Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 09, 1851, Image 3

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    11/ 11
104 1,
i spar • •
icy► r,
wale' .
ACB:---be North Branch Maori&
t i o o of Kniversallsts will hold its' an
spriogfi cid on the 4th Wednesdayand
,2 '! ° ll , ° Aunst-47t beholden RBth. ,
) ,s services will both days at the
bre, so da cordial invitation is hereby elf-
Ito t he publie to attend and hear. al. 0.
19,185 t.
A cop—Being disabled by the toils of
o f many yersand consequent sickness,' I
en induce/ to offer myself to the citizens, of
gd County as n candidate for the office of
,nror o f „ia County ; pledging myttelf to fulfill
with strict regard to the inter
les of gid 'Ace
,f tax.payers,jf elected. 1. M. BISHOP'.
rell, A cg• 4, 18°'
, Borough, On ihe Ad i
of hst., Miss ELIZAIIIITE
150, in the year her age.
Inn Sboertisei
ADN ideM
L persons indebted
to the estate of
. MAYNARD decessel late of town- .
are hereby requested to make payment with
clay, and those haying claims against said es
trill please t resen t them Maly and authenticated
ettlemeol• . wM. E. MAYNARD, •
dennistrators with the will annexed
oanda. Noe. 9,10 i.
;Testamentary upon the last will and
west et ELIZABETH MEANS, • late o f
~,,,e,ocranda, deceased. hating been grant.'
the „h s eioeE; of said %Aro' all persona half.
i a i n o or demands againsil the estate of the said
se d are reque , ted to make the same known to
lout delay, and all persons indebted to said
required to pay the same "forthwith.
hd a ,Joly 28, 1851. /
do Mate Line Stan Bead.
GOOD TEAMS wanted immediately on
this road. at good wages. Cash daily. 15
allowed each team foegoing to the work from
Employment till - 7 November. We ' would
q2.0 1 ,g00d tea ms.TEnquire of LapOrte,Mason
7 0 wanda, or W_qps 6i Farris at Athens Pa.
ID, Aug. 7, 185 H. 8. WELLES & Co.
Notice tit Builders.
,ED PROPOSALS will be received by the
t witter, until the 23d of this month, for sup
the materials and immediately erecting a
!,five, for the Collegiate institute of the Pres
)t Susquehanna, at Wyalasing. The bitilJ
-1e €2 feet by 52 ; three stories of brick ; the
et story of stone. The plans may be cion
at the Wyslnsing Prne, where addreis,
Rev a . S A M UEL F. COLT.
Sec,) , and Agent of Board of Trustees.
- - -
PIECES PRINTS joie arrived. for sale by
ODDS, a general assortment, just re.
at the cheap store of B. &' L. '
- 81-1063, azeneral assortment of the
.st styles at the cheap store of t 3. &L.
'6, latest style of Hats for
Battalion Notice.
uniformed volunteers composing the 4th
Mahon of the Ist brigade 13th division. P. M,
:t at the MYERSBURG HOTEL, in Wysox,
teSday the 26th day of August, 1851, at 10
k. 11., armed and equipped as the law di
let parade and inspection.
Lieu t. eol.
•or,'4o,7ust 5,18 M
A. Chamberlin's Wakh, Clock ant/ Jewelry
Store, Main sited.
the kind anent ionsand patronage of all Teach
rs, Scholars and friends of Music is recom
l: a large stock of American, Italian and
to MUSIC, for different Instruments and the
mice ; instruction books and other musical
sous. Italian v iolin violin strings of the finest iptali•
tme•beaters and a variety of Articles belong
le musical department.
WALTER also proposes to give lessons in
!man language. He has for the past year
engaged as Teacher in .the Acadamy nt Mont
sad brim te'Commendations from the Hon.
President of the Board of Trustees of
institution:L. H. Waiters, M. A. Principal, and
rs. Alsafrom quite a number of the young
and gentlemen of that place, (formerly his
Is,) as to ks success as a teacher.
randa. July 31, 1551. •
EAS, my wife, Sarah Maris, bas left my
. . _
ed and board and her children, without any
ease or provocation and utteriy refuses to re
am is herebg to caution all persons against
ring ortnasting ber on my account, as 1 will
debts of her contracting.
;petty,-Wyoming Co. 'illy 28, 1851,
Found. •
BOUT the middle of July, between Towanda
and the house of the subscriber in Wysox a
I teeth e of Dry Goods-, which the owner can
he apheatiou, and paying ilia_ expenses in
n) advertistng Etc.
•unt, Inly`29,- 1851. " .
Company Orders. -
Monroe Rifle Company, will meet for parade,
and dnlt at the Monroeton Ezchange,•on - Sat
a" Mnnday, the 23d and 25th days of A ug,usr
at 10 o'clock A. M. armed and equipped as the
iireets; 11. INGHAM, Capt.
29, 1851.
th e teAttet of the voluntary assignment'Of Char.
tee,'t o lleenr W. Tracy, in trust for the. benefit
liters. In the court of Comaion Pleas of Brad.
county, of May Term, 1848, No. 34. Notice is
given in pursuance of an ordeoof Court
e the 19th day M Mar, A. D.. 1851, that Henry
Tr acy. assignee of Charles Reed. in this case,
rendered his account for settlement'
which has
dalY flied, Which will be allowed
and confirm.
the Court aforesaid, on the Ist day of 13Cptelao
tell, finless cause be shown to the cottlear''.
31130 anary's office, July 1851.
rricE. is hereby given, ibat the 141144.1±1-- M i
lily of Bradfordcouniy, ionOttifing 01 firs'
to the 13th Division , or Peansyliinialtlii.
battalions fur piratie, inspection
,following.order : the 2d battalion
ded by Liew. Col.Johntlaldurin, will meet
.;.tdaY, the 25th day of August. 11 1 1 . - T4 4 2
! uo nommanded by Lieut. Col. Diego - zo:
sill meet on Tfiesday, thi 'di ntir, l l
't and the Ist battalion, commanded Ey
) nti R. W. Root, will meet ori Thuriday, the
'lt) of August, 1851. Commandinglofficers of
esalios s will please give actice aceonlibilYt.
s inspector lat Brig., lath Div..T.
