II • spent add the EnHealth:U*li I t r eems that the treatment of the % Spanish Coot). rat at New Orleas has been the subject ot it the p o ut s.ll Mitdp.tei• at Mt:44bn, atilt riot •• neantinwn , i n relation to the Matterate stilt lirk‘ai between him and Mir Government,. Ththv :: en be nn d o ubt that Spits ili s etititleil to redress - .hi the remises; and . it appears, from what its elated by Wil'ilingl°ll letter 'wtirete, that all the &Mantle of the Sepleh minister have been areeded ro, ex tifig The reuniting a A:ante to be fired on the rrp ion 0 1- the thpattish,rConsul to kltlew Olean" ; . ow nu ; Govetnnient a ill not agree • as it wroilti nee the appearance of identify :rut it with the N ow oang riot. or with the exrdititat msittet Cuba gamer has it that the Spanieh Atheism!, being tin a we to prevail on this point, i s . atatiu• to demand ho er ,triTlA and retire ; ben we plaeu no rel i ance in thisr , ilnm , es neither the Governmen: of Spain, t or its MiniAtere at W4.hiattloti,' would hoga r loue a d a tuplare bei , " ell r outlines on CO Itivo cas e The Siteni.h Cotten!' should be amply in• ttsmnifiell for Ids liaises. add the condemnation, rit the VI of ontraLte should he expressed to Spain by our G o rernMent bow to bring a national -aline on the warn tit the S jniri4h Corot!. it should not tie thought of The Adminberroion has. thomulinur the whole of the ratan excitement. exhibited a de. ,termiaaftett to fulfil treaty obligations with..spain unit the hoer ritoulti therefore avoid . tokitta any pnsittott which would he oppre..iye to nue Gomm' melt. we wooll have ja.tweAllitie to Spain. pa roopideratiott ritotibi indurr. n. in do an an t which miu.in be eonsndered prop iate het tivor, or secure her triendehip —114411 BCRVIV: Rfr:D ItiVIR ft trT --Thr Caddo Li. Gi:dte slaw. that Gd G uk•II I;:r• been rryi”g the experiment of destroying the ralt by the. He war:al the raft oil the 9th itiet . and rOmmerecerl bung it. it bnrtnd heyotithhi. expectations, when he war, eninvellett to nil account of rain. He Rates that all that part of ihe rah-but that immedi ately in the channel, can he in this manner remov. rti ; and Atoka that the burning of timber to the cameo edge, at this Joie stage of the river, will eon. Boats when the : river i• ur tainting ordet‘ to pass loth rape and safety He recommends that a meet. ; ne. of the cinzen. Of Shreveport tre.called, for the purpose of examining the Raft, and testing the prim tint nulity of Ms experiments. The editor of the Grade expresses himself favorable to the project, aft t drirssters it an important step towards the re moval of the raft. Oa- A most horrible arettlent occurred on Wed. neNt,ty ariernoon at the marble quarries at Texas, ut Baltimore county, from which the stone of the Nsaortal Monument and the Patent Office exten tl n are being quarried. The workmen were en aced in I aitilla one those immense circular blcwks. wetahra ten lints, intended for the Patent Office, when the tackle broke. a n d two brothers, named BucEt.F.T. raught under it,' One of them was compkqely ma-lirti to a ?fly. and the other lost Will hi! , legs from vrhici tin II ig s i n ext morning. Ma 'Comma's James Fenimore Coo declue and publish this to be toy last Will and festaiorni. I give and bequeath to my. wif e i,s ulan tuvuea. all My property, in possession, or to which I may :have an claim rfuvr or hereafter. aileter real Cpersonal ;or mize. l , to be enjoyed Err. her heir-0 arid assign a. forever. I make my rod wile the meninx of this 'my Will. ' Signed ilic..Bth Nov. 1819, ald . provera of record 26. h Sep. MINI %TUBE AIM AN AC-114511. Dar ~ m.. 1, Lh. ys of the Week. 30 1 2 3' 4 5 , 6 • it.1,1141' t ," VocoAr,•••• l'rEsthtir Wr.n~c~nit, .TfCMPAT. r: ralt,4l SiTeUIiAT THE merfiber4 of the DRADFORDCO. MEDH:AL SOCIETY are requested to nee , at the Want House, Thursday, December 4th, 1851,0 t 1 o'clock, P. M. 11"1/15 Nap lbncrtisements. D 1 Nitro, Diva from Ittr Nude!Crag: NEW SHAWLS! . CST received by expieNw aniither ca-e of Pay sate Shawl% splelitii.l aryileii: at Towanda. N 24. 185'. J. KINGABERT. ADVINIS ill 1 4TRIX NoTIcE. I.L persons knowing thrin4elyres indebted to the estate of CH A Iti,Eri RIMEII9 deed, tat. of tp., are hereby notified to make immeitiate Plymetd , and tho.ie haring claims ag einst said es. tate. are rltteoert to preen! Mei - 1i duly authentica a4 for , rule tent. EMILY ROGERS. , Cant. :y.• a. 29, 1 0 51 Admioiora, ix • Ink at Wholesale. 'LIVERY variety of Harrison's Columbian Ink, Os! rrce,ved by the. subscriber..—he ht. mule ar• fl inert. by which he can supply 'Merchants & rkter., on as favorable term s a- can he had of the polineloc•c, O. D. DARTLETr. Towanda. Nov. 29. 1051. Rocks I Eocks I Complete ao•ot ment of rae.hool. Manic. Clag..i -1 cal & Mi•cellarreptri Conat t ntlY k'P tip 104 for cale at the lowest rare. bY • • :ono. 29. 1431, 0. D. B ‘IITLNITT. and Fall and Whiter Goods. TS saw rerriiite direct from New York au lame and 9 , 1rr1t.1 ass..rirretlt of Goods whirh he 'offers or li!e at twin% whi castmot- int, to Mill the elosrrt sr., f•r (.7,411. PuolirCt. nA AP,Roilrito CARPET. - H. l ryvf.illy asks a en'l froM all persons Wishing' to hoe as he is tleterminssi not to hr ohtlersuld. T..srand.), Nosem4er 2;, 1451. 