MEI ~~~ ~,,;r4tofoiri?'*- v ti. r ; Sony ..frpli f SiNpeety , • Ereiti- 15ree4ion In, Fre* Territory. Ef O. GOODRICH, EDITOR. Towanda, Saturday, Jaunary U 185 k. 42 , 50 per anadak—if 14;10 wilttrts titp ye:yr !S01.1.11'! , ; 11/ ele•lt.eted ;ray:lvry SI 00 will be do•htete.i. iNo 1,11... t Rrnt user two yetNrs. for. • per Ni.inn. of tou .cv. iv( the arm and 25 caw.; for each sul.setittent ittreshltt. 'TT fitch.r. in the 1'.1•113 Klock? tu•nts oi•te 01 the Nhtte ettlogroeblvtrt door fn 11.-..lrortl lintel. tut react. broxcelt WNW& A3annetnd ElkirciralaVr offiCOS. Ponaillsontie besislature. Leji , lature of this State convened on Toes slay 144'. I'Ve have the liest Jay's proceedings.— The !louse Was organized by the election of Jowl S RU' as Speaker, by the following John 8. )They, (dem) John Acker. (whig) 84 Frederick Reel, (native) .1 4 'Scattering, Senate was tmakile to effect an oronizatioa. Every member was present, and three balloting,. were had with the following, result : , tit Winn:. tkit r4l John 11. Walker, (whig) 16• 15 15 H. A. Muldenberg„ (dem) 15 'l5 15' Wm. F. Padzer, (tletb) ! . 'homas Carson, (whig) 0:1 the second and third ballots, Mr. liar"!...ton, (qatire) from Philadelphia, did r... ) 1 r o t e , there u ere two bca!tef ;ng Yoles, given by lilegirs. Walk. Brand Mulact4ntrs. The GorectiN's It...stage in cot:sequence, has not been rec6ved. Tice Democrats held no caucus for ofimrs of the We are gratified at the election of Mr. Rtivr, ai Speskr of the [louse. Ile was warmly supported by Me Nollbeta tnernbers, and besides being- well i i nislitied for the has ever been the warm supporter of the interests tf the Notth. Ries:Am's ttiLeca, the Treasurer elect for this County, gave the tieceorals, an took posses -OM of his Awe on Muli,lay'lmq. It u ill be grati fyin;; to the taxpayers to Learn, drat Ito has a6oint e4/ Mr. J.1311:3 M. Pka:k. as his Deputy fur the entire .term; Mr. Pr oc. having threogli t h e or- Oto acklic of many col his tr:eints, to transact the business of the office fur two years longer. The seat and t-fii..;iency with which hts / has managed the county aii4rS during the s.x years he has been Jilt the Tieasury has given the public the• inmost confidence in his integrity, unit will be a guarantee that the li:witl affairs of the e'oputy will not fall hilt) neglect or embarrassment. Mr. feet. is perfectly familiar with all the details of the business, and it has been mainly througli. his untiring efforts, (aia eil.of course, by the promptness of the collectors ,arid uts-payers) that t.te County credit has been sestained through the heavy disbursements which have been necessary for three or four years. The last Sorth Brandt beinocral contains the vatedictory of lion. Grcinca: SANutasos who has presided over its editorial columns for the past year. This withdrawal,we are assured, is in consequence of the pug having i exp**l for ',which AILS agreed to conduct the paper and the pressure of other do nee prevents him from continuing his labors.— Whether the 'Democracy of Bradford will sink un der the less, remains to be seen. Somehow, those enthosiastic gentlemen-who take upon themselves the task of enlightening; the Democracy of Bradford, get disheartened' in a short time, and give oP the job as a had one. Who wilt be the nest " Rich mond in, the field P W hy. do not the goil-fathern of the concern it once lteCClre the valuable serving'. of Dr. 6ALtSBVRT "Next to the Senator, we believe him the best qualified for the post of editor of the . 'DeMiltnit (4-; We are gratiCeit to learn, that our member ~, cif Ctugress, has ,alteaily matte a favorable impres sion upon tlits , meuthers of the house as a talented • and - promising young man. We publish in anoth er column, his remarks upon the resolution of re ,'•',colon tts Koss:o4 as reported in the Globe. The Lolloiringparagraph weeut from the "I ribune, where it appears without cteSit "A Yoram Melissa op Cosoasss.--Galusba A. Grow: Member of_ the House of llepresentatives trout Pennsylvania; is the youngest member of that body, being only twenty•sis years of age. He came ~,to Amherst College eleven years ago from the back woods: of Pennsylvania, to commence his education. Previous to that he had bean engaged in rafting logs down the Susquehanna and in deer hunting in the He soon took a'high rank id his class, • excelled as a writer and especially as a •declaimer. - On leaving college, in 1843, he studied /law with David Wilmot, end took the, stump for Polk and Dallas in the year following. He is an ultra Demo crat, and was elected to Congress last year." •-•/. • Oz Messrs Pecs, pvicros and Wsmes, the Bnard of County Auditors, a're now engaged in Au diting the accounts of the Comity. We bear testi mony will pleasure to the efficiency and ability of me s present. %aril.. IL is no disparagenieot to their predecessors to any that a body has never convened Tor a similar purpose, which transacted 'their busi ness-tin a mite prompt and therOugh manner. • Tine COINACt OF nit P17114E1. PHU bitat.-Z i rhe roinalta of the I V. S. Mint at Philattelphia, for the .'inonth of Deceinber reaches 'the large sum of t and the deposits of California (101k15.5,. 593 4 000 Both these surname unprecedentedly large. - 1 he tail gold Coinage for the year llpt, _amounts 14 $51 ; 143,416,and " the aggregate coinage for the year is 652,889,83 The totalliumber of deposit. ots Ot gold is 14,00 and of silvol 355. rt, Bomea's CABIN T.-11 is announced, and we Apiht not, correctly that Gov. Bigler has made the • lirilowlng selections fir his Cabinet. ;.1010s -Vogitra, Are, of Schuylkill county, -,Srtetery,otthe common tresl4, lion. James .protebelf * a Philadelphia * Attorney -1 KA 2 TtlfaT *s*Alim —th def , , Ncntackjt, -.TargiSitinp, (tit TneOsh. Hon. Agetnituo, Dixon, ;; ; IMA l 4c4• 3 4.onited 44tuili..Senalos, w place! 