Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 11, 1851, Image 4

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. 1 ‘
_ _ _
Tho • . i oi~'~tha P ►fe d Cot.
•- `64 , trire
' ga(tell 'th e • ''`'iliet;ro4W•
0900— - iihetpotilte
ipf--e -(3 •
•• - .1,..• •
,vicit'4l:4, 91,4. and "ef . as
- • ii,anver the
.?elTer.. ~144 itr!!gli„
' , Itteeettyalthe Wien! slanbevetottear the sin
f the tz bole lose oPtlie pittritpr4, i i i i,C re f .104di
4peditivicesWkollpg,' itiseCys Mit I.,*ifiiiticitminpn
ntreA4, fiorrishciU•ering with . t'obacii water, up toile
vrhitewashing Ate stema‘tuid lesVis: -,,,,, ,'.. ~ : f.
Wit have paid ennsitlerrilile att4tiimi tO - fhb 'mitt
ri e
ect, apd do not.believe that thec I::,a'ai4ltiiinsect
MOM Pow found among, the ,potal s than there vita
oily yearn ago,•lonz and lett before — the 'potpie
of .wag heard of. One states that {here, is , a _:little
blitei;bog which4skips abort like flea, entreats
,Icaf., t .: - .notiffiltitla...a te .;ql,in
aalaili;VtiAl lffiti g 611.1411-41010 OPilll4,4loWn,
and caused lltstypAßW,ll):winntlier finds a black
purphs bug, three quartei , ot an inch long, .4liatle.
vours the leaves ; and another finds a stripe/I *oral
'''y eaterptilnr ;antl , another a small striped bog, that
deeitura ,all abou him ; and another flocks, lots of
'• lady bngs."elicll, if he looks sharp; diin't eat
the top et alt.' • '
. 'NoW all this host of insect tribes were fa m i liar
to is years ago, when we used to help cultivate the
"liter patch,'' before and atter selinol. T li, there
were no more formidable enemy than all these, we
cocdd ap of us luau riala,,/ticomere on whaLtke - pad •
4 'f - .4:iallid it toast meariiitkoultiines, t icioa r heuliby
mealy potatoes, " tilkof-theLold -time."
WTe.have, ; been heretotore inclined to attribute
Meinht to atmospheric eliang,es, bM now , think
there" can be no doubt thatit is °nese:oy the attac
.uta inutefungua or parasiqc plant, so minute as
ati made visible•mthe eye only by means of
a powerful microscope. By the microscope they
can be seen not only-infesting the pores arsi cells
of . tha stalk, bat also the cells of the potato itself,—
growing and flourishing, and socking its fife'i bfood
out of it, aodfienllYleasiing us oohing but a' black
ened, decayed, rotten shell. This plant, or.fungne,
is propagated by seed; which, ofcrilirse, must be
so small ast . much mom difficult io be :.seen,
by even the micros-wipe, than the plant itself, and
which float, like a gas or-a vapor, -in the :atmos
phere, settling on the potato, sinking into the piires
of the.plant, germinating, and growing in and upon
it, in tlitcsame asthe potato itsell does 44
the earth. \ •
Naturists who have examined this bi,v`:'nficr:c.
scopes, }lava given it the name of Isileseatts,
and - itin allied to the'sarne2fitrigns:That Chniels. tint
.. .
Ond mildew in wheat. - Many are - unwilling - 1(4i..
itetethesethirip, I, because they haie never „Oen 'it.
tirey,would go to the expense of lurnishingtheo•
aelves with &lames ofosuflicient nangnifiving power
they - could see them. - • . •
The fungi " act on the same principle that the
and finchens, and t; - focarifcbli" act on trees.
These last are large enongh to be seen, and**
hlve all seen them, and can every day see _thea
silvering the bask of living trees, -and the shing s
on old houses, and either bringing -on or basting
the decay M the objects on which they - fasten •—•
They start from seeds as much as any other plants
do. The invisible fungi operate in the same rriOnp
ner, notwithstanding they are's° minute that we
Mate toarmour eyes with nril‘ro4copes to
er them.
- The principal question is, how to get ol
then? I lithe peculiar fungus the potato, could live
itport nothing else, it might, possibly, be starved
out, by ceasing the culture of the : potato entirely a
-few years. But we do not yot knew enough of the
habits arci the laws by which the life, growth, lkc
of the enemy, are regulated We do not knew,
whether it can live, and nourish, and perpetuate its.
Won any other plant, or not. We Jo not know
whaler the seed, or " sporntes," as they ariCalled
' can be, destroyed in their germinating powers by
sulphurous acid gas, chlorine gas, or by any
subtle azent in the power of mtm to:api ly.' We do
not know When they are absent. We do not know
whether their life or germinating powers are long
retained, or soon lost by age ; and until we do know
more cd,oar enemy, we can do.but little to combat
it with any hOpe.of success, In. view of 'the
ease, We think it would have been wiper fur the
Orate of hfassachnsetts to have paid expert natural.
ists tospend their time in studying and investigat
ing this andlaws of lite which govern this
species of pirasAic plant, and publish" the remit of
- -their investigation: In this Way, a cltinlo thin/C/71,1'1s
of defence would, perhaps, have been dissovnred
l'ntil this is done, ail of our experimenti are
mere haphazard efforts—movements as it were in
the dark against an enemy, unseen, but known to
be present.—Maine Farmer.
Inkits;To Partner's Etoys.c
• There is one thing that I would like to imprits
npotilheminite of the farmers of this connuy. To
nil of you who have.bays _that can write, get each
one a. memorandum book, a few sheets of raper
will do, if nothing better can be but!, `and -in that
let.euch one keepon account of , each day'a work
done in the-year ; the kind, of. at employed at ;
and the do; of the month and date of the years
I( iOecitying, mention the kind ofgiaiu acrd the
amount ot.seed to the acre—the time of planting
and. reaping. Infect, I should, have them note all
the passel even!' oldie farm; and as they grow
they wilt find inoreofimportance to note.,
Five cents will bu; a book that will last one year
to ecthimence with. bly word tor it—lithe farthers
willadOpt ibis course their ions, will be Much bet,
ter fiinierelhaniheir fathers.
it may seem like a dry business to commence
the flat of lanuary, but as , the springepeni
grass spears, and bright prospect? ,are in our prithri,
the int.k will be more pleasing every day othil the
erste of Ole seai. Wll6 WOW 'hot give twice What
• the pap e r _ and ink coil, could, he bth„oil, tom a meal=
orauilum,boot written by hisgtandfather-one•Juin.
