Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 29, 1851, Image 1

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11%7011 ZIT2o
GattirbaD ftforninD, Noncmbet;2o, 1851.
Fro M-1 e New P .
When withered leaves around my wgy.
Dnft in the fresh autumnal blast,
I view them as they ratting play,
As summer's phantoms fining past.
some 'till nook. or"Aelterttig lea
Of roaring woods they'seem to me. •
When reqirg from then eddying
• To build departed Summer's urn.
Where Phcebus pours a saddening light.
Like moonlight fanned to burn.
The streamlet lowers its babbling voice,
Past its brown banks runs dreamily',
It seems-to lake. as if from 4 . hoice,
The melancholy minor key ;
All name fitic with sympathy :
The wind- and waters, woods and plains,
Together blend their dirge-like strains;
The lonely bird forbears lasing;
Grief- , tifled seems each tuneful throat,
E'en dirker grcfrs the raven's wing,
And desert ItleE his note.
The dying winitta's seta the sun.
Usher the gloaming and expire;
The frosty star eleammne hv one, '
Like ice reflecting , distant fire.
The moon awaii., her time to rise
To haihe with her 641 Fehr the skie..,l
The trisi.eing riser., in stilln-es forth.
While shooting upward. high. and higher,
The homeless tri7arri .d the north
Kindles ht. ghostly are.
The peasant hi , metraril hieing, now,
Belated. turn• his thoughtful gaze.
And ' , N. , . on hizh The ...tarry'
Pale 'hr.' the evan•cent blaze.
bur p'easirt2. crown the mind;
Thnitzht., r.rrnle•. half. and half dOrmei.l.
,§uch a. the bard al,' painter feed, r
e Mlt tali i n potture to sine,: -
'nu - meth that of Gentu• fix the seat
Snd her upward wing!
The huqtet camped beside the spring,
Where the red maple sheltetine stands,
As to the utelltilThiea, , ert4
+4n I cheerful .hfne h I.l4ztiv_branda.
Moodily muses as hie eye `i
Watches the Hashing northern aky,
And dreiin in Odtn's doitetit hall , •
Ittint,rs % ,, me kingly bvignet share.
And he one day,'wheri death %hall call,
Shall mingle with them there.
Itttrr from bar Oilcans.
FRIEND Rs:souma :—lscpytose chat yon, in old
radlord, are buttoning nit your over--dew. : an d
'tugging tour stinuldeos in the chilling winds of a
literll November. am! inirolf.g'everyitoppniiu
y of your noves and fingers at the Com
rtkble tice. , ide. But we, in this elime, are now
voted, for at present we are revelling in weather
;'e that of June, And or cloudless and sonny skies
as lovely as the skies of I , aly. 0r moon-lit
;ng., too, intheir deep silvery beali y ate .' glo.
ills," and present many of those h0n.84 winch,
Byron sass, _ I 1
The lover's tows
i'S-ez sweet ,n e‘ery whOl:erei Word"
But pot and consumptiveS Ire hit the
ereaturesihat rejoice in the warrii and pleas
ur Siu•hern clime ; though moan .
prufe apt to cpy " See all things for
u:e." TheT' gil entity of.musquitors as
spy a. ton). can silky judge by their
:;:tu : tl they are 'plervy-fat enough
" r , a , '•n•-' . "llroasl !nadifr as faihiona
a iiinh anyiriz thr eineurei as file,' fro4A or snail
p If one 1, 1 road nt for, ti ; E:ocial chat
ie 14:10. Flap . dap, COrilfillidi V., ant 1 f
irey creantre4 are sr' lenacinu, that they will keep
low a' ihe Inuntain of lite till one has. actually
l-hed them.
The Cub in excitement which ran`i"sniii , 2h in 144
'y at my 1,1 , 1 wiling!, as In 15 W:dial-Ili) alma i
try jhinz eke for Me limp. -has grailually du d
I. Thr peopid of New o.lo !i tsJ. ayp . i.itt to have
led down in the belo.f 110.1 thehe,i iiiihey of er
Is In attend to one's own titir , itiess anti let the. at
(pl iers at nier_eAiwetywhen assistance is
solicited. The sntiject is : i noxe• rfiseusfieir with
cdtmi,eFi Snit teak an ;only "by-eoni"s"
apt, to rive t ve —e);Erpt-4t betbty a v iew small
Wailld like kinake for them
re., some p4iirical ea'fittal ont ill the affair, but
are leohe,l coon hyrthe great body of intelb-
C117.i.1a a , . , iiiiirehKiWorthy,Of regard. _ The
16 I:131 al the ilepartirilv of the liieamer Pairipe•
IL I the Gell uu Cii4Tliteittlen tool ltie band on
I, Caere were very few men di tither Paul
city, who-iiiii lint hearilly sympatiiims with the
1 "s, imply believing as they then did that the
wants of that island really:siesired to throw off
Oink!) yoke, and they had actually struck the
)Icni hr themselves. "
4111 .'1:have been very much blamed for this,
!hi*c rre: , ...fullr. Who wills the true Invent
"Y 1-q•otil, and believing that fleedolll
aiukinidlenalde right, when he
abets the a...vomit-a that oUr,coulary received
Pt . rsqls belme4iiig ni other nations in her rev
'°nary' would nit, under tba circum.
