Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 29, 1851, Image 4

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    Stt ftra.
. ._„
- • , MEM
• • .-• ' 'd'asele
.„,„010AG-estenant -vege, I Oa. . 17 1 / 4
• atet 4ety generally praideed in root ie ian: It :can
••iitgitni , velitn'coirverilit"tha
tico* PT:Osl4 6l ol,*o.4..ikni .
ton, simile, chits-dirt or 'other liner; The benefits
-tellable pick/ ]ltneit; tri L dry
" 4 )ighlsoit 'ol2.ifil' The ':ritoftlitiree - prodieced
winter oink Ilta;viiiits, is ietained,:io-ifie ground,
theetegii the d!onthl-Of smiimerr, nntllreew 'thit oth
,;ersatfult,stopi nonfinite .gmwing nearly, ail the, see.
.-, - 4;41". If any one has his doubt's* aS to the - striking
difference betweoriireestt;us treateTrind those ul.
lowedio grow withautsuch care, let, him experi
• trient *himself, • .
- 11olching applies M all kinds of trees; forit or
-,...voansental;shrobbery i and even rem. !tables. Strnw
, betty vines ore greedy: improved by smooch:3g
glee the hod, spent ran or saw,flust ; the fruit is large
tad much More Mundane. ,
eacentlvriter-in one of our Horticultural Sour.
to - nabs mulching fruit tree.' thifat stand upon rs
prosody enb-soil,lproduces almost the , effect of a
0. aI ytottent
it • 1 • .
Mulching is much better than the system of wa
;,vering, and if propetly don.e. elmoSt 'snpersedes
• It, If watering be once begnO • the plant becomes
stitnula!ed to gro wth and should.. there be a dry
:.•:ollison, it mnst bei con tinned or the-suddeit check
esesed by. the drought__.w ill often kill outright
Whereas, by. mulching, tko pinta keeps on the
-oven tenor of a steady growth`without. any sudden.
r •and often without any drawback. Besides in dry
' - 'weather, watering without mulching, from the rap
id drying of the surface, causes rhe ground to.bake
•.- and thus injetes the rano of the trees. Watering
after mulching does not subject the tree; tiii` either
.fltf, the above evils, but is often an additional advan.
digs, and need be done but c. few times during a
long drooghi. -
A few days ego when explaining to a farmer
the benefit of mulching his, trees, he saidthe best
to make them grow was to pile a heap of
• stones around them. A year or two before he* put
nut several One trees along the fence and only one
lived, hound that one he happened-to have placed
a heap of stones.. So far Fri good. • This however,
v• vis bnt a less happy 'and rougher way of doing the
same thing: t Atuupna.
West Jersey Pioneer)
Ponx.-2Count Smith writes the Tii
bane from London, the following , sensible anger , .
tams on' the subject of fattening potk:.
Permit me here to say that after conversin_ with
many provisiati dealers, in London, in reference to
Americatt pork anti beef, I learn there is one most
I. 'important objection to its sale or, consumption.—
That difficulty proceeds from the fact, that in cook
ing oar pork, the fatty portions are extracted in an
eminent degree from the pieces prepared for the
table. In boiling our pork, bacon, and corned beef
the consumers compirdn of its greatehrinkage, by
reason of the fat separating from the mass and
floating at the top of the pot. This objectio t
net arise from pork and beef, the Moilt - co of the
'United Kingdom, and perchance, from other coun
tries. Now. they tell me, that this difficulty may
be overcome, as regards potk, if our people would,
whilst fatting the hog, feed him about one p;nt of
common field peas per day. This, is said, will
—,bind the tat to the lean, or make the whole more
solid. Pork, the prodnce of some of the Eastern
States, is qiiite firm, when conked, peas being more
..firely.ruted.thari with us. If our great staple can
be greatly advanced in value by so simple a. rem.
it would be well if our Editors would call at.
tention to the subject. Nu remedy was suggested
to render out beef any better, except that the em.
ployment of 4 ' sat nitre." or 1 , 31 i pent., was highly
• Caves.—Young calves shouli never 1e confin
ed in yards with yearling, or cattle older than Viem
selies, As they are inferior in strength they: are"
elMaloguantly often injured, by, the_pushing ard
crowding of their more sturdy companions, and of
'ten seriously, maimed or destroyed outright. It you
have a flock of sheep, turn your cal yeS among them.
They will partake of .their food with the sheep,
without quarreling, and at nightrwill be kept more
echnfortable than if tied i np, or pot is t e pen by them
selves. In many diseases to which cattle are sub.
ject, a tea of sheep dung is the sure remedy that
. 01inte given. When running with sheep,ihe calves
-generally consume, with avidity, !bestrew and litter
on which these animals repose, and which, to a
„Certain extent becomes impregnated with, the Pe_
culler virtues of the " specific" and are thereby
-prevented from falling sick Those who have ad.
opted this practice speak at it in terms oldie hich.
cast approbation. Convenience' for waterinn, feed
-Pte, fps.; should be arranged, and the animals [Mi
ld/Pei with salt asaften as necessity requires.
AGNICULTUREAL IN FRANCE.-.--A letter 'writer for
Ail Republic says A trip of six hiradmit and fif.
kr miles, from the northern to the southern extremi.
Tin France. jostifies'me in•the expression (.1 my
opinion that God's sun does not shed its rays on. so
fair a hind, mime en thoroughly et:titivated. The
Whole Country is titerally a garden. Every square
'AO, from the mnuntain down to the lowest ravine,.
is made, to produce scroething, it it be susceptible of
it. -' Theirmodo of planting or sowing their crops,
--whether en plain or hill.sidr, produces the finest ef
feet.On,titit appearance of the landscape; the space
allotted for each erop is laid out in s quar e s or pa r .
analog:ln* with' inathematical precision,' anal
• eil with greater-ticcuriiry..:'-Aiihere a,e nn fen
' yes or'heilgiet, and its the tlifferetd:ciops ire ik- va
iiOarstageisolmaitrity, Yotican imagine the va.i4y'
~•nf hues that meet the eye and the magnificenee
of their panoramathat stretchesout in every direr.
