sheldon Payne. • Asylum—Paul Quick. Sheshequ in.—Silas Gore. Troy twp.—A. W. Thomas. ascoso! WZLIC South Creek--GideonH. Aderson, A. M. Brow, A Thompson. Litchfield—Elias Ball. Monroe—E. R. Blawvilt, Joseph Hornet. - Troy twp.—Smith Halter. Troy boro.—F. 1.. Ballard, I. A: Pierce. Wysox— Daniel Bull. Windham--.E. R. Collins, Ralph W Russel. ROme—J. N. Dunham, Timothy Hiney, .1 M. Moody Towanda twp.--James Elliott. Canton—Samuel Fitzwater, John Newell. Asylum—Wm. Gamble. Athens twp.—Giles Hoyt, -J. M. Tozer. Durell—A. V. Hulbert. Pike—Edward Jones. Tuscarora—Geo. R Johnson. '" Burlington—Charles Knapp. Franklin•.. Wm. Lantz. Springfield—Walter Mattocks": Albany—James L Miller, Herrick—Nathaniel Nesbit, Wilmot—Wm. Norconk. Sheshequin—Myers Osburn, A. Webb. gdithfield—Gilbert Randall. Granville—Russel Spalding., Standing Stone—Erastus Vaunest. THIRD WHISK Tuscarora—Alfred Ackley, W. BarrowcHlL Bostwick. Athens born.—J. B. Brockaway. Ridgbery—Patrick Butler, John Wallace. • Orwell—Blair 'Anus. Canton—Redman Bagley, Asa Pratt jr. Widham—Stephen Boswick. Pike—Simeon Brink, Wm. Bradshaw, A. Parchilds, C. W. Reynolds. Columbia—C. J. Bradfurit, Albion Budd, Benj. Slade South Creek—lra Crane. Smithfield-:-E. G. Duffey, L. C. King, J. W. Miller, Elias Rinker. Burlington—Morgan Dewitt, John H. Furman, L. D Taylor.- Wyalusing—Ransom Fuller, Bascom Taylor. Asylum—Elmor Horton, Charles Thompson. Towanda boro.--john F. Means, Percival Powell. Troy twp.—Darius Manley. Armenia—John Morgan. Springfield—Joseph Thomas. Durell—Daniel Trumble. Ulster—Edmund Walker. A UDITOWB NOTICE In the matter of the Estate of James Bennett dee'd. THE undersigned auditor appointed by the Or phan's Court of Bradford County to settle the accounts of the administrator of said estate, upon exceptions filed. and make distribution of the assetts of said estate, will attend for that purpose at his of fice. in Towanda boro' on the 27th day of January, A. D. 1852, et one o'clock P. M., when all per sons having claims against said estate are required tOpresencthem or be debarred from any share of said funds. HENRY BOOTH. Dec. 24;1851. - 1 Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. - - '(SHE auditor appointed by the Orphan'e Conn of J. Bradford county to settle the account of Aden Calkins as guardian of the estate of Maria Calk ins, upon exceptions filed, will attend for that pun pose at his office in Towanda tioro on the 28th day of Januar),A.D. 1852, at one o'clock P.M. of which all persons interested will take notice. Dec. 24. 1851. HENRY BOOTH,Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Job P. kirby vs. James Goff and Will,am Goff— No. 60, Feb'y T., 1850. James W. Decker & Wil son M. Decker vs. Joifies Goff—No. 272, Dec. T., 1851. Bradford'edn. Pleas. rpHE undersigned auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas to distribtfte fends raised by Sheriff's sale of personal property on writs of tie ; ri facias, issued in the above suits, wilt attend to the duiles of said appointment at his office, in To da Borough, on the 24th day of January, - A. D. 1852, at 10 o'clock, A. M., where all persons inter ested iire -requested to-present their claims or be de barred from any portion of said rands. Dec 24, 1851. , -HENRY BOOTH, Auditor. Delilah Pincher es. John Fischer. N. 986 Februa• ry T. 1851. , Nirs Bradford .Common Pleas—Libel i for Divorce. ' l O/JOHN PI r NCHER, the defendant in the above 11 Case. Yoo are hereby notified that Delilah ' her next friend E. S. Mathewson', has .filed her petition for divorce from you from the bandiof matrimony. And that an alias subprena has Brett returned, and proof made that yon were not to be found in said county You are therefore hereby required to appear at the Court House in the Borough of Towanda, at the February term of said common pleas, on Monday the 2d day of February next, to answer the said complaint, and show cause if any you have, why the said Delilah should not be divorced from you. CHESTER THOMAS, Sherif. Sheriff's Office, Tooranda4anuary 3 1852. Seth M. Miller vs. Charlotte A. Miller. N0.320.