Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 27, 1851, Image 4

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Away with grandeur. pomp and gold,
Gtve me but strength my,pytagh to Vold,
And ill had means to please. • _
'Tis sweet to toil' for those • we love--
/dy Wife and darling boyt ! ;
Both tend t.) Make - rriy 14h6r• prove
The Nfieetitebs of my joyg.
ThesweeteM mom:4 I prornr , .,
When labor make. it sreet.
Is eaten with a taste mole pure
Than meats that monarchs cat.
'f is mint—yes, 'tis my happy lot,
From Cares and as rice firer,
Twotra but this secluded cot,•
sweet friends and liberty.
Thus I no Monarch on his-throne
Gan giudgehis
Lrt hint his weight of cares etnoan,
Whilst L an truly free.
Ill'han labor treatic.a and grow a dull.
I take my b- Or sun,
Thus I the sweetest rlcusure cull,
And ibOs all sorrow. shun.
Nnvo tell me, all ye gon.ty train,
Who have what fortune giveg.
Is not the rheerfulAnuntry en ain,
The happiest man that lives I
The Best time to cut Theber
in the Agrieut!oral Depnrtment of the Report
from the Commist4ioner on relents, William Pain
er, of Concordville, P 3. makes the following com
m nniF.ation
During an ripelience of more than forty years,
a* a plan!, practical farmer, I have taken much in
terest in ascertaining the. best' season for telling
umber, and I now state with confidence, that fenc
ing timber, such es all kinds of oak, Chesnut, red
hickory and walnut, cm from the middle of Jely to
the last of August, wilt last mote than twiett ar.:long
• aa.when cut in winter, or common b‘aiking I:ma
in .spring.
For instance, cut a ogling, Fay litre or sift inches
in diameter, tor, a_lever, in tile month of August,
and another of similar qnality and siie in wimer
or spring. I know, if the first is stripped of itio bark,
(which, at the present time, r uns,) it will raise, as
&lever, at least twice the We ight that can be raised
by the latter. "
.Another great advantage derived from is-fiing
timber in the last running of the sap, (!tie time
above verified.) is, that it it neither subj , ,et to dry
rot, nor to be injured by worms; while oak, cut at
this season, if kept on the ground, will season
through two feet in diameter, and remain perfectly
sound Many' years; whereas, it cut in winter or
spring, it .w ill pet feetly sap rotten in two years.
For ship bifilding and other purpose where great
eirpeirse is inanrred in construction, the immense
advsniag,e of preparing the timber at the proOr
season must be evident to all 1 have no doubt,a
ship built of timber cut between the middle of July
and the last of ,. Augnst,'would last ,nearly twice as
long as one built of timber cut at the usual time,
and would bear infinitely more hard usage, as the
timbers season more perfectly, and are harder. A
few years since, one of the large Government ships,
Hilt - in Philadelphia; of the very best of materials,
but several years in construction, when ordered to
to be finished and launched ; was found, upon In.
spection to be entirely worthless in many .of the
timbers, (though kept tinder cover) hem dry rot.—
In !all my buildings forAnany years past, with large
timbers of white or other oak, this has never occur
red, nor are they subjected to beworrn eaten. Even
fire-wood, rut in the proper season, is worth from
30 to GO per cent. more than when cut in spring or
Mr. Enterxon, in his Report on trees and shrubs,
of Massachusetts, asserts that the soft maple cut in
September, is. three tittles more lasting, titan ash cr
walnut cut in the winter.
The inference he draws from the facts brought to
light by experiment, i 4 this : , There are two sea
sons rititable for cutting wood 'or timber. If you
desire it to last long, cut it doting the - last of summer
or the early . part oral:Immo; if it is wished to clothe
the surface of the ground with a new. growth of
trees, the cutting should be made late in winter.
WFIAT M 13 MADE or.—LiEric, in his popular
lectures on chemistry, gives the following rather
startling information as to the' material of which an.
intol mare is composed of. •It appears that he Only
feeds on the" chamelion's dish, the air," but that
he is nothing but air himself - la is no wonder that
men have such a disposition to be gassy, and if at
there are so many "blown Words" among the spe
cies, when we consider that he is himself nothing
bat air. .Liebig is good authority on such a Suliect,
and therefore, the following which is extracted
from one of his lectures, may be received In a
" Science has demonstrated that man is formed
of condensed air (or solid and liquified gases;) that
he lives on condensed as well as uncondensed air ;
!hitt he prepares his food by means ol condensed
air, and by the some agent, moves the lieaviCs:
weigh's with the velocity of the wind. But the
strangest part of the matter is, that thousands of
these tabernacles, formed of =denied air, and go
ingntl two. lega, occasionally, anti, on account of the
production and amply of those forms of condensed
air which they require for food on&elothing, or, on 1 1
Recount of - theirlionor l and power, destroy each oth
ei,iti pitching 1400, by means of condensed air;
andiarther, that many believe . the peculiar powers
of - the bola and conscious, thinliing,, and sensitive
bein g housed his tabernacle, to be the result,
simplit,-of its, nternal . structure, and the arrange
ment of its particles or atoms while chemistry
supplies the leatest proof, that i as far as concerns
this, the climate and most minute co - imposition and
structure, - which is beyond the reach ofintir senses,
j 4, to all appearence; identical with the Os,
or with the animal lowest in the scale of creation .4
Mona Lop —Toe fault of many a farmer is his
appetite toe more land. fintrever poorly cultivated'
what land he has, lie always wants more. The
nett field me be his. The lericers'hetvreen them
nay be a epod boundary for his nefthbor, but not
for him . . Itio policy is to boy more lend and give
m an u r e in-Corniesapathie does. There is no lessen
so needful for as that derived - from the well known
sitar) , of the Frenchitaii and his two daughters.—
When the kid tlaog,htkr married be gave her. her portion one half of his vinYarti, - rut to hii
"apprise the. halt-he 1614 receiving as 'mtlek
cultivation as he had bestowed upon the whelp,
yieldeti ws Much sit the •wbote had Jane. When.
