Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 16, 1851, Image 4

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Great Goa !=lairlieirttelt thanks ro Thee!
-.4-Wereet thy'presence every - where t
And dray that we may ever be ,
The objeets'-of Thrgeardian tare.
We sOwill."--hy Thee our work wit:Limed.
And•btess'd'-and instantly went forth - • ttl;
The mandate and in living. green
Soon - smiled the fair and fruitful earth,
We toiled—and thmt didst note our toil.
"And gav'st the sunshine and theiatta.
Till ripeted on'the teeming soil.
'The fragrant gtos and golden grain.
our (led
Prism-this, the earth's nnberinded floor,
We send our soup a thanks abroad,
And pray Thee, bless our hoarded store!
Management of Seib. •
sod would never get exit:m.4rd, if managed
with skill, bin would eotainCe to improve in depth
and fertility in, proportion to the intlustry:bemwed
upon it. The food of plints,_it is tine,' may be ex
hatisted from the soil, by a repetition of popping
with any me family of plants, if we neglect the
apptcation of such fertilizers as may have been ta
ken from The soil by that fami'y ; but no part of the
grownig season is required from the soil to rest ; or
lie fallow, if judiciously managed by a successiv -
bearing of the crops, or by supplying to them suck
food as may be a compensation for what has been'
taken off by the previous crop. The first object to
be attained for securing a certain and profitablere:
t tan jig produce from the sod mnst the rough drain
age the next object is, breaking into the sub-soil to
the desired depth—no) without first considering
whether it ie proper; rind pmfitablev to shill or turn
up the subsoil at oncetto the influence of the atmos
phere, or whether it ib best to break into it well first,
by the surface soil, mid allowing the sub-soil to re
main, and recieve--first the beneficial influence o
the atmo,aphere, and then—at the trenching, a pot
--pion of the subsoil may be safely stirred up and
mix with the surftice soil; this practice continued
for every succeeding crop, willeftablish a - healthy
fertilizing surface roil to any desired depth.
if repented 'tiring! of the surface are adopted, ac-
cording to the nature of the soil and weather, every
growing crop will continue in healtby,luxuriance,
without ever suflering"by receiving injuly from too
much moisture, draught, or frest. In addition, by
eorustantly scarifying, hoeing, and forking the ser
face soil, notonly obnoxious insects and their letup
are expelled, but weeds would never make their
accustomedrobbery of the soil and crops. Besides,
by such repeated stirrings, the soifis always pre
pared, sweet and healthy, for succeeding crops—no
mean consideration, either when we observe the
lose of time and Eiroduce occurring to such a min•
one extent in some localities, by allowing weeds to,
rob and choke the growing crops, and to shed their
seed's, productive of a progeny attnilarly injurious to
the crops next in rotation.
The application of manure is most eeaential, and
May be applied most beneficially whet the , soil is
establishedrin good healthy eendition'and maintained
they by *constant attention to at:dice-stirring. Yet
the application of manure is a secondary consider
ation ; for though it may be very liberally applied,
and with considerable expense, yet, without firer
insuring the healthiness of the soil /mach property ,
=dial= will be sacrified.—C4fage Gardener.
Mats ape" Cheese Makkig.
Mr. Editor:—Being a constant reader of your
most valuable paper, I
_hate often seen commUni
cations from farmers on the subject of dairying, but
principally on butter making. On this I shall tic t
attempt to make any remarks, but as m y wife has
the name of making good cheese thought I would
give a few hints on that pad of the subject. One
of the greatest errors committed. by our cheese
in - eking community; is this—they hutry the process,
too much. Sy this means quita - a portion of the
richness of the cheese islost. Another error is this
—they strain their milk in the evening and let •it
stand over night. Thera will a separation take
place. some ,are cautious enough to take off the
top, (meaning . the cream.)
"bar method is-the tolkwurinu:—.As soon as the
milk is brought in at evening, strain it into a brass .
battle prepared for that purpose, (as we think brass
saperiot ta wood to set milk ittO and as soon as the
milk is strained the rennet is put in. Let it stand
till the curd comes; then cut it and let it stand till
morning, when kt will be settled. The whey will
Then be as clear as spring water. We then dip off
the Whey, disturbing the curd as.little as possible;
then Ikke out the curd into a strainer, strain the
milk into the same kettle and put your rennet in as
before, not hurrying it by any means, for by so do
ing you P ill extract quite a portion of its richness;
after it has thoroughly drained we cut it into thin
• slices and put it-into a suitable vessel and pour on
scalding water; let it stand until it gets about cold;
then take it out, spread it, and let it lie until it is
cold. After this, chop it fine, salt it just right, and
it will then be 'ready for the hoop and press. In
all these operations, we repeat, - it should not be
hurried. In pressing cheese, you cannot press it
too much. It is a good economy not to Make a
cheese to weigh more than twenty or twenty-five
pounds, as one
.of that size is 'more saleable than
lerr,eesines.nsi/ains Fanner. - a. L. K.
