p~IIiNBYLYun. Elea. es Riptirse4l-001efea. . . -- 1831. 1831. For Gettroireataii"_ ' 11148. amities. , 'mon" *Oil. Joxersrote. Lortrlreib. Moms, 2472 1945 • 233 t - 1806 - 0211efly, 8797 5983 8956 6154 Arrn , o 9o, 2184. • 2472- 2094 2133 • Beaver 1962 194 2760', 2384 . Bra g es c . .. 8850 ( :3668 3241 3747 , /NIP, 4721 9486 • 4207 4 8411. . ..., . Bedford, 2239 2202 2613'1'•.. 2739 Bark', ' 5258 - -5498 I, 5084 r l' 5245 Badr, 2782 2530 2410*k 2308,. / Blair, 2295 17 2293 - i 427" Cambria, 1230 176 IASI :, 1421 ' Calton, 767 . 147 768 996-. Centre, 1883 297 1649' : 2544 Cheater,63so 5/ l ' 089$ 1 . 0140 Clarion,. g:3l 28 •z* . 1255 2238 Clearfield, 962 169 .630 -1111. Chum, 981 126 : 808 1004 Columbia, 1024 2041 1980 1159 Crawford, 2939 3192 253 . 0 2849 • Cumberland, 2955 . 3141 2989 3069 Dauphin, 3699 2690 3249 t:, 226' D e l awa re, 2147 1594 .-.. , 7 1 - 975 - 151 i Elk, ' 154 485 izt - 145 29 • Erie, 154 • 465 ' 145 •.3 k , Fayette, • 2626 . 3179 , 2776 _ _3290 y mo idin, • 3782 3236 2358 -- 2988 ' .. Fulton (neF) 4 , 705 840 from Bedfo r d. I'reime. 1272 2250 1354 2362 nniiiiii2doo, 2435 2024 2289- 1821 1;11113113, . 2510 1752, 2371 ' 1569 Jeffe,22, 1002 12-10 783 992 .111-1..!a. 1143 1337 - 1103 1291 1,,.,,• .s.er, 1.1-1064 - 6226 - 9727 i 5511 1., • • epee (11'‘‘ )213g 10 7 9 ham B r acer &r. Leh:llion, c 2924 1349 2637 409 ' Lefti2h. z 3015 1392 2550 , , 2996 I l enming, 2007 2675 1 9 50 '' • 2298 I..n7eriie, 3111 4909 2967 3795 .14.11• Kean, . 409 469 376 429 Mercer, 2873 2760 3643 3106 4 liolln, 1413 1673 1443 15 4 2 I 'formic, 423 2107 425 1769 firllgnMery, 4941 5742 4645 5218 Mnenir, (new) 976 1394 from Colugibin NM , ha rri pivri, 2627 A 150 2551 3476 Northumberkl, 1628 '2529 1546 2124 Perry, 1399, 2237 1339 2064 PH. Ciiy &C 0 24,760 22 001 25961 21.000 Pike, 169 836 426 ' 612 Poser, 621 574 278 -627 Sally kill, 4069 4743 4264 3538 , Somerse, 2739 • 1069 2755 1103 Suscineliann3, 2123 • 2815 1597 2416 , Siillican, , 227 1453 182 . • 360 Tina, 1,463 2336 1219 -"2n77 Union, 2877 1949 2987 1686 .. Venango; 1142 • 1698 988 - 1532 IVarren, - 113 7 1242 947 - 1145 . Waeliiiigion, 4042 3916 . 4065 3944 Wayne, 104 . 0 2192 855 1455 Wernmorelaml, 3115 5110 2956 4955 Wyoming, 913 1136 790 944; Yoili, 4727 5738 1162 4345 Total. 178.030 186 499 168.522 168 225 1818. .I,.fmr , :on over Dinfistreth, 297' MI Ruler oVrf 8 462 The I. Bow •szsrerimes for Ca nal Comm h•sinner and Supreme Couri Judges CANAL C^AIDt PAWN ER. DPmovrat. " S Clover, 181.02 t SCPR F: OIURT JUDGES, 179 2631 Black', 173,635 I Campbell, A .,. 174 381Lesvis, I 173 301..Gihann, 172.232 j Lowry', !Fleeted ‘Nhg J Suotim, 175.444 Coul'er,* Lorniv, Chamheng, Nlerehh. Jeseap, It will be•seen by the tore,2oing that Black tab Itig.liest on the theo.neratic ticket. and Cowbell lowest ; while Coulter rah highest on the 'Whig ticket, and Jessup lowest. FATLL RAILROAD ACCIDRNT.—The boiler of the locomotive Metamora—one oldie coal burning en gine:4 nn the Reading railroad—exploded lasi week %Ora a few mile= above Reatiii.g, insiantly`killed Mr. Charter. Koerric the fit-vaunt. arid badly 'mim ing arid twan. , i the conductor, engin eer'ond brakes .men —Mr. O'Neill, of Tarmanua; wbo was near the en .:tne at the time of the expl !kin, wa, scald ed in a shocking mariner. ilea s taken to Phila- I) delphil ih@iiirnia day and admitted inlot,the H o vi. tel The - erit,tnie Oise but little damaged. ,The Eralejli wa_44...aa,i.J by the Biome ran of Several bolts in the bar,.part of Coe kiJilei, immediately over the lire grate. 11'. Nut .Fousvanearr.—The public are cautioned against-new counterfeit $5 notes on the Fbiladet phia Batik. Th y are letter" A,". variously filled up. ntrigefleral appearance of the not • is. not good L the:medallions and the face. of the females in the Oighetie are imperfect. Two commas be. tween tnc names of "Underwood & Bald and Dra per & Underwood.% are 9rnnted. The dots between the ion'. " Five • Fivet." on the upper a-d low er margin,: ar(oblong iq the good nun s aad square to the counterfeits. 1111%1 4TURE ALMANAC--1551. I Du,. the e il) " 7 4 llSUri Mit! 'Son Sets ". • z C IMOIDAT, t ft6•l3llr t r • • A Irm • LIVIESDAY, ITHr 'Fru T... , Ftunav • InATtIIDAT Er THE nreibbertt orthe BRADFORD CO. MEDICAL SOCIETY reque,ted to meet .at the Ward H -e, Thurtqlat* Decetn be r p'clock. P. At. riot:ls - 1 7ir 'PA ItIII'ULA R ICOTICE.—The uhiler 7 merrhnnia n"FoarantiA, hereby ettre to the public that their ..ttorEl will be cl , ed on lhut-tinv. 27th inst• This arrange men; Trill he sirieriy adhrered to, and 'no back doors tr,tl he krpt 'pen. Nlotiant e. at Co. J— ph King -berg. E Fox, G. H Bunting, H. 8. 8: M. C. Merenr, I•axe Post. Bennet ar Co. Warner. & Co. in troy township, on Motdav evening October 27, Ulm' E., son 01 Jo and Sasses A. Santis, aged three years. 5 months and 15 days. . Nati tabncitisattents. BRIDGE LETTING. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Commissioner's Office, until 12 o'clock of Wed nesday, breember to, 11151: for building a Bridge across Towanda emit, near Dull dr Brownson's Dills. Plans aid specifications can beneeu at the Curnmissiuner's Office. Tor one week previous to the letting. By order of the rowers. " • jSyv. 13, 1051. . E. M. FARRAR, Clerk. STRAYED, it" the subscriber. in Towanda borough.. on Thursday night. the 6th day of Novembt r atm. a Tthl MliCh COW, in good condition, with the tip of the - right hmit battered down-4) years old. t% ho. ever will return said cow, or give information-where she can be foarui, shall be liberally rewarded. Nov. 12, 1851. A. V. TROUT. THE LAST NOTICE • TE books ind.a.c,eonnts of L. M . NYE & Co. are in the lianitsll D. Vandercook. Esq.. for coDection. Alt persons having unsettled accounts With said firm will Please call and settle the same on or before thelst.ds4of January nest. and save Coal. Iff." Wit & CO. Towanda, November 14, 18b1. NEW FALL- , . . 'JOSEPH . KINC3SBERY I • . _ - Ts now seeelving an ezteesive asions:tent of :GOODS; pine -based since the, late decline In' - prlitfet end .IL which cannot fail to suittint taste and wishes of purchasers, and *Celt the wants of the public; and as every tlndy - Mows , that be always sells Goods very cheap, it is cot necessary to , make may remarks on that subject - ' :1100E12 112100 S INITIONALILT. , , , . • I shall in it fa* data reeeiY* a"verflarge catalogue of -New. looks =and Stationary,lted beingdesirols of disprising of double the usual quantity this season, shall reduce the prices to a very low figure. - • . SigA v aris =NM. " I - o Being agent for the sale of the Bay State Shawls in this Borough, lam enabled to offer them ,tutfelt lower and in larger variety than any other establishment this side of New York.. Large supplies of these shawls will be - received during the Winter.; 7 MEM CULCNMIZIM Filth. Nail., Glass, Oils; Hardware. CrOkery, Boobs - and Shoes, Salt, &c.. Fr ~_ . • Sherfine Sale. • ' e V virtue of a writ of Vend. Eiponss boned out • of the Court of Common Please of Bradford County. and to medirected, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in , the born.' of Towanda. On Monday the /Al day of Oecember, at 1 o'clock. P. M. the fallowing lot piece or parcel of land. situa ted in Towanda le. bounded and describdd as fol lows to wit : north by lends in possession of J. C. P o well and Isaac Horton. west by lands of Wm. El well, south by lands of Ezra Rutty. East by Sugar Creek. Containing ab tu eighty acres more or less. about sixty acres improved one two story stone tavern bonne. two framed barns and an apple or chard thereon. Se-zed and taken in at the ajt of Mon tanyeN fe. Co. vs. Stephen , A. Hill% - Al.Bo—The following lot pi , ce or parcel of ' land situated.. in the township of Dore I; bounded and des. I,ir crrbed as follows to wit : north buck of J hn Cnmmitot. west by unseited lat south by land of Mich.tel Cr w. east by Cornelius ritzzeroutd Co,. mining one hundred and six acres more or less, three or four acrrc chopped. rwixed and Taken in eieeution at the suit of Aaliv Want Executrix of the estate of William Ward dec'd, nolvto the use of Rank and Brooke. vs. Da vid Walsh. ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land situated in Granville tp. bounded and described as follows viz north by land of Harry Putnam 4 C. P. Griffin, east & south by Harrison Ross, on' the west by land of Harry Putnam. Containing about forty-five acres mere or less. alt improved one - framed house, one log and framed barn and apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Orrin r. Ballard..to the use of Charles Calkins, vs. An. drew T. Morrison. Nee ice. D.Me Donald, -.1,875- 185,89,3_ 176 1t39 183,877 184.408 186,464 16 78 1 4 171 7 9 461 18 7 10 4 60 19 7 11 4 49 201 7 7 12 1 446 21 713 , 447 22 7 14 4'47 Hall & Ru..selL E. Leon. L W. YtlCint•. T.acr l 4 More. Hurt• n & Porter, Phinney & Bittiman. W. 4. Chamberlin. Burton Kingtbery, lamith & Stevens, 0.-D. Bartlett. ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land situated in the township of Rome: bounded snit des cribed as follows : beeining at a corner in a line of Ephraim B. Parker & Hiram Drake, thence south 79° east along the line of said Drake eighty and six tenth perches to another corner of said Drakes, thence south one degree we , t 23 and I-10 :rperches thence south thirty;four and a half degrees west to a corner in a line of Daniel Buffington s now Luci us Eastman. thence north 89 degrees west 67 and 7.10 perches to the,: begin ing. Cont tinins twenty two acres and twenty-six perches strict measure, be .he same m - )re or less , about ten acres improved one framed ba r , log house and small orchard thereon. l Seized a d taken in execution at the suit of Hiram Drake adtriinistrator of John Moore deceased, vs. bilas Gore and tSam`l W. Gore. AL%- 4 0—The following lot piece or parcel of land situated in the township of Burlington. bounded and I described as follows to wit : north by lands of Jacob ' Myer, west by land of Rogers Fowler, south by land .a William Mead east by land of Charles Mead.