;fire Nereid was married, he gave hvr Cie -hall of
ithai.6..l;;a,tort, and Ati4iie..43l-as ntsnY-grePee
at before.: ••‘ • -_ •
• •
, Etardware Stoves ; topper , Brass Tin,.
- AND :SET _!1011 MARE
"JAL!. 6u RUSSEtt:vini.:tstiped
7 ' "tifipartner•
tl neeship, re,sPectfully call the attention 'of the Pub;
lie to iheir assortment, to - wltiCtr: large addition, have
recently been made, making it the largest' and most
'varied ever offered in ibis regicii..:Among,the Multb
tale of articles a few will be enumerated.:
• - -ironaidriTans. •'-
English, American and Swed 4 1 0 ' square arid round
English and American refined; hivv, band and horse
aloe iron ; nail rods and malleable Iron of alf
&c.; with a good ossortment of Nailer-4d, ad,
srl, 6/1, tad. 1 Ml, 12d and2od; 4. 5 and 6 inch spikes;
wrought nails and horse nails, by tbe pound, keg or
ton. Alen, cast, Getmin, English blister, American
spring and tire steel; &c.
Carpenter's, and 3 ciner's Tools,
Of all descriptions, viii: broad, nanow and hand area,
hatchets, adz, joiner's cast steel mortice, firmer and
framing chisels; common and cast uteri augurs, of all
sizes, from i to 2 inch ; braces -and tins ; augur and
trod tette extra; planes and plane irons;
. hand, tenant.
X cut, keyhole -and sidtingArasist; iron ark! steel end
try squares of all &V" froin'si to. 15 inches; hammers,
spirit levels, bevels, tips lines, mortice guavas, of, all
sizes, screw drivers, 'crotches, hollow augurs, &c. -
Blacksmith's Tcols. - :
Anvils, bellows, vices, hammers; sledges, Tinting
hammers, stocks. r and dies, drilling machines, &c.
Farmer's Wools.
Chocels, rqunre.or round points; Oslo, hoes, hay,
straw end mount fork..; log, cshle and binding chains,
crowhars, gruhhing hoes, rakes, 'grass scythes, scythe
!lathes, scythe stones and rifles, cradle scythes, hush
cythes, corn cutters, shovel plough moulds, garden
wilics, hoes and Vowels, scoop shovels, &c.
• Carriage Trimmings.
Carriage bows, top leather and cloth ; patent leather;
india rubber cloth ; brass and silver plated hub bands,
roncece and Boston patterns ; brass and silver ?toted
curtain frames, lining nails, carriage knobs, apron rings
and hooks. stump joints ; brass and silver plated joints;
seaming cord ; striped lace. wide and narrow; silk
striped lace, new style ; top lining, worsted frimge,moss,
varnish cloth, patent, axles and axle arms ; springs, 4c.
Harness Trimmings and Saddlery Ware of the lat
est and most approves! stylves, and of
name TrbranW s, •
We have on hand a full asatirtment. Also a large quail.
tit' of LEAD I'IPE, which we are prepared to furnish
at the lowest prices, together with copper and britannia
stop tacks . and cork stops. Any quantity of Pump
chains add Well Riggings. A general assortment of
Simi' mill, circular and vfood saws; plastering and
brick trowels; lathing hammers, shovels andstornta ;
files and 'rasps of all sizes; shoe and tack hammers;
drawing knives, turner's chisels and gouges,-saw setts.
callipers. pincers, knives and forks, carving knives and
foatie and totes ; butcher, pocket and pallet knives;
coach wrenches, trrmk,'chest and till locks; tailors and
sheep shears; table enil bed castl'irs ; dinner and lea
bells, glue and enamelled sauce kettles; brass kettles,
from two quarts to half a barrel; Hollow ware and
cauldron kettles; tea and coffee. pots; brass and bri
tannia candlesticks and snuffers; trays, fruit trays and
large servers ; curtain arms and pins of the latest styles ;
stair rods and holders; ladies' and gentlemen's pocket
scissrs ; rarors and razor strops; German silver and
britann'a table and tea spoons; hair, clothes and shoe
brushes ; brass anti steel barrelled pistols and revolvers;
gun locks, steel nipples-and nipple wrenches; shot, shot
pouches and powder flasks; barn door, strap.and T
hinges. Also manufacturing and will keep constantly
on hand a large assortment of
Tin and :Japanned Ware.,
We have also just received 30 tons of STOVES
composed in part of the following patterns and sizes:
Republican air tight Cooking Stove, Number 4
Farmer's do do ;; 9
Lady of the Lake, do
Queen of the West; do
Iron Kin.", do
Improved Premium do
Eastern. Premium, . do
Jenny Lind Parser Stoves, :: 4
Collage I do , , :: 2 end 3
Cylinder ' do :: 3 and 4
Air tight do : \ :: Ito 3
Air tight 6 plate Stoves, :: 2to 6
Siv plate Stoves, • :: 3to 7
The above comprises but a few articles of the assort
ment which they offer to the public, and all of Which
will be disposed at extremely (ow totes. In proof of
this; please call at Hall's old stand, south side of public
square, and extending to Pine street.
