d i aivosvls AnAute-'•;.The neira.friim Cslifotia shows that the laws are suprenie in San Fran d a ao, and the fearful assumtpion of aothority 6 , ,by the Vigilance Committee is no longer, inscognisel, The Committee now assist the aothoriues in arrest jog sifenOrs for the courts to try. , Adams, the burglar, having been found guilty on trial, the Committee of 700 members were caUed together to pass sentence; seven-eights of those present voted to turn him over CoOrt offlessioni for trial. The Grand Jury at once found a true bill against him ; and 'when brought up, for trial be pleaded"not gladly," and asked for two days to pre pare for trial. stating that he had no counsel.. The Court provided him one And when the day of : trial eame on he withdrew his plea of," not guilty," nod pleaded " guilty" Armature; another of the gang brought on and implicated by Stuart's confession, was also arrested by the committee, and by them delivered over to the Warts. T. Belcher Kay. who w as also implicated, has been forced to leave„and so has Mrs. Hogan and others, whose names are conspicuous in the confession of Stuart. In Capt, S.'S. Gallagher's case who was tried for the murder of-Lewis Pollack, thei jury disagreed. He has been remanded fur.trial. Judge Barton, of Philadelphia, defended - the prisoner, and his speech is described as a most powerful defence; the court-room Crowded to its utmost capacity, almost every-distiuguisbed person in town was present. •Business in California appears to be still depres sed, though a slight change for the better in prices, was noticed at the last advices. The mines continue to be productive. the returns being quite favorable. There is a project now being discussed for a polit ical severance of the lower and upper portion of the State, which is boldly advocated in the Southern paper'. DEATH or DUDLEY LICAVITT...—The New Hemp shire Statesman announces the sudden death of Dudley Leavitt, of Meroilith, N. H. No man was Heuer known. by his works, in New Hampshire, Than Leavitt, having been an almanac•maker, and a favorite one too, for more than half a cenhiry,— His first almanac was printed in 1797, and with the exception of a few years, be has continued to pre- pare and publish one regularly every year, down to the present year, for 1852. R was, also, a .school teacher of considerable repute, and carried on a small farm, which he owned, on the shores of Lake Wittnipisseogee. Ile died at the age of 80, falling dead while engaged in washing himaalf for breakfast, on Tuesday morning, 16th instant. ,FATAL RAILROAD AcessEsrre—Cssrasitan, Sep. • 22.—This morning, a terrible •accident,occiirred on the Cleveland and Columbus Railroad,' near this city; There were two locomotives- attached to a heavy freight train upon the road, when the boiler of one of the locomotives exploded,'and a large por tion of the boiler being thrown upon the top of the ocher locomotive, instantlytkilled the engineer. nam ed 8. Rooth. The other engineer was injured fatal ly. Both firemen j were seriously scalded. The loco motive was coMpletely destroyed, and the rails be ing torn op considerably the passenger train was delayed five hours. DETIFUETIVE FIRE IN:CINCINNATI.--CINCINNATI, Sept. 254—Yesterday noon, a fi re broke . out iu Cod dington a extensive chair factory, in Vine street, VMS totally destroyed, together with thirteen adjoin ing buildings, mostly second class dwellings, be sides which seven' other buildings were considera bly injured. Mr. Coddington's• loss is $64,000 on which there is:an insurance of 815,000 The total lom is estimated at $lOO,OOO, on which there is only $25,000, insurance. fr A son of Isaac Nichols, in the town of Nichol., aged 12 years, fell from a'tree,into which lie had clambered after a squirrel . , his head com ing in contact with a sharp stone which cut a hole into his skull, out of which a portion of the brain escaped. The, injury was supposed lo be fatal", but sun lying unexpectedly to all, until the (the day following the accident,) Dr. F. Nye, of :his Tillage was sent for, who dressed the wound, ad. rn,ntinering aqme gentle, palliatives; and, to the =piss of all, the boy is recovering.—Owego Gaz. Tut PENNATLT ARIA AGRICULTURAL FAIR -CIIANGIC or Day.—The Executive Committee of the Penn sylvania State Agricultural Fair, on Tuesday last, had a meow!, and resolved to change the day ol holding the Fair to the 20th, 30th, and 3181 ol tuber. Thi. is on account of the Maryland State Fair being held on the day previously fixed, add the Pennsylvania Society "desire to reciprocate Cirilmes with, and promote the success of, all oth er Societies that have for their object the improve ment of agriculture and the mechanic arts." Nvcr IlEr ENO E Scnclitc. —h is said that Govern. or . .lortritsros is about taking out a patent for new way to lay olj debts" What heclaimsspecifical ly as h;s invention, is that all boys who play a 3 cent zame ninepins, shall pay one cent towards ex tmgoishing the Gettysburg tapeworm debt ; and all men who eat a levy's worth oysters shall pay two cents towards the estitiguishrrieut of the Kittanning Feeder debt. Both these debts are legacies which EIMER left for his saxessors to pay. Pactrtc Rantioast.