Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 29, 1851, Image 2

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'OraOforb ~Weportm.
eras' So% 'Wee *peed), Frei Men!
Sigiegfiraui es, Ares Torrearg.
Towanda, Saturday, November 29,1851
Terms of The Reporter.
SIN net annum—if tniti triihin the len, SO renni +gift
t. dednettd:—for riksh prod netnatir in advance Si 00 vitt hr
ewed. No paper rent over tvro year*, aatees paid for.
tortartmeawra , per equire of ten /Ines. 50 cents for the
••••t., nod VS cents for each auhventlent itteert in/1.
Tr Oirice 13) 1141 " Ilmon Illork." north side 01 the Pntsie
ire. neat door to 1 , , e Tionicord Metel. Entrance 4e.weett
• , e.ara..‘ datnie and P.lverTre lave sates. , .
Damn, WEA'Tns rileariairrati PRflit.
-• -atty.—There are, now two candidates for the
4 t.residency in the brat J. Waxiaa,
'~.,ted by Kossuth ; and D miss) Wrtx srr, nominated
by a 'contention het i ! in. Paneuil HAP, Boston, on
Tuesday last.
This Conreniton rrombered about 200 Delegates
from the various towns in Aleetaclinsons, prfnei t
pally -from the manufacturing valaps., lit was pre
sided over by lion. Getman Astistee, of Spring.
field. In an address prepared by Hon. EDWARD
giSIIIITE, the name of Hon. DANIEL W EIMER is
presented as a csadidate for the Presidency at the
nett election. •
The address bases the romination of Mr. WEEP
FTEN, upon " National" grounds, di canting party
issues. We make a - abort extract to show its spirit
and purport
0 We have thus endeavored, feltow.eitizens, with
out, over-statement and without injustice to others,
to discharge the duly which has devolved upon us
of this 'important and interesting cccasion. We
have sought to disparage no other candidate; we
have endeavored to enlist no support on party
grounds. The time has come, we think, in which
the welfare of the country requires that Mere par
ty claims should yield• to higher considerations :
and we feel that in the , support of Mr. Webster,
good citizens of good parties add in both of the
great sections of the country, may cordially and ,
consistently unite.
Fella► citizens of the Hotted States—Ott the 7th
'of March, 11550, Mr. Webster said, in commencing
his Speech...l speak to-day for the preservation of
the Union. Hear me for my cause. I speak not
as a Mastrachosuns man, nor „a• I Northern/nen.
but as an American." To-day. fellow citizens, we
also speak for the Union. and act for the Union:—
Ws also speak not as Massachusetts men, but us
Americans. We speak for that grim cause so
highly transcending all local considerations. and all
merely party objects; the cause around which our
hearts and our hopes all cluster; the cause of our
Common Country."
,c tr
the prisoners arranged for trea n, in beingconcern.
ed in the Ch*diens riot, commenced at Philadel
phia, on Monday last, before Judges Grier and
Kano. - ,
Ttte prisoners are to be tried separately, and the
first one called was a white luau Darned-Cast/to
The following gentletism appeared as counsel
in the cases which are to be tried :--For the Un ited
'!states--U.5. District Attorney, john W. A.s'arneatt,
George 1,. Ashmea<l. For the State of Mary Jan—
a General Robert J Brent, Hon James Coop.
et, R. M. Lee and James R. Ludlow: For the De
fencts--Jobn M. Read, David Paul Brows, Thad.
vleFoi Stephens, Wm. J. Pierce, R V. Kane, Thee.
dere Cu) ler, J. J. Lewis, WM. A Jackson.
. The firm day *aa principally occupied in exam
ining lima and-tihirty•six were called, slid btu fire
atssictirserrs Etsc•rwtt-•The returns from the
election held on Monday last, make the House
stand 196 whip and '99 coalitionists, with eight,
towns to hear from—six of which gave anti-Adds
sivajotilista at the State ..electiutt. lo Springfield, tha
hunters and Nee Rodent coaiesced. The' chances
now are, that the coalitionists will gave a small ma
jority inlhe House, which secures the te•election
of Heetgo T. Boutwell, the,4lemocratic candidate
for Governor. • . ,••
„last as the Webster Convention cornmencittl its
session, the coalitionists fired one hundred gnu in
Ctornstentoration of their victory.
nix AT ITHACA -.The I theLta Falls Woolen Fac
tory 1r!ills were burned, on Friday evening, list
but. The fire was discovered about 9 o'clock, and
before eleven.the whole the main building, wool
hosseisud dye house, w Sle a heap of ruins. b is ,
not knowihow the fire originated, bc& ctrournstan
cu indicate that it was the work of an incendiary.
21 appears that the building was fired at both ends,
end clue fire went out after burning a hole in the
floor. A small stock of firtii-tred goods was piled
up in a room near the ftuishing - room, and in which
the fire originated. Must of the cloths were got
'out in a damaged state The building ana ma.
chinery was insured ho twenty-one thousand tire
bandied dollars. Loss thirty thousand dollars.
ettrTuesday aftentoon, 'wow commenced fei:.
ing, with scarcely A premonitory miming, and eon
tinuod until everting, covering the , ground with
Beery thatelo, to the depth of neatly a foot, The
*teialiing, or a short time, was tolerable, and well
used, bet at this writing, the air is as *atm XIS VII Mg,
and the snow fat dissipating under its wtomth
such a fall of snow, as early in the season, has no:
been known lot years ,
4 9.4 7 . There is 4 CCliinual and just cable fur corn •
plaint by out hilbACribeN r ail ilecerhystilic and Alba
ny post4licei in ti,is enmity. The Reporter does
vot.reacit those paices, if at all. unit it is some
weeks Md. Thin saran one is culpable. by a gross
neglect of duties, is beyond quertion. It the cause
to r complaint is not remedied, we thaN appeiil to
bead quarters.
