• TIIE LAE F. SOP ERIOR COPPER It ecioN.-4'e w an adequate idea of the mineral wealth of the Lake superior country, particblarly in the torm of copper and iron. The iron ores are exceedingly .etch, run nitro up, as is understood, to 50 or 60 percent., and t h e mines would no doubt be extensively worked, were it not for the insane policy of our Government, w h i ch substitutes English_ iron, the produce of cheap c apital and pacper labor, for iron which every- where abounds in our own country, andito where as on the' south shore of Lake i n a form so inviting s u perior. The profits of copper mining in this ra glan are enor-This tg conclusively este!s fished by the s ,dss of the Boston and Pittsburgh Piling Com usually denominated the Cliff mine. That a cost the proprietors only S 1 10,- Opp and in 1. 1 it paid the stockholders a rrofit of $60.000, and in 1840, 8 . 84,000, and this year it pays again a profit o &GO 000, being in nil 8204,000, or -t.44.000 more than the whole cost of the mine, and teat too in three years'. with aft their land, steam engines and other paraphernalla of mining paid for, a ril) with a considerablesurolus (as we understand) deft as working capital and to cover contingencies. It is believed that the Cliff mine will prove good for an income of i 360,000 per annum for an indefi nite period of time, and this is a sufficient expres sion of our,ense of what may be done on Lake Su perior. Nothing can be mere curious or interesting than hese ancient pits or diggings. it may; seem da nk to believe that there• was a race of Olen engag d extensively in mining,lor copper on , this conti ent, long before it was discovered by Columbus,. rid yet such was undrbtedly the fact. The forest trees growing on the embankments, and some trees growing in the pits themselves; will carry us back,. in some instances, two or three centuries, and how many predecessors theOad which grew arid fell on the same spot, no one can tell. In these pits stone hammers are found in great abundance, from d single pound up to a weight which fib single man could wield. No metal tools of any soil are dis covered. flow the ancients. with such simple means, could make such extensive excavations, and to what "use they applied the vast amounts of copper which they must have obtained, it ; is diffi cult now to conceive. But the existence of these pits may always be taken as proof conclusive that there are valuable copper veins below. Scsstarx I,3earAnz4.—We commend the follow ing from Judge Strickland's paper, the Westyi.:bes ter Rtpubiican, to those edoors who have been so busily engaged for some time, in funning Cul. Bi gler's cabinet t or him : If Gov. Bigler .Ines astray in the selection of his cabinet, and making, his apointments for other principal stations, it won't he because of the absence of efforts on the part of the press and politicians to have them do—their !thing. The:fact is, there has been, and ts, too much of this forestalling process. It is - carried to such an extent as just to excite suspicion that those engaged in it have net so much at heart the' character, success and pOpularity of Gov. Bigler's administration, as the carrying out of some selfish and factious purpose. Col Bigler was the unanimous nominee, and received the cordial support of the entire . Democracy of the State. He was the canafidate of no man or faction ; nor is he indebted, in any extent, to anv man or. faction for the office to which he has' teen elected ; and he mil go inio the Executive Chair, perfectly free to' do justice to the hide party of the State. Such, in tact, is his duty, and, we doubt not, he so regards ,:. and will faithfully perform it, despite the efforts, directed or- otherwise, which may be ,male to . siverre him from it. Col. Bigler has been a num. .tter of years in public life, and he is not ignorant of the true characters, principles and merits, personal a/ p7lstical, of the public men of the- Stare. That he will select men worthy of himself and the De. thocracy of the State, we have every confidence By so doing, he will best subserve the Dolma, purity end energy of the party—contribute to its strength fir the great contest of '52,-Land make his own re electtun in '5l certain by a majority greailyexceed ing that which has just been given him." Tilt DECLARATION SAVED:7'IIe , original draft of the Declaration of Independence, to which the names of the signers were actually placed by-their own hands, halt not been destroyed by the lire at the;National Library. as was at first apprehended. It was not in that building at all. It is hanging in the Patent !Kee, but in position and surrounded by sorb combu,iihle materials as to keep it in con tinned danger The ‘Vashington Union truly re imarks. that the destruction of this-inestimable relic ei rhe past. would ha more regretted by the people Than the loss of milliont of money. TEE BENTON FEUD IN MISSOURL—It is *fated that since the return of Col. Benton to Missomi me war between the Benton and Antr-Bentm par ions of .the Democrat party in that State has tiro len out wilt renewed 'spirit and bitterness The St. Lour Union, the organ of the gentonites, has proclaimed that there can be no union between the tro parties, and 1)116114'es with commendation the proceediti of meeting at Which Col. Denton was (kit - Mimed for Congress, and a prelerente ez passec,,for Gin. \Vrn. U Butler, for President, and Mge, of Wisconsin, for vice ,President. THE RF! I / 4 Ur(' OF Am - Ka - misc.