Peccor's office, Leraysville; July 10,1851.
POWDER.-50 'kegs Blasting Pow
by ne mONTAVES & CO.
cue spring style moleskin Hale; Aso tellhom
14 ' 1 Nina lad Hats at revs...
SO Scm
7 8
7 3
.7' 2
7 0.
6 .59.• .
6 58
• frkLi EitIFF:3B
rot 0
sund7l7l,u 0...1111
ir-Tirtue -_of th e . Cou rt of 0011.11 P
_ -
B sued opt '
Sou Riles
5 8
5 7
5 8
5 9
5 1 . 0
5 .11•
Ilradford County,. and,ta me directed, Will btesp i osi
ed to iriblie sale, at _ the Court Motittin 1 ' the Bain'
'of Towiirig oh :MOaday, the' Ist;:day,prpotenkber;
at aoe o'clock , P. M:: the tellowumliit.. piece or , par ,
eel `of Quid, - situate -, the township, 'otz Wyppr,
:tioundetlind'described fplkiws In wit i Nosthly.
l and -OtValentine Waoilbttm,westby,,lao °CB. It:
Myer, scattily', the buuttkoad, tad I east by
Robert Nettling: , Coidalning - seienty4lie - Bereft
'more or less, about twanizacresitaproted one frattrp,
ed house thereon. - -
Seised and taken id eiecutiettat the nee of.lesseAllen vet•Levi;Walker;•: ,
ALSO--T to folrewing lot. piece:eel:areal of land
situated in- the township of -Home, boonded and des-.
aribed as - follows: beginning at a 'cornerjo a•line
of Ephraim B. Barker and Hiram Drake, therice
south 79 , degrees east eking a line of seta Drake,
eighty and 6-10 perches to 'another corner of said
Drakes, thence south one degree west twenty-thiye
aqd r-10 perches thence south 34} degrees•west; to
a corner- in a line Of. Daniel Buffington's now Lu
cius Eastman, thericet oprth 89 degrees west 67. and
7-10 perches to the-beginning. Containing twenty-
two acres eitdtwenty.sig perches., strict measure,
be 'the same more or less, about ten acres improved
one framed barn, log house and small orchard
thereon. • .
Seized and taken in mention at the snit of 111.,
ram Drake. Administrator of John Moore deceased,
vs. Silas Gore and • Samuel W.. Gore.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land sit.
uated in Warren township. bounded• as followi to
wits north by lands of Chauncey Base, east •by
David Davis. south by Ira Beeman, and west by the
estate of Anroeßeeman deed. Containing twenty
acresovi di about five or sir acres improved, with
one email framed house, and °tie small orchard
thereon. •
Seized and taken In er.ecution at the suit of Wil
liam Dorman vs. David T. Bine. .. . ,
ALSO—The following piece -or pare' of land
situate in Towanda township, Bradford county,
bounded and described as follows. to will Begin.
ning at a sapling, marked for .a corner, near to" and
west of Springbrooit, thence south 20r, west 180
rods to a stone corner, thence north 194 0 , west 1401
rode to a white oak tree, „thence ttorth 7.04°. east ISO
rods to a stake at a white pine stump, turned" uti by
the roots. thence south 194 degrees, east 1401 rods
to the place of beginedng. Containing:9s acres
more or less. about 60 acres improved, one framed
house, one log house, one framed barn with a shed
attached thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wit
ham 'Welch vs. William 8. Hayden and Patrick
ALSO-*The following lot piece or parcel of land
situate in the township of Leßoy, county of Brad
ford, bounded and described as follows, viz: north
by Towanda creek, west by lands of David White
Jr., south by Unseated lands, or a tract of land known
as the Barclay tract, east by lauds of Leonard Mc-
Kee. Containing about ninety acres more or less,
about thirty acres improved:one plank house, ;one
log barn and apple orchard thereon..
Seized and taken in exeduticn at the snit of John
son and Booth. vs. P. W: Holcomb:
ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land
situated it the township of Pike, bounded and des
cribed as follows : north by the tannery list, on., the
west by the school house lot, Bud the high way,
south by land belon-ing to the estate of C. Brush
deceased, and east by lands of G. N. & E. DeWoif.
Containing about one acre and thirty-two perches
more or less. all improved, one framed house and
small framed, barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Will
iam B. Magee now to the use of Eugene Keeler vs.
Nichols Cogsdell.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parpel eriand
situate in the township of Bradford county,
bounded and described as' follows, to wit: north by
lands of ThOmas Welch and land of the estate of
John Welch -deed, east by lands of John Griffin,
south by lands of William Crow,Edward Crow;
Jesse Hicks, Davis , James'S argeant and Sime
on MoAlwaine, and lands-of Wm. Ada.—
Containing about fifty-five acres more or less about
twelve acres improved, log house, framed bans and
a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taksn in execution at the snit of Charles
Whipple vs. Jonathan Ads.
ALSO—The following lot pies e or parcel of land
situated in South Creek iownstiit, bounded and dis
cribed as follows viz : north by and of James I-1 or
on the east by lands in possession of George
Whitmore. south by.the old Norman lot, west by
lands . of ,the Bingham
. estate. Containing about
twenty-six acres more or less, about thirteen acres
improved and one log house thereon.