`!A fell within him she darni peering.' of
th ) ..!—T o work on' the generosity of the noble
he.uted by the means of deceit is
"ne ref he basest of crimes; and develop
'• roved In.o such was the ease in the Cub.iii
r.. both i h leg.ird to Mose btuve young nom
%vela and those who ronhibuted their Mean!'
te alt.!' who had_ been pcilicere and linneFi.
the expression cd their cympathy, when
l'+'"d dull Flue was flu ter °hymn 0:1 die island, ;
the Creoles were perfeoty coirterited:in their
le cc:lndwon, ;Ind Airworthy ot lienig free by
b ueeboduet towrirdpitiorte w ho MO gime wirll
:+uto oljt.n . deritik itiern pitch dansprintog nowtw
imniedirnely withdrew all countenance
' 4 PPott hum the expedition, null with a noble_
rd . pri:irii.lo, opprvrlnli IW : rt.-top, nl
' ' -
t 7 7 -: - •
. . ''•
.• 1 - . 4"
. „ .
• :• • .
•. 3 •
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I `r.S
•-•- •
the a Cobalt - ilea" as strongly and warmly as they,
had before7sui r ported them. * They found that the'
leaders who had thusdeceived them by false re
ports had some other object than a pore desire to
help the struggling and the weak,—that there was
torhespeculationwhich thej did not understand..
But excuse me, friend Reporter, for again speak , '
int on this subject, as my last letter contained suf
ficient to last some time. People in this place have
of course taken more interest in it than those faj
ther north, as Cuba is so little a distance from our
city. Ido not idler any'apologrfor the warmth of
my former letter except the belief that there was a
bourifttle revolution, which I with a thonsand others
entertained at that lime. I never desired that the
americans should do anything that would violate
oar laws or treaties, beeause I know that subjection
to them forms the only security which a nation pots.
•eases. But the subject has become national now
on account of its involving our century in difficulty
with several European powers, and every 'Ameri
can should take an interest in it, at leastso far as to
be able toexercise tliehigh privilege ofa freeman at
the ballot-box with sufficient lodgment and oantien.
Speaking of the ballohbox, reininds me of the stir
and excitement which has prevailed in New-Orleans
during the last week on account of the election-be
ing near at hand. Bat that _real affair was " got
along with" on Monday. John Smith was el--eted
Coestable and consequently the " nntry is safe "
Two or three evenings before the election the Demo.
cratvget up ts grand demenatratirin, and their pro.
cession was acknouledged to be the
.largest and
most imposing that had ever been seen in Nets Or
leans. If f hall roam to give you a (leper ipd
it, it would no doubt intereat Some of your readers,
especially thr-youtiestera ; the quiet lehabitants pl
o d Bradford don't get a cliiince to see any thing
Juke it among their hills and valleys. Bet as it was
perfectly intleacrillable, I 4141 only attempt :o men.
don a 'few lectures. The diflerent want-cluba gath•
erect at the place appointed all' ''armed and equip
ear' will torches, banners - rind lamp.t . larispareticiett,
and it bark them at leilst two hours to form - in mareh
big order. It was, when (tinned, about, three miles
long. amid in some parts four or ill abreast, and after
it commenced to "forward marsh" was nearly two
hours ill passing the awiler where I stood. There
was a perfect "sea" of spertiemayand crowds of la,
dies on the second-story balcorriera. The abject of
the rgieatem.adirkiratinti was a ship. full rigged, and
manned by twelve boys dressed ie sales hi costume,
and drawn on wheels by twelve hoofer), at the head
of die procession. ft was about fifty feet long and
the masts about thirty feet high, and on its Itirecas
de was mounted a large cannon which 'asfired a:
every corner. Then after a large number of face.