—The floston, rime, of Thurs.ia% sari • "The gentlemen who ail• Tertised for a wilt; in the Times about a fortnight inre, call ed on us yesterday, and said that through . :ata,iverte.ernerit he had been able to select one the best wnrn•rn and that he was the happiest of )ens In addita,n, he handed - us a ten dollar gold '.ect . , and insisted on our accepting it as it was a }tient hum his he.t!er half." k•T John Poulson, for many years agsociate edi lr,and proprietor of Poni,on's American Register ; led in Philadelphia on Wednesday last. MINI iTI` RE - A 14 AN AC-1552. ih , t.‘". r. D}. °J. Sun _ ‘‘ e••Ic 31 nth Rises Sun Sets. iTCTEIAT : ~ 4 7251 4 35 !•• MOND/ T . ; 5 725 435 .1.1 ;#. , TrEsn A r 6 7 21 4 36 ) 11 1.7)”.51, AT, 7 724 ... 437 'THURSDAY. • • •••• • 8 724 .4 37 ...:FILIDit, , 9 723 437 . , iSA-renuAT, 10 7 42 4 38 SONS OF TEMPERANCE.—Members of • Towanda 1);;iston are urgently request to ,ttend. the meeting on Tuesday evening neat, buguiess of importance will be laid before the :vision for consideraann. By order, R. 8, Tnwandi, January I, 1852. JEGISTER'S X9lloE.—Notice is hereby given • 1 . , that there have' been filed and settled in the pf ee of the Register of W ills in and for the county of ra:lford, accounts of administration upon the fol. unit, estates, via : ,F , nal account of Thomas Manley guardian of u ke . • Mary and Erastus Manley, minor chilen of $a Manley deed late of , Canton. ?mai account of Mirian Hakes administratrix of estate of George Hakes dec'd, live of Albany._ Final account of Hiram Drake administrator of " Nate of John Moore deceased, lute of Rome. Partial account of John Elliott, one of the admin. Nig , of the estate of Humphrey Brown deceased, to of Wyalustng. Fttal account of George Blakesley and Wm. C. alaard, adminnitrators of the estate of Albert it.• Dtier deceased, late of Towanda boro'. Panial account of Charles Hornet, one of ti!e a d. . anstrator s of the estate of Humphrey Brown de. ased late of • Wyalusing. Fin alaccount of Channel Prisbie, guardian of Itsah Webster, minor child of Joseph Webster, to of Windham. final account of Asa Stevens administrator of Illatilan titevcni deceased late 'Ol I:34nding Stone ittad thesame will be presented to the Orphan's , h un 0, 1 Bradford county, on Monday the 2d• day of '"uarr next, for confirmation and allowance. . H. L. SCOTT, Register. lesister's Office, Towanda, January 3, 1852. hkENC HCOLLABS, Sleeves, Cuffs, Edgings and 14 ` er tings, a besutiful ;Assortment and great:variety / MERCUR'S. 1 Legal 2ttiviruGentints: John 11Inlers vs. Caroline Winter. No. 318, Deans. her Termi 1851, Bradford Corn. Pkas. • Libel for lXvorce. r fro CAROLINE: WINTERS. the defendant in the above case. You are hereby notified that John Winters, your husband. has filed his petition for di. ~vorce from you from the bonds of matrimony. And that an. alias shpobtia hap been' returned, and proof made that you were not to be found tri said county. You are therefore hereby required.to appear at the Court Housa i in the Borough. of .Towanda, a: the February term. of said common Pleas:. on Monday the 2d day of February" next, io answer the said complaint and show cause if any ,you have, why the said John should not be divorced fromyou. • CHESTER THOMAS, Sheriff. SherifrsOffice. Towanda, January 3, 1852. ' Delilah Pincher ve. John Fischer. No. 96. Februa ry T. 1851. 14 Bradford Common . Plea,—Lihe for Divorce. MO JOHN, FINCH ER, the defendant in the above -1 • case. Yu u are hereby notified that Delilah Fincher, by her next friend E. S. Mathewson, has filed her petition for divorce from you from the bondstof matrimony. And that an alias "'subpoena has been returned, and proof made that you were not to be found in said county. You are therefore hereby required to appear at the Court House in the Borough of Towanda, at the February term of laid common pleas, on Monday the 2d day of February next, to answer the said complaint, and show came if any you have, why the said Delilah should not be divorced from you.. , CHESTER THOMAS, Sheriff. Sheriff's °Mee, Towanda, January 3; 1852. Seth M. Miller vs. Charlotte A.-Miller. N 0.320, Dec. T. 1851, Bradford Com. Pleas. , LIMA:. DiVorce. TO CHARLOTTE A. MILLER, the defendant in the above.case. You are hereby notified that Seth M. Miller, your husband, has filed hiS petition for divorce front youfrom the hands of matrimony. And that an alias subpmna has been received, and proof made that you were not to be found in said county. You are therefore required to appear at the Cour: House in the borough of Towanda. at the Feb ruary term of said Common Pleas, on Monday, the 2d day of February next, to answer to the said complaint,: and show cause. if\ any you have, why the said Seth should not he divorced from you. CHESTER THOMAS. Sheriff Sheriff's Office, Towanda. Jan. 2, 1852. Sheriff's Sale. p l y virtue of a writ of Vend. Exponas issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, of Bradford County, and to me directed, Will be exposed to pub lic sale, at the Court House in the boro.' of Tot:Venda oh Monday the 2d day of February at I o'clock, P. N., the following lot piece or parcel of land situate in Rome'tp., bounded and described as 'follows to wit : on the north by lands of Phillip Bartlett and Simeon Dimock and John Alger, on the south by lands of Chester Wage and Joseph Voke, on the west by Chester Prince and Phillip Bartlett. Con taining two hundred