Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 13, 1851, Image 1
E TOl= 2 210 fr is= TOW i atur b a p lerninn, Septcaiebr,l3. 1851. frlrttrit vttrq, MY LITTLE DAUGHTER'S SHOES. tit c. J. liitAGU/L. 'iwo little rbugh'morn, snubbed . shoes, well-trodden pair' With striped stockings thiust within, Lie just beside my chair. Of very homely fabric . . thip !• A bole is to each toe ; `feyrh might have coot. when they were new; Some fifty cents or to. i n a yet this liule worn-ou.t pair Ii richer for to me. Than all the jeweled sandals are, of eastern luxury. • This mottled leather, cracked with us e, satin in my sight ; These little tarnished bottmis shine With all a diatttotid i s tight. Search through the wardrobe of the World t You shall not find me there, . So rarely made, so richly wrought, So glorious a-pair• And why! Because they tell of her, Now sound asleep above, Whose form is moving beauty, and Whose heart is heating lave. They tell me of' her merry laugh, , Her rich, whole-hearted glee, Her gentleness, her innocence, And infant purity. They tell me that her wavering steps Will long demand my aid For the old road of human life Is very roughly laid. High hills and swift descents abound 4 And, in so rude a way, Feet that cannot wearlhese coverings Would surely go astray. Sweet little girl ! be-rniiie the task Tby feeble'steps to tend ! To be thy guide, thy counselor, Tby playmate and thy friend'. And when my steps shall faltering grow, And thine be firm and strong, Thy strength shalt lead my tottering age In cheerful pCace along ' • REM ATU RE INTERMENTS, AND THE ITNEERTATH SIGNS Or DEATH. H 9 GEORGE W4TTERSON At the death, of Phillip DorMadge, an eminen yer of Virginia, who died in the city of Wash• ton, while a member of Congress, it was stated a reason for retaining his body longer thin use that on a lormer Occasion, he had narrowly es the melancholy fate of being buried alive— had fallen into a cataleptic condition; His res- Ilion had 'ceased, his pulses no longer throbbed, limbs were perfectly rigid, and hts'faceexhibil the sharp outline of death. The family physi and the friendi all, with the exception of his fe, believed him to be dead. Mrs. D., however, tld not relinquish every !tape, and continued to Iron time to time, every remedy she could ik of to restore vitality; and tidally succeeded idministering a small' quantity of brandy, which irately restored him to life and the command 15 limbs. He lived many' yeare afterwards, and wont to relate, with deep feeling, the painful I bombe sensations he experienced during the nod he was supposed to be dead. He said that igh he was perfectly unable to move his finger ;we the least sign of his being alive, he could ir and was conscious of everything that was go ;on around him. He heard the announcement it he was dead, and the lamentatiens of his lami the directions for his shroud and all the usual tparationv for hut-burial. He made desperate ef to show that he was not dead, but in vain ; 'he thl not move a muscle. 'Even despair and the 'hate presence of a late more appalling to ho ly than any other earthly terror, could not rouse Dormant body to perform the slightest at its Nitta?. At last he heard Mrs. Doddridge call for 'randy, with a delight and rapture- of love for 'itch the horrors of his eitmtion may easily at. He felt that he was safe. He humorous -erred "that it was es little as brandy could to rest*. him to life, as it had produced his liv death.!' Mr. Doddridge was unfortunately ai led to the , intemperate use of ardent spirits, and It 01 intemperance had, no doubt, 'produced the '' ) iitott from which he Was relieved by the perse lance and love of his wife, who administered, at hilt moment, the poweiful otimoladt which re !(1 him to life. Otherwise his fate would have that of many others; who hose, been buried ire lite was extinct. , Another instance of prevention - from the horrors premature interment occurred in thitt country,-and - "en related by Mrs. Childs in her battera horn It is an additional proof oi strong con affection, and of the necessity of retaining the £ where there remains the lealit'doubt of the . Inchon of life.. The uncle .of Mrs.: Childs was eked in Boston with the yellow fever, and eon- . iered as dead. His affectionate Wire, however, l not abandon all hope, but continued with him m g his illness, contrary to the remonstrances of mend s , and persisted in refusing to allow his to be *taken from the house for interment le told me," said Mrs. Childs, ra that she never how to account for it ; but though be was fectly cold and rigid, and to every appeatanee to dead, there was a powerful impression on her. id that life was not extinct. . Two calls at intervals of half an hour had been le with the death-carts, to take way the dead . ies, and the constant cry was as usual eh such none, " Bring out the dead ;" but her earnest treaties and tears induced them reluctantly to it bernnother respite of hall an hour. With tabling /late she renewed her elr;rla to restore . - . •., , , . . . . ,... Ft-.1-1•;44,.... , •••=, - . 