Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 08, 1851, Image 4

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    'act , * to.; r tarat•.
W . lllO q 1
g rewegt,liiriO4 .Amerir,v) a z ie»,,,l,
4-trth;sviess and
malt 11te (tiAre•zard of ostler, sys•ein and ennui.).
my. is the oar fat ta ink. It is Um iireniiinit
of eons ant and iiritticieie many
evutiele the great
teßgligenee in re•zsrit in the savaig
the frecinence with y: bleb sntl4
jecthi been broii- J .iit to the nitetilein tit (miners.
t‘tertti is i‘earcely a ,ii - ei;:litinchnod in n halt many
instance. nt the :1:14 114.-‘ .ire out
Peen. 04 !Tired firmer , :
Liere ; n 11:1 41 1,4.1
wine of th , 0,11 ml.! Cte iiine it 1. t;ppt
el th. (mill: and evens. the pte inn 01 'ilP excre-
men often au worth expo.w.: its, color,
is probably 10-t It often wtt4htil 1 , 11(1 OW: it
1110 j:i lilP vellotoPl Itf tv,oer tti brooi,s,
u - liiehearr:y ofj the poi ti• 4 4. II wool.l feu,
probably., b - ji 3 1 C , 11111;tle I , i-q.
that with rnatly farnier.:, it it , moo. tii.tu equal male
irfor i ey they pay
The hiss p ov , we,! R1:1/ 0,11
but isle comparative evpen , e. 1 - 1,4 tint thin. t,
ds thi-i would he to til-nty of t haant P. to
siub of tho and 2,•.&r . C , •;) n ,
under.barris and Nzah!es, where therdiam of the
grohnil would render if co:mini/1n to make them.
would be perterrible, as treept:kelvs for manine, to
any other plan. Where rell.t:.l are n made. there
,inight be excavations bailer this shills, and being
filled with muck, pearchareial, or charcoal (1114,
the mine v.nuld be wanted in a fkrn convenient
for application to the rotf. VArils , -;e-n,1,1 he-to f o rm.
e by means of ertibinkmentit if necei“ary, that
there will be no soak or wa.-h from then. If the
tools of the4itublitilis throw more water ori the man
ure than 'es sulteiegt to keep it moist, ;(oot wet)
gullets and spouts should be put up to lead the wa-
ter oft. I
The practiceiof havinq plenty of water in ham
yards, should he more 2enerai. lu many instances
animals.sustain much injery f,.knn the wank of
tft quiacte, and much valuahar manure is lust from
the same canse.
I •
Hoven Ira Calile.
Whe n entile Obtal!I aCCVSA to yotioz, Fnertilent
Clover or gravA, and are hungiy. ,thee• will till their
stomachs very hill of it, and a iertnentation taking
place, the gases which Irorn cacia- a swel;iiig and
pressure, and unless relief is obtained death ensues.
his is called '• ia9tyn." broligtit on, sotnehmrF,
by eating gradu4lly of roo:., ca. - n, or any thing that
will feimeni.
When a ereTure become linven, or
Its it is sometimes cithed, there are two tsar: of re
herring it—viz.: a nrehaniral way, avid a chemical
way. The mechanical mode k to let oil %he gas,
in some-way. 11 the animal kat file very point of
death, yon may plunge a Lisfe into the patina, on
- the left Side, about midway bet , .vett the hip - bone
and the rib. We once saved the life of an ox in
his way. The animal had eaten too freely of pota
toesomil,was down, apparently dying, when we
first saw it, and there was not time to do snything
elsr. But putting the knife in, and afterwards in
serting a tube, the gas escaped, nod the ox was sav
ed. But this mode should be ti , e last rekyt. There
are two other modes itt a mechanKat chars Ater lur
relieving this trouble, D u e is the platirt of 4 tube
down the throat into the stomach, and thus tlow.
ing 'thetas to escape. f - •
Anotl)er, a more siMple meic•il; is to pay - 4 , gag
into the' outh, and keep it opilti. IVe : ace had
a young4wo years old steer, that become bidet'
We prepared to give it some mei; ichie, l- but in the
struggle, atter we had gin its mouth open, and kept
r it open ennie time, in order to put :in the muzzle of
the brine containing the medicine, it fe?cheil a short
wheeze and 4, came a small portion (lithe total and
an enormous quantity et wind, or gas, which retiev.
eil it materiilly. Seeing . thy., we took a short piece
of wzorl. athitit The size of a hoe-hantllo, lied a
•tring so tolop and, put.ii into.the moritk, and,.
the strina• behiuLi the horns, kept it there some time,
—thy which means it was ma le to occasionally
wheeze, and bent op more of the gas, I , y which it
was completely'relieveil.
We have been reMinileil obit's incsilent by rend
ing a communication. of Jas. Gritverr, Esq , of Phil
adelphia,„to the Farin Ju•mril, in which he says
of " ',oven" :—" Tite simplest and most efficie: t
remedy is this :—sn,soon as the animal is discover
ed to be distended cir.hoven, let a twisted straw or
a hay rope, as thick as a man's w rest, be irnrnedi•
ately placed in its mouth, bridle fashion, drawirg
it no tight, artillyitig it securely on the back 01 t h e
bead, behind the roots iti the horns. The animal's
kiwis will then stand open, as if gagged ; the effort
it makes to disengage itself of the rope with its
tongue, produces an action , in tire nitmcles that re
laxes the valves, as it were, and liberates the gas
The cure is thus accomplished instanter, without
iujury to the animal."
