Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 02, 1851, Image 4

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    Temperance,: dress..-
riltilfe P4OO
depressieg.akikem ely:Piforit!. flu
the .contrary,; it should nerve us_ for morazeignrouts
atel'ex' tended exertions. We at least may do some
thieg, toward'rentlering the dominion,okleiTyrent'
less burdensome—we may by perseverance, lead
men to the knowledge el thedangers which link
in waiting forthem—we'may even, now grad then,
bang back to .society some unfortuna.e, who las
- forgotten his duty to God, his family. and society.
s' The work •of the prOwees of totem
perance falls upon the / Sons of Temperance. Tuus
most exclusively belongs'ihe task of reforming men
once led astray, and guiding snit sustaining their
feeble"steps in the pa'h of rectitole But there are
iitfluetwes which go back of eh this—primary prin
ciples, to be inculcated ;'y other means, powerful
in their nature, and which must 'be exerted as we
Irmo ultimately, to be completely successful.
It is far easier to teach men to shun Rol evil habit,
than to recleirn • them, when once they 6ve com
menced 'Practicing it. Dew infinitely easier to
imbue the minds al the young, with correct views
in regard to Temperance, than to stop their career
when once going headlong to destruction? In this
respect, there is a., radical defect in the, manner of
educating children: It is a fault for, which nearly
every parent is responsible. In view of the danger
to vi7liich every child will be subjected, as he tries
the walks of life alone, the principles-and advan
Cages of sobriety Would be early enforced upon him.
He should be taught to be temperate as he is taught
to be honest. Let not your 'Sons; if , they fall, turn
to yeti with a merited reproach to impaft a sting
a Sharper than a serpenie torah
Point opt to them early the evils which result from
Intemperance—warn them of the danger there is
in its useleatri them to taste not, touch not, handle
not, and'yOur children will never prove a fiuitful
source of Affliction.
' But it is principally upon the Church of Christ,
as made visible ttpon the Earth, that devolves the
propagation of those truths which will, guide men
in the way of Temperance. The pulpit hes im
mense power to overthrow Error of every descrip
tion. it exerts a power wielded by no other influ
ence. Jur labons are sanctioned by the recognition
and authority of Divinity. Total abstinence is ne
cessary to the lull enjoyment of the virtues and
graces of Religion—lntemperance is incompatible
with the practice of those duties enjoined upon the
followers' of the meek and lowly. A better
hair dawned upon the Church in this respect—a
few years' have effeeted a radical change. The
pulpitis no longer afraid to denounce the fruitful
source of sin and ungodliness, for fear of offending
..some prominent member "who might consider its
language as having a •,personal application. Total
abstinence should be a feature in the creed of every
chilreb, for the professing Christian is no ornament
ld the Church, who is in the habit of becoming in
toxicated, or indulging in the use of spirituous
drinks, however sparingly. His example is a bad
one, and should not be tolerated. It proves that
his appetites are more powerful than his reverence.
What a spectacle it would be, to see a man obliged
to'have recourse to the brandpbottle, before he
could offer up hist morning orison to the throne of
- Grace. The idea is as ridiculons•in its conception,
as it - would be impious in its realization.
By illustrating the truths of Temperance—by in
termingles practice as a duty & necessity—the church
cart effect more towards a total reformation than any
other one power. The cause appeals particularly
to those who are seeking the spiritual • welfare of
of their fellow-men. To make men Christians,
you must make them sober. The hem:Mini truths
ollleligion fall upon a barren soil, when addressed
to the Intemperate man, for his degraded habits
" Harden all within,.
And petrify the feeling."
He makes them a scoff and a jest. But Temperance
is the handmaid of piety—the two are inseparable.
To the Church, then we look with the expectation
that it wilt be the greatest and most effectual means
to forwarding the Temperance movement..
Upon Woman we rely, in no small measure, for
the prosperity of the cause. She haebeenforemo,
in *fiery movement intended to benefit mankind,
which has engaged the auentitia of the vrorld i since
she lingered with pious lave the last at the cross of
her d) ing Savior, and hastened to be the first at his
sepulchre. Her influence has always be'ea on the
side of Right. She is never wrong. Patient and
enduring under suffering, her courage and zeal
never flag, when the sterner sex become diemayad
or disheartened. Upon her falls the heaviest evils
—her lot is to bear its mostgrierous burdens. She
drinks the deepest dregs of the bitter chalice. She
realizes all the agony which the devoted heart may
feet at the unkindness and degradation et the best
beloved. Keenly alive to the sufferings already
endered, to the incalculable advantages she will
derive Irom the Temperance refoim,—Wornan has
'ever been zealous and active in its furtherance,—
She has upheld its banners, when its folds were
drooping in neglect and inattention. And she may
effect much. The mah is debased, indeed, who
will not be moved by a woman's affectionate solici
tude. The heart is corrupted, which will not own
her power. Oh, woman you have an influence
over the welfare of man which has ne bounds, and
I beseech you fur his sake--lor your. sake—as you -
value your peace and happiness through life, exert
it to, shield hilt, from the semblance of danger. As
a Mother, Wife or Daughter, or still by muretender
ties, if possible such may be, strive to keep those
who rejoice in the treasures of your affection, from
the vortex of Intemperance.
