Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 30, 1851, Image 3

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a01 4 1 1 4M. 1 0. 0 4- 1 d 1 . 11 07 1 tE•
LL persons knowing ifientitediiii indebted
the estateof DANIELITON;deeiI ktoif
,oe t p., sre hereby regnested to make ircitnediate peg.
meta , and those baying elaimi
v i e ws present thentiromedigt*ilikly ittilientiested for,
, 0: PAYON, IO
settlement. ,
• 'r- gAItitYrIVEVON.;';:
Mame. Avg. 10, issl: "1
TOYED hook th e Isabel:obey is Wsgrs, township.,
S a s Monday Ilth utst..e ya4cus, cf)WAsitikwhito
f acc R od about 5 years old. Atiyipfrson knowing.
'there shemay be found,
L „ c s, Main street Towanda; the
corner of Bridge st. • 4P!tig-POWLIE.
Wysos, Aug. 20..105,1.. „
- 'Farm lbr r - • •
qpHE s ubscriber offers [belie& Farr 'inttiated .l
Wysoz township Bridlbrd . amity, -about linge"a,
f ro or Towanda and 1 from the . ConlaiOlp
about uo scr ee, 'data 65 Or- 70 - la* itotiroved; and
well „ ev e r !, with several good springs'of The
buildings upon the farm eonsist of:ojarge, OEOp-um
and Dv house. These ptemiles offer thirty Inducements
to these wishing tu purchase, and will be sold at.:a bar;
p i n . Credit will be given for one.half of the-purchase
mom , if r equired. For farther particulars enquire oc
Or 'Mow the subscriber at Wyscis 1 1 . 4 0,
A u g. 16, 1851.
' FIRM:` •
,r. . . .
associated themselves
ondersigned having
' together under the firm of Francisco and Toms
kills, for the purpose of carry i ng on the :
c arr iage Making easiness, c••
Respearay solicit a share Of. .Public Patronage.—
They pledge themselves to make-argood work and
as neat as can be produced from any other estab
We have now on hand a variety of finikhed work,.
and shall endeavor to keep constantly on :band a'
c ol assortment, so that customers •may at any time
be accommodated with a carriage to their taste.
All persons wishing to purchase work offish; kind
will do well to call and esamina for themselves, in
we will sell as low as can be afforded in any other
Repairing done to order with tratnets 'and
despatch. J. FRANCISCO,
Towanda, Aug. 23, 1851. N. C. TOMKINS,
A LL persons indebted to the estate of LEMUEL
S. MAYNARD deceased. late of Rome town-.
ship. are hereby requested tp make payment with=
out delay, and those having claims against said es
tate, will please present them duly and authenticated
for settlement. 4,MAYNARD. -
Administrators with the will annexed
Towanda, Aug. 9, 1854
LETTERS Tenstnentary upon the last will and
testament of ELIZABETH MEANS, late of
the Duro' of Towanda, deceased, having been grant
el to the subseribersof said Boro' all persons bay.
ate, claims or demands against the estate of the said
deceacat are requeted to make the same known to
us without delay, atulall persons indebted to said
estate are required to pay the same forthwith.
Towanda, July 28, 1851. Executors.
Notice to Builders.
QEALED PROPOSALS will be received by the
tJ subscriber, until the 23d of this, month, for sup
ihe materials and immediately erecting a
brick edifice, for the Collegiate Institute of the Pres.
Iyiery of Susquehanna, at Wyalusing. Tbe build.
to be S 2 feet by 52 ; three stories of bi - ick ; ,the
I.a.ement story of stone. The plias may be con
t2:ted at the Wyaktsing. Parsonage, where address,
Sec'y and Agent of Board of Trustees.
300 PIECES PRINTS just arrived, for sale by
DRESS GOODS, a general assortmept, just ie.
eeived at the cheap store of S. & L.
Dtqrs & SHOES, a general assortment of the
latesl styles at the cheap more of M.& L.
11*TS, latest style of Rats for sale by
1 I
IV. A, Chamberlin's Mark Clock and Jewelry
Store, Main street.
the kind attention and patronage of all Teach.'
ers, Scholars Mid friends of Music is recom-
I led: a large stock of American, Italian and
man MUSIC, for different Instruments and the
tan voice ; instruction books and other musical
hratton‘. Italian aiolinstrings.of the finest quail-
Time-beaters and a variety of articles belong
la !ha musical department.
li. WALTER also proposes to give lessons in
iennan..lananage: He has, for the past year
ennagfd as Teacher itt,jhe Academy at Mon t
.:nd brings recommendations from the Hon.
Jesup. President of the Board of Trustees of
:ammo i0n,1.. H. Walters, M. A. Principal, and
trs. Also from quite a number of the young
.P%aoci gentlemen - of that place, (formerly his.
)o<.) as to his success ß as a teacher.
namoda, July :if, Islsl.
H RAlbons, Bonnet Silks. Lelia and .:Crapea at
. ap26 FOrB.
VDITOR'S NOTICE.—The tiridersinied, hay.
in: been appointed an Auditor by the Orphan's
lof Bradford county, to marsbaH assets and
ibute funds in the hands of the Administrator
Aes M. Lewis, deed., will attend to the,busi
feressui at his office in Towanda borough, on
'day. the 2lst ctay of August, 101, at one o.
P. M., when sll persons interested are require
present their .claims, or be debarred from corn.
upon said fund. HENRY BOOTH,
1 6,11451. • Auditor.
LI. persons indebted to the estate of JAMES
FYIEB, deceased, late of the township of Wells,
"rehY requested to make payment with Out delay,
iose hating claims against said estate, will please
them duly -authenticated . for settleinent
MARGARET -FRIES, Administratrix.
IN May 24, 1851.
Aght at the Thrashing Depot.
A. C itMPßELL;return their allacere thanks
for L ithe libe al patronage. herstofots bestowsd•
'gnu eali attention of.their friends and sus.
t 0 t&eu tete arrival of New Brit so iioons.
sting of ell things necetasary gclir"bib; the
trill .be sold atadittle sower'pnoesthan
Ithertofore been asked. •
. 1
give ns a tio before, purobasiogeleewhere.
& SHOE DEPOIT:4 - 1000ilast pnceotitat
defy to competition.
aul au stumbling, paid for WOOL "at
DCLOTHS, Cessimeres. Kentucky Jeans.
T's fray cl ot h, &c., sold very low for cesh
Important., a 'Ee!
" 8 008—witho u t iespeet nd
to age or condition
'tidied to me, are ezpected .arid notified to
fiats payment. To astisfy them that I em
will just state, that I have engagerrienhs
; I ' 4 will require me to have pay of those . WO
' ihriuld prefer that they wotWdo•sowotantaii
ir not, shall without delay, invoice the atnialanCe
'ode, April 19, 1851— D. C. HALL. •
r 'teival anothir • largo assortment of those
11 00713 and SHOES at
380 N'S COLUMBIA N INIr, fot Sale whole.
arid retAit- at Philajelphia
rl2l. MONTAN YE6 & CO.
