Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 06, 1851, Image 3

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    Ilkiw itiie Tatar Wor
jrican Aftanykderia that ars cot overworked
, be doing Pod' The:Pewark
~s y r the Ray State Mills hare
io oes, numbering tundra vdte 5000
10 7 for the Cota da Ma id ; lo a ,rMuler dealer
woo n afford to pay 114070 Iti,piZCOOL,
go hi , s alongside of Bitudi i .prodoctions
mo t, fle Production of shawls Rpm some
b` r principal mills th current year will be la
ho s Roy & Co., e nearly all-lops shawls
aesi,,ans, 30,000: Bay State Mills, the.
j oi e in Ibis work, 385 000; Waterloo - Co g
papire State Mills, 30,009 Peacedale
pi u mn & Conningbam t and one or twoemal-.
ra y 25,000; making a total of 452,059,
a million, of tedium and bittern's.,
r educed in this country in a single year.
have also been so successfuliy
tbe,R. Y. Herald, that a boat, f new
t wig into it in jealous eauerriese to make
thee. Presently, says the Herald, they 'will
trig b r eak down, the business by. overprp.
and charge their sell.made ruin tooome
about the the tari6.-41/ining Raistfy.
mow c o rmucv —We have been out pee.
orthe following facts, kir the 'nut Tallnessot
vre have ,the most undoubted autheinw,
awprised, nay astonished, to learn t h at if tem.
is to Cayuga county —a county celebnited
general intelligence and refinement . of her
le .—who are so superstitious as to believe in
Ivey of such monstrous treatment for the
of c onsumption,
Or who are so uncivilized
their feelings as The acceibot proves them to
elated that about two years since a young.
is town, of coniumption,
I died in a neighboring
was buried. Other member,* of the family are
:le d with the same disease—a brother .is not
tied to live but a short time.
Sunday last some of brothers and' other
Is of the deceased proceeded to the grave
„b e le and pick—dug up the body—opened
eo ffin-4ar the shroud—ansithen a . surgeon was
to cot !mai the mass of corruption, the`-heart
which were in a state of tolerable Pres
ton, considering the length of time- since the
of the person. •
lean and lungs were were laid upon the
impregnating the atmosphere with horrid
and wrapped in the pocket handkerchief ot
the brothers, carried Warne and burned,
the members of the Family inhaled their in
, and afterwards ate the ashes.
above are lacts, but they are so sickening
arable that we felt inclined at first to keep
from the public eye, but a second thought
to hope that by giving them publicity, steps
be taken to civilize and refine the feelings
se who were participants in the transaction.
, rn .itirertiser.
.1 TO THE CUBA/M.—The New York Herald of
iy says
far as this city is concerned, vague i MOWS
promulgated that something in the / tiltape of
I assistance has been in progrer (or several
it well enough to state° what may be
ion, as within the facts of the case. Arms,
lion, clothing, medicines, and provisions,
11 and purchased (or the revolutionary army,
:en sent from this harbor.
resselg, whether Americans or some other
we cannot precisely say, were pOrchased,
days ago, and freightedwith these articles.—
thousands of dollars, doubtless, have been
Jed in this business, and thus any one may
that the number of arms and quantity of
'llion were not small. We have not heard
ny citizen of New York has taken any as
, art iii the enterprise, but have reason to be
that toreign capital has been employed for the
the ease, security and secrecy.with which
lertAlcing has been carried out. Indeed by
4, with ordinary speed, both vessels, must
n near their destination, and will supply any
hate necessities which the revolutionary,
may require, while the arrangements mallet
al to the revolutionary force several: hundred
drilled and well equipped men. .
isinsu - ros blosinment.—The Pennsylvania
for the National Washington Monument has
inished, and is much admired. It is of gnar
ls feel long, three feet wide, and fourteen in
thick, and was taken from one of the quarries
lontgnmery county. The work was executed
e establishment of IX 0. Hitner; at Marble
Montgomery county, and is said to be beauti
done. The devices and inscriptions on it are
leacribed by the Germantown Telegraph :
the right side the coat of arms of Pennsyl
on the lett Perm's treaty with the Indians,
sing ilia figurer, repiesenting three white
and : three Indians ; the Keystone occupies .
ter of the face of the block, bearing a palm
ind pen with the maks of Justice above, . en
hi with drapery. The word " Pennsylvania,"
idsome raised block letters, surmounts the
and the words, " Founded 1681, by Deeds
are exquiritely carved at therbottom."
g n authorised (by Mr. Hallett) try say that
las been no meeting of the Commitee ap•
by the National Convention of 1848, to call
ext Convention. It says There are tats
nee vacancies in the committee, one in Texas
one in lowa, caused by the deaths of - Mr. Mull&
tl the limner and Gbvemor Clark of the latter
but the vacancieaghave not been filled. Mr.
loon, of Texas, Old Mr. Greer,of lowa, who
an represented dAt member' s of the national
itteeone not audit, and have no authority
% . erto 'act or correspond for them."
lon not deny, ItoWever, theraothenticity of the
lOUS leiter of Mr. Hallett, or the genuiness
nespondence recently betrayed to the pub.
remembers. of Ohs committee end others.