— Containing about 80 acres more or leSs about 35 actts improved. two log houses, one log barn and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Lo. renzo D. West vs. William A. Slaver. ALSO—By a writ of a levari tacias, directed as gave—All that certain piece or parcel of land bbnnded and described as fi.ltows viz . situated in township of Wells in the county of Bradford, begin hing at a post the south-east cr•rner of land survey ed tt William C. Ware, thence south eighty perch es to a post, thence west two hundred and three perches to a beech, thence north eighty perches to a post, thence east two hundred and three perches to the beginine: Containing one hundred and obe acres and eighty perches, being the same tract of label : which the parties of the second part conveyed to the, said 'Shobul Rowlee, 'vith one old frame house, one wood and wash house, one horse barn, etttin barn and cow shed attached to it, a small tipple orchard, about sixty acres improved. Seiz-d and taken in execution at the suit' of Jo- . seph R. Ingefsoll. Henry B. Baring, William B. Hiring,' John Craig Miller, and Francis Daring. trustees of the estate of William Bingham dec'd and-. snccessors and assigns of Alexander Baring and Henry Baring et al devises in trust of the estate of William Bingham dec'd vs. Shubul Rowlee elect:- tar of Shaba! R..wlee dec'd with notice to Edward A. Ayres terra terant. CHESTER THOMAS, Sheriff.. Sheriff's s tffice. Towanda. _Vas. 6. Ight Sheriff's Sale. B Y virtue of a writ of Went , . Exponas issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, of Bradford Coonty. and to me directed. will he exposed to pub lic sale, at_the Court House in the born? of Towanda on Friday. the 10th day of October, at 1 o'clock. P. AL the to/lowing lot piece or parcel of land situate in theiownship of Smithfield. bounded and describ. I'd as follows, to wit ; north by land Of C. E. Pierce, east by land of Enos Smith. and others. south by Imi s ts of H. Orowell and the tisgbway, and west by Linda of L. F'arnsworth. Containing about loOaeres More or, less, about bp acres : mproved, one framed , house, one fram.d barn and fruit trees thereon. . 11, Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. F. Groiener assignee of Seth Salisbury cr. Charles Olin strop% AL-0-11y two writs the following.piece nr oar. rel of land iyiu,iand brine in Columbia township. end bounded as follows r on the ns rib by lands of Franklin Baker. tv , st by M -B. Canfield, south by Austin and Robbins. and east by Urtah Ferguson and H. Restibins. Contastiining 1.50 acres, more or 14. s. about 70 acres improved with nu rrams.d house one framed barn. and apple orchard th- peon " Ses.zP4 and taken its execution at she snit of Wm. Dotosins to to the use of John C. Adams vs. John Benson. L'o—The tsllowinz piece or parcel of land sit Rate. in Athens born, boondea on the emsh by la n d. of H. O. Hart and E. Ilertick. east by land. oh Welles *Harris. /moth by Canal st and west by ' lauds of P Rogers. Containing fifty feet on Canal I at and eiehty tour feet dlror bsck. framed - house and framed Nato and fruit trees thereciii. Beind and take) in execution at the suit of Win Riff. to the nee of B. Richmond &Co , vs. Abigail White. WM. S. DOBBIN 3, Stiff. Sheritra Mee. Towanda, Sept. 15,1851. • 07THE above sale stands adjourned until Monday the first day of December next, atibe same place and time of day. ' Oct 24 WM.& DOBBINS, Sh'fr. NOTICE. THE undersigned would inform the eitirms of Towanda and vicinity. that he has arrived here for the purpose of enabling those who wish Dagu reotypes of themselves, orfnesuls. to get them. Hav ing had a number of years experience in the busi ness, he feel, confident that his pictuces will give general satisfaction. Likenesses of children and aged people. taken with perfect accuracy. Those wishing pictures would do well to give him a call. Room over Bonen Kingsberre store.• Towaoda. 12, I€lsl. R. 0.;! Caution. • A LL persons lAD hereby cautioned Wind porches ing gknots given by me on the 181 h day of Au gust I have 1851. to WILLIAM HAKDY.for dollen% received no for sai d nour: end therefore de not ecnsider myself morally or legally , bound to - pay i 4 end thrill not do an. nukes compelled by law. Herrrck. Brµ Y 4.1851. A. AIMED. Wore Nag Goods., HCAMPBELL, err spin receit' log a Lug% mostment of goods for the felt sad winter trade. Towanda, August UOO5l. AND WINTER GOODS. BYsinue of a writ of Vend. Expo. lamed out of the court or Camman-Pleas, and to medirected will be exposed to public ittle'at the Court House,- in the bore,' of Towanda, on Monday the drat day of December, at I o'clock P. M., the following piece or parcel of land situate- in Burlington towdihip, hounded and - described as &Dow', to wit $ south by Win. Mead, east 1 4 land of Charles Mead. north by land of Jacob Myers, wee tby land of Rogers Pow. ler. Containing t about 80 acres, more or less, about 25 acres improved. two log bosses, one log barn and a few fruit trees thereon. steised and taken in execution at the suit of-Tra cy & Moore ir.. Wen. A. I s lyter. • ALsO—The following described lot of land situ ate in Canton twp. and , hounded on the north by lands of Wephen Oevet.on the east by lands ofJohn MeDual and ColurriboA;McClelland on the south by lands of stam..s Watiier and Jared Hoyt. and on the west br lands of the heirs of Baum! Davis deed. and O. 1? Mason. Containing filly acres about forty acres improved. with one framed house and one losliarn and apple orchard thereon. Refixed and taken in execution at the