Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 13, 1851, Image 2

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Vegtifort• Mipnto.
Erse 110111, Friel:SO.6dt, Free-Meal
Prindims for Oros illerrtforgh
Towanda, Saturday, Septem'r 13; R:5l,
Memearatie StaterWomisations.
ton Govan:tow,
BETH CLOVER, or CLAsiox Covwry
JERKMIAII 8. MACK,.....0r &mum? Cor.m.
.JAMB 8 CAMPBMI, • or Pm lA.
ELLIS LEWIS, or LANc.arrni.
JOHN R. GIBSON or Cvo■su.Aso Corwrr.
WALTER H. LOWRIE...n*4I%4. I Omm Coustr.
Democratic County Ticket.
•ox PITAIDSNT moot,
HARRY ACLA,. ....... ......
pni 11111,1159SVTAITIVR
ADDISON WKEAN,. or 1111.auwarox Tr
HENRY GIBBS, ''''' or °swim. Tr
Walt lIIMIIIII. .1
CASTLE H. DERRICK,.... or Aris.nßo.
VOIR 11XXIXTIll AXO ateollloElll
H. LAWRENCE SCOTT, ...... —or Tovra.,afrr.
11011 711113011.1111.
DANIEL D. COTIVN, an , Luc:tutu Tr
EDWARD C. WELLS,..... ..or Tvcosos,► Tr
von comor cit. i • -
Election, Toes/14, October 14, 1851
Terme of The Reporter.
SS SO per annum—if paid within the year /SO eenis wiil
to deducted-6r cub paid actually in advance It 00 will be
deducted. Nn paper sent over two years. unless paid for.
Asnicrnswitawrs, per square of ten lines. So cents for the
ffirst: and SS cents for each subsequent insertion.
11700ee in the " Union Block. , north side of the Piddle
ftware. next door to the Bradford lintel. Entrance beiwecn
lien. Adams' and Elwell's law offices.
Chair Whole Illehet.
We cannot too strongly urge upon our Democrat
ic friends the necessity of an active and energetic
support of all the candidates on our county ticket.
Let every one remember that our motto is " princi
ples not men." As it is impossible for all to be grati
fied in the selection of candidates we adopt the
delegate system, as the mast democratic, and the
one best calculated to unite the action of the party
upon our candidate for each office, and in doing so,
there must of course, and of necessity, be. a sacri
fice to some extent of personal preferences to pre
ewe union er &length. Hence, it is the duty of
the delegates, when they assemble in convention,
to pursue a system of conciliation ; otherwise their
deliberations would , be characterizei by discord,
and result in disuniort, distraction, and defeat ; and
thus enable our enemies to strike a blow, which
would defeat our candidates and prostrate our re
, publican principles.
When a county ticket is formed, as it now is, by
the harmonious - action of the convention of dele
gates, composed of men who maintain and advo
rate true republican principles, it certainly becomes
the duty, and should be the pleasure of every one
who professes the name of Democrat—who is go
verned by the principles he professes, to give the
whole ticket his cheeiful, dent and- undivided
We have a ticket composeillof men, who in point
of moral and political integrity, are entirely nue:-
- ceptionable, and democrats should remember that
every deviation from the line of the party produces
a laity,' - which makes our succes hereafter more
in short let every democrat go to the polls with
this mato for his guide : " Dios= we STAND—
DIVIDED WC FALL ;" and with a determination to
sustain the principles of his political faith ; then,
when the hanle is ended and the victory won, be
will be able to mingle in the feelicgs of general joy,
w ith the friends of Democracy, in a complete-sad
glorious triumph over his enemies.
President Judge.
fly reference to the proceedings of the Judicial
Conference, it will be seen that lion. DAVID WIL
MOT has been unanimously notitinved as the can
didate fOr President Judge'ot the 13th Judicial die.
trict. The unanimity with - which this nomination
has been'made, is a certain guarantee of the tri.
nmphant election of Mr. ablator. As yet, there
is no opposing candidate in the field, and should
ewe be brought odt, it will be more for the 'sake
of keeping up• appearances, by the Whigs, than the
hope of defeating a man who has so strong a hold
upon the confidence and esteem of the people of
this District.
The selection of Mr. W. to preside over our
e'bnint will* fortunate for the tax-payers , and peo
ple of the flfstriet, frowned of a clear, active
legal mind, unitedi.r prom Its f and decision,
the basin's, of the Coons will be despatched' in as
speedy a manna as iseonsistant with the rights of
Ate parties interested. Having been in Congress
for the last six years, and consequently unable to
attend to the practice of the law, he is employed
in WI few cases now upon the calendar, and will
be debarresr from trying lint few matters which may
come before the Court, thus dispensing 'with. the
necessity of expensiverand frequent special Courts,
as is now the race. -
-We might add, that ,while theiDemocratio party
ace united almost to a man, in snpport of Mr. Wu,
Nor, the rook of the District have fog soma time
been- looking to. him as the - moea proper person to
fill the station for which he has been nominated.