-Dee. T. 1851, Brettlfiird Com. Pleas. ,Libe' 1 far Divorce. TO CHARLOTTE A. MILLER, the defendant in the above case. You are hereby notified that Seth M. Miller, your husband, has filed his petition for .divorce from youlrom the bonds of matrimony. Aud that an alias subpoena has been received, and proof mode that you were not to be found in said county. You are therefore required to appear at the Court House in the borcmgh of Towanda. at the Feb ruary term of said Conlrgion Pleas,'oo Monday, the 2d day of February nest, to answer to' the said ccimplaintt mid stmis cause, if any you have,' why the said Seth should not be divorced from you. CHESTER THOMAS, Sheriff. . Sherirs Office; Towanda. Jan. 2,1852, . Zak at Whops&le. EVER!variety of Harrison s Columbian Mt, just I received by the enbscriberbb•has made sr rangetnenth by which - he can atiftply Merchants & Dealers, on as favorable terms as can be hid of the proprietors. • O. D. BARTLETT. Tciwanda, N0v.:29, 1851. ' - ' - ',•: -- ':'-ftqi4iPMMWitme; illkerini Bale. By virtie'of:sf writ oflreid. Esponas issued out of the Conti of Commim Pleas.of Bradford COunty, and to me directed, Will be exposed to pub., tic sale, at the-Court House lathe barn,' of Towanda on Monday the 2d day of february of t o'clock. P. M., the following rot piece or parcel 'of land situate in Rome tp., bounded and described as follows to w!t on the north bAlands of Phillip' "Harden and Simeon Diniock'and %Ad Alger, on the snisth by lands of Chester Wage - and Joseph Yoke; OS the west by Chester Prince and Phillip Bartlett. Con taining two hindred acres more or less, about one hundred acres improved, one framed 'dose otkp framed bath and a mail orchard of bait trees thereow. Seised and takon in execution at the snit of Jo seph Kingsbery vs. David Eicklor. ALSO—The following lot or piece of land Anal ted in the borough of Towanda and bounded and described as follows to wit : beginning on the Mirth side of the state road at the south west corner of a lot owned by James Meintyre,%thence along the north side of said road, south eighty three degrees west fitly feet to a corner, thence north two degrees east, one hundred and four feet to_ the south line of J. W. Mercur's lot, thence nearly east filly feet to Mrs. Rice's west line, thence south two degrees west to the place of be g inning." Containing 5.200 feet more or less, with a framed church building thereon erected. • Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Bridleman vs. Solomon Cooper. ALfiO—A piece or parcel of land in Ridgbury; bounded north by lends of —Griswold, easlt by lands of Sturg es Noires, south by lands of Rickey and Burt, an pest by lands of D. A Smith. Con taining about eighty acres, more or less, about forty ocres improved, one hewed lug borne, one framed barn, one log barn, and two apple orchards thereon. Seized and taken in ezecutton at the suit of Win Peterson .to the use of C. F. Wilsen vs. Peter Squires. ALSO—A piece of land situate in Springfield tp. bounded and described as follows, to wit : north by the road leading from Springfield centre to Ridgba ry, east by lands of Alexander Leonard, south by lands of J. Pitts, and on the west by lands of Hen ry Teed and others—containing about seventy acres, with about twenty-five acres improved. with two log houses and one log ham and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of T P. Wolcott vs. Caleb T. Wilcox and J. P. McAffe. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Leroy tout ship, bounded on the north, east and south by lends of John Hammond, on the west by lands of Francis Harris. Crintaining four and a half acres, more or less, all ; improved, one block house, one framedbarn thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of M. C. Arnout vs. Nedebiah Smith 2d. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land situated in the township of Rome, bounded north and west by land. of Thomas Bartlett, south by lands of Jos. Vought and C. Wedge and east by Simeon Dimock. Con taining ono hundred and fifty acres, more or less, about sixty-five acres improved, one frame house, one frame barn and apple orchard thereon. • Seized and taken in execution at the bait of C. F. Harder, to the use of John Frost, vs. David Eicklor and Sally Eicklor. ALSO—A piece or parcet of land in AsytOm tp., Beginning at a corner of Harty Birney's lot,a pitch pine tree, standing on the east side of 'he road— thence south 18 ° east along said road 79 p to' a cor ner; thence south 10 ° east along said r0ad.714 p to a corner in Seymour Beeman's line ; thrice along Beeman's line north se east 157 p to a corner ; thence north 116 p to :a corner, a stone heap ; thence west 190 pto the beginnin!. Containing one hun dred and thirty-seven acres, and forty-six perches, about,eighty-five acres improved, one frame house, frame barn, frame carpenter's shop, and two apple orchards thereon. Seized and taken in eaecution at the snit of Geo Bramhall v.i.Moses Bramhall. ALSiit—A piece or parcel of land in Smithfield twp., bounded on the north by the public highivay leading from East Smithfield to Troy on the east and south by 'A. Phelps and west by E. S. Tracey. Containing about one aere,all improved, one frame house and,One frame barrt thereon erected. ALSCL , 'Another lot of Smithfield town ship, bounded north by E. EP: Tracy and John Hev ener, east by the public highway, south by T. M. Harding, and west by E. S. Tracy. Containing about one-half acre, all improved. Seiziti and taken in execution at the suit of Geo. Burt & Coo ye. L. H. Pierce. ALSO—A piece or. parcel ot - laud situate in She shequin township, bounded north by lands of Wm Horton, west by land lately belonging to Chas Hor ton, on the west by Andrew Webb. Containing about.thirty.six acres, more or less, about twenty acres improved. Seized and taken in execution at the snit of An. drew Webb (now to the use of David Cash.) vs. Wm. Horton, Jr. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in the town ships of Franklin end Leroy, bounded on the north by nada of Richard Morse, on the east by lands of Francis Morse, on the south by lands of Allen Rock well, Luther Morse &Richard Morse and on the west by lands of Richard Morse. Containing about fifty six acres, more or less. ALSO—One other tract of land in Franklin town ship, bounded on the north by lands of Joseph Ma leer, on the east by the highway leading from Frank linjo Granville. on the south by lands of Sylvaaus Gee, and west by lands of Joseph Mateer. Con teining about seven' awes, more or less, about five acres' improved, with one frame two story house and a small orchard thereon. • Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Mary Hart vs. Sidney Burnham ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Levari Facies, alt the right, title and interest or the °defendant in • piece or parcel of land'in Franklin township, Be-' ginning at a post corner; bciirg the south' east cor ner, thence by land in the watTartle mane of Peter Ladley, south 291° west 226 p to a hemlock ; thence by lands in the warrantee names of Sambet Siddons and Nathan Hurley, north GO° tegsf-320 p to tt post; thence by land in the Warrantee haute of Josph Lad ley. north 29f ° east 226 p to a maple ; thenersonth 60° east .120 p to the beginning, being an undivided one-third part of the above described tract. Said tract containhig four hundred and fifty two acres. Seized and taken in execution at the suit , of A.G. Waterman, assignee of George Wood. vs. James S. Pringle and Wm. Kay and Thos. Chambers, terre tenants. CHESTER THOMAS, BIWA Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Jan. U. 1852. John Mein ea. Caroline Winter. No. 315, Decem ber Term, 1851, Bre:fjord Com:Pkgs. Libel for Divorce. 'TUT CAROLINE -WINTERS,Ihe defendant in the 1 abode case. Tod are hereby notified that John Winters, your husband, has filed his petition fordi voreafrour you (ma the bronfs of matrimony. And that an alias abpcona has been returned, and proof Wade that you were not to be found m said county. You are therefore Hereby appear at the Court the Borough of Towanda. a: the February term. of said comnion Pleas. on Monday the 2d day of February next; to answer the said complaint. and show cause if any you have, why the said Jobn should not be divorced from you. MESTER THOMAS.Sheriff. ' Sheers Office, Towanda, ,January 3, 1862. 