acres more or less, about one hundred acres improved, one framed house one framed barn and a small orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and takon in execution at the suit of Jo seph Kingsbery vs. David Eicklor. ALSO—The following lot or piece of land situal ted in the borough of Towanda and bounded and described as follows to wit : beginning on the north side of the state road at the south west corner of a lot owned by James Mclntyre, thence along the north side of said road, south eighty three degrees west fifty feet to a corner, thence north two degrees east, one hundred and four feet to the south line of Mercur's lot, thence nearly east fifty feet to Mrs. Rice's west line, thence south two degrees west to the place of be ,, "inning. Containing 5,200 feet more-or less, with a framed church building thereon erected. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Bridlerpan vs. Solomon Cooper. ALSO.:.-A piece or parcel of land in Ridgbury; bounded north by lands of —Griswold, east by lands of Sturges Squires, south by lands of Rickey and Bart, and west by lands of D. A Smith. Con taining about eighty acres, more or less, about forty ocres improved, one hewed leg house, one framed barn, one log barn, and two apple orchards thereon. Seized and taken in ezeeutiou at the suit of Wm. Peterson, to the use of C. F. Wilson vs, Peter Squires• - CHESTER THOMAS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Towanda, Jan. 1, 1852. AUDITOR'S NOTICE to the mailer of the Estate of James Bennett dre'd. THE undersigned auditor appointed by the Or phan's Court of Bradford County to settle the accounts of the administrator of said estate, upon exceptions filed, and make distribution of the aksetts of said estate, will attend for that purpose at his of fice, in Towanda boro' on the 27th day of January, A. 11. 1852, at one o'clock P. M., when all per sons having claims against said estate are required to present them or be debarred from any share.of said funds. • HENRI BOOTH, Dec. 24, 18.51. TAuditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE THE auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court of Bradford county to settle the account of Aden Calkins as guardian of the estate of Maria Calk ins, upon exceptions filed, will attend for that purl pose 1 his office in Towanda , boro on the 2Ath day of January ,A.D. 1852, at one.o'clock P.M. of which all persons interested will take notice. Dec. 24. 1851. HENRY BOOTH, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Job P. Kirby vs. James Goff and WilLam Goff— No. 60, Feh'y T., 1850. James W. Decker & Wil son M. Decker vs. James Goff—No. 272, Dec. T., 1851. Bradford Corn. Pleas. THE undersigned auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas to distribute - funds raised by Sheriff's sale of personal property on writs of Fie ri facial, issued in the above suits, will - atten d to the duties of said appointment nt his office, in 'Co da Borough, on the 24th day of January, A. D. 185;4 at ID o'clock, A. M., where all persons IWO ested are requested to present their claims or be de barred from any portion of said funds. Dec. 24, 1851. HENRY HOOTH, Auditor. I- AUDITOR'S NOTICE Iri the matter of the Estate of Horatio Ladd deed, THE auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court of Bradford County upon exceptions filed to the partial account of Arunah Ladd, one of the cxeci ters of said decedent, will attend to the duties of said appointment at his otritce,:in Towanda born' On the 24th day of January, it one o'clock, P. M., of which, all persons interested will please take notice. HENRY BOOTH, Auditor. December, 21, 1851.• Caution. WHEREAF.;, my wife MARY has this day left ' my bed and board, without any just cause or provocation, this is to forbid all persons harboring 'l,l' trusting her on my account. as I shall pay no debts of her contracting after this dam. THOMAS DOLAN. Towanda, Dec. 27, 1851. EXECUTOR'S\ NOTICi'., ALL persons indebted to the estate of IRA BRONSON, late of Orwell township' deceas ed, are hereby notified to make payment without de lay ; and all persons having demands against said estate will present them properly attested for settle ment to \ • CH A UNC Y FRISBIE. JAMES D. HUMPHREY. • Orwell, Nov. 17, 1851. Executor's. a)- A LSO, all persons indebted to the late_ firm of BRONSON. fic HUMPHREY, are hereby called upon to come forward and settle their respective ac counts in due tithe. T. D. HUMPHREY. MIKICIE:IIOIII2DAIL.4i, • COONTY SIIIIVETHIL. HAVING located' in Towanda, his eerviees may .1-1-„„be obtained by addressing a line through the Post Moe, or by calling at the office of Ulysaes ?demur, Esq. , where he will be found, or whore a written sp• licatpion may be left. Nov. 1, 1850. , LOTHING.