,The power of woman will continue to be exerted
in the cause of Temperance, and many a man shell
have cause to bless ' the hour he' listened to the '
fectionate entreaties of tier who has indeed been
his guardia,n angel. "
The sympathy and encouragement of the good
andhenevolent, every where, should be iiiitentled
to the, cause. It is pre-eminently the cause of Be
nevolence. Its doctrinew and tendencies are Iberia
of good will toward men. It is a grave question how
far we fulfil our duty to our Gad or our obligatiorie
to our feltow"tnen, if we sit , listlessly still and)see
them suffer under the horrors of this curse; Tne
;muse needs the aid and encournmpnt octhe chari
table.. Without it, it can hope toakei Inflifife
Brethren ! our course is onward. We am urged
on by every, principle of religion and justice anti
latirreinity—by every consideration of tinty--and by
the proniplings of Good towards our fellowmen.
Eat it be the highest aim of every Son of Temper.
once se.todive as to adorn his professions, and be
a-bright example of the beneficial tendencies of the
%der. By so doing,, he will enhance bis own
happiness here—and increase -fitsjitospeetti for that
Hereafter; wherein his majesty reigns theSepreme
Pitriarch,- and wberehi ag r „ , :rheir effulgence are
knee tutheprineiglesetit Um; Eiltur. and Mk=
LITT." - •
24runiturtit Jui;thawo4
AgicOlinti; 80%
Rail Road Horse 'Power & Tresher,
With Ike Lairs? and Importaid Improvements, for
which Patent is.seeured.
THB subscriber takes this method to inform the
Fanners of Bradford and the adjoining counties,
that he is agent for, and has for sale, the above ceibra.
ted ind unequalled Horse Power and Threshing Mir
chines, which he is prepared to. furnish on the ume
terms as by the manufacturer, with the addition of the
actual cost of transpdaatiori, contracted for at the low
est trha best rates.
The subiteriber has sold a number of the above ma
chines in this, and the ittlj lining counties of Chernung .
and 'flogs, N. Y., and all wiihout exception have given
the very best satisfaction, and , where they are known;
all farmer! give them the preference, on account of
econorai to threshing . , being operated with much less
expense, and cracking and waiting much less grain
than any other machihe in use.
The Two-Horse Power Thresher and Separator is
capable, With three or four men, of threshing from 150
to 200 bushels of wheat or rye, or double that quantity
f oats, pet day.
The pg.* for Emery & Co.'s one
Muse Vowel.. $B5 00
ao '. Thresher and Separator, 35 00
- do Bands, wrench,eiler and
extra pieces, II 5 00—5125 00
do t s • Two-horse Pow*, $llO 00
do Trerheriand Separator. 35 - 00
do Bands, oiler, wrench, &e., 5 00—$150 00
Also,linteeier's one-horse power,Thresher,
and Separator, complete, (improved this
Wheelers Power, Threaher and
Separator, complete,
Price dr• Ei4ery's ,T.realter and Cleaner,
with hander wrenches, Ore.,
do ' Si? Mill, complete for use,
Price of Grant's Fan Mills„ adapted for
haturor pterer, from .e '2200t0 25 00
The.sabscriber will aim the -coming season be pre
pared tq furnish to order
The Cleaner has all the advantages of a good fan
ning mill, cleaning the grain fit for market, 'wasting
none. 'The additional east being but little more than
a fanning mill, or shout thirty donorit-.—making the
whole Thresher and Cleaner cost $75 to the Farmer,
and with Euler,. & Co.'s tvre- hone power. filBs 00.
CR account of the large demand for the above
machineaNnd the difficulty of immediately filling or.
den for them. persons wishing to purchase machines
should give me timely notice as to what kind and at
what time they wish tb procure them.
Fanners wishing to do their threshing immediately
after brim, should procure theirmachinos as early as
the first of July. Also for sale
At manufacturer's retail prices, tuck as
33nriall's Grain Reaper.
Revolving Horse Rakes, Bay, Straw and Manure
Forks, tie. 4c. Also,
East Iron and Wood Cistern and Well Vamps,
LEAD PIPE of all sizes, in large or small quanti
ties, cheap for dad.„
I 1,11i (DI N ,11 4
lify.steek of Stoves, and prices, will compare favors.
bly with those of any Wove Store in any of the large
neighboring towns.
Tin, Japanned and Sheet Iron Ware,
manufactured and for sale wholesale and retail, Cheap
,or Cash.
.A large and full Catalogue of Agricultural Imple
ments and Stoves, wi.h engravings, furnished grads,
either here, or o 9 application by mail post-paid.
Athens, Pa., November 30, 18.50. 1y26
THE subscribers respectfully inform the public that
they have taken the shop forts:lair occupied by
Adsua Esenwine, on Main street, nearly opposite
Drake'. wagon shop, where they are prepared to do all
kind. of BLACKSMITHING upon reasonable terms.
They are determibed by doing their work well and
promptly,-to merit, as they hope to r eceive, a share of
public patronage.
- HORSE—SHOEING done in the beat manner. All
kinds of repairing Machinery, executed in the stoat skil
ful manner. •
WOOD WORK - for wagons will also be made and
repaired when desired.
All work done at their shop, will be Watrantod to be
well done, and Manufactured from the best materials.
The public are requested to give us a trial, and -judge
for themselves. ESEN WINE & SEEDIBOIIII.
Towanda. May 2. 1851.
A DAS ESENVINE respxtliilly Informs the polo.
lPc that he now ocCopleg the shop Where Maisel
and brother have fur ears Worked, neatly opposite
Temkin!? foundry; where to go, all Irak
in his line, al formerly in the best manner,; Ise is de:
termined the' reputation be has attained-as a skilful'
workman shall not suffer by any neglect of the inter
ests of customers or by any hiattemion to basiaets. •
TOOLS, manufactured rut order--machinerf of all
tads repaired in the twit manner, and every kind of
Repairing and Itfanufaitoring be,done at short
notice, and In the - style desired.