To CONTRACTORS —Timothy Ives, Superintendent
of the Allegheny Pottage Railroad, advertises that
anted proposals will be received for the grading
and masonry of several sections, for the avoidance
of the inclined plate, mita Wednesday, the let day
of October nest,B the Summit.
szr The Cana. Crimmisskoners r accompanied
bytheir 'Secretary, visited this place, on Saturday
last, being•ras a ioureilginspeofion the' lino 1 f,
fur North Brand% They tell on Sibnday Tunk
The nomination of MYRON BAU.ARD and
NARRY ACLA,ProtocialeJodges of county,
pelves that is eliding their Judiciary, the people
are determined to place. upon the Bench their best
men. The gentlemetii above naMed,nre tmettpeci
mews of the intelligent, honest, thrifty Bradford Cool
ty 6nner. They have grown op with its growth,
and have been instmmental in making it what it is,
in4wealth andelemeeer.-- They bare- been identi
fled with its prosperityand interests tot jeers. It
is no-disparagement tothe unsumessfal candidates,
to say, that no men have been named for the post,
better qualified to i!ise,harge its duties. Men of
character and ability; Passetseil'in a liberal degree
of all qualifications requisite theirelevation to the
bench wilflitan honor to the County. -
The extraordinary exertions which in years past
have employed by persons aspiring for the
nomination as the candidate for Sherift, in this case
have not been put forth. The attention orthe Demo
cratic party has for some time been directed to
CHESTER THOMAS, as the proper person to re
ceive the nomination: The untoward difficulties
which once defeated him at the polls—(the same
difficulties having on one or two occasions prevent.
ed his nominatioti) —the prejudices which by Mil , .
representation and catamny had operated power
fully against him—Having now become eradicated
and forgotten, pr thoroughly esposed, the Demo
crane party hare hastened to do justi: , :e to the truest
soldier that fights wider her banner, by nominating
him for this very - post, with an en:tallith) , and zeal
unparalleled. The nomination has been bestowed
noon him without effort upon his part, against a
disadvantageous location. solely through that feeling
which ever actuates the Democracy, not to.see her
faith lot solders struck down, byjprejudice and false- -
ow Triktariona Tr.
CHESTER THOMAS is worthy the support of
the Democratic party. He is a farmer active, en=
ergetie, and persevering in all his undertakes, and
has the repntation of being one of the most prompt
and entree business men in the county. It is uni
versally admitted by all who know him, that he will
make an efficient public officer. tle has ever been
a consistent and active Democrat, and has rendered
good service to the party. His election is now re-.
deceit to a certainty. The unanimity with which
the nomination was bestowed upon him--theenthusi
asm with which the Democracy are rallying to his
support is the sure precursor of a triumphant elect
ion Those who were foremost in defeating him
bef3re, are now the most zealous in his support, and
anxious to repay the injuries inflicted upon him
os Wyk
C. H. HERRICK, the nominee of the Democracy
for Prothonotary, &a., is a gentleman we take great
pleasure in recommending to the support of the par
ty which has placed him in nomination. The- du
ties of the important office fur which he hat been
named, will be -well discharged by Mr. H We
will not allow ourselves for a moment to doubt the
success of a campilate so worthy the support of any
party, in a county which has several hundreds of a
democratic majority. It is a stigma upon that party
to say that it will permit the detest of such a man
as C. H. Maws for any post for which he might
be named. Still, rendered bold by their former
success, the whig;party have put for ward the pres
ent gentlemanly incumbent of that office, and trill
strain every nerve to secure his election. Megrim
contest will be upon this office and that of Sheriff.
It needs but a small share of activity on the part of
the - Democracy to Irustrate all their plans. Shall
not that activity be exercised 1 Our candidates are
men of unblemished characters, of undoubted ability.
They are entitled to the undivided and cordial sup
ped of thei,WHOLE PARTY. They have a right to
expect it We trust there is no democrat so interim
as to be willing to occasionally be voting for whig,
nominees. Such a course is fraught with incalcula
ble dangers to the Democratic pr sty. It hazards our
ascendancy in Bradford. The occasional success
of a candidate spurs on the Whig party to increased
efforts and makes double amleity accessary among
the Democrats. Let as triumph this tall with the
WHOLE . TICKET. The word has but to go forth,
from one end of the Democratic ranks to the other,
and that fortunate result is accomplished.
The re•nomination of ADDISON WEE.IN and
HENRY GIBBS for Repreaentatives, was both in
acconlanee with the usual custom o the party, and
a testimonial to the ability and faithfulness which
characterized their legislative course last winter:.