. die& years ago,
George IVirshinglon, one, of the best. t.fitheni:' in,
Arne wa, lisps a journal of hirt farm. -•.-
_Try it farmers, young and old, keeps jemmie:
every day, ana; you will become a Mae of s , oi l rift; - :
tfle b0t40 1 4 1.011 % n0t. he. 4 4 1 0 54 11
.1 )41 ' "1-
Fad"' avt,llo. suFface- vf . Alts„sOl
iqound. clefFiao 2!1
4 .l hirfaiedi"
small Ipastityof cempoeli. as& sore; lkeriitoiste
11 ? a Auano l 7l . fig
ave!j:aisek s iand - the tteesvill . speegilt tevisster4
go -
0 1141 . 1 7 ,befois. , "This-e#o keeps the moisture
evapossiiila r andi : el l sius4eivik Wow* - 144
—Geniorads rcieg r ,;p4. f.
i.~. `... ;.i:.:^'.%.V:. ivr'ZimLß~c ^, i~N.J , wr "':=,~"Y.""~i w'~~9i~i.
„r~''.`:~._., ~~
r Thitisne I
. •
.0 Ci R!S -VE R44lfitikoE
er "VrortArailti*er:
- 241 7irraw,e - thiii,44, wmeititeih
e j)*,:o b tolAct
-41fiheiai'stqa*, iii:o l 2 Ikea
.: 4 4.trtI r ?
ifr47l :f C.4l.eif°i! I IY
in wink reoni'Atigi „,
ThitAistidij Wolatia. WithoUt ifte'reir. astute!
narigtteid rat the
&Incas, until tia',,tufec(ita;jeiT,f,&.figle,l f . ,
What immenter4sit* perenf
who does not linoW; - _,jitld ihoildeitzt!
Who. tint tleratnnd,
tierstand, the complair,it Whiri,j',W;; ; 4l6lttroytticjiitsiA pre;
cioas fic.,its of ~ ; a „1
What shituftirtjt dbittor • • •
The answer la Giv'eAta yeti:1'1;0"ov, Wltireh
will be eel? theiNove;iti.teoreti ? F,lO
thtiy !tool , * iff 'Witt aoioy,:it o 4rfrnkitc:Akefo witha
certainty mid preeit4oii :soilikr. 6 4 0 g: •
There, is no. iistesir.V.iir, mittval ..itertorit is
The batils of 613! '4 - 4i - dr i*imt;dieis ; tind"tha remedy )6
vornetimiwworsethan.ttOiaear,ueiet tige=leei
eimelt, l ttut iiity '61,41'04 Every person %via' 'cp
s-laced on one trial thatit...ia Jrnoat-perfeet Ore
ever invented /
;, _
The immense sale that ttill.Vwnitagejlze.te e gore
test of its value and. the
by too
lish the volumes of certifiesteo ‘ ihst; have hewn given
for this article, and the *era of it are reqticated to,
smiled the name to Eta - they.thjult wilt
be benetitted by it. , •
Speak of it in all familt ano, you wilt do przr. du your follow creaturemytnitii . eor rtsmito ef-ftiti
probation of alt good men, and wilfrfrceiitayoitueorard
in heaven. , •
We call on - all goiid citizens to make knows the of
feels of this wonderful remedy •
' Remember, and ask for:Unities "rerinifuge
• . Startling pacts.
Hundreds of children and adults are lost yearly whit
when some other cause hari been supposed to
.be the true one.
It is admitted by all doctors that scarce a man, via
.man. or child.esists, but what sooner or liter are
troubled with worms, anti in hundred.; of case;. sad to
relate, csupposed`fever. scarlatina. cold, or some other
ailing carries off the Roarer of the human fatuity , —
while in truth they die of woven! and these could
have been eradicrited in trdliv, by , the use of one bottle
How sickening the thought that these things should
be—and who can ever forgive themselves for not try--
ing this WORM: EXTbiRMINATOR; when •they
know that even if the ease was not worms, this reme
dy could-not by any 'possibility do' hurt..-hut always
good as a purgative, let the disease be what it tray. '
How important then to use it, Std who will dare to
,fake the responsibilty to do without it? Let all pa
iTints ask themselves this question in truth and ,obey
nest. ; •
Tor sale by HUSTON & PORTER, Towanda,
Gen.ral Agent% 169
'Tint undereigned, formerly Foreman for many. years
1 of the Lafayette Burr Mill Stone manufactory,
240 Washington sweet N. T., (W. Track. Agent)
Writild inform Ms friends and the public in general, that
he has established, a BURR MILL .STONO-MANIT
CTO,Bit at, Ilinghaniton, in. " Leroy
OPPosite "Phenix lintel," and , aolieits, a. shoe
of their patronage.
He will hall constantly on hatid a large stock of
French. Burr NB/ also a large supply of
EsVlial.4' ran iVerrea. also r q neb. llurr Otoefra, fiktft•
ins?, C l ot hYereen Wire and Calcined gldsler. _
'The nnitefidgried assurealtis, friends and the public,
that be will 'faithfully. execute all Orders ,entrusted to
his care, not only iii, quality, but in prices of articles
furnished, tind solicits, their kind patronage.
°Metall: letter will be executed with is much care
and as cheaply as when, purchasers are on the spot.
Din2,6aroion, May 2f,1861. •
Removed. to -IL liingsbery's -Block !
W 4. Chambertiti,
- — ij AS justreturned fmm the city
iris , IL 'of New York with a large
....., supply of Watches, lectre . lry . and
i ~.7,1 7 8 leer ware, eomprising in part,
. - ia the following articles :— Lever.
, 1 - 41: L'Epine find Plain Watches, With
16._ • ,,„. -;,''' ,r -,,--w • complete assortment of Gold
Jewelry, each as Ear Rings, Fin
ger Rio ;s, Breast Pins, Bracelets. Lockets; (cold chain.,
Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware,
and any quantity of Steel Beads--all of which he offers
for site ereeeedingly cheap for CASE.
Watches repaired. on short notice, and warranted
to ran well,oe the money wilt be refunded. and a writ
ten agreement given to that effect if required.
N. B.—,.MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Produce
taken in payment for r o ll ; and ate% learn now, and
foreser,tAat - the Produce must be paidivhen Me work
is done—l war against eredit in eA its forme.'
W. A. , CHAMBERLIN; Agent.
Towanda, April 29, 1850. -
New 'Clini" t• andleastead' Witeroom.
. .. •
VESPECTPULtY infornis the public that he has
openedit4hop it his nevi house, eomer of Main
and streets, nearly , opposite - Edward riverton'i,
Towanda, where he will keep oatand or manufaetrire
to outer;' risg-twated.Catracte, Windsor, Fancy, Cane
seated tend Common CHAIRS, made 'Of the belt '
leriele,•and'ofauperir durability:- ' ' '
IHe kareigo formate en assorttoent' ihnsits'as,
at tow prices:lf. ):;
Repairing and Beating Common, Canbottomana
Plart.amiad Cliairs, on reasonable terms.
Cherry, Basasmoih. Whitemiud- end Cucumber lunit
berteken In payment. for work: '
fib quits (141 his long gest:astute. i 8 tiai. "aunty,
lid the doiattiliti airbie.wgrk as lestodAY 19110 3 r. Yeell
experience, pilkiectire sh.iie of putlic;patrira
ege. • Towahti, March 1, 1851.
MEWL 11601411 1 2.1 kaUSIRIFiro
- • 'Mina Taaafiiiiiti' " '
TIAVING entered into eognitimship in-the practice
J•lgootiewaisee elecrestaidiehla wij;tieney' , roe thf
Inkier reetestips ins theleornaty oninidtbrd. ,, Peron**
basinirreel Ambito Which , they desire to sell; by' telling
and!hierinir *desiniption at: their. .cpropeity• with the
reruns of eakverill rindiontitedlytind it - to -their wdiati :
tag" • „
ftemons, Alesirons of purebasing of ! i
ertyilelbritele4ll - airse#olari
price 'and tertnitirkeY i twent
ityortithi. "
Towenile;,llpY - 1; iti6l; .I:ll.litPAß4Altle:9
• ,r , pony:cry,
ITAVlNGloonted in- Towanda,. Ma service* nini
°Abe' eignintiiiiy4iltitniiiiiiiline
Ow oast of tuquallittinit;
litkiiiireYnrilltilalonfidi nAtiitten*:'
lientAtin4sX biNT*4ly: -1;4450f , :looltll
am t •
In (*TONS AVlenclin, *V I&
•4!y of lig elltiftrouPariff
Sato *4 6 51 1 49. - if,fWefitliaja
het of ittia r:Ju, u
cAgrunltural- 3mpltmeitts.•4j. -
V1010.1 1 4 1 1.. i 11i0 - A l 4 4 l ll r.‘.stirt ,
T..' fit trerAII.4,ATIMIUS •
• .. • ... • .
• •
zw•toux =irratezaintnoluTfliat. 4- stintite4 .. rAterr 1
Rail Road ll'orscrovet 7 -A,Tosbcr;
P °: NP. 1144 /44Iff i 4 1 .5 1 POr t f r n I - I
, inWOrePtlif fir.
-,i r g:l4l4.4Nalt i4t.accmr,edi
take* •th id" media& ~ t o !intetrul ebe
~,,L,Farmerst of II adford:and , deto adjoining trio otieti;,
.that bola:agent for, audits' for aute,the tame° oelctorti l
tea and nnequalted -, thustp Po4er . - and' Threihing , Ma
chines`l whirl he, ie p . repated furnish-otf. the earnei
termisal Wy!thrt!rdina lecturer. pith the addition of the
netual.etuat oltiatiiiiioftation, contracted for at the
est emi beetiotes.
The erthsvriber. has sold a notabey pf the oho re ma
chines - It:tittle:end the lining enuhtrar Ot t qemung
'and skiihout excepion him `aAten
the sery'bett tattisfsetien l ;tin r d where they die ktuitsm,
alllsrmeniVire Iffitit the t r eferetine: , rin
tuneroMy turthrestibti, beintoisMifid *kW tens
esomisei •mud' 'er4tettirig , ityptt 'Mach teat( 'grain
than' tiny other/ 'nicht n e itie.
The Two-Horse Power Thresher anif Septirafor is
capable, with three or four men, of threphiuir from 158 ,
o 200-bushels of %shackle* rye, Or:d(rUttle that quantity
t mate, per day: ' • •
The Otto! toiA`ili;elY Fo;'4 l,3 Pe
„ Kowa Power; O O.
do Threabet and Separator, 86 . 01 i
'do Banda, wreoch oiler
4... ,extra pieces, „ 6 00,,-sta QO
do . Tive,horr,tirower, sllo, 00
doTreiVey and Separator.. '35 00
.• do • Bands; oiler, wrench, es.c.„ 5
. 00. 1 -$l5O Off
Allo,Whaele.ea one.borsepower,Threaher,
and Separator, complete, (improved tbia
Seafoll) $l2O 00
Wheeler's %Wei; Thresher and
IScparator, complete, • • • '
Price of Emery's. Treiber and , Cleiner, • •
with bands, wrenehea,&c., - • 75;00
do Mill: Complete forage, - • '35 00
-Price ef Grant's Fan Mills,- adapted , for -
bend or power, from , 22 110 to 25.00
The snbicriber vitt also the coming !tenon be pre
pared to ftirnish to order '
EMMY & Co 7 'o c
The Cleaner has all,the -advantages-of o graltfan
ning mill, elcaltinAlegtitin fart market, dealing
none. The additional cast being but little nom than
a fart . nints mill, pr. atiou; Pairls .daPere—,,Making the
whole Throttler and Cleaner coat $75 to the, Farmer,
and wilkEmer:. & Co.'s twerbonwpovrerJABs
in" On account of the large demand in the aboye
machines, still the diffieulty of ienmediately filling or
ltenifor them, • persons wishing to' pttraf ase miehinits
should ,tire: me timely notice asto• what kind- imP'it
what tide they - wish to'proettre them. •- • • - "
Varmenswishing to de their' threshing immediately
after borryst. should procure their mitehined as 'early-as
the Prig cf ,.lp l y. Also for- •
aiitij'atturer's retail pried . , iiseh as,
C EMT I VAT-Ogg ;1111 P '
Srup.oll:',:slOAD,§tris, oft.
Bintall'a. Grata Reaper.
l2ert4eing Horse .114 co, Hay, arm ilanart
Forks, ,itc. 4.c. Also, ,
Cast Iron and Wood Cistern and Well Pumps,
LEAD PIPE of all sizes, in large or !mall quint!
tea, cheap for cash.
' • •
O r:FI COMO4 ' "
OCS 13 . 4trilTet • PAiTERNS,'St2ES., PRIM, kd.
' stock of Stoves, and prices, will compare favors•.
bly with-444MS alifrairEnriiilSTorci:iitZikik Gni/ large
A k eighboyipg. towns
'and thterlpfir Watt
manufactured and:fer wile wholesale and rettirl, C'ireap
or. , el
A, large owl full Catalogue o,f, .4grienkurtil,ltraplp.
engivvings; faroilnecr_ girwes.
eittierkero, dr'on4Pplleation post-Rai d
Athens, Pe, November 30, 435(). 1y 26
THE subscrilserif reapeetrullOnariG the public that
they•lrve z tikkon; the "hop foriaerly pccupied t by
Ad, Fe wino , qn Vain street; neatly bppasita
sikaanwatioNwhhi they ale prepareilio do all
kin(la of BLACKSMITH[NG upon reasonable terms.
They are detiffnitied 14.' 'Fork well and
PromPtif, to merit; ea they hope to receive 'a shire of
public '' _
pateetisge.•• ••• • '
t HOREID:4ISOEING done in' the:best Manner. All
kinds of repairing Machinery, executed in the most skit.
fat marrner,r 7r. ;
WOOD *bill{ for wagons will also be made and
repaired when desired. ' , •
All work done at their-shop, Will be Warranted to be
well done, and aianufantured from the best materials,
The puldiC' are requested to give nen trial, and judge
for thrn
eselyna. EgENWINp OtEII,IBCDH.
• P; Iss l .
A DAM ESEPINVINE respeetfolly infcirmiSthe pub,
11 , lie that he - no* occupies' the shoisthergiliimael
and brother hue for cease worked, nearly • opposite
Tomkins' foundry, where he is tardy to do all work
in his line, as formerly in the best manner. He is de.
ittogilf3ritiV'i!Putawiti***44 l4 "-id •• 4 0 4110 1
loriatik*OLlsoi s ll rei:l7ooY,negh4 onifie4, l l4l l ',
ests . lir euitopeni or by any inaiten3ua, to biiisineta t
TOOLS,' Minn featured to ordrir-r•iniehittary of ail
kirithr repititeariti theblit
.14,epaking:ina itinkfrieturling;iloiyx * # 05 4
liotimo man ycl
n the.atlis& ed.'
Rome Shoeing, on 'i4isoncible'temi';'' 'He will alai'
lake pouyt{r.y.,Prafhstesis•paymeni littruti!„, but
hat,!qtfailty kt:eiedit.a ,
17, 1€111.t.-ttr 4
Saddle,llarnesskTrant Minufatwol'
EtE CULl>dt Co., respeed'ally Wain dmvpoblie
thstiliq ben taken the Aop tatety ed by
'C. pdliadrilhitastriagtitatdhonalre •
*WOO itiani •lalolt
..i4nti.elt,t "It.iffilift - qe ft;i: •
ZWlNG2l6o3ii t e&Dgel . Willita i d ) % 3 C4
• . tAO itkaigHir 11.•
AtAokir•3oll:4% 1411 - . n rt , :am , s• li n ' ;•-",
g a rigraelll 9 B iillloll4ll Po • 7 1 . 149 ,
tgr e i !P il hairpcm ofioyinA: . ,
sciar v if 9t .: oo o.6.l. 4o / 1 6- inire:hase, corifideni Ist
tbeyliansttelitudietion both-a.-to quality and price.
.ttateaab twat itefeltii‘ fee , widaieha , swir
as thellifswit tcitu, ittuttplop. _
Towanda, November 19th, IE4O.
~. .. ._ ,
* - • - litaccgiomurtf. „ - 1
'- - -a -- "*` --------- ---- t -
NEW s' :. ..- ~, , , A GOODISI,
-,--:._ '
140411*1 • r'7 , . ,, , ' `,.-... Bra o
: '.- t t.;*.4.4 J 4 ~.ii: , r, , r: ?]
--•• , - T4 4 1 - - - - , .., . -,, ,,.. . , „ N. ;. .,
11.14 1 041 5 cs it, . , .. ',44Q4 1 0; 11-001 * - : ei': 1
lis ” usilvo,
2 ig .111 4 4 -_' '4 11114- Siltaitile ~..: k I
;:ii#e ' , *Which -
veclb:**/, liiiiiiilOk st O = 1 .-0 • t
ware Atlst : 6 ffewstfs! osoge24osooieal—
tud, sjellt-0.0.444me- _=ate
zi 4 l 4 .
.'"4lsl6l4 l i ';
~,,a *pare ariTrourl;
Englietrineitt"OVcon refill ` ;;hoop, bind and bone
21144101ktilat=' mall eg All 0 4 . wipapi.
.. 4E6; - sioara.•;*44,
, •
N„(131,84, 01.1-12d_0pA.204) ;A I F• and } a isrk $1144 ;
stroijilit tiiht 164 . hire iuki/76.1'40 * P:sri't V/ c ' t
101. 1 4‘1,43, 'ease, diion, -- pAistblifrAmenctto
iLipiinifilizid 'fire Alio', tic:,:
_`;;; , :, __:,,,, i
jii r,, ,, CMP l oo# A44100 - 10 4 / 4 , - ,oo o iit ,
kn. mg. greScr,tptißox, viz , _,15r00 . ,..., oarioyy . ,4R4finoo no;
'tifit i Oeti, oh rimeel, cts,k,itt:4l soortico,-,4lcpet owl
‘ t rami Pg.S hi sF 4 A , ciFPrfo94,ll l 4 , issiffisel , l4TA -o i ,- . 011
* 4 6,rea11):1 . 4.,,,4 , peb : ,P.014,1 , P4,) , 14::;.44.4....4tnd
W.l.;iti. exiiii# goiebsiiliphipp AT,O P ir'ftIMPOr-tllllO4
.7'.;cuf;/,‘cilril'el-i-W.O.sbill'aa ISwelqros d,lkicol , iod
P r y. - fr,s r r i _7l .6 l l tts e „,4:lo, lo, 'N AP 'oi# lo *; hslorPeris
?P' r fl."•!Ti , i'l ' elvi:s'lMY o kls; Ark ° lff .auswe, of, all
'siren, screw thiveiir, raratificoTholtolT,stogoo, kg.,' i
~:-• .:: .. Placltionattes Words. r-' , ' •-• 1
-mile , ..owaawn:c*i. ,'- , 7f*Ai 4 •
_Ap viler, 4e Rows, Irammerci , vledges;' riaang
tteumpos f stocks, sod", drilling:glic4 insehines;&e, •
• _ • Vartiter's AZooliw. •• •
7 77-7: l' . hes 'ha
.oShrivels, liquareter: 'round-On - mu f plc y,
strati iind.rnandre foes's; log, cable and bindiAgelialtm
crovrhars; let - Wing hoes; rakes, - graitieythes,,rcythe
scathes;Scythe stones Mut ri fl es,. "ciadte leythes,Antah
scythes, torn cutters, slims!' plough moulds; garden
takes, hoes and: trowels, scoop Shovels, &c:
Carriage Trinimigg3.
• Caritagti hoifs, tppletither ; 'Went telder ;
lbdie labile? cToth ffttii s eitd `siliel ?plated hutity(ndr.
toneave' - and Ihistori*tt6the ;''hiefs colt lOiser
ettriein-fraM4, tipgi
and hohks, stump joints ; brass and silver plated joints;
seaming cord ; striped_ tape,',ljde and narrow ; silk
striped lace, new : style . i t r opEntop,worstell fr.trige,n'toss ,
varnish cloth. patent , end iile arms ; spring4'stc.
Rarities Trtrnmin Arfr; /d7eri - r Mire of - the bl
est tail hiVit'aliproveiritifves esid or ; '
. • trawsitTrimmings,. • •
have,,OA. hind it A folj asiostotent.. Also Largetquan
thy of I,o* I) PIPE, evhichlvarste prepared:to , faithish
at the lowest prices, together with copper and brit:tools
stop cocks and cork titifell'"-Any quantity of Pump ,
drains' and Well. - Rig,girige. ,- A general assortment pf
" Zftriviste. "
, Sass , milVebtrittirlitut rioneriswirt 'pAstertnritni)
, brlck - troWeltt;• 'hap* -Wei/liners*: tifoWets snit ;
files :DM] ''ssopi of ill' Sizes; shoe andltieir harnMerit
drawing knives, tumer's chisels arid gsitiges, c itaiirifetts.'
ettiliOls t prigrtnitit silk/
Ativahltoteo; How &rig f orstaik stutei;
coach wrenches ,
tailors anh
sheep sheaniTilille spit' beAisstoMi:lifiner and tea
- b'ellit, grua•tind inamelted'esueo' kettles; limas ice**
'from two qu'irts 'to Bolt if - band; tie** . trim spa
eantitron keutess l / 4 , tea cudeinOtt' tints ;'Mass am ltd.
tannireandlestieks And Snuffers: trays, fruit
large 'rimers i motain artheatid of ttiktitiattitites';
stair 'rods and.twitieni;ittlishi'''sititgtittienittdit pocket
-aciarel razors; with - razor athirst' German' ' • ariA
tnitantfir tableand tele spaiwiit bair.'elcshisslnol Abe
brushes; bnms, ono steePoirrelleh pistol? Ana ers
04 , am itigpple wrenches ; litint, e b t it,
powderpouches an powder 'fliOilts; barn door, strap and
hinges, -.Alsotmamsfacturiortand wiltlreep corsitlfaly
°island a largo arnynnteitt of ' •
• • and tairaaned Ware.
We have also jug received ao iosm of Svivqs
Couipneed iq *trier the folloring pstteros
Republican air tight Cooking Stove, Number d
Farmer's •• do - do • •
Lady of the Lake, • .9
Queen of the , West, .do
4 uid 7 s
falpfoilid Premium do :: to ip
Eastern Prerniunr, do end 4
Jenny, Lind Parlor,Stoires,"
Cottage• • :-., ;dof,i ~ t • • - :: : 4
:: 2 end" 3
Cylin.lcr - 'do
Air tight do i 4.ind.4
' ' - . ,l , , r
:: Ori3
^ .-r-
Air tig . ht c plate'Bto Ter i,
Sia plitirttare4;
,The ships. emnprines but s few prtiniew,Of tbe &isn't
ment!whleft they offer to the public. ; end. ,of 'stab
will be disposed at extremely low noes. - prootof
this, please call it Haltstild stentl,watiTh w el t poi,
txpisre v 'tmd eitendinx to Pine street.
ca: Old Copper, Iron, Dress and, roost kinds of Pro.
doee,,`tglten in payment. Towanda. June B. 1851:
New York irefilliers and gabbers,
58 'Liberty aired, 'keftveeri firoadheey and Nasiatt
r aired, nearlhe'Post . o,ffiet,..lfew 'York.
UTE are receiving, by ilsi l tarrivati from Europe.
V Vfl - our Pall'and Winter assonrnent of rich fashion
able Fancy Silk and Millinety Gouda,
We respectfully, lusite.alYeasli pureiiasers thorough
ly to examineniii , Stock' rind' pikes, and, as 41 , 1iWISt
governs, We Teel confident our goods and Prices will
inAute - them to tette florn qui Astriblistiinerit,
ilenTse'litt6tribrir Gonda, ,and ,
ninny 6f the irfieles are tnatinfiMtifiQ'exer+fy to our
order, and candot be inrpassed 'style aiiil,
cheapness. r.
Beautiful Paris Ribbons, for Uat, Cad; lecft`aos
satin and Tafreit Bibtionii;'et
,/.SO I PS §alizta,.VeNatty and Uneut.,Volsent, 'fru:Hats.
Feathers, American and French Artitigial. Flower's.
puffews,, and Cap Trimmings.
Dress Trimmings, large assortment,.
Embroideries: Capes. Collars:Uri deratesWeiraiatl Cut.
Fine Embroldifed Mestere. and HeMstlich Camb ric
Crapes, Lissa*, Tarlet'orta„lllussieu t and Cap Lacer,
Volenciettes,Bio6iMiilltieadOMllt,mtlLßleatire f ul
[mei. • ' •
°, Silk, SewiniSilk;'l.Qa Mitioo Gloves
Mitts. • '
riguted en 4. Plain Bwiies, 'Book:11164 tiaiijna
,English, Frond', American and itplian
nISSO LI/ T lON.—Notice is hereby given, that the
jJ partnership , heretoftwe existing the taup
scribers in the guano and Trunk.wahine bulimia 6
thisday thiesolsed by wand, , ccetsents 1 Balkh, rlk
Son will settle the business of the late firm, Those
indetilid limit take , iitimediate:psYnielit;taid thiiiteWhO
havcsgreed to pa) grfin,'are notified dist *en de.
livered it be Vine agreed, Cash ivilltiektivited:
, ..! 0 , •
's.iveloir i ii, Tao. I''A P4I L I3I '
WEsommEss, Ne IRffermmur4
• - t!' IC Ifinithulf '''." f"
D Efiptetrims inform the public thee the',
XV coutiime tiA4tteinglet witeiroitylektimat
side pf,the, toblin ignare,
manufacture to order. every variety of itIADDiES,
HARNESS, TRlPiga.-364 WO* Atc, , of the beet
Ta i rjqt M 4 21;1"1 9 / 1 .1*biR ,, .4-4tt, 41. 1 4,ift1091
Hy, striS skirt lettreeiAn.d.o,atuppless
1 :01E04 OtagMen;o4 Pt!. em?lmAtedle4iit*.
etor P .l 49,flogO.lV,Bl!iiY,Stgettkforet*.ilitt • !f,
ft*AV.liiigcl,. l ,4 l l. l ", 4Ativa
the peabiamitine!i,
004t. 6 1 1 4,000 , ...
4• l l6.VlLlpiria •
ojgc,. / Spli,Pyb4c -- Awtf t
I=Hr =RV
filitEligrklowl lanai% dwayschaildh3gbt,
Xtif IMl,Alfreic94l,„4lo4l) 1 4:4444ffiteons atamir Uri
they will tarpon band Pak& iifttOtdeti, pkwitts,
'stow end-mill hens et almost ill ileneripgqop.„ . 4 7:11in;
vifill'Vedenh Oen nit
term as!itlelinita seOwtig' drltOlif lion Oil hilalren '
in piiiisenl? 3OHN CARMAN'&IOO.
Towanda, Apt 1.`,6, 1951.
• ,r; •
e • f% -
I st "
• ‘ 1 41 gill titil'd r' .11riifill el tiedill."
ei olkis ierga.isrletraf,iii,Sl; l 4 l #
;. ' e.P. l ,W. h b ; V au / 194 w i t 74 r 4 , 1 040°0k4f1-,
,: e. ~ re' O e l. , ,Peobut*o 0 #0 ,41 4e.ri•
'tuviA in Vte coutitr* mid .„a7e,.,Trconk, ~,,
--', .1 7 ' 4 c,0( 1 9( 1 .4 cii 14 0 hikqe vsed<arM ...,
n 9 setpertor Iciisity methane,.
They bate gritereieMbi i i iii4if - lor live icats
During whlch time mire than, 000 certifluateathre
1 ban ieceived fri;rn enaineni public Ines
~ ' ,and othensapd 15re nowon.fille , -, ' <,
. id i ll aC ajOVPitrfea-, I '.
fl , - '
Too' , aro cm posume4; ,-...
Illr.irtr the' utninet care, at Orly; arirl 'thri:jint4kala
',lre thorotigtify tested by S'etentiffe chemists so •
that medicines or A pniforin and reliable.glow - -
thy ere rotnanimi in all cases.
Ma particularly valuable fisr the keveation and• pure at
Fevers itigenetat ail Hilioua luta tlixer,Plzolgaiift`.
Jaundice, Genera/ Illhibity.• Unarm , and Wick
Headache. Dietiep'sfs,Tfeirellurn r Costiveneatt e
Griping. Urinary Diseases. Obstrnetians of
the MrafaS4attlanltsi.fiatslanaZind for a
vanty of othe. Chronic Ihsessesi ire
'ft e. tor all ordinary family n o es. 1
(Full dir - ions for, the yarious Diseases y
ea h box. Prke 23 cents a ,bp
l et
Tile Genetenbeeglysentati Oftripr `•
A Speedy And infillitde remedy in• Dtariterea; Dysente
ry. Bloody Flux, , eholersAterbus, Cholera (Wantons
ami the Aft ATI C CIIO LER 4 if taken with Atto first
aymptorns,ll4.: vomiting i saildiperlitea. i It ne
, j ver AN to fire the lop Pdssibiet flifel 0 .
f towel romPlailrfal6"eiraral'Y to tefrie,bauar3 I - .
' ghtliwiv 'V e t° %..1 1. 0•( s rik
'sqr.i4LS l a l b Wier; itatiy:quil
tily lallerfeetty Mirthless.
Iba emetenberg Oran libirntaii Ointment.
Invaltuddeforlltumv, Woondit. Orsini, -Chillbhrins,
Corns. Bores, Sivel fags of all kintlißheurnatirrm,
Er3`alPetraslia4ihtlijacrofiti,tliase4A4 ~,, i n
the eltht Ind Week tmtCWiatety feliaeretithim
cation of the Rowels, awl tor ail amara What'll ' '
there is Inflammation.l
' lilarsluda Elaine Cititolitetk '
A certain. car.elye.ercligpuis 41.1prioutt-fornsost of the
distretiling - complaiiitillieldentio 'timid - eV. Pre
, - , reed by Dr. THEM POMEROY, ortnita,'
' - solely , ' Tor the Graefentienr Company. ~
Virg ovals otraerpretni MIS ItIN VI Allg '
£yr Lotion, , Health Bitters,
run ntrnptire 'Balm, Per and , e dgcte Pills,
Vklefrenrs - Ponitera, ` 'Lgby's Pire Obilment,
Sati?rparitl Compound..
anal Graefenberg aa! of Health. a complete
fittutl-hook of thedieitte fe fargiffes. Price Oily cents.
01/Ice, 214 BroadstrarlitCw York. '
- Csrrion.--= - The po , lic is requeated to hear in mitid
the t euerything prepared by the Graefenberg Company
, *.elteirleal, upon it,
^. fiiinuti,ttraces save been issmed daftly 'needing
the genuine' in eve'ry' particular except the seat, and
the utmost care shonlit-lbs-pilintieforlf purchssing.
Aparita c afor Asdfsatl Cprinty—Dr : lII7 . BTIPMand
pr. Pflrl kEI ksT aaila ttb- .-1 ae4 4y 8s
.• . ,_____
rerisovred . to a tear lloon.helovr 'Bridge, street,'
nn the East aide of neirprat.,in the husldwgs fvf
merly occupied by I. U. Montour!' Esq.
AU operations amounting to $5O. or over, one > her
tat* ply,. 4cryn k dierremaleder ikri7 three reogthit,
tbe Oviedo° trdves linsatisfeeti4,lhtiplihey w
be refuelled: A
,eofb ofk‘d,htuvgilt must inure the
payment Girths billieft."*liidtvrilthit proviso.
