Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 08, 1851, Image 3

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    Thanksgisding PO: •
,Aso. s• s the name and by the author.
*r oan ,
17ifG o anetonoreaffh of Penetiyhmmin, by.
ktani F Joiggont -Gomm"' lithe said common.
odd) A rartictaxrettet
1 1, promise that the seed time and harvest
, csii no t c ease," has again been Ihijfilled. A CO
t.mtgoodneita has watched col* and cared
in o
itayeerpte, during anoth6taytar; plenty hat
„ p ot her treasures Willa . ; peace has
•j e d o ver our c ohncifs,.and health and happi.
hayedee u niversally 'enfoted.'t Civil and re.
' liy has been more wit ely,ipread and the
tedatione of those inslithtions which our fathers
w a re been deepened rind strengthened bythe
10ialences thus votich.sidetl to us.
Tolle graciolls Giver, to whom belongs "the
roh and
of the fileness thereof,", f or
his beneficence , the citizens a of this
craancowealth owe a Public demcinstiation of
,mir heartfelt gratitude and thanksgiving.
p e rply i mpressed with the pron:ety of that duty
Cd i n v oidance with VPnet wit custom:l. NV it:
lam F. Johnston. Govern& (lithe said Common
wealth do herei; appoint and designate Thuriday,
e , 27 t h day of November next, as a
ivin dal. of Griner.
Thank" throw the State. And I here.
hr rercommend and earnestly invite all the good
peni)le I'3 Cmonwealth to , a sincere and
' m yrrh )! n I,birvanc om e
of the same.
pin Uti,!Or my hand and the great seal of the
smte, at Harri , burg, this twenty first day of Octo
ber; in the year of our Lord, one tho „,..„„a eight
hundred and fitlynne, and of the .Common
%lealth the s eventy-sixth,
Br THE Goiqßzi , t, A L Russet.L.
Sec'y of the Commonwealth.
THE 9 'itrAT 111:,f(.1:4 R. A great rail
,ac it St Yetersbum to Moscow. recerOy open
ts in neatly a straiatit line, anrl , 4oo miles,
length. The track IA double, of s:teet goage, Ad
ome of-the brkb , er. ate elevated above the water
mm 125 In 175 feet. • The brOLTA are of wood. nn
ilowe's principle. and. were built ht Mr. R. 0 Will.-
..iv:3.of Connecticut. Major Whis.ler, of the fl+
alit Albany Railroad, went to Russia in 1848,
3 rij was engineer of the work Until hie death. Then
)r, crown, o 1 New York an grte road, becaMe
r e,rnee7 ill chief: and finicheil the Russian road
enure cost ipt eirtimated at 82bl 000 000 ° .
The locomotives hare also the stamp of A f ri - aii.
genus They were built by Hann-on. Winans
Eistwick, horn virawity,:s Witi‘tter,
• are n.P.shie cylinder reverse engir • oil are
b o r nm a wood . They are 162 in num
b-. of which 42 are for passeingers and 120 for
- v git. The parisenger-carte are built upon the Am
r-'O3 plan, anti are 5d tee: too , and 9 broad.—
Imperial carria,:es are very m
tent: S feet long br 10 tiitocli, uhd lee: high.
• supported on 16 a heels, on the Bogie priii.i
;•1 Die carriage. have - ;i)acintf.apartinews. hurl
eJ for the Emperor and Empress separately. in
or ipmred and lo‘nrion.; manner Th e y
cairn bed-, and a-kitchen ear is attached
✓ wane celtat, ice-`onse,
roat is to be rUri 1 , 1 15 hoots. it used to
houis. and wa2ons 11 days
s:•h!reil.N BOW.. by TlVers9l4l canals, b e tw een
ies. make the trip 11. from 53 ta 60 days
.1.1 lave! an half the time at that Nlehnlas has
al h: i zs).l of ;he " proaresstre spirit of the aze:'
rAilwav from St. Petershnre to t%'..usatx, 196
es ..):1;. is now strongly 'talked of.
ITN Of CINtNt AN rms KNIGHT —The Charles
..37p-,4r•lonnre the death of Commander-I:a
('t the United States Navy, while in
t• -- snrc , .! of the Slanp.of-war Germantown. the
commander Lavalette. on the Atrica.t
rk This event °centred soddenly on the 19th,
' r .a the harbor of Cape Palmas
.;;;:—D.:romes in ConNaticut.— At the present term
f-u?etior Court in New f-bicert, fourteen di
:-rss zninted, mast of which wet.. tor rea
.:ait6e Intemperance °long of tits parties. -
31INI4TiRE AL,' INALC-1%.11.
I Dal s
-,? •C %D C(
-s.t.itbeeti. on tb.1:2,1 of October. by the Rer. J.
Slstplerd of Troy. Pa.. I. E. Brauma Esq.. to
itms Rarity, dlttgilter of Mr. Ziba "Geroold. of
Siesses:.n:Sept. 29:5: by the Rev. Sjp.
BtirouT B. Blows of Wralusmg. to M is s J "
Li H. of the fai:flee Fltee.
\cw atrocrtisiincttts.
Great Bargain!
The un,3rtN,Teed, mill seq . on reaKkna
rterms, me Tavern House and one
•••• hun!rei acre of eitetient farming
lar.: 4 .stmated is the Vtitare of Rome.
Jorif C.Taaty, Pa. The 'iricatton or the house
.veeaaads a Elie t , otiness. and offers ereat induce
irt.a 10 VAT destroas ci: keeping a Public
ne, :a coa6evet:l watt Farnatrig ,
F:LtErcis apply to the subscriber at Rase.
NI. 4, • JOH` PA'StORE
X. O, 0.
'ALLEY LODGE. Nc;:' 445. •Sb-4.'hequin• will be
and officer% riected ar.a tastalle.l, on
4::::,!ar Nor. c 5.h, at 1 o'clock, P. M. Members
arl!er are carnally ,nrited to atterf 4 —
.S. J. GIB.SA)N, Sect r.
Nir. J . 1951. -
Register's Notice.