It isa long time since Bradford could boast of having
abler Representatives in:the Legislature than she had
last winter, in the persona of the gentlemen who
have been again brought , forward by the Democratic
party. Punctual . in theiF attendance upon their du
ties, the interests of the North and of Bradford Conn
ty were guarded with vigilance. En;oying in the
highest degree, the confidence and e4eem of their
fellow.members, they will be enabled to effect
more for the Welfare of the North, at the next sea
pion, than any other two men whocoold be elected
01 their triumphant re-election there is not the
shadow of a doubt.
The • popular young:Democrat, who has been
nominated for this offierr e is admirably tuned to dia.
charge its duties. He belongs to that claim who
are the chief source of our nation's giriatnees—the
Farmers of the Land—has teen from boyhood
identified with the Democratic party and has ren.
!beted the cause signal service on many important
,occasicuis. , the same time be is abundantly
qualified• not anti ler this; bet for any office in ti e
gift of the Democracy of Bradford. His abilities,
gentlemanly manners, and obligingilisposition will
make him an obliging and. popular officer. His
election. is beyond) all' question-..thodgh the Whigs
hue brought forwent in opposition to him, one of
Iheir old anti well tried candidates.
The importance of this otlice is second to none,
to the tax payers of the county. The incumbent
should be an honest man, of good business habits,.
agouti accountant, and above all, animated by a
desire to guard , the interests of the Comity against
the povibility el wrong. Such qualification* are
combined iwan eminent degree, in our candidate
I.7,OI,VARDV. iVELLS, whose election will be a
govriantee that the disfics• albs office wiII be fai
fully perfartnedi
;hi J.liu
'Register sad Recorder.
Auditor , .
DANIEL B. COTTON upon whom the choice of
the Deinacratic party has fallen asdnicandidate fie
Cann Amine*, is an active, intelfigent askew*
busineis mime, who has been the farchitern of his
own fortune, and kis earned bimetelt in enviable
=name and reputation. The. sterling democratic
WWII or Litchfield for several years has putforward
her claims, and we are gratified that the late Con
-amnion haw nordistegarded what was manifestly
due to her. Mr. Cotton will make an admirable
Commissioner, being a practical, wotlimg-man, and
will guard the intermit of the County with tarre, and
see that her expenditures are conducted with econo
my. The estimation be which be is held at home
bo ilbe x. expressed in a flattering manner at the bal
The township of Albaiiy has never been the re•
cipient of a public office since the organization 01
the County. For the first time, she now has a can
didate ity the person of BENJAMIN WILCOX, the
nominee for Treasurer. To discharge the duties
of ;his responsible post, Mr. W. has every necessa
ry qualification. Honest and capable, he has
claims upon the support of the Democratic party,
which will insure his success. He has always been
an unwavering and active Democrat, in every
emergency rendering the party his hearty support.
The responsibilities of this office "are at present
not very great—in fact, -we believe Bradlord has
been without such an officer for the last-three years.
Sid, duties may devolve upon the Coroner, which
will regale a good business man to perform them,
andno emergencys of the kind could arise which
would not be promptly and ably met by our candi
date GF.ORGEM BLACK. Mr •B , is a young
and ardent democrat, of great promise, and the hon
or bestowed upon him by the Democratic Courtin
lion, has not been illy dispensed.
resentative Conference of the district composed of
the counties of Susquehanna, Wyoming and Sulli•
van, met at Lacyville, this week. Susquetrom
in her convention named Mr. Ractinow;` , 2 i.liaAe;
member from that county; Wyoming nominiril
our esteemed , friend Wtricovivra ; while Sullivan
brought forward iltficutch MTLEIFF, Esq.
Amt the Conterence, the Wyoming members, doubt
less feeling that was a gone sucker, become
obstroperous, and refused to meet with the others,
and the Conference was consequently orr,a3ized
without them, and Rr.canow and Mrucav nomina
ted ascandidates for Representatives. The disap
pointed catalitlate left, we understand, with a rpm- '
ky determination to avenge the wrong Wyoming
had suffered. The grime worked well in the Sen
ator case, tut we should imagine would hardly
pay for the trouble in the present instance. How
ever, %Vranv has a decided talent in that tine, and
may make it profitable.
BRIMIIALL 9 II Tau.—The trial of ibis person,
charged with the murder of his ;rife, occupied the
attention dour Coon until Monday of this week.
The verdict was guilty of murder in the second de-
gree. This Court sentenced him to twelve years
imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary. This
was the only criminal cause tried at ihe September
Judicial Centbream.
At a meeting of the Conferees from the counties
composing the 13th Judicial district, held at the
Ward House, in Towanda, on Monday evening,
Sept. 8, 1851, F. B. STREETER was called upon
to preside, and T. J. INGHAM elected Secretary.
The following gentlemen appeared as Conferees
Irons their respective comities :
Suagriehonna.—F. B. Streeter, 0. S. Beebe, A.
Bosh, S. B. Gayle.
Bradford —Ulysses Alercur, John Passmote, E.
M. Farrar, N M. Stevens, E. 0. Goodrich.
Sullivan.—T. J. Ingham, James Deegan.