11711EREAS, my wife MARY has this day left V , my bed and board, strithoukany just cause or provocation, forbid all persona harbistint or trusting her on my iikehuni. as I shalt pay neclibts ifher contracting afferthis date, THOMAS DOLAN. Towdolla, fitec.27,lBl. rXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ALT. persons indefitecrto the Mee of TRA BRONSON, fare of OrWeli toohiship . dee.eas ell, are hereby notified to make' payment niitllontda lay ; ansl aft persons haviag. demands ttgalifst said estate will pre:ol4 . llmM prOperlyafiested for settle ment to' , CHAUNCY molt JAMES D. HUMPHREY. Orwell, Nov. 17, tedf. '• - sQeatitor s. O"ALSO aU ` peesona indebted ti) the Wei firm of BRONSON & HUMPHREY, are hereby tailed upon to come forward and` aitite their respective ac• counts in due time. I. D. HUMPHREY, Caution. NEW - r - ff - A . - I":' , - IND - TWINTER -- GOODS:' ~ JOSEPH,; kINGSBERY, i - . la now receiVing an - exTensiv i tassortmentof .GOODtkpurelfaSed since the late decline - lin.Prices, and whiglingutthfleil to suit tb taateraad;teishee of purchasers, and meet the wants of the public ; end as every body knows that he always sell; Good:, eery cheap, it is not necessary to make.any remarks --- - z on that 'subject - ' - •., . _ I shall in a few days tecelvela very large natal - 4;1)114 - o( New Books 'Anil Stationary, and being desirOus of traposPng of double the usual quantity Ibis season, shall reducE the pules to a very low figure. Being agent for the sale of the Bay State Shawls in this %rough, I am enabled to offer them much lower and in larger variety than. any other estahlir nent this side of New York. Large supplies of these shawls will be received during the winter. , MUNK GROCER= Fish. Nails, Glats.tlits, Hardware, Crockery, Boot ad Shoes, Salt, dte.. JOB. MUSTIER T. E. GRIDLEY'S BUSINESS C .RD ' To the Citizens of IBradford Co. IUR. G. would say to the reading public that now IV-11, is an age of literature, an age of unprecedent ed magazibe popularity. The basis of every Re public rests upon the great and broad principles 'of universal intelligence disseminated among the body politic. Trusiing to the patrdnage of an intelligent dublic, extensive arrangements have been Made with the leading Amerienn publishing honses,,to supply the best products of the press. written by the most eminent writers. Books supplied to orler,in large or small quantities. New publications and books on hand ar troop- as issued. ,Magazines, &c., paid for by the number, on delivery. List of Magazines and Reviews, for 185:—' North Ave. Review, Litters Living Aar, Eclectic, . International Maga, Me, Knickerbocker, Harper's Democratic Review, to aham's " Hunt's Merchant's Map Godey's " Silliman's Journal, Sartain's " Nineteenth Century, 'Peterson's , " volt tralt. 'Ladies' Repository, North British Review, Drawing Room Courp'u; 1 Edinburg Review, - Eliza Cook's Journal. Westminster Review, Phronological Journal, Loudon Quarterly Rcv'w, Water Cure Journal, Blackwood's Magazine, Parlor Magazine, London Punch, Ladies' Wreath, London Art Journal, &c. &c. &c. 1 1 All of the above magazines will be furnished at city prices. Harper's Magazine commences a new volume with the Dec. number—the others with the January.A large quantity of Brother Jonathan's received far holiday presents. Please call and sub scribe at the stores of the following agents ro—Dr. H. C. porter, Towanda ; Dr. C. Drake, Troy ; M. Belloeir,Sraithfteld ? C. H. Derrick, Athens ; Judson Holcomb, Rome. Dec. 1851. Sheriff 's Sale. BY virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias, issued out of 1-/the Court of Common Pleas, and to me directed will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in. the born,' of Towanda, on Saturday, the 31st day of January, at I o'clock P. the following piece of land situate in South Towanda township, bolnded as follows, to wit : on the north by lands of Samuel Gilbert and Nelson Gilbert, on the east by lauds of Wm. Patton, on the south by lands of Wellington Cox and Wm. Gregg, on the west by Lorenzo Bowman, and north-west by the public highway, being the 'southern part of No. It in the snb-divt siim of the Franklin college lands—containing about forty acre, with about twenty-five acres ini• pro7ed, a small franie house and barn and apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken in exeention at the suit of Geo. H. Butt and J. D. Goodenough vs, Samuel Gilbert, Administrator of Daniel Gilbert, deceased. ALSO—A certain piece or parcel of !and situated in Towanda tic., beginning on the east line of 241 st., on the line between the land of the late Elizabeth Means and the lot herein described, thence south 31 degrees west 100 feet along the east line of 2d st. to,a stake for a corner, thence south 861 degrees east 1461 feet, thence north 31 degrees east 100 feet more or less to said Means line, thence north 864 degrees west 1401 feet to the place of beginning.