17ICTORIN ES ANI) CLV, frwketto for sale then, at riv2l •TE 2 IIII I -0 1. -Fr 9 Dignirmir -. iptS REMOVED HIS OFFICE mNo. 12. B•ica Hn!'• ("1.. , air.....) in the r•inin formerly not-ivied "!il.n.,D. %hoot na t law fana, where he will be l'itared to see those requirin his professional service'. Towanda. November 18, 1851. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. LL personi indebted to the estate. of IRA a BRONSON, late ol_ Orwell township deceas ea. ire herphr notified to make payment without de -4,14. all persons. having dgmands against said t‘tve tvl,l prevet them prorio.iv a ttested fay 'settle r,en! to (114UNCY 1.114E8 D. HUNIPHREY. O,IreII Nov. 17. lehl. Executor. 174 ' ", 0. all ner:nn< in.lehred 113 the late firm c;r ),NiON & HUMPHREY are horehe called nion c .nv! forward and ~ente their re.poctive ac. cotnltc 1 0 due time. I. D. HIT IPHREV. BRIDGE LETTING. SE'LEDPRoP(ts%m4 will he received at the Coinini,u,ner's Office. until 12 o'cloeh of Wed. I) rcember 10. 2851. for hoildinz a Bridle leans Towanda ('reek. Gear Bull AI Brovencrin'a mill*. Plans and , penifirations ran be Kee - 12 at the (;"mmiscuinee, ONlce . l ,r nue week previous to the elh F order of the Crtm'rs. : 1, 4%13. ; 1. N. F RR AR. eteelf. STRAYED, pßom the antAelibef in Towanda hnrough. on Thur.daa night. the 30th day of Oetnbc r inst. need milch COW , in good condition , with the gip of right hnrn battered down--8 years old. Who teer .etorn said eour.or jive information where the can be found, afiall be liberally rewarded. Npv. 12. itosl. A. V. 1 ROllll% BITE Faney Colored Hickory Wrists for all Orme. • et &A. C. NEW'VAL — '''AIIIYIVI-It' - ',GOO c ~, i • ~. a......... . . JOSEPH KINOSBERY; • , • ' ;:•-:: - . , • ~ • rd now receiving an eitensive aisottment of CJOODS. purchased since - i in : emi t sad the late death* "el .1. whith - cannot rail to omit the Meter and-wishes of purchaser . and meet the'wetrita'of`the p Midi and as every bey knowa thitt he &heap sells Goads veil , Cheap , it Is notiecesisuy tri tialtb ant` remarks on that subject • . -I ',ii,T \ • 210011t11 AND II 41.110.11t41121r. , . . ~ I shall in a few leis receive a very large cataldatie Of N. Htnikelid Statloaary, and tieintrdesitons of disposing of doable the weal quantity this sealloil. Shill fiditee the prices to a rely low !Wife. =Mini ZOIMPOV. ' , - • Being agent for the sale of the Bay State Shaiilit Filhilloirough. 'I im enabled to offer thini Much lower and hi lamer variety than any other establishment this side of New York. Large stlmaiei of these shawls will be received during the winter. , _ , - ratan colontammi Fish. *ails; Glass. Oils, Ifirilware. Crockery, Boot. and Shoes, Sall. &c.. JOB. KINOBE4Y. . . BY e. Er irttie„of a writ of Vend. 11.00 out of the court of common Please of Bradford County. and to diedirected. will bet exposed to public sale at the court Hots in the' boro.!.ot , To*anda. nn Il t iditday the Ist day of December. at t o'clock. the fu lowing lot piere or parcel of land, shun. ted in Towanda op. bounded and desdribdd as fol. lows ip *lt t north by lands ib possession of J. C. fkiwell and Dean Horton. *eJt he lands of well. smolt by land. of Elea Rutty. East by non, Creek. Containing ab at eighty acres more or less. about sixty acres improved one two story stone tavern house, two framed barns and an apple or chard thereon. seized and taken in eteCutittn at the Skit of Mon tanve's At Co. vs. stiephen 4. Mills. • A LSOz- - -Thp following lot piece or parcel of land situated in the township of Durell„ . bounded and des cribed as follows to wit : north by lands of J.:hn Crimaiing. west by unsested lands, south by land of Michael Cr •sn:least by Cornelius Fitzgerould. Con taining one hOndred and six acres more or less, three or four acres chopped. seized• and taken in execution at the suit of SAY Ward Executrix of the estate of William Ward dec'd, now to the use of Rank and Brooke, vs. Da vid Walsh. . ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land situated in Granville tµ bounded and deselibed as follows vie uorth by land of Harry Putnam 4- ,C. P. Griffin, east & south by Harrison Ross, on the west by land of Harry Putnam. 'Containing about forty-five atm more or less, all unproved o ne framed finnan. one log and framed barn and apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Orrini Ballard, to the • ase of Charles Calkins, wk. An drew T. Morrison. • ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land situated in the township of Rome, bounded end des cribed as follows : bytiningat a corner in a line of Ephraim U. Parker & Hiram Drake. thence south 79° east along the line of said Drake, eighty and: 84 tenth perches to another corner of Said Drakes. thence south one-dearer west 23 and 1-10 perches thence south thirtrfour and a half degrees west to a corner in a line of Daniel Buffington's now Luci us Eastman. thence north 69 degrees west 67 and 1.10 perches to the begining. Cant sining twenty two acres and twenty-six perches strict measure, be .he came more or le ss . about fro acres improved one framed barn, log house and small orchard thereon. Seized and taken in eiwcution at the nuit of Hiram Drake - adminis.trator of John Moore deceased, vi. eitas Gore and Sanel W. Gore. Al.'