Wr4bforo porta% free Soil, Free Speech, Free Men! Ss . 'dons for Fri. Tsrritory. E. 0; GOOItICH, EDITOR.. TowandaoSaturday, November S, 1S I • Terrine of The Reporter. S 2 60 per nuninn— , r paidwithttt -etr :i0 e•n:• lw tleflorted—tio , e,,.}, pn 61 neinnoy ht mirnneo St 00 will be 401Ucted. No paper sent overtun Tears, untetos pnirl for, 41 , AltuTuRninv,^4. per 4c,in , r... of t.,1 ettiln foe tite utui 2.5 ecttl• roe e:To .11! , sr , iiitrnt l'Ob. Office , In Ow li!nt.k •••le nt Flozwoc,)o-xt door to the Wadi:tilt Hot I. l:ntraltee Leo/wen %otters. Atiatitte and Dix,. IN I.lvt. The Penitsyhrazila' EleeSloe. A Sucair Ditt-ccarAci: 1, Orisirix—llti:Len AND JOHNSTON AND FR ilk: sou. —We adverted last at eel: : to the result of the late Penitsylvanity and very briefly set fartii some of the coases which s , , 'produced t h e e lessened majority for Bigler Brad. ford. We and that we do nut exactly - Lyre in our conclusions with ot:r cotemporary, the Br.z.rford Ikmocrat, edited by the Seuator from tlik 'district who in speaking upon the !me subject, uses the tolloaing aiyMetious and 'bill;ulat language : • " Bradford county fell off amazingly in its vote for Cot. B i gi . er . Bowhould it otherwise have been expeeteil, by any familiar with the dissention in this county in by which General Taylors majori ty over Gen. Cass was aunut 1700. The issues at this election were not so dissimilar to those of 1848 in their e•Ife:1 upon the anti -slavery sympathy, as in have eneouraged,a Tesult so favorable to Col. Big ler to this county. Distrust of this Congressional district was expressed abroad, during the whole canvass, for the reasons we have stated. This d - trust was to some extent felt here ; it was very nat. lira]; it was Mar duty, however. to battle fearlessly ! and with assurances of confidence and success. This was one of the " Rural districts," froth which the Tribune promised so much for Gov. Johnston; But no such figures w e re attained a s Greely and others estimated for, Bradford county.— Tinder the circumstances, we have much to congrat ulate ourselves that it was no wore. W e met as, well as we could, the unremitting efforts•of the op position press, to make another slavery issue, and to enlist for Gov. Johnston the forces that sustained Martin Van Buren. The Democracy of Bradford generally stood firm, and repelled the attempt to harsess them to a car, whictl, in its progrese, was destined to crush their hopes for, the triumph of their long cherished principles " Now as nearly as we can understand the blind ,/and ambigunuslanguage in which the meaning of ( this paragraph is couched; it is a declaration that thopemocracy of Bradford who supported Martin Van Boren in were obliged, to preserve their crinsistencp ta`cote for Wm. F. Johnsten this fall, and further that they were expected to do en, and hence the falling oft in the vote for amen. It thi' -declaration lid comelrom a journal published re a distance, we should have had the charity to believe that it was the result of ignorance ; but appearing in our midst, and written by a man. who of his ele vation to professions for principles he has betrayed, we can only regard it as the cdApring of malice, I envy or disappointithent. It appears to have been the aim of the Democrat ihrough"the late contest, to drive off from the sop•, port of Ccil. Boma, as many of the free-soil votes of this courty as Pn;si&ie ; for in no other light can we view the efforts of that paper to. introduce into the.canvass the collateral issues of the Compromise. measures ;—matters which were in no wise heroic. ed in the contest—.and which'nnr Democracy, it is well known, while they maybe ready to acquiese in them, would never rally to the support of any man wtin fought upon that question solely. Thai it has damned the cause of Col. Bigler, is unques tionable ; but fortunately the limited circulation of she Democrat; awl the little respect paid to What it puts for h, rendered the attempt hi ii gieav Measure, unsoccessfu 1. We should not deem Ms paragraph we traulquo ted, worthy of attention, did it not bring forward the whole question, permitting us the opportunity we have desired of reviewing the Late j contest in its - length and breadth, and of noticing remarks which have appeared in other journals, some anticipaling a great vote for Johnston in the North ; others de. nouncing We.3tor for his support of Bigler ;'and others again heralding the vote in Bradford, as the vesult 01 the different positions of, the candidates. arm the Slavery question. • The nomination of Col. Blom was made unoni- Mously. Public sentiment had pointed him out as the candidate for months before the Contention met, and that body had only to ratifylhe popular voice. Why this unparalleled popularity Was it because of his position upon the Slavery questioni, Why, on the 26:h day of January, in the year of. grace. )947, WiLema Bioextt's name is the fir t recorded in the list of Servitors who voted for the passage of the Wilmot Proviso, which had previously been adopted in the Douse. lesthis same Witusta 14GLER, whom it is now contended that the Demo. crate of Bradford could not support, was then en dorsing the principles of Free Territory, and etrengthening atm) Wit.mov in 'he noble position he had assumed, of endeavoring to stay the progress of Slavery. flail the people any evidence, before his nomination, that he disavowed that vote—was it demanded of him that he should repudiate the damnable heresy," and come out for the eaten aim of Slavery'. No I the people took him as he was, Wilmot Proviso 'and ail. We have yet to learn 'that be has disavoweillhat Vote—and we know that he is the nnoompreinising opponent ot the Ex- tension of Slavery. The State Convention•which presented the two candidates to the people for the suffrages, adopted resolutions almost exactly similar in geniiment.