(37 Old Copper, Iron, linos and most kinds of Pro
three, taken in payment. Towanda, 10ne.,6. 19 1.
THE aubscilber respectfully informs the public that
he has taken possession of his old stand, in the
math part of the Boro' of Athens, where he will be at
all times happy to tree his friends, and will endeavor to
mnke`their stay with him nameable. He trusts that an
assiduous attention to the wishes of the"travelling pub
lie will secure him the favor of the old patrons of the
" Mansion," and the visit of those who desire a com
fortable and convenient stopping-place.
His TaRLE will i e well supplied—and the best li
quors be procured fur the Ban.
Garin Svanmicr is attached with careful and atten
tive handers. •
(1Y An omnibus will be run to . the Waverly sta
tion, to carry passengers to and from every train, east
or west. E. a MATHEWSON%
Athens April 18, 1851.
Saddle, Harness & Trunk Manufactory.
TERE CULP & Co., respectfully inform the public
aIP that they have taken the shop lately occupied by
C. P. Harder, on Main street, a few doors below the
Brick Row, where they will keep on hand a large
trek of
111:1221-232 01.V311330 zganmag
All their line manufactured to order, and
made of the best material, end for workmanship cannot
be surpassed in Northern Pmnnsylvania, They solicit
a call from those wishing to purchase, confident that
they ran give satisfaction both as to quality and price.
Cash will be paid for Hides and Sheep Pelts,
the highest ratcs,'at our chop.
Sale Leather, Upper Leather, Harness Leather and
rf skins, for sale in any quantity.
Towanda, November 19th, MO.
THE undersig ned having associated themselves
together under the firm of Prancisco and Tom
hies, for the purpose of'carryirm on the
Carriage- Waking
nespectfully solicit a share of, Public Patronage.—
They pledge themselves to make as good work and
as neat as can be =produced from any other-estab
We have now on hand a variety of finished work,
and shall - endeavor to keep constantly oft 'hand . a
good assortment. so that customers may at any time
tie accommodated with 'a eirriage to their taste.
All persons - wishing to purchase work of this kind
will do well to call and examine for themselves, as
we will sell as low as can be afforded in any other
establishment. •
a:7lßepairing done to order with tratness and
despot h. • J. FIIANCIMIO,
Tow?nda, Ane.23, 1851. '
•• • '
termer sonverait.
T_T,TYING, located in, Towatide, • his 'amines may
be,obtained by addressing a line througb the Post
Oinco, or by. calliPit at the ofikee of
Deg.: where be will be found, or where a written ap
!Morton may be left ; : - -
'lron! Iton - I - Zro'n!
2fTONS:American, -Engin& end Swedes lion z
o general *salmon of all all of rounam note
mt bir,lostolitna hoop, now iteeiittli sale
84 tho•tionollorvanth*, of • • STE RCVP:
Agrle4tiii:ll;': . .giovi,' tie. Via '-',
. --.: :AT ‘_ATHENS, - PA.
Rail Road llor . s.e-Power & Tresher,
With the - Latest and Important Inivvements, jar'
. which ,Patenl serer ;
nt subscriber takes this teethed to inform the
.1.. Farmers of Bradford and the adjoining counties,
that he is agent for, and has for sale,the above eel; bra:
tcd and uncqualled.Home Power and Threshing Ma.
chines, which he is prepared to furnish on the same
terms as by the manufacturer. with the addition °tithe
actual cost of transportation, contracted for at the , low:
eat and best rates,
The subscriber has sold a number of the 'above ma
chines in this, and the adj..ining counties of Chemuog
and Tioga, N. Y., and all wiihout exception have given
the very best satisfaction, and where they are known,
air farmers give them the. preference, on acrount
economy in threshing, -being operated with meth less
expense,' and cracking and wasting much lees grain
than any other machine in . rose.
The Two-Ilime Power Thresher and Beparator is
capable, with three or four men, of threshing from 150
o 200 bushels of wheat or rye, or double that quantity
oats, per day. •
The prices for , Emery & Co.'. one
nom: Power, $B5 00
do Thresher and Separator, 35 00
do Banda; vgrench,oilvr and
extra pieces, 5 00—5125 00
do Two-horse Power, $llO 00
do Tresber and Separator. 35 00
do Bands, oiler, wrench, &c., 5 00—$150 00
Also,Wheeler's one-horse post er,Thrcaher,
and Separator, complete, (improved this
season) •
Wheeler's two-horse Power, Thresher and
Separator. complete,
Price of Emery's 'Fresher and Cleaner,
with hands, wrenches, &c.,
do Saw Mill. complete for use,
Price of Grant's Fan Mills, adapted for
hand or power, from 22 00 to 25 00
The subscriber will also the coming season be pre
pared to furnish to order
The Cleaner has all the advantages of a good fan•
ning mill. cleaning the grain fit Ter market. wasting
none. The additional cost being Nit little more than
a fanning mill, or about thirty dollars—making the
whale Thresher and Cleaner east $75 to the Farmer,
and with Emer' & Ca.'s twe•horre power, $155 00,
i"7. On account of the large demand for the above
machines, and the difficulty of immediately filling or.
dere for them, persons wishing to purchase machines
Adult! give me timely notice es to what kind and at
what.time they 'wish to procure them.