Samos tri Sneep—This troublesome and often
times fatabdtseasemay be easily cured by adminis
tering common soot from thubmit of the chimney,
a by giving a teaspoonful of puteerized charcoal
every'two hours. - One thing is very ommukable in
the use of these articles—an °Yonkers will do no
"The medieine,►► observes a late author, " is
Ewan,' safe for man or beast, and has been known
is numberless instancm to effect a cure in oases,
or stubborn dysentery, after the doctor had renounc—
ed all hope."—Tbe best =abode( adminarering
probably, is to miz it into a thick paste, with • mo
lasses or sugar, and then dilate it with water till it
is-thin enough to drink. A writer in one of our es.
changes, speaking of this article, stirs :
Ilhave•netkused‘ anything else for dysentery
for olver kitty yeaut,anithave had it more or less
every year, and havetoarnt no diffieulty in manag.
ing it.. thaveneoommended it to others, in many
cattettranightintys with like sureAss."—Olivelfranch.
COvesiveil!ed iii.the winter give more milk
iambs summer. Ah os that: is in good condiiion
theepring. mill perform . moti4abor, and stand
thenersepf theirammer much tenet truer one diets
is poor. ,
o.`!' No poultry about& lx , r-kolit loageelhan three.
years.-- - -Throuerlr : ' • ,
eAgnrnltura 3mplemMi,.
:iiitilinituildi . Sin* land Tin ; . StOrti.
''' AT . - ATHENS; - - PA..:'
maw-Toast ax44e, ' < iturcovrctist. soctrry's erase
PitILVIC3I s t •
Rail Road. horse Power & Trediet,
trim the .Latest and •Iroportaid Improvements, for
which Patent , is secured.
THE subscinker takes this method to inform the
Farmers of Bradford. and the adjoining counties,
that be is agent for, and has for sale, the shove cell Me
ted and unequalled Horse Power and Threshing Ma.
chines, which he is prepared to furnish on ihe same
terms as by the manufacturer, with the addition of the
actual cost of transportation, contracted for it the low-
eat and best rates.
The subscriber has sold a number of the above ma
chines in this, and the adjoining counties of Chemung
and Tioga, N. V., and all wiihout exception have given
the very best satisfaction, and where they ere known,
all farmers give them the preferenie„,* sm account of
economy in threshing, being operated wait much less
expense, and cracking and wasting much less grain
than any other machine in use.
The Two-Horse Power Thresher and Separator is
capable, with three or four men, of threshing from ISO
to 200 bushels of wheat or rye, or double that quantity
f oats, per day.
The prices for Emery & Co.'s one
Ham. Power, $B5 00
do Thresher and Separator, 35 00
do Bands, wrench, oiler and -
extra pieces, 5 00—5125 00
do Two-horse Power, $llO 00
do Trerber and Separator. 35 00
do . Bands, oiler, wrench, Ire., 5 00—$150 00
Alito,Wheeler's one-horse, tower,Thresher,
and Separator, complete. (improved this
season) $l2O 00
Wheeler's two-horse Power, Thresher and
Separator, complete, 145 00
Price of Emery's Trestle/ and Cleaner,
with bands. wrenches, &c., . 75 00
do Siw Mill, complete for use, 85 00
Price of thane's Fan Mills, adapted for
band or power, from 22 00 to 25 00
The subscriber will also the coming season be Jiro.
pared to furnish to order
Tbe Cleaner has all the advantages of a good fan
ning mill, cleaning the grain fit for market, wasting
none. The additional cost being but litjle more than
a fanning mill, or about thirty doffirre--making the
whole Thresher and Cleaner cost $75 to the Farmer,
end with Emei-7 & Co.'s twe•bonepower,slBs 00.
LO' On account of the large demand for the above
machines. and the difficulty of immediately filling on
for them, persona wishing to purchase machines
should give me timely notice as to what kW and at
what time they wish to procure them.
" Fanners wishing to do their threshing . immediately
after harvest. should procure their machines as early as
the first of July. Also for sale
41 manufactunar'srdait prices, such as
31farrall's (*rata Reaper.
Revolving Horse Rakes, Hay, Strata and Manure'
. Forks, ite. 45x. Also,
Cast Iron and Wood Cistern and Well Pumps,
LEAD PIPE of all sizes, in large or small quanli
nes, cheap for cash.
My stock of Stores, snd prices, will compare favors
:with that of any Stove Store in any of the large
Tin, Japanned and Sheet Iron Ware;
manufactured, and fot-sale wholesale and retail, Cheap
or Cash. •
A large and full Catalogue of Agricultural Imple
ments and Stoves, wi.h engraving', furnished gratis,
either here, of on application by mail post-paid.
Athena, Pa, November-20, 1850. Iy2o
MEE subscribers respectfully inform the public that
they have taken the shop , formerly occupied by
Adam Eaenwine, on Main street, nearly opposite
Drake's wagon shop, where they am prepared to do all
kinds of BLACKSMI'I'HING upon reasonable terms.
They are determined by doing their work well and
promptly, to merit, as they Wipe to receive a share of
public patronage.
HORSE-SHOEING done in the best manner. MI
kinds of repairing Machinery, executed in the most skil
ful manner.
WOOD WORK for wagons will also be made and
repaired when desired.
AU work done at their shop, will be wirranbed robe
well done, and manufactured from the best material•►
The public are requested to give us a trial, and judge
for themselves. ESEN WINE & SEBBISCHI4. 4 .
