Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 02, 1851, Image 3

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    Seto abtertisements.
v irtue of sandry'writs Of 'Venditiona Expo!.
B sued o nt, of the, Court of Common Pleas of
nrid r o d DOW, and to tne directed. will be expos:
et t t o pabliclsale, at the Court Holm in' the-Bone
of Toonds on Honda*, the Ist day of September,'
P.M. the lot, piece tit
t, l
oe o'and, clock
situate in the township 'of Wyeini,
t' uo d e l od described as fitllows tn wit : North hy
"w n a tliSlentiDe Woodburn. west by land-of B. jf..'
la 0
uth by the me road, and _east by lands it
lild , ` ° • Co nti
d Bolding-ng eiventy4ve acts'
Robe his about twenty acres improved outrun.
mo n or .
ed house
n d taken in "mention at the snit aflohn
/.11s e ized a
en to the use ofiedse Allen v& Levi Walker,
AL.Bo—The following lot„'piece or parcel of land
striated i n r hetnwnship of Rome, bounded and des
cribed as follows: beginning at u cornet in a; '
'ofEphraim B. Barker Hiram Drake, thence
south 79 degrees east along a line of said Drake,
eiehty and 6.10 perches in another toner of said
Drakes, thence south. one - digree west twenty-three
and 1-10 perches thence south 34i degfies west-to
a corner in aline of Daniel Buffington 's :now „La.
ems Zasubao, thence north 89 degrees crest 6y and
7.10 perches to the beginning. Containing twenty
oro acres and twenty•six perches, strict measure,
be the same more or less, about ten acres improved
log house . and small orchard
one framed barn,
Seized and taken in mention at the snit of Hi.
tam Drake, AdminiStrator of John Mbore deceased,
vs. Silas Gore and Samuel W. Gore.!
ALSO—TIT following piece or parcel of land sit
uated in Warren township. bounded as follows to
wit north by lands of Chauncey ltasei east by
David Davis, south by Inv Beeman, and west by the
estate of Aaron Beeman dec'd. Containing twenty
ac res, wt th about five or,siz acres improved; with
vile small trained house, and one small orchard
Seizol and taken in execution at the suit of Wil
iam noon vs. Davtd P. Hine.
Al,Ss9—The following pieces or par-el of land
wale in Towanda township, Bradford county,
,coded and described 'as follows, to wit: Begin.
7i , at a sapling marked for a corner, near to and
! or Spongbrook, thence south 20r, west..TBo
is to a stone corner, thence north 19r, west 1401
„i s t o a white oak tree, thence north 70r, east 180
3ds to istake at a white pine stump, turned up bys
re roots, thence south 19} degrees, east 1401 rods
the place of beginning..• Containing:96 acres
re or less. about 60 acres improved, one fratried •
Ise, one log house, one framed barn with a shed
tacked thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wil
un Welch vs. William 8. Hayden and Patrick
Al.Bo—The following lot piece or parc el t of land
mate in the township of Leßoy, county of Brad
rd, bounded and described as follows, via : north
Towanda creek, west by lands of David White
, Muth by unseated lands, or a tract of land known
the Barclay tract, east by lands of Leonard Mc.
Containing about ninety acres more or less,
at thirty acres improved, one plank house, one
barn and apple orchard thereon.
seized and taken in etecuticn at the snit of John
and Booth vs. P. W. Holcomb.
ALSO—The follow irg lot piece or pariel of land
sated in-the township of Pike, bounded and des
bed as follows north by the tannery lot, on the
st by the school house lot, and the high way,
th by land belonging to the estate of C. Broth
med, and east by lands of G. N. & E. DeWolf.
staining about one` acre and thirtytwo perches
rein less all improved,one framed house and
lad framed barn thereon. =
Seized and taken in execution at the spit of Will
n R. Magee now to the use of Eugene Keeler vs.
ALbO—The following lot, piece or paroel of land
late in the township of Dorell, Bradford county.
ided and described as follows, to wit: north by
Is of Thomas Welch and land of the estate of
In Welch dec'd, east , by lands of John Griffin,
rh by lands - of William Crow, Edward Crow,
ice Hicks, Davis, James Bargeant and Sime-
McAlwaine, and west by lands of / Wm. Acla.—
itatning about filly-five acres more or less about
Ave acres improved, log house, framed barn and.
few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taksn in execution at the snit of Charles
'apple re. lonathan Ada.' •
. .
AI 50—The following lot' piece or parcel of sland
sated in South Creek township, bounded and dis.
ted as follows viz : north , by land of James
on the east by lands -in possession of Geoige
lututose south by the old Norman lot, west by
of the Bingham estate. Containing about
!wpm acres more or less, about thirteen acres
'nosed and one log house thereon.
LSO—By the same writ, a piece or parcel of
td situated in South Creek township, bounded and
:abed as follows to wit , t uortn by lands of James
ling, west by land now in possession of Hiram
tle, south by the old Norman lot, east by lands
?tier Hammer. Containing about twenty-sir
A more or less, about ten acres improved, one
House and a few fruit trees thereon.
AM—Hi/the same writ, one other lot piece or
'eel of land situated in Ridgebery township, botin
-1 and described as follows to wit ; north by lands
lan Hunter and Wm. Miller, west by lands of
"ni. Miller and lands in possession cf Peter Miller
Bingham lands, south by lands of the Bingham
tate, east by lands of Cites Mnnderville and Hutu-
Containing.about one hundred acres -more
less, about thirty acres improved one log house
d an apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in mention at the suit of E
.Beckwith Administrator de bonis now of the es
te of Albert A:Beckwith. who survived Hector
Strong vs. Hiram Sample and Samuel D. Sam-
ALSD—The following lot piece or parcel of land
mate in the township of Wyalusing bounded and
scribed as follows to Wit: north by lands of Eli•
s and Monree Whitney, west by Daniel Brown,
Rh by
of Daniel Brown and Austin Stafford, east
Inds Thomas Brown and LOrenzo
limning about one hundred acres more or less,
renty acres improved; one framed house, one
led barn, apple orchard and other trait trees
seized and taken in execution at the snit of Alvab
ash rs. Mason Brown.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situ
, In the township of Darell, bounded and describ
es follows, to wit; north by lands of George
ilsoa. ;rest by lands of Robert Chilson, south by
ids of Robert Wood, and east by the highway .