• • ; - THE UNITED BTATEd'.• •
CfiterieFTerPefriil" :Cash system . Capital $250.000
.rfifßee4 i o; 29, IllerehaniEzchange., •
ORCi4NiZED upon the "lobed principle." Stock
mid Mutual. which-combined festers; offer to in
sure"! members double the wsnaiv seentily; . The: Cish
system of payments bac oleo been adoptedi thus avoid
ing the heavy drawhielm,created, byluspiad "premium
notes. The table rates of premium. DP= which
its po
qciq are being issued, Is the only male experience has
proves should be adopted, as affording requisite after
tO beintuted, and an undoubted guarantee fortihe
_perpetuity of snub institutions. ;:itwezperimentalts
bievney'ho found or oxtails% at tho very instants' pc&
cy should possess its greatest value. Life' Insunmes,
very pro_perly„ is arresting, the t tnentionstf the:world.
rberpiddle.hmveyrir. in theii4inineendabliwltliiiimeas
to embrace and etnploy its wife and salutw_provnione,
6 09u1d !Irmo , me - ?mill dice pFipOry end:moat
iinpoitent Objeei; tvtiCh can only be attainatiir, so - 1 4'
-lusting tie pteinitittraesAo:tintiteunivpected'
tti indlluctuatioth of liitld: It 'ls otliOitupose
of. thle - Company 4 atintiallf Upon the .polices
of hi ldeis sell iswileiof!• tde CotriPtitig, - mich
of profits as shall not affect the stability, or impaii thg
se It InSKut its cOntiMCitteMunettniy;atilushie
non of the psld,sionuadiy,
Or quarterly, in ecjvaom:. All necessary informstion,
together with pamphlets die, may he plua;ned
graffsi et 'he'd - Mei:of S. B. Ms stir o, Adieus, Pa.
4 tio 7
l . .
• Stephen ChiW:itOt•d; " Paul B Godjarj. •
'/OnbilbanVl'; Thonption; LitiranCeJOlpsno;
Benjntiiin - • GeoknHenry.
Jacob L. Floranc, llama Dovercui,
• 'Wittiant ht. Goodwin. John Linton.
STEPHOT'W. CRXWeiDßl:clq•esi,Jept;
A n noss W.'tsinairsiur, Vice President .
Geis. 9. imf...r f sactoary aqt Treaan!e!
f, •
CocrasaL ArAlAl7ollTET. 7 •Thinitts Balch.
F. B.ll4irr ~Vetlicalgfajninerfor Athens.
ijiii0ni 4 60 . 2701350: ",•
Clod, : laid* , .
0 7 a 7".• i , Jewe iry •S to re !
- , i
A.M. NV ARXEFt takei`thia' mettuid
' • . • of infonningbis old cuStothers Stuflhe
• 17;Vfr pu b lic genera lly, that, he ha i porc h ,
of:LA.Bn! ~ his 'Moak cif Watches, CtOelts
i. ,
\ • ' i and. Swishy, Slid lonfinitieWtAetWra
huskies' knell Of ifs Sonata( brincitei itthi, old 'Mind
;of the latter. on Main street,'twO dciots *oath of flinch
Rows. Mii repotatlisti' sr 44 trash repsiier hiso'nell
establishedia tlila-Sonuttnairy, thin it to hastily lieceis:
nary to say'spietini plicate-point: , Witli , hie lohliii:
penenes and great edviniages Ric aninitinif a thinottili
Itnowledim of the tnisine t ss. befisa conOdenceirt itayhur
to'ltis.ptiMii,..lang.on yotmtlatcheitunl clocks, twill •
do them justice. - -
ss , -.. 1 ...! ~,..
All goodirssll:44liefirn * niAoss; wsterinted as 1
fecOaso?nds of stint:omen sefunde&• ail , • e , I i t;
0 41. iftxtd,stacstantat islettieltsi Mratithas and 'Jewe
iseptconstseallbethend.t: tut,. ~, , • ~ 1 ,-,,, , t- . ~.,
.. lilyAnotto shall tw•Tinieltitales, 'small 1 , pronts;,essb
ainsnistnii we:wait math ''Crealitneed:twt ber-siked.
rafrist Lant•haand halts Istakeitte ecilusinfenee., t , '.73
Towanda, July 12, 1850. A. M. WARNER, - - , ,
Ittaittr: bVit t kaktitfiEltko '
:TINE isqmstattiniesicorapielesehaol;
J. blsnlogrAbliatellitieous BOONS ec , sraTioN ,
;EltreverArettaitethit morkit,;l4o4lo4l4mPicti4
inowjust vpeniiiirst tOr-0 D. - DA RTLETra
! -- 311e-4 " SL
15 1 .3 pH4gAlMltaiii; unutithitheifesiddi
6144_. tautly',
Dwrsic;AA ßLs l t tLO ft PD k VNI.i ED.
1 % ftfirdieStoir'ii l ot
11•44.4 - 00i* L 1Oitrinca,
Poeweelfar#lr4..ina Wdatni , ,niw7Ool#lll:ivheii
bay u-rou rid when 'nit itinteisional
• • Towanda, duty 11, 1850.
iea~ -~sesau
-, ~' ~
f;.li N...! t
n •;1.
.0 •
q tr
l '•
4'ls V I
X-. 47
C , )
4glll S OYE 13 E. I. C 1 , - ( 4,*
- • *7 •
'f.l.#4 , :isouft't co.
4 7, Vt. , . ;MT - 11
iNcorMfiettuine,aniesia!,accomson) . l,by. a Ise si za ,
'lO"ceethe'lificive'rrikrivett Wisirr , of
130t1LE & Co . ;,lttforiit
Ia drains lo Sbassablic oefebritea goy .
ERELPg. BAIIKST 1 4,FtEs • i1!.+40 7
anymake '' false statements or wild, suer: ions of, th e r
iintiortor eteientlif ,
hepli.ltio' stet
'inifierins, 'volt • knowirire.that ;their: :reptitation es ,
ISTANDARTINEDICRia is•okithelf sufficient refs.
' enee for tho afflicted., , • • t
'pio . 6 . re thigh!.l:e gissit of iVoir valve on pip e
`but•we pfefei . thotte unii4oitintidisith lhent to' 1 1 E, ' ,
themselves by: snot iring at,lising. ituosses 'and tryst );
lhn.~ills, ; They
' 61 )4i!herlt fe.iNco7. l o o and ny
able iiirs:beinepurigu vegdabte. aud a I n e fJ
tine worthy their best confidence aid fistriintige,
•The'folloviing certificate ;nil mentos for the pikrz
Hasiats:r.rh.ll9nroegg‘ ri. lOi.IBIIL
We the Deoessitnusitisene of_Henrietts, JON
used 'Oerisindly 'eiergra; Balm
witnessed the'healt - I eiiii•SrhiCeffeets thereof, 'cheerful!,
neouneeell these Pale Ris the eißiossl ele the *allot
wl:4b welts. accellieted• -
G. lit 110 HE HT% ' 13:13% uROWN.
P. S. — Y.. I ! al *Stitt PALIOt i ? #* l ' the PgS ,
lie good. -
• P.F.W4 L . !*,,Pqu il Tz/!?,*.AT, t• Wn awe
any one Who ts'itilking a, upurfeits ankle bee yfti
ea to:nista heti OF-ntir name; bat wine or al l
had -the impudence fo imitifut!ciir Sakeirind
Piter4"tig. Cer.tife. Volpe the pubic
careful ibey.puir.hose,.ihey,.will be .deeeiv.
c ~6-0
rl. The genuine
.f f ,o.. batin` rifts can
'Andrade and `rettli%lof Dr SOULS &
Qperniega Co. N.:IC •-1 •
Sold by HU81",011 & PORTER,Towerida P
by their Agents ib-e•ery town in the country.
