Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 11, 1851, Image 3

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    Tat Payers
dyou desire to hate a man '
I Mice ive a Judicial
wail wit h o ut performing the labominchleal to the
ot ypsr: If so vote for William Elwell, 111111C1 is en.
, ice d i n so many orate esk..-Isesur_jimatling,lhat
w °; o ili be obliged to have 'special 4onrtslor ma
011am Nor will :hal necessily,ceise as long as
o ugirad land titles are tried in the Disuict,lor Wm.
O,VVELL having been generally EMPLOYED
E s TOE LAM/MI.I)PM earfnot sit - during the
tr ig ofteir titles. Duiing the dine Mr. Williston
to b e en upon the Bench, more than half the civil
hairs has been done by another Judge, holding
andurs, to the great delay of ffie public busi
est, at a heavy cost to the County. Do you
Tr ish fellow citizens that this state of things should
urine for years to comet as continue they Mu s t
ELWELL were Upon' the Bench'. • Is it righi
or pr oper for a man to ask for, or accept •an office,
r oiling its c ompensation, who is in a situation
which disqualifies him from the performance of its
dolled Is it in accordance with the principles of
our republican institutions, that a Salary should be
paid w ithout a corresponding performance of public
a nd ofscial duty tz
Special courts would hare
to be heltl,more or
leas, during the whole of MR. ELWELIRterm of
te n years. As before stated, ho has been concern.
fir every large landed estate in this county.-
10 passed judgment Upon the condi:) , of the
tides by which they ails held, and can try no cause
although hereafter commenced involving any of
those tides. ,
Arnim= wow IT.
Js there a a p ar t of common manliness, (not to
speak of decency,) .in the miserableplot of Bull and
nodett—to SMUGGLE Wm. Elwell into the field,
triter he has written a letter declining in plain and
p o sitive terms in be a candidate
Cat a man, such es Wm. Elwell is gmierally
supposed to held himself—be privy to such mean
Tss WAvzstsr Luxtwasr.--We have received
the first number of a Slimly printed paper bearing
this tide; published it Waverly,. "flop Co:, by
Thus. Msssuroza, formerly of the Corning Journal.
tVe hope the citizens of Tioga will give the Laud.
I vy such support as will enable tht publfisher to
sake it a "bright l and shining light" in' their
Mr Mossy Alsnerr still continues very skin.
mil in New York ; and the banks throughout the
date discount but very little--one reason for which
is, that although too loge rkprOportion of them are
mere shaving intaittnionsy instead of confining
themselves to a legitimate banking business. Ilia
Art& to see why this stringency shnuld exist at
this time—and circumstances suggest . the inquiry
whether it Is not more of eponic than anything else.
The gold coinage of the United Stales for the twenty
months ending Sept. I, 1851. was 1182:111,172,
wide the exports of American wild coin to the
came period, were but 817,855,150. Within the
pertfied time therefore,
the cobntry has. gained
. 0 1 forfyfire rnilhon of dollars in American , coin,
ess the amount of silver exported which has been
eplaeOd by gold dollars. The last amount of
user expooell in the twenty months mentioned
re Lk7,368,059. Besides thts was exported the
isrther SUM of 13,000,000 in foreign gold and silver
hrp prelim' of which should, be offset by the
ererpts by emigrants. 'But allowing that all the
iher and all the foreign coin exported should .be
alarmd from our California income, we find that
u , country has gamed Sr least $25,000,000 in ape.
le in less than two years. Notwithstanding these
irts„however, the money market is tight, and the
havers are doing a great bniiners. We have frith
betioe that the tables will be turned before many
reeks --Fromalls Journal. .
itight Express train,
7.oing East on Wednesday morning last, at the'Bar
iss Station ran over a cow ; throwing the bagiage
Intl two of the passenger ears off the track, • and
leanng o op the platform of the Stalky. One of the
*Tiger ears woe thrown afire tracts and land
. on the top of the wood pile " right side up ;" and
An is most singular, not a person was injured, al.
Itisseh the car was frill of passengerm at Jhe time.
lne gentleman was so seared alter he found him,
elf Rafe, that he had a flt. Wonder if the poor krt.
law's mother knew he was om!..4singular as it
ny appear, yet it is nevertheless tree, that a gen.
Imo who-was asleep in the ear on the _Wood
Ille did no: know anything hail happened tilt ropy..
rd by the passengers, alihonsh he said he thought
kit ears made rather a sudden stop.— Waver& hem
nary. .
FE —Nov OaLtarts, September 27, 1851.-.-
The boiler of the steamboat Brilliant yesterday
rrplaletl, near Bayon Sara, des Toyed the cabins
roper woiks.
-Many tea were lost, but the number and names
are as yet unknown.
Oat of eighty clerk hands and firemen, only
twenty fire were fouad after the explosion.
The Brilliant was bound from New Orleans to
you Sara,
;EA' ORLEANR, ' Sept. 30,.1 85 —Aldeman William
Auldin was killed, last night, by Alderman Will
'am Silk, in an affair arising from political differ.
, 1851-111 r, Sherbnme_Rowe, a real estate bro
er, fell in a fit last evening, as he was leiving the
mroom of Hedges' Hotel. His skull was filatures.)
Ind he has remained insensable for twenty hours,
nd ro not eapeeted' to recover.
- • - • -- •
ItimATtnt -
IDay of
WVet. _ !Month,
(c: 14016 AT,
........ .
Palen, ...........
'all and Wiiitiii"Goods•
aroamiumgv.,A 4k l, o.
• AVE DOW in karst a large stock sesta front
Ne ll'YOth sod other matteleoltbhb areast"
=l e retail, at Le bend poisible primate—
I inestii ski things that may - always be found at
14 "' Nabs enrtanels Mari Mr 4 13 0' 4 41 °'
fete latest styles: 1
Atonzes. Hardware, Crockery, Boos! and entm.