'con as fir as the vision can penetrate. " I am sort)
io add, in this connection, that seVen.eigh sof the
airicaluirsl •laboris 'petrol med . by females; while
twicei three Itunilred thousand men in unitorm are
idling away their time in theltarracks of the cities
,pfd .v Wm:es:. In the absence of fences,caftfe;'seCui•
edit riim, are driven 'about thCir 'pits:tit-age .by
feintilea;.:andoiheisparc coutiled „wit:tin the requir
. i.l limits ,by boys, assisted, by a shepherd's dog.:—.
Crialfieinf iraidis terinitids me that, n9twitlibtatulitt
fu...2.4kltitit,a6natinsintinugh. la_market, both .in
EdtglAntk end finticP,' I : have natieek ff it : liii. 119ii.i
-ithe in :44'44k ..iiiinify ' l ''' . llnii:arq ii .44% is'Allien
- 1 3401 1 ,11.... i.-...: t•'.7'6 noim.
.. ^ l . ?
Mira tri l— n; l [ 7:' ; — tio . itiil ra erintet
_ 011 2 114 V 1 Y. 7 . 0142 •,•= td, 41ku CAri! se&ziocift
- yriQmd , . - • e
.• > 1 .4200018
Hardfiii* Sffiveg, opperAls4in,
Ilttl{ IRON AVAREAr: &1'
ITALL, ;41:i813E1.14ating eopaiiner•
"lie to
sell the attention ot_theptib..
'keit; their assortment. to which lame sildirioturbere
reeentey hese nirde.„rmeting JargestAtrid mod
veried.elier .ti. ii in riihr region. %Among rho WOW
, 1 44 16 :.0 - t fen WILLI enOrnerniod::;::
:teen and tafls. ' •
.ZnalisbOtrrieriesn and Swedes" square anti round;
•English and Americo refined; !tarp, timid suit horse
shoe imn ; itailrods.and malleable bun of all &seat%
lions. &e.; with a nowt ssairtment of baits:-3d, 4d.
&I, 6,1„ Bd. IN. 124 slid 20d; 4.6 and 6 ineherultss
wrought nails and florin nails. by the poug,t-kerg or
ton.. Also. east. Grrinin,-Englisb blister, American
spring anetire itsrl, de. •
Carpenter's and d'ettter's 'Ante,
nr ell 'deseriptions, viz: timid, narrow and hind ries;
hatchets, aitx jirinfes_mst !steel Mcgliet, firmer,and
Waiting chisels ;,erimmon and hat steel summit, of all
Siva. Eto incb,r, brazes, and bitts3. satin Mid
nod bites extra; plsties and plane iroits ; handoenant.
X cut, keyhole and slitting saws; iron and - steet-snd
try squares of all s.zes. fromli to)s inches i. harnftri,.
spirit leire!s, tape." lines, mortice guises. of all
arirPri!. Iteratches, hollow angina, ike..
. Alaaksmith's- - •
Anvil". :bellows, .stices, hammers.. sledges. , finting
hammer*, stooks and dies. drilling machinesace.
;f'armer's ' •
Shinelkesputre or rotind points; picks, hoes, hay.
suave and rositure forks; log. cable and binding chains.
crowtars,Robbing hoe!, ralrett,lgrass sCythes,scsthe
snatheit;'seythe stones - snit rides, cradle scythes. -bosh
!cythes. coin cutter.; plough: moulds, garden
rakes, hoes and trowel.; rcoop shovels. Alto: '
- Carriage Trineniags.
Carriage bole, tap leather and cloth; patent leather ;
India rubber cloth ; brass and silver plated bob hands,
concave and Benson patterns; brass end silver ?lased
curtain frames, lining nads.carriage knobs: apron rings
honks. stump joints; brass and eilver Plated jailor , :
seaming cord ; striped face. wide aid narrow ; silk
striped lace, new style; top lining, worsted fringe,moas,
varnish cloth, patent asies and Axle arms ; spinet Ire._
Harness 71-buntings and giddlery Ware of the Ist.
est and most approved inylves, and of
name Trimmings,
We liive on hand a full assortment. Also ff large span
thy of LEAD PIPE, which we at prepared to famish
at the lowest prices, together with copper and britannia
stop cocks Ind cork stops. Any quantity of Pump
chains and Welt Riggings. A general assortment of
Saw mill, circular and wood wiws plaitering and
brick trowels; lathing hemmers, shovels anti tongs ;
files and reaps of all .eims;. shoe and tack hammers;
drawing knives, turner's chisels und-gouges, saw setts,
rsiliPen'i pitmen, 'knives and forks, carving knives and
forka and steels; butcher, pocket and Pallet knives;
coach wrenches, trunk, cheat and till locks; tailors and
sheep shears; table and had castors; dinner and tea
bells, glue and enamelled sauce kettles; brass kettles,
from two quarts to half a barrel; Hollow ware and
cauldron kettles; tea and coffee pots; braes and bd•
tennis candlesticks and snuffers; trays, fruit trays and
large servers; curtainienis and pins of t.hetetestslyles;
stair rods sod buldeis,;' and ientlensen's pocket
acissra.4; razors and razor eimpa; German silver and
bultann'a table and tea spoons; hair, clothes and ebde
. noshes ;. brims and steel barrelled pistols and revolvers;
gun locks, steel nipples and nipple wrenches; shot, shot
pouches and powder flacks; barn door, strap and T
binges. Also manufaciiiiing and will keep constantly
on band a large monument of
Tin and :rammed Ware.
W ' have also just received 30 tons of STOVES
einnp. zed in part of the following patterns and sizes :
Repo Gas air tight. Cooking Stove. . Number 4
Farmer's „ do do , v. 9
Lady of the Lake, do ;: 9
Queen of the West, do '
iron king. do
Improved Premium do
Eastern Premien. do
Jenny Lind Parlor Stoves,
Cottage do r. 2 end 8
Cylinder do • n 3 and 4
Air tight do •rt Ito 3
Air tight 6 plate Stoves, .