Towanda, May 2, 1851.
ADAM ESENWINE respectfully informs the pub.
tic that he now occupies the shop where bimse/
and brother hive for • ears worked, nearly opposite
Tonskins' foundry, where be is ready to do all work
in his line, as formerly in the best manner._ He is de.
untrained the reputation be has attained as a skilful
workman shall not suffer by any neglect of the inter.
ests of customers or by any , inattention to huffiness.
• TOOLS, manufactured to order-smichinery of all
kinds repaired in the best manner, and era,' kind of
Repairing and Mdnufacturing will be done at short
notice, and in the stylo desired.
Horse Shoeing, on reasonable terms. He will also
take gtrunfry,.Produee in payment for work, but ob
jects strongly tomedit..
Towanda r iso. 17„ 1861.•
Saddle, Harness & Trunk Manufactory.
TERE CULP & Co., wspeetfally infinnr the public
41/ that they have taken the shop lately oerupiedhy
C.F. Harder, on Main street. a harikari below the
Bruit Row, where they will keep on hand' a large
stock of
ELLIUM,EItO O , 041202133 a, UtilLtU=3g,,
TAMILS, SAVOILO r wain, rm.
All anhdes in their line manufactund to order, and
made of the bat material,and for warlunanabip cannot
be sutpased in Northern Pansylvania, They solicit
a altfrarn Shove wiihing to °purchase, contdeat the
they can give satisfaction both as to quality and price.
Cash will be paid for. Hider and•Bheep Pah%
e► the tOgheas 'OM at our shop.
Towanda r November 19114101 b
The ihdt4 ttrixiolir.4ol . 4,,Trigtoc..
On the . . oncii#l6yeindi the insur ed pirgespat
• . ' •
Muter Perpetual.; ,ll .
. $250.000.
F. is. Hort, liteifiest Examiner, Athens, Ps. Intor.
elation given. end sptdicaderui received by
- , J. .Ed OPIFJELDi 'Athens, Pe.
Also eippeatiaiis fbr Traigiance igeinet Boil b, FPO In
• Tile Wastaingt'on Co. Mutual besuirriflee Cs:
The largeat Mutual Company in the World.
Capital over $1,000,000 Over 100,000 members.
T►e State Mutual, at Aborelialinegs
The great Pennsylvania Company. being a Farmers
and Merchant's Compariy, y1111,1'10%8 inernalling
cash fund, being both a stook and mutual Company.
J. 'E. CANFIELD, Agent, Athens, Ai.
Pension and Bounty Land , ageney.
The subscriber having received All the Pension laws
necessary instructions and forms, from the proper de
partment at Washington. will attend to the application
of Soldiers. Widows, and minor children of Soldiers,
who by the late law are entitled to Bounty Lands for
services rendered during the war of 1812, or any of the
Indian ware since 1720. And all Pension claims un
der the vatious acts of Congress. The - late
. pension
laws and decisions giving to many pensions not here
tofore entitled to them. Prompt attention given to all
post paid communications, by
• Athens, Dec. 28, 1850. - J. E. CANFIELD.
Chruitt $20.000
Office No. 28, Merchanti•Exchenge.
ORGANIZED upon the " mixed principle," Stock
and Mutual, which combined feature* offer to in
sured members double the.ustial security, Tbe Cash
syste.a of payments has also been * adopted, thus avoid:
ing the heavy drawbacks created by unpaid premium
notes. The table ones of premium; upon which its po
licies are being issued, is the only state experience has
proves should be adopted, as affording requisite secur
ity to be insured, and an undoubted guarantee for the
perpetuity of such institutions. An experimental ta
ble may be found worthless, at the very instant a poli
cy should possess its greatest value. Life Insurance,
very properly, is attesting the attention of the world.
the public however, in their commendable willingness .
to embrace and employ its wise and salutary provisions,
should make ultimate security the primary and most.
important object, which can only be attained by so ad
justing the premiums as to anticipate unexpected loss
es and fluctuations of every-- kind. It is the purpose
of this company annually to credit, upon the polices
of holders and books of the Company, such an amount
of profits as shall not affect the stability, or impair the
sacredness of its contracts. Premiums may. at the op
tion of the insured. be paid annually, semi-annually,
or quarterly, in advance. All necessary information,
together with blanks, pamphlets, &e, may be obtained
gratis, at the office of .1. E. CANT/ stn, Athens, Pa.
Stephen R. Crawford, Paul B Goddard,
Ambrose W. Thompson, Lawrence Johnson,
Benjamin W. Tingley, George M'Henry,
Jacob L. Florence, James Devereuz,
William M. Goodwin. John L. Linton.
Amason W. Tacorrsoi. Vice President.
Cats. G. fxr.air, Secretary end Treasurer
ARTVADT.-.M argue! Eyre.,
Cot:ream. eau Avronarse—Thomas Batch.
F. 8. Hoer, Medical Examiner for Athens.
December 27,1850.
DISSOLUTION.—Notice is hereby given, that the
partnership heretofore existing between the sub.
scribers in the Harness and Trunk making business is
this day dissolved by muturl consent. E. Smith &
Son will settle the business of the late firm. Those
indebted must make immediate payment, and those who
have agreed to pay grain, are notified that unless de.
livered at thelime agreed, Cash will be expected.