‘O—The fialowing lot piece or parcel of land situated in the township of Burlington. bounded and described as follows to wit : north by lands of Jacob M.er. west by land of Rogers Fowler. south by land William Mead east by land of Charles Mead.— Containing about 80 acres more or less about 8% acres improved. two log houses, one log bare and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Lo. rano D. West vs. William A. tquyter. ALSO-s-By a writ of a levari tacias, directed as ahove—All that certain piece or parcel of land bounded and described as filows viz .- situated in township of Wells In the county of Bradford, begin ning at a post the sooth•eaqt c rner of laird survey. 'ell to William C. Ware. thence south eighty perch es to a post, thence west two hundred and three perches In a beech. thence northegbly p -rches to a post: thence east two hundred aiaihree perches ki the begining. Coonsibing one hundred and one acres and eighty perches, being the same tract ..1 land which tht parties pf the second part conveyed to the said Shnhul Rowlee. ^Pith one old frame house. one wood and wash house, one horse barn one farm 'elm and -ow shel attached to it. a small apple ^I. ha - I -about sixty acres improved. seiz d and taken in erscution at the suit of Jo seph R. ingersoll Henry B. Raring, William B. Baring, John Craig Miller, and Francis Dame .trustees of the estate of William Binghlm ilec'd and successors and assigns of Alexander Basing' and Henry Baring et al devises in trust of the estate of William .Bingham deed vs. Shoat! Rowlee excel' tor of Rhubtkl . R 'wipe dec'd with notice to Edward A. Ayres terre ter ant. CHESTER THOMAS, sheriff. Sheriff's • %Rice. Towanda. Nov. 8, ISun Rear. 4un scs 720 440 7 21 4 39' 7 21 4 39 7 21 4 38 7 22 4 38 723 4 27 7 23 4 '37 By virtue of a writ of Vend. gxponas issued out of the Court of Common Pleits, of Bradford County. and to me directed. will be exposed to pub lic sale, at the Court House in the born.' ofrowanda on Friday. the lOth day of October, at 1 o'clock, P. M.. the folio% ing lot piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Smithfield. bounded and describ rd as follows. to wit ; north by land of C. C. Pierce. east by land of Enos Smith. and others. mouth be tools of 11. Crowell and the highway, and west Go lands of b. Farnsworth. Containing abcret Macre more or less, .ahoti r t 110 arreonoroved, one framed house. one framed barn anFfruit trees thereon,. seized and taken in execution at the suit of 1:. F. Grovener assignee of Seth Salsbury vs. Charles Olmstead, At. 04-Ry two writs the following piece or par. eel of land lying and being in Columbia township and bownited Its follows: on the no rth by lands of Frinklin Baker. west he M U. Canfield. south bv Austin and Robbins. and east by Urtah Ferguson and 11. Robbins. Containining IMu acre+. more or less. about 70 ilCrel improved with on framed house one framed harn.‘aint apple orchard th Fenn. - 8e zed and taken io execution at the snit of Wm. 11..bhinb to to the use of John C. Adams vs. John Benson. Al.! 4 o—The following piece or parcel of land sit utile in Athens horn,' bounded on the north by land. of 11. 0. Hail and E.:lleraitsk. east . by lands of Welles Ar Harris. snail by Canal at and we-t by land• of P Rogers. Containing fifty feet on Canal st and eivhty four feet deep or bock, framed house and framed barn and fruit trees thereon. Seized and take , in execution at the suit of Wm Kilt to the use of B. Richmond &Co, vs. Abigail White. WM. B. 11CIBBLN.3, Sheriff's Office. Towanda, Sept. 15, 1851. S ,THE above sale stands adjourned until Monday the first day of peeetriber next, at the same place and time of day. 4/ct 24 W S. DOBEIT,N, WEL THE .. untirrAztird - would inform the chime of Towanda and vicinity. that he has arrived hrre for the purpose of rliabling those who wish Raga. realtypes4 themselves, (effendi. to get them Hav ing had a nrernber'of rears experience an the, bli..i. nesa, he leek c..nfolena that his pictures will give general satisfaction. Likenesses of children and aged people. taken with perfect accuracy. Those wishing pictures would do well to give him a call. Room over Burton Kingsberyl store. Towanda. July 12, 1851. G 'tt. THE books and acconnts of T.. t. NYE' & CO. are in the hands of D. Vandeteonk. Esq. fur collection. All perms!s having unsoiled accounts with said firm will grease call and settle the same 'on or before tire Ist clay:of January nest. and sat* COST. L. IL NYE It CO. 