The chemical mode is to live something . fri the
animal that will either at:isorb the gas thus formed,
or stimulate the stouahh to pass it off. A soluttoii
ofpearlash. or lime water, soap suds, oil, and such
life things, are often ;riven, c ich frequently re
lieve them.—Maine Farmer:
&MIRING Lastas.—Some flock masters recom-
mend the practice of 'shearing lambs, but I have
my doubts as to the utility of divesting young ani
mals of their fleeceS, though, perhaps, in certain
cases, they would be fat better with it off than on
Thus, indeed, may be the fact where they are infest
ed with vermin, of when having come early the
preceding Winter, their fleeces may render them
uncomfortable in the sultry and close days of June
and July. But would not the comfort thus secured
to theta in hot weather, be purchased by a more
than commensurate degree of suflenng with it be.
comes cold I As to the " tick evil"-- , a sore one it
is true, when unmitigated by remedial appliances,
and one that, perhaps, will sooner exhaust the vital
energies orits victim than almost any to which these
innocent animals are. expOsed, I would recomend
either New-England rutty or tobacco smoke—the
former applied as a wash to every part of the fleece
and skin, and the latter as a fumigation, blown into
the, wool by means of a " smoker."
The application of either of these will immedi
ately rid the animal of their pamsictical enemies,
and without involving any unpleasant results.—
Lambts that are ofgood si4e yr the last of June or
the first of August, may furnish quite a good fleece;
but the value of this is a mere Wile in the estimate,
ii its - resnotral is to operate unfortunately to the
mil's health, which I think it ineeiairiatmuef
ihaleatsg, April 2
NEW - . , FIRM NEON -:: :GOODS!' .
Iluidware,,S.totcs, tppilstri.Brass, Tin.
SEET IR5i . c
Tv!ISSELL hari•ie farmed a en.itttrtopi;
herAtip. rpspeettuly - call the attention of the pah
I. their assoilinent.' in '
which' lame additioncillive
(recto - 1y been nincle. inal:itiz it tne hiriteet rtruhrmFt
varied eery eirert•et in thi. Amon; thelttulti
/de o .anieles a few %till he enumerated: .
• Frizz trd rvaiis. "• „ •
Is'nAli+ll, and :Swede.' Kftiaso and round;
English awl American retine.l; hoop, 'hand and horse
shoe - kiln ; tint; rods anti multen:de Iron of it'd dooorip
ri f.n4. gam; ft.erirnifiir of Nal : 3.1. 4d,
6,1, 1;:,; and .4nd ; .1. 5 and 6 ineh sp:ie s s ;
wrought reads and linr.e the !ennui, !tea or
ton. M.o. east. Gerann, •Etigiish I.l.ster, American
epruig stud tire sterl,
Carpcztterls rral :cizter's tricols,
Of ail de...fruition.. v•./ : broad, rtari ow arid hand axes:
hatchet., oh, T 'liter. 'eft., steel I - wittier% firmer and
Irrrminfr citi.ets ; ef , eritnoti and ezt,a wee' 111)1ms, of a!I
from i to '2 inch; and bins; augur and
bati. extra; p!tinen and plane iron.; hand, tenant.
X cut, keyhole tend .inf.; hurl 'arid meet and
try tillarr , of all ~is, frorr's3 to t 5 inches; hammers.
levels, bevels, t tire tines. mortice guaces, ni all
sizes. screw driver., scratches, hallow augurs, &c.
isellows, %ices, hattiniers, ;1,415.:e5, riming
hammers, stocks and dies., driiiiivz machines, &c. •
nrinCr'S oclz.
Rhovela, sipare or round prints; locks, hoes, hay,
straw and immure forks; itio., - ca'Jle and hintling chains,
crowbars„ art:biting hoes, rakes, grass scythes, scythe
scathes, scythe et: es and rifles, cradle scythes, bush
srvthes. corn cutters, shovel plough moulds, garden
rakes, hoes end trowels, scoop, &c.
Carriage bows, top leather and child) ; patent leather ;
Indio r ut , lter cloth ; Ira-s and silver plated linh bands,
concave and Boston polierns ;
,brass end silver Mated
curtain f ceijage kr4i)bsi, apritn rings
,and hooks, stump joints ; brass and sliver plated joints
seaming cord ; striped lace, wide and narrow ; silk
striped lace, new style ; top lining, worsted fringe.moss,
varnish cloth, patent axles and axle arms ; springs, tSic.
flarneis. Trlmminv and Saddlery Wart of the hal t
est and most approved stylvcs, and of
Nouse 'Trimmings,
We have nn hand a full assortment. Also a large quan
tity of LEAD PIPE, which we are prepared to furnish
at the lowest prices, together with copper and britannia
stop corks and cork stops. Any quantity of Pump
chains and Well R;gzings. A general assortment of
Saw !pill, circular and wood saws; plastering and
brick trowels; lathing hammers, shovels and tongs ;
tiles and rasps of all sizes; shoe and tack hammers;
drawing knives, turner's chisels and gouges, saw setts,
callipers, pincers, knives and forks, carving knives and
forks and steels; butcher, pocket and pallet knives;
coach wrenches, trunk, chest and till locks; tailors and
sheep shears; table and bed castors; dinner and tea
hells, glue and enamelled sauce kettles; brass kettles,
from two quarts to half a barrel; Hollow ware and
cauldron kettles ; tea and coffee pots ; brass and bri•
tennis candlesticks and snuffers; trays, fruit trays and
large servers ; curtain arms and pins of the latest styles ;
stair rods and hotdena; ladies' and gentlemen's pocket
scissrs; -razors and razor strops; German silver and
britann•a table and tea spoons; hair, clothes and shoe
brushes ; brass arm steel barrelled pistols arid revolvers;
gun locks, steel nipples and nipple wrenches; shot, shot
pouches and powder flasks; barn door, strap and T
hinges. Also manufacturing and will keep constantly
on band a larg assortment of •
d :aparmed Ware.