—. Containing 14650 feet more or less. Reserving 63 feet from the east end of said lot for an alley ; all improved, with stone walls fur an ice house thereon erected. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Full er, Waller & Co. vs. 1.. W. Tiffany. CHESTS TROMAS, Sh'lL Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Dec. 27,1851. Administrator's Notice. A M. persons indebted to the estate of GEORGE A SMITH, deceased, late of Tuscarora township, are hereby requested to make payment without de lay, and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to present them duty authenti cated for settlement. GEO. W. SMITH. Tuscarora, Dec. 2. 1851. Administrator. Books ! Books ! A Complete assortenent of Bchool, Blank. Classi -471. cal & Miscellaneous Books, constantly kep up and for saleat the lowest rates by. Nov. 29, 1851. 0. D. BABTLAITT. lIIT 1110111 - Fall and Winter Goods. 33. T. rox, Is now receiving direct from New York a lame and splendid assortment of floods which be offers for sale at prices which cannot fail to suit the closest buy ers, for Cm', Paanccs, os ArectovEn C1161)171 He respectfully asks a call from all persons wishing to buy goods cheap, as - he is determined not to be undersold. Towanda, November 24, 1851. •••• - Vlcrom Es AND CITFFS—a few setts for sale sheep at nv2l . FOX'S. an BAY STATE SHALLS, Various patterns, col .t/k/ ors and qualities, just received at Oct. 14, 1851. MERCER'S. $8,368 N a r i l: 1 11 8 , beep ar_wai%nt.etel.for Dt Enrol, Direct from the Manufacturers NEW SHAWLS! 'FIST received by express anothet case of Ba 3 J State Shawls, splendid styles, at Towanda. Nov. 28,1851• • J. KINGSBERY. APMINiSTEATEIX NOTICE. ALL petsons knoising themselyes indebted to the estate of CHART. t 9; WGERE! Oec'd, late of Canton (rt., ard heteby' 'notified to make ftnanedia'e payment, and dime having siair:as against said es. tate, are requested to present them duly authentica ted for settlement . , ROGERS. Canton. N0v. 26, 1651. Administratrix. CLOVER SEED.—Large and small Clover Seed for sale by fl 6 MONTANYES & CO. ADMINisTRATows A I.T. persona indebted to the Fatale • of.WILLIAM E. BRADFORD deceased, istanlWarretitownship; ire hereby rill:muted to make payment *Mont delay, and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to present them,fduty authenticated for set. Clement. GEORGE MANNINO. WI'LLIAM BRAVFORD. Warren, Oct: It 11451:, Administrators. immo •11- a 1411TWAIIIBIEICII.11r-i l i, COMM A7111'611114 locateil in Towiinle, eeririees dray Eie' obtained by addreising a fine through the Post dike, of 14 Walling M the oftiee of tifydese Metter, Esq., where ft 0 will be rattail; of aihea a Mitten ap ficattilon lief Go leo. Nov, I. teat). ethOTHING.-..k nerwl assortment of reedy made kJ Clothing just reetheit-et - MERCURIEf. Sept, 0. VW. - • • Ai Up,ITOR,3 .IgOtieg. to ge. molly of the Ude of Horatio" Ladd deed, Tf: auditor appointedla the . Clipltsii's Court of Bradford County upon eireptions filed to the partial account of A runali Ladil, one 9f the eiren., tors of salAdeeedOht.i *ill attend , t o the duties of said appiiinnitent at his of f ice bora' on !lie 24tt dny'or •Ystittary,, o'clock,: V. M., of ' which, •ditteiloris intereited will Piaui take notice. l ib - " HENRI' D00T11.../inditor. DeOe • cr, "4, I 8.5 l. • .t 50088 4pin sirAnomAss. BIZALIVL DEPOT. lElll.lla 11101 4 &110 Loartao Adams & Effacilirlane, HA VING entered into copuitnenihip in the practice of law, hove alto established an agency for the sale of real estate in the county of Bradford. Pewits. having real estate which they desire to sell, by railing and fearing a descriptiow of their property with the s terna; dealer, will undoubtedly fit.d it .to their 'dean tage. Pc►anns desirous of purchasing can team where prop erty is for sale—s description of the same with the price and terms of payment and le as it) the Tutiaity of title. .1. C. ADAMS. Towanda, Mey 