On motion, the Conference proceeded to nomi
nate a candidate for Piesident Judge.
Mr. Meccur nominated Hon Davao WiLarwr.
There being no other name presented to the Con-
ference, DAVID W/LSIOT was unanimonsly nomt
na as the candidate for President Judge of the
13th Judicial District. •
On motion, Resolved, 1 hat the pmceedings o
this Conference be published in all the Democratic
papers of the district.
On motion, adjourned.
F. B. STREETER, President.
T. Inonate, Sectdary.
wa near the scene of the tragedy, at New
ark, on Saturday evening, I am able to give a more
correct account than is perhaps yet known. The
murderer, Ginn, has been living with a woman by
the name of Pritchard, for several years, as her
husband. She, on the evening of Saturday, angered
him very much, so much so that he dress a pistol,
lifted the child reposing on her breast, tram it and
pulled the trigger ; she jumped aside, and the charge
tore the flesh oil her side, anti burned the chilli's
hand. Her brother, Henry Pritchard, then interter.
ad, when the ruffian shot him, tearing his hand.—
Henry then ran over to his house, about two hund
red yards nil, for assiitance, and in a little while re
turned, although persuaded by his family not to J 9
so, end wheel walking up the path to Gimes house,
Ginn met him, saying, " Now, I'll be d—sl it I
don't shoot you," and lifting a double-baneful - gun,
he riddled Pritchard with buck-shot, tearing the
heart and lungs kiragi. Ginn, after shaming, melt
no direct attempt to escape, but told the affrighted
people, who thronged around, and who were not
able, through fear, to touch him, " that he.hadshot
one, and that he would shoot five, amt - then he
would give himself op to be hung." He then went
away, and as soon as de affair became known,
some fifty people searched the swamp for him, but
were not able, up to this miming, (Monday,) when
I left Newark to catch him. He was seen, yeller.
day, sitting on a fence, with his gun, looking for
more victims.
Being close by the place, I am able to give full
and true particulais, although there are many m.
more about, and some very ridiculous and very
false —Correspondent of the Ledger.
FATllett DIATHeW 1T Rocnastsa.—This venera
ble ard'excellent man arrived in" Rochester on
Thursday morning, at a few minutes before It
o'gleek, by the western train, and left for the East at
11. it was not generally irnowst that be was to ar
'rive, or the depot Wonld have been thronged by
thousands of peopth. In the short time that he
stopped he was trumninned by a dense mei*
among whom were the Mayor, HMI. L. A.
Ward , Rev. Dr. Dewey, and many other
who warmly urged him tomtmain for at least a few
4htyv, but he vs* in constrattied, in coniterMence 01
ill'heattll , and 00 engagements, to dectina these
'!rind• invitation*
--- LATER -PROWt-ouePi.
Or tub arvassait
The Mail aleamshiP Ernpiie car, John Tanner
Corn. f 'arrived at New Yorkist 2} o'clock
M. on Saturday, from New Odeans and Havana.
From the ;aver place she sailed on the Ist inst.
Havana had been the secutt - efltibileirtunl re.
joking for the three days previous owing to tie cap
ture of Gen. Lopez add his forces. The news
reached Havana on the 30th all.
Flags were hoisted, guns fired.
At night buildings were illuminated, and torch.
light processions formed. In tact it was e day of
general rejoicing.
Loper wattaken in the interior wandesing alone
—nearly exhausted from fatigue and hunger. lie
asked for something to eat at a farmhouse,and
permission to lay down ; while asleep he was ound
and made prisoner. 01 his followers one hundred
and fifty-bire are now imprisoned, and are to be
sent to Spain for ten years confinement in a dun.
germ. ,
They say their snflerings before taken were in.
tense. For metal days they lived on the leaves
of trees, &c.
ie last meat they ate was the horse of Gen.
, ey had unarms when lateen. The remainder
o %beton)? have either been shot or they'perished
from hanger. '
Cap. Plan, of the U. S. Sloop of-War Albany, vis
ited them in prison, and thereby gained some im
portant information, which he will dispatch to the
The steamers Habonero,, Almendares, Pizarro
and Isabella Catholica, were on Sondayi Aug. 31,
dispatched to Bahia fronds and Marisl to bring up
thelioTtkpreparatory to the execution of Lopez.
tinge ate killed and wounded of the Spanish
Irma 2,000; 1,500 killed and 500 wounded.
inostprf,*ugagement with Lopez the troops are
saiirtotave twen routed with severe loss.
Gen. Enna, the bravest officer in the inny, was
shot white leading a charge at the head of a small
squadron of cavaliv. He was second in command
to Concha. At that charge every man was shot
down. The Spanish Generals said it was impossi
ble to rally their troops to charge on the assailants.
Lopez was garroted on Monday morning, Sept.
I, at 7 o'clock. The scene of execution was at the
" Punta," opposite the " Moro." There were tw
sembled from eight to ten thousand troops and u
many citizens.