The berg and cheapest Foraily-Afeditinein' the (fi r
Pr. "Aborts': 11:kampffluid
fin 0111B1OPMEE121; 2 7 1/M;
theritive •• ?Ale, 'Diuretic mot mild Cm'
. 'Price 25:tent a .peg bal;fitoistbeling 50 PIN.
Each; bog eontains•fifty 'thigb-makm tb:
_ c he e p t w pi n as,any o t her at a n dard pill, sod foul
Cheaper, and warranted Moth superior in, the um
various diseases, to any of the Syrup mixturess: hi
bcwideeteinretuorti cuiVetingsritrierroper
o area,
Which 4sattenJed
of Dr eiroberla et:mpound' b!ititiliparilla Pills is
iliiibdaist sad CbnOrsivc 04107,14 e truly •
14ittITI#13 Oaiii emeaies.
and that they,arill.eurei; sill. rocable. diseases,
and, ware pleasint_ly „Wit ; say, other . me dicine
Itnoiro. !Pm ?waste, pripcipA . Uy !alteratirt
tine, (their basis b eing the solitteatract of Serve
prepared, in a Superior manner.) :but sufficiently
sac to gently assist *nature, witborktpurging
ugly', which drake sheen peci liarly, adapted to
and enfeebled persons,.insigoisting end' almost.
the botty,'Putifying the systeln; producing new
btoottied'a healthy action of, shit 'stistriaela and lir
'They 'ire acknowledged' b y oar *Wrest pbysicit
bettor Only iineiteeptionable, btiCeLECacions in thi
et dif*e; eta as a'geheral '" `..'
The Compound thrssperilla are used, for
peimapent more of those diseisei which arise fro/
impure - state, of The blood; end morbid secretions
liver and:stomach; •ia., eryitipcles, scrofula or
evil, ulcers, scald head, obstinate' cutaneous
blotches, boils, pimple; sore,'Weah err maul
glandular swellings ; th.iungtl.:,figetie;ii,
bones and joints, cliormy-idyiepetsiii,'
end dysentery,:mitigbeveoldie etifrbeepiiiii*
ed fly capillary obanieboria of thelitsgt id •
scrofulous renstitirtions;initimatien of 'the .
Iluents, indigestion, beadaehejtundiee,feeerimt
chill fevers, and fevers in general, general and r
debility, and trisealesariaing-froman injudicior
mercury ; and whenever coediting . is-required
rate and purify the system. f•-•
• They are a purely vegetable compound; end
used by persons e( all agesr.- Thee are pleasant
palate.; end products nivnattrsea; uneasiness or
in their operation: Iluadreda•of certificates
pvestofthose who base need them with - great
,We ask DO pemonto take our want as tad
ofttie rued*t . but call.oo thek l ageut end
an i t if en tciarif does not girethe,criost
iOlatiorfrs ,ello /elm thi boa tollrfrcillu
4 7. iaid,for „Pcitcbaiers will be
• for " Dr. Rishetrl CoMpound Bat
rinir ina observe that the, green
beii hits 'a' fac itMile of the2siguature of Yoe:
M_: D. tiimtP,,P. FerjOind to purchase none .
'Ail applications for grgenCies and letterion
jest of the medicine, must he addressed, poet
C. e. Fay, Owego, hose Co.. N. Y.
For sale 17'1313STON'&141IRTER, sole
l'oiranda Pre
Ihnsport* Athens Railroad Let,
G .
EO. H. BUSTING, respeettnlly informs
lic that ho has removed his store to Col. M
building, one door below Warner's watch shop, ,
he will he happy" to' sae all who may be in iv
Good and Cheap Clot:bine. He is constantly
to his stock ail the near and desirable styles at
terns, and feelatordident tin' ian satisfy any or
may give him • call.
Just receiving frbm New York, a large and
ble assortuienteLS,,pring grid 4onsvier Cintht
in:the best manner,. and shielt will be sold as •
the'toweet.Fricea. •
-.Mho° also tiotiferJ e a Large tot of YOUTI
CHILDHES'VLOttiIIIfG, trkwbich he invo
terilion Willl:l;asseld stiow rates.
made arrangements whlikhe can send for so!
title dfairtidlnii44l3.hp -cektaiyity 4 g procuring a
it •
articte.' • "
Cutting andy:nciliking - '.up, done as usual in
fashionable manner. and to order.
A RE you insOed dm received
efist*by L Z.- CA N
the followinieacer and popular-companita,i
The litdson.River rire Insurance
.... "^. 4 3 1 1 1 1041165(.3q V'WW•VitiriVere." .
4.4. - tn nil OriAk • i e . ••= 3l -, . 435;
Fire ConipanY!_
The Statiiliattliat at!'
'he lirge‘Capitar.ndlakit ifitieeelf4
die Great Pennillinmitzeourpinfil: , '"'
Thk Ifeltedititee lift bottler ieenity k
. CDIBPanb ..*
, .
Vniha deer iitinOplet vituc4,l th i; insured
TratWlTDibirier's. igen to aim
v V ''ikeithiglPDVß 141161,101i . ' PEET OF,
i*Wit '6o3i = IRO
PinOrtrink."l'hBldei 'Nile 4340• M" in the
:itt , Wilffintiittott; bylaw* oat* cinning I
.efet brAking. 66604 iniiiiettait,l% Or,
:tree!? Wit be eitteisilittatfiiriiitltiriinf Oli v e/
whold of the P4ti , kite' 'an oste or lAA of the
'tracts. The mid, an& banding,/ ett; oF - the bed
:cArti9iii mg,er,etwes•ee Jegeeti• chin ctil
II he relfiloni. A to
uni":" SAiIiVET Y I). il. V.°(
it KV/Wil 24 )1 111 i 'tin°.