-The County Colin of St. Innis has ordered an election on the first Monday , 4beioher next. to test - the sense of the qualified laSlmeri of that city and county as to the pro priety of the County making an addittogal subscrip tion at one hundred thousand dollars to the capital stock of the Paae hailroad. (* -- Adamerrrty ias elected Einn..l. B. DAN: NCH a Delega to the'4lll of Ptlitrcll Convention. Re to understood to be friendly to Mr. BUCHANAN MINIATURE ALMANAC -18 5L _ _ w,",,c'he I yo lonlk VI Ia.NDA TCESDAT" I W CWIESDA T,. c FRI:RATA r, 28 6 7 29 0 ft 30 8 51 6 11 2 6 12 3 6 13 4 6 14 r, Died. In Monroe, Sep. 19th; at the residence of her so&in law George E. Arnout, Axis! a Witeox, in the 74th year of her age. In Durell tp., Sep. 9th btr. A. W. B. V..sooangn, aged 47 rears. Many pleasing associations are . connected 'with the deceased, he was 'loved and respected by all who knew him, for his uniform kindness, ebeirthl dispo sition and many amiable hettilities. • His, family are called to moonq his loss, but not without hark', •they can look forward to a bright and peaceful uniois with him in that world where death can :serer enter and ,farung be no more. aution. JlLLJlLLperso ns are he ron y ceneione i l iegoinet pitrebas lag • note Elven-by me on thE 18th Jay of At; guil 185 1, la WILLIAM HARDY, fin fifty dollarr, se !bate rec e i ve d no n i ne ( 0 , said e t a* sad - tbereforo do bot consider myself morally or IMO, bc"md to pug it, and than Ilia do so. unless compiled by taw. _Remelt. 81. p. $4.1411, r A..L RVBIL tray, • rime to ae enclosure of the subirriber TOWan. k „ . k , da township , on or about the tab inst. a RED "' E ER , Iboui 3 Yews old. Said awn has no portico. lag k The owner is requested to prays property _Psy charges. . WILLIAM. AUSTIM. rowana.Bep. 23,1851. AL itD MINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. L Petit:ma indebted to the estate of A. W. B. sw 'Monier: dec'J, late of the ituroship of Dore!, webs , ;agitated to lash, percent without deisy, 114,1 there haying claims award Ai de ate will please r" eat them duly authenticated -Ibe set t,""nl,,,- • I MATILDA VANUuRDS - September 22, 181114 Administratrix. - WHOLE SUITI9, Costs,Pitios nod YouttPt for 42 00, at .11,iiiiI/DEI•L'S. - A ,e.... • ' Atli is aq EbiliekerYl Ititi K t 7' B - VE • Or, *in* • This kedietWeinliclinj SIO iiiratin7 l 4 Ogler M . utiiatiubstame:`, ispus :Vs This sowed,' fbr Worm ismiteAr dimly, ever used. Is etreitually eradicates.worms of all sorti from childrenimd adults. Thousands perish= by worms Without the real cause being known. Some other reseal is assigned for the sickness, ulna Waikato are the teal What inmate', responsibility rests upon the patent who does not know, and the doctor who doesmot on &intend, the complaint which is destroying ) thole pre• cions flowers of life—children. What should be done The 'newer is plain. Give the Yermifnee, which will be4Ure to do good if they have, no worms, ■ai if they here, it will destroy and eradicate Them with a certainty and precision lowly astonishing. There is no mercury or mineral in it. MerCury is the basis of most worm remedies ; and the remedy is silmetimen worse then the disease'. tto never use loz enges, but rely upon this. Every person will be con vinced on one trial that it — is the most perfect cure ever invented. The immense sale that this Vernal:me has, is a sure test of its value and the estimation in winch it is held by familial, it would be quite too expensive to pub lish the volumes of certificates that have been given for ibis tinkle, and the users of it are requested to 'spread the name to all persons whom they think will bebenefitted by it. Speak of it in all families, and you will do your du. ty to your follow creatures, and feel assured of the afs probation of all good men, and will receive your reward in heaven. We call on all good citizens to make knows the of fecte of this wonderful remedy . - Remember, and ask for Orrick'o,l'ermsftsge. Startling Pacts. Hundreds of children and adults are lost yearly with worms, when some other cause has been supposed to be the true one. 'lt is admitted by all doctors that scarce • man, wo man, or child exists, but what sooner or later are troubled with worms, and in hundreds of cases. sad to relate, a supposed fever, scarlatina, cold, or some other ailing carries off the Bower 'of the human family— while in truth they die of woims ! and these could have been eradicated in a day, by the use of one bgtt le , °V ORRICK'S V ERM IFUG E. }low sickening the thou ght that these things should be—and who can ever forgive themselves for not try ing this WORM EKTLRMINATOR, when they know that seen if the case was not worms, this reme dy could not by any ,possibility do hurt—but always good as ' &purgative, let the disea se be what it may.— How important then to use it, and who will dare to lake the responsibility to do without it! Let all pa rents ask` themselves this question in truth and sober- For sale by HUSTON & PORTER, Toirands, Gentrel Agents, 16y LATER FROM CUBA Execution of Lopez'? STILL later newsvia New York &E.R.R. of the arrival of a very large stock of Merchandise at . PHINNEY & BO WM ANS No. 3 Brick Row which they are prepared to sell at wholesale or retail lot Cash or Ready Pay, cheaper than the cheapest, from the fact that they purchased their stock for cash in a very de pressed state of the market. Don't Mistake the place, No. 3 Brick Row nest door to Dr. Hustons.Drog stare. TONS SUGAR, jolt received, at wholesale and v.) 'retail. PHINNEY & BOWMAN. 10 ALT. alarge lot, also Iron, Nails, Hardware, &c ; and Mackerel in bbls., and I bbls, for sale by serit22 PHINNEY & BOWMAN. 1 O CHESTS more of those three and four shillings TEAS. at PHINNEY & BOWMAN. SBEETlNGB c shinings. stripes . and ticks , for sale by • PHINNEY & BOWMAN. BOOT &SHOES, the largest and cheapest assort ment in town—and Haw and Caps, at wholesale and retail.f PHINNEY . & BOWMAN. CROCKERY, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Glass„Dyes, &e. y PHINNEY & BOWMAN. DREBB GOODS, • large variety—Bonnets and Shawls, a good assortment, for sate by sep22 • PHINNEY dr BOWMAN. LUMBER WANTED, at PHINNEY et. BOW MAN'S, for which cash will be paid. /22 7 H EAT, Oata, Eye and Corn, taken in exchange VW • for goods. PHINNEY & DOWM AtN. BUTTER -100 Firkins wanted, for which part cash will he pith PHINNEV & BOWMAN. Notice. THE quota of Pamphlet laws for Bradford County for the Sessions of 1851, have been receieed'ilt the Prothonoterys Office and are ready for distribution to those entitled to receive them. ALLEN WICEAN Proth'y. Prothy's Office, Sep. 15,1841. rrHE Collectors are required to be prepared to get their exoneration in the Ist and 2d weeks of De cexober COUn. and likewise to settle up their duplicates in full and save cast, as the drafts on the Treasury are such as require prompt.colleciions. Thst several col lectors will please send in by the retu4l Judges, all monies collected. J. M. PECK. Dep't. Treasurer Trr ssarer's Office, Sep. 20, 1851. A"you insured I application received and insur ances effected by J. E. CANFIELD, Agent for thefollowing safe and popular companies : The Mason River Fire Insurance Co. Capital $200,000. The St. Lawrence Company. Capital $300,000. The Empire State Company. Capital $200,000. The Washington Company. Capital over , $1200,000. The State Mutual at Ifarrisburg Pa. With a large Capital , nd large increasing Cash Fund the Great Pennsylvania Company. The Unlied Maki Life Insurance Annuity & Trust Company. Sun Selz. Suo mica 6 53 6 52 6 51 4 49 4 48 4 47 4 45 Capital. $250,000 On the new principle by which the insured partici pates in .the profit,. ' WANTED wens competent person to contract for cutting FOUR MILLION FEET OF PINE 1.008. on two tracts of hind lying on Bit and Little Pine Creeks. The logs to be delivered in the Boom, at Williamsport, Lycoming eounty..thecoming spring, or a part of them sooner if practleabiti Or, a con nect will be-entered into for cutting and delivering the whole"of the Pine loge on one - or both orttte - - above traits; The !web arid bdildings are of the beat des, cription. referenee* as regard* character and competency will be required: Apply to BANUEL VANCE, ltooy.fic,-Willialiispatt; PE. A nitSlTA l reiisoniacatof Hata at " 'OA MPBEINFI. , lontkim' apAtzlisa 'Aegoird. Adams •Pe a • • ) • . • TlAVlNOeiiteria into,corninephip ru die practice 1 41..41 w; bsio, eltwestalthshal en, twenty l'or:.the sale of real eiftlito in the Bounty; or Bradford. Persons having real estate width they, denim to sell, by calling end' leaving a "deircriptiod of ;heir property with dii terms of sale, wiU undoubtally find it to their whin Persons desirous of purchasi ng eon turn where prop erty is Tar sale-d-4 description of the same with the Price and terms of payment and be informal u to the validity :of.title.J ADAMS. Towands t Illey:14 - 111/11: .1. MACFARPIIIE. . LOOK HIRE !— fie see bow letting the brat esti chi otAtirhwes it ill cents per irallogh. • 101APLEY AI LEWIS. To the Collectors. " Fire I Fire!. Piro J. E. CANFIELD, Athens, Pe. To Lumbermen. DIM ma .dental. oi*war*i,aidga*lL N . ONE Genuine unless accompanied by a fac simi le oldie abore-Engraved Wrapper of Dr. E. L. SOULE & Co., upon each hos. • In offering to the public this justly celebrated SOV. EREIGN BALM OF LIFE. it is not our wish to make any false statements or wild assertions of their superior efficiency in restonng to health the sick and suffering, well knowing that their reputation as a ,STANDARD MEDICINE is of itself sufficient refer. ence for the afflicted. Many proofs might be given of their value on paper, but we prefer those unacquainted with them to satisfy themselves by enquiring of living witnasses and trying the Pills. They wi.l find them peifeetly safe and reli- able in all cases, being purefv regdabk, and s medi cine worthy their best;donfidence and patronage. The following certificate was sent us for the public good: Hann:wet. I, Monroe Co. N. Y., May 10, 1851. We the undersigned,, citizens of Henrietta. haring Used personally Dr. Souk's Sovereign Balm Pilo. and witnessed the health-restoring effects thereof, cheerfully recommend these Pills to the afflicted as the best with which we are acquainted. G. M. goBE um, G. H. BROWN. M. D. PHILLIPS, D. G. 0 rps, H. A. TIBBETTI.4, LEWIS REED. P. 8. —You are at liberty to publish this for the pub lic good. %Issas ?V COUNTIRVEITS ! We are not aware that any one who is making a spurious article has yet dar ed to make use of our name ; but some of them has bad the impudence to imitate our bolas and copy our Circtlars, Cirtificates, &c. Unless the public are ,careful when 'hey purchase, they will be deceived. (U The gennine.Bovereign Balm Pills ran be had wholesale and rend'. of Dr? SOULE & Co., Euclid, Onundaga Co. N. Y• Said by HUSTON & PORTER, Towanda Pa., and by their Agents in every town in the country. C -- LOTHING.