Horse Shoeing, on reasons% term, Re will oleo
take Conitry .11rwerrie la payment for wotti but
*to dm?* to credit,
Towands, Jan: 11; 1851.
Saddle f illarness & Trunk Manufactory.
E etrth.
6;;; lelimcitt4 ruf(;f6-thlPolic
ar li
Ant they hen taken the shop lately occupied by
C. F. Hoofer, on Mein street. a kw doors, below,the
Brick Row,,Whore they will keep on head a lime'
mock of • 4 -
iIIa r AKBOS, 016 V) 240 0 MagZegl.
Taunts, vimasa ?
articleasin their lino mfnnfsetarad . to onteksala
male tf tha best snataialowid for aanlunaraihip mom
ha faupasasil la Nastiontftuls/k.luill, soli*
a freak thaset'risbilill co ll adent
they =a gin asti fsetiop . bgtb as ta.,quidilY VA rim
cCash Wilt tkc'peid.tir Hides. aild•isimp. Pa*
at the Wiest nig* akin , Photir-: •
Tailasl• 5650,. ,
The !United Shiaaritiltrilasuraneia& flute..
On - thernew priniVe,%which the insuredparticipat .
Charter Perpertud... . . .. . .Capitelll2so4M
F. 15..H0rr, Medical iximiner, Athens, Pa. :War.
;nation tgliert, ttniappticatione teemed by, s'• - -
. • J. E. CANFIELD,: Athens" "
Aber sppliarticeav for Insurance against kw by Fire in
The Washington' Co. ilettual Ines Co.
.Tbelirgert Mutual Comainy in the Viotid.
Capital over ;Loewe • Over 100,000 wrtanbert.
The State at Tharitehalelf, Pa.
The great Pennsylvania Company: being a Farmers
and Merchant's Company, with a large and increasing
cash fund, being both • stock:and mutual Company.
A. E. CANFIELD, Agent, Athena, Pa.
Pension and Bounty and dletnev.
The subscriber having received all the Pension Wes
necessary instructions and forms, front the
partment at Washington, will attend the application
of *Soldiers, Widows, and minor children of - Holdings,
who by the late law are entitled to ounty Lands for
titmice' rendered during the war of 1812, or any of the
Indian wars since 1700. And all Pension claims un
der this various acts of Congress. The bite pension
laws and decisions giving to many pensiOns not here
tofore entidectio them. Prompt attention Avon to ail
post paid comitnniemions, by
Atheits,Dec. 18, 1850. - J. E. CANFIELD.
Charter Perpetual...Casksystem./.Capital fi'260.000
Office No. 28, Merchant,' Exchange.
ORGANIZED upon the "mixed principle," Stock
and Mutual, which combinedfratures offer to in
sured members double the usual security, The Cub
syste.a of payments bar also been adopted, thus avoid
ing the heavy drawbacks created, by unpaid premium
notes. The table rates of premium, 'men which its po
licies are being issued, is the only scalitesperience his
proven should be adopted, as affording requisite secur
ity to be insured. and an undoubted guarantee for the
perpetuity of such institutions. An experimental to.
ble,ntay be found worthless, at the very instant a pea
cy should possess its greatest value. Life Insurance,
very properly, is attesting the attention of the world.
the public however,.in their commendable willingness
to embrace and . employ its wise and salutary-provisions,.
should make ultimate security the primary and moat
important object, which elm only be attained by so ad.
jesting the premiums as to anticipate unexpected loss
es afid fluctuations of every kind. ft is the purpose
of this company annually to credit, upon the polices
of holders and books of the Company,such an amount
of profits as shall not affect the stability, or impair the
sacredness of its contracts. Premiums may, at thee's.
tion of the insured, be paid annually, semi-annually,
or suarterly, in advance. All necessary information,
together with Hanks, pamphlets, dm., may be obtained
gratis, at the office of J. E. Csarinn, Athens, Pa.
$l2O 00
145 00
76 00
35 00
Stephen It Crawford, Paul B Goddard,
Ambrose W. Thompsion, Lawrence Johnson,
Benjamin W. Tingley, George Mlfenry,
Jacob L. Florence, Jima Dement,
William N. Goo4win, John L. Linton.
Almon W. Tatnarsow. Vice President.
CHAS. G. hrtAv, Secretary and Treasurer
ARTUA ET—Mantlel Eyre.
COMMIL awn Ariotirst —Thomas Batch.
F. 8. Horr. Medical Examiner for Athena.
December 27.1850. -
DISSOLUTION.—Notice is hereby given, that the
Partnership heretofore existing between the sub
scribers in the Harness and Trunk making business is
this day dissolved by mewl consent. E. Smith &
Son will settle she business of the late firm. Thoel
indebted must make immediate payment, and thole who
have agreed to pay grain, are notified that unless der
livered at the tine agreed, Cash will be expected. ,
November 15, 1850. JERE CULP.
E. Smith it Non,
R ESPECTFULLY inform the public .that the
will continue the business at their old stand, &ill.
side of the Public square, and will teep onitand, and
manufacture to Oder. : every variety of SADDLES,
HARNESS, TRUNKS, VALICES, &c., of the best
materials and of workmanship, not to be surpassed.
By strict attention to business, and. promptness in
follfilling engagements ; they hope to continue the lib
eral patronage they have heretofore enjoyed.
CARRIAGZ Tamotsu will be done on short notice,
in the neatest manner.
MI kinds of Grain, Produce, Hides, Sheep Pelts,
will be taken in exchange for work.,
RIEM 1Ogri::10-11VAL L! .