We Imo ,c just recetved 30 tons of STOVES
composed in part of the following patterns and sizes:
Republican air tight Cooking Stove, Number 4
Farmer's do do 9
Lady of the Lake, do :: 9
Queen of the West, do :: 4to 6
Iron Kinz, do :: 4 and 5
Improver) Premium, do , :: 7 to 10
Eastern Premium, ' do :: 0 and 4
Jenny Lind Parlor Stoves, :: 4
Cottarm do
Cylinder do
Air tight .do
Air tight fi plate Stoves,
.Sit plate Stove•,
The ahnve compnmi hot a few artielr4 of the assort
ment which they °tier to . the public. and all of which
will be disposed of extremely low tales. In proof of
this, please call at Hall's old stand, south side of public
square, and extending to Pine street.
G - 7 Old Copper. Iron, Brass and most kinds of Pro
duce, taken in - payment. Towanda, June 6, IRSI.
4121:CONS, PA.
;THE. subscriber respectfully informs the public that
1 he liars taken possession of his old stand. in the
south part of the Bore of Athens, whore he will beat
all times happy to see his friends, and will endeavor to
make their stay .with him agreeable. He trusts that an
assidumui.atrenrion to the wishes of the travelling pub
lie will secure him the favor of the old patrons of the
" Mansion," and the visit of those who desire a com
fortable and convenient stopppg-place.
His TAnt.t will be well supplied—and the best li
quors he procured for the
Goy ST Anll3o is atta4hed . with careful and atten
tive holders.
(j An omnihns will hi run to the Waverly eta
tion, to carry passengers to mall from every train, tag
or west.
Athens AprillB. 1.1t5
Saddle, Harness & Trunk Manufactory.
'rEllE CULP & Co., respectfully inform the public
J that they have taken tho shop lately occupied by
C. F. Harder, ou Main street. a few doors below the
Brick flow, a hero they will keep on hand a large
stork of
aa32MD* - 3, ezvz‘aa,)
TEE:vE.S, VALISES, %vales, ETC.
All articles in their line manufactured to nrder. and
made of the best material, and for workmanship cannot
be suspassed in Northern Pennsylvania, They solicit
a calf - from those wishing to purchase, confident that
'hey ran give satisfaction both a+ to quality and price.
Cash will he paid for 'fides and Sheep Pelts,
at the highest rates, at our shop.
Sale Leather, Upper Leather, Harness Leather and
Calf skins, for sale in any quantity.
Towanda, November 19th, lard):
THE undersigned having associated themselves
together under the firm of Prancisco and Tom•
kips, for the purpose of carrying on the
Carriage Bttahing Business,
Respectfully solicit a share of Public Patronage.—
Chey pledge themsr Ives to make as good work and
as neat as c a n be produced from any otfrer estab
We have now on band a variety of finished work,
and shall endeavor to keep constantly on hand a
good assortment, so that customers may at any time
be accommodated with a carriage to their taste.
All persons wishing to purchase work of this kind
will do well to call and examine for themselves ; no
we will sell as low as can be afforded in any other
Repairing done to order wilh n-atneqs and
espatch. J. FRANCISCO,
d Toicanila, Ang.23, 85. N. C.
COUNTY toliturvin,
Dr AVIN G located -in Towanda. .hie services may
1.1. be obtained by addressing it line through the Post
Office. or by calling et the - offiee of Ulysses Mercur,
Esq.. where lm• will he found, or where a written tip.
liestmon may be lift. Nov, 1. 1850.
- .
iron I Iron I Iron I
a TONS A(1343114.1114 English sod Swedes LOA
Gok,/ • general, assortment of all loses of roond,square
gat bar, bawl awl hoop, now received, and fee' sale !!ty
he ton or smaller qtantity,;at , kIEROUR'S.
2 and 3
3 and 4
1 to 3
2 to 6
3 to 7
“Vnide up stairs; ! - North .he of the
Public Square, over Elwell e Law = Office. Entrance
between Elwell'', end - Adams' law offices; wbere be
may alwaye he fosmd when not . profeesionallyentaged.
Towanda, July 12, 1950.
grintkiitni~ititeticiit Qr.
NI.W-TOIIK STATE ♦LtttrULTCUAL soclares plass
Road Ihrse Power. & Tusher,
ICdh the Latest. and Imp :want Improtrients, for
which Attent is spotred.
rrillf; subscriber takes this method to inform the
Farmers of Bradford anti the &limning. counties,
that be is agent for, and has for sale, the above cel. bra
led and unequalled Horse Power and Threshing Ma
chine., which he is prepared to furnish en the same
term+ as by the manufacturer. with the addition of the
actual ma of transportation, contracted for at the low.
Cat and be-t rates.
The subseriberhas Feld a number of the above ma
chinea in this, and the ad' doing counties of Chemong
and Tiogl, N. Y.. and all wiihout exception have given
the very beet Satisfaction, and where they are known.
n!I farmers give them the preference, on account of
eomnotny in threshing, being operated with much lean
expense, end cracking and wasting much teas grain
than any other machine in use.