9r Hon. te l 4 ll 4,__ Mo.iervi) 14 it bid ; 1 0 -000 0-.Paloit Pimarti - 4reflieling) S. C, 1 4 1.. k1ef417 1 iM4 1 34* apt tsko,eitici tiro fiat shaeltr:Jos ketplabermext. • MEd DumatsTtclisfrattim , Cosomertoo;•.Tbertiad liana! Demoetatic Committee- met at Washington ors Friday la!sl, , witit a, representation from ertery State, The that tlay of hoe milt was !giteeilittiif Min* as Ate . plimtVfoi -holding OM Dentoeratie 'ltatitnaul Convetnioai' fl as repteient - the health ofMr. Chi ee rurnewhat inputted. fie :la his bed for several iktfilm'fartnriftlyilita es ritekiell htf in the views of toe Pletident in his reply taGer. Kotou.h. TI I E A 114 E Coo sTir . IPPIpa7 3ea, Year 6 a'ree4 fiaticlekirite triefit: We Bit rejoiced otsoels_ otriiieugo of prooperity-so--our• eo. temporaries. . . . . - , 0...1.' The Delegate Election in the city and corn• ry of Philadelphia on Monday last, resulted in the election pi Delegate.' favorable to 'Mr. trguanmi. York and Cumberland have ab i o instructed fen him. WYOMING Coven —The' Demociate of ;Wyo. ming county hare elected Dr. J. W. Dertniion their Delegate to the State Conveuliun, Eir.ll instructed him for Mt. BUCHANAN-. Remarks of Mr. GROW. Me Resolution of Welcome to Gov.Lovis Kossc-ra, being before the House of Representatives, on Wednesday. December 31st— • 11111 GROW said, it nes not my isurpotw thus early in the session do mingle in the'tuales t'si this Hall, nor would I at this late tone o f ;he day troub le the House with a"; remarks but for the charge that bas ,1 111 1 .7...nen .11:tin the lips of the gi-ntleman !foo l ] Lcannot refrain replying,,when 1 have the words of Kossuth to Jo it with. Let his own language defend him against the chargE of audacity. He comes here advocating the rights of erualied humanity and the cause of his native land, and asks the American people for their aid against the despots of his.coon try. Frankly he lays his claims and wishes before his hearers, and asksitteir consideration. He asks them as men standing , ander. ttte shadow of Wash ington, to consider the cause of humanity: and ,for this he has charged with being guilty of the greatest impudence ! Are his requests unreasonable, that they should not be hearill tie brings to their elu cidation the light of'; hia• master' intellect, and the impulses of warm heart. In what consists his im pudence Dues he, make a demand upon. this Government or people, and attempt by threats or intimidation to coerce it? De preseuis his cause and reasons, and asks you for a voluntary decision ; s nits if in his favor, then hest ill leave your shores— the herald of glad tidings to enthralled nations.— But it you tutswer no, its his own language " you will see a mournful tear in the eye of humanity— ' its tit es-t beating with a•vorrowfol sigh—yet the answer must be accepted."' '4 yoteanswer, you 4 would tether be on frtenity terms. with the Czar than rejoice in Liberty and independence of Hun ' gary, hair, Germany, and France, yet dreadful as it is I will wipe the tear of sorrow from my eye, and say to my teetheren, let its pray, and go to the hn,rd's last supper, and Melillo balder and to death. ' I will say to them,.there iento help , for us bet in I our trust in God, and its oar own good swords. It wiltleave Sou with a dying brewelf, anti bless you with the warmest . wishes of. my heart, 'and- pray tti,God that the Sun of Freedom may never decline from the horizon of your frappe lan!. El this be " impudence," in what way would you have an apostle of liberty appeal rot the sympathy and aid of the people whose country has drank the fife-blood pot only of its own martyrs, but of the ruartyrs of every clime? Is. it impudent fora man just escaped from Austrian -dungeons and Turkish exile to stand up in the face of nations and advo cate the conscious rights of man? Is it impudent" •for the representative of s tieve people to present the claims of his fatherland to the sympsibiesotthe descendants of Washington, Franklin,andlefterserit to make his appeal in behalf of tdeetlin^ humanity to a people whose every battle-fled in the first and second war of independence is led wilt the blood of Imeigners—to a country that in the hour or peril received the aid of)fLafayette, De Kalb, and Kos ciusko, and whose Soil still holds the ashes of Pu laski and Steuben Mr. MeMULLIN, (interrupting.) His impudence is in attempting to destroy the teachings of Wash. ington. Mr. GROW. Devoutelly as we taro to thetesch in,,s of that greatest of mortals—and Maven grant the e day may never come when it shalt be other. wite with the•Ameriaan.-.still the institutions opus. ions, and men, both living and deed, of this einintry as of all others, are here proper and open sahjeets of man fy disedssiort . :. ' Freedom of opinion and. ex pressions on any and alt subjects, is the .right of a freeman !rider a tree Government. The only sore reliance an. every case ,}s on, the virtue, Intel. jigt.nce, and integrity of the people to correct all errors. It beeomes not die American to bow with blind rereretice to opinions Of instittnions because of their_ grey age. For while knowledge is grow. ing more comprehensive, man's relations bacon'. ing better known, he who would cling , blindly to all the-notions of other times, awe suicidal part to the best interests of the present. White truth and society are progresive, he who worth. seek the one with an honest heart and fearless mind, andact with a generous soul for the best interest of the oth er cannot entertain all the