'regrinds. November 14. Isbi. _VRENCH COLLARS. etems..Coffe. Edell* and .1: se ME breninv, beautif9l uponmetti and grret URwNI iety RC. SheriVs Bale. Sherire Sale. NOTICE. THE LAST * NOTICE Shalt% We. R.., virtue of a writ of Vend. Espo. issued'out of the Court of Cowmen Pleas, and traria directed will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the boro; of Towanda. on Monday the' first day of December. at I o'clock P. M., the following piece' or. parcel of Land situate in Burlington township, bounded and described as follows, to wit : south by Wm. Mead. tan by land of Charles Mead. nonh• Wand of Jacob wes thy land of Rogers Fow. ler-Containing atom 80 aCreti; more or less. about 25 acres improved. two log houses, one log barn and d few fruit trees thereon. :felled and taken in execution at the suit of Tra- , ey jklifoore-ii. Wm. A. silver. Al.o4o—The following described lot of land situ. •ate in Canton tap. and bounded on the north by Nods of Stephen Govet. on the east by lands of John McDual and Columbus McClelland. on the south ieb lands of Names Warner and Jared Hoyt, and on .west by hinds of the heirs of Samuel Davis itl., and G. F Mason. Containing fifty acres. about forty acres improved. with one framed house andiink log barn and apple orchard thereon. Seized end taken in execution at the suit of 0. P. Ballard vs. Bite) Smith. ,WIN. 8. DODD INtieShitr. Pherif i Office, towanda, Oct. 20. 1851 SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a ertain writ of !awl Facia; issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of BradfordVounty 'and to me directed, will be expos ed to publid salt, at the eourt House in the Boro' of Towanda ott Sathrday, the 22d day of November. .at one o'clock P.M.. the following piece or parcel of land, WAR and being in Litchfield township. Brad ford county, and bounded and delcribed as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of a warrant lot claimed by Wm. Clymer, thence north on the said warrant line 138 8.10 p to a post fur a corner; thence east 83 6-16 p passing by soutlokest Corner of Isaac Verbeek's lot; thence south . 175 940 p to none line tit Andrew* Brainard's lot; thence west 99 9.10 p to a post for a corner ; thence north 37 -10 p to the south line of said Clymer's warrant inlet, thence east along said warrant tract fifteen perches to the beginning. Containing ninety-two acres and twenty-two perches, stict measure, about twenty-five acres thereof improved, with two 129 houses and some few fruit trees thereon. seized and taken in exectitit.n at the suit of P. J. DeCateroind wife, vs. James Randolph end James Carey, terra tenant. CH RA rtR TuostA.4. Sheriff's Offiee, Oat 31, 'tit. She. tff AUDI 101; la Me matter of the estate of Winsel F.Killogg. deed. 1 HE undrrsigoed having been appoipted stadiur 1 to marettall asset., and make distribution of the funds of the said e•ta e remaining in the hands of L s. Arnold, administrator thereof. will attend to the duties of said appointment at the house of P.P. sweet, in Smithfield. on Saturday. the 29th day id November, inst., at ten o'clock. A. M ,at whiclitime all person. having claims against said estate ate required to present the name or he debarred from coming in for a share of .aid funds. Oct. 30. 1851. STEPHEN PIERCE.. Andime. AUPITOR'S NOI tE It the matter of the Estate If James Bennett deed. THE undersigned auditor appointed by the Or- I pnan's Court of Hradf.rd county upon e x cept ions filed to the • final and partial account of the adiries. of ~std estate will attend to the duties of ht. said appointment on the 424 day of nest Novem ber at one o'clock P. M. at his office in Towanda two' of which at per4on.intere.te-1 will take notice. Oct. 18 WI. .. lIENHY 80111 II %r1.4.,••r. AI'DI Mfrs N. I'ICE In M. mall?r tit the &Oak of Minty stricklan4dee d t ii undersiytted audi•Or appointed by the Or a phan's Court of Bradford County to settle the accounts of the administrator of said estate. and alto to state and settle the dirtribution offends arm. ing from the said estate as a final settlement of the same, will attend to the &die. of said appointment At his office. in Towanda born on the 19th day of November neti. at one o'clock P. M., when all per sons having claims against said estate are required to present them or be debarred from any share of said funds. Oct. 18. 1851, AUDITOR'S NOTICE In thr matter If the Estate of Akt.son .Murris, dee'd, I•HE auditor appointql by the Orphan's Court of lirabford eintrity to distribute funds in the hands of the administrators itf said estate, will at- tend to the duti , s of said appointment at his office in Towanda boro' on ihe24lll (ley of November next at one o'clock, P. M . when all persons haying illvirna against said estate are requested to present them before the auditor or h • debarred from any share of ,aid fund... HENRY HOOTII. Auditor. . November. I.t. IRSI. ArOrFOß's Itr4 MICE - - 1•t Me matter of Me 1:4111e.of Horace F Harden dee'd. V HE auditor app••inted by the Orphan's Court a L Bradford :ounty to distribute funds lathe hands of the.administrators of the estate aforesaid will at• tend to said business at his office in Towanda born' to the :11th day of November next. at one o'clock P. M when all persons ha-tint: claims against said estate are requested to picesent them or be debarred Qom any share of said funds. 001.18. 