ALSO—By the same writ, a piece or parcel of
land situated in South Creek township, bounded and
described as follows to wit : corm by lands of James
Horning, west by land now in possession of Hiram
Sample, south by the old Norman lot, east by lands
of Peter Hanmer. Containing about twenty-sir
acres more or less, about ten acres improved, one
log House and a few fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—By the same writ, one other lot piece or
parcel of land situated in Ridgebery township, boun
ded and described as follows to wit ; north by lands
of John Hunter and Win. Miller s west by lands of,
Wm. Miller and lands in possession cf Peter Miller
and Bingham lands, south by lands of the Bingham
estate, east by lands of Giles Manderville and Burn
ham. Containing about one hundred acres more
or less, about thirty acres improved one log house
and an apple orchard thereon. "
Seized and taken in 'execution at the suit of E
FL Beckwith Administrator de bonis now of the es
tate of Albert A. Beckwith, who survived Hector
W. Strong v,s.Hiram Sample and Samuel D. Sam
ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land
situate in the township of "Wyalusing bounded and
described as follows to wit; north by lands of Eli.
sha and Monree Whitney, west by Daniel Brown,
south by Daniel Brown and Austin Stalford, east
by lends of Thomas Brown and Lorenzo Allen.—
Containing about one hundred acres more or less,
seventy acres iMprovetl, one, framed house, one
framed barn, apple orchard and other fruit trees
Seized and tahen in execution at the suit of Alvah
Bush vs. Mason Brown.
ALSO—The following pie& or_ parcel of land situ
ate in the township.of Durell, bounded and.describ
ed as follows, to wit: north by laods , of George
Chilson, west by lands of Robert Chilson. south by
lands of Rebert,,Wood, and east by the highway.—
Containing, about fifty acres be the same _more or
less, about twenty acresimproved, one plank house,
one log barn and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken- , in execution at - the Suit of Bar.'
ry Northrup vs, Joists M.. Cranmer and George W..
Cranmer. -•- • • .
ALSO--The following lot face or parcel of land
situated in the township of Smithfield and bounded
and described as inflows to wit t, on the north by
lands of Ephraim *limes., east by lands of Lyman
C. King, south by the public highway leading from
the east part of Smithfield to Rewards Mill's and on
the west by the - public, highway - leading li•out - eyrrel
Fairmans to Burlington.,Containing eighty-five
acres, about fifty-fiie acres thereof improved with a•
framed house, framed barn, - corn house 'and an or
chard thereon.
- eeipid , ~. taken in execution at the suit of
Arnold Thonias vs. Benjamin Thomas and Baja
into C. Thomas,' - ' ' *
.41.80,—The following iolipiece or parcel of land
-situate of Barlington,ind bounded.and '
described as follows; Mardi and`east by'laiids of.
Samuel MCKian on the sciuth by the highwailead':
ing frorn BasTß - arlington to Troy;tirid on thowest
by the,Ptiblic burying' ground. Containing abiut
one fourth of tin acre more'or lessotll improved with
one (railed Meeting house thereon: - 1 .
ALSO-By the same writ, the following lot, piece
or parb {land situaten:l3u rlingtortth ivri ship Wand
ed-nrideis, cribed.nsfollows: nfirthotiest and south
by lands Of Addison McKean and, south ealit hi the
highway . leading"' from Burlinguin to 'Smithfield
Containing About' one 'acre, all improved, with*
framed house and framed barn thereon. • •
AL1304 - -*By the tome Init,ibefollitiring lot, Tiede
or parCel orland situate' in the townsniii t at Brailts'
field L bounded and described as fondles s nerd:Land
east. y lands ,of Nchetriiah Beach t - on ,tlib Nest by
the Berwick Turnpike. on the north bY thaitigharaY
: leading from-said TtirspAe th e
dmitlidelil Centre,-;
Containing about one • fiturth. of un acre more or lesS.
nll.lmproved, with a framed'neeting house thereon.
Attsi:By . the, same Writ;Onti other. lot;. ideie or
'parcel of land situate in the township of Smithfield.
bounded and described as folloWs:,cait Andsoilth
=by lanai or 4itigastus Ebelpsi,west by:the highway
leading >Smith fi ebl Penitent -;Barlington 'and
norttibslap yn
danfinestieionids,, Contniningabolar
one half acre, all improied. tog ether wth the Ilse
-of a bitnding - foraterly onpunieas a Meeting house
tbe,opposite,sidenj !said tughway.. - _
Seized and taken In pseen'tiott at the snit (Dan iel
Attd r liii - vs. Methodtat:Etiisconalihnrch On the
Burlington circuit by, O . Chubb,uck and Ed =
wardKemp ' * :
ALSO*By virtue of tin lwrits;the
piece ur parcel of land being ind Wag
Columbia, - cnuniy ore Bradford. bounded as
follows: on the. north by lands of-Franklin.Bitker,
-west by •M. - 11.Caneeld.aonthbv Austlo and Robbins:
east by Vries Ferguson and 11:Robbins. .Contsin
ing one hundred and fitly acres. with'seventy acres
improved, with one,framed house l one framed barn
and apple orchard thereon. .
Seized and taken In execution at the suit of John
Hall to the Use of gbauncey , S. Russel!, on, Jo. the
nee of John ,C. Adams vs. John Senion. -
ALSO;—The , followinglot piece lir parcel attend
situated in 'A:twat:dal:lora. bounded and described
as follows to wit : 'on the north by a , tot belonging
to the Methodiat church called the par
sonage and hind ofJohn Biidleman on the east by
- the road running. parallel with the Susquehanna
river called river street, on the south , of Is.
aac Smally, and west by William street. Contain
ing about one fourth of an acre, be the seine more
or less, all improve:La two.atorY framed .house , and
small framed bin: thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution at, Vie suit of D,
hi. Ball vs. Moses T. Cagier.