notions of his predeces. son*. If the doctrine of non intervention was prosier for 1 oar country in' the days of Washington, aro even thoughlbequeathed to as as bilirlying legacy, has not the time come, or will it never arrive, for this Re. puh:irto decide whether in its foreign relations it an inveterate rule never Many case to be depart. ed from ; that we must stand with folded arms and closed lips and see a brave people, goaded by the wirings of centuries and battling for libeity and the rights which God and nature has given them, and even when they have driven , the invader from their soil, Etta down by-the hireling myrmidons, of united despots, and their country drenched with the blood of the noble and the brave, blotted from the map of nations I is it the legacy of 'wisdom and humanity bequeathed by Washington and his compatriots, that. American freemen must forev. er, in silence, be pierced with the " shrieks of lib. tatty" as her votaries fanl t Whatever may be the policy or diatision MI our GovemMeiat in reference to armed intervention, as the generous spirit sits not at the social board with the robber and the assassin, let, it, at least, in its intercourse with other nations, bees circumspect in its company as the private citizen To that na. 'lion which tramples on the laws of nations and the common rights of humanity, let it not extend the hand of fellowship.. Let us welcome to our shores and tothe hearts of our countrymen, the exile ariv en by oppression and wrong from the fireside of , his fathers, • SAD AND IIItSTI:T4tENDiND AtrIDEST.—On Tees day, the 214 December, a flute girl, about 5 yeani of age ? daughter of Mrs. Mary-Dolson, of New Mar ket, 1 ork co., was so seriously bumf ender the fol lowing cirrumstancts, as to produce death in 25 hours after. 'Her - mother, Who but two weeks ago lost her husband, steppo across the warm a neigh. bor, letting th i s linle.gurl With three smaller child ren the house ekthe. It is aufersuul she had been playing with the fire at the meg:het the stove, aintwhen discovered was making hey Amy across theskeet, Willy in (item of her mother, her under garMents alt an fire, her dress having pseviously blunt entirely oft Medics/aid was called in, hot. to no avail:. Mies suffering the most indescribable .agony, she died about the same boor-ot ihe-arrei dent, the following day, 'This to another winning psrentai as well as to those ettilihen effeibler'of understanding the danger of. meddling with this destruzilve element. - Kama WaikiNs Kossuth arrived at Washington on Tuesday atom ing Dep. 30 r a litile-belora 11 o'ckiek, . A ; great erorid hadiathatad M %1 1 11dePot• lent= &Mud and Shields, w KCMG Beale, the. Seryierutwitartlns of the Senate, anit Mr. Wank, V, S. bisithsta thelkstrict or Columbia, receiffill hint !mu-the lietthnoikeoluoittee. The pow proceeded in private carriages &eel to Brown's Hotel. Here also slugs concourse had collected. audthey received the guest with every INTERVItiv WIT 117,111; IIteWEIL The Hon. Daniel - Webster, Secretary' of Salt, waked upon Gov. KosAtilb shortly after 12 o'clock. accompanied by Mc Hunter, ehiei Clerk of the State Department, ands leW bieadei War :Wu id treduoirtl; Thev.kiterview was in a great measure private. ,A er,rpu!oal courgattibitiotis,_g_tif—ltos. Sala Wok o&aiiion tha: k 'Mr. Webster yratinly for thrrintereat tie (Mr. W) lutdrakon in his (Gov. Kossuth', ) hard fate, and to express the pleasure it pie him to meet him !ace to face, a pleasete he had kmg desired. The interviste took nearly hall err boar, and was evidently of meth pleasure ° to both, freed as a was by its curnparatava privacy from all reserve and formality. mizavtaw wmt int rtvannaol. M. Xussoth was introduced to the President by Mr. Webster, Ott Wednesday. There were res. ent the Secretary of the Navy and the Postmaster General, besides Gen. Shields, Mr. Seward; and others. After a brief pause, M. Kossuth addressed the Pressident in the following terms : " Enlightened by the spirit of your country's in stitutions, when we succeeded to cor , solidate our natural and tistorical State's of self govern. mem, by placing it u7tra the broad foundation of Democratic Italy : inspiNsi oy your history when we had to fight le: independence against annihilation by centraliz. ed alsolutimi : " Consoled by your people's sympathy when victim of Russian interference with the laws el na ture, and of nature's God. " Protected in exile by the Government of the Voitell States, supporting the Sultan of Turkey in his noble resoletiou to andergo the very danger of l o wer, rather than leave unprotected the, rights of humanity against Russo-Austrian despotism : " Restored by the United States to life, because restored to freedom, and by freedom to activity in behalf ut those &lies which, by my nation's moan. moss coafitlence and sovereign will, devolved upon Mel " Raised in the eyes of many oppressed nations to the standing of a harbinger of hope, became the etar-spangted banner was sees casting protection around rue, announciug to the world that there is a nation, alike powerful as free, seedy to. protect the laws of nations, even in distant parts of the earth, and in the person of a poor exile: ." Cheered by your people's sympathy, so-as free men cheer—not a man whatever, but a principle : ~ I now bow before you, sir, in the proud posi. lion of your great nation's guest, generously wet corned by a resolution of the Congress of the U. States, with equal generosity approved and Execu ted by your Excellency. "I beg leave to express my fervent thanks, in my name, and in the name of my associates, who, after having shared my misfortunes, have now the reward to sha:e