L i no gars is V 4 iscosscr...Tbere are to be two in land sales at Willow 'River, Wisconsin, i n August, at which about 3,500,000 rides will be edmoi l, embracing a tract of country extending arty ft'an 2 the Wisconsin river to the Mississippi, sad north to the head inters of the St. Croix. The do , o rs will commence on the 4th of August, and o b a on the 18th. This saleinclude the lands fring. o n and between ibe Black, Chippeway, (ko al a and Nominee rivers, which is very Salmi. boa immense tracts of pine, and numerous water o , ar e on these streams. The second sale will mroe sce on the 19th of August, The land to be o g ee ,' lies between the Chippewa„ Mistiasippi s Croix, which is one of the finest sections of ‘02 ,,,g tads in the State. . ' Wig Flax —A correspondent of the NesrYork Tntenetg i.esmi account of the farm of :edge m et a, in Shelburne Vt., which has. before been not i c e] for its great eittent and large product. ' The tarot new consists of 3600 aciety23oo being in one / /, and in the other 1300 acres, recently added, a , ont ,listanee only from the-old-farm. Judge-M. it , eye 40 0 & beep ; and a great many cattle and horses. Se cuts lODOlana ai hay, Mid raises a great amount of p , o d u ce, - 31; lila land being fertile and under good improvement. • __---------. 0- It is a very gratifying lot, ways die-Mining o r, that anda majority of the young Men of the conntry, ,gnaining their majority; attach themselves to the democratic partil-and that, too, often in oppomtion to family predilectioni and ripe. vat efforts of interested friends. Th e y obey the promg of a warm and generous imputes, • and ha " I/0 eympa iby with the cold, conservative, dower ying policy, which has ever distinguished the obtg par ry. There is a life, a vigor, and (Year ly defined gr ogrervive developing principle and the den creed, which most ever have a strong claim on the affections of the young men of .. • the country. THE F.I FICTION AT 'ELLICOTT'S MILLS...44Ln. August 8, F. M.— Amos Green, the young co l or ed man, who was convicted on the charge of COnsintning a crime of •an aggravated character on 3 young mintier! Gqrman woman, was hung in the preenee al-a large concourse of persons at Ellicot's , at at 12 — o'clock, to.day. ,He protested to the lasi his innocence of the charge, and met his death quite resigned. A despatch was received from G o vernor Lowe, authorizing a further reprieve, , if gintightedyisable by the District Attorney. He r epeated his protestations of innocence to the int. , He payed to God to forgive the woman who had sworn his life away, with his last breath. MINIATURE A LIR AN — AC-11S5L _—_—D_____ the =l. Day of Q —• Manta. '- un iL3el Son 5"3" -7ISCIDAT, 17 512 657 .).ilfiloisnan, , 181 513 655 a InnsuAT. ... 19 514 654 " 1 / IWCONISDA 7, e. -i. 20 SAB 853 0 I 1117111fplif 21 516 851 :4 FRIDAT,22 5.17 650 &Tommy - ' 23 516 649 Married, In Wysoz tp., duly 9d by Esq. Forbes, Ma. James Mears of thii Borough, to Miss AIIIAND4 Basaae. smof the former place. orNOTICE :--The North Branch Associa tion of Uoiversallsts wi,ll hold its an nod elision at Springfield on the Sd Wednesday and Thursday in August-T.2oth and 21st. Religious services will lie holden both days at the. uuual hours, and a cordial invitation is hereby es traded to the public to attend and hear. • G. July 19,1851. ger. A CARD.—Being disabled by the toils of of mans years and consequent sickness, I hire been induced to offer myself to the citizens of Bndford County as a candidate for the office of Treasurer of said County ; pledging myself to fulfill the duties of said office with strict regard to the inter. rsti of tax-payers, if elected. I. M. BISHOP. Dorell, Aug. 4, 1851, New Ittrorrtisemenis. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 1.1 persons indebted to the estate Of LEMUEL 11 8. MAYNARD deceased. late of Rome town ship. are hereby requested•to make payment with out delay, and those having claims against said es tate, will please present them July and authenticated for settlement. WM. E. MAYNARD. JOHN PASSMORE. Administrators with the will apnezed ,wanda, Aug. 9, 1851. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. BITERS Testamentary upon the last will and a testament of ELIZABETH MEANB, late of liere' of Towanda, deceased. bavingbeen grant to the subscribers of said Euro' all persons hay. clatms , or demands against the estate of the said ts...d are requested to make the same known to ittlinat delay, and all persons indebted to said 'attire required to pay the same forthwith. THOMAS ELLIOTT. MILLER FOX. Executors. , TowttAla July 28, 1851. Wale & State Mine Rail Road. 150 ° oo n ibis road, at goodM w a a n g t e d a c t rn a s e h dr a t i e ly l y_ er s sill be allowed each team forgoing to the work from them Employment till November. We iwoojd re to boy 2ftgood teams. Enquire of Laporte,Maion Co. Towanda. or Welles & Harris at Athens Pa. %filo, Aug. 7, 1851. H. 8. WELLES & Co. Notice to Builders. t.ALED PROPOSALS — wiII be received by the subscriber, until the 23d of this month, for ITT' flit the materials ancnhimediately erecting a ret edifice, for the Collegiate Institute of the Pres ny of Busquehanna, at Wyalusing. The build to be 92 feet by ; 'three stories of brick ; the rises story of stone.: The plans may be con kat the Wyelosing Parsonage. where address, Rev. SAMUEL F. COLT, ‘. Sec'y and Agent of Board of Trustees. fl PIECES P . RlNTB.jaet arrivpl. for .ale by u ag7 SHAPLEY & LEWIS. MSS GOODS, ai,general assortment. just Wired at the cheap store of 8. At L. 418 & BIfOES, a general assortment of the latent styles at the chap store of 8. it L. Arm, latest style of Hats fir sale by 'SHAPLEY & LEWIS. Battalion Notice. iniformita volunteers cot posing the 4th battalion of the ts: brigade 13th division. P. M., If meet at the bIYERBIII3,IIG 110 - 1131., in W.Tsnx , Tuesday the 26th day of Anon, 1861, at 10 lock, A. M., armed and equipped as the law di :ur, for parade and inspection. H. E. WHITNEY, Lieu t. Wysot. Anßust 5, 18514 G. HI WALTERS' .USIC DEPOT, Chamberlin's Watch, Clerk and fethdiy More, Main street. 1 the kind attention and patronage of all Teach. 11. Scholars and friends of Music is recant /1; a large stock of American, Italian and stn k11.781C, for different Instruments and the ou yoke; instruction books and other musical Alitatioss. Italian violin strings of the finestqUali• • fine -beaters and a variety of articles belong -110 the musical department. •R. V l 'hiss also proposes to re' lessons in u German language. He has foritM pail ' , esti Wm ' e'lgaged as Teacher in tile Academy At Mont. t °5511 brings recommendations front ths 1 1 0 * "- Jessup, President of the Board of Titisaes of that i„fitation.L. H. wi t itees i ld: A. Principal, and r,4". Alsofrom quite a number of the Soil" 'utts and gentlemen of that place, (formerly hls as to his success ass tellellet • ' l , l4 min, July 31, 1851. Ispi.Shvettbsatimm , SHEFUFFSSALE' - :' -* , Y virtue of sundry writs of Venditionalfpo. it .1.3 sued out of the Omit of Common Pleas Of Bradford County, and to, mei directed,l4ll be expos ed to public sale, at the Conti House In - ..the Bore' of Towanda on Monday, the fat day of September, at one o'clock, P. M. the following lot,: piece orpar eel of-land, situate-1n the township of Wysor, bounded and described as follows to wit: North by land'of Valentine Woodbutp e west by land of B. R. Myer, south by the State road; and east by lands of Robert Spalding. Containiag seventy-five acres mote or less, about twentyacrea improved one fram ed house thereon. Seized aad taken in execution at the snit of John Alien. to the-use of.lesse Allen vs. Levi'VValker. ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situated iti the township of Rome. bounded and des cribed as•follawr: beginning at a comer in a litie of Ephraim D. Barker and Hiram Drake, thence south 79 degrees east along a line of said Drake, ekhty and 640 perches to another corner of said Drakes, thence south one degree west twenty-three and 4-10 perches thence south 34f degrees meat to a corner in a line of Daniel Buffington's now Lu cius Saatman, thence north 89 degrees west 67 and 7-10 perches to the beginning: Containing twenty two acres and twenty•six perches, strict measure, be the same more or less, about ten acres improved one framed barn, log house and small orchard thereon. Seized and taken in - execution at the suit of Hi, ram Drake. Administrator or John Moore deceased vs. Silas Gore and Samuel W. Gore. • ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land sit uated in Warren township. bounded as follows to wit: north by lands of Chauncey Base, east by Deihl Davis, south by Ira:Beeman, atid - west by the estate of Aaron Beeman dec'd. Containing twenty acres, with about five or six acres improved, with ,one small framed house, and one small orchard thereon. ' . Seized and taken in exeentio at the suit of Wil liam Dorman vs. David P. fine. ALSO—The following piece or panel of land situate in Towanda township, Bradford county, botinded and described as follows, to wit: Begin ning at a sapling Marked for a corner, near to and west of Springbrook, thence south 20r, west 180 rods to a stone corner, thence north 191 0 . west 140} rods to a white oak tree, thence north 70r, east 180 rods to a Stake at a white pine stomp, turned op by the roots, thence south 19i degrees, east 1 - 44 rods to the place of beginning. Containing:9s acres more or less, about 80 acres improved, one framed house, one log house; one framed barn with a shed attached thereon. Seised and taken in execution at the suit of Liam Welch vs. William B. Hayden and Patrick Hayden.. ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land situate.in the township of Leßoy, county of Brad ford, bounded and described as follows, via: north by Towanda creek, west by lands of David White Jr., south by unseated lands, or a tract of land known as the Barclay tract, east by lands of Leonard Mc- Kee. Containing about ninety acres more or less, about thirty acres improved. one plank house, one log barn and apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John• son and Booth vs. P. W. Holcomb. ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land situated in the township of Pike, bounded and des cribed as follows north by the tannery lot, on the ' west by the school house lot, cud the high way, south by land belonging to the estate of C. Brash deceased. abd east by lands of N. &E. De Wolf. Containing about one acre and thirty-two perches more or less all improved, tine framed house and small framed barn thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Will iam R. Magee now to the use of Eugene Keeler vs. Nichols ALSO—The following lot, piece or paroel of land situate in the township of Duren, Bradford county. bounded and described as follows, to wit: north by lands of Thomas Welch and land of the estate of John Welch dee% east by lauds of John Griffin, south. by lands of William Crow, Edward Crow, Jesse Hicks, Davis,James Sergeant and Simeo on McAlwaine, and west by lands of Wm. Ada.