Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 11, 1851, Image 2

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I= 2
gi,rakfort• - 40iiiiii4:: ,
!Free Solt, Fre!tt.SlPeeChs"-FM-40 1 !
16: - ..a.n. ter Ore* irierrffitry;
E. O. cootatcH, EDITOR.
Towanda, Saturday,. October it, 18M.
likua °castle illtate Sromitatiosia.
WILLIAM BIGGER, or Ct„stortsvo Coorry
to* tawat comunamovint,
SETH CL0YER,..., f ...
JEREMIAH B. BT. ACK... •• ov &venom'. Couvr;
JOHN IL GIBSON or Cvatssittvlo Corvrt.
WALTER IL LOWRIE,..or .4.u.r.rdetxt COUNTY.
Democratic County Ticket.
von ritsstnrivr 'root,
DXVIff WILMOT..• •• • • or BRAbrOUD. CO(rTY
rex AssociATs Justus*. - •
ADDISON M'KEAN,:. Brat.i.tswroN Tr.
HENRY ',GIBBS, .or„Oicvsu. Tr.
TOR serairr,
Iron racrntosoTaim
TM Tillt4S‘llli.!l
sot •coric3eissiosse.
DINVEI; B. COTTON, .or Lvrctirtuo Tr
* rot 4VDITOX.
EDWARD C. WELLS,. ......or Tcriconow. Tr
Eledion,lues44, .odobei 11, 18M
Tereotreptirde Reporter.
1I 50 per anoutn—if paid wifbin the rear 50 een:s agiil
be dednetea—kir rash peal setentlly in advanee Si 00 will be
deducted. No paper sweeter . two Team. artless paid for.
AtiVEßlllllolll3tra. per welfare of ten lines. 50 meme for the
lest. and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion.
117 Office ni the ‘ 4 15,11104 Bk/r4C." north side of the Piddle
Name. nett door Witte Ileadfont llotel. Entrance between
Mewls. Adams' and Elsiiltelaw offices.
OF Ants
nth Judicial District.
, -
The fair prospect of unanimity in action, and bar;
mony in feeling, amongst the Democracy of this
district, is soddenly gadehimelessly disturbed by a
scheme, worthy in every feature, of the desperate
men who f have contrived it. After &inn and fair
canvass in the primary meetings in each coon ty,--=
carried out in in the regular- democratic emrven
lions of the three counties---and these conventions
again represented in a meeting of 'conferees ap
pointed for that prirpose—the voice of the people
was expressed in the uncrnitisurrenomination Of the
Hon. DAVID WILMO%' as a eandidate,of the. De
mocracy. for the office of President lodge of this
district. This ,nomination, was hailed by the peo
ple, as•proper and judidions in every respect; end
from the time it was made, down almost to the pre
sent moment, piddle opinion seemed to have sub.
sided into a concurrence by all parties, in the choice
of the democracy, thus regularly. fully and fairly
ascertained. The Whig party has made no opposing
nomination. But, as in the trying days of the Rev°.
lution there was (mind an. Arnold, to blacken the
holy chase of human freedom, by treason the most
sordtd and shameless— the present struggle of
the democracy, traitors have entered upon a nefari
ous plot,• to defeat our .candidates, and destroy tbo
harmonious action of the party.
one or two kindred spirits, claiming to be demo
crats, have openly approached the leaders.of "the
Whig piny with a proposition to sell and sacrifice
the whole democratic 4 ticket, (in*Dradford emirity - at
least,) to gratify their own rpaaignntit .batred, of
perhaps, a single individual. Seizing a period
when they knew Mr Elwell was absent, and likely
to remain absent; until the day of election, they
have had tickets ;lintel for him; as an opposing
candidate to Mr.
,Wilmot ; although they KNOW
that Mr. E. has signified in the Most positive man
ner, and in t letter reaa to the Sullivan County con
vention, his determin'ation not to be a candidate for
the-dffice of Judge:L.-yet these men have thus dared
is his absence And unauthorized 4 him, ho have
tickets privately printed, which are to be circulated
on the eve of theeleetion, amongst the Whip, and•
each bogus demoCrats as can be seduced to favor
their plot of Aisuiesion and defeat.
We.onderstand, also, that appropriate; hand-bills,
are In pteparatign, to be circulate!' 4nongst the
people, iiichaps pretending that Mr. Elate' has con.
tented to be a candidate; thus exhibitin a wanton
regard to his reputation as a demo.
ti g
recklessness in
mat, and his honor as a titan, in their astardly ef
forts to defeat DarieWilmot, the chosen candidate
. .
of the people.
. To name these audios:its. and to expose their
phut of operations. must surely be enough tscoreel
theM Frith renewed evidences of how thoroughly
'they are, scorned tiy the deritocracy of this district. ,
They .hneelittie , and Alain.. been discarded and
disgraced by the Medal sad true men of the party: 1
until to act with them, is sure to kOng.apesk their
unktisnate associates, atildoons of SasiAciOn and
contempt. Let ,no man, they, who regards honesty'.
and fairness in polideat astimi—who wishes to se*
his principles and his pasty triumph.-give the
slightest aid to the plotso(omM traitors. On:the
couttaiy, let us all tally' as* old, for Our regularly
Twitdated candidates.
_.. 09mprponlae, no mon: 4 . 0 t
sitarkloibi `a united 66; oar WITOLID.T/ t :
c Aiwther ,Vietim.:
flult inj•Pitalol; three
kern ti' respectable poPitlon in the pry"lettab
Ike - alter Esc; ; a/141 where-they probably .
wilt leave Mr. °Weil he should promptly_
slough of despond !'
, .
.AI4OINTIIENT ST THIO tarereas4s. tr.--erser,
fruit OWI7. 1011XSTOX'S WiSit OtagOhi, wirlurve , „
yet been able to team, syistlse. appointsnent of. 'oev
Mind 'teem as A.Tde, te,blePeelleney,- with
ttre ut. of f.iettt,' Cot ihis,visitirodeces no worse
Ninths, we will tre w the Governor: tor
tie. eleettoneeting lienitisea*.thelslents.
Tho follusrintr 14ter from Mr. ELWET4L
Michael *bit, k tCis
pure nod to:he,# canoalute forßudie, *us
mid heroic; the StiikiiiiilCOrtiity
,}lonortdide, up 4 Ol4vh
ht n! .aVthink yoU,
after reading thi3-rettee4of the-etrcirt to mate
'use of Mr. Els6ll'S name As a candidate for
Judge-? la a man - bound-In 'tonseienew taw
honor, by his deliberate nets, and solemn dec
larations ?
One of the strongest evidences of
nurt's high integrity of cliagrtderi One of
principal reasons for his hold upon the confi
denee:und tiffechairsiOf - the lieefile; , Wl6" . l;e;
found in the intim - dile firmness. with .which
heirus`trptrn . rill occasion s stir Odiit IF is nor ,
and public deeleratipns, - When did he ever
lay-down a' line of conduct for himself, rind
depart from it ? Ills defamers and"inaligirant
persecutors know his integrity hi this respect,
and if they were not inctipible of manly feel=
'lug, Nt•otild honor him fty it, . Holt iv: it
last full, when these same men finng upon hil - 4
tracks -,,nnd when, to ward off their malice
and falsehood, he declared his willingness to
decline, if &Troper malsnitublecandidate was
presented for theiviime of the Democratic
party'! • Notwithst=anding the. sore disappoint=
meat of his friends, and the determination ex=
pressed by many of them still to vote for him,.
he stood- with manly firmness upon his word.-
His integrity he preserved Unsullied, and pre
ferred•the temporary denunciation of many of
his friends,. rather than forfeit his word, or
leave room for suspicion upon his honor.--i-
How does-his conduct cemtrast !With theeffort
7 11-iINTOS Tr
._. . or To*AN DA Tr
now. making to thrast Mr. Elwell int& the
field, after his solemn and public letter 'of de ,
clination 2 Who is the,man faith; of bite.
grity and honor' Upon' whom can the peo
ple rely'! Read the following !filer, fellow-
Citizens, and,then judge, justly and impudirti-.
DEAri - Sta :—Since,.you left on yesterday
morning, I made up my mind not to be a can
didate for Judge. I.Sexulthis message, in of-
der that you mly act' liiderstandiinly in your
County Convention and hr arranging your
county ticket. I will fully explain at sight.
Please give my thanks to my friends'inibat
county, and tell them, not to condemn the for
the step now taken. " I believe they are gel.
Mune democrats. and will appreciate•the mcF
tire that? has induced my action. I hope to
see the face to face on the 23d September,
at your court, When I hope to satisfy there I
have acted rightly.
I. 'Wilmot will limy be elected Judge,
without opposition, and I hive no doubt we
shall be treated fairly.
'This is the question which is necessarily pre
sente 1 tri the muds of every intelligent voter, be
be Whig, or be he Demdenit. /rite ' qUestion is
fairly anti distinctly prdSenied, and each voter must
answer it. Yon cannot evade it. Honorable men
submit their claims to the Convention of their party,
anti if its action be free trom corruption, they abide
the resell. But it there be any cause justifying op
position to the nominees; those causes should be
immediately, openly, and boldly proclaimed
Then the people can judge of the truthlullness of
the charges and' the character of the men mukitlg,
them. No corruption, no.' misrepresentation of
popular will, is allepit to have attached to the ac
tion of our recent County Convention. The breath
of suspicion has etc east a shadow upon the Mktg
thy of*: Convention, or of its nominees. So fair
and honest has every act -been, that there are Dane
so bold as to Make open battle; none save D
BULL,-and V. F. NOLLET,- so tackles" and politi
cally corrupt as to attempt -by stealth, to shim and
defraud the people upon the eve of the election.--
ut to the mind Ivens* auf.l honesty of the People,
we confidently look fora withering rebuke towards
all such selfish diisorganizera. Yon will spurn the
proffered treason of DAVID M. BULL & CO , and
sustain the bold, manly and tmllest cause of MR
Let the people beware of the infardoas slanders
which have been prepared by BULL & PIOLLET
to be issued on the ere of the election. As noth•
ing •is too low or too debased for them, we have
reason to expect the mast malignant and black
hearted libels, and grossest. calumnies. Tbefmay
even, in the depths of their turpitude, affect to cast
doubtsupon Mr. WILMOT'S qualificiations for the
office of Judge. This would do him no harm
where be is known, and he is not unknown through;
cut this district, but will recoil on the beads of the
Mr. WILIIOV-strufolsolsterveilly in, the first
rank of lawyers. Ilia lreptation is well es
tablisited , throughout-the County and State.. Poe.
messing in an eminent liegme, those qualifications
necessary for the profoond and brilliant lawyer, he
had, already minted 'hinted a name, when called
to the councils of the Nation •
Wilmot :peculiarly ,fitted to ads& and
honor the bench.. Well pomaded in the ptinaltiles
of the law, capable and edition, he is calesdated, to
become:oats gibe most popular weak metal bulges
yes known ht Nonhens , Pentsylvesics. With 'an
uncacadly Clear and vigorous. mind,•aprinainating
and powerful, grasping at came quition in all its
length sad breadth,,, - is united a prongenema end ile=
china clumsier, which will ensue the correct
and sapid psosecatioe atm:legal business.
The bench willseevee ea Otnethette, when David
Wilmot is placed upon it, and. the nt Who: effect to
doftbi his capaeity ead'qoalificationSinsoit the
telligence of.the' people off this ilishiet, 'who have
so often entrusted him widitheis Walnuts. • • •
-MOE° '4"Zeittere;ft-N,
September 5, 18,51
Yours Truly,'
Mk had Meytert, Esq
Shall : Trickery Triumph
Mr. Wilmot's Qualifications.
seware Frasukt.
In thirays toWricti4 and irebehery,ltbeltpii Vet'
our Demoeratioliiends to be on tbelegnira4k*,,
every manner of Trikery and Fria . , Fearniroc
*ell your filmy,' tiq eeethaititeg t cariteiii urieint
riot to- baltote:4 , Attempts will be Made bi titifoitici !
plo4mento•4eeogiteibe'peoirlii and defotikt? there,
by !penny flit nibel'etsreptutabte. - • ' '
erDeveloinnents I
4 ,, 't,_
-. 1 .- - Y:f.g.Pave :PO IraTil throodh a rel!ablpsourc i c
'morel thOletailief the plot Ittpusti EtwAll Alien
the ' plea miti'didate for Judgek-xul tit tie'fl
tent 4 !whictiit httn betn carried otit;.., Ileilts ailr
Mr. tiwejl ; itie in etery town thrptnitione Act:tin.
ttickatecetAisnied:With band-bilIS ihttidesiint And
'iiilifiiiiilrr". Wilitini. It was of in te nded that the
plot should be exposed before Friday, *hen it *aa
Utpposfsfit wotihrbe - toolate tiferitinter' aifiClett=
mors have ONO beep set on foot in the remote parts
of the district that Mr. %limit had'deelitiea. '
licinltt men of all- parties, we ask you is this
right t Is it right. on ibe.cre of election to. circu
late fold/ elandrs againsi tihen' too tchit'
yefutec! and exPtrld Will you, heed 'nib slanders..
01.1'011 ) , ml indigtfantly rebuke the vile men who
spread them abroad, in secret and in darkness! Mr.
Wilmot's character has been tested in some of the
most trying positions of public Mee lie stands high
among the good and virtuous men of our country.
Shalibis name be aspersed by the most deiperate
and unscrupulous of men I -
During the period in whfch there has been no
candidate in the field against Mr. Wilmot his re
lentless persecutors and slanderers ; have been bogy
spreading übwrad suspicions, null giving oat ausie
tines insinuations against him. ft is very, strange
said they, that Mr. Wilmot 'has no' opponent. He
has sold himself He has been boaglit up' He
has agreed Whir*, and he has agreed to do that, for
the purpose of making. far himself a dear field,—
With untiring industry have these and. like insiiina--
tions been whispered itt the ears of iris friends, in
the hope of A - Faint; their confidence iu Mr. Wil
mot's straight -kwward integrity' and manliness of
character. .No sooner do they think that they sue
ceccfeJ in fixing doubt and suspicion upon Mr. Wit
mot, orthe reason that he has no opponent, than
by Mettnethe most foul and unholy, they seek to
push a Candidate in the field and thereby corhpass
hi'i defeat. .nr. Wirmat, and his friends most be
lulled into security; he - meat remain comparative
ly inactivebecanse there was nrr candidate in the
field against hint, Chun afrording his enemies a bet
ter chance to circulate ancontradicted their' infa- -
mons slanders, and whets they thought the work ac
complished, 101 a candidate is found, and a- well
laid secret plot is exphata f haling fur its object and
end the defeat of Air. Wilmot ; even• at the eipense
of trading ofl the whole tfemocratiC tltket. IA not
this the very climax of dishopesty and villainy ?
In no position, either of public or private lite, aft'
dishonesty - and falsehood more hideous, than when
Cloaked by the Judicial ermine. /f
-ELWELL after frequent public and private
declarations; alter having, by letter and verbally,
absolute' f relused to permit his ntme to be used as
reandttlite for the Jutlg‘hip, has come to the deter.
mination to futsify his words and turn his back up.
on his deliberate: ritten decimation; and has /nteit
tionally absented himself from the County; for the
purpose of shunning the ',lgnominy which will be,
stamped o mon the transaction,- then in he wholly
unfit tcr holII the maks of junticeor decide upon the
rights of his fellow-men. Adequate inducement
operating upon such motives would lead a man to
mould the law like plastic wax ter meet the 'desk•
ed end..
A Selma of Villainy Eviscd !
, Judicial Integrity,
Str iet - rulberence to one's word mut plighted faith,
in whatever condition in life, whether hnmbte or
exalted, is justly esteemed essential to it tegrity of
chara:ter. He who will deliberately !built his
word, and go behind hia pledges, cannot be trusted
in Ovate ailairs, well less in ir responsible pub.
Fc station. .
We now put the enquiry to' Mr. ELWELV
friends : Has WM. ELWELL authorized the use
of his ;mine in opposition to Mr. WILMOT? Hag
he kmiStrledge of the fact of its being used ? Mr.
ELINF.LL by letter, since the nomination of Mr:
WILMOT, gave assurance to the' potilin - that he
would not be a candidate. lists has also repeatedly
avowed to Mr. Wilmot and his friends, his deter:
mination to Support him. Again we put the gees-s
tion Is Mr. Elwell a candidate, or is - his name
used with his knowledge or consent so, then is
he justly obnoXionSici-the charge '-otaripticity and
hypocrisy. Then is he unfitted for a' responsible
public trust. If his name be used without' hiu au
thority, it is an set of 'gross injustice to him, and a
bold unscrupulous fraud upon the public, perpetrat
ed by desperate and reckless men. -
Coffin Band Bills,
Last fall, goon after the declination of
and the' nomination of Mr. Grow for Congress,
(events with which Piollet had nothing • whatever
to do, except to (shay, and misrepresent) he gave
expression to his malignity and bate of Mr. Wilmot
in the following characteristic language. I have
dogged, Wilmot oil die course, and by G-il I will
hound him to his grave. , I have driven the last
nail - in Wilmot's Coffin, 'or if there is another to
drive, by G-4 I desire the privilege of driving it.".
PIOLLET & BULL Shand-bills, which are to as
company Mr. Elwell's tickets, may therefore prop..
erly be stalled Coffin JlrntFAilla ",
Citixensof the 13th Judicial District, you know
these men and the blacic,malignity which actuates
them. Will you aid in gratityingsaah infernal mal
ice, by endorsing the schemes of thosehounds and
hunters of men, and the characters of men I It is
hisinfartwusspirit,which fraudulently Attempts to
thrust upon the,people ofthis distriet.-1144.
Elwell us o aaudidabe. , • . , •
3 , iNas T dims t - : -, . ,
Let the schemes of Be L and PIOLLtT led*
ho Demme to ramifies a; mate on the 'ticket. Let
there bine trading 'this man or that man: Stand
firm to your party 'and its candidates. Yon will be
told that Some, Candidate it in dieger,.fititi inti'May:
be &hared to batter another portion of ticket.
Ition standirm, di la eyed.
_,.' ' , ,
Remembers, then, don't net%s'aingle . eandidam
Alt ano entitled to your. enplieti, end ail
will be elected, iryou comecip' manfully M the
Dookeeistle 'teethes.
' &Large Meeting of the Demonywy.wes hied*
Eaii:Smithfiefil on Wednesday last Me mimed.'
tnga of winch, together with e ;eller from chief Jna-
Ott:preattir;:wa reeOirsal at Ma hat_ an hour for
PcOkutkintilWiitelc):our poPerboivarlearly ready
fin thefitir,r‘
• .
~peinocoilt yttishr,qe the „pasar,aW•to lee! your
Whole ; ,Trartillla all
- • •
'nil 48 aiisku
ngla , • l
no rrtisaltievnas'atitlyfrtg ttidtort li i#er7'edr t ig.
i( ittisgreth
and of gritlftithen. Wheie they approach you with
P lO OOO l 4 ..4 1 iS gok.poo4,l.**,oocogy*:
or that att anti scievt4ifirirw,
,rstrikest part of the ticket, jielieve them-Dot.• gland
togethtir phoOlder to sherddef, lean ,Wirtiriqtlatice
upon the support , of each'.filhii, avid - With and_
'steady, tread - march to Mg, ballot hpX, anti, gif as one
- Such Ken: Mrs 4illeniuiti a crowning victo.
one wittbe lastinghi its influence, and,
put togenfigion and shame the few - traitors that
invest Our camp. , •
Fellow ciftzena: you frs'ida ticket of gnarl men.
Yonr candid:hes for Representetives have been tried,
and faithfully did they per form every duty. Why
reproach them,by defeat!, If you will not stand by
and sustain men of tried integrity, you 'will very
soon have none such, pa represent you. htc/CEAN
and (nuns are good men. They have- the influ
ence and power to serve your interests in the Leg.
jslature. Their experience and weight of character ,
justly give them' reat consideration and respect.
Your candidate for Sherill, CHESTER THOMAS,
is a true, reliable man, of great energy of charm
, ter, and . business activity, li e wee - once cruelty
struck iloWn by slander, and lying hand-bills,) in
... part the efforts of the very men who are now at
workto defeat your ticket. Stand fast to his vide.
Let him not 'ag,iiii fall a.victim to their detraction
I and malice.
1 In C. 11. vtgruifoc. your candidate for Pro:hea
, Mary, yon have no. wily a competent man for the
4 cei bat one of the most amiable and worthy
cii . ;itena. el our county. Who can justly complain of
this social relations and business' transactions of
C. If Irerrick I Whis dirr be ever wrong by word
or (feed Why sherd() clemocrats cast such a man
Ifor a political oppo n eiti for one who has for
direstyehrs enjoyed the ensnlnmeets of the office,
and can rehire from it rinembarrassed,Pand with.for.
tones safe()? Hold the whigs to their own rule,- of
one *term. Democrats! give to Mr. Herrick ;via
united and hearty supiori l , he is' worthy of it and
will repay your kindness by a life of gratitude a:ld
loyalty to your principles. . .
in M. SCOTT the' candidate for Register aka
Ireeortitir r 'yoiihavriayoung - inan prrare and
of bright pfmnise. He is a man of mind, of a firm,
Eymetric . at character. He has lees superiors of his
age Ills cleir calM judgment, and unbending in
tegrity wonll command for him a respectable place
ill the councils of the State or Nation., Fellow
Dbmocrats, Lawrence Scott is winthy of your earn.
Of and heartfelt effints. He id a young man,
stattitg in life; aid and encourage him, yeti' will
yet beTtinfd of having taken by die baud a young
man ofsdeb Witrit and itemise:
In nominating BENJAMIN WILCOX some re•
paration was done to Albany towarhip, for her long
deferred claims. He is' one of the beta citi4-na of
that town-hip. Hengist and'tipright, he domn:fatuts
the respect of all who Inciw hint. ife wilt - make
a gond officer.
DANIEL B. COTTON has no simeriot; as a'nfian
of integrity and capacity. Hirisinillasyeang man,
of energy and judgment, who will bestow open the
duties devolving :upon . a Connty Commilarioner,
much experience and pragiical knowledge. lie
will make me excellent officer, and' his election
will be a guarantee that the Cagey affairs will be
managed judiciously; -and economically.
are young and active Demoemts . , such as the party
should delight to honor. They ire intelligent and
honest, and though the officer for which they have
beery' named, are not of the first importance, still
the Democracy should be careful that they deposit
a ballot for each of them.
Democrats ! you never rallie4 to the support of a
ticketso pre-eminently vronhy of your suflrages.—
Shall any portion of it be defeated II Not ii you
say Weft% not be. Will'yon see any portion of ii
strickervdtinvn, by traitors I Rally, then,-for the
WHOLE TICKET, and let us hear once more the
shouts of VICTORY raised by a triumphant Democ
racy', to mar whielr there shall not be a single note
of disaster.
the Consplratl.
The dicrefhpmente - which we'reatle in our extra
of!tuesilay, of the dishonorable alot to defratid the
people, by trickery ; her awakened a feeling of deep
indignation against the platters and abettors of the
miserable scheme: This attempt to cheat the demo
cratic party has been, fastened upon its originators,
BULL and PIOLLET, and one• or two other per.
sons, ceiling themselves Democrats; prominent
among wbom,by his activity in this scheme of trick
ery is IRA It STEPHENS,•formetty Sheriff otitis
County,who is now repaying The &fort heaped up.•
ep him by our Demoetacy by this act of gad in
gratitude. • Those who will engage in such re dis
• honest plot shall not escape the public odium and
disgrace which ever justly attaches to such infamy
Be they Whigs or Democrats, we shall fearlessly
hold up their conduct to the gaze of the public. We
caution the Demoeraey to beware of the men we
have Rattled. They are traisora to the Democratic
,party, unworthy its confideneeiand are now joined
in a plot avowedly to detent the Democratic County
As his conspiracy - develops itself, its features
becom more and more revolting and dishoirjan
appea nce A more bold ab reckless attelmptlo
oratth la The DitTlicoltiy of EnulfOrd was never
devise 1 , - ::7141 leaders bays been spproacheil by
duke irnidielitail in it, to induce" them to tall into
dig scheme. As an inducement they have heti, of.
PleetNTlpehtle by apposing Mt...Wilmot. To their
meat beit: said; the prominent Whigs repudiated
the..ofter r. She both dishonest i an& im pi amicable.r—
They know well ommigh that BUlL'aml ROLLE!'
_tied STEPHENS, warwookalie 16 zany a dozen•
rotes into the Whig ranki s and ghat' they dire
Promising what -they never amid fulfil. -.. .
~ii`emoanital it.thete not 179. inducement to
rally with mianknitylo thei , soppert of yoar Emifity.
Ticket.. Will yoit see thesei men barter away' aity
ammo! 'it. .Are•yotire silielel'illas ef OA isle,'
to Wow such leaders in such apAshonest suluarat'
It is a misfortune that therNmoeratie party con
tains wirtsimit nib restless angimischievous *tits.
They are potent only foe misehief inifeeit.'oThei
sooner...the. party- tops' oR istrlit esomseneel4tbe
soortarit purges intell of untrealthy t huinorai tliet
i t
better tot it. It is a detrinErent o its success , outran.
imputation upon irsinlegrity 4 thatit 'harbonitliam
,for a mom:int.
. . ,
most trabolyeimlition has beterfOrmied "11,011
the etiiiesiOestger ; of defeating yotr Cogitty
'',•D avid *awn Sell & Co.hate 'ill a 46-
Atrol , litiNfirefiiicipitristl new file, afd!ertOtgaleat
'tfielt trieta. lasi opera the weep, thVielectkel,
wfftetrtftimeetetle piny ottheiriantyiiiitd
of Judicial Dislritt vieret linnlyWnited, and'
ate x 4.4.*.certain;-eictokyitthik.edd,disotganio ,
zersliave eg,ain reiempleti to defratiti
th people.—
D. M. Bull and V. E.•Piollet ate Nang td (badness
by the contempt in which they time held, Mid at the
prospect of seceess to the entire., democratic ticket.
4utli)l!tiepf (Tetini**liich Might result in the
'ifcreat e! the people's ticket, was earnestly sought
anent there: - beeii oitedin
all their tindertakingS. They, instigate d try N few
whir equally as regardless'of principle, at Went
selves, failed in their enemies to get William
well to ren as a candidate for President Judge of
this District, in opposition to David Wifirttif the rep
tar nominee of the party, and the : unanintousehoiee
of the Judicial Conference. The great unanimity
with which Mr. Wilmot was nomineted, and the
fact of their beintt no other candidate in the . field,,
have been seized upon by each Mee as.Di M.frolt
Co. / as a suitable 'time to laythe Eitenied Wadi lots
a general -systeni of corrupt. diseization, •
though the damnable scheme *as plotted, set for
long time no cipPortanityviiiii trreseitted of gVeingif,
form or she*. Last Saturday, hu*sifert; Wnt O
wen left home tar bernletent for some. shop period,
perhaps not to retretr !dialler the elemian-sno loan
er has he left the connty,, thrs fiiir absence fie seized
upon as a suitable and fit time far giving shape and
substance to their nefarious plans: They_immeili
ately sent to Binghamton and got a large number of
tickets printed with the name of Wm. Elwell upon
them for President Judge; and a correspnnilingnem
ber of bowfin, Handbills to accompany them.— i
Eariissaries have been sent into every townstrir of
the District, wnere s fitting receptacle eerild be
found,to secretly deposit these ticheur end • Hand
Bills. None but the corrept and profligate are to
see them, or know of their existence till join before
the election. Uporr the eve of it, they are to be
scattered broadcait dirks!) the county, for the pm
!pose of deceiving:die unwary, and paralyzing the
,efforts of the true-hearted democracy. They rely
upon the false and envenomed contents of , their
Hand:bills, issued too rater for refutation or . contra
diction, to effect their unholy purpose. They may
profess opposition to only one of the regular nomi
neeenhhe pariy,--•that one being &YID
MOT. But Democrats, be nut deceived ! Their
object is to deflate the WiIOCE OF YOUR COUN
TY .TICKET. Manly, time, and all manner of
unscrupulous ear; Will be boldly and fearlessly
used andresnited them political bankrupts
and diSorga, nizers, for the purpose of breakingdown
the sound organization of the party, and throwing
all the offices into the hands °f ate Whigs.. , Princi
ples they have none, unless-It be w uniform and
deadly hostility jo the Inse am . of this patsy, end a
bitter yet secret opposijion to all those measures
which 'are identified with the most cherished inter.
csts of the Masses-ueither 6rineiple, integrity nor
110:101, gOvema or controls-them ;Ann they are gait!.
I , ekl brthe most shameless profligacy and selfieh
Who &islets upondate ? U's
being a Can
Demociat who truly believer - n sustaining
regular nominations asks for it. Nit sound Demo•
mat desires it 4 Nor does, the` scheme meet with
the sanction 40 leading' whigs; of character, and
prominence. All men who love fah' dealing can
not fail to condemn such mean, underhanded and
dastardly ernduct. Men of integrity and moral
principle wilt at came see the obloquy that attaches
to the alders and abettors of • this ?pigs fiand, and
shun its pestilential vapors: Nu than of character
will risk his reputation inilitr itoliticalcaldrou heat
ed by D. M. Dull, unit-Barrel by V. E. Mullet.
Who makes Mt... Owed a candidate if he is.ortel
Not himself. , 'He, if knowing what is on loot, runs
from the ignominy and dishonor of standing a can
di3ate *roux the people Does he announce him
self a candidate I No he has declined,
and voluntarily proffered his support no Mr. Wil
mot. Wel!might he after this Bee from .- there
proach of standingeNtace to face before the Image
as a candidate. If there is nothing dishonorable in
Mr. Elwell being a candidate, why escape frem his
friends, aid absent himself-from the county and dis
trict Ile feels and knoWs that it is dishonorable
and unmanly; yet he expects biab-minded and
:honorable men to endorse by their votes conduct
which he is ashamed to stand up and justify.
Do the Whigs as a party bring forward and en
dorse Mr. Elwell Not at all. Yet they are ex
pected to vote for him, because %I'm. and PIOL
4,ET, have peisuaded him to run, or impudently
pushed his name into the canvass without his con
"itenr.• High misfiled IVhiga ; wliern did you an
(bodge BULG and PIOLLET to thrust a candidate
upon' youlisr support I you resolved in your orga, ni
-zed action as a , party to have ri'o candidate. BULL
and KoLtEr say yowninst take Mr. Elwell—ail
you do so !
I The Shiite Ticket.
We trust our friends will not negleerthe interests
of the &tie Ticket. It should' not be overlooked
in the excitement attendant upon such multip:k
city of CoUnty airmen.
§ee th 4 every Democrat . deposits his ballot far'
WILLIAM BIGLER, the taftitman of 'the Suave
hanna—thrr honest inflexibleantkptight man—and
the able statesman. The office of Canal Commis.:
stoner shanktalso be well attended to, nor should
our Supretr Judges be 'neglected'.
No De octet should neglect to vote 'be , Siate
Amichtte Judges.-
Dameeriey hireeeieri resisonlo be , proud
of thejr nominees for thrielerrated post of"Assosiate
Ytidgea . . They are min of cheramer,and ability,
hone?! uPrighi, erekdistingoished (or their fait
',dealing vit . !) their tellow.mea.. 4ainsishem, Alip
Isongie of slander "dare not wag. Their
_honesty is
onimpeached, and . their abilities iimplestioned.".
They belong 'to that, Blass to which \ wer ow,,e, in so
great degree the proapeiitY4oa . r comity .antl it
. stitieltt ber the pride of ottE eitimess to Senor
. them,
With tlnsitatletur kir whisk they bare been named.
They ivirerstriesestbrrearliestssettien been,
and *me t many years of teit,, log
;wards elevating itiexounty , toils
,present position.
We heepeatslor . 04 a, large vote amongst that
class, of which they are weithy, members, the pie
lasers 01-Bradford, and the tillers of her soil.
' • Ti w ir C V Cr ihe W 1 40.' ItP giraffe:*
. The. WiStone boat has gone afloat,
; 2 1; 1 ma aei'ketioneeriag.:
They binnot Titter tbe breakers clear,
7- • WittilOhnitofri ffnaaciering;
The bust is thilting, •
• Th. 0 ,..00,8016 4 =-P1EL,;5 1, - - -,:•,-
Arilirint if new diatit 'govern our
No one so clearibe boat
AS reef Bil! thwitantilan4;
• •
Bil iihnetpu,tried the boat to guide,
ttlit;t on siid off ta sheeting. '
Pockets the jail. makes logy sail,
And bitngling in his Meeting r
, !_ Oiinris btothsktabbk,
• Nebat trouble; • •
We'll have a uewheliainnan hhinaltellethe mama;
No one can steer the boat so Clear,
As Bigler Dill the Tallman.
• „
fhercrilknien then mad have ,
To keep the boat in order. • •
dedk to sweep and slop the-leak,
And manage welt the larder;
One who is ample. , -
To set example ; • • • •
And manned the raftmen, as well as the crafbiiev,
And snob we find to stlic we mint!,
In Bigler" gilt the Tallman.
October. say the foiiiitentratiY •
•Weal all attinff election,
weiti line our 'meta With Bigler vote;
And' inn high' tide direction ;
We'll not cease voting,
• 'Till the raft's floating •
Bill Bigler the behnonian and chief c ecraftmeu
And by command, sate u nd
At Harrisburg our raft an.
We'll place him therein Keystone chair, ~
To rule our Pennsylvania.
Our Keystone boat again shall float,.
In Union high as any;
No more defeated.
Canals completed • [raf
Three millions our raftman shall save to the cr
The people's claim wade right again,
By Bigler Bill the Tallman. -
MoNliolr., Par
Deulaicrittif nt Brudtord t
Are you prepared' fOr the Batttir, which conie s
on Tvesdat next You.hsve but (hale time
for preparaattne. Thattinte should be em.
ploy ert",- nofirecetuut by an appierant quieter
on the party oryintr:opponeits. Ititi.tleceptit
They are quietly anti boskly at work- Do not
low them to lull you intoseedtity. it is the gas to
this fall. Bring out every Democrat to the poor_
It is an important election,.artd•aofiry man slab
Rain or shine, bail or snow, we say akain, Be et
the Potts! awl beibere at least as hour before
Vote yourself and then see dd' every' Democrat
the Townithip is there. Be at the polls all day and
if there be a voiermissin:,
Possibly he'may be detained by his work, and to•
able to lose the time required to go to the placs ,
voting. Send 'hire to the' polls; and ror L for
yourself. Do evtlythlitg that is hottotableouullem
no exertion undone to
Ali - needless -to say this is the way outwi
enfewill AP% They *he always dams -lea .:4
vote's never fail tii - be at the polls—while '
crats are too ofienthronged with work, to go to el
Are you all ready! ((Wallas:one that' Wilitiy nYt
souls—there'w ill be no chance for ronnitC , ..'
be one that.will effiict ourcouoty Ticket fur r
should it be defeated. - 1t dilhated
most be fought bravely:ll4oof, like tt e battles)
fight when their libertierant!their,lives are at
Are you ready y If not—if there la a soldier of
ocracy who is behind hand now or never, begs
be ready. A thousand things remain to be dl
Call on 'Your lukewarm neighbor, and entrc
o go to the Polls-r-fitir him op tothe.coritest.
Would you hate a -- Federal Canal Commh
er, totally mexperienced in the management IA
public works ! Would you by your inactive
!" rd the. Democratic ascendancy in the LegL
Would you see a host of corporations endowed
special privileges, licenaed to cheat and shay(
steal from honest industry ! Would you see
(a belles was never nominated',
feat by your negligence I—Would you have
feated now hazard your success hereafter! I!
then •
Rally from every hill—rally from envy vale—rv2s
from your workshops—rally from your fire'stan—
Old min rally! Young men fully ! One more elms,
Cloy. lip t musks s:
If there is a single Democrat who dates
for a vrhig, let him cooly consider what is to
gained by such a course to himself and to hispury.
What claims has a vrhig nominee upon s
srat for bis rote s How often bare we beard
crate regretting that they had forsaken their parry
a single instance to give aid and comfort to the
my. Did you ever vote for a, whig, but yoti
cause shortly afterward-to regret it Do not at t'
yourself to be pm:Q.or seduced in any manse
into a course of conduct you will deplore. Dor
true and only safe way is to . ,
Let every soldier stand firm to bib post. No flint.
ing, no giving lasulr: Such a course will leave yis
no roam fbr regrets, and will save you from 'err'
The Dinticer i aCY ate constantly taunted wilh alr
firmness whiphlhelenstain their nomination'
is n°4iB.4!edilihel'a Compliment to their intettligeow
and' hitegrity,.,i_yet whiga are ' brazertfaced ettwO
to approach thetrty:antrtiolieit their votes: No 114
could be elected; Without Demoersricivurel, std
what reason' is -thine that Elintotmtillwaii
poll a vote for:any of the whliusintlnces amid
Your candidates egnilll4 espabie and as bona?
who can say ought against tinntt 1 - Why then, slota
i Ol Or , up .i'ac,Palt, itieirdietioas ) to cast a fig
Or the whig cindidates I
Who . iue Mimed the riot t
• Ms istooss,ol. BULL Et Co, meets trial Vl*
fame si iv as wa hive soy • knottiedr. flood
whip say . they wit% bass Soddeq; to do witesseht
dirty trck , .sy/s4le• Demposats hem ovary Mier .
oustly.ftputhste the. (mod adesspied tcr bfrPO le.
ea "cm the peutcwwwdii sea dattoonse the nee* ,
ranted Me of likElsiett's name. w"
his best friends,-end _wets- -most wrest
Ns.sominstioo, Mot the mmitiodigoini
iffactifti %%NI men -to.dtaiibith tlown4o dent so
/ debased,level.., • - , ,