CITI.!cc, Se. Of which vie ur ge 60.
'ftest. with gammas' mai . odrawl ai 10 *
dotsod will est be undemolt halal ,.
weaden ware, ems, sole leather, besides St
'etwod other articteaukich imvpo sot enemarates
which We other nor 413144011 M rigli k ahl a
t'n rent, awilisettom as oat swam Meek tae
, hid is a. time when the audit. woo watmetimit
'll"nned. tad goods wet* sassy pi elllMOßgir,
" St BY Ittention, assa prapptmorials semmishit
ft.% or or =Ogg%
bar r , o l a AO* coPr
la " a the wastage that hitherto bets as
eall ? 1 , 0 0 en. • MONTAN YEW Co
"°''andsOct. 1851„.
ATHlTE'laney Maw, . Obit% far alt
P ri "* 6 H &A. IC,
• 'WARM 113:11n111111101,11G:
111 now receiving • borosnortmont of Fantod Who.
J. tot doods, dims:from Nowirstk which is offered
-st Greatly radii* pICIIO ricer aimnikingers.
Towanda, C 04411.17
, Mist ait*OAskint
DIVoRPE lip* 'Aroma bfferset
1-x• tee rant Regime aft ticoider a Brame
Conntmmd the Meet, MON loolds.lo Wks its final
effect on the. Ann dri likliemberitezt. It becomes
indispensable Chit ltds6ts dui ,I 6 the subscriber in
his oScial capacity abadd bilmniediately liqtddatsd.
The, patties . buerestedht this node. pill eami Mont
selves uonble , and th e Register 'ninth *MIMI ennoy
ante by a prompt aluintion to its comet,: lib Idaho
of the I:45Ce mom be settled immarmitly. SW dm Stab
Imes . remitted. and to enable him to eamotprith this
the parties indebted to him MOO pry at oncey
Oct. 8.1851. HORATIO SLACK. Ilecordet:
Orphan's Court Sale. .
TN pursuance or an order of the Orp/uues Cot ilynt
1. Bradford county, there will be exposed 16 public
sale. on Tuesday. the 11th day of Noveinfier next,
at 1 o'clock P. M, on the premises, a certain. tried
of land situate in Troy township, late-the estate of
Reeky Holcomb: Bounded by.— Hee.ock, o* the
east and south,by lands of the Earthy estate
• west
by lands belonging to the estate of Sterlini Rol- -
comb, dec'd, north by Towanda creek; 15 or 11
acres improved. with one framed barn erected there.
on, the remainder woodland. Terms one half cask,
the remainder one year from "the con f i
rmation 6t t
sale, with interest from the day of sale.
• C. STOCKWELL, Administrater,
Oct. 9.1851. '
ALL persons indebted to the estate of B.enjamid
Buffington deceased, late of Warren township,
are hereby requested to make payment without de-
lay, and all persons having -demands against said
estate are,.requested to ptesent them duly autbenti ,
cared for settlement. B. C. EUFFINOTON.'
Warren, Oct. 3, 1851.
ALL pentons indebted to the estate of A. W..lf.
Vtut&onier, - dee'd, late of the township 'of Dore!,
are hereby requested to make payment without delay.
and those having claims against said estate, will please
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Darer fleptemberr 22, 1851. .4,..frAdministrattis.
THE having associated themselves
together under the firm of Prancisco and Tom.
kins, fur the purpose of carrying on the
Carriage Waking Instates,
ltimpecttUlly solicit &share of Public Patronage,
They pledge themselves to make as good work and
as neat , as can be produced from any other estab
We have now on hand i variety of finished work,
and shall endeavor to keep constantly on hand
good assortment. so that customers may at any time
be accommodated with a carriage to their lute.
' All persons wishing to purchase work of Ibis kind
will do well to call and examine for themselves, as
we witl sell as low as can be afforded in any other
ca Repairing done to order with n-atnecs and
despatch. J. FRANCISCO.
Towanda', Aug. 2.1. 1851. N. C. TOMKINS.
New 41orival of
HS. & M. C. MERCUR art now receiving •
. very extensive assortment of Mods for the Fall
trade, which will be soM at wholesale or reloileheaper
than at any other store in the County.
Toiwands, Sept. 4, ISSI.
THE subsetibee nepeetfally e public that
ha has taken posversioe - of his old stand, he the
south part ante oro' of Athens, where be will be at
all times happy to see his friends, end will endeavor to
make thetrotay with hint agreeable. Ile trusts that an
assiduous attention to the wishes of the travelling pub
lic will secure hhn the favor of the old patrons of the
- a htlellitter mid the visit of those who desire a coin
fonablier ami anwenisot stopping-place.
His Taus win I 1 well supplied—end the best H
qnors be procured for the Ma.
Goon STAMM, is attached with careful and anew
dm howlers.
Cr An omnibus wipbe rust to the Waverly sta.
titer, Seamy passengers to and from every train, -east
or wow. • H.B. MATHEWSON.
Athena April Its. 1851. .
Saddle, Harness Trunk Manufactory.
THHE GULP & Co.. nopectfady inform lb.
J that they have taken the 'Sop lately by
C. P. Harder, on Hain streets a few doom be the
Mick Bow, when they will keep on, hand a large
mat* of
inannlatir MEMilePair Manalatin
Tsysts. vitasas, lealft_wte.
All articles in their line marinGiebnitd to order. and
made of the best material And for workmanship atom
be surpassed in Northam Pmnsylvattlic They solicit
a tall from those wishing to putehimer confident that
they can give sartsfutiou bolt as to gustily end prim.
Cash will be paid for Hides, and tibeep Pelts,
at the highest rates, at our shop.
Sak Leather. tipper Leather. Marren Leafier and
Calf Abu, for sale any quantit y.
Toanda. Novembet
New. Chair and. Bedstead Wareroont.