Bt eetaivi; P.stecirrivt —The Ilres s iiient and
nam so busy travelling to Watering Places
dey hare not only no time to attend to such
*las lodations of neutrality laws and the mas
of Amencancitizenai, but have no time
,to, l
the laws of Congress. The recent sessions;
ill an act requiring that Indian treaties should
limed by the officers of the Indian 'Bureau.
it 01 thin, the President recently appointed
'add, Canybell, &c., 'Commissioners to
. among the Indian tribes on the lanifilately
red of Maxie°, to negotiate treaties of 'peace
' l eth. IVhen the provisions of the new law
1 8 ,, k 7"0: Messrs. end 'Campbell retain-
They were requeited to remain
the. Commissioners , subordinate to ' the Chief
Indian Bureau, if their 'mites should be
Int they both resigned.
When you hear Wings boast of Governor
n having paid, off a portion Or the State,
tekr them to the Loan of $4003000:
nadersigned having associated theensehres
;ether under the fitnt o(Pranejseo and Tom
rot the purpusa of iarrjrintoii the - ' •
solicit a sham of Public Pairdhige.—
Jr themselves to make as good %vac and
it ma be predated from any other nub.
ire now on bead a variety of finished
endeavor to keep constantly on hand a
innient, sis•that custotners may at any time
irno4ated with a carriage to their taste.
=eons wishing to purchase
! oft of this kind
well to call and examine for themselves, as
I sell as low as can be afforded itr any tato
du tent .
Itch. tepatring done to order with wwtness end
'arida, Aug.:3, 1831. ,N. CTOMIUNts.
T , -iitiThil l niti.
eek, Mae
a t. - Irrl lei .7P,
be. O a,
• 11,• • O•• l b • ,
Winnissmiy,.* ' -, ;
iter• alaikap ' '• 41 . ;
Wit faireATop•t•Vli eeeeeee 42,„
On the 234 alt., at his residence in Ifontbaton
req.,.agcd 69 - yeare,
- At , tritilettee Of Interesting associations gather aid
mourn ittihe grave( of this' beloved and'reivected .
istioes, 'The' aret manoirho, widliraga crossed
the Towanda itearn who erected the tint framed
tildidntg tn...ther• now pnrrsbing ire WTI 0 •
finiiVnanty. , .:4lnAdeinished :in; .reputation, public
'and !Merit in spit, pintdent„ energetic and beetle°.
teat: 'Hie protniktif t tiS ids littori,weie
flrstatnO.ngthitie Fstherrof Bradford, wigs SU de
light to and honey. The pkon.eer of .11
nperosis family 'and Connection, tibia ' with inde
fitifabli industry' hey was ' , preparing In earthly
biolet with ekaracterisiiiii4dorn he early, secured,
a- building of God eternal in the he,avens. Patien t=
in tributation, diligent• in grace, and, for the last
seven years of life. ip the hands of unctionl bodily
infirmities, his Master found him watching ;• and
whets his hour came be gatheied op the loins of a
',bristle's faith tried, and precious for its trial, and
Went his eternal way, triumphant and rejoicing.—
Xe enemy, i and numerous friends. from hill
and valley, fat and Pear, gathered in strength of
manhood, and with tattering steps of age, to.drop
tear - of respected scprov upon his bier. 'The.spon
taneons voice of that multitude pronounced an eulogy
at his grave, nobler than the glory of earthly eon.'
querors. " Mark the perfect man and upright, for
behold the end of that coin Is peace."
Non Itbeettilmaiits.
riltrur York Zmparterp ani! Jobbers,
73131:1M1L1M, nom AL co.,
58 Liberty street, between Broadway and Nassau
drett.=tialr the Post Office, New York.
VE ate receiving, b b daily arrivals from Europe,
our Fall and Winter assortment of rich fashioe
able Fancy Silk and Millinery Goods, '
We respectfully invite alt-cash purchaseralhorough
ly to examine oar stock and prices, and. as interest
governs, we feel confident our goods and prices will
induce them to-select from our establishment, Par
ticular attention is devoted to Millinery Goods, and
many of the articles are manufactured expressly to our
order, and cannot be surpassed in beauty, style and
Beautiful Paris Ribbons, for list, Cap, Neck and
Belt. •
Satin and Taffeta Ribbons, or all widths and colors.
Bilks, Satins, Velvets, and racist Velvets, for Hats.
Feathers, American and French Artificial Plower'.
Puffing", and Cap Trimmings.
Them Trimmings, large assortment.
Embroideries. Capes, Collars. Undersletivoi and Ceti'.
Fine Embroidered Bovine and Hemstitch Cambric
Crapes, Lisses, Tarletons, Illus io n and Cap Laces.
, Valencienes, Brussels, Thread, Silk, and Lisle Thread
Ki I, Silk, Sewing Silk, Lisle Thread, Merino Gloves
and Mitts.
Figured and Plain Swim, Book,irtahop Lawn end
Jeconet MaalluL
English, French, &maim andltalian Straw Goods.
Sept. 6, 1651.
NOW Arrival of •
S. & M. "C. MERCUR are now receiving a
IA • very extensive assortment d Goods for the Fall
trade, whith will be sold at wholesale or retail cheaper
than at any other Were in the County.