'lining about thy acres be the same MOTE 1111"
about twenty acres improved, one plank house,
! log barn and fruit trees thereop.
Seized and taken in execution at the salt of Bari.
Northrup vs• John M. Crartmer and-OeCtige..-W•1
,U3O--The following lot piece or, parcel of
sated is the leynchip of Smithfield' and bounded
I described as follows to, wit: on_ the north by,
ids orEphrann Si t oe r , east by • mid* o r Lyman
King, south by the public highwarleading &our
ast part of Smithfield to th war d s goll's and on
area by the public highway tending from Cyitel
manna to Burlington. ¢ontainiog
about fifty-five acres thereof improved *titbit
,bansei framed barn.
•01 toetton. corn honse.ind an or
86z ,ed and taken in execution at: the , suit 01
I Thomas vs. Benjamin Thomas = and• Benja.
1 ? - The following lot, pieeesor pareelofiand
' l urrarluo of Barliagton,mod bounded and.
is follows: north and mist :. by lands, of:
Lamm on the south by. the highwaTliend.
' l4Bl Burlington to Trod; and on thetarest
public burying ground. °attaining , about
dnh of an acre more *ries', all improved with
Letter! Meeting house thereon. • "
the same writ:the followirtitrioti Piece"
4,flan dsitnete:irignrlingtontownthipbound4
described as follows: north, west and south'
lands of Addison hteKean and south east by the
h ull leading from Burlington. to litmitlifield.--w•
analog about one acre, all improved,: with a
%I house and framed barn thereon.' 1:•
1,80 --By the some wit, die following lot, piece
%reel of land situate in the township of Smith
1. bounded and described _ as north - and
by lands of Nehemiah Beach: on the 'mint by
Berwick Turnpike. on the .itorth by the highway
tug from laid' Turnpike Id Smithfield Ventre...4:
- - - -
eitnittitting OMtone fent& .4it ere anti in Ott Oil. less,
allitoproTed;iith a:framed theetikghottse;thercoll%
4,1.4.6-. 7 .13y-tbe
,ititne Writ, ono o th er- lot,itiece or
Pareel:ofiand situate in the tOwnship.ot Smithfield(
bonbaid find diairibed as follows: east aid' !Oath
by landsor Augustus : Phelps, west by iliehighWAk'
leading Biota • ;Smithfield' Ceture to .Burlingtotl
gorth byhindsofigmesCierottlds.' COMainingilont
• one half acre . - al hnpenved, together - withlho Wier
Of 6. hitildiag !brined,' occitpied as a meeting hotisa
im-the opposite aide - of. said Inghwai: - • _ •
Bilged and taken in etectiiion at theft stilt atVanier
Andrni fa; The MethodiatEpiscopal church. On'the-
Borliagton circuit by' Daniel 11 Chabback and Rd.;
ward Kemp Jr. agents.. . -:•• • • • - • ''
• ALt3o.ll Winne of a .writ Ofteittri * Facies 'Ol
that certain lot or piece of land Situate, in Smith -
Creek Bradford County and State,OfPittii;
sylvania, bounded as 'beginning itt'a ;beta-,
lock tied the north east.tOrner of the Said_ hereby
foliated land, running thence south 236 petthes to' a
hemlock tree; thence west 355 needles to a herilloch
tree, thence north 238 perches tO a beech;tiee„thente
east eking the , south title of a body otjandbelongilig,
to the Bank of PetinsWvania .'355 perches to the
Plide..oChegioning. .Conth
inidg 523 acres and 100
perches more or, I esq„, being pail, of a . tract saiveyed
to Francis .Ttihnson .lonathin . Mifflin onwarrant
No. 5690t(the noithpait of toifil land) dated the 1;1
of NO'S'. 1 / 9 4 ;lnd ' ,Oittleptf'd to them. June 22;1783.
ALSO—By the same writ, , the ithilivided halt of
all that other lot situate' in saki South) Creek town
ship, beginning at a heechttee standing on the south
line oGthe tract called the Barkiract, end south east
corner of lot No. 5688, thence nprth 117 chains and
25 links to.a norway pine standing on the State line,
thence nortit.BB - deg. west aloni said lthe 85 chains
and 29 links "tici - a hemlock rnarked for a corner,
thence south 119:chains and 73 ,links to a basswood
tree standing rim the south lite of the Bank tract,
thence along the. south line ofEsaid tract rig chains
and 29 links to the place of beginning. • Contain
ing 10103 As Ititazdi and 29 tierches'of land.
Scized'addtaken in executioP at the suit of Ri c h.
and Steel to the use of EncifiE Chadsey vs. John
WM. S. DOBBINS. Sheriff:
Sheriff's office. Towanda, Angtist 1, 1851.
THE undersigned would 'therm the citizens of
Towanda and vicinity, that he has arrived here
for the purpose of enabling those who wish Dagn
reotype sof themselves, or fri endi, to get them. Hav
ing had a number of years extleriepce in the busi
ness, he fedi' confident that his pictures will give
general satisfaction. Likenesses of children and
aged people, taken with perfect accuracy. Those
wishing pictures would do well to give him a call.
Room over Burton Kingsbm'a store.
Towanda,'July 12, 1851. R. GAI.
175 BUSHELS RYE R CORN for sale. by
July 8. S B. T. PDX.
Ocer 0. D. Bartlilt's store.
FOR A SHORT TIME ONDY ! Pictures taken
singly or in groups in; a Satisfactory manner.
Towanda. July 7, 1851. : D. McEWEN.
comae analotr
aziu,m. ..
N assortment of READY-MADE COFFINS wi
_be kept constantly on hand ' Nye'sold stand - 01
Main street, where the subscribe is also prepared to
make and repair all kinds or Fu iture. -
Towanda, July HI, 185 . 1. C. WELLS..
A EDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersi ned, hay.