OTT Istereby given. - that there have bees fil
fl an 4 :sett,etl in the, office of Rweimer al Wins
`sr ttr Cc nty of Eirsiffuni, ac amnia of ad
upet the following estate'. ita
F.t.,c, ',w orn of 4, intim Morey - 8 Wm. B. Daft
of:Corthrop Sit:ter-decease& late
Onrri I
.icturtt cf Abogail H. Long. Alonzo tong
alenuststrators of Ezra Long
tx t 12:e of Tmr. •
F tzi veoost of A. W. Coburn Executor of Poi!
Let deed Iste of Wirrro.
Part=l am . natollioses A.Ladd one of- the Er
nters of Hcn•a Let! dre'd. late of ALtnny.
4 ('='o42t efs- H. Wilson and Hannah Dint-
Listaitstr,tor cf Gtinen Dimon deed , 4 1 e w "
h - of Jo pt Mom.. ad...nit:ll:th tor of
ep - rect
W. Tarr d e o'd tate-of Warren.
_7 -,l . l teez..unt of Goo.. 6 NShatittek. administrator
iC C p, ti - Lts.. tato of Freer.
/:-.7.•'431ert \._.l. Keeler. administrator of
-,- • dee d. tale of —..-...-
icroost twomon Ctoper. addainistrator
erre cf Samoot Clime. tare of Towanda bo.
, B f-7!iventsre aeconnt of E. R. Myer Executor
deed late of Wreo.l.
set,-ant of Alfred Gore: Administrator of
lit Gore, deed late of Shemhettis in.
act,72,1 of Elam 'leaf l et?. Administrator
Inn atmexed„ of Vent Nornian.deed late
r:razi e lt .
,h e341.1..1. tili be pm...tented to the Orphan'i
Bearoet.coapi y . o n Monday the Ist day of
IteAt. for contra:mums and alWrance.
40LwBLACK-Uri stet.
l oett. Towanda. November 1. 1051.
bailhis day left my, ed and boaid. erisboot
`q Iry tee n or pororatios, this is es forbid all
b lrto.ltr or trusting ber oa mjexeoaat,as
'1 !to its of bier exictractiolf after Ibis
z " 1 " 4 . 00.30, test.
N &NIES of td simei at
170 5 0
7 4 .7 5 ,
7, 4 7
7 4 .456
7 5 455.
... . .
Ts now reetiiring an yttensive assortment of GOODS, pirchased since the late decliee in prices, and
.1 which caonotfail to sahibs taste and ' , Wishes of porchasers,and Meet thy *ants of the public; and
as everybody knows that he alWays sells Goads very cheap, it is a r t necessary to mike any remarks`
on that subject t
, - 200= ANDII1 1 414103WAILY.
I shall id a few dip receive a very large catalogue of *OF Books *and Stationary, and being desirous
of disposidg of doable the usuit quantity this season, *bail reduce the prices to a very low figure.
Being agent for the sale of the Day State Shawls in this Borough, I am enabled to offer them much
l'ower and lit lamer variety than any other establishment this side of Nit'l rod s Large•supplies .of
these Sltivili will hs received during the winter.
. .
. . .
Fish. Nail 4, Oass, Oils, Hardware. Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Salt. &e.. JOS. KINGSDERr.
Sheriff's Sale.
Y virtue of a writ of. Vend. Exponas issued ont
. of the Court of Coinmon Please of Drachord
booty. and to roe:directed, will be espose'd to public
sate at Vie Court House in the born.' of Towanda,
on Monday the Ist day of December. at 1 o'clock,
P. M. the folloWing lot piece, urparcel of land. situa
ted in Towanda tp. troUndatt and descritrdd as fol
lows to wit : north by landi in possession of J. C.
Powell and Isaac Horton. lien, by land. of Win. El
well. spoilt by lands of Esra Rutty. East by sugar
Creek. Containing about eighty acres more or less.
about sixty acres improved one two story stone
tavern house, two framed barns and an apple or
chard thereon. .
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Mon
tanye's & Co. vs. Stephen A, Mills.
ALSO—The foll Owing lot piece or parcel of land
situated in the township of Durell, bounded and-des
cribed as follows to wit a north by lands of John
Crimmins. west by unseated lands. South by land of
Michael Cr-.w, east , by Cornelius Fitagerould. Con
taining one hundred and six acres more or less, three
of four acres chopped.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit , of Sally
Ward Executrix of the estate of William Vard
deed, now to the use of Rank afld Brooke, vs. Wil
liam Walsh.
ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land
situated in Granville tp. bounded and described as
follows viz : north by land of Harry Putnam 4 C.
P. Griffin, east & south by Harrison Ross, on the
west by land of Harry Putnam. Containing, about
forty-five acres mere or less, all improves' one
framed house, one log and framed barn and apple
orchard thereon. S-
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Orrin
P. Ballard. to the use of Charles Calkins, vs. Ao.
drew T. Morrison.
ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of laud
situated in the township of Rome. bounded and des
cribed as follows : beginingat a corner in a line of
Ephraim B. Parker At Hiram Drake, thence south
79 3 east along the line of said Drake eighty and!six
tenth perches to another corner of said Drakes,
thence south one: degree west 23 and 1.10 perches
thencesouth thirty-four and a half degrees "west to
a corner in a' line of Daniel Buffington's now Luci
us Eastman. thence north 69 degrees west 67 and
7.10 perches to the begtntng. Containing twenty
tWo acres and twenty-sis perches strict measure, be
she same more or less, about ten acres improved one
framed barn. , log house and swatl orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in ezecutton at the suit of Hiram
Drake administrator of John Moore deceased, vs.
Silas Gore and 'Sarni W. Gore.
ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land'
situated in the .township of Burlington. bounded and
desiiibeil as follows to wit : north by lands of Jacob
Myer, west by land of lingers Fowler. south by land
of William Mead east by land of Charles Mead.—
Conialning about Sljacres more or less about 35
acres improved, two lug houses, one log barn and a
few fruit trees ihereon.
Seized and taken in execution at theasuit of Lo
renzo D. West vs. William A. Sluyter.t
ALSO—Br a writ of a !evert tacia-, directed as
above—All that certain piece or Parcel 'of land
bounded and described as follows ea . situated in.
township of Wells in the county of Bradford, begin.
ning at a post the south-east corner of land surrey ,
ea to William C. Wate,.thence south eighty perch
es to a post, thence west two hundred and three
perches to a beech. thince nortb,eighty perches to a
post, thence east two hundred and three perches , to
the begming. Contaibing ant i :hundred and one
acres and eighty perches;'being•the same tract of
land which the parties of the second part conveyed
to the said Shubul Rowlee, kith one old frame
house, one wood and wash house, one horse barn.
one farm barn gad cow shed attacheitto it. a small
apple orchard. about silty acres improved.
Seiz:sl and taken in execution at the suit of Jo
seph R. Ingerspil. Henry B. Baring. William B.
Baring, John Craig Miller. and Francis Hermit,
trustees aT the estate of William Bingham deed and
successors aredwasigris of Alexander Baring and
Henry Baring et al devises in trust of the estate of
William Bingham deed es. Shubol Bowles execu
tor of Shaba! R.,wleedec'd with notice to Edward
A. Ayres terre tecant.
Sheritrs Iffice. Towan...+a, Nos. 6, 1651,
Blierit's Bale.
By virtue of a writ of V eod. Erponas icsced
oat of the Conn of Common Pleas. of Bradford
County. and to me directed. wdl to eapiosed to pub
lic sale, at the Coon House in the boro.!of Towanda.
on Friday. the 10th day of October. at 1 &thick. P.
IL. the following lot piece or parer: of iand situate
in the township of Smithfield. hounded and de.crtti
ed as foLoirs, to wit ; north by land of C. E. Pierce.
east by land of Enos ilmob. and others, south by
lands of H. Crowell and the highway. and west by
lands of 1.. Farnsworth. Containing abbot 100 acres
more or less. about .50 acre, inaptioyed, one framed
house. one frame+barn and fruit trees thereon.
Selied and taken in executton at the sett of C. F.
Grosener assignee of Seth SalsburLws. Charles
Olm stead.
AL`O-13y two arrive the followiny f.dece or par
cel of land lying and being to Colutnhea township.
and bounded as follows :- on the ncrth by lands of
Franklin Baker; west by M. H. Canfield. south by
Austin anti Robbins, and east by Vriati Ferguson
and H. Robbma. Contionining 150 acres. more or
less. about 70 acres improved wtth one framed house
one framed barn, and apple orchard thorion.
Setzed and taken in execution authe suit of Wm.
S. Dobbins to to the use of John C. Mains re.lonn
Benson. '
ALSO—The folioning, pieee or parcel-offs:id sit
uate in Athens borti; bounded on the north br lands
of H. 0. Hart and E. Hersick. east by latda of
%Veiles dt Harris. south by Canal st. sod w e st by
lands of P. Rogers. Containing fifty feet on Canal
sL and eighty, four feet deep framed brine
and framed tiara and fruit trees rberesm.
Seized and taltid in etectitidn at the suit of Wm.
Rif. to the use aft Richmond & Co, ts.• Abigaß
Sheriffs Office.
Towanda. Scpt. Is, 1851.1
THS above sate stands adjoirned
Monday the first day of Decemberinen. at the same
place and . tome of day.
Oct 24 WM. S. TX9E111.3,
THE undersigned would inlorm the eitizens of
Towanda and vicinity, that he has arrived here
far: the pore of 'cabling throe who wish Dago
reotypes of themselves, or fin end s. to eel them. • He
ine had a number of years experience to the NIA
Bess, he fegla confident that his pictures will give
general satisfaction. Likenesses of children and
axed people. taken with perfect• accnracr. Those
wishing ',knives would do well to give him a call.
Roam oier'Bortoe Einge.x.rfa store.
Towarida, July 1% 1851. R. GAI.
4 ' Cantle& -
t ater
LL *ions Urn bentry cautionei Est prtebso
• ing a ado 'biro by gm an the tab . in of A*.
185 i, to WILLIMiI HARDT. far a l l dollan. in
I et *aim, ea rah* for unleash and therefoo do
not - myself inoway az kg". %mai :a pay
ii. NUR not do on. Was coopdkilby, kw. , ,
Venn& Sep- lit UM. • A. .1. REM
• note Wire OWL
U . & A . CA,IPSNAL. ars apia iambi* a lairt
misottoped or gook * the AB sad Irian tad&
Tavands August =OM
Sheriff's Bale.
Y virtue of a writ of Vend. Expo. issued out of
itthe Court of Comnyin Pleas, and to me directed
Will be exposed to public sale at the Court Hotise,
in the bons,' of Towanda, on Monday the first day
of December,-at 1 o'clock P. M., the following piece
or parcel of land situate in Burlington township,
bounded and described as follows, to wit : south by
Win. Mead, east by land of Charles Mead. north
by land of Jacob Myers, wes tby land of Rogers row.
ler. Containtag about 80 acres, more or less. about
25 acres improved, two log houses, one log barn
and a few fruit trees thereon.
'Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Tra.
ey &Moore sx. Win. A. slyter.
ALSO—The following described lot of land situ
ate in Canton twp. and bounded on the north by
lands of Stephen Garet, on the east by lands of John
McDual and Columbus McClelland. on the south
rsy lands of Sames Warner and Jared Hoyt. and qp
the west be lands of the heirs of Samuel Davis
deed.. and G. F Mason. Containing fifty acres.
about forty acres improved, with one framed house
and one log bareind apple orchard thereon.