ESMITH lc SON have removed their teas do
.C. 4. Harness Shop to the building nearly epposite
the Ward House, late the "North Pennsylvanian"
printing office—on main street. Jan. .
Pillf15101AN : AND SURGEON. :9fflea in the
"Union Block s " up stairs; Nor* side of the(
Public Square, over Elwell's Law 006 . .. Entrance
between Elwell's and Adams' law cam; -where he
may always be found when not professionally engaged.
Towanda, July 12, 1850.
PRIED CrJE2ll' 2111)1111N.
a New Zlra in . . Newspapers.
WHE CITY. BUDGET is &piped to fill a blank in
II in the newspaper world,lT Refined and Elegant
Literature, Wit, Humor, Graphic Life Sketches of For
eign Countries, and the overrday coniersatione and
the manners of their people. Each number will berm
bellished with spendid engravings, engraved from new
and original designs by the best Artists in America.
No old cuts or foreign witticisms, iehuhe,', will be:
admitted, but everything will have the advantage of
originality. - - _
Familia will find this an interesting Journal for flair,
parlor_tabloos from it not only information of the mQt
agreeable and pleasant kind may be obtained, but they
will find something to amuse them in their leisure
There is no paper lila, this at present in America. if
indeed there be one in any pert of the - world ; but our
people are a reading people, and require, u we shall
give them, subjects of and amusement in a
cheap and condensed form. We are entirely different
from the ordinary Newspaper or Weekly Papers, nor
do we seek to enforce any. opinions upon the minds of
our readers, but leave them to form their own.
07 Every Country Merchsfit and Family , should
read David Alwyn, or the Ruined Country Merchant;
A peep Into Mercantile Agencies ; which has crested
inch * great sensation in business circle*. and will be
continued every week until it is contluded. It ia de :
signed to show op in their tine light Those spier whit
live by misrepresentation of the most private affairs of
Merchants and Fami kw, to the injqty of tradestedthe
demoralisation of man.
A sample copy of the,Cily Budget will be sent 17
mail to any address in the runny, if requinalt '
rbre is not a *trio Ammar that ewe se Muth*
original reeding trainer for Abe same price.
Price - One DONT 11.121011:110f.T1110 Cents per sin.
fTfly• fin *a' by Nirtsbor *Pa' Nowasitaibl
lbOughOut*.# 4 ri4ed B 4 4l l. *
The cult' liollozr will la' famislied 'MOW*
the followinglow.pricess ... •
;Vopkgp 0 4 , 9 ,14 1 #*.;.• • •'*: s b, OP
re . 0
:20 ?..• • •••,..•,•• • 5,00
0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • a'ooooo . ,
" , Qv
.. , ..
All*mimsnieations must'beint ? '44l4l. • irsd. address : :
WI to . R. F. MAT•II.r4ACAs
' 162 Fulton :N,
AGGE ' iuliortmint bt Ctotlb,'Cassametts and
Salaams, also Csliciiitid whir Onoite 'so
aiLfea' ihisifetionst PHINNEIII.
11)RINTBD fiseuels sad' Turkey Reds; as Vell es
l iFiesteCk': o l; PaUcaPl, belAllinSis:CashMlFes
MPECrniaiell *.gellibi 1 •
n0 T a... 1 D.-,watnggi Co.:.*
tUi sUa*eoui._ '
~.: ~':-:ii ~
Dr. '.--Fildel'_ - celehOteitYMOichOs
Palreeeiri Belvem, - Depereilmillyrop, *-::
Peetteallimieetent, ' fleutreoirectori —
Pulmonary' Liniment. - Humor Corrector::.` f•
Antipyspeptie Ogees rind Cole*
' Pith
Mole Pills,
li r ?egfek t ' replete
; • Pore sod Medicinal Cod Liver OW ste..
tied by /tux ermilaally t (=t with isaPreSelealed we .
ens ia 407ealasastAtcoughst ColA CorkwornilOss
.rislh'ln_a Read Diseases, Dyspepsia, Scrrifelsorikitt
Discuses. Rheumatism , feriak" Coaspkriato, Pike.*
Dr. MO tineipudied :Patina silver plated abdomitaav
supporter's; Improved plated steel Spring shoulder •
braes;, silver !phallus tuhe.
Dr. islttiVii
On the prevention and 'cure of Consumption, Asthma
Diseases of the Heart, &c., and On the method o
preservikrg bealth and beauty to an old ; age.
This book should be in every family. To the Con
sumptive it pointaMd the only reasonable hope for re
lief. ,To Mothers, thedireetione heves m the care sad
education of children ate invaluable. 78,000 copies o
thil book have pasted through the prem. and the sale
continues unabated.
For sale by 8.8. Fives' & Co., 709'Sroadway, N.
V., and HUSTON & PORTER, Towanda, and by
C. E. RATHBONE, Canton.
trrDr. Fiteit's .Guide to Invalids. Or dientions to
nelsons mina DriFitztee remedies, to bblad gratialot
all the 'team 13y
Standard Medicines.
The following equalled series of Family Medicines
may be depended upon with the utmost confidogice.
nuy have the %probation of the best physi
cians in the country, and are recom
mended by all who have used them
as superior to any medic i nes..
They have beta Wore the Public I for five Pan t
During Which time more then 6000 ;certificates here
beetimceired from eminent priblic men
and othersoind are now oir file
et the Company's office.
They are Compotifided
With the nutxat care and *ill, and the ingredients
are thoroughly tested "by scientific chemists,, so
that medicines of a uniform end reliable qua-
fity ire guarenteed in *Weise&
Are particularly valuable for the preveiltion and cure of
Fevers in general, all Bilious and Liver Crimplaints.