RERPECTFULLY informs the public duit be. bus
opened a shop at his new house. Cdrner of Main
and, Paine. spells, nearly Opposite Edward °tenon*
Towanda,mbere be will keep on%and or manufacture
to order, Plsg-sested, Cottage. Windsor. Fancy, Cane
rested and Common CHARM, mode of the best ma
teriels, and of auperior durability.
_He bog aiso•for sale an assortment of ,Ilsneirasiis,
at low prises - _
Repairing and *sating Common; CantbottOm and
Fisitilealed Chairs, on ressonsble terms. •
Cherry] Beinssood, WldaWood and Cucumber lum+
bei taken irr peyment for work.
Relruses dist bia, acquantance in this county,
tostltbsr dinatdrityrork se tested by many years
eAntie_ece,giritt him a share of public patron
/NM, Timings; arch 1, 1051. .
Sun bets.
Sew 'Rises
4 2 :
• VW
5 32
it 27
IitAVING entered into cappeetnerthip in the practice
.of lair. Imes AO astabribid aisAgenoy fa the
gale of real estate in the county of IlAtiffed, rations
baseman* estateethich. they Amiss to aolfeirgsfing
eallesinta description of. tbeii: pisisetr widOthe_
'terms Of mars, will undonbtally dud it to *di ad*
. „
Persons deskonaof putzbasina cmo belmilhosigici ;
etty ii for sale;--1 description of tho gamy- with 'the
pellet and throw of payment and be infonaut es lnatbo
'vsfedity Of tide. J. C. ADAMS..
, -Tomands.lefey 9.11151.:. 4..IIfACPARLAN&'
_ , reovvrt rsoneirelm -- •
IF/WING lensed :in lona* tali tows mil
:LILA. obtain! ily:iddenigni cane tbnwilie die Zed
COW. of; Waging ICA" • Olean, Illyiese , Iginakr,
..Ewp ovine be wig be Omen Writiewnio
Staison Mar.golW-
'2O TONS 44 'NOW ri f Zglipii Old Sfiek. 11011:-.1:
liegelil.aiimpriffOraff lima at narialoquals
.dat br t !and and boot', no, iiceividoirikka aate_hy
toririe antalkr staintish it , iIitSCVIC S .. •
Mloth Menagerie I
Wft.L at TOWANDA. eq Torras' .
DAY.llkgriter till: Doors open hosts I: to *
o'iltitk, P. M. Adiiiittilltio cents ; &Ikea undet
nine years of aphslgprice.
This slisildikl eollectiont of thorniest Alf =ea nise
oleo:cutspectate: of the Ardrrtft teesioni attained
fro* all quertint et the globe, will enter town on the
morning of the y ofentubition'ln Grand • Proeerien
and Patedse”.bigis Prgeoris ORMAN CHART
(In cotirainintthe riew . York DrissEntg thider the
superintefideneitid fiV. iodeph Nosber. and will etio.:
slet of el the bditudallj decorated vehichtelif Ibsen;
Posy. dm*. s thagattilinit stud of ONE HUN./
The Menagerie WV. C. & Co. mangle unri:
fated by any other siiMiar establishment ha the world,
and iS W t lifl lib fond representatives of tier, animal
which haii ever Awn discovers:l l 6y the naturalist. It is
conlposed of tlie two great collections foreterli belting
big to Jtme, Titus & to:. and Van Milberg & Ow--
And awing' thq principal attractive tespreat will be
found the Weed PERFORMING ANIMALS. which
were so celebrated kap ip Europe and America. Mr.
Brodie; the tmegitalfirr Lion Viso, will superintend
this part of the exhibition.'
IA the coarse of the performance Mr. Luigweethy
*RI Introduce Ms IdgMe tnuned Punles, who will go
tirongh With wonderful feats of dancing. waits
intter &c., Oxalates plegeing episode the general en
ALi:corridr If% hereby eadtioinii afifedf premie
ing a note /Ina by me enlt_T 1 1 0111 day of Au.
geld Itlsl, to"WILLI f AM HARDY, for fifty, dohors, p
I have receifed Woe for add note. sod Wierove Jo
not eonfilder reareff morally of inlay hound to pay
it,aryt e hall nor drise, onkel Eompetkd 11, la*.
Herrin, Sep. - A
,A :J. nett/.
AM'' to dia saddle re of the inilderiber in 'Noun.
de ttielostdp. on Or about the 14th inst. o RED
RTEER, about 3 veers old. Said steer hes no portico.
lir work. The owner is requested to prove
and peg charges. WILLIAM AUW I TIV
Towanda.Sep. 23,1851.
- liteaution of Mega!
. STILL later news via New York & E. R. R. of the
1.7 arrivairof a very large stock of Herchandige at
PIIINNEY & BO WMANtiI No. 3 Brick Row which
they are prepared to sell at wholesale otretail for Cub
or Reidy Pity, cheaper than the cheop, froathe fact
that they purchased their stock for cash ba , very d♦
premed state of the market. Don't mistake the plate.
No. 3 Brick Row nem door to Dr.Hustoni.Drug store.
STONS SUGAR, just received, at wholesale and
retail. - ! PHINNEY 4 BOWMAN.-
SALT, a large lot. slao Imo; HMIs. Hardware. &e ;
and - Mackerel in bbls., and i Hda, for sae by
OCHESTS more of thaw three and four ahiUinp
QHECTINGEI, shining,. stripe% and deb.. for sale
8001 1 8 & SHOES, the limit and cheapest aslant.
mat in town--and Hats and Caps. at wholesale
ate , retail. PHINNEY 4 BOWMAN.
ROOKERY, Olasswars. Points, Oils. Ohm, ploy
nRe3B 000D8, o large voriety—Booneto sad
bbawk, a good assortment. for Bale by
MAN'S, file esidetk cash will be paid. 422
VIT HEAT. Oate, Rye and Corn, taken in mimeo
Vi for goods. PHINNEY & BOWMAN.