2,1851. .1. MACFARLANE. DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, HusToN & PORTER have just added to their assortment a large stock of Fresh Drees. Medi cines, Chemicals, Oils, Paints, Groceries and Liquors, which are now offered to the puhlio at' low rates. Their stocked FANCY GOODS & PF ItFUM Ell Y is the largest and most complete ever offered its this market. Also a-choke assortment of pure WINES & LI QUORS, suit Ale for medical purposes. A large variety of Comphene.Phospene. Fluid,Lard and Oil LAMPS, containing 'many new and beautiful sty les. Being agents for all the best Pa!ent .Iledicinrs of the day. purchasers m la depend upon procuring a genuine article in all eases. MI the Drugs and ➢Tedicines kept at their eatabliah crrents may be relied upon as genuine and of the beat qqality, having bein carefully selectea with a view to their awfulness. nv South stir e 4 tho Ward Howse. and No .% Brick Row. Towanda, May 27, 1851. RICH FOULARD, Chameleon Chene, Dl'lt Dress Silks, French and Rarege Detanes, a new article for summer dresses. French and English Lawns, Sirk Tissues, Linnen Lustre s and any quantify of other dress goods at FOX'S. THE abbscriber offers for sale his Farm situated in Wysot township Bradford couty, about 3 miles from Towanda and 1 from the river. Containing about 120 acres, about 65 or 70. acres improved, and well watered, Asia' several good apringe of wider. , The buildings upon the farm consist of a largo frame tarn, and log house. These premises offer many inducement, to those wishing to purchase, and will be sad at a bar- gain. Credit will be given for one-half of the purchase money if minim& For further particulars enquire of, or address the subscriber at W:yelo% I', 0, Wysnr. Aria. 16, IF3I, WM: D. STROM. LLB DJght at the Furnishing Depot. N& A. CA MPBEII,I., return theh etagere thanks • for the tibe al patronage heretofore beutowed. and would again call attention of their friends and rag tomets to their late arrival of NEW SPdINIII Consisting of all things necessary for elothing the out er man ; whiah will be sold at a littlelower pitces than has hithertofore been asked. ME GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. .Dress Goods. Yarm for Sale Please give. us a dell before purehasingelsesiliere E. &. A. CAMPBELL Paper gangings. MITE only complete ussortnieut of Paper Honiings, 1 Borders; Window Paper. and Fire board, Views, kept in this region, and at prices as low as can be found at retail eithcein or out of the principal cities, at May 8. 0. D. BA RT.I.F.T . Administratcr's Sala. N pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court of I ltradfurd county, will be exposed to pubne sale on Saturday. the 3I st of January, 1f52, at two O'clock, P. M., at the public house of S. C. \rantfeet, a certain tract of land, about 50 acres, late part of the estate of Se - ley Malcom:,, deceased, situate in Leroy township, Buttn?.ed by Hecock, on the east, and south b 7 lands of the Hardee estate, west by lands belonging to the estate of Steriing Hol comb, dee'd, north by Towanda creek; Ifi or 17 acres improved, with one framed barn erected thcre• on, the remainder woodland. Terms one fourth cash, on confirmation of sale, the remainder in three equal yearly instalments, frit h roterest Payments secured by bond and mortgage on the premises. U. STOOKWELEI, M. L. wbosTER. Administrators: December 19. 1851. Orphan's Ocairt. Bald. , I N pursuance of aft order of the Orphaiii Cdurt, of Bradford countji, there rill be exposed to public sale, on Saturday, the 31st dr, of Jatiaary next, at I o'clock P. M.. on the premises, a certain tract of land sildate in Dorel lownstlp,-lAte the estate of Allen goody, deceased, _bounded, on the north by lands of Simoh Sierrea,"east by the main road, and lands of said Stereos. goiith and'west by lands of Francis X. Hornet. Containing one and one fourth acre, or thereabouts, all improved, with a two story framed house thereon erected. Attendance given, and terms of :11c made known by FRANCIS X. Hower, HENRY KINNE, December 12, 1851. Adthinistrathrs. UARD W A RE.