'The Two• Horse Power Thresher and Separator is
capable, with three or tour men, of threshing; from 150
o 200 bushels of wheat or rye, or double that quantity
oats, per'day.
the prizes fir graces , & Co.'s one
Hor , e Power, $435 00
do Thresher and Separator,. 35 00
do Bands, wrench, otter and
extra piece,., -5 00---SV2S
do Two-horro Power, $llO 00
do Tre , her and Separator. X 35 00
do Banda, oiler, wrench, &e., 5 00-4150 00
Also,Wheeler's one•horse post er,Thresher,
and Separator, complete, (improvPd this
Wheeler'e Power, Thresher and
Separator. complete,
Price of Emery's 'fresher and Cleaner,
with bands, wrenches, &c.,
do Saw Mill, complete for use
Price of Grant's Fan Mills, adapted for
hand or power, from 22 00 to 25 00
The subscriber will also the coming, season be pre
pared to furnish to order
The Cleaner has all the advantages of a good fan
ning mill. cleaning the grain fit for market, wasting
one, The additional cost being but little more than
a fanning mill, or about thirty dollars—making the
whole Thresher and (leaner cost $75 to the ,Farmer,
and with Emer:- & Co.'s twro-hone power.slBs 00.
( ITT' On account of the large demand for the above
machines, and the difficulty of immediately filling or.
tiers for them, persons wishing to purchase machines
should give me timely notice as to what kind and at
what time they wish to procure them.
Farmers wishing to do their threshing immediately
after harvest. should procure their machines as early as
the first of July. Also for sale
Al man upctures's retail prices, such as
Barrall's Grain Reaper.
Revolving Horse Rakes. Bay, Straw and Manure
Forks, 4c. tic. Also,
Cast iron and Wood Cistern and Well Pnmps,
LE 11) PIPE of all sizes, in large or, small quanti
les, cheap for cash. '
:01 -- V47L 0 0,?
A ova BEM/Min. PAT 11,110i6, PR/C $, /LC
Hock of Stoves, 2nd prices, will compare favora•
bly with those of any Stove Store in any of the large
neighboring towns.
Tin, Japanned and Sheet Iron Warr.
manufactured and Its sale wholesa:u and Icta,,, Cheep
or Cash.
A large end full Catalogue of Agrieullural Linde
menu and Stoves, wi.h, engravinge, furnished gratis
either here, or on application by mail post-paid.
Athens, Pa., November :30, 1850. Ira;
THE subscribers respectfully inform the public that.
they have taken the shop formerly occupied by
Adam Esenwine, on Main street, nearly .opposite
Drake's wagon shop. where they are prepared to do all
kinds of BLACKSMITHING upon reasonable terms.
They arc determined by doing their, work well and
promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a, share of
public patronage.
HORSE—SHOEING done in the best manner. All
kinds of repairing Machinery, executed in the moat skit.
Cut manner.
WOOD WORK fir wagons will also be made and
repaired when desired.
All work done at their shop', will be warranted to be
well done, and minufictured from the best materials.
The public are requested to give t,a a trial, and judge
for themselves. RSKN WINE & SEEMSCHH. •
Towanda. May 2. 1851.
ADAM ESENWINE respectfully informs the path,
lie that he now*cupies the shop where himsel
and brother hive for • ears wotked, nearly opposite
Tomkins' foundry, where he is ready to do all work
in his line, as forrnerly in the best manner. Re is de.
tertnined the. reputation he has attained as a skilful
workman shall not suffer by any neglect of the inter.
eats of Customers or by any inattention to business.
•TOOLS, manufactured to order— machinery of all
kinds repaired in the best manner. and every kind of
Repairin g cad Manufaeluring will be done at short
notice, an d in the style desired.
Horse Shoeing. on iessimairle terms. He will els°
take Carenlry Produce in payment for work, but db.
jests strongly to credit.
Towanda, Jan. 17, 1851.
Is Still in Operation ! -
THE sulvseriberr have moved to the new Imildingon
Pine street, one door below Mame% store where
they will keep on hand and make to/order, ploughs,
stove and mill irons of almost all desefiptions. Turn
ing en d fitting op work, wilt be done also WI reasonable
terms as at Elmira 3r os.o. Old Won will be t a k en
in payment- . JOHN CAlfhtATI do CO.
Towanda, April 2C, 11121.
amtoccuancp*. I
This buss Quilcke;yl
te • r
CX! YE:Rfvf,l.F.yaE,
Metlitioe: ioutolus .alisrcitry;,wer , arti *bier
Mineral substeince. his pui fly "Vegetable.
' This remedy Ctr worms is 040 ofltiiillßMlTVltno.r , •
liirrory, ever, 1.,151.0.,
...11 effect . otqly l :iiiitilcite's tiforra_tif
a:l'imrtifrorii4ii 0,4 t ft ixadoio: • • r -,•
T6ollsiiiAl 'kit:oll74i 'eat - like"
being known. Some other r..inmon as.iwoftd tor „ow
sickness, orttil too late to cure the. real cause. '
What immenae , rest* upon the p9Mtit
who - aoea Mot . hnow,' arid the doctor whit does oot
iterotnnii. the complaint which is_ destroying those pre.
sinus flowers of life—children.
. What 'amid he done! ,
The answer is plain. Give the Verrniftnie, which
will he sure to do goad if they have, no worms, sod if
they have. it will destroy and eradicate them with a
certainty and precision truly adonixhinz.
There is no mercury or mineral in it. Mercury is
the basis or most worm. remedies ; and the remedy is
sometimes worse than the disease. tso never use loz
enges, but rely, upon this. Every person will he con
vinced on one trial that it i; Atte, most perfect cure
ever invented.
The immense sale that Vermifit7,e has, is a sure
test dint value and the estimation in which it is held
by fumilies. It would be quite too expensive to pub
lish the volumes of certificates that have been given
for this article, and the users of it are ?requested to
spread the name to all persons whom they think will
he benefitted by it.•
speak of it in all r unifies, and you will do your du
ty to your follow creqtures, and f..el assured of the ap
probation of7all good men, and will receive your reward
in heaven.
• We call on all good citizens to make knows the of
fees of this wonderful remrtly
Remember, and Asti for Orru&'s Vernofuge
Startling l'acts.