suit of 0. P. Ballard vs. Burl Smith, WM. S. DOR M "" erheriff's Office. Towanda, Qct. 20. IBS } BY virtue of a certain writ of Levari Patin. issued out of the Court of Coalman Pleas of Bradford County and to me directed:will be expos ed to public sale, at the Court House in the Boro' of Towanda on Saturday. the 22d day of November. at one o'clock P.M., the Mowing piece or parcel of land, lying and being in Litchfield township. Brad 'ford county. and bounded and described as follows: 'Beginning at the south-east cOrner of a warrant lot claimed by Wm Clymer, thence north on the said warrant line 138 8-10 p tb a post for a corner; thence east 83 8-10 p pasting by south-west corner of Isaac Verbeck's lot ; thence south 178 8.10 p to north line of Andrew Brainard's lot; thence west 98 9-10 p to a post for a corner; thence north 37 -to p to thg south line of said Clymer's warrant tract. thence east along said warrant tract fifteen perches to the beginning. Containing ninety.two acres and twentrtvro perches, strict measure. about twenry-five l acres thereof improved, with two fog hotises and some few fruit tree. thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of P. J. Deemer` rind wife, vs. James Randolph end James Carey, terra tenant. CHESTER THOM As. Sheriff's °afire, Oct. 3/. Sheriff. In the molter of the estate of Weasel F.Kellogg. dee'd. 'll HE undersigned having been appointed auditor to marshal! assets; and make distribution of the funds of the said estate remaining in the hands of L 3. Arnold, administrator thereof. will attend in the laties of said appointment at the honse of P.P. Sweet, in Smithfield. on Saturday. the 29th, day of November, inst., at ten o'clock, A. M.,at which time all persons having claims against said estate Nre required to present the same or be debarred from coming in for a share of said fonds. Oct. SO, 1851. STEPHEN PIERCE, Auditor. _ , 14 the matter of As Estate of James Bennett deed. THE undersigned auditor appointed .by the Or phan's Court of Bradford county upon except ions filed to the final and partial account of the admr's. of said estate will attend to the duties of hts said appointment on the 22d day of next Novem ber at one o'clock P. M. st his office in Towanda boro' of which all persons interested Will take notice. Oct. 18. 1861. HENRY BOO;rll4uditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In Me maile of du Estate of Nancy Strickland, dee d TIRE undersigned audi'or appointed by, the Or a.. phan's Court of Bradford County to settle the accounts of the administrator of said estate, and also to state and settle the distribution offends aris ing froni the said estate as a final settlement of the same, will attend to the dude. of said spftointment at his office. in Towanda hero' an the lifth day of November nettot one o'clock P. M.. when all per sons having claim , ' against said estate are required to present them or be debarred from any share of said funds. HENRY BOOTH. Oct. 18. 1851. Auditor. 10 the mediae of the Estate of Anson Morris, deed, fr HE audit& appointed by the Orphan's Court I.of Brabford County to distribute fonds in the hands of the suiministrators of said estate, will at tend so the duties of said appointment at his office in Towanda boo; on theß4th-day of November next at one o'clock, P. M., when 4 all persons having claims agginst said estate are requested to present the m bef,i^t"r the auditor nr 11- debarred front any share of sai.l funds. HENRY BOOTIE, Auditor. November. Ist. 1851. In the writer of She Extaie of Ifornee F Harden deed. pHE auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court of Britilf.rd :Aunty to distribute fund* in the hands of the administrators of the estate aforesaid to said business at his office in Towanda.boro' on the 20th day of November next. at one o'clock P. M when all persons ha - rine claims aZainst said estate are requested to present them or be debarred from any share of said funds. Oct.lB. 11151. LIEN Hy BOOTH. Auditor. 14 Mr mutter of the Male of 1 1 / 4 :lann Rogers, deed. NOl'l l E s 4 beret" , given to n!1 persons interested 1. 1 1 that the undersigned has been appointed ny the Orphans court of Medford county, an actili . or, to audit. settle and report upon ,the account of Eli Gibbs, administrator of said di•cedeet, and that he will attend to,the duties of the appointment on the 29th day of November nest. at one o'clock P. M.. at his office in the borough of ToWenda. • Oct. 30. '5l. WM. ELWELL. Auditor. Orphan's Court Sale. TN pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court,ot .1- Bradford county, there will be exposed to public sale, on Tuesday. the llth day of November next, at 1 o'clock P. H., on the premises, a certain tract of land situate in Leroy township. late the estate of Seeley Holcombe Bounded by Hecock, on the east and south by lands of the Bartley estate, west by lands belonging to the estate of Sterling Hol comb, dec'd, north by Towanda creek; 15 or r l7 acres improved, with one framed barn erected there. on, the remainder woodland. Terms one halfeash, the remainder one year from the confirmation of sate, with interest from'the day of sale. C. STOCKWELL, Administrator. Oct. 9, 1851. Paper flanging'. THE only complete assortment of Paper Ranging., Borders. Window Paper:aad Fire hoard Views. kept in this region, and at prices as kw *seas be found at retail eithe r in or out of the priaripateities. at May O. 0. D. BARTLETT. 