A few minutes before 7 Lopez was brought for.
ward, and Xseended the platform with a firm and
steady step. Facing the multitude be made a
short speech, and his last words were, "I die for
my beloved Cuba."
He then took' his seat—the machine was adjust.
ed; at the first twist of the screw his head dropped
forward—and he was dead. -
Thus ended the career of Gen. Lope; so long
.he dread and terror of Cuban authorities.
In no instance, (the prisoners say,) have the
Creoles of the Isaland manifested the least disposi
tion to join them,
The excitement in Havana it fast subsiding since
the annihilation of Lopez and his forces. No more
fears of an invasion are entertained.
The French war steamer Asmodeos sailed from
Havana on the Ist inst.
The following letter trom our correspondent at
Havana, confirms the story that the invaders repulsed
the troops at eve . q onslaught maderby the latter:
HAVANA, Mon lay, Sept. lw , 1851.
After having defeated and wasted await, the
Spanish forces sent to capture him, Gen. Lopez
worn out in the struggle, has been obliged to suc
cumb—the Creoles not having lifted a hand to sus
tain Wm.—continually promising, but never coming
to the work. Having commenced with so much
spirit their redemption from bondage, it was sup
posed that after the landing of their friends had
been effected, and such noble battles fought against
the whole strength of the army in this vicinity that
they 'would not have hesitated—but they have nerve
for love—none for war.
Gen. Utpez was to have been executed this
morning at 6 o'clock—by the gorrot&—captured by
a Creole! in the mountains, after being worn out
by sickness and continued exposure—and in conse
quence of the opetalion of partial pardon offered by
the Governthent to those who would come in—
chains fir /ye ir. Africa, in lien of death.
This community is in much excitement, owing
to the treatment of Spaniards in New °deans, and
our countrymen we not regarded with much favor.
The force of the law and order will protect them,
robatity ; if not, they have only,4p thank those at
home for what evil may charms:
Our Consul has received threatening letters, but
there has been no violence upon foreig,ners in the
streets or their dwellings—nor will there be, as I
believe. Capt. Platt, sloop-ol war Albany, atm
his vessel had been visited on entering port, re
ceived very complimentary Idlers from the Captain
General—a slave tot the wounded honor of the flag,
TIIC fa r.cvnonr..
'The following is our conespondent'l account o
this 'event :
Gen. Lopez was executed this mominst, at the
ordinary place of execution, at 7 o'clock, in the
presence of an immense crowd. His effigy had
been worn out the two days previous in the extrava
gant ioy of the populace. His last words as near
as I can render them were :
" My Countrymen : Pardon_ me for the evil, if
any I have caused to you. I have not intended any
evil, but your good rather. Farewell !"
The bearing of Lopez as he was led to the gar
rote, which was placed on a platform some twelve
or fifteen feel above the ground, was perfectly firm
and manly. Whatever he may have said previous.
ly, he uttered no reproaches upon those who had
promised to support hini - , - but had failed to beep
their word. The execution was conducted in an
orderly manner, and with little noire on the part of
the crowd.
The Diaro de la Marina denies that the bodies of
the fifty who were shot at Havana suffered any
mutilation or outrage at the hands of the rabble : it
says that from their capture to their execution they
were treated with the utmost consideration possible
in their situation; that they were allowed to see
theirfamilies; that after their execution the bodies
were removed:in hearses used by people In good
circumstances, not in, those appropriated to crimi
nals; and even that the government permitted
some of the bodies tO be removed, and allowed the
opened letters they bid upon them to be sent home;
and that the population al the city on this occasion
ason others, exhibited perfect respect for the antbori•
ties and for the bodies of three who hail suffered
by the law. Such is the statement of The Diario,
made of course, under the direction of the Govern.
ment. • -
sictaigrrns 01 LOPEZ.
We copy Imm The Sun of this morning the fid
lowing account of-the exocution of Gen. Lopez ft
differs in some respects from accounts already pub
At the fatal honrGen. Lopez was Nought out,
and ascended tha 'platform with a firm step. His
person was enveloped in a while shroud, The ex•
ecutioner then removed the shroud, and there stood
the General in hiti 1011 military uniform before the
assembled multitude.
Nis appearance *as calm, dignified and heroic.
Not a muscle quivered. He looked upon the pre.
partitions for death unmoved ; his countenance
changed , not, anditis whole timing was firm and
The executioner; now removed his embroidered
coat, his sash, cravat, and all the ine.igti of miliht
ry rank, in token:of disgrace.,
(Jen Lopez, with his hands, tightly bOnd tcrveth.
ye in (rent, vieppitt forward, and in a strong, ;ear
voice, slowly spice to those around as follows:
c• I pray the persons who himre comp mixed me
to pardon me as :I i panlon the n. -
"My death will not change the destinies of Co.
be." [The executioner, standing a little behind,
here interrupted . hint in an !insulting. totte, with
"Come, be quarlctte quick "J,
fisedThis open the man, and-said sternly, pining
bis teetb,," Wait, Sir." He then continual :
rr Adem,,tey beloved Cuba! Adies.oty bridi•
ten !"'