— The following is the resolution of the Lancaster Convention, which re-nominated Gov. JenssTo% :— "Resolved. Taat the adjustment measures of. the last Congress shall he faithfully observed and res.- pected by the Whigs." . The Reading Convention which nominated • Col, %ma, adopted the folloling resolution upon the same subject t— "Resolved. That the Denthemtic party of Penn. syleania are true to the Union, the Constitution.and the' laws, and will faithfully observe and execute. so far as in them lies, alt the measures of Comm; 'mist-adopted by the late Congress, for the purpose of setAing the question arising out of domestic eta. 'very. sand this not only from a sense of duty as • geed titiseasid the republic,ibut also from the kind anirfraternal feelings which! they cherish towards their brethreaof thWslaveholding kites. ° Notir if any person can damOnstrate the differ. eiMe qbetwitt tweedle, don aed tweedle dee," we if meld like hiakto,make a milicalinelpia of the in,:s of, ji Primes s bett .eirthese two retoltitienti We reeognizeil no issues in the late venial, y • _ sent lyieli,iogfgvc..qut of quellforte of ,Statepolicy.ti-., We kprecated, all rtte►Alts e gitestional of any character, pOicida i rly tlitete cif Sla vo74:' it 111 t11. 00 1 knaly.)i:lll44ioti* had'. not 4.:Olate up before thiipeepliti, only as Democrat,' sought`i to Hind ice Gov. Ailtawitikarii , atot 114 Cotton Whigs of Ptiiladelpitia, or as His P.seellen ey himself used i! to gain Wes in some prtticalart locality. The platfo`nns 'iitlispied by the two MlMl ining Conventicns, it mill be s een,.were exactly similar. The " Compromise" measures were looked upon thronghont PennsYlvattia, as a settle ment of the Starry questi in. The people of the North were will ie_ u, atritle fiy that " Adjustment," nniil the South made new demands and insisted upon further exactions. They were tint stall a set dement of the rpiestion as we could have desired, but perhaps as favorable as the North could expect white sloe fostered sit many dringh.faces in her midst. 'Chose C impromiizemeasnres, Johnston had no disposition to ili-tut b. and all_ the enemies to make the contrary appear, were mere clap-trap at.d humbug, ased bt-the unscrupulous -portion of the Demouratie pressoo,ellect the votes' of " Na. Wltig%. All this thutlornontetle about the " Union being in danger," or Johnston being Mimi calm the compromises ofthe Constitution, was mere gilF. not believed by those who.uttered it,calcolsted to tto him no injury at home, anti only interafed,t7 candidates for the clerkship of the National House of Representatives, or aspirants fur the Presidency, to make the South believe they were fighting n ter rible battle for Southern Rights anti against abort. tionistF, and those 'desperadoes and fanatics who would murder slave holders and disregard tire most - solemn obligations of the 'Cortstitutiou ! No South ern Robailil ever expended mote 'wind, for effect abroad. than did these gentry, wham we coeld name, and who, covered with wounds, and redolent of a ;lot inns triumph, will fili&:ty be asking, at the hands of Southern members of Congress, the recom pense forthew patriotic labors ! • If the Pennsy/eartirin has sought to place BIGLER upon the proper platform to ensure it scpport from the South, and to exhibit/ousts - mai as an ally of the Abolitionists, ai d a persona isposed to disregard the Compromise measures, anti open afresh the excit ing discussions which have engaged the country for the last few years, governor . .lortsisrort has not been without an ergo& to defend hie fair Tams from soch datk aspersions. ,if there is a paper in this Commonwealth with a greater natural proclivity than the pennsyinanian, to 3•11 • Dimon the truth. armada len. the Ine. And pile the pv rannu of calumny. - -with a disposition to dive deeper in the dirty pool of falsehood and come up muddier,—it is the Korth American, the journal to which we refer. If there has been any moment in which we were disposed to find fault with Col. BIGLER. far attempts made by neWspapens to place hint in a position of servility to the South, we had only to turn to its columns for an antidote, - and we could find it almost any day since the nomination. It has outdone the Pennsylvania n —out fleroded Herod. I' has proven Gov. JOHN trio" a better friend to the South—a better Uttiott man—a better observer of the Compromise meas ures—than his opponent—and made-it appear per fectly plain, ton. We are able to lay our hoods upon but two copies of the North American, from which we shall make some extracts to show Sena. for Solomon how similar the contests of 1848 and 1851 were. The following, tiaragraph is from that paper of the date of Cietober 11, and appears andel:the head _of " Bigler and the Abolitionists." The article first at tempts to prove BIGLER'S Abolitionism from hie vote upon thq Proviso, and an asserted coalition with WILMOT, and then winde,up in ths following eloquent burst of patriotic indignation : "But since the Pennvloanian has dragged see done) issues Into the controversy, and has endeav ored t,, toduence our election by citing the ez parte opinions of other States, we do not hesitate to de clare that the South has much ground of complaint when ihelpeople tf Pen nsylvania are asked to sustain a candidate who is openly leagued with its worst and avowed enemy, and to sanction a coalition which threatens it with a still fiercer warfare than bas yet been attempted. ' The election of Bigler will be the triumph of Wilmot. It wilibeso proclaimed through% the South, and with abundant testimony to establish tta truth. When the tionth sees Van Bu ren, Preston King. and the Free boilers controlling the professed National Democrats of New York; Chase and his followers leading the same party in . Ohio ; a new and specific coalition between the De mocrats and Abolitionists of Massachusetts; ar rangements between the same parties in Vermont, Con nec:icut, Rhode Island and lowa vand finally as if it were to crown the base bargains, a perfect and carefully stipulated combination between David Wilmot and his followers and Wm. Bigler and his partizans; when such things-are demonstrated, we say what is the South to think, but that there is a con certed scheme, on the part of these coalitions, to continue tNe war on their institutions for the purpose of tibtaining political power. slf. after this exposition, there can be found a man of any party claiming to be a friend of the compromise. of peace and the Union, who can vote for the Bigler and Wilmot ticket. we do nut envy him the expansive capacity of his conscience." This editor, who was Jonittsrox's chief .fogleman in Pennsylvania, ales no reason why Mutar and his frienls should not support &Meg, but on the contrary, deems such a conclusion inevitable, from Bint.r.a's precious course; and by coopting the two names together, endeavors to provoke prejudice and turn from the support of Mr. Bunn those Democrats whose only care is to propitiate Southern sentiment. In the issue of October 13, Which is the day be fore the election, the genie ie played still stronger. A long article appears healed " Sectional Agitation;'' 1.1 prove the soundness of Gov. Johnston's views In regard to Southern rights.. His sentiments are 'de. dared to be identical with those of President Fill. more, Henry Clay and Daniel Webster, and th e e editor gives utterance to the following jeremiad : "S et thii honorable and honest Executive, who. upon all occasions, and under alt circumstances, has stood by the compromises of the Constitution, and vindicated their obligations, has been uescro pulonsly assailed as an " Abolitionist," and as an enemy to the Union. And by who has he been thus assailed 3 By the intriguing and mercenary poli ticians who are now fraternizing with David mot and his band. and who have raised this outcry with no other design than to conceal the villany of their own schemes. When we look abroad over the whole country; the only' real agitators at the north and the south are to be found in the ranks of the sat:ailed Democratic party. ID the former, Wilmot, Van Boren, Chase, Hale. Dix. Rantoul, Giddings, Wentworth, andihe like are the accepted tenders, and in the lotter t Quitman, Boalearaesdale leffenion Davis, McDonald, Troup./ohoston, Yoke. and such, wear the badges of authority. Both di. visions, though claiming to be iitoied by - opposite anotives. and to be acting under *agonistic prin ciples, fue:working for the sanstend.athedirsolathis ( of this Colon and the downfall ofonrinstitations...... Col. Bigler' is openly allied with the "beadind . frone-of this Abolition ptovement io thestorth—he ,stands : on the same ticket, with David Wilmot.-he iras-turatinated:by a convention °Meaner.* peril. `And . st a meeting in Wilintres home, be was commended to his face by Wilmot for entertaining the same Opinions: Ifis triumph; therefere. could it'bericariMplisha, - -*Orthl be but the triumph of Ittitheitami pappeitypears the celebrated-. 0 In depetul feu," trek ktieprn as the - uitscruituloast and able Wirt/dug* correspondent of that janinah whO pieceetle s to 'at ie Wirt:twits which actuate him iti opposioit Col. Bigler. • We extract the, two follow. lug, which are autheient fur our purpose.:-- Became he is albeit wiffi'David 4 Wiltrint and the abolitionists, and thereby proves himself, not withstandma ell eleciinnrering professions to the contrary, an enemy of the Union, and a foe of the Constitution. Because, as the Democratic party of Vermont, Maesschusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Wand, Ohio, to. wa.. and other States, hate openly bargained and coalesced with the Free Boilers. the election of the Wilmot and Bigler ticket in this State, would give a great impetus to a concerted movement upon the next Congress. and lead to renewed agitation, under these continued and powerful aospices, which might seriously endanger the peace and safety of the Union." Now. all these charges may, or they may not be true. We have quoted she extracts to show in what manner Gov. Johnston was cond noting the can vass, and what little .claim he would Have had upo;i voles, if the questinit had entered in the contest. They are specimens of what ap poared every day in that journal, and show that the " Polk, Dallas and 'Ludo( 1842rdodge, was not lost upon cur whig f,ientk Credit was clairned for Gov...lolinston for pocket ing the bill repealing the 6th section of the act of 1847. This repealing section was adopted from a desire on the part of some oft our Sotone to shim' the derifof their servility to the South. It is a mailer of small importance in itself, involving no principle.. Had Gov. J., promptly vetoed the bill, we would have given him e•edit for a manly act, but we are nrd• willing to award him praise lot evading the re sponsibility. II the Democracy of Bradford could give Gong sired' 507 majority in 1848, what reason had they t i within Id their stippott Com Bigle•, now, and why should they be looked upon with distrust." Then, the gamiest of Free Territory was prominently b• fore them, • and a portion fen it their duty to with hold their support from Gen. Cass, upon that ques tine. Yet they rallied to Longstreth's support, as they have to the support of every State ticket since Did BIGLER stand in any more unfavorable position, with a vote recorded for the Proviso I The ri dis trust''that was felt of our Democracy, must have been in the breasts of those who would have been willing to have seen the Fiee Soil vote of the court ly cast against Bigler, and who endeavored in•every way, except openly, to produce that result, and who have experienced thrit when it is necessary to yin dicateprincipfc, our Democracy are not afraid to re• buke traitors. We hinted very briefly, in a former article, at some of .he causes which served to lessen'the vote for Bigler in Bradford. The Democrat has seen fit to lay it upon that portion of the Democracy who supported Van Buren in 1848, We brand the as• section as an unqualified and impudent falsehood. significant either of mental obtuseness or a luck of moral integrity. We have said, and we repeat it, that the " anti -Lavery sympathy" here did not pro cure Johnston a dozen votes. The editor of the Democrat knows this, it he would Lave the candor to acknowledge it. lie knows perfectly well, that it was not acktiow:erhzed at an issue ; that it it had teen, the course pursued by that.paper, in being a very feeble echo of the Pennsylvanian, would have driven oft from. BIGLaII hundreds of Democratic vo ters. But he falls behind the Democratic ticket on , ly about too votes. Extraordinary exertions were made for Jonas-Ton in Bradford. — Had his friends done as well throughout the State he would have been elected. He ran over 300 votes ahead of the Whig ticket generally, because the great effort was made for him. When we take into consideration all the mar-. rences Of our contest, we must say that we have done much better for BIGLan than we had any rea son to expect. We have been a furious onslaught made on a portion of the county ticket, by unscru lona men, who were determined to pally their malignancy by the aacrifiee of everything, and that they did not succeed in doing more injury to oar State ticket, is oar only wonder. Stich proceedings are calculated to do injury to the ticket, from the tact that honest men, when they come to the polls, and see men who profess to be Democrats engaged in a bold and traitorous warfare upon a part *at the ticket, are very apt to become disgusted, and after voting merely for the candidates whom they are anxious to see elected, leave'the scene of treachery. That Bigler lost votes by the fent-mouthed abuse of Mr. Wit.surr, from men who portended to be very anxious for the State ticket, had repudiated the County ticket, we do not doubt—nor is there any question that the same - men' sacrificed BIGLER to procure votes against Mr.WomoT. But the imputation amempted to be cast upon the Van Buren men of 18-18, in saying they should have been "distrusted," or that they did not support Bi gler, isa foul slander upon as toteligent and con sistent a body of ,Demoerats as ever oast a vote.:— It comes with a poor grate from that paper, at pres ent. The object ot'the editor is as transparent, as his exeninns to provoke a breach amongst oar De- , mocracy will be futile. Fire I About 12 otclock, on Thursday morning, a large wooden building on the river bank, above the dam, built and occupied by Packer, Bennett & Co., ea a blacksmith's shop and store-house, was discoiered to bo on fire, and erasspeedily, burned to the ground. The building contained a large amount of iron and steel, cement, wooden pins, and the working tools of this company, and the loss must be considerable. The adjacent buildings were in great danger for a time; but by strenuous exertiorks, and the wind favoring, its further progress was prevented. Illevir York Bleetloa• We have but partial returns from the election of Tuesday last, bat are strongly in hopes that the De mocratic State Ticket is inacessful. In New York oily, the Democrats carried every thing. Aemoass.—An Irishman named Donivan, while driving his loaded team down the hill, south of Gib. ion?* tavern, qn Monday last, was pitched ofl his seat, and the wheels of the wagon parsed over his body., He was so mach injured, as to mash:are. coyery very doubtful. Ott" Seine removals we learn, am talked(of; by , the Canal litiard, near Philadelphia. We hope_the fut. tell/ fly, Turn oat some of the rascals—brit be careful not to CI their place& by greater. Vitt . , 'Mate AiricialtneUlt Paw. i • Th e first State Agricishipal Fair for this Stale commenced on Thursday, ;Oct , rit 28, anit eurnin .for three : flays . i' ,T he :atteihiance was. very large, and the sSti . w Sty fillet.; l '' . ! ±7: 4.! The Plowingllateh crested great,. : interisi; !in:, merons plois were entered, andthe plow enrep- - ; respnied variotts.portions olthe country t e grca , mil selectiol.was adjoining the fair, anti - g I ' suip.s.r. Among the plows entered, were several of Prinay & Mear's, of Boston ; Sinclair's, of Haiti ore ;:Hall St Spencer's, of Pittsburgh; Ilanley's, of MantgOme ry, end Cresslers, of Cumberland. ThS plowing was generally good,: but the uward of the prerni• urns has not yet been matte. . • . . Governor Mostar', with Ki. Governor Kitnei„ and Judge Jessup were on the ground. I . 