11 ing been appointed an Auditor by Orphans'
court of Bradford county, to distribute the fund
raised by administrator's sale of the estate of Niram
Ackley, late of the township of Spnnghill, deceas
ed, will aynd to the duties of said appointment at
his office , m the borough of Towanda, on Saturday,
the 9th day of August, 1851, at two-o'clocli, P. M.,
When and where all persons interested are required
to present their claims, or he debarred from coming
in upon said fond. jys WM.SCOTT, Auditor.
perior article, for sale at je27 ' FOX'S.
LL persons indebted to the estate lof LYDIA
P.GRIDLEY, deceased, late of Orwell tow'p.,
are hereby requested to make payment withitut delay,
and those having claims against said estate will , please
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Orwell, June 23, IBM. Administrator.
HAYING TOOLS.—Grass Scythes, Soatlr.scythe
stories, folks, rakes, Ate. for sale by •
The best and Family Medicine in the Woeld
Dr. Roberts' Compouid • .
An alteiative, Tonic, Diuretic and mild Cathartic.
Price 25 cents per box, containing - 50 Pills.
Each boz contains fifty pills, which makes them as
cheap again as any other standard pill, and four times
cheaper, and warranted much superior in the cure of
various diseases, to any of the Syrup miitures sold ;
besides being a more convenient isno proper 'form
for use.
The astonishing success which has attended the use
of Dr. Roberta Compound Saran;%Tina Pills is proof
abundant and conclusive that they are truly
Nature's Own Remedie .
and that they will cure all curable diseases, quicker
and more pleasantly than 'Any other medicine ever
known. The Pills are principally an alterative medi
cine, (their basis being the solid extract of Sarsaparilla,
prepared in a superior manner.) but sufficiently cath
artic to gently assist nature, without purging 'unneces
sarily, which make them peculiarly adapted to Weak
and enfeebled'persons, invigorating and strengthening
the body, purifying the system, producing new rich
blood and a healthy action of the stomach sad liver.
They are acknowledged by our ablest physicians to
be not only unexceptionable, but efficacious in the high
eiMlegree, and as a general
Family medicine thicqualled. ,
The Compound -Sarsaparilla Palatka used for the
permanent core of those diseases which arise from an
impure state of the blood, and morbid secretions of the
liver and stomach, viz., erysipelas, scrofula' or king's
evil, ulcers, scald bead, obstinate cot:melees eitiptiont,
blotches, boils, pimples, sore, weak or inflamed eyes,,
glandular swellings. rheumatic affections, pains in the
bones and joints, dropsy, dyspepsia, asthma. diarrhaea
and dysentery, coughs, calds,consuinption when caus
ed by capillary phitructiona of the lungs in persiiim of
scrofulous constitutions, inflamation of the lungs, in- .
Buenas, indigestion,
_headache, jaundice; feyerand,agae,
chill fevers, and fevers in general, general and nervous
debility, and dialing arising rum an injudicious use of
mercury, and whenever, medicine is required:gri invigo
rate aid - purify the sysieni— • :
They area purely Vegetable:son:pound,' and maybe
used by persons Of ilk ages. Thiry ant pleasant to the
ohne, and - produce:no nausea, uhensiness _or griping
in their °pennon. :'llondreds of- Sertiiiestes could* be
given'ofthirse who, have tried Cheer:llth. ( r es tjiiikeetti
person to take our :w* Ini to* i ni2 : ll9
"of he inedicine, but. call the . ageni andi.pirrelinse -a
boi, sokif dues not giee the unintperfest,s*
faction, they can return the box and recesvothe, rear
ey freirl tor the seine. i Purefiaser4
to, ,ask: foe. Robert's' Compound
Pills," end Ogsereeliit Aptentennipper on each
bpi has elan the sitnaidnior Joe. Roberts,
tVi• D. 0 4P.• SO:Pl),NUMlll9oolotheifk , .
,firregenories and,Jettsti cdr - , the
jest of rhefiredicine, nurse, be iddresied,:,.pust ; to
C. P',. rex, - :• •
b7 - liptiTox*Pcno.Ng,*o,l4on
r0warp.4 . 714:,; . , ,
Alie' Tierionslidebted to :the' White 'of - ALLEN'
MOODY, dilie'aiiid, life Of -Doren teantiblii;
"are hereby' tiqiiestiOo make ,EsOtniiitt Without
and those, haring .claiinor !flaunt salt - .ism%
pletitir Easeiktilietn ilily - auttomtleated•fal
The subscribers, will attend at ,the house of* ased;
od Friasyrobe shti v dtot: tg4l;f l ii tfi•
of settling - Oka Iniidtkem'or mid Mite; --; • •
•" ' - - 110MpTi' '
' #I4NRY:IfigNE" •
- .. , 354744 401:4085.1., Ailmin4l7.o*.•
ONE case grips sryttinbtedrin. : stir Lee , •
iinTrait isir Katt 07. rerar
,TOSEPH KINGSBEfei. ism nit, ietonied .from
Jd New Y,osk with his .
grand acoortmootof Pods
thr the season, lothaeing 'Wimp invoice of Foamy, and ,
Maple rtg , Goods _ dtic., which deli 1 0611 ".. 1 3' be- 101 /
,chearg-: ,T.ovranda; Jona 12.;1851. . . : - • -
. ived 1.4 e seboninent of New Goias.
winch' will be 'sold et•tbinaptairdentedly low pri
ces wbidiwe have had tbepleasoniof introducing into
thirmatket. The eashilaying poblie tie invited to an
/nomination. SHAPLEY & LEWIS.
TOwandA,JAne 12. 11351.
obic itERE 1--Wa are note
di if Volumes at 3lt cents imeoaallon.
, .•. • SHAPLEY & LEWIS.
Towanda, Ante 12, 1851, e
MN 18111-! FISH'! Mackerel by the BO q ua
1' Also , Mackicair. Trout end Whiten& by
• - ' SHAPLEY & LEWIS. "
Stiap 4/.