Towatula, Sept 4, 1951.
(lAMB to the eitnlosure of the subscriber, on the
Sd of August, a large RED COW 10 or years
old—very short legs and heave body, horns turned
in, smelt white Spots on her beide, and a slit in her
left ear. The owner is requested to pay charges
and take her away. LEROY HAIGHT.
Burlington, Aug. 29, 1951.
More Now Goods.
& A. CAMP; ELL. are again receiving • large
I.+ assortment of . ••. far the fall and winter trade.
Towanda. A , 28, 1851.
Colored Hickory Shirts for all
& A. C.
V prices.
BEB, CARPET BAGS, ete.-41[4.
b.& Ct
f Hats and Caps •hat boles, In
, Collars, 'Cravats, Bus*.
~ Gloves. Mittens &e. at C.
tint Tarliene.
den, Handlierai
$8,368 , WORTH of Sheep Pelt. wantarfor
H. & A. C. •
SRTAYED from the subseqber in Wysox township
an Monday 11th inst., yellow COW. with white
few. Sod abciut 5 years old. Any person knowing
whereshe may be found, will plane inform DIMWIE
Luca. Main.streetTowanda, third house from the
anairof Bridge at. / JERE COWER.
W sox, Aug. 20, 1851.
rann ibr
rsubscriber tiers for sale his Firm winded in r a Zysox township Bradfirrd sooty,
m oot 3 • miles
from Towanda sod from the rim. Containing
seat 1411 acres, about 65,0 r 70 acres improved, end
Well meowed, with several good springs of water. The
buildings upon the farm consist of a large frame tarn,
and log house. These premises offer many inducements
to those wishing to purchase, and will be sold at • bar
gain. Credit will be given for one-half of the purchase
money if required. For further partictilammquire of,
or address the subscriber at Wyso: P. U.
Wpm:. Aug. 16, 1851. WM. D.I3TROPE.
Paper ifaagiags.
THE only,annplets agnomen% of Paper Hanaingr,
Borders; Window Paper, and Piro-band VAN%
kept in this region, and at -pricers, low us can be
bland atiataitaither in or out ortbnprin . etrial eitioe;'at
Miy 8. O. D. DARTLET r..
lalliinAB6l..B A fine assortment of lined and Wier
fashionable styles. at
ONE case opt style moleskin Hats; clasp Leglionm s
and Palm le f lists at • • FOrld.
T A DIES' dr. MISISES' SHOES—a good assortment
of ladies': and Wales! fine shoes. boots and gaiters.
sore to please;it 0. D. BARTLETT.
NAlLflperior quality of NMI), 'Ati sale bj
June 27. NIAMEY &
T T.—Camphine. i3umiag Fluid,lamp
O,o,.Speani. and Tallow pogo; to sale in ilk,'
quip liks to iottparebasent at • kIeRGUICI3.-
Tewanda. Fsit,ll, 1831. •
. •U. P. lIIMNET, • •
6tr Office, North side of the Public Square.
A LI.. pawns indebted to the estate of ALLEN
XL MOODY. , diteetaid;late of Dwell . 14iiinship,
are hereby requested to Mari pitynidot 'withim3l l de
lay.arid those . irihg dahlia agalruit' said estate will
please present =duly a l tdhentkated . for settlement.
The Wised will attend at the hotels of the 40.
on Friday, the 9th day of May, 1851. for thipurpose
of settling the 'nee of said estate. ,
,- ' -
.24, 1851. Adttilhisititon.
Durell. Apri,
togs just received, attaltor s
gor pound at • MERCtiled,.'
1 the ton, k
- -
Sea alsesjeins Bets.
18111 V
8 40
6 - 10
- 643 6 . 17
6' 46 r- I , lr 1113.1'
! , 'tsisl%Umtwarmft,
*O4O iup owe JAMES
PKUM 111 1 411(41 . 00 1 s1 Oribe WAS;
in hooky requested to moke.psystient , without dell,
end those Whet adopt ijoidast said estikoriMplwaie
present tha'aly'linimpitiested Toe seulemeed.
LL panne kamtiag tbamaelem tio-be:lamiliam
dee mimed DANIELJ.YON,doe'd lee of
Mitp., ere hereby, regaestiel ,to make heme Mate m
ama. aid those Immo* . claims . *** Mid eas,ite
Plane ohm , th em Immediately duly eutheattoted to!
settlement. ' , 0. P. LYON. ,
Manrod.Alig: 10;11151
A LL persons indebted to the estate of LEMUEL
S. MAYNARD dices:Md. late of,ltunte
are hereby' r;e4usated to MOMS pitiment With
out delay. and those having clatats against said es
tate, will please present them duly and authenticated
fot settlement. ' IiPM. IE. MAYNARD:
'~Administrators with the will Sneezed ."
Towanda,Aog. a, 1116 L
-14"TERS Tesurnentarywpon the fast will and
testament of ELIZABETH HEARS. late of
the Bore' of Towanda, deceased* having been grant
ed to the subseribertof said Burn' all persons Any
ing claims or demands against the estate of the said
decessaare requested_to make the same known to
us without delay, led ill paeans indebted . to said
estate are required to ray the same forthwith.