• .0,
The Catholic. a Ne otk , held a
oeerikivat Stuyvesant instinve, cm the night of the
nth inst., in aid of the estatdishment of a Cat ulte
University in Ireland. Bishop Hughes 3thlrei4ed
the meeting and made some severe remarks nikinst
Kosreth. •
04-Cot. H L Kinney oilers , * Kossuth and hilt
totnpantont ten thoneatol acre, of lona, 'hinted on
the lietteea River, is Tesatt, att.' a•;frttile as any
in the Union.
04r.rhg - rnentbets of the g4herial profoeion is
It Netn•York hyena In AO vise a 'Au trelerone
on their part to ate,es•l:stitnr'ap the 'yr •
e”,,r)r of 114.1 . ;:try, 71 . 2/ Kw. uth.
etalloolif uB. Coaddlalber M00r 11,411400r
The steamship Atlantic arrived it %Iv . :York on
Sanintiy morning,. from Liverpool, Winging las hitti
"days hiterriews frent Europe.
Th e p r i nc ip a l news is, another fresh and solemn
nomination by Koesuth, in his greet
eptiech, of Roush J. Walker tot the pea Itresident
tif the.ttnited State!, (boina the third time)--Sanil
I also a plump, vigorous, and comprehensive dechrra•
tire' in favor of free trade and unrestricted cern
mince between nations. Freetrade and commerce
Kerisinh ralfi, to his 'fltakoperitin language, t‘the
locomotive of great political principles !"
' There is no other very striking point in the news
by this arrival. Kossuth continues to receive the
ovations of the English people, notwithstanding his
republican avowali, and the continued attacks ol
the London Timm . Re has been received with dis
tinguished honor at Birmingham and Manchester,
at both of which places he made : Mug and eloquent
speeches, which . were warmly applauded.
The Landon limes, after trying unremittingly in
write Kossuth down, and to report him down, has
at length knocked under itself, and relaxed to pub.
'lash his speeches. There is a reason for this course.
That paper is tLe organ of the stock4ibbers runt
bran contractors, who fear that the course which
Kossuth is pursuing will depreciate the price ot
Ansulan bonds, in s ure the Austrian funds, and de.
range Austrian finances, which are in a very tick.
fish position at present, without any prosper( of a
favorable change. Tins last is, no doubt, the cause
of the London Zinn rearing resting friteport Kossuth ;but
according to all appearances, the illustrious Maygar
can gel tdong without the Timer,. and without - the
patronage:of the stockjobbers. -
There appears to be a lull in political matters in''
F:nglatel, which may continue until the nssembling
of Paillament in Februitry next. Ali parties ap
pear to be resting on their oars. anxiously awaitin,e
the introduetiou of the Reform bill, which it is v elf
understood, Lord Jelin 'Russell intends to place be
fore that body as soon after its assembling as may
be. The basis of the reform proposed is an esten•
140» of the elective franchise. flow far it is to be
extended no one knows at present ; but to be saris
factory to the people, the concession must be con
siderable, and be followed by others. Reform is
the wathlovonl in England, and reform is the' only
mean. of warding oil revolution, which will cer
minty break out in Europe before many years.—
The time has comer whet, a great concession ol pm
lineal rights must be made to the -English people ;
and when it is granted, others will be demanded,
until at length universal suffrage will be the role —.
This will be the ultimate result, for the masses are
(*coming loud in then demand*. The pressure
from without cabins, be resisted by thegovemment,
and the pineal of Kossuth is making it more potent
than ever
The reforms about to be proposed by Lord John
Rcssell must be followed up by other concessions.
His_ trill will only be an entering wedge. The more
that et conceded, the more there will be demanded.
and the mronger and more irresistible will be the
popular cry. When this takes place, the House of
Commons, representing the people. witranack the
corruptions which have so long existed in England.
The church establishment will be assailed. reforms,
will he introduced in every department of the gor.
eminent, and a clottfliet between the Common,' and
the Lords and privileged classes will be the conse
quence. In suet, a conflict, the House of Lords
would be demolished; and would be convened into
a body resembling the Senate of the United States;
and eventually the government would become as
republican as oars, with a monarch without power
at the head.—flerald.
ufita L friclay,'Nete.. 2‘elssl. '
',Coutfirt sileted the cinema penalty of thrilaw - .
'at i l ecloCiOthia month*. , Ilia relent** Pined •
he greaterOrt of last night with hirh in lie
lota bid kith - a lot farewell vhonly before daylight
Rev. P. H. Pastier,. tkitatir4tf the First Presbytelitit.
lutichin,this city, (of which the unfortunate man's
mother is an exemplary member) has been hisspir•
heal adviser. fle . anentleil_him this minting and
it ifi r ipled hint lbe''COMfatiff Otthiit Gosfiel s o fair {set
moments. The prisoner, ever since hisconviction.
has exhibited a proper !Nit ; -he has been very
much broken in heart for his past misdeeds,. and
has with hope and confidened for forgive.
Hie COnvemoion in recant to flotAt
li c lO g lit had wronurti him has ail been in the most
Christian Mire/. Flu last ntght be declared to be
• tire hiMpiest of his life ; and he again and again
protested lie would choose to die rather than live
the life h trail lived.
Rev. Mi. Fowler Minims . withal he cannot con.
cease t ow a MAO in Conklin's eircurastaticeo crrultt
aft beiter4hati he has done since his conviction.
The instrument of death was a lever with one
arm about tiro feet longer than the other, end was
erected in the Jaillanl at Whitesboro. To the
longer arm was attached duet! 561 b weights, and
from the *honer the prisoner was suspended. nue
long arm was tattered with scold to a beam, and
by cutting the cord, the weights fell, and .the other
arm of the lever was suddenly raised about-As feet
In the inelosure‘aboat 201) persona were assem
bled, Jurymen, Special Deputies, arta others. Ti n t
Utica Citizens' Corps and the Witherall Corps were
on duty.