—A new assortment of reedy made Clothing just received at MERCUR'S. Sept. 9. 0151. DRESS GOODS, The largest Ind best assortment in town. of Merinoes, Cashmeres, Popl, in, De Lanes, Alplca's, Printed Velvet. &c at MERCUR'S. SILK", an extensive assortment of Black and Culos. ed Dress Silks and Satins, also_Flore nces of ovary color will be found atMERCER'S. -- _ FRENCH COLLARS, Sleeves, Cuffs, Edgings and Inserting., a b . iiautiful assortment and great variety at MERCER'S. H - ATS, Caps. Bootaand Shoes ; 6 cases new style of Hats and Caps, Also • large neck of, men., Women. end Children. Boots and Shoes just received at MERCUIVS. AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Just opening at mourremnrus ar. com. THOSE who wish to purchase Good Ankles at cheap rates, will do well to tall. Towanda, May 1, 1851. Towanda, June 12, 1851. NEW FIRM. undersigned having associated themselves 11 together under the firm of Francisco and Tom• kilts, for the purpose of carrying on the Cirriage Waking liminess, Respectfully solicit a share of Public Patronage.— They pledge themselves to make as good work and as neat as can be produced from any other estab lishment. We have now on hand a variety of finished work, and shall endeavor to keep constantly on hand a good assortment, so that customers may at any time be accommodated with a carriage to .their taste. All persons wishing to purchase work of this kind will do well to call and examine for themselves, as we will sell as low as can be afforded in any other establishment. a 3. Repairing done to order with n , atness and despatch. - .1. FRANCIMCO, Towanda. A mr.23. 1851. N. C. TOMICIN:e. New Arrival of - FALL GOODS. HB. & M. C. MERCITR are now receiving ■ . very extensive assortment of Goods for the Fill trade, whii.h will be sold at wholesale or retail cheaper than at any other store in the County. Towanda, Sept. 4, IR5t. More New Goods. ii & A. CAMPBELL, are again receiving a large IL assortment of goods for the fall and winter trade. Towanda, Au 10151. 28,1851. WHITE Fancy Colored Hickory 'Shirts for all prices. at H. & A. C. TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPET BAGS. &c. &c at H. & A. C. A NEW supply °filets and Caps ; bat boxes, hi A fent Turbans, Bosoms, Collars, Cravats. Smitten tiers; HandkercLiefs, Gloves, Mittens &c. at C. $8 368. i rsh lr b r y H of Sheep Pie Hts a vre A ed nt c. .for THE subscriber offers for sale his Farm situated in Wysox township Bradford couty, about 3 miles from Towanda and 1 from the river. Containing about F2O acres, about 65 or 70 acres improved, and well watered, with 'macrel good springs of water. The buildings upon the farm consist of a large frame tarn, and log house. These piemises offer many inducement 4 to those wishing to purchase, and will be sold at a bar gain. Credit will be given for one-half of the purchase money if required. For further pariiculano enquire of, or address the subscriber at Wysox, P. 0. Wysox. Aug. 16, 1851. WM. D. STROPE. W'msport & 'Athens Railroad Letting. CLOTHING STORE. OEM H. BUNTING; respectfillly informs the pub. 1k that he has removed bis store, to Col. Means' building, one door below . Warner's "watch shop, where hewn! be happy to see all who May be in want of Good and Cheap Clothing. He is, constantly adding dilate new and dedrafile styles and pat terns, end feels confident he calf iatisfy any one who May calls • ' • , Just receiving from New itorli,a lattp and seasona ble amortindnt of Spring and Summer al/ inn, Made ;nth . . best manner, and whic&wilflki Sold as usual at the losiesi prides. ' Hs this redeived, I large lot of Ittitll4l3 & CHILDRENIM.CLOTHING4 to which ha invites at. amnion and 461 t h -wilt besohl - at low rates., go has made afraitgeinetits by 'which hi oat'. send litt any 'e lide tlndfa with'the tertilltity' of &twining a good article. ' Cutting and suiting Op. done as usual In the' mat fashionably untnner s promptlynndio.lonist. Tosiands. May 8,1851 y. , • . THE only Pa i Tier }taper i Borden, Wind ow kept in this region i and at prices as low as can be found at retail either id or out of the principal cities, at May 14 - O. D: 'BARTLETT. JCaRIT & GLASS WARE.—An dams* lisp sad Mu ossettokFttitiow arriviiig at. Sc,,. usitams„ =IMEMM An extensive stock of 13b.aple Farm for Bale. TOWANDA CHEAP ' - -ood BE _ _ ADMINISTRATOR'S' NOTICE., A, LL perms knowing thiussoltio to be _indebted to, • die estate of DANIEL LYON, deed WO of Patio tio,tp..ate hereby requeited to make lamas* per tultit, oath* hiving claim* ogo/ost 1114/ " 0 1 1 40 please present atm hutiatiately. dot, Inanwaticated for settleattot. . : 0. P. LYON. SAMUEL LYON. • M. roc Aug; 10; 1851. Administrators. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of LEMUEL . 8. MAYNARDdecessed late of Rome towtt• ship, are hereby requested to make payment with• out delay, and those having elaims against said es. tate, will please present them duly and authenticated for settlement. WM. E. MAYNARD. JOHN PASSMORE. Administrators with the will annexed Towanda. Aug. 9. 1851. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. LEWERS Testamentary upon the last will and testament of ELIZABETH MEANS, late of the Boru' of Towanda, deceased. baying been grant ed to the subscribers of said Boro' all persons hav ing claims or demands against the estate of the said deceased are requefted to make the same known to us without delay, and all persons_ indebted to said estate are required to pay the same forthwith. THOM 1 18 ELLIOTT • ;r MILLER FOX. Towanda. Jetty 28, 1E154 Executor.. - ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. A LI. persons indebted to the estate of MORRIS MALONEY, deceased. late of Monroe township, ere 'hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to present them. duly authenticated for set tlement. JAR. V. WILLCOX, Administrator. Monroe, Ally 19, 1851. FALL GOODS. T. FOX, Would respectfully inform his old friends • and the citizens of Bradford in general that he is now receiving a full stock of FALL (ObDS, which he is desirous of disposing of at a very small advance from first cost, being satisfied that his goods are select. ed with as much care, and bought at least. at, an low prices as his neighbors, he is now anxious to convince his customers that they will be sold at the right kind of prices. Please call and see, as there is surely no harm in knowing how chgap some folks do sell goods--call soon. Comer of Main and Pine street. Groceries. 6HH'D. of Sugar at prices positively_ less than any before sold in town within one year, also. Moles ses sweet and good frets; 31 to 50 cts. Hio, Laguira and Old issi Coffee that cant be beat. Fine bunch Raisins, Pepper, Spree', Saleratus, Ginger, and • gen vial assortment of groceries ; also a full supply of fresh new Teas warranted as usual, good and right or the money retcrned in all eases ; just received and for sale at sop. 12 FOX'S. R ICH Ribbons, Bonnet Silks, Lois. and Crapes at sp2B FOY'S, _ 20 BALES OF SHEETING, common and fine to 10.4 wide. A nice assortment of Bleach ed Geode, bleached end brown Drills,' Crash and Dra pery, brown and bleached Table Linnen, Cheeks, Lin seys Ticking, Cotten Yarn, Batting, Wicking and Wadding, selling cheap at EMBROIDERIES, A very large stock of Swiss and Muslin Edgings and Inserting., Swiss and Mus lin Bands, needle wrought Collars and Cuffs. fine wrought Linen Handkerchiefs, and in fact the largest and best assortment of Embroidered Goods ever before offered in Towanda at FOX'S. BLACK SILKS, also a few patterns of fancy Silks, which 'will be sold cheapat FOX'S. Boors &sHoEs. • good ssiortment of Ladies, Gents, Misses, Childrens and Infants Shoes for sale at FOX'S, ('CROCKERY di GLASS WARE, a large stock of- J (eyed for safe by FOX. ----- SCOTCH YARN very fine, aim some common quel l.— ty at FOl'S. D RAPEIjtY MUSLIN. •,large and splendid assort _ meat at very small prices at FOX'S. BRO ADCLOTH 8, Cassiineres, Kentucky Jeans, sheep's-grey cloth, he., sold very low fur cash by 4 nl4 B. KINGSBERY & CO. NOTICE. THE undersigned would inform the citizens of Towanda and vicinity, that he has arrived here for the purpose of enabling those who wish Dago reotypes of themselves, orfriends, to get them. Hav ing had a number of years experience thelunti ness, he feel, confident that his pictures will give general satisfaction. Likenesses of children and aged people, taken with perfect accuracy. Those wishing pictures would do well to give him a call. Room over Burton Kingsbery's store. Towanda, July 12, 185 t. R. GAL 1'7"5 BUSHELS RYE & CORN for sale by July S. E. T. FOX. COPPEINS 70114211 r-BADE. AN assortment of READY-MADE COFFINS will be kept constantly on band at Nye's uld stand on Main street,•where the subscriber is also prepared to make and rc pair all kinds or Furniture. Towanda, July 12, 1851. C. WELLS. .• BLASTING POWDER.-50 kegs Blasting Pow der, by fIS MONTANYES & CO. CROCKERY.—The largest stock In town. Full dinner and tea setts, of white granite and blue ware, which will be sold cheap at FOX'S. NEW CHEAP CASH STORE. Shapley dc - Lewis, RESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of Towanda . and vicinity, that they tak o the store lately occu pied by J.J. Ward, where they now invite the attentio; of purchasers to a large and choice stock of New SpAng dt Sammer Goods, CW l llll5l'lllll or DRY GOODS, HARDWARE k CROCKERY, GROCERIES, BOOTS 4 , SHoEs, 4c , comprising the usual variety, with many articles' styles not to be obtained elsewhere. Their assortment has been selected with care expreas ly for this market, and purchased' at prices which wil. al:ow us to .all as cheap as any store in this region et country: Cash customers are invited to call, with a promise that they shall not go away dissatisfied. al' Remember, SH A PIXY & LE W 18' new store, next south of the Ward House, Main street. Towanda, May 29, 1851. NEW SUMMER. GOODS! OSEPEI KINGSBERY, has just: i f oinal "Ont n J New York with 'bin third grand assortment of goods kw Abe swoon, embracing a large Minden of Fancy and :Staple Dry Goods, doe, which shall pcwitisely be sold cheap. Towanda;-Jane 12, 1811 IL MORE NEW GOOD'S T USII, reteited a larie':itergiitment Nere &wide, 41 *lnch will be sold at the augrecedantedly low prt ;cep which we have had :the pleawnrrit introducing into thur ittariet The; astiviiwg public are invited to an eratnination. 