Farmers wishing to do their threshing immediately
after harvest, should procure their machines as early as
the first of July. Also for sale
At manufacturer's retail prices, such as
4 to 6
4 and 5
7 to 10
4 and 4
Burrairs Cirain Reaper.
Revaluing horse Rakes. Hay, Strata and Manure
Forks, Ifc. 45t Also,
Cost Iron and Wood Cistern and Well Pumps,
LEAD PIPE of all sizes, in large or small quanti
es, cheap for cask.
111 stock of Stoves, snil prices, will compare favors•
lily with those ()limy Stove Store in sny of the large
neighboring towns'.
Tin, Japanned and Sheet Iron Warr,
manufactured nod for sole wholesale sod rem., Cheap
or Cash.
A large and full Catalogue of Agricultural Imple.
ments and Staves, tvi.h engravings, furnished gratis,
tither here, or on application by in al pnst•paid.
Athena, Pa., November 30, 1850. ty2o
EE subscribers respectfully inform the public that
they have taketi the shop formerly occupied •by
Adam Esenwine, on Main street, nearly opposite
Drake's wagon shop. whefe they are prepared to do all
kinds of DIACKSMITHING upon reasonable terms.
They are determined by doing their work ell add
promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive Ii share of
public patronage. •
HORSE—SHOEING done in the best manner. All
kinds of repairing Machinery, executed in the ra Obi skil
ful manner.
WOOD WORK for wagons will also be made end
repaired when desired.
All work done st their shop, will be warranted lobe
well done, and manufactured from the beat materials.
The public are requested to give us Arial, end' judge
for themselves. ESDNWINE & SEEBISCHH.
• Towanda, May 2., 1851.
A DAM ESENWINE respectfully inform, the pub
"' lie that he now occupies the chop where him&
and brother have for • ears worked. ,nearly opposite
Tomkine foundry, where he is ready' to do nil work
in his line, as formerly it the best manner. He Wk.'
(ermined the' reputation he has attained as a sinful
workman shall not suffer by any neglect for the inter.
este of customers or by any inattention to basineis.
TooLs, manufactured to order—machinery of all
kinds repaired in the best manner, and every kind of
Repairing and Idanufaefuring will be done at short
notice. and irlAo style desired.
Horse Shoeing, on reasonable terms.
_He will else
take:Country Produce in payment for Work, but ob.
jects strongly to credit. • . -
Towanda, Jim. 17, 1951.
Zs Still in Operntient
IrrMR strbseribera have mosed to the new building on'
1 Pion street, one door below Manna atom where
they will keep on Nuld and make to
.9rder, plonglut,
stove and mill irons of "almost ell desciiptfons, ~
ing and fitting , np work, will be done also on re asonable
tense as at Elmira or Owego. Old iron will be taken
payment. ...TOEIN CARMAN - 4r, CO.
Towanda Aprit "6,1851. "
, CHARLES' K LADD, 14. ,
. -
Union Bluclr," , up stair* v•North eide:if- the
'Public Square, over 'Elwell's Dor Mee. Melratiei
betwein and Adams' law - otfieeir;• where - lit
map always be rciUnz when net pioressionallxengitied:`
' - Towendevlu t r 12,1651!: ' - •
$l2O 00
145 00
75 00
35 00
---,:-; . - 71 .. , -,. A
~.. ..41*0104, • '-; ' "...- ii , ' • ''' - i
1.1 7 Vilisti.tisaciiiye .l T.i:L
-Ortß'lo 'S VERM.IRU t 1 E ,
,•-....Orhirerttsileystrtnier.... -. , - - ;
Vsii Idedicinetaittainerto 'Mawr% nor any idler'
e l
" • 1-lifiniihl substasice.y- It iv piaci Xeketable:
This remedy for worms is one of Wmerst* eztritor •
fiirtelliAtcr3Pledi •:- II effectually icates worms of
all-sorts fromehildlell and etitgte+ t -•
1 t
.;. - -Thonsainis perish tl'fyydr!n4 pith t 'hetes! 7 1 44
being knoWn.' - . Some oiler rest Oi l. a ' ssigne4l ff: ','
gametes:in:nil ton late. e mire-the ral cause. •- 0 .
What; 1 09: 1 !" :06 Ti L iPiq*b i liV re, ePee the pa ' :'.. 4
who does not know,.. orts the doctor } Who does not ur.;.. •
deistand, the .complaint which ii .destroying those pre
cious flowere of life—children. 1
• Whatidnitild be dune t I
i e
I`..he answer is plain .. Give, the 'Variant', which
will be sunato do good. if they have no worms, aid if
• they have, it wilkdestroy and ersd cate-thern with a
'certainty,amtpreasion truly" itstoat hiiig. .
There is no tnerctteKtte..,mineral. nit. . Mercury is
the'hasis of 'inost•vvorm remedies -; nd -the rimed) , -is
sometimes worselltscrthediseese, ph) never nag.' loz
enges, but rely upon this. Every , non will be con
vinecd on ono trial that'll' is the -most perfect cure
ever invented. -
~ •
- The immense sale thritthis Verm loge has,`ls a sure
test of ita Value and the estimation in which it icheld
by fanitiel. 'lt wocild be guite to expensive to pub. ,
Halt the volumes of certificates thl have been given
fur this article, and the users of i t t
are 'requested to
spread the name to all persons wimm they think will
be benefited by it.
