Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 13, 1851, Image 3

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- ottliT --- u„, ( ion Rises- 6 22 Seta' ,
L........ f!!l________[. _.-- Month. , ,
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, -: A LI. persona indebted to the estate oft JAMES
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;. iAT : AUCTION., - . .11 PRlMS•'&24laeitaahi:ot the twornatfpof Wells,
4 rooDAT , ........ •.- ry 552 8 8 -,, / ' • '' "- -_;__;,- -.- ' • --- ' aro hereby termite] basks payment without delay,
el Vitestsess,
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~..:7. , end those haettarciaints against laistesttiotiwillPleise
ricasete lews t present theta duly authenticates' fortetilsonent.
0 Folia r, ............ 19 555 8 5
..----I '' Gmeetie s , : Hitidvii.r-rt - • MARGARET FRIEtli Aihniaistrattiv
rl 20 556 5 4 •••...... E
7: SATURDA Y, arr.....
~c Welk, MI 11416 1851„,: i , -7-...; t: .1, , ~.! •=7" • - '
New 2bnettiotinintit
--- --
1.1711.1, be received in, Williamsport, at the office
VV of i. F. .Cowas, Esq., until 4 o'clock, P. M.;
of mondayobe 15th of September, 1851, for
150,000 CF0211110% : ' -
. . ._
rwenty-five miles of t h e/Willianispeltt
for relayie
and Elmira° Railroad; the gala atorties to be nine
feet in length, twbe Ratted oft two /sides and not to
be less than six inches in thickneSs, nor to have less
ihan sit inches o flatted surfce.kind of
Had Durable Wood will be received, snch as white
f\ t
chesnik „ oak, rock oak, cherry or !o
ast. Pine,hemlock and poplar will not be received.
Proposals to state at what points the sills will be
delivered on the line of the present road and the
numbers proposed.
p r oposals will also be received at the same time
and place, for the
Grading and Masonry,
if about four miles of said road extendjng from
Ralston north. Plans and specifications will be, ex
libged on said day and all_ the necessary inftirma.
the engineer of the line.
aoo given by
Williamsport , Sept. 4,1851.. .
.p FOIE, would respectfully inform his old friends
A. sod the citizens of Bradford in general that he
is now receiving s full stock of FALL GOODS, which
'le o desirous of disposing of at a very small advance
„„ 4 60r cost, being satisaed that his goods are select
ilith as mach care, and bought at least, at as low
, r i o , u his neighbors, he is now anxious to convince
y o o stomers that they will be sold at the tight kind of
i c 4.- Please call and see, Si there is surely no harm
knowing how cheap some folks do sell goods—call
4. Corner of Main,and Pine street.
6" Groceries.
lIH'D. of Sow rit palms positively less than any
before sold in town within one year, also. Molar
we and good from 31 to-50 els.. Rio, Laguira
id Old Jan Coffee that cant be beat. Fine bunch
'p ep p er , Spices, Saleratus, Oinger, and a geni
al assortment of groceries ; also a full supply of fresh
rw Tess warranted as usual, good rod right 9r the
min returned in all cues ; just received and for sale.
sep. 12 FOX'S.
,i) BALES OF SHEETING, common and fine
to 10-4 aide. A nice assortment of Bleach-
Goode, bleached and brown Drills,' Crash and, Dru
ry, brown ind bleached Table Linnen, Checks, Lin
re Ticking, Cotten Yarn, Batting, Wicking and
'adding, selling cheap at FOX'S.
MBROIDERIES, A very large stock of Swiss and
i Muslin Edgings and Inserting', Swiss and Alas-
Binds, needle wrought Collars and Cuff., fine
flght Linen Handkerchiefs, and in fact the largest
1 best assortment of Embroidered Goods ever before
reel in Towan•la at FOX'S.
LACK :511.K13, .also a few patterns of fancy Silks,
Which will be sold eheapat FOX'S.
100 TS & SHOES, • good assortment of Ladle".
Gents, ?denies, Children' and Infants Shoe' for
le at %FOX'S.
ROCKERY 45r. GLASS WARE, a 'large stock of•
feted for sale by
COTCH YARN very fine. also some common qua
iv at .FOX'S.
RAPERY MUSLIN, a large and splendid assort
ment at very small prices at - FOX'S.
1 virtue of sundry writs- of Venditiona Expo,
1 issuealout of the Court of Common Pleas of
idford County and to me directed, will-be expos
to public sale, at the Court Hritise in the Boro'
vowanda on Friday, the. : 10th day of October, tit
o'clock P. M., tbe folloin< , piece or parcel of
ti' lying and being in Colum bia township, Brad-
I county, and bounded and described as follows :
the' north by lands of Franklin Baker, west by
tt. Canfield, south by Austin and Robbins, and
tby Criah Ferguson and H. Robbins. Contain
one hundred and fifty acres, more or less, about
ur acres improved, withlone framed house, one
i•d barn and apple orchard thereon.
•ized and taken in execution at the suit of Win.
Ibbins, to the use of John C. Adams, vs. John
, n; also, John Hall, to the pse of John C, Ad
rs. John Benson.
'LSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land
ste in South Creek township, bounded and des
el as follows, viz: north by the York state line,
Iby the main road, leading from Troy to Elmira,
li;h South Creek, south by land of Wynthrop
dine and Anson C. Ely, west by lands of George
tam and James E. Vancuver. Contain ing . about
acres more or less, about twelve acres im
fed one log house and one framed house thereon.
ozed and taken in execution at the suit of Jared
,td, to the use of Dyar Foote, vs. Elliot Suffern.
11,80—The following lot, piece or parcel of land
rte in Ridaberry township, bounded andilescrib
is follows, to wit : north by land now in posses
of Peter Evaps, east by land of David Burt,
by lands of Horace Hinchman and. David
I. and west by lands of David Burt. Contain
iabont silty acres more or less, about twenty
, improved, one log house thereon erected.
hurl and taken in execution at the suit of Mark
art, es, Daniel Brockway.
SO—The following lot of land situate in Ath
township, bounded as follows, to wit: on the
tby Shipman's line, on the east by lands of B.
ice, south by the highway leading from Athens
lego,and west by lands of 0.0. Shipman. Con
one founh of an acre. all improved, with
ranted house and Some fruit trees thereon,
tel and taken in execution at the suit of 'dime-
Kent. es. Charles W. Beldin.
'The folloiwing lot of land stuated in
is borough, bounded and described as follows:
by laodi of H. 0. Allen and E. Herrick, east
) 6 ()Melts and Harris, south by canal street,
lest by lands of Ph ineas Rogers. Containing
feet on canal street, andlifighty-four feet deep,
:k, one framed hods, and framed barn arid fruit
.4 and taken in execution at the suit of
to the cue of Bradford Richmond & Co.
()mail White.
tO—The following lot piece or parcel'of land
ol in the township of Smithfield, bounded and
ibed as follows to wit : north by liindjormerly
by Leonard Pierce, east by lands of Enos
ti south by land of H. Crowell and the highway,
$y lands of H. Crowell, Containing about one
!d acres more or less . , about fifty acres int
i, one framed house one framed barn and fruit
ed and taken in execution at the suit of C. F.
tee assign of Setif Salsbury vs. Chides Olm-
—The following lot of ;land situated in
11 / township and bounded as follows to, wit :
'ldes by lands belonging to the heirs of ?der
undall dec'd. Containing two acres more or
i mproved, with an old building formerly oc
as a stare machine.
tad taken in execution at the suit of My
tmll and Jared Root vs. Asnherrairchild.
41 —A piece or ttareel of land in Athens twp.
on the nonh by John F. Sattertee, east by
' f Shipman and Backus, south by Paine at..
re , l by lands of Shipman and Backus. Con
; ooe half an acre, all improved, with some
ees thereon. •
One other lot in Athens tp., bounded north
is of John F. iSatterlee, east by Bhip.nan and
ts tutists by Paine st., and west by Shipman &
Containing three-founhs of an acre, all
f. 4, with a framed bons thereon.
NI and taken ill execution at.thesuit of Levi
i v s.Chatles W , Beldin and Asa Belditt.
ht . WM. 8. DOBBINS, Sheriff.
Offi •
h ce, Tyanda, Sept..l2,
/ . •
AT .
,-...,,. :11110;000 ,--...::=_ ~..--- . 1-;%
- ORTH ot.. Dry Goods ; Groceries, :Hardwire ;
Crdekery, -Boots. Shoes. Hats; Caps. ike--.
The subscriber , having-a:included to-ehaage their
style of Stock in trade; would offer their whole and
entire. New Stock, at AUCTION. Commencing on
Malt; illeptcatber as, isii,
At 10 o'clock, A. M., and continuing from day to
day u ntil alt is sold. Our whole Stock of Goods are
entirely new, having been purChased the past Spring
and Summer. Therefore, all those wishing to avail
themselves of the ; will now, 6nd an
excellent opportunity. (C-Store. nest door south
.of the "Marti' House." Terms: (Usu. •
• Towanda, Sept- 9 . 185.
4 - ILOTHING.—A new assortment of ready • m ade
V Clothing just, received at MERCURV.
Sept. 9, 11451.
DRESS GOODS, The largest and hest assortment in
town. of Merinos', Cashmeres, Papilla. De Limes,
Alpaca's, Printed Velvets Oce at MERCURI4.
SII.KS. an extensive assortment of Black and Color
ed Dress Silks and Satins, also Flounces of livery
color will be found at MEROUR'S.
FRENCH COLLARS, Sleeves, Cuffs. Edgings and
Wettings, a beautiful assortment and swat variety
at • MERCUR'S.
trATS.Cagp. Bootsandillhoes ; 6 cases new style
.1.1 of Hats and Caps, Also • large stock of mans,
Women* end Childress Boots and Shoes just received
at ME RC UR'S .
Km..."°, 2o V d ß it t l ware titi:tf th c z ik tmast an ll7l4y,
s a cti n
Gloves, also a variety of styles of Infants, ehikfrena,
Masses, and Ladies Lace Mitts, long and short, selling
very cheap at FOX'S.