2. - :.„-:..'_."7'..,:::,_.f.2"„:"- - ,;""" ". ' '`...."...:,.." . 4...„-:-.'"... ; _,--.: . .......... 1'':."..,1"........,"::__:,. "............. 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Tt!elyilecordthelp itttedipted taihniibie; tedy against her will, brit she !hrew, heiself epee . it ) and clung to it with each leree and .ittevh ihat they could not loosen her grasp. oz • ' - "At . last by dint of reasoning on the necessity rof the case, she promised that if he should show no • signs ante before they twin woe round, she woold Make tio further opposition to .the femoral.. Mir- ing gained this respite, she hung the welch -upon the bed peg; and renewed her ettorts„cyjth, zest. She placed kepi 'or hot ►cater oboot him, lotted brandy beeeen his teeth, breathed into his nretrilk, and he hartshoris-to his nose, bat still the hotly isy motionless and cold. She lookeJ amdmis- I t ly at the_watch ; _ in minutes the PrOMiSed half hour,would expire , an those dreadful To , , ices worild be passing through t he recs. Hopelessnesscame over her ; she dropped the head she hail been , sus taining; her hand trimbled siolently, amitheharts horn which she had, been holding was spilled on the' pallid face. Abcitlentally the position of, the head had become slightly inclined backwards, and the powerful liquid flowed into "the nostrils. ln- Mandy there was a Awl, quick gasp-...a struggle,— his eyes opened ; and when the'death tneri mine again, they fatind him sitting tp in bed. He is still alive, and has articled weal gooil Many additional cases are recorded of.-persons apparently dead, who have been so fortettate as to escape the horrors of premature interment. Among these is the case'ol the elegant Lady Russell,' men tioned by the celebrated Odier of Geneva, and one by Dr. Crichton, physician to the Grand Duke Nicho- las, now Emperor of Russia. Lady Russell remain ed for the Apace of seven 'bpi and nights _ with Out any sign of life, and her burial was prevented only by the violent grief of her Husband. On the eighth day as the parish bells were ringing for church; La dy Russell suddenly raised her head, and to the amazement and indescribable joy of Lord Russell, told him to get ready to accompaiiy her to church. Her recovery was rapid and complete,-and- she liv ed many years afterwards and had several children. " I knew a girl," saiifodier, "twenty-h o ve years old, named Ellen Roy, who narrowly escaped be ing buried alive. Shedived at the distance 'of two leagues from Geneva. For some years she had been subject to nervous attacks which frequently deprived her of every appearance of life, but after the lapse of a few hours she would recover and re sume her 'occupations as if nothing had happened. On One occasion, however, the suspension of her faculties was so protracted that her friends called in a medical man, who pronounced herdead. She was then sewn np in a clop shroud, according to the barbarous custom of the country, and' laid upon the 'bedstead. Among those - who called to condole with the parents was a particular friend of the sup posed deceased, of her own age. The young wo man, anxious to take a last look at her hided, rip ped the shroud, and imprinted a kiss upon her cheek. While she was kissing her, she fancied that she felt her breathe. She repealed her caress es, arid being shortly assured of the fact that her friend was not dead, she applied her mouth to that of the girl, and in a short time the latter was restor ed to life, and able to dress herselt." "A young girl," says Dr Crichton, " in the ser vice of the Princess of —, who had, for some time, kept her bed *ith a nervous affection, at length to all appearances, was deprived of life.