Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 09, 1851, Image 4

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iingelan~rno~e,ylike tide htittnin - vdery-me tathygt
ottackam,..ana thi3.ollen,to sucks fatal extent as .
Ohm real losis to 'individnals::*.2.Thls
'hoicever, exert-shat human subjectsfrenahtlly - re
cagriize 'ai talents on the slightest premerif fictitsr.
- And are.thus,oftett led,. to. a lithely . ,witlttlmwal : troM -
the eiturces,Ofmischief„ .. orthe:adoption_ of - meitni, -
lot Arresting. its further- pragrets; whilst : dumb ani
mals, when they Once ibdtv 'their . siCktiess, ',are
generilty.illtreikdesperate conditions; 'Hence. the
very hiyge . pertion . of thtiserettecked WWI: sicluies*
that great necessity - of. removing 'this
"cause and preventing the occurrence of disease.
Distriets of country *lnch Prove unhealthy to
Juan, ate—equally so to. the inferior tutimals, ntttil
these have become-. acclimated. The syminorro•
will of courtie lie modified by the differences of or.
giutization, anti they will thetefore vary greatly
from those deveteped itithe human family (tom he
ruction of similar agencies. ,Thus we ohm; her of
horses having the " Blind Staggets"or the " YCllow
. IVater7 2 or the prevalance of the'" Hollow.florn”
among heal cattle, the lust name allectioti being a
brain fever or malignant typhus, whilst the two last
are forms of bilious'llivitr.
'Whenever We find epidemic diseases prevailing
amongst the human family, it ienotes a condition
of the atmosphere which will,eiert a malign influ
ence equally upon %mat, especially on that most
delicate and valuable one, the hoise. Greater care
usual should at stleh times be taken; to avoid th 6
night air, and all exposure to'cold and wet, jut ttr
we would art for the preservation of health
our noble selves. But iu Housing animals fin pro
tection against the inclemencies of the weather, they
often exposed' to great dangers' from the arrange
Merits of the stables and other buildings.
Dr. T Southwood smith has devu!ei great atten.
Lion to the exploration of the cause of sickness, and
the means of determining these, io England, (rum
the minute reports made through their complete
eystem of registration, which has enabled hint tp
identify sickly and healthy localities with great pre
cision. Whenever, says he, fevur is frequent, there
is uniformly a bad drainage, bad swerage, a bad
supply of scavengers, and a consequent accumula
tion of filth."' If a map be drat' uor colored so as
designate the places levers prevail' to great extent,
and show also Ala localities whore. drainage has
been effected by the Health Commissioners, appoin.
ted to attend to this, public duty, it will be found that
where the Commissioners of Sewers have not been.
there fevers are still prevalent . ; but wherever they
have been, there fevers are comparatively absent.
Filth and inctitnore, conjoined wiih heat, are the
greatest enemies of health; The foul products re
sulting from the combination of these elements and
agents are detrimental to the health of all that breathe
the. air,with which they become blended,
The addition of lime and plaster to compost heaps,
tends to arrest the too sudden decomposition of veg.
etatle and animal matter, that: ould otherwise, by
surcharging the air; operate irtjurion-ly upon the
heath of animals confined in stables or cattle yards
Mg pens are perhaps thamost frequent generators
of foal and pestilential air, since they are the' corn
111011 receptacles of every kind of animal refuse
with abundance of moisture to cause their rapid
decomposition: We very often hear of hogs dying
suddenly, in apparently high health, and whilst
rolling in lamess. Their loss is generally ascribed
to something eaten, of noxious quality. But the
stoxious_influence which operates in nine out of ten
such cases, is the• foul air emanating from the reek
ing collections of filth which are but too often found
in and about miles. 'The losses from this source,
they could be ascertained and estimated, would
make an aggregate that would much su.prise many
who hare overlooked this =lief. And we may
- say the same , in,,kegard to file pecuniary losses to
individuals; and Oft:course to 'the country at large,
from diseases and mortality among other demeetic
• animals, attributable to Causes generally overlook.
ed, and in most instances teal ity removable, through
the adoption of — r means to secure ventilation,
drainage ate Ilea ss.
As one actual occurrence will go farther than 8t
ty unbaetted asertions to establish
_any important.
tact, tveivill referio a case which we find 'in the
last edition 0851) of they Farmer's & Planters'
Encyclopmdia.i' It is Mere stated tinder the head
of %satilation. - -a long and deeply interesting article
—that a farmer had a large number of sheep hoes•
ed4o feed on Itlang - el Wtirizell, a great number of
tleiirp sickened and died; killed as he supposed by
e food supplied to them. A veterinary surgeon
who was, consulted, and who happened to be well
idlorined nion4lte subjects of the benefits of ventil•
mean, pointed out the remedy—a better circulation
fresh air.among the.over.crowded sheeP,lold, after
the adoption of which there were no more deaths,
and the sheep throve well.
Ithte of the greatest safeguards against the goner.
ttoa of noxious ohs from putrefication, is. dryness.