1. ~. After the Plowing Match the Preminass owetOck &c., were awarded, James Gowan, of Philadelphia took the premium for the best Durham Bull Over 3 years out. Henry Sherborne's Stallion, ':.I. K Polk'. took this prize. ; Also, French Merino Sheep of N. L Bingham, of Vermont. McCormick's Reaping Machine was again successfuL Prouty §- Barrett's drmble Plow took the premioni: E. Whit. man, of Baltimore, the premium for the largestks (. play of Agricultural Implements. 4 The awards being over, the Address was next delivered at the Capitol by thellon. A. Stevenson, of Virginia, and was an able and elm:I-dent one. • The Address was quite long, occupying an• hour and three quarters in delivery. It was listened to with great attention, and the honerable gentleman was frequently applauded. Gov. Johnston sat on the right of the speaker and Juthre Watts on the left. We will publish the address as - soon as we shall receive it. Kr- WINDS' proposes that the banner' shall he given to Biarttorit, fur having the greatest propor tionate number of• office seekers. Of eotirse we could n't think of depriving Wyoming of het just (Ines lfawarded for the reason given by WINDY, he should be the recipient, for has he not been a can didate for four different offices within a year, and didn't get either Oh, modesty ! A correspondent ,from Wyalirsingr. who has seen, in the newspaper', accounts of several squir. rel hunts, Writes us that ten young men ht that place. on Saturday, October 25th, kilted s , l2squirrels, one coon, and a quantity of other game. Can OF PASsAGE Tn CALIPIRMA. —The NPW York Courier wad Era - taker riup i lite , C tollowiriz information, of ititerei to all intending to emigrate to the :told rettiotis: ]dates of praviage In Sin Franc - woo by the mail line, leavina.New York fogniarlyJon the 11th. 13th, 26th arid 28th of each month, by way of Chaltree— S . eerage, $ll5, through ; second cabin, $225, throe h; fir.t cabin. $275, titrou2ll. Isthmus expenses about $3O E tch passenger al• lowing 250 pounds of baggage. 'Through in about thirty days, with no detention nn the Isthmus. By the Nicaragua line, lea vire.; on the 7th and 22.il of each month—Steerage, $1£10; through; second cabin, $250, through; first cabin, $3OO. through. - These rates include expense crossing, to the Pa cific side Average length of passage from New Yolk to San Francisco. 25 days, By the Brother Jonathan steamer, leaving on the 23th of each month, tte - charges to Chagres are, first cabin,-.$80; second - cabin, $7O steerage ;;;;.10. Cost of crossing, the Isthmus about $25. Fstch passenger allowing 250 pounds, or }0 oubic feet of b'eroage. Coutiects with independent steamers on the Pacific, • By clipper ships; via. Cape 1-Nrni cabin passage, s2so;•secone cabin, $l5O. No steerage passengers taken by these vessels. By other vessels (no clip pers) steerage $lOO to $l2O. A letter in the New York Times, dated Panama. October f, says there' are to tt thousand passengers at that place, by the Ohio will Falcon. More than nine tenths are laborers, anti at least five hundred and fifty of the Onio's passeegers looted it over the Cruces road. M any have gone there with the idea that they can get up the coast in opposition lines ot steamers for from '550 to 57.5. The writer says there is no opposition boat at Panama now, and the Pa cific Campany rharges, in the Tennessee, $250 fur cabin and $12:5 for steerage, and in their cithgr boat $2OO forrabin and s.loo' in steerage, Whietu prices, in tact, are as cheap as the Company' can carry for and make any money. A man, even if he is going in the steerage (torn Panama to California, should always.have st least SIM, and then he will not have any too mugh felt when he arrives at San Francisco, after getting, on shore to live on to r a day or two. CANINE lssTtscr.—We know of nothing in the story line that is better than a good dog story. The frilloaring, if not the very best of its kind, is certain. ly a very excellent one, and may be relied on as strictly true. We give the well known names of the partie4 as vouchers: Some three weeks since, Mr. Theo. Holbrook, of Milk street, broke up housekeeping in Roxbury and sent three of the children to South Hadley, Mass., to attend school. On leaving home, the children took with them their favorite spaniel dog. that Ited been their, companion and play-mate for eight years. He rode m the car with them to Had ley, and remained with the children during the af. temoon, but the next morning was missing, and could no where be found. The only trace that could be fonnd of him was that he was seen Cross ing the 101 l bridge. Twelve days:after the dog left Hadley, he arriv ed at his old home in Fluttery. But not finding any of brs old friends there, ho called at Mr. Wm. Whitin'g's, his master's next door neighbor, and sought admittance by scratching on the door. Mr. Whiting's family at once recognised him and ad. mitted him. He was vety much exhausted, and very. foot in flesh, and very hangs. Mr W.'s little girl immediately undertook the work of nursing, the poor travel worn spaniel. He rapidly Improv. ed under her care, and in a day or two ,corimeno. ed following her, end would not allow her to go ten steps with-ut him. He insisted on following her, even to school, and, lying at her feet during acoolhours.,, : gnii it was not until his old _master came for.bibx lbw he could be induced to leave his little klittfirt The 'great question now for the curious to answer is: How could this dog find his way to Roxbur from south Hadley, a distance of 150 miles? He was cattle(' all the way in the cars, and of course had no opportunity to see the road. And then again, it is evident, from the length of time-vonsumed in the journey, (twelve days.) that he did not come directly, for he probably would have travelled that 'distance in allay. He ninst,have wandered many hundreds of miles before he' struck some trail by which he could Make his way homeward.—Boston Mndler. Tut Poamsnuas of the Washington papers are at to about the public printing. Dr Bailey, Editor of the Free Soil organ, the National Era, applied to the ,Departments, demandiug this patronage under the terms of the law , . but was de, nied it. Be has since maJe affidavit That hiscircn. !wino isorrer 13 000.' Elwoodlisher, - Ofthe south. em Press, the organ of the other extreme fn Poli• tics, has also preferreAlit claim to the printing on 'the ground that his paper has the largest circulation of any of the daily joßrnals. The National Intel. igentter shows, by efilvit, that it circulates, of all ' issues, something over seven thousand copies; the circulation of the Union is a few hundred,. in excess orikis number, Two wee ,s Later Vrant Ttie itairlhiii"CiirOkee. arrived at New. York ' nu; saturdiy renrO4Z.,witlt two wieks (Met. pima' froth CallOniii:44 Evens from Satfikanciacolein( to the 1 , 4 Of Octoticro Ate OttibOartl ari isnmiu!e tifObffi of passeugarf,' ftott 'A 9 2,100,000 irr gnitU. The get , efal from California isnot puriant. The count! I card of that the common Trade is ever doing ry remains gale!, anti crime irk so relOm a genirit 'teeth% cif eueurity periades rily. • Offlparatively dut, yet the min ers ere 1. etter . The tali t confidence. ads teas tasked forward to with mach The vain , of real-estate was improving, and al though money was a little tight, the country bears the genera l . prosperity. The perortial property insured by the City ofSan' Fraiicisw, at the present time, isserenteen mtlfious seven hundred nod forty.tive thonlaandk dollars. The steamer Oregon, front San' Francisco for Pe r nama, took'nfillions Of dollars on her manifest. Great rejuicii.g nail taken place at San Franci.cci at die last trip , by the Nicaragua route. Alessi's. Gregory &Co hating delivered their passetgers in twenty-seven days !rpm New York. , Their route is no* fully open mid meets general favor, TrIMPLE RIOT AT CIiACRE9..—LOSS of Life,,A terrible li4ht occurred at Chagres, just before the saihnLvof the Cherokee . , between , the NatiVe and American boatmen. The Americans were beaten and fled, when the Natives turned and beat all the Americans w their Way. Vitteen way twenty pas sengers from California, on their way to,the steam er, were driven back. Five are knaWn to have been - k Med. The other passengers (red, taking ref uge in the 'triages, which they barricaded. They lloatly got on board the Cherokee, through the courtetl of the commander of the Btitish steamer, who t ook them 'off in his own boats. The specie was also taken ofrin the British boats. Messrs. Ad- MIA &Co '5 messenger, with all their despatches, Wart left behind s ,and it is feared that he was killed by the Native.. The returns of the late election-show majorities torah the candidates on the Democratic tirket, ran ging from one to five thousand. John Bigler is elected Governor by about fifteen hundred majority Marshall and AlcCtokle are elected to Congress by heavy majorities. Major Roman, the Democratic candidate for Treasurer. leads his ticket, having all ready 4703 majority over Bart. With the except ion of the vote for Governor, every countygives a majority for the Democratic ticket. Both branches of the Leg'slature are strongly Democratic. The whole vote polled in the State is about 45 ; 000 rooly, Democrat, is erected Lieet.-Goveroor, and Pearce State Comptroller Marshal was m leave for ‘Vashitigion on the 4;h of October. . The Oregon papers give a painful account of the anaek4 of the Indi.m4 on WTI igranis 11,2sii.eaR at Stockton remains without any materi al change. The meamship Nev Orleans sailed from San. Francisco on the 10. ol October, with pssenner. t floi2fo nod specie for Panama. She was to' touch al S.tn .I , lan del Sod. The Cherokee brie:lse very targe.mail. The Vt.ttl.ntee Ciirnatittee vere duewing 'efforts to prevent the itittni;tatinget convicts, espe cially from Ftat , c , ?, whieh seems to bpitreaten. ed. The accounts from the Southern Mines, are very promi.in Cl s o the Toulame, the operations have been carri• ed nn with a great deal of fTitit 11 a miners ut Tareott's Hill have also , done welt The account from the whaling fleet ale more diwastrous than previon'.ly received. Fifteen yes ve Is are known to be totally lotzt. There is a large quantity of Lfoods still thrown up on the anetion 'unfits in San Francisco, arid holders 1 .1, 0 , a :peat anxiety to realie. Thirty days paper 1,9 7 to Bjper cent.. per cmlnth., From Oregon. The dates from Oregon are to the 23d of Septem ber. There is still great difficulty as regards the lo cation of the Capitol. The prices of travel and freight on the Oregon River have been reduced by competition. . The Sir John Allyne arrived at Oregon City, on the Wm, from the Sandwich (shunts, math a caigo of syrnp of sugar and salt. She is the first vessel that has opened trade with the port. A company of Oregon miners had returned from Scou'e River, with $27.000 in gold. Snow had fallen at Astoria to the depth: of eight inches. The number of emigrants arrived is verry large. The Indians were - committing unparalleled out rages upon the am igrants on the Columbia river.