Hundreds of children and adults zre Inst yearly with
worms, when some other caus's has been supposed to
be the true one.
It is admitted by all doctors that scarce a man, wo
man, or child exists; Lot what sooner Or later ate
troubled with worms, and in hundreds of eases,-sad to
relate, a supposed fever, scarlatina, cold, or some other
ailing carries off the flower of the human family—
while in truth they die of worms! and these could
hare been eradicated in a day, by the use done bottle
How sickening the thought that these things should
be—and whet canever forgive themselves for not try
ing this WORM EXTLRMINATOR, when they
knew that even if the case was not worms, this reme
dy' could not by any possibility do hurt—but always
gond as a purgative, let the cbT.ase be what it may.
How important then to use it, and who will dare to
take the responsibility to do without it I Let all pa
rents ask themselves this question in truth and sober
$l2O 00
145 00
75 00
35 00
For sale by HUSTON & PORTER, Towanda,
Gen,ral Amy , . 1.6 -
THE undersigned, formely Fineman for many years
11 of the Latayette Burr Vitt b asin' manufactory,
240 Washington street N. Y., (W. 'rrerk, Agent)
would inform his friends and the public in arriersi. that
he has ear ltiehed a Illil2ll MILL STON NIANG.
FACTORY at Binghamton, N. Y. in •' Leriiy Build
ings," opposite -.Phenix Hotel," and solicits a share
of their patronage.
He will have convtantly- on hand a large stock of
French sur., mill Slanem, as" Els° a large supply of
Esopus 4• Kula Slone.,, al atPrench Burr llibcks,
Piot% Screen Wire and Cw'cined Pluskr.
The untlersigi.ed assures his friends and the public,
that he will faithfully execute all Orders entrusted to
his care, net only in quality, but iN prices of articles
furnished, and solicits their kind patronage.
Orders by letter will be exerinel with as much care
and as clic:ll4'as when purefi-ers ore on the spot.
ninehatntan, May 24,1851
New 'Work Importers and Zebbers,
rrt.EILMAZZ, .7.-10721 Z-Z & CO.,
55 street, he , iveen Brondro,y mid I . :aseau
street, near the Post (Vire. York.
WE are receiving,. by dilly arrival., from Europe.
our Fall and Winter assortment of rich fashion
able Fancy Silk and Millinery Goods,
We respectfully invite alt cash purchasers thorough
1y to examine OUT sleek and prices. and, as interest
governs. we feel confident our goods and prices will
induce them to settee. from our estaldishment, Par
ticular attention is devoted to Millinery Goods, and
many of the articled are manufacturectexpressly to our
order, and cannot be surpassed in beauty, style end
. Beautiful Paris Ribbons, for 'Hat, Cap, Neck and
Satin and Taftein Ribbons, of all widths and rotors.
Silks, Satin's, Velvetv, and 1 - netit Yelve,s. far Hats.
Feathers, American and French Artificial Flowers.
Pulling., told Cap Tritnrwrigs.
Dress Ti lurce assortment.
Embroideries,. Capes, l7ollare . Undersleevesand Cuffs.
Fine Embroidered Review and llcuastitch Cambric
(*rapes, l'arlatonv, llln=pion and Cap Laces
Videncienes, Brussels, Th read, Silk. and Lisle Tweed
Ki silk, sewing Silk, Lisle Thread, Merino Gloves
and !dia. , .
Figured and PlaM Swiss, Booli, Bishop Latvn and
Jecomt Mu:dins.
English, French, American and Italian Straw Goods,
.Sept. 6, 1851.
n issoLuTtos.—N,,G, is hereby given, that the
parturr-bip bere , ,,fure exmin:z between the sub
scribers in the HdrueNN and Trunk inaltine hurinevs iv
this day dissofved by muturl consent. E. Smith &-
Son will settle the bu'ainess of the late firm. Those
indebted must make immediate payment, and those who
have agr6ed to pay grain, are notified that unless de
livered at tae time agreed, Cash will he expected.
November 5, 850. JERE CULP.
E. Smith N Son,
RESPECTFULLY inform the public that they
_Lk will continue the business at their old stand, north
Fide of the Public square, and will keep on hand, and
manufarture to order, every variety of SADDLES,
HARNESS, TRUNKS, V A LICE% &c., of the best
materials and of workmanship, not to be surpassed.
Hy atnct attention to bitsiness, and promptness in
fulifilling engagements, they hope to continue the lib•
eral patronage they have heretoforeenjoyed.
CARAIIO* Twists's° will be done on shott, notice,
in the neatest manner.
Ail kinds of Grain, Produce, Hides, Sheep Pelts
wilt be taken in exchange for work.
Removed to B. Kingsbery's Block !
W al. Chamberlin,
..... ...w _ ' TT AS just returned from the city
fik: . • .1.1. of New,. York with a large
- 4
x es h , supply ts of Witches,. Jewe lry
. and
1: of the f M aser
following ere e
o m a
p rt r i l c s l i es n g :
I n L
* .§-„ - ..1 L'Epine and Plain Watches, with
ei 4 . c.,•,....4:.......1
,:".;,-,--,... ,41,Ari.. 0 1.1 3 .11 a complete assortment of Gold
' --1 -=*"" -- Jewelry, such as Ear Dings. Fin.
ger Rinjr,s,Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chains,
Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware,
and any quantity ofSteel Beads—all of which he offers
for sale exceeedingly cheap for GASH.
Witches repaired on short notice, and warranfe4
,lii-rqn well,or the money will be refunded. and `a wr# l
ten agreement given to that effect if required,
N. .—MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Produce
tal;eirin payment for work; and also. learn now, and
farcrer,that the Produce mtut be paid - when the work'
is done--I war against credit in all its forms. _ '
'Towanda, April 28;1850. _ . , :
KEGS , " Vre , ifc , ent" Nails just AN:alma It
(10W) BROWN SUGAR. Mao, Coßea.