— ' Containing about fifty-five acres more or less about twelve acres imprtived, log house,' framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taksn in execution at the suit of Charles Whipple vs. lunathan Acts. ALSO Thefollowing lot piece or parcel of land situated in South Creek township, bounded and dis. cribed as follows viz : north by land of James Hop. ning. on the east by lands in possession of George Whitmore. south by the old Norman lot, west by lands of the Bingham estate. Containing about twenty-Stz acres inure or less, about thirteen acres improved and one log, house thereon. ALSO—By the -same writ, a piece or parcel of land situated in South Creek township, bounded and described as follows to wit : nortn by lands of James Horning. west by land now in possession of Hiram Sample, south by the old Norman lot, east by lands of Peter Meunier. Containing about twenty-sir acres, more.or less, about ten acres iinproved,,one tog House and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—By the same writ. one other lot piece or parcel of land situated in Ridgebery township, boun ded and described as follows to wit ; north by lands of John Hunter and Wm. Miller, west by lands of Wm. Miller and lands in possession of Peter Miller ling Bingham lands, south by lands of the Bingham estate, east by lands of Giles Manderville and Burn ham. Containing about one hundred acres more or less, about thirty acres iniproied one log house and an apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the snit of E IL Beckwith Administrator de bonis now of the es tate of Albert h A. Beckwith. who survived Hector W. Strong vit. - Hiram Stipple and Samuel D. Sam ple. ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Wyalusing hounded and described as follows.to wit: north by lands of Eli sha and lifortree Whitn ey , west by Daniel Brown, south by Daniel Brown'and. Austin Stalford, east by loads of Thomas Brown and Lorenzo Allen.— Containing about one hundred acres more or less, seventy acres improved, one framed house, one Warned barn, apple orchard and other trait trees thereon. Seized and Wien in execution at the suirof Alvah Bash vs. Mason Brown. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land site ate in the township of Darell, bounded and describ ed as follows, to wit : north by lands of George Chilson. west by lands of Robzrt Chiloon, south by lands of Robert Wood, and east by the highway.— Containing about fifty acres be the sathe more or less, about twenty acres improved. one plank house, one log barn and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Bar ry Northrup ss. John M. Creamer and George W. Creamer. ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land situaterin the township of Smithfield and bounded and described as follows to wit : on the north by lands of Ephraim Simer, east by lands of Lyman C. King, south by the public highway leading front the east part of Smithfield to Sewards Mill's and on the west by the public highway leading from Creel Fairmans to Burlington. Containing eighty-five acres, about fifty-five acres thereof improved with a framed house, framed barn, corn house and an or chard thereon. ' Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Arnold Thomas vs. Benjamin Thomas and Broil min C. Thomas. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situate in township of Burlington, and bounded and described as follows: '.north and east by lands of Samuel McKean on the south by the highway lead ing from East Burlington to Troy. and on the west ' by the public burying ground. Containing about one rourth of an acre more or less, allimpruved with one framed Meeting house thereon, • ALSO—By the same writ.the following lot. piece or,pash. tefland situate:in:Burlington township bound id and described as follows: north, west and south tly lands of Addison Milken and south east by the highway leading from:Burlington to Smithfield.— Containing about ope acre. aU improved, with a framed house and framed barithereon.. APSO-...11# the some wit, the following lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the -township's( Smith field. bounded and described as follower north stod east by lands of Nehemiah Beach. tin the lest by the Berwick Turnke.-ott the north by the hightfray leading froin.seid T urnpike to Smithfield Cefitrlt.-' • fowl 2tltitertionneuto. Containing About one fount' of aft / sere MOM °Met.% all unproved, with a Crated meetinghouse thereon:. ALSO—By the acme•wrilione'other%lor,'piece• or parcel of land situate in ihelownship of Smithfield, bounded and described is follows east and synth . ; - by lands of Augustus Ftielps,' west by thelsighway leading hum Bmithfield•Ceitra to Burlington, ind• north by landsofJamssapioulde. -Containingabout one half acre, all improved, Ingether with the use of a building formerly occupied as a meetinghouse on the opposite side'bf said highway.' Seized and taken -in execution at the Imhof Daniel Andros vs. The Methodist Episcopal church on the . Burlington Circuit by Daniel 0. Chubbuck and Ed ward Kemp Jr. agents., ALSO—By virtue of two writs, the following piece or parcel °fiend being and lying in me town ship of Columbia, county of Bradford. bounded as followat 'on the north by lands of Franklin Baker, west by Ilf.B.Canflektiouth by Austin and Bobbins. east by Hsieh Ferguson and H. Robbins. Contain ing one hundred and fitly acres, with seventy acres improved, with one framed house, one framed barn and apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the snit of John Hall to the use of Chauncey 8. Russell, now to the use of John C. Adams vs. — John Benbon. ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land situated in Towanda boro. bounded and described as follows to wit : on-the north by a lot belonging to the Methodist Episcopal church called the par sonage and land of John Bridleman, on the east by the road running parallel with the Susquehanna river called river street, on the south by land of Ir. sac Smelly, and west by William street. Contain ing about one fourth of an acre, be the sime more or less, all improved • a two story-framed house and small framed barn thereon erected. Seized and taken in execution_ at the suit of D . M. Dull vs. Muses T.parrien. ALSO—By virtneif is writ of Levari Facies all that certain lot or . . piece of-land situate in South Creek township4Bradfornotmty and State of Penn sylvania, bounded as follows: .beginning at a hem lock tree the north east corner of the said hereby granted land:running thence sout h . 238 perches to a hemlock tree, thence west 566 perches to a hemlock tree, thence north 838 perches to a beech tree, thence east along the south line of a body of land belonging to the Hank of Pennsylvania ao perches to the place of beginning. Containidg 523 acres and 100 perches more or less, being part Of a "tract surveyed to Francis Johnson and Jonathan Mifflin on warrant No. 5890 (the north part of said land) dated the 3d of Nov. 1794 and pattented to them June 22, 1795. ALSO—By the same writ, the undivided half of all that other lot situate in said South Creek town- , ship, beginning at a beech tree standing on the south line of the tract called the Bank tract, and south east corner of lot No. 5686, thence north 117 chains and 25 links to a norway pine standing on the State line. thence north 88 deg. west along said line 85 chains and 29 links. to a hemlock marked for a corner. thence south 119!chains and 75 links to a basswood tree standing on the south line of the flank tract, thence along the south fine of said tract 85 chains and 29 links to the place of beginning. Contain ing 1010 acres roods and 29 perches of land. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Rich ard Steel to the use of Euclid Cbadsey vs. John &lover. WM. 8. DPBBINS. Sheriff. Sheriff's office. Towavaa, August, 1. 185). NOTICE. THE undersigned would inform the egret's of Towanda and vicinity. that he has arrived here for the purpose of enabling, those who wish Dago reotypes of themselves, or friends, to get them. Hav ing had a number of years experience in the busi ness, be feels confident that his pictures will give general satisfaction. Likenesses of children and aged people, taken with perfect actiuracy. Those wishing pictures would do well to give him a call. Room over Burton Kingsbery's store. Towanda, dull 11, 1851. B. GM. err, BUSHELS RYE & CORN lot sale by "1 tl July h. E. T. FOX. DADUERREAN ROOM, Over 0. D. Bartlett's store. FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY ! Pictures taken singly or in groups in a satisfactory manner. Towanda. July 7. 185 1 . D. McEWEN. Aso ILZUMNIZAZ/13. N asrtment of READY-MADE COFFINS will be kept constantly on hand at Nye's old stand on Main street, where the subscriber is also prepared to make and repair all kinds of Furniture. Towanda, July IS, 1851. • C. WELLS. AUDITOR% NOTICE.--The undersigned, hav ing been appointed an Auditor by the Orphans' court of Bradford county, to distribute the fund raised by aduiinistrator's sale of the estate of Niram Ackley, late of the township of Springhill, deceas ed, will attend to the duties of said appointment at his office in the borough of Towanda, on Saturday, the 9th day of August, 1851, at two o'clock. P. M. when and where all persons interested are requiresi to present their claims, or he debarred from coming in upon said fond. jys WM. SCOTT, Auditor. REGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that there have been filed and settled in the of. five of the Register of Wills in and for the county of Bradford. accounts of administration upon the following estates. viz Final account of Wm. Watkins, administrator of the estate of W. 13. Spalding,deed. late of Franklin. Final account of Hannah Annable, (lat 4 Hannah Lewis.) administratriz of the estate of Moses M. Lewis dec'd, late of Monroe. Final account of Simmons C. Hovey and Robert More, administrators of the estate of Win. Hovey, dec'd, who was guardian of Andrew, William and Thomas Mather, minor glakldren of John Mather, deceased, late of Ulster. • Final account of Jere Adams and Eli Baird, exe. tutors of the estate of Laben Bowen, deceased, late of Troy". Final account of Joreph Thomas, administrator of the estate of Aaron Thomas, deceased, late of Springfield. Final ace.onnt of Thomas T.Smiley and Johnson Warriner, administrators of the estate of Lyman 8. Warriner. deceased, late of Franklin. Final account of Alexander Dewing, executor of thelastwill'ind testament of Joseph Armstrong; deceased, late of Warren. • Final account of Edward Overton, administrator de bonis non cum fesiamento annexo of the estate of Nancy Strickland, dec'd, late of Wysox. Final account of H. Ross, executor of the estate of John Morrison, deed, late of Granville. Final account of Adin Calkin, guardian of Maria Calkins. now dec'd. late of Burlington. And the same will be presented to the Orphan's Court of Bradford county. on Monday the Ist day of September nest, for confirmation and alloiraMce. IL BLACK, Register. Register's Office, Towanda, July. 4, 1851. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALI. peixone- indebted to the wets of MORRIS MA LiONEY, deceased. late of Monroe township, are hereby requested to make payment 'without delay. and all OffOrli having demands against said ratite are mquested to present theta. duly authenticated 'for set tlement. JAIL V. WILLCOX, Administrator. Monroe, July IV, IBM. AUDITOR'S •NOTICEi Henry W. Tracy vs. Executors if Joel nittle, deed. Brad. Corn. Pleas, May Term 1849. Nos. 273, 274 pad 275. :NOTICE is hereby given, that the undersigned, lr having been appointed an Auditor by the court to distribute moneys raised• by executions issued , in the above suits, will attend to the business afore said at his office in Towanda borough, on Wednes day the 20th depot' August, 1851, at one o'clock, P. M., when all persons interested are requested to pre. sent their .clauns, dr else be debarred from earning in upon said fond. HENRY BOOTH, July 18, 1851. Anditor. AAARRISOLIPSCOLUMBIAN trar,in sale whole. sale and retail at Philadelphia prices. rotatory St.' ' MONTANUS& CO. - - _ 4, DOZ."BAILTON" GEMS CRADLES. sta. perjor article. for sale se jell NA'S. gATING TOOLIS;•6.43niss Scythes. tiktathi;ocithe • stones, fitits. hike!, Re. (be elle • • igatt. - • fiIIAPLEIV & LEWie. WM MEM 7M I I M I NEVSUMMEIeIOOOSI -roam OSBERY, bee. . jot feiiin;e4 from eF . ' Nair. Yak with bie dtird woitmeot if good. for, the illeSigncetateChig i invoice of fancy end .Bnipte 117 Goods filbe. which "ebsUipmitively be add Cheep. Tosvande, - .140:.18, C 861: ' , ' MORE-NEW GOODS JUST received 4 Lrgs assortment of Now Goa* winch will bt sold ai tbe unprocedestedly low pri ces which we have had - tbe pleasure of introducing iota Ibis market. • The cubleying public ate invited to au examination. • SHAPLEY & LEWIS. Towanda. hum Is, 1851. , - LOOK HERE .!— ; W. we now Genius the Iwo esti cis of Molasses it 31* cents per gallon. SHAPLEY & LEWIS. Towsils, Juno 14,1451. - Fltall t FISH 2 Maikirret by the anti Also. Msekirsw Trout and White Fish by SHAPLEY & LEVITTS. NEW -CHEAP CASH STORE. Shapley & RESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of Towanda and vicinity, that they tak n the store lately occu. pied by J.J. Ward. where they now invite the atlantic' of purchasers to a large and choice stock of New Spring & Sumner Goods, COINSOM Fe OF DRY GOODS, HARDWARE - CROPRE:TY, 'GROCERIES, BOOTS "4' 'SHOE'S, comprising the usual variety, with many articiessn styles not to be obtained elsewhere. Their assortment has been selected with care express. ly for - this market, and purchased at prices which will aro* us to tall as cheap as, any store in this region of country. Cub customers are invited to call, with • promise that they *ball not go away dissatisfied. • - cr Remember, SHAPLEY & LEWIS new store, nest south of the Ward House, Main street. Towanda, May '29, 1851. nNLY 6* CENTS!—Another tun of throe Cheap Ll Prints, at 6* cents per yard, knit received at May 28. SHAPLEY & NOTICE. - NOTICE is hereby given, that an Election will be hal at the office of Laporte Mason & CO, in Tow anda on Saturday the 2 et day of June, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M., and 12 M., fee °Mame and man agers of the "Towanda and Burlington Plank Road Co. In compliance with the charter. • By older °Mho Commissioners. May 30. 1851. 11, 8. RUMEL NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS! Hardware, Stoves, Copper, Brass, Tin, AND SHEET IRON WARE HALL & PUBBELL having formed s co-partner• 11 nershipoespectfully all the attention of the pub lic to their assortment, to which large additions hare recently been made, making it the largest and most varied ever- offered in this region. -Among the multi tude of articles s few will ,be enumerated Iron atal Nails. English, American and Swedes' square and - round; English and American refined; hoop, band and horse shoe iron ; nail rods pnd malleable Imo of all descrip tions, &c.; with a good assortment of Nails:-3d, 4d, sd, 6d, tild, 10d, I2d and 20d; 4. 5 and 6 inch spikes; wrought nails and horse nai , by the pound, keg or ton." Also, cast, German, E glisb blister, American spring and tire steel, &c, Carpenter's and oiattea Tools, Of all deecriptions, else: b narrow and hand axes: hatchets, ads, - joiner's cot teal mortice, firmer and framing chins,; common 'cast steel augur., of ail sixes, from to 2 inch ; ,brand bitts ; augur and pod Letts extra; planes and Plane irons; hand, tenant, X cot, keyhole and slating Jaws ; iron and steel and try squares of all sates, fronatai to 18-itiAes; hammers, spirit levels, bevels, tape lines, .mortits oases, of all axes, screw driver., scratches, hollow swim &c. Anvils, bellows, viers, TbaOmen.' ledges, rioting harnmeza, stocks and dies, drilling machines, Ike. PartnerlfiVooht. Shovels, rquare or round:al.:lints ; picks, hoes, hay, strair sod manure Corks; log; cable and binding chains, crowbars, grabbing hoes, rake', grass scythes, scythe soothes, scythe stones end rifles, cradle scythes, bush scythes, corn cutters, shovel plough moulds, garden rakes, hoes and trowels, scoop shovels; &c. Carriage l'irimmings: Carriage bows, top leather and cloth ; intent leather; India rubber cloth ; brass and silver plated hub bands, concave and Barton patterns ; bras