e'en, *came a hlackainith's shop with a number of
smlthai hard at Work. Then a magnificent oriental
temple; some thirty feet high most splentlitlfy and
fancifully decorated—one could kintobt belieye that
it was a fairy's dwelling. From this temple at in
terval* of three or four minutes .were discharged
rockets to a great height, which fell in showers of
rain bow.colored stars. After that came a wagon
shop, with men at work in and in the middle of
a long company of footmen a monstrously large
"rooster" which had been manufactured for the
purpose, and at his feet a poor "gone coon" hung
dangling. There were a great many other things
showing ofl the engenpity of the " Locos," a great
many fine hands of music. banners, transparencies,
with the " funniest " designs that could be thought
of ia ridicule of %ylliggery,a great many foot and
horse,—but I must stop We, Pennsylvanian De
mocrats here, are - very glad that you have done so
gloriourly in electing a Governor arid other' state
officers. Pennsylvania and California will be apt_
remain on very good terms for some time, as the
brothers, Bigler, are each appointed at the heleri, t
Last Saturday.. Was " All Saints Day,' a holiday ,
among the . Catholics, and a day observed in no
other part of the Union as it is in this city. The
Catholics have four huge grave -yet-its in the city .
and every year, on this day (Nov, 1) they deck
the turnip. with flowers. both enteral and aftifientl,
mid with every kind of ornalmeni, making the last
resting. place of relatives and hientla bloom with
the tokens of remembrance. And they not only
bring the-e beautiful tribute.) of regret to place upon
the iont4s.....but thtey remain themselves all the day,
calling lip-recollections that the stir of business had
almost drivel; from ate 'mind, and consoling them
sets wi in the sad pleasure Of being - for a while'
near\the "loved arid This custom is beau
titul 111 its • Sirttolici;y, for it is natural fur the human
heart to we-11 lobe remembered, and the request
has taken been ,madeitylin expiring'frietid, that tire
one most clear atitaird come to his grave, and renew.
lug the.reurembtance-01 broken ties, strew the fro
grant-blossom there. But pride liassteppeil iii , and
made it 'more a tivalryl cot vain snot:vaunt S's an ex
pression of bereaved iffeetion. I
. spent the after-
noon in_Ahose popolouseities cd theilead with a
friend. amidst a vast thlong_ of other Visitors), and
we found it a place of great interest. They' mis t y
well he called " too, for except in the st
!elicit of then numerous inhabitants they. resemble
a city as much as possible: Theft_ streets are laid
out anti gravelet, 'and the lamb* ere l hula above
the grimed. Same Of diem were apletalal maitilet
ternptea bete een .fifieen and thirty ,feet high,, and
ilectirited with all the beautica.cif .atchitecane and
aculpitne,—havitne dotes and windmill. Tile-fittest
of these a ere built along main street that frit from
gate to giiks,-as is the case in oilier cities. One, and
the threat ins the whole cesnetetyl remarked particu
lary. The (Incas were open, and a roan sat in alter
temple, beside a coffin covelea ate!, a -blaek velvet
which was dimmed with* gold . and silver
Liege. The coffin I lag.-nine waS:letal., Lie Ijad
largewas..candlo bureing.on noliva•
nes of flowers arranged ell around. Over the erdfill
wereinarble*ainagett the mast beactirel
g f ls OA , 441 hOtfiDg.cettacia in their,
female, appeared tp:be watchingistitaaitheitetidiseif
oqii air the tout of (Cflii4alti. above we . r . e:qtl•
CAWS timing the.spirit hirWtaren the 'cepter,
hit a!)ove`!!:e W:u!lie - ,7t:•I• of 'fie 5..-
vier op the cross, and in another
„plate the virgin
Mary with her infant in• her arms: These figures
were 411 very'beautiftd,and of the iv hi , est marble
,• . •
n the. w indow Was an oil. painting of, the celestial
• v.•
city which gave an air of taste to this elegant home
of some departed millionaire. There was
. large
number of gentle men and ladies MoVrding iround
•f; to see," and the man who sat in his elbowebatr,
in there looker) as though he thought himself The
g‘ Misused of all observers" I should not have
iiked his place. Nye were a - great many
exterior, appearance guile. *gnalleil this: , which
showed where the great andthe wealthy of this city
hive been thiii Wait the .cuilk,Oire with
open doors, and containing a live Man. But these
displays of posthumous pride did OM pereess as
much interest for me as somemore hninble scenes
I, was much interested in one, particularly ) which
Was built as cheaply as possible. The mil) jnscrip.