P robed
t 7 and Powdered Sup* ram arriving and 'lbr ale
at wholesale or retail very chair by MERCUR'S.
JOHN tV. 61;/.1.1 VAN
Clack, Watch, and Jewelry 'Store
M. WARNER takes this method
informing his old customers and the
au, public generally, that he has purchased
0f.1.P.8u1., his stock of Watches, Clocks
And Jewelry, and commenced the above
-business in all aka various breather at the old stand
of the latter, on Main street, two doors south of Brick
Row, His reputation as a watch repairer is so wett
established in this community, that it is hardly necer
eery to say a word on that point. With his long ex
perience and great advantages for acquiring a thorough
knowledge of the business, he has confidence in saying
to the public, bring on your watches and clocks, I will
do them justice.
Al/ goods sold,or Repotting done, warranted as I
recommend, or the money refunded.
A good asaortment of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry
kept constantly on hand. ,
My motto' shall be—quick sales. smolt `i,pro4W, cash
down, and, no credit given. Credit need icit b 4 asked
for—as 1 am hound not to make its acquaintance.
Towanda, July 12, 1850. A. M. W A RiNkf,R.
ALTIO na -- azaawb.N.
• THE subscriber • has removed
to his new shop, a few rods ahove
his (miner location and on - the op.
pesite side of the meet, where he
continues to - Aranufneture and
keep on hind, all kiwis of .cane
and wood kat CHAIRS; and
SETTEES of various kinds, &
REDSTEADS.of every descrip•
tioni• which I will sell low for
c a sk ° , Pradnee, or. Pine-or Cherry Limber, or etair
plank, will be received for work. - TUrtiILNG - done to
ordei in the neatest manner. Also, •
nuke and kept:On yami l ' Air made to thei ties
manner;. 4 JAMES : 4 1AICTNSON.'
Towanda, March 9, 1849.
, Tlirr 41.Pi4LS
‘..-,,, :: ,•:•.,• ~,,..;., 4 •C,. ' " C-3-1-4(. .. ''• 'PT; '''''''' -, --It• ••••-..::
• •4 , .. "' 44- ` ' 1r - ''' •'
it. G 1,...? .I- 1 ' - z1•'• , ••••
:''•-:, (r. i..-.; 3, i? .7 J •-•'•-: :4
, .
:. 1 :t
, • I:3 i .:.. : 4:41.x.;.;.‘i,9 9!
StAndarel Medicines.
The following cgvalltd twric.s Family ,Ikilmine6
may be (kneaded van With the. tinost coq,/bir,a.e.
They hare the approbation of the be.t p,,,a.
0.11118 in the' cologry, tmd arr t ulna
mended by all who have u,.ed thva
as super,iork any Inedici»rv.
They have-been before the Public for five years,
During which tinie more than.sooo certificate* have
• heenieeeived from eminent public men
and otheis, and are ncrw on file
- at the. Company's office.
They are Comimande4Y
With the utmost care and skill , and the ingredients
ate thoroughly tested by scientific` chemists, so
that medicines of a uniform and reliable qua.
lily " are guaranteed in all cases.
Are pat ticularly valuable fiir the prevention and cure of
Fevers in general, all Bilious and Liver Complaints,
Jaundice. General Debility, Common arid Sick
Headache. Dyspepsia, Heart Burn; Costiveness,
Griping, Urinary Diseases, Obstructions of
the Menses, Influenza, Asthma, and for a
variety of oche, Chronic Diseases; in
tine, fot all ordinary family uses.
directions for the various Diseases accompany
each hoz. Prize 25 cents-; box.
The Grarlenberg Dysentary Syrup,
A sp4ily and infallible remedy in Diarrbces. Dysenla
ry. Bloody Flux, Cholera Morbus, Cholera latar.tuin
and the ASIATIC CHOLERA, it taken with the that
symptoms, viz: vomiting and diarrheas. It ne
ver fails to cure the worst
.possible eases of
bowel complaints, generally in a few hours,
ebblom beyond a day. It is Punziz
VEGEt ABLE. and tacit in any quan
tity is perfectly harmless.
The Graefenberg Green Mountain Ointment.
Invaluable for Borne, Wound 4, Sprains, Chit!Mains,
Corns. Sores. Swel ings of all kinds, Itheumnism,
Etyett'elv ,, , Bronchitis, Scrofula, Ulcers ; Pain» in
the side and back immediately relieved, Inflam
mation of the Howells, and tor air cases where
there iq Inflammation.
Marshall's firrine Cathalleon.
A certain cure for Proliosus Uteri, and for mat o(the
distressing complaints incident to females. Pre.
pared by Dr. THE'I), POMEROY, of Utin,
solely for the Graefenher , ; Company.
Eye Lotion, Health, Bitters,
Consnmptire Balm, Fe- , rand Ae-nc Pint,
Children's Panacea. Lthhils Pli'e oi7;tment,
Sarszpgrill7 Coin i;o:!»11
Z"-The Grdefentierg Manual of Health, a complete
hand-hook of medicine fir fumilirs . Price fifty 'cents.
Office, 213 Breadway. New York. -
CACTte4.—Tar public is reilocs'ed to heat in mind
Oast euerything prepared by the Graefenberg Company
has their seat upon it.
Spurious articles have hien issued closely iesembilnr.
the genuine in every particular, eviiept l!le seal, and
the uturst care should he usfil porch 'sine.