,yi, ,leiticthidtwe §AtV.Po i
•- • t i n .4 t . -,., • tt. -: -,...t- -6 ,- .
o i t
i'DYvirtutkifAry writi of Irentinna Eiji is
-. "LX-itited od-of — the t rOttri'itiVeo Mai' PI 'o f
. Ella
::9.nt4rept ir „.lo. t uiellitcootattiib 40.
r e,02.."0u. 1 i i. r ,f , i 4 1 4 , I p e t - Priij i rflg.6 4 . r '' '
'nepotaitdtt °a.' Olidayt ; t. gt.ts;.-,,,nidue r,
af,..Olio'n`c*C l ii; 14; . I)lofillilkfti# .. of ,pes o att:i
c2,0 - of 'lo4:sitrtttle s :lit r Atib - lojyttehik -of.:„Wasoz,
`tin ddeclZl asartba'4, l l44ll46 . , wk,:, 110 - iii. by
lani4RfAalgagargAy-optiliartA4t;py.joiid ofE; R.
Myer, sotukbY Pp ; ittfe . to, d; '.and '.:l.isf by.ilan dr. of
164eet - Ste 3 - 0 ,k7 Aft l oo ll 3'lLOY o , l 47l.:iareatt
ifiii0•011„ , ;444 1 7= q.KiTOONTOe: I 4 I ' il4isw
i:4loasi - itord4,6,„". : .,,..: .. . ::--. -: ~
- . *ilia-16a iatdiffiCiiedißii,* iti,i3l l (iiii4h 2 4 . ,
itlieri,to ) tbkuse,afjcsse iille.n.:vi,,l.pitj,,WalliCr.
:.- Aso-4-0e ri',llpOtigidi, lireei'veptir - Ol t opland
iittfatitl*i. 'JO-, o. o .oemo'str l4,o *kalu'd4aid c l es.
eribed ati'lftillntedi *itititug:lit!a ..c . ntiiirin;;;i; OA
lot giihtilia'll.s"paiker-ifIC HP'O.4.-Pfillii')h-etw'
- sonar trilairetiS eaidjillik* l , liper:0;00;11crlike,
g!ablY 44: 6 -, lir .00.644* ...00,10 comer . of: aid
VrtikeS;•thence snutti One Aegyee`. Wist,.`ltieniy-iliree,
and I , ,t(l.perchos,thenin'satith:34 degrees west to
a corner in aline of #4nkl,ligiripgtßAw l Lu.
eti r
alas, Eastmaihthenett batik 8.140gc, S*o :.87 and,
7.le)Pere*. ta-the b e giaaipg..
~tWenti! - ...
tier,' acres' arid tvirenty•Six_ Pere , tiei,.:l rict,lneaStire,
be Itie same Mare or teaS; libriut. ten acres iMprobed: 1
one fraMed " bard, lag ' hOitie
thereon. ~, -, -,i- i .-, ~,,- ~ ~,2.1 q
..• 1
. Seized and taken • • irt execulimt tit _the_ snit "
_of Rt.
06 Drake, A 4 ra iiiistraitirlof iJi:ltti.:ll , factre de ceased
,Vi..Silas - 9orelind' SatnUel lir..pcire..," . , , - ,- i ; ' 1
~ ~ ABl;ll,The c to . l9lfing piece Or parnitstt higtit-
itated in- Warren 164MShip, hint:Wad "Air Alliityrs to
wit : north by Jands of ChatineKr .: „ Bilie,; i ost 1 b
pair@ 'Llav,la, stiuth.bylra,Beettfin a atid'West by ibe':
eitoti, of ;oitirpielkeroali'deed:.' 0.001..1?*.--11stenlY
acrei,', Wi ili about five ill oz. acreS,,improynd i ::trith
,• Otte •snialf - framed:hat:lse • 'and one smaB. orchard
thariati.' • " ;,
Seized and taken in esecAtion at e,s.ut 1? 11,
, lfani Dorman va. taken.
, ~ , . .
' 'ALSO—The fcillowingpiecit. or par - zel. .of :„And
situare'ia ,ToWiiiiii township, Bradford r
COli li IY,
bounded:and tlescribetl. 'ls . follows, lo...wii:.llegin
' nitig at a sapling MilliOit for
. a gorner,. near to,.and
West . of Springbrook,. theace.sonth 20,4°, west. 1 80
rnids to a stone corner, Ilienei.nrirth I 9,1°..w.e5t140i
rods to a white 'Oak free, Thence ; north 70i°. can t NO
rods to a stake at a'white pine stump, turned up by
the roots, thence south f 9,3 ' degree's, east 14'01 rods
to the pladti', of:beginning. Containing'9s acres
more or less, about 60 acres iinproved, one framed
house, one log house, one framed barn with a shed
attached thereon.. ', ~ :' - , ,',' ! : .., ~ ! •
Seized and taken in exeautiott at:the Snit of 'Wil
liam Welch" Vs.' William 8: Hayllen and patricit
~• "!. . '
1 Hayden. , • ; • •
1 ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land
situate in the --township of Leßoy, county of Brad
ford, bounded and described as follows, via : north
by Towanda creek, west by lands of David White
Jr., south by unseated lands, ors tract of land known
as the Barclay tract, east by lands of Leonard Mc-
Kee. Containing about ninety-acres moronr less,
about thirty acres improved, one plank hoaie, one
log barn anti apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken 'in execution at the suit or John,'
son and Booth vs. P. W. Holcomb.
ALBO,--The followirg lot piece or parcel of land
situated in the township of Pike, bounded and des
cribed as follows : north by the tannery lot, on the
west by the. school house lot, and the high way,
south 4y land belonging to the estate of C. Brush
deceased, at.d east by lands of 6 , N. & E. DeWalf.
Containing abont one acre and thirty-two perches
more or - less. all improved, one framed house and
small framed barn thereon.
Seize(Dand taken in execution et the snit of WM
iam ft. Magee now to the use of Eugene Keeler' VS.
'Nichols Cogsdell.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land
situate in the township of Durell, Bradlbvd county,
boomed and described as follows, to wit: north by
lands of Thomas Welch and land of the estate of
John Welch dec'd, east by lands of John Oviffila,
south by lands of William Crow.--Edwaril Crow,
Jesse Hicks, —s= Davis,James Sargeant andSime ?
on McAlwaine, and west by lands of Wm.4ela.—
Containing about fifty-five acres more or less about
twelve acme improved, loa house, framed barn and
a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and otaks a in execution at the suit ofChartes
1 Whipple vs. lonatban Acta. - -
' • :I,Bo—The:following lot piece or parcel of laud.
s' nated in South Creek township, bounded and.dis-
Hcribed as follows viz-: north by land oflames Hor
tang, on the east by lands is possession of Geoige
Whitmore. south by the old Norman lot, west by
lands of the Bingham estate. Containing about
twenty-six acres more or less, ;boot thirteen acres
improved and one log house therearh 4
ALSO—By the same writ, a piece or parcel of
land situated in South Creek township, bounded and
described as follciwa to wit : corm by lands of James
Horning, west by land now in possesSion of Hiram
Sample, south by the old Norman lot, east by lands
of. Peter Hanmer. Containing about twenty-sir
acres more or less, about tea acres imProved, one
log House and a few frint ire?. thgeon.
ALSO--Py the same irt"l, one other',lot ‘piece or
parcel ofiand situated in — Ridgebery topnahip, boun
ded and described as follows to wit ; north by, lands
of John Hunter and Wm. Millen.' west.hy, janols . of
Wm. Miller and' ‘ lands in ,poasession yf Peter Miller
and Buighans 'lands, south by Moils of the Bingham.
estate, east by lands of.f.JilesAtauderyille and Dorn
ham. Containing abonvone hundred acres more
or lesi, about thirty acres imprOveir one log house
and an apple orchard thereon. - •
Seized audiaken in execution at the suit of E
R. Beck with Administrator de bonis now of the
tate of Albert A. Beckwith. who survived Hector
M ...Strong Ys. Hiram Sample and Sampel Sam-
ALSO—The following lot - plena" 'or parcel of ldnd
situate in the township Wyalusing hounded,-t nd
described as follows to wit: north by lands of Eli•
sha add Monree Whitaey, west by Daniel Broivn,
south by Daniel Brown and Austin - Sthlford, east
by lands of *Monti Brown and 'Lorenzio Atm—.
Containing about one hundred 'acres more or less,
seventy acres improved, one framed house, rine
framed barn, apple orchard and other trait trees
thereon. •
Seized and thheir ip execution at-the snit of Alvah
Bosh ys. Mason Brown. I - !
.ALSO—Thefollowine piece or parcel offend Situ.
ate in the township of Bereft, bounded and describ
ed as follows, to wit.: north by (ands - of 'lle'orge
Chilson, west by latido of Robert Chilson, south' by
lands of Robert Wood; and 'east by the high wasr:-=
Containing about fifty. acres be the seine• more or 4
less, about twenty acr,es improvetkoitu,plo It hottae; ,
onilog barb and trial irees'thdreon.
. ,
Seized and, taken in execution .at the suit'of Hai
ry Northrup vs.lottu M. CranPle.rAnd.
A!...§O r Tite foltawing led piece.or farce( of land.
shamed 1p "die town%hip of Smithfield and bounded
and de - scribed as follows to wit ::on the math by .
lands of Ephrai us ; latkby! of Lyman
C. King, south bY the'Public ifighWagreattigg.fruip
the ei.[ . part offlinithaidd tO , SewardsliilN Situtan
- the west by the publiclighway leading front pyrrll
Fairmans loAturlinginn. Cgotaiping eighty-fiveacies, about fifiy-fivit ilexes. thereof iniproyed "Aka
framed house, framed barn, corn house and an ;,or
chard I • r
, Seized ) taken in .exeCutipu-at:lbel suit! of
%Mold Thbufas,va.:Bapjamia-Thomas and benja-.
min C. Thomas. • ' - ' '
ALSO—bte following int, piece pr parcelol land'
situatein,towiiihip of Burlington, and boyndai atid
deseribed as follows: .trorth and,vast by and. o f,
Samuel' McKean On ihe'kobth by the_bigbsvay !fade!
islet - ruin BpstOurlington fo Troy.ind the,west
by - the public burying ,ground. Coutalping,.about•
one fourth of en acremote"leSP4.lkiliiPrßYO.,,w44
"One framed Meeting house thereoar • •• • .
": ALSO—By ilie,eame writ, itia following:lot, piece
Or parcel;of la nd situate:WA u rl ington to w nab ip bound
ed and described as follows:. north, -west and south'
by, lands of-Addison ~McKean and eolith vast bpthe
filgtiwaY leading from Burlington' .to Smithfield...
Containing, about ope acre. all improved, writh a
framed house apd framed barn thereon. •
ALSO--By the sotiteir-it, the folloWing lot,,piece
neaarcel Of land situate in the:township of Smith
field, bounded and desCribed as follows
_north rind
eastby lands of Nehemiah rßeaeh.• on the teeVt (of
the Berwick Turnpike, on the north 4 the highway
leading from said Turnpike to Smithfield Cenli4l:
, '.atatiiikAcutemo.
Pt**-y 4:7 • - • -
, abci one' . . an acre more
19 7 r - It •
. .I.t , ftiOrrAisielmvitsaPe
.sisal— y the same ii 'l.'l , one o e'l• 101,-i
parceLof44,4l . 4lii the bkwitskipppli•
buudatarld le, itllrd as fdil,flol`,..east44,
by latrii,r4'..i *if Phrffi`Weiliftt !bell
,leadir - fikliii_,ffiriiiltireld `AiiiiielftiffMt
'hard? Yliodyoy4l (4'4 hiai: 'biCatilk
one hagieli,' 1 Afinoveil. together.* IL_
of 4 11 91 filtdif Oily Occ9pBed f as nagell i g t bobi6
-pn'tte diinoMli:id'ii ofiiii}titTlivsfair. :.,,i-41"'
'--lElefSted'itidltakiii lit'kfebiltilitritibe i ,stittlirDiatel
4ndriiis irs'Filie Mittiti . ifisit piStriPefefiutifflait IV
eife r tiir,bY gadiettl.thAbtfelf-tib l il Od-
Atia l id.Roi n if,j4.niehtivi. .i-,t.iN ~ . , . 1. :-. - ,:aza u. it
:. , ”‘Al.S.G.4.llysitiirtaerooll tied -teritai the •.;flillaritYk'l
.piece,ustiparcieLoflarid: beim/ate ivingarine toWitil
shiplef Otilambisreebority-'or Itholfitnitibounded ati
Aligs.VetheSl l 9l4lstand s tigaiVti*lkiiiilter; l
. I w, -1 1)3, • n;Papli !,,llPuili - V,A 4 , 444 4 !LPN.%
i # ,.r!wy,:ttFiih'F erg itscott atitl f "kfi'` utititP
ittiOrteliitii'dre:kkka illV,tiOie#, ,: i lol',.o)rit,qr aorif .