November 15, 1850. JERE CULP.
E. Smith Sc Son,
RESPECTFULLY inform the public that they
will continue the business at their old stand, north
side of the Public square, and will keep on hand, and
manufacture to order, every variety of ISADDLEB,
HARNEBB, TRUNKS, VALICEB, &c., of the best
materials and of workmanship, not to be surpassed.
By Erna attention to business, and promptness in
fullfilling enpgements, they hope to continue the lib
eral patmuage they have heretoforeiojoyed.
C/111111.11,016 TIIIIIIIII7IO will be doue . ol3 short notice,
in the mutest manner.
All kinds of. Crain, Produce. Hides, Sheep Pelts,
will be taken in exchange for work.
; 111 =Pik . C_ • /t. +Asr_ 111 API
ESMITH & SON have tailored their Saddle &
. Harness Shop to the building nearly eppiltrite
the Ward House, late the "North Pennsylvanian"
printing ofßee—on main street.- - Jan..
*Union Block.", up stairs; North aide of the
Public Square, over Elwell'a Law Office. EntranCe
between Elwell'a and Adams' law offices; where he
may always be found when not professionally engaged.'
Towanda, July 12, 1850.
chat CITT zonaarr.
A New lira in Newspapers.
THE CITY BUDGET is designed to fill a blank in
in the newspaper world, of Refined and. Elegant
Literature, Wit, Humor, Graphic Life Sketches of For
eign Countries, and the every-day conversations and
the manners of their people. Each number will be em
bellished with spendid engravings, engraved from new
and original designs by the best Artists in America.
No old cuts or foreign witticisms, tehashos, will be
admitted, but everything will have the advantage of
Families will find thm ani nterest ing Journal for their
parlor table. u from it not only information of the moat
agreeable and pleasant kind may be obtained. but they
will find something to amuse them in their leisure
There is no paper like this at present in America. if
indeed there be one in any part of the world; but our
people are a reading people, and require, u we shall
give them, subjects of interest and amusement in a
cheap and condensed form. We are entirety different
from the ordinary Newspaper or Weekly Papers, nor
do we seek to enforce any opinions upon the minds of
our ruder's, but leave them to form their own.
co. Every Country Merchant and Family should
read David Alwyn, or the Ruined Country Merchant;
A peep into Mercantile Agencies ; which has created
such a great sensation in business circles. sod will be
continued every week until it is concluded. his de.
signed to show up in their tine light those spies who.
Wes by misrepresentation of the most private affairs of
Merchants and Fami, to the injury of trade and •ho
demoralization of man.
A sample copj of the:City Budget will be sent by
mail to any address in the exountry, if requin:d4 •
nue is not • paper in America that gives as moth
original reading matter for Cho same price.
Price One Dollar per annum or Two Centa per sin
gle copy, for sale by Newsboys and Newsagents
tbroughoOt the United States.
The CITY BUDGE P will be furnished' to Clubs at
the following tow prices:
6 Copies address, ' . $5 00
10. a a •
20 a " ~..15 00
30 a o _ '3l 00
40 " " 26 00
50 'a " ......30 00
. 100 "- " 50 00.
All communications mist he pre-pabl.' and address
ed to R. F. MATHER* Co.,
r ARCM -assortment of Cloths. ,Casasimerni and
Sattinctuyalso Calico sod other Do Goods CO
cheap thedefins eompetion at
' Dee 4
PRI TE I • Flandels tmlTurkey Reds, as well as
a large stock of OsAcoes, Behalves, Clammy
and Alpsecasisin be found. for sale by •
Not. 7, • KINGSDERY- & CO. •
162 .fulOrtsfrrd. N. Y..
Dr. - Fitcles: Citcbtated Medicine* !
Pulmonary Babyrepetitive Syrup, .•
Pect&al Expo:taut. Heart Cairo:ear, •
Puhnonary, Liniment. • - Humor Correder,
Asal-pyareptic Mauve, Cough luidCalhartic Piib
Nerrine. • Female Pdta. -
Veunifuae. • Fermate Specific,
Pure and Medicinal Cod Liver Oil, die.,
Used by him constantly' ang ibilh tippr(ted Wed sue
rem in the treatment otOotighs,"Coids. Cotiguingio*
Asthma, Heart Direasei, 'Dyspeisia, Scrofala, Skin
Diseases. Rheitraaijsm, Female Comerints, Piles, 4'e
Dr. Pitch'i unigthdled Palen t pilfer plated andominp
sappdrters; hapreicd iistiffsied . dpiipt
brace; Dr. Fitch ir silver , Inhalhig tube. .
Dr. Pilch , / Celebialed Lodures
On the prevention and care of Consumption, Asthma
Diseases of the Heart, &c., and on the Method o
.preastring health and .beauty to an old age.
This book should be in every family. To the Con
sumptive it points out the only reasonable hope for re
lief.. To mothers, theditections ii gives in the care and
education of children ate invaluable. 78,00 V tipples o
this book have passed through the press, and the sale
continues unabated.
For sale by 8.8. ?men & Co., 709 'Broadway, N.