— The family of Hudson Clark, ofillinnis, was attack-. ed b, a band of thii ty Indians, his mother anti broth er murdered, his sister dangerously wounded, and -afterwards ravished by the-whole party. Mr. Miller, of Western Virginia. Ills also been attacked, her brother.irf-law, Mr. Jacksou„ and his daughter and him Self wounded Two other trains had been attacked, but the Indians were re. .qulsell. The utmost excitementrevailed in conse puence of these outrages. THE CA LIFORAHA 111AREET. , --San Francisco,- Sept. 3 I.—The markets are more anima ed, and a better feeling is manifested Flour is firm at Sl3 and 13 25 The stock in first hands is estimated at 40.000 sacks. Holders are anticipating an advance. Barley is held at $6 Corn 83 a Ea 50, Provisions—Sales of Mess Pork at $l4; llama 22 a 25c. Lard I.lc. Furniture is in fair demand. Dry-Goods. Cloths and Cassimerea are nominal. Goods for ladies wear in dernand.• Rice—The supply is large, with no demand Candles meet more active inquiry. Sugar is improving. There had occurred some difficulty between the Collector of San Francisco and the menthantrt of that city, and a meeting of the latter had been call ed in refrrence to the matter. The Vigilance Committee were active in their eflons to prevent the influx of foreign convicts, to whom a large proportion of: the crimes committed are attributed. Edward Dupont, steward of the Stockton House was brutally murdered on the 24th. The Governor was about to call a extra - session 01 the Legislature. The convention to provide for organizing a new territory, in .be called Columbia Territory," was shortly to assemble. The mining intelligence is highly favorable. A rich vein of quartz had been discovered in Broad. way, in the city of San Francisco. The first of the Cuban news had reached San Francisco, and 'caused a great excitement. La;ge numbers were preparing to set out for Cuba, with a view to join• Gen, Lopez. Col White, late of the Pacific Star, intended to depart for Cuba at an early day. The miners on the Ton'tunne river are meeting mnd better success than last year. The new quartz companiei in that vicinity are getting on encourag ingly. The silver mine yields largely. There was a Cuban Filibuster meeting held at Sacramento on the 26th. It was largely a tended, and the proceedings were most enthusiastic. The youngest son of Sheriff hlyers,m Kingsmn, Luzeme Co , was dreadfully injured on Saturday test by the careless firing of a large pistol in the hands of a neighboring child. The pistol hail been carelessly left by a student upon a table 'in a room of hi4to4rding house, and the two children meet. ing in a room, one of.them thoughtless picked up the pistol and fired the heavy charge which it,con tained into the face of his poor playmate. In an instant the bright little fellow was disfigured for life, his sight nearly if not quite - destroysd,' and tender mother's heart almost broken.. When will people learn to keep their wit about them, and exer, cise ordinary care in the disposition of poison and deadly weapons, What a booby of a boy about a seminary at teaming wants of *pistol loaded to the muzzle, is past all cotnprobenston,—iWilkideuto faimet. Late frOUR NeW tieltteNC--ItepOtted Capture of Dlatausersuh _ _ Not 9aLsAissi,oo 30 . —Weitoie adeices fro m firotinstriller end Matamoraa to the 22d inst , whi c h erigohat a detachment of Caravajal torte while re. eorineitering3tounruiras, were fired - upon from the forms' s, when they rushed into The city and maj e arr attempt to seize the Custom House, but dm brief engagement were . repulsed with the loss of . thursmen. The filexairM loaf watt . beet.. Cora, vairt,•vihri worst ilf entitilipedinsitY 'fife - Xity ; excepting reinforcements, and , in 11_,nlicipation their arrival, was preparing to rdorixadalanioras on the morning of the 23d. • tare body of Mesita]) troops friim Tampico and Vera Cruz. intended to reinforce Gen. Aralos, had arrived at Brazos Santiago. when hearing that a body of Texans were on the route to meet them they conclifdet! to' step: , The United States troops on the fontier were de. ',ening in considerable number's' and joining the forces of Caravajal. ' Later reports state that Matamoras was capna t i by Caravajal, on Friday or Sktufdiy, th 6 '215111' rx 27th. NEW Ormeatts, Noy. i.—ThIS Stearniegip' Fanny from Brazos Santago, arrived this morning, with dates from Itletamoras, to the 13111 ult. At that lime the. insurgent - II under Caraellal, had obtained possession of the western portion of the city, up to within four blocks of the main Plaza. The Gov. erpment troops were well provided with artillery, and would hold out until the last:' They, were daitl expecting reinforcements."' Theloss of - the .Idleks• Su cans had been 50 killed and woanded. ' , gen. Ayala: was among the latter. The loss on the part of the ineurg ente had bee n three k ined and fifteen wounded. Among the lat ter was Capt. Ford, of the Terian Rangers. M c Wardwell, the American Consul was also wound ed Mr. Longstreet, an American merchant, w as killed during the skirmishing. , Two very disastrous fires had °centred in the oily, destroyig the Cusiorallilnages with' its contents; Devin'm stores, end severalidoCks of bhildifigs. The loss ramountsio several hundred' thout an d of dollars. ANcrtittlt ResCOE OF a FuGirtvE.