—A very largo and general assort 11 mew of hardware of eves) , description/including Carpenrus; Joiners and Blacksmitkot Harness and Carriage Maker's Trimmings and Toolb, Building Materials &c.. constantly on baud and for sale at very low prices by MEM: UR'S. _____,_ _ _ ___ _________ ADM INIST R A TOP'S Noma). ALLper.... knowing them.selses to be indebted to tho estate „nr AEI AII !Cld NV OAT E.N E, deed late of Benith Creeg, tp„ ore heretY retreated lb make imtheiliiie payment,. and theie claims against said iststewill please preseiit: them inanaediately duly sethentkatid for settlement. JESSE tt)SAT.L. NATHAN tIHEriARD. Bonth Creek, Oct. 11, 1R:511 7 Admitii.trntom MThIINISTRATRIX'S .NOTICE persons indebted to the estate of A. W. B. Vangorder, deed, late of the Morfohip of Dore!, are fetteby requested to' mare paYtrient Without delay, and those having claims against said estate, will please present theft duly authenticated for s,ettivment. 1,14111,DA VANtIORDER, September W. tB5l. Administrotiz. ADM r*ISTiiATOR'S PO'riCE persons indebted to the esiate of LESII3EL MAI NARDrdaceased. fate of Rome town ship. are hereby, requested to make payment with out delay, and &AO hiding claims against said es tale, tdilf pfe'ase pitegent them duly and auther•:,„ ted for BeTtlemt,ol; ". E. M Ar . :l A RD. JOHN PA: A smo ttE. Administt'ators with the will anne- ace d ToWanda -Au , *• 9 1851. ft (I ROCKERY & GLASS . WAIIE, a large. stork o 1 ‘.l fared fur sale by FOX. T OOK HE1: 1 2,!-.44 are now selling the best arti .LA clot 4 nohow; at 311 ients : per gallon. 811 A & 6 — _ , CorCH YARS Ter/ fine t absO solne kosinnon qnsli- L 7 1 9 at. • . 1 PDX'S. - ?to CIIkSTS YOUlsid HYSO,N. ilieon I' I . Skin' and Black Teag. Mao 15 iligP Rio and .1011,M:free, jult reeni.ed iC ' • ' MEPCTIII'S. • SH KS. an extensive asmortineof of Muck and Color. ed D Mei Bilke and Sitina v olso Floreneoirof oveq cclos will lm found at . ft 'B. MR Fall and Winter Goode. .14:02g 1 1 1 Janni r g.W . : 4L:Co. HAVE now lit Store s large teak of Good. from New-York and other markets, whiel are afeted wholesale and retail. at t..e. , lowest pteatirda, pricers-- Y e agintion a few things that may alsrayithe found at our Slorei. Piihtir, gingham's, poplins, M.siliittes. Bsc.. of the latest stjf ' Grorenes. Ifiraware. Crockery. Baca. and Simms. Hats, Caps. die. he.- Of which we have a largo 41s. sortment. selected with great cote and offered atlow prices, and will not be waderauld. Alan. hos iery. gloves, woOen ware, glass; ear leather, besides a thousand other articles which we need nor eneausratss all-of which we offevlto our customers at prices disc must give great satisfaction. as our entire Stock IMO, bee' laid in s wrinto when. the inarket was mometa ly depressed. entt geode were marry per rent. lower than usual. By attention ant promptuela in westing the want of our eustomere, We hops to meet s eon. tionance of the patronage that . thr tiiihertn berm out hrstowed upon ia. MONTAN YES' 4 CO. 'Fourarerehi, Urs. 1 I . 185 I -FikLT, GOODS. E . T. FOX, would respentfully inform his old friyne:a 1:4• and the cilia. ns of Ilrasfrm ceneWel that ho is any receiving a full stock of F.U. t.:01)118, which. he is desirous of disposing of at a very stnall- advance, from first cost, being satisfied that his goods am select• ed with as much care, add bought at least, at as law prices as his neighbors, he iA , now anxious to convince , his customers that they will be sold at the riubt kind of prices. Please o 11 and sew, as therm is surely nu harm in knowing how cheap some tolls do sell goods—call wain. Corner of Main and Pine street. Fall & Winter GoodE. ISTIRTON zsavasrzior. IR now receiving a large assortment of Fall void Win ter Gonds, direct from New York Which is glared at Greatly reduced prices to casts buyers. Towanda, Oci. I 1 951. The First Mime of asking. ADIVORCE having lately been effected betweeor the present Register and Recorder of Uradtkowl County, and the office he now holds, to take its il nal effect on the first day of December nest•. It becomes indispensable that all debts duo to the subscribe, in his official capacity should be immediately liquidated. The peptic.: interested in this notice will _sass them selves trouble, and the Register much personal annoy ance by a prompt attention to itit contents. Tbeaffairs of the effico must be settled immediately, end the State tales remitted, and to enable him to e nccomplish this the parties indelowl to him most pry at once. let. ft. tn..