HOSIERt of all descriptions, I.atlies Cotton, Silk,
do, alsO a vide!! of Hisses and Children Hose,
RIOH FRINGES, new styles, also Gimps and other
. trimmings at' - FOX'S.
THE undersigned having associated themselves
together under the firm of Prancisco and Tom
kins, for the purpose of carrying on the
Carriage waling Desiaellt,
Respectfully solicit a share of Public Patronage.—
They pledge themselves to make as good work and
as neat as can be produced from any other estab
lishment. •
We on hand a variety of finished work,
and shall endeavor to keep constantly on hand a
good assortment, so that customers may at any time
be accommodated with a carriage to their taste.
All persons wishing to purchase work of this kind
will do viell,to call and examine for themselves, -as
we will sell as low as can be afforded in any other
pj Ripairing done to order with n'atness and
despatch. J. FRANCISCO,
Towanda, Aug. 23, 1851. N. C. TOMKINS.
New iltork Importers and Zobbers;
per, nom]) 4 co.,
58 Liberty street, between Broadway and Nassau
street, near the Post Office, New York.
WE are receiving, by daily arrivals from Euiope.
our Fall and Winter assortment ofrich fashion
able Fancy Bilk and Millinery Goods,
We respectfully invite all cash purchasers thorough
ly to examine our stock and. prices, and, as interest
governs, we feel confident our goods and prices will
induce them to.seleet from our establishment, Par
ticular spention is devoted to Millinery Goods, and the articles are manufactured expressly to our
order, and cannot be aurfassed in beauty, style and
cheapness. 3
Beautiful Paris Ribbons, for Hat, Cap, Neck and
Sad& sod Taffeta Ribbons, of all widths and colors.
Silks, Satins,. Velvets, and Uncut Velvets, for Hats.
Feathers, American and French Artificial Flowers.
Palings, and Cap Trimmings.
Dress Trimmings, large assortment.
'Embroideries.-Capes, Collars, Undersle and Cuffs.
Fine Embroidered Realer° rind Hemstitch Cambric
Crapes,- Limes, Tarletons, Iltussinn and Cap Laces.
Valencienes, Brussels, Thread, Bilk, and Lisle Thread
Kit, Silk, Sewing Silk, Lisle Thread, Merino Gloves
and Mitts.
Figural and Plain Swiss, Book, Bishop Lawn and
Jaconet Muslin&
English, French, American and Italian Straw Goods
Sept. 6. 1851.
Now Arrival of .
HB. & M. C. MERCUR are now receiving a
s very extensive assortment ct Goods for the Fall
trade, wbith will be sold at wholesale or retail cheaper
than at any other store in the County.
Towanda, Sept. 4, 1851.
CAME to the enclosure 4 of the subscriber. on the
3d of August, a large RED COW 10 or 11 years
old—very short legs and heays body, horns Awned
in. small white spots on her back, and a slit in her
left ear. The owner is requested to pay charges
and take her away. LEROY HAIGHT.
Burlington. Aug. 29, 1951.
Moro Near Goods..
H& A. CAMPBELL, are again receiving a large
wisOrtment of goods for the fall and winter trade.
Towanda. August 28, 1851.
WHITE Fancy Colorcd Hickory Skirts for all
prices. at H.ift. A. C.
at H, & A. C.
ANEW supply of Hate and Ceps ; bat boxes, le
font Torbons, Bosoms, Collars, Cravats, f3osPen
der*. Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Mittens &e. at C.
WORTH of Sheep Pelts watited for
$8,368 Cash by H. &A. ".
TIME subscriber offer. for sale his Form situated in
JL Wyscix township Bradford couty, about 3 miles
from Towanda and 1 . 6 from the river. Containing
shout 120 acres, about 60 or 70 acres improved, and
well watered, with several good springs of water. The
buildings upon the farm consist of • large frame Lam,
and log house. These premise" offer many inducements
to those wishing to purchase, and will be sold at 3 bar.
gain. Credit will be given for one.half of the purchase
money if required. For further particolamenquire of,
of address the subscriber at Wysos P. O.
Wysox. Aug. 16; 1851. WM. D. STROPE.
• Paper Itangings.
only complete assortment of Paper Din.lings,
Borders, Window Paper, and Fire board Views,
kept in Ibis region. and at prices as low 'as can be
found at retail either in or out of the principal cities, at
May 8. 0. D. BA RTLETT.
ARASOLS—A fine assortment of lined and other
fashionable styles, et FOX'I3.
ONE ease spring style moleskin Hats; shoo Litthorn
end Palm leaf Hats et FP. 'B.
T A DIES' tr. )11188ES' SHOEti-..s good assortment
14 of ladies' and misses' fine aloes, boots and gaiters,
sure to please, at O. D. BARTLETT.
IVAlLS.—Soperior quality of NAILS, for sale by
11 Jdne 27. SHA PLEY & LEWIS.
LIGHT.LIGHT,Campbine. Burning Fluid. I amp
Oil. Sperm and Tallow Candles(fig sale in any
quantities to suit puribaseni at MERCUR'B.
Towanda. Feb. 3. 1851.
. 0. 0. P.IIINNEV p . _ „
Office, North side of 11w Public Square.
Tarm for Bale,
.:~:... ~_ -r.w.... T~ _
ALL persomakflowinst.thetrotabma to be indebted to
thee.state of DANIEL LYON.dec'd late of'Mon
roe tp., are hereby rsquestid to mike immediate pay
ment, slid those, bating chtitneamtinit said swats will
pleats:, pritietittliein inediately duly mithanticated for
'settlement. O. P.IYON.
-• • • SAMUEL LYON.'
Moorne.Aott: 10. 1831. ' Administrators.
A LL der ons indcbted to the estate of LEMUEL
/1 MAYNARD deceased. sate of Rome . 'town
ship: are herehi,requested to make paymeof with
out delay. and those having claims aaainst said es
tate, will please present them duly and anthentieated
for settlement. , WM. E. MAYNARD.
Administrators with' the will annexed
Towanda. Ann. 9, 1851.
RS Testamentary upon the last will and
testament of ELIZABETH, MEANS,'- late of
the Boro' of Towanda, deceased. having been grant.
ed to the subscribers of said Buro' all persons hav
ing claims - or demands against the estate of the said
deceased are requested to make the same known to
as without delay, and all .perms inttethed to said
estate art- required to pay the same forthwith.
Towanda, July-28, - 1851. Executors.
ALLpersomx-indebted to the . estate of MORRIS
MA LONEY,•deceased. hint of Monroe township,
arc hereby requested to make payment without delay,
and all person, having demands against said estate are
requested to present Ahem. duly authenticated for set
tlement. JAB. V. WILLCOX, Administrator.
Monroe, July IS, 1851.
Notice to Builders.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by the
subscriber, until the 23d of this month, for sup
plying the materials and immediately ereming a
brick edifice, for the Collegiate Institute of the Pres
bytery of Susquehanna,at Wyalusing. The build
ing to be 82 feet by 52 ; three stories of brick ; the
basement story of stone. The plans may be con
stilted at the AVyalusing Parsonage, where address,
Sec?) , and Agent of Board of Trustees.
300 PIECES PRINTS just arrived, for sale by
DRESS GOODS, a general assortmenC just te.
eeived ni he cheap store of S. &
8.001 . 8-& SHOES, a general assonnient of the
latest styles at theeheap store of tt. &L.
HATE, latest style of Hats for sale by
At W. A. Chamberlin's Watch, Clock and Jcwdry
Store, Main street.
1110 the kind attention and patronage of all Teach
ers, Scholars and friends,
A of Music is recom
mended: a large stock of merican. Italian and
Gesman MUSIC, for different Instrumprirs and the
human voice ; instruction books and o ther musical
publications. Italian violin strings of the finest quali
ty. Time-beaters and a variety of articles belong
ing to the musical department.
G. H. W also proposes to .give lessons in
the German language. He has for the past year
been engaged as Teacher in the Academy at Mont
rose, end brings recommendations from the Hon.
Wm. Jessup, President of the Board of Trustees of
that institution, L. H. Walters, M. A. Principal, and
others. Also from quite a number of the young
ladies and gentlemen of that place, (formetly his
pupils.) as to his success as a teacher.
Towanda, July 11, MI.
RICH Ribbons, Bonnet Silks. Laise and Crapri at
sp26 Fox's.
All Right at the Wandshiai Depot.
H& A. CAMPBELL, retum their sincere thanks
• for the like al patronage heretofore 'bestowed,
and would again call attention of their (fiends and cue
toners to their late Arrival of New SPRING Clamps.
Consisting of all things necessary for clothing itO out
er man ; which will be sold at a little tower pncea than
has hithertofore'been asked.
Please give us a call before purchasing elgewtiere.
BOOT & tIDOE DEPOT-1000 pair at prices that
1/ can defy all competition.
February 22.. MONTANYFR & CO.
CASH UP, and no grumbling, pai I fin WOOl. at
B ROADCLOTHS. Cassimeres, Kentucky Joins,
sheep's gray cloth, &c.. sold very low for cash
by nl4 D. KINGSBERY & CO.
THE undersigned would inforni the eitiz-ns of
Towanda and vicinity, thai he has arrived here
for the purpose of enabling those who wish Dagu
reotypes of themselves, or friends, to get them. Hav
ing had a noinber of years experience in the blui
ness, he feel,. confident that his pictures will give
general satisfaction. Likenesses of children and
aged people, taken with perfect accuracy. Those
wishing pictures would do well to give him a call.
Room over Burton Kingsbery's store.
Towanda, July 12, 1851-. R. CA I.
I. 7
eJ BUSHELS RYE & CORN for sale by
July 8. E. T. FOX.
Over 0. 0. Barlicll's .
FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY ! Pictures taken
singly or in groups in a satisfactory manner.
Towanda, July 7, 1851. hicEWF:N.
COP/7M 31.114D1r-b ra
AN assortment of READY-MADE COFFINB will
be kept constantly on hand at Nye's old stand on
Main Firm, where the subscriber is also prepared to
make and rrpair all kinds of Furniture.
Towanda, July
.12, MI. U. WELLS.
BLAST !NG POWDER. -50 kegs Blasting Pow.