ALSO—By,virtue of - tt', writ of Levari Facies all
that certain lot or ',piece of land situate in South
Creek township, Bradford county and State of Penn
sylvania, bounded as`lollowsr: beginning at a hem
lock trecthe north,enitt Corner of the said hereby
granted ldnd, runnintatineitmuth 236 perches io a
hemlock tree, thence west 855 perches,to a hemlock
tree, thence north 285,pienhesio a beech tree, thence.
east silo* the south line Oa body of land belonging
to the Bank 'of Pennsylvania,3ss perches to the
place of beginning. Containidg 523 acres and 100
perches more or less, being part of a tract surveyed
to Francis Johnson and Jonathan Mifflin on warrant
No. 5600 (the north part of said land) dated the 3d
of Nov. 178'4 and pattented to them June 22, 1795.
ALSO—By the tame writ, the undivided half of
hit that other lot Situate in said South Creek town
ship, beginning at a beech tree standing on the south
line of the tract called the Bank tract, end south east
corner of lot No. 5686, thence north 117 chains and
25 links to a norway-pine standingon the State line,
thence north 88 deg. west along said line 85 chains
and 29 links to a hemlock 'marked for' a Corner.
thence south 1197ehains and 15 linki to a basswood
Ir - el standing on the south line of the Bank tract,
thence along theisouth line of said tract 86 cbajns
and 29 links to the place of beginning. Contain
ing 1010 acres 2 roods and 29 perches orient!.
Seized and taken in the snit of Rich
ard Steel to the use of Euclid Chadsey vs. John
WM. S. DOBBINS. Sheriff.
Sheers offee, Towanda, August 1, 1851.
THE undersigned would inform the citizens of
Towanda and vicinity. that he has arrived here
for the purpose of enabling those who wish Dago
reotypes of themselves, or friends, to get them. Rav
ing bad a num ber
.of years experience in the busi
ness, he feels confident that his pictnres will give
general sMisfaction. Likenesses of children and
aged people, taken. with perfect accuracy. Those
wishing pictures would do well to give him a call.
Room over Barton Kingsbery's store.
Towanda, July 12, 1851. R. GAL
YE & CORN for sale by
17"5 - Brolay l 7. l. '" E. T. PDX.
Over 0. D." Bartlett's store.
FOR A BROW TIME ONLY l Pictures taken
singly or in groups in p satisfactbry manner.
Towanda. July 7, 1851. D. McEWEN.
A N assortment of BEADY-MADE COFFINS will
be kept constantly on hand at Nyo's old stand on
Main street, where the subscriber is also prepared to
make and repair all kinds 'of Furniture."
Towanda, July 12, OM: C. WELLS.
- - -
A IJDITOW3 NOTICE.—The undersigned, hav
ing been appointed an Auditor by the Orphans'
court of Bradford county, to distribute the fond
raised by administrator's sale of the estate of Niram
Ackley. late of township of Springhill, deceas
ed, will attend to the duties of said appointment at
his office in the borough of Towanda. on Saturday,
the 9th day of August, 1851, at two o'clock, P. M.,
when and where all persons interested are required
to present their claims, or he debarred from coming
in upon said fund. jys WM.:SCOTT, Auditor.
"Dt EGIST-ER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given
.Lk. that there have been filed and settled in the of
fice of the'Register of Wills in and for the county
of Bradlord, accounts of adotinistration upon the
following estates, viz :
Final account of Wm. Watkins, administrator of
the estate of W. B. Spalding, dec'd. late of Franklin.
Final account of Hannah Annable, (late Hannah
Lewis,) adrainistiatrix of the estate of Moses M.
Lewis dec'd, late of Monroe.
Final account of Si e,r ons C. Hovey and Robert
More, administrators o the estate of Wm. Hovey,
dec'd, who was guardian of Andrew, William and
Thomas Mather, minor children of John Mather,
deceased, late of Ulster.
Final account of Jere Adams and Eli Baird, exe
cutors of the estate of Laben Bowen, deceased, late
of Troy.
Final account of Joseph Thomas, administrator
of the estate of Aaron Thomas, deceased, late of
Final account of Thomas T.Smiley and Johnson
Warriner, administrators of the estate of Lyman 8.
Warriner, deceased. late of Franklin.
Final account of Alexander Dewing, executor of
the last will and testament of Joseph Armstrong,
deceased, late of Warren.
Final account of Edward Overton, administrator
de Zonis non cam testaments annexe of the estate of
Nancy Strickland, deed, late of Wysoc.
Final account of H. Ross. executor df the estate
of John Morrison, dec'd.Jate of Granville.
Final account of Adin Catkin, guardian of Maria
Calkins. now dec'd, late of Borlitigton.
And the same will, be presented to the, Orphan's
Court of Bradford empty. on Monday the Ipt 4 day
of,September 'twit, for confirmation and allowance.
If. BLACK, Register. -
Registor's,Office, Towanda, I uly. 4, Vial,
Al.l, persons 'indebted ,to. the> estate •of MORRIS
MALONEY, deceased. late of Monroe tOwnship,
are heiebt requested to make payment '*iihnut delay,
and ail persona hiving demands aphid said eatate are
'requested to present them, duly authenticated ,for *et
dement, - V. WlLLOOX,7•AdeninistratOr.
Monroe, July 19, 1851.
. .
, . NOTICE.'
Henry Tram vs.. Executor, Joel,Turtle, deed.
Brad. Com—Pleas, Nay . Term 1849. iVas. 273;
.274 end 275.- . . . •
VOTICE is. hereby Ten,: that 4he • undersigned,
J. havieg: been appointed an• Auditor by the court
to distribute moneys raised by .eieoutions•issued in
the _above suit.% .wilLrittend to the' busineas afore
said at his °Jacob). Towanda borough, orr Wednes
day • the 20th day of August, 1651, at one -o'clock, P..
M., when all persona Interested' re requested le pre
sent their claims, or-else be debarred from coming
in:upois said fond. - OVARY BOOTH.-
Jul. 16 1851.: - - • , Auditor.
'T_TARRIESCiN'S COLUMlitiSSlNV,rociale whole.
11: este and retgl se rbiladelphia prieits.
Febßary 23: - • . NIONTANYP WOO.
periai articleaoa ale at je27 FOX'S.
.T.TAYING T00113,-41fasa scythes, SARaquhsci.v
.11.z)14, tate,o, &c for sality • •
• iimarti • - • • of.trLor kiativw:
J*Wit KiNGSMERV; tiaajuk
Nen; Yink *Wt6i.ltiiiit grand emnriment or tooth
-falba maw, embracing* large invoice of Fancy :and
Staple Dry:GoOdi*e.,acirich diall positively
,be 601
&esti. • -
llBT.ieeeived R,
linty a ►;itmentcf New Owls,
which will be 104 al thgi tinprD4l64 l 7 Low'Pri•
yea whiCh'we, hWee bad itto iihwause Of kiwi:4664 into
this utarkat..Aba csuibtaylittpublicitwhivited: to an
Towanda. loos 054_ . . '
1f; HERE ore.riOvr sienna:Our t
L of Atolasses it 311 cents per colton. - .• •
. • 1111APLEY
%monde, June 12, lan ".
I KISH t- Mackerel by the DWI and 15 Bbl.—
1 AlsoiMackicart 'Front and Whitefish by ,
• • .tSuArixir ac
C A g
!Shagley - dti 'Lear%' - -
lc) ESPECTFULLY inform the cititens ctiTowanda
14 and vicinity, that they tak it the sting,lately occur•
pied by .I..l.'ttVard; where they now invite the attentiot
of purchasers to a large and 'choice Stock of ,"."• •
New OlipringAritimmir.Goods,
comprising the water rariely, ;with many artielesam
styles not to be obtained elsewhere. , •
Their assortment has been selected with care express•
ly for this market, end purchased at p rices which will
ar s ow us to rail as cheap as soy store tit:this - region of
country. Cash custdmewl are invited to call. with a
pelorruse that they shall not go away dissatisfied. -
ga.,Remember, SHAPLEY & LEWIS new store,
nett south of the. Ward Rouse, Main street..
Towanda, May 29, 1851.
MX 81 CENTS !—Aaother case as those Cheap
Priatt, at 6-Veents per yard, just received at
May 28. - SHAPLEY & LEWIS.
NOTICE is hereby given, that an Election will be
deli at the office of Laporte Mason &Co., in Tow
anda on Saturday the 21st day of lone, between the hours.
of 10 o'clock A. M., and 12 M., for Officers and nsan
agora of the " Tommie and Burlington. Plank Road
In compliance with the charter,
By order of the - Commissionen.
May 50,1851. B. S. RUSSET. Sec'y.
Hardware, Stoves, Copper, Brass, Thi,
ALL do RUISELT, having formed a emporium
nership,, respectfully call the attention of the pub
lic to their assortment, to which large additions have
recently been made, making it the largest and incsik
varied ever offered in this region. Among the multi
tude of articles a few will be enumerated 3
Von and Nip.
English, American and !Swedes square and round;
English and American refined ; hoop, band and horse
shoe iron ; nail rods and malleable Iron of all.descrip
lions, &c.; with a good assortment of Nails :-31.1,4d,
611, Bd, 10d, 12d and 20d ; 4, 5 and 6 inch spikes ;
wrought nails and horse nails, by the pound; keg or
toa. Also cast, German, English blister, American
spring and, tire steel, arc.
Carpenter's and Joiner's Tools,
Of all descriptions, viz: broad, nanow and band axes;
hatchets, adz, joiners cast steel mortice, firmer and
framing chisels ; common and cast steel augurs, of all
sizes, from to 2 inch ; braces and bins; augur and
pad bats extra; planes and plane irons hand, Lena • •
cut, keyhole and slitting saws; iron and steel - "and
try squares of all saes, from'bi to 15 inches; hammers,
spirit levels, bevels, tape lines, mortice guages s of all
sized, screw drivers, scratches, hollow augurs, dgc.
Blacksmith's Wools.
• •
,Anvils, bellows, vices, hammers. sledges, rinting
hammers, stocks and dies, drilling machines,
Tanner's Tools. a •
Shovels, square or round points ; picks, hoes, hay,
straw and manure forks; log, cable and hindingchains,
crowbars, grubbing bees, rakes, "grass scythes, scythe
snathes, scythe stones and rifles, cradle scythes, bush
scythes, corn cutters, shovel plough moulds, garden
rakes, hoes and trowels, scoop shovels, &c.
Carriage Trimmings .
Carriage bows, top leather and cloth ; patent leather ;
India rubber cloth; brass anti silver plated hub bands,
concave and Boston patterns; bran and silver plated
curtain frames, lilting nails; carriage knobs, apron rings
nerd hooks, stump joints ; britss and silver plated joints ;
seaming cord; striped lace. wide and narrow; silk
sloped lace, new style ; top; lining, worstedfriege,moss,
varnish-cloth. patent axles and isle arms ; springs, eft.
- • Harness Tlrtansisaga and Saddlery. Ware of ttia lat
est and most approved stylves, and of
Muse Trimmings,
We hove on hand a full assortment, Also a largaquan
tity of LEAD PIPE, which we ate prepared to furnish
at the lowest prices, together with,copper . and britannia
stop cocks and cork stops. Apy quantity of Pump
ehaina and Well Riggings. - A general tutsortment of
Saw mill, circular and wood saws; plastering and
brick trowels; lathing hammers, shovels and tongs ;
Ales and rasps of all sizes: shoo and tack hammers: l
drawing knives, turner's chisels and gouges, saw sett
callipers, pincers, knives and forks, carving knives and
forks and steels; butcher, pocket and pallet knives;'
coach wrenches, trunk, Oast and till kicks; tailors end
sheep shears; table'.and bed castors; dinner and tea
hells, glue and enamelled saucer kettles;'brass kettles,
from two quarts to half a barrel; Hollow were and
cauldron kettles; tea and coffee pots; brass and bri.
tannin candlesticks and snuffers; trays, fruit trays and
large servers •, curtain arms and pins of the latest styles ;
stair rods and bidders; ladies' end gentlemen's pocket
seism; razrtrs and razor strops; German silver and
britinn;a table and tea spoons; hair, clothes and shoo
brushes; brae:wino steel barrelled pistols and revolvers;
gun locks, steel nipples and nipple wrenches; shot, shot
pourbei and powder` flasks; barn.door, strap end T
binges. Also manufacturing and will keep constantly
on hand a large assortment of
'15,*443. aapat ed Ware!
We balm•etso. just ree - eiveifiCi tenS.of Istp Vt .
composed iiikiatiof the following liatterniand sizes:
Republican air tight Cooking Stove; Dlttrober
Farmer's Jo do r 9
Lady of the take, do . • ;:
Queen of the Worty do in 6
Iron King. • - , do . u. 4 and :
Improved Premium do - :: 7 to
Eastern Promititii, do
Jenny Lind Pular Stoves, _
Cottoor do ^ 2 and V
Cylinder' do' , '3 and 4
Air tiiatin 9
Air tight 6 "plate t3tnics, '
Si: ' plate' Stores; , ,
. to 7
The abo!re comprises bat a fete artielai:of the
went whiChibey the POblie, aid ill' Of-Witch
will.beAlispoied at ~extreirely low ;=tare*. .-In proofi.of
duo, please call at Hall's old stand, mgdyside of public
aquare, - andextepdjng.tri Pine,atrest;'. • •-•
03' Old Cppper, halo Oraseand most hinds of Pro.
dues. - taken in
-payment., Towanda, Jona 11. 1354.
"DROWN' 'INNEN VOATS' for $4 00 ' at
FLANNE4 Sick!, verr nice Judd°.
just received and found, by • "•—• '
Dec. 26.1850. 'o. D. I3AttTLETT;
fliiA.-rilimot quality of FlitliTCH GLASS, f o r
'side by, , fiIiAPLEY, at, LEWIP.
ATAILB.-411 1 . aperior quality of NAILts. 'far' late 'by
Jane 27. - SHAPLEY & LEW.W.
, . ,
T IGHT: LIGHT - 4—;•Pologible.ltgrolfiglioidioTp
Oils ind", Tallow boy IWO h% soy
ijoithitities to suit plaiiblOtti :FVRFPFA
Towanikrelk3;lBs •
_frgE undershfued, farrnaly uretasn fur mint
of the, Pdsyetto- Burr Mill bum" ;menu( !
.240 Nsslithgtint street • N. - Y. , Track;:
would iriform . hia'frieride and the pnblii in gene!,
he has established V BIifIRMII.BTON e.
PAOTOBraLlithighiontrin; - N. y,, in , s ter.ty
ings," oppoeitto 4 /,!bersii 'Hutch!" au( _eniiits
of their patinuage,, , ..
He will - bake cotwigitlt on hind a large - a
`French-Bilis Mia. Stones. Inv sup.
Esopus 4. gas Shnsia,misoTrenut:Burr
ing Cloth: Screen-Wire and Cifeined rlostetc
. The undersigned assures his (fiends and the - 1
thatfaithfully execute all, Older* . cut
his cam, not only in quality, but sa prieis of
furnished, end solicits their kind patronage.
.Orders by . Inter will be executed with sa inn%
and as cheaply as when pnrchaseris ire on the
JOHN W. bar;
Binghamton, iltay 24,1851.
Tjuktraiv.& PORTER have just added, o their
.1.1 assortment a large .stock Of Fresh Drue
ghwis, - .Ghemicals, Oils, Paints, Groceries and ignore,
which ire now tarred to the public at Inev,rates.
Is am largest and most complete ever offered ip Rile
Also a choice assortment of pure WINES & LI
QUORS, suitable for medical purposes. „.
.A-liirge variety of Camphene, Phospene, Fluid,Lartl
atid,oil LAMP,, containing many :new, antlbeautiful
Rehm agents for all the best relent Medicjare of the
day. purchasers msa depend upon procuring a genuine
article in ail cases.
All the Drugs and Medicines' kept et tlieiy establish
ments may be relied upon as genuine and of the beat
quality, having been carefully selected with a view to
their usefulness.
Cr South stow of the Ward ifothee. and N 0.2. BOA
'Row. Towanda. May 27. 1A8.51.
CLOVER.BEtD.—Large erg small Clover Seed for
sate by,'MONTAN YES dr CO.
TUST received another lame assortment of those
J cheap BOOTS and slictEs at •
bee 4 PHINNEY'S.
, Caution.
ALA. pentads are hereby cantlorted against porches
ing a note given by me on the Sth of November,
1960; to C. B. Barrett, for $l3. The terms of the
contract for which said rkote was given, have never
been Complied with on the part of said Barrett, and
do not consider myself legally or morally bound to pee
It, and shall not do so, 11131CMS compelled by law.'
Monroe, June 11, 1851. - H O.'GOFF.
12;leal11 4 2, ik,,a§avrazo,
maims & macaulane,
AiTING entered into co:partnership in the praciice
oflaw, have also established an agency for the
sale of real estate in the county of Bradford. Persona,
having real estate which the? dealt° to sell, by calli p
end leaving.a description of their property with /
terms of sale, will undoubtedly find it to their adr
Persons desirous of purchAng eau hmtrir where
erty is for sale—a description of the .same wittt i pe
price and terms of payment and be informal as tu t
validity of side. , J. C. ADAMS. H
Towanda, &ley 2,1851. J. 111.;ECFARLANBLI
An extensive stock of Staple
Just opening •
THOSE who wish to purchase Good Articles at
cheap rates, well to call.
Towanda, May 1, 1851.
.. NEW. COODS,'•
TH. PH PINEY, Jr., is
_lust receiving from New
al .• York alarge and gencral assortment of Spring
and Summer Goo*, consisting of almost everything
usually Puma in a store, together with --
Groceries, Hardwtzre, Paints, Oils, Dyes ' Leather,
Boots • Shoes, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Crocker,
Glassware,; Salt, Fisk, fie. 4.c.
The subscriber would return his sincere thanks: to
the public for their bountiful patronage the last winter,
by which the increase of business enabled him to otTer
his gocda .his summer at still lower p'rices than they
have been in the habit of buying. All persona wishing;
to buy goods fur cash or ready•pay,-- would do well to
call et No. 3, Brick Row, and e.aviminci the stock and
prices, as the goods are bought -and must be sold. '
Towanda, May- 1,1951 r.
11THEAT and FCOIJR,—a largiqurontity for gate
%V at awl PHINNEY'S.
AFETY FUSE. -10,000 feet pit yes:Aired and
1....,-forAsrle to - -myl - - PHINNEVev—
LUMBER—Any quanti t y wanted, eor which the
market price will be paid , at PHINNET'S,
misses, and children, silk,
1-JL worsted and cotton white and colored How; also
genes and boy's mixed, brown and bleached half hose,
cheap at mr2 pork
QIJEETINGS & SHIRTINGS, brown and bleached
LI Cotton Yarn, Carpet warp and Haub:lg
wholesale and retail, at nty2_ FOX'S.
UGAR, Coffee, Rice, Fish, Mobilises; Raisin', Sak
i., rams, Spree!, Oils, &c cheapest in town, at
May 1, 1851. - FOX'S.
15 CHESTS more of those Cheep TEAS, war•
ranted to silt or tho [honey returned in ell reser,
. my 2 FOX'S.
H.S. & M. 9. MERCUR
Are now receiving disk
Soul Dermal stock of Spring Goods
. .•9
which are offered for sale at WHOLESALE OR RE
TAIL* at even lower than their usual prices. They all cash purchasers, come and see our stock. and
4cni will find goods and prices right: May 0, 1831.
M' OLE SUITS, Coats, rants am, Vest,, all for
1 7 1 st: 00, at CA 14PBEINS.
. -
TATHE AT, Oat', Ryieititmost - binds or Produce .
VI- token, for which this highest price mil: he paii
deco . PIHNNEY'S.:
FIRST RATE asioartipent of Hats at
CASH UP, =idle& gramblingi psi 1. for- WOOL a
I,OOOCLOTif9. tassimeres. ,Ketitucky le4os,
itleep i s ,cloth; Judd "'my latv for cash
nt4. B. ItINGSBERT do Co.
iron! iron! Von!
n.TONS gnarliest', Email& and bivredes
egeneral assortment of all smes of ronnd,aquare
tlailbar, band and hoop, now reeniced, aildfor solo by
thsion or smsllor-quantity, at miuteun.s.
„ ....Takportant,'Und erne t
;I;l:Wriona—witteourrespectle 'age '2or coralilloo
,are-cßictwl, ,ata eatiOeil to
ma itomediste payment :. TO solar'', thetik_thad atti
Iniitmeat, jiwt Otte. that I trargagamento to.
mco;Atich - will to hava,pay:of %hose, ow.
la aEme. t t should preo ► i t that thei,wonhl (19 Irolaotarl;
1,3 ` 11i if 9‘41111111 _
ottlite law. • .;
Towanda, April 18;185 ;
litiar &SHOE „DEPOT-4000 palest prices that
earktlely all mripetition.
. t ebiniery 22: , `MORTA,I2ItII:4 &.
idiAItASOLEA tineasiorimeiti,
.L• 13eibioptbie ily!ea, at
_ .
: laCitEnt —Ttu;TtkeuireicsiiC tom. Fun
dinkier and ,Bette;whp ow
itiv ad d MO&
w4re, dun .:YOX'sc
T" •
Merchonbig; $4:
• •
a =tem
113 now receiving a rich and bartitifol.itsantatent 4
I. Omuta. peoestass, &c. to whlch he Weald
partiridely loam the Stteattpa orali Cobh Pantie/We
mid will male it an ohjectlo them to gme hint a cap. i
*she to determined town taii gash for IVAstt of. low,
is was ever betas offered in.the mitt ilaving "par
ed no pains in procuring the choicelit adage, ihs-sub
verifier Oda frilly confident that be via give entire iat
famton to his cactomeo4 "APni.l4
I “ent)
I. that -
N El-
tick of
At of
CIYME• Ail s and exanruas the Ned
t...1-.looods..othich-ste now being eshibited
• 26. KINeSIItItYI4
• roz,
Inow receiving ! Brat front New Yetk i large ono
splendid. assortment of-Coils Which he tillers for,
sale at prites irltiA cannot fail to suit the closest tiut,
era, for Gran. ritonocz. on Assnovso ..- 111,1 ,
respectfully, asks a call from all personswishing to bo y, r
goods cheap, es ho is deterrnine not to be undersold.
Towsmis, April 24, 111161.
. . . , ,
. • *OSP e
VICE FOELARD, chameleon Cherie.
Bilks, French and, Barna Iklanes, a nets irtiehj
for summer drestio. French and English Lawrie, Silk
Tissues, Linnen Lustrea and any quantity of Ace drel*
goods at PDX'S;
EVERT one knows that the place to dint the largest,
saaortment and best quality of gloves of all des
criptions to at ap26
- -
ICH It%bboas, Uoariet silhr, .sire luta . Crapes. at
_ _CaptUt . FOX'S.
fiDOZ. Panama, Leghorn, Patin Leak ind (an di
t./ Straw Hata at aptS FOVS.
and Lin Silk Lima fur MAN VILLAS
sp2G FOX'S..