'SHAPLEY & 'LE WIS. Towanda, hake 111. IlBI• all "bight at, - ilia, IlicoisAng, Depot. & A. CAliffittEti., rettint - iheir sincere thanks 11 • for the fibs al patronage heretofore bestowed. and would again call attentionfof their friends and cos. touters to their late arrival of New flea leo Goons: Consisting of all things necessary for clothing the out er man t whish will be sold at a Gttb inner pnbes t hen has hithertofore been eked. Flute eta us a oil berm" Ptiftbosingelsevrhire• H. &. A. CAMPBELL. LOVER SEtilli.—ldatitt_, .stoi sma ll Closet 80d for C 11.9 ".I.2.2Lha' X.X44.Cos- -- NM -••• Mattes wußzAkby, en act'or Comte 'VT monweidtb, emilltd; 6 1* ad relating -Po the elections in this Commonwealth," it is enjoined upon me togive public notice of such election to be ?mid, An& stiso the enumeration' ltr' sOeli notice ohm} officers are to be elected, I, WM. &DOW BINS, High sheriff of the county of Bradford; do hereby make known and give maim to the electors of said county that a general election will hi held in sable onnty,, on" TUEiSDAY. the 14th day of Od tobet in the several district, in spid county to wit _ln A %soy at the schoolhouse near Dartiethliller's. liWksylera, at Jaevb lo Mitt, ben": at Z o:llfritthewson'e. In Athena WO, at 'otitis Tozer's. In Armepia, at John S. Breeloes. In B wrlingtan, at Addison Mc Z ems: In Canton, at Benj. Coolbaugh'3. In Columbia at James tiforgaies. In- Doren at the school house, Called the centre school house, agar S. Decker's. In Franklin, at Wm. Deemer,s. In Granville at the school house No. t at gran ville corners. In Herrick at the school house near Daniel Du rand. In Litchfield, at R. Park's, In Leroy, at the sebool h.tuse. In Leroy. In Monroe at J. P. Smith's. In Orwell, at the house formerly occupied by I. H. Ross, In Pike at E DeWolf's.' In Ridgbery, at S. Harman's. In Rome, at L. S. Maynard's, In Sheshequin at D. Brink's. In Smithfield, at A. J. Geroold's. In Springfield, at T. Wilder's. In Standing Stone. at Simon Steven's. In South Creek, at the school house near AsaOlt let's. In Towanda boro., at the' house lately oceopied by George Merserean. In Towanda twp., at the school house near A. C. Gregu 's. In Troy bolo, at the Eagle tavern. In Troy twp., at the-house of Y. M. Long, in the Borough of Troy. In 'Tusearora, at the school house near James Black'r. - In 'Ulster, at S. B. Holcomb's. In Warren. at R. Cooper's. In Wells, at L. Seeley's. InWindham, at E. Russell's (deceased.) In Wyalusing, at the house of J. H. Black. In Wilmot, at the school house, near . James Foster's In Wyse/. at the Academy. At which time and place the electors •fornaid will elect by ballot. One person for Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person for Canal Commissioner of this Com monwealth. Five persons for the Supreme Judges of this Com mon wealth. One person for President Judge of the 13th Judi cial district, composed of the counties of Bradford, Susquehanna and Sullivan.. Two persons for assoc ate Judges of the county of Bradford. Jr wo_persoal to represent the County pr Bracl:l,rl in the House of RepresCht.itives of the Cool-molt.. wealth of Pennsylvania _ . One person for High• Sheriff of the county of 13 rid ford. One person for Prothonotary. Clerk of the Court of Quarter sessions and of the Court of Oyer and 'Terminer of said county. One person fur Register and Recorder, and Clerk of the Orphans Court of said County. One person for Treasurer of said County. One person for Commissioner of said County. One person for Auditor of said County. One person for Coroner of said Court;yi _ And in and by said act, I am furthee directed to give notice" that every person exceptiag justices of the peace who shall hold any office otprofit and trust under the government of the United States or of this state, or of any incorporated district and also that every member of Congress and of the State Legislators, and the select and common domicil of any city, or commissioners of any incofpnrated dis trict is by law incapable of holding or exereising,. at the same time, the office or appointment of fudge Inspecfor or Clerk, of any election of this common wealth and that no inspector or other officer of any such election, shall be then eligible to any office to be voted for. . . • By the 4th section of an act passed the 16th day of April, 1840, it is provided " that the 13th section of an act passql July 2d, 1839, entitled " An act re lating to the elections of Ibis Commonwealth," shall not be so co‘trued as to prevent any militia officer, from serving as judge, Inspector or clerk, at any