Towanda, July, IS, ititt
ALL penssuf-indsigrd 'to. tits !state of MORRIS
MALONEY. deaiiiiirtlitnpf Monroe township.
are hereby requested to malur p s"ment without delay,
and all person. hawing d.wanda againat said rotate are
mooned to prilool.theiiy duly auttsititiesual for set
dement. JAN. V. WALCOICi Administrator.
Monroe. July 19.'1851
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by the
subscriber. until the 23d of this month, for sup
ply ing the materials and immediately erecting a
brick edifice, for the Collegiate Institute of the Pres-
bytery of Susquehanna, at - Wyatt/sing. The build
ing- to be 82 feet by 52 ; three stories of brick ; the
basement story of stone. The plans may be con
sulted at the Wyalusing Parsonage, where
Sec'y and , Agent of Board of Trustees.
360 PIEVES PRINTB just arrived, for sale by
DRESS GOODS, a general assortment. just
eeived at the cheap store of 8. & L.
BOOTB & 81IbE 8 , a general assortment of the
latest Styles at the cheap store of & L.
HAT'. latest style of flats for sale by
At W A. Chamberhn's Watch, aack and Jewelry
Store, Main street.
Tr() the kind-attention and patronage of all Teach
" ers, Scholars and friends of Music is recom
mended: a large .stock of American, Italian and
German Ml7BlO, for different Instruments and the
human voice ; instruction books and other musical
publications. Italian violin strings of the Bow quali
ty . Time-beaters and a variety of articles belong
ing to the musical department.
G. H. WILTSa also proposes to give lessons in
the German language. _Re has for the past year
been engaged as Teacher in the Academy at 'Mont
rose, and brings recommendations from, the pion.
Wm. Jessup, President of the Board of Trustees of
that inititution,L. H. Wafters, M. A.,Principal, and
others. Also from quite a number 'of the young
ladies and gentlemen of that place. (formerly his
pupils.) as to his success as a teacher.
Towanda, July 31, 1851.
ICH Ribbons, Bonnet Silks, Labe Ind Crapes at
lap 26 • FOR'S.
AUZight at Um Pomiehing Depot.
Hlc A. CAblillEl.l.. return their *mere thanks
~ for the jibe al patronage heretofore bestowed.
and WoUld again call attention of their friends and cus
tomers to their late arrival of New Seams Goons.
Consisting cif all things necessary for clothing the out
er man h will be mid at a little tower prices than
has hithertofore been asked.
Please give as a eallbefere purchasingelsewhete.
BOOT &_ SHOE DEPOT-1000 pair at prices that
eau defy an competition.
February 22. MONTANYES & CO.
CAlm UP, and an grumbling, paid for WQOI. at
BflOADCuynis, Cassimpres, Kentucky Jeans
sheep's gray cloth, &c., sold very lour for cub
by • nl4 O.,KINGSBERV & CO.
rpHE undersig ned wooll inform the eitizsns of
„L. Towanda avicinity;that he bus arrived here
for the purpose orenabliog those who wish Dago
reotypes of themselves, or friends, to itt them:. Hav
ing bad a bomber of years experience in the busi
ness, he feels confident that his pictures will give
general satisfaction. Likenesses of children and
aged people, taken with perfect accuracy. Those
wishing pictures would do well to give him a call.
Room over Burton Kingsbery's store.
Towanda, July 12, 1851. R. GAL
175 BUSHELS FrE & CORN for sale by
July 6. E. T. FOX.
Over 0. D. Alaides store.
'VOA A 811ORT TIME ONLY ! Pictures taken
siagly or. in groups in a satisfaitory manner.
Towanda. July 7 1 1851 - D. McEWEN.
AN assortment ofREA MMA DE COFFINS will
- be kept «guilefully on band at Nye's old- stand on
Main street,-where jigs subscriber it also prepared to
make and repair all kinds of Furniture..
Towanda, July -12. 1831: O. WELLS.
lALASTING POWDER.-50 km Blasting Pow
des. by n 8 MONTANYES & CO:
CROCKERY.—The hugest stock In town. Full
Dinner, and too setterof whito granite and blue
ware, which *MA isitOkesp It POTS.
„ ' 11,1001014 , H
EREAB, wire,earah . Maria, 1150ert my and board and her children. without ,any
'Just cause or provocation and utterly refuses touter
turf. this is hereby to caution all persons against
harboring .or trusting ,bermt my account, as aid
pay ao debts of her contracting. ^ •
Mahoopeny. Wyoming Co. July 28, 1851. •
. ,
1 the matter of the .voluottuy assignment of, (bas,
Reid to Leary W. Tieg l in frost for ihe,benefit
of creditors. the :cam t et - Uommoa,Pless of Brad;
ford county, iirMay 'Tenn, 1849, No. 34. Notice is
hereby given in
_puysnaoee of an order of Quirk
'made the 19th day'ot SW, D..:109 I t that Henry
W. Tracy,. assignee Charles,ll44.iit this Vise/
hail srentleted' his aczoont for,settlerneals whirJt i tlW
been duly filed, which .will, be allowed and con rm.
ed"by - the Court afonsaid, on the Ist day of *rem
.ber neit,'unless' cause be goitau tn.tha ; opotrar?k. •
Prothonotary's office, July 1851.