--A new astuntinent of ready !mods ki Clothing just reteived at ' MERCUIrEI. Sept; 9: IFUS4. _ - an extensive assortment °Mack and Color. ed Dress Silks and Satins, also Plowmen of owerl color will be found at MERCUR'S. 1111 . _ NEW FALL~r . :AND WI . .. • ~. • JOSEPH 'KINGSBERYp , ..1••• • - .. - --- -•---- r Ts no* r*iving an - eitenSive assortment of GOODS, pnrchased since the late del line in- prices, and IL which cannot fail to suit the taste and wishes of purchasers, and meet the wants of the public; and as every body kitowa that he alivays sells Goods very cheap, it is oot necessary to make any remarks on that subject I shall in a few days receive a very large catalogue of New jElooke . and Stationaryand being desirous of disposing of double the tis,ual quantity this season, shall reduce the prices to, a very low figure. Being agent for the st.le of the Bay State Shawls in this Borough, Tam enaticd td otter them much lower and in larger variety than any other estaidit nent this side of New York. I Large suiiplics of these shawls will be received during the winter. • . ram= GROCERIES Fish. Naito, Glass, ON, Hardware. Crockery, Boot 'rid Shoes, salt, Scr few abncrtigements. T. E. GRIDLEY'S BUSINESS C RD To the Citizens of Bradford Co. R. G. would say to the reading public that now 1 is an age of literature, an age of unprecedent ed magazine' popularity. The basis of every Re public rests upon the great and broad principles of universal intelligence disseminated among the body politic. Trusiing to the patronage of an intelligent dublic, extensive arrangements have been made with the leading American publishing houses, to supply thebest products of the press, written by the most eminent writers. Hooks supplied to order,in large or small quantities. New publications and books on hand ae seem as issued. Magazines, ac., paid for by the number, on delivery. List of Magazines and Reviews, for 1852 North Am. ReView, 'duel's Living Age, Eclectic, International Maga, Int, Knickerbocker, Ilarper's • Democratic Review, Graham's •' Hunt's Merchant's Mag. Godey's Silliman's Journal, Sartain's Nineteenth Century, !Peterson's " VOREIGIIr. Ladies' Repository, North British Review, IDrawing Room Comp'n Edinburg Review, Eliza Cook's Journal. Westminster Review, Phronological Journal, London Quarterly Rev'w, Water Cure Journal, 1 Blackwood's Magazine, Parlor Magazine, London Punch, Ladies' Wreath, London Art Journal, ' &c. &c. &c. All of the above magazines will be furnished at city prices. Harper's Magazine commences a new volume with the Dec, number—the others with the January. A large quantity of Brother Jonathan's received for holiday presents. Please call and spb• scribe at the stores of the following agents :—Dr. H. C. Porter, Towanda Dr. C. Drake, Troy; M. Bullock, Smithfield ; C. H. Herrick, Athens ; Judson Holcomb, Rome. Dee. . Sheriff's Sale. RYvirtue of a writ of Vend. Expo. issued out of the Court of Coalman Pleas, and to me directed will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the boro,' of Towanda, on Saturday the 24th day ofJanuary;at I o'clock P. M., the following lot piece or, parcel of land situate in Springfield township, bounded and described as follows, to wit : north by the road leading from Springfield centre to Hidilbu ry, east by lands of Alexander Leonard, south by lands of J. Pitts, and on tlie west by lands of Hen ry Teed and others—containing about seventy acres, with about twenty-five acres improvea, with two log houses and one log bars and a few fruit trees Sherebn. • Seized and taken in execution at the suit of T. P. Wolcott vs. CeleVT. Wilcox and J. P. It4cAll'e. ALSO—By virtue:of a wril of Fieri Factas, I have levied upon the following piece or parcel of laid situate in South Towanda township, bounded as follows, to wit : on the north by lands of Samuel Gilbert and Nelson Gilbert, on the east by lands of Wen. Patton, on the south by lands of Wellington Cox and Wm. Gregg, on the west by Lorenzo Bowman, and -north-west by the public i pighway„ being the southern part of No. II in the sub-divi sion of the Franklin college lands—containing about forty acres, with about twenty-five acres im proved, a small frame house and barn--and apple l i orchard thereon. • Seited and taken in execution at the suit of Ceo. I H. Bull and J. D. Goodenough vs. Samuel Gilbert, Administrator of Daniel Gilbert, deceased, and will be exposed to sale, at the same time and place with the above tract. CHESTER THOMAS, sh'ir Sheriff's Office, = Towanda, Dec. 27,1851. Administrator's Notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of GEORGE SMITH, deceased, late of Tuscarora township, are hereby requested to make payafent without de lay, and • all persons having demands against said estate are requested to present them duly authenti; cated for settlement. GEO. W. SMITH, Tuscarora, Dee'. 2, 1851. Administrator. Books ! Books ! • A Complete assortment of School, Blank, Classi -11 cal & Miscellaneous Books, constantly k,•p up and for sale at the lowest rates by. Nov. 29, 1851. 0. D. BARTLMTT. ALF 111 L IIILIMr Fall and Winter Goods. S nnw receiving direct tram New Veck a large and I splendid assortment of Goods which he oilers for sale at prices whist cannot fill to suit the closest buy ers, for CASH, Nonce e. on A ernovw.ri CREDIT. He respectfully asks a call from all persons wishing to buy goods cheap, as he is determined not to be undersold. Towanda, November 2 , 1, 1851. VTICTORINES AND CUFFS—a few setts for sale V cheap at nv2l ITATTNTasiEr, DENTIN lI.A. REMOVED HIS OFFICE to No:2, Brick Row, (up stairs,) in the room formerly occupied by Hon. D. Wilmot as a law office, where he will pleased to see those requirin his professional services. Towanda. November 18, 1831. Great 313:11:-gaial The undersigned, will sell on rca•ona .;;X:ll. hle term, the Tavern House and one, • hu..ured acre./ of excellent faiming ' t s land. situated% the Village of Rome, BtadfordCounty, Pa. Tha location of the house commands a fine business, and offers great induce ments to any person desirous of keeping a Public House, in connexion with Farming tlze. For terms apply to the subscriber at Rome. Oct. 4. tB5l. JOHN PANSMORE a n BAY STATE SHALLS, various patterns, col- UV ors and qualities, just received at • Oct. 14, 1851. EECUR'S. $8 .36 Q WORTH of Sheep Pelts waked for V Cash h H. & A. C. By Express, Direct from the Manufacturers NEW SHAWLS! UST received by express another case of Bay State Shawls, splendid styles, at• • Towanda, Nov. 20,1851. J. KINGSBERy. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. ALL perscnr, know ing themselves indebted to the estate of CHARLES ROGERS deed, late of Capon tp., are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said es tate, are requested to present them duly authentica ted for settlement. • EMILY ROGERS. Canton, Nov. 29, 1851. Adrainistratrix. CLOVER SEED.—Large end small Clover Seed for sale lry fl S MONTANYES & CO. Ink-at Wholesale. ' u. VERY variety_of Harrison's ooltunbian Ink, just E.4...:received by thc subseriber—he has made ar rangements by which he can supply Merchants_ & Dealers,^on as favorable.terms as can be had of the proprietors. • • 0.. D. BARTLETT: Towanda, Nov. 29. 1851. , . 1 f7 OIIEBTB YOUNG HYSON , Imperial.-Hyou .1 I Skin andßlack Teas. Also 15 Baas Rio and Java Unfree; just received at MERUUR'S., Fr• V-'r !MAW% DEPOT. ,g,(ws - yrorir o • . Adams & Macfarlane, HAVING entered into copartner hip in the practice of law, have also established , an agency fin the sale of real estate in the county of !Bradford. . Persons having real estate which they desiie to sell, by calling and leavinir a description of their; property with the terms of sale, will undoubtedly fir.dit to their advan tage. Persons desirous of purchasing earl learn where prop erty is for sale—a description of the same with the price and terms of payment and bit informA as to the Tr.lidity of title. LP:ADAMS. Towanda, Mey 2, 1851. J. MACFARRLAN E. DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, .GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. HUSTON & PORTER have just ,added to their assortment a large stock of PreAt Drugs, Medi cities, Chemicals, Oils; Paints, Grocerir4l and Liquors, which are now offered to the public at row rates. Their stock of FANCY GOODS & PF RFUNIERY is - the largest and most complete ever offered in this market. Also a choke assortment of pure WINES & LI QUORS., sui.able for medical ,purposes. A large variety of Camphene, Phospene, Fluid,Lard, and . Oil LAMPS, containing many new and beautiful styles. Being agents for all the hest Patent Medicines of the. day. purchasers min, depend upon procuring a genuine article in all cases. All the Drugs and Medicines kept at their establish ments may be relied upon as genuine and of the best quality, haying been carefully selected with a view to their usefulness. South - stole of the Ward Mum. and N 0.2. Brick Row. Towanda; May 27, 1851. New Chair and Bedstead WaTeroont. JESSE TAYLORi PL informs the public that he has opened a shop at his new house, corner of Main and Paine stteeta, nearly opposite Edward Overton's, Towanda, where he will keep °Whamd or manufacture to order, Flag-seated, Cottage, WindSor, Fancy,.Cane seated and Common CHAIRS, made of the best ma terials, and of superior durability. He has aiso for sale an assortment of RantrreAos, at low prices Repairing Mid ecntin g Common, Cane-bottom and Flag-seated Chairs, on reasonable terms. Cherry, 13=wpm), Whitewoud and Cucumber !am ber taken in payment for work. He trusts that his long riequantance in this county, and the durability of his work as tested by many years experience, will secure him a share of public patron. age. Towanda, March 1, 1851. BOOTS & SHOES! John W. Wilcox, HAS removed his establishing nt to H. Mix's afore, corner of main street and the public square, and will continue the manufacture of Boots and Shoes, as heretofore, his just received from New York a large assort ment 0 IVinnerei, Children's and *saes' Shoes, which are offered at low prices. The attention cf the Ladies is par icularly directed to his assortment, comprising the following new styles ...-Enamelled Jenny Lindgai ter boots; do. shoes ; black lasting and silk gaiters ; walking shoes, buskinsofee. Misses' gaiters and shoes, of every description. A large assortment of Childten's fancy gaiters, boots and shoes, of all kinds. For the Gentlemen, almost every style of gaiters and shoes. This stuck has been personally selected with care, and ho believes he can offer superior articles at reasonable prices. cri The. strictest attention paid to blanoladormg, and he hopes by doing work well to merit a continn aoce of thr liberal patronage he has hitherto received. Torianda, May 8, 1851. RICH FOULARD, Chameleon Chene, Bl'k Dress Silks, French and BiregeLanes: snow article for summer dresses. French and English Lawns, Silk Tissues, Linnen Lustres and any quantity of other dress goods at FOX'S. THE subscriber otters for sale his Farm situated in Wyse: township Bradford couty, about 3 miles from Towanda and 14 from the river. Containing about NO acres, about C 5 or 70 acres improved, and well watered, with several good springs of water. The buildings upon the farm consist of a large frame tarn, sod log house. These premises offer manrinducements to those wi-dliag ni purchase, and will be sold at a bar- gain. Credit will be given fur une-half of the purchase money if required. For further particulars enquire of, or address the subscriber at Wyse.