Y., and HUSTON & PORTER, Towanda, end by
C. E. RATHBONE, Canton.
Q3' Dr. Pitch's Guide to Inadids. or gtivetions to
persons using Di. Fitch's remedies, to be bid vatisiot
all die agents. • • 13y
• Stan -Ines.
The following equalled series of Family Medicines
may be depended ujion with the utmost confidence.
-They have the approbation of the best physs
sums in the country, and are recom
mended by all who have used them
as superior to any medicines.
They hue bees before the Public for five yrare i
During which time more than 5000 certificates have
been received from eminent public men
and otheis,and are now on file
at the Company's office.
They are Compounded
With the utmost care and skill, and the ingredients
are thoroughly tested by scientific chemists, so
that medicines of a uniforni and reliable qua.
lity are guaranteed in all cases.
Are particularly valuable for the:revention and cure of
Fevers in general, all Bilious and Liver Complaints,
Jaundice, General Debility,: Common and Sick
Headache, Dyspepaia,Hearf Burn, Costiveness,
Griping, Urinary Diseased, Obstructions of
the Menem Influenza, Aithrna,' and for a
variety of othe, Chronic Diseases; in
fine, for all ordinary: family uses.
aj•Full directions for the various Diseases accompany
each box. Prize 25 tents a box.
?hi Graefenberg.Dysentary Syrup,
A speedy and infallible remedy: in Diarrhcea. Dysente
ry, Bloody Flux, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infanturn
end the ASIATIC Caor.zaa, if taken with the first
symptoms, viz: vomiting arid diarrhoea. It ne
ver fails to cure the worst, possible cases of
bowel complaints, generally in a few hour',
sbldom beyond a deg. It is Puesti
VIGITMILY, and taken in any quan
tity is perfectly harmless.
The Graefenberg Green Mountain Dintinent.
Invaluable for Burns, Wounds,' Sprains, Chillblains,
Coma, Sores, Swelings of all kinds, Rheumatism,
Erysipelas Bronchitis, - filcrofula, Ulcers, Pains - in
the side ;nil back immediately relieved, Inflam
mation of the Bowels, and for all eases where
- there is IntlarOmation.
Marshall's Merino Cathelleon.
A certain cure for Prolapses Uteri, and for most of the
distressing complaints incident to females. Pre
pared by Dr. THEO. POMEROY, of Utica,
solely for the Orsefertbers Company.'
Bye Lotion, Health, Bitters,
Convimplive Balm, Fever and Agile Pills,
Children Panacea .rzbby's Pile Ointment,
Sanaparilia aim/ound,
aZr The Graefenberg Manual of Health, a complete
hand-hook of medicine for families. Price fifty cents.
01E09,214 Broadway, New York.
Corrion.—The public is requested to hear in mind
that euerything prepared by the Graefenberg Company
has their seal spun
Spurioua articles have been issued closely resembling
the genuine in every particular, except the seal, and
she utmost care should be used Ware purchasing.
Agents for Bradford County—Dr. HUSTON and
Dr. PORTER, Towanda. Iy3B
LT AS removed to s few doors below Bridge street.
IL on the East side of Main- t. in the building for
merly occupied by J. I). Montanye Esq.
All operations amounting to $5O, or over,. one hsl
to be paid down, the remainder in three months. I
the operation proves unsatisfactory, the money paid will
be refunded. A note, of hand however must enure the
payment oldie halfleft unpaid, with a proviso.
'F BE SUBSCRIBER. having now completed his
anangements for the accommodation of the Travel
ing-Public; feels warranted in soliciting his share of
Public Patronage. His Table shall be furnished with
the best the markt/Words. His Stabling
is Large and
Warm. His Bar shall be fi lled with as good Lignor
as are to be found in the country.
BESIDES, for the accommodation of many, the
subscriber is manufacturing Boots, Shoes Saddles, Her
rues, Trunks and Vases. fie.. tre. And keeps on
hand a good assortment of PATENT -MEDI CINEt.t,
for all of which his patrons will be asked only a mode
rate price.
Come one, come all, both far and near
A home you'l find, a home to cheer*
And a cheap article if you would buy
Cell at Lacey villa and try.
For former patronage and favors, the public will
please accept the sincere thanks of T. D. SPRINGF.
Laceyville, Feb., 13, 1851.
Clock, Watch, and Jewelry Store !
_ A.M. WA/it/fall takes this method
~' of inforining his old customers and the.
is,* , public generally, that he has purchase)
..,., of, J.P.Bul ~ his stock of:Watches. Clocks
- - " and Jewelry, and commenced the above
bushing in all of iti various branches at the old stand
of the latter, on Mai street, two doors south of Brick
Row. His reputation as a watch repairer is so well
established in this community, that it is hardly neces.
sary . to say a word on Nit point. With his long e;
penence and great advantages for acquiring a thorough
knowledge of the business, he has confidence in saying
to the public, bring on your watches and clucks, I will
do them justice.
AU goods sold, or Repairing done, warranted as I
recommend, , or the money refunded,
'A 'good assortment of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry
kept militantly on band."
My motto shall he—quick sales, small profits, cash
down, and no credit given. Cre di t need not be asked
for--as lam bound not to make its acquaintance.