CiLLOBILtiEttb.-44qpi gad anal Ohm! Reed for
ILA/011e N • 's MOTrANYtB tt:CO4
rlßSTlLlTWaxisorionat:of Ilata.!- et
• • ..434utrunwli
- Prievi-Yelk With ltiattliird gradiaakits . ori K :aa.
Rradl4* a large lattice of Festal aid
Elisplol ? ..Teoode are.;, width, shalt racitivaly`6l
dap.. " Tomah, June 18„ 1851. ,
TIM received a essottniten oi•New . Goode.
eP , winch will be sold it tho wortendetttodlY low pTi
which we bays had ibe pleasete of introducing into
thin ensiket.- • Tiger anbiwyher put& are invited •to an
evendnation. ' •• • SHAPLEY it LEWIS.
• Towanda. wne 1% 1 86 1 ; •t' •
T. 4: 1 9E HERE !—We oro uow oelliog
. the bimit sot.
.1.4 els of Holmes et 511 moos pis itallao.
- AmArti r yor
Towanda, Juno 12, 1021
rite ! FISH ! Maekeret by the DWI sod DA
L' Also. Inciticaw Trout and White nab by
sbapley &Sear*
RESPIICTFULLY inform the citizens of Towanda
and vicinity, that they tat n the stare lately men.
pied by J.J.Ward, when they now invite the aseptic%
of purckassmi toe largejuld choice stock of
New spring *. steer Geode, ..
• , • coessinnwo . ,
comprising the usual variety. with many anklesau
styles not to be obtained elsewhere.
Their lasortment has been selected with care rapirm
ly for this mattes, -and purchased at prices which wil.
allow us to all u cheap as
i any able in this region OI
country. Cash customers are n ted to call. with a
promise that they shall not go away , dissatisfied.
Remember, SHAPLEY &LEWIS' new store,
next south of the Ward House, Hain street.
Towanda, May 29, 185.1.
rAPILY 63 CENTS !—Abitther ease of those Cheap
Prints, at 63 cents per yard, just 'ltemised at
• May 26. SHAPLEY & LEWIS.
Hardware, Stoves, Copper, Brass, Tin,
HALL & RUSSELL having formed w co-partner-.
nership, respectfully call the attention of the pub.
lie to their msortment, to which large additions have
recently been made, making it the largest and most
varied ever offered in this regi9n. Among the multi
tude of articles a few will be erfnmerated:
English, American and Swedes' square and round;
English and American refined ; hoop, band and horse
shoe iron ; nail rods and malleable Pon of all descrip•
lions. drc.; with ta,gooli .310f1M601 of Nails:--3d, 4d,
6d, 6d, Bd, IN, I2d and 20d ; 4. 5 and 6 inch spikes ;
wrought nails and horse nails, by the pound, keg or
ton. Also, cast, Germari, English blister, American
spring and tire steel. &c.
Oarpentesaa and Joiner's Tools,
Of all descriptions, viz: broad, mauls/ and band axes.;
hatchets, ads, joiner's cast steel mortice, firmer and
framing chinos ; common and cast steel augurs, of all
sew, tromp!} to 2 inch ; braces and bins '• augur and
pod Ws extra; planes and plane irons; b and, tenant,
X cut, keyhole and slitting saws; iron and steel and
try squares of all sizes, from l sl to 15 inches ; hammers,
spirit levels, bevels, tape lines, mortice guages, of all
sixes, screw drivers, scratches, hollow augurs, &c.
211sakimith's Tools.
Anvils, bellows, vices, barmen, sledgee, rioting
trimmers, stocks cud dies, drilling machines,
Farmer's Tools.
tiitticrnsts; square or , round points; picks, hoes, hay,
straw and manctraforks; log, cable and binding chains,
crowbars, grubbing , hoes, rakes, grass scythes, scythe
spathes, scythe stones and rifles, cradle scythes, bush
scythes, cam cutters, shovel plough moulds, garden
rakes, hoes and trowels, scoop shovels, dry. .•
`Carriage bows, tiler and cloth ; patent leather ;
laths rubber cloth ; bums and silver • plated bob bands
concave end Boston • patterns ; braes and silver plated
curtain frames, lining nada, canine knobs, aprop rings
and hooks, stump joints ; bra:a - and silver plated joints
seaming cord ; striped lace. wide and mamma ; silk
striped lace new style ; top lininwvorstedfrinee t toom.
varnish clo th, patent ales and ails arms springs, •Vc.
Boma: Trtmatings and 'Saddlery Ware of the lat
est and most approved.`stylvcs, j and of .