1851. . HEN Rif BOOTH. A tittor. Al' DI FOR'S No I'ICE 14 Its mnfler of Me estate of Nelson Rogers, deed. NOIVE is hereby Riven to all permns interested that the undersigned has been appoituetroy the Orphans court of Bradt - ant ecunry, an audi•or, to twilit, settle and report upon the account of Eli Gibbs. adininiatratir iii s aiii‘freedert. and that lie will attend to the duti of the appointment tm the 29th day of November nest, at one o'clock P. 51.. it his onite in tho borongh of Towanda. Oct. 3tl, '5l. WM. EL WELT., Auditor. Orphan's Court Sale. persoance of an order of the Orphan's Court. of I Stafford county. there will be exposed to public safe, on Tuesday. the 11th day of November nest. at I o'clock P. M.. rin the premises. a certatn tract of land situate_in Leroy township. late the estate of Seeley Molcomh: founded by tieenck. on the east.enil south by lands of the Hardie! estate. west by lands belonging to the estate of Sterling Hid. comh. der d. north by Towanda . creek ; IS or 1-7 acres improved. with one framed barn erected the re. on, the remainder shindland. Terms one half rash. the remainder one year front the cooftrination of sale, with interest from the day of sale. O STOCKWELL. Administratcr. Oct. 9, 1851. Paper Hangings. THE only complete aaaortnwrit of Paper Han:three. Borthos, Window Paper. and Fire tome; Views. kept in this region, and at pricer. as low it 4 can he found at retill either in or out or the principal cilia., at May A:— 0. iL B ‘RTIXTr. Estray.: . /NAME to the enclosure of the sdhsrriber in Tounn. fla inonshiii. on or abut the ,Ittis inst. a lIELI ahntrt 8 scars oil Said steer bits no portico , . In mark. The owner is requests,' to Prows Proper and pay chafers. WILLIAM AUSTIM. Towantla.issm. 83;1851.. CHAIN PUMPS. for ;Nl at ' SIPRCURIO. Seriember tO, teat. I== - lust . et • 7111tAWN . fror Dec. 144 , silerettri ! :LP loci - 1851: -• ' Altilisint-4met Finch; Mtieilikinfo.-Ita Joinilloiloi Se; - Graneilki-tiather Ciariti.nobers 140041 -Sprinill4l-40311Hatimens; • Athens C. Harris; • ;• • SmithfleM-Hotime.Pieree.Ene• Can; Windhatis=4: D. pardria4o.tiarpeatit Trey twp.".-Linas Ambit; Weds—Alesand M Seeiet ; Wyalosing.4ymats Chamberlin t Rome . —David Cote ; Warren—No.6*H T*rtni ; columbia—lii ram Freeman; Fronalin—Darid Cote; Monroe—Jesse Mick(' Burlington—Jebisl IRK= I RiJgbery—Milis esti.; . • 711.6•11111911 Joicat—vrair Wells-48mph Sturdivant, David Sayre; Pi ke—Martimore Pratt, George White. Along° &UM Richard Ashton. Nathan Rockwell; Albany—.Bolan Stevens I Springfield—L. Newberry. D. 8. Smith Warren—S. C. Brainard. Nelsob Corbig ; Riweidiequin—ftmuei Minirr. H. B. Chaffve i Granville—Henry Salton, John Vromin, Charles Drake ; • , Athens borne—Waller Olmsted. Moses Omelet ; • Smithfield —James Pritcher, Ira Adams, James L. Geiontd, Gen. McVannon. Merril Wood; Routh Creek—John ; • blonme:-Wm. Bradford; Wyalusing--James Butler.ll. if, Lamphere, Joseph Gaylord • Columbia—Griffin Daily. Dennison Miller; Leroy—Nelson Reynolds ; StsudingSione—fienry Westtirook,Johu DA Squires I:harles Roof. Orwell—Austin Ellsworth. S. Lathrop ; Dutell—John Bennett 3d. James Gofi ; Ulster—James McCarty, Samuel Hat; Burlington—Geo 'NI Canton—Ezra Spalding g Toscarora—Beta Cogswell ; Litchfield,-Josiah White ; Rome—Nathan Maynard ; Herrick—Newell Reeler t Ridgbery—Aaron ONtrander ; •ncoae WEI& Litchfiehl—Denj. Dill. Wm. Cooper. Hiram Enter*: Tnscarora—J. C. Galva; Vincent Owen, D. D. Black t . Ridgbery—Vincent Owen, Chem. Fro'eh 1 • Durell—Geo. Cole. John W. Street. A. W. D. Van. eorder,Jac..7b R. Emery ; . Smithfield-4km. W. Campbell, C. A. Lyman, Jona- than Bush. Elam" Farwell ; Granville James H. Ross. C. Baxter ; Rome—Chas. C. Lent ; ,f4then‘tp.—lr. IL Weller. Thos. Lane; Uurlineton—Abram Morley. D. A. Ross, Wm. Phi- nee; Canton Wm.Gor.line, John Vandyke ; Columbia—Wm. Smith, Stephen Bullock, Joseph %Vorden't Pike—A..l. &Nall, Oliver Ellsworth, D. Blackman, A. A. Woolen ; Orwell—Wm. C. Maynard ; Aqvlum—staron Ely ; 'l'ror tp—Simon Mclnto•h, Eel Porter; Athens H. Sherman ; Troy bo.—John F. Hopkins ; Monroe—Horatio B. Bowen, Geo. Walker ; Wvalo.inv—E. M. Beeman. Chas. Hamm PprineGeld—Thog. P. Wolcott ; Standing Btonr—John Ennis ; Towanda tp —haac Myer fthtl.heqoin--0. W. Hollis; Ulster—D. 0. Chubbock Tamp sums. Alberti bo.—Chas Comstock ; Wyalusinw—Elishi Lewis ; Asylum—Jacob Fruichey ; Franklin-40bn M. T.ylor ; Smithfield—John Dar, An-el Pe. tt ; - ;Warty—Henry Hibbard; Minor Wilcol Windham—Saml Jackway ; Canton—J. U. Wright.- Thin Williamson jr. ; Pike—John I.:Palmer. Almon Beecher ; Warren- Nathan Newman. Calvin Arnold; . Towanda ho.-11 F. Powell, E. T. Fos ; Sianding Stone—Hiram Vannest-; Rome—Danford Chaffee, Oscar Elliott J.D. Demo. fly ; Tuscarora—VlM. Thompson ; Fowanda tp.—Means Watts ; Columbia—Allen S. Par.oos. Stephen D. Goodrich; Lem—Horace - Holcomb ; Sheshequin—lsaac Elliott. Geo Kinney; Burlington—James McKean ; Rolghery—James Hammond ; Orwell—Geo. Wells ; Wysoa—David Hines; Litchfield—Johnson Rutgers; Troy tp —Erastus Reach ; A Us persons knowing themselves K. be indebted to 11 the e,oxte of ABRAHAM WORTENDYKE. deed late of South Creek. Ip„. dre hereby reqnesued to mike immediate payment, and th'nee having claim, against said estatewill please present them immediately duly authenticated fur aettlemetiL JESSE EDSALL. NATHAN sHEPARD. South Creek, Oct. 17, 1851. -Administrators. HENRY, BOOTH. Andi'or A"persona indebted to the rstate of Benjamin Buffington deceased, late of Warren township, are herehy sequesteil to matte payment without de lay. and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to present them dniv authenti cated fur settlement. R. C. 01 - FFINGTON, GILES N. DE WOLF. Warren, Oet.'3, 1851. Executor's. AA pentane italehtftl to the estate of A. W. H. Vanimrder, deed, late of the township of Durel, are hereby requeKted to make payment without delay. and 0u 4! haviirt claims against raid estate, will pleabe pre•eitt them duly authenticated for settlement. f vriL )1, VA SGORDER, Durell. S'eptemher 22. 