Speak of it in all families, and y
.t iu will do your du
ty to youi follow creatures , and f I assured of the ap
probation of ill good men, and wiffreceive your martini
in heaven. i
Wo call on all good citizens-to aka knows the of
fects of thii wonderful remedy .
" ReMember, and ask for Orrick's Verna:l - age.
Startling Fa4ts.
Hundreds of children and adulti are lost yearly with
worms, when some other cause has been supposed to
be the true one,
ft is admitted by all doctors that scarce a man, wo
man, or child eaiats, but what 400nei or later are
troubled With worms, and in bunAreda of cases. sad to
relate, a supposed fever, seer-1116mi, cold, or some other
ailing carries off the flower of 0w human • family—
while in truth they die of wmats ! and these could
have been enelieated in a day, by the use of one bottle
How sickening the thought thit these things should
he—and Who can. ever forgive themselves for not try
ing this WORM EXTERMINATOR, when they
hnow,that even if the case Wes not worms, this reme
dy could not by any posalbility; do hurt--but always
goad AA a purgative, let the dised. , e he what it may.
Hour important then to use Nand who will dare to
take the responsibbity to do wittiout it! Let all pa
rents ask themselves this question in truth and Wier-
. I &
'or sae
Gen. ral Agents.
THE nnilersigned, fortairrly Boreal:tit for many years
of the Lafayette Burr 'OBI Stone manufactory,
240 Washington street N. (W. Track, Agent)
would inform his friends and Ow public in general. that
be has established a BURR MILL sTO\I MAISTIL
FACTORY at Binghamton, N. Y. in " her.iy Build
ings," opposite Phenix Hotelt and solicits a Aare
of their patronage.
Ii a wilLhase constantly on hand a large stock of
French Burr Mill Stones. as 1:11co" a large supply of
EtOpTtB 4 Kula Stones, also Frrh Burr Blocks, Bolt-,
ing Cloth, Screen Wire anti C leined
The underpinned assures his friends and the public,
that he will faithfully estct.l.e 411 °fliers entrusted to.
his care, not ottly in quality, Nut in prices of articles
furnished, and solicits their kin tl patronage.
Olden hy letter will be -exeented with as mach care
and WI cheaply as when purr htiers arc on the spot.
Binghamton, May 24, 1851.1
Ilteur Harp nnporters and Zebbers,
razzatan, =MGM it co.,
5.8 Liter, y street, between tiroadway and N,
street, near the Post Office. New York.
WE are receiving, by daily arrivals front Europe,
. our Fall and Winter assortment of rich fashion
able Fancy Shlk and Millinery Godds,
We respectfully invite all cash purchasers thorough
ly to examine our clock and rice., and, as interest
governs, :we feel . confident our good* and prices wit/
induce them to select' from , Our establishment, Par
ticular attention is devoted
‘ :o Millinery Goods, and
manmaey of the articles aro an facts•-ed expressly to our
order, and cannot be surpassed in beauty, style and
Beautiful Paris Ribbons, for Hat, Cap, Neck and
Satin nod Taffeta Ribbon 4 of all within, and colors.
Silks, Satins, Velvets, and Vomit Velma, for Hats.
Feathers, American and 'French Artificial Flowers.
Pollutes, and Cap Trimmings.
Dress Trimming..., large assortment. -
Embroideries. Capes, Collars, t7n•lersterves and Cuffs.
Fine Embroidered Reviere, and licinstitch Cambric
17.rarcii, Lisses, Tarletonv,illassion and Cap Laces.
yelenciencs,B r retie a, Thread, Silk, as d Lisle Tamed
Laces. •
Ki'. Silk, Sewing Silk, Lisle Thread, Merino Gloves
and Mho.
Figiired and Plain Swiss, Book, Bishop Lawn Ind
Emelt+, French, American and Italian Straw Goode.
Sept. 6, 1851.
TNISSOLUTION.—NotieeIs hereby given. that the
pannerphip heretofore existing between the sub-,
scribers itt the Harness and Trunk making business is
thilday dissolved by muturl consent. E. Smith &
Non will settle the business of the Isle firm; Those
indebted most make immediate payment, and those who
have agreed to psi grain, are notified that unless de
livered at tae time agreed, Cash will be expected.
November 5, 850.
E. Smith AIV Ron,
RESPECTFULLY inform the public -
-that they
will continue the businese at their old atonal, north
side of the Public square, and will keep on hand. and
manufacture to order. every variety • of SADDLES,
HARNESS, TRUNKS, VALIUM &c., of the beat
materials and ofworkmensblp, not to he summed.
By eruct attention to business, and promptness in
endagementa, they hope to continue the fife.
eral pationane they have heretofore enjoyed. .
eann t act Tolson:an will be dune on abort notice,
in the twatest manner.
Ali kinds of Grain, Produce. Hides, Sheep Pelts,
will be taken in exchange for work. , ' • ;
Removed to B. Kingsbety's Block
. •
4 10 .0 T_l A just returned from the city
- 1 4Pz- 1.1- of New Y prig with et large
• . -* supply of Watches...Jeweley and
-.`•- Silver ware, comprising in pin,
.„ „ic the following • erne es:— err,
c:j abs c Epne and . Plain Watches,. with
a complete 'assortment of field
--` ;fewer-y.4inch se Mir Rings. Fin.