general or spocial election of this Common wealth." In the 81st section of the act first above mention ed. it is enacted that every general and special elec tion . shall be opened between eight aid ten in the forenoon, and continue without interruption or ad journment until 7 o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed. By the 18th section of the net passed 3d Feb 1848. It shall be lawful for the inspectors and judges of any general election which shall hereafter be held in the Armenia election district df Bradford county. to close the polls of such election at 5 o'clock, P.M." it is further directed that the meeting of the Judges at the Court House in Towanda, to make ont the genefal retiirn, shall be on the 3d day after the elec tion, which will be on the 17th day October. WM. 8. DOBBINS. Elheritr. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Sept. 18 1851. ad OTS & SHOES! • Zohn W. Wilcox, HAS removed his establishment to H. Mix's store, corner of main street and the public square, and will continue the manufacture of Boots and Shoes, as heretofore,. He has Jost received from New York a large assort ment of Women's, Children'a and Misses' Shoes, which are offered at low prices. The attention of the Ladies is par! icularly directed to his assonment, comprising the following new styles :—Enamelled Jenny Lind gai- ter boots; do, shoes ; `Mack lasting and silk gaiters ; walking shoes, buskins, dic. Misses' gaiters and shoes, of every drucription. A large assortment of Child: en's fancy gaiters, boots and shoes, of all kinds. For the Gentlemen, almost every style of gaiters and shoes. This stock has been personilly selected with care, and he believes he can offer superior ankles at reasonable prices. Cr The strictest attention paid to itanulachinng, and be hopes by doing' work well to merli a cohtlpa• .are of thr liberal patronago be has hitherto received. Towanda, May 8, 1851. . . IRON AXLES, pf all sites it Septemtier 20. 1851. ONE ease spring style coolakin Rats; also Leghot and Palm leaf Hats at JEST received another !ohm assosmant of those cheep BOOTS and SHOES at bee 4 ! PHtNNEVS. atAtgeo=sited -quality of FRENCH GLASsfor 1.- 1 solo II SHAPLEY & LEWIS. ( ''IHATN'PTJMPS, t4 - satiit: Beptimber 0,,p351. UMW W A RE—A_lfely istge and getters! 'snort- MOM of bud4eare,efevery deictiptioneincluding Cirtrenters, Joiners•and Blacksmiths Toole, !lemma and Carriage Maker's Trimniings and Toola, - Buildins Materials constantly on hand and for safe at very low prices hy %:114ERCDR's. T RON AND STEEL =llO,OOO lbs. Stvectle f t v A meti ettn itr,4 igioish Iron ot every - shill anti 'Al an, Dail; &Wish, Blister, German. , American -and Spring steel, Cratv'-bars jaarraitaire.43 at • acp. • NiERCTTRIL, p.., f) , KEGS " Crescent" Nails just. received et _1 t ‘-1 ME RUCK'S. . 91 WI) BROWN SUGAR . • AißO:Ciltte e emshegi and Powdered Sugar*, now errivinir and fur vale a' wholevale or retail very cheap lry, 74tERCeirS. 0— ofiEs-rst YOUNG Hrsoiv, , Skin ancl'Biaek Teas. `Also 15 1: suu asiedffee, lase reeeived at MEPCTTR'B. WALL AND WINDOW PAPER. Deniers •nd Mil DRUGSAEDICINE&OHENICALS, GRocibior ulzobitsi 'LIMON' &' PORTER iiiiiie .*f. idhe4 to ttrepie 11 eligertment a Imo stock of Pres "Inks; Midi' _ eines, Minh:she, Oils, Paints, •Gr ' d Liqisiorsi 0 + which ere note °MTh) tertire publieet ois rates. nay stock ortogNOT GOQDS & PERFUMERY is the Largest Ind moat' dcilispleti tier offered is this amide • • Also e"ell'oiril anottinerit of Mtn WINES Se LI QUORS, stiitstifib for medical pdrpose! large 'Tarim of Camphene,Phospene, .and Oil LAIO4 ebraidning ['tilt new erukbestitird sty les. . • • Being agents for all best Patent Medi . chief of the day, purchasers taut depend upon procuring* genuine article in all eases. All the Drugs and Medicines tiro' at diet,' delabllsli amnia may be relied upon as genulim and of the best quality, having been carefully selected Witt a• view to their penfOlpeir. e, Q South stoke of the Ward House, sail N 0.2; Brick Towanda, May 27, 1851: NEW SPRING-0)01Z. ircarassaret ; - T 8 now receiving s rich' titid &Molina amontnent of I. Dar Goons. Grsoczeiss, &c. to which be would particularly invite the attention of all Cash Pstrehasesl, and will make it an object tolthein to gßiftiiiti i cork as he iSdetermined to sell his goods far Cm's, a row as was ever before offered in the market. Having spun- , ed no pain' in procuring the choicest article. the sub. scriber feet, fully confident that he can-give entire sat' isfactron" to bikenstomers. . Apritilt COME ONE, COME ALL, 'ma ezetnine the' Sex. Goods, which are now being exhibited *IV ep2l3. B. KING'SBERIR„ CHEAP NEW GOODS. "XL T. • Ttil now receiving direct from New York a Wei WWI splendid assortment of Goods which be offers for sale at prices which cannot fail to suit tbifclaseaf buy ers, fur CASH, Pnouccs, OR APPROVAL, CIZOIT. lie respectfully asks a call from all persons wistringtobfry goods cheap, as he is determined not to be undenotd. Towanda. April 24. 1851. R . ICH FOULARD, Chameleon Cherie. 