2b21217. CAME tit the eoelipeure of the aularriher in Towsn de unelsbipi on or about the 12th inst. a ItEli atwart4 years old. Siid steering no Vanieu. Par mark. Tbe Psner.is requested to, prose -property and pay darn* WILLIAM , AUSTIN. Torranda.tfesp. 89,1851. ("MAIM PUMPS, for We ri Mtactrwit;-- V September MI, 11151. JOS. KINCISBEn Sheriff's Mara WM. a. WM MAIM SHERIFF'S SALE, AUDITOR'S NOfIC F. AUDITOR'S NOTICE AUDITOW:4 NO LICE A VDrFOR'S NI ?TIC E All), FOR'S NO ricE tgid 9tbi?ntuf.awede. • ILUtt or .11110111114 • • t, riltAW/I'fur Dec. Saslow. *ad Orty and Terld• ,AJ ince. ' • . ;•amtitartmil,. W3rsoz—E.R. 'Aryan , • W_4lmot.;.L. oaaerford; • - ' Windham-Nikettes Finch ; aheahequin—ltikinrpbr o loita Iberian iv; - GranvillerAmthitr Clar is Robert Matto ; . - Springfield—folio Harktkema • , • Athena. boro.—N. C. Harlin; eimithfield.4larice Pierei.Eani Calif% Wm.Fhttly4 Wiadham—A. D. Dunham. O t eanmateri. Troy twp.—Linas 1171 an bar; ". _ Well.—Alexander teak' ; • Wyglasing—hyman Chamberlin; •Ratue—David 04a WattaTt.;;Mar. Tyrrel ; Caltimbia:•fiiram Frcemattr Franklin—David Cole; Monroe—Jean Hick.; adrlington-,Jebial McKean t Ridgbery--Milla Carr; Taavaassznaoss—stast Will. Wells—Joseph Stnrdivant, David Sayre; Piltelfortim ore Pratt. George White, Monte Smith Richard Ashton. Nathan llockwell; • AlbanY"—aolan Stevens; . . Sprindleid.L. Newberry, D. 13.Bmith I Warm—S. C. apinard, Nelson Corbin t She•hygnin—Samuel Minier. H. B. Chaffee; Granville—Henry Salim, John Vroulan. , Charles Drake ; A thens , boro,—Walter Ohisfed. Moses Sawyer; Smithfield—James Britches, Ira Adams. James L. Getould, Gen. Meir4nnon. Merrit Wood; 4._ South Creek—John - 11111mm; Monroe—Wm. Bradford f• Wyalusing- 7 James Butler,ll. R. Lamphere; Josspb -Gaylord • Columnia-Oftffin pally. ;Jennison Miller; Leroy-Nelson Reynolds t-. standing Stone—lienfy ilfestbrook;Jo'hq %Squires Charles Roof. Orwell—Austin Ellsworth. S. Lathrop 1 Dorell—John Benson 3d. lames G 411 Ulster—James McCarty, Samuel Hof; Daron—Vreo Rill ; - Ca on —Ezra. Spalding ; T scarora—Bela Clitswell ; • . Litchfield—Josiah White; , Rome—Nathan Wl_ard ; Herrick—Newell zler 4- 4t Ridgbery.aron ~,,. trander ; t _...2_ . , i iIICOSTI Witt. Litchfield—Desists;ll, Wm. Cooper, Hiram Racers ; Toscarora- 7 .1. C. Mayer, Vincent Owes, b. D. Black`; ,-- r ' 11 , Ridgbery-t- intent Owen, Ches. French ; Durell—Ge Cote, Johs;W. Sweet, A. W. B. Van. gorder./aob R. Emery; Stnithfield=Cieo. W. Campbell, C. A.T.yakaaaosia 'than Bash Kim' 1 Farwell ; y Gmnville2l4mee4H. Ron. C. Baxter 1 Rome—Ch C. Least 4, Alhens tp. .D. Weller, Thos. Lane; Borlinstote- - -Abrawk.Mortey, D: A. Rpas, Wm. Eta- ner ; Canton —Wrn.Oor.line, John Vandyke ; Colombia—Wm. Smith, Stephen INtock i Joseph Worden Pike--4. J. Erlsall, Oliver Ellsworth,D. Blackman, A. A. Wonik; Orwell—Wm. C. Maynard ; Asylum—Aaron Ely ; Trny tp—Simtin Mclntosh. Eel Porter; Athens bo.—L. H. Sherman ; Troy bo.—John F. Hopkins ; Monroe—Horatio B. Boren. Geo. Walker ; Wyalo*ing—E. M. Beeman. Chas. Homst Sprinefield—Thus. P. Wolcott; Standing SP. - me—John Ennis ; Towanda tp.—lsaac Myer; Shesheguin—C. W. Hollis ; Ulster—D. - -o. l Chubbnek ; • . tom want. Athens bo.—Chas Comstock ; Wyatusing—Elisha Lewis ; Asylum—Jacob Fraiche) , ; Franklin—sdohn M. Taylor; Smithfield—John Doty, Ansel Senn ; Albany—Henry Hibbard; Minor Wilcox; • Windham—Saml Jackway ; Canton—J. B. Wright, Thos Williamson jr. ; Pike--John L. Palmer. Almon Beecher ; Warren--Nathan Newman. Calvin Arnold 1 Towanda bo.—B. F. Powell, E. T. Fox ; Standing Stone—Hiram Vannest ; Rome—Danford Chaffee, Oscar Elliott J. D. Demo n)? Tuscarora—Wm. Thompson ; Towanda tp.—Means Watts; Coltimbia—Allen S. Parsons. Stephen D. Goodrich ; Leroy—Horace Holcomb ; Sheshequin--Isaac Elliott, Geo Kinney; Burlington—James McKean ; Ridgbery—James Hammond; Orwell—Geo. Wells ; Wysox—David Hines; - Litchfield—Johnson Rogers ; Troy tp —Erastus Beach ; ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ALL, persona knowing themselves to he indobterf In the elate of BHA," A M WORTEN D KE. deed late of rlonth:Creek. tp,, are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and three basing claims against mad ranatewill please pretreat them immediately duly authenticated for 4iittlement. JESSE EDSALL. • NATHAN SHEPARD. Smith Creek. Oct. 17. lasi. . Adminiairatons. Executor's Notice. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Benjamin Buffington deceased, late of Warren township, are hereby requested to make- payment without de lay, and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to present them thily authenti cated forkettlement. R. C. BIiFFINGTON. GILES N. DE WOLF. Warren, Oct. 8, 1851, Executor's. A DSIINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE ALI. persons indebted to the estate of A. W. B. Vermonter, dee'd. lata of the township of Duret, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and thooe having elattoktrmainst said estate, will please prebeut them duly authenticate.' for settlement. . MATILDA VANI4ORI)EII, Duren. September - 22. 