:: 2to 6
Ks plate Stores, n 3to 7
The above icarnm4ses but e. few atticles of the also, t
ment which they offer to the public. and ail or which
will be disposed at extremely low rates. In proof of
this, please call at Hall's old stand. south *lee or public
square. and extending to Pine street
rt, 03` Old Copper, Iron, Bras end moat kinds of Pro.
duce, taken in payment. Towanda, June 6, tam.
TIRE subscriber respectfully informs the public that
be his taken possenion of Ilia old stand, in the
south Pert of the Bozo' of Athens. where he. wiltbs at
all times sappy to see his friends, and will endeavor to
make their stay with him agreeable. He trusts that an
undoonsi attention to the wishes of the travelling pub
lic will *Once bier the favor of the old moonset the
" Mansion," and the visit of those who desire a cons.
tunable end convenient
His ?tail will well supplied.-and the best
goon he procured for the Dart.
Gong Mvsausa is attached with careful and atten
tive hostler*.
a, An otnnihns wiq ter ran to the Waverly ita
Lion, to early pastengela,to end rem every train, east
or Wept. - E. 8. MIATIIEWBON.,
Athens April 111.1a51i
Saddle. Harness ki , Trunk Manufactory.
TEM CUU.P it Co., respectfully i nform the put t lie
J that they hive taken the shop lately occupied - Ivy
r. F. Pardee, on Main inert, a few doors below the
Brick Row, where they will keep on hand • faqir
stork of
mamma, 0.t.55130 g 4 alma-Dm%
All articles in f their line manufactured to order. and
made or the heat matetial, and for workmanship canno
be so' passedin Northern Psansyleania, They solicit
a call from those wishing to purchase, confident' that
shey ran give 'satisfaction both as In quality and price..
Cr Cash will he paid for lithe and 'Sheep Pelts,
at the highest rates, at our Anta l ,
Sak. Leather , Upper Leather,Raraess .teathes and
Calf ekins,,for sale in any. quantity.
Towanda, November 19th. 1R50._
THE undersigned havingaseneiated themselves
1. together under the firth of Praneiseo and Tont
kilts, for the purpose of carrying on Cie
)- •
Carriage Maine Business
, •.
'Respectfully solicit a share of Public P4tronage:—
They pledge themselves to make as good work and
ae .eat as can be prhdaced from any other estab
lishment.- .
We have-now on Banda variety of finished woric,
and shall endeavor to keep ,c onstanily on hand a
goad assortment. io thaaßAtslonscra may at any time
t.e,seeo'mtnodated with a earri / age to their taste:
Alt perscins -wishing to p arfhase worksif th is hind
will do well to call and.exarittße" for themselves, as
we will sell as low a; eaashe anciled in Any other
. g 2; Repairing dust in Javier atih n •atnesui-stid
tie.r.patch. FRANCIseO;
Towanda. Ane. 21.4 '5l. - N. C. TORKINg.
/ 01.1114 4ENLICIP-1 1 E-3069
A- -a; 0 41 ATIF ...I • '
R Ar t y t iNG loomed in Zatirsinan s *c. se r v i cea , m p y ,
a h laii lol-l llidinwoinitkiinef*Mo ?hero* ,
Mice; or by 'eallioirat dui ofitio.of ttypiwi• Ancor.
Evkcp,"uliero ho t U itigound; Or 'ellen iiilritterAt.
l e . d fr o i r tu — WANlTX — Ne - i;:171 61 44 - 73 •
, i r o n . va keti .
. N - TWiTS Atherton. Etr , lislo at waists 4. . 21
—7 4 • assor Neut. . isonfijapplass
Tar X
Vitae* Stati-tii4jii:NO,
AVWTHENS,_ PA. • -. 4 . i.
ssw•sunt imams et.arcULTusst. Spetsaree rtrisT„,
Rail Road }large, Power k Tres ber,
With the Latest and Important ImprovemenoOhr
which Rider, Is securcd. .
/riff: subscriber takes ihii trwthnd , • infom the
..Par nere ef:BradG3rd and the - adjoining counties,
that he is agentfor '
s end•has for dale, the shove cel hra
tetl-and unequalled Horse Power and Threshing Ma.
chines, which•he 'is irepared to furnish on the same
Arms as by the manufacturer. with the addition of the
actual coat of transportation, contracted fur at the low
'mind best r0te5.......
The subscriber has sold a number of the shave ms
chinesinihimi and the silliining counties of Chemung
and Tioga. N.Y.. and all - wiittut-exception have given
the very hest
and where. they are known.
all farmers give them the preference, on scroont of
economy in threshing, beingppenited with much le*s
expense, slid erackitig and twisting much leas grain
than any other machine in use.
The Two:Horse Power Thresher Ind Separator is
capable, with three or four men, of threshing' from 160
o 200 bushels of wheat or ute, or double that quantity
oats, per day. -
The prices for .Etriery & Co.'s one
-BovisPower, ' $B5 00
do Thresher and Separator, 35 00
do Bands, wrencb.stiltr and
extra pieces, 5 00—5125 00
do Two-hone Power, $llO 00
do Trerher and. Separator. 35 00
do Bernie, oiler, wrench, &e, 5 00—$150 00
Also,Wheeler's ono-home power,Thresher,
and Separator, complete, (improved this
- $l2O 00
Wheeler's twwhorse Power, Thresher and
Separator, complete, - 145 00
Price of Emery's 'Fresher and Cleaner,
with bands, wrenches, dre.„
do Saw Mill. complete for nee ' 35 00
Price of Grimes Fan Mille, adapted for
hand or power, from 22 00 to 25 00
The subscribeiWill afw the coming seasonbe ere.
petal to furnish to order
EMERY & E 0 . 98 NEW
The Cleaner has all the advantages of ',gond 4'4
ming mill. cleaning the "grain fit for market, waiting
none. The additional coat being hot little more than
a fanning mill, or about thinly do/trars--making the
whole Thresher and Cleaner out $75 to the Farmer,
and with Emer- & tura-horse power.slBs °O.'
a On account of the large demand for the above
machines. and the difficulty of •immedistely filling or
ders for ann. persons wishing to purchase Maar=
should sire me timely notice as to 'what, kind and at
what time they wish to procure them.
. Farmers wishing to do their threshing immediately
after harvest. should procure their machines u early as
the first of July. Alan for sale
At manufadurres retail lisieta, such es
4 to 8
4 and 6
n T to 10
n 4 and 4
. ,
. ,
. -.: -;.,..--.516_
, 40 , a,
•77-1 7.-f-- •• " -
Durrall's Grain Reaper.
Rewiring Horse Rakes. Hay, Straw and Manure
Forks, 4.c. 4c. Also,
Cad Iron and Wood Cistern and Wcll Pumps
LEAD PIPE of all sizes, in large or small quinti
les, ilisap for cash.
A OVA REAVVVEL PATTERN; Sizeo o prticre,
% stock of Stoves, and pikes, will compare favors•
bly with tkrwe of any Stove Store in any of the large
neighboring town*.
Tin, Japanned and Sheet • hen Warr,
manufactured and fcr sale wholesale and tetau, Cheap
or Cash. 4 -
A large end full Catalogue of Agricultural intple •
mania and Stoves. wl.h engrivinge; furnished gist's,
either here; or on application by mull post-paid.
Miters, Pe, November no, tool). lyta
THE sehserihera respectfully inform the public that
they-base taken the shop firinerly occupipd by
Adam gsenwine, on Maio street, nearly opposite
Drake'. wagon shop, where they ere prepared to do all
/kinds of BLACKSMI MINI: upon reasonable terme.
They are deterrnined by doing their work well and
promptly. to merit, as they hope In receive a share of
public paintaam`.
HORSE _SHOEING done in the hest manner. All
'kind; of repairing Machinery, executed in the most skit.
fut manner.
WOOD WORK for wagons will also be made and
repaired. when %lest red.
All work clone at thrtr shop, will be warranted lobe
well done, and manuftettired from the best material",
'rhe public are requeoril to Owe tie a trial, and judge
fur themselves. • ESEIST WINE ita SEEBI§CHH.
Wanda, May 2; 1851.
ADiM_ESEN WINE respectfully informs the pub.
lie *that he now occupies the shop where bimsol
end brother have for ears worked, nearly optittaite
Tomkine foundry; where- he frreedy to do aa work
itr.his line, as formerly in the beat manner. Reis de.
rerminil the reputation ho hat attained as a skilful
workmen shall not suffer 11 any neglect of the inter.
ests-olenstotners or by any inattention In business.
.7.. , ',1:011)1.13, manufactured to order—machinery of ell
binds repaired Ln the hest manner:: and every kind of
*pairing and , Nanufad tiring will be done at short
n..tien, Ind in the style ileoir,il.
Jf"rse.tanzing. nn fra.onaltie terms.: ,He will • trin
vibe efluntry Neitlute in prycreur for work ) but ob
ject. atrtinnte to twilit. • .
rowods, Jan. L. 1851.
'MEE SZ' AFAIRID& ..rnaßaLeins..
.Xs Stja In CoperaU ca"
TiiE stibterittei 4 have - malted to die new buildintr en
Pine sweet, one do , r;brlow. Mere/ors store wb t er
airy will keep on hand and mike . to 'ofiter,-plangb e
enwe itetwrillitana ttetitmeat
t ri f A n d•fitri ni i pp yea; will be done olio on reasonettb
glFata 3r 90104.' i)lt1 Iran will be taken
JOHlttaitllAN St
1:107.1401;41prikc13.185.1. • • .
.r:OkIAR.L.EB K "LAM M. D.
Deibtvg.o 111KARGPV..,
`olo4r;Nswirt, `,11,14, i 0r
eignaitualmistraZime-Zofrioti. -totninot
hAtArialreiVose s ir.AdonielawrolliithYaaft
maremit. be faim: when nqt l iTofelnim 4 !l 7 etto r t
"1"-tn.11.1te ! 1:, I,IIM
..-0x0.770•714 1
• phis is no QtiackellV7C'r-'-' , " :,
..--- . . ..-,
01tRiaiC 1 ,, 8-4 VERMI FUOg;-,
'.27;0,:aii.4. 1 itii4040c.' , , ,,
41;6 Melicine contain; no 'Memo I , Noi . anY outer
• 'Mineral itibslance: It, i tim , A f et,abler. R=:-...
,T 4 is rem e dy fur worms is ape --srl ' t iuo4.,7eiiiiiii:
didivy7ifit nsid If tfiliiinsilLeradieltes Worn* of
all smtil from' thilsithi'inetilialti. — = • '
.Thonsantlepetish - by worms .w!thopt,:lhe One*
being l~novit►; , Seme,...oth4reityon . ,is, tor,the
stickneis, Ong! late " the "reatclitsAe. , ,
'Whifimbiente the parent'
who does not know, widths doctor whia thew not ur.,-
decatand, the complaint which is. dettMylng - Xlumm,p
etottlt fluters of liff4,-ehildren :
~.• , .
'Whitt itthie ? •
The.anstver;is,p/ain.,, .fliys „the Vermifuae, whib
will be sure to dff'gieal if thethare, no worin4, uni' if
they lute, ii wili'deitioti and eradicate, th em with a
certainty end pipciain leali • itai;arilhing. •
There knit mercury Or mineralit. - Mereury is
the bast* of mot worm earnialies ; trod the remedy is
- wimetimes weirierlkan - the ditiesee. ' enllllWer itim loz'
eneirs,init rely Orin Eitery *moon' will hero n - .
vineed on 'one trial that if' la: the most pectect cure
'ever. invented.
- The iniinenve'eale thit'thisVeetniferta has, iv satire
testmfititraturoand the eatirrialion in whtrh it 181;41
by fainitles. ..It would he quite too mmensive to 'Ruh.
lists the volumes of iiertificatici that have been given
.for this attiete,' end the naire of it lit* elmatted to
apread the name to all pershaa whom they think will
be beneficed by it.