the honor and the benefit which the g reat Republic of the Hinted States was pleased re stow upon Hungary by bestowin,-; it upon its freelychosen chief, when he became a. persecuted victim of despotic violence. " # beg leave to , express my fervent thanks in my country's name, also, which, amidst the sorrows of its desolation, feels c heered by yoriceoantry's gun. erosity, and looks with , noel :mien to-the lumen ling bone ' because it is confident - that the- time thaws near when - the eternal code die lbw of nations will become a reality. O President ! I stand before your Excellency living protestation against the violence of foreign ifitederehee oppressing the sovereign right of na lions to regulate their own domestic concerns. -- " I stand before your Excellency a tiring protes tation • against centralization oppressing the State right of self-government. " May I be allowed to take it for anal , of bet. ter times that, in landing on the happy shores of this glorious Republic, fltoded in a tree and pow erful country, whose honored Chief Magistrate pro claims to the world that this country cannot remain indilletent when the strong arm of s foreign power is invoked to stifle d public sentiment, and repress the spirit-al freedom in arty country. " I thank God that he deemed me not unworthy to act and to sußer - lor my fatherland. " I thank God that the fate of my errantry be came so intimately connected with the fate of lib. erty and the independence of nations m Europe, as formerly it was intimately connected with the se verity of christendom. " I tl ank God that my country's unmerited woe, and my personal sufferings, became an opportunity womb a manifestation of 'the spirit and principles of your Republic. "May God the Almighty bless you with a long life, that you may long Miry the 'happiness to sae ref country great, glorious, and free, the eomer stone or internetional.' justieet, and the eolomo of freedom ors the earth, as it its-already an eitylein to the oppressed. "Sir, I pledge to your country the everlasting gratitude of Nunnery!' The PiesidenereplieJ, briefly, to M. liossudett al& dress in slllbiligileB as follows I am happy, Governor Kossuth, to welcome you to this laud of freedom ; and it gives me pleas. ure to congratulate you upon yogi' release from a tong confinement in Turkey, and your safe arrival' here. As an individual, I sympathized deeply with you in your blase straggle for the independence and freedom of your native land. The American people can never be imirifferem to such a contest, but oar poliey es • nation in this respect has been uniform, from the commencement - Of our Govern. went ; and ray own views as the Chief Esecutive Magistrate nf this nation, are folly and freely es. pressed in my meant message to Congress, to which you have been pleased to allude. They are the same, whether speaking to Congress here, or totbe nations of Europe. ' Should your county) be restored to independ ence and freedom, lehould then wish per—as the greatest blessing'you could enjoy—a restoration to your native land; but, should that never happen, can only repeat my welcome to you and your cam penions here, and pray that God's blessing may feet upon you wherever year lot may be cast." M. Kossuth and the President then entered into a conversation in regard to the present condition of Hungary and th,e,ms neral politics of Europe; the in terview being con ducted . with mutual cordiality and ' Tut STATE or Passcm—The following is an ex tract Lam a private letter, dated Dee. 12, from an American gentleman now in London: "I beard day before yesterday from Lord Cr.litt esvc Panva, the Director of the 0140nlinee, that a Government Messenger had arrived from Paris saying that there had been 8,000 kilted instead of 800 as armed, and that the majority were innocent persona, who had taken no part in the. revolution. Another gentleman who has arrived from Paris, an k:nglishman whotaa resided there, says that it shots were fired out of one house in a block, cannon were fired into the whole block and the soldiers then rushed in and bayonetted indiscriminately all •within. This gentleman says he escaped from one of those block of houses, but that his clerk and wife were killed by the bayonets of the soldiers. I:-also learned through Lord Paget that the British Gov ernment are a good deal alarmedat the supposition that Louts Napoleon will unite' with Anstrta• and Russia to put down England and Liberty in Europe, and that the Govern nen; Dockyards are alive, with Amman" risen as can get around the ships getting them ready Eta . see." Farmers anti gardners are called for ;in Wen., Illinois, where there is too little -attention paid to mil matters, in comparison with the miningi.sper aliens of the region:' It is urged that, trio twantess pays better than the :Malaga( perishabbt reduce ts. the neighborhood et large places. litteutirsom , l . The United States Mail atemeship Atlantic, cat tails Wm; ortimist.New Yetkon Sent* seer. ottonon 4 *Vlach. • Sbe tea Liverpool soothe Sat of Ikeemberi: tit *mom Oohing the runtage in fp,days, SI hours. Shtbrinsi funpfive pumenseM, and • roglicar la or teeteWndistr. %F r om pith oar advice. ass to the morning of '23d of December.— :The financial and commercial swoons continua From-.1b.. manaladmin . ip districts of Great Britain and Frante,,the reports are aatisfact- • o e ereantits tithe V.ench election, so far is they have been steely show, as was anticipated a Ty large majority in Lica of the Freud ,cot's ralttnalcel o f-P w\fur:* i s aic The inidclity• in the department is, boireereT, very much !utter Ihilt its-Paneo- isnowthought:that the -ultimate n 1 .5.