1851. Aitministrar dr. ADMINNTRATOR's NoricE A M. per.ons indebted to the estate of LEMUEL MAYNARD demised. late of Rnme t o wn. amp. are hereby vequested to make payment with out delay. anti those having claims affeihet said es tate, will please present them duly anti Authentirated for settlement. • • WM. E. MAYNARD. JOHN PASSMOIIE. i;lministratoes with the will annexed Towanda. Aug. 9. 1-601. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. LEITERS Testamentary upon the lest will and testament of ELIFOBETff MEANS, late p this:Retro' of Towanda, deceased. having been grant ed to the subsetiberiof said . Boro' all persons hav ing claims or demand:, tgainst the estate of the said deceased are seque-ted to make the same known to os without delay: and all persons indebted to said estate are required to pay the same forthwith. THOMAS ELLIOTT. MILLER FOX, Executors. Towanda, AO 28. 1851. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. A Lf. persons indebted to the estate of WILLIAM A BRADFORD deceased. laterif Warren township, are hereby requested to make pigment without delay, sod all persons boring demands against isid estate are requested to rant them. duly authenticated for set. Clement. GEORGE MANNING. . . . WILLIAM BRADFORD. Warren, Oct. 17.1851. • . Administrant& A DOZEN awe of those cheap and good um& COATS, this day received by May 19. IL & A. CA Meisgl.y.. LOOK HER - I—We are sew fe t in g a l b b et as ofitteksaas at MI ce..itta per fallen.. SHAPLEY & LEWIS, rIROCEERI a GLOM WARE.* Wg. sta t ic NJ:ImA brash, by , ••j • - VOL iSOXITON TARN very Smythesemi common Fo gni& t , ' „,...„,,,,,,imbliti:Arit,-..-,,,,,,,,,.:..,,..,::.-:. gl4 cmd Winter Goods. • ontinv *. umtv no in Store a . large stock of Goode front Noweirork and oilier market.; which ore offered wholesale and tettitr4 t...e lowest possible priced.— V • Mention • few Wiwi that may always be found at our Stott. - Prints, gin , i.haso, poplins, M. dlaines, &e. of the latest styleit Ora:ewes; flatdarere, Crockery, Dods and Shoes. Bats; Caps. &e. &C. Of which we have a large es. wirtment. selected with great end and offered at lee Prices. •pd will not:, be underoold. Alio, hosiery. gloms, wooden ware; gloss. sole leather. besides e thousand order artier& which we need not incinerate all of which we offertio our customers at prices that Must give great safisfiewon. as our entire Stock hag been laid in at • time When the nines well uneommom ly depresied, and reds were fumy per cent. lower lbws usual. 13, attention and prompts:en in meeting the wants of our customers, wwhope to merit a con• tinosnos ofthe patronage that has hillterto been so liberally bestowed upon • v., MONTAN YES' tie°. Towanda. Oct. IX ISSI. ''`FALL GOODS. riT. FOX, would respectfully inform his old frient:s . and the ciegons of Bradfoni in general that he is now receiving • full Kock of FA Li. GOODS, which he is desirous of disposing of •t • very smell advance from first met, being satisfied that his goods are select. ed with as moth Care. and bought at least. at as low prima as his neighbors, b• is now anxious to convince his customets that they will be sold et the right kind of prima. Please avid see, as there is surely no harm in knowing how cheap soma folks do sell goods—call soon. Comee.or Mvin.and Pine street. Pall & Winter Goods. weivzosr. Z1NG1131111.7. now reeitivins a lams assortment of Fall and Win• As Goods, direct from New York which is offend lit Greatly reduced priers to cam buyers. Tiswands. Oct. 11. 1951. The lint Time of Baking. ADIVORCE having lately been e ff ected between I the present Register and Recorder of Brad/old County, and the office he now holds, to hike Its final effect on the first day of December next. It becomes indispensable that all debts due to the subscriber in his official capacity should be immediately liquidated.• The / parties interested in this notice still use them selves trouble, and the Register, much personal annoy. *nee by a prompt Steen:lon to its contents. The affairs of the office must be settled immedietcly, and the State taxes remitted, and to enable to accomplish this the parties indebted to him riigst pry at once. Oct. 6, 1851. nonATto SLACK. Recorder. • New Arrival of FALL COODS. C, mvacta ate now receiving a 1.1• very extensive assortment et Goods for the Fall trade, which will be sold at wholesale or retail cheaper them at any other store in the County. Towanda, Sept. 4, lOW. LATER FROM CUBA 211xeoutton of Lopez ! QTILT, later news via Near York_ifs E. R. R. of the 1 , ..3 arrival of a`very large stock of Merchandize\ at PBINN EY & BOWMANS N 0.3 Brick Row which they are prepared to sell at wholesale or retail for Caah or Reedy Pay, cheaper than the cheape-r, froin the tit that they purchased their stuck for=tatah IA a very de pressed state attic market. Don't mistake the Otte, No. 3 Brick Row next door to Dr. liustenr.Drng More. STONS SUGAR, just received, at wholearale t bd retail. PRINNEY & BOWMA SSALT, ■ large lot, also Iron, Nails, Hardissre4to and Mackerel in bbls., and ror saleubs sept 22 PHINNRY & BO W MA% O CHESTS more of those three and four stall ge TEAS, et PHINNEY & BOWNIADei QIIEETINGS, shirtinas. 