BSPECTFULLY inform the citizens of Towanda
1.. t, end vicinity, that they .talc b the store lately occu
pied ,by J.J.Werdoshere they now invite the sweeties
of purchase," to a large."nd ciloice,. stock
_ Now Spiiittat,
comprising the usual Trailuty, with'many articlesan
styles not to be obtairte.d.elsewliere.
Their assortment haul:wen selected with care express
ly for this market; and purchased at:prices which will
al:ow Us to at it as cheap ai any store in 'this region of
country. Cash eustotriers are invited to call, with a.
promise that theysitaltnot go away. dissitisfied.
0:7• Remember,'BRAPLET&I,EWIS' new store,
next south of the Wand Musk /Lain street.
Towanda, May 29; 1851:, „..
O NLY 6-I.CENTS!—Another case of those Cheap
V Prints, at 61 cents per yard. just received at
May 28. isHAPLEY & LBW'S.
NOTICE is hereby given, that an Election, will be
bel , l at the office of Laporte Mason & Co.; in Tow
anda on Saturday the 21st day of June, between the hours
of 10 o'clock A.iM., and 13 M., for Officers and man.
egera of the " Towanda and Burlington Plank Road
Co. In compliance irlib the charter. -
By order of the Commissioners.
May 30, 1851. 8.8. RUSSET. Sec'y.
Hardware, Stoves, Copper, Brass, Tin,
HALL & RUSSELL having forined a co-partner
nership, respectfully call the *Motion of the pub.'
tic to their assortment, to which large additions have
recently been made, making it the largest and most
varied ever offered in this region. 'Among the multi
tude of articles • few will be enumerated :
Iron and Nails.
English, American and Swedes' square and round;
English and American refined ; hoop, band and horse
shoe iron ; nail rods and malleable Iron of all descrip
tions. &c.; with a good assortment of Nsils:-3d, 4d i
Si, 6d, Bd, 10d, 12d and 20d ; 4, 5 and 6 inch spikes;
wrought nails and horse nails, by the .pound, keg or
ton. Also, east, German, English blister, American
spring and tire steel, ilcc.
. Carpenter's and 3' oinar's Tools,
Of nil descriptions, viz: brand, narrow andband axes;
hatchets, adz, joiner's east steel mortice, firmer and
framing chiseis; common and cast steel augurs, of all
sizes, from to 2 inch ; braces and bitts ; augur.and
pod bins extra; pianes'and plane irons; hand, tenant,
X cut, keyhole and slitting, aVve ; iron and steel, and
try squares of all iii7l4s , fronali to 15 inches; hammers,
spirit levels, bevels, tape lines, mortice guages; of all
sizes, Screw driiers, scratches, hollow augurs, &c.
Blacksmith's Tools.
Anvils, bellows, vices, hammers. sledges, Tinting
hammers, stocks and, dies, drilling machines, dm.
Shovels, square or rood points ;,picks. boa. boy,
straw and manure forks; . log, cable and binding chains,
crowbars, grubbing hoes; rakes, grass scythes, scythe
anathes, scythe stones and rifles, cradle scythes, bush
scythes, corn cutters, shovel plough moulds, garden
rakes, hoes and trowels, scoop shovels, &c. '
Carriage Trinunings.
Carriage bows, top leather and cloth ; patent leather ;
India rubber cloth ; brass and silver plated hub 'bands,
concave and Boston patterns; brass affil silver ?lined
curtain frames, lining nails, carriage knobs, apron rings
and hooks, stump joints ; brass and silver plated joints ;
seaming conk; striped lace, wide and Harrow; silk
striped lace,iiew stile; top lining, norsted fringe,mries,
varnish cloth. patent axles and sale arms r springs, 4c.
harness Trimmings and Saddlery Ware of the lat
est and most approved stylves, and of
souse Trimmings,
We have on hand a fultassurtment. Alm a -large quan
tity of LEAD PlPEoirhich we are prepared to furnish
at the lowest prices, together with copper and britannia
stop cocks and cork •slops. Any quantity of Pump
chains and lVell Riggings. A general assortment of
Baw mill, circular and wood saws; plastering. and
brick- trowels; lathing hammerer, shovels and &nue :
files and. rasps of all sizes; shoe and tack hammers;
drawing knives, turner's chisels and gouges, saw setts,
callipers, pincers, knives and forks, carving knives and
forks and steels; butcher,
.pocket and pallet knives; ,
coach wrenches , trunk, cheiu and till locks; tailors and
sheep shears; table and bed castors: dinner and tea
hells, glue and enamelled sauce kettles; brass kettles,
from two quarts to half, a barrel; follow ware and
cauldron kettles; tea and coffee pots; brass and bri•
tennis candlesticks and snuffers; trays, fruit trays and
large server/ • curtain arms and pins of the latest styles;
stair 'rode and holders; ladies' and gentlemen's pocket
scisers; rams and root strops; German silver and
britann;a, table and tea spoons; hair, clothes and sho e .
brusles; brass ana steel barreled pistols and revolvers;
guq locks, steel nipples and nipple wrenches; shotothof
pouches and powder fisaks; barn door, strap and T
binges. _ Also manufacturing and will keep constantly
on band a large assortment of
• • Tin and Japanned Ware. . 1 .
We have also just recetved.3o tons of STOVES
composed in part of the fallowing patterns and.sizes:
Republican air tight Cooking Stove, $, Number 4
Permitter. - do
Lady of the Lake, do • ' 9
Queen of the West, do - 4 to 6
Iron It li e tt, , Y c
... di. . , ,;: 4 and 5
fmprov Premium --do 7to 10
Eastern fremirmit t rei4 • ; 0144"
Jenny Lind Poorer S ( gvsa,. IL`
Cottage; • " ' irind 3
CYlinder„ . ; 3 , telidT4
' db''' • "•' 4- 401;
.Aii ' • ,2.offt,
&Ow 114” : Apt 7
'Tha ataiScrearripiiitei'bOf infieJis o f tTte;aelo;rtt
inent iihietkihey ana'ol
win- bilk:agedit'etirgrael, lor 1,a, - pinot of
ibii, 7 lcteaii Call at ibilriold eiand : noni4ide , otrigidie
44arn;ifidlitinditig *PineBMA; " f .