impter#4.;'irith One: frainerh4SD, cill? frltnifil barn
Ittlit titple diebard gietette ' ' ' 4"' '''''' ' ll. ' t -'''"
• 1 fleire4iMittaketiAti es'cilitit•Witfibelliiiiillollik
'ffill4billtrtriel'of - Cliatirtcti:lifiltoska;',..ijd Ike.
ititeatitliti Ci , Ndapjedst."Jtibn''lfelikOirr"'"'s 1 • •
.?"Alsl3o , ll . ii viitue'rifla t 't4il;tif fiet r aiVradilii ali •
that certain lot o r piece 0 Itie.situate . (# - Souili
Creek toWnShip,..l3o4ooboopty,aiiiilfstB . 6tFenti . -'
, sylvarditlioiintled Ail ' folloitsi i tie,gititimg . al altein!‘
lock tree the portiftiftit *coider'rtf i lhe gaiil hereby
*dated Itin.tiviiianglhenre endtb236 . iterches to a
bedifetb live: thence west 358 peichei to a bye lock
't fps, thence north 236 perches to a beech 'tree, tfienctir
east alopg.tbe-sop,de‘ lira/Ail hodst (4a nd i belonging.
to the' Hank°l l , :rOl t itvirlY,Wt 351Vprehes to the
1 0ap1,4 begian mg. sopptAiiii t tiplA3 arm* awkloo
verities'inore or leis best e, phrt bTa tract surdeyed
to Francis John , than Mifflin on warrant .
N0..5690 (th SitxriotiNd land) dated the 3d .
of Nov. /79K , t. lti
_le , em June 22, 1795..
ALSO—BP so •' • 1 : Itl, , undivided half of
all that other.' i ..";''.lr loath Creek town
4 ispe - .1..,- , ..
-ship, begigninrikk L . .• . St tiding on the south
line of the Tracritintfi. 44 : ? let ct, end swath east.
corner of likltr t ,.ol4l(l',Aelce i tt h 117 chains and:
25 links to licriv 4 4ol4 Stasi s gon the State line..
thence north VI _de 'SE . illop said line 85 chains.
and 291 inks fr‘i,',benll6o, - marked for a corner.
thence south 119'c1 a'hmrlfgd 75 ljnks to a passwood
tree statiditik erP titer`Souili line 'tirtfti flank tract,
thence ; along• the south line of said tract 85 chains
z and.29 links m the place of 'beginning. Contain
ing.loloacres 2 roods and 29 perches of land.
Seised and taken in eseention at the snit of Rich
ard Steel to the use of Euclid Cbadsey_ vs. John
cg: oloa lV n i n l Al Tl lr,rhct 1. I .
sfieritrs•otTi in, -7'.,-(14BBIt'M Et herial
, • NOTICE., •
TE undersigned•woulil inform. the eitiz-ns of
Towanda and vicinity. that he has arrived here
for the purpoite of fnat ling those.Vico wish Da gu
reotypcs of them set ves, orfri end sin get them. Bas
ing had a number of years experience in the
ness, he feels confident that his *titres will give
general satisfaction. Likenessgs of children and
agedipibple, taken with perfeed adeuracr. 'Those
wishing pictures would do well to give him d call.
Room over Burton Kingsbery's store.
Towanda, July 1.2 , MI. R. G
1 7; ,- ; BUSHELS RYE, 4r, BORN fur sale by
0 July Is. E. T, FOX.
Over 0. D. Bailltirs Alore,
T OR A 810:11T TIME QN1.17 ! Pictures taken
singly or groups in a .saiisfactory manner.
Towanda. ',11,11y 7, 1951, 0 . McEWE,N.
► i p
A N assortment of READY-MADE COFFINS wiII
be kept constantly on hand at Nye's old eland on
Main street, where the aubveriber is also prepared to
make end repair all kinds of Furniture.
tuvanda, July 12, 1851. . C. WELLS.
AUDITOW3veg.—The undersigned, hav
ing been.appointeenn Auditor hy the Orphans'
court of Bradford' ciauntf,lo distribute 'the fund
raised by adminiStrator's snleot the estate of Niram
Ackley. late of the township of Spnng,hill, deCeas
ed, will attend to the duties of said appointment at
his office in the borongh of Towanda, on Saturday,
the Alth day of August, MK at two oThck, P.M.,
when and where all persons interested are 'required
to present their claims, or he debarred from coming
.in upon said fond. jyfi wm. scow, Auditor.
REGISTER'S ISIOTJEZ.--Notice is hereby given
that therr have been filed and settled in the of
fice of the Register of Wills in aad for the county
of itradlord, accounts of ad.ainistratiaa upug the
following estates, viz:
Final account of Wm. Watkins. administrator of
the estate of W. D. Spalding, dec'd. late of Franklin.
Final account of Hannah Annable, (late Hannah
Lewis,) administratrix of the estate of Moses M.
Lewis deed, late of Monroe.
Final account af Sirntitons C. Hovey and Robert
More, adininistrators of the estate of Wm. Hovey,
deed, who was guardian of Andrew', W Pam And
Thomas Mather, miner children of John Mather,
deeeaeed, late of Ulster.
Final-account Of Jere Adams and Eli Baird, sae.
cutors of the estate of Laben Bciwen, deceased, tate
of Troy,
'Final account of Joseph Thomas, administrator
or - the iestate of Aaron Thomas r deceasedl, late of
Springfield. ' '
Final account - of Thomas T.Smiley and Inhniion
lA'arriner, administrotora of the estate of Lymart S.
Wart in er, deceased, late of Franklin.
Final account•Of Alexander Dewing, *executir of
air last will and• testament of "Joseph Armstrong,
deceased,•lateof Wlrreni ' '
Final account of Bdward OverttM, administrator
'le &nip non earn fesiomenfo,onnexn ctf the .estate of
Nancy. Strickland, deed, fate of i'ilysoz.
Final account of g t floss, Ate.rmitir f.ff 40.. estate
of John Iliorrison,aLec'.d, late of Granville.
Final accotuntof Adin Catkin, guardian ofiMaiia
Calkins, now decif,late of Burlington.
And the spine will be presented to Orphan's
Court of Rradford coutity:' on. 'Monday the. tat. day
of klopteariber nett, forcont caution and allowance.
H. BLACK, Register:
Register's Office, Towanda, July. 4 185 t,
.8117 peisnita itulebtetl to . the .esteio .of. MORRIS
. .34M.QpIF F Y, deceased, late of ManTocintynahip,
Ate hetet', reivestetLto ma* pay nwit , sejthatxt• ttelay,
161 all liersons living demands a g ainst eai4,:eatatu,a;e
requested to present them, duly authenlicatrd for set
tlement. JAS. V. WILL,CPX, Adminiattator.
Monroe. July 19, 1851.
