Till 1 - s oo n of the Sierra lit9elre Reviihdianisti—reesov.. erneratj a 1;0, rosier at . - 1851. T 6 steamship Yieht•hiciasilthow Bra. e m., *ilk dateita-Vi t etbritlIel•;,!•"!. - The news from-NarttfenallieliecalCenkiting, neliberating army wiet,attllwin•a'sfej mime, sod hit taken tile - town : Ateyneenri - .lrOkere they• m et but ' - One lea . piectite and a 1 contity of Ape arms fell inter Om their hands., A t lest recounts General elets, the Governor ofTamaulipast was approaching Matamoros , and Genera l Ayslajos was on his way to meet him-- whet , a , H e n ( ) or foe is uncertain., It. ie frappes. el that Canales will assume the chief commend o f the revolutionists, an act that, will displease .the American partizan. We have received Vera Cruz • dates. to the 4th joss. by whirh we learn, that Governor Let Cher, the American Minister, arrived4ll -that port on. the. Ist ofOct.,and immediately proceeded to *the vapital. Accounts from the city of Mexico, to the 7th Sep. t imber, represent the Government to be in , great conlutuor—the treasury being at the lowest ebb; a nd the govomment resources almost annihilated: ;Many auempts hart been made to form a new cabi. net; bat all were ineffectnal. The account of the revolution in the northern.pro. 'jades haff - hot reached the Mexican capital. The Sheriff of San Francisco has arrested two of Wrldcat's negroes, ono cf whom is the notorious Caffre, John It is feared that much exasperation will be evcaed by this act, and that the negroes will retaliate. • GREAT SALT Lave Ctrv.—A letter fr — o Lake Coy. dated Aug. 5, .says: The orzanizat nof this Territory is progressing. There is seve counties au, I one precinct laid out in the Territor ,consisting of Great Salt Lake, Davis, Weber, Too e, Utah, San Pete, Iron, and Bridge precinct. Them are namer. one buildings in c oarse o f completion. The Coon. eil.lfouse is receiving a coat of plaster Paris ;short. IT the Temple will be c ommenced,'And the in tion is to build a most magnificent and costly build. ing, one that is a style of architecture will much cur . pie the proud Nauvoo Temple, and be a wountler wafter ages. It is in contemplation to build a rail. road to Iron Alountain, Iron County, about' 250 miles, where there is an abundance of iron ore Coal (bituminous) also abounds within 60 miles of the city. A radioed will be hullt to bring that nec• wary article of fuel to the doors of the citizens.—.. Chalk, Plaster Paris, Quick Silver, &a., are plenty near here Mountains'of salt are within 25 miles. Maltread will soon be cnnstrncted to the Canons fa the purpose of furnishing wood for the consnmp., lion of the citizens. T, ha election for State legisla.' tors took place on the &Ili of August. • Settlement. 4 are about to be made at Yeah and Paroan yalleys. The emigtation to these valleys will be lamer. The crops are extremely good ; the yield 01 wheat lathe acre is.unparalleleii—as high as one hundred bush eli have been raised to the acre; about seventy. is ros average. Cnrn grows well, but is not as prolita; b'e to raise. The vegetables raised are the finest ever seen ; root vegetables remain in the ground all winter without injury. What few fruit trees there are doing well. The limber is completed •OI Balsam, Fir. Pine. Quaking Aria, Cotton Wood, m a pl e an d Box Elder ; Limber is f.-'5O per think. and; Wond .9.10 pet: card ; Flour 15 "cents' lb. ;Sp. gar and Coffee 10 cents, wholesale or retail ;gont.6 of plenty, ba nfieney very scarce. Marty mine' are expected in from .California this Palt— Col. Ben flitlliday leaves !within a few daYa for that State with 800 head of beef cattle arid 10titrintee. This in the best grazing country 'to be seen pile valleys abound m good grass and clover. The pea: p!e are very industrious, quiet citizens ; there ;Snot a enti.e-house or grouerry in the valley. ;re...liquors ate allowed to be sold in tt. The mails came in on the 1 , 1 int. Irom California and Oregon ;Alii3 fist is atonality Malt, the' i.ist once in tern immt ha. The kilinns are - miich cOmPlainait of in this region ; 14,yrob travelers apt! fregnetery need i er them'.— Tun of the agents, Messrs .11 R..ttay and Stephen B. Rose. - are out with, interpre:ers among them, And intend holding a talk with them. • A romDany Uncle Sam's men is . much needed. (mounted men) to keep these Italians in check. The city .is laid oui...with very wale streets, and on each street, an d . eiterch aide of it, as.vrel: a. through every person's tot ; the lots are laid out. in. one and a quarter sores each. Rene John M. Bernhard is nominated and will be elected ihe delegate to Ciingress. He is a pinch, linzh minded, talented gentleman. A. W. Babbitt. Esq... the former delegate,. wilt leave . for Washington in a short time. '• • Titr.lre BqLDING —The beneyolent citizens I Mieepsie, aided by the citizens of New iCtirk an Albany. raised the.surnwf $2 2 000 to satisfy the eturhitaiit . iletnattik of the owner of the Aare Bhlizig. The money has been for weeks in the -bats of the C S M trshal. His master solerimly pltil;eil•hirriself to release him when the exorbi tant price, he it,ke.l - 1•7.r him - should be paid, bte hr.!. i 3 rake him to South Carolina, to show the South that he -Could be returned. He was taken Columbia, S C , and that is the last we heard of im. The Po'keeve Telegraph hears that