We have on hand a full easement. Also a large rm•
lily of LEAD PIPE, which we are prepared to furnish
at the lowest prices. together with copper and britannia
stop' cocks and cork. stops. Any quantity of Pump
chains and Well Rigging,. A general asortmeot of
S. mill, circular and wood sawn plastering and
brick trowels; lathing hammers, shovels and tongs ;
files and raspi of all sizes; shoe aud tack hammers;
drawing knives, turner's chisels and gouges, saw setts,
callipers, pincers, knives and kirks, 'carving knives and
forts and' steer; butcher, pocket and pallet knives;
coach Wienehel,trank; chest end till locks; tailors and
sheep ammo; table and bed adore; dinner and tea
bells, glue and enamelled sauce Venter; brass kettles,
from two quarts to half • barter; Mallow ware and
cauldron kettles; tea and calks Pits; bras and bri
tennis candlesticks and snuffers; trays, fruit teas and
large server. ; . curtain arms and pins of the blest styles ;
stair rods and holders; ladles! and gentlemen's pocket
eclairs; razors anttrazor strops; German silver and
!minion:a table and tea spoons; hair, clothes and shoe
brushes ; baps son steel barrelled pistols and revolvers ;
gun locks, steel nipples and nipple wrenches; shot.shiit
pouches and powder , flaska; bum door, strap and T
hinges. Also manufacturing and will keep constantly
on band a large assortment of
'Tin and Japanned Ware.
We have also jest received 30 tons of STOVES.
composed in part of the (Awing patterns apd sizes:
Republican air tight CtrokingBtove,! Number 4
Farmer's do
Lady of the Lake, do : 9
Queen. of the West,
Iron King,
Improved Premium
Eastern Premium,
Jenny Lind Parlor Stoves,
Cottage do.
Cy I idler
Air tight do
Air tight 6 plate Stoves. I
Sir plats Moves,
The above comprises but it few articles of the smolt
meat which they oiler to the public. sod all of which
will be disposed at extremely lose Yates. In proof of
this, please eall at Hairs old stantLsOuth side of public
square, and extending to Pins atria.
07'01d Copper, lron, Dross grid most kinds of Pro
duce, taken in payment. Towanda, June 1951.
Illst regiel'is 4 " 1 0 fc"
Dee. 26, 1850.
9t parlor article, for sale'
pertain— Ina atid t •
'Am-pens:ma—without respect to age or condition
'—iodebted to me, are expected and notified to
make immediate payment. Tor artisfy 'them that - 1 am
in tensest, I Will just state. that I bias engegemedts to
meet, which inquire' me to have pay of those in"-
tqg to. I ahouki prefer that they would do so volentari
ly. but if not, shall withentdelay t initoketheassistance
of efieatw. "
TOWlttatt. April 1,..1851
JUST received another liras assortment of those
dim BgOTBand'BHOES at, e
Pee 4 . PIiiNSEI"B.!
riLABB.—Best quality' -of FRENCH titAtil*, for
L ,7 ' saki bi 80.APLEY & LEWIS.
Iron and Nails.
do '
lihkelis; ; very nib
le ity
. _
It jet 7 FOrS.
4 _
, ‘`to
I_, '
~ 1/4,
(10111PRE .
Dram Comet. f ' Nillit . 'a Garden, New York
P5O l
end National Amphitheat . Philodel. will perform
rol e
at Towanda, on Tuesday Sep. 23d 1851. Doors open
at 3 and 7 o'clock. P. M Perfonnanee to commence
.at half-past 3 and half- 1 7 o'clock, I'. M.
LEWIS B. LENT, Magitr and Director.
C. E. BRISTOL, Dual Agent and Advertiser.
F. W. WHITTAKER, 4 Eqlestrian Director.
16. V. W. POST, 1 , Leader of the Brass Band.
Ilbßingot 1 1 0411•03.
M'mlle. MARIE, the utiful and youthful Parisi
an Equestrienne, in u r truly art s and brilliant
school of Lady Equestrian, pre-emindaly distinguish
ing her from every othe Lady who has heretofore ap
peared in this country.
The youthful Prod gies, Wilma ELOUISE and
FLORA, appear in Ju mile Performances rarely, if
ever equalled.
Mons BLNOIT the at Parisian Jonekur-s-Che
val. will also appear on two Horses; with D. RICH
ARDS. in Feats of t Hipporairomi never excelled.
M'dme. ROSA LINE lissom eppears raper beau
tiful Equitation. and Style of 'Horserainship and
is now becoming the 1 of all the fashionable Lady
Ainateurs in this elegant art in America.
THOMAS NEVILLE, in his stupendous feats of
Horsemanship, riding awkward and forward—dent
ing, pirouetting, and a oinersetting doting the rapid
eireuition of his Steed.
The great Vaulting and Trick' Honks CINCIN-
N ATUS. performed by Mr. S. P. EITICKNEY.
The Troupe of Traiio.Ponies, embracing the cele
brated Twin Ponies. Rdareo and Juliet, wilt be introdu
ced by Mr. Whittaker., 1
Prof. James H. Nixon and his Infant Artists, Mas
ters Albert and George In their graceful, iclassic and
wonderful gymnast!
Mr. D. Richards, t e wild vaulting Horseman of
the Pampas, on his e t and bounding Courser, with
out saddle, over bar ra and five barred gates- and
through bedding.
Sporta a hf the Hippodrome. on Cod and six:Hordes,
by the distinguished . Ehuestriar., S. P. Stiehnity.