Linn upon it w a s r. My Mother" and at the head sat
a little girl Arranging a small wreath of natural Bowl
era as her tribute. On another near by there was n.)
inscription and only one - rose -lay hi upon it. A. 4
the crowd in the principal thoroughfares was en
dense as tonged elbowing. we concluded we would
give up the satistaatinn of reading the long and en.
ittfiCi ;pitons for a walk in the side
For as Eli 4 Cook says,
0 4 -Who does not atop and laugh
At the false epitaph
Palming wail pure and spotless an the dove."
Rere:we found much to interest us. There were
inscriptictnirin almostevery langu age .
, On one it
said in English' that it was the 4 tornb of " Ching
Hiatig a native of Canton, China," and the Quint
der was in Chinese •cheracters,—and ft:01008er
lambs close by had nothing but Chinese ch#racters
upon them,—snrh as we see on tea.bozei On an.
other wnieh was a pretty fine One, the only inscrip.
lion was • Victime Vhoneur ! Age 21" On en.
other after telling the itante, said " Diertiti an affair
of honor, aged gs."—atid two or three'others in the
same %%ay. I don't know what kind of feeling, that
friend or relative must hare to put so boastful an
inscrip aim on the tomb of one lost in .a duel. It
would seem that they ought rather to smotlir aiid
forget the mut-tierc]. circumstance. On one tomb
that we saw the only unclip:ion was " My poor
child !" Another napieless grave told the "stran
ger," thaktfiere rested " the remains of an unhappy
young man aged 26, who with his own hand des
troyed his life, and contributed to bring down the
gray hairs of his father and mother in sorrow to the
grave." On another without a name, was this af
fecting story. A victim of filial lace, who died
in the paroxysms of grief upon receiving the news
of a mother's death : " The next that caught our at
tention was "one who fell by the hand oldie mur
derer. Pray for him." But f Amid occupy too
much room to tell you half of the interesting inscrip
Lions that we met with. At CI these:.'toatis that
reared their gothic and corrinthian fronts alopg main
street there were large censers in which incense
was burning, and tall wax candles in rich silver
candle sticks, burning at the doors. I have been
something pallicular in this description, bu i f as i: in
terested so many thousands in this city, I concluded
that a faint idea of it would please some ollhe yea."
dent of the Reporter. ‘4•iew - -Orleans is at present a
very busy city. It is - thronged with strangers from
every part of the Union, the western states especial.
ly. being well represented. To a student of the no
ble science of 4 , Jturnan natbre" and physiognomy,
a walk down sortie of our principal streets is a per
fect treat. The contrasts presented are very strik
ing, and are no other city' in the Union pre
sents in' 1e samppsce of time. here they Conte
—hurrying along—the prim polite, mut:laclied
Frenchman, as ttiat 28 though dust woultlii . t stick to
him as it does kr other men, and the large 't
:entnekian dressed in his home , -span, and deter
mined to "see things." The dark spaniard with
fits bearded face and piercalg eye, and the pale
Irish emigrant in his patched corduroys, and heavy.
soled brogans. The thin, learqu'lz consumptive
who has.come lieti' to die, and latie
curly-headed fellow as black as rut boot. This is
a taint idea of what an observer; may see in the
bourse °Pan hour passhig our streets. I
hail almost
left out the spice of this variety; which is the fain
ficed-ro.y cheeked maiden, fresh and blooming
from the hills of New €ngland, and the delicate
and sylph•fi4re brunette, or what the poetical ge..
MO of this place call " the dark eye-I daughters of
the sunny south." The pi:oms- quairoon, and dull--
bloomed Dinah.
There are a great number of young men here at
Present vrbn are looking Tor siturnions. They have
come apparentiv,wijh the idea that everybody . in
New-Orleans get but in all probability • they
will find out by,persiCital experience that it is- not
the ,care. , If all these large healthy Mimes who are
not, wanted, here, and, who can actually &nil nothing
in di", (without They go to,picking tip`lags.linciugh
the ritieets,«4l:o there are , enough et that
already) . were out in Bradford county where there
is work to do, they might dear off the woodlands
.make it all a perfectsgartleo in a law yearc.,—
White jhey are-staystrg- here, lounging about their
boarding-houses, the tide. houses, and such-places,
waiting fora chance to gel in a's - 111.1114m wherethey
may receive n high salary and itave very
Ms,. they are acquiring habits which:in-say the lea. i
will never be any advantage to : OUT. pow much
better it, if, insteat' of II Bing to the
city it en many of them do,rhey would engager in
lha troble•ritnies of agricithare, ittril'make for them-
, .
aslref a!ttl those wtot,ni.t a y he depentlieg,epo thetis
a ertmh , rtable and, iutlepetttlent.tourae. tyoettibe
b .tter for the city, theeouutry antlthenkelres. And
When o'e iliinkilfitt nfthero hareteft the rich
anti lertpo 110414 of the mietd,ltorifog lebilter ibOrny
tor'lvesand make lite e?avierttint-mm-e pleasant by
capacity' amidst-the noioe and
dirt of maiteLS th . einl:etfei.