Towanda. July 12, 1850.• A. M. WARNER.'
IMMO a S3llikAlltegrmann,
rIPHE largest and most complete assortment of school,
blank sad miscellaneous BOOKS & STATION !
ERY ever offered in Ibis market, and at very row prime,
now just opening :at dlo' O.D. DA RTLETTIII:
No. 428 tfiillon'tittl i , Sum Oil/41gs: 'NO -York,
..: ;No. it Vanca;etreet :Rote% r iVettl Orleano. ;, i
ft IldrevisPiper aid Miters..
XTITH #opfidencei invite the - trade, before they
purchase itieWhere, to give me
, • acall at ' No.
,y 8 rOlkip.litreet;New Tory,. 0v0iN0.47 Canal-s t.
ow;Neell °tieing, where am ready to - furnish
them wit all klnds,of
of the newest intilmOit beautiful style, I am also
.prepared iiitupply i the much admired Scotch letter,
having Wily procured front Scotland a series of
' these beautiful faces, together with every,variety of
form atidpattern of .
D. . i .
, ORNAMENTAL AN J0801NG',771%.
Bordering, /ed. I feel , assured that the' elegance
and accuracy ofalithe Type manifactureif by me
cannot tie surpassed by any Founder in the Union.
By in entirely new method in the'ng• and east!.
ing j im.enabled to retain the virtues of the comp*.
tient polls of the metal,anii thus to produce, in addi.
don to an elegant the most • - .
beretocare Offered the public. To this last feature I
would in particulai call attention, for solidity and
durability of Type is on the principle of economy,
of the greatest importance to all typographers. The
members of the craft will also find me ready to sup•
ply all kind; of .
for the establishmenvof complete Printing Offices,
such as Presses, Wood Type, Cases, Stands, Brass,
I'iess and Wood Raps, Imposing Stones,'Compos
i*Stick,Brasg and Wood Galleys, Riglets, Closet
Racksofe., 410. . „. . .
Old Type taken in exchange for new at O f cents
per lb. The Trade dealt with on the Most liberal
terms, and patronage solicited on the ground of tar
nishing to the purchaser of an article with which
he will be pleased and which will bring him the
worth of his money. •
Editors or Pnters wishing to establish - 4 News
paper or Job P r ating Office, will be furnished with
an estimate inetait of the cost by stating size of
paper and kind of work to be executed.
• Poblisbers•of Newspapers who will insert this
advertisement three months and send me the papers
containing it addressed to " Nesbitl's Register.,"
New York, will be paid in materials of my mano
factUre, provided they purchase six times the amount
of their bills for advertising.
THE undersigned, formerly Foreman for many years
of the Lafayette Burr Mill Stone manufactory,
240 Washington street N. Y., (V 4. Track, Agent)
would inform his friends and the public in general, that
he has established a BURR MILL STONE MAN U.
FACTORY at Binghamton, N. Y. in " Leroy Build
ings," opposite "Phenix Hotel," and solicits a share
of their patronage.
He will have constantly on -hand a large stock o
French Burr Mill Stones. u also a large supply o
&opus 4 Kula Same*, also French Burr Blocks, 801 l
ing Cloth, Screen Wire and Calcined Plaster.
The undersigned assures his friends end the public,
that he will faithfully execute all Orders entrusted to
his care, not only in quality, but in prices of suicide
furnished, and solicits their kinit patronage.
Orders by letter will be executed with as much care
and as cheaply as when purchasers are on the spot.
JC _
Binghamton, May 24,1851
Removed to B. Kingsbery's Block !
IF' .41. Chamberlin, ,
TT AS just returned from the city
-At: -Li of New York with a large
. .
..e k supply of Watches, Jewelry and
I . . - , 4 7, Silver ware, comprising in part,
i=t .the ' following articles :—Lever,
,`..,... L'Epine and Plain Watches, with
46,,---, f• a complete assortment of Gold
_ _-- -
Jewelry, such as Ear Rings, Fin
ger Rio p, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chains,
Gold Pens,-Keys, etc. Also, all aorta of Silverware,
and any quantity oftateel Beads—all of which be offers
ftir sale•exceeedingly cheap for CASH.
Watches repaired on short notice, and warranted
to run well, or the moiley will be refunded, and a writ
ten agreement given to that effect if required.
N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Produce
taken in payment for work; and alst. (earn nnw, and
forever, that the Produie must be paid when the work
is done—l war against creditin all its forms. _
Towanda, April' 28, 1850.
New Chair and- Bedstead Wareroom.
RESPECTFULLY informs the public that he bas
opened, a shop at his new house, corner of Main
and Paine streets, nearly opposite Edward Oyerton's,
Towanda, where he will keep on!band or manufacture
to order, Flag-seated, Cottage, Windsor. Fancy, Cane
"seated and Common CHAIRS, grade of the best ma
and of superior durability.
He has also for sale an assolunenr of Ramerasps,
at low prices
Repairing and Seating Common, Cane-bottom and
Flag-seated Chairs, on reasonable term&
• Cherry, Basswood, Whitewood and Cucumber lum
ber taker] in payment for work.
He trusts that his long sequantance in this county,
and the durability of his work as tested by many years
experience, will secure him a share of public patron
age. Towanda, March 1, 1851.
AM. 1111131EICIE31[11:.31C-49
HAVING located in Towanda, his services may
be obtained by addressing a line through the Poet
Office, or by calling at the offiee of Ulysses Mercur,
Esq., where he will be found, or *hens a written ap-
Unarm') may be left. Nov. 1, 1850.
E. H. MASON,: M. D.,
nrricE on Main street, four doom below Bridge
kJ meet; where he may be found, when not profes
sionally entsged. Towanda, N0v.30, 11360.
THE subscriber respectfUlly Warm, the public that
he has taken possession of his old stand, in the
south part of the Boro' of Athens, where he will be at
all times happy to see hiefriends, and will endeavor to
make their stay with him agreeable. He trusts that an
assiduous attention to the wishes of the travelling pub
lie will secant him the favor of the' old patrons of the
" Mansion;' and the visit of those who desire a com
forts%) end convenient atoppinkplace. •
His TABLE will be well suppried:—.and the best
goons be procured for the Ban.
Goon STAIMING is attached with careful and atten
tive bonier*. •
Qj'An omnibus will he nu) to the Waverly sta
tion. to carry passengers to and form every train, east
or west. E.B. MATHEWSON.
Athens April 18, 1851.
A DOZEN mote of those cheap and good LINEN .
pOATS, this day toteivo.l by
May 118.- HI 4 A. OAMPDELii.
iØdaucOtiL !
No. 128 Fulton•st. New York, and
No. 17 Row, New Orleans.
. Afilictet-'doAtot -Despair .
Anotherfellate being resenedfretra Diva . trY i rk . ,
.. The folkweittg Cage is one of the
.greatest lnUrnph,
of medicine over &ewe ever ?oldisheil in tuedic t il ku.
tory; -Read it ! , ~ . ,
Prompted, by no otEelltatt theYeeling of benev n t ett ,.
and fir thebenefit of my ifflicted r!irei, beings, T 4.
sire 4 (Hake knoirn a short rlateriitton of my dis eue,
and the unexpected cure I obtained trim SCIIENCEg
PULMONIC SYRUP; About three years ago I n i ,
abbe : tea wit a : violent teld, which Settled on my tm hi s t
and side, and every tete days arofilld raise considore
Me blood; my «bulb was tight and distressing. Every
day I had violent fever- ereeping chills, and pro ne
sweatest night, with great difficulty-of- breathing*
great loss of appetite; my system was entirely p roi ,
tatted, being confined to my bed. most of the ties,.
Two of the most eminent physicians of this city ah '
tended me. and alter esheisting all their skiil, pi t ,.
counted my cue incurable. 'lndeed, one said La i
lungs were almost gone, and I could not Possibly re
cover. At this stage of my disease, I was preailej
upon to try Dr. SelterKles Pulmonic Syrup, and bef on ,
I bad taken half 4 dozen ;bottles, was so far recovered
as to be to go abort the house. It seemed to strength.
en my whole system—it loosened the cough and atn p ,
peal the bkeding—my bowels became regular, a n y
every thing I ate, seemed to digest easily and need*
my whole system. Indeed, such wits the rapid pr o :
grew of my health and so sudden the change, that I
became too sanguine of a speedy cure, and *bonito
ed the use of the medicine before the disease o n
thoroughly eradicated, which resulted in another se n t
of bleeding at the lungs last tall, accompanied by a &,,,
Messing cough. I again commenced taking the ht
movie Syrup, and sent for Dr. Schenck who, upn n ,
careful examination, advised me to continue usin g i t
Before I had taken four bottles, en alweees formed iii
my side, which gathered and broke, discharging, no ner
is I can judge, s pint of very disagreeable yellow*
ter. This seemed to cleanse and purify my whole '' ,
tern, Fr,m this time I began to get better, and on
- happy to say entirely recovered. lam sure at tith
ume I enjoy better health than I have for the let tag
year. Since tcommenced taking the Pulmonie fip,
up, I have never failed to recommend it wherry I
went, that others, as well se myself, might be woo
saved from that awful - disease; for I feel it a duty I
owe to the afflicted to publish it to the world. Permit
me to mention a few easel which have come underlay
immediate observation. Being on a visit to Camden,
N. 1., last eummer, ,I saw a child, evidently in the*
stage of bowel consumption. The mother infernal
me that the physicians bad Ten the child up asio.
curable. I told her what be e fi t I had reeeired fen
the use of Schenck'S Pultoortie Syrup, and indent
herb procure a bottle. I beard nothing more fro
the little sufferer nntil about three month 4 after; beitg
in the market, my attention was drawn to a lady sib
observed me very attentively. She finally approaebel
me, and asked if I was not the lady who recommed
ed Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup to her dying dirt/ La
Bummer in Camden. I replied that I was. The ea
that her child had entirely recovered, and was twos
manly healthy. Her name is Mrs. Wilson, and nos
resides in Bridesborg. Another lady I would mania
in particular, whp had a scrofulous affection. Her*,
and neck presented one covatinu id sore, and one of her
eyes was seriously affected with it. She had beeves
greatly emaciated, and to all appearancespast recovery,
I induced her to try Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, whirl;
she did, and is now perfectly cured. Another lady,
Mrs. McMullen, whose residence I will give on 190.