Old tnillio; inds atilt*
BROVVIY LINSEN COATS,for $1 .00'_. : . 1 -.; lif•it
-,.. !.!41 , -;:.....1,- - 1i.. , ..c.:..13 , 1. -- . , ..1A CAMPBELL'S:. \
VtANNEL. ,rof Lidiee'dadO,
',fat reawea slid;for sale „
D e& 26, pm, 1) ;";BAultir. AC: 4'
iLASIL-44eist 'quality) of„FRENCI GLASS, G
N.-rune In; - • • SHAPLF,X &
ittliT j c
i. 114 • Oil:Spiatis kt irate an
isolitiatiritotaitverehisirri!v .2 9, 71it101.30g.
iiitarreb. 1115 i.
agaartri l 4C2oalV
HE landessigned, foimarlyYdreitila (muiny years
of the Layette. Burr .Mill
_stone mannfactory,
4 1 rWaSilingtonsttest N. L. (W. Track Agent)
would brain ilia friends and the public in generalt Ott
lie tuts established.* HUHN bfILL STONE MANLY.
PAOTORY'st Bingtpntori, N. Y. in " Leroy. Build
ings," opposite o Phenix Hotel," and solicits A ; share
ofitteir patronage. „, , - .
He will bgie constantly on, hand a :urge •stock of
French Burr Mill Slonei, as show large supply. of
Elopes tr Kula Stones, oleo rrends Burr Mocks, 8011.
ing_CkdkoSerent Wire and, Calcined Piaster. ,!
The undersigned assures his Mends and the public,
that be wilt faithfully execute all (hders entrusted to
his care, not vtly in quality, but is prices of ankles
furnished, and solicits their kind pattonage.
Orden by letter will be executed with as much care
end'auchesply Ws when purchaserst.ste on the spot.
Binghamton, May 24,1851.
HIISTOM8: PORTER 'hay& just' *tided to their
assortment's large stock Of `Fresh Drugs. Medi.;
einea,Chemicais. Oils, Pairits,• Groceries and Liquers,
which" willow 'offered to the public et low rates. s
Their stock of FANCY GOODS di PP RFUMERY
is the largest and most complete ever offered in this
Also a choice assortment of pure WINES &
fit/OBS, soitabfelor medical purpose&
A large variety of Eamphene,Phospene. Fluid,Lard
and (AI LAMPS, containing-Many new and_beautiful
Being agnate for all the beat Paters! Medicines of the
day. purcharera maa depend upon procuring a genuine
allele in all cases.
All the Drags and Medicines kept at their establish
ments may be relied upon as genuine and of the best
quality, having been carefully selected with a stow to
their usefulness. _ . •
Routh stote of the Ward House, sod No.i.Oriek
Row. Towanda. May 21, 16,51.
CLOVER SEED.—Large and small Cloier Seed for
sale by (18. _ 11:10NTANYES & CO.
JUST reeeived.another aaaotUnant of those
- cheap BOOTS sad SHOES at
A IX persons are hereby cautioned against porches.
ins a note given by me on the sth of November,.
1850, to C. B. Barrett, for $l5. The terms of the
contract for which. said note was given. have never
been complied with on the part of said Barrett, and I
do not consider myself legally or roondly bound to pay
it, and shall not do so, unless compelled by law.
• Monroe, June.ll, 1851. H G. GOFF:
123123.11114 1§102V1 2 2.. • AMEMSTOTo
Adams 'dr. Eiracibrlane,
HAVlNG.entered into co-partnership In the practice
of law, have also established an agency for-the
sale of real estate in the county of Bradford. Persons
having real estate which they desbe to sell, by calling
and leaving a description of their property with the
terms of sale, will undoubtedly find it to their advan
Persona desirous of purchasing can learn where prop
erty is for sale—a description of the same with the
price and terms of payment and be informed as to the
validity of title. .1. C. ADAMS.
Towanda, Mey 2,1851. • J.7IIACFAUL ANE. •
An ostensive stock of &stile
hist opening at
macarkarrirEs &
OSt who 'wish to purchase Good Articles at
cheap Tates, will do well to call.
Towstidir.Thy 1. 1851.
TH. PHI N NEY, Jr., is just receiving from Nei*
a/ • York a large and general assortment of Spriay,
and Summ a Goods , consisting of almost everything
usually found in a store, together with
Groceries, Hirdware. Paints, Oils, • Dyes, Leather,
, Boots h• Shoes. Hats. Caps. Bonnets, Crochei*",
Glassware, Salt, Fish, lit. its.
The subscriber would return his Sincere thanks o'
the public for their hountifol patronage the last wint er,
by Which the increase of business enabled him to offer
his goods .his summer at still lower prices than they
have been In the habit of buying. All persons wishing
to buy goods or ready pay, would do well to
call at No. 3, Brick Row, and examine the stock and
prices, as the goods are bought and must be sold.
Towanda, May 1, 1851.
ivHEAT and FLOE/H—a large quantity for sale
SAFEIY..rusz,4O.OOI) feet just received:end
for side 'et my[ PH f N EVIL!
LUMBER.—Any quantity wanted, far which the
market price grill be Paid et PHINNEY'S:
SlERY.—Ladies, misses, and children., silk,
.1.1. worsted and cotton white god colored Hasa ; also
Vat's and boy's mixed,' trotie end-bleached half hose,
cheap at lnyZ . • ..I.FOX'S,
SHtETT X GS & SHlSTlNGS,btocin'and bleached
--'fieklag, Cotton Yarn, Carpet warp and Bitting
wholesale and retail, at my 2 FOrP!
SUGAR, Coffee, Rice, Fish, Malawi, Raisins, Sale
tutus, Spices, Oils, Sec chespestin town, at
May 1, 1851. • FOX'S.
r, CHESTS more of those Cheap TEAS, wan
noted to suit or the money returned to all eases,
m.Y2 FOX'S.
Are now receiving their
Second (mimed! stock of Spring Goods,
• . Spring:,
which ereoffered foss:de st,WHOLESALE OR RE
TAIL, at even lower than their usual prices. They
say to All cash parchseets, contemn, see our stock, and•
you will find goods and prices right. May. 9, IBM.