and silver plated curtain frames, lining nails, carriage knobs, apron rings and books. stump joints ; brass and silver plated joints ; seaming cord; striped lace. wide and narrow; silk striped lace, new aryls; top lining, worsted fringe,moss, varnish cloth, patent axles and axle arms ; springs, 4e. Harness Trimmings and Saddlery Ware of the lat. est and most approved ityfires, and Mime larinunings, We have on hand • full assortment. Also a large quan tity of LEAD PIPE, which we me prepared to furnish at the lowest prices, thgetber with copper and britannia stop cocks end cork stops. Any quantity of Pump chains and Well Riggings. A general assortment of itardurare: Saw mill, circular and wood saws ; ,plastering and brick trowels ; lathing hammers, shovels and tongs ; files and raps of all sizes; shoe and tack hammers; drawing knives, turner's chisels and gouges, saw setts, callipere,`Pincers, knives and forks. carving knives and forks and Steels ; butcher, pocket and pallet knives; coach wrenches, trunk, cheat and till locks; tailors and sheep shears; table and bed castors; dinner and tea hells, glue and enamelled sauce kettles; brass kettles, from "two quarts to half a barrel; Hollow ware and cauldron kettles ; tea and coffee pots ; brass 'and bri• tennis candlesticks and snuffers; trays, fruit trays and large servers ; curtain arms and pins of the %mit styles ; stair rods and holders; ladies' end gentlemen's pocket scissrs; ntiors and razor strops; Hermon silver and britann's table and tea spoons; hair, clothes and shoe brushes ; brass ana steel laurelled pistols and revolvers; gun locks, steel nipples and nipple wrenches; shot, shot pouches and powder tasks; brim dor, strap and 'ls hinges. Also manufacturing and will keep constantly on band a large armour:mural Tin and Japanned Ware. We have etso just mewed 30 tons or STOVES eomposedin part of the follosting slatterns and sizes: Republican air tight Cooking Stove, Number 4 Farmer's du do 9 Lady of the Lake, do •• 9 Queen of the West, ' do :: 4.1.1 B Iron King, do :: 4 and 3 Improved Premium ' do " :: 7 to 10 Eastern Premium. do :: Z. and 4 Jenny Lind Parlor Stores, Cottage , _ do Cylinder ' do I= Air tight 6 piste Stereo, :: 2to 6 Biy plate Stoves, • :: 3to 7 The above comprises but a few Wicks of the essott ment which they offer to the public, and all of which will be disposed at extremely low tate& In proof of this, please call at Hall's old stand. south side of public square. and extending to Pine street,- 0 7 Old Copper, Iron, Brow and most kinds of Pro duct, taken in payment. Towanda, Inner 1. 1 4 9 5 1. DROWN`:• INNEN COATS for $1 OD •t • 4. CAMPBELL'S, CANNEL for Ladies' ;Baeks, a leery nice snide. F just nßeeired sod for ale by • Dec. 20.1850. p. D. BARTLETT,. • Company Orders. birmtve Me Company,' will meet for parade and drill at the Monroeton Exchange; on Sat urday and Monday, tbh 23d and Slob days Of Attgust next, at 111eckelt A. M. armed and equipped as the lam directs., 1. B. INGHAM; Capt. Mond's. July 29, i93t. ", • • (11,A88.—Besi l qdallty of Int&CR O 7 ABk - liif eat* tiy -611APLEY & MEI y 2 and 3 3 and 4 1 to 3 ;4' ;i.:llUsidancons;: DRUGS4IE DICINES4HEMICALS; GRcipopes.:mdtk ,uctuciß4 H' a, PORTER hitt Nit added to their eiwattineut a terse Impels of , Preih Annie. htedi• CtolOcale. Olitri flinty (Magee 811 4 1 .iquotor which MO AO* Weed Urtlier public aglow we*. Their stocg af PANT/ was 411. PP RPUMERIf is the Writ wd mat lomphiii . vier *Skied io tbiY Alai a Anita ismatUntirt of pare ; *pais • Qt M- Quoßsonaitaa. for nraiestrarpoom - A i n gi "tie.i7 Campbelte.ll d hosperse. ?WILIAM and oil LAMM' containing - many . new and beaufdul styles. Bt4ng agents [Wall the hest rallol Medicinal of ihe day, purchasers rasa depimit upon &Outing a mai* article in all came. All the Drup and Medic:tux kept ' ,at their 40414 menu stray he relied upon tie genuine stil'of The quality. hieing been carefully selected . with a semi to their usefulness.. Cr South owe of the Ward House. and 1110.2.111pc1i Row. Towanda. May 27. 18511.: CLOVER SEEM—Large and small ClavelSee4 tar side q (S MONT Ari YES & (XL f t" JUST received another Jame arsorttnent as r e cheap Door!! and SHOES at Dec 4 PRINNErsi. Caution. ALL persona are hereby cat:Maned agairtat porches. ing a note given by me on the Pith of November, 1850, to C.. 13. )`Jarrett, for $l5. The tering of the contract for which said note was given, rhave never been complied„orith on the put of said Benet, and I do' net consider myielf legally or Morally, ticttitid td . Jr . it, and shell not do so, unless'conspelleilty "- Monroe. June 11, 1851. Wu. non,: 11119141,1 M • &0311TUraro • dthuns 6c ligactarlanp, HAVINO entered into colentnership in the Outlet, of law, have also established an agency for the sale of real estate in the county of Bradford. Persons having real estate which they desire to sell, by 'calling and leasing a description of their property with the terms of sale, will undoubtedly find it to their silvan tairo. Persons desirous of purchasing can learn where prop erty is for sale--e descriptitin of the same with the price and terms of payment•endbe informed *s to the 'shinty of title. .1. C. ADAMS, Towsnds, May 2, ISM. 3. MADPARLA 'E. An extensive stock of Staple AND FANCY- DRY GOODS, Just opening at 711ONTANIMI & Qrs. THOSE whq wish to - purchase Good. Articles at cheap rates, will do well to call. Towanda, May 1,'1851, • NEW COO DS, AND REDUCTION OF PRICES ! JH. MUNN pit, Jr., is just receiving frbin •• .w • York a large and general assorterent of Spring and Summer Goals, consisting of shown everything usually found in a store, together with Groceries, Thrdware, Paints, Oils, Dyes Leather, Boots O. Shnes, Hats, Cops. Bonnds, Cri)dcery, Glassware, Salt, Fish, ist The subscriber wt.uld return his sincere thanks to the .public for their bountiful patronage the last winter. by Which the increase of business enabled him to oCer his goods .his summer at still lower prices than they have been in the habit of buying. All persons wishing to buy goods for cub or ready pay, would do well to call at No. 3, Crick Row, and essmine the stock and prices, so the goods are bought and must be sold. ToWanda, May I, 1851. VHEAT lint] FLOUR ,-- a large quantity for a i de at my! PHINNEirB. QAFETY FUSE.