The;Gtmeval' dm stepped back, sada Itimpelf
oaths Owl. •''A priest with the arusifix and tape
stood on meads of him, thq executioner on the
other. t Tbti.collat waithert placed around the prim:.
her'. neck. The 'priest now placed the 'crucifix
between the General's hands, and just as he was in
the act Of inclining to kiss it, the ezeetitilher swung
die heat to - entail and the head at the triffertitnate
man at the same instant dropped tarteardtdechlng
the crucifix. He never moved again. There sat
the body of one of the bravest men that direr drew
breath, bet a moment ago elite, not? a ghastly
. The execution was conducted in the most order
ly manner and in perfect silence. No shouting er
any other exhibition'ol applause was manifest,'
Whether this was the result of the news from Neer.
Orleans, or the express orders of the Captaintietti
era!, Is not known.
I mmeilietely after the eLectelca, Giciiteral Lopez'*
body was taken down, atld privately buried.
Antral of the litesuasalp Fraakilul.
By the arrival of the steamship Franklin, from
Havre and Cowes, which she left respectively on
the mowing and evening of the twenty-seventh nit ,
we have London dues up to noon of that day, near
ly five days later.
Cotton has advanced one-eighth of a penny On
the pound, since the intelligence brought by the
America, and the market is very solve. The Havre
market had also improved, and was active. The
corn markets hare also improved. The crops in
Great Britain are in a most flourishing condition,
and the potato blight in Ireland has terminate ll with
but little injury.i A serious failure--that of long
established house itt Lortdon—had enacted the
money market in the moment, but no long confine
ed anxiety was anticipated.
The political-news is without much interest of a
spirited kind. Some uneasiness has been excited
at Madrid by the recent mad adventures connected
with the attempted revolution in Cuba, and it is
stated that General' Aspic had given the Minister
of Foreign Affairs assurances that France would
assist Spain in repelling attacks' upon the island of
Queen Whistle.
The propositions made some time ago by Austria,
to annex all her province to the Germanic confed
ration, has met with such a check from the Euro•
pearl pewees, that the project, it is stated, has been
abandoned. It is said' that Russia, which seemed
inclined to assist the movement originally, has taken
a sober second thought on the sutiect. France and
England still maintain that such annexation would
be contrary to the stipulations of the treaty between
the European powers. They maintain that the
project is European, and not simply a tuitional. one.
The Ecclesiastical Titles act seems likely to bring
aboa: a good deal of rancor and polemical antago
nism between! the British government and the
Catholic ponien4of Ireland. This is a serious sub
ject, anif, as is stated, the government should un
dertake to carry on prosecutions in Ireland against
those w o defy, the operation of the law, there is
il h
reason to believe that serious difficulties may anise
in the islan d In this case , the dignity of the law
ic.bestig,ht into direct confict i with the Romish
In all other respects the political traequillity of
Great Britain promises to be undisturbed. Two
subjects only engage the attention Of the people—
the Great Exhibition and the marvellous sailing
qualities of the yacht America, which sails on from
triumph to triumph. Scarcely have we, thepeo
ple of the United States, escaped unharmed from
the broadsides poured upon its for our meagre dis
play Nt the World's Fair, than in sails Brother
Jonathan vritta small schooner, that puts the whole
Crystal Palace into the shade. All the nation get
iumnated at the sight of such a littleponder of the
deep—the sporting boys who have lived on Bell's
Life !fur a dozen of-years, grove curious to know
what is in the wind--and Her Majesty, the interes.
ting, 'Victoria herself, cannot live without seeing
Brother Jonathan's yatch. She accordingly em
barks in the State barge, and goes on board the lit
tle " American"—and afterwards, delighted with
her visit; sends five pouads for distribution among
crew. This is not so large a sum moor pilot boys
get when they fall in with a craft three, or tour, or
five hundred miles at sea, bat we have no doubt
that they " graciously accepted" the present. By
the way, it is to these very pilot boys that we owe
our improvements in yachts. For the last half qr.