Speak of it in all families, and you will do your du
I! 10 your follow creatures. and feetseeured of the an.
probation of all good men, and Witt receive your mead
in heaven.
We call 1? . 11 all Rood citizens to make known the
feels of this wonderful remedy. •
Remember. and ask for treriek's Vermiftsge.
Startling Tact!. .
Hundreds of children rind ,adults are lost yearly pith
worms, when some other cause has been supposed to
be the true one. •
It is admitted by all doctors:that seams a. mem , two.
man. or chiki exists.. but *hat sooner or later are
troubled with wenn*, abdinl hPthlrells of cases. sad to
relate, a supposed fever. scarlatina. cold. or some other
: carries of the S t arer of the heroic firmily- 7 -
while in truth they die of winces! and 7.ihrse could
hare been eradicated in a &kV, by the use of one bottle
Mier Sickening the thou; ht, ;hat there things should
he—and whe llan everfiireiva them‘eives for not try
ing this WORM' EXTbILVINATOR, when they
knwo that even if the ease waift not worms, this reme
dy could not by any imavibilliy do hurt—.tait always
good as a Purgative. lii the i'biesiw be what it tray.
How important then to use it s
and who will dare to
take the sesponsibiity nadir without it'! Let an ps
rents•ask themselves this question in truth and voter-
For ale b JWSTON & PORTER, Tsowands
Ger. rat Acrents. lar
rr HE undersigned. formerly Foretitan far mane. years
of the Lafayette [bur dill bum.. manufartory,
240 Washington street N. Y.. ( Trio*. Agent)
would inform his friend* and the public in generst.ihat
he has estAtished s BURR HIM. ATONE MA NI 7-
PAUThRY at ainghainton. L Y. in Ler..y Build
ings," opposite Phenix Hort," and solicits a share
of their patronage.
He will hove ennoantly on hand a large stock of
French Rare Mill Slants, a. else • large .supply of
&opus Qr Kuln Stones, she French !fuer Blocks, Roll
ing Cloth, Screen Wire and Calcined .
The undersigned assures his friends end the public,
that he will' faithfully, exec•...e all Weis eutiu•teJ to
his care, not only in quality, hut in prices of article•
finnithed, and solicits their kind patronage,
flrdera by letter will - he executed with as much rare
and sa,cheattly as when purchasers are on the spot.
Bintihamtnn, May 24, fBsl
New York Importers and Sobben4
. 1 1 421111KULN, dt CO.,
58 Liberty street. between Broadway nod Passau
street, near the Post Office. New York.
WE. are receiving, by daily arrival. from F:tirope.
our Fall and Winter assortment of rich frattiow
able Fancy Silk and Millinery Gttods,
We respectfully invite all cash purchasers thorough
ly to esamin.e our stock and prices, and, as interest
govern; we feel confident our goods anti pricer will
induce them to 'mice• from our establishment, Par
ticular attention is devoted to Millinery Goode, and
many of the asticles ere roantifsct—ed expressly to our
order, and cannot be surpassed in beauty. style and
Ileautifal Paris Bilden., for Hat, Cap, Nei* and
thttin and Tags Ribbons, of all widths and colors,
Silks, Satin's, Velvets, and rnciit Hats.
Feathers, American an& French Aniticial Fluweis.
puffing*, and Cap Trimmings.
11),MUI Trimmings, large men,.
Embny;deries. Care.. 11,ollnrs. Underale,vea and Cutri.
Fine Embroidered Reiner° and Hemstitch Cambric
Crape.*, Lis*e.. Tarletnns. and Cip Lire
Valencienes. [hovels, Thread, silk, al dleTntra
Ki Milk, Sewing Silk, Lisle Thread, Merino Glove.
anti Mitt..
Figure., and Plain Swiss, Donk, DiBll4p Lawn in
Enonab, French, American endltAlian Straw Goods
Selo. 6, 1851.
DISSOLUTION.=-Notiee is hereby obvert, that the
partner-hip hertlotlire between the sub
scribers in the Honesti and Tinßk making
this day ilt•itiolved by monad rrhisent. F.. Smith &
son will settle the businege of the fate firm. Those
indebted must make immediate payment. and those who
have averd to pay cram, are monied 'hi( unless de
livered et tie Line agreed, Ca4h . wiil he exp.Tted.
NovemlTr 5, 850.
E. Smith 4 4 Non,
RESPECTFULLY inform the politic that they
will co. aloe the business ot their old .land, north
tide of the Piddle tortare, an,l will keep on Email, and
inariorreture to order. every variety of bIADDLES.
HAith Cm, TRIM; KS. V A LICES. &c., of the best
materials and of otorktrionshlp, not to he sutpassed. ,
By erno attention to business.. and protoptocsa in
fulltilling engagiments, they hope to continue the lib
eral patronage they have heretofore enjoyed.
- -tartar tota-Tartattr vrill . be- dune on short notice,
in the neatest manner. •:; •
All hinds of Grain, Produce. Fides, Sheep Pelts.
will Le taken in ,exchange for work. _
Removed to-, B. Kinghery's Mock !
IF' .4. Crifirnbitilits,
• -, vitt: Lli MS justretutnetf from:the city
•. flit" .11:' of New York' with a large
_.---.-; .
~:dik ,apply of Watches,. Jewelry and
/ * . 2,1411,
4 t .. e t t i v v e w .. ite tte . h e n o ,. n:r a ts r tn n e ing„. itt . p t. :: :
f a ~,!. . ...c the following amides :--4.4ever.