Jaundice, General Debility, Comtnon and Sick
: Headache, Dyspepsia, Heart Bora, Costiveness,
Griping, Urinary Diseases, Otistructions of
the Menses, Influenza, Asthma: sod for a
variety of other, Chronic Diseases; in
fine, for all ordinary family uses.
laFull directions for the various Diseases accompany
each box. Prix 25 cents box.
The Greefenberg DpealeiT Syrup,
A speedy and infallible remedy In Manhole, Dysente
ry. Bloody Flux, Cholera Mork's, Cholera Infantum •
and the Amaze CROLLUA, if taken with the first
symptoms, viz: vomiting and die : Mral It ne.
WeT fails to cure-the worst posible eases of
bowel complaints, generally Wit few hajtirs,
abldom beyond a day. It is Puiratir
Vzoirraaia, and taken in any quart
thy imperfectly harmless.
The Graetenberg Often Mountain Ointment.
Invaluable Mr Borns, Wounds, Sprains, Chillbtains,
Corns, Bores, Sweings of all kinds,
Erysipelas, Bronchitis, Scrofula, ulcers, Pains in
the side and back immediately 'relieved,
'nation of the Bowels, and for all cases where
there is Inflammation'.
Marshall's Uterine Catholics'',
A certain cure for Prolapses Uteri, and for most of the
distressing complaint) incident to females. Pro.
pared by Dr. THEO. POMEROY, of Utica;
solely for the Gnsefenberg Company.
Tel °TUSK 011141.1315111N0 WIIDICINES 41111
Eye Lotion, J Health , Bitters,
Consumptive Balm, I Fever and Ague Pills,'
Children's Panacea, Libby'l Pile Ointment,
Saratioarifia Corniotmd.
43,The Graefenberg Manual of Health, a complete
hand-hook of medicine for families. Price fifty cents.
Office, 214 Broadway, New York. ,
Carrion.—Tbe public is requested to bear in mind
thet euerytbing prepared by the Craefenberg Company
bits their seal upon it.
Spurious articles base been issued claret, resembling
the getruire in "eery particular, except the seat, and
the utmost are Should be used before pnrebesing.
Agents for Bradford-County—Dr. HUSTON end
Dr. PORTER, Tommie. .
TTAS removed to a few doors below)Bridge street,
.1.1, on the East sided Maitt•st. in thibuilding f4tr
merly occupied by J. D. Montanye Eiii. i=
All operations amounting to PO, or over, one hal
to be paid down, the.,remainder in three months. I
the operation proves unsatisfactory, the oney paid will
be refunded. A note of hand however ust ware the
payment of the half left unpaid, with a mist).
' 01 1 H E, SUBSCRIBER, having now completed his
.1 arrangements for the accommodation of the Travel
ing Politic, feels warranted in soliciting his share of
Public Patronage. His Table shall be furnished with
the bed the market affords. His Stabling is Large and
Warm. His Bar shall be filled with as good Lignor
as are to be found in the country.
BESIDES, for the accommodation of many, the
subscriber is manufacturing Boots, Shoes Saddles, gar
nees, Thsnks and Valses. ic., 15. e. And keeps on
hand a good assortment of PATENT MEDICINES,
for all of which his patrons will be asked only a mode-
vote price. ,
Come one, come all, both far and near
A- home you'l find, a !tome to chenti,
And s cheap article if son, would bay
Call at Laceyville and try. •
For former patronage and &Tonic the public will
please accept the eieeere Mask of T. D. ISPRING.
Lamale, Feb., 13, IE4I.
`Clock, : Watch, • and Jewelry Store !
, A.M. WARNER Wm' this method
~ • of informing his old customers and the
public generally, thin he has purehised
j of J.P.8a1.. hisstoek if,SYstehes. poets;
and Jewelry. and eatitneoWid ascii
brisineas in all of it"
,wolotm branches at tits old 'Snug
ortfiri laiter,,OO Mein 'str?o,,,trro doors synth of ßoan' ftla Aelakelian: ala, watch
eatehlishisi q title iiominnuit7,; that it is , hardly
wiry tbayr s triad - on Ast pint. • With ,ltio , ,,long err.
Pe r im" Ifka great i 4 Vi,l2l ,l* fli i . *WO* t il*Ugb
1126 0 1 4 0 ar iha' 1 044T014,40 nus4 o6 , ll eire,ig siYAng
to the public, ' bring on year watches and ilocli
. 1 Will
do themjnstiee. • , r ' • - •
.• gads solit'or Repairing done, we:rental ei I
monism:id 'or the mortar retarded.
A - 7 :
tosoirelig6Ttiieit at et**, 7a*bei
Itepistslstrindyrus bend.,
• My motto aiek:se_ tee-nnall ,
Acrorni end do crtedit ;men. qnsditsteed dot be inked'
,for-i•es 1 ali boand:riot to make its eequeintenea,
- Towanda: 101 y it. 1880. ,
r run him* SWnWetngmpletesommoloreeboot,
blenk nad agovilsboons BMWS ArtfrrATZN.
EBY everogerod 10 flag markeload it way
sow Mt openinCat dlO 11.1). D.4.RTI4Tre.
•• .. • • ... 01P117-.