L . _
-'f' flo IVIONTA NYE'S*
not, k Eit Y.—The largeat...etock.itt.torp,
dinner and tea seas , uf 'ship granite.firl
w atekifth.v . . ll oP
-411anUon. r j„: •
• •ti3O • ), I
•VirelEßtii§,rmy•witeAratt s lttina, has tell my ,
bett'andlinitni sand tfetr e iltlren, w Watt any.
just catme , nt-pn)VdcaffiNfliiidliitti.r;)) . reftialre
.torti,.thigt isittPrebrio.,cpnlltlif Atitiiers '9l.aiiiktOst
niqrhatingtait ott'4l ttr.boftifii.n? -,10111
parndittilitsof heVcbtifraC•ftit'.'
lai►tahaopeny,*Wy~tping f7_:'July , 2B, 18 j,
' ,
:Notice, —,
IN, the ruatterotibevoluntaeyrassigeinterit of:Ohas..
Reed to,liensyftW'rracy.',iti trust Or the benefit,
: tif creditors. In the enult of I.lornnion,pleasi 4 of
;feraioolloty. of May Ternv 1849, No. 34. 1 41ntire'li,
hereby given in pursnance .of an order-of 'Patin
toklei.tbe,.l9th day til blay * -A:1 - 1.1951, that Henry
W. Tracy, assignee of tharlesßetid: sidthi4'ease,
bas:renderetilits.aeboutit - for `settlenfent4b kb • has
been duly filed,.which will be allowed and cntifijrn
ed by she. tfoartaforekaidi on the,lst day Of 8e pt e tn.
ber. Deal, unless calute,be shown to - the e. onfrairy':
WKE Prot,:''
v0i.10 3 iiper. ai%il ir g . oani Ngevf°'
khtt inittOgii4), z anc?t, prkel,as.„lr 14 . 4
cap. be
19 - Qc 0t4,9,1* pripopal silica,
• -
ik with:big tiiMl grandassortmentof riot's
iketabiering alerviiitirejelarsPigo end
itribodtikeziiibieb'whilUipe#lialiftke fold
tthtwitelikshmitalkllpal4e wJ
2011 n R.NEW.•, , GOODS
ge**efultnent of. New (weds.
li‘fatAiii We' 4041 'el "Ifie 4 thiiiie'c'etteiiiwilyi' ie"s:
ili s trfatrFik! l lif#l,943l,6ggurc,9fOttqfpicing into
3'.4), T
. 3 14,41 , f',41:4151.044 . 5e ere,lPg.ttri. lilt 4,R
„4,1, 1 4#90. 43 !);.,-;:t ~7;4§/TAPI, E NA,4 sl3* 6
.4orgm*,4lP,ls t— fatal
-- T
'frOdltlaßg ALWe `new leittng the best Ita
l.! do oar Molasses ar3l4lTnts twr unholy.
tittr."ll. LtyuIIe4RAPVEPAU‘24...
fsProw: o ;l4.lli h kiviraseiviii 414 1:1 t '
"' .. .; :
IPP 1 1 1 4 1 ri 51 1414 4 1R 41 741# l ike Db 3 9114 4 4 . 1 41 . ? . . q 1
i, 11 % . i 4 1 s9,4 11 4iro.w.Nrwa.t nog Mblterigth,Att .
r 4.1 tripi4-43 41 . 14.1%E.Y dfs lAPYIBI,
O 1
......,,,,, :it0 ,,, f1y. : 4:;0 ,
1 ,...:,.. ;
.:. ..„. A -) 1 : ,...f . .,T:: : , , , ; .., i ; 1 , ..,,..,
t u rt,„,.._........ „oz.., 1
Shapitradt - Zi
1003PEilTPULLY inftnitt the citetei ieen9roptit
undlininityythat tlter,talt ch e rstore lately omit-
Oat by 4 5 1 1 Ataid i rIt t ele i tte* noye c tritebtlte a c lentior
ofisiteluisterieth &large ankrthbiteittikiir -
: 'itt:7 4 .0141111.1SII1 }LE
?".4 .tivtoirialierArn- - 414' -
• 001141 HA RD WARR i V :
rAGRQ.CERILA4IO9.TattOSII9E,Sit 4 1 c •;;
ftlytes*nottistie`pt}Whed claim lietik' Tr - '1 "-
, "Ttielnitittorttnent half been ifeletitid witfieftie'exiirese,
ly for thia'nfitiket;' and infiebtiit crat'iirlees which aril,
allow - tot to *Ohs. Ohettp
s ad imyitiftelifi' 'Mil region of
country: , , Cadfien'tttoment ere invited to WI, arith a
prtimittit that tWohall not go miry diEgeiisfied.
treftentember, 811APT,EY 'LENIVIS'fieso store,
'next south -or theilvtird•Rorischtain street.'" '
• Tervantle, May .20,1851. , '• - "
OISLIC 6/,P}L+4.Tsl,6Another case of :those Cheap
, Prinkket.6/ aeoth,per yantvjust reeeived•at
May 28. . -138APLEY. Wls.
Hardwari, SiOves, Copier, Brass, Tin,
; •,
HA"' &
,EUSSE4I.. having formed a co-partner
nershipwrespectftilly pall the attenticin of the pub- .
lic to their assortment t to • which large additions have
recently been made, making it the largest and most
varied' ever offered in this Jegion. Among the multi
tude of articles a feyv will be °nun:meted: .
it, and • Nails/
gnglish,. American and Swedes' square-: and "round;
English and American refined; hoop,' band and horse
shoe iron; nail kids and malloahlo , lnin ofr all elescrin
tions,.&c.; with a good' wriorimenr of Nails :-3d, 4d,
sd, Cid, Bd, 10d, 12,1 andllOd .4; 4. 5 and 6 inch ap:kes
wrought nails and horse nada, by the pound, keg 'or
ton. Also, east, Gerotan,• English blister; American
spring and tire. steel, &e.
Carpenter's and Joiner's Too l r
Of ell descriptions, viz: bread, narrow and hand axes;
hatchets, ad; joiner's cast, steel mortice. ,firtnertnrol
frandrtg Alders; common and cast steel augurs aT all
sizes, flop 3 to, 2 inch ; „braces and Willi" turgur,and
pod 1m1i; extra ; planes an,d,planc s irons; hand, tenant,
X cut, ;taphole and stilling saws; iron and steal and
try squarea of all &Fe% frorn`sl to 15 inches ; .IMlnwers,
beye4, - tap lines,_ mon ice guages,,of all
sizes, serer Myer; scr - 41c4e4,4e110yr arkirms,Ac.
,Blacksmith's Tools.
Anvils, bellows, vices, hammers, sledges, tinting
hammers, stocks And dies, drilling mactiinesoke.
• inhlvelos . ioltiateCie:"io itiod,"-poitits ;jock :694*.jitlay.