. .;
TA . ' THOLE 8 - 171/43. Coats, Pants an A . .all for
V V $2 00. pt , _ , VAMPBELvs.
• 4
WHEAT, - Oats, Rye and most kinds 'of Psi Agee
VV. Askew, for which the highest price will he - pail
at dec4 PHINNEY'S.
FIEST RATE aosortaletit of Hato . at
etAISH UP; ilia no giambling, paid for WOOL" - if
ROAi~ClATHS,;Cessiinerm ;KentuckY, lems.
11 ' 40044 km.; mild swyjnw, for mph
by . 414, B..KINGSBERV : & CO.
iron ! Xroki In*
(1 - TONS A iiierican; taglisk and evietlesi ttiio ;-4
'4dki exepeptilisportmejli,44,6ll: eil:zes,of ityciOdmikarit
dowleittivea, aml
01 . 0 tft4or}supilfor quantity; st •,-) 'i t.'•MESQIIR.O3.,jI
• .. Important,
..001,1grnal- ,
11',IgiPerabbi-6itittiout reskettO 'age tohdition
.1-rindebtad iblaer; ire raptpied and notified' to
nptltelitniddititelisytaent. To satisfy. then) that IOM
aafflarst; I VittjOd'atata, that I, Anse angagemetita to
inOt;:rhith' Wig togOiro' toe to hate pay of thosecow
joing.'l'shoard prekr that they ,would do so volatylatii
-4;-bifif Atli 10%0* &lob invoke the assignee
Totaitidif f idtWaYfr ;
. f• D.C.•
BP9ral 13110 PP 149 ` 4 ,
.44eti.,11,c0p m ,1100.
„ ',MONTANYES 0.,, •
!Do ARA/301.8—A 1 fine atteoitatent of lined and other
kkibbluqs4l.l‘3l' . ;. inCl.f•;
PROOKERY;'r;iillie .tariOet' mock ••in'tout;
NJ dinner out log•attik orwitfte 'granite tindibitte
irillikrialtheiit at FOrtikl.
giertilaignle; Svi.'l :i 1.1
Ts now receiving. rich and beautiful assortrnent of
A Diti GOOni,Gaiessiss. 6re.. t 6 which ho would
liarticubirly thiatteruhru of all Cash Pureitasers.
dud *HI maim it swilijird. to them to givihito tall.
Is ho.iideterieurett to sell his goods foe : Criss is low ,
es wasititot belhei Offend lithe cosikit: lfseingspsr-'
ed oco plalns in prOcirring the choicest' sortiele v she sub
scriber rechafultpxurident that , he cats Overrate sat
hrecu6kte. bit CO 2 "'April: 26
(1010.0 NE, CtiNl - E ALL, and examine the New
which are now being eibibited all •
sp26. • . B. KINGSBERY'II. -
T 8 note removing direct from New York' tr serge end
J. epteadiol ionortment of Goods which' he offers for
sale at ;prices whi:b cannot fail to suit the clown buy
ere; forgase v Paiontms, oa AMMO:II,Sn COEDIT. He
respectfully•seks a call from all persona wishing to buy
goods itilveep, as be is determined . not to be undersold.
Towanda. April 24,
Dress Goode.
. .
DICE FOULARD, Chamelean Chene, 04 Dress
IA Silks, French and Bartle DeLeon!, a new article
for summer dresses. French and English Lawns, Silk
Tisanes; Linnen Lustre' and anyluantity of other dress
goods -at FOX'S.
EVERT one knows that the place to 51u1 the largest
asioninent end best quality of gloves of all des•
eriptiotisis et gp2B • • FQX.M.
RICH Ribbons, Bonnet Silks, Leis. and CriPei at
ap26 i FOX'S..
9111 . X1a. Panama, Legtiorn;Pahn Leaf and Camilla
%Y Straw :Straw Hata et ap26 FOX'S.
1-/ 110p1AC Silk and BM Silk Law for MANTILLAS et
Zs SUltin Operation t• '
THE eilbseribers have moved to the new building on
Pine street, one door below Mercers store where
thliy will keep on hand and nitke to order, ploughs,
stove and mill irona of almost all descriptions. Turn
ing and fitting op work, will be done dm on reasonable
terpos as-at Chaim or Owego. *Old iron will be taken
in payment. JOHN CARMAN & CO.
Towanda, April 1E1;1951. •
TIDY GOODS—A good assortment of lifirinoes,
jJ Caahmeres,De Lains, Alpacas, and prints now
opening at ifft MERC UR'S,.
few Chair and Bedstead Wareroom.
ESPECTFULLY-informe the public that be has
IL opened a`stop atids'near house. corner of Main
and Paine sheets, nearly opposite Edward °Xenon's,
Towanda where he will keep onand or manufacture
to order, Flag-Natal. Cottle.. Windsor. Fancy, Cane
seated and Common CHAIRS, made of the best ma
twists, and of superior durability. '
He has aiso for sale an assortment of Unmans,
at low prices
Repairing and, Seating Common, Cane.bottom and
Flag•seated Chairs, on reasonable terms.
Cherry, Basswood, Wbitewood and Cucumber lum
ber taken in payment for work.
He trusts that his long acguantance in Ibis county,
and the durability of his work as testa► by many years
experience, will secure him a share of public patron
age. Towanda, March 1, 1851.
THE subscriber Is now in receipt of his Spring pur
chases of New Goods wbich makes his stock one
of the most extensive in the country—,for sale on the
most favorable terms for cash or approred credit—cash
buyers are paricalurly invited' to call and examine the
stock. myB 0. D. DARTUDTT.
raper gs. •
monty complete assortlgraig men to ff Paper Han zings,
Borders, Window Parr, and Fire board Views,
kept in this region, and at prices u low as can be
found at retail either iis or out of the principal eitiesost
May S. -, 0. D. BARTLETT.
ADIES' & missr,s3 SHOES -3 good assortment
Li of ladies' and misses' fine shoes, boots and gaits's,
sore to please, at 0. D. BARTLETT.
W'msport & Athens Railroad Letting.
GEO. H. BUNTING . , respectfully informs the*h.
lic that he ha* removed his store to Col. Wane'
building, one door below Warner's watch shop, where
he will be happy to see all who. may be in want of
Good and Cheap Clothing. He is constantly adding
to 44 stock all. the, now and deoplible- oryteo ones pot-
Irina, and feels confident he can Satisfy any one who
may give him a call.
Just receiving from New York, a large and seasona.
hie assortment of Spring and Summer Clothing, made
in the best manner, and Which will be sold as usual at
the lowest prices.
He be* also received, it large lot of YGUTIVB &
CHII.DRENS' CI:OTHING, to which he invites at
mntion and which will be sold- at low rates. He has
made arrangements by which he can
,send for soy ar.
ticle desired, with the certainty of procuring a good
article., ,
Cutting and making tip, done ti s Usual in the most
fashionable manner, promptly and to order.
Towanda. May 8. 1851 y.
Sohn W. Wilcox,
HAS removed his establishment to .11. Mix's store,
corner of main street.sod the public square. and
will condi:llle the manuficture of Boots and Shoes, ae
heretofore. •
He has just received from New York a large assort
ment of Women's, Children's and Misses' Shoes, which
are offered qt low prices. The attention cf the Ladies
is par icularly directed to his assortment, comprising
the following new styles :—Enamelled fenny Lind gai
ter boots; do, shoes; black lasting and silk gaiters;
walking shoos, buskins; &b. Aliases' gaiters and shoes,
of every description. A large assortment of Children's
fattey gaiters, boots and shoes, of all kinds.
For the GentleMsii.aTonwitiv:ery sty Wpf gaiters and
'shoes. -This stock has been. personally selected with
care, end, he i k ilielre o be can offer 'superior articles at
reasonable pried • ,
a _
j'l74o,strjelicat etiention pia to Manufacturing,
and he,bors by, doing work well tn.:rim:it a continti
'wee 9( the. Ilbetal,pe . tropme he has hitherto received.
-.1 . 0,7 1 m4 4 , May Pt : • • •
eringenre em d is from
THI undet~sigtiefi havinki;niChased of 2. Makes.
'lee the eysteni lind,ptivitege, s of placticing, for
the c ure of Stanimeting,yrill cop snft with arid attend
to CrwEng their - iCjidence in' Springhill;.Brid..Co.
Pa., thi)se WM) may bi,with'.inipeiltreents
in their speech, that no pay retinii4nniil the .ut
'most satisfaction is given: • D. • 13: grAcg;
Eipjjpo4l 4nel; 185L7
' Vkr.))-14.1C1c.
I :(14 , Itq'repv apnifyi*ni D. IT:' n 4 4'4W,:tdaetr
are capable of corirtel . #Fty c4ses, pr, the, altnip
peditntro; aria reettritin Ott! the in' ttitlte con 6+
Fteitei anct - ' . oqpiii)itnehtti of tho,s6 .
linpedhietttit In. their:stteeeli. - - - ' • ' - •
4 ' inAKEStEg.
A UDITOR'I3: - NOTICE.-411e•underoir. Did, 114.,
• ing tee:* applOteirati Andit - OiVtlte, cli‘pba 3"
'court of Bradford` 'cOunly; to' inarshalt assets t
a d
Atottibuiti Intida' in tfte - haudin/Ilie Adtridtiotitt r
citMiilit3W7ie3rii.4.ted.•;„ttill'attenil 'ln 'itte busi- ,
Uetta'atortaidd iithitiONCe in Toiltanila' korottglint
Thnititlay. ibf 2151 , dry' of ' Ankitat; 1831; al 'On U'-'
$.16‘314 P. liNithen 111013Onsintetettied Mt. Irilir-
Ole Offtenl ibigetlifins;ii.itaebiiiea tremi cuss
ing in upon said fundill'-'.' -11P1111 , 110131711. - '. -.
July- 18, 1834 ' t , '''' '-: • Auditor::
. ,
.1 Chemical CampotaaLSizailetticr the' alum!
of the-Hair 1 .
VIED itiviliSZlLlE - SLAM'
CLEAN, "bile sod beautiful preparation fee pro•
meting the,growtb, lusGriante and beauty of the
Hair--,removing dandedf, sCalelt, end, waif. end curing
the c utaneous diseases; .Of i o scalp . .-ntlietpialled foal
keeping the bait moist, iinparting to It t nckallky soft.'
Hess ind beautiful lustre. Its soothing and agreeable
properties wur be found remarkable, applied either to
the head or ritatioris on the. akin : It, is unlike any of
the'Alecdiolie and . Oil preparations so commonly used
for the hair. Its iirperiorily. over .all naiepreparatione
consists in its properties being moistening and cooling,
instead of ?tying and heating as the alcoholic prepare-,
lions are; and being free of the greasy qoalitima of mare.
roar, oils. &c. Its power to remove the glutinous coat
ing which ebstructi_ the pores of the skin when un
healthy, and which prevents the Collin:1 from exuding,
an oily subetance, necessary to the natural .moisture,
beauty and growth of the hair is unequalled.
One fine applit,nticro of the Hair Gloss will impart
more lasting beauty and Moisture to the Jiair, than a,
whole bottle of the alcoholic preparationsmually sold ;
besides it will not soil' the finest linen. Persons.vehose
hair is .lightly gray, will find this article to make their
heir darker, and render their gray hairs scarcely per;
ceptible. Mothers will find this prepa4tion the best,
they can use to dress children's hair, teepipg it in place.
giving it a most beautiful lustre, and causing it to grove
buturiantly. If say preparation of art can cause the
hair to grow, the Spanish Hair Gloss will do-it. ,
Very liberal discounts made to Druggists and those,
who buy by wholesale. Address C. P. Fay, Owego,
N. Y. Price 25 cents per bohle.
For sale by HUSTON & POF.TER. sole agents,
Towanda, Pa. 3w52
trHE subscribers having-just yeceited It largo addl.
lion to thei• stock, are twepared to famish a per.
eon with., "complete outfit." eons:ming of ,
Overcoats, goats, Pants, Vests. Gaffs, C r atkrishirts,
Drawers, Ilcds, Caps; Suspenders, Cravats, te.