Bin ;a, Breast Plllll. Bracelets. Lockets, Gold chains,
Gold Pena. Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware,
and trig quantity nfateel Beads—all of which he offers'
fur sale exceeellingly cheap for CASH.
Watchers lepaired on short.noticu, and yearron't
to run well,or.the money will be refunded, and a writ
ten agreement given' tn that-effect if respired, -
N. 1.1. 7 -51 h.P SIJOAR; enir Country: Prod uce
taken in pagm'ent for Work; and ea*. /earn ridro; and
orevekithat the Produce must be paid the.teork
irckintss-lwai Against credit in all its forint.
• • - •z '• Ie,:CHAMBERLINi Agimt. s
April 28, 1850. '
1 - 50 K"s'"Ur F eceike‘l4l4l, fyst:reCeived -et
, rl - " . : I mEßcuivs:
IU4I4 I D:BROWN SUGAR;! 'JUMP, CafroN Prighed:
- ant Powdired Supra ; sibw strivinx, shut -Mi-maje
stoleatilisiietait vevy•MER:C4JI1 4 9.
~/ - -
T I.
Aftr AnktfitittMlNT
TO, 80MI *SE OR TUE Ailing%
,n 411 d DI odl el n es,.
The jidlo .
14 , iii "equalled d .
mc4e depended teixtn wit/i the utmost COOde!LCC.
have the approhutio4 of. the best yaps- ,
clans is the country, and are recom
mended by ti/1 who have. used them,
as superior to any me s dicinis.. „„
They bate been before the Public -tor five. years
During which time more than 5000 certifies:Oa haye
been received from eminent' public men ;
anti othere, and are now on filo
et the Company's office.' - •
They are Compounded
With fhe utmost tare and skill, 'if the-inireillents
are thoroughly tested by scientific chemists, so
that medicines - of a uniform and ref ableciaix•
lily are guaranteed in all ea es. -
Are particularly valuable for the prevention end mire ui
Fevers in general, all Bilious and Liver Complainta,
Jaundice, General Debility, Common and Sick
Headache. Dyspepsia, Heart Burn, Costiveness,
Griping, Urinary Dismiss.% Obstructions of
the Menses, Influenza, Asthma, and, for a
variety of othe, Chronic Diseases; ip
fine, for all ordinary family uses.
(CFull directions fur the various Diseases accompany
each bor, Prize 25 cents a box. •
The Graerrnberg DyscuLary Syrup,
A speedy and infallible remedy in Diarrhies, Dyserite
ty. Blooiy Fins, Cholera Nimbus. Cholera Intantinn
and the ASIATIC Clirozena, if taken with the first
symptomv, viz: vomiting and diarritma. tt. ne•
cer fails locum the worst possible cases of .
bowel complaints, rienerally in a few bouts,
sbldom beyond a day.. It is PUUaLT.
Vtori ante. and token in any quan
tity isperfeetty harmless.
The Graefenberg Green :Mountain Ointment.
Invaluable for BUMS, WOlllllll4, Sprsine,
Corns, SONS. Savel loge' of all kinds, 'Rheum 3tism,
Erysipelas, Bronchitia, Scrofula, filters, Pains in
the side anti back immediately re Yiev'eill, Inflam
mation of the Bowels; and for all cases where
thereis Inflammation. •
Marshall'm Uterine Cnthelienn,•
A certain cure'for ProlapsuS Uteri, and for most of the
diatrewing complaints incident to females. Pro•
pared by Dr. THE!). POMERf )1 - , of Uti:a,
eob•ly for the ; rlpf.-nbrrv: Company. -
Till: OTHER GRA LrETUIF. ,, G "rnlCl•r ♦nZ
Eye Lotion, Ileottli Bitters.,
Consomptive Balm, Ferri. and Ague Pills,
Childrens Panacea, Libby's Pile Ointment,
&ma/yin. ( oinpvintl,
7The Graefenhere Manual of licolth, s complete
hand-honk of med irins for families. Price fifty cents.
• °Rice, 214 liroridsysv, New York.
CArrios.—The pui , lic is reve.,:ell to beer in inind
tht t euerything prepared by the Graefenbers Llornpany
has their seal upon it.
Spurious articles have been issued closely iesenibling
the genuine in every . particular, -exe:ept the real, and
the utmost care should be 1.1:q41 before purehasinn.
Agents for Bradford ounty—Dr. MN' end
Dr. PORTER, Towandi. ly3B
Charter Perpetual ...0 sy stem . Capital $250.000.
Office No. '29, MerchantirExchange.
ORGANIZED upon the mixed principle," Slack
and Mutual, which combined featuree oiler to in
sured members double the usual security, The Cash
syste,a of payments has also been adopted, thus avoid
ing the heavy drawbacks created by unpaid prelim:in
notes. The table rates or prenijulu, upon IA hich its po
licies are being issued, is the only 7
sea.e experience has
proven should be ait,,pted, as affording requisite secur
ity to be insured, and an undoubted guarantee for the
perpetuity of such institutions. An experimental ta
ble may be found worthies!, s i t the very' instant a poli
cy should possess its greatest value. Life Insurance,
very properly, is °treating the attention of the world.
rho public however, in theirsommetplable willingness
to embrace and employ its wise and salutary provisions,
should make ultimate security the primary and most
important object, which can only be attained by so ad
justing the premiums as to anticipate unexpected loss
es and fluctuations of every kind. It is the purpose
of this company annually to credit, upon the polices
of holders and books of the Company, such an amount
of profits as shall net affect the stability, or impair the
sacredness of its contracts. Prethiums may, at'the op
tion of the insured, he paid annually, semi-annually,
or quarterly, in advance. All necess'try information,
together with Hanks, pamphlets, &e., may be obtained
gratis, at the office of J. E. CANFIELD, Athens, Pa.