Sports of Atha, by e Giant of Iron nerve, Herr
Lee, who performs wi real cannon balls of 36 and 44
Funds each. -
Tivei Clowns—Sa Lathrop, the Stump Orator and
Ameridan Jester, and oho Grimaldi Wells,-the Eng
lish tlown.
In addition to a f 11 and unequalled Performance in
the Circle, will be ltresented the Grand Romantic
Spectacle of
With all its splendid Accessories, Protiessirins, brilliant
Armies and Danner, Historical Conumea. together
with a full Cast of Charaeters, accompanied with all
'the original Music. 64.
Two more brilliant features distinguish this from all
other Companies.
.The Interior is illuminated with
Gas, and the Extert.r with Prof. Orsta's UP - wed
Drummond Light, rendering the premises light and
.chirirfill the darted night;
Admission 25 emits. No half price.
-For frill particalanisee large and small bills at the
different Hotels,
MT The above
Troy; Sep. 22J, '
Aug. 30, 1851.1
celehrs'ed Troupe,
,perform at
Ilaysville:24, and at Montrose 25th.
Caution. • •-
ALL pelsons hereby cautioned against parches.
ing a woe g yen by me on the sth of November,
1950, to C., 11. ett, for $l5, The terms of the
contract for 'w hie aid note was given, hive never
been complied w' on the part of said Dwelt, and I
do not consider yself legally or morally bound to pay .
Ate end *trillo, not do IN unless compelled by law.
• Monroe, Jane 11, 1851. H. a. GOFF.
1131§3&114 MZUESI2 ISIK§RIVIro
Adams do Macfarlane,
HAirma entered lime eolwerreenstrip in deepravrivv.
Aif law, have slim established an agency. for the
sale of reil estate in the county of Bradford. Persons
having real estate which. they. &site to sell, by calling
and leaving a description of their property With the
terms of sale, will undoubtedly find it to their advan
Persons desimos of purchasing win learn where prop
erty is for sale--a description of the same with the
prim and terms of payment and he informed as to the
nfidity sif J . C. ADAMS.
Towanda, &fry 3,1851. .1. MACFARLANE.
Are now receiving their
Second' general stock of Sprint , Goods,
Which artofrered forsale at WHOLESALE OR RE-
TAIL, at even lower.than their usual priers. They
say to all cash ptirehesers, come and see our stock, and
you will find goods and prices right: May 9,18 M.
lITHOLE BUITB, Coats, Pasta and Vests. all for
W $2 00,a CAMPBEI.I.'B.
An extensive stock of Staple
Just openirit at
rriioSE who-wish to purchase' Good Articles at
1 cheap rates, - will dosvall-to '
Towanda.May 18 5 1. , • • •
I 4 fo 6
'4 and 5
'lto 10
1 11 and 4
2 end 3
T H. PHINNEY, Jr. is jolt receiving from New
.11 s 'York a large and g Dead assortment of Spring
and Summer Goo*, con isting of amidst everything
usually found in e stor e,toge ther iirith •
.ffirdirars, ,Irds, gib, .trym, Leather,
3 end 4
:s tto3
2 to 6
I 3to 7
Boots 4- Shoes, lials,leaps. Bonnits,Wockery,
Glosswarc, Shit, fish, lac. 1f c. •
The subscriber would ‘nitum his Sincere thanks to
the *public for their bountiful patronage the last winter,
by which the increase of business enabled' him to offer
.bis goods .his summer at still lower prices than they
have ben in the habit of buying. All persons wishing
to buy *node for iash or reedy'liaf, would do well to
call at No. 3, Brick Row, and examine the stock and
prices, is the gouda, are b ought and Must be sold.
Towanda, May 1, 1851.
;HEAT and FLOUR,--a taiga quantity for We
at my) I PHINNEirB.
At'ETY 41113 E.--10,000 feet just received-god
1.) for sale at my! IPH,INNEY'I9.
T - UMBER.--Any quantity wanted. Cm, which the
1 : t1 market :pin*, will be paid at PHINNEr.S.
HOSlttlit.=Ltdies; Wines. aMI ebildrens, silk,
worded mid &Men White Ind earned HMV also
gent's atil boy's mired ) brown Ind bladed belt Moo,
cheap at • my 2 FOX'et,
Etr I XOlB & brown knd bleached
Cotton Yam, Carpet warp and . Batting
wholesale and retail, at myr PDXIL
- • •
a. ~ssnuvr
IS now meeiving a rich abd beautiful asecutthent of
Day Goons, tisocantits, die. to which be wottld
particularly invite the sttentleitt of ili'ettlth putt/ eat:
and will make it an object tit them to give kiln f ctn.
as he is determined to sell his geode GM tAsu as 10yr
u was ever before ladilted In the market. Raving spar;
ed no pains in procuring the choicest article, the sub-
scriber feels fully confident that ha can give enthe se t
isfecuon to his customers. April. 26
COME ONE, COME ALL, and &mains theiNeW
Goods, which are now being exhibisad sal.
a 46. B. KINGIOI3IOI's. ,
I •
31 'I% TOW+ • •
8 DOW receiving direct from New York a large Ind
splendid sasonmebt of floods which be o dors for
sa at prices which cahoot tail to siiii the cid seil blip
are, for Cain. Parmelee, of Aeriliwko dachtt.
respectfully asks a mill front all persona wishing to be
goods cheap, as he is determined not to be andersoldi
Towanda, Apiil sd,lB9i.
brass Goods:
R i"FOULARD, thameleedi Chene, 811 Drees
Silks, French and gene Detente. a near snide
fur summer dresses. French ind English Lawns; Silk
'Thanes, Linnet) buttes and anyquittality dt nthet arms
goods at
EVERY one knows that the place to find tbe , largest
assortment end best quality of gloves of till des
criptions b et ap26 FOX'S.