'trims. and ticks, I 6 ;ale " by PHINNEY & BOWMAN. B OOTB & SHOES, the largest and cheapest arson. mane in town—and Hata and Caps, at wholesale am° retail. PHINNEY & BOWMAN. CROCKERY, Gisasersre. Paints, Oils. Glass, Dyes, oSte. PHINNEY Sc BOWMAN. DRESS GOODS , s largo variety—Bonnets *tad Shawls, s good assortment, for safe by turp22 ) PBINNEY & BOWMAN. LUMBER WANTED, at PHINNEV 4 BOW. MAN'S, for which cash will be paid. 122 W fl i f r A t T, Ryirfie;gen.7.4,takeßnoi‘nveii6xte‘hNen.wit BuTTEß—soo rirtin.vritntea, fiw which port Cash will be grid. PIIINNEY Ar. BOWMAN. ATS. Cape. Boolean.) Mow. anises new style "of H 4 to snd Caps, Also • large *talk of ramp, Women. end ChiWrco• Hoots eni! k:hnci j•wt received •e MERCUR'S. riamE ONE. COME ALL, and examine the N'AV Goods, which are now being exhibited at ." ap26. U. KINGSRLjT'Q. 75 Et J U ul ß y ill s EL, RYE ar.. cor, T rnr ip r l NF lc by C01T331811.1 1 / 1 1111r-DMAIM: - riA N assortment of RE:tOY-MADE: coFrEls ßill he kept constant'', on hand at Nye's old stand on Main street, Inhere the suboeriher it ab.o prepared to make and r. pair all kinds of Furniture. 'Fowandg, July 124 Ipst. A 3. WELLS. BLASTING POWDER .- 50 keA !Plating Pow by ' 118 MONT& NV & 1.0. CROCKERY'—The largest stock in town. roll dinner MA Ira silts, of white gratite were, which mon he wa i l cheep et one know/lit:at thn p'Ace In Nod the litrzer. E geotonmint anti bast goility of gloves of nii deal, i• at atlt'S Fors. 4 (1.1011Z. Panama, Leghorn, Patin Leaf and c.d. JP% P taltnw PAR at In2A FOX'S. Pik 411(1 itek bilk Lace fur kiALNIV.I. AS at Ft DRY GOODS—A coal 'autmtmept of Al4.tinoes. Cashmeres. De Lain•, Alpacas, orol print. now =l3 Groceries. - 6 HH'D. of Hagar at pricesymitively thin any before sold in town within one year, tat". Alolas les sweet and tool Own 31 to AO eta. • Laguira and Old Java Coffee that cant be beat. 'pine bunch Raisins, Pepper, Names, Sieratua, Ginger, end a gen. coal sesiiitwent of groceries t altos full supply of fresh new Teas warranted as usual. good and sight or the reterned in alleases Wait received ancr teir Gale ea sep. 12 !Pews. H Ribbons, —flannel sift,. Lei-, e end Cre r ws of R • sp2R }WC'S. 20 BALER OF tiV.ZE7I•ING, common and fine to 10.4 et ids,. A nice nwartmerit of Welch ed Geode, htearilea *NI brown Thills,l Crash and the- PITY. brown and Meeched Tahlf; Linnen, Cheeks, Lin "Y.Tie6lD Cotten Yew, Batting, Wicking and W""inr,„, selling sheep at FOrt4. F II .AHROIDERIES, A very dirge work of Swiss and .J • Mn•lio Editings end fmtertintri, lifstriee end Mno. lin Bands. needle wrought Collor' and Cult., fine wrought Linen Handkerchief*, and in fort the fartgral end best ageortment of Embroidered erode ever before Arena ire-Towanda at BLACK SILKS. also s frorr:pattenui of film! Bilks, 13 'which wilt ho mid clomp* .MX 'S: ICIII nirllrB & BHOEs. t atiod allatriltil.ll% 14 . Ladigl-r. LP aeon; Illissea.-Chil&ent and Infanta 5h....* ism gab tlt tOrk DRArisity "tuning. a line erpt g pt r i v ittl wort =,lftegt:,. tAt wry malt prices it rox-is. , ;.-----:;,,,4„....--,...-....,.............. ...Now-. . .;, tkE 41ra • rai s Ifa I OVINE I o dt. Iti,Vsl'o , - Adams 4, Tiracihr , c . AVM° entered into co w partnership in thart:co i flf lim o have oho established on agcner for tba sea of rnil etosta.in the county of Bradford.. Persons having real estate, which they Iltrite to, sell. by ealliog Ind leacin.r a description of their ptopesty with the terms. of as% Pill updoulitaly Mai it to tht it Ideas , tam Persons desirous of purchasirg can learn where prop erty is for sale—,a description of the monis with the price anti terms of payment end he inform-oi as to tha sr.iitiliy of tithe. J. C. A DAMM. Tonuttpl... .elpv t, 1851. J. MALTARLANE- DRUGS, M MCI NES, 1., H EM ICA LS, GROOE.RIE.3 ANC" LIQUORS. ursTos k PM:TM I , nve ;hist ed,le4l In th.-ir almorment a inrga •otoek of rc-h einca, CheibicalA, Oito. Philit.„ 17 , rw•cries *rid Licuer. 4 which ste ones nifereit to the politic st inn tot.. Tbdr stock of FANCY' 0001.1 2 - 4 FUMERT i 4 the hugest col meet complete *net cffeved ID itp• rimrkei. Man s chnfcri ssoortrient of pima WINES fr. (WORN mnitahle for menicad purposes. A farce variety of Carpi ihr.r.s.PhorpProf., ruli',f.arrl snd Oil LAM3'S, cnnlsining snarl nen ai4 Lemutiful aty lis. Being agents fat: mit the Ine.t Patent Merlierreietr-itu , die. purchsnre rri..,a depend upon procuring a genuine article in all ensfen. All the Prop and Met*lielnee kept et tl , rir ertahli,b• merits may be relinl upon as multi, awl of the br.t quality. having been carefully arlcuted with a 'yew to their usefulnea,a. irf South afore of the Ward Hauge. oral N0.2,1ck Per. Towards, May 27, 1851. °TICE is hereby given that the - c have berm ied and settled in the ~ffie.e of Ili T im e rm in and fir the County of litridford: acmunis of ao mieistretion upon the following eftfatP!. ,it Final account of t melia Storey Sr Wm. If. Dun ham, administrator of Northrop larey deceased, late of OrwelL Final account of Abagail T 1 Long, Alonzo Lon,% and Horace F. Long, adatiniaratvr: of Ezra Lon; deed late of Troy. Final account of