BII7`PER.-100 Firkins vegetal, for wbieb.inet cub
will be gird, PIIINNEV & BOWMAN:
rrllß iinuts Puttptdet tows for Bradford County
1 for the Sessions of 1631, true been received at the
• othonotsrys Office and ore Trudy for distribution to
thous entitled to receive them
. ALLEN litltEiff
Protby's Mee, Sep. le, t 64 t •
TRE Col%eters arq required to be prepured to get
_ their exoneration in am let and 'AI *cilia of De.
amber Court, and likewise to settle up their duplicates
in foil and save end; as diet &Ate CPI thei r reseury are
such **milli*. romp. coiled:Wm The Amend ad
lectors will please mend in by the return Judges, all
monies collected. •
Y. 'R. PECK. Dept. l e ttaeuret,
Treasurer'. Office, Rep. 20, 1851.
4DOZEN memo of triode cheep and good MEN
COATE, this day received by ,
May W. R. & R. CAPPBELL.
1 .4 02 , K;F1ZL-4rlgre sow .en re beat at&
o MrpTEVaritwis:
- MHZ only gangue asso l rtmet iganit trl i apel fienzings,
JL Borders, Window Paper; and Fire bard *term
kept 1 Ifila retail*, anal of picas ia tots as can be
found at retail either is out of the pitioteitat cities, at
Met tr.
CAYFIIPNed—Aj new assortment- of reedy made
Clothing jot received at MERCUWe.
Sept. tr. ISM.
DRESS GOODS, The Wiest maddest assortment in
town. of Maritimes, Castsmeresjoopttns, be Lanes,
Alpaca's, Prima Wrote &e at • , MttrOtß'S.
SKS. an extensive aosoltment'of Sleek and Wm
al Dress Silks sad elating, also FA:owr mos of oeerg
eclor will be konol at MltNtCUtl'b.
FRENCH COLLARS. Sleeves. MSc Edginp and
Inseitittp, a , beitutifol aasonateat anapest variety
Booteand apes ; 6 elms new 401
H'of Bats and Capri, Also * large teak Of diens,
Women! end Children* Boots and Shear jost received
" • • " " htERCUR9B.
$8,368 wmr" of
sewP rAled.
Cash b,
AE anbeaßier offers for sale hie Farm situated hi
1. Wilms townallip Brodkind caul. about 3 miles
komioiranda"oid tbe. river. Containing
Ovine/ sae% about 65 or '7O saes improved, and
pelf wojeied, Mar anent good springs of water. The
iings upon tim farm eamiet of a hwp Same tarn,
aglitese. 171 Mo pi ends* offer mug hidneemento
4041.7elviabseS twpolhaie;miktirlit be sold at atki.
pm. reek will *sitar hermtwiltaif of the purchase
moniofßepinefi. Ira forifeirgawienikram of,
or e&how eke oiliipideiro wrin P.O. -
Wpm Aimalk f 654. ' ' sl:Btsapr4.
GB fer- 4 t 4
#7711677-6‘IIPET BA
sgs,-VA . 1 ., • - if.* • -
A.:CA Id PBELl;oirs again
asontalear Ornate faith" WI and . **iv nide.
Towanda; ilkingest 28, 18M - • '
lart•ed fine ostornene, now wiii•bni at - . •
• 4,scr.--0 MERVUIVB.;
'To the Collectors.
Warns ibr Sale•
... ~
~ ~, k`x-
- -
LL Mow kttow.hoi tbootiotifil folio - lagtol to
SOO, of DANIEL 1401 0 1;doe'd tshi Of Moo.
rw heral ffilislitatt to milks immodisto pot
ma% and those kolas doing ousitio lad Wet wdl
Phan room thins loopoiiok* itokoothesticatol foe
• -P. IVION. •
11 *:e•J
. •
,• '411:0111bONTRATORII NOIICL I -
ALL maws indebted to the estate LENUEL
.11 ',O.SAYNARllideentsed. late Of Name Win*
ahtp 4 are herehrratosated to matt payment with
out May, and dm, hiviag claims Wind said es
tate, ififf please *mit them duly; and authenticated
for settlement. . WM. R. MAYNARD.
Afidolguldowi 4 1 (1 %4 will annend • •
Toialli, Avg. t. I 1.
.' EXECUTOR'S miner. ' -
T int Teslaalt ryqpon'the last will and
.1...1 tki • • ag• itt ELIZAHME MEANS. late of
the Boro' o TOvradti. deceased. haetng been grant
ed lo' die 'team of said Bore all persons har
ing claiais . r &maids itgaitYst the estate of the said
deceamed a reoPrePled i lp :take the same known to
Vitslithout delay. and au petaints indebted to said
&gem required to ph, die same fonhadtk.
.. ~ +,
7(iii4iida. July 28, I f etii. Eseentorad
AIL prow indebted to, the, estate of - MORRIS
MALONEY. deceased. late of Monroe township,
are hereby requested to make payment without delay,
end all persons having demands
__wind said estate are
requessed,lto present them. doly authenticated for set
tfethent. JAS. V. WILLCOX. Administrator.
Monme. Joly 19. 1851.
FA' LT, t - OODS
"C‘ T. FOX, would respectfully infopn his old friends
-ye and the citizens of Bradford in general that he
is now milting • full stock of FALL GOODS, which
he is desirous of dispodrig of at a very small advance
from first cost, being satisfied that his goods are select
ed with as much care, and bought at least. it as low
prices as his neighbors, he is now anxious to ecittrince
his customers that they will be sold at the right kind of
prices. Please call and see, esthete bi sorely oo harm
in knottriN Mfis ellteep see folks do sell goottruc" all
soon. Corner of Main re inhe street:
, Groceries.