tory they have been an the habit of running down
upon the ocean, to the distance of several horidred
miles, in search of vessels wanting pilots, and to
obtain the news for the public journals. With the
establishment of the New York Herald came an
other epoch in their fame. It was recessary that
they should out-sail everything, and they struggled
to do it. They succeeded--and the credit is theirs
of having made our yatch system one of great in
terest and excitement, besides one of profit' and
honor. England capitol beat us in yachts or pilot
boats. She must be contented p to build the largest
Crystal Palace in the world, and to fill them with
the toys of other nations—bnt the yachts, or steam
ers, or cutlets, or clippers, or men of war, she is
beheld us. The smoke of one of oar steamers will
'darken Hyde Park, and the sails of the yacht
America will throw a shadow over the Crystal Pal
cent adoption by Congress of New Grenada of a
law by which slavery is abolished throughout the
Republic, has been already alluded to. The law
will go into effect on the IA oflanuary. It provides
that "all persons liberated shall be entitled to the
same privilages, and governed by the same laws,
as are other citizens of New Grenada. No slave
under forty five years shall be valued at a greater
sum than one thousan,l six hundred realm i if a male,
not onethouland two hundred mal es if a fe
male ; over forty-five, the value of a male slave
shall not exceed one thousand two hundred reals,
and a female slave eight hundred reels, which
compensation is to be paid to the owners by the
Government." The Bogota Gazette (official) says
a decree has been addressed to the Boards 01 Man
umission, which specifies the manner in which the
provisions of the above law shall be carried out.—
The slave, whose owner is not capable of proving
his rigit of ownership, shall be liberated without
farther legal proceedings; and the Boards will have
the authority to pronounce his manumission. Own.
em of slaves, who are to be emancipated from time
to time, will receive a remuneration,
to be arpor.
timed from the funds appropriated by law for this
purpose. The price of the slave must previously
be assessed by two appniisem—one appointed by
the Board, and the other by the owner. The same
journal says that a loan has been negotiated be
tween the Government and ?Jr. Theodore Moore,
far !bosom of 625,000 'francs, at' a rate of interest of
12 per cent. per annum. We suppose this is to
carry out the provisions of the law.
o*...4lehmeholy Sight—Dr. Read, a traveller
through the highlands of Peru, is said to have found
lately, in the desert of Alacame, the dried remains
or an assemblage of human eings, five or eix
hundred in number, men, women, and children,
seated in a setni,circle as when alive, starin g into
the homing wage before them ; they had not been
buried; life had' not departed before they thus sat
around, but bops was gone; the Spanish invader
was at hand, and no escape being left, they had
came hither to die.. They still sat immovable in
that dreary desert ; died like mummies by the el
feet of the hot air, they still keep their position, sit.
ting up as in solemn council, while over that dread'
Areopagus silence broods everlas ingly.
Ozer. atrenatm•voLo Wiresx.—We are: indebt.
ed to Mimes California Expreas far a siample of
California Wheat of the tallest kind. The head is
about six inches long, and contains about 100 ker
nels, most of them remarkably large and very
plump. If the !audit' California will produce aum h
grain as this, farming must be better business than
The telegniph of this morning •annonae e i
dasth'of one of:the most eminent citizens of th e "'
public—the 04. Levi WriedborY, of,New. Hs
shire: &died at Porstmouth, on the 4th
Where be has suffered for a long while,as theme
lier have been informed, finder a painful dist-047.
It is ontrit few days since, that we cilia:ll6,NA(
suicide of his brother, Luke Woodbury.
,Mr. Woodbury was born at Prancestm Net
Hampshire' s ' *WO, thit_ Xea! 0 , 90 r -1 61 ; iltad
with a high reputation tor sehotarsnip at Dann
College in 1809, and was admitted to the
1812. Ile practised his profession with distirig s ii
ed success, and rapidly rose to a high rank ioa,,
When the democratic party acquired the usee n &
cy in the stale, in 1816, he was appointed Sei4,'," ;
ry of State ; and at the commencement of do
year, a istign of the Superlor,Coeft. MI 6,
retfihketrto Peititholithi hotither . cial ea - ;
Re* Hampshire, where he *titled the remsi a 4
of hbi lite. with the exceptions of the iinerrals
Ids official duties called him to Washington.
Mr. Woodbnry was elected *tremor cd
Hampshire in 1822, and in 1829,. a sendtor si t
United States. His career In the Senate was 04 1
usefulness to the country, and of distinction to
self. His habits of application and ability ass 1 14 ;
er, no less than the fact that be reyresented Oaf,
=emeriti New togland, gire.inm great 'liter ai
in the national councils. It was this that Wa l t.
General Jackson to appoint hint Secretary 0 4
Navy in 1831, and s ubs equently, on the reject
Mr. Taney by the Senate, Secretary ol the Tres :
ry He continued in the office till the close of k
Vanßuren's presidency, when he rimmed lt a ,
in the Senate. During the administration of k
Polk, he was appointed one 01 the Judges o f ti
Supreme Court, and had withdrawn from the ao
achy scenes of political life.
As a public man, Judge Woodbury was net,
ingly diligent, methodical, and circumspect. D i
ring the tinge
in which he held the
. place ol
tary,of the Treasury, he caused an immense
of statistics, important to the finances and comm
of the country, to be collected and digested,
laid before the public. He not only knew hot
pursue researches of this nature widvadventags t.
profit, but was sagacious in the selection of
and assistants.
His reports, on account of a defect's's, style,
emit)? did not do justice to the acuteness and eie z
ness of his understanding, but his statements ..,
conscientiously made and his conclusions so •
In the Senate he was an able debater, and
with clearness and effect.