For, without die presence. of o• -r e'ertain degree , of
moisture, no decomposition cars take plane. SufFt
Cieildrynese can generally be secured . by additions
oi straw and litter from time to time, Dryness
abcarthe manure beeps may, by some, be thought
to prevent that proper stage of decomposition nee
misery to bring h into the best state to exert its for-
inning - action. This, i§ : a topic %shish may perhaps
be taken up separately on some other occasion.—
AilOa s nwhile, we recarnmend as an essential point
torthe preservation of health, especially in the lat.
tor part of lIIIMMtIf and in autumn, the most Por
tent removal of aft stagnant ponds of.,ivater from
the vieiniti of places,whera hories or any kind of
fain 'stook at aecustorned tote kept. `
seem is coming on for the depredations of •birds,
1 hi% to report my experience of last year, when 1:
eared my entrants arid gooseberries, by winding
coloured worsted round and acruis my bushes; and
_my chetries,:by hanging up several pieeei' of tin
with:strong in the different trees, two pieces
being,hung; near enough together to clash; K itb the
wind,,whitiLiourid; with the bright of this
- tin,inAe sun, eedainirfrightened themf awey iand
1 - had-Wy due share or toil, whirh the preceding
Sear, I was obliged to ;reliniluish to, thee .Agee:
cultural' Gazette. -
Born •=Those -who' liove ho
`emu ti f r%
W 1 .8,, 1 it C 0 0 p o
10 . 4toiiietI:Take irhalf pint, of mohieses and
one Nit of ne4r milky whieh s put in a: hinds end
ehakir wed tapiliettrench',BVitli this— Then die%
solve gentler:cif pound' of glom In warm
ne4, in, fifteen `to'incite* gieii tbie. Pbysisi&eibl, be
ofeer;tliiik - ',`. •
Agneultftrali : ltoyq;,--: : pall-.;;Tig:Stort;
Rill Road Powee , Tres or,
With the Latest mut Iniertant Imptiimentents j for
which Patent is secured'. - • •
subscriber titkei dill method 'Ao inform .the
1. Fawners of ' Predford and the adjoining countiei,-
that he is agent 'for, and has for sale:the above cal. bra
tell and unequalled Horse,Power and Threshing Ma
chines, which he Ia prepared to furnish - on the same
terms as by the manufacturer, with' the addition of the
actual cast of trintrientatiotr, contracted for 'at the low.:
est and, best rates. ' - •
The subscriber has sold a number of the above ma
chines in this, and the adfaning counties of Chemung
end Tioga, N.Y., and all without exception have given
the very best -satisfaition, and when, 010 are: knorin,
all farmers give them" the preference, on account 'of
economy in threshing., being operated with much less
expense, and cracking and - wasting much less grain
than any other machine in-use. '
• . The Two.Horso Power Thresher and Separator is
capable, with three or men, of threshing from 150
to WO bushels of wheat or rye, or double that quantity
foals, per day. '•
The prices for Emery & Co.'s one - •
Horse Power, $35 00
do Thirstier and Separator, 35 00
do Bandit, wrench, oiler and
extra pieces; - 5 00—5125 00
do Two-horse Power, slfo Off •.
do Tresher and Shunter. 35 00 .
do , Bands, oiler, wrench, &c., 5 00—$150 00
Allo,Wheeler's ono-horse' prser,Thresher,
and Separator, complete, (improved this 4
season) . I $l2O 00
Wheeler's two-horse Power, Thresher and
Separator, complete 145 00.
Price of Emery's Tr eatise and Cleaner,
with bands, wrenches, &c., 75 00
do .. Saw Mill, complete for use, • 35 00
Price of Grant's' Fan Mills, adapted for
hand of from 2240 to 25 00
The subscriber will also the coming season be pre
pared to furnish to order ,
EMEAY St, co.vm NEW
The qesner has all the. advantages of a 'good fan.
fling mill, cleaning the.grain fit for market, wasting
none. The additional conbeing hitt little more than
a fanning mill, or about thirty dollars—making the
whole Thresher and Cleaner cost $75 to the Fanner,
and with Enter: & Co.'s twe-horsepower,so3s 00. .
Cr On account of the large demand for the above
machines, and the difficulty of immediately filling or.
ders for them, persons wishing to purchase machines
should give me timely notice as to what kind and . at
whet time they wish to procure them. •
Farmers wishing to . do their threshing immediately
after harvest, should procure their machines as early as
the first of. July. Also foredo .
At ma?mfaeittrees retail prices, such at
MarraWs_ Wahl Reaper.
lWring Horse Rakes, flay, Straw and Manure
Fbrk4, 4c. Also,
Cast Iron and Wood Cistern and Well Pumps,
LEAD PIPE of all sizes, in large or small quanti
ties, cheap for cash. '
s-vi (9) I;'‘ s A - •
My at of Stoves, and prices, will compare favors• .
bywitirtboii.or any Sync Owe in say..o(lbe large
neighboring towns.
Tin, Japanned and Sheet Iron Ware,
manufactured and for sale wholesale and Mail, Cheap
or Cas h.
A large soil full Catalogue of Agricultural Imple
ments agd Stoves, wi.h engravings, furnished -gratis,
either here, or on application by mail post-paid.
Attlee's. rc, November 30, 1850.
THE subscribers respectfully inform the pu lie that
they Imo taken the,shop formerly (=ivied by
Adam Esenwine, on ain street, nearly opposite
Drake's wagon shop, where they are prepared to do all
kinds of BACICJIMITHING upon reasonable terms.
They are determined by doing their work: well sod
promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a, share of
public patronage:
HORSE-SHOEING doiae in the best remitter. - All
kinds of repairing Machinesy, executed in the most skit
ful_rnantier. .
ii7OOl)..WORKfor wagons will also be made end
repaired whet desired. . •
• AS word dopOs at their shop, will be warranted, lobe
well done, end manufactured from the best material&
The public ere requested to give us a trial, and 'judge
for themselfee. ESENWINE & SEEBISCHH.
Towanda, May 2, 1851.
ADAM ESP& WINE respectfully informs the put.