Itotthe Wrioda - ;llruntimok r . ..,_ ,
BUT . 111114 L ;.O.PERATIO I NI
(Igo. W. PdTTE . Oro* respect(' ounce
the'Ptit4 that he is la pOi!.* 011 : 0 1 Ow n -Nei
and Commodious'
TOMMalt4 , ll,4lOlO2Ol`O6XOl
iha boruilth Pt . :Towanda, St • the,_ place where t 1
Ind Witted riikriyPrmily Pitiod. 'Wiwi' . hit
lab's's; to trumuracture said keep icoustaitly fin :lead
all sock WO& tn Gioia - hie* .0 0 ATAPPi‘ 4 .4 O ,
public rcguir' e r rich is Milt beim sitd
nail rod's* , CAK7guilLsc*lN !litclielPil.les Polk,
1901104 of various PagePlN %%Pm PloultikaPx*lPPic
Cultivators, &c. & c . . . • -
,sedges himself to use endeivori .tohfcp
trii with the Improvements of the'igis"„iti' articles - Of !KW
bands, in thu line of, his iimaufsetuli. Ile hmi tong
since learned thit the best taaf so serve one'r self'ls to
serve the public ; and be feels confident that hislefforts
from time to time td introduccauch atiicies eiperri
once has ptoved'lohe useful to the user, *fine pro.
tty appreciited. , 4
d ie- ould ssy in stunt, that he Intends to he in pow
session of the' best pstterns of Ploughs and Cultivators,
and all articles of husbandry in his line. He would
also say that be has bad an esperknee or fire and twen
ty years in bailding litschfirery, sad' his great semi,-
ambitions for that purpose, and would invite those who
may want Castings At Machines fitted'to give him a
all; and as he attends to his own business petsoially,
be pledges himself that the wants of the public in his
capacity shall be fully, !dimpled to.
As he is d'eSiroris of bringing hisbusiness ernesr cash
as possible; he will all astonishingly low to cs 4 pay
ing customers. Come one, come aft ! and the subvert.
bet pledges himself to please all who will be pleased.
OZV• He has on hand and will manufacture STOVE'S
Ai. sate. Towanda, May 200851.
No. 128 fillton street, Sun bzilding, Net: York.
No. 17 Canal sired Rouh_Neto Orleans. -
To rifewitpaiier Publishers and 'Printers.
INTITH confidence 1 invite the trade, before they
purchase i elsewhere, to give me a call at Nb.
128 Fulton•strect, New York, or at No, 17 Canal•st.
Row, New Orlehns, where I am ready to furnish
them with all kinds of
of the' newest and most beautiful style. I am also
prepared to supply the much admired Scotch letter.
having lately Procured from Scotland a series of
these beaunfutfaces, together with every Variety of
form and partattrof
Bordering; &c. I feel assured that the elegance
and accuracy of all the Type manufactured by me
cannot be surpassed by any Founder in the Union.
By an entirely new method in the mixing and cast
ing I sea enabled to retain the virtues of the compo
nent parts of Site metal, and thus to produce, in addi
tion to an elegant the moat
heretofore offered the public. To this last feature I
woola in particilar call attention, for solidity and
durability of Type , is on the, principle of ,economy,
of the greatest importance to all typographers., The
members of the craft will also find me ready to sup
ply all kinds , of
for the iitablishment of complete Printhig Offices,
such as Presses,Wood Type, Cases, Stands, Brass,
Press and Woo d Rules, Imposing Stones,' Compos
ing Stick,Brass and Wood Galfeys, closet
Racks, &c.
Old Type taken in exchange for new at 9 cents
per lb. The Trade dealt with on the most liberal
terms, andlogrenage solicited on the ground of fur
nishing to the purchaser of an article 'with which
he will be *tilted and which will bring him the
worth of his money.
Editors or Printers wishing to establish a News
paper or Job Printing Office, will be furnished with
an estimate in detail' of the cost by stating size of
paper and kind of work to be executed.
Publishers of Newspapers who will insert this
advertisement three months and send me the papers
containing it addressed to " Nesbites Register.,"
New York, will be paid in materials of my manu
facture, provided they purchase six times the amount
of their bills for advertising.
No. 128 Fulton-st. New York, and
No. 17 Canal-st. Row, New Orleans
m 45
Removed 'to B. Kingsbery's Block !
it .t. Chamberlin,
"ETAS just returned from the city
hi: -LI of New York with a large
1 Supply of Watches, - Jewelry and
, . i - , 4 7 Silver ware, comprising in part,
. the following articles ;-- Lever,
~ -.. • _ '-',.:, L'Epine and Plain Watihes, with
\`l),, _,.. ..,. ,-,- a complete assortment o f G ol d
Jewelry, such as-Ear Rings, Fin
ger Ilino,Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chains,
Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, ill sorts of Silverware,
and any quantity of Steel Beads-all of which he offers
for side exceeedingly cheap for CASH.
Watches repaired on short notice,. end warranted
to ran well,or the money will be refunded. and a writ-
ten agreement given to that effect if required. ' •
N. M . —MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Produce
taken in payment for work; and els% kiwi: now, and
forever, that the Produce must be paid when the work I
is done—l war against credit in all its forms.
W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Agent. i .
Towanda, April 28, um. i
XEle cam. 1111T1110 1 1.011E161111CMCIE-.4.509
. 011WTT .Struvsyni.
HAVING foisted -in Towanda, his services may
be obtained by addressing • line through the Post
Office, or by calling at the effiei of Ulysses Mercer,
Esq., where be will be found, or where a written sp
licatrion may be Icft. . Nov. 1, 1850.
O. 11. P. ILIUM&
.(ctr• Office,,Nortivsicie 4:1) .- the 'Public Square.
:E. MASON, 'M.