185 . mi o lora f; A Lt. persons indebted tolie estate of LEMUEL • S. MAYNARD dacea.4R. late of Rome town ship are hereby tenuexted to make payment with out delay. and those hayinu claims exalt, pi said, tue, wilrplease present them duly and antheriticated for settlement. . WM. E. MAYNARD. LE rTeas Testatrtentary Nine the last will and testament of ELIZABETH MEANS, late o the Ditto' of Towanda, deceased. having toren grant ed in the subscribers of said Bore' all persons hay ing claims or demands attainst the estate of the said ileeeasml are legit, 11.(1 to make the Fame .kernum to idiom 'War. and all ,pentans indebted to *aid estate are required to pay the same forthwith. THOM f 8 ELLIOTT. MILLER FOX. Towanda, Jetty 28, 1851. Eisentom AOMlNts . rnA•rows Ncrricg. ALL tworeons indebted to the estate of WILLIAM BR ‘DFl)Rtideeensell, late of Warren townibip, are hereby rt.questett to mike payment without delay. and an persons hawing dentinal, against said estate are rrqoested to print them. dote autbentieeted fnr set ,dement. 00:0ROR MANNING. 4 DozEN mire of thnve cheep sod goad LINEN COATS, this day received by May 29. H. & A. CAMPBELL. T OOK HERE sr. erns selling tbs best gni .ILJ els of Molasses at nets per 'alien. . simmer* M1N1.% rIROCKERY & titA WARISit- Luis en* af• A b irs4 roils by -10 Z . ADMINISTRATORi. NOTieg Executor's Notice. A DNI I N ISTRATRICS NOTICE ADMINISTRATOR'S I'ICE JOHN PAlier.MOßt • A.lminiAtraters with The will annexed Towanda. Aug. 9. 11351. EXECUTOR'S NOTILE WiLLIAM BRADFORD. Warren. Oct. 17. IRS 1. , AdMin hangars SICCITCWS very teekeles taw teams god • yore.= fgr se ":`r '. -- '~dl , fit:=lat =- - lIMIE Pal l l and Vida Gods. MOW/41212rar &AM. larAlbt - no« in Alegre kluge tiocit of Gonda from Newitorli and ithermariats. which are offered wholesale and retail. it t..e lowest possible primer. V e mention a Teti thing that may always be found' at oar Stow Prints, intshaule,psplins. &skis; doe. of the latest styles; • Orocense, Hardware. Croekawlrots and Shoes. Hate. Capaelke. &e. Of which we have e lugs se. sortatentr selected with great Mlle -sad awed at low prices. and *in not he undersold. Alan. WNW,. gloves. wooden were. glue; sole leather, betide a thousand other ankh* which we need not encuserate. all of which we offer fto our customers at prices that must jive great satisfaction. as our entire Stock has bran !sidle us time whim the market was not:amnion ly demisted, and goods were many per sent. lower than opus!. By attention and prompt:Am hi misting the wants of our customer,. we hope to merit a con tinuance. of the, patronage title has Mitten° been so liberally bestowed upon a. MON TAN YES' if Co. ;Towanda, 0ci..11. 1851. FALL GOODS. T. FOX, would respectfully inform his old frienii. • Lis NW the cies-ns of Bradford in swim, shift he is now receiving • full stock of FALL GOMA which be is draiirsas of disposing of at o very small ashrams from first awl; bring satisfied thathie goods are eski ed with as much cam and bought at learg. at as Jow Pril:B4a* him neittithorshe is now litigious tos convinee his customers that they will be sold at the right kind of Priem Piet* gill and see. as there is surely no harm in knowing bow cheap some folks do nil goods—call anon. Omer iii Main and Pine streets Fall & Winter 'Goods. mitt= armaisszorst Ts now twisivins lame assortment of Pilllllla Win. J. tell Goods, area from New tort which is offered et Greedy reduced prices to tub buyers. Towande, Oct. 11, 1351. The rbst Time of Arling& ADIVPRCIR hewing lately been effected between the present Register and Recorder of Ora,lfold County, and tile office he now holds. to take Ps final effect on the first day of December nest. It becomes indispensehle that all debts due to the subscriber in his official capacity should be immediately liquidated. The parties interested in this notice will save them selves trouble, and the Register Much personal annoy. ance by !I prompt attention to its contents. The affiks of the office must be settled immediately, and ;he state sates remitted, and to enable him to accomplish Ibis the parties in.!ebted to him meat pay et once. " Oct. 6, [Bsl. limaTio tII.4CR. Recorder. :IM Arrival of FALL 'COODS, LT P. ar. M. C. MERCER ire now receiving • ILL• very extensive assortment of Goods for the Frill trade, which will be sold at wholesale or retail cheaper than at any other more in the County. Towanda. Sept. 4, IRS'. LATER FROM CUBA Zbrecutten cf Iscpes ! STILL. later new, ins New Yojk & E. R. R. of the arrival of a very large stork of Mere hantlize at PHINNEY &RO Vir ANB No. 3 Brick Row which they are prepared to sell at wholesale or retail tor 'aeh or Wetly Pay, cheaper then the etterpe.a. from the tart that they purchased their stock for cash in • very de. premised obits of the market. Don't mistake the place. No. 3 Brick Row next door to Dr. Huston... Drug storm' STONS SUGAR, km overilred, at whnirmile and • PHINNEY & BOWMAN. QALT. w large Ins. also Iron. NOP; Hardware. 