% P. 0. Wysoz. Aug. 10, 1851. W M. D. STROPE. All Right at the Tarnishing Depot. NT & A. CAMPBELL, return their sincere thanks • for the Jibe al patronage heretofore bestowed, and would again call attention of their friends and cus• tomets to their- late arrival of Nsw SPRING iic• its. Consisting of all things necessary for c10th17. 4 the out er man ; whioh will be sold at a littlt Tower prices than has hithertofore been nikeil. Vapor Hangings. THE only complete assortment of Paper Han;dugs, 1. Borders, Window Paper, and Fire board Views, kept in this region, and at prices as low as can be found at retail either in ofout of the principal cities, at ➢lay 8. 0. D. BA RTLET r. A.dministrator'd Sale. • IN pursuance of an ordfr of the Orphan's Court of Bradford county, will be exposed to public sale on Saturday, the 31st day or January, 1852, at two o'clock, P. M., at the public hone of S. C. VanGeet, a certain tract of land, about rio acres, late part of the estate of Seeley Holcomb, tre'ceased, situate in Leroy township, Bounded by Hccock, on the east, and south by land's of the Barcley estate, west 'by lands belonging to the estate' of Sterling Hol comb, dec'd, north by Towanda creek ; 16 or 17 acres improved, with one framed barn erected tht re• on, the remainder woodland. Terms one toroth cash, on confirmation of sale, the remainder in three equal yearly instalments, with interest Nom date.— Payments secured by bopd and mortgage on the premises. C. STOCKWELL. M. L. WOOtirfEß, December ID, 1811. Administrators • Orphan's. Court Bale. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court. of Bradford county, there will be exposed to public sale, on Saturday, the 31st day of January neat, at 1 o'clock P. M., on the premises, a certain tract of land situate in Durel township, late the estate of Allen Moody, deceased, bounded on the north by lands of Simon Stevens, east by the main- road, and lairds of said Stevens, south and west by Janda of Francis X. Hornet. Containing one and one fourth -acre, or thereabouts, all improved, with a two story trametlhoose thereon erected. Attendance given,and terms of sale made knova, r- Admirftstratn by PAANCIS X. HOMET t - HENRY XINNE, DeceMber 12, 1861. - rs. HARD WARE.—A very litp,e aria g enera l mere 11 ment of bard•ware if every :ieireription,sneluding Carpenters,' Joiners and Blaistsmiths Tools, Harness and Ositutge Maker's Trimmings and Tools, Building Materials &c., constantly on band and for sale asvery lbw prices by MERCURIS. JOS. KINGSDER-ti Dross Goods. Farm for Sale. Please eve us a 5 i irefore purchasingelFcmhere H. At. A. CAMPBELL GREAT MRECIMAILAALTZEItZLIIS Elackwooil's Stagizini:': . , , i Important&Jodi:On to . the Roles of Postage ! Premiunts to New Subscribers! • EONARD SCOTT & N 0.54 GYM st., New I—alfork, continuo to publish the following British Periodicals, viz ! The London Quarterly Review, (Conservative), The Edinburgh Review, (Whig). • The North British Review, (Free Church), . The-Westminister Review; (Liberal). Blackwood's . Edinburgh Magazine. (Tory)., Although these works are distinguished by the political shades above indicated, yet but a small portion of their contents is devoted to political sub jects. -It is their literary character which gives thew their.ehief value. and in thau they stand c on fessedly above all other journab4 of their clas.. Blackwood, still under the masterly guidaneo of Christopher North., maintains its ancient celebtity, anctis, at this time unusually a:tractive, from the serial works of Bulwer, and other literary notably , , written fur that magazine, and first ap , raring iii its columns, both in Great Hittain and in the I nisid States. Such works as " The Castors" and -My New Novel," (both by 13u1 wet:), "My Peiiiii-slat Medal," " The Green Hand." and cater serials, of which numerous rival editions are issued by the leading publishers in this couatry, have to be re printed by those publishers from the pages of Black wood, after it has been issued by Mei.srli. Scott. & Co., so that Subscribers to the Reprint of that Ma gazine may always rely on having the earliest read ing of these fm,cinating These Reprints have now been in successful op eration in this country far (weary years; and their circulation is constantly on the increase, nntwith• s anding the competition they encounter from A mer Man periodicals of a similar class and from nume rous Eitel ica and Magazines made np of selections from foreign peric'tlicala. This fact shows clearly the high estimation in which they are held by the intelligent reading public, and affords a guarantee that they are established on a firm basis, and will be continued without interruption. TI'U'L AND rrtemivms. ' , [See list of Premium Volumes below.] Per. ann. Fur any one of the four In and one P'm vol. $3 00 For any two " " " one " , 6 .00 Fur any three " " " two " 700 Fur alt four of the Reviews " two " ROO For Blackwood's Magazine" one " •'3 00 For Blackwood &:1 Rev's " three " 9 90 Fur Blackw'd & four Rev's" three " 10 00 [Payments to be made in all cases in advance.] The PreMiums com.iit of the following work,:, hack volumes of which will be given tr, new Sub scribers. according id 'he number of periodicals or dered, as above explained. ==! Foreign Quarterly Review (one ear). Blackwood's Magazinesix months) London Quarterly Review (one yea!) 13entley's Miscellany (six months). Edinburgh Review (one year). Metropolitan Magazine (six month.). Westtniniater.Review (one year). Consecutive Premiiim