6of - Roger at , prias posithreiy feibr tbigrf lay
before wed fit Wen within oho year, else. Holen
en sweet and goal ban di to 50 eta. Rio. Lagar'
and Old Java Coffee that &it be heat. Fine bunch
Raisins, 'Pepper. NleeN B areraraf, qialfefiend a gm.
teal mailment of groceries aline full supply of fifth
new Teas Warica'reed as usual, good and right or the
maxi ietaffied in aIY just maim/ aqa fi r Isle
at sep. 12 FO X'S.
RICH R i bbons, Bonnet Silks, Lein and Capes at
ip2S FOX'S.,
OVIT A nice
SHEETING, common and Btie
al (hods, tdeeehed and brown Ddlls Crash and pro
pery, firearm and,bleaebed.Table,Linek.gbeekt,
says Ticking. Cotten York Ban*,Wicking :end
Wedding,. WNW efietyr at
BRellaiiikliti A 4eff lafge rand of Owl's and
Muslin Edgiriga and &asting. gwise
Bands, needle wrobight . Cella% end .Cu.,ii fine
wrought LinenStatikeni metw i rm aits, jfi t*t the largest
and beat assortment at • Gook ever before
offered in Towanda at rot's.
BLACK SILKS. also r Ore pattern/ of foncj Sib;
which will be sold cheipe TUX'S.
BOOTS & SHOES. • good easortntet4f tam
Gents, Mims, Children, end. Infanta 'Shoes for
sale at FOX'S.
CIROCKERY & OLABB WARE.A Inge *stock of•
feted for sale by • FOX.
SCOTCH YARN Toy fine. goo some common quail
. 7 ty at • - FOX'S.
DRAPERY MUBLIN. alanii and splendid mart
meat at eery small prices at ' FOX'S.
BROADCLOTHS. Crusimeres.• Kentucky Juno
MY cloth. &C.. gold very low for cub
by 014 , B. XINGSBERV & CO.
s./ •
THE undersigned' would inform the citizens of
Towanda and vicinity. that he has arriveiVbere
for the purpose of enabling those who wish Raga
reotypzs of themselves. or friends, to get then,..k i Hav
ing had a number of years experience in tbe busi
ness, he feels confident that his pictures will give
general satisfaction. Likenesses of children. and
aged people. taken with perfect accuracy. Ttiose
wishing pictures would do well to give him a call.
• RoomoverTowanda.
Julyßu iz.,
rtoK B i s orbery's store.
R. GM. ,
75 _ BUSHELS RYE & CORN fin sale by
July Eh E. T. [or.
A N assortment of READY-MADE COFFINS will
ti tas kept.eansumuten hand as Nye's eld'atantl oh
Main street, where the subieriber is also prepared to
make and rrindr all kinds of Furniture. •
Towanda. July 12. 1851. C. WELLS.
BLAISTM . POWDER.-50 kep Blasting Pow
der. tiy fie MONTANYES & CO:
CROCKERY.—The largest stock in town. FaU
dinner and tes setts. of white granite and blue
ware, which will be sold cheap at Fors.
ta 6
, Shapley &Lev is,
REBPECTrULLY inform the aliens of Towanda
and vicinity. that they tak 'a the store lately owe.
P ied by i.J.Ward, where they now invite-the auenhot.
of tworchuers to a large and choice sleek of • .
Slew Spring & Summer floods,
coristresen OP •
.conrprising the usual variety. with many articles
styli no ter be obtained elsewhere.
their assortment has been selected with cue tiptoe
,ly for this matte, and purchased at prices which wiL
rare* us tryst Kay cheap as any store is this region of
'country. Cash clidomere are Melted to call, with a
promise &if they shall use go away dhilatbdled.
• ( Remember. effartut & LgWIW new store.
Den south of the Ward House. ?thin street. • •
Towarile. 119.- Wit
J7(OBEPG - stsastaar, bar jO4 returned from
New Itp‘k with btu traini grthdebsotfthentor goods
.for the elation, enatneehig for invoke of fatty and
Staple Dry Goods &e.,4itilea &If poeititelY Ob stlW
cheep. Towanda. Jane Iti.
_lOl. • • '
juBT arm
wfik6 hill be aoW at the ut tent of ai lewa y st
errs which we have bad the pleasure of introlueing . fnus
this market. The marling public are limited to air
exemlhathil. SHAPLEY ag;:Lpyirts.: .
Towanda. hoe 1;,1!61... - • - • ,
ajl Rigkt Mt the Wandaldnir IDepot..
N& CAWPBELL, Mirth their sincere emir
___ . 1 " kw th e Jibe. Wrangel heretofore bestowed.
aro woublaWir eW Mrenrinero( rink (Asta_ us! eta
totien ii) ibeir. *Ore at Nsw esaixe 1300 ac
Comistittg of ail things !themossritar ;Whin t,he . "t'
lenin iirbith will be sold*at,iehuhtowr reeesulan
atibithidatoetaisi . astea.•. .
'Newish* 111 . 1*A !odor* Fireman' jeliewhive.
• • • H. di. A: CAMPBELL;
ciLonleASEED.44arr rod lima Cbmit fOr
NJ ale by n • MONTANVISB k col
. , ,
. ,
oral Election !Proclamation.
, ,
Wt. EAB, - hy'sWict oriairetably of, th e Com.
In ! n_wealth,entitled,lta act !elating to the
electita as this' .; EinnenonirCililt.'rfit is enjoined
upon. Re login. psiolitr, iiioisir of. taillieltwifon to
beheld. ,end 'gm iitielintnetatioais Peet woke
*bat • affleeralwe le it trietett t- Wll.B. DOB.
BINS, 'gb "'hair Orrlte,:itiiinly of Ifotlford.difi
hereby ake known'andOW *MI.& to the ekciory
of said; . nnty iliac ' a jeliciatefitiatli' wilt be' held
in *aide
meth ow TIMM:AE.Ih , lithi day of Do;
toheeiti the seettraf disOktii in ithitf &wily to wit
In A** sate 4.lihalletOtittirilAsii&lll6ller's.