Stephen R. Crawford, Paul B Ceddard,
Ambrose W. Thotnpsoni, • LaWrenee Johnson,
Benjamin W. Tingley, • George. M'ffenrY,
Jirnh 1.. nuance, ' James Derereut,
William M. Goodwin, Jahn L. Liman.
STEPHEN W. CRA W FORD., President. '
• A.unese W. Tuoircsax, Vice Presideni:
est as. O. Ist tar, Secretary and Treasurer..
AUTCART...4IanUeI Eyre.
F. S. liorr, Medico' Eine:liner for Athena.
Decemi)er 27, ffso.
Clock, Waft and. Jewelry Store!
• A - . 111. WARNER takes this inethod
• 7- a:
of informing his old customers and the
\(4public generally, that he has purchased
of J.P.Bul • his stock of Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry, and commenced the shore
business in all of its various branches at the old stand
of the latter; on Thin street, two doormouth of - thick
Row. ills reputation as a watch repairer is so well
established in this community, that it is "hardly nec'es,
nary to say a word on that,point. With his long Air
perience and great advantages fOr acquiring a thorough
knowledge of the business, hehes caufidence in riiiyiing
to the public, bring on your aratches and clocks, I will
do them justice.
All goods sold,or Repairing done, vtarranted . as .I
recommend. or the moh , y refunded... '
A good assortment of C/ocka; Watches and Jewelry
kept constantly on hand.. . .
My . motto shall be--tjuick.sales, stmt profits. !Gash
down, and no credit given. Credit need not. be asked
for—as I am hound Rot to make itv acquaintance. - .
,Towanda. July -I 2,.1.850. A. M. WARNER. -
Pa .1 llt ANDTZ3 7 1, 1 1 1 ),E t i.0 1 4111.a,
THP gul?g,cribrir .
to hia new shop, a fe:w cads utwitie
his forme location,uml on theop
,tuasite sine Al the street, wiiere..he
enotinnettsto Manufacture. and
eir ork, hand, all kit; da, nf.catte;
and • wood &eat- CdfAtlig,' and
,strl'EE'S o variotta kintlitot
11Ei of every AcscAp.
.tioit". „which. fos
cash or , Produce, or Pine or Cherry Lumber, or ci 011 :
plank, will be received for work., TURNI.Ng done to
ordet - in the neatest manner. Also:
make and kept on band i ., ineae io przler,,in the bee
, Caution;
A stop h'creby„catitionell against purchaii;
ing nOto liiveh'hiration thg thly of A 4
Rust - 185100 W AM liktiblfi fot, flick dollaii;to
I bar reek•ivO3•ll6 ;ulna fOi said Woo', dnil,tterefore to
nbt considet*ielf inottlify'br• tegzitle bbliba ; to •itIV
: do, ico,' Oen goinpe)tetrhili*,' •,'
SALT;;; --A (loosely-AT Baty - now itriv*it • )
het 8* Igs).
Cour; A4cn A rrottNEi—Thoraas Batch
Nentegliti .
:pv,soyemign !Wm,
ATONE Genuine tulles: ac.oompanietl 7I f,
11 'l4t of the above . Engrared Wrapper of Dr.
SOULE & -Co.; (span tach f , •
In ofrering to the pnislia aria justly cerebra
BREION BALM, OF LIFE, it is not our
make any false statements or wild asserti on ,
auresiorefficieney in restornitriotlicalth the
suffering, 'watt knowing that' thilir repots'
fIrANDARD MEDICINE is of 10elf Butt
sence for , stAtifilitted. '
proitfiTmight be given of their 'alai
we - preter those unacquainted with them
theinselvei by enquiring of living wittiesseto
the Pills. They wi.l find them perfectly salt
able in all cases : being purely vegetable, and
tine worthy their beat confidence and patroni
' The following-certificate wait-rent uvlor lb!
llinnirrrs, Monroe Co. N. T.. May 10,
We the undersigned, citizens of Menrietti,
cited Prf r*orially Sovettign Eclm
witnessed the health-restoringeffents thereof,
recommend these Pilfito4he tiftlizte'd es the
which we are rici t 4
'G. ROBERT, G. 11,111201 n.
M. D. Phl-ItLIPS D. G. n
11. A. Tll3nrivtc tr.wis
K.—You are irt,!it?erty to
tic good.
." Riming ov ! We ate not
any one who ia miking_tt spurious artirf e ha
ell Co make urr"of name t' tut some
bad the impudence to imitate our totes and
Cirectirs, Cirtifiesiett, ace. Clefs th e ' vc
cart:tut when •hey iimehisse, they will en v
t'll'jfettuine Sovereign Balm
wholesale end retni or Dr:SOULE dr. Co,
Co. N.