Seized sad taken in execution at the suit of 0
P. Ballard vs. Duel Smith.
eherfes Office,
Toaanda, Oct. 20. 1851
BY virittb of a certain wnt of Levari Facial,
issued out of the Coact of Common. Pleas of
Bradford County and to me directed, will be expos
ed to public sale, at the Court noble in the Boro'
of Towanda on Saturday, the 2d day of November.
at doe o'clock P.M.. the following piece or parcel of
land, lying and being in Litchfield township. Brad
ford county, and bounded and described as follow.:
Beginning at the south-east corner of a warrant loi
claimed by Wm Clymer, thence north on the said
warrant line 139 6.10 p to a post for a corner;
thence east 83 B.lop passing by soutb-viest corner
of Isaac Verbeck's tot ; thencli south 175 8-10 p to
north line of Andrew Brainard's lot; thence west
9g 9-111 ji to a post for a corner; thence north 37
-to p to the south hue of said Clymer's warrant
tract, thence east - along said warrant tract fifteen
perched to the beginning. Containing ninety-two
acres and twenty-two perches,-strict measure, about
twenty-five acres thereof improved, with ttro log
houses and some few frost trees thereon.
Seized and taken In execution at the suit of P. J.
DeCaters and Wife, as. James Randolph and James
Carey, terra tenant. CHESTER THOMAS,
Sheriff's Office, Oct. 31,'51. Sheriff:
- .
In the matter of the estate of Slinsel F.Keilozg, deed.
i r
•HE underigned having been appointed auditor
11 to marshal! assets, and niake distribution of
the funds of the said estate remaininc• in the hands
of L S. Arnold. administrator thereoewill attend to
the duties of said appointment at the house of P.P.
Sweet, in Smithfield, on Saturday. the 24th dav of
November, inst.. at ten o'clock, A. which time
all pet4otil having claims against said estate ate
required to present the same. or be debarred from
comity , ' in far a share of said fonds.
0ct.30.1851. STEPHEN PIERCE, Auditor.
In the cutler of the Estate of James Bennett
THE unders4med auditor appointed by the nr
prtan's Court of Bradford county upon except
ions filed to the final and partial acccoot of the
adult's. of said estate Will attend to the ditties of
his said appointment on the 22.1 day of next Novem
ber at one o'clock P. M. at his oth - ce in Towanda
boro'of which all persoßs interested will take - notice.
Ckt. 18. 1851. HENRY 800TH.411nditor.
In the outlier of the Estate of Nancy Strickland, deed
THETundersigned auditor appointed by the Or
phan'a Court of Bradford County to settle the
accounts of the administrator of said estate. and
also to slate and settle tlie dimiliation of fonds aria.
ing from the said estate as a haat settlement of the .
same, will attend to the duties of said appointment
aehis office, in Towanda bona' on the 19th day or
November next. at one o'clock P. N, when all per
sons haring claims against said estate are required
to present them or be debarred from any share of
said fonds.
Ls the meter of the Estate of Nana= Morris, der'd,
THE auditor appornted by the Orphan's . Court
L of Etraltiferd County to distribute funds in the
hwods the admint.irators of situ! estate, will at
tend to the duties of satd appointment nritis floe
in Towanda born' on iheltith day of Noeirnher next
ar one o'clock, P. M . when all per,:ons 'haring
claims aiming said estate are reques:ed to present
them bef,re the auditor or I” debarred from any
share of ea! fonds, HENRY BOOTH, Auditor.
November. Ist. ISSI.
LI the auilt•r- of Mr Eatate of F Harden deed.
►r HE auditor appointed by the Orphan's Coon of
1 Bradford :outlay to distribute fcnda in the hands
of the administrators of tie estate aforesaid will at
ten4 to said business at, his office in Towanda born'
on the VIM day of November nest, at one o'clock
P. M. mhea all persons - ha7ing Maims against siiii
estate are reiviested to preseot them or be debarred
from any share of aaid funds.
Oct. Hit: 1851. HENRY BOCYlll.lnditor.
In the meter of de oder of 11 - eison ResPers. deed.
ATOIIOE is berebysiven to ati ;tempos intemted
.111 that the undersicned has been appointed rry the
Orphans court of Bradford ectinty. an auditor. 40
audit. settle atid report upon the &exotica of Eli
Gibbs. adosinitarator of said decedent. and that be
will attend to the duties of the appointment on the
2916 day of November next: at one o'clock. P. SI..
at hie otsce in the borough of Towanda.
Oct. 30.-'5l. WM. ELWELL. Auditor.
Orphan's Court Sale.
TN pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Conn, of
Bradford county. there Will be exposed to public
sale. on Tuesday: the Ilth day of Noreesber neat.
at 1 cielscit P. St. on the premises, a certain tract
of land situate in Leroy township, lateshe estate of
Seetey Holcoritb: Bounded by Hecock. an tut
east and south by lands-of the Hartley estate. west
by lands belonging to the estate of Sterling Hol
comb, deed. north Ly Towanda creek ; IS or 17
acres =prose& with one framed barn erected there
on, the remainder woodland. Terms one half rash.
the remainder one year from the confirmation of
sale, with interest from the day of sale.
C. STOCKWELL. Administrator.
Oct. 9, 1851.
THE catty compleni aometnient of Parr Ban-
Borders. Window Paper. and rue boanfTtaora.
kept in this region. and at pines as lons a can tie
Lend at mail &hot in or oat of thopetieip . at cities. at
/NAME ba estuarine at the tabgenler m Tomas
as et Aso do It& just. a RED
STEER. about 3 rases 41. Said steer his no portina.
for as& 'TINi assost in Aqua* to pme recta"
oil psi dunes. IM.LIAM AUSTIN`'.
(VIM PPM. fir ads,* lIERCUIra.
&Timber 20,1151.
' - f,egal Utrueancuts.
- -- - - - -
List sile Jurors, r
TNRAWN for. Dec. SetsiOns and Oyer and Term
/.7r mom 1854 -
Wysoz—E. R. Myer;
Windham—Jaines Finch
Sheshequinira Murphy, joint Horton Jr;
Oranville--Lother Clark. Robkn Metter;
,Springfield—Jobe Harkness; . '
Athens boro.—N. C. Harris; '
Smithfield—Horace Pierce. Enos Cott Wm.
Windham—A. D. Dunham, O. Cirtietiter ;
Troy twp.—Linas Dunbir;
Welts—Alexander Seeley
Wyainsing—Lyman Chranberlin ;
Rome—David Cole :
Warren—Mar-halt Tyrrel ;
Columbia—Hiram Freeman;
i'ranktia—David Cole
-Monroe—Jesse Hicloi ;
Burlington—Jehial McKean;
THAVIIIIkSB suanas—ilitsr pear.