4 , e and Mackerel in Mile.. 4 and I h!,l*, for sale tit m)122 t'HINNEY & BOWMAN.: in cif EsTs more of M.,re three end lour ohillinga TEAS. et PHINNEY & BO WM %N. gIiEETINGS, shirinty., sir;pre. aml ticks. for sale 16...) by PHINNEY & 130wMAN. 10001'S & SHOES. lho. largest and Cheatwat Inuant:. meni iti toorn--arel fhb. and Cops, at whnki.alb an' Waif!: PHINNEY & BOWMAN. CROCKERY, °lmmolee. Paine. Oil,. Glide.. lhes, dte. PHINNEY k 110WUK.V. rigEziB GOOUgi s Into variety—Moloch, raid .11 Shmla, a good szenrtment. fnr by 11:220 T WADER WANTED. go, PHINNEY & BOW. M A'N'B, for which c*.h *ill he poi+l. IV HEAT. Oats, Rye and Cam, taken in eitetnines VI for goad*. PIHNINEY & BOWM D irrit R-100 Fif k ins wanted, foe which pars cash Di *III he guilt. PillitilEY it ItlnV MAN, tops. Boobs and Shoes ; 0 erotea nevr style H of Hats and Caps, Also a large rtork of mem, Womeus end Cbildrene Bouts and %nes in., received at' COME ONE. COME ALL and egarnine dm Nevi Goods., which are now being ethit.ited et ' DOC D. KINGSBEIRY'A. r. BUSHELS RtE & CORN fir ~a i e by 1 I Cfr Jut A. E. T. FOX. COITEINS Rae air-ISTAM tk N assortment or RE A TIY-11 ADC COFFINS wilt A he kept ronatant'y on hand at Nye's , 'ld stand H n Main Wert. where the ,utnteriber is *l.O prepared to mike and r pair all kinds of Furniture. Towen.li.iiily 12. 11451. C. WI:US. BLASTING PO wurn. —5O kes• Mating Poe. Ipr. by fIR MO:TA NT Es; & CROCKER V.—Ttie largeet - erock in town. Full dinner end tea it., of a him granite and blue ware, which will be in. 1.1 cheap at Ft tX't.t. V I IV E:lti one knows that the place to rota Ow bugNg. ossottment copd best quvloy of gloves of wll cleat rriptions is et aO=6 FOX'S. 901)0Z. Plinpmre, Leghorn, Palm Leaf •nd illurnha •"11 24 " 400 Hat• s i t ap2B FOX'S. B I:K Silk and MI Silk Lacs for ALIN rit.T.fitS at i 5 ,26 FOX'S. DRY O gomi asseniment of Medium*. Cust)mereo. Du Laing, Alpacas, nrul print* dow mning MERVIIrs. 6 HD' D. of Sugar it mires tWeitivery les4 than any before sold in town within one year. alio. kid's.. sea sweet and gaol limn St to 50 els. Rio. Litetrint and Ohl Jars Coffee that cant he !Tat. Finn bunch Raisins. Penner. Roes.. Saleratits, Ginger. and a Rea oral aschrlment of erf , ceries ; aI.M a fu!l .:apply afresh tie* Tess shimmied as ti.ual, flood and right or the money itat riled in all eases ; jost received and for sale at sea. 11.1, Ft 'IX'S, IR mil Ribboun "JonaEl ' , into. Leimi and ne ni .. 4 FOX'I, On BALER 41F s110E:111:1(;, common end fine In In-4 aide. A nice nswwfmr.nt nf(lresel)- ed Genciv, bleached end I , r l nni I)ri:N.lCranb and ths- PriY, brawn and timilfff.l4lll , ll.l.. Tiekinc, CAtt , •ll 17;ern„ . Butting, Wicuina and Wedding, 64.1!ing,chesp okt. StBROIDERTF,S, very ;' , lrgo rock or Swim. 'ma E Mtwlin Ingingd and Ittertintra. Swims and Mot. tn Mud*. necalo wrought Collw4 end Cuirt.lng wrought Linen lianainnvbiefs, an i in fact the litroin and b o at aotanninein of grahroidared 0,1048 eepr hetnre (offered in Towanda at LLACK SILKS, also a few patterns of fang which wilt he !inl.l ehrapat ?Writ. P0(1T8 ar_BlioE1 4 . a food resortehint of Ladies. 'Cleats. Misr", qriliirsairand Infants fumes for lob at • 4 • Fork IVAPERT spknal 1/ 111er.t it von. staa3 pkiiat , " ' TOTS. PHINNEV it fIdWIWAY groceries. , MUM MIMI* 0111LtVit• ads= darT444,- Htflrld enteral into eeppartnovetlp p r aettee of tail. bays else estsbhilreol en' itttkity;for tho 4,1* of reel emote in the enmity of Bradford. ?Pentone having reel estate which thry &sive t• seg. bfr cant mad leseitor a dereription of their property, whit` the man!, if mak will undoubtedly trait to their Ohio PRIORS &view of pse!cbasing ft* rosqll firkoM etty is far rodom , 4 description of tto moo 110 : des Peke Wei Wino of menet and be inforatid ac to the validity of tide. 3. C. 'A Towanda; !dry 1,1651. J. MAUFARLAMIL DEN, MEDICINES, CHEMICAL GROCERIES AND LIQUOR& nrt;STON it WHITER halo _port 'added to that awmtWoiti a loge stank of Freob Nun. clam Chemicals. Oils Paints. Groceries and Licitiors. *kith are now o ff ered to the !Abbe at low :Ales. Their Mock of FANCY GOODS & PF 117VMEST is the largest and 0104 • complsla seat armed in this market. Alen a choke asenthrrent of tut; WINES Ilk LI. QUOREI. Imitable for "'edits! purposes. A lame variety of Campbrim.Phospese. Floid.tud and uil LAMPS. &refraining many neve and beautiful ogles. Being agents ra all the lost Patent Media/set of So day. purchasers uria depend upon procuring i ginoino article in all eases. All the Drup and Mcßae*. kept at their eseelalieb. menu; may he rrlled upon n genuine and of the ben quality. having been eitrefolty selected with a Brow to their woefulness. ISuutb state of Ward Room. slut No.i. Bradt Raw. Towanda, May 21, 18QI. Register's Notice. OTICE is hereby given that there have been 111. N ed and settled in the office of Register of Wills in and for. the County of Bradford, sea:matt of ad. ministminn upon the following estates /if t Final amount of %melia Morey & tiro. B. Des. ham, administrator of Northrop Morey deceased, lite of Orwell. Final accountof Abaltailf Long, Along(' tong and Horace F. Long, adminittrators uf-, Ezra Loot deed" late of Troy. Final areonni of A. W. Coburn Elltiliat of Pot. ly Lee deed. tate of Warren. Partial acc o u n t ormosea A,Ladd one of the Ds eentors 'of Horatio Ladd dec d. late of Albany. Final account ors. H. Wilann and Hannah Dim on, administr..tor of Gilbert Dimon dec'd. late at Pike. aceannt of Joseph Morey. administrator of the eststeof Wm. Turner deed late of Warren: Final account of Geo. W. Shattuck, administrator of Wm. Crans. late of Troy. Final account of N. J. ifeeler. admitdrtrator ar Chad/pa Trinder dec'd. rate of Final account of Solomon Ci uper. administrator of the estate of Samuel Chase. late of Towanda bo. Supplimentarr account of E. R. Myer Executes of Wm. Myer deed late of Wyanx. Final account of Alfred Gore. Administrator of Sarah Gore. deed late of Sheshequin. Final account of F.lam Bennett. Administrator with the will annexed, of Eleter Norman. decd Imo of Springfield. And the same will he presented to the Orphan's roort of Bradford county. on Monday the Ist day of December next, for confirmation and all wane.. . BLACK. Register. netioeen Offiee. Towanda. November 1 1831. New Chair and Bedstead Wareroam. JESSE TAYLOR, RESPECTFULLY informs the public that he bed opened a shop at his new house. efirber of Maio and Print, streets, nese! opposite Edriard Cherton'e. -Towanda. when he will keep curhand of roirsufamote to miler, Flort-rested, E.:ones*. Windsor. klneT. Can. seated and Common CHAIRS, made of the best ow terials, and of superlot dorshilitt. He hes mso for tea en ossoitosont of Bauman, at tow prices Repairing and Beating Common, Cane-bettom and Flea-stated Chairs, on reasonable terms. Chetry. Beeetwood, Wbitewood and Cucember lam. her taken in payment for work. He trusts that his long acquantanere in thin county. and the durability of hi= work a. tented by many yawls esperience, will secure him n chore of pulOic Fauna. elev. Towmata, March 1, 1A.51. BOOTS Sc SHOES! Sohn W. 1 27ileofr, .A 8 removed his eststdi.hment to H. Mies store, corner of main street and the public square, and will continue the manufacture of ;toots and Stow, wa heretofore. He has just received from New York a large same" ment of Women's, Children's (rid Misses' Shoes, which are offered si taw prices. The atierition of the Ladies is rtricularly directed to his assortment. comprising the following new daytee.......Eneonri/vd - leany /Andrei ter hoots; do. shoes ; black lasting and silk gaiters walking shoes. huskins.dtc. Hisses' gaiters and shoes. of every de cription. A large apartment of Childzen'e fancy gaiters. daunts and shoes, of all kinds. For the Gentlemen. almost every style of gaiters and shoes. This stork ha* been personally selected with care, and he believes he can offer superior articles at: reasonable prices. (f 37 The strictest attention paid to Maettfactuetng. and he hors Mt doing work well to merit a cantina sire of thr literal patmosge he has hitherto received. Mxio 8. IWO, Dress Goods. ICH rot:LA III), Chameleon Chene, Bl'k Dreesß etints, French and Barer& DeLapel , , a new article for sun.met dresses. • French and English Lawns, Sint Tissues. Lumen Lustre' and any quantiiy of other drops trmui: sr FOX'S. Farm for Sale. THE subscriber utters for sale his Farm @masted in Wyvor township Bradford cooly. about 2" miles from Towandi and Itj from the river. Containing shout 120- ecie...attuut 65 or lo ac er, improved. anti well watered. at•h several good mitringenf water.. The t.toldinge upon the farm consist of a large frame Earn, and hag hour.. There premise* offer many inducements to those wshissir so purchase, and will be sold at a hat ca in. Credit will 1w Rivets tor, ',Rt.-half of the purchase money rrgnirea. For further 'Articular* enquire of, nr address the ruhseritter at Wysor P. O. AVvisoa. An:. 16, lest. WM. U. ISTROPF. All Right at the lundshing Vepot Ar A. (Lit return their memo thanks .L • forlhet Hilo al pitronage heretofore teistoseed. stol would again call attention of their Mende 14 caw totwet• to -- Ihrir late . arrival of NEW Elvento Otiose. C0114'1140 of all things necessary for elothitug:the out er man 'Allah will be sold At *Rae 109Illptitesthan has Itithertofore been *eked. Pease l i the tab a call lx:fara putcha4mgelpewhave. H. & Great ilargida I The undersigned. tititi seli on reasons. terms, the Tavern House and onec rs: 1.! hundred acres of eicellent farming land.,otuaied in the Village of Rum Bradfoid County, Pa. The location of the house commands a tine business, and orers ereat induce. men's . lei any per.on desinoo. of keeping a Poblos linnice.-in connexion witn Farming &e. tor terms aPl.ly, to the suh.criner at Rome. Act. 4 BS!. JOHAI PA -SNORE Caution. AV NESE ‘B, my wife CYNTHIA:MARGARET. VI. has this day left my be‘l amt board, without jtist cause or provocation. this iu to turbid ail Iseithm harborint nr trit.ting her on my scenunt. as I •hall pay no debts of her contrartine Ow. this d.te. • JAMES NELSON. Towanda. Oct. 30, 185 1. . . 1011 ARD WARE.--A very largo and general assort -1.1 twit of hirlArare of elryfy Ileseyiptionantluding Cop/num.., „Tni wiV'enel 81seltamither6,111, Cerillgv Mast% Tileminittna Matevistis &e,.. caosilmolity-a WA till fa We et very I•kw rAdr• „ - ' 114 Rerlrf:, , CAT. —A yuirstitra %It sew ereiwiesm - k_.? ties. T. 031 15 f: • 0 IMMM