(ler. by (18 MONTA N V ES &
CCROCKERY.-The largest stock In town. Full
dinner and .tea• netts, of white granite and blue
ware, which will he sold cheap at FOX'S.
" Caution.
W HEREAS, my wife,Sarah Maria, has left my
bed and board antihe children. without any
just cause or provocation teriy refuses to re •
turn, this is hereby to ca t n all persons azainst
harboring or trusting he on my account, as 1 Will
pay no debts of her contr - wily:.
.4 , Mahoopeny, Wyoming Co. July 28.1851.
N the matiesof the voltintarrassignment of Chas.
I Reed to Henry W. Tracy. in trust for the benefit
of creditors. In the court of Common Pleas of Brad
ford county, of May Term, 1849, No. 34. Notice is
hereby given in pursitance of an order of Court
made the 19th day of My, A. D., 1851, that Henry
W. Tracy , assignee of Charles Reed, in this case,
has rendered his accbtintior settlement, which has
been duly filed, which will be allowed and confirm
ed by the Court aforesa' ,on the Ist day of Septem
nest, unless cause e L tow N is m tri w th E e A tt p ra ro rl.
Prothonotary's offici*, July IS, 1851.
C4OVER SEW—Loge and sma ll Clnver*km, for :
We by ,fts MONTANYEB dr CO.
A por RATE aianitilent cello, St
jusei _reps"from
'NS* Atha midd'aiisiiitnietit of goods
for the. seism), Arnbtsetng-si large in ofTigicy upd
fhiple 4ry Goode &c., which shat poiktirfly be, sold
cheapTovraiid ,
I . MT - received a 'langs.' assortment of. INew 'Goods,
winch tre.sold at the imptetedentodlylow,ri
rev which we hate had-the Oeastire of introducing into
this Market. The ciator eying 'pohlittlreinvlttbil to an
•essmisamos. ." ZHAPLEV dt - T,EIAIIB.
Towanda. Juni l lt,l!s I. •,.. : .
LOOK HERE !—We *miaow eeiGng the best otti
de of Molaratea at 311 rents pfr aollon.
„..te.HAPLEit.dt. LEWIS
Towanda, Jana 12, 11451.
FISH ! Fun Mackerel by the Mil and
Also, %whirs," Trout and Whiteriah by .
Shapley d 4 Lewis,
Hp ESPECTFULLY inFonn the citizens of Towanda
i f
It and vicin' . that they tak n the store lately occu
pied by J.J . V !there they now invite the aitentiet
' or P ulllust " "WO iilistuzial-RdoelLat.-....- . ....
Nevi piing dr. Summer Goods,
comprising the usual variety, with tinny articlesso
styles not to be obtained elsewhere.
Their assortment has been selected with care express
ly for this market, and purchased at prices which wil•
al:ow us to sill as cheap as any store in this region of
country. Cash customers ate invited to call, with a
promise that they shall not go away dissatisfied.
ozi. Remember, SHAPLEY & LEWIS' new store,
next south of the Ward House, Main street.
Towanda, May 29, 1851.
ON LY 61 CENTS I—Another case of those Cheap
V Prints, at 61 cents per Yard,just received at
Hardware, Stoves, topper, Brass, Tin,
i-1 ALL & RUSSELL hiving formed a co-partner
nership, respectfully c ,ll the attention of the pub.
lie to their assortment, to which large additions have
recently been made, maltini it the largest and mci4t
varied ever offered in this iegion. Among the multi
tude of articles a few will be enumerated :
Iron and Nails.
English, American and Swedes' square and round;
English and American refined; hoop, band and horse
shoe iron ; nail rods and malleable Iron of all desciip
&c.; with a good assortment orNoils:-11, 4d,
SJ, 641, Bd. Mil, 12d and 20d ; 4, 5 and 6 inch spikes ;
wrought nails and horse hails, by the pound, keg or
ton. Also, cast, German, English blister,. American
spring and tire steel. &c.
Carpenter's and Joiner's Tools,
Of all descriptions, viz: broad, narrow and hand axes;
hatchets, adz,. joiner's cast steel mortice, firmer and
framing chisels; common and cast steel augurs, of all
sizes, from to 2 inch r , braces and bins; augur and
pod tutor extra; planes and plane irons; hand, tenant.
X cut, keyhole and slitting saw.; iron and steel and
try squares of alb sizes, front . 's3 to 15 inches ; hammers,
spirit levels, bevels, tape lines, mortice gusges, of ill
sizes, screw drivers, scratches, hollow augurs, 4c.
Anvils, bellows, vices, hammers, sledges, rioting
hammers, stocks and dies, drilling machines, &c.
Tarraor's Tools.
Shovels, square or round points; pick•, hoes, hay,
and manure forks; log, calole andlinding chaicON.
crowbars, grubbing hoes, rakes, grass scythes, icy ohs
sOathesomythe alone, and rifles, cradle scythes, bush
scythes, corn cutters, shovel plough moulds, / garden
rakes, hoes , and trowels, scoop shovels, &c.
Carriage Trimmings.