— Her face had all the character of death—her body was pet - reedy cold, and every other symptoms of death was manifested. She was removed into an other room ,and placed in a coffin. On the Jay fixed for her funeral, hymns, according to the cus tom colts country, were sung before the door, bat at the very moment when they were going to nail down the coffin, a perspiration-was seen upon her skin, and,, in a few minutes it was succeeded by a convulsive motion in the hands and feet. In a few Moments site opened her eyes, and uttered a pierce ing-scream._-_The faculty were instantly called in, and, in the space of a few days, her health was com pletely re-established. The account which she gave of her titmition is extremely curious. She said, that elle appeared to dream that she was dead, but that she was sensible of everything, that was pass sing ground her, arid" distinctly heard her friends be wailing her death ; she felt them envelop her in the shroud, and place her in the coffin. The sen sation gave her extreme agony, and she attempted to speak, but her soul was unable to acc upon her body. She described her !sensations as fiery, contradictory; as if she was arid was not in her body at one and the_ fame instant. She attempted in vain to move her arms, to open her eyes, or to speak. The agony of her inindrwas at its height when she, heard the funeral' hymn; and found that they were about to nail down the lid of the coffin. The horror of being 'trried_ alive gavea new im pulse to her mind, which resumed its piraveLover the corporeal organization, and produced_ the el frets which excited the notice of th,se who were about to convey ,her to a premature grave"; ' The Leipsic Chirugical Journal records the fol lowing 'distressing event, ati hitting Occurred to an officer ofitfillery, whit,'WYS a may ofiigantic stat ure, and roßust make. Being mounted on an un manageable horse, he was thrown from his back, and received a severe contusion of his head, which :rendered him insensible. He was successfully Ms-, meet', bled, and other usual means of relief adopt. ed ; but he fell gradually into a more and more hopeless condition of stupor, and, waSfinally believ ed to be dead. The weather being sal ry, he was buried-with indecent haste, in one of the public cemeteries. He was buried on Thursday, and on Sunday, the ;pounds, as usual, beingthronged with visitors, an intense excitement was produced by the declaration of a peasant, that while he was sit ting on the grave of the'officer, hahad diatinetly,lelt a motion' of the earth as if some one was struggling beneath.' 01 course but little atteatiog was at Om • .L !•" 1 ?- 7 /.4.; ",;`: EMI PUBLISHED, EifilltillitiEtilt Air thiettiiiiA; : IiitADVORIJ:tOOTY; '.,r. - 1; :tit E. OtiAlif ',triiiiiiiilCH.::J. ME -;; EWE Phidlo 4 ' Imitia*iltiit;tmtor, anti the iloggetl, obstinacy w t 1 which.he ; persisted in tis I.tory, length thelumitaral n eglect upon the crowd. , - .ltriplemenis were hurriedly procured, and ihegriiire, whiCh *isverfshillOviVin' sr few moments was so far throwe owe as:to ,tendet the head. of the ,occupont. it as then sp• parently dead, but he sat neatly erect iwthe coffin, the lid. of which, fn his road:ail itruftles, he - had partially uplifted. They conveyed him to ttie near est hospital, Fuld there he was pronounced -still liv big, although in a state of asphyxia. In a few tours he wawa° far reirred'eir to reeciiiilxe his acettain tanees, and in'broken accents spo4eol hialigonies in the graVe. It'appria'redlliat he had been con scious of life for more than animal., while buried, before he velapaed'into a stateet intiensibility! The • grete j it seenti' a 'was'filled . loosely with a very po sous earthpand 'isormiLair was thus . admitted. lie heard, he said, the footsteps of those over his head, and endeavored to Make himself heard in turn. It was the noise and tumilt within the grounds which appeared to 'awaken him from a Jeep sleep, but no sooner was he awake than, he became fully aware of the horrors 'of his position. This man would have lived, no doubt, for he was doing welt, had it notbeen for some silly experiments with the gal vanic battery, whictiwas , applied without any ne cessity, and he sultletili elpirod in one of those ecstatic tiarclicysmi whieh'its application is said oc casionally •to superinduce. . A few days ago, a Connecticut broom•pedlar....a shrewd chip from amongst the steady habits and wooden clocks, .school-masters, and other &tens, drove through our sweete r heavily laden with corn brooms. He had called al several stores mid offer- ed his load, or ever so small a portion of it; bu when he told them that he wanted cash, and nosh ing else, in payment, they hail.giten him to, under stand they had blooms enough arid at he migit go farther. At length he drove up to a large whole sale establishment on the west side, and not far from the'bridge, and once more offered his wares. " Well" said the merchant, " I want the brooms badly enough but what would you take in pay 1" This was a poser. The pedlar was aching Idget rid of his brooms ; he despised the very sight of his brooms; but he would sooner sell a single broom for cash than tba whole load for any other article —especially any article which he could not as readily dispose of as he could brooms. Alter a moment's hesitation, however, he screwed' his courage to the sticking point—(it required some courage after having lost his chance of selling his load a half a dozen times' by a similar answer)— and frankly told the merchant that lie must have cash. Of course the merchant protested that cash was scarce, and that he must purchase, if he pur chased at all, with what he had in his store to pay with. He really wanted the brooms, and he did not hesitate to say so, but times were haid, he had notes to pay, and he had goods that must be dispos ed of. " - So," said he to the man of Connecticut, " un load your brooms, and theirselect any articles from my store, and you shall have them at cost. The pedlar scratched his head. There was an idea there, as the sequel shows plainly enough. "I tell yori what it is," he answered at last, !' just say them terms for halt the load, and cash for fother half, and I'm your man. Wowed of I don't sell out el Connecticut sinks — with all tier broom stall, the next minute." The merchant hesitated a moment, but finally concluded thcl chance a good one. He should be getting half the brooms for something that would not sell tu; readily ; as for cost price it WfIP an easy gammon in regard to it. The bargain was struck, the brooms were, brought in, the cash for one hal of them was paid over. " Now ivhat will you have fnr the' remainder of your bill?" asked' the merchant. The pedlar scratched his- head again, • and :his time more vigorously. lie eatked the floor— whistled—drummed With his fingers en the head of a:barrel. By and!by his reply came—slowly—de- liberately. Yeu Providence fellers are cats ; you can sell at cost, pretty much all of ye, and make money Idon't see how ins done. I must -be that some body gets tin; worst of it. Now I don't know about your goodaliarrite one article and of I take any. thing else, I may get cheated. So 6eeiri' 'twont make any odds with you 1 guess I'll take BROOMS. I know them like a bunk, and can swear to what you paid for 'em." And so saying the pedlar commenced reloading his brooms, and having snugly deposited half of his former load; jumped pn his cart with a regular Connecticut grin, and while the.merchani was curs. ing-his impudence . and'his own' stepillitk, drove in search, of another customer .= Providence Post. AN Arrrcrum ii:rpest..—A leaped counsellor, in the middle nt an affecting appeal in court, on a slander snit, let Om follotring flight of genius: "Slander, gentlemen, like a' boa , constrictot of gigatitio size, and immeasurable proportions, wraps' the coil of its unwieldly body about its unfortunate victim,• and [heedless of the shrieks of agony that comes from the innocentdepths oldie victim's soul, loud and 'reverberating as the ,mighty :thunder that rolls in the heavens, it finalll. , breaks its unlucky neck agiinst the iron wheel of public' opinion, [cok ing him to desperation, then to madnass, and final ly crushing him in the hideous jaws of moral death. Judge give men thaw of tobacco !" AN Ann•Secessannwr -;-A lady in Saudi Caroli na says she goes heart and , soul tbt 'the Union s or if states may separate when thefplease, alter mak ing a bargain of Union, the nelt thing will , be the right of men claiming the right to secede from their wires the moment they disagree or happen to get offended with them. One of eminent learning said, that such u would extol in ate must excel in indsuull. ERB :gpizp.VSlLl res4.Tea ji•• ItzesAttigAss:cit bissingcl i fogoN. raom : ANY !;.c. ' GEE Connecticut Foeiver. =NM = MU= Tile ihttathkets of Pesttlenee. arlitV. l dbi! COLT, Since the'Clitiisliin Ern; Aire been'reconi. ed twenty eilensive'Enroi4an pestilence,,' besides others whose iltivostationit L ifere more local . . . ... _ In the Year 'lEl'5, 'a ieirilericii bliretwpon the fin. map 'Empire, hanctimpreheridini; the civilized world. it-contt tied hii'fifieeii Years, and a mg,ed without interruption in eery protince, in every city, anti almoit in everi family in the empire.