Azenrs for riradford County—Dr. HUSTON end
Dr. PORTER, Torvand e 39
STAR remni=pil to a few doors below Bridge Etreet,
fi on the Ea-t i.4e Of in the building for
merly occupied by .1. 1). inye Csq.
At i operations attioiniti, 7, 50, »r ovrr, -one hal
to be paid down, the rcrrithit, ris thiee niutith-t. 1
the operation pnwe, uti ail-fa,'or),ll.r money paid will
rtfunded. A riiitc i.f1;:0.11.1.,%11VV ! 'r alu•I SiCUto the
paym en t O f il l ?, 11,111011 wilb a
u . ..i.rn-;t) STA IT,
Charter Perpetual rty.tem ... Capri al $:L0.000
`Office N. 23, Nlercharrie . Etchange.
r - A RG' NIZED upon the mired principle." Stork
V nod Mutual. which combined features niece to in•
cured members double the usual security. The Cticli
,syste..l of payments hat also been adopted, thus avoid
ing the.heary drawbacks created by unpaid premium
notes. , The table rates of premium. upon whiehlts
are being issued. is the only scale experience has
proven should be adopted, as alluding requisite seem.
ny to be insured, and an undoubted goirrantee for the
perpetuity of sueh involutions. An experimental ta
ble elay at- the very instant a poli
cy +dmld possess its g•r&stest tinkle. Life liror s o re ,
ve y properly. is ntri•sting the attention of the world.
The public however, in their commendable willingness
t o , Th l out , apt! employ its cajoe and salutary provisions.
should make ultimate security the primary and most
linporitint object, which ran only he attained by An alt-'
the preanturns Xs to anticipate unexpected loss
is and fluctuations of every kind. It is the purpose
of this company annually to Credit. upon the polices
of holders and honks of the Conwany,stych an amount
of profit* as shall not affect t•re stniality, nr impair the
sacredness of,ita contracts. Premiums mar, at th e 01 ,
tam of the insured. 14 paid seini•atinuallv,
or quitrterly, is OttralllCP. All neress•iry informaty,n,
together with blanks, pamobleis, may be uhtninct.l
gratis, at the alike of .1. E. I:1 , m r.t.n, Athens . , Pa. •
Stephen R. Crawford, Prod B Gnhlard,
Ambromt W. 'Plintnpson, I,lwrenee Johnson,
Benjamin W. Tingley, George ',alien ry,
itteott L. Florence, James Devereu
NV illiom NI. Goodwin, • John L. Linton. S I'EPH EN W. CR , W FOWL), President.
Manaus... W. Tunmeeny. Vice Pct . :44m.
CHAS. G. Is%LAY, SeeretaryAd Treasurer
Aarrorr- I Manuel Eyre. ,
COVNREL ANT) A rrorixrxr---Thernaa Bach.
F. S. Herr, Medical Examiner for Aihens
December 27. 850.
, Orieutiti•or4elcvereigiz-Zatin PM %
• &..r• .
- -- ---- 7--
I iFfire, j f ~.. 4 -Vr AP. . - t..... - 7 , • rli , i
\ • frg I) ftlElliiNe ' ''.
P' '' -' 4 ‘. :1,• - J ” ''' . 1-4 ! :: - V -. :
‘ S ''''' . .- i: ,•-• .! .• ..;-,
1 ,
~..zi, Pr. r::1;; SA:itle .". „C:o . r""
..._.....m 4
' - NIONE Genuine coleus accompanied hy fee
IN to of the above Engraved Wrapper of Dr. IL t,
t...:0111.E& Co., upon each box. , ,
In °tiering to the publie this justly • celehratedSov,
Eit EIGN BA I, `.l 1)F I.!FE, it is not our vit . sh' tt ,
make any false statements ur wiW uesertimor of ita t
superior efiimney in rrstonng to health the sick sr, 4
stifrerin g , well knowing that their reputation 1 ,.
STANDARD mEarci.n. is of itself bUniCitilt
ence for the afflicted.
?dirty prrinfr might be given of their value on p t
hut we prefer those unacquainted with thorn to sat
themselves by enquiring of living. Iv/Muumuu! tr
the Pills. They wi.l find them - perfectly cafe and
aide in all'esSes. being purelts regeNtle, and a rot
eine worthy their liest confidertio and Patronage.
The following certificate was sent us for the 'pub!
11,c:eartrrs, Monroe Co, N. Y.. Mai' 10, 1051.
We the undersigned. citizens ofjAeririeus., bar
used personally Dr. &MA, Stlereiv Eri6) 6
witneteted the he'alth-restoring effects thereof,.ch‘e r f u i,,
recommend the,e Pills to the afflicted us the ben wiw
which we are accosinted.
M. 1). PHILLIPS, D. G. 0 Its,
P.8.--You are at liberty to publtshthiefor tlo
lic good.
any one who is frisking a spurious article kiss yetdo,
eel-to make use of our name; but some of them h, t ,
had the impudence to imitate our boxes and eopy „i
Cireciars, Certificates, &c. Unless the .publie Ire
careful when 'bey purchase, they will be decviv e d.
GO. The genuine Sorcreign_ Balm Pills can be h l a
wholes Ale and retsi .of Dt. SOUIsr. & co, E lle i t 4
011.11 , 14C3 Co. N. V
5.,1t1 by If rsToN & PORTER, Towanda Ps, szi
by 111.4 Agents in every town in the eountrv.'
The bead and cheapest Pamily'Alecticine in the It'o
Dr. acberfs' Co=pcund .
L5l - rair.g
An alterative, Tonic, Diuretic and mild Ciliat e ,
Price 25 cents per hox, conta,ning SO Pat:.