(AFFICE a Main street, four doors below %Mire
X../ 'street, whoa he ins, be found, when nut lake.
sionally engsired; , Toireride, N0v.30, 1830. •
gA. - NTON',.. , -iliOU. : s.4
mire subseiity, nrietfolly• %fords the ttitdie that
-L he has takikposaeishitt;of- his 'old'stiodi in the
month part of the`
,Born' Athens,WheWs lie wilt best
all tubes happy to 'see his Mende, andirill c endeavoi to
maketheir - strywitli Min agreeable. - Ifeinaht that an.
assidpons attention to the wishes of the travelling' pub
lie wall secure hint- the reacts( the old retains of the
u Mansion," aitd.ol4l eisit of Wl*. who desire, a; cam
fortat?le and conrinieneatoppintplaii. -• •
Th3!!,R Will t'e well sopplied•—and the best
(mei be precoral for theifse.
.12ooirarsatane is, attached With careful and igloo
litv hustlers.
CO' ApAii 2l oi.tnill.wili be to the Waverly
tiOD.IO early passelgers biand.fions every, train, east
OP west. t E: t 3. MATHEW/313N,
Athena Am1:18,. 1851.
'A DOZEN Mete of those cheepstid good LINEN
COATS; this asy rossiiea
. , ..,,.
• AfflieWit,4 10144 1.- SPair
AnoOcilellino kiss tamed from Praidk hy. Schen c k,
_.• • • .‘•••• rultlinnic:B3nighl : • .
Theibilawiag care is Minot the ;greaten triumph,
of medicine over , diamise-ever pabliebed In medical hie.
Amy. I.Reattiti , ••1 -• . 7 ,
romp* by no rithe4thetilletfeelininf beneyelen e,
an. 4 *Alm benefit of. my efflictedrfenew l e g otipt,
sire Po• Mahe known • shillt thlutsiPtiert'd 10 7 , 4iitese,
'ink* inteSpected cumlalitainedfointlWßE,4 lB,
PtILII(ONIO SYRUP. lAboulttbreelrareir4lo
aniaw um.* giolent colds Whialtnetge4 ou my bralet-1
lider Itl4. OM! leW •All7 B 7:lefifillikraim consider,.
da ble blood; my angle was tight add &stn . nesbeg. a rm ,
Xialent , fever .eresittii*lVr•hill*,- and, pro
sweetie, at oightorith gees: difficulty of breathing aid
great logs 'of appetite t my 'system wag entirely pe.
nate/. being eellficed to my.bed, modal the cam e ...
Two of the most eminent physicians of this city
-tended me, and ilkr exhausting all their skill; p r ,.
Pounced my cue incurabg.. 'lndeed. one said ay
lungs were almost gone, and I could not possibly rs
tour. At this stage of my disease. I was Prevailed
upon to try Dr. Schender Pulmonic Syrup, and before
had taken half a doyen bogies. Was so far recovered
,tobeto go about the house. It seernedto strive,.
en my whole system—it loosened the cough and 'sue.
ped the bleeding—my bowel* tienune regular, st
every thing I ate, seemed to digest easily and. Ronnie
my. whole system. Indeed, such .was the rapid pre
grecs of my health and so sudden the change, Ow
became too sanguine of a speedy cure, and a4nde e
ed the use of the medicine before the disease e a
thoroughly eradicated, which reealted in smother *nee
of bleeding at the lungs laet tall, accompanied by a ds
nessing cough. I again, commenced taking the ? e t.
movie Syrup, and , sent for Dr. Schenck who, epee,
careful examination, advised, me lo continue *sing a
Before I had taken four bottles, an abscess formed n
my aide, which gathered and broke, discharging. so pe e
as I can judge, a pint of very disagreeable yellow no.
ter. This seemed to cleanse and purify pry whole ay..
tem, Fran this time I began to get better, and Li
happy to say entirely recovered. .17 um sure it that
time I enjoy better health than I-have for the last trs
years. Since I commenced, taking the Pulmonic Bn,
up, I have never failed to recommend it whenrro
-went, that others, as well as myself, might be sena
saved from that awful disease; for I feel it *den!
owe to the afflicted to publish it to the. world. Pelee
me lb mention a few cane-which have come under r e
immediate observation.. Being, on • visit to Cu*
N. .1., last summer, resew a child, evidently in the Ita
st a ge of bowel corniumption. The mother infinite
me that the physicians bad given the child wine
curable. UMW her what benefit I toad received fry
the use of Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, and lade%
her to procure a bottle. I heard nothing win (ra t
the, little sufferer until !bent three month, after; bee
in the market, my attention was drawn to a lady air
observed me very auerdivelY. Sloe finally approadid
me, and asked if I was not the lady who tenni
ed Schenck'i Pulmonic Syrup to her dying 'child le
summer in 4:anidert. I replied that I was.
that her child bad entirely recovered, and was m e ,
manly healthy. Der name is Mrs. Wilson, and sot
resides in Bridesburg. Another lady I would mania
in particular, who had • soofoloter kffection. Beau
and neck presented one continued sore, and one of be
eyes was variously affected with she had been
greatly emaciated, and to all appearances mist meow,'
I induced her to try Schenck's Pubnunrc Syrup, wide
she did, and is now perfectly cured. Another lady,
Mrs. McMullen, whOse residence I will give on sW,
cation, was evidently in the last stage of Consumptiee,
I prevailed upon her to try the Pulmonic Syrup. Isr
very short time she was entirely recovered, and sonar
joys excellent health, haying become exceedingly fieslu
These are three case in my knowledge, which I
know were cured by Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, Ai
who doubt this statement, and will take the trouble a
cell on me at my residence Parrish civet five doer
above tenth north side, I think I will be able to salle
fsctorily convince them by own, case, and tethers t h e
I know have been cured by this. Syrup. Since my
cure, there have been so many to are me to know vibe
I took, that I hare had a very good opportunity
knowing a great many that have -taken it, and ha
been greatly benefited thereby, and I think if per
afflicted with Consumption or Liver Complaint, winti
send for Dr. Schenck, and let him carefully cumin
their lungs, and if he says he can cure them,Sollowth
directions, and prevent taking cold, they will rapidlt
Philadelphia, May 29, 1849.