A. W. Coburn Executor of Pol ly Lee deed, late of Warren. Partial account of Moses A.T.add one at the V; armors of Horatio Lad,' dec'd, late of Albany. Final account of M. H. Wibinn and Hannah Him• on. adminiatr.tor of Gilbert--Dimon deed, late of Final account of Joseph Morey, artminivratur of the estßte of Wm. Turner are'.l late of Warren. Final account of Geo. W. Shattuck, adromiNtrator of Wm. erans, late of True. • . Final account of N. J. Beeer. adminietrator of Charles Trinder decd, late of - Final account of Solomon oper, sarniniveato'r of the estate of Samuw•l Chase. late of Towanda bo, goppli.mentttry account of E. R. Myer Executor of Win. !cler decd late of WyAnx. Final account of Alfred G're. Administrator of Sarah Core, deed tate of She-hp-qu in. Final account of Elam Bennett. Adminkirator with the tall aunexed, of Eine , Normal, deed Lite of Springfield. And the same will he presented to Coe Orrh3r,'. Court of Bradford county. on Monday the tat day , of December next, for confirmailun and nU. trance. • 11. 111,ACK,11-gi•te , . • I?..yister's fitter, Towanr!a. N"y.mher 1 IR3I. New Chair and Bedstead Wareroom JESSE' TAYLOR, RESP ECTPU I. LY informs the public that he has opened a shop cd his new house. corner of Main and Paine sheets, nearly opposite Edward Overon's, Towanda. wham he will keep on'hand or manufacture to order, Plag-soeted. Cottage, Windsor. Psnev, Seated end common CHAII:S, made of the bust ma. terials, and of superior duralti.o.y. He has also for sale en assortment of BillTrTeeiV4. at low prices Repairing and Seating Cor in. Caneohottom and Flawseatell Chairs, on reasonable terms. Cherry, Basswood, Whitewood end Cucumber lum ber taken in payment for work. He trusts that his long acquantancein this enemy, end the durability of his work as tested by many years experience, will secure him a share of public ration. see. Tovettnia, lttrtrch I. 165 I . BOOTS & SHOES! Ithn W. 11"rilec7, lIAS removed hisestabliehment cf. Mit'. stew% corner of main street and the imdetie ;loam. and will continue the manufacture of Uoota and t'ihoes, heretofore He haft just rweetved from ?few York it !ar:B Retort ment of WomenlOChildrtes and Mires' Shaer, which are ofrened at low Tho attention cf the Lodi*. I. par icularly eqrarr.,,ed to he+ aseortmeta. entnPri.irrq Inaltdr. Mg.•.tt V etylee:—Knameire tr. Jenny- Idne,t toys ter boots; do. thcfe , e; black lastitiz and silk r ‘ore walking ahoy., blaring, fee. Mb...ea' gaiter.. and shoes, of every de:criotnm. A hove assortment rd titildorn:e fancy Railer., hoots and sheen, of all /r twig. For the fleHttemen, almost err ry .1, le a esi , ers er,l P:Miell• This st.wk hes been re-smielly selected with 0111 T, and he he-Levee ho can (art superior anklets at tesieenable trj The stricte.t attention pail PI 31;trn.peurmg, -And lie hopes in; ening well; well In merit x eiltvinu• a ,re of the liberal parrortap he has hitherto recetced. Towen.l%. thy, ft, IASI. RICH F01..1.A Charorleon Chew", B:3: DIVIM Snits. French Burge D e j,,, 0 0, am. art ,i 4 for rurnmor dre.-cA. French and Tia.ues, Lion. n I.u.lnrs and any qoar.i y of rh, r 1 .,...11 $ at lIE r f,r Vtrm k nr4.1.-r•I 1.•••,lry. o, from 'l'ow:,ndl and 1 tr,.:rt I! it C•'l. , "'f it , - about 1.^.(1 at,4ot 4i5 or 74) 11^11 , A tvcll 0f31..,..4, h v..% cra I c,• , 341,, ,, rtrf. ,, ..t w^ a Th..• uiuto tra; .r a 1, ,z• taro. and 101 , h• 01.-. ;•••••1 - .4.1 v •• P. in-Tv • tothngr m. 4 ,411117 . 3 .01 n tier. aajo. Isriart c:vt•r) 41.1.• g 1 ,6 1 ,1170 1, tni.‘l ey if 014114* d. r,,, r 1 kr• or n.ftirres e I'. 0. WV...X. A 141. I' l sl. V. Srl:o7r. ..9.l!Stiztlt at the rurr...itliz,g &A. (!.NNIX"31::1,1., tete . tll.•r butt., re Zit for the I. ni v.. , to i.go sill %%nut I again et I sit,H•ritinn Sf their frleridd and emt • totne , it hi their law et cur" Eratse tioot.s. 4'7 , n- sting of all thine"-, neeibssary +ha at er mvn ; whiab wit:. be snl,tat a lade ipa , vr rccathal3 ha; hithortnfo; teen 3 , 10.‘11 - Pi t as% a . .to ua o Call th:fom prirch.l.4l7.-;«mstim.. 11.. k. A. CA ‘IPBELL. M F. RIN TWR The undersivned 9 trill on reasons - ble terms, the Tavern House and ou3 ••i? hundred_ acres of excellent farming land, situated in the Village of 'Mcrae, Bradford County, Pa. rho location of the lions" commands a fine business, and offers ereat induce. mews to a t ay ptrhon desirous ca'Aeepin.; a Pultlic. Horse. in connexion trite Fair:lll3g t.C:c, For terms npi.ly to fact sulSx- , lhrar nt [tam-. Oct. 4 - MI. JOll,l P 1 SAIDRIV NVtiErmAs, my wire CYNTIII.I !J..% nn.‘rfrr. has thit day Tea my bed as I I , 1, wiq.nut In* just cause or pr..Tvestion. th,c to f. , rhitl all oercons barboriwa or erusit.ig her on-iry scomui. as I shall pay no debts her c,ntracii+a• ^'..e this ,Tate. klt r;:i E 1433. Toceau4a, nrtr. 3n. t • . ARD WA RE.--A ars laro and goner3l assort. LI merit of haoiovere of every eesiription:ineloilinq :`srperilorA.-I..i . tery end Weelormitha T 4 ‘le, 11-4rness. t rri Carrie r M rker . 4 Trimmintro and BuitJing %iorrrivto oo.otontly on band and Cu. *Oa at very mice. by rtinßeVß'R. SA LT.--A quantity a eau new arriving a! Ctt :0, tf.sl. lIERCKW, Register's l'C'stiseq 'Dress G. -cap. X' arm for Bale Great Bargain! Car.ticr.