In Atiyinai at laiub Fiatcholte t .
~ ~In Athens bora. at E tit..MaithedkOn'ir.i
In AtheaSitiPa i tloli* Toitel.
In A'rtisearii,'Ar.lobn 0; Bittegefs.
In Daktingt6*. at Addikoo Si . ItiaP,i, _
In P4oo*. at Den j. Valil"6l9o:s. _ ,
in _CohttAf* atlaties Sargon a. . ' ,
hi Dwell dati . #.lutol bottle. called tOi: cintre
school t lotii, beat S. Necker's. . .
In F ' fiii. af,'Wuti.Efeerner,4.• • ,
' In r Usiile at the t atbol house DI ,,: G. I iii. Gran•
',silk OriVailit;
' In fteiiiik al tte Retool bottle gear Daniel Dn•
rand. 11 ,:
In 14bElid. at R. Parlei,
In eq. at the school buns* IA Leroy.
in tart* . at .f. E Smith'.. ' , 7 ,
In Mire% at the bowie foiinerly . occupied Si . r.
D. Rbilij
In Viliei at t i EfeUrots:
In Ripabery. at S. Harmat'a. •
.In RAF'', at L. S. Maynard's, . -
In Blifshequin arD. Brink's,,
•In edlitheerd, at A ..1. Demo Id's; • . ,
In Spring(leld, at T. Wilder'..
In Stanginr Won*. at Simon Steven's.
In South Creek, at the school house ne ar Asada
let's. 1 r
In Towanda born., at the house lately
Adagoistratm , i.
by George hferserean,
En Towanda twp w at the school house near A. C.
; Gregg 's r •
In Troy bard,- at die *ogle tavern.
In Troy twp'.. at the houke of V. M. Long, in the
. Borough of Troy.
In Toserora, at the school house near Jenks
Black's. S' ')
In Ulstei. it S. B. Hoteomb's: • , .
I In Warren. aril Cooper's. "
In liV j ell.s. at L. Seeley:a , ,
, InWolitham, of E. Honor e (Jeeteased.)
In Wyalusing, at the hoi!ese of I. H. Black. 3 .4 , -1.•
1 „
In Wihnia s at the school house near retie:
I Festees
In Wy . por,et tbre.Aeademy. 4 t which time and
place !lie electors aforsaill will ect by ballot. •
~ -One person for „Governor of the Commonwealth
of Peneszlvanis. ,
One person fot Canal Coliwriitioner of this Co.'ie
t ioonwe;1111. ~ ,
Five 0130616i' the Soptenie Judges of this tom
Imonwe Itb. ,
One person Sir President Judge of the 13th tudi:
mat district, ' reposed of the counties of Bradford,
, •
Basque antra andrauttivan.
Two pers 4 for associate /edges of county
of B ford.
is :
l'wo perso io regiment the County of Bradford
in the House of Representative's df the Camden
wealtlaof Peanstleania• I-
One person for Hightiberifot theaventy of Brad
, turd. ,
One 'pefsofi for Prothonotary, Ork cif the Conit
of Quartet sessions and of the treat of Oyer and
Terminer of said courtly.
One person for Register and Reeorde4 and Clerk
trf the Cfrpthart Court of said Ccointty. "1
One physoff(of Treastfrer of said Couply.
' One persoli Mt CoMilifssinnet of said Fothity.
One person for Asid?for Of tid7d County.
One person fofCo ye& of Aid Coalfyf
! And in and by said id, Ibid. father :dffected to
gate - trallea" that eery period aoretiog justices
of the peace who shall hold any office. of profit and
. (fctst tinder the goieftoment of the United States or
of this stafe,-or Of ail ittiorparifed distrEet and also
that every • met:Viet of Congress and df the State
Legislators, and the select And common .toancil of
any city, or commistionera of any incoorated dig-
trim is by law ineapable..of holding . orl rp exercising,
at the same time, the office or appointment of Judge
Inspector or Clerk, of any election of this common
wealth and that no inspector or other ocer of any
inch election, shall be then eligible to 4ny office to
be voted for. I
' ' By the 4th section 6f enact passed the 16th day
of April, 1840,11 as provided " that the 13th section
of an act Noised Jaly ed, 1839. entitled An w act re
lating to the elections of • !bill Commonwealth,"
shall not be so construed as to prevent' , any militia
Officer, from serving as judge, Inspector or clerk, at
any generator spacial election of -this Common-
Wealth." I
In the 61st section of the act first above mention
ed. it is enacted thaievery generataudlfpecial elec
tion shall be opened between each' aid ten in the
forenoon, apd continue without intervene or ad
' , journment until 7 o'clock, in the, evening, when the
polls shall be closed.
By the 18th section of the act passed 3d Feb 1846.
it shall be laWful 'for the inspectors and judges of
any general election which shall hereafter be held
' in the Armen i s . election district of Bradford county.
to close the polls ofsuch election at 5 olclock, P.M,"
~ it is further directed that the roaming Ofshe Judges
, et the Court Houle In Towanda, to Make out the
general return. shall be on the 3d day after the elec
tion, which will be on the 17th day of Qctober,
WM. 8. DOBBINS,' Sheriff.
• , Sheriff's O ffi ce, Towanda, Sept. 18 1651.
: John W. Wilcox,
HAS removed bin establishment to H. Mies stove.