~,, • r'• I:?pir.e mitt Hain Watcher., with
',..+.3 •
~ ° -_-.7' . „:"1 - a complete easortment of Gold
VT Rin ta, Breast Pins, Bracelets. I.nekets:Gold chains,
i7.4lll7l 2 etirs, K,.y74, etc. /shah all jonor , of Sitverware.
mJ any gufutit2i of Sleet 'Beads—ail ,it winch heal:rep
fin male 'exceeedingly cheap for CAtillt. •
. .: t
Watch/4 repaired onshort ()Mire, riot itweeimriel
ro run . tietlor the money will ho reftilnied: rind is
. 141 . t,
teri4:tritement iiiven,to that (4ter..l if required._ `
-, .V.-r....M-41A114.E. 5,1NUR....0t0). ,ciotoity_.:tiatiee
taken io politicos for work ; ; ,aissteria.. learn now, (mil
o-epe.r v llol Ike .Prodo . ee ou,rj te pu(d.. when*, 4,14
is done-.( Ain!' againstcreilitiii,diVito roriro,,, ~ ,'., )
' - --, Nit :CW
A. Ml*4or Age s ;
-.. '",
T i n)iiiiiiirip'iil :8 11;50,11;50, s '. • - 1 ' " . '
IAA nEGW4. Ciescent" just Tftervigd`:ri"
QUWErOROWN SUGAR. 'Alialtiiitei;;Ciiihod
1.7 and Popdered Supra, nec►'arrit'ing and'ior Pale
whllcidlevt rry ' 11 "P I , y HEM It'S.
C. V. tOfflff.,
TO IV ,10 60 Visarr ill capons
::11' , 1•1 ;
itta d a csg c e 11 "
thefit - '
11 . " 1- it'd . 6:6 7.44- Ftunifil
111"11 o. ue.1 1; ePe • il ik -- i'it i iiara n li t in - Of Me beht piysi
a'•9l hart the' '4;lofrfr i ; tiwil s are -room- -
byj c ii/ teh‘
l t;tt ocdic
r-s v r u.rif ic th s nt
• aupepor to
Thrthaie bra kforc the Public. fur five yam
During arbich time - mare than 5000 eipriificati.s have
been yk,iveti limn eminent nutilie men '
and °them and are now on tile • • •
. .
at the 'empaneta oilier:
•• • They tire -Compothided
With the uimola care - and alcilt; and the Maredienta
are thoroughly te.di•d try •aaientifie. (+enlists; so
that medicines of a urriforin and reliahle qua.
Vey are eneraroNal in all raB..a.
Are pan ieulsrly valuthieCirthe pniveolion and (-lire col
Fevers in gene's!. air tlitious.and Likescompliinit.,
Jaundice. 'General Debility. Goninion' and sick
Headache. DYlipepsis, Heart Bum, Costiveneur,
•Urinsrx Distmaea. Obstructions of
the Menses. Ir:flumes. Asthma, and for a
variety of - oche. Chronic -Diseases t in
fine. for air ordinary (amity uses.
6.7Fu1l directions for the various Diseases accompany
each lox. Prise 25 cents a box.
The Crarfrobrrg Dystnlary Syrnp,.
A speedy and infalhhln teuunly in Duarrtnes, Dysente
ry. Bloody Flux, Cholera NI orsus, Cholera Infar.tum
and theAslietc. Cnoxens, it taken with the first
symptom., viz : inuniting and thanks t. ft no.
veil/oils la cure the worst paaoihre cases of
bowel eomplainra. generally in a &iv hnura.
alkanm Iwyorid a day. It i i PoisaLt
Vgartini.g. and taken in any goan•
(fry iiperfecrfy liarrnloss,
Me Grarftnbert Green Mountain Minima.
Invaluable far tiaras. W0Uf..14. :Sprains.. halos,
COM*. bares "ivrrl jags of all kinds. itheamplism,
Fortiikelat, tinmchitio. Sciafula. !lice's. Pains in
the Side and back immediately rrlieved.
azatiu . of the thrurelp, awl for all eases when
there ip rottimmatinn.
Marshall's Uterine, Catholirort. •
A antain cure for Protaloa. Uteri, end for most of the
dietresung encijilmrds incident m fernlike. Pre.
pared by Dr. THEO. POMERitY, of Utica,
wifely for the f;r4efenhere. C.anpany.
TOR ArtIII OilaLl'lMPEuo wctocia-ve Ant
Eye Lotion. • Binere. •
Ciinrnmptire Rohn, Fever a n d Ague Pith.-
Children's Pcvicea. LiMnfs Pile Ointment,
S inexpirign Com intend.
cy The GracfrMlwrg %meal of Ileettft, complete
Ilan.l2l.ew.k of mo4liciriefor Price fifty cents.
Office, 214 Dromlwev. New York.
re:me:de:l to bear in 11111611
thFI euerything prepared by' the Grai4enberg Company
has their seal tmon
Spurious artides hate Men istased closely terennams
the rent:dile in every rartieuhir, .evrept the real, and
the otnireareare should be used before pureh..sinz.
Agents for linufforn County—Dr. HUS PON end
Or. PORTEIR. Towandt. tytift
AS removed to 0 few doors below Dridue street,
on the East si 'of %I tin-at. in the .building for.
mertv occupied by J. D. Nlonianye Esq.
AU operstions amounting to $5O. or over, one het
to be paid 'town, the remsinarr in thee.. months. 1
the operation proves unsmisfictory, the money paid will
be refandeil. A "'tine 01 hamd however must lt,svore the
pevwent Ofih3 half left unpaid. with n
Charter Perpetual... CAI fly stem... Capital $250.000i
Office No. .V. 9, Merchanta . Exchange
()ROAN TZE'D upon the '• mixed principle." Stock
and Mutual, which combined features -offer to in
tned members doable the usual severity. The Cash
syite..r of payment& has aka been adopted, thhs avoid
ing the heavy drawbacks created -by unpaid premium
notes. The table rates of premitrin. upon which ite po
licies ate being iTsued. is the only voile experience bay
p r ov en s boutd tie adopted, as 5W.7111110 requisite secur
ity to he insured, and art undouhted guarantee for the
perpituity of sorb institutions. An experimental ta
ble may be friend worthless.*at the very instant n poli
ty should pisite,s its greatest valor.. Life !insurance.
ye Y Properly, I. atresting the attetilinit of the world.
Phe public however, in their commendable wiliingneAg
to embrace and employ its tai-e and salutary provtsions
should 'mike ultimate security the primary and
important subject, which can only be attained tiv
jesting the preen ems us to anticipate. unexpected loss.
eli 811.? ilbetWitiOtOi at iO:ely kthd " it is the iitliOaee
of this rellPrifie annually to en slit, upon the polices
of book- , of the Comtism...such sn amount
of profits a s shall not street h•e stolidity, or impair thi
alicreilnesis of its-contracts. Premiums mar, at ther m tion of the insured. be paid 91 , 11m1+Ity, send annually,
or quttrierlv, in advance. MI neresasry infi6nation,
together with Hanka. pamphlets. srr. , may he olita;nid
gratis, at the Olive of .1. E. l'skri ELI), Athena, Pa.
Stephen R. Crna•(ad. - Paul B 0,41.1nr.1
Aml , r.):e W. Tliotrcwou, L,% lA/mm.4
Illenjimin W. Tit,itley, Genre*. NlNlenry.
Fionshee. Jimiro DeverrtiN,
S I'EPH EN W. CR % W'FOlt I), President.
AND nusK Tuomp.,, N .
CHOI. (3. I'm LAY. Secretary and Treasurer
MITI' amyl Fore,
Cot` EL AND A rT1 , 117.1 F. lt--tiIIITTIRP
F. S. Halve. Medical Exatrimer for Athena
December 27, 850..
and Jewelry Store I
74; A.m. W A RXE: It takes this method
of inli.rroit.g his old cust.o.ners and tht
public generally, that he has purchased
ma x " t iA4 "f . 1 . ) % 1101 -. his 4 tock Pl . Watches, Crocks
sitg 4 -and Jewelfy, and commenced the above
business in all of its various hianebes at ihn old stand
of the latter. tan Mein street. two doors south of Orick
Row. Hhireputattl)n as a watch repairer is so well
established in - this ciltunionity, that it is hardly mires
sary to say a word cup that_point; With hi+ long ex
perience and great itt;lynntages for acquiring 11 thorough
knowledge of thir hubinesa„ he has confidence in saying
to the'pubfie, bring on your watch e s and clucks, I P.i/1
JO then. justice.
All goods sold, or Pep:ming -done, warranted as I
recommend, or tho corotwv r•ronded ' .
A good assothnonl of Clocks; %Vouches end Jewelry
kept constantly on hand.
My mntm .hidt be-elnick ritr' , ;:nMßlU profits.' enill
dawn, and n,) rredrt given. Credit need ricn he nsked
for—an I nm 11.ilty not in rn,rke itr v•funtuityner.
Towanda, July 12,185 k A, M. XV 4RNP R.
qjX_;.r Wra.C.s l AW,ft) 1 . 3 YE.'.IS)I3T . FP L IVOB,
• THE Kna+.eribil ha* rennynNi
In fii4 new stint,, a few nn!.; utio'ye
~., : /i t , !'.. 41 • liia tl.rnier lirmien and nn thei.4l.-
: 10,11 e side ot t.he %weer, .otlpr e ' b e
....:.,.. •: . ;......„ I, 4f i zit i tl i
_ ln a I. l lkn i t , i . rac i ture i and
t 1....
, - , i ' 7. : -MI wow: m u:a .' ( . .72 111'1;1'87; cane
. -,. • 1 • ... sr.rreEs a various kinds. it
\. ~• I.IEIJ.ITEAbs of every ifrECTilli.
• ' ttitirs. which . I will sita hw art
corlv Or . PrOlineei' OrPtaiiiaVherry Linuhrt: or.el a*
plank; wiiLiti rireiiied:for work. I'L'HNING thinitai
order in the neatest toinnen -- Attic' '.-- .-- • .
nialierttittk,io int EteinitTofi h i tinter; tii t? 4 hes —i
• -* 11!!:N
Tor-m 43, 1 4•-,';o. 1 19 .
ArciNg Gennino unless accompanied by a far
• Er of the el)otre En:raved Wrappei of Dr. R.
SOITLE do Co., upon-each M.S.
Irti oft . rtotr to the i , nhli this justly celebratettsl
EREIGN .8A OF LIFE. it is not our viith
make any Noe slatements or wild 1/9VPrtiflng of
empetior elli&eney io resiontor to hralihi the net ,
mtrerirm; knownee that their neponnin n
STANDARD MEDIC:LSE is of itself sufficient of
ence fu r the Nitlicted.
Many prnefr might he giver atheir value et,
but w e refer those unsequatnted with ihern to 11
themselves by enquiring el hiring' witnesses and
the•P,lls.. They wi I anti them perfect', Ink le
.1140. in all eases. heinz-purtin regelaAle, end a
eine worthy theiihest c o nfidence and patronage.
The following certificate was sent usSur the
fivittirrrA, %Towne Co. N. lit.... Mae 10. 1851
%tete ontler.itrned. eitizette of Hertrietti. ht
um4l.4>rsooelly D•. Soule's &weir, &Ins Pi/
woote..ed ..he hralth r..tnrinq vffeet• thereof. cheer,
reenniniend ,here Pale to the atilieteJ es the bed
,thick we are arqgliated.
— 4l. D. PHILLIPS;
P. M. —You are at Wien? trunibltsh lhls fel
lie swat
Bawanz or CoVSTERFEITS t We are not 11C3
any me who is m %Irina Is sporimrs article hi t T . {
ed to make t.e of our name; hut ROme of they
had th e impudence to imitate on, iatteo and espy
Cirmlara. Certificates. &c. Criecr the pal,ti,
careful when hey purettai,e, they will he 4rti,,
Cr.:7 VII. ermine Sovereign Balm Pi//v ran
wholeviale and ndli ,nf Dr. SOULS & Co.,
On.dninga ro, N. Ir.
Snti by Mrs t•ON R Ponreq,Tourrai
hg'thf it Aten t. in e , rrY Mono in thr country
The best and cheopext Family Medicine to II
Dr. Itcberts' Co!npottnd
Ad, alterative; Tonic, Diuretic and• mild Ce'
. Prier 25 cents pet tins, erinta.nina 50
Each hria contsrirufifsy or hirh mato , .
cheap aeon) of; tiny other standard pill. and bas
ehialwr, and warranted winch in the,
vari.nb. di rarra , (a) 417/v of the syrup nimuft
Fiesta:ea befog a more cenaentent due propel
I.!r 10 , C I
The nstoniaking success w hich hi. seiended
of Ur . It.,Nrirta C potniti Sarsvarilla Mai is
abundant an f c in , hisiec that they are truly
Mature's Own Itezneiliesr
and that they' will cure all curshle q;
arid more pleasantly thAn any other t,dl6
know... The Pills are princiiislly an 44, r oute
rite. (their bask being the r did extract or Kiri,
firepwred ni a eflii,ri.•r /soap,. r.) hut .utTh
arm, to gently aoirst nature,. ithout pinging an
moldy. which tusk, them peciitisrly adarsil in
arid etireshled plif4olll., iiivignestrug mid oreugt,
the hotly, the eystcm, producing new
!Mind and a healthy aciiinx ut the at:mulch . hr
They are ackisinklesLed by our ahleA
he not only tinexceirtionatile, bm efficacious in tl
at degree, and as a ;p.m et
• Fan ilsr medicine Trreqtallei
The Compoouret Kora mar Ha Pills are med
permatmoot our., ..1 Moose oti.orowee which tins° to
Impure ataie of the !ohm., and morbid secretion•
lover and .t nn irh.•viz., bet .fula or
roil, o lrer., srsl.l brad, ohstimite cutaneous en
hlonchea ils, pimples sore, Weak Of iftitarnt
12,1,mtlular fi4 &lingo, rheumatic affections, pain ,
bone., anoi , i,in'tc dropsy, dyspepsia: asthma. di
ton , o oly.enterv, comet& colds, consumption capillary obinructimpa-of the lungs in pet
scrorutoui constitution., inflatnation of the lam
fluetrt, trlige-tines, headache, jaundice, &yenta
chill feveyo, awl (even, in general, general and
debility, and diseases atisimi fivel an injudicioteo,
mercuov, and whenereOrneilicine is required_to i
rate and purify the system.
They are a timely vecetable compound. and
usw.l by persona of all ages. Thee are pletwent
palate, and produce no roansea,'uneagailes. Or
in their operatum. Hundreds of certificate , t
given of thane who hire tiled them with Gm , '
We ask Da prt.toti to take our wAttf as t.,il
. _
'of the medicine, hot eta! on the agent and Noe
hoz, anti If on trial it does not give she most 1 .14
isfactit , ?!. they eqn return the lei and receo,t'
ey paid for the same. Putehasets oil he ra
to a-k for 6 - • Ik . Riilica's Compound Sdfs3
ala," and iihmirve that the green o
hia has a flle•Slßltfr 'vitt:re of Jib. C
M. D. end C P. Fay: and te nn e
All OLtet e ir': an.l lettrrs on utt
j , ct of ihr rnovitriisr, must t‘r
C. P. F.rt iwev.. N. Y.
For snit'. by }I t;:sToN St PUR PER,
IV'aisporttV -Athens Railroad Lth
GEft. H.. BUNTING. reisperthitly informtrit
tic the Che has ieinimi .1 his store to Col.
builing. one below Wasnei's wnt. .h
h.. be Nippy to see all who may he in •
Good end ChPl3ll Clothing% lie it ennstanth
to his otorlc alt the nt';‘v and ile•orahle oylesssi
terns, snit feels eiiefiilent ho can satisfy ally one
ni.y give him a ("411. •
inst reecivine from New York, a large and
hie assortment of sprin g arid Num nier lani,
in the beat in r, and which will brr s.f!./
the !owes.* pric.s.
He h 1 91... receitrA ar:ZI• 14)t Of y , ,i•TI
1111 •DRENS' C'Aftli I NG. tt, which he
rivion and tvfAch rate.. He
fritde arranerment4 by which he can for isr
icte der•iretl with the certainty of procuring 's
' , Coping and opiking up. done ne Mmal in ii
lanimmailfe manrer.piomptly and to order.
Towindt, aiay S, I 85
!Ire! fire : I
AD.; you inaurtd j applictnailit f r ivsv and
epees effeetAll 4y 1. E. CANFIELD. AO
the following ' , ale and popular cm:panes :
The Iladsen !River fire Ensviaber.
...... .... . • •$ 1 : 1.0 Ot'" ) '
'rho Et, Lawrence CcurranT•
()NMI! `. • i. 110)
1 4120 . E: ire State Ccznr3eY.
Capita' ~
l'hci Washingten Ccr wonV•
Cnpit at over • 00.
Pifile• State at Earrisbrirq
-‘vitt, it rnt rn,•reivin;
the (; , -e , .t P. untylvaiil3 C,itnnany
Tir tuitzd siaks Litz lalpratei Innuity
C4pit 11. 4250.161
On the new inineipte 11 which the flowed
pole* in thy proCifit.
C %NM:I.R A ho_
___„ P''
To Illmtbeime-.
AN:LTD Vap •.i.v4.4.4. 1.4 143(1)(2,.
coffin!! POUR- Itifirdll'S rET,
L(Mtl. on legoleacts or land 10o:: on Ct, an d Er)
i l L eFks • 'rho luga to he deltrete.l in tae 1.;0 03
.."'"'n/"PQrt• I.3rcomoou county. 111 , entil ' i [l2 AP - a 4
Ur a • P3rt of threat. 0 09ner if prierticabi
.tr t l . !via entered info for cubin g ilen.rfOt '
wholec t ri te bun Ivog,iin one or Nett of. the Z"
traptfir.:.-The Mods Ovid ituil.linge ar, of the boil
cripticien—er3lif -teferenree- et reenrae character
eorireteriftWill be requisrd„ ANA. t•v ,
1.4 ‘N'f'ilf, IL r
.tt K •,, )! I`.
G. ,r 11RnWN
D. G. 0 rls,