the r'iqri.ie, have put him in jail. Is the object .to to torture the rietim before he is surrender. Onrk I it so, what a shame upon thiheads Of Coauthors. accnunl4 received at thre,Sandwich Islands, and put.kfted in The Polynesian of the 19th July, there etran2 reason to believe that the riches of the mites is semi-:ilia are eqtial to those itif Cal fnrnia. A letter in 'The Polynesian, dated Sydney; May 2lth, wales that the gold field exists near. Ba : thorn, and is RO miles wide, awl that geologistses: :mate its length at 300 miles.:, It states that the, Al appears of a parer quality than that found in. Allantia. One thousand people were engaged in mines, and were earning' from 5,1910161.6 a day, pile some individuals had obtained from $5,000 525,000 in a few days ; and that Jumps weigh. r; tram 2 to 6 lbs. had been found I In the meatt nne, Flour and provisions had reached famine prises, ata one•third to one-half the population ware leas -12 Sydney for the di.v t .girrvs. Sailors demanded 19 a month. Wages had advanteti- in Sydney )nt ft and to Sli per week. Parties wino had ten pas , atte for California forfeited their passage. iney, tiodlelt for the_gold region. . Oxt.ll rat. Dsr —A Washingtongeorrespondent The Charleston Netts has the folnwing The venerable Mr. Taliafero, the Librarian of Treasur) Department, and formerly a AlostAer ' Congress from Vir4inia, eatabot one meal per. I day, and that is his dinner. lie is in per fect,_ mooch nis the power habit. if Wigs" u" ''ae) . and is obliged to take sapper, he omits his ler the nest day. ' • 4 cellr atu 4—A man mimed Bishoisunt A fine out from one-of the livery stables in Elmira, to e a turn around the eoentry in the nneighborhood that village. Moving bat a poor. knowledge of /Phy he brat up iii;Geneva; where he acted his establishment. He wo•4saiplietiltil be one and arrested, and is now it ll:Voir:ilea. Ts k s .E•tna New In Near Yortc.--Tbe broWls '4 1 [1:1 ihn roes of the James flank at 25 per dureur.t, end those , of the :Rank ofN,ew hens, Parantrat Rank of Minn, and ; the Western t at While Creek et IS per cent. bills of all theoth .„,t Foote banks are received '?Pont at the Metropolitan Bar.lt. BLACI SWAN via NEW •61111W12.-4 COIOI !, named Eliza Gripenfield, raareatin 4 Antic a 10 '. n in musical cirelis .She , lo have a very potverful and swan ornier;lklill 1 0 give a liiiicert shortly She' ia called . file Black Swan" 4 ltt Twoniy.six yOunitnin shot 500 - sqpiteitt i a tarp number of owls.pattidge: o - roPoosulita, ha Ilia town of East Evans, Erie may, N. Y, sitt.unt. - ' -An : ciecerrinimi r whienlecently.rniespired 41..0ne of oar maitypielar FriteltrAelliMarittVleorda an other anti . I powerfatfra; liting:*thoiii.wtioare in the ittentiiiiiiife frighten . ' albelt.K thtV irking ladies_ in thoinstitotiviiil4 we- hari 'tele - Wed, were eegaged conversing oPopfArtestn4iteet;er s ....., attinik, in . . the course of wincporticiii.Thirni:.! Ltitociended:to relate• some experitifet). in a dissecting rooini"4ol.us thit conversation reached this' point, the :thior.OPimed artiVenother of the in. mates of the Semliary*Mitied and sot. eon tread, having a white.siseet'Wtapped about her form, and her lace pearbiretl . tp4ierlect whitenesi her jet.biKkhair, eyis bigiws presenjitig aeon. , tramiwniettgave a.tuartlint, heilinstis 40111toegham., like countenance.. lady -who was, relating experienifi - as aireade: , Siated, ulitaid to be' mental. ly. superior to any _of her elsontinates t and noted - for her strength#ltiond.and freedom from nervonsness' and absurd sensibility.:Ato.smillen, however, wa* the approach just- et a moment when her mind wits leaf! prepared for apyttific associated. wittithinighisnf ilia deed; that - nom tietinfding ibe apparition-she•fell'senselese in thelloor,rindowoke to the scenes amend her entree show her anxious attendants that rreluon hid fled its throne end left . sad tokens of the - mental wreck. Everything that :4 profession4M could suggest kw the relief o f the' enifterer.was trietti. but -- during ferty4*ight..fioors'a few flittering - moments of intelligencewai elf that (dieted hope •10, her friends: At those. innes,site.spOke . ol kmiliai,iianies,.reealling them by strong mental isirt,:wlith seemed to eshOtts? „her shatiefed poWeis ; and _her renion ag ain ortn ' Aering, She esetaimed; /: ant I . can't see.. it again ! dorihiet rne'see'it 'it is toolipriible.l". apt) tonne elapsed before the return ' of a lucid: intervals ` and the heartrending recurrence. tif the paroxysm. The young lady, Whetnitimegliiressnessled to,sech ter rible mischief, is ippkett,pl as a ‘ most amiable girl, and one of the vcarniestiyientlsOf the/utterer, : 41er distress and dispair at.the consequences of her play : . ful lolly, :an . be better imagined tban:desetibed. It seems to have beiniripposed that tio tiefiee of the. kind could be ,effectual in frightening ; the ;lady • Whose mournful condition we have related. The sadd - consequences of the 'error in this exile, presents a warning to the thoughtless which should, not pass unheeded.. At last accounts no change .was ihs coverabie in the -distressing. symptoms r of the intim. Innate girt,iind there t little encouragement to hope that reasot. will ever resume. its seat. • hisitiselictoxe -aturEvits.—The :N. Y. Evening Post has a letter from &correspondent in Connecti cut front'which ire- copy the following; • • , Upon thC . 'pretnises we were shown the works of the Waterbury Nook-and .Eye Company, where a capital of $l6 000 is employed in the manufacture of books and egos. Ilere-.were arranged long rows of little machinesatbout the size of small washstands under which a tcosistang shower of feminine coDirell - iencioa was Rouring down. but from whatcause or what agency ot Was difficult to conjecture. Upon a closer inspection a large spool of wire was preceiv ed revolving slowly 'in its rear, growing shorter inch by inch in mechanical harmony with the me chinery, while iron fingers curiously articulated, Were ready to• grasp the severed fragment and past it along from change to change, until at finally drop pedinto the receptacle beneath, .a perfect' hook or eye ready for use. ,Fur* moment it seemed as if each machine was instinct +kith life and inteiligence. The power of speech seemed to bo all that was lacking urcom *le the delusion. There were but four or five men hi,the room. who passed around occasionally fron,nne, stand to another to oil the machinery, to suppl,Opew Vire when the previous spool was con sumed or to empty the vessels when filled by the silvery shower. The whole performance more re sembteds trriftinfary'proceis of amines Theo the re sult of Mechanical art. The duty of theSuperintend ant of one of theta machines, seemed to me curious ly alike - to thatof the gardener who plants his peach stones, which aiiir many days, sprout, grow into a free, _ KToom aril finally pear beaches, which, when ripc.'ilrili,frorti` their branches a nd are gathered fvr Oi:ep . NIS'AItAnDA AND PANAMA RIiCTES.—The Success of the Nicaragua route forebodes, it no good to ihelotinarna, one. Alm we are not of this opinion. Our trade with the Pacific is rapidly increasing and will demand annually new facilities, so that, before both roniescan be perfectetl, there will be enough, ire belie ve, for, each. The ranarda route, when the railroad is finitherli will hibe particularly easy Ynetltnrt of trainiit ; . troil, the railroad will soon be openetrftom Navy Bay in Grogram, whence mil) one day!s travel will intervene to Panama. The course of trade, too, has become accommodated to that-route. Capitalists are interested in mainfain log it ; travellers are accus tomed - to it ; and ,what is an.additional advantage, it will-drain the south Paola better than the blicara4na route. This litt ler, on me other band, affords the most expeditious transit to Cadikania ; and possesses other recom. mendations, which will secure it a liberal patron• age. -The rivalry between the two companies will stimulate trade. anti benefit the public by a radix , ' lion of tare. On the' whole, therefore, good will come of the ecrmpetitinii, ,, instead of injury. The world will be all the better for having two short cuts, so t o s peak, aroundr Cape Horn -while the routes ,themselves will become more lucrative yearly to their owners. • • The Norristown Watchman says that a few days since, that a lad named Semen( Ash, in the employ of Mr. Henry Poley, of Upper Providence. having been sent on an errand, was induced to go to a neighboring barn, by some. other lads, who should have known better to try the velocity of a threshing machine by their own power. Samuel wes persuaded to stand upon the power, he being the younger of the company, while the older ones applied their might in getting up the velocity, and the unfortunate, Samuel was thrown and caught in the machinery,Aby which he bad one of his legs broken in several 01tees, and the flesh mangled in a horrible manner. The little sufferer—a dutiful and obedientolad—U now lying in a preCarious sheath. n doubts are..entenained whether be will ever recover t he use of bis legs again. • Wosncesq. OeciiATtosr,We saw at the office of Dr..Dix,C/eulist, on Sannilay young man Who had been blind for Iwenty.one years. fle was reading eavily the finest annealed mini. Vier young man became blind at the age at elevenjwancwas iimposed:oi bet totally incturatiloiahil was edlawild at the Blind Asylum• in this ciiyi wheriliebeeintre m efficient scholarv-firane time eineeliecatee at, traded As attention of Dr. Dia r and the young mon Was induced to submit to an operation ,by , that gen. demon, ilie gehify.mg resell af wins* was as - above stated.. The individual in question is mow able .to. seeand read thw : i mew :print with ease and la. pithy. Truly wwlivein an age of wander. We believe thleisthe only case on record where etalit has been restored after so long an • absence. Or. Dig lies a whleapreadtfame.—Boal. Muir - X Fccitisve 'Stave °UT Ai.itsit WO . loom that %Vm. (tile, .es he calla his fiance, a - barber of thisi vitlite, and a fujihite . slave, received -ootioe by telegreir,h tram 'Lockport ,oti Monday, that he wouldbii;cidied` for 'the .&glowing tiny,. hill soap and rizor ' and his customers -to shirk kir themselves,: ilidkstn:, proOtt4 ~by the searroMlble steppedAtap Ircliartsmultnourn -, so that. :whert:thirofficeisatrie fa pet hiabaud - Op him hell .11e is.probably, , enteyknotre this the -*Wenn , ortOS of Nictotia, in herblara:7's cans than pna‘lipce.—.Orkrur I anocrat: Elmo , Wags *a' - drove off, afteirtlyiu, r-few tunes ihie - eide - of, Iteleton, :with eiald itiasengens "Vhd - stage'tidleil over sunkiiVerwiiii ful - velocity; atoNa a bank St fad tlitepidi the paa• tierwProk weremorti one' dr the* Dr. Martin . 4 1 Yuan)? injured: Ile 1110,441aLs•hoP*Looar,thaernx while these'? eident-hapimenl4: • • = tentia ; A FiligitiSitineithtiet ash°, (Nick) TelotpophinYafhttkittr.:fartglam en - another of the-Prisoners, while on their way to Stae prison, madirirbetoulitopeo Aonfoidan of their pan ioiptition of the, burning the depot at trod 1111 0itaggrikar-PrtnlY 61 1 1 "141, 3 Fere4Ail' ty; tbkv(ttritAtmleepty: rip! who had jlern ariAte.th#evra s , ausieite4. n a me a he nJt - „ • ". .Nt., .. 4 1.. _ I. "or of lbe.• , 1... ',,, Dar *f Pin - Rises Sot. flete. I.'eek. Slomb. ..... 0 1 . 1 — r 7 51 5 eg rfeipuT,... . 0' .•6:36-. 5 St .. • 21 - 11 nj - - 6 23 ~ .4 ru.i#l!tir *** , I • - .7 •• '`. , - . ' - TE ° 7111171 . 1,11 :1 : " ;::;I:: 4: : : 4869-.":. 5 2201 .'H. PiiniC.'::: ' ' ,24 ' 6 41_ IS 19 • I H. SaTvienAr,....:;;:: 26 . •, , 6 : 42. ~; „5 16 . New Mtnuttigtmente. ADmonsnirrows NOTICE. NIX persona 'indebted to tha estate of WlilLlAl4l . MRADFORD detested. late°, Mirror township, ere hereby" reqUested . to make payment without delay., and all persons hesite; diem:mart sgainst-said estate ere rerMested to present them, duty authenticated for set. thrtnent. GEORGE MANNING. ' * WILLIAM BRADFORD. - 'l47afren.' Oct. 11.•1R51. r Adeninistrators. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. persons knowing themselves to bo itulehied to . the. estsite,of. ABRAHAM WORTENDyKE, deed rate of Scrath Creek, 1p„ are hereby requested tamale immediate payment,-end those having claims against said estaterill please present them immediately drily ,authenticated for settlement. , - SESBE EDSALL, •. NATHAN,SHEPARD. :, - .South Creek. act. 11, ISM. Administrators. gn HAY STATt EIRALLs, vaiioos patterns, col "Ulf "on and qualitici. last undyed at ...Oct.-N, 1851. • MERCUR73. Falb & Wmter Goods. .11171iii0Le EINGSZEILire TSnow-receiving a large assortment of Fall and Win ter Goods, direct from Nevi York which is offered at Greatly reduced' prices to cash buyers. Towanda. Oct. 1.1. MI. The TWO, Time of Asking. ADIVORCE lately been effected between the present Register and .Recorder of Dradfoid County, and the,. office he now holds , to, take us Ansi effect on the first day of December nest. It becomes indispensable that all debts due. to: the subscriber in his official capacity should, be immediately liquidated. The parties interested in this nodeo will ease them. selves trouble, and the Register much personal annoy ance by a prompt attention to its contents. The lalin of the office moat be settled immediately, and the &ate eases remitted. and to enable him to accomplish this the partiesindehted to him must pry at once. Oct. 0, 1001'.. !HORATIO RI.ADK, Recorder. Orphan's ogeut saw; pursuance of au order of the Orphan's Court, of Bradford county', there will be exposed to public sale,nn Tuesday. the 11th• day of November next. all o'clock P. 14..,0u the premises, a certain tract of land inmate in Leroy township, late the estate of Seeley Holcomb:tounded by -- Hecock. on the east-and south by dirils of the Barcley estate, west by lands belonging — to the estate of Sterling Hol comb, dee.'d, north by Towanda creek ; 16 or 17 acres improved. with one framed barn erected there. on, the remainder Woodland. Terms one half cash. the remainder one year from the confirmation of sate. with interest from the , day of sale. -C. STOCKWELL, Administrator. Oct. 9. 1951. Ihtecutor's Notice. IXI.T. persons indebted to the estate of Benjamin Buffington deceased, late of Warren towfiship, are hereby requested to make payment without de lay, and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to present them Jule authenti cated for seillement. R. C. BUFFINGTON, GILES N. DEWOLF. tremor's. 'Warren, Ocl. 3, 1831 A DMINISTRATIIIVS NOTICE ALL persons indebted to the 'mato of A. W.D. VangorJer, deed, lite of tho township bf Durel, aro hereby requested to make payment without delay, and those having claims against said estate, will please present them duly authenticate) for settlement ' MATILDA VANGORDER, Dwell, September 112, 1851. 'Administratrix. NEW FIRM. THE undersigned having associate,' themselves together under the firm of Prancisco and Tom• kins, for the puipose of carrying on the Carriage Zitakiag Aridness, Respectfully solicit a.sbare of Public Patronage.--- , . - They pledge themselves to make as good work and as peat as can be produced from any other estab lishment. - We have now on hand a variety of finished work, and shall endeavor to keep constantly, on hand a good assortment. so that eusecnners may at any time I e accommodated with a,carriage to their taste. 4:111 persons wishing td pgrchase work of this kind will do well to call end etainitte for themselves, as we will self as four as can be afforded in any oth establishment. c0" - • gepairing done to order with tratneqs and despatch. J. FRANCIKCO, Towanda, Attst.2l. 1851. N. C. TOMKINS. now Arrival of FALL GOODS. HEI, & M. C. MZIICUR are now receiving a . very extensive assortment et Goode for the Fall trade, which will be sold at whotesak or retail cheaper than at any wher afore in the County. Tawanda,lilept. 4, MANSION HOUSE AILII)==, PEL THE subscriber respectfully informs the puLlic that he has taken posessiott of his old stand, in the oath part of the Boni of Athens, where he will be at all times happy tome his friendepand will endeavor to mike their stay with hhie agreeable He trots that an assiduous attention to the wishes of the travelling pub lie will secure him.the favor of the old patrols-sof the " Mansion," and the visit of those who desire a can vfintable and convenient stapping-plare. 111. Taus wiU t`O welfsupplied•—and the best li quors be Procured for the Dam. Goon Seamless la-attached with careful and atlas tive hostler*. • (r7ileacsousibus'wili be rots to the Waverly sta tion, to ear9t, passengers to and (tom every train, 'east Of Wed. E. 8. MATHPWSON. 'Athens April as, • ECONOMY DURABILITY AND NEATNESS. Saddle; farness ir,Ttitut Manifittorv. TUE CULP & sespectfaill Whim the ' , public ef 'that they bare taken the shop' ditels *templed by C4''. Hartier.an Stain strectos ttneitxtre Wan the sow, wheat they will keep band a, large tatteWirSiX o 43 2 o/0 23 4110=14010 Ways lot 'faun; usum rm. - artielensin their line manotacturod to cram. anti tank at the best inatesialeand for workmanship cannot 'be unmated in Matthew Numinnias They solicit ..call front these Wishing to.- mwetaiesstongidem she the an trim satisfantion bob toquality sod mien o:2NOtter wilt be , paid for, 'Hides • awl Shoop Polts. at - esstichest musk at our. - - • • Sate Leather;lrmer Leather. names& Leather and Car/ Alas, tor-see in any quantity. _ • , ,Towanda., November likb. $BllO. 150 KEGS " Um:id * 'Nails jolt receiivd it • . , .(1111111' BROWN /SWAB. • Aboi.Coffesi embed 17 'VA "Powderob Suitanheog arriving •and• •Arr wide Atlirhohnthic or tetail vcry cheep by MERCUIVO; -- amino:4li Me en TILL EA HIBIT at TOWANDA. on THURS. V V DAY:October 28 1 Dolira oRetr ro;in t 613 °Work. P. M. Admittance 25 cents I cbi:dren ander nine years of one half-rice. This splendid collectors ontbe rarest end most mil nifwent specimens of the AnimM Creation. obtained from tilt quartets attire globe. will enter town on the morning of the darof eebtbition In. Grand Procresion and preceded - by the goreions ORPHEAN CHARI OT. containing the - New •Tork WU/ DEA ender Ow superintendenee.ot lir..Foseph- Hasher ' mid. will .ean. slat of all the beautifully &awned vehietesof the Cons- pony. drewr by a magnittent Mid of ONE Htfi- DRED HOIVeLS. The Menagerie of O.C. quick & Co. steadstittd_. voted by my other sintilirtstablishrnent in. the worldr and iv it will be found representatives of every animal which has ever been discovered by the naturalist., ft is composed of the two great collections formerly belong ing -to June. Titus & and Yaw hmberg.& .Cnr— And among" the principal anisettes , features found the trained PEVVORMING ANlMALtilowhirb Were's* celebrated both in Eumpe and Ai:writ:2J , My. ftrooke, the unequalled'. loos Yang, will • superintend this part of the exhibition. In the course of the perfimvanee Mr. Langworaiy will introduce hit highly.trairted Fontes...who will go through with their wonderfulleats of 'dancing. waltz. lag, &c., forming a pleasing episode ter the general en tertainment. • . ' Cantica. . ALL rersone are hereby, cautioned against parches in* a note gisen by me cin the 101 h day of Au. goat 1851, to, WILLIAM HARDY, for filly dollars, is I have received no value for said tote. and therefore do not consider myself morally or legally bound to ply it, and the!' not do so. unless compelled by. law. Ffep. 24. 1851. A.I. liEtD. Astray. ' •' . fl ME to the enclosure of' the. sofiseritts# W I Tows°. V i da township, on or about the 12Th ikutt._• RED STEER, about airears old. Said steer haeuo pulled- Tar mark. The owner is requested to prove property soul pay ehesges. In , ILLIAM AUSTIN. ' Towanda. Sep. 23,1851. LATER . FROM CUBA 'Aromatics of Lope SQTILL later news via New York & E. it. R. of the atria al.of a very large .stock of Ilierrinmdize at PHINNEY & kiT ANS No. :if thick fiqw which they are prepetreil to sell it vefroleislo or retail loi Cash or Ready Pay, cheaper than the cliespekt, from the tact that they purchased their clock for cash in a very de: pressed stale of the merkst. Don't mistake the place, P.lo. 9 thick Row nest dopy ,to Dr. Hustons.Drug ?tore, ,r-; TONS SUOMI, just received, at vehofeVale and retail. PHINNEI' & BOWMAN. QALT, a large lot, , also Iron, Nails. Hardware, dm.; kJ and Mackerel in bbls., and 3 bbls, for sale. by, ; sept 22 PHINNEY nopmmq. n CHESTS more of Anse Hires and lour shilling! TEAR, at • PRJXNEY & BOWMAN. SIiEETI G 9, shiriings, stripes, and tithe. far, sale by PHINNET '& BOWMAN. t. BOOTS & SHOES, the itirgest enecheepest assort ment in town—and 11.0_4 and Cepe,i-'ititholesale an.' retail. PHINNEY.,& BOWMAN. CIROCKERY, Glassware. Glass. Dyes, V ace. PHINNEY & BOWMAN. DRESS GOODS, , a large • Tidal—Bonnets' and .1-/ - Shawls, a good asaratmemt. for safe by ' • tep22 ' PHINNEY h BOWMAN. • LUMBER WANTED, it PHINNEY & DOW. MAN'S, for which coil will he paid: a 22 tu E nate, Rye end Corn, taken in exanonize VY for goods. PHINNEY & BOWMAN, D UTTER-100 Firbina waned, for which part cub 37 will be gala, PitliCirEY (St Notice. THE quota of Pamphlet laws (or Dradford County i. for the &saints of (8 . 5 bare Veen received otlie Prothonotorys amp and are teary for distribution to those entitled .to receive them. ALLEN ArItE.VIS ProtWy. Pmthy's Office, p.- 15,181 I . . 1 20 the. Collectors. • • clllll5 Collieetoie see ittiptinta to be prepared to get their exoneistion in the Ist and MI weeks of De. eember Court. and likewise to settle up their duplicates in full and save cost, os the drafts on the 'l t reasury are such as require prompt Collections. The several col lectors will pleahe send in by the return .Putlggs, all monies collected, .1. Pl' PECK. Del& littsttrer. i nn:Rarer% Office:Sep: 20, 18.11. ,DOZEN more of those cheap and good LINEN - 1 4 COATS, this day received by May 29. & CA MPBELL. - - - TOOK HERE are now se lli ng t h e b est t o. L cle of Nolasaczet 311 cents pet gallon. • , Paper Zangiage. fIVE only complete assortment of tatter Bantings, Borders. Window taper, and tire board View". kept in this region, and at prices ae low es eaa be Pound at retail either iwor out of the princirraf cities. at May 8. 0. D. 13 A Rl' tETII. CLOTHING.—* new assortment of reedy made Clothing_ just reeeiveri.st . MERCUR'S. Sept. 9. 16151. DRESS GOOO3, tie tartest end best estortment in town. of Meri**eiteeinntlee.Fnalle. be Loom Afp.tisis, Printed )(dime die el MERCIJR'B. . S" IC. do e*tensive essoitznellt of Black lied Color ' evl lime Silksioa l Satins , also Florence' or overy actor will be &Ma VW ' ' ' ---' , - 111ERCUM t --, et t rtg CU CotA Vs; stee'tedileri.:toolo 4ind tagetiinsi, a be.;thiful eisoniActit aila_Orittriiiety . , • 'et . • , !", MERCUttit" . „ HATS, Cais. Boataingtebasa 111'. assesAttiit:: .-if Hata and Qaps.. Also.* large tiotk teens, Wantene antiChildteas Booty taut 'Shoes just received at - • MEROCWBi , • Olt+ Q aQ Wt RI of Shen; 'felts iiissitiVor VIIIO.9OVY- COIL kl =22:3 THE anlisetibior offers tit Bile his rend sitiatie,l; in -Wyitoirtownstiip Bradford cottli,, stswil 3 tulles from Towanda and 1 from lb* riser: . 'O°lll4l4W about 120 actor, about 85 or 70 aerda 'impOvid; 'and well watered, with several gOod Spring! of water:: The :blll/4011;14Pali thetatto certditofts letge_ fauns and Jog ilooPso.Thess.Puuniaasqffer mein indocements 141 thima , withint Pdithass'iind: Wilt be sold at abet-: 'emit% will be given for obahaif 6114 purchase ;messy if re¢itired. Fon fettles iiimito le titignirie9f. for eddies" the Mitecrilier et Wiens P. O._ 'Wynn': Aug. I . . 11; '.Wift: IMP?". 'MUNE% VALISEILCARPZT . BAGS,' /se- ace. .1 ' j. • U:re&lik.e..,s More-21rear ooas _ • 1 / 4 -A. CAMPIIMI4.,ve remelliir s'ktil• .aipsoftMent:isf 144 7 .411 '4O -7 0 1,steirmide, Towinda. 4 10 }0 31 0 11 9. 185 ;•-^ • - OROCCERIC dr.-GLASS• NJlarge-and fine4isirtstia!,!irf "Milne • —icy 20 , neactm . t _ NHAPLEY & LBWI I. lIMM!MMMMI frit fr" :'err*S j ee:.. ‘;1- r .--AP•MINWTAAiajt, taperins,indebtedfo'fb TCUri tiOLO INAgirrt i`LII. 7 MAMg A BD &kill:WC - 1 Titte;tif oT ; uh?fait f? ship. artibefeby.peligested fernlike,' .'paymitnt.:l44. ; out 4 1 PhtfcgudttlurieksTiug.afiun,44 1 4P4 fail tau; uifi pl,empreso*. 'km 407 Iliad anthemingell toeisitlaitebu' eiriivtAftly. - • 4 , JOHN P4OllllllOlOl .-Maguistniu*wjih thir,Plll ongge4 e ; .t Towanda. Aug. " • ...... . .Exf.curows.wric.g.,..„;?. ,- .:. L-i.regOt+ Ter/mentory opott ine..4ast. will stisl testairtiarof ttrZABETII VErAlCS;late . ot th - eirareaTOWN#o; , deetiikrit,titenttbeen;grint. ed to the snhserihettof tinitt Bute' , allr;peroons •bay ing claim/ or drnanda agaittatthe et.fateofihasaeld it deeeaKtd are req e• ted to nitike We 011ie lumen to Di all hc; ut delay in d - Olt • Organs' in defite d'id said eidate are n'quir d , to pay the same forthwith:: 1: -. • . • - TROM AS ,ELLIOTT:. MILLER. FQX.• ToWarida. Ail 28, t 831., Executnr.. rA~T GOO S. lEt. T.FOX,impld respectildly-inform his old friends .I.:iti,,and The citifens ac,Dradfonl.huAtenerel IlleciAle is nottfeceising 4 full ifock,of FALL GDODS.telliPb fre_la riesiiiitti of 11 ttiiiii,?ng tit if is ' ecry l iimall' adiMwe 14 from that Doha he 1 nrinifisd 191`a ed that • genets onr• select. ed, with aslntuch ste.-and Emmett at. iciest al sir ,loar Pries). irS Ale fie' borrbe is` now sterioue to eeur`ture hie cuidotrma that ibetwill be sold at theilati ( IWO!' pri&e.' fleetle or 4firstie ; , esthete lir ear* nritimt its inrovring how cheir some folks dcr saffloode—ocall macro, Corner of Alain and Piller cruet. . .. : Groceries. • • - , . 1 g HH'D. of Sugar at mieseimaltively less tbagsany, 1 -P before 104 1e Weill within one year i ?lso. Mullei ns sweet and gnq.l from 31 -to 617 eta. Hi.. Leguira rod Old 11•11 Coffee that van) be hem. • Fine bunch &sins, 'Pepper, levees, galmatus,. Ginger, and a gen nal assortment of groceries ; - also a .ffill reapply rif fresh new Teas warranted s Usual, good surd-right or the money seterned in encases; just received and thr sale l at -. ,Sep. 12 :. - - - FOX'S. RICH Ribbons, Bonnefaka, Lain apt' Crapes ai • , ap26 , 11)4'8. 2(1 BALES OF SHEETINO, ea intion. int, fine to 10.4 side). A nico morfroent of Bleach , - ed Geode, bleached and biotin ttgaft pend Dm , pert'. brown and bleached Table Linatt;Chei•ta i Lin 'rya' Ticking. Cotten' :tern, DattiAg, IMAM* and Wadding. than EMBROIDERIES, A very loge stoat of Wwies and Marlin Edgings awl Insetting% Swiss and I Mos lin Bands. needfoe ,wroffght Callas and Celia, fine wrought Lfnen fitmdkerchiefii, and in fact the lamest and hest stestalfnient of Bmtrfidderel flood'a rier before offered in Towanda at • fAX's. BLACK SILKS:aIso a few pattsYcat et finny *Silks, which will be uolacherapat .10)3'14. 00T8 ite SHOD+. a . good assortment of Ladies, 11 Gents, Misses, Chi!dries and Infants. Shoes, for sale at FOX'S. ("ROOKERY &GLASS-WARE, largo; stoat of- J feted for Wert! ; •• ; ; ; !FOX. SCOTCH Y ARN very.fine s alawaumscommon ty at „, , FO.lO. TVA PERY . TttLiN. arrui opknitut wort 4./ Merit very' small pikes 10711.'5. DICOADCLOTHS, Oassimeres, Kentucky Jeans abate" gray cloth, I*.e:, tiobi very low for cash by ml - • , B. KIKGSBERY k CO. NOTICE. THE undersigned wontd inform the eitizins of Towanda and vicinity. that he has arrived here for the parprise of enabling those who wish Dago reotypes of thenrselves,orfrientlei to get thm. Hav ing had a nomber of years experience in the ness, he feels Confident that his picterei: Wilt give general satisfaction:: 'l,ikenes'ses nf'cblitlren. and aged people. takert miffs Perfectlitecitiiii;!, l Those wishing pictures .would do welt to Bite' liird Room over:Borten Kingsb'eiPe store.- ' ' Towanda, July' 12.1851. ' R. CAI. 175 BUSHELS RYE ar,, CORY iur• Salo by July- 4, E. T. FON. cumin* Riuurzlicfiuni, • AN assortment of READY.MA RE corms will be kept constantly on trend rf lil,e r a at stand on Main street ; *bens the ettfosetraset i 4 "twiner/seed to make end Pipit ail kind, of Fornittne. • Toisanda, July IA 18x1. , ,4. WELLS, BLASTING POWDER.-50 Mete Slasling•Pow• ,der, by flB MONTANYES & CROCKERY. - .Ma i largos: stock. in town.. Full dinner anti tea netts. of whits granite and blue ware, which will be wild cheap at FOX'S.. NEW SUMMER GOODS! JOSEPfI INGSII442Irr hen yen Mimed from New, Folk wigs ,hitthird,ffnuut etwartatent at goods ror the reason, emhtacingm large itw,oica of Fancy, and Staple Dry dootte &c., which AMR positively t, Cold cheap. Towanda, ;tine • • •• • - . - All night at the isurnistatte I\T At A. CAM PBELT., retwr i n their sincere thanks IN • for the libe el patronage betitoford beelowett and *mid againeller ettentrch oftheir friends dent cps tometelo their fete aleivet of Now Brarocr theme. Consiating of all thing's uccoseary, fur clothing the out er men eulhiah will be sold ti r II little toAiefrptiCes then • bee hithrtratro lib in Med. Plows !No us ir e - afl before preltesingefeetehere. . • •It et. A. CAMPBELL. CLOVER SEED.—Large and small Clover Seed for asks by (18 MONTAKYCS New Ghair and Bedstead Wareroom. JESSE TAYLORi . - . , Tell ESPeCTt MIT informslhe public ihrg he has 1.1.. opened a shop at Ws new trouts. Cornet of Main sod Paine streets, nearly opposite Eared v on's. To6fehda, Where' her Milt keep & Amid or actore p 4ert to order, Plag-sested. Cattalo, Windsor. iii ~ Cane seated and Common. CHAIRS,, mule of !be best ma terials, and of superior durability. Ifs ties aiso for ale an'Lassorturstit of • Densresnit. at low pries*. Repairing and Resting Common; Cane-bottom and Flataesled Chairs, on reasonable termNs.. Cherry, Viriawood,'Whitewood and t f ucumbei lum- . ber liken ikl• poem* foe *Mk. , v • - • ' ,--- • .Thstruats that his- long aeltaintase• in thbreounty, and the drarabißty of bis.werk at:tesiatipy marry_ years etperlinee, will seethe hima b fbrite if jidEc paticiri. aim Toehints, Nagel Ir, inr. " " - - -‘ IBM& .44.0262130 Z ife[tiffatitiane,'' * • - ^ • • • ev• • uAtiftd coked into enaktriershipio the practice 'of bitir t Mite ciao irstablisittia aii 'agency 'foe thC salo of wid agate - in tits eounty'of Bractforl. -Persons . bawl hir red sstite,shich they desire to. sell. 4101111 m a nd t ea dn i fi t description of their prpperty wfth the terror - of sale; will andOubtedly find it to ' nick ram Perrone desirous of parchisinteemeteamerhere prop any it for ales description tof ,thm, lame - wil# • tla." pries and tams of payola:it ad be informal. to th o sulidity• of title, J. Cc AD!..7al§ ; iIEC; gnaw nlii3ral=aEllr a lMallig Cov NIT sinut“ *kw., ns , , , 44v twobtaiged Pit alitesiAttilide4littilisibiltie Pen MU% Of, by clanked theuirviii at Orme*. Mena; Esq.. where tie be (omit dr when a written sp. 1 1 cerotOns7 Irft• br0v.11 ,1 840. ••• • • • Zeina - l!Zrea firi'TONS.P q npipp i Ensfit a we likondlildeiol4—' '4ot , aro sisef'orniiisitrisoiri 'nal beri 6 initssit6oloiiti t tikeiiiCipiiiMesal6 17 he ton or snrallor quantity. it Aldlolo.liitVki! L9oKl.44rek , siatig, oeimimrti, FalJ'~ili~ads; -szerriatisliso . lityt now too.roiTih v o l krat int'irfineJ 64' 4 1'014 it ife 444eirtzticidailoisi nosititatio-&*thierttiviersey,ahta.lo4 °U r g4 i nft - :I ° l.i Bl . l 4ololo)A l l'os4i l kiti n ? lll . 4 litt 44. of the htestsly lei t. , fe. aroiirles; . Heil; Of .0 hiettiviititiailie4lsto ip gotinitat,',44o4:l6ll4. IMO:001# 114 1 4 ; 114449 ,j , riF.4lh epti•J.P I+Pt,l 4 l PridendbitA n ' hoe glutei. ref:wen' 'lona, Ye !Stitt emyd ifloihmit whir Rich all vf.iitrieh::.ite err? fici , our•reoitinsere 0 44 9 04 f retest ggi,e. -sz¢et : ,at4sfemuoa,,,es, imtieoio vy t wiir firm litiain e. o dine alien 'the nnirket.easinneammou -0 tharrcuttil. • •By intent • mortink fritlita !Mr altotoinurg.,Avo .botio togild' ? Aw l linuanee of the- pstrowsge that bag. plagn at liberally beitmro upon a. ttfir.fr Y. 4 4 . = ri 18r, 'O. - -1 ,, 7 7.1 , 4 A is or C.• r '1 4.-,k• ' Sri ral'll?. s l . , ivreirt OA?. : itTp - Foar4 DRUGS,-MED E11.14,A ICINESXIILtv `'•• 'GROCERIES , OitrtlQUOrtai;,,irro'''3 •••,' Pqa;ppg 14soitiriki. a targcl of 'Fr ealrug . 3ndi • spiels Ars awed a frettd:6i tiorpot4iil itkowtitexa -7.101 etP 1 4 / 4 1 , 1 kfRAO tot: .4 me Pipit NU road cpmpleis ever olicied 19 into mi t m r. pra , en Also a ehnicareluarrtinr nl>eltdre 7 AVlNElP &slit* QUORSi suitable fori medical patpaaca c : lr i .. r , g if , A large variel,, of Cappbene. Illoserne t Y,1 1 3i444v4 and t uiifat styl n . : - 4:4 , 1111 3.1 . 0 BOA ;:sgerdtfor all the best Patenfaltedieinia - ofilta day, purchasers maa dernil upga,liNFlaktklr,l4;64oo,9 article in, slicases, • a. „ Melba Drugs and Kt.ditini.i trptlit. fa& • 'iinitlilh in.eil*itrerSe vetted upon' se' gPAtriitl inih of 'dui NA gmfery, hatter 'WIC earrtillyArkee4ed 1 .0114 • 1 41 , .14 Asir esefulneal.. otYswAti stet! of Wott4 ITl;tiv. viz -t,..7fti'?ik Ira*. • •Tistiatifla'; h i rterfe l ln Fri svitraGatibC zdirchnizixtv, , e 9 ~,-; ' ‘ e lEI - now reeehintz a rielf• aria' beautiful' maibritife4OW Doi Goorm i Offoetittairdrt. to...whictutteL setiuld partkularly iasite thoeitention ,of alt Cop/A.:Purcitufeic and will make it in al jest tix_tfiem simihien t irdeteriniard`ti ieil fileVinifi far - Veen' di - lit 4 as was ever before affixed irrrhe market.'' Mao pains in procuring the ihoiceat 'father feels fully_ confident that he cart giFc efkiir,Vit; istentin to his cusimneri. • • — A'prit. 95 1. • . . C tl" , E, COME ALL, and eiamine the Nov Gum's. which afe ntiu''being exhibited al / e 026.• tr! rxmltrt V4r. ‘ .7 "V E. it' rot . ' • , a rare.) TDMW f;a N fri 'eorzNark• tentlialsaaartalatlnt 419gds.• rar Writl4o3. vain, lay sale at prim which cannat foil tp,..ni4.4hS t Alaarpt.t.EA I - era, 1,,r Craft. err.rmicr:crre ' A iancrtail . ,t7iFfirtl. - respattfully sake a tall'froiiiiiillfelAkoical , tin? goo& chez Ivan he halleteratintaktiar, to baltadstaatd: Towarida..APEil , r,„l. • i. •. Drest; *cab, e vy JICH • FOOL& R D. Chuineleocr-thene;;BncleDifse . Fre/y:1 .ao4argiptpe it sipsi, o k tr t s-lif t k Cor summer dresied. F, each end 134 i iish' rave, Sikk: goads - IJAVV . C t 4.14 14; irdatl49ll vAgsav'4n6ariturfitec' t ,14;koissimignent•pat lbw* qttsliwiof g r ipti:upp,l4.l . lti, I.fm,trr..T.l-1.1601,tv fiDOZ. PartemN,LeighotaiPalerlaafanlidianulit P.-V . .1 riCoVtlr 13 I'KSilk end Dek•*tk,keicedur s sp26 FOTAI. Dak'Y GOOD'S—A:mead smut Laren! of Morisco., Cashmeres.. Ile Lairs.„.4•lpscas, *AI _Mint; poi,: !teeing at . 118 . MERCIMS. NEW - ,SPRINg, - , 7 - 00011gt t lubllrsl ft jjir a fhis : fl l p l i THe ofl%eiGatCrsh;: cn of the most e s :itemise in' the' 'country—for sets ii '1154 most favorable terms fdreash or appr.red credit.—t4usti buyers an pseicularly tu%itel to call an 4 examine tisa stock. my O. D. 11Alr.elAr,r, , BOOTS to • SHOES" actin W. trilcin, Li AS' reraoved his establiblunent to 11. Mier etnr . j: 1.2 cornet of main street end the pohlto wire, and will condlittelbtf CifthaftetUkctlie Boats and Shoes, /Ls heretofore, He.hspiVoit nicalved from New-York a tame as4rr meqt of Womti'4:Q l Saildrpeaculd 4filucc.le.tikura.lirhks4 are offeredct Ore-, rho attention cf the Todit-3 to psriCAlarty Jiro to to hliCiAortmeut: eitinprroin.; the follitteitig•new loyletfl—Ensinellod Jenny 17iftra`sit tet-bootof',do.'shoes; black lastinm and _sdlcintiters s walbinketspes,buskiniolts. gales aqd titottp, 4 -of every , au, criptioxi. A large isgoriment of dbild.rit's Caney 0 1 4, bani tin and s tines; oral( nidn: 't For tfreifientfruin; almost every styleof caitenrsni shoes. Ibis Plocklias {men personally - selected s1„41 'care, dmitca 6elicvcs he can ott : r superior articles reironebie Weis: Cy' ThiltriErtst sttontiorr and hi-hopes by doing 'work' well to merita wait*, 'ee of the, lifirtal patronage be line hishrrto reneihsk TowinAi:l43; 14;'' 1135 I: :IRON AN - L*Bollin sizes at, SepteMber 21. 18f.L., ONE eerie:tiring allepoleakiwllate; ataaLeabar Pafm leaf ftateat rl'xle. .118 T rereirr.ll,4wlther lane_ assortulpf 13. . 4- 4 r#s• Jand'SHbES at - Dee-4 • • " •-• G L stlret . l ,- . tlest o viol* of FRENCH 4LASSi: fur ' SIVA PLEV 1= PtlAfM.4, side of :1J• geptitnterlit TBST. AttllliikttE.L-11 ITO takerl . :grnrc a lw ri it. Ofliiiht4 . ll4 et ilescrioo,lialtqing cirp wets, Joinantnialikklathithier~f' piorigeAtakteitairibviti te wittillanaiplEtuiiiiir Mariaje..ilm...PrAtlOX ::.41%tughliff,10-11.r b+ r• . . . , . . IRON AHD i5TEE1.,T40,0941 111.7,51.5,:ct*.4 al.ncro - 'I. can dd Eiiggir) TAinsofevio:!E4:4)!!h4l inc. Al lot); Veif.,'Ettette,Blistir; arrinsit, VioelifaV I ititV Sprint Steeli4.ldiloi-hatelte.: .titil rtvettiiirikii • s• I7N 'IS =tat 'l3 1 as miseel itneous T iiiii:offeted in iliiitiftaik now jest openinz et alO ! tt . Cliggt4 - 1611r4c'aysoll•nniiii;141., 3 flikhifi4tkiliiick Tam , :szAlsoats atis4tibt ;4. W.P, 91'1 1 ;4;1 , twAtt: W INDOW PkWitertral et* I _7OO I .CITO trj l . l ".f!lf _ _ _ iloorak SHORMEPOT‘ateIit pi& la priecitimit !4•J--;etP,Afktd. l ,,P,PO4 . l°n• ; 7 ‘ ll rFfk P. 1 , 2 -V Ma t-rt%).4 lll (*etei by tan=4l4.wintirlitA4- , 1 AVeNiteickikw: Tput o and White•roltig s r of ,,,,, Lt tirgo • • - • • • .4444 - 44 , . • ofiAO*PE 4 0 / 31r.0 1 ,4 1 t4i4114. t io - It erg thlia,2F/F4 4 4, %WM ,igtop is pie' lin ir.:riglinit te* Wor4 finde' hi* 'wlteif6APariapiloiiM printing efri,e—osi 'main i ~~ ==2:=3 Mt:~c;.4r4 : *slEtteth .- 4; F=TEZZE NEM Irt#Siat t IQVlVrtmitaqt44,b94 otriCs- pTATIA,: ancxal iirirojeinleeik 1). i1ART1.E719,8.48
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers