Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 04, 1851, Image 4

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Apo, .40.9t4,0k0AMP9.,14,1:,
coBP4P,PSP FA 4 14 1 FIR@ , 41 1 9 11 !) •
4i this c - itilliary, : wcio!, , in a fikvt' iv**,
1111, much tikart2lit of'OpprtieticT,'"Omoni: p10a44,
' Dik-jll4 `' t hi5 .119!.4:040* this
aweifuf rivalry which oin wool giowera ' on:, N~
raCiha' flied in ilia ptcgr!sf . ot wo:ol growing in
There., nal lii+te lipecie . !l othid ry, ply comp,
Into use asap incident to agrienltnre, which I deem
. eietircieoiMinfailee to reectintnendiri'theatitic
Iwo of your society. It is the 'tiuntifaelinie. 400:
uil candles hum the firs of the hogy..known • in
Anif,'Yeciiieiary• tir The- West as' ihe " prairie Whale"
The process of mnitnifitetur4 of these 'artitles - is' it•
Western. dinrcovery; and .is leading to .important
suits in the agrieniture anti commerce of our court-'
,• ; • ; , -, •
' 'which lard oil •rtuty be applied ardai
mem in,finite. li was first erapinyelas a substitute•
fur lamp Oil and sperm candles ; but was :gradually
made. le take the placiof almost every species of
animal fat or vegetable oil, employed in the maim
factnrea, and is now' most extensively used in' all
kinds of machinery. It is ah - o introduced to t 4 very
large extent in many branches of domestic econo:
my, illui'vrtnent refined anti properly-prepared, -is,
used event in the shape of a condiment for the table,
Or an indispensable article of the toilette. lard. ail,
it is Said, is largely exported to France, anti alter
undergoing various chemical operatioris,reimport
ed intoihe United Siates, and. sold in viitiona - me,
tamarphoses, as salad . "oil, •pinnaturn, or beats' .
1 know not whether pm permitted to press these
considerations for the pnrpoae 01, stimulating com•
petition ; but 1 feel quite certain that even the in
genuity of European chemists, will,. in due time,
fintlits match in the indigenous " Yankee ingenui
ty" of the United States... Meanwhile 1 am glad to
see the•lard oil matturactories floutish, having no.
npprehenston that they will ever seriously interlere
with''he whale fisheries of New England, the ;real
school for our sailors,"and the great' nursery of our
navy. On the contrary, it apPearsAltat sperm oil,
notwithstanding the competition of lard, is still
ca m r nan din v , reerwetal , le , and ,i.mnnencin2 prices;
:, ,~
e. • •
.tae vi t.' valtrablepni
ductioos 01 th u
. soil, runt an indispensable requisite
to the imi:rorement and civilization Gf man. No
country on earth ir, in this reaped, mote blessed
than ours. None can boast of such a variety of for
est trees, adapted to the various uses of farming,
this mechanic' arts; architecture, and ship building.
t. re : ;
In no other country do we find such magnificent
shade tries,-such extensive and superb primeval
forests, and io_no part of the workl is the reproduo.
live power of the soil less exhaniteri than in our
own. Yet with all these incalculable advantages,
and with our .unbounded coal fields, the want of
firewood is already felt in some' districts which,
lamina prairiethaf the West, are naturally destitute
of timber, or in which locomotives and steamboats,
are consuming the article faster than it can be re
produced in the ordinary coarse of nature. There
is also reason 'to believe that the extreme desire of
pressing civilization forward, and of fertilizing the
wilderness in The shortsst time k induces many a
hardly pioneer of the West to gofer somewhat en
thusiastically on the "extermination" of our woods,
when consiklemtions not merely poencal, bot econ
omical and practical, would in more than .one in
stance call out to him, it Woodman, spare that
tree !"
Trees are not merely useful and ornamental, but
also by . their mere existence-Aby the breathing of
oxygen—eminently conducive 'to health. They
are the companions of man, as much so as some of
the domestic animals, and have, as suchi-acquired
seerseio.rigie to Liu protiKuion., Many ecalities
which I could name, especially near the s i eats;
harabeen completely shorn of tic iber ; and (taper'.
' , lce has shoir that a forest onctstitirely cut (lowa,
wilt not grow up again and reltroddee the came
kinds of timber. Much inconvenience is HOW 141 i
in consequ'ence, and the evil is Progressive, threat!
ening the comfort and interests of farmers, mechan
ics, and all classes engaged in industrial pursuits.
In most countries of Europe, the preservation of
forests, by only partially cutiing down the timber,
and electing tir that purpose only those trees the
removal of which facilitates the . growth of the
young trees, by which means the same species of
timber can be reproduced almost adinfinitunt, with
. out any perceptible deterioration in quality, is re.
deal to a science, taught in academies and colle
ges. And though tve may not, in this country. feel
the necessity of husbanding the almost countless
resources of the forest, yet more attention than has
_hitherto been - paid the subject is certainty due to it.
It is to such societies as yours I submit this sug
gestion. It is"to your zeal, wisdom, and expo
rience that the country may erfidenily look for
The prevention of these evils.
The limits of this discourse will not allow me to
refer to the subject of breeding domestic animals,
ut I cannot omit to bring to your notice a most val
uable quadruped...." the Ship of the Desert"—for
he.introdoction of which an epprepriation was made
by the last Congr doubt' . I have no manner of doubt'
hat the camels which our Government is about to
import from Arabia for the transportation of Milne.
ry stores, will sohn become domesticated in the ster
ile regions and steppes of the far west. It may, in
time, prove a valuable auxiliary to our internal
commerce, and a eimvenient gtough'eomparatively
slow, means of communication between distanfteri
lodes. The camel of Arabia, is to sit intents and
poronses..e'dorneatte animal, fulfilling
tons of the tr , r4e. the 'cm and the sheep. antLwill,
no 41.'44:K r euter-La.:Ply - into the Jornestii,economy
of o ur people. Camels' hair, and.; the-air of the.
A lgor ,, golr,,:n.a.riffisti Which 4 yet hes* to toe
intriuhroptrit,..) !Ii« Ailleoany and Reeky m ow) .
l a k.,-...,...1. .-, , t .; , ,i!--pil employed in malty of
..1 . : 1 7 .745 t, and them is
0> _
gui of ougattle ma
. .
, and enterprising conntymen
ilzfs tiros funstiat similar, r a w b e g et feb.
I must pow apologise lot brink introducing*
topic aot tegitiulately ',connected. with agriculture i,
and n ot properly coming within the scope of, your
society. .1 Would Wats/maid it, if its introduction
were not in some degree necessary to complete the
;id° of Woos which km. surzweral rfor.
Arm. I cannot close my 'remark' without refer.
ring tc!fitr litineritiWeaftb Minnift.-- - Nl: , z-='
##ierl4ig rich lit:n#eqii'l2ll4 soil and
cis all s n,selni iAlefs, in „ the. : it:l;l4M ;
abundance:. Iron is not' confined 10 any panicolar
loesdityi his
. roioil'irk:tkliollif 037175 ' 01 - Nritt?&4 l ,-..
. Mtil,Ne,ti t ifOrk;; _nitendi ditoimitopi jhe
,wboleState,of-Penneyleardo arulilm.suountain rer
glans' Marylatttli and yirginittnrid Mirth - r Caro•
Lha : ; nkia*Ntia4tittenllinS*l#(!f
Teuneadte, e , mijilitteilkarg4
on Lake Superior ; furnrelikng eamyetherer the ler
ears or civilization ind*iici!ne add ‘eii# i ieti
The coal region:4ll* - th, United. States 'nelutles
Pennsylvania, parts of Maryland, Virginia, piiinfi
Caroling, Georgia;.4l;lbanin;Teiiries'seei Kent uekx,
Missouri, iONVII, Illinois,atitt• Ohio, and rovers afi
area larger than the united kingdoms of Great Brit
sin anri Ireland. Lead and Zino are found in rilmoit
'every portion of , the United States, but in exhansti
bite mnintities in Illinois, Missouri, lowa, anti Wl5 ,
cousin. Copper is found at some extent in various
parts of the Union ;'but the great copper Gelds are
on the borders of Lake Superior, and in New Mex
ico. Gold And Silver ars found in 'California, ore.
gon, and New Mexico, and along the range of the
Allegl.eny mountains,, in Virginia, North Carolina,
and Georgia.
One greaveculiarity of 'he mining regions of
America, and especially those of coal, iron, .and
lead, consit in the remarkable tact that the miner : ,
al is found in large quantities beneath the 'fiches(
and most productive soil ; promising at the same
time a rich harvest to both the miner and the bus
bandman. We not only produCe the minerals nec.
essary to the construction Of tools, ngricuttoral im
plement 4. machinery, in ati advanced state of in
dustrial developement, but also the precious met
als, in such abundance ,as will eventually enable us
regulate the standard of values, and tb control the
commerce of the world. It is maintained by some
writers on the subject, that mining, if not a branch
of agriculture, is at
_least a kindred pursuit. The
agriculturist draws from the earth the organic poorer
which sustains vegetable life—the miner delivers
her the treasure. long accumulated in her lap.—
Mining, hke the pursuit of agriculture, nerves the
arm, hardens the body, and renders it capable of
peal physical exertion. A knowledge of mineral- -
ogy,•geology, and chemistry, is indispensable to the
-oecesstul pursuit of both branches of industry and
, 1 • :Heti
TM enable the farmer to look for sources of wealth
the soil he cultivates while it will induce
-.a :flitter occasionally to Rim Ilk intention very
protitably to the external surface of the vault that
covers his mining operations: The division of la
bor his, no doubt, its advantages as regards the
mcre cheapness of production ; but it is less con
ductive to the development of the mind, and is rare
ty applicable to a sparsely settled country.
In thus cursorily reviewing some of the chief ar
ticles of agricultural and ? mineral production, which
from the'basis of our foreign excang,es, and regal
ate, in a great measure, also the domestic exchan
ges °film different States of our own confederacy
the question may arise, how tar the establishment
of proper institutions, or the improvement and bet
ter administration ofthose already in existence, may
aid in the dissemination of knowledge among the
great body of our industrious and intlependhnt cul
tivators ofthe soil. , The subect is an important
one, and appears, thus far, to have excitedlnit lit
tle public attention.
:!.14.4. ILE U
It would seem, too, as it our diplomatic and con
sider systems were organized simply in regard to
the great interests of commerce and manufactures;
but could they not be made equally subservient to
the mother interests of agriculture and its co.ofili._
nate branches l While our consuls report on the
commerce and manufacturei-01-'foreign countries,
would it not be'well to require them to report also
on the,:lifferent agricultural productions of those
countries, and. the improvements wl ich from time
to time may be introduced in their culture i Might
they not be made to furnish detailed account. of
,the different modes of cultivation, of the manner of
preserving crops, the agricultural implements in
use, and the various f kinds of manures resorted to
as a means of preserving or restoring soils "t Could
they not be induced te• report on all the. qlvariely
of fruit, shade, and ornamental trees, and forward
specimens of seeds, plants, toots, and bulbs, for gra.
melons distribution, accompanied by prover direr_
tions for their use ? An occasional raper on the
domestic animals of ilitierunt countries, and the
mode of breeding them, and improving the breed,
would be particularly acceptable, should_ the aM.
cial business of the consul admit of such useful and
These repons would not- be expected to be made
quarterly, as are those on commerce and mane.
factures. An an a
1 1
l paper would comprehend all
that is desirable, a would certainly be no great
tax on the consul' time and patience. In many
instances all the terials for his report would be
!aridity furnished him by the official politeness of
the government to which he is accredited, and in
others, he would find all the required information
already collected in some printed form.
By such simple means a vast amount of juror
mati3n fro m all parts of the globe could be coffee
tett, which in your hands of other corresponding as
sociations, would be most powerful auxiliary in the
dissemination of -agricultural knowledge. And I
would, in connection with this subject, respectfully
suggest the properiety of establishing a grearNa.
tional Agricultural Society, which in immediate
communication with the Agricultural Society in
the different States and Territories of the Union
and with the Patent !Ace, or some ether appropri.
ate evematental Bateau, might easily possess it
self of all the necessary information, to present in
its annual report, an elaborate and comprehensive
view of the agricultural condition of our whole
country. ' That society wield also be the proper
medium for receiving specimens of seeds, plants,
bulbs, forwarded from. foreign countries by ow
consuls together with , the colleciluns which, under
existing regulations, onenavy is in the habit of ma.
kiug, and of distributing them among the different
States and Territories.
The• National Agricultural Zonis:) , would also be
tho proper channel of communication : and of effect.
ting agricultural exchanges, between the several
Weal societies of !he -United States, and theaarious
agricultural midi' teamed associations in foreign
gauntries. It would, in fact, be the great 'centre of
agricultural iinfotinatioa which would diffuse knowl
edge. in a thWainuid_ different directions, over the
whole ilength and breradth of oar land, and to . which
ovary fax,we f could ;confidently apply for advice
and ingsaaion an aoy 044 int connected with his
profession. ,
And hotel may passe to 'inquire whether the
Smithsonian Institute ; at the zeal .of national got-
f 4"
erament might not (ex officio,) become a colabor
ate rind effialmitiseietatitTer4bot:tlitielief gricul
"Pif*Ft4;*ift . 4o, 6 )iiiii*,a i6 *!ft. o br*li7
perkidicalpublientions-and ia coajnattion-Atith Al f
diffMelhe greyest ,amount of iS tibslttE ktionleage
among,meri 3 i § , „irgy, the philanthropi c i4piiiien'
Oehworthpfornuler of that inatitutioa, good mot
be tarried ? Pt l*Pl l , , Puito4 l- ,Iffrotic*
Manner,' then by: mairing great
interest of sgricohnreimell ite team:bee. : Muer;
erfte pirerent tritlebierl Maybe,' it can perform
. no
tiigt tha n in, :the efficient
manner,: to the perfeetionfof that ppediee brunait
industry, whieti nr the'prirem and promoter of all
others, and nn whirih"the'safeti end permanance
of our mat rest as on their =broadest founds.
Mr. President' and -gentlemen-4n bringing .th:s
discourse to a conciusion,' I . am-not ifisetisibliii to
the Magnitude and importance Elf my theme. I
have apprOached it with diffidence, before tin an
ditory critically 'observant. el its great practical and
philestiyhical truths, and have obeyed your flatter
ing request with a consciousness that the noblest
pursuit of matt demands a broader anti higher reach
of thought than,l have foetal lime anti opportunity
to bring to its elucidation. I have ,sought at least
to show- not only:the dignity and vslne of your call
ing, in its influence over the destiny and elevation
of our country, but to enforce the:great truth, that a
common interest links together, throng l hout ail the
diversities of soil, of climate, and of production : the
noble lab! ic of American industry.
In, taking leave of such a theme, let-me say- that
you may well rejoice in 3 our pursuits. Y m may
well rejoice in its triumph—the peaceful triumphs'
n 1 labor, of art, anti of science. Yon may recall
with pride that Hinter-ions rare of cultivators, who
from Cinginnalus to 114ishingtott, graced and en
.nobled agriculture, and which in turn graced and
ennobled them. You may congratulate yourselves
upon the coptlitinn and attitude of your society. if
in the rank,of American States, New York holds
a lofty position, the yams of its State society will
be the more widely productive of benign results,
not only in promoting and - atlvaneingits own hus
bandry, but 113 br ght example will be - felt in all
quarters of the republic. Let me, then urge you to
renewed and unremitted efforts—to continued zeal
wet emulation in the discharge of duties to year
State and country, which bring with them the bless
ing ci God and the gratitude of men. As the dews
from Heaven refresh and fertilize the earth and
gladden the heart of the husbandman, so will your
labors, steadily pursued, wisely directed and liber
ally disseminating the seeds 01 intelligent observa
tion and experiettge, bring forth:a rich and abundant
HE undersigned, formerly Foreman for many years
of the Lafayette Burr Mill Stone manufactory,
240 Washington street N. Y., (W. Trick, Agent)
would inform his friends and the public in general, that
he has established a BURR MILL STONE MANU
FACTORY at Binghamton, N. Y. in "Leroy Build.
ings," opposite "Phenix Hotel," and solicits a share
of their patronage.
He wilt have constantly on band a large stock of
French Burr Mill Stones, as also a large simply of
&opus 4- Kok Stones, also French Burr Blades, Boll
ing Cloth, Screen Wire and Calcined Plaster.
The undersigned assures his friends end the public,
that he will faithfully execute all Orders entrusted to
his care, not only in quality, trot in prices of articles
furnished, and solicits their kind patronage.
Orders by letter will be executed with as much care
and. as cheaply as when purchasers are on the spot.
Binghamton, May 24,1851.
Removed to B. Kingsbery's Block !
Jr al. Chamberlin,
TT AS just returned from th e city
- 1..1 of New York with a large
: -
supply of Watches, Jewelry and
I N.. .7 Silver ware, comprising inpart,
'DC the following articles : —Lever.
v L'Epineand Plain Watches, with
cmulete assortment or Gard
Jeareiry. such as Eu Rings; Fin
ger Ringa,Breast Pins, Unit:mists,
Gold Pens; Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware,
and any quantity ofBteelßeashs.—all of which he offers
for sale erceeedingly cheriii for CASII.
Watches repaired on short notice, and torrcronled
to run well, or the money will he refunded. and a writ
ten agreement given to that effect if required.
N. 13.—MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Produce
taken in payment for work ; and alai, learn now, and
forever, that the Produce must be paid when the work
is done—l war against credit in all its forms.
Towanda, April 28, 1850.
New Chair and Bedstead %remota.
RESPECTFULLY informs the public that he has
opened.. shop at hie new• house, corner of Main
and Paine streets, ne4Jy opposite Edward Overton's,
Towanda, where he will keep orehand or manufacture
to order, nog-prated, Cottage, Windsor. Pancy, Cane
itested . and Common CHAIRS, made of the best tea•
tenet,' and, of superior durability.
He hai aisoTor sale an emolument of BZIHRICADII.
at low priers ' -
" Repairing and Besting Common, Cane.bottom sAd
Flag.seited Chairs, on reasonald? term;
Cherry. Basswood, Whitewood and Cucumber loin
her taken in payment for work.,
HeArusta that his. long acquantance in this county,
and the durability °ibis work wanted by many years
'experience; will secure him a share .of public patron
age. Towanta,
.March 1, 1851
aum• mirmrammExicoir_Aato,
• • coorrr
HAVING located„ in Towends. 4 bis services nay
IA be eldained brhddrespiog a line through the Past
Oa*, or by ceiling at 'be - office of Ulysses Mercer,
Esq., where ho will be formq,,or where a !trill= sp . .
liestpton - may be fell. "Nov; 1. - Ifl6o. • •
TONS A mencack, English and Swede.o
40*general iiiortment of dl sizes of roofidAquare
flat bor. band.and hoop, nOw, frecelo4, and for sole by
be Jon quaoity, oe MERCURIC
those cheep eel - good . LINEN
4 LOW: Ti r ;il ° „ received by • .
May 29.
LOOK HERE!--We are low lelbeg the bat si h;
'do of Moloieesrat 311 cents per gallon.
fitonattittiat Implements,
Agtittitartir:*o44l4.--Titi ,- Stere,
• • •
" ' All LA: MINN PA •
AltAtitirrellAi stictlert's ware
Rail 'Road: . Rana Power & Tresher,
- f
With' the 'Latest and mportan mprorenten , or
' , which Admit is amnia.
'THE subscriber takes -this method to inform, the
.Farmers of Bradford and_ the adjoining toOnlie,sr
that he 's agent for. has for sale, the above cc!, bra ,
ted anti-unequalled .11Orse Power and Threshing Ma.
chines, which he is priplied to' furnish on the same
terms. as by the manufacturer. with the addition of the
actual cost of transportation, contracted for at the low : .
est and best rates.
The subscriber has sold a numbet of the abase ma
chines in this, and the aditining counties of Chentung
an 4 Tinge, N. Y., and all wiihout exception,have given
the very best satisfaction, and where they are known,
all farmers give 'them the preference, on account or
economy in threshinst,, being Operated with.much less
expense, and - cracking and wasting much less grain
than any other machine in use.
The Two-Horse Power Thresher and Scparaier is
capable, with three or four men, of threshing from 150
t o 200 bnahels of wheat or rye, or double that luantity
oats, pfr day.
Thc'pricca for Emery dr, Co.'s one
Horse Power. • $B5 00
do Thresher and ,k3eparator, 35 00
do Bands,wrench, oiltr end
extra pieces, 5 00—5125 00
do Two-horse Power, $llO 00
do . 'fresher and Separitpr. 35 00
do Bands; oiler, wrench, &c., 5 00—'$150 00
Also,Wheeler's one•howe power,Thresher,
and Separator, complete, .(improved this
season) $l2O 00
Wheekeis Power, Thresher and
Separator, complete, • 145 00
Price of Emery's Trestle' and Cleaner,
with bands, wrenches, &c., 75 00
do Saw Mill, comPleto for use, 35 00
Price of Grant's Fan Mills, adapted for
hand or power, front • 22 00 to 25 00
The subscriber will also the coming season be pre
pared to furnish to enter
The Cleaner has all the advantages of a good fan
ning mill, cleaning the Frain fit for market, wasting
none. The additional cost - being hut little more than
a fanning mill, or about thirty dollars—making tile
whole Thresher and Cleaner cost $75 to the Farmer,
and with Enter: & Co.'s two-horse power, $lB5 00.
L*- On account of the large demand for the above
machines, and the
. dlfsculty of immediatelyili s nti
deli for them, persons wishing to purchase machines
should give me timely notice as to what kind and at
what time they wish to procure them.
'Fanners wishing to do 'their threshing immediately
after harvest, should procure their machines as early as
the Brat of July. Also for sale
At manufauturer's retail prices, such as
: 111 :4-evece
_ .
Burrall's Grain Reaper.
Revoking Horse Rakes, Hay, Straw and Ilanure
Forks, 4c. 4w. Alm,
Cast Iron and Wood Cistern and Weft Props,
LEAD PIPE of all sizes, in large or small quanti
ins, cheap for cash.
A' OVB CEAUTIFUL PATTERNS, etzes, rasces, trA:
ptock of Stovcsontl prices, will compare favors
bly witbTheri; of any Stave 13tore in any of the large
neighboring towns.
Tin, Japanned and Sheet Iron /Warr,
manufactured acid fcr gala wholesale sad
or Cash.
A large and full Catalogue of Agricultural Imple
menus and Stoves, wi.h engravings, furnished ratis
either bore, or on application by mail post-paid.
Athens, Ps., N'ovember 20, 1850. 420
THE subscribers respectfully inform the public that
they havg taken the shop formerly occupied by
Adam Esenwine, on Main street, nearly opposite
Drake's wagon shop, where they are prepared to do all
kinds of BLACKSMITHING upon reasonable terms.
They aro determined by- doing their work well and
OnmPllv, to merit, as they hope to receive a share of
public patronage.
HORSE—SHOEING done in the best manner. All
kinds of repairing Machinery, executed in the most skil
ful manner.
WOOD WORK for wagois will also be made and .
repaired when desired.
All work done at their shop, will be warranted lobe
well done, and manufactured from the best materials.
The public are requested to give us • ial, en& judge
for themselves. ES EN W INE & BREHM:3HD.
Towanda, May 8, 1851.
A DAM ESEN WINE respectfully Informs the pub.
Tic that he no* occupies the shop where himael
and brother have for years worked, nearly opposite
Tomkina" foundry, where he is ready to do all work
in his line, as formerly in the best manner. He is de
termined _the' reputation he has attained'as a skilful
workman shall not suffer by any neglect of the inter
este-of customers or by any inattention to business.
TOOLS, mentifititured to order—machinery Of all
kinds repaired in the best manner, and every kind of
Repairing and Meprufachring will -he done at short
notice, and in the style desired, ..
Horae;Shoeing,,im reasonable_ terms.. He-will also
take Country, Produee in payment for work; but ob
jects strongly to credit.
Towanda, lan. 17, 1851.
Snafu,' Harness It Trunk Manufuetory,
T ERE CULP & Co., respectfully inform the public
s that they have token the shop _lately occupied by
C. F, Harder, on Main street, a' few doom below the
Brick Row, where they will keep on band a
stork of
1 - 1 4 4120 . 03 ammo% DL cl o
• TIMM, Irwin., mai%
- AU articles in their line inamactated to order, and
made of the bestmaterial,and for workmanship cannot
be ampused in Northern P,nosylvania. They spiicit
a call from those wishing to purchase, confident that
they can give satisfaction both is to quality apd price;
cl:7 Cash will be paid for Hides, itWilteep Pelts,
at the highest rates, at our shop.
Towanda, November ifith, 1640
_W;~.t,;.:. , :>~~;:r '.r•,tieiel~NF'c~aa. , W:~+i~ :~r3~~+trad~~riyu`=~9~.x..;. s-.~:.
liard.r Y r 'I
' .SHEETARKVIARE . - -: : • '
&'llllBB'ElilJ hisitnehrineil I toSatenei
theiuentletsof the pub ,
lie - to their assortment, - tol*Aeir idditkmehase
vitality tieetistisdrOtoiliihrta'abit
*Wed tier Aillered thWlttilifit 'AtiOntele bit*
lade of 'Melee it fa* MR lift entthitiatid
• •
• - ZrolianAl t rio
Rsts, - iiiiikiion a s Ain rinnal
E Wi
nglish' Ana A AninsaiAn m
tAild ;
shoelroo ; :nail soda Ind iiiiiktittr Iron at'ilrelisicifp;
dons, stc.;
.with a good assortmeni oI Naili,:=;-3d, 4d,
sd, 011,8d.'10d" 12d iind,2od 4. sl and 0 leek spate" ;
errou,;ht.ntliti . an4 hoi:Set"' by the pound, kig - or
tem. Also', east, nertitaii, trigliib blister, Aniirican
sprang and tire steel, &e. : '
>: Carpenter's and Seiner's Tools,
Of 01l descriptions,+ ; viz: broad, narrawand band axes;
hatchets, adz, joiners cut. steel mortice,firmerand
framing chino ; common and cast steel augurs; of all
sizes, from 3to 2 inch ; braces and hilts; augur And
pod tufts extra; planei and plane irons; hand, tenant.
X cut, keyhole and sidling taws • iron and steel and
try squares of all saes, frohi , s3 to 15 inches; hammers,,
spirit levels, bevels, tape lines, mortice guages, of all
sizes, screw drivers, scratches, hollow augurs, &c.
• Blacksmith's Tools.
Anvils. bellows, vices, banimers. viedgeir. tinting
Emulate% stocks- and dies, drilling machines, are.
Shovels, square or round points; picks; hoes, hay,
straw and manure forks; log , cable and binding chains ,
crowbars, grubbing hoes, rakev, grass scythes, scythe
onsthes, scythe storms and rifles, cradle scythes, bush
scythes, corn • cutters, shovel plough moulds, garden
rakes, hoes and trowels, scoop shovels, &c.
Carriage Trimmings.
Carriage bows, top leather and -cloth ; patent leather;
India rubber cloth ; brass and silver plated hab bands,
concave and Boston patterns ; brass and silver. ?lilted
curtain frames, lining nalls,caniage knobs, apron rings
end hooks, stump joints ; brass lad silver plated joints;
seaming cord; striped /see. Wide and narrow; silk
stnped lace, new style ; top liniag, worsted fringe,moss,
varnish cloth, patent alles and sale arms ; springs,
Harnear.Trianninga and &rddlery Ware of the lat
est and most approved stylves E end of
None Trimmings ;
We have on hand a full tifiturtment. Also a large loan.
tity of LEAD PIPE, which we are prepareWto furnish
at the lowest prices, together with copper and britannia
atop cocks and cork stops. Any quantity of Pump
chains and Well Blow oq, ing*. A general aisortment of
Raw mill, circular end wood saws; plastering and
brick trowels; lathing hammers, shotels,and tongs ;
files and rasps of all sizes; shoo and tack hammers;
drawing knives, turner's chisels and gouges, saw setts,'
callipers, pincers knives and forks, carving knives and
forks and steel's; butcher, pocket and pallet -knives;
coact wrenches, trunk, chest and till links 's. tailors and
sheep shears; table and bed castors; dinner and tea
belk, glue and enamelled sauce kettles; brass kettles,
from twci roans to half a barrel Hollow ware and
cauldron kettles ; tea and' coffee pots ; brass amt fir/.
tannia candlesticks' anti snuffers; trays, (mit trays and
large servers; curtain artriNnd pins of the latest styles;
stair rods sod holders; ladies' and gentlemen's pocket
scissrs ; razors and razes strops; German silver and
britanna table and tea spoons; hair, clothes and shoe
brushes ; brass one steel barrelled pistols and , revolvers;
gun locks, steel nipples and nipple wrenches; shot, shot
pouches and powder Basks; bafn door, strap and T
hinges. Also manufacturing and will keep cowhand);
on hand a large assortment of
Tin and Japanned Ware.
We have also just received 80 tons of srovEs
compoired in part of the following patterns and sizes:
Republican air tight Cooking Stove, Number 4
Farmer's do du 9
Lady of the Lake, do
Queen of the West, do
Iron King. do
Improved Premium do
Eastern Premium, - do
Jenny Lind Parlor Stoves,
Cottage do
Cylinder do
Air tight do
Air tight 6 plate Stoves,
Sic Otte Stoves,
The above comprises but a few articles of the assort
ment which they offer to the public,. and all of which
will be disposed at extremely low rates. In proof of
this, please call at Hall's old stand, south aide of public
square, and extending to Pine street.
a, (CY Old Copper, Iron, Brass and most kinds of Pro
duce, taken in payment. Towanda, lune 6, 1851.
New York Mmpbrters and
.11110:21C4LN, 20.D0Z di, CO.,
58 Liberty street, beiween Broadway and Nassau
street, war the Post Office. New York.
UTE are receiving, by daily swivels from Europe,
y l v our Fall and Winter weertmernt ofrich fashion
aide Fancy Silk and Millinery Goods
We respectfully invite all ark pereitaierti thotooth•
ty to examine our litOal mad piers, and. as interns
governs, we fel confident our goods and prices will
induce them to eke. front our establishment, ?ar
ticular attention is 'devoted to Millinery Goode, and
any f.if the articles are manufactured expressly to our
order, and cannot be surpassed in beauty, style and
Beautiful Paris Ribbons, for Hat, Cap e Neck and
satin and Taffeta Ribbons, of all widths and colors.
Silks, Satins, Velvets, and Uncut Velvets, for Ifais.
Feathers, American and French Artificial Flowers.
Palings. and Cap Trimmings.
Dress Trimmings, large assortment.
rahroideries, capes, Collars, U ntlerslerves and CAITs.
Fine 4intiroidered Revlon) and Hemstitch Cambric
Crapes, I.iases, Tarlatans, Illussinn and Cap " f aces.
Valeneiencs, Brussels, Thread, Silk, an dLisle Thread
KV, Silk, Sewing Silk, 'Lisle Thread, Merino Gloves
4 d Mitts.
Figured and Plain Swiss, Book, Bishop Lawn end
cone! Mullins.
English, French, American and Italian Straw Goods,
Sept. 6, ISM. .. .
riISSOIXTION.—Notice-k hereby given, that the
partnership, heretofore existing between the sub.
scribers in the Harness and Trunk makifie business is
this day dissolved by muturl consent. E. Smith &
Son will settle the business of the late firm, Those
indebtild must make immediate psymenh and those who
have agreed to pay grain, are notified that unless de
livered at the time agreed, Cash will he expected.
November 15, 1850. JERE CULP.
E. Smith Son,
RESPECTFULLY inform the .public that they
will continue the business at their old stand, north
side of the Public square, and ,will keep on hand. and
manufacture to order, every variety of SADDLES,
HARNESS, TRUNKS, VALICES, &c., of the beet
materials Lod of workmanship, not to be surpassed.
• By tenet Minden to business, and promptness in
falifilling engagements, they hope to continue the lib
eral patronage they have heretofore enjoyed.
Csanrsec Timex:so will he done on short notice,
in theueatest manner.
Ail kinds of Grain, -Produce, Hisles'i, Sheep Pelts,
wilt be taken in exelange for work.
OtP . ' Officer North side of the Public Square.
- -
raittill its Operation I
TIIE sehseriben'have mowed to the new - building on
A. Pine swot, one deer below Marcum Store where
they will keepon It - mitt:sad" mike to order, ploughs,
stove and mill irons of slmost all tikeriptions. -
log and fitting up warii,, will be 4one also on reasonable
terms as at Elmira. or Owego. Old iron - Wien
in payment. • JOlllsi C.kIIMAN 0,
Towanda, brriJ 26, Ifisj. •
"~t~c'e~tl'a~c ~ r'r
Tanner's Tools:
- - comm.
f :'l7:
Thefollevingequalkd.soies r ify Melin ft
may be ftepeaded upon sejthilie utmost confiden u .
Thep have the approbation of Me best *ysi•
• vane in the country,' .and, are ream.
, mended by all urito hare used.dic A ,
ag superior to .any, medicines.
They hate been betote the - Public for tiro PIA
During which time more thin, 5000- certificates bat
been received from eminent public -men
and others,and arenow on-file
at the Company's.ollice.
They are Compounded
With the utmost care and skill, and„ the inh
are thoroughly tested by seientifie _chemists,
that medicines of a upifoim and reliable qua
lity are guaranteed in all-cases.
:Are particularly valuable for the prevention
Fevers in general, all Bitioid and Liver Complaii
Jaundice, General Debility,' Common and ktii
Headache. Dyspepsia, Heart Buin, Costiveness,
Griping. ,Urinary Diseases, Obstructions of
the Menses, Influenza, Asthma, and for a
variety of othe. ,Uhronic Diseases; in
fine,,for all ,ordinary family pees.
{'Full directions for the various Diseases accr
each box. Prize 25 cents a box.
The Graefrnberg Dysentery Syrup,
A speedy and infallible remedy in Disrrticea. I
ry. Bloody Flux, Cholera Matins. Cholera lutani
and.theAllATlC CUOLERA, if taken' with the fi m
symptoms, viz: Vomiting and ilitirrlrs. -It nti
ver fails to cure the worst posaihle eases et
bowel complaints, generally ilia few hours,
sbldom beyond a day. It is PITItZtT
VSGILTABLII, and taken in any quan
tity is perfectly harmless.
The Graefeubtrg Green Mormtato Ohitnum,
Invaluable for Burns, Wounds, Elprainsythio ,
Corns, Sores; Steel line of -all kinds, Itheur
Erysipelas;nronchltis, Scrofula, Uleers,
die tilde and back immediately . relieved, Intlam
wallop of the Dowels, and for all cases whets
there js Inflammation,
Marshall's Uterine Catholicon.
At certain cure for Fel:Aspens Hied, and for mc..
distressing, complaints incident to females. p,.
A pared by Pr. THEO. POHEROy, of Llim,
sorely for the GEsefenbeig Company.
T'fiC OTH tit °Lamm:titan . aranicials Au
Eye Lotion, Health Bitters,
Consnmptire Balm, Ferer and AO
Children s, Panacea, ' Liblry's Pile Oir
Sarsaparilla Coinpamd.
17.0 -- -'l'he Oraefenberg Manual of Health, a .
hand-hook of medicine for families. Price fifty
Office, 214 Broadway, Nearlork.
Cairriow.--Tho public is ritnested to beer i
the t euerything prowler by the Orserenterg CCt
has their seal boon it.
Spurious articles have been issued closely t,
the genuine in every particular, etcept the
the utmost care should be used before purchas
Agents for Dredford County—DV. DUST
Dr. POUTER, Towanda.
T_T A removed to • few doors below Bridge-
on the East side of Main-st. in the bail&
mercy occupied by .1. D. Monism , . Esq.
All operations amounting to $5O, or over, of
to be paid down, the remainder in three mom
the operation proves unsatisfitctory, the money
be refunded. A note of hand however mast sti
payment °fibs half left ‘rir lid, with
4 to 6
4 itul 5
7to 10
Zr and 4
: 2 and 3
: 3 and 4
:: • 1 to 3
2 to 0
- 3 to 7
Marter PeTo.
and MI
stored member
systeat of pa:
iog the hear
notes. The
licies are beim
proves shoed('
fly to be intim
perpetuity of I
Me may be footed
ey sitouta possess
The public bow/
to embrace and
should make
important objet
jesting the pre,
ea and fluctuate
of this compete:
of holders and f
of profits as eht
sacredness of
lion of the insn
or quarterly, in
together with Ht
gratis, at the offit
Stephen R. Cr
Ambrose W. Th,
renjamin W.
Jacob L. Floral
Cu As.
GovNes, ►SI
F. S. Hoi•
December 27, 181
Clock, Watel
of ini
se. •
of J.P,
.F ,t/ ' and Jr
business in all of its
of the latter, on Mail
Row. His reputatiw
established in this cod
airy to sag a word on
parlance and great ad'
knowledge of the busi
the public, bring on
do them justice.
All goods sold, or Ro
recommend, or the mm
A good assortment of
kept eonstintly on bans
My motto Anil bioft-ii
Join, ond n 0 mai* Or
for--so I am bound not
___Towanda, July 12,_
"HE largest and most
blink ansithiseellat
ERY eyes otreitill is this
now just °piling at , cif
• .110111AKIIIMIC
. Herten Shop to
the Ward House, late
priotingoffice--on wain
r Union Block," up
Publie Square, seer . Elwt,
between Elwell's aid Adam
may always be fount aim
rowilff4a, .tuly 12, 185 p