7r.s Still in Operation I • •
,MHE subseribers have moved to th e new buildingoti.; -
-L Pine street, one door below Manors store abore
they will keep on hand and make to order, ploughs,"
stove and Mill irons of almost all deseriptkins. Tom-,
ing and fitting up work, will be done also on reasonalilei
terms uat Elmira ar Owego. Old iron °will be taken
in payment. ' JOHN CARMAN & CO.
Towanda, April 16, 1851.
TIDY GOODS—A good assortment of Meriaoca,
1./ eaahmerea. De Laing; Alpacas. end printir now
o wing et •I S NERCDR'S.•
New Chair and Bedstead Wareroom.
RESPECTFULLY informs the public that he has
opened a shop at his new house. corner of Main :
and Paine streets, nearly opposite Edward Oaenon's..
Towanda, where be will keep ontand or mattufacture
to order, Flag-orated . Cottage. Windsor. Fancy, Cane,
seated a nd Common CHAIRS, made of the best rna 7
terials, and of superior Durability.
Re has also for isle an assortment of Bitarrimvs.
at low prices
repairing afL Jg.
Flag-seated Chains, on reasonable terms.
Cherry. Basswood. Whitt:Wood and Cucumber lurd•
her taken in payment for work. •
He trusts that bis long acquantance in this county.,
and the durability of his work as tested by many year.,
experience, will secure him a share of public patron
sae. 'Pommes, March I, 1851.
THE subscriberis now in receipt of his Spring pur l ,
1. chases of New Goods which inakes his stock ono,
of the most extensive in the country—for sale on the,
most favorable terms fur cash or approved credit—csabi,
buyers are particularly invited to call sod ezarokso thilY
stock. . / nye • O.P. ttARTE.trr.
. Paper liangirtge.
THE only complete fluor:ment h ol Paper Flan :info.
Borders, Window raper, em Meta?'
kept in this region. and at priests at low as cab' tie(
found at retail either in or out of the principal citis . % aif
May 8. . • 0. D. BABTI.E1! r..
T AMES ' & MISSES' SHOES—:goof sosortukent."
IJ of ladies' sod misses' flue shoes, hoots and miters;
sure to please. nt O. D. BARTLETT.
W'msport & Athens Railroad Letting.
G EG. H. BUNTING, respectfully informs the pub ,
tic that he has removril his store to Col. Means'
building, ono door below Warner's watch shop, where
he will be happy to see till who may be in want 4?l'.
Good and Cheap Clothing. Ho is constantly adding:
to hfs stock all the now and desirablo styles and
terns, and feels confident he can satiti(y any ono whO
May glee him s Call.
Just receiving from New York, a lame and seasona
ble assort/pent of Spring and Summer Clahing, made
in the best manner, and which will be sold as usual tit
the lowest prices.
He has also receive/I, a large lot M' YOUTH'S di
CHII.DRENS' CLOTHING, to which he invites &I
'Mlien and which will be sold et low rates. Ile
made arrangements by which he can send far any oir.Z
dole desired, with the certainty of procuring a goat?
Cutting and making up, done as usual in the molt
fashionable manner, promptly and to order.
Towanda, May 8, 1851 y.
Zehn W. Wilcox, • .
'ETAS removed his establishment to H. Mit's stoie;
1.1. corner of main. street and the public squire, atid
will continue the manufacture of Hoots tind Shod, ii
heretofore. -
He has just received from New York a large 'alio&
ment of Women's, Children's and Misses' Shoes.,whiell
are offered at low prices.. The attention cf tti)) Letifieli
is paricularly directed to his assortment, coniprisinfi
the following new styles :—Hnamelled Jenny Lindgii do. shoes ; black lasting anti silk gaiters ;
walking shoes, husking, &a. Misses' gaiters and stioest
of every de,cription. A large assortment of Childieies
ram" gaiters. boots and sillies, of at! kindle. ,
For the Gentlemen. almost every style otgaiters end,
shoes. This stock. has been personalty selemed with
care, and,ho believes he can offer superfeir saki:Neat
reasonable prices.
ccr The strictest attention paid , . to Manafaeltbing.
and he hopes, hy doing work well to. merit a eolith:in
a-terror the liberal patronage be has hitherto
Towanda, May 8, !85)..
A UDITOR'S NOTICE.—The iindersi;ne, „ T ay.
11 ine; been appointed an A uditoi by the Orphan's
Court of Bradford courtly, to marshal! assets and
distribute funds in the hands of The Alintinisiratarr
of Moses M. Lewis. dee'd., will attend to the busi+
nets aforesaid at his attic in Towandi.boriangh, of
Thursday'. the 21st t iy of' August. 1851. st one o''a
clock, P. 111:, when all persons interested are rititiira
ed to present their Claiins,Or be debarred front mull
Me in upon said fund. HENRY BOOTH. ,
July 16.1851. ' Auditor.
At-'`• persons, indeMed to the estate of JAMM
FRIES, deceased; lite of •the township of Wel%
arc hereby retinested to make payment without delay;
and *lime haring claims astain,st said estate. will plaakir
preaenttheat duly.anthenticstail for settlement.
. MARGARET FRIES, Adminharattis.
.-Wells, May 24, 1435 t-
'I ), C. HALL.
3U'light-at the - rnigiehhig Depol: •
A.. CA al POEM', return their sincere ihanlnt
./..-La for ttie patronage heretofore beatowato v
and would aT,N3iI7 cal attention of their friends - ana cap
tomeur to thew fate arrival of Neve' Seniwo Getout,
emulating of all things necessary for.elothing the out..
,er man.; which will. he cola at alittretowetprtees than
hie !lithe - n(1(On, been
PiairraVve-as call.ftefore purchasing obewhore.
11. di. A. 4 ?A,PPRet
aid and other .
Common, Cane•boltom and
d Seatini