Wells*"oseph Sturdivant, David Sayre;
Pike—Mortirnorelleall, George Whitt., Alunio Smith
Richard Ashton,Sathan Rockwell;
Albany—Solan Stevens ;
Springfield—L. Newberry."). B. Smith ;
Warren--8. Ct Brainard. Nelson Corbin ;
Sheattequin--S4muel Minter. H. B. Chaffee;
thanville—Henry Saxton, John Vroman, Charles
Drake ;
Athens boro,—Waller Olmsted. Moses Sawyer ;
Smithfield—James Fritcher, Ira Adams, James L.
Gerould. Geo. McVannon, Mcrrii Wood;
South Creek—john Hillnsan ;
Monroe—Wm. { Bradford ;
Wyalusing--James Butler, H. H. Lamphere, Joseph
Gaylord ;
Columbia—Griffin Baily, Dennison Miller ;
Lerny—Nelson Reynolds ;•
Standiwg Stone—Henry Westbrook, /oho D. Squires
Charles Roof.
Orwell—Austin Ellsworth. 8. Lathrop ;
Durell—John Bennett 3d, James ;
Lister—James McCarty, Samuel Huff ;
Burlington—Geo Hill ;
Canton—Ezra Spalding ;
Tuscarora—Bela Cogswell ;
Litchfield—Josiah White ;-
Rome--Nathan Maynard ;
Herriek—Newell Keeler ;
Ridgbery—Aaron Ostrander ;
Litchfield—Benj. Ball, Wm. Cooper,Biram Bogen;
Tuscarora—J. C. Gulrer, Vincent Owen, D. D.
Black ;
Ridgbery—Vincent Owen, Ches. French ;
Durell—Geo. Cole. John W. Sweet, A. W. B. Van
gonier. Jacob R. Emery ;
Bmithfield--Ge`o. W. Campbell, C. A. Lyman. Jona-
than Bush, Sami Farwell ;
Granville—lames H. Ross, C. Baxter ;
Rome—Chas. C. Lent ;
Athens tp.—F. B. Weller. Thos. Lane;
Buritn•,ton—Abram Morley. D. A. Ross, Wm. Phi-
Wm.Gor-line. John Vandyke
Col= bta—Win. Smith, Stephen Bullock, -.Joseph
Pike—A. J. E.isall, mot Ellsworth, 1). Blackman.
A. A. Worden ;
Orwell—Wm.-C. Maynard
Asylum—Aaron Ely : •
Troy tp--Simon Mclntosh. tel Porter ;
Athens bo.—L. fi , Shtratan ;
Tray bo.- 7 -John F. Hopkins ;
Monroe—Horatio B. Bowen, Geo. Walker ;—E. M. Beenson. Chas. HOingt
Springfield—Thos. P. Wolcott ;
Standing Stone—John Ennis ;
Towanda tp.—lsaar. Myer ;
Bhesbequin—C. W. Bullis ;
Ulster—D. 0. Chabbock ;
Athens bo.—Chas Comstock ;
Wvalusing— Lewis
Asylant—Jacob Frutchey ;
Franklin—. John U.Tsylor ;
Stnithtield—Julin„Doty:An*el ;
A lhanr—Henry Hibbard; Minor Wilcox
Windham--Sarnl Jackway ;
Canton —J. B. Wright, Thais ;
Pike—John L. Palmer, Almon Beecher ;
Warren--Nathan Newman. Calvin Arnold
Towanda bo.-13. F. Powell, E. T. Fos
Standing Stone—Hiram Vannest ;
Rome—Danford Chaffee. Oscar Elliott J. D. Demo
ay :
Toscarnra—Wm. Thompson
Towanda tp.---Means Watt., ;
Columbia—Allen S. Parsons. Stephen D: Goodrich
Leroy—Horace Holcomb ;
Shesheipin--(saac Elliott, Geo Kinney;
Burlington—James Itcßean ;
Ridgbery—James Ban:mond ;
Orwell--Geo. Wells
Wysox—David Hines
Litchfield—Johnson RiV . , .4PT3 ;
Troy tp —Erastos Beach :
A LL persona trueseine'theettaietees to be indeNted to
1 - 1, the estate of ABRAHAM tkORTENDYIKE.
dee'd late of South tp„ are/hereby requested
to male immediate payment, and those hawing claims
itziairtst said esiatessill please present them immediately
duly authenticated for settlement.
A oda or
"A Li. pe_mns nadzsbted to the estate of Benjamin
rl Buffington deceased, late of Warren toiruchip,
are hereby requested to make payrr..ect irithoot de
lay. and all persons having demands against said
estate are requested to present them riots-
. 2aoecti.
sated for settlement.. R. C. HUFFINGTD.N,
A LL persons indebted to the estate of A. W.B.
Vengarder, deed, late of the township of .Dorel,
are hereby retratid to wake payment without delay,
and drase rasing chitin against said estate, will please
present them duly authentratest for settlement.
Duren, September Adminietest4.
ALL persons indebted to the . .sta..te of LEMUEL
S. MAYNARX deceased. late of Rome town
shtp, ate hereby requested to make payment with
out delay, and those hav u t claims await at skid es
tate, please present them dots and aotheotieated
for settlement. WM. E. MAY! RD
Administrators with the will 'nettled
Towanda, At m. 9, 1951.
T Err Ells Tmtatoeniars upon the . last will And
-1-4 testament of ELIZABETH ME N% late o
the lime' of Towanda. deceased. hawing been grant
ed to the sulasCribers of said Boro' all persons bar
ing claims or demands against the estateof the said
deceased are teque, , telf s to make the same hum to
us without ilelay,,atidall persons is ted to said
estate are requite 3 to pay the same nhimith.