J. B. Flcusacw—Dear Sir-4 have known Mi
Leibert for several year,, as a member of my dare
and have all confidence in her statement, and am n
joiced to find her again restored to health. Any the
more, in addition to her statement, is needless.
Your,, truly, THOS. L. JANE WAY,
Pastor of the North Presbyterian Church,
Philadelphia, June 20, 1849. 6th at. above Gnu
Prepared and sold by J. H.SCHENCK, at his Lt
lorratory 8. E. corner Coates & Marshall itts., Baby
the following Agents in Bradford County.
Geo. A. Perkins, Athens, D. Bailey, Leurysvillet
Humphrey, Orwell; Magnard & Woodburn, R
..11. J. Warfoul, Monroeton ; D. D. Parkhurst, Le ;il
v. E. Rathbone, Canton ; King & Yosburg,
and by MIX & MABON, Towanda. - •
Price, $ I per bottle or $5 per half dozen.
The Great COVOlft iIEDIEDT. '
Many_yeara of eXpetienee, and more than Anndred They.
wand uoren of Causampties .Complelets, We tinned
the undoubted satishaton of an persons: who as team*
quieted with this weeder/el rweetathat gnarls sawkir
beesuse it is imam, and asalky, and non emote to eve
Cnamautpthrs of the Lasigrei awn aor other Sewed, it de
world. We Mow, bowenor, that als laid be haute Mai Caen*
non can nee be oned. Be that the Opinion or the tone or the to,
we shall not attempt to argue with such. but this we sea we, to,
do tinert as a ba,which ate be proved lit thousands a am
that this inedleine has eared Cesspit and arose which, kWh ,
eallecoed, were ealkd real Consanrotlass Emma*
were ananded with amptemat that rent led, and were b an*
wens cas tbe symptoms of those site efts, end who dauf are tads
have died wishful fatuddiaesee s Cousannotlew, This Bees
has aired thouserags of persona who were said to be bopekoeli
dieted,artiobad hard dry, maw V ea aba—Pahoto the Brame
Side, and
DU ealts of Brimaillms—Sinient
Cim—Thetie row —rieyett.Steseas—erid want away of sir
- Fleals and Bleed. PaillOa• Wing inch complaints bv• bin
ented elm it was said they weld ea Ilse a k longer.
Medicine has eared some who were sup to be to a bid
state, but, by the ass of this nausedy, they now lire, sad seg
good health.
This Barsain b pertly a segdabis enispored -It phneldll
take, end Imo dew Wen in soy Magee! disease or do
entostimx•. It edema wonderful and shoot =0 ,1 2, '
c argo by purloin Stnespdiesish and lend modal
wh o l e g p sone ...g e , ate eirepiame. and p Ordel
sexton—tens anony -Cough—weak° gm Nen:en—ad ail
farga , ltisit Eittectittrittion. Cams the Mowed fle
eases, tie •—•
Cosams sad colh. amen* Assess, hstralcak 01 '
* T i t o tas Lis pi • ,, ll 4 , ths Bread, PK% oed C NV=
keru. _ After MOM nintami.
ts Bisset caisson* akar therehten, Chotres DAP
twe e he
o rg ia % Thriet a partkedana tii:Ctarth, fee au MO
ow Agents haws their wi t h* ow
For sale by. HUSTON & PORTER, Towels
C. H. Herrick, Athens ; D. E. Raibbone, Cut= D.
D. D. Petit' twat, Leroy ; 4.• Hansonl, Monroetsai
W. Baird, Bunniteralleld; D. Bailey I dc 'Son, Lair'
ripe; Huntrey, Orwell; Maynard & Woolbon
Rome;E 03 , racy, lanfithfietd; CoryeE & Gee, Be'
lin iton ; L. h: N. Radian, Tray.
Alt orders nntit lie' addle:tied 0. WALLACE if
Co. 304 Broadwayi N. t. 34egorlf
Very Strange tint tree.
Gentleman of Utica, N. Y., has obtained fno
11 the Witch-haul, a simple remedy , ''h ich ta Y it
mom just claim to the name of “ family care all"'
any Medicine we have ever before knoorc. Ms.
rxinnecied with it but a - litde•Akebol to Nom"
and yet it seta with great certainty in retrieving pa .
and all local indemation, curing all sons, burns, beer
nee and lameness, rapidly. Piles, bowel e 01 4 1111 °:
cholera-mottles, hemorrhage, bar ache, toodwiebe,
eyes, and all nervous affections. It is whits at sect
and as harmless; and it is called
" Pond's Pain,Deshvyerand 7Jealirrg• rant:'
None is genuine except Pond's ExtracOls blownie
the bottle. Mr. Pond.firat iniroduced thia mediciarle
the public and has expended .a vast dad of time ad
money in bringing it to a hightstate•of perfection, ad
we now warrant every bottle to give sal hifietiOn•
A man by the, name of Spencer has put Garth n 1
article called "The Coyle Extract" which claitev
be from the Witch-tinsel. If from thalihruk Rang °
a a perfect deception, and it is e very imperfect trti'
do; be not deceived, get • pamphlet and see.
For sale at Montanye's & Co. Towanda, &HK
man Monroeton,Parkhurst & I,andr Leßoy, I
r tr
Virilley Fraplain Suato sth