- ority will,be about two•thirds. The conittlerctil reports are very favorable. It is reported that a censorship will be establish ed on books containing less than three or four alt sets ; as the suppression of the daily press caus es opinion us' lake :refuge in pamphlets. This_is 'Rheumatics& at the.reatoration, when a censor• ship was establish& for the' same reason, M. Vivien, vice-president oldie late onseti d'i'al has drawn up a. memoir against the coup &dal, written with weal vigor and soundly argued. The document is mach spoken cd. The Constitutiond says:—" We are informed that the Pope has addressed a letter to his nuncio in Pa. tie, in which he expresses entire approbation of the acts ofteuis Napoleon, which have saved society and religion." Numerous arrests, principally among the leaders of the utra.republicans, tontine& to be made in Paris Amongst others, M. Miot, evrepreseottr live,is to be brought to a coon-martial A terrible colliery explosion took place at Raw. Marsh, England, an the 20th ; 50 lives were lost . Mr. R. 3. Walker has declined the dinner offered him at Elouthemton ; reason why, must go home. Consols closed cm Siglitday, Dee. 20th at 961 to 97. Mr. G. F. Young, the protectionist {ruder, ta very se r iously indisposed , at Hastings. On Sunday, Dec, 20th he was seized with paralysis. Tho Admindity have determined not to send an• other expedition in search of Sir John - Franklin, by way Behring's Streit. The Plotter iskto be corn. municated with each year by a maa•of-war—the Amphitrite is the next. TRANCE Toe gcrxrrost.—The Election at Paris passed of with great tranquility: The prat day mace than 100,000 elector, voted. The election returns are not all known yet ; about, half of the Departments having been heard front: Our a..tvices from Paris are to 8 P.M. of Dec. 22. At that time the returns stood 2,000000, [or Louis Napoleon and 600,004 against. It was then suppoied that his majerity would be about 7,000,000. , The Paris correspondent of 71re Daffy New on the evening of the 20th writes as follows: This morning, at B o'ctock, commenced therpoll which is to determine the acceptande or rejection by the electors of France of the Government Impos ed by vielenee upon the French people. Each al.. rondissemeno throughout Prance is divided into sev eral sections ; in which some convenient aeons is selected for the operations of the election. Before entering one of these you observe generally in the coon of the house a strong detachment of the na• lion& guard mixed with troops on the line. Loung ing about the doors and passages are a great neat bet of Bonapartist touters, who thrust into the hands of all comers tickets printed with oui. I did not observe any agenta distributing tickets insembed with eon; although the hfo:titeur of this morning stater that the Presidenc,ofthe aamber of Printers has been ordered. to notify to the printing establish ments' throughout Patio that the Government is on ly desirous of arriving at the sincere wishes of Frince, and repudiate s, as a eafumnious invention the report that it ken taers any means to prevent the punting of negative votes. I found, indeed, that there waeLnolack °Wiese in•the offices of pa pers that survey the Flyses with no , friendly eye. loaner's resort* pile* of " Noes" trait rtr be used by the faithful. Very different is the aspect' of the polling places fronnwhat it was on the 30th el No vember, when Mr..Devinck was recommended aa a conservative sandittate for the representation of Paris, to the Assembly where he was never doom' dal to take his seat.. Then , bat ur few dozens of electors preeented themselves in. the course olp an hour. To day, even though the sections are multi. , plied as much tpk, possible, to give room lot the enornuts crowd, the dram of all arerdboselk t \tong ed. When you enter the room where - the operation takes place, you see six person. sewed at a table,. *rho form the board. The rresident of the board is either mayor or deputy mayor, munfeipiatcoan ciller' or • delegate appointed by the jtigadepaix. Each elector is provided with scud. which he has applied for at the mayory, and which identifies his person, and confirms his right to vote . ' This card he han ds to the President, who calls its number, Coif thrliwers it to the secretary, whochecki the card by there:Al of the electors of the section: Tne oleo :tor then . Mips a folded! ticket inseribed with " Yes"- or " No" Into a slit in the cover of a small square box on the table, which constitutes what is called the electoral urn. If there should be more than onerticket in the same fold, the fraud or mistake is et once recognised on the examination of the votes and the vote is annulled. After the end of the oneration the box is sealed and deposited during the night at the mayory, where they are guarded by a post of the national+ guard or fine. Tne doors of the room where it is laid• are also sealed. Each box has two locks, one of the nonesconding keys being in the hands of the eldest aseessor. All the operations have been conducted in the most per fect order. The ballot is to be kept open until 8 o'ckek instead GIS, by degree of the Ministers of of the interior. -Up to 4, about 100,000 electors bad voted. Telegraphic dispatches have been re ceived from the provinces, stating that the same maim" to vote is mani4eisted everywhere. InferLIUNIMUS. It is at last perfectly certain that Gen. Cavainac is et liberty, and once more restored to his family circle in tbe 'Rue du Helder. hie certain that he has made no conditions whatever with tie Govern ment in order to procure this advantage over the rest of his taloa-prisoners at Ham. It was only in fact, in consequence of the