ALL persica indebted ..tat the estate of WTLLLAII
BRADFORD deceased. haeof Warren township,
are &retry peonested to mate payment without deist.
and aft miens basing dermas egate said mum are
teVoetted to present Item. daft *itheatics!'d for set !
deatql. 'GEORGE
A DOZEN mane at thole cheap sadgoal LINEN
COATS, this dal veceind by
May 29 H. & A. CAMPBELL.
0011 Nen, -NI-We age Dew maim die bed arti
la. de at Mimes al Itt ewe p 0 pais.
611APLZY lk LESIII3. -
rieICEERT Ac GLASS VASE. s' lap doet 0f
%.1 limed Ike ado ler • FOX.
QCOTCII TANN 'gay ise t absiseas mama gm&
ty at Fors.
So u !ft Creek. net. 7. J 251. !Lam; n roars.
Executcs's Notice.
Warrrn. Oct. 3, ISSI
Towscda. J.lll . 1651 • Entrains.
Warms. Oct. 1.. 1851. . .
' . .filtrchoblie,l . -, ~
i......_ ......,.;........_,...,.„-.,;,:„.__._._ _ ._
- . ,
Pali:and Witter !Goodsi
-I. suniv o
o2nr - itp-, co. „. . .
HAVE *at in Store a /aloe stock , of Goods from
Diewliork anti.other utajkete, whirb are offered
Whokaale ind retsitat.t.e. as vvest partials price,.--,V
e mention a few things that may *brays be found at
our Store. Prints. gingbanny poplins, M. tibia's, &c.
of the latest styles: t ,
. Grooenee, Hardware. Crockery. Soots and Shoes.
Hats, Cepa, &e. &e. Of which we have a large es.
son/neat, selected with great sate and offered at low
prices, and will not be no A Ise. homily.
gloves, wooden ware, dos, sole_ feathtr. bides •
thousatul other articles which we need not enumerate.
all of which we offer to or customer. at price* thr
"Mt give ;grey eatio.ct dn, MC our entire mock In a
been laid in a. a time whe the marker, woe - oncommon.
ly depressed, and glacial were many twr ,-en:. lower
than usual. By attesition aril promptiesa in !Acetic,
the wawa of our customer*, we hope to anent a con
tinuance of the patronage that has hitherto been so
liberally bestowed upon tf. 31 ' 01 TANy Es' 4 co,
Towsons, Oct. 11. IBM.
T. FOX, won id respectfully inform bin old friem:s
ILi• and the ellsZelPi of 11:adfonl in general that he
is now receiving a full stock of FAI.I. GOOll9, which
lie in desirous of diapoing of at s very small cdvance
from first . co4r, being satisfied that his goriafe. are select•
ed with 's. much care, andtrolight at lea.t , at as low
prices as his neighbors, he it noir anxious to convince
his customers that they will fin sold at the right kind of
prices. Please call and see ; loathers is sorely no harm
in knowing how cheap some folks do sell goods—call
soon Corner of Main And Pine street.
Fall & Winter Goods.
ittrivzoN EINGS33Eitir.
TS now receiving a large assortment of rail and Win
ter Goods. direct from New York which b tarred
at Greatly reduced priers to cash buyers.
Towanda, Ocr. 11. 1451.
The Fir' Et Time of Asking.
ADIVORCE having lately been effected between
the present Register and Recorder of Erad(.td
County. and the office he now hOlds, to take its fitial
effect on the first day of December neat. It becomes
indispensable that all debts due to the subscriber in
his official capacity should be immediste:y liquidved.
The parties interested in this notice will save them.
selves trouble,,.and the Register much personal annoy=
anee by a prompt attention to its corttent. The affairs
of the office must be settled immediatel), , and the tttate
lazes remind', and to enable him to accomplish this
the parties indebted to him must pey at crlcc.
Oct. 6, ISM. HORA'IIO- BLACK. Recorder.
New Arrival of
&_ll, C. MERCUR are now receiving a
H. ce7 extensive assortment of Goods (or the Fs:l
trade, sr bkh will be sold at te.ialesult or retoiltheaper
than at ant' other stare in the County.
Tom-ands. Sept_ 4, I sitsi
Execution of Lopez !
.QTII.I. later news via Nrer Vatic E. R. N. or the
1 .-3 arrival of a very (arse stock of Merrhand•ze at
PIII\\I Y dt. B 0 W MANS 3 Brick Now irtitrk
they are prepared to sell at who,ersle Of rettel for C. , h
or Ready Pay, cheaper than the chespe:t, from tt-e
that they purchased their cacti fur cash to a v e ry
prevmd suite at the market. I)Gn't mo.tate the place.
No. 3 Brick Row nest door - ro Dr. Hostoois.Druu store.
~.\"" TONS SUGAR, ju=tat whc f !eggie sad
retaiL BOWM %N.
Q A I.T. a large lot. 51.0 Iron, Nada. Namara r..Ec ;
and Mackenel la . Ibis.. Ij so,! Able, for la'.
yepr?.2. PHINNF.Y 8 80214 AN.
1 0 CHESTS more of those three and fear *Wing,
Slf Erm r .
us, s hini n .. rrr , 4l. en.! I. for sale
BOOTS & :!;11 ----- 1 4 - e r OES
.argrst and cheapest asenn
ment in tom :its and Cap% at eshnksak
an. retail. PESINNCY & BOWMAN.
CROCKERY", Glassware. paints, Oils, Catss.
DRDAit GOODS, a large variety—Hai:meta and
shard', a good aseortmenr. few sale by
M N'S, for which esmh will be paid. 1.2.2
lIT EAT, Oats. Rye and Corn, taken in etch■nge
lf for Ewa*. PHINNKY do BOWMAN.
B UTTER -100 Fetkins Beni, fn srtn'ck part cash
be pia. PHISNEY dr. BOWMAN.
ITATS. Cap.. Hugs-end hoes; f: taws new .13-1 e
14_ of Hats and Caps, At a 13r7e stork cf Etleila.
WOMerld end Ci.:drcne Boots an,l ;u.l rec.n.rd
it MEM:T:I7O 4 . •
COME ONE. COME ALL, and etartero• the New
Goody. wh/ch are nor being eihttetli at 1
aptfi. 8. KINGSBERY-74.