IA cornet pf main street and the public-aquae. and
will continuer the manufacture of Boots and Shoes, a:
heretofore. -'
He has just receive! from Sew York a late aeon
nent of Yl'omen's. MAW: end Oise' Shoes. which
are (deed at low prices. The attenaon;cf the Ladies
is psficularty directed to din assorftbent, comprising
the following new ejles :—.Enameledlenny,Lind gar
ter hoots; dor oboes black lastime and silk genera;
walking Idiots, buthins,itc. Misses' gaiters mid shoot
of every detieription; A tinge aseertinent of Children's
fancy gaiters, bottle suirettlest of all kip&
For the Gentof e. almoet every ellit of genes and
"hoes. I%ie stock has been persoriallyiselected with
care, and be. believes de ein otier superfor articles at
reasonable Flom
O ine riskiest alloteren paid to dantsfaelunng,
and be hove ; by going Work well to met • cooling
awe of the Ghent patronage be has hitherto received.
Towande„ May 8. 9
IRON I;$S, of ali sizes st
Septeimber 20. 1851'. •
ONE ease spring anylanialeskio.Hata; also Lettkor .
and Pain' leaf Mos at I Fox-§.
TUST received another !Wee asaortrout of th
J cheap BOOTS alna'sifots at -
Dee 4 P • ISI'4EVII
GLA/yEt.-Beat quality of FRENCH GLASS. for
!de hi fiEWlB.
' .tanfier 20,1851. • I ,
WARE.--A Tery.1743414 reneffal paert..
Li i ,erlant of jiard4are of every:deairilitioaMeteding
esepeigero :gripers sod BlatZlititla Pasta. Ifithumi'
anti earflap graliferTrimalidiPtitaftfoals. BYildiag
Natalia. &e... aomstantli tariamd` mild far Aale. 4l at very
tow Oder . • • ' MEROVR'
• •
f'R - ON . ARV stekr.. —octocoik t
I can aaillmo of evogi,ofiqiogit . ope:
so, Cut, English; MermanMerman; E t tioenean end
Bpring Steel, Crint4lars ece...040 filetived at •
go. . .114111R4MS.
5/1 KEGS 0 Crescent" Nails in+urecefted
' ' ? " WEEMS!,
°Harp BRoWN.A.rotmso. vottmenistiof
and Powdered Sops , w anieinn and In aid
a ',Meson' or retail eery by'''ltifEßCUß'S. •• •
1 Man ied Blitek.Tess, Alto Uk Sags lUD and
.JairiCoSeeijust receiTed • MERCIIWO.,„
NV4 I I; go Pt a4 : nitttll% Pli ti
l' •
7 Al
s 7
";ERIES ANO.)-14101)Fuk
111.78T0N init.* Ur* jest added Whole;
.went gaup 'tacit iir FisikTheiti. Nadia
ekes, Clissiesb, Oib,` litho; Opkines ant!
wisieb .es sove 'And tis she poblisi sis townie& -
Their sitifti or trArivc.o94449!iic,PF RFUNZI;Y:
is the likrint and meet Ciatti,ite creek Wert
eitigietsit' Ogiatempet seittri
. Ql lO Wg. slinobls Iberssdiesl.porposes. „ , t
,A loge owls' j Carophsno;PbosposeiFliddXsti
sod Uil LAMP% cootim' og many QIW anll4ll!ltinHo
Being arop far en 1100 W An/tilt r Aifeacrielii At! .
day. pqr,fwo 1ii4411 . 4410 open Im:toeing . , puska
• ankle all eases: • ,
t*Drop end sTi*Dei kept a$ tbtir ,
mitts =lrv* nobriatitof the - best
gas/410?9bItbetrliiiettilly sifeksd with • nor to,
ocii South etas of tia Ward Waif. end ao.i.Brii i ic
Rowe ' • 7'6iiisids, Ns* 17;1851.
ip. , zzarasszitiri '
Ts noir ofeetiiitti tiet,,enkheehtitul awibettithnt. iit
x &c.. to which he would
invite lhe stontiep of all Cash Purchrisers.'
and will'undte it an ob,*( to them to give him a call;
as he is deterviiiieil to sell bii`jOinfir.tni, Visa ea low
55 was etler trkre (Aetna-04' Wad: Hewing eivir
ed no pains in procurin4 thi cheicesfeftiele, .the; sub
scriber feels (#ll,y, confident that he can give sabre «it
idaction to fas tnsioinais. ' • Apvik2B
CitlE 04V. co- ALL, and Arzsagae wet New
afiliS thA iolfr berms! exhibited at
apt& • IL KiNI3IIII3BRY*.
IE) MAO fiCaltring direct from Now : 44w*. boo ' :and
.4dentli4 assratent of Goods. tthkb, be oats for
sale at priCes 11));:hcsrutot blip suit the closest buy
ers, foc, C a4lii,ielT CCE,ba,Areaov n CaierT: Hs
respectfully asks a call from:alf persons wishing tibuY
goods cheep, swim is determined not to be undersold.
Towanda, April 240854
, .
• Dross Goods.
RICH FOULARD. Chameleon Chen. Drain ,
Silks. French and garage DeLanas4 a MI actials ,
for summer dresses. French and English tainis, Silk ,
Thanes. Mikis Litities and siviriantity - Of otherf &ails
rode as FOX'S; •
EVERY ones knows that the rem tg ind . fite : liefte . ‘t
anti/intik silt best qeslity• of gloves of ell dee
eriptions is at ap24 -; • F9rl3.
9ibf ,•Iti rTPatitt' . Leaf end Censti3i
U rl tientei-11sts s l kt jeg
° ' 42 - 6 • FOX'S. ,1
B L'K Ric and Bl'IL Silk Lace for MANTI ►s al
ap26 Fors.
Diir GOODS—A good -assoluneut . .of. Minnow.
Cashmeres. De Loins, Alpacas, and prints now
timing at jIB MUD URII.
mlig so fiber is now in receipt of his §itiiiiirtt• •
flews of liew Goods whichh-makes his stoqh .one ,
of di most efferent. in the country—for sale°. the ,
61011 (storable terms for cash or approved ereditaidt
buyers are pi&icularly invited to call and examine the
stock. my 9 0. D. IIiffiTLETT.