At 11 o'clock the death.warnint, signed by Wu.
e* Gridley, Root, Evans, and Penfield, was read by
the Distrait Attorney to t he prisoner in his yell ;he
listened to it calmly, and then shook hands with
those about hint.
At 111 the prisoner was brought from his cell, ac
companied by Rev. Mr, Fowler. He was attired
in a black coal and pants, and his arms tvero
behind him. On his head was the death-cap, and
around his neck the tatal rope. He was placed on
a chair beneath the galterrs.
Rev. Mr. Fowler then said : u Conklin wishes
.me to say for him, that he has nothing to add torhat
which its has already committed to paper, but he
prays that his awful example may be sanctified to
411 present—he prays that it may be a warning to
al to short his course, and to papers you for the
attain death that awaits you all—he entreats that
you may all be ready at the appointed hour, to meet
him in jedgmett." The reverend gentleman then
delivered a fervent prayer for the pardon of the
pri.oner, and that he might be with Christ that hour
in Paradise. Conklin said, "Jesus receive my
Spirit." Mr. Fowler responded, "The Lord' have
mercy on your soul."
The prisoner was perfectly calm and exhibited
no signs at tear, but met death like one who saw a
better proved seyonn the tomb
While unde„r-Sherifl (Morn was adjusting the
rope; Conklin °newer twice repeated the winds,
Loid Jesus receive my Spirit." The death-cap
was pulled over his face, the-rope was cut, and
Conklin was instantly raised ae,vera) feet from the
ground. His neck was not broken, but the yeti:
rendered him insensible, and he probably suffered
no pain afterward, although los pulse was observed,
by Dra. Smith, Ballet and Cobb, who were in at
tendance, to beat from 12 to 13 minutes abet he
was first suspended. His death was easy though
he lingered tong. As lie rose from the ground he
' clenched his fists, and there wee hardly any other
movement at first, but after a while a few convul
sions, and then lilt was over. The body was loi
tered to har". about thirty minutes ; it wag then
placed in a eoffinend brought in a hearse to the
residence of his father in the city.
Yesterday, Conklindielated to Rev. Mr. Fowler
warning for all to shun his evil waye.. Be traces
his ruin to saloon tippling and enginri-frouse de
bauchery, and exhorts all to temperance.
The Confession is in his father's hands, and will
not be I üblished until Monday or Tuesday next.'
Possibly the names of the persons implicated may
never be published, as it may be impossible to sub
stantiate all the chatges.
FACTS.—In the census tables for Pennsylvania is
the year 1850, there are recorded 77.399/arms /
i{ere, then, we have the source of wealth, and the
cause if our vast prosperity defined ; for it is the
pr duration of the farmstead that forms the basis of
all other industry. Without aerieulorre we can
have nn trade—no manufactures—no commerce—
no mechanical labor. Extend this basis of labor
and you extend all other branches of industry, by
the most facile and agreeable mode of self-interest
operating spontaneously through individual enter.
prise. What a billautiful system at political econn.
my does not aatttr provide for man I The bosom
ni the earthcultivated by tabor, -yields him riouri.h
mom. Variety of industry results in leisure, FM•
sore, education, and literature, the fine art., and.
all that exalts his nature, and subdues his evil pea.
ohms. Thus one pan of this world is
„subsisted by
another that it May rise higher, in inteareence, art,
seisnee, and invention. Agriculture lies at the
bottom-off alt civilization; and the only wonder is
that our Census table for '5O dues not ahem as
many bendreilihousand, as it shows thousands of
i• lanes?' which we the real ca Iles of a free Coon
try ; as, the farmer is the natural nobleman et the
sod. Pennsylvania has yet land enough uneultiva.
ted to pio.!uce that resort; and the improvements '
now born prosecuted, and hereafter to be made. I,
will shrew that arcs by the next census In all
directions the tacilities to a market are being con.
stormed; while capital, operated on by the magic
hand of labor, (or welpouttlabor capital is worthte.a.
i s hsily employed in increasing the tools by Which
it enhances its value and expands its bulk. kings
may boast of their slaver—hot it is the pride of
Peunsylvania to boast of her farmers.
Tut !if c nose A rn Sri CUM A ISA P v.--The Al
itany papers of Thursday give the following ac
count of the murder and suicide m. that vicinity—
We hoar that a terrible murder, followed by the
suicide of the criminal, was committed lash night
on the Delaware Turnpike, near :New Scotland, by
a man named Moore, the wife. was this morning
found lying dead in the entry of the house, the top
of her head blown off- The body of the husband
was found in the house. dead, with a double-barrel
led ride by his side. The bodies were first discos,.
ered. by a passer-by, attracted by bearing the lam
entations of a 64, weeping aver the remains of
the father-
There were evidences opon the ground that threw
some light Amoy the tragedy. A pail of milk in.the
entry of the home. had evidently Jost been brought
in. The dishevelled hair of the woman. and her
comb found in one of the rooms and evidently torn
[from her head, the state of her garments and the
marks of violence upon the furniture and the Door,
indicated that a personal struggle had precedes the
crime. One barrel of the ride at the husband's
side was found discharged, one bolded; and the in.
ference is that after discharging bo It barrels at bir
vimim. the monster had reloaded both barrels. and
ronsnrnmated his care , r rf crime. The time of the
tett-ibis drama was indicated by the attending siens
to be shortly after the time fix milking, and thebus,
hand bad left a brick kiln in which he was engag:
ed, a little before. Comner Winne holds sn inquest
tn.dat'. which wit probably thrnv Seine f»rther light
on the horrible affair. The deceased kates two
child en.
FCrtrittlt PA gTICOLAfis inc RtrC.I.VTIC 6 ,I tN
NIMITISVIN Mtatcn—Baltimort. ,Noc. 25, 10, P M.
—The Netts Orleans mail, as late.4l due, came to
'Liana to,nitt!.t.
Tire Rin Bern Gnetts, ntthe tihh, confirms the
«Tart that tile seize of Matarne-rai was abaft Inneil,
atter eight day* skirmishing. Camajal hail fallen
hark to Reynosa. arid it was thought would itOOTI be
re..nruitized at the head of an summons foroa.
renew his essolviinnari move minfa. Thekomi.h:
General, ticks" trills ti Rom of regular t&ps or
from feta to fifteen loinihral roan, : was nia . rislintg, to
ai.l Gem. Avail*, at Mstamonis, Caravalal was so
lisp sin; [tibia (Owes as to itimOinittl :ill the mad•
ar,d h 3 1 01-rrge . Leer
Interesting from Washington Cfty.
lWA.etxcros, November 22, 1851
The Spanish difficulty is definitely , . settled, at
lej4—the negotiations having been con:tutted this
mnrning. The Spanish Consul will pot to New
Orleans in a Spanish national vessel, and his flat
is to be formally sainted. Judge Shark'," is to go
to Havana in a national vessel and his flag is also
to be sainted.
The President will reccommend In Congress, to
make good all damages sustained by the Spanish
Consul Atti for the losses sustained by the Spanish
residents, they will seek their remedies in the
counts, and it is rromised that the government will
afiord them every proper assistance.
The subject of the execution and punishment of
the prisoners was not brought np ; neither did Spain
make a demand for reimbursements for the entente
es attending the sappression t ot the invasion. flav
in.., treated the prisoners as pirates or buccaniers,
she precluded here& boat demanding damages
from this government, which the unfonunate inifi.
victuals executed had dread! paid with their fires.
To have adopted a aifiert at course would have
been to confess that she had violated her treaty
stipulations by summarily trying our citizens and
thus inextricably to have involved the difficulty by
executing them as she did. She held that they
had forfeited their citizenship and were themselves
atone responsible far their Conduct,
Wilt Mr Webster resigril Who knows One
day he says he will • the next day he is all adrift
again. Ito most intimate friends now deny that he
will unless some contingency, nor now known,
ehonld arise.
ISt e-nhers o Congreva . ate flocking, in. The con.
test for Speakti o i 1 pr tbably be a hot one foreshad
owing forth the harmoninosness of the Presitlon•
tial content. Linn Bnyd of Kentucky, as the Sand).
ern prominent candidate is believed will be elect.
SAD Mariam tar A Faent.y.—.The following
melancholy paticolaia of the death of four interest.
ing children orime tinnily were related to us a few
days since. Mr. Mrs. John B. W illiamson. with
their five children waned tin the North Sinn) Vicks
burg, Miss in the latter pan of October on the sten
mar California, Ind hat! a pleaseut passage to the
mouth of the Ohio. Below Stnithland their boat
got egronorl. and they accordingly took passage
for Louisville on the Asia a Ciminero and Si. Lou
is packet, which hapeened to come up soon after
Tins boat was ve.y crowded and dirty. • -The
they reached Louisville, their infant child Sidney
Miller was taken pick, and the next night he d i ed
et the Galt House, where they PO up. The-mend'
log p!rysician pronounced the disease cholera mho,.
tom. The next day Tth of November, the family
started for Cincinattr and on their way two of the
other children were taken sick- When they arriv.
ed at Walnut street hawse in this city Cesihia aged
seven years, Was dangerously ill. She died on
Sunday morning the 29th inst., of what was pro
nounced malignant scarlet fever. in the mean
time the two !mauling daughters, Florence and
filargaret. Were taken down with the same diagnose
and notwithstanding everything wits doge for them
which medical skill, pat-moat affection, and the
kindness of filen& could soonest, they ton, died.
Thus was the cop of their patents' affliction fitted
to the brim. - The oldest snit, John Robert, escaped
the late of the - others by proceeding to New Fink
with his uncte, direct from Louisville, with the
corpse of the little boy.
PratIMPTI.ViiNIA Irr.M•.--John RARn,cisatuett with
Ibp murder of Paitiek Ilitflorty, hat beim Couvieteti
at Gleenlibulg of manitlaughter.
The tole on the Sorat Branch renal IN. year, to
the, I.t of Novembor, were 4in.7B2—au increase
over the *am, date last year, of $81,909.
A di n ner was civPn at Greeroi•org, on Friday
ast, to Hon. Min C. Km f, on his retirement horn
lie Bench of that dist! tut,
germs Witemi. a pattern maker in the Dopot at
Reeding, was killed lark week by, !he inpl with
he wee walking, at the twitetlying from his
bawls and *lnking him in the eannaoh.
A meal named Illawkiwk teas F unmated nes
iletaiins, test week, by going down Mtn awell too
Elm abet the tlisch.trjewf a heavy West,
The Deteocrais of Ectwer cogaty hare appointed
Dared Pintea as ilapreaentatiee, and neg.,. Power
si Serta!nri:/1 t!eler:c . to the a r. of Marci t C mrel
(ihoa► the Maw-Volk Itov.lll.
Ilitineellanlentable v occhrrenees that we
hive ever hems cilletett ItticeOtd. took place at.
Ward. 4 schntirlfo. Rti, is Greenwich 'venlig , . *ppm
site Oharles;Street. - yestetday edeiooon. when bear.
ly filly"childien lost their lifesond olatiy more
were xn severely inkired. that In all:pt - batiility
they will not recover. We will give the facts of the
case at once, sod as briefly as possible.
The school house is a magnificent four story ed.
ifice.-wiet a *finding elairease.lrom thellrit tour
to the upper landing. This stairway is not spirgl.
but is (turned:of short flights of stairs winding round
square well. The first or ground Boor is used
evil Play ground for the scholars, and is paved with
flag tutees. The accord Mary of the building is
occupied by the primary department of the institu
tion ; in the third story is the female department of
the upper school. anitin the fourth story the male
department. The entrance to each of the achool
rooms is from the landings untie stairs The out
er side of the stairs was guarded by an ordinary
wooden bannister. of au great height. and not firm
ly secured at the bottom. or where balusters were
connected with the stairs. This description of the
stairway will enable the leader better to under- I
stand what follows.
ist about two o'clock, yesterday afternoon. one of
the teachers in the female department. a Miss Har
rison, was taken•with a fainting and in order to
her recovery she was carried into thepassage way
where a cry was . raised of.' Water Water !" by.
one of. her compaions. This cry was not under.
stood, or else the scholars *ought that the reater
was wanted to extinguish fire. and the next moment
the cry of "Fire t" was raised, and spread lake wild
fire through the building. In a moment subordi.
nation was at an end. The children from the pri
macy department rushed to the stairs, as did also
the scholars on the floor above them. The stair
way was soon filled, and the press against the haict
sters so great that they gave way, precipitating the.
children over the stairs down to the ground door—
As the rush increased, so did the numbers that
were hurled over the stairs into the space below.—
Two of the female teachers made an effort to stop
thechildren t but as great watothe panic that their
efforts were vain. and they wrre themselves hur
ried along with the current and in spite of their ef
forts were carried over the stairs into the space be
In the upper room, the boy's department. Mr.lllc-
Nally took his stand with his back against the door
end forbade any one to go out. A . :though the pan
ic pervaded his room es well as the rest of the
building, yet he stood finn, and thus succegdedin
saving the lives of many. perhaps of hundreds. for
had the larger boys rushed upon the stairs as did
the younger chitdren. Heaven only knows how
much more sad would have been the disaster than
it now is. We learn that some of the boys jump
ed out of the windows. and that one of them had
his neck broten by the fall. There were al•ogeth
er-in the building but a few short of 1,1!00 scholars.
While Mr. McNally remained 6rat at his post the
destruction of life was going on below. Hundreds
on hundreds went over the stairs anti) there was a
pile of human beings-a mass of children—eight
feet square and about t 2 feet in height. The alarm
was now given outside, and the police were soon
at hand and took possession of the premises, as
well as they could and commenced tht work of
handing out the children from their perilous posi
Those that were on the top, were of course. but
slightly injured, but as soon as these had been re
moved, the most heartrending spectacle presented
itself. Some among the policeman were fathers,
whose' own children were there. They worked
manfully, and deserved all praise; many of them
lifeless at first came to when they once more
breathed the fresh air, but many alas were beyond
aid, and death was but too.plainly marked Upon their
pallid features Some were injured by the fell, and
lay writhing its agonj; some moaned, while others
shrieked with pain, and otlfrs again, when releas
ed, waned off for home. apparently unconscious
of the awful scene through which they had passsed.
One policeman, Mr. riesbring, on going to the
school house. was on the instant, greeted by the
sight his title girl's face; her head was all that
was visible, her body being co -tired with those of
her companions. Mr. Seabring u r ged by pa terna l
reeling; th
of course directed . efforts lit once to
the release of hi. daughter. While he was so en
gaged, a man came up and laid hold of him, say
ing "hay child i‘ tkere." and endeavored to lake
the place nn which Mr. Beabring stood. Finding
he could not move him, he struck at him, thus en
deavoring to displace Mr. 8.. and get in a position
to work more effectually in search for his lost
child. lifr.s . succeeded in rescuing his child, who
proved to be but slightly injured.
The hodies of the dead and wounded were
ly, unless claimed on the, spot, taken to the Ninth
ward station house which is near the school house,
In a few minute* news of the accident spread
through the neighborhood. and mothers genie rush
ing to the scene by scores, in all aasuish. but alt
at first buoyed up by hope. Occasionally a moth
er would recognize the lifeless form of a child eats
was lifted from the mass, and then the piercing
cry of agony that woad rend the air, on. God, may
it never be oars again to hear. And now the
neighborhood wait threraughlv aroused. and crowds
docked to the scene of disaster. Many of the dead
dying, and wounded, were taken to the station
house.where the entire lodging room of the police
man was turned into a hospital. and their beds all
used as conches for dead bodies or injured children.
This was indeed a sad sight; parents who-a chil
dren Were missing came here to confirm thrirhopes
or fears. Here might be seen a lifeless body, with
an agonising mother *landing over it, wringing bet
hand• in the excess of her grief.
'there was a father looking at the picture of soy
row, as he beh.-ld the form of a loved one that lie
had so lately parted , with in health, and then fur
ther on was a family standing round the bed of a
little one, whose painful wri•hinga gave evidences
of the ratieruccafferinge. One after another the
bodies of the dead were removed ; and at length
litters were provided, and the wounded were car
ried away also.
CAVeI6I 41/II biniSTllll.
Fmtp she Joareel of Commerce
It sppea-s tote a well snbitantiated fact. as we
learn, indirectly from pupils and teachers. that for
es•erat days previous to the fate di.a.ter. a rumor
had prevailed, and the appreh.nsion bed been fre.
fluently expressed by the children, that the building
was in danger of falling. Of cuurse, it was alto.
gether groundless. and its origin cannot be es.
p/ained; but its existence accounts in Sam , meas
ure, for the extraordinary panic which seized opo)
the minds of the children. With considerable
number of those who escaped, the impression ap.
peered to have been. that the school was actually
As to' ihe banisters. it appears that the teachers
had car regarded them as sufficiently strong, and
had alluded in conversation to theirapparent weak
ness. The boys, it seems. had a habit of slitting
down upon them. The facts in the case will doubt
less be elicited by the Coroner's inquest to•day.
From the Revel'.
freveral of the children, herettiforemportett dead.
are alive and will probably recover.
Rumor had a larae number of recent deaths % but
the above it from 'he offteial record kept by the of
firer■ of the victim., in the Ninth Wu - d. Ihe num
ber of deed known to the aothdrities up :o it late
hour Lut nieht, was only fortj-two
It is singular so few limbs a era fractured. go
far only one child has been found who has suffered
_such injury. ant that is the ease with Jeremiah Ed
wardsorho has a number of his ribs broken. and
and , had a fracture of the
Dr. Vanderpool moored one child from apparent
lifelecsnert by the use of a galvanic battery. The
little patient is no doing well
There is no truth in the report that one of the
teachers in the mate department jumped out of the
kmotnea Tattatace Acanarr.—.New Nor
24.—This afternoon, the wall of a brewery, adjoin
ins+ the blacksmith shop. attached to the tosnofar•
fork of U. NM, tr, Co, fell, crushing to the root of
the Mop, and killing two mart, named Marks, and
grown, who were employed in the shop, and injuf
lg. a murtber (11, cltivnt !ramt tlert_orhers are
t.riie , ! •I,e
w"' "vt~~lclitari~ii`foii~`ii~t~~ai~ -`.~"
-WO wets about writing nn account of a visit: to
the' fAekawitriniCtial and lion ltpgion..whiahlwe*
Made last week, in tampaily w itit Ildttains. SPA
nen and Seencta, the able erlittint, of. the Ithaca
Journal and ettrenicie, when the loaned. came to •
hand with an ruwount so much retire. toll mint - des
Oriptiee thanweral present feel able to write, that
esetiannot initial the temptation libetiopt it Mend
of preparing one of our own.
' 8 The Lackawanna and Western. R It. is about
filly estetitlinit from Gi eat' twaix—
conects vents the Die R. R.—to Vcran'on, a village
of scene 2.500 inlibblatits, lying fifteen unlearn:4lh
in Carbondale, in one tri the great
. coal of
Northern Pennstivania The Road cruise* the Sus.
quelsanna at Great Bend and tends southward
through a cnuntry as yet almost enti.ely tininprov.
ed, skirting the bases of nimmtaints, and in times
through dense forests, which Stretch far atvay on
either hand. On nee port on of the out, tor t one.
teen miles, the track follows 4- Martin's Creek,"
through a valley of but few hundred feet in width
white the majestic hills rise abruptly tor a thousand
feet upon each side. With a solid and even track.
commodious cars. and first class locomorce, ae
ralpidly sped along until emerging horn Leggett's
Gap, a rent in the mountain. we wind around the
hilts and - least our eyes upon the beautiful valley
of she Lackawanna, spread out before tr.. Ju.t be
fore reacning Scranton. the road Crosses the liver on
a bridge of about 300 - fe'et in length. and near tee
feet above the water, resting uu a single abutment
in the centre.
The coal mmes belonging to the company, and
which are the principal ones at present Worked, he
abOut a mile and a hall north of the village, and
are situated on the west aide- of the valley. 'down
which the Lackawanna river rims. The atolla of
coal where it crops out near the base of the hill,
is about 6 feet in thickness, with one inch seam of
slate running through it. This sea ais of uniform
thickness, and rises as you ailirance into the bill
just antlieiently to allow the water to urn oil free),
through the mouth of the mine We were provided
with **mall lamp, and is company with. lilt liar
ria, the master miner, and our trindlli we entered a
hole as black as Erebos, on our way into the bowels
of the earth, to the scene of mining operations
Some few hundred yards from the mouth of the
mine we met a mule, led by a laborer, drawing
several small cars loaded with coal. The hoer
had a lamp like those used by ourselves,. hooked
in front of his cap, and looked in the darkness like
the fable' Cyclops with one eye in the centre of
his forehead After a rapid walk of some baleen
minutes we arrived where a company of mitten ,
were busy in detaching the coal and loading it in
the cars ready Inc its reception. Three and a calf
tons is the required emtionit for a day* work, and
that quantity is gene - 411 y produced by ham A
to 10 hours litho:. The process at mining is to work
away the coat at the bottom of the strata, where it
lies against the state, an f then a proper and
ciously located blast, will loosen at Wiles several
-toes. Two setts of hands relitve each other. one
being employed in the day time and the other in
the night time. The company have now lying at
the mouth of this mine near 20,000 loti3 Of coal
ready for market ; and the stip,dy Mg in the
ground ready to be made available to beyond all
Fifty miles is the length of the Lackawanna coal
basin, by some Bor 10 in width ; arid underneath
this vast plain lies the purest arid most beamilul
authracito•coal ever dug from the bowels of the
At the mouth of the mines %tends a pillar *inure
coat in a square form and about 8 feet in itiatit
weighing 7600 pounds! whieb has been taken there
The Lackawanna R R. Co' own immense tra:.:s
of coal lands, and all that is needed is care and en
gines to deliver their products to constii.rers.
In addition to the richnes4 tit these lands in coal,
iron are of exceLent quality also abounds in great
A large steam saw mill is in piouretor r of erection
and a 11 ,wring rr i 1 and furnace for ca•titr2 irr,tt lain
anctertstni operation. A large smeltinw !Unlace is
in constant operation, and also a very extensive
rolling mill toi the manufacture of Rail Road and
other 'rm.
A splendid Hotel, and a magnificent church
costing some 515,000, largo engine houses, and
adter Uutt , tieZß connected - with the opetat MIN age
in int-dress of erection. Hills are leveled, valleys
filled 'op, and all the evidences al Midi are pion ly
to be seen. From its loco ion antl the great bees
o f iron and coal abounding in the vicii/it.. at s l ttte
market opened therefor, we etue n.tiii not a tl
tha: Scranton will tie one of Vie mo-t p rom s _
tient points of Northern - Pennsylvania. The mitir
ing enterprise of the company of which Col G. %V
Scranton is the head: has matte the village winch
bP4fll his name what it is—a city in the forest
The same energy will not Hag. rtow that the suc
cess of its labors is rendered so certain.
The time is not far distant when R Raitmaii wilt
be completed from Scranton to the Delaware Water
Gap and from there to New York City. im•
portance anti feasibility nl this FOUIFI in OPracting the
attention of cairn:lllfoot. and when the great eitestin»
of ail enterpi ices of this twat. ter, •iz " Will it pay?"
to as it can tce, satisfaeutrily answered, means will
not be wanted to drive the work to a rapid corn.
pletion "
Fan,ll THIC RIO Gairma.--Baltitnore. Nor. 25.
The New Orleans ()elm, ex•r.r, of the IBth, poll mh
es fuildeurits from the Itto &aro newspaper nt the
at rif Rf itamoros and the withdrawal ni General
Cararrejal's farces It is asserted that the retreat of
the revolutionist* was caused by a misapprehension
at the• moment stareas was about to isrown their
effinta. 0,, the 12th, Caravirjal war at Reynosa.
and from 'present appearances the war t a. till! just
bev.un. The torees of Carasajal commanded all the
roads to hi.uam••rns.
The American Courn‘ul at Matamoros. Mr. T J
Wa.hfell has, a caul, in which her ilenvoin
cos the reviilittinnws as a Art nt mi‘erabie and
meiceitary mi•uaken nml.t•cr. a.bren:
rarer*, and nittier.i, and the editie of tho Ilin
ai Broviii*ville. set a stir• eitionmiator and hireling,
preaching rapine ar.,l murder
He say% of the patriritiPm of the Mexican Inflow.
ere or Carat•ajl, 'hat of that kind clercribed by
Dr. Johnson, to be the laid refuge of a 'occur/Orel.
TtaniaLE Expt.ostos.-EPEtkorctody, Nor. , 25
ie.terrlay afternoon, affirrut 41.2 o'clock Ore .:favor:.
mer ol the Schenectady Gas wet ks exploded, and
seriously, if nut fatally, wounded Patrick Donnelly.
Mr. John Estor, the Superintendent of the works,
arid a laborer, were also somewhat injured. . Ow.
ing to some leaks in the gasometer, tte b o nnet was
taken off early in the morning hir the purpor.e of
allowing some, of the gas to escape, so that they
could enter.ainj paint the inside. The laborers;
while Mr. Eatri t was absent } aria contrary i n b m ,
express, and often r stated orders, took a lighted
candle and we.e !no ea beg it Into the gastitneter
when it exploileil, blowing it and the brick hull.
di n g so eetel over it to moms, and !bromine the mon
and rubbish in every direetiim Provirlennaly.
Eaton hail but just ?meted the arum nt the gao_rninse,
haring been on burin'=s in the city, and, therefore.
escaped with slight injury.
brief space of twenty yews..the population of Eu
rope aria the Cni , ettStates, ammudnig in aggregate
number, to allow 240,000.000 of mole, have ism
strurte.l and brouglit into operation a length of rail.
ell which, if continuously laid. would exactly stir
round this planet ; unit have expended in the ac ,
coruptislitnent of this work an actinium of capital of
nearly 52,240,000 000. It appears, also. IltaOttere
is r4ill Rt progrrso a length amountittz to about six
ty per Cent, of that which has actually been exeunt.
ed ; en that. when the whole shall have been corn.
pleted, there will be at entire extent 01 abnin
000 miles of tail% ay. upon AA hich a capital of 83..
500,000 will have been expended. The United
States has 4:14 miles of railroad for every million of
population ;. United Kingdom, 250 ;Germar. States,
114; ttelgitrn. 123; France, 51 ; • Ruteia, 37; Pa
11. 36.
~Yrewr tlr`tiien"iit~''2Ya~ I'a us
=—A strenuous effort to accomplish the. abelitiwt
of imprisonment for debt is franking in- Rh -de k
Land. heided by Liewenant-Governor Willi am
lieuch Zrawerence, who. as chairman of a , elec t
committee of the late logi..lature of th It flom mo „,
•wealtkeis the !subject. sulon aced a very etahoraw
report, inhibiting 'the many evils of the systetn, a , d
urging a radical correction of ibem vaahrut delal
—The Paretteville Observer. of the I latt
says, that Cape Fear River. no that:day, presem
an appearance never before seen. It tell on tit
previous na urday night and Sunday, fronseftetwp
twenty inebeedearing only Ave inehes of ewer i t
the channel! The steamer Chaibstn. (eifich ba,
been said to run whanever there is a respectable
dew,) was fairly *ground, with all the bat:eau:ton
as lighters.
—A, man named 31100 0e.Y. s stranger. was
stabbed in the street at Pittsburg. on Thumb, a o f
by an unknown person. and died Immediateiy,...
He had formerly been at work on the Central R. 4.
road. A than, named Monahin. bar been arrestoi
on' suspicion otleoatinittag the deed.
—A rrench commander, who, during en engage.
went, had kept himself prudently ensconced to a
mild wa-, after vict..ey. loudly extolled by one at
hie partisans. " Ile returns." cries the eultigm,
"covered with glory." - '"Yoe bad better say Ira
dour r remarked a by-wmod.T.
—lt is state that the new C institution of V jai!).
is contains in t 1111 b eruct* the fottowint chins.
aad no pertain bsve a nght to vine wog
of un-ound mind. or a psuper, or a non-commi s .
stoned olhcer in the toffee of the U. el."
Calvin ?airbag/ Ar convicted seine time sea,
jointly with Al is- Deli Webster, of stealing nerroes
but sobsequenny parch ftd by the Goverour of K ea .
lucky, ha. been again rested for similar (Iri s .
J. X. Myinond, Esq.. Attorney:at-Law. in W a t,
dron. Ark., wan killed lately bf a Mr. B weeney.--
it ti said that Raymond cowhidnd Sweeney, or ag.
tempted to do so, and was killed by him.
—ln Wisconsin, within a circle of some 30 orb/
mile, diameter, there isa ~ Nuiwe_.•tan colony 3rttl e d „
march of is GO3 souls or more, and a arch of 100 hu
just been formed among them.
—The Gettysburg Sentinel says, that Wm Kis t
Esq., late of that place. has been 'promoted to in
desk of First Ulork in the bureau of Medicioe aat
Surgery, in the Navy Depsrunent at Wasbiagtua,
at a salary pf $l4OO per annum.
.- r rhe wreck of the ill-fated Erie, sacs the Baf,.
to Advertiser. has again been, discovered, subi orq ,
ed at a depth or sake feet. about three miles irc. 4
shore, opp<ialle the town of Bandit in this
This driver Creek m4ll is informed that the hail 6>J
b e e n visited ro sotimatitie armor, and was trailm
an upright position, favorable for shipping q.t.
rations, which are to be commenced as ssca b
wits permit.
—Governor Floyd has issu.ed bit proclaman s ,
announcing the ratification ohne new eons:not/ 4
by the people of Virginia. by a majority of .5 . 4
out oldie small rote of 77,495 p Ttore
however. la counties from which no returns 41r.
been received. The Governor, directs a grion-,
ejection to be held on the Bth of December. as F r o -
vtdeti far in the ti ( onetution, for a Governor. L
G Attoimey General; and members of
--Henry T. K imbrough, convicted at idaran . iti,
few days aen,vif robbing the fio,i-office al C.:am]
}inv. Ga., of a letter containg ,$6 000, has been
tented k hard 14nor in the i'penitentiary for e e
years. Robert Melton, also convicted of steah ni
fetter from the matt, received a similar ben . en cc,
the same time.
—The day of human sacr:fire• is not endel
During a six weeks' stay of Mr. Becort. a Un
consul, in Ationsey. the capitol of the kingdo
boihnoly, forty-two persons were ItEleJ sacs
'• to water the graves of the dead. , " nt nunii
are sock sacrifices there, that the place is cIL
tertzed is the "Golgotha of skulls:.
—Hon. Daniel Webster ack owledges the rec
of a petition to the Queen of Spain, in behalf of
sury wing. Americans off the,l.r pez expedition %,
ed by many of the innt,t resPectab e citizens of
bile, and stales that it has been forwarded to
American legation. Madrid. with pro, er tos:
ions respecting its presentation.
—The :in Harbor paper telk of a radish r
in thit village, which measured 3 Teel 3 Jr'ki
length, and 13 inches in circumference an ihi
ire of the bait). a4l weimia 12Ma. Cask%
neighbor sen•l in a quart of .ail ?
recent mee ing of the PreOn tery./11
Water, I,awreneehttrz. Intlianna, there were
en, the father. brother, four one sua•n
and a nephew—al preaching the guepet. •
—Ar 'Johnstown, Pa , on Friday last. die
Mr. Muller, a 4 72.ittidiz. clergyman, v,,a,
$4,800 is cold. orlpich had been deposoe I aol
fur safe iieeconzo:ly the laborer- on itte;Rois
The thief made tits away to Pittsbure,:whereb
arrested, and all the rouoey recovered, with
eeptiun of about $9O.
—r-Richard Jones, convicte Ist 51.1.pwr,
last, aR principal in t' e second decree of ray'
the 4rt degree. of Ephrrarn Ilrialer, a r
man. was, nn the ttfith uit., setdenceU wto to
on the 19th December.
—Edmund Glom a man of adranced ast
)arre (anvil'. has seen convicted or the ma ,
Th, mac Carpenter, in Madison counq,
sentenced to be hung on the 19th Deermoer,
—At a recrnt term of the District C•nirii .
ciounie. lowa. the jury reiniered a verdict of
for the plaintiff in the ca'e of Drown r.v.
The drfen, alit was charred with
plaintiff's wife, and, secreting, her ani
—Much exci•ement_has teen occasion'.
navna by the murder of a - Mexican's ming
ao Euchshman ou the sv to a find oto.
Invorthatety attacked by the native", bat
by the atverttoe
—Atm. Schnebly. regi line near Fairmiy.
t o wh I. I .ar ....rine under:
*inn or mind. a few 'lays ago, - aiii.mried
suicide by culling her thrust, bit was f" ,
tiiscubered in time to save her life. The
Taw gay. that arse is emfortably •icutted
41, dd% , goods, and ha% a hugband and gTr
—A respectable young man. named Jahn
ler, was jnatantiv killed, at his saw milt 0 ,
ington county, Md., a few days ago, by a
rolling over his head and breast.
--Mr. John Bon land was thrown from
a few days. ago; near Kingston, some"
Md„ by which his lea, above the knee, qg
—A near M. E. Church is sail to he ded.t.
ttirlington, Harland county, Al arylat,d, on Iv
"The Mall a h commenced dieelne
Rive in Wean come writ , cl ice, un ler:h.
bon f a elarvoyant girl from this cur. arr
ing their labors fur a while. rreAre'lle n "' l
eons last Week, and have excav: lei v"T ;
(town the hardpan. A Illionzh
where the earth his been stirred the
stersorivel dupes continue their work bill' )
perseverance. -
—Some Lebarers on tae rkiw I,onion ti
Hares Railruad.. a few riishts "'
have a`• bit or a row." to .k keza et " t
trita,es powder. used 6,r bi. s tin,z, and
'e a off!" By sheer Joey, no personal PIP
the consequenee_b ot oie •oand of 'tit
was heard a distance of ten voiles.
—guicidcs. in New York at-maze one
cordi to ti the estimate re early 014. 1 " bi
of the Etats . tlnis.
—Capt. Moses. cit the A ekes shtp NI
has-teen arrested l a N ew y er s-. for
passengers wore than allowed tly
has also heels attached.
—ln Virginia, t teen ts'• three prers /1/
the ril'3wre