eseeranee that they al so would shortly be stp-treerthat the Genera) final ly consented to accept his' oven liberation. The Government, it seems, is much nettled at the presence of M. Thiera in London. They gave oat that be was going to Germany, and .indeed he launched him thrott!gb Strataburg in that direction. But the current of M. Thier's plane was setting sp. wendy in the opposite direction, and no sooner had he reached the Rhine than he doubled like an old hare northward, until Its was ferried amass the Channel at Ostend. After the result of oho poll is known and pub. fished, Cfrangarnier, Lamoricieri, and the remain. ing prisoners At Ham will be liberated. The. Cast or ma Paouernexta The President in reply to a resolution of the Senate, declines esin mno ieatine, for reasons of State, the eorrespondenee with the British Govemrneat, or &her measures, pursued, in referencetothe firing into the Ameri can steamer Prometheus. by the British bng Sphinx at San loan de Nicaragua. lie, however, furnish es a letter of instructions from the fteeretery of the Navy to Commodote F. A Parker, commanding the Home Squadron, in which that officer tedium*. ed to proceed in the Sammie (*San Jean,- in older to protect American Commerce against (Inure intuit and 41ressiosi. lie is directed to nod 4, the British nasal commander that a repetition of the insult to the American flag wilt not be permit ted t and., at the sometime to assure , the ruitherities of Nicaraguathat the government dr the United Sl6terr will not justify the non-payment of lawful proper port duties, but, Ott the contrary, desires to caltinus the most exalgabbitelattnno with that Govetvatent 1141111Weellir 011011111110116 4ninslrrae Chankee--Taro Minions of'Gotc(Come - Aianniny lhd.oS Terretes—The Rainy Ram-- . Gnat Marini Newn—taprain fraterman--4dur devr4ft New Yon, kfl. 10.—The steamer Cherokee, with the California mails of the bib, two grilled, baying made thirpiesar in 264 days. - She brings siooo,oixr to freight, and $a 160 in the hands of the passengers. The principal matter el interest from California isibiestWahgverreert fkelingeriong the hidians upon the Colorado and in the vieinity:of San Diego, Los Angelo*, &Ma Barbera , Ao outbreak bad commenced among the Indians in these iroaticts, sod was daily areaming, a was threatening char acter. The enhatamtentisf the tan lira among the Indi. ans is said to be the ostensible cause of the rebel lion, towhich they have been incited by the tower clam! of the native . Californians, who most bitterly na;Z. the Americans. The Indian chief Avionio is reported to have 3,- 000 fighting men under him, most of whom are well armed with rifles, and illicit in 'he use of them. Antonio bad sent a formal declaratbair- of war to the Prefect of San Diego, and bad commenced ope rations by enacting the Hon. J. J. Warner's ran 'Cher°, killing one of his servants sad destroying his property, as wolf as driving off his stock. Warner himself narrowly emaped by flight, abet killing two of his ataiailants. The Indiana immed.atety aßer attacked and kill ed four Anterioansai Aqua Calienties, two*, whom were named Ridgely and Slack. The citizens of the country about San Diego had concentrated at that paint, and formed a volunteer company of about fifty men, The WWII', on the 28th of November, had been placed under martial law. Alt business was euspentled, and the best arrange• menu made to defend the town against the antici pated attack of the hordes of Indiana. Dr. Womnerall, one of the - Indian Commission• era, who bad recently been eo succeeds) in new titling with the Indians of the North, was to leave San Francisco on the 16th of December for the scene of war in the South. and hopes were indulged that be might be able to arrest the difficulties which now seriously menace the whole Southern portion of the Stale. The Stockton Republic says that serious appre hensions were beginning to befeft for a continuance of the friendly rehniens with the Sierra Indians,. The travel in,niany parts of the mountains was con sidered unsafe and even dangerous, and the traders in the neighborhood contaned their operation. to a very limited scare in consequence. Volunteer companies were organizing to march against the Indians. and the Governor had ordered Gen. Hitchcock, at Sonora, to dispatch troops forth with to the rescue of the citizens in the disturbed districts. The Governor had' also ordered down the fletatchment stationed at Port Orlbrit, ant? would probably despatch one or more companion of vol. anteera from San Francisco at an early day. At San Francisco, Sacramento and other places a good deal of rain had fallen, and the rainy' season had fairly set in. Captain Waterman, of the ship Challenge, was bronlat before the court on the 4th ult._ but the ex• amination was waived. He was committed for trial upon three warrants for assault and one 6r murder. The sews from the mining regions continue to bri'of the sante favorable character as that brought by the Prometheus. The excitement in Mariposa county is very great and the miners are flocking to the recent discovery of Bear Golf, which is said to be yielding gold to an- almost incredible amount. The social and normal condition of California is rapidly improving. Thera are comparatively few deeds of lawtessness recorded in the papers. An extensive limestone Ibmvation. hod Unit - dis covered oo therAnserisao Bar, Violists from Sacra mento. The snag! of the Yaba river hail bee* removed at an expense ol 1115.000 to the citizens, who are looking to Congress for aid in that improvement of the river. A steamer of large size but descended as far u Marysville. Several railroad projects wets