=-Ai Ottaw a , o h Sunday week; two .negroes, strangers, came into the city in a buggy., driving a whit e horse. They enquired the way to some knnwii place, and were directed acrhesthe river. hail, however not gone far trortflown, before their were persned and overtaken by Mr: Constable Skinner. am/ several others, who, alleging that has were fugitive staves, were about to arrest them, when one of them shoWed his tree pape,a ii ,l was allowed to ,go his way, but the other wars. ken by torte, and brought back to triVrn; where he cer t ., placed on a canal-boat and'started tosva s io . ,, Salle. with a view of being there placed oh a aim,. pr anal conveyed to his master at St. Louie. a :, Fula No: li. however, the negio was taken. frogs the officers. who were somewhat roughly handled by the people, anal the boat went on without 'atm. In reLnion to the matter the Free. Trader sass:_ '"We wish to call attention to one fact, and tha: iet. that in all their steps in this trawaction, -nee Mr. Skinner nor ail! of his abetters had the fiat strap of a warrant orprocess of lati of any klnil whatever. It was a ptsin piece of kidnapping and as such the persons engwed an it are • liable. to be indicted and punished. We shall - be the last ter pose a proper officer in the rightful : execution the fuglifve slave law, but we are , opposed to e. resting any persons, whether Mei or white, but or tree, without complying strictly with the letter its provisions. All we believe this to be the ga end sentiment of this'commrmity.P—Chicago T ocrat. Tar. PLAQUE AT PALYtAS, (CAPE DE VERDS Death of (he American Consul and his firmly. —it have been favored with the following extract of letter from an officer on board the U. S. brig Pc poise, dated Tenerifle. Sep. 4, 1851 : Our stay at Tenerifle will be longer than it cal wise could have been. on account of a terrible I , griant d.sease existing at Palmas; another pot this group of islands, which we were to have tett but are now obliged to give tip: The rem there has been fearful indeed. Since the den first broke out, one•tiCh of the whole ylopolatton 18,00,114ve been swept off. and the fever is raging, th ough somewhat abated : his not ihot to be the cholera, for it is very contagions bni resembles-it in thecquirleness' stuweetts the attack. It is supposed !abaft, brought to the iisland in e•smult vessel from coast of Alrica(.. The family of our Consal,i Torres.) together with himself, are all dead the exceptioo of one child. • He was a very. than, and had seberal hand some and • intern daughters, who were great favorites with the, cers of our ships dud touched there. Mr. It sent them all into the interior upon the first at ence of' the pesulenete • but hearing alie that some of them were,siet. he started oft them, and on his arrivalTpund them all dead, vants included, with the escei lion ot the chilo, mentioned. In less than rive hours, after. he h, self wawa corps'. The panic and' distress mi island is inconceivable. No Comm:mit-anon ti lowed with it tmm the adjacent, islands, exelth 9 F thi., from *helve a small vessel I sails twice? lot letters, to a port that has as yet escaped tht arty. Every precaution is taken \ - by Knott fetters that are sent with brimsrobe, and dii them in vinegar, and by . puitipg theWessel rat ant ne as aced as she arrives', in order that 'hi ease may not be communicated' td Here it is remarkably heallhy ;Only two e having moored the past month, ant of a Impr of over'12 : 000. - \„ SiNGC LAN, AND FATAL ACCIDENT —A you' living in Suffield, went into a stream, in ci with one or two friends, to bathe. Ater several times, and remaining for some tinu water, he 'eoncluded to come out after talk more dive." , By way of adding a little vatic' the operation, he made his last dive with hi on ; and the result was that as he plunged tot water, the elasticity of the air contained in t was such' ad ta force his head soddenly and peetedly to one sick, with such power as to his neck. He hired long enough to Make a the waterlohis companions, •who brought hi and conveyed h.m hoifie, where he died after.....flarffirtt Tit BROW OF MownPe, the 27th was irr chusetta, the earliest the season , has appeal 1841. The fall of snow on Oct. 4th, Boston Traveller, was in some parts of the . States one of the most remarkable on record feet. according to the newspapers, tell on in Illinois. and two near Middletown lu , Co the weight of which.the trees, when in full let wore so much broken that the marks of the' are) et visible. In the course of the last t' seven years, the latest first appearence of thf was on Dec. 6th, in 1849, and the earliest 411, in 1851—an interval of nine weeks (k'l-The Lebanon Adverti-er of the says: A woman named Trout, residing nea) view in this county, was - commited to our Oh terday, under the serious charge of wadi' . seems that on Thursday last, bile in a ' she chastised a femaTO step•chilif of hers bout 3 years, when the child fainted and immediately dor died. Thi child was ban suspicion wising among the neighbors, It was disinterred and an exmaination had, wh' Coroner's .jury thought in a verdict (IL goal murder. Comae will assemble at Waihington weeks from :taday. The membArs are winging their flight in that direction. . wilt be an interesting, and we need not One. There were 151 deaths in Philadelphia the week ending •13th instant, of which .. under five pilaw of age.