-10,000 feet just "revived - and 1.7 for vale at myl PHINNEY'S. LVVIDER.,—Aay quantity wafted. for which the Itisttet price will be paid at. PHINNEI"B„ IjOSlEßL—Ladies, nibeers, and children', silk, worined and cotton whits and colored ROfte; shrw gent's and boy's mixed, brown and bleachedlialf hose, cheap at my 2 FOX'S, SIIEETINGS do SHIFtTINGB, brown and bleached kJ—Ticking, Cotton Yarn, Carpet warp mud Batting wholesale and retail, at my 2 FOX'S. SCOW, Coffee, Rice, Fish, Moieties, Raisins, Bale rains, Spices, Oils, &c cheapest in town, at May 1, 1851. FOX'S. 15 CHESTS more of those Cheap VAS, Aar tented to snit or the money returned to all eases, mya FOX'B. H.S. & M.O. MERCUR Ate now teeeiving their • Mond general stock of Spriosg, Goods, which are offered for rate et WHOLERALE OR RE. TAIL, et even lower than their usual prices. They say to all cash purchaser., come and me our stock, and you will find goods and prices right. May 9, 1851. NiVIIOLE ITS, Coata,Panta and Veit; all for SUITS, $2 00, at CAMPBELL'S. IXTHE AT, Oats, Rye and niost kinds of Produce WW taken, for which the highest price swill he paii at deco PHINNETS. A FIRST RATE osoottment of Seta — ot CAMPBELL'S. •--- -- CASH UP, and no grumbling, paid for WOOL at CA M PB ELL'S. BROADbLOTHS, Cusairneres, Kentucky Jeans, sheep's grey cloth, Sce.. sold very low for cash by n 4 B. KINGBI3ERV & CO. important, and True! ALL persons.—witheut respect to age or condition —indebted to me, are expected and notifletrto make immediate payment. To seas& them that I am in earnest, I will just state, that I hare engagements to meet, which will n.guine me to have pay of those ow. it* me. I should prefer that they would do so volumed. ly. but if not, shall without delay, invoke the assistance of thi. law. Towanda, April IR, 185 - D. C. HALL. • notice. N the matter of the voluntary assignment of Chas. Reed to Henry V. Tracy, in trust for the benefit of creditors. In the court of Common ,Pleas of Brad. ford county, of Ma'tir Term, 1849, N 0.134. Notice is hereby given in pursoances of an oyder of Court made the 19th day of May, A. D.. 188.1. that Henry W. Tracy. assignee of Charles Reed. in this case. has rendered his account for , settlement, which hbs been duly filed, which will be allowed and confirm ed by the Court aforesaid, on the Ist 'day of &mem. ber nest, unless cause be . slnarn In the Contra!? . M'KHAN, Prot, Prothonotary's office, July I IS, 1851. • - BRIGADE ORDERS: OTICE is hereby given, that the Uniformed 'Ali; all litia of Bradford county, constituting the first Brigade in the 13th Division of rennsylvania Mili tia, will meet in battalions for parade, irispeciion and review, in the fallowing order: the 2d battalion Commanded by Lien'. Col. John Baldwin. will meet on Monday, the 25th day of .4ogust.;lB%l. Thedth ,battalion. commanded by Lieut. Col.Dertrand E. "Whitney. will meet . on Tuesday, the 2601 day of August, and the Ist hemline. commanded by Mont Colonel H. W. ftvcil will meet on Thnisday. the 28th day of August.-1851. Commanditykrifficers of the biltabens will plistsegiVe octice accortlittly. • r JOHN R. CODDING, Inspector Ist Brig., 1.9t6 P.; - 14. Inspector's office, Leraysville, July 'III;ASTINti POWDER : -49 Pow ! 1.0 der. by 110. ,MQPITA,NTOS & ri,lttleltElt,.4a=the largest ,obeli InAtrin. Fon rt.. , ' dinner anti tea setts. of *bite gratitiind blue ware, which will be sold cheap at. -' Cr 4: 1: 47 argSPRIMCGOODS• B. XXISCHWIFIIIati. IS now reeaviirsAt fittest v 4, flu anoned,Orioctitiv. 40. to tbi,ekho• 5041 Mrticulariy intita4na odlawlio a p l an v4itt rwonsat; and Will motel' an Object to them to glialtisn • call. as be is deter mined dos sell Oa geode tdr Calls as low was 'wet befonvntrendlidni inwket: klivintepet. ed no pains in midi / 14th, clisdet4rt- *Ade:: tberia scriber feels folly , , confidint that libitti siesyotlti. sat 4 isfacroon to his cuptiNnant.Aprll.lo _ _ . COME ONE. 0631 E 411 4 ; and eisciiiipi :the Nevi Goode, which afe nod being eibibilod dal - 81120. B. utrioupXuVu MEAT' Wir -GO POs , • T ... S node dimes friim NOW York • laree # and eplendid assortment of Gonda which be offers for ale at prices asbi:keannot tail to isei4 thweloseet !mi ns, far ease, reo•vcs. ow Aromas's ellihrt. Hof respectfully asks • via from all persons wipbinrio buy goods cheap , as he is determined not, to b witiersiddl. Towanda, A ptif 14, !HSI. Dress Vioodai . ~ DIM: FOULARO, Chemifeoii Chen, lll% Drew It Silks, Freud) an Biresus Per:mites. e !yeti attiefd for summer dresses. French and English Lemma, Silk Tissues, Lumen Lustre" and m y quantity of Other dress goods at -Fors: ~ . ....„........ p VERY One knmvs that the place in find the. largess ...1.4 assortment and best quslity of gloves of Or dee• etiptions is at 426 FOX'S. , , Ribbops.,Pottnet Lt i.e and Colo" lit 0p26 FOX'S. DOZ. Panama, Leghorn, Palm Leaf Andl . Caasdi 30 Straw Heim oplll PDX'S. - - BVK aad 131'k Silk Lace fur ! ?JAN' riLLIAS at 'p2B Fore. • INELIMVIMIRMIL4I.34.7I2 MP . A= rs Still in Operallon t MITE sobseribers have Moved to the new building on Pine street, one don' below Marcum store orligra they will keep on hand .and make to order, plonglia, stove and mill irons of almost all discriptioUri. Tiirn ing and stling riFi work, will be done also on reasonable tense as at Elmira sr Owego. Ohl iron will be tallied in payment. . JOHN' CARMAN Si CO, Towanda, April 26,1851. DRYGOODS—A good assortment of hieziooes. Cashmeres. De tains. Alpacas, and prints rum opening at - jIB MEITICURT, NEW SPRING 'GOODS ! MEE subscriber is now in receipt of his Bprinig put chases of New Goods-which makes his stock mu; of the most extensive 'in the country-=for site On the' most favorable terms for cash or approted buyers are paricrolarly invited to call and examine. dui stock. myB 0. D. BARTLETT. raper Ztangings.. 4 . 'Fla only aunpfeto assonnorut of Paper klan.lings. 1 Borders, Window Paper. and Firo board View.; kept in Ibis region, end at prices as loci rre tin" be' found at retait'yithei in or out of theprineipal chimer May B. 0. D. BARTLETT: W'msport & Athens Railroad Letting, TOWANDA CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. GHO. H. BUNTING, respectfully informs the pub.: lie that he has remostd his store to got: Heim? building, one door below Warner's watch shop, where, he will be happy to see all who May be in wait of Good end Cheap Clothing. Re is coisetifallj sibling to his stock ell the new mid desirable styleimal pat terns, and feels confident he min satisfy anal one whoi may give him a call. Just receiving fmm New York, a large and mesons; ble assortment of ..qpring and Animate Cbdising, Made in the best manner, and which will be sold as usual al the lowest prices. . . . He has also received, a, ter tat of YOUTH ' S 15 ,r. CHII.DBENTB' CLOTHING, to whicli,ll invites at slntion and which will be sold lit'foir`rattsi. He bas made arrangements by which be tan lend rot any so 4 tide desired, with -the cettsin . ty of prom:tint a vial article. • Cutting and making , op, &Me ar ousal to the Most fashionable manner, promptly end to ordir: Towanda, May - 8, ttdsly. # BOOTS ic SHOES! Sohn W. Wilcox, TAB removed - his establishment to IL Mitt's Morey corner of main street and the public squire. and will continue the manufacture of Boots and SUlee, si heretofore. He has just received from New Yorks large aierpri ment of IVomen'is. Arissge c l.9 A whirl are offered at low prices. The attention of the Ladies is psricularly directed to his as.4ortebent, comprising the following net' 'Ogles :—Ettiimelled Jenny Lind gals: ter boots; do; shoes ; black- Itsting and silk gaiters ; walking shoes, buskins,&e. . Misses glitbra and shoes. of every description. A loge assortment of Childrenii fancy gaiters, boots and &bees, of aft kinds. For the Gentlemen. almost every sty.% ot gaiters and shoes. This stock has been personally selected with care, and be believes be cars offer superior articles reasonable priceii. CO.. The strictest attention paid to Manufadusingg and he hopes by doing work well to merit a amtinus aye of thr liberal patronage be has hitherto received. Towanda, May 8, 195 1. AI:DITOR'S NOTICE.—The utidetsi..qed, hav ing been appointed an A uditot, by the Orphan's, Court of Bradford county, to marshall assets and distribute funds in the hands or the Administrator or Muses M. Lewis. dec'd., will attend ti the busi ness aforesaid at his office in Towanda borough. on Thor:tile. the Ist d iy of August. 1851, st One o•- • clock,l 7 . M, wizen nll persons interested are rentiit; ed to present their claims, or be debarred from coui ine in upon said fund. HENRY BOOTH, - July t 6, 1851. . AD'AINISTRATIIIX'S NO Aid, persons indebted to the estate of .1 ANIEg FIIIES, Jet-coxed, late of the township of Wells, are hereby requested to make payment withoitt delay; and those haying claims against said estate, will please present them duly authenticate. l for settlement. MARCi.t REX FRIES, Administratets. ?Nay 24, 1851. All Right at the Furnishing Depot. &-A. CAMP!!! tefurn their sincere thanks for the Übe sl piiionage heretofore bestowed. Brut would again call ilientkin of thefr filen& and ens• foment In their late arrival of Kra/. Senile itoons. Consisting of all things necessary for clothing the out• er man ; whinh will be sold at s little tdaref pncesthaft has hithertortre been asked. Please give us a call before burehisitiittletwithem If. &. A. CAMPBELL. Cicfflon. WEREAS, my wife, Sarah !Maria, has left my bed and board and lice children, without any just cause or proy.,cation and utterly refuses to re turn. this is hereby to ealitinn all persons ariinst harboring or trnatik her nn my account, as 1 'will pay no dell's tif her contrite:Mg. • ALEXAN PER WANHALL. Nighn. sedy. Wyncriing Co. July 28, 185 t, lama. A ODDT the middle of July, between Towandst and the Imre of the subscriber in Won a smell bundle r of Dry Good‘; which the owner elm have by application, and paying the repensee in-. ;aired in , adverting &e. ELLIOT I' WHITNEY:• . Wynn:m..loy 29, ISM. r • ARM:3OI.B:7A fine assortment of lined awl olio I ftshirmithlo idyl... at E rate vpring afylemnleakin Bats; 61'111m/horn ti and r'a'rn, !oaf flat. at _~ u 1