El OrstbrittO (?:'L Garter:4 IWn 11 1 Writes* • Ayr Pres 111rrriterp. E O. GOODRICH, EDITOR. Towanda, Saturday, August 16, 1651. Demooratie State Ntonitnatimu. • You uoviesisst. -- - WILLIAM D1GLEK,...,.0• CLuarscsai COUITT _ VOL CANAL CONNIIISSIOSES, - • SETH CLOVER, Or CIA ism Carlrrt rot Stotts or tar trearms COUNT, JEREMIAH 8. 8LACK.....0r Humour! Corrtu, JAMES 'CAMPBELL, or PIIIILADILFUn, ELLIS LEWIS, or Lase Arms. JOHN R. GIBSON or Cr* Coco Tr. WALTER H. LOWRIE...or Actsaacor Comm. Eledion, 7uesday, October 14, 1851 • Terms, of The Reposing.. $$ SO pelf annum—if id within the year 30 Ir dedurt-6r cash paid actually in advanee sI 00 will be d e le te d. Np paper rut over two years. unless paid for. A D vinieumerours. per square of ten lines. 50 cents fur the am. and SS eents for rich subsequent insertion. EDP Office on the " Union Bloch." north side of the Pnbltn !knave, nett hoer to the Bradford Hotel. &unlace broween • Mason. Adams' and Elwe IN taw offices. Democratic County Convention. THE Demcieratic Standing Committee for Bradfot d County, • -hereby call a Convention to be composed of two Delegates from each election-dis trict in said County. to be holden at Towanda. on Tuesday evening, September 2d, 1821, for the pur pose of placing in nomination candidates to be sup ported by the Democratic party of the county, at the approaching election, and have appointed the fol lowing Committees of Vigilance fur the several dis tricts of said county. Albany—Benj: Willcox, Peter Oterigere; Armenia—Jefferson Rundell. Isaac Williams; Asylum—A. J. Stone. John M. Horton ; Ache& tp.—Abm..l. 'Miller, Daniel MeDuffee ; N bo.—Moses sawyer, A. P. Stephens ; Burlington—C. F. Nichols, Benj. Ross; Canton—Frederick Hall, Justin Bothwell; Columbia—D. V. Barnes, Chas. Ballard; Darell—Robert 8011, Isaac Ennis Fraultlin—Nathan L. Dodge. Charles W. 'Stevens ; (Manville—Harrison ROss, E. A. Bailey; Herrick-- - -Francis Angle, Pembroke Squires ; Leroy—Lafayette Wooster, Win. E. Willcox ; Litchfield—Cyrus Merrill:4. Benj. Parks; Atonroe—Elisha Phioney, Freeman Sweet ; Orwell—H. Z. Frisby, Carlos Chubbock ; Pike—Geo. Graves, Edward Cr4ndal; Ridgbery—Wiitiam Gunianfes, Benj. Herman; Rome—Simeon Rockwell, Nosh Hicks; - Shesheqoin—C. W. Bulbs. Clinton Gore; Sinithfield-8. R. Cram, George 8. Peck; Springfield—H. 8. Grover, H. W. Root; -South Creek—John Reed jr. - Henry Thompson Standing Stone--hi 4 .etus Havens. Simon Stevens ; Towanda J. Trout. R. C. Smalley ; " tp.-11. C. fez. James W. Decker Trey bc.—F. 8. Elliott, F. 8. ()mine ; " tp.—John Porter. Amos Pierce ; Tosearora—.Harris Ackley, Hiram Bhumway ; Ulster—M. EL Warner, A. B. Smith Warren—Miranda Chaffee, Daniel Folk; Wells—Jebial Ayres, John Brown 0; Winditars--John 8. Anthony, Elija Ffilhoemaker 2d ; Wyalutting—Joseph Vananken. Benj. Ackley if ; Wymx—Curtis Prink. J. M. Reed; Wilms--J. 1.. Jones, Ichabod Corson ; The Committees wilt call meetings on Saturday, August Nth, betweegethe hours of 4 and 7.P. M. for the election of Delegates. We would enjoin upon the Conimittees the respon sibility which rests upon them, and the necessity of discharging their duty faithfully and fully. The primary meeting should be called on the day nam ed. at the tonal place for holding said meetings—or at some place most convenient to the democrats of district. Great care should be taken that every democrat has notice of the Delegate meeting, that all may have a chance of attending. The Standing Committee have reunited that the Conventions to elect delegates to the State Conven. Lion which have been held for the last two or three years at February Court, havii been of but little in terest to the DeSocrate of the County, and have been but thinly attended. In view of this, and of the fact that the next State Convention is ealled the 4th 'Of March. they have deemed* best to rut gent to the. Democracy of the • County, the propriety ofelecting Delegates to the State Convention at the County Convention which they have ntiw called; and they hereby authorize and eppoelqr the Con ',elation to elect said Delegates to The State Conven lion. if thl Convention shall lodge said ccomProP• er and seasonable. The Democrats of the County are rrodested to take the matter int 6 eonalderation,y, their Delegates may be able to represent the wishes and feelings of the great body of the party. . JAMES H. WEBB. H. L W BENCE SCOTT, N. EDMINSTER, P. E. MAYNARD. W. H. VANDYKE, J. H. BLACK. JOS. MEN ARM, E. C. OLIVER, August 5.1851. - Standing Committee. - August Zleatloas. Kaman —The elvction nl L W. Powell f(lowl.1 as Governor, is now certain : for Lieut. Gov. J. B. Thompson, (whig) is elected. The Democrats have gained at least one member of Congress, mak inglhe delegation stand equally divided. lutemrs.—The delegation will stand 8 democrats, t Whigs. The Legislature is overwhelmingly dem ocratic. Nolan CaaoL►>ta.--Suficient returns have not been received to give the precise result, but the va rious phrts of the stale referred to indicate that the Union ticket generally has been successful. in the VII ftb district, Edward Slimly (44) is believed to be defeated. Aunt/A.—Beni G Shields, the Union condi )tlase for Governor, has hero elected over Henry W. secessionist. The democrats gain • one member of Congress. Tamcssoc —Hot little has been heard from Tedriessee, bat the morns indicate the election of the Whigiandidate for Governor. lowa soma for