. lie that he now occupies the shop where hinted
and brother hive , fur, yeas worked, ‘aearly - osite
Tomkiria'_ laundry, Whoa- he is ready todo al work_
w his lini, is tonally in the best manna. if IS de.'
tern:dna , the-mutation-he has attained a; a ihilftil
workman shall not suffer by. any neglect of the inter'
eats of eastoiners or by any inattention to buainets. '
TOOLS, manufactured - to order-machinery of *0
kindsiepiired la the'beat manner; sad every kind of
Repairing Ind Mainefl_diving will be done at short
notice, and the style desired. -
Horne SAosiag, on masons* tams.. Ile will also
take. Country n.)diree iri Payment forlark, but ilit
jectrotiongry to credit:. -
Towanda, Jan. 17, 1851 . , :,- .. . - - _
a e s - arias. u r
-TERE CULP-dc the, public
J.' that they have the 'Atop olxuPied
C. F. , Harder, onMilw sired, a' few doors belowlint
Thick. Rem, idiom •keep - „Un :bind a _lrge
, „
stock of • •
wait=mach tna.V2,33a
-- .7itcsa4fAus),!, *re.
All- articles in'tireir_linatraanureattrorila mas, end
roadeor tbe boat,initerlal; and for workmanship '-cannot
be Impaired in' Northern piansonoai 1 7101 solicit
a call front those wishing to ;eschew centalentibit
they can give satisfaction bolls tOSOIsIitY price ,
- .
137 Cash ; will be paid anittli!htep,Pells;,
st the blgfiirt fatesyse " • ' -
• Tetisesas; !farm* bitti; •• • •
r ' _ ..,:_-,...:._infoiiiiiiiiiiorii..
- - - - -
• 0_ • - - •
tot-AN — o - FiatINSUFLACEbIiPO - 1'; -
.411 F alted_Slobes,LIret imisbraisbeAr. iirroltba
7;l,"thc., Frofi ts . .
" _ .
Chaiter'PeOtuar ' _
F. b. Herr, Medical 'Examiner v ,Aibmi. 41 .
i naduo Oen. tad apptiestions viewed by - '
E. ,CANFIEV:Ds' Athens, Pl6' 7-
Al.oipF4l4ooo Ob. Inobince rue
Tlie wasblogtozi Caw ibjiitufl loa~rwwep Co
• . Csimpiriy . in th i WO& .
$1.090;0007C... - Alver 100.090, plObOs.
10 . 1 ke Stnist - Iltasturil; Iltattaiiiiiair:
The' gnsit Pennsylvania company, Fatmenr
and Merchant's Company c arith s larbeind increasing
calk fund; king bollv.a snick and mutual Cpmpany.
it E. CANFIEL.D.,Agent, 41;theria,
•• .
. ,
Pear/fent and Bounty Land -.feisty:
The subscriber having received all the Pension laws
nocessMy instructions and forms; from, the proper _
portment at Washington will attend to the application
iiiBpliliers; Widows, and tido, children of Soldiers,
who by, the late law me entitled to Bounty Linda for
services rendered during the War Or 1812; or any of the
Indian Since 1790; And all Praha claims tin
der the;varinps acts of Congress. The late pension
lairs and &millions giving to many Pensions not hem•
tofore entitled to them. .Prompt attention given to all
post paid communications, by
Athena, Dec: 28.'1850. J. E. CANFIELD..
Charter PeiPetual.. :Cash'system . ...Cipital $250 - .900
Office No. 29, Merchants' exchange.
CIROANIZED upon the "mixed principle." Stock
kJ end Mutual, which combined features uffer to in-.
Bored inembere double the usual aerurity, The. Cashi
system of payments has also been adopted, thus avoi&
ing the heavy drawbacks created by unpaid , predator
notes.. The table rates of premium, upon which impel
liciee are being issued, is the only table experience has
proven should be adopted, as *Wording requisite seam
ity to be insured, and an undoubtid guarantee for the
perpetuity of such institutions. An experittrental ta
ble.may be found worthless, at the very instant, a poli
cy should possess its greatest value- Life Insurance,
very properly, is tweeting the, attention of the world.
Pile public however, in their commendable vrillingneis
to embrace and employ its wise and salutary provisions,
should make ultimate security the primary and most
important object, which can only-be attained by so ad
justing the premiums el to anticipate unexpected toss.
es and difetuations of every kind. It is the purpose
of this company annually to credit, upon the polices
of holders and books of the Company, such an ammint
of profits as shall not tact the stability, or impair the
sacredness of its contracts. Premiums may, at the w op.
lion of the insured, be paid annually, semi•annnally,
or quarterly, in advance. All necessity information
together with-btanks, pamphlets, &c., may be obtained
gratis, at the office of J. E. Warmth, Athens, Pa. •
Stephen R. Crawford, Paul B Goddatd,
Ambrose W. ThomPson, TAiirence iotinson,
Benjamin W. Tirtgley, George M i ldewy.
- Jacob L. Florence, James Devereux,
M. Goodwin, . ' John L. Linton. ".
Alrunoss W. Teorrsox, Vice President.
\ ORAL G. Is ear. Secretary and Treasurer
Arresur—Manuel Eyre.,
Conant. awl ATTOUTZT—Thomas Balch.
F. 8. HOIT, Medical Examiner for Athena.
December 27.1850.
DISSOLUTION.—Notice is hereby given, that the
partnership heretofore existing between the still
scribers in the Harness and Trunk making boainesi is
this day dissolved by muturl consent. E. Smith &
Son will settle the business of the late firm. Those
indebted must make immediate payment, and those who
have agreed to, pay grain, are notified that unless
livered at 't'se time agreed; Cash will be expected. I
- • E. SMITH.