— five thousand people died daily in the city of Ttorriti. o Arreferenee' toil' the reps - ter, halt the lotion of that city had p e er islet); and could we ven ture to extend the aliar r „ . ' l lcithe other provinces, we might expect-that .war, pestilence and laming had consumes', 'in a feir. years, a.moiety oldie hu man species:l „ In the middle of the sixth century,, Con•tantinn. plerthe capital of the world was startled by the ap proach of the plague. From the terror .at , thetime h is difficult to determine its origin; but it is suppos- ed to have come from,, Egypt. Its, mortality was indescribable. During three months, five and at 14011 , ten thousands died daily in Constantinople. Many 'cities of the east were left.vacant; and in several districts of Ital the harvest and vintage perished on the ground. The disease pursued tbe double path; it spread kith° east over,Syria, Persia and the Indies, and it penetrated tri,the west nlongthe coast of Africa, and over the continent of Europe. This pestilence _was of such a curtous .malignity, that it was .not abated by the eliange,o(.. season. time it can• ished, but revived, and was not till the end .of the calamitous period of tictippvo years that mankind recovered their health, or the air recovered its sa• lubrious qualities." The triple scourge ol war, pestilence and famine afflicted the subjects of ,lbstinian; and his reign is made conspicuous by a visible decrease of the hu. man species which bas,never been repaired, and in some ol the fairest countries in the globe. Another most memorable . pestilence was brought by the commerce of Levant to Europe in the four teenth century. In the imperfect narritivee of those ilayit, Universal distress;, the place of its origin, and the degree of its havoc in the east reinain e enknown. But its mortality in Europe was felt along the bor ders of the :Mediterranean. From its.first appear ance n the Levant to itd close, it ravaged for near ly_ three years. It was calculated to have destroy ed a third part of the population. In these ,general,devastatiens, London frequently tinftered, • But the plague 01,1666 had made the deepest itnprefsiou on,. the national memeory. r - Though it scarcely passed beyond the limits of the capital, (Men, perhamr,_not a third of its present size,) its mortality vr,m.yastqatOtlkimst extermina ting. A large part of-•the population fled into the country ; yet, from the beginning of June to the end of the year, the deaths exclusively by the plague were calculated at sixtpeiglit thousand." A large portion of this mortality might probably have - been prevented by due precaution and the early enioymentof medical science: The close ness of the streets, the crowding of the people, and the habitual disregna for ventilation, must have fostered this dreadful disease. But they cannot tic, count for its origin, for itsdirection, its virulence.— These were independent of man, It has been 'remarked es extraordinary-that the. Mosaic-law, which,hrurso many reAutatiOna on the' prevention and treatment of disease,•should have made no provisions against the plague. And Uri Iwo-told reason has been assigned, that the ravages of the disease were eo rapid as to render all pre caution useless ;land that human sagacity most be the best guide in a disease whose chilling depend on .suchs a variety of *eireunistartees. The, more probable reason appears to me, its being regarded as a direct weapon of divine jndgment; against whose power, the law, of counte r afford no means of contending. We 'observe that Moses spake of it as the direct equivalent to slaughter; a lest he smite us with pestilence - trad the sword." The di vine displeasure, on the numbering of the people by David, was exprrissed by giving him his choice of three months' before an invader, or three days pestilence. It conveys an intense conception of the horrors of pestilence,' that even the word of inspire sion Amnia regard -its three days to be equal to three months' slaughter by the rage of man, or seven years of famine—both the deepest trials of mere national endurance. The King