% CK, Records,. New Arrival of FALL COODS. Q. & M.. C. MgRCUR are now receiving • H. very extensive , ninnwnnont et Uoode for the 1%11 trade, a hi‘h will be sold at erludeattle or - retail cheaper then nt any other store in the County. Tawarelo, :Sept. 4, lits l. LATER FROM CUBA ELEOGOtiOD of ZiOpeZ ! QTII,I, loser news Oa New 'Yolk & E. N. R, of the Li arrival of a very large stock of Wrchaniltza at PHIN NE Y & LOY M ANS No. 3 Mick Rein' which they are prepared to sell at wholesale ur retail tow Cash or Ready Pay, cheaper than the cheapest, from the Ines that they purchased their stock for cash in re eery Jr prem.,' state of the market. Don't mistake the places. No. 3 Brick Row next door to Ur. If ustornr.Drug aura. r.,„ TONS SUGAR, jug received, at crholeaste snd e.-/ retail. PHINNEY & BOWMAN. QAI3, n lame lot, also Iron, Nails, ffardware, &c. 143 and Mackerel bbla., J and } bble, for ode by PIHNNEI & BOWMAN. MO CH EST 6 more of those three ne;:. your *hitting. Ikl Th.AB,.at 1 3 11INNTi & HO WMAN. (ZH EE'rlNO*, stiir.;oos, stripre, utig ticks, for sale kJ by PHINNEY de BOWMAN. lr.;otyrs & 61-16 ES, the littgest cheapest assort !neat in town--and Huts antl,,COps, at wholesale an ' mail. PIIINNEY k BOWMAN. CI;0 (.7 KEH V, Olesswarr. l'aiitt4, Oils. Glass, Dyes, &r. ' PHINNEY & BOWMAN. IDBESS GOODS, • large earlety— Bonnets aod Shawls, a good a.asorirnsid. for sale by •ep22 - I'HLNNEV & BOWMAN. IiNI N R WANTED, PIIINNE & BOW -1 MAN'S. , A'kr whirti cash 4.61) be paid. • 142 1 - ,1 HEAT. Oats, Rye and Corn, taken in exchange 11 fer ,goods. NE 4. BOWMAN- BliTTEß—koo Firkina wanted, fur which part cash, will La gait. PIiISNEY & BOW :0.44X. ATS. Caps. ltontsewl Shoes ; 6 eases new atyle of'Huts and Caps, Also a large rtock of tnens. Woolens end Chi rend Boots and Shoes just received at ' AtEltCUl 'S COME ONE, bdME ALL, and examine ;cop.:lnm Goods, whieE 9re now being exbibliod ap26. • U. Kr; G3BEllersll! Ryg & CORN f sale by July b . EL - T: FOX. COMM'S RZI81)Y-1ICAP21. N asoirment of READY-MADE: COEFINS wilt A' N Rept constantly on band M Nye § old stand ow Main street, where the subscriber is- altoprefiart4 to make and r. I, tr all kinds of Fun:tit:arc. Towanda, .uly 12, 'MI. 111. Wll - 1.1.0t. 81. ACTING POWDER.-50 kivg Wasting , Pbws der, by 1 f'lB 15111N'T_ANVES , & PO. CROCKERY.—The largeat• Rork in town. Full dinner and tea sena, al white granite and Wu* ware, which will he sold cheap at FOX'S. LIVERY one knows thatntte place to God the limes -LI assortment and best wA.lity of gloves of ell dere criptione is nt splf; FOX'S. d rADOZ. Pitfiatnn, negilorn,Pndm Leal end Cattida PM Straw Loa at nlllll FOX'S. 131'k.:3111 Laco for MAN rILT AS at, 0p26 FOX'S. B I:K Silk mil n RC COODri—A &NI assortment .„f• Cashmeres. De Loins, Alpacas, r. f ut TIOVir owning; at jib • MERetin's. Grocerf- 39 . 6H H' D. of Sugar at Prie"-s positively les, than any before 1°1(1 in town aitbin one year. also, Moine pee sweet and gool tio; o1 31 t o . 50 eta. . Din. Laguira and Old Java DOM., that cant he beat. Fine bun& Raisinr.'rePPer• 'Apices. Sateratns. Ginger, and • On (nal assortmer:, of grocer i es alma full supply_ o t tfrea'a new Teat, n t e d o „ Los i t eco o . oat, right or 1 1;,,, moot! r.rternerl ire stresses ; jnai received'an4 fur eat at sers.l2. rOVS. R ICH Ribbonsi Donne! Silks, Lelia and Crawl" .at ap2fl FOX'S. 2(1 DALES OF SHEETTNg, csgrupopl and fins In 10-4 - lahle. A vice assortment of Bleach ed Geode, bleacheir snit bensan Dritial Crash and Dra pery, ianoven and blushed Taidel.innen,Chreks. "Ts Ticking, Cotten"., Yarn, tling, Wiekina and Wadding, sePing cheap at • FOX's. EMBROIDERIES, A very .ergo stock of ..4svies an& Muslin gdgings arid (interlines, SPIII:13 and. 144*- lin Bands. ,nerdre wintrght Collars and Cuff:, wrought Linen Handierehiefs, aria in fact the hunt and best wwortment of Enobroidow.i Cowkiwover offered in Towanda at F(44":-.4. BI•ACK SILKS. aiwl n kw patterns of Wray Silks. •which will be sold cheaper.: YOT'S. 1111,1001'8 6c EMDEN. w -good aarorurient •Tod4.a. Gen 4, Misieg . . (Matthew' and lufaut• Shoe+ fur CM irkRAPERY 1141:81.1N..• largo wad forltitilid gavot. •-....•••• "flees at • "wil. ME rors,