3(11)0Z. Pennon, Leghorn, Paint Leaf Ind Canadi
1./ Straw Hats at spo.6 FOX'S.
BL'K Silk and MI Silk Lace forMANTILLAS al
kp2o MX'S;
Is Still in Optiratiett I
HE subseribers have moved id the neat Wilding ciit
Ti Pine
street, one door below Mercury store *herb
they will keep on tumid: and make to order. plosgbir,
stove and mill irons of almost all descriptions. Turn
ing and fitting up work, Will be ildne also on reis/illabla
terms as at Elmira ar Owego. Old iron will be taken
in payment. JOHN CARMAN & CO.
Towanda, April 26,1851.
DRY GOODS—A good assortment of Merinos'',
Cubmercs, De Lains, Alpacas, and prititCnoer
nening at jlB MRROURI§,
MEE subscriber is now In receipt of his Spring
stowei of New Goods which reelitiA iitoek . tone
of the. most eztetuove in the country—for sale on the
most favorable terms for cash or approved enidit--EaliN
bums are pargicularly invited to call and retuning the
stock. myti 0. D. BARTLETT.
W'msport It, Athens Railroad Letting.
(IEO. H. ntATINo, respectfully informs lb a pub
-1- lie that he has removed his store to Col. Means
building; one dooi - teloiv Warner's watch sfinp, where
he will be happy tti see all who may be in wdnt of
Good and Cheap Clothing. He is constantly adding
to his stock all the par and desirable styles and pat
terns" and feels conlident he can satisfy any one who
may give him d
Just receiving from New York, a large aud sessonit
ble assortment of Bpi/wood St/waver Vot4irtsr..nuses ,
she'best mantle, and which *ill be told as usual at
the lowest prices.
He has •I• 6 ttetiited; • large tot cif YOUTH% &
CHILDRENS' eLoTHINQ. td which be invitees at
',union and which will be nail dt low *rates. He has
!wide arrangembots by *licit he Can send 16r any ar
ado desired, with the tettaloty of procOrbt; a - good
article. --
Cutting and Making up dune at usual lu the,moat
fashionable manber, promptly tna to order.
Towanda, Mai 8,18513 r
' Jahn W. Wilcox, •
TAS removed his establishment to , itifit's Ito*,
A- comer of main street and the pAltdtc,attnanitt, and
will continue the mattufactUre of boots sod hboes. sa
He has just received from New York it Itirg'e meion
ment of Vilimen's, Chilerts and latith
are offered at low prices. The attention of the Ladies
is par Iculatly directed to his assortment; coMmtaing
the following hew styles ':—Edamelled tinny Lind gai
ter boots; do. shoes ; black testing untimilh ettileflt
walking shoes. buskins. dm. Misses' gaiters and shim.
of every description. A large assortment Of ettitdoen'a
fancy gaiters. t,onts and shoal, of all kinds.
For the Gentlenten, almost every Style of germs and
shoes. This stock has been personally Wetted with
rare, and he believes he can offer superior articles at
reasonable prices.
1 4 13* The strictest attention paid In .itanufnetunog„
and be hope," by Idedlnt work well to neehit a continu
ant* of the liberal patronage be has hitherto received,.
Towanda, May 8. 1851.
UV:STUN & PORTER have' det igltted to their
ammtment a large, mock of Freak Drugs, Medi
cine*, Chemicals, Dile„ Paints, Groterift and Liquors,
which are no* otiletwl to the public 4 low wank
Their mock of FANCY 0001:1,1 & PPRPUMERY
is the largest, and moat complete ever offered in that
Also a choice Assottdtent M pins & 14.
QUOIIB, anitable ror tinstltcal pnrposca.
A largb aarit9 of Campliens, novena',
anal Oil !AMPS, containing many new and beautiful
Being agents tor ill ate `l3Cal Patent ',Veillcines Of die
day. istrrchasnra man depend draft prate ting a genuine
article in all cases.
All the Drugs and Mediates kept at their establish•
menls may be relied Upolt is genuine end of the hest
Qoalltq, bating bttn tiaorally selected with a vtear to
their maritime.
atone of the WardHonaaand lin.% Brick
Roar. Towanda. May 17. ;851.
VirliEkr, Onto, Rye and most kinds of Produ ce
V V taken. for which the highest prire . will be poi
of deal PkIINNErti.
SeGA IL-Coffee. Rice, Flab,. Motasso, Raisins, Sale..
atdti SpiC - cs, Oils, &c chestiest in tivini ' at
May t , teat.
15 curl . ..Ts more of qtuse Cheap TEAK, war
ranted to suit or As money Wowed in att