Volum - es cannot in all ca ses be futnished, except of the Foreign Quarterly Review. Tc .prevent disappointment, therefore, where that work is not alone wanted, Subscribers will please order as many different works for pre• miums as there arc volumes to which they may . be entitled. =I A. discount of twenty-five per cent. from the above prices will be allowed to Clubs ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus: Four copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be'senf to one address for $9; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for ; and so on. *,,,t No premium; will be given where the above allowance is made to Clubs, nor will premiums in any ease be furnished, unless the subscription mu ney is paid in full to the Publishers without re course to. an agent. ,Money carrent in the state where issued will be received at par. TtrinrcEn POSTAU E , The pottage on these Periodicals has, by the late law been reduced, on the art.raize, about lurks per cent;' The folic wing are the present rates, vie: • • ron lir-ter:Worm w )rA9IZtNr.. Any divinnee nM eieeedingfv,O lodes, 9 cents per gunner Ovee 599 ,k,91 1590 (her- 1500 and " '• 425110 PQR A REVIKW. Any dtgiance not eiceetlaqt 500 miler, 4 c ,, ilts per quarter. Over Stn) and • •• usrq •• 9 '• Overlsoo and.' a 1 25 0 0 44, 101 " “ At these rates no objection should be ide, as heretofore, to receiving the works by mail, afid thus ensuring their speedy, safe. and regular deiivery. Remittances and cotatiilmications shonld be always addressed, post-paid, to the Publishers, . _ _ LEONARD scorr & CO., 79 Fulton Street, New York, Entrance 54 Gold st N. D.—L. 8. & CO. have recently published, and have now for sale, the " FARMER'S GUIDE," by Henry Stephens of Edinburgh, aad Prof. NortOn of Yale College, New Haven, complete in 2 vols.. royal octavo. containing 1600 pages, 11 steel and, 600 wood engravings. Price, in•mtislitt binding $6 ; In paper covers, for the mail, 4. ADNIENISTRATOR'S NOTICF, I.T, persons known themselves to he indebted to /1 the estate of ABRAHAM WORTENDYK.r!, deed late of South Creek, tp„ "are hcrehy to make immediate payment, aria hat; ing claims against said catatewill ple^,e present them immediately duly authenticated f i t s e ttl emen t. JESSE EDSAI.L. NATHAN SHEI'ARD. South Creek, Oat. 17, 1851. Administrators. A DMIN ISTRATRIVS NOtiCb A"persona indebted to tho estate of; A. W. 13. Vangorder, deed, late of the township of Durel, are hereby requested tatunice payment without delay, and those having claims against said estate, will please present them duly authenticated fur settlement. . _ MATILDA VANGORDER, Dwell, September 22, 1851. • Adminietporix. ADMINISTRATOR'S NoncE. A LT, per.ons indebted id the estate of LinltEl. ft. S. MAYNARD deceased. late of Roirie town shy, are hereby requested to make payment with out delay, and those having claims agaito4 said es tate, will please present them duly and authenticated for settlement. WM. E. MAYNARD. 'SOHN PASSMORE Administrators with the will annexed Towanda: Aug. 9, 1851. EXECUTOR'S NoTip; lETTERS Testamentary upon the last- will and A testament of ELIZABETH' MEANS. late the Born' of Towanda, deceased. having been grant ed to the subscribers of said Buie' all persons hav ing claims or demandi against the estate of the said deceased arc requested to make the same hnown to withourdelay, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to p . a,y the same forthwith. THOMAS ELI MILLER FOI: t. -- Towanda, July 28, 1861. ADMINISTRATOR'S ro LT, persons indebted to th" A. • .., estate of WILLIAM DRA "n" d "elr" . .a, late of Warren tor/whip, are hereby requested. to make payment without delay, and all persons b av ir ~g demands against said estate are requested tO leres- Al t th em, duly authenticated fat set tlement. GEORGE MANNING. WILLIAM BRADFORD. War.renOct.l7,lBsl , c . Administrators. riROCKERr& CLASS WARE, a large 6tock oG fered for sale by • FOX. - - LOOK HERE !—We ore now selling th e-best ern ' do of ltiolama at 31-1 cents per • SHAPLEY & LEWV.. QCOTCH YARN vory Ifor,.also some common ty at FOX'S. =ore New Goods. 'LT & A. CAMPBELL, are agAin irceiviag a large 11. assortment of goods far the fall sod whner trade. Towanda, Angina 26, 1651. • Fat=_ 11d IVIONTALITITES' di. CO. Hnow in Store a large stock of Goods from IL New-York. and other markets, Which are offered wholesale and retail, at f..e lowest possible priers.— V e mention a few things that maralwaysibe found ea .-itr Store. ginghams, poplins, M. dliitiea, &c. of the latest styles ; Groceries, Itardsrare, (*rockery, 'ddots and Shope. Hats, Caps, &c. &c. Of which we haie a larger as sortrio-nt, selected with great cam and offered et tow prices, and will not be under-old. Also, boolery, gloves, woolen Ware, el.*. solo loathe. besides Jr Alroussnd orher articles which we need not Incifitratir. afl of which we offer ?to our customers. at price. dila inuy.eviwe great vati•dartioo, as our entire Stink- bat, Bern 'mid in . t . a 0,,,e wlieui the ItiorL•i uncommon ly firprot.se:, g w. 14 Were woo? per rent. lower Ihnri Ilslllll By utteytion and rrompt er,A in reeetirty Ole wantn of our CtlAollier,. we hope to merit a cm• hotline.: of 1!1: - re.ionage th.,t ha htti.etto EtTa .•4 liht • l‘Oly 1 ,, 51/ . M e,l opi it ON 1 . .1N 111:3' 0. 