4 1 , 1 4 - 414 .ePe1l , pners„throe ;erg is 110 ,ac,!
entintiotfor it ,e,ster,t.t. okkatory of matee r nallP
rat clisonotetn 16;4' . Ittn"antt the constant • desire
inaniresietl by mr.iiy . for chatige_-6-pag6: cf don't
. •
As "I don't see Owe' "Reporter," I ,have no
means' of telling whether you publiA my letters
Of nut: but flattering Myself „ (bat you do„and thin
an occasional bit of - gossip .fromltleas Orleans will
interest some of your readers,' especially- some of
my "old friends" hid away arnUngst those . Ow
sant hills, shall continue to - send you a sheet oce
casioually. . • Yours, .Truly , . p.
Sporting threngb the forest wide,
Playing by the water aid.. ' •
Wandetina o'er the heathy fell.
wittpn the woodland dell,
All among the mountains wild.
Dwelleth many a little child;
In the baron's hall of pride,
By the pool_man't. dull tire side.
'Mid the mighty, 'mid the mean,
Little chtlilten may be peen;
Like thetlowers. that spring up fair,
Bright and countless everywhere.
In the fair Isles - of the main,
'ln thi deserts tune domain.
In the savage mountain g'ett.
'Mong the tribes of swarthy men, .
Wheresoter a foot bath gone,
Wbereso'er ihe son bath shone,
Or a league of pe o ptid g ross d, '
CuNe children mayr;he found.
Blessing. on ahem they in me
Mane a kindly sympathy.
With their laughter-and their tears.
With their joys and with their fears,.
With their wonder So intense,
And their small experience.
Little children not alone
Qo the wide earth are ye known
'Op its labors and its cares.
'Mid it• sufferings and-its snares.
Free from sorrow. free groin strife.
lo a world of love and life.
Where no sinful thinc , listh trod, g ;
lo the presence of youtr God;
Spoils-a., blameless. purified.
Little children, ye abide!
USING AN AIiANOE24-Is is related of Gold
smith, that he once engaged an amatillensis to write
down his thoughts, in imitation of a voluminous
author's mode of composition The scribe 'wor
th:l2,ly waited upon him with pens, ink and paper
placed in order, ready to catch and record the,ioea
t hat should come flesh from the teeming brain:—
Goldsmith paced the room with great solemnity,
for some fame; but, after racking his thoughts to no
purpose, he pttt his hand into his pocket and pre
senting the amantrnsia with a
, gumea, said, "It
wont do, my bignil - ; 16nd that my head and hand
must go together."
Most authors would find an amanuensis as use.
less as ditkGnltlsmith, though, nP doubt, numbers
after a few trials, would be able to compose and
dictate at the same time. To many, thinking with
the pen in hand, has become's° confirmed a habit,
That it is difficuk to throw the ideas into the orderly
form of sentences, unless the act of writing accord'
panies the effect.
Tut PRINTCR. —Many who have arqnired great
lame and celebrity in the world, began their career
as printers. Sir Wm., Blackstone, the learned coes•
mentator on um, was a printer by trade. King
George 111. leam4 the art, and frequently !let type
aftei, he ascended the' throne of England. We
scarcely need mention Franklin,' for it is well
knowil l tu all who are tamiliav with bis name,. that
he was ap: inter. Alexander Campbell, the great.
e•at theologian that ever lived, is a!printer. Gentle•
men of the ,4 Craft," these are gratifying facts; but
let us not be ennient Ilial4ey alone be held. up to
the credit of the profe,ripil—let us honor ourselves
and do all we can In Veep up, and elevate atilt
higher, the character of onr beautiful art. •
Tticenatsrtmc.— The real Christen VI, the only
minheit man. Ile has laid tip in I.tote for the win
ter of the crave., - He !naked throngh all the future
and provides for it all. He sees the evils that are
before him, and from all of fttern It des
,htritself in
Christ. Hn is prepared to die, to tie judged, and
lobe 21Orifiecl. The pre.enee of Christ - -upon Win
it the jtulumeim' and 'he spirit olehrist IM sapctiii,
tying him for dory. Hi may have . no treasure on
earth; and no intioer,il ha t k or not,
rapiitly over it; and 'lke hail, he could Opt
tife it with in heitriqi, anal,
home, he has a trereiniit. It is viltece he is to be
—where he will with? ib—where he can itse
it the prudent 111311. DiNrk him. ;Imitate him.