•"`', BUSHELS • LYE & CORN 6 , : sato hr
i itifr r. E. T. FOX.
cotes nratlrr-24=.7_ ,
A N assortment of &FA liel%Ni ADE COFFINS will
[1 b e kept e s m s a a ney o n hand at Nye's 0:3 stand
Main street. where the aub.criber al-o preparrd to
alike and tapaat all kmnd' Pura :tun..
Toe ism! 12. t4sd. C. WELLS..
-FsLA:STING POWDER. -5n tr.!. Blutirtir Pow
der. he OS MOSTA SI - ES & ro.
CROCKERY.—'The largest *tack in torn. Fur;
chatter arsi tea setts, of white gratiti Nee
ware, which win be *Ai cheap at rOrS.
r vEgy wte tenors that t-hs , plass to no' the litzets-
1-4 1 Eld best Tosiny of esters of all sleet
esiptione is, et . seta
oIADOZ. P1M1111:11, Leghorn. Palm Leaf anti Cinsda
.3 Strays Fiats 5: sp'26
131.1 i Silt and BY SO: Lace for 3113 CILLAK at
ap24 FOX'S.
DRY . GOOD :4.—A good ewortnmen: of Iferinnes.
Castpmema. De Ulna, Atrer, and . pm' , " now
taming at , jiB 34 ERCIThrls,
6 RWb of Sogar at prices rxertively Sets tin any
tiefare sold in town within rite year, skri. Witae
ma swat and 001 from SI to 50 eta. B''. Letaini
and OW Java Coffee that cant be heat: Fine hooch
Itaithrk Pepper. lime. Siferatnit. Gilmer. and s eere•
eral assortment of emcee:es; also& fria vapptv of fresh
new Teo waracted as moral. coma and tieit or the
money tetanal in a:lessor ; lost received and sate
at ger, it'
.It ICH itaitaccs, DoetitSißis,. A.eise tett Ones la
apt 6
2(11 BALES OF .1- 4 HEETLVG, common and fine
1111 i t s 10-4 side. A nice emectment of Bleact
,Genate, bLevehed and brown Drills 3 Crash and Dra
pery. Nest, mai 64e3c3ed Table Limes. Cherka,
seri rtekinr. Cotten Tarn, Bening, Wackier and
Welfing, ten cheep at FOrt.4..
EBREWERIES, A wry imge gva of Striss zed
Muir= Veins and lervertn . nts„ Swiss and 31G..s t
En Bands. needle erroueirt Collars sa Cr 2.4. Ens
ertvmght Ikea Rendkerrhiers. end in Eva the larivit
=ti test emanate* of Embroidered Gate...never betlne
cent' d in Towanda at Eltra.
Thi LACK SIMS. also a Iksi panfuls of fairly Silks.
ii vettich tbe sold ebespat TOTS.
uooTs &SHOES, st goat assoetaleat a Lade,.
1.1 9euts, K nor; CbitAress alot helms ewes tot
sale ift !VIM.
UW E "' UN- .Inge old *era wan.
mg at ctrl; ommu pares at FOX &
4i .
IF . Awl
AdatiS Olk ter4C6l*thie;
Tir enured into rover t nerahipin th'd }tactics
or law. have also established an iteeney tits the
sale of rest 'date in' the county or Ilradfoid. ree l .an•
htorthz feel estate 'which they ile:siie to sett, by eatiror:
and leasing a deeertption of their property with the.
terms of sale, will utsloubtealy find it to their adviser
Penns I,l:e.iran9 of purrhasint , ran loarn vihere'rrop
eny is for salt.—a description of the same with the
pore Ana Terms of paymen t soul hr infomsa pelts the
irstiday of nil,. - J. C. ADA Ms.
Tssrs, v ti, Ms. 2.1145% PeI.4t;FARLANr,.
T2 rl:s-r_crs; ronTER harpai.t tered rh.-. 1 .•
1:4•_,-*!-•l . a lariyr or Fr.-ft ea'.
Oirmitratitt..oll.. ainl., (:••ra , ori....i anti irtrart..
whirtt oLfro•lr3 t.. tho pithhc at littiv ratra.
Their rtricit or FANG %I r
j,r the Logeat and to rat coinvlete ever rn
market. atr.
ANn n dinven ;icanrtm.nt of rnre—WINES lk LI.
(41;11)E1 ,4 , .tiviqt. lot net-Jima! pnrtrnArli.
A I sti,:r 14 CH1111.11.-Ive
on,l Ud 1, - AM ,t; many rpivi oral beatmfui
b r i ne aaen t..o, r 9 11 the ho,t Patent .11eri:dnes.of th 4
tiny. porch..-cr. m.a o[. fl pro, using a get.tHne
•rtir!.• ii &t C 11.4,4.
All Cilia err_• and lirdi:;nn+ Lep, at their
mew. maw ha relied upon a.. ger:uthr an.l of th e b e .c
quality, having been c:oreful:y selected with a view to
their uaeltinerafi.
Ilote of the War•i 'lance. nn41 , 7 N0.?. Tirick
ROW. Ton:aria:a, Mar, 2 , 7, Ihsl.
IMIC-S- 7 1=1",
titre r.icicting • rich at... 1 tienatifal agiceirrient of
lir:t Griot £llll4. mhich he weak(
pariicu:arly iris le the 3tten , ton of isa Prerches,ps,
and ctil Innke tt an 'Ol - . jet. , to them !t, pre him eal:.
it ,N.l.rrn, nod to sell hi. C t.s a. keg
cues ever lref.ire offered in the neirliet. IL. in..; p•
no pain. in pruarn3 C.e article, U e E,to
, arritler fret. fulfy reir.lldent that. he can give entire eat.
ii.fvciinn A pri1.9.6
New Chair and Bedsicad Warerooni.