0. . I I. 1A5.1. FALL. GOODS. T. FOX, would re-pert fit Ily inform his old (def.., L • and the cit.z ns of Urodford itigrueral that Itu is now receiving a loth-buds of F. 11.1: GOODS, tlllich he is desirous of di..pn-ituf of to a very malt ailvahco fmm first cost, hetiou satisfied that his goods ere select ed with an much care, fluid bought at lent, at nil, low prices n. It:. in•l4lll.rn, 110 a Lutl , an k kW,/ to Colliinto hie customers that th , y v ill Is; sold 1,1 the right kind of priet-s. Please c.II anti see, nn there is sorely no Itartn in knowing how cheap mltllo folks do goods-;--cell Si) tn. Corner of Main and Nue affect. Fall & Winter Goods, ISnow receiving a large assortment of n.it and Win- trr Goo.k,clirect from New Yolk which is 'offered at Greltly ri , dured prior. to cash l•tiyer , . Towanda, Oct. 11. 135 t. A DIVORCE hittring lately been effected betwbco IA the prevent Rocister and Recorder of Bratlfotil County, and the office he now holds, to take us final f (rect. on the first day of December next. It becomes indispensable tbat ua debts IMO to the vid,sc i ib rr in hi.; official capacity should he immediately liquidated. The parties interested in this-rico will e.ve them• selves trouble, and 'the Itegiste...much personal annoy ance by a prompt atteolion to itkcontents. Th e alrairs of the office must I. settled immisliately, and the State tales remitted, and to enable him to accomplish. this the parties indetitts! in hint mcst ireV at once. Oct. 6, INS. IsoitATlo ISI,ACK, Recorder. FALL COODS. & C. are now re.-eivina a 1.1.• very extensive ri•sortinent et Goods fur the Fall trade, w hich will he sohd et o r ref jj cheaper than at any other stere in the County. nd z. , : vvt. 4, 1F.5 I . LATER FROM CUBA Execution of Lopez QTILI, later news via New Yosk & E. R. R. of the 1.3 arrival of a very large rtock of Alczcitaritlize at PHINN E Y & 130 WM ANS' No. 3 Brick ltnw which they are prepared to sell at wholesale or retail for Cash or Ready Pay, cheaper than-the cheapest, frein the fact that they purchased their stock for cash iarl very de• pressed state of the market. Don't mistake Pie place. No. 3 Brick Row next door to Dr. Frustonglbrue store. TONS SI:GAR, just received, at wholesale and retail. • PIIINNFN & titriNMAN. SALT, a large lot, also Iron, Nails, Hardware, he ; tJ Isnd Mackerel in bbls., and for sale uy 1:12213 I 0 OHENTS inure of 0-.4.. three 6nd four F Ilings TEAS, at PIONNEY & BOWMAN. SII EETING:.I, oriva. and ticks, fur gale by PHINNF:Y & BOWMAN. 1100 M thy' larzt,t arid cheapest assort- I) ment in town—and Hat: and Caps, at wholesale an.' retail IZEI CROCKERY, Glvscrare, Paints, Oik. 61.15 g. Dyes,. &c. PIIINA EY & BOWMAN. n RESS GOODS, a largo variety—Bonnets and 1,1 tsbawls, a good as.ortnient, for sale by sep22 PH/NNE V dc J5O IN NT LUMBER WANTED, at PIONNEY & BOW MAN'S, for which cash will be paid. a 29 VIVT H EAT, Hay,,llye and Corn, taken in earehange, I V for gods. PHENNEY & BOWMAN. BUTT PR-100 - Firkins wanted, F,rwhichrt part-cash willite geld. PHINNEY & BOW riMN: HATS, Caps. Bootearvi P...130t ; 6 eases new . style of Hats and Cars, Also a brae stock mens,. Womens end ChP.d..eni' Boats and 'Shoes just yeeeivedf at COME 0:: E., e 0 M 1..: ALL, and examine the New which nrc now being exhit.ited at 3 111, 6 26. 13. KlNr.Bl3Eitr3. "n./"" RYE & COIN fi , r*sala by It) I idly E. T. Fox. • . corrxxs nrhany-xvzsom. N assortment cf READY-MADE COFFINS will ri lx• kept eonstently on hand at Nye's old stand on Main street, where the subscriber is also prepared to make and repair all kinds of Furniture. 'FowNtl , l3, .luly ISSI. C. WELLS. BLASTING POWDE;II.-30--kegs Blasting Pow der, by f 1 8 11ONTAN YES Sr CO. CR&CKERV.—The largest cotrick in town. Full dinner and tea settg, of white granite and' blue ware, which will he sold ( -heap at VVI:ItY one knowb that the place to find larges jJ aaecitfnent and beet quality of gloves of ■ tt etiptions is at tip?f; FOX'S. 6 ) 0 D07.. Prinamn, Leghorn, Pnlm Le a f and C a nula r 031../ Steam lints nt np?.ri FOX'S. B l.'1( and fin, Silk 141'_o for MAN FILLAS at ap2t3 FOX'S. . GOCIDS—A good assortment of Merinos*, Cashrperes, Dc Laing, AltKcas, ana prints now ocnina ot MERttTirit, ' - 6 11,11,:ry of er:ocori.s. prieeg pogir ively then eny aic in town within one Year. nlnn. Mul*.• sessw " t %td gool nom - ein, Rio, I.lguirs and 01 Jaya Coffee t h at cant be heat. Fine bun& llat .nms,'Pcppor, Saletartts, Gingor, Ands Gen. end assorunent,of groceries also n ROI *opvly of fresh new Team tram:Wed 9111 11 4 110, Co` , (l and right or the money riAt.rned in all cages ; just received and for Salo at app, 12 FOX'S, R ICH Ribbon, Bonnet. Silks, Leise and Crapes at ftp2fil Fox's. 9/1 BALES OF *HEETING, common and fin• to 10-4 aid.. A niee naaorrment. of Bleach ed Geoda, bleached and brown Drio. , lCri.h and Dra pery; brown and bleached Table Lirmen, Cheek., Lin sey; Ticling. Cotten Yarn, Batting, Wiekisnr and . Nodding, aehing cheap at FOX'S. EM B ROIDEJ TIES , A ssil oonri of Svviqo and Muslin Edgings sisi InAsrtines, Swiss and Mus lin Bands, needle n•oght Collor. -and CoITi, runt immnifit Linen Marlin eri•hief,, and irflact the 'forged and ts•st assortment of Eintiroidered Goods ever beton, i•ffered in Togron•l3 qt .Fors. BLACK FILKS; also a few folitierus of &nay Silks, which will ba sold chcapat For's. Boars & SHOEg. a rod assortment of Ltdies. Gents, Misses, Childrens and lanai Shoo. for sato_ nt FOX'S. D RAPERY L. SUN, a b,r and rpleuditl r " BURTON :=I7GSEER'Sr.- The First 1 .7. 1 .!in0 of asking xt; e w arrival of P}TINNEY BOWMAN POINNEI AL BOWMAN IMO GOci(r- - ZEi