Chooses pestilence as the most rapid and exclusive action of divine wrath. " And. David said: Let usnow tall him the hands of the Lord." "So the Lord sent h pestilence upon Israel, horn the morning even to' the tiina appoint ed, and there died of the people, even Item • Dan to Beersheba, ninety thousand n.en. 2d Sam..xti. Another remarkable circumstance is that no plague ever appeared le have produced tt moral re form.. Instead of a natural awe . cif Heaven, it seems to have been signalized by the excess—by the fiercer crimes, and more reckless carousals of des. pair. Rebellion., ;herder, andthefrainic indulgence, of every passion or. aPpeite, have ii; general char acterized the progress of mortality. Thneydidee dates the especial prolligance of Athens from the era of the plague. 'tLet us eat end think for to morrow we die," id this strong expression us d by Isaiah to represent the last mad festivity:of a city about to be Stormed, and despairing of resistance ; (he words used by St. Paul to express the condition of man hopeless of immortality, werenvidently the popular impulse in the majority of instances—per haps all. The plague was simply a punishment— tbe scourge-end not the lonelier. • FEDIALC toQtrAcTi6—Jedn Paul says that a lady 4*(4, if she, wan" totter give the word" halt," to her troops, would do- - .somewhat after this wise: "You soldiers, all 1 yon , - now mind, I order yon it swoon as 1 'have niched speaking, to stand still, every one of you, oil the i;pot where'you happen to lxi don't your hear me? halt, 1 say,- all of you!" - MT • MEE Danger orneettoneering. The Picayune rejaceillitlite possession of alive ,Yankee.aa a correscs*deitoshohaving waF.lered as far .south as, touisians pedcll,ing,,notions v settled ,down somewhere in the cadilpepuptry, or some ether undiscovered ,the,FAate, _and there concluded to run for Congress. The , follow. ing extract of 4 letter, to the editor of theyiestyune,. "derribin ,, one. of his- . elevioneering MIMI, a specimen Witte luck be bailie this delightful busi ness ; , I'V ! -ell I put with a first-rate, goad -gaoled (elk' fine I met at a billiard, table want.= and was introdeced to, his wife, a fine fat Topnap, who lookhil as though she lireil'un lafiin; her lace was so full of lun., Alter awhile—afte; we'd talked' about my gal, and the garden, and abe the weath er, sad so on—in came three or_tour children, laffin and shipping 09 merry as crickets. There wam't no candle lit, but I could sea they were hoe look i • ing, fellows, and I started fairly saddle bags, in which I had put a lot of candy fur the children as I went along. "come- byte,'' _ said I, "you little rope, come along here, and tell me what your inune,is:" the oldest then come up to me and says he: , . " My name is. Peter Smith, sir." .." And what's your name,•sir !" said 1. " Bob Smith, sir." The next said his name was Bill Smith, and the the. fourth said his name was Tommy Smith. _Well I gave 'etyt some sugar candy, and ,old Miss Smith 1111 looked on but didn't:rimy much. " Why," .says I, " Mias Smith, I vronldn't take agood deal for them four boys, if I had 'em, they're so, beautiful and sprightly." " r;o," says she lafiin, "1 set a good. deal ..of store try , 'ern ) but we spoil 'em too much." -.. "Oh no," says I, "they're ra'al well , behaved children, ind by ggacious, says I, pretending to be startled by a sudden idea of a striking resemblance 'tween them boys and their father, and I looked at Mr. Smith, "I never did :seenothiiig equal to it," said I—" your eyes, mouth, forehear4 a perfect pie lure Of you, sir," says 1, Aspirin' the oldest on the pate, I thought Miss smith would have died a laffni at that her arms tell down by her side, and her head fell back, and she shook the hull house laffitt. Do you think so, Col. Jones?" says she, and. she looked towards Mr. Smith, and 1 thought she'd go oil in a fit. "Yes," says 1, "I do really think so." ha, 'ha—bow-w !" says Mr. Smith, kinder half laffin, " you're too hard ou me now, with your okei," , " I ain't jakin! at lily „sepal, "they're hand s= children, and diet de,,look wonderfully like 112 last then a gal brought in a light, and I'll be darned if the little brats didn't turn nut to be mutat toes, every one of 'em, and their hair was as curly as the blackest niggers. Mr. and Mr& Smith nev er had any children, and they sort of petted them lime ,niggers as play things. I never felt so streak ed as I did