November 15, 1850. JERE CULP.
.E. Smith st Son,
RESPECTFULLY inform the public that they
will continue the business at their old stand, north
side of the Public square, and will keep on hand, and
manufacture to order. every variety of SADDLES,
HARNESS, TRUNKS, VALICES, &a., of the best
materials and of workmanship, not to be surpassed.
By strict attention" to business, and; promptness in
fullfdling engagements, they hope to continue the lib
eral patronage they have heretofore enjoyed.
CatIItIMIZ TIIINIIMIIte will be dune on shag notice,
in the neatest manner.
All kinds of Grain ' Produce, Hides, Sheep Pelts,
will be taken in esehenge for work.. •
rwto c •-x
ESMITH & SON have removed their Saddle&
s, Harness Shop to the building nearly opposite
the Ward House. late the "North Pennsylvanian"
printing offite—on main street. Jun:.
"atlntoe stain, t Nortls - aide of 'the
Public Square, over Elwell's Law Office. Entrance
between Elwell ' s and Adama' law offices; where be
'may always be found when not professionally engaged.
Towanda, July 12, 1850.
TZL:II CITY 33 . 03)033 1 1.
A, Nem• Era is Newspapers.
THE CITY BUDGET is designed to fill a blank in
in she newspaper world, of Refined and_Elegant
Literature, Wit, Humor, Graphic Life Sketches of For
eign Countries, sad the every-day conversaliuns and
the manners of their people. Each number will berm
bellished with spendid engravings, engraved fiord ne w
and original desigusby the best Artists in Almada.
No old .cuts or foreign witticisms, rehash..', will be
admitted, but everything will have 'the advantage of
- Families will find this an interesting Journal foetheii•
parlor table, u from it not only information or the most
agreeable and pleasant kind , may be obtained, but they
will find something to amulet them in their leisure
There is no paper like:this, at present in America, it
indeed there be one in any put of the world; but , our
people aro a reading people, and require, u we shall
gyre theu,aubjecte, of interest and amusement in a
cheap and condensed form. We am entirely ..different
from the ordinary Newspaper or Weekly Papers, our
o e
du we seek tnforce any opinions upon the minds of
our readers, btit leave them to`form theft own.
Eveiy"Pountry Merchant and - Family should
read David Alwin,prtha Ruined Country Merchant;
A peep into Mercantile Agencies; ' , which bas • created
such a groat sensation - in busineW circlea,"ind will be
=tinned every week until it is Concluded. It ,is de•
signed to show up iis their true light those spies' lite.
live by mluepreseptation of the most PriVate affairs Of
Merchants - and Fang ies, to the injury of trade and 'ho
demoralisation of man.- '
A couple copy of the:City Budget wilt be sent by
mail to any address in the country, if requited. Thre is not a paper in America ;that gives *ss much
orient! reading matrerfor the same price.
• Price One Dollar per annum or Two Cents per sini
gkr 'copy, for sale by Newsboys nand - ;Newsagents
throughout the United States. 1 '
TbeCITY BUDGIE r will be furnished to Chiba st
the following low prices: : , . ..
. r: -
6 Copies to one address,. .. .. .. . .....:455 00'
10 u:, I '' •'' • ' 8,00
20: —," -1' -" • ...'4..4.,.4...•: - .v.15,00
gg ,ii l ". , Va.f .. i . 1,—...21 00
- 440 -" i ' o r... 20 08
50 " " 80 00
, rlOO - ' 1 '• - 1 1 ': ' . • ..... -.50'06.
All minunicOoris must bepre•paid. 'and address;
ea la . , - 11. F. MATHER. & Co.,
162,1Pu/fin st rret •N Y•- '
T A }WS 'osiortioiot of Cloths. Cassahneria - sod
LB Biu etfs iloci;Caticek ,ond Other Goods BO
cheap that defies ; eviapetiori it PHOIREY'S.
: i
13RINTZD Flannelesnd Turberßedi, vieil
11: ' *WV stock of - ti.knes, situ; Cashiekee
end Millietti r elli be [Genet fotisle 'by. . .
Nev.?. 111,161 1 5911111511 - ofk
, C. T. SMITH.
' • AGENCY 'OF ‘' •
;• • -
Dr. 'Fitch s Celebratetltedgmes
PolaroAa Evldatro, Depteative Syrup,
pasonil Earradant, Bean Cirreeetoii .•
Pultratinutii Lit • Haiti* Oorreetoei
Anti• Dyspeptic, Misture, eough'ind eattnutle Pills
Nervine;"' Ferrules
Yenoitit ' regalia littieeilld,
Pore turd Medicinal Odd Lived Oil, &e.,:j 1
Used b r. , Aork eonsfangy ark with unpeatedent. Pre.
efts in the treatment of Cortgke,,Cal4tonsoirliturn
Asthma; Heart Diseases, Dispermia, 'AV:Fetid,- Skin:
Diseases. Rtteumatims, Female C'empktint" ?a, 4.e.
Dr. Fiteh's antluslled . Patent silo idea tit:alumina ,
soPixmleral lalProvea PI *et grif4 l ol 6l lo 9l aer
brace; Dr. Fitch'til 'leer inhaling tube. .
Dr. Pilch' s Celebrated Six rfeetarea
On the prevention and core of Consumption,•Asthrna
Diana* of the Heart, &e., and on the tinethod o
• preserving health and beauty to an old age : ;
This book should be in every &tinily. TO thereon.
surnptive it points out the only reasonable htirpe for re
lief. to mothers, the direction* it give* in'tbeedieno
education of children are Jrwaluabfir. 70,009 copied u
this boar have passed through that press. and the sale'
continues unabated.