Each' box contains fifty pills, cchirh makes
cheap again as any other standard pill. and four tr..
cheaper, and warranted much superior in the ate 6i
various diseases, to any of the Syrup nnxturei.ow
beinoite being a more convenient anti proper Farr
for U*C.
The satunishinz success which has attended the
of 1.11. Compound Sarsalioritis Ptlis is
abundant and that they are truk,
INT; tr re 's Own' Mem. d.f. es.
and that they witt cure al( curable dnien-er, quirks
and mare pleaganthr than! any • other medicine cor
linoivn. The NIA are principally an a:tc6tirerr,e,
cute, (their haide lieing the g did exira e r of 9 se ,, oint in 3,
prepared in a enperior manner.) but Ant:F . l6oll6y tie ,
arLie iu g,litly a.glAt nature, without purging! tinner
tvh.vh rtuke the in peebliarly adaptedt to ire
am; erifiriAdi•ii prof, Ty. illYiglAT4Tillq and rtrefigtheni.
the tardy, eysiern, produclng urw LIC
a h , ldL y anion of the stoimich thd liver,
The•} are actzli , ,mleil.:ed by our
be Ivo. only , but etil:aciot,...ia the tuft•
st degree, and ai a i;etvral
arni:y EeTeilicine L% - leguallcd.
The Ir PIUS nre lt , ed lot
permaneti: CONe of thof.e which arise from
impure strop of the !Amp?, and ortorhid serretions of!
3 ,0 %qr., I ry 4 ipriaa, 'In!!! or kit
t,',-er. l , rut:menu.; prurj,
" th . ! ,,,
,i!, inflamed tar 0. t.:1i112, 'ArrellOng, paitil i n
ti , itte. and j ants, d)s;.epAa. asthma. diarrf
arl• ut,rv, eougfis.. eats, ron.nmptionwhen rr
rd by eat i'dary oisql ruction. of roe l ungs i in pen ri
F1 . 1 , q1,1:01.1, h.f tin aion or the Tune , .
in,:tk:t.-11,11. he I , !Fv:f:.•, j iti jtCe, fevrrand
chill vrrq, and t. sera ur ger;e;al, general end tier ,
;Alvan_ fr , mao jpiudi e j oui •
rnerru,y, and ceheneeer medicine is requited to Uri purity the system.
Th e y a r e a purely veuetatile compound, and
ogre! hy 'persona of all aces. They arepteaaant
and produce no nausea. uneasiness or gri
in their operation. Hundreds of eenificates cool
given of those who hove used them with great'
We ask no per.son to tak'e nor word as tothe
fir t h, itslielne, hot ;ill .41 the agent and pureln
I.r, and it ..n trod it does not give the most perfec
1-faction, they can re urn the b o x and receive the
cy paid for the saute. ruirhasers will .he pare
to a : k for ••ltr Robert's Compound Sarsai
Pills;' and observe that the green wrapper on
tux luau 0 rat- , IlOtie of the , - so' iature of dos. 11 ,,
M. D. and C P. Fay„. niel ureha4 mine rah
it at.plic itt-it. (r at and letters on. the
ject -of the tiled:eine, 711.1 , 4 lie ati.tres'krd i P" f' 3 • l .
c. P. Osee z o t co.. N. Y.
For sale I.y IIUSTON 47. PORTCR, solo sten,
l'ownntli . :37:011
W'insport Athens Railroad Lettie
y). IT. III;NTING, ITSpertiay informs the
tic that he has remnired his store to Col.
buildinz,orie (heir below Warner% watch shop,
he Will be happy to Fee all who msy be in want
Good and Clierip Clothing. He is constantly nti
to his stock all the new and desirable soyles seJ
terns, and tests eiltlfident he can' satisfy amens
roily give turn a coll.
tot receiving from New York, a large sn l t'
hle ossorttant of Spring and Summer Ciellong,
in the heat manner, anewhich will be soil ae 1,13111
the lowest prices.
He has elsa received, a large lot of YritlTlFS‘
• •liII.DRENS''CLOTHING, to which he invite , *
• miion and which will be sold at low rates. !Uhl ,
nada arrangements by which he can send for any
,icle desired,iwith the Certainty\ of procuring a gtd
Cutting and making up, done as usual in the
fashionable manner, promptly and to order.
Towanda, May 8, 18517. .
Fire I Pirel Fire
ARE you insured 1 application received and its ,
fumes effected by 3. E. CANFIELp, Aral If
the following, rafe and popular companies :
The Itudson River Piro /12StitanCe v . !
Capital.. 4. l• • • .$200.000.
The St. Lawrente Company.
c.pltar••• • -...5300,000.
The Empire• State ' Company.
Capital • 5200.000.
The Washington Company.
Capital over 51200.00.•
The State D2utzal ate Zarrisburg
With a- loree - Capital nd large increasing Cash
the Great P.-nnsylvapia Company.
The United States Llte Inseam:Re Annuity A
Capital. • $2!
On the new
,principle by which the insured ,
pates in the'preapi.
°:44 E.:CANPIRLD, Athens, Ps
'L'o Lumbermen.
T ITANTtD some etropetent person to conk
1 Y cutting FOUR "t1114.41t1N FEET OF
LOGS, on two trixts.oFlalip) lying on BO and
Pine Creeksi. The"be delivered in the
at Williamsport. LyeorvitA conniy, the coining ,
or a part of them soonPfit preetteabh. Or.. a
tract Will he entered into - for milli)" , and delieerir
whole of the Pine logs on one en ' 'both of the k
tracts.. The roads end buildings are of the beet
ription. Good reference's sei-rigirde cheer
Impotency wilt be recHra&-_ Apply, to
- 43ANITAL B. B. le A. ,
at Kelton's trete!, Wittier
G. H. 13RO INN