being entertained in different parts of the State, and of some of them considerable stock has been taken. Numerous murders had taken place among the miners in the interior, and lynch-law would proba bly, be applied to the prepetratora. The steamer California and New Orleans hail ar rived' at Sim Francisco. A' new arnUsaperior route had been discovered across the Sierra Nevada, and several extinct vol canoes had• been discovered in the mountains. A company has been formed At San Francivco, by the name of the North Pacific Steam Navigation Company; who bad secured an erclusive right for steamaatrfgatioa•to the Sandwich island. [STAMM, KEW& The steamer Gisiden Gate, from Sim Fiancisco, whence - robe sailed meths Mb of freceMber, arrived at Panama wittriti,4lo;4lloo in gold, breide• a huge ammo it bands atter passengem k vs* rumored at Panama= the 10th, that the attempt of revolution at Varparsito on the let of December, had tailed, the Government haring tri umphal?. AttIAFCE INATWILDN ENGLAND AND Atitlittr...... Robert J. Walker on the coup de etat—Our country man, the Hon. Robert J Walker, recently address ed the inhabitants of Manchester, England, by inci tation, and during the course of his remarks he re ferred to the outrage which has just been commit ted on popular rights in France, as follows: " I believe," said the speaker, "that the events I which have recently transpiredln France are of a momentous magnitude to England, to the United States, and the woild, It is true there may too a roontrintary repose of despotism—it is true that the man who.has combined in himself the character of a traitor--of an insurgent—and of a military tutor per—may trample down for a moment the liberties of Fiance. But I propound ibis single question to Englishmen : If he does succeed, who can doubt that a government established by the army of Lou is Napoleon—established in favor of a man whose hands are dripping with the warm life-bloixt of his countrymen, of every age, sea, and rendition—that a government thus established will become a mili tary despotina—that Louis Napoleon will not be come a mere power, to be moved on the political chessboard by the iron finger of the Czar t This despotism of Fiance, being created by the army of France, mat be merely be a belligerent aeppot ism —The army must have employment. It is not to fight against the despotism of Europe. This act has already been sustained by the despotic power of Austria, and I bovine dot* that you wilt and it sustained by the Russian Csar, told by all the despotisms oldie continent of Europe. Then if the imperial army of Fiance ace to hate employment may we look back io history In 1804 had we not a somewhat -paralleled catastrophe when the constitution of Franco was overthrown by Napoleon Bonaparte, and an imperial government -was rees tablished in France, as I believe it soon will be in France again I' [Hear. Hear," What followed on the establishment of the imperial and military pow el in France,-in 1804, may it not follow in 18521 c , Now, gentlemen, I hope these events may not follow ; r hope that we shall have peacer--peace with England—peace, if possible t with all mankind [Applaese,j , There is no genuine free-trader that can be otherwise than the friend of peace. [Ap plause), And Ido say this, that Ido not behave, that it is the interest of England to ally herself with the despots oldie continent of Europe. And t say blither that; if upon her refusal to do so she should beatnik() by those despotic powers— if maintaining her own liberty of speech and of the press, she should require our aid—l speak What know to be the attammous sentiment of my coun try—the entire American popolation, backed by their government, will come as one man, and fight the battle widryou, Bit be negcessary." Rom CIA PRACTICAL Jo= —Some school girls at a lernahi seminary in Washington, l'enn'a, hav ing undertaken, a few days aincg, to frighten a coanatli by ployingthoet. they unhappily Succeed. ed to Wu theyfrigkeced• belt into. insanity. , linhostoilbek Wrest le Geive ti. • The correspondent of the Witlon blotting etwi t ', 'lle . has , Ale Wowing interesting details relative to the arrest of the Generals:— • Among the favorite subjects of gossip a top of course, the recent attestations of the military 1, 4. den. tis profoundly remarked that the charm", of those indiaiduale were well illustrated by various behavltir When informed. that they wets prisoners. General Bedews,tifirotre •diapeeition is mato 10 he of a - w ity; scheming and' " Managing" order, o „, tered into argument and discussion, insisting considering the matter of Meanest in a variety o f lights, for the improvement of his esptors' and finally swayed himself en grane lenge, a 0 ,. der to avail himself of whatever influent.* his on,. form should chance to possess with thefts be nuo,, meet on his way. Not so the Gen. Chanprnier... ha the officials entered he snatched op a brace-o l pistols and•exclaimed, "le swig anne." The chief quietly replied that fie saw Foch was the case, a i m that he was well aware that Gen. Chatigam er, discharging his weapons, could kill a couple of those Whohad coma to take him. Hit, he 6 4 , Bested, this course would scarcely be anal* apperciable advantages, in as. much as ti t house was tenure by soldiers, so that the genera , escape would be impossible, and as, moreover, l i t ultimate result would assuredly be a prompt try mid a dishonorable execution., These argnients bad weight with. the hasty ba sensible Changamier, who thereupon lad down ha pistols and surrendered his person. Not so, ags with the amiable Caraignae. The gentler ocecpi. Lion in which he had lately been engaged, b k : probably softened his heroic spirit, and, upon b, being aroused from his slumber" and . infor m& that be was arrested, he placidly remarked, 1; c e , juste;' and, rubbipg his eyes, reqcested to be ll y, prised whether be might be permitted to d r , himselt, adding, in the most courteous manna,: his toilette would riot detain him 1011. Being el treated to make his arrangements pereisety in way most agreeable le himself, he rose. an. through with his toilette choke with the most p n feet composure and completeness, and ibex, p re . settling himself with a bow to the officer, poe t , declared himself a eat odrea It I trust, not low the " dignity of hbaary" to add that Gen Ca n ignite forthwith addressed a le:ter to theyoang whom he was so shanty to have espbased, d. which he chivalronsty (lectured that fie conceiro, that the event which had occurred had entirely dr.! priced him of any right to consider her botnul engagements made with a free man, and he t z ., malty released bee from any such ties. state this, I must claim leave to add, for the rthi h . ration of all who can appreciate higtunaltes, that the lady promptly and gracefully repird so tar from considering the event in earta having released' her from a tie its which aka toot •so much pride / it halt, if possible, renieraltel engagement even more binding than before foe which little romance let its pass to the very 2:1 mantic conduct of Cot Charms, who, being capture in bed, refused', to get up, retwed to 6.‘ himself, or to allow himielt to . be dressed; rs - 7, that, if taken at all, he would be - taken clam and was. into the bargain, taken at his wore. . . ing bundled up in such bed-clothes as came ifs; est and in that unseemly guise th rust into a relo and conveyed to prison. General Lamoi4 made a determined resistance of a more reline , kind, but the imprewion seems for be that tio count of it, which found its way into print, much exaggerated,. and thane patticular done: Another Dreadful Condo Des:radian of Baraem's Museum-Hest The dyir , embers of one dreadful cartilage companiej with a melancholy less of lil Lordly ceased smcld'ering among the rerhalt we are called erne to ehrorticle another. A few minutes before 5 o'clock, yestert noon, smoke was seen slowly issuing from of the large stx.story sand-stone building, .oath-east corner of Seventh and copied as Baineen'eMetseent. lilhe Mem the most unparalleled efforts to confine nu elements to the upper stories, bat to no per the course of flatten hour the entice beiklie;, the basement 'tribe - rear, was a sheet of flame in an hour from theetlicerthe alarm. was fire the entire establishment was reduced to a heut: smoldering ruins. The lower story of the building was °mop, stoles, the corner by Messrs. Chas. G. 'lender. Co., booksellers, successors to the Apple:ont: adjoining ones by Lee & Walker, publishr sellers of, music and musical instruments. portion of Messrs. Henderson & Co's. I goofs, as well as the contents of th e adjoinir were removed to a place of safety before IL reackfthe tower story. 'the fire hciweser with such. rapidity, that it was an imperil' get out the pianos and heavy articles. The front of the Colbmbia Abase wt. 'damaged. The Windows and a portion are badly scorches', and• the furniture wa what injttred by water. About 5f o'clocii , the southern wall fell dreadful erruth: The afternoon performance was nret fire was first discoferett, and the only the Museum were the employees of the men+ otherwise the consequences mightlit Mr. C Spoonet, the proprietor, was in lit at the time the alarm was given. He ref , that the firer originated in the north-west the building,and at a point where there bt none used ur several months past. Mr. Spooner's fats is between $5Ol 000, o which amount only M:009, bpinsurance. A few picture', the Card Player, and same other articles of no. were the only things laved from die collection. The bniltlinns on theSorth side of Chete east of Seventh, were somewhat injured tet &ream! water. The dwelling house on the east of the bi owned by the Harrison lam ily i and aecril Mr Fieher, was badly injured. The roof tirely burned off, amt the mire place Etc water. The Mistrust' Building was'erected stet years ago, and belonged . to Mr. James Slot was wor.h perhaps 950,000. it was log!? 930,000, hi three companies. The wasirober, and Mrs. Bowers, Mr. and Mrs:Thaver, Ind the Matiinetti family, were entirely Ike Tariff MINICIL • The Harrisburg Keystone wisely eaf*:' gard this tariff movement as the lasi struggles . of a powerful special interest' Ilse and control the markets of this nail able that interest to fix its own prices production:—to render it so potent sot scarcely second to the Government iaell and importance—a movement of the bet hied interstate at the nation to ciente a SO. cal anaconda which will in time enttriee'' such terrible force around the legislativr autborities of the country that it will sentiment of equality—a movement the-apicalturah, nteehanieall and. labong of the country, to swell the receipts anti 0 the coffers 01 the wealthy, and to place U l f political power of the country in the M a ' manufacturers. That the iron. interests really require of drry torenable it to subsist, is not prate . the PIAUI at present arisiug from inresam are not as large as other equally imporlo es or boa/nese yield, cannot be mso w iris abmird to say that there le anY why this peculiar.. 4•PennPylrania lute ,be pampered and petted above all other of any more importance than a hum Interests of this state. Neither can it that the public good of Pennsylvania tif the great body of the people of the so taxed for the special, benefit of a mere capitalists..