811 from Silks, French and Dane DeLaues;a new articlo for summer dresses. French and English Lavine, Silk Tissues, Lifinen Lustres and any quantity of other dre s% goods at --- EVERY one knows that the p!ace to find ,the largest aevortment an .f best wieldy of gloves of ell des criptions 6 at ap'Zli Panama, Leghorn, Pan Leaf and Canada Unc; i lAA t a p'2.ti ,yOX - - B L'K and 131'h Silk haw fur MANTILLAS e: • opla, FOX'S. T - AR), , GOODS —A goo, S.RUT UT] e sit of Merinoas, jJ Cashinoteb. Do Laint, Alpsca4, and prints now netting at j:S MEW; rirS, NEW SPRING GUOBS rr Ili: • i;, rc.cipt of of the moat extensive in the . couutry—f r sale. 0.. Inc most favorable terms fur cash or approved credit—cash buyers are pt ricularly invited to call and examine the' stock. my 9 0. D. BARTLETT. BY virtue of sundry writs of Yenditicrita Expb, issuedput of the Court of Common Pleas--4- Bradford County and to me directed, will be espi ed to pubiie sale, at the Court House in the ffotitt' of Towanda on Friday, the 10th day of October, at one O'clock P. M., the following piece or parcel of land' lying and being in Columbia township, Brad ford county, and bounded and described as follows on the' north by lands of Franklin Baker, west be M.B. Cdufield, south by Austin and Rohltin'e, arid east by Uriali Ferguson and H. Robbins. Contain - - mg one hundred and fifty acres, mote ot less, about seventy acres improved, withlone framed house, one framed barn and apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the Suit of Win: S. bobbins. to the use of John C. Adams, es. /oho Benson, also, John Hall, to the axe of John C, Ad ams, v§. John Benson. ALSd—The following lot, piece or parcel of fain, situate th South Creek township: bounded and dls• cribed as follows, viz: north by the York statafine i east by the diain road, leading from Troy to Matra. through South Creek, spirth by land of Wynthrdp Y. Gline and Ansa( C: Ely, west by lands of George Durham and James E. Vancuver. Containiafiabout sixty acres more or less, about twelve acres im proved one log house and one framed house thereon. Seized and taken in executiod at itte suit of Jared Arnold, to the use of Dyer Pooh, tg. Efltof entfern. ALSO—The following lot, piece or pared of land situate in Ridgberry towurhip, bounded acrd descrtb ed as follows, to wit : north by land nose in posses sion of Peter Evans, east by land of travid Burt, south by lands of Horace Hinchman and David Burt, and west by lands of David Bart Contain• ing about sixty acres more or less, about twenty acres latproved. one log horse thereon erected. Seized and taken in execution tattle suit of !Bak A. Burt, es, Daniel Bracksiay. ALSO-- - -The following lot of land situate in Ath ens towuShip, Voinufed as follows, to wit: on the north by Shipman'■ line, on the east by lands of B. . G. Rice, south by the highway leading from Athens to Owego, and west by lands of 0. 0. Shipman. Con• taining -one fourth of an acre, all improved, With one framed house and some fruit trees thereon, Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Sime on B. Kent. vs. Charles W. Beldin. ALsO—The following lot of land striated in Athens borough, bounded and described as follows ! north by lands of H. 0. Allen add E. Hhrrick, east by lands of Wells and Harris, south by canal streeto and west by lands ot Phineas lingers. Containing fifty feet on canal street, and eighty-four feet deep, or back, one framed house and framed barn and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the sail of Wil liam Kitf•l3 the Ilse of Bradford Richmond & Co. vs. Abigail White. ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land situated in the township of Smithfield, bounded and described as follou sto wit north by lands of C,E. Pierce, east by land§ of Enos smith, and others, south by land of H. droweltasid the highway, west by lands of L. Farnsw.gth. Containing about ono hundred acres more or less, at.out fifty acres im proved, Ono framed hotti - e one flamed barn and fruit trees thereon. M}RCUU' Seized and token in eiecutitui at the suit of C. F. Grovener aasign of Seth Salsbury vs. Charles Olnt• stead. , ALSO—The following lot of land situated in Franklinr township and bounded as follows to wit : on all 'sides hji lands belonging to the heirs. of Mer rick Crandall &CI. Containing two acres more or less aft improredi with , an oltl building formeily oc cupied as a staile machine. • Baited and taken in exeCution at the' snit of My. ron_Merrill and Sated Tldot vs. AssherFaircbild. ALSOt—=A piece or parcel of land in Athens.twp. hounded on the north hy John F. Satterlee. east b5O lands of Shipman and Backus, south by Paine st., and went he lands of Shipman and Baelfws. Von. taining one half , an acre, all improved,..wilh some fruit trees there o n. ALSO—One o tliecjohn, hens ip., by' Lin& of John F. Satterlee, e,a Backwv, sonth by Paine st., nt l i Ives' Stkir, , inati Backus. UontaininT, thiee•ff-nrtM of an acre, ,11 improved, with a I. amed ihereo). Seized and taloin it. ~vevotion at the suit of Left Mime es.Uharlcs Beklin amt ‘sa . S. 1 10 1311Viz 4 :: ?Sheriff. Sheriffs Towanda pt. I:44851, MEttCUR~s. 1 - )no & 7 4 1-I I PEPi IT—.lOOO pair at prir.s. it- NEI .stucka—i/Ve / rt.uiP se ale s A p LE y al & `"..489,„ a large assort MI Dress Goods. SHERIFF'S SALE. 1 1 . 1. I= cl EME=!I