, .
kr"l Plinithl like snit to -have'iieen.” said a
friend to MI specimen 'of e green
Yankee who -Arne down the - Ahinut in a IT irtford
steamer with me. He, hail never' been to 'York
before, and he wis.tisking rprestions oI every-1.0 4 1y
on hofril, if lie was 'green as
gratin' he we" piclin¢ np a mind deal of informiliriii
which wflailonbtlees st4rthim in aim(' mead - Imre/is
after. One of hio i comparrisona at7tick me as 41e4
chi.edly to Nenhatottin,' said lie, .il
toiik breakfasieruit- they taxed .me :tete afulliii M'
'Twat Wporey good price bat I 'gilt it to 'em.
'TiVas twoirgii;:any way. • %Yell, When 4 coma down
10 Har'ord I tool: breakfast ag'iti. nest nit - intl . -oz.
awl what I akeir'eriifiti; 7- rtincli 4hoy 4nokeil
at me and I.:itikii,l 7 ent
b;o:k portly itykip-hut I
. 0.4i4 allikf•lfF Utpaid
it 1 sot do .vn and ciphered iip-insido how much it
would cost a fellow to board at that tate ;rind I
tell . you Whßt32to6l), anon lodnil eons- that for the
old of a 112111 h tl wnul i l make a fellow's pocket.
book looktitt if an deft hod storeyed onto it t'
DRY: 4O . ,-. 4‘ 01 latigk nt-tholet..wbil. (10 not treicit
aw y tie iln..,.._They , triar ktiottls Veto - Itefi' *note ,
They may tie the in.teiieutlefiteliiierii; •
al , weigtu . eihmice the esteetri of linecoutury, land
fetid 'vilest to Ocriidtititeitnir
should be tiiiiefitiedfiti
, • ,
Ott- When should funairian be a
lia,p;oslrce6 ridtep•te..
Eating out the Change.
• A lady used, sometimes, to relate the follow.
tug Odd story, of whiFh she wits herself the heroine;
end hs repetition always aflonletl us benefit of
heartrlaugh. We will give it as 'near at possible
in her own wordii : - •.`
• Between thirty end forty years ago said she, it
was my let to reside on the banks of the Holism,
some fifty miles from New York. As there was
no 1101340 of public entertainment with in e'distance
of ten miles, it often liappened that persons travel
ing across the country,"os on the river, found thems
selves under the necessity of stopping at my house
for something to eat. To: omish such with meals
became under the circumstances, a duty ; and in
order to be, just to myself as well as to the Pt range r
I charged a moderate price for my fond and labor.
Very often, it happened, that I would be called
on to get breakfast or dinner for half a-dozen men
and woman, passengers be'calmetLin some vessel
on the liver. Generally my prices were consider
ed so moderate as to occasion remaik, and often
some guest or guests__ would voluntarily increase
the rate of cotnpensivion I demanded. Now alai,
thenia customer of an entirely ditlerent
~t i
would d his way to ary table, and, after satisfy.
ing an normua appetite, grumble at his shilling
for br kfast or eighteen pence for, dinner, and
someiimes intimatis that my love of money must
be is• rongindeed when it led me to charge a man
for "white of vitnale."
One day neatly an hour alter the family had.
ken dinner, a traveler of the description last rule
red to, made his way to my door, and asked if I
could furnish him with a meal. I - replied that I
could not cook him a r inner, but,
that if he would
take cold meat, bread - and boiter,Srol milk, 1 would
set these before him. A hungry man does not often
refuse such tare. My guest sai lit would ~ do as
well as the fat of the latitl.'' So I laid the table a
new, putting ona clean table cloth to make some
amends for the cold fare. My traveler possessed
• keen appetite. eating at least two pounds of meat,
halfs loal of bread wilt butter in proportion, and
drinking offer a i quart of milk. At first he approach
ed the food with a species of voracity; but grade.
ally eat more deliberately until finally, from very
repletion, his stomach refused an additional
mouthful. .
6 611rhat's to pay, ma'am," said he at length, as
he Pushed his elleir back from the table, and nom
metiCed picking his teeth with a fork.
6 'l generally charge eighteen pence fora dinner"
1 replied," but as your's was a coW cut, I sun ose
ten pence will do "
The man drew forth a shilling piece, and as he
handed it to me, said •
'gave you the change, ma'am I"
really don't think I have a penny,in thshouse.