For dale by 8.8. Prren & Co., 709 Broadway, N.
E., ina , HUBTON & PORTER, Towanda, and by
C. E. RATHBONE, Canton.
Dr. Filch'''. Guide to Itioalids:or difectiops to
'persons using tetnedigo; to'be lied vide/id
all the agents; " " 13,
The following equalled series of 'Family Medicines
maybe depended upon with the utmost eonfedenee.
Thai have the approbation of the best pnysi
mans in the country,, and are recom
mended by all who have used them .
or superior to any medicines.
They bare beta before the Public for five Mu,
Daring which time mare than '6900 certificates have
been received [rem eminent public men
and others, and arena:or on filtt
at. the Company's office.
They are Compounded. _
With the utmost care and skill; and the ingredients,
ire thountghly tested by scientific • chemists, rio
that medicines of a uniform and reliable qua
lity - are guaranteed IA 1411 cases.
Are particularly valuable for the prevention and cure of
Fevers in genets!. all Bilious sad Liver Complaints,
Jaundice, General. Debility, Common and Sick
Headache. Dyspepsia, Heart Burn, Costiveness,
Griping. Urinary Meioses.. Obstructions of,
the Menses, Influenza, Asthma, and for a
variety of otbe. Claudia Diseases; in
fine, for all ordinary family uses.
trj'Prill_directierui for the valour. Diseases accompany
each box. Pried 25 cents a pox.
The Gruefenherg Dysentary Syrup,
A speedy and infallible remedy in Diarrheur. Dysente
ry. Bloody. Flux, Cholera Morbps, Cholera lnfantum
and the ASIATIC CHOLERA, if taken with the first
symptoms, viz: vomiting sela diarrhcea. It de
vet fails to clue the worst :Tionible cases Of
bowel complaints, generally in a few hours, .
abblom beyond a day. It is Peseta-
VZ.GITA Int, and taken ',in any quaw;
tity is perfectly harmless: '
The Graefeuberg Green lionntain Olitmenti
Invaluable for Burns, Wounds,' Sprains, Chillblaina,
Corns, Sores, Swelings of ale. kinds, Rheumatism,
Erysipelas, Bronchitis, Scrofula, Ulcers, Paini in
the aide and back immediately relieved, Inflam
mation of the Bowels, and for all cues where
there is Int!saitation.
Marshall's Uterine tatholleon,
A certain.cure for Prolapsus Uteri, and for most of the
distressing complaints incident to fetnales. Pre
, pared by Dr. MEG. POMEROY, of Utica,
solely for the Graefenberg Company.
Eye Lotion, Health Bitters,
Consnmptive Balm, Fever and Agree Pills,
Children!: Panacea, Lay's Pile Ointment,
• Sarsaparilla CoMponnd.
cy The Gmefenberg Manual of Health, a complete
hand-book of medicine for families. Price fifty cents.
Office.2l4 Broadway. New York.
• Corrtow,The public is requested to bear in . mind
diet eoelything prepared by thai Oraefenberg Company
has their seal upon il.
Spurious articles have been ilia:led closely resembling
the.gtrauine ira every particular, except the seal, and
the ottliost care should be osnrhefore purchasing.
4gints for Bradford County—Dr. HUSTON and
Dr. PORTER, Towanda. r 4 Iy3B
Hremoved to o few doors below Bridge street,
1.1. on the East side of Main-St. in the building for.
merly occupied by J. D. Montan". Esq.,
All operations amountintsto $5O, or over, one hal
to be paid down, the remainder in three months. I
the operation proves onsatisfactOry, the money paid will
be refunded. A not of band however musts-vine the
payment ()fibs half telt nnpaid.: with a proviso,.
THE SUBSCRIBER, having now completed. his
arrangements for the accommodation of the Travel
ing Public, freis warranted n soliciting his shoe of
Public Patronage. His Tab le Shall be furnished with
the best the markdaffords. His Stabling is Large and
Warm. His Bar shall be tllled,with as good Lirar
as arc to be found in the county.
BESIDES, for the accomniodation of many. the
subscriber is manufactu'ring Boots, Shoes Saddles, Har:
nees, Trunks and Vatter, Ice. And keeps on
bands good aisortment of PATENT MEDICINES,
for all of which his patrons Will be asked only a mode
rate price.
Come one, come all, bOth Gleand neat
A bogie you'l dad. d hdme to cheer,
Add a cheap article if on would buy
Call at Laceyrille and try. •
For former petronsge mid Gwent, the public la
pleate.seeept the tineere fhaitAw of 'T. D. itPRING.'
• ° '' •
...._ . . . . .
Glat t ': Wife,h t .. - and ) "Jewelry : Store I
.: . . A.M. , WARNER takes this method
.... .., ..-. • .„ of -.informing - hia .old , customers and the
7,,A • public generally , -
that White purehaaed
- of LP : RoI, his stock of Watches , Clocks
" and Jevrelryoinit commenced the above .
MiSiness ii 'all of its various branches at the old' stand
Of the latter, Or Main street, two doors-r00d:4 4. 0t Brick
'Row. His repetition as a watch repairer is iro'VreU
established in' thilsonlintmity, that it is, hardly otices
nary to say a Simi on that poiritritts his long es
paktum and great advantages for acquiring a thorough
knoteledge of the business; he has corifidenbe in saying
tothirpublie, bring on you watches and clock' s twill
dishim justice.. , ..• '. • I-' ... - , - •
.....Alfgoods sold;or .Repar. &done, warranted. as. I
VecoMmendor themonev refelbled. , •, .- . .