when I see how things stood. If I hedn't kissed the little nasty things, I could have got over it: but kissing on 'em showed that I was in airnest, (tho' I was sbli soapiii!,on 'em all The time;) how to get out of the,scmpe 1 didn't know. Mrs. Sin i Whiffed so hard when she see how confus ed I was, that she almost suffocated. A 114 while 4' 1 1" Iltato 7dia9ia. family of 3nyideni from the city, and turned the , matter off; but nest morning I could see Mr. Smith did not like the remembrance of what I .aid, and I don't bMieve he'll Tote for tne ) when the election comes .on. l ',Teo Miss SmitlOtept the old fellow under that joke fur eurqe Frame Rkaurr-The following is rather fine. ly drawn :—The beauty of a female figure con in its being gently serpentine: Modesty, luxuri ance, fullness and buoyancy; arising as if to meet; a falling as if -. to - retire; spirit softness : apittehen sion, self possession, a claim on protection,i.a gripe. fierily to insult, a sparkling something eristained to gentle proportions and harmonious moiernent,; should all be found in that charming. mixture (lithe spiritual and material. Mind and body are not to be separated where real beauty exists. Should thew be no great 'intellect, there will be intellectit ill instinct, a grace an. address, a naturally wise amiableness. Should intellect with, these, there is rmthitig, on earth so powerful, except the whom it shall call master: '• READERS.—Readers may be divided into four classes. The first ma.f l 76eennrwared ttit an hour glass, their reading r being as the sand ; it runs in, and it runs out, and leaves not a. vistage behind second class.reserables a sponge, winch imbibes - everything, and returns it nearly in the same stale, only a little dirtier. A third Class is like a jelly bag, which allows all that is.pitie to pass away, any retains only the refuse and she dregs. The fourth class may be compared' (*.the slave in the diamond mines in Golcondw, who casting aside all , that is worthless, preserves only the pure gem.—i: Coleridge. - - Dc aim: the reign of Louis 3;10, a man appeared . in France who here such a strong resemblance to thii King as to excite general remark. The rumor having reached the King's ears j he became curl- - ous to see the man who lopked so mach like him self, and sent a messenger to invite him to the pal , ace. The man appeared, and the resVliblance was so striking Plat the King tetrisurpriseif; and he inquired of the man if his mother had mit 'Nen in France some thirty years Meriting.' lifn the man implied': but , mitt/Se:that hisfatlter had 1 BiltoA iti or-11 1 you , w itth,,taget gond bargains boy of people . that ailveoe. The Increase" (1 1 ,artiouni,of custom which a judicious system of tulvCrtisint al ways brings to a store, enables the pro rietors who th) sell at smaller profits than those ran a ' to. who have an , accidental customer now and th n. .., , EIRE EMS •.)•i. -0' 67511161 IMIM lIIM IZIEE ra2a MEI , y.- : =I .. . : if.:•'1,. , _.1 1 iffill4r, Inter~sting Fad In Chemistry. • By looking down 'on the wirk;ciairdli'a • little cep full of melted, wax-may , be teen jest round the wick. The cool air keeps the miliide that a rim is formed- which prevents !hely:Hated wax from nitniing tlown,fill•eitle,, The the little cup . gites through Ihe , a Ivk td'•oo,,Wrnedi iists so oil does in Abe; wick•of a lamp. It goes op th'io' the little passages in the wan` iviek; because fiery .mall chanoel!, or pores ; have the power in them res efiaiking 74 tritilio 4- 441 . is called capilliary attraction. , • When -the candle is blown out a smoke trifles from the - Ifa bit-oflightftd•paper,beheld,inc smoke, the candle will figlit• aigtri . without touching the flame to the wick. This shows that the melted wax sucked up through the wick is turned into vapor, which burns and communicates fire to the wick. • %Viten the candle is lighted, the heat of the burn ing vapor keeps on melting more wax. and that is sucked up within the flame, where it is turned into , vapor and burned; and this process is continued' ti• til the war is used up, and the candle gone, or burned up, as it is termed. . Notwithstanding the flame.ol the candle looks flit, it is both round and hollow, and rune up to . a point It, is drawn' op by the hot-air. Hot air al- ways rises, and that is the way smoke is taken up a chimney. It goes up with the current of heated air. The bright flame of a heated candle is