Sold by ilusTont & PORTE R,Toura n h
by ihrir Agents in every town in the
The best and eheapest Familti Medicine in 8.!
Mr. Solarts'. Comp'cr.a3
giV.lO-4.\.1PU8/11/11-41 ‘i , ' l 7 ,4 '
An Aeriitii ; e, Tanic,, Diuretic and rai,
Price 45.iviats tier box, conta.ning Pd;
box'Contains (ifty pills, which main
cheap again as 3riy other stanc!cril pill, arali
- cheaper, and warranted much supwiori:ll.
varioui, diiieuses, to 4nli Of the Syrup inittur
heshies tieing a more convenient ann
for use.
The astonishing success raid)
of Eft. Roberta Coo4rtrund Pira
abundant and can -lwird that they are I ru'y
Nature's ethedies.
end that they wdl cure all curable tti.ra.e.,
and more pleasantly than any , dher mrda
known. Thu Pills are principally an alt.
vine, (their b.t,is being the solid extract of
prepared in a superior manner,) but ai,iimtrin
arm to gently assist nature, without pui;;;i 4 i
e ai l ly, which make them peculiarly ad.ii.fid
and enfeebled persona. invisorating and wet
the body, purifying the, spzitem, producing
blood and a healthy action of the attainach to
They are Acknowledged by our ablest
he nut only unexceptionable, but eflicactues'
az degree, and as a general
71 1 1edicirte 'Unequalled
The Compound Sarsvpardla Pills aro used'
permanent cure of those diseases which aria
impure state of the blood, and morbid serreti
liver and stomach, viz., erysipelas; scrorula
evil, ulcers, scald head, obstinate cutaneou,
blotches, boils, pimples, sore, weak or dutlat
glandular swellings,-rheumatic affections, pat
bones and joints, dropsy, dyspepsia., mutant
and dysentery, coughs, cold; consumptionarl
ed by capillary obstructions of the lungs , n
scrofulous constitutions, inflamation of the I
flumes, indigestion, headache, jaundice, few;
chill fevers, and fevers in general, general in
debility, and diseases arising from an injudici.
mercury, and whenever medicine is requirtil t
rate and purify , the system.
They are a purely vegetable compound, an;
used by persona of all ages. They are pleas
palate, and produce no nausea, uneasiness of
in their operation. Hundreds Of certificates c
given of those who hare used them w ith
We ask no person to take our word as for
of the medicine, lint call on the agent and
box, and if on trial it does not give the most
isfactioit.' they can return the him and recro;
ey paid for the same, Puictiasers wi'l le
to ask fur " pr. Robert's Compound
Pills," and ohmse that the green wrappe
box lies a fac simile of the signature. of ;
M. D. and C P. Fay, and to purehase me
All applications fur agencies and letters 0 , 1 ri
ject of the medicine, must be addressed, 1, , p
C. P. Fay, Owego, Timm Co.. N. Y.
For sale by HUSTON & PORTER, sole
Towanda Pa. '
W'inspott& Athens' Rniiroad Lett
GE°. H.
BUNTlNG,respecttully informs
lig that he has removed his toots lo
building, one door below Warner's watch .6,,
he trill be happy to see . all who may 64 la
Goo ll rind Cheap Clothing. He is en r i,larn'
to his steels all the new and desirable.
terns, and feels confident he can satisfy any
May give him a call.
Just receiving from New York, 3 larTe ar
tile axzorttoetit of Spring and 'am'
in the best manner, and which will s)! I
the lowest prices.
He has atAn !peened. it farce let rq . Y'
I 'FfILDRENS' (Awn] rNo. to r•'hr.6 heir
•-...nrion and rrliich will be soil a! rats.
-nride arrangeMents by which he can .ert4 fm
dela desired, with the • certainty o f r ocs:nit:
article. '
Cottinß not making• op. done , nit ogini in
faslitonable nianrer, promptly and to order•
Towanda, May 8, tBsty„
tiro riro _vire
A"you insured . g 1 ppiication reeels.3
mires effected by 4:E.. CANFIELD, A!
the falkiiving 'sate and popular compinies :
• The 5161P hadsoP after tiro Snsriant
The St. reavorence COMpati.
Capita! viatt.ta
The Empire 'State . Cerwlnk
• Cat,itar. • , smal
• 'his: Washington CorrFaeP„,'
Capital OVPP.. ; 5F2110.e
The , State-reTtxtual 'at sr arilsbr
-Wafts largi:Capttal , nd lame increa%in;/
_the Great.:Pen neilvauia. CornPan,' • '
i \‘
The United Stn ts lifelusaranee Ante!
—•' • -, Company. C
Capital. - ' r • . .... •
- On the new pri iple by which the irilurci
pates in the pro fi ts. •-..- -
." .- • •-- -J. ~ CANFIELD. Oen'
. . •
To gmb tin ca .
W" . C,
C plpeienl per,oei t" (PA
LOGS; On ten trs'its.o land Iv Hi
Pine ' Tiiolo,ift to be'dells-cred in 1%;
stlW4l)3Enitioci.'liiiii29flig county, the remit
or part et %Elea; iootier 'if 'practicabll. 01
'inlet -veil] be entered. into for cutting umd adi ,
eihnte.of :the Pineloge 'en one or both of '
trtiete:::l'he roada'end building.' are of the
Gceill'iefereneee as retl43 ells?
tonipeteriei *illibelequihxl. A ppN t,
sANtrw; R. 1.