!--A goon aiisortinenf Of C ocks, Watches and Jevielry
kept constantly on bond. I
! . '• My motto stall be.;7quiCk sales,. 'Mall, profits, cash
dein, end lo credit gfreir . Credit need not bo "asked
for—al, I am. ound 'MOO Makeits aCqiiiiintlince., I'
-Telluride: 401 y 12.185 e. A. M. WARNER.'
1' . .
! : SWAIM .tli CIPAINIZEfiIintIf -
, .. •
1 rrnz largeitie3 mostOmpleleassortment of saltOol,-
, ` ji.:' '.liNtileirid rabialliiiismit BOOKS lc STATION.
ERY ever,offered iithiirmarket;eind tit very lovrMicie, -
iervilist etening lit - 410 . I:t.Th DARTLETTR. .
- ~ ..
; ; „
-77-7_ . , otAringfanda:4l4Ausocei
, BUT. ':..IN:' ORERATI4S!
fizo , V,r4OTTEß.sionld respectfully. initriance
-NT 'lrszthi pabliutbat ho is in posseuion
ialr ofthe Neal
il/i/CsMints l l oo l-:".": Dm
Millirl racriiiiarams *
tit theloroogh:of 1 owanda:. et the place, where the
Oink end Bedstead 'Factory - founerlystood,:where .he
ifits4ii*tbsoutkettlat•• -lad keep constantly oti, head
• all 'Ouch 'eat - initte obese limits !the Avantirof- the
PAW relitire,such is Mill - Irons lied Gearing, Saw. •
till Oda and; Cidekilltitcraim lHorso-power work,
' , Plieithiii'of 'rarieuirpatterise, - .Cenalougha t titerapsra u
I CuitivatorsOke: are. '- -' • ; -
, He Pladipisideitself to rise his lestsrideivors 'to kin
up withithilmpioientents of the age in articles of has.
•bsirdry nibs line of bis•manufacture life has'long
since teal that the hest way so r ierre dite'sself is to.
• serve . 1,1,"e P; lie t and he feels confident. that' his efforts
limn tr' t time to introduce each articles is expeii
senceb :inalved!to be astral to Iho pier, will be pro-
Ps", 8 'PredWeE
trii • • •
old say in short, that he intends to be in pos.
sessionl.ol the best patterns of Ploughs and Cultivators,
' and sit *aides of huitathdry In his lane. He would
also say that he has had in aperient!e of five and twen
ty years in building Machinery, and hay great accom
modations ur that rapier, - .and would iniite those who
may want' listings or Ma chines fitted to give him a
gall; and smile attends to his own•basiness personally,
he pledges himself that the wants of the public in hit
capacity shall be fully attended to:
. As ho isalestrous of bringing his bUlattela es nerricash
RI possible, he will - sell 'astonishingly low to cub pay.
ing eudom'eri. Come one, come all ' and the subscri
ber pledges himself to please all who will be pleased.
az?He has on hand and will manufacture STOVES
for sale. ' Towanda, May 280851..
No. 128 Fullon. street, „tilun brifding, New York.
No. 17 Canal sir* Row, New Orleans.
To Newspaper Publishers and Printers.
wiTii confidence 1 invite the trade, before they
V I purchase elsewhere, to give me a call at No.
128 Fultrin4treet, New York, or at No. 17 Canal•et:
Row; NeW Orleans, where' I am ready to furnish
them with all kinds of
of the newest ancPpost.beantiful style. I aril also
prepared to supply the much admired lltiotchletter,
having lately procured from Scotland a series of
these beautiful faces, together with every variety of
form and-pattern of -
Bordering, &c. I feel assured that the elegance
and 'accuracy of al the Type manufactured by me
cannot be surpas se d by any °under in the Union.
By an entirely new-method • the mixing and cast
ing. I am enabled to retain i e virtues of Me eompo.
.nent parts of the metal, and thus to produce,ireaddi
lion:to an elegant the , most . 1 . ,
heretofore offered the public. To this last feature I
*mild in particular call attention, for solidity and
durability of Type is on the principle of economy,
of the greatest importance wan typographers. The
members of the craft will also firid me ready to.sup
ply all kinds 'of
for the establishment of complete Printing Offices,
such as Presses, Wood Type, Cases, Stands, Brass,
Press and Wood Roles, Imposing Stones, Compos.
ing (Stick, Brass and Wood Galleys, Riglets, Closet
Racks, etc., &c.
Old Type taken in exchange for new at 9 cents
per , lb. The Trade dealt with on the most liberal
terms, and patronage solicited on the ground of fur
nishing to the purchaser of att article with which
he Will be pleased and which will bring him the
worth of hi• money.
Editors or Printers wishing to establish st News
paper or Job Printing Office, will be furnished with
an estimate in detail of the cost by stating size of
paper and kind of work to be executed.
Publishers Of Newspapers who will insert this
advertisement three months and send me the papers
containing it addressed to " Neabitt's &slater:
New York, will be paid in materials of my manu
facture, provided they purchase six times the' amount
of their bills for advertising.
H. H: GREEN, ,
No. 128 New York, and
m 45 No. 17 Canal-st. Row, New Orleans.