All 15f which will tie sold cheaper than the cheapest for
needy pay. H. & A. CAMP:SELL.
Towanda, November ft 1850.
TTARRISON'S COL UM BIA N , ler s a le whole
sale and retail at Philadelphia prieeit,
February 22. MONTANYES & CO.
LBS.' Stith', Swedes and other IRON
1 O 000 just received at
Brick at Athens. .
HAVE now a kite of brief( burned at Athens ,antl
lam prepared to supply all calls for the season.'
Athens Pa. June 15.1801. S. HAYDEN.
A"persons indebted tu, the estate of JAMES.
FRIES, deceased, late of the township of Wells,
are hereby requested to make payment wlthopl delay.
ehd'thoso-horing claims against said aitate, aiill pleaso
present tliein duly authenticated for settlement.
MA RGARET FRIES, Administratrii.
Well., May 24, 1851.
41.11 Right at the Furnishing ep
H& A. CAMPBELL, return their sincere thanks,
s for the libe al patronage heretofore beitowed,
and would again call attention of their friends and cus
tomers to their late arrived of Nsw Branco (loons.
Consisting of all things necessary for clothing the out.,
er man ; whjah will be sold at a little lower pnces than
has hithertofore been risked.
Please give us a call before ptirchasingelsewboret
REGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notiee is hereby given
shut there have been filed and settled in the of
fice of the Reg.kter of Wills in and for the county
of Bradlord, accounts of ad.ainistration upon the,
fdllowing estates, viz :
Final account of Wm. Watkins, atiministratcw of
the estate of W. B. Spalding, dec'd. late of Franklin.
Final account of Hannah Annanle. (late Hannah
Lewis,) administrairiz of the estate of Moses/M.
Lewis dec'd, late of Monroe.
Final account of Simmons C. Hovey and Robert,
More, administrators of the estate of Wm. Hovey,
dec'd, who was guardian of Andrew. William and .
Thomas Mather. minor children of John Mather,
deceased, late of Ulster.
Final account of Jere Adams and Eli Baird. exe!
cntors of the estate of Lahea Bowen, deceased, late
Of Troy.
Final account of Joreph Thomas. administrator
of the estate of Aaron Thomas, deceased, late of
Final account of Thomas T.Smiley and Jolinnt't
Warriner, administrstors of the estate of Lyman et.
Wartiner, deLeased. late of Franklin.
Final account of Alexander Dewing, executer of
the last will and testament of Joseph Armstrong,
deceased, late of Warren.
Final acCoant of Edward Overton, administrator
de bonis non cam (Women& anneal) of the estate of
Nancy Strickland, dee'd, late of Wysox. .
Final account of H. Rost , , executor of the estate
of John Morrison, dee'd, late of Granville.
Final account of Adin Catkin, guardian of Maria
Catkins, now deed, late of. Burlington. .
And , Mm.- wilt b. prosonted ra [he Orpliem•ff
Court of Bradford county on Monday the Ist day
of September nest, for confirmation and allowante.
H. BLACK, Register.,
Register's Mice, Towanda, July. 4, 1851.
ALL pertains indebted to the estate of MORRIS
MALONEY, deceased, late of Monroe to*nahip,,
are hereby requested to make payment without delay.
and all persons having demands against said (lista are
requested to present them, duly authenticated for set.
tlemeni. JAS. V. WILLCOX', Administratrir.
Monroe, July 19, 1951.
Fleury W. Tracy fs. Executors of Joel Tuttle, deed: -
Brad. Cora. Pleas, May Term 1849. Nos. 273,
274 and 275
morrcE is hereby given, that the undersigned,
-1. 1 1 having been appointed an Auditor by the court
to distribute moneys raised by esectitions isalked to
the above suits, trill attend to the business afore
said at his office in Towanda borough, on Wednes
day the tOth - clay of August. lASI, at one o'clock. P.
M., when all persons interested are requested to pre
sent their claims, or else be debarred from coming
in upon said fund. • HENRY BOOTH.
July G. 1851 Auditor.
Licence Notice.
ATTENTION is directed to the third section of
. of an•aet approved April 12, 18M, vig : •
" That the actentitled "An net to create a sinking
fund, and to provide for the gradual and certain ex
tinguishment of the debt'of the Commonwealth. stp
proved the 10th day of April, 1849," shall not be so
construed as to authorise-any person or persons to
keep any beer house. eating house, restaurant or
oyster cellar, until they shall have applied for and
obtainetba license for that purpose.having first paid
die tax or license fee as is required in cases of .ta.
veto- lie.enses: any person or per ons who shall
keep any beer house, eating house, restaurant, or
(tier cellar, without, first having paid his license
as aforesaid.shall be on conviction thereof deemed
guilty of keeping a tippling house, and punished
accordingly; .
Those,ir,cluded in the above act, are informed
thaf'their MtisepaY immediate attention to its pro
viiions. J 'lll. PECK, Dep. Treas.
• Tteakary °ince, Tidy 18.1851.
111Q1bAnING POWDER.-50 kess Blasting Pow.
det, by , . . II 8 • • KONTAN E§,,& cp.
FriErs.ppartnerahip heretofore exiatin;,betireen E.
Icieartrxa & Sos, enJ Gt.o. W. Pores% outlet
Ihp-ftrto erfuntkints Son & Co, is thin dtry dissoked
hY tnUtual ThO !mks nut] aecolints are- left
with l 4 l) . Goodi`lio‘ligh rot toottl-ruent, and all . pencils
knoreiti therealvea in debted to the above firm are re:
VieAted'4 call and 62103 up •
or.o. W. POTTER.
Afiril 14.101.
reovEa r sEED,—.A imperil:or mitt!e of loth- the
V.' tome sad small seeJ, for late cheat?,
- Marh
11(VALNT I PAINT I-014oinfl'Oneillii ,
county Fire .
'Proof Paint very cheep
Feltrx--?."9 MONT ti V"ti