- straw and manure forks; log, cable and binding chains,
Crowbars, grubbing ttoesPndrec 4 fa,.a
scythes, scrbe
soothes, scythe storms and rides, cradle scythes, _hush
scythes, corn esittem.shovel plough moulds, gaiden
sakes, hoes sod trowels, scoop shovels, &c.
Carriage Trillieitage.
Carriage bows, top leather and cloth ; patent leather ;
India rubber cloth; brass and silver plated hub bands,
concave and Boston patterns; brass and silver ?tared
curtain frames, fining mule, carriage knobs, xpron rings
and hooks, stump joints ; brass and silver plated jolty.:
seaming cord t . striped face: wide and narrow; '
striped lace, new style ; top lining;worrited flinge,moss,
varnish cloth, patent axles and axle arm.; springs, .-e.
Harness 7'riniminke and Saddlery Ware of the lat
est and roost epproyed atylves. and of,:
EZOBee Trimmings,
We have on hand a full ass , ,rtment. Alwa a large gian
lily of LE.AB PIPE, - which we aroprepared to furnish
at the ,lowed price a, together with copper,ritaunia
atop cocks and cork stops. Any lurentityi of Pump
chaineAnd%Welt73iggingit. ",:e(= omit) worm:lent of
' ZIE ar alkek• VH . 1
Haw mill; cireolar and wootrisaws ; plastering and
brick trowels; lathing hamniers, shovels snd tongs
files and rasps of all sizes; shoe and tack hammers;
drawing knives, Insures chisels and gouges,-saw setts,
callipers, pincers, knives and forks; carving kzdaea and
forks and slcels o ihatcbr.r.. pocket Anil-pallet knives;
coach wrenches; trunk; - elrest and tilt tockil ; tailors and
'sheep shears; - table 'and ''bed castors - ;'dinkier and, tea
hells, glue and enamelled' saute kettles; 'brass krltti;s,
from two roasts to half n barrels ware lod
cauldron kosides ; tea and coffee' pots ; 'brass and Mi.
tannin candlesticks andarnuffers; trays, fruit trays and
large servers ; , curtain arms and pins of the latest styles ;
Stair rods and holders; ladies' and gentlemen's pocket
scissnr; razors and razor strops-, German silver Ind
tioitann'tx table and tea spoons; hair, clothes and *hoe
brushes ; twass.rins steel -barrelled pities and Vevolvers ;
gun locks, steel nipples and nipple wrfirichest'shot;shol
pouches and 'powder - Basks; barn ()nor; strati'and T
hinges. • Also manafacturing and 'will keep rukturtantly
on hand a large assortment or
• • Tin and' S'apanneil Ware.
We hate also just...received .'A' tons of STOVES
composed in part of (he fn patterns and sluts:
Republican air tight 'Cooking S.tovp, Number
Farmer's do do ' 9
Lady ortheloike, ' 9
. .
Qoeen of the West, do, ::, '4 to 6
Tian King, ' 49 1 and 5
Improved Pierainn? Ito .:: 7 to 1U
Eastern Premium :: and 4, '
Jenny I f ittilParloc Stoves, 4
Connie . do 2 and 3
' 11? 3 and .4
'Air tig:R 06
Airlitibt 6 platc Stoves,
Siv plate 3 - fo
~The n hove Comprises huts few rut:idea of thP, assOtt"
- rnent which they offer lb' the putdie.,`,eo4 all of, which
will be disposed at rztremely lOW 10ie's. in proof at
please Call it old alanii.!aontkeide of public
rytarek anil . effending toPtnii street;
Ohliffcipper, Inin; Brats anti s hilat I iotls or rro
duce, taken in paynient. I,ltihr.
MEN COA TB Tart, I BO ,•• at
• •
very-olio %tilde,
'just received intilfor sale by:4. - 1— (
Dee. 26. 1.850. 0...D6-BARTLETT*
DOZ. ••• BARTON" 'GRAJS a su.
perior article, for gale at je27 FOrtS.
(1. ; I . • • AUDITOR'S NOTICE. vs. Eu-rcutori of Joel Tuttle,'clec'd.
•' fired. Corn. Pleas, :May Term 1819. Nos. 273,
NOTlcif heTeiT hireit, - that the tuider'siguest,,`
• ba4itir.l3eett'apjiobitect an Auditor by the Chun
tcrilistribute inoneye raised by executions issued in
tlla above „suits. will, AttePti 40-4440.,.businestalafort
sold at his Atflcelp,Towanyla•borongl). on Wedgies
day,-tbe, 2.444.4ay 0 C Aitgust,.4o,sl, at one o'clock. V.,
M., when all persons interested are requested -to tire
sen;ilieir claims, or else by debarred from coning
In tiptin W'orn%
nfuly 111; 18 . 51 ' ' ' , Auditor
fijiiAss.4.-uket vitro or. ricENCH Tor
silo by tqIIAP LEY & LEWM.
O r f lt
Lei ~ 3. - ;", 4 * , 313
GRAND YlintONAtreillgirli
1 7 1011.1 1 1ZIAINGT -Pqnsktiti3ll' 1 rbtif4l ;nit'
'N.)" Di annaid Obiliseefitnit ifilthetiGiiitfOft; NOV York'J
anti National Amphitheatre, Philedertittlirlinierforph
st friowithilti,`Jolt ruerid g,! Se p I iltriii:4l:o" DiCtlni open s
all end roMeiciall.f !K. [ b Commenc e
at '
Wis• 11.11 1 24 t, “lit.itiettee lidtrDiftie;oev
U. B. BRISTOT4'` efeitiA Opt die l iOvedife!:
10.1 N; Wurrrmargra .:e raHcjaellrlfdH'3)li~tni
Wi+.7l3ferr • - vtiittreeot . 'BAN Tani
• ~•:ty: 4e. I
f1ig t 4410 , .(494001.4M4.1 1 41. Pir isi
an • Equeitirienne, ur uer truly artisticAnni.„it;illiatil
school of Lady Eqtostrimi„ pre-eminently distinguish
ing her from eyery...Orr ; l ady ,wttodzasileretufgro ap.
peered in this country.
Theemo . 4ll...,..rwiligies, end•
FLORA, app e ar Jpre,eile,,Fexfutinances-,, rarely, if
ever equqllea. •
. .
Mona OLLWIT thq gre,at„Pafisian Jonglenir-a-ehti!
will also appear . otowp ,}koraes, ;with
,Peaty of the Bippondtconm necer, a:cent*
M'dmo.,4OSALINE BEIVO k r attpevsiOterbeap :
tiful Equitathitis . prid:newllitylit." of oratinatolltii; arta
is now beattning the 'model Of all thefitaltionaijit Lady •
r ip this elegan . t art in Anterjc?.•
THOMAM%ILL E, ity itypegok teats of
llorsematudtip, Fi ing ItaFkivrtl . and• forsyard4Aanc
pirduettinig, and a,otner s settinz du(ing rapid
circuition of his Steed:
The grqat ant.l Trick Tipise CI CIN•
N A TUS. pereortiied by Mr. 8. *J':§TIVAei EY.