Removed to B. KingsberYs Block !
ir J. Chamberlin,
--,..... 'Lilts just returned from the city
=Oft;- -Li- of New York with a large
_,„..., supply of Watches, Jewelry and
/ 2 . •, , ,4 7 . 7 Silver ware, comprising in part,
, ~ L, the following articles :—Lever,
,-,- , / -' - . g L'Epine end Plain Watches, with
'0)1,2.-- ","'•:---,, a complete assortment of Gold
Jewelry, such as Esr Rings, Fin
ger Rinp, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chains,
Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware,
and any quantity of steel Beads—all of which 6 offers
fur sale exceeedingly cheap for CASH; ,
Watches repaired on short notice, and warranted
to run well, or the money will be refunded, and a writ
ten agreement given eolhat effect if required.
tN. B.=-MAPLE pUGAIU, and Country ,Produce
taken in payment for work; and els), learn now, and
fairecer,that the Produce must be paid when the work
is , done---I war against credit in all its forms.
',Towanda, April 28, 1850.
THE subscriber luta removed
his new shop, a few rods Own:
As former location and on the op
posite side of the street, where he
. mtinues to Manufacture and
rep on bind, all kinds of cane
Ad. wood seat CHAIRS; and
lETTEES' of various kinds, &
tEDSTEADS of every demi!).
re, which I will sell low for
cash or Produce, or Pine or Cherry Lumber. or el air
plank, wiil be received for work. TURNING done to
order in the neatest manner. Also,
make end kept on ham!, or made to order, in the bes
Towanda, March 9', 1849,
r sv . :=
_1( • 11 on ---11
cooN?r sour ern n,
LiWING located in Towanda , his services may
be obtained by addressing a line through the Post
Office, or by calling at the office of Ulysses Mercur,
Esq., where he will be found, or where a written ap
licatinn may be Itll. Nov. 1, 100.
O. U: P. KINNEY, .
43;:r Office, North side of Me Ptiblic Square.
•• E. H. MASON M. D .,
OFFICE on Mob afoot, (ode doors' below Bridge
stteet, where he may be found, when not profes
sionally engaged. Towanda, N0v.30, 1950.
. ,
;THE subscriber respectfully informs the public that
he has taken possession of his old stand, in the
South part of the Boro'..of Athens, where he will be at
all times, happy to sea his friends, and wil endeavor to
make their stay with him agreeable. He trusts that an
assiduous attentton to the wishes Of the travelling pub
lie will secure biro the favor of the old patrons of the
" Mansion," and the visit of those Who desire. I com
fortable and convenient stopping-place.
His TrisLa will hts well supplied.--and the best li
quisia be proeniell for the lha,
Goon fikrsause is attieked with careful and atten
tive hinders, .
omnibus twill be fun to tbe Waverly 'sta
lion, to cony passenger's to_and ftoin every train, *mi.
outtest._ , E. 13: MATHEWB9N.
'Athens April 113, )851.
A DOZEN more of those cheep and good LINEN
"1 4
COATS; this dog received by
PittedAn not -Despair
dnigiterfaino 'Ws Tisit ' tekfroni Dula by
ruptortis Syfup
:Ther fdlowing owe is,otte of the greatest
of tredleinenver dish* mei published %
tory. 'Ratak!
Prompted by no othelthst, theYeeling
.ind for the.benefit Of my afflicted fellew
sirs to mike known e - short description of
and the nnexpectedmintrobteined from St
:PULMONIC:SYRUPi;.. About three years
'afflicted rift a violent Maid, which settled et
and'aide, end eyery.lear days woulld raise
bleblixsl; mf edugh was tight and distrain t
day I hid . .eiolent. Liver. creeping: chills, ,
sweats at night, with great difficulty of bre,
great loss of Appetite; my system was emit
trated, being Confined . to my bed most.of th e
Two Tw
,of the meet velment physicians of thi s
tended me. and - Mier exhausting all their r
nounecd . my Care . incurable. .; Indeed, one
lungs were almost lone, and I could not •
' cover. At this stage of my disease, I w
upon to try Dr. Wend: a Pulmonie Sou . )
I had taken half a dozen bottlers:was so f
as to be to go aboin die hedge.' %it scent
en my whole system—it looiened the cmt
ped the bleeding=iny boned became
every thing I ate, seemed to digest easily and
my whole system. Indeed, such was the
gram of my health , and so sudden the duel
became too sanguine of a speedy cure, and
ed the use of the medicine before the •di
thoroughly eradicated, which resulted in ano
of bleeding at the lungs last tali, eccompanit
treseing cough. I: again commenced takint
movie Syrup, and aent for Dr. Schendr..
careful examination, advised me to continue
Before I had taken. four bottles, an ateceer
my side, which gathered mid Broke, &Beim-sits
as I can judge, a pmt of very disagreeable yr
ter. This seemed to cleanse and purify my
tem, Fr3m this time Ibegen to get better,
happy torsay entirely recovered. lam sure
time I enjoy better health.than I have for the
years.. Since I commenced taking the Put , -
up, I have never failed to recommend it
went, that other?, as well' as myself, might
saved horn that awfid disease; for I feel it
OM to the afflicted publish it to the world.
me to mention a.few cases which have cone
immediate observation. Being on a vita ,
N. .1.,.1a5t summer, I saw a child, evidently it
stage of bowel consumption. The mother
me that the physicians bad given the chill
curable. I told her what benefit I had ryas
the use of Schenck'. Pulmonie Syrup, and
her to procure a bottle. I heard podia* v
the little sufferer mull aboitt three month.;
in the market, my attention was drawn to
observed me very attentively. She finally
me, and asked if I was not the lady. Who
ed Schenck's Pulmonie Syrup tq her dyk
summer in t %Imam. I replied that I was.
that her child had entirely recovered, and was
monly healthy. Her name is Mrs. Wilson, s
resides in Bridesburg. Another lady I would'
in particular, who had a scrofulous affection.
and neck presented one continued sore, and
eyes was verionsly affected with it. dhe '
greatly emaciated, and to all appearances
I induced her to try Schenck's Pulmonrc,
she did, and is now perfectly cured. A.