cation, was evidently in the last stage of Consumption,
I prevailed upon her to try the Pulmonic Syrup. lot
'very abort time she was entirely recovered, and nowt*
joys excellent health, having become exceedingly fie*
These are three cases within my knowledge; which I
know were cured by Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, Al
who doubt this statement, and will take the troubles)
call on me at my residence Parrish street five darn
above tenth north side, I think I will be able to astir
factorily convince them by own case, and (others the
I know have been cured by this Syrup.. Since my
cure, there have been so many to see me to know rahe
I tQok, that I have had a very good opportunity it
knowing a great many that have taken it, and hall
been greatly benefitted thereby, and I think if pence
afflicted with Consumption or Liver Complaint, would
send for Dr. Schenck, and let him carefully examba
their lungs, and if he says be can cure them, follow*
directicins, and prevent taking cold, they will . rapidly
recover. -
Philadelphia, May 29, 1849.
J. H. Scuancit—Dear Sir—l have kilown 11n.
Leibert for aevend years, as a member of my chunk
and have all confidence in her statement, and am n.
joiced to find her again restored to health. Any tking
more, in addition to her statement, is needless.
Yours, truly, THOS. 1.. JANE WAY,
Pastor of the North Presbyterian Church,
Philadelphia, June 20, 1849. 6th at. abovekhrts,
Prepared and sold by J. H. SCHENCK, st his LO.'
oratory S. E. corner Coates & Marshall sta., and hy
the following Agents in Bradford County.
Geo. A. Perkins, Athens; D. Bailey, Lernyaville; T.
Huniphrey, Orwell; Maynard dr. Woodburn, Roo;
J. 3. Warford, Monroeton ; D. D. Parkhurst, Le Raj;
C. E. Rathbone ,
Cantoit • King & Vosburg, Troj;
and by MIX & MASON:Towanda.
Price, $1 per bottle or $5 per half dozen.
The best and cheapest Family Medicine in the Wail
Dr. Roberts' Compound,
Au altenitive, Tonic, Diuretic - and mild esthetic
Price '25 cents per box, containing 50 Pills.
'Each box &intakes fifty pills, which makes them It
cheap again as any other standard pill, and Rani=
cheaper, and warranted much superior in the care d
various diseases, to any of the itityrup mixtures sold;
besides being a more convenient and proper fors
for use.'
The astonisbiug piscceist which has attended the m
of Dr. Robeits - Compound Sarsaparilla Pills is lid
abundant and conalutiivo that they are truly
Nature's Own Remedies.
and that they will cure al, curable diseases, guar
and more pleasantly thili any other medicine ea
known. The Pills are principally an 'alterative web.
tine, (their basis being the solid extract of Sirsaptrilik
prepared in a superior manner,) but snfficie.ntly tuff
antic to gently assist nature,without purging urine*
scarily, which make them,peculiarly adapted to wok
and enfeebled person's, invigorating and strengthen*
the body, purifying the system, producing new rid
blood and a healthy action of the stomach and lives
They are acknowledged by our ablest physicians I
be not only unexceptionable, but efficacious in tinker
eat degree, and as a general •
Family Medicine Unequalled.:
The Compound Sarsaparilla Pills are used for dot
permanent cure of those diseases which arise from
impure state of the blood, and morbid secretions 016
liver and stomach, viz., erysipelas, scrofula or kitit
evil, ulcers, scald head, obstinate cutaneous eruptiws,
blotches, boils, pimples, sore, weak or inflamed got
glandular swellings, rheumatic affections, pains is 0 4
bones and joints, dropsy, dyspepsia, asthma. &Otto
and dysentery, coughs, colds, consumption wheats ,
ed by capillary obstructions of the lungs in permed
scrofulous constitutions; intlamation of the lungs. 112 •
fluenza, indigestion, headache, illundice, fever and Is'
chill fevers, and fevers in general, general and nerftel
debility, and diseases arising from an injudicious asof
mercury, and whenevermedidine is required to WO'
rate and purify the system.
They are a purely vegetable (impound. and 1117 ,t
used by persons of all ages. Thee are pleasant tom
palate, and produce no nausea, nneasieess or OA
in their operation. Hundreds of certificates could bt
given of those who have used them with great benL6
We ask no person to take our word as to the merits
of the medicine, but call on the agent and parchge
box, and if on trial itdoes'not give the most perfect 0 4
isfaction, they. can return the box and receive the torts'
ey paid for the same. Firebastlrs will be patto b/
to ask for " Dr. Robert's Compound &Wins",
Pills," and obs)rre that the green wrapper on rac e
box has a lac simile of the signature of Jas. Retest
M. D. and C. P. Fay, and to purehase none others.
All applications for agencies and letters on the sew
jest of the medicine, must'be addressed, post 11
C. P. Foy, Owego,Tioaa Co., N. Y.
For sale by HUSTON & PORTER, sole agent" (
Towanda Pa. 3m4
Iron ! Iron ! Iron !
20 TONS American, English and Swaim boo
'‘IV a general assortment of all aizerof roundtlii °
flat bar, band and hoop, now received, and for sale bf
the ton or smaller quantify, at MERL:EWA