'The troupe of Trained Puniee, einflacing dip cite
exbradtebilyTMvari.nWp.ohititesokßr.°rhea'oil•ll be. •• troJkl-
Prof. innyek Igutn ilnd-Aihkirtfont Artist=,
tern Albert end George, in. their grpedul„ Oarle
wonderful r;tinioail6i: II I
,Mr. P. jitchards, , the vrild.vauLting. 49Olguian .of
4 1 4 8 Pa mpas , kii* (Wet Aphi.bountling Courper,, with,
g ut, saddle, over 4airicre ail fire , :barred gates. and
through balloons. • ,
Sports of the Hippodrome. on fon- and six Muni,
by the diptinguiphed Ceuestriat..A. P. Stiekney..,,-
Sports of Arlon, by- the Giant of Iron, nerve, Herr
Lee, who.perknais with realeannan bolls of, 36 and 44,
p ainds each. , i • •
'rm. ! Clowns —Sam Latbrort.ihe 5 4 turopOralor:AnJ
American Jebter, and John Cirrmaldi. Wells, the Eng
,liph Clown.
In addi►:en to a f 11 end unequalled Pe4ittnactee in
the Circle, will be repreetutcd the Gland Beinexitic
t. 4 pecuele gf
ST. GECtilri AND THE ERA1NH!.....,,
With - all its sphisidid 4coefgaries, Prncessiqns,'briniant
Armnrs and Ilanicrs, Historical Costumes, top her
full Cast of Characters, acc9mpaniell:wah" all
the original Stuaits.dec. = • •• • '
Two more brilliant features dts:inguiskittis from all
other Companies., The Interior :grillutuSitalel with
Gas, and the Exterior with PrStf( . 9,rtines imlito*ed
frriwuniondtt4gfiC iendering , „ the;premisee ligh. and
°tier fun& darkest
. 11.5 cents. Ne*halr price.
rot full:ParAlculare see i larl#Agtl small f "bille it the
difrerenttiotete,.4.& . " ° = •
Tr The above cirlebra•ed Troupe will perform at
Troy, Sep. 22d, I..eßaysville:24, and at Montrose:J.sth.
Aug. 30, 1851.
persons are hereby cautioned atrainst purc4tas
-11 a note given by me on the tjth of November;
td C. B. Barrett. for sls. The terms of the
contract for which said note was given. have never
been complied with on tbe rirt of said Barrett, and I
do not consider myself legally or morally bound to pay
it, mid 4/ 43 " 140 Kip unless compekledliy lag!.
Itlonroe, June 1851. 11. rt. Gfite.
a,UALUM. -;-&l3b.lKO'Zo
Adams j dt, „_..
w,vrisick,ntrryd - ald art;griinel'intairti.tTe prletice ;
White, have else estahlisheil acenci . tur the
gale.of real estate in the county neßradipn Persons ; '
reo . 4tato vizi& thtfyilesitelYscll:lly rtdl ng .
and leaving a tkesaription of their, property with the*
, ternts'of Haig, will undoubtedly dr.dit* - 01• 3. theirailnin
tage. •
- Pet-lions desirous of purchasing tail leain:Whitc' t p,r , up•
eity is for Hale—a description of the game nith'itio
price and terma or payment and
vuliJity of foie. J . C. ADAMS.
Toivanda, Moy 2.1851. J . MACFA !MANE
- 11 T v .• • 7r7
Are now receiving thekr -1 `
Second general of Spiiik:Gopds;
which, are off. Jocasta at W tIOLE9 L.I OR RI i.
I'4l, 1 . 4, 4 CYCCI hewer than ,tbeir otuak,prices, They
say to all cash purchasers, come an.lsqp.our : stock.orl
you tejll And gootii•acel prices right.,i- '24sy , 9, 1851.
WHOLE - SITITS, Coiti;Pants an f Vesta, nll for
$2 00, tit CAMPBELL'S.
An extensive stock of Staple
1. 1 oat ginning si
MONTAN - File & Coil,.
THOSE svO, wish, ,pok.cluiqo Good Articles at
etterip rates; . •
• Toikande.lllay • r •- • ;
li. PIIINNE34 Jr., i* just receiving froni,Ness
• York a . lrugirruht general assortment of Spring
q n d Sgeseicr Goois t .sonedstiog of alwuat everything
usually found in a Luce, tagcsber , with '
Groceries, Iterilicare• eaintr, Byes, Lean',
Boots b•Phnes,lll 4 ;tr,,Caps. Bonnets, Crocker , y,- , '
. • - Glassware, Sall;-Fish . , ,I*c
.. •
The stifiseril;Avc.tia' vela rn his sineerothanks to
the public for their hountifulotrenagilii,lirtwiuter,
by which the increase of btptineta enabled -. Mtn" to offer
his gords .Ilia summer at
„PO* Utak° they
harp. - teen in the habit of buying.' • All pars:Ali/haling.
to buy gouda for cash nr ready pay, would do well to
- avid tasmioo:the,4lt: l SUld
petces,r is the kno,ds are houglit and must be apl4.
TOwailloOlray 1; 19111, • • • .•'• • • ' '• 1
1: 1 17 7 4E4:c *to tirt,r—a largo quentiry for sale
1 -at . . my I
A F ETY FUB E.— 0,00 0 feet just received ittd
/Salo at:
T tvifitie . or, will toll the
Ll anirketvp.ior wilFlir paid at'-'PH'IItN Y'§.
11j9"i " , al
„pairsfoll stall whita,a4ll,colored ;Uwe ; also
4 1 1=440%10 •t4ti• bleached half boar,
Sle4P at - I 441, , FOV.
Si!E ETI N & S.HiliTlNCA;brOvip
=Ticking, Cottlin tliiipiew'arp 'l6l Ratting
wl uktale arid retail, at FOX'S.
it) Zia.
,htefFantille. Zcr • C.
4.4.;h4 .4 , 144:6 44-- ktit. Voiskl4s4li. -
ONFIta k .. .I1;111A
, 44.1
P°F rt IP,. ..4 1 #1 1 [0.11 T . Kra.
I. n tijig •.0c .R F P L V Akir . l4l 4l l 7l 9t °r
nni'abotii:Grhicefkriai, 70.. - 0. ;Am wou
WI% rflCiitarly I[7l;o'A - 63'0E41111W 411 titailEffOrdilistra,
ots, Origin) alto zolyieltialthitals give birwmicall.