Mrs. McMullen, whose residence I will
cation, waricvidently in the last stage of
I prevailed upon her to try the Pulmonie
very short time she was entirely recovered, 1
joys excellent health, having become exceedin,
These are three cases Within my knowledge,
know were cured by Schenck'? Pulmonic
who doubt this statement, and will take the t
call on me at my residence Parrish street fp
above tenth north side, l think I will be able
factorily convince them by.crom ease, mated
I know have been cured by this Syrupy Sit
cure, there hate - been so many to see mato kra
I took, that I have bad a very good opporten
knowing -a great many that have taken it, and
been greatly benefitted thereby, and I think if
afflicted with Consumption or Liver Complair
send for Dr. Schenck, and let . him carefully
their lungs, and if he says be can cure them,
directions, and prevent taking cold, they will
Philadelphia, May 29, 1849.
J. H. SCHINCIC—Dear Sir-1 have knot
Leibert for several years, u • member of •
and have all confidence in her statement, ant
joigpd to find her again restored to health.
more, in addition to her statement, is needless.
Yours, truly, • THOS. L. JANE
Pastor of the North Presbyterian CI
Philadelphia, June 20, 1849. 6th st. sb
Prepared and sold by J. H. SCHENCK,
orratory 8. E. corner Coates & Marshall sta.,
the following Agents in County.
_ _
Gee. K. Perkins, Athens; D. Bailey. &ray
Humphrey ■ Orwell Maynard & :Woodbul
J. J. Warfotd, Monroetoni D. D. Parkhurst,
C. E. Rathbone, Canton ; ICtog & Voaburg,
and by MIX & MASON, Towandi.
Price. at per bottle or $5 per half dozen.
aany_yews of experience, and More than a Meader
mad yore. of ConsampUve Complatots, lath
the undoubted satisfaction of aU persons who tare
quainurd with thin wesederlial inarede, that tt is greed:
because it is amtkum and. keeliee, and mon err
Comiumtlea of tbe Lanai, than any ie , r ie,
world.. We know, however, th at I i i s said by
Uw can not be cured. Be that the opinion of the ma
we shall not attempt to argue with such. but this we
do assert mi a Gw,whieh can be proved to tbolurnmi
eat Ibis medicine has eared Cos& and ammo who
slues were effected, were called real Calumniates,
were treaded with seespesair that resembled, and we
epode Mr the syeaptonts of taws alio die, and w i mi dr
have died with that fatal Mediae Conaamptlea.
has aired tbousizeas of persons who were said
Meted—who tuat hard, dry,radebWlCarre-J
Side, and Baelc—DlMeulty of Brea
tem —Hectic Pere,— Nisookeadienr--and PIMA
Fleek and Blood. Pemba' having such camel
aired alter it was said they mall sot Ilve a weel
Medicine has cured some who were supposed to be
state, but,
by the use of this remedy, th ey new Ih
good health.
This Balsam is punka reeetable
take, and agar does rajanc in =muse of disease
cumgaincea It effects its lorettderrial and are
Cures by I
Purifying, Stragthethar 1113111 !
whole system—by ,aa re the
action—thus atlarog Coash-400aaip the Net ,
sad fargitatise mapectoration. at Cures the
eases, VIZ
COUGHS and cards, *Dade* Astfrana,
bit 41e Llts pi i iti lipirn w ras tie avast, Side. 1)114
A. Swab, taelforrt, and all FEM.,
SSIKS Complands arising therefrom, OR
Iter Preof and particulars of Curets oee
Magi and Harufbab—au oar Agents' tare them aef
, -
For sale- by HUSTON' 4 PORTER,
C. H. Herrick, Athens ; C. E. Ratbboni
D. D. Park b arse, Leroy; J. Hama, Mor
W. Ilsird,-Hummersfield ; D. Bailey & S
villa; T. Humphrey, Orwell ;: Maynard &
Rome; E.S.Tracy, Smithfield ; Coryell &
lin ;ton ; E. Runyon, Troy.
All orders mast be . addressed 0. WALLA ,
Co. 304 Broadway, N. Y.
Very Strange but true.
Gentleman of Mica, Hi Y., has auk
La the Witch-htutti, a simple remedy, whirl
more just claim to the name of " family c.
any Medicine we have ever before knows,
is connected with it but a little Alcohol to I
and yet it acts with great certainty in maw
and all beat intlamation, coring all sores,
see and lameness, rapidly. Piles, bowel
cholera•morboa. hemorrhage, ear ache, tooth
eyes, and all nervous affections. It is white
and as harmless, and it is called
" Pond's Pain Destroyer and Healing E.rfr
None is genuine except "Pond's Extract" is!
the bottle. Mr. Pond trot introduced this at
the public and has expended a vast deal of k.
Money in bringing it to a highjstate of perfectii
we note warrant every bottle to give astisfactior
A man by the name of Spencer has put
article called"" The Coyle t street" which ct.
be froln the Witch-hazel. If from that shrub, its ,
a a perfeet deception, and it is a ,very impeded'
cte ; be not deceived; get ; s pamphlet and see.
For sale at Montour?. & Co.irovrande,
men Moisroelon, Parkhurst & 'Arab Leßoy, flou•
Willey Franklin. Jun), sth Int-