Offen no thicker than a sheet of paper; it does, not 'even touch the wick. That the flame is hollo'tv may be 'seen by taking a piece of white paper arid holding it for a second or two down under the candle flame keeping,the flame steady. When the bl Lek-hone the smoke has been rubbed off, it will be seen than the paper is scorched in the shape of a ring, while' inside of the riniis c 4 r, soiled, and scarcely 'ting ed at all. • - Inside of this hollow flame is the vapor spoken of just now. By putting one end of a bent tube in to the middle of the flame, and the other end into a bottle, the vapor or gas hem the candle will mix with the air in the bottle. If fire beset to this mix ture o f ai r an d p op it will explode with a - report. The flame of a eindle, then, is a little shining case, with gas inside of it, and air on the outside, so that the case of flame , is between the gas and the air. The gas keeps going into the flame to burn, and, when the candle bums properly, noneC . of it passes out through the flamei-ami none of the . air gets through the flame to the gas. The greatest heat (lithe candle is in the case of flame. k candle will not barn without air. It it has not enough of air it goes out or burns- badly, et* that some of the vapor inside of the Mime :lames oitt in form of smoke. A ?idle smokes because the wick is PO tong that in homing it makes too mode fuel or vapor, in proportion to the air that can get to it, consequently some of the vaPOrmust escape in ,the form of smoke. The smoke that comes tint of a candle is what bums and makes the light. This smoke is - a Mond of small dust or hits of charcoal or carbon. These are made in the (lame, and burned by it, and-while burning make the flame bright. They are burned' the moment they are made, and the flame goes oir making more of them, and that is how the flame' keeps bright. MARRI AGF--Leigh Hunt concludes an assay we marriage as follows—There is no one thing more lovely in this life, more lull of the divinftst:cour age, than when a young maidekfrom her past life from her happy childhood, when she rambled over field and more around her home; when a mother anticipated her wants and soothed her little cares; when brothers and sisters grew from merry playmates to loving. trust lul friends; frotethe Christ. mas gatherinis arri romps, the summers festivals in bower or garden; from the rooms sanctified by the death of relatives; from• the holy and secure backgrounds of her childhood, looks out into a dark and unillumed future, away from all that, and yet unterrified, undaunted, leaner her fair cheek Dour, her lover's breast, anti whippers, " near heart! cannot see, but I , believe. The past was beautiful, but the lu'ute C can trust—with thee?" Tue FAIR SEX —Woman isle very nice tindit very complicated machine. Her springs are finitely delicate, and differ from those 01 - a man. as the worki of a repea , ing watch, do from that of a town clock. Look at her body—how delicalely formed: Observe her understandiliow stagier and acute. But look into her heart,-iliere' is the watchwork, composed of parts so mantle Or them selves, and so wonderfully combined, that' th ey must be seen by a- microscopic eye, to' be: ohm* c o mprehended. The perception of woman iS as quick as 14titiiing. Her penetration is intuition—l had almost said instinct. Spirit in conversation do pe ids upon fancy, and' wouten,alt , creep the wotki talk better than men. Strter.milic.7—." There is great want about all Chris. lions who have not suffered. Some flOwers must be broken or bruised before they omit any fragrance.. All wonnds of Christ sent out sweetness--all' the sorrows of Christians do the same. - Commend kv mo an afflicted brother ; a bruised reed—one like the son of man. To-me there is something sacred' and '..srweetiii all suffering; it is so much akin to the maw of sorrowsf' WDAT I IIIE.SmICIL LADY WANTED.-A Scotch led! entered a stole' in Boston, and' itiquiredfor a table cloth of dmithroad patent. "We havesosee pretty broad," was the reply of the astonished eialemso, " "but none quite so broad as that." The es. plaitiet? that dantbroad was the Scotph latex for chequered pattern: OUR ENSMICS %Verina '---thiyond all t otibt, the worst of oet•eneinies sirelbeanme caty shoot With in our Own hearts: !Winn fell in Paradise; Lueilbr in heaven, while Lot continued - 01014 one among the inhabitants of Sodom. ' • • VALIMEB ES) MEN 1 11..1, ;.• T