.istleiqrnai !led ,tqq,ttetlihia,gqutir G>< 3 L&ss4 low
es we_i,ever jefure &Fired in the market . having !par
ernepitinein Itesub
scriber- feels fully-tioilidebr 'hie hWeauwitiwiliiatbtilwit
-ialectsoll:tq!bi* clutomer,‘ • •
!Yl ...
.ONE, COME fALLliimPitiamilvil the New
garods..witich are-now AxioilitzhibilAir
arm. . 8,.,1c!NG*13 ICY*
I 8
118 w recriting direct frpm Ptow York A.lo[ll;l9Jsnit
Pp! en id assortmepi of 44c1.8 for
aafe of prices irlibh eanhot fajl to euii +die elariblit buy
ers. for Casa, Pitoritidt. A ernoiiil:l3iiitirit:' Ije
respectfully asks! a cid frorwall personsoishinglanbuy
goods cheap. as be is.det.cpplocd not p:t ,14..upd4ifold.
Towanda', April 2,1. 1851._ • - •
j;;TOSS -.00046. • ••! 7 n
D ICH PULA RD. Ohnionlenn..Cbcoq, Dl l Aregs
1-t• giikr, French and Einrein i)el,nes, a npriaqich,
for inimmr dresseA. French 'and English
Tisrues,lLdonerr Linares and any quantity oftnltirraress
goods at , .;
VERY one knows that the place to 6nd the Isigest
I:4..sssonment and best quility.of gloves of slldies
criptiona 14 at n p26 FOrS.
Q 111.10 Z,.. Panama, I..eshorn,ValAn 4stsf And:Canada .
•Straw : Ilola , nt
kaceA.C1 ! )..411.14 CIL
B 11 1( arid, .
't / 231.§T i lOWAlßDitiftriglagSdk.oO3 .
Zs Still"in °perAttar r' .6.
TAE Pubseriberi have moved to the new buiLinic or)
Pine street, one dOar MOW Merenni strinfetWbero .
_they will keep on-hand.,an.d,.make to order. pbaughs,
stove. and mill irons of almostall descriptions..., WArn
. ing end fitting up worit: , tyill be donet'also on reasoneble
terms as at Elmira 3r °Weir*. Old irnn will lie'faken
payment. • JOHN CARMAN Sc-CO.
Towanda, -April 728, 183/. • -,; . • • •
GOODS—A good assortment of
, casbmeres. De Loki% Alpacas, and prin* now
cening at j I FrM E RC DR'S,
. .
rrIHR subscribe? is now in receipt of hii Belt Out
-- _ chases of New Goode which makes his Quo
of the most extensive in the country--fus, sale 0n.0,9
most favorable terms for cash or approred credit = eash
buyers are parientarly invited to call' and eiatninelhe
stock. • myit , 0.1). BARTLETT:
W I MSPOrt Athens Barna(' .Letting;
Tow ANDA „ClitAP
GEO.Br:STING, respecttay inform* the pub.
lie that he has removed his store •to Col. Means'
1 building s oue door belov Warner's watch shop..whera
be be.happy to sec. all who may be in want- r ot
Good and Chgap Clothing. He is constantly adding
to his stock all the new and desirable styles and 'pat,
terns, and feels confident. he can satisfy any one who
may. give him a call.
Just receiving from New Yorjr,..a_Jaras
'bi....antrment'brTrhY.ritizerS , timmer ifiado
in the best rpartner,.. and which will be sold as necklet
the, lowest. ?riots. •
He.hos alsoreceived, a ,largelet. pf I;outtr4.&
retiftlDßtN§' CLOTHING, to . Whicli he
tewlion and Which Will be Sold at tow raw. He has
made arrangements by which he can. seq . sl factstly.llo- .
dcle desired, with the certainty of procuring a good
I artic l e. _
- •e , '"
Cutting an - ft `fitifking - tp;'o3tine , as irifnal in the most
fashionable mancer.-promptly and to order.
Toviands,lfe , R; 1851 y. •
se, 4 , • .
TAS removed hi • isiabliarnent to H. Imes stoic,
court a_ main street m. 4 t4puirlic, pope.. and
will Continue the tnauttfactimoilfisina and Shoes., es
He bat just received front Neir Tnrk' a large wort-,
-want ut Weman ' syCliattrerestancl - Mi4ses ' Sh o e s , which,
are offered at low prices. Tho.,atlention cf
ie paricurarly directed to 'his assortment, 'comprising
tha following new' styles :—Enamelled Jenny Lind gai
ter boots; do. shoes ; black- lastinf and silk gaiters.;
walking shoes,buskins.ate. Misses gaiters and stymy,
of every description. .4 . large assortment of f7hirdimn
fancy gaiteis, hoots and shoes, of all'lcniff2.'
For the I:enth men. almost every style of Ratters and
shoes. This stock has beN pprortallY selected pith
care, and he believes be can oiler superior aructes
ressimahle prices.
(0 - *The striett ntlenlioh paid to Manupefurrog,
and he hopes, by.daing work well to writ •.contion of 01t liberal patronage ho has hitherto received.
Towanda, May B, 1(01.
uiigcrica, At PORTER have „last "ided to th e i r .
I_l. assortment alarge,,atocit, of, Xre.h...l,lhuga,
elnes, Chemicale,
.raitoe, ,gfoceries and Liquor.,
eiTfieh ale tie't9 offered to the publiic at latv'tatea.
Their istock of FA NO V' (MODS & PF RFUIVIERY,
is the fergest and
. most complete ever' offered in aus
market. -
. . ,
Alco n choice msortthent of pure 'WINES & LI
QUORS, tnijt.lbte rot trietli6ol ppmturs. . : k ' v ''.
A forgo vireos) , of Campheue.Thospeue„Fluid,
and nil 1.111 PS, cti9taining, many nary utojkcejttitta
..ty lea. .
;Being ukents for uII the best Patent Mealtime,' of the
'lday4.lmrulne,siti tpia depeptl upon-procuting4 genuine
i ttrtiele . ItiL.9Br• • " •
Ail thc,Drygs amt MetlittitnA. kept .at ttwir4eatoblith. k
merits - in:who uPon aq ' genuine iinTof the biu,t„
AttltiiVe.hititieg.bcett4asefurly.selected with LIRSAI t 6.
their ueefpulc. , • . . _ •
'at Ktith stole of,the Ifilusci. and No.?..Arick
Rnw. -'st • Towanda, Mny t
itrireA7r, outp,.Rie and most 'kinds of Protfoce
•V V taken, far which the highest price will ' lie peU
at.., dec4 t . _.•
.I:lG4R,•Cciffee,•Rice, Fish, Molasses, ts, Bile
• ,rultusr Spices, Oils, •Scc cheapest in 'town, st •
May i, ,
10 1; RENTS mole of those • Cheap TE VElOtar•
rantr.,l to suit or the looney returned in RI. eft..e..,