Y virtue of sundry writs Veiditiona Expo.
issued i out of the Court of Common Pleas , of
freadford County and to me directed,:.will be expos
ed to public sale, at the Court Wale. ifr the 'Bora'
of Towanda-cot Friday, the ID* day of Oct o ber, at
one o'ctoek P. Al.. the folloting- piece or
,paivel of
land' Ifiag and being in Colndbra rogoship. Brad- -
ford county, and bounded anddescribed as follows
On the' north by lands of Franklin Biker; vest by ,
M. B. banfield. loath by Austin and Dobbins, and
east by 'Minh Fergusowand H. Dobhins,., coptain
ing one hundred and fifty acres, more or about
seventy acres improved, withione framed htlikse, one.
framed barn and apple orchard thereon, ;
• Seized and taken in execution at the sti . 4 of Wan.
S. Dobbins. to the use of John C. Adams, vs. Joint
Benson; also, John Hall, to the use of John C, Ad
ams, ys. John Benson.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel.ef land
situate in Solith Creek township, bounded and des ,
cribed as follows, viz; north by the York slate line,
east by the main road, leafing from Troy to Elmna.
through" South Creek, south by land of .Wynthrop
Y. Ohne and Anson C. Ely, west by lands of George
Durham find James E. Vaneriver. Containing about
sixty acres more or less, about twelve ;Wes Pit
proved one fog house and one framed house thereon:
Seiied and taken in execution of the suit.of Jared ,
Arnold, to the use of Dyer Foote, vs. Elliot Suffern.
ALSO—The folloWing lot, piece or, parcel of land
situate in BitigberrytiStrtrship, bounded and describ
ed airfollisars. ra wit north' now in Ponsis
sion of Peter Evans, east bi . laerd of ,David Ron,
south . -by l'aildsr. of Iforace inch:tan and
~ David
Buri, and'sverir by lamb or alPirr nitre" •Cap!ain
'ing about sixty antes more or less, about twenty
acres improved, one loghouke thereon Erected.
Seized and' ;alma. its erre¢titin at.the suit'of auk
A. Butt, us. Danlei Diecke , ay..
ALSO . The felVewing lot of land, situate in Ath
ens township. heralded as follows, to wit : ou the
north tip Bhitrman's, line, On, the east by, lands of D.
G. Iliee,-sotilli'by the highway leading, from Athens
to Otief,o; and' west bY fans of o.O:,Shipman. Con- •
raining one fourth of an acre, all improved. with
one framed house add spiels (reit trees thereon,
Eteizkd and taken in ez cation at the suit u( Sime
on B. Kent. vs.Charlea SV. Beldin.
ALSO-%-iihe fttlld ving lor of' land stoaled in
Athens borod..h. boundted and' desiribed as follows :
north by land of H. O. Allen and E. Herrick, east
by land. of and Oarrisi smith ,by cold street.
and west /if lands
Phineas Iturers. Coniaining
fifty feel col cabal ehtfeighty-foUr 'Ref deep.
or bark, oitifframedbouserindfriuned bArn
• •
trees thereolf.
taken in eseaftion at the; Snit of Wit-
liam IKUTtqlhe,..use of Bradford Richmond & Co.
vs. Abigfil" White... ,
ALSD—The 614i:ring lot piece or parcel of land.
situated' Ili . the triwohlp of Smithfield, hounded and'
desr ?Med i as fliflts s to wit r north by lauds of GB. , ,
Pierce,,gast by lands pf Boos .Smith, and others..
south by.lind of *lf. Crowell and dip highway, west,
byjaritis of 1.. FalnsisPorth. Containing about one
:hundredAres nibre less, tibthit fifty:- aires,imo 3
prilv'ed. one framed h`ouse ode .frainid barn:and t (tut
trees thcceon. . 0. 4,
:toilet* in etecutiit Cl the suit of
• Grovener assign of Seth Sqlsb vs. Charles Qtin
stead. •
it1.89-. 7 -111c , following lot. o . land sittintr4, tie
Franklyi township and Iptinded as follows I,ti. wit t'
(in all 'Sities - by' Binds belongin gld the heirs of 'Met=
rick Crandall decd. Containiivi4tro aoelnicore
les.srall josproVed, with maid In e t)hling formerly or.
copied as Oafe A initChiAp.. • 1 . 1 , ;,
*Bed and taken in qz,ec.x, rho suit of My
ron Meirillihd:Yared Boot vs: Asah
Ar44o•-t• piece of *set othind in Athens tiers.
ratuldett 1 4F , Pcgth by rat F. Satterles. east by
lands pf Spipriitti god Ihickos, son,h,by . Paine st.,.
fittd weifbi IMitre Shipman and Backlit. Con- '
raining one half art4tre, all improved, with some
fruit trees' tliereon.
AbScl-t *Orr Mberlot in 41,thx4 4
1 ..b0.14.i101k.
by lauds of iota F. Satterlec,-east . b y. Stop.oan and:
Backus, south by: ?Alpe st.: and West by sttipmari&`
BaCkess Abren.fotitittivof , . artaerd...- etc
ittiprSkve& •
Seized inif:tiluM'itiFnlrlefon.4l•o 6 Suit of` esi
Moran ve.tlfititei, l llll:l4lA;and A!=a
WM, S. POBODlS..ktherilf.
Elberilfs':Ofilo;Ttivitindkartt. -1 2. 1831.
.1Q0r& 11
r 111" -- VEP T-, 1000 pair at pritisitilit
i564 , 02 , 14i.rk
F .*: 4 : MEINTAinlig.. ll 4111.!
Visie iv"trAi Ohl and
~ .1;•• 'Mil, Madeira* Tout mikvAiie
LOOKING GL S. slaty asscittisi.n) et •
eer• BSERUITS.,.
`,~ ~ .