Carriage bows, top leather and cloth ; patent leather ;
India rubber cloth ; brae and silver plated hub bands,
concave and Boston patterns ; brass and silver ?later'
curtain frames, lining nails, carriage knobs, apron rings
and hooks, stump joints; Wass and silver plated joints;
seaming Ford; striped - late, wide and narrow; silk
striped lace, new style ; top lining, worsted fringe.moss,
varnish cloth, patent
. axles and sale arm.; springs, 4e.
Ikrneas Trimmings and Saddlery Ware of the ht..
eat and most approved stylves, and of
Haase Trimmings,
We have nn liabd a full assortment. Also a large quan
tity of LEAD I'IPE, which we are prepared to furnish
at the lowest prices. together with copper and hritannia
stop cocks and cork stops. Achy quantity of Pump
chains and Well Riggings. A general assortment of .
Saw - dlill , circular and wood .saws ; plastering and
brick trowels; lathing hammers, shovels and tongs ;
files and rasps of all sizes; shoe and tack hammers;
drawing knives, turner's chisels and gouges, saw setts,
callipers, pincers, knives and forks, carving knives and
forks and steels; butcher, pocket and pallet knives;
coach wrenches, trunk, chest and till locks; tailors and
sheep shears; table and bed castors; dinner and tea
bells, glue and enamelled sauce kettles; brass kettles,
from two quarts to half a band; Hollow ware and
cauldron kettles ; lea and coffee pots ; brass and bri
tannia candlesticks and snuffers; trays, fruit trays and
large servers ; curtain arms and pins of the latest styles ;
stair rods and holders; ladies' and gentlemen's pocket
misers; razors and razor strops; German silver and
britannta 'table and tea spoons; hair, clothes and' shoe
brushes ; brass and steel barrelled pistols and revolvers;
gun locks, steel nipples Ord nipple wrenches; shot, shot
pouches and powder flasks; barn door. strap and T
hinges.' Also manufacturing and will keep constantly
on band a large assortment of
Pin and Japanned Ware.
We have also just received 30 ton 4 of :.., COY ES
composed in part of the following patterns and sires:
Republican air' tight Cooking Stove, Number 4
Farmer's do do :: 9
Lady of the Lake, do ' , :: 9
Queen of the West, do
Iron King, tin :: 4 MA 5
Improved - Premium do :: 4 to 10
Eastern Premium. do :: :P and 4
Jenny Lind Par'ar Sioves, • :: •- 4
Cottage do , :: 2 and 3
Cylinder do ...: -3 and 4
Air tight •• do ::, Ito 3
Air light 6 plate Stoves. :: 2 to 6.
Sit . plate Stoves,' " . :: 3to 7
The above comprises but a few articles of the 35801
ment which they offer to the public, and all of which
will be disposed at extremely low rates. hi proof of
this, please Ball jet old :eland. south side of public
square, end extending to Pine street.
k (la Old Copper. Iron, Brass and most Itinda,pf Pro
duce, taken in payment. Towanda, lone fl, tB5l.
BROWN LINN RN COATS for $1 00 . at
FLANNEL for Ladies' Backs, • very nice article,
just received and for sale by
Dee. 28, 1850. 1 . % D. BARTLETT.
A DoZ... BARTON" u.RAt:v CRADLES, a su
perior article, for sale at 1 fje27 FOX'S.
important, and Woo
Ald• persona--witheut respect to age or condition
—indebted to me, are expected and notified to
make immediate particut. To satisfy them that I am
in earnest, I will just state. that I have engagements to
meet, which will require me to have pay tor those ow
ing me. I should prefer that they would do so volentari-
IY• bin if not. shall without delay, invoke ihe assistance
of the law.
Towanda, April IN, 1851: D. C. HALT..
JUST received another large assortment of thoae
cheap BOOTS and SHOES at
Dec 4 MUNN E
flfakeg.—Boat ghility of kliPt4a,6l;iss. for
41111 bj SH . Af i LtY & LEWIS.
j EAT and kLAIB,—• large quantify for male
at myl PHINNEY'9.
S AFETY FUSE.-10,000 feet just received and
for sale at my I PIIINNEY'S.
LI.IMDER.—Any quantity wanted. far which the
market prtce will be paid at PION N E ii"S•
HOVJERY.,—Ladies. misses, and children, silk,
worsted sad cotton white and colored Hose ;- also
gent's and boy's mired,-brown and bkachad half-hose,
cheap at nsy2 FOX'sit,
SHEETINCIS & SKIRTINGS, brown and bleached
—Ticking, Cotton Tam, Carpet warp and &nice
cilieleaale and retail. at owe
10 ,
.1 ,
eIOMPRISING a double Kquestrian Troupe and
Dramatic Corpse, frown Nihlo's Garden, New York
add National Amphitheatre, Philndelphia, will perform
at Towanda, on. Tuesday, 50,23411851. Doors open
at 2 and 7 o'clock, P. M. Performance to commence
at half-past 2 and half-past 7 o'clock, P. M.
I,E let. ILLENT, lM.ciager arid Director.
11„ E. BRistob. G eneral Agent and Advertises.
F.V. WHITTAKER, Fiquestrian Director.
S. V. W. POST, Leader of the Brass Band.
Distinguishing Features.
M'eille. MARIE, the besntiful and midrib! Parisi
an Equestrienne, in trer truly artistic and brilliant
school of Lady Equestrian, pre-eminently distinguish
ing her from every other Lady who.bee heretofore ap•
peered in this country.
The youthful Prodigies Miles. ELOUISE and
FLORA, appear in► Jureni Perforinances rarely, if
ever equalled.
Mons BbNOIT the great Parisian Joneleura-Che•
val. will also appear on two Harms, with D. RICH
ARDS, in Feats of the Hippondrome never excelled.
M'dine. ROSA LIN E BENOIT appears leper beau
tiful Equitation* and new Style of Horsemanship and
is now becoming the model of all the fashionable Lady
Amateurs in this elegant art in America.
THOMAS NEVILLE, in his stupendous feats of
Horsemanship, riding backward and forward—daoc
ing,, pirouetting, and aomersetting during the rapid
eirenition of his Steed.
The great Vaulting and Trick Horse CINCIN-
N A TUS, performed by Mr. S. P. STICKN EV.
The Troupe of Trained Ponies. embracing the cele
brated Twin Ponies, Romeo and Juliet, will be iutrodu
-ced by Mr. Whittaker.
Prof. James H. Nixon and his Infant Artists, Mas
ters A Rea and-George; in their gracefif\tlassic and
wonderful gymnastics.
• Mr. D. Richard',, the wild vaulting Horseman of
the Pampas, on his t and bounding Courser, with
out saddle, over be rs and fi ve barred gates and
through balloons. • ' .
Sports of the Hip odrome. on four and six Horses,
by the distinguished Equestriat., S. P. Stickney. -
Sports of Atlas, by the Giant of Iron nerve, Herr
Lee, who performs with real cannon balls of 36 and 41
pminds each.
Two Clowns—Sam Lathrop, the Stump Orator and
American Jester, and John Cirrinaldi Wells, the Eng
lish Clown.
fn addition to R f II and uneringlled Performance in
the Circle, will be represented the Grand Romantic
Spectacle of
With all its splendid Accessories, Processions, brilliant
Armors and Danner& Historical Costumes, together
with a full Cast of Characters, accompanied with all
the original Music, drc.
Two more brilliant features dis'inquish this from • all
other Companies. The Interior is illuminated with
Gas, and the Exterior with Prof. Grant's Improved
Drummond Light, modelling the premises light and
cheerful the darkest night.
Admission 25 cents. No half price.
For full particularasee large and small bills at the
different Hotels, 4e. I • •
CO" The above celebm'etl Troupe will perform.. at
Troy, Sep. 22d, Leltayssille:24, end at Montrose 25th.
Aug. 30, 185 1.
A LI, persons are hereby cautioned against porches
/I ing a note given by me on the sth of November,
1850, to C. B. Barrett, for $l5. The terms of the
contract fur which said note was given. have never
been complied with on the part of said Barrett, end I
do not consider myself legally or morally bound to pay
it, and shall not do so, unless compelled by law.
Monroe, June I I. 1851. H. G. GOFF.
LEW—U:I MZUVI2. , .61(102Z940
Mims as ' Macfarlane,
A VING entered into co-partnership in the practice
of law, have also established an agency for the
sale of real estate in the county of Bradford. Persops
having real estate which they ilesiic to sell, by calling
and leavin.t a description of their property with the
terms of sale, will undoubtedly and it to their advan
Persons desirous of purchasing can learn where prop
erty is for sale—a description of the same, with the
price and terms of payment and he informal! as to the
vt.lidity of tido. J. C. ADAMS.
Toorantk, Mry 2,1851. J. MACFARLANE
Are now receiving theiti
Second general stock of Spring Goode,
which are offered for tale at WHOLgtIALE OR RE
TAIL, at even lower than their usual prices. They
say to all cash purchasers, come and see our stock, and
you will find gnor!a and prices right. May D. 1851.
117 HOLE SPITS, Coats, Pants and Vents. nil for
SS 00, at • CAMPBELL'S.
An extensive stock of Staple
Just opening at
THOSE who wish to purchase (fowl Articles at
cheap rates, ivill do well to call.
Towan,la, May 1, Mil.
TH. PHINNEY, Jr.. is just receiving from New
• 'York a large and general assortment of Spring
and Summer Goods, consisting of almost everything
usually found in a store, together with
Groceries, Ifordiiarr, Paints., Oils, Oyes, Leather,
Boots 4.• 41i
Shoes,ils, Caps, Ilm)iieis, Crockery,
"Glassienre, Salt, Fish, 45• c.
The subscriber , wsuld return hie sincere thanks to
the public for the4r botintiful patronage the last winter.
by which the increase of business enabled him to offer
hi s suede .bissorniater at still lower prima than they
have been in the habit of buying. All persons wishing
to buy goods for cash or ready pay, would do well to
call at No. 3, Brick Bow, and examine the stock and
price., at the goods are bought, and must be sold.
,;.Towanda, May 1, 1851.
E. T. PDX, •
TS now receiving direct from New York a large aml
/ splendid assortment of Goods which he' offers for
sale at prices whi:h cannot fail to suit the closest buy
ers, for CASH, Poi:rem:K . . on A reaps cn CIRRDIT. He
respectfully asks a call from all persona wishing to buy
goods cheap, as he is determined not to be undersold.
Towande, April 24, 1851.
Dress Goods.
RICH FOULARD. Chameleon (Acne. Dl'lt Dress.
Bilks, French and Barna DeLanes. a new article
for summer dresses. 'French and English Lawni, silk
Tissues, Linnen Lustsea and any quaintly of otherAretria
goods et FOX'S.
77 4 VERY one knows that the place to find the 'argot
esso►tment end best quality of gloves rif .al ties
criptione is
.et ap26 FOX'S. •
r i DOZ. Panama, Leghorn, Palm Leaf and Oinsda
kll./ Straw Ham at ap26 FOX'S.
B L'K Sttk and till Silk Lace fur MAN CILLsSS at
ap26 FOX'S.
ULEM 701112.LCA
Is Still in Oporation ! .
TAE subseriber4 have moved to the new building on
Pine street, one dolt. below &femurs store where
they will keep on hand and make to ordc%
stove and mill irons of almost all descliptions. —Tura
ing and fining up work, will he done also nn reasousble
terms as at Elmira ar Owego- Old iron will be taken
in payment. CARMAN .Ic. CO.
Towanda, April 26, 1651
rift GOODS—A good assortment of !Retinues,
1.1 Cashmere:hr. De Lains, Alpacas, and prints now
• nening at j I 8 ht ERC UR'S.
THE subscriber is now in receipt of his Spring pur•
chases of New goods which makes his stork one
of the most extensive in the country—for silken tho
most favorable terms fur cash or approved credit—ca4l
huyers 'tire particularly invited to call and examine: the
stock: my%l 0. 1). BA RTLETT.
W'msportt Athens Railroad Letting,.
ff. BUNTING, respectfully informs the, pub.
G lic that he has removed his emu Aesus'
building, one door below Warner's watch shop, *here
he will he happy Jo see all who may be in want of
Good and Cheap Clothing, , Ro is constantly 4dJing
to his stock all the new arid desirable sty,les and pat
terns, and feels confident he can satisfy any one who
may give him a .01. ,•
morn receiving from New York, a huge and scatting-
Ile assortment of Spring- and Summer Clothing, made
in the best manner, and whit% will be sold as usual at
the lowest prices.
j He has also received, a large lot of YOUTH:B &
CHILDHENS' CLOTHING, to which he invite. at
' ',Notion and which will he said at low rates. He Irak
made arrnnQemcnts by which he can sent; for any ar.
• ciao desired, with the certainty of procuring a good
, article.
Cutting and making up, done as usual in the most
fashionable manrer, promptly and to order.
Towinda. May 8,1851 y-
Sohn W. Wiloon,
removed hie establishment to H. Mir:lista%
corner of main street and the public square. end
will continue the manufacture of Boots and Shoes, as
He has just received from New York a large worri
ment of Wnmen'x, Clilhirridb and Mira' Shoes, which
arc otTerc.l at low prices. The attention cf the Ladies
is parieularly directed to his apornrmi, comprising
the following new styles ;—tin;,..ipelled Linn gat:
ter bouts; do. shoss ; dpstinerarid silk gaiters;
walking shoes, huAins, Sc. Misses' gyitprs and shoes . ,'
of every de,etiption. A large assortmeut of Childoen's
fancy gaiters. boots and shoes, of qll kuida. •
For the Gentlemen, almost every style of gaiters and.
- shoes. This stock has been personally selected with
care, and he bilieies lie enii offer superior articles at
reasonable prierc:
The strictest attention paid to Manufarturin,g.
and he hora .by doing work well to merit • continu
a Ice of the liberal'patronage be has hitherto received.
Towanda, Mdy 8 - , 1851.
HUSTON & PORTER have just added to their
assortment a targe, stock of Freslt Dune. Medi
cines, tiibinrcals, oils, Paints, Grocerjea and Liquors,
which are now offered to the puNie at low rates, •
-Their stock of FANCY G001'04,414 I 4 RFU M ERY
the largeat and most complete ever offered in the
Al4c; a choice a4vorini . omt of pure- WINES &
QUOIN. Fuitltile for medical purposes.
A farce variety of Compiler!". Phospene. Fluid,Lanl
and Oil LAMPS, containing many new and beautiful
sty lea.
Being agents for ill thehest Talent Reines of the
day. purchaser); n)aa depend upon procuring a genuine
article irt all cases.
All the Drugs and Medicines kept at their establiA
menu way he relied upon as genuine and of the beet
quality, hawing been' carefully selected with a new In
their usefulness. .
South stoic of the Wspl House, and N 0.2; Brick
Roo. Torrrn'ils. May 27. 1851.
vr, Oats, Rye and most kinds of Produce
ry taken, far which the highest priest will he pail
SUGAR, Co ff ee, Rico, Fish, Molasses. Raisins.-bale.
mur k Spices, Oils, &c cheapest in ban, at
May I. 1851.
CHEMTS mire of those Cheap TEAS, ear
noted to suit •he weer • • " ••••• ••
-a• • -ill