But I will see."
So I went to the closet where I usually kept small
change in a tea cop. But not a copper was there
When I announced this fact the man looked so un
happy *boat it, that 1 called to my hired girl to
know if she had a couple of pennies. Jemima
proved:to be no better ()Ethan myself.
~W hat's to be done?" said 1 looking at my trav
eller, who sat balancing himself on the legs of his
chair, and looking as solemn as the grave.
`'l a m slurs I don't know," was his repkWer.
Imps PAlcasisqbarraw &coma neigtiboi"
"From o neighbor ! There's none within a
mile; and f certainly shall not go that farto bor
row two peke." •
I began to led annoyed.
ma'am,'' lie lookett_eeriore find spr,ke
firmly. "1 want my chance Whin'e to! be &me?"
A happy thought flashed through my mind, and
I answ.eted with as grave a face us possible
' !dont see what you'll do unless you eat out the
change "
"Edotil the change !" he exclaimed,. taken at
first a little by surprise.
"It's the best that can be done" said i , already
beginning to enjoy the scene.
Invoinntardy my guest laid his hands upon his
stomach; Wm:Owned himself up. anti :mid seemed
in be !eating his .capacity fur. /adding an ounce mute
of too& •
rrl tiorftheliere I can swallow another month-
MI," he lemarked while his eyes. ranged over the
"les your only chance, sir." I WAS already
half smothered with Suppressed laughter; but 1
kept my gutsily.
The man sighed, hesitated, surveyed the table
noel at lentztli_drew np with an air of desperate
resolution. Aninlier slice °lentil meat Was trans
ferred in his pt:art:. another piece of my home_
Made bread overlaid with a thick stratum afresh
imm er , at m another pint MmiTer Rea with4iiitk
;then began the work of api )) . priming these
Pont fellow fie. made but slow progress; and
was compelled in the end, ttlonahevitiently with
great reluctance; tn-abandon the delil whit his Iwo
vents worth of provender but half entisorred. While
striving to Milner his reluctant stomach to receive
ano th e i mouthful of lm-ad ilium, his eyes
can lit tt looking,...;la-A, of ti , e Litighter
suffitsed face .of "my Jernima" when starting lip.
with 'an air miosmited flue :ol d
a low Tow., iminethilrg :Mom
"taking ativalrage.:of issiitigetito."lrewes
(I_7- A VOIiNGS,E,i rtj;t_AN, who 11:1,1 jos! man - led
a lode lowle.sizell beatvy, #a 'Fite wnitht havu
been Miler, Ind she•hinia,let nl magi fues.iltym
tertah., that Nattoe cld unr afford 1014
11.10e3' ttpftinli (p;Okete•-•on!, ii; ? A
year from now he'll 14 r.weariwz about OM 11 Q 1 1:7 4 ",
bee:o:4 It6 l :fixii of a wire -has been , vlenning the
cookl'sfoye - ttith his..be4
egr76 • 1 ' 2. •
r.stime dat t 5 ;0 44 eq. -„ J .4
the.tiek:aiedirme itt Jim , I.o*,,spitits,take
tbrir tire ttoi eN t 1134- train a 'ttatoi!):: . 1 1 1+4 8 10
from dc;olltispe4l
• 1V1?
mai to be saved Icnin -ol.k.i.te t.
.h. , 4
w.tgos a a 2.3 y.
' ' 4;4
.ra <
A PRAYER. IN .6ClUoiftgi-,
Bend down thy winged angel: 1441 •
Ami night *so wild: • •
And .bid hiip come where now We PLIC.b d ,
And breathe opti4 ocr child.
She lien upon her pillow, pale,: -
And moans within herleep.
Or waketh with s patient senile !
And striveth not to weep. •
!law genilev a hoi good a. child
She k, we ow too weft.
And dearer to her parenes hearts
Than our weak words can tell.
We love..we wateh'lhronehout the light k .
To aid, when need.may be:
We hope—we have despaied at times:.
Put DPW wet tnli In Thee
Bend down thy sweet.sourdangel.thidi
Amid the darkness wilth,
A.nd. bid him soothe oWr s,;uis;ht t
And Ve.l our genie abgd !
The Four Master Spirits,
Rappenin2 to mist my eyes over the portraits in
gallery of paintings., I remarked that they were
en arranged sis to give four personages—Alexander.