Judge Woodbury had begun to be spokes
shortly before his death, as the nest dem ,
candidate for the Presidency. Among his ..
mendations for the office his friends insisted ori'3
rcrupulous personal integrity, which it was argei
he should ever fin the executive chair,. would
an end to the shameless pillage of the t
which has become so common of late.—E
Holt escaped from the Trenton (N. J ) Jail on )1 ,
day, in a remarkable manner. The prisonet c
State Gazette says, occupied one of the lower ..
in the middle wing. He had taken up a pan
the floor ofhis cell and deg down a perpend
depth of seven feet. The Wu:lllation wall is
six feet below the surface. HA burrowed
the wall and up to the surface on the outside
This brought him into the yard of the prison. •.,
by means of a ladder made of pieces of rope
bedding, anti the slats frpm the bottoni of his •••
with hooks on the end made of nails,
he leafed ,
throw outside wall. He had to the ladder to
top—the hooks caught the coping ; and, after •
ing the top, he reversed his ladder and let him
down on the outside. A course of stone is
immediately tinder the floor of the cells
were removed, put on his bunk, and carefully .•
ered over with the bedding. The digging was
formed with a bed-screw, and thin pieces of
were used for shovelling op the dirt. All the d
thrown out on the cell floor was put there on 0,
day titter six o'clock in the evening the hoof
which the cells were fastened for the night. •Af
he got down some five feet, he made a ladder
get in and out of the hole with the dirt. He
the dirt in a pail, to which he had a. rope
After getting a pail full, he came tip with stones
his hand, and having deposited them carefully
the floor ,
polled up the pail full of earth. E
thing had to be done with great caution, as thel. ,
noise wooki reverberate through the condor
would be heard by the watchmen. Before he
he composed a poetic effusion of four lines, &ow ,
wall he painted with eharcOal andred chalk, a
riet3r of hanalsome figures, underneath the prim
one, which represented a beautiful target, he d
in letters,—" Liberty is wanted by everybody'
is preaching ur the tariff gammon wherever
goes,just as that issue was involved in his e
ion. The people of Pennsylvania, however, on ,
stand that be can, exercise no more influence
good on this subject than the Silltan'ot Brescia.
has no vote upon iL- It does not come under h
risdiction. His recAxntnendatiims. i' he ~
make any, could be of no seriteil lie tai
power over that question; and he . Might al ril
whistle jigs to milestones, extePting l itibui toauc,
as to attempt to produce any etlect upon 'this Itt
national question. •
CONGRESS has exclusive control on the lan
Governors of States have nothing to do' with
the people of Pennsylvania wish any modifies
of the tariff, they will not call upon Gov. Joh , '
to help them ; neither will they call upon his
ral friends to do so. But they will go to
greys, and ask the body that has control of
Our people know very well that the Whigs
be utterly powerless in the next Congress.
Galphinism and peculations—their want of
and hone,ty—have placed them in Ma a at ,
ble minority, that they dill scarcely hare a
rat's guard in the next Congress. Thus far
have carried but six states ; and we have no
the Democratic party will have a majority of
in the next House. In the Senate the mapnl
nearly in the same proportion. The Demor
therefore, will have entire control 'of the tariff;
if any good is to be effected by a change, it ism
done through our patty, and not by Gov. Job*
and the agitators that support him. These
would unsettle every great question in the
to carry out their own infamous schemer, and
cure power to themielver
the 3d inst., sixty-seven dayi had been consulted'
receiving evidence upon this istmordisaty
and the counsel were prepared to cowl:woo
ming up, but so great was the crowd assemblelP
hear, that the Court-room was not large ell'
to hold them. and the Court adjourned to Finny'
Hall, said to be the largest hall-in the city. IW
dry. the 4th inst.. Mr. Van Arian commenced
argument on the pan of the prosecution. wh't,
was thought wouldoceopy two days. He is IQ:
followed by Mr. Prink-, for the defence; to lain'
proaecating attorney: Mr. D. Stuart will
Wm. A Howard. Esq., and Hon. Win. H. fier"
will then speak for the defense. and the ale.'
will be closed by Mr. James A. Van Dfke. for :
prosecution. This case is hardly paralleled al . .
whole history of the jurisprudence of the coo n
for the vast mass of evidence introduced ee
sides. and the Judge will have no enviable ta bu
presenting its important points to the jury
O A gentleman and lady were killed at Oh.
tier on the Erie . Rail Road, by beinz run ° T .. , e 1l
attempting to cross the track. They were ' 1 %4
not to do so, but persisted. We oßen see el,.
carelessness in this respect; for instance, begs
or twelve , ears ohlat our depot, run across the tr'.
when the cars are approrwhing, merely for
purpose of seeing if they can db so. Paree's ,l
have children, 'shoal() be careful . to give h
propel instructions concerning going near
hack. II there is not more precaution in tuM
prey, we shall have accidents here which o ' ll '
us all with horror.