. T) E:'•i•PEd;TFI•I.LY InAorns the puldie that he hits
opened a ehr,t, at hi. new hon... (WM.' cr )lain
and Pone nifeeto. nerrbi opp , ‘lte Edward Oveitot:a„
Toa ands. %1: here Ito mi . ! orillAnd or minufar , lro
• to or d, r , Colift € ,,,, Windsor. Fancy, ( ' n:10
irearcd and Common CH AAR'S, mode of tte best ma
an,l asuper.or
, lie haa itao for ado art as,ottt.3tnt of Bameraaos,
. at I,e; prices
nervr,ng amt rnrrl , " n. Ctre . -I,ottout and
( . 7 he-Tv 13t.s...vp.aa. bit...v.lW Bad Cucumber bath..
ber taken in 05 meat 6a u,
He 033 t trighvaz acquantetu , nll ccanie,
oral tttr eurahi;ity work n. t0 . .te.1 by r y te;r4
iperierxe. arltt s.-curr Iltrn .%311r of I , lb:it patron
; e2e. Inc liar:h 1. IS:', .
T i As r: t. , IT '4 i'• *tor•.
c. , :rer of A•e: erA
a•R errnftzce the maritilacltore of Boo's and Sloe., as
hrree )frire
H e h,,..p i f.t from Y ••,:e
mei.% ,;!re.l A :;.., . ..c, ~ b t•Ch
a:c c.:Tere.: at ow poet,•
t. r.57.1.710.triy dir e . c rlrti to t , tin'tPf‘t. C . Omprlitne
the fulhateint- nest , ley V.ruinelied Jtnnv Lind zai
trr hoots; do. sh.•-• ; Maui: iiistin.; en.l
a n ,1.0-.. OS,
orrcer:•,?rCriot.rA -1,, 7 , 7 7.
fatii77 c ovets, taletta shnelt, or 3 11 kind s .
For the. ' Ger.tit f‘rty std le 01 cs...l•{-, end
hi• ;•••••.-4 - •&!lir w
care, 7tr.c.! . be 1.-•'_;,t - ecti art ~:war . Ir4 fr i!',o at
T. 7" 771 e !urtng.
anti he hop- , hyr I::c6nt:rm
a3ee el ire:•:•• , -a.;•2 hti L:i-herte receriel.
1.! .7 3.
M. T. rot,
TS nose receisint: direct from New A - crk a lar a lua4
A LA: oders fo#
ogee 3t puce/ ut.t Al cannot : - .11 to so.; rie...ryt be)-
(Jr C [GR. Paor , CrT o Attseovv.r. Irßy.t.r r. B.
respectfully elks a e3:l from n:: ott.hit.g• to bay
gat& cf.:m-3p, es he I". &Arra:axed not to be clidentoiti.
1 Toomrtatt, Aprd 24. 1451.
Dress. arc.ods-
11•11Cf1 Far T..% ND, rhamel,,un Ci:ene. Dr it Dreg
11 S:A% French ar. i Carege Del.s-e,. a new srue4s
for Mllll Frrnr!) Lawn., S,
Linen I.n.trea and any' qqarltoy 0! nth. , drew"
grhld{ 1.
I'arra far S.ale.
TIIC v .,br....crjher c.;:tr4 '•••: Firrrt
c-,wv, 3 m:!9-4
from Tow.r,'..r al3+l i:..rn - '.e
3' , out abo,t Of :t) arre, .rt t i
sp , w,:<•st Th.
hullriatzt 1.1;.`f) arz*.t ,
Era •-• an'
t6l th024..; - : - .11 3: a Aar
:Ain. rurrhase
motor r, 4 9);.0.. Fel fLr•'..:F4rticula:stl,quine
cr hddres: ,u"-."l : l':'+'+' P. f).
A4Z. D. `lilo7F'.
jj as F. . 1 / 4 A. C.
. _
tarig cr-ovAin 'Ann! . ls
Tim rt.r.eL,?i d '''Fin",g
C Net . + h,s cma
of the iDos,t.. et terr.ate in 1.4. e the fsecrah;e :era , . , • ccpr cre,!::—C2*4
!Tex y r* icu ar,,r ICC; °.• 1-1:1 lte
4 t'. D. TI ‘R-rt.ET-r.
Al! ilight at tile g 'Depot. '
l'A vcjLE.L fit:UM :hr:r ethrvrc th3nkii
. f,...4" lie ":4-4:onre-t,
4ntroo11;1 ...z.itr! co ; ••.-Icns
tontet• tLetr !ttr 4t,:%41 !•'7•I C3d , 14.4.
Cortsmino Al 4tlt , iinz... nor,3 4.ary . the. ont ,
; at a :1111L.
Pfrase se.e cs a cal be.C.fe
R. h... CA '4
CLOVER SEED.—LarI.- and 4 1171: I Ck.aer Seed Go
sale VT 0 4 MONTANYES & CO.
6/ DA Y STATE SHAL, r2rigas panes, col
t/ crrs awl qtrzates r recerserie
0.1.14. ItzsL.
QQ l. e va s zi .„ -i4
ARD W ASE.—_. very ',ar t y assent-
Clelat 016.sij,Irjfe reel* rteveyi;,.m,i...ireimiteir
Cimentem, .I , e,t-rr.. are: lEttszi-miths Ts)-La. Hammy
anii CS:Tilf4.? Mvier's Ti r.mmitz% vta BeT11:11- 4
Illiarriek exc.- cot starley, an Lan,: Etrj fl , fr *t very
!:ra. rriev.v he FRenrS.
rreo;ved 12 Fre. a.......ntceat Cuss",
e. 3 l , ,mip BOOTS and SNOBS at
Dee 4
QI/ ES. an ei*e ce d &ark era (M o e.
ed Dtess zeijks spa .t. : Jemr. else Fr cerwqr
War nil the Sic ci! s ur.R.crirs.
timer & SHOE DEPOT—ieCO fa aE piceseng
1). cut de" sti co=pciiiieo
F.lx-=re rt. VONTIIIMn & co.
saaraty at rital WI ourrarma at
eCt V. 0 51 . w lF!Prralt.
entsr* VOLT:NG Fil*ON-tinesiod.lirimo
1 Pi; lest Rh-k Tees. Afro L% nue es'ama
Java care, race• 7114 UtlitC9ol,•:-"
- -M- -