Hannited, and Mittaparte--nhe mast conspi-
CI MI places, I hail. seen before ; bw never aid a
similar train of relleetions arise in my bosom, u
when my mind now hastily glanced„over dent
seviml histories, •
Alexander, having climbed the dizzy heights of
ambition and with his temples bound witli chap
lets dipped in the blood otconnitess nation., limited
down upon a conquered vrurlit, and wept that there
were not another to conquei--set a city on fire,
and died on a disgraceful scene of debiatch
Han'nibal, alter havi:4, to the astonislisrseut anti
consternation of Rome, passed the Alps --alter bay.
ing put to fti4ht the armies of this "mistress of the
world," and stripped three bushels• s of gold - rings
from the hngers of her slaughtered knights, and
made her verii foundations quake— Turned in
his country, to be defamed, to be driven into exile
and to die at last_ by poison administered by his
own hand, unlamented and unwept, it a toluign
Cmsar, after li/ving taken eislitlundred
and dyed his garments in the bloorof his fellow
men—after having pursued to the death the only
rival he had on earth—was assassinated by , those
considered his- nearest friends and at the very
point in which tut had gained the highest °bigot of
Ills ambition.
Bonaparte, whose mandates kings and priests
obeyed, after having filled the earth with the taw
of his name—after having deluged Europe with
tears and blood and clothed the wnild in sackcloth
—closed his Jaya in lonely banishment i almost
e.xi:ed from the world, yet where he could some
times see his country's banner waving over Ow
deep, but whirh , would not, or could not, bring
him aid.
Thus those four men, who, from the peculiar
situation of their portraits, seemed to stand as repre
sentatives of all those whom -the tr, pr Id calls
"great,"—those four who made the earth tremble
to its centre—severally died—one by intoxication,
the second by suicide, the third by assasination,
and the last in lonely exile.
How vain is the
,greatest ol . this -lIVOTIA
- warm! is the gilt of genius, if it be abused ! Who,
that is now living, would not rather die the death
of the hatable, righteous man, that of Alexander,
er Hannibal, or, or Ilpoloon
A SECRET..--" How tin -nn dn , Mrs. - Tom t have
Fon hrard the story about Mr. Fundy -
" Why no ; really, Airs. Gad, what is it t do
Oh, I not to tell for all the tro-1,1,
No, I, mu•t never tell on't as Long as I lice, just
tale as ilia world."
" What is it—come . •
11 No HI never open my mouth about it-..never.
flope.Ao dirybis minute "
c• Well, if yin believe me, Mrs. Fundy told in
ye,terilay, dm her pirter's husband was told by .a
person. that Mrs Tiolible's eldest daughter told
Nicholas that her gfandrimiliei heard by wiener Ole
got from he: thirdsiider's Itu‘bnoirs oldest brother's
daughter, that it war repotted by the captain of a
clam boat jnet at rised from The Ferri 1-lando, that
the niermai•ls•about that sec • inn wore shark skin
bnities and stuffed with picitied eels." . •
:WAYS AND Nif ANA...-1 WO 1116,11111C0 vritek were
traveling together got ont of money, and being in
.want of a chink of whiskey ; dev-ked the following
Vi'aVfi auJ mean•
Ntriek.eatellitz a frog ont of a brook, went for.
wind and the • firpt !Amen* Ito carne to, :irked the
landlord and creaitate lila: kae. "It is. a frog,lft
replied ttie.l4ttillont.
‘• p.n.," Paid Pat, " it.i4,11 moiler."
" It IA a («to,' fejoineil-thelandlord.
" It is a mouse," *aid -Pit, ' 4 and I will leave it
ao die first wristlet that comes Mom: for a pint cy
whiplicy 'T". Agreed," said the land .ore, lnrphy
soon morel end or him the tir - fienl was mark — r
After 1111101 P.lianl4/3:inn :1 , 111 delitrerntion, It ars!'
tireirh•il In he a mouser, nod taP landlord in 'pile of
t of hiA,bellips pa dein det t.
To I.e der , ire. ; in be f,ee
f, orn tae Cage of.ehttilliatall) bay itig s•inw thing now
is a eettam rf!velltte t to he corittNit with what at
p(),%es4, I:o7;2.rituses the gr, alert atiLl matt lertatyt
Of defied , .
Tficee persons a lin are aIA :1)• ri rev cal not' gon4
hutrioreil ar9 , ;
tarace and lipp . ine.s, a:iti Pibreatl a thaulitai
tpitipej armnigft all M Gn 11 . 0 nroula!
DID OC-43 va-enjuy 11
cpurting 'I if you did not, youluul better get ell'.
tie getian4rl,l. •
Iry ar.u,144 %%lift lira' ;;Nnit phyritwio.
iu% lax Eccal., • iho) ..b • t
• _,,;:.: