Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 25, 1851, Image 4

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in no wav Can LiNiteiall, 1 , 101 hp irk ahuntlattly
eitap*.y, and unit-or:o%l'y otstilined, as in the culd
satioa of hint. However hi!ly, Togged and rocky.
ts.e land, althotigh it tense theislough_ and the
+-Idle, there is Fateeiy en :tyre in out country
util not produce mood fruit '0 some kind.—
ft.lteti Mitts .tairtnt:e to cultivatiuu with•
nut etpensive dra:mr,e, whonlebervier and
craribetilee t eacit highly trtsltnit le in its tray. The
tt:en and mortreain aide may eerily be made prole'
fir in ,the cherry, pear, peach, and apple, and on
the more favored portions of the roil, where wheat,
rem and ;crass are eerily and abundantly produced
will fruit repay the mom and labor in a rich re
'yard. ft is believed that. a good fruit tree will
yield more mil rnatket end nutritive entire titan
any other crap that vim Le pineurel from the roil
Na labor of ilia (,outer, and no use of the soil pays
more . abimilatit than when applies' to the culture of
good frtrit. As a tree of dance Leh curers r.o wore
Lind thaO a pour one, it is of the first importance
to mako the best relectionA, and render the most
faithful attention to its dull de% elopement. Man
dues not use one half the quantity of fruit that he
rhould do as an article of fond. Thousands of far
mers live Mainly on - Salt beet, pod; and fish, who
itii,tht have the luecieue luxury of fruit at every
Meal, every month in the year. Besides, man is
si.lapted in his nature to outwit.' principally on vege
•atAe an d .4 1) 4 diet, and would be tir more
happy, and inne,•lived for so doing. As an article
ii general fond, fruit in its va-t varieties ie without
a papa'''. Our friends, at a distance from cities,
will find is a souicc of mai', as railroads DOW bring
them f 0 near the matket as to etiable them to com
pete with farmers in the 'suburbs of cities. We have
felt keen regretfdretraveling hi different per ions of
Country in fee so litli46lleolloo p a id t o th e mob.
tem of good fruit--.and have been still more pained
t r see orchard forests of miserable, sour, rusty ap
plea, only fit for vinegar. Let firewood be made
of such miserable trees.
The-Spaniards have a minim, that a man is utt
gpatelul to the past generation that planted the tree
from which he eats—end deal. unjustly with the
Alexi generation unless he plants the seed of that
holt, that it Ina); furnish 'food for those who come
atter him. Thus when a son of Spaiu ea's a peach
.or a pear by the road-iide, wherever he is; he digs
with his foot in the ground, and corers the pit or
the core. Consequently all over Spain, by The road
side, and elsewhere, fruit in great abundance tempts
the taste, and is ever free. This is an early wrought
oharity, and an evidence of a noble sintl. Let this
practice be imitated in our country, and the weary
wanderer Will be blest, and bless the hand and the
I,beral charity that ministered to his comfort and
We are bound -to leave the woild as good, or
better than we found it, and he is a selfish churl
who basks under the shadow, 'and eats the fruit of
trees which other hands bave planted, ifhe will not
a:so plant trees u hich shall yield fruit to coming ge
nerations. No young man should vote or marry
until be has planted at least one tree as an evi
dence of grind citizenship. Who plantea.the elna
of Beaton Commons, and of New Haven, which
are so justly celebrated! Surely not the present
generation. • „Let the fruit bees be in like man.
her bcrineattled, that unborn generatioila may be
grateful to this.—Phrenological Journal.
FACIT Titv.r.s vr,omNs —The new method of
rai-in; hull by scions, is a great desideratum
,in the
~,t of ob: ec i iiir . 4 good licit.. It has many advanta
aes nver araftin;. because it is mole expeditious,
sr.,' reptile-6 no stock or tree. They must be plan'..
*lmre they are required to stand, and the lab' I
f Slay Will be sufficient to plain out enough
fir n Large orchard, after the scions ate obtain.
0.1. Ihe niet:.leil a preparing the plant is as M.
'OW? -
T a k e tie f,lOll Ks ftlr grafting, and at any nine
k•ter the fit*: CO, February, and until the buds begin
t grog and dip each end of the shoot
rnvitra Avaaic as whom. 7,1.141 bury 'it in the
qn:catl. the bode tipperntost while the bodtee lie in
har;zontal position and at the 644 of two at three
i ,:he-. the are informed that trees obtained in
this way, wilt bear in four yeark from the time of
planting. We have no doubt of this method of
raising fruit. A gentleman in this vicinity the last
season, planted about twenty scions of different
kinds of pears which appear toilourish. The com•
position he used was melted shoetnaker'iwas.--
.CIRVINC CATTLE.—WO have no - doubt it is a
;:co.; practice to card neat cattle (kit)+. The hair
el not be carded off, and it wilt not come ofi
easily at this time of year. But the akin 'needs
rubbing, and natle that are extremely fond of be
ing Tabbed in places which tenant be =acted by a
robbing post '
Then we must consider the effect prodviced on
the dispolition of animals that are often approach.
ed and bundled kindly. Heifers-will not be 'likely
to make nob gentle cows, an 4 of comae geed
maws, if they have often beep approached and
handed and coaxe4 before they bring their first
calf. How can they be expected to" tautl quietly
to be in iked, if their teats have never been: al.
poached by anything but bushes and briers?
And your steer., Iniw are they to be firt caught
- and bnabglit milder :Ise yokel Will you whip them
in alter a chase, as you will a fox or a hare wilt
dogs and a war cry' No, for shame ! rut an the
card instead of tne Whip, and cry .cubs iOusteittl of
scolding, and swearing.
Tut CATIROT.—for stock feeding, and winter ute,
the carrot rhould be sown late. "The second 'week
is May id catty etiougl•, though beds for
Mestic use, may be gut in as soon after the frost is
oat, as the condition of the land will admit. I greigly
desire to see the caivation : not only of the carrot
Lin parsnip, dxterided, as they are vxcellent, and
may .be rased with prntitby every person Who has
a single animal to feed, or a single rood of roil on
which grow the seed. I catibmintldlse the hope
that rho day is by no means remote when our ag
ricul ure will be improved by th,s and similar " in.
novatione,"' and when root crops is-a', in a groat
meti=dre, anti with decided advantage, supersede
the use of hay and nrain as fond fbr farm stock.
Mustest flestusu.-111m. Fillington was tamer•
kable fur atue heating. It is said that she Could
Itear not only the insects ih the hetlgoi, but slab the
smallest flies in a mom, the quickness of het hear
ing•ainciuntina sometimes to a painful sensation.-..
Curtis on tits Phiysiology I she Ear.
'Run Tat“....AVO hear complabits of the decoy
and ,iesth of fruit trees, but it is throughitegject, or
Isant uf know ieJ,is.el their
Nrintiturai .Impitincitio,
Noe •••.. tr,e,
it„nrienitural, Store, and Tin Store,
isw•colß lITATS atttiettLlVllAL , SOOCSSTI'II NOT
RA Road Horse Power & Trestle',
nifh the Latest and Important Improvements, for
which Patent is secured.
THE subscriber takes this method to inform the
Farmers of Brerdford and the adjoining counties,
that he is agent for, and has for sale, the above eel. hin
ted and unequalled Home Power and Threshing Ma.
chines, which he is prepared to famish on the same
team as by the manufacturer, with the addition of the
actual cost of transportation, contracted for at the low.
est and best rates.
The subscriber has *old a number of the shove ma
chines in this, and the adj-iining cowgirls of Chemung
and l'ioga, N. T.. and all wiilsont egeeption have given
the very best satisfaction , and n here they are known,
all farmers give them the preference, on aceoopt of
economy in threshing, being operated with much less
expense, and cracking it'd wasting much lead grain
than any other machine in use.
The Two-Horse Power Thresher and Separator is
capable, with three or four men, of threshing from lit)
to 200 bushels of wheel or rye, or double that quantity
f oats, per day.
The prizes f,tr Emery & Co.'. one .
fore Power. $96 00
Jo Thresher and Separator, 3.5 00
do Bands, wrench, etile-r and
emu piece., 5 00-5125 00
Jo Two-horse Power, $llO 00
do ',Natter sad Separator. 3.5 00
do Bends, oiler, wrench, &e n 5 00--$l5O 00
Also. Wheeler's one.boree power,Thresher,
and Separator, complete, (improved this -
season) SIIXI 00
Wheeler's two.hnrse Power, Thresher and
Separator, complete, 145 00
Price of Emery's Tresher and Cleaner,
writ bands, 'wencher. dre., 75 00
do Saw Mill, complete for use, 35 00
Price of Grant's Fan Mills, adapted fire
hand or power. from 22 00 to 25 00
The subscriber will also the coming season be pre•
pared to furnish to order
The Cleaner has all the advantages of a good fan
•ning mill, cleaning the grain fit for market, westing
none. The additional cost being but little more than
a fanning mill, or about thirty dollars—making the
whole Threshfr and Cleaner cost $75 to the Farmer,
and with Elmer:. & Co.'s twe-borne power. $195 00.
jj' On account of the large demand for the above
machines. and the difficulty of immediately filling or.
den for them, persons wishing to purchase machines
should give me timely notice as to what, kind and at
what time they wish to procure them.
Farmers wishing to do their threshing immediately
after harvest, should procure their machines as early as
the Got of July. Also for sale
Al enanufachsren rdait prices, such as
. 11 11111 -
Barran's Grain Reaper.
Revolving horse flakes, Illy, Straw and Manure
Forks, 4-c. 4•c. Also,
Cad Iron and wood Cistern and Well Pumps,
LEAD PIPE et all sizes, in large or small quanti.
iies, cheap for esab.
e'r 'o7v 1,- 21 4
'VARIOUS nunirstii:T.Orrniuts, enics, rittene, sc.
My stock of Stoves, sad prices, will compere fa•ot►
bly with those of any Stove Store in soy of the imp
neighboring towns.
Tin, Japanned and. Sheet Iron Warr,
manufactured and for sale wholesale and rebut, Cheap
or Cash.
A large and full Catalogue of Agricultural Imple
ments and Stares, wi.h erigrevings, furnished gratis,
either here, or on application by mail pom.paid.
Athens. Pa.. November SO, 1850. 1y26
THE substnibers respectfully inform the public that
they have taken •tbe shop formerly oecupi.d by
Adam Esenwine, on Main street, nearly opposite
gab's wagon shop, where they are prepared to do 01
kin& of BLACESMITHING opo• reasonable terms.
They are determined by doing their work well and merit. as they hope to receive • share ot
public patronage.
HORBre./IfirlEtSt done in the best manner. All
kinds of repairing Machinery, executed in the utast
ful manner.•
WOOD WORK for wagons wilt deo be made end
repaired when desired.
All work done et their shop. will be warranted lobe
well-done. end manufactured from the bed materials.
The public ate requested to Ore us a trial. end judge
for thetneehree. EBENWINE & BEEBOBCHH.
Towanda. May 2. 1861.
ADAM ESENWINE respectfully informs the pub
lie that he now occupies the shop where biomel
and brother have for cars worked, nearly opposite
Temkin foundry, where ha is ready to do all work
in his line, as formerly in the best manner. He is de.
*Mined the. reputation be has attained as a skilful
linemen shell not !utter by any neglect of the inter.
eats of customers of by my inattention to burins.
!DOOM manufactured to order machinery of ell
kinds•reyaired in Melted -manner. and 4Piery kind of
Repairing and Mantifaduring will be done at abort
notice, and in•tbo style desired.
Horse Shoeing, on reasonable-terms. He will elm
take Country VMuce in.paymeni fin wurk, but ob
jects strongly to credit.
Towanda, Jan. 17, 1851.
Saddle„ Harness it Trunk - Manufactory,.
TERECUIA& Co., respectfully inform the public
J &sultry have taken the shop lately occupied. by
C. F. Harder, on Main suet% a few doors below the
Brick new, whets they will keep on hand • large
stork of 9
LagIUMBOG4 01/242a ZW,0 20 0
-"MN! sir;.* *PI "I" ' "C.
arlicinsin dieOhlO Minufactared to tit*. and
EU*, of the hest nutte)ial.end for workmanship aunt
be sespamed in Northern Pltumylranis. They solicit
a call from those wishing to purchase, confident that
they can give 'satisfaction both as to quality and price.
el^ Casts will be paid for Mies and libeep Pelts,
st the highest raleareitafiFtwhogs..4
Towanda, Nswendirs 1946,-100. „
The Vatted Stoles Ltettneenwaseetlik. Tresses.
On the new pistil.' 1!, by tintich Ihrinsundpartitirrt
tft thelOfi•
Muter Perpetual 11261400.
F. el. Hun Medical Examiner, Athens, Ps. Mu
mation given. and applications rocesved by
J. E. CANFIELD. Athena, Pa.
Also afidications kir Dummies against loan by Fire in
The Washington Co. Allatual Insurance Co.
The largest Mutual Company in the World.
Capital over $1,000,000 Over 100,000 members.
Tim State Mutual, at Harrislmes. Pa.
The great Pennsylvania Company. being a Farmers
and Merchant's Company. with a tarp and increasing
cub fund, being both a stook and mutual Company.
.1. E. CANFIELD, Agent, Athens, Pa.
Pension mid Bounty Land Agway.
The subscriber tumuls received all the Pension laws
necenary instructions and forms, from the proper de.
partment at Washington, will attend to the application
of Boldirtm, Widows. and minor children of Soldiers,
who by the_ late law are entitled to Bounty Lands for
services tendered during the war of 1812, or any of the
Indian wan sine* 1790. And all Pension claims un
der the various acts of Canvass. The late pension
laws and decisions giving to may pensions not here
tofore entitled to them. Prompt attention given to all
post paid communications, by
Athens, Dec. 28, 1850. J. E. CANFIELD.
Charter Perpetual... Cash system... Capital $260.000
Office-No. 29, Merchants Exchange.
OROA NiZED upon the "mixed principle,", Stock
and Mutual, which combined features offer to in.
cured member. double the usual security, The Cub
systna of payments has also been adopted, thus avoid
ing the heavy drawbacks created by unpaid premium
notes. The table rates of premium, upon which its po
licies are being issued, is the only nude experience has
proven should be adopted,me affording requisite secur
ity to be insured, and an undoubted guarantee for the
perpetuity of such institutions. An experimental ta
ble may be found worthies,, at the very instant a poll.
cy should possess its greatest value. Life Insurance,
very properly, ii arresting tho attention of the world.
the public however, in their commendable willingness
to embrace and employ it, wise and salutary provisions,
should make ultimate security the primary and most
important object, which can only be attained by so ad
jutting the premiums as to anticipate unexpected loss
es and fluctuations of every kind. It is the purpose
of this company annually to credit, upon the polices
of holders and books of the Company, such an amount
of profits as shall not affect the stability, or impair the
sacredness of its contract,. Premiums may. at the op.
tion of the insured. be paid annually, semi-annually,
or quarterly, in advance. All necessary information,
together with blanks, pamphlets, &e., may be obtained
gratis, at the of of J. E. Caret um, Athens, Ps.
Stephen IL Crawford; Paul B Goddard,
Ambrose W. Thompson, Lawrence Johnson,
Benjamin W. Tingley, George Mllenry,
Jacob L. Florence, James Deverecis.
14 Minn M. Goodwin, John L. Linton.
-Autumn W. Temarsoe. Vice President.
Cass. G. burr, Secretary sod Treasurer
Aarraer —Manuel Eyre.
COVNIIIR AND Arrontrxr—Thotnas Balch.
F. 8. Hoar, Medical Examiner for Athens.
December 27. 1830.
DIBBOLUTION.—Notice is hereby given, that the
partnership heretofore existing between the sub
scribers in the Harness end Trunk making business is
this Jay dissolved by maturl consent. E. Smith &
Son will settle the business of the late firm. Those
indebted must make immediate payment, and those who
have agreed to pay min, are notified that wilen de
livered at vas time agreed, Cult will be expected.
!Veneerer LS, 1850. JERE CULP.
E. Smith if Son,
RESPECTFULLY inform the public that they ,.
wilt continue the business at their old stand, north'
aide of the Public square, and will keep on hand. and
manufacture to order. every variety of SADDLES,
HARNESS, TRUNKS, VALICES, oke., of the best
materials and of workmanship, not to be surpassed.
By strict attention to business, and promptness in'
fullfilling engagements, they hope to continue the lib-
eral patronage they have heretofore enjoyed.
C4R1211102 TKIIIMIWISCI will be dune on abort notice,
in the neatest manner.
All kind' of Grain, Protium. Hides, Sheep Pelts,
will he taken in exchange for work.
SMITH dc SON have removed their Badille &
Hamm Shop to the building nearly opposite
Me Ward House, late the "North Pennsylvanian"
pointing office--on main street. Jan..
Union Block," up stairs ; North side of the
Public Square. csrer Elwell's Law Office. Entrance
between Elwell'. end Adams' law offices; where be
may always be fount: whatnot professionally engaged.
Towanda, July 12, 1850.
A New Era in Newspapers.
THE CITY BUDGET is designed to fill a blank in
in the newspaper world, of . Refined and Elegant
I. iterantie, Wii, Rumor. Graphic Life Sketches of For
eign Countries. and the ivery-day- conversations and
the manners of their people. Each number will be em
bellished with spendid engravings, engraved from new
and original designs by the beat Artists in America.
No old cuts or foreign witticisms, tehashe', will be
admitted, but everything will have the advantage 14
Families will find this an interesting Journal for their
parlor table, as from it not only information of the most
agreeable and pleasant kind may be obtained, but they
something to Amuse them in their leisure
There is no paper lib this at present in America, if
maul there he one Act any pan of the world ; but our
progle are a reading people, and require, u we shall
give them, subjects of interest and amusement in a
cheap and condensed form. We are ensile!y different
trim the ordinary Newspaper or Weekly Papers, nor
do we seek to enforce any opinions upon the nfinds of
our readers, but leave them to form their own.
Ca Every Country Merchant and Family should
read David Alwyn. or the Ruined Country Merchant;
A peep into Mercantile Agencies ; which has created
such a great sensation in business circles. and will be
continued every week until it is concluded. ft is de.
signed to show up in their true light those spies who
live by misrepresentation of the most private affairs of
Merchants and Fend ice, to the intiry of trade and 'he •
dentorthistiqp of man.
A sample tx of the:City Budgrt will he sent by
mail to any address in the country. if rewired.(
Toro is not a paper in America gnat gives u mach
original reading matter fur the same price.
Price One Dollar per annum or Two Cents per sin
gle copy, for sale by Newsboys and Newsagents
throughout the United States.
The CITY lIIIDGE t` will be -famished to Clubs et
the following low prices :
6 Copies to one.address, ...... . ....... $5 00*
10 " a
-4 00
20 II It . 15 00
30 a a 21 00
40 a a
.......... ... ...26 00
60 " " 90 00
100 a 50 .00
Alt must he prepaid. and address
ed to IL F. MATHER & CO.,
LfittCrE usorttnent of Cloths Csessimeree and
•filattinette, also Calico and other Do Goods - so
"ajapap , thit defies competion at PHINNEYII.
PRINTZR Mehl and Turkey Reds, u well as
a large stock of Ci.itoes, DeLsioes, Cashmeres
aodAlpaeces, can bo found for sate by
_Nor. 7. ILINCtIDERY & CO.
r44.L. . lin 111
102 Fulton sired. N. Y.
Dr. Fitch's Celebrated Medicines !.
Pulmons7 Balsam. IDepurative Sirup,
Fecund Expectant, Heart COffeettolr,
Pulmonary Liniment. Humor Commior,
Anti Dyspeptic Mixture, Coush and.Crithartic Pills
Nerriue, Female Pills,' •
Vomitus", Female Speridle).
Puie and Medicinal Cod Liver Oil, arc.,
flied AY Arm constantly and with unpritedenled sue
ens in the treatment of Coughs, Colds, Consumption
Asthma, Heart Diseases, Dyspepsia, Smefxla, akin
Diseases. ltAcymatista, Female Compliant:, Ps7m,
Dr. Fiteb's unequalled Patent silver plated abdornina
supporters; Improved plated steel spring shoulder
brace; Dr. Fitch'a silver inhaling tube.
Dr. /Pitch's Cylebs;aled Six Lectures
On the prevention and cure of Consumption. Asthma
Diseases of the Heart, dm, and on the method o
preserving'hadtb and beauty to an old age.
This book should be in every family. To the -Con.
commies it points out the only reasonable hope for re.
lief. To mothers, the directions it gives in the can and
eduction of children me invaluable. 78,000 copies o
this book have passed through the press, and the sale
continues unabated.
For ale by 8.8. Fires & Co., 709 Broadway, N.
Y., and HUSTON & PORTER, Towanda. and by
C. E. RATHLIONE, Canton.
CC? Dr. Pitch's Guide to Zaralid'. or directions to
persona using Dr. Frtch's remedies, to be bad gratis of
all the spats. lay
The following equalled series of Family Medicines
may be depended upon with the utmost con fi dence.
They have the approbation of the best Oyu
mans in the country, and are recom•
mended by all se& have used them
as superior to any medicines.
They have been before the Public for five years,
During which time more than 5000 certificates have
been received from eminent public men
and othete,and are now on file
at the Company', office.
They are Compounded
With the utmost• care and skill, and the ingredients
are thoroughly tested by scientific chemists, imo
that medicines of a uniform and reliable qua•
lily are guaranteed in all cases.
Are particularly valuable for the prevention and cure of
Fsvera in gene's!, all Biliona and Liver Complaintv.
Jaundice. General Debility, Common and Nick
(aFull directions for the various Diseases accompany
each box. Prim 25 cents • box.
The Graetrnberg Dylentary Syrup,
A speedy and infallible remedy in Diarrhcea. Dysente
ry, Bloody Flux. Cholera limbos, Cholera Intantum ,
and the Ast►rtc Caousaa, if taken with the first
symptoms, viz: vomiting and diarrbrek It no-
Ter fails to cure the worst possible cues of
bowel complaints, generally in a few boors,
abldom beyond a day. It is PVIIIILT
VIMIITA Ills, and taken in any gnat'.
tity is perfectly harmless.
The Graefenherg Green Mountain Ointment.
E. ssirrn.
Invaluable for Borns, Wounds, Sprains, Ckillblains„ .
Corns, Sores, Sael ings of all kinds, Rheumatism,
Erysipelas, Bronchitis, Scrofula, Ulcers, Pains in
the side and hack immediately relieved, Inflam
mation of the Bowels, and for all cases where
there is InOsmmation.
• Marshall's Uterine Claimlieon.
A oPrtain cure for Prolapses Uteri, sod for most of the
distressing complaints incident to females. Pre
* pared by Dr. THEO. POMER bY, of Utica,
solely for the Graefenberyr Company.
TglIR °TRIM, oastrukregno NEDICINTS 4111 g
Eye Lotion, Health Bitters,
Consnmptire Balm, Feuer and Ague Pills,
Children's Panacea, Libby's Pile Ointment,
Sarsaparilla Compound.
co- The araefenherg Manual of Health, a complete
hand-book ormedicine for families. Price fifty cents.
01Thrw, 214 Broadway, New York.
Cairrioa.—Tbe public is requested to hear in mind
tbr t everything prepared by ibieersefenberg Company
has their seal ',pun it
Spurious articles have been issued closely tesembling
the genuine in every particular, except the seal, and
the utmost care should be used before purchasing.
Aurnts for Bradford County—Dr. HUSTON and
Dr. PORTER. Towanda. I y3Ed
IT A 8 removed to a ,few doors below Bridge street,
on the East side of Main-st. in the building for
merly occupied by J. D. Montanye Esq.
All operations amounting to $5O, or over, one hal
to be paid down, the remainder in three months.
the operation proves unsatisfactory, the money paid Will
be refunded. A note of hand however must ware the
payment ofthe half left unpaid, with a proviso. ,
THE SUBSCRIBER, having now completed his
arrangements for the accommodation of the Travel
ing Public, fails w arranted in -soliciting his share of
Public Patronage. His Table shall be fusni had with
the best the markt/affords. His Stabling it .arge and
Warm. His Bar. shall I.e filled with as -,g Lignor
as are to be found in the country.
BESIDES, for the accommodation of any, the
subscriber is manufacturing Boots , Shoes Sa :
nee*, Trunks and Talus, 4e., 4-e. And keeps on
band a good assortment of PATENT ME I CINEet.
for ill of which his patrons will be asked on c ly a mode
rate price.
Come one, come all, both far and net
A home you'l find, a ham to cheer,
And a cheap article if you would buy
Call at Lacey villa and try.
For former patronage and favors, the
please accept the sincere thanks of T. D.
Latieyville, Feb., 13, 1851.
Clod:, Watch ; and Jewelry l Store !
- _ • A.M. WARNER takes this method
of informing his old custoiners and the
public gene rally, that he his purchased
of .P. Bul his stock of Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry, rnd conimenerd the above
business in all of its various branches at the old stand ,
of the latter. on Main Atnjet, two doors soSith of brick
Row. 'His reputation' as a watch repairer is so well
established in this community, that it is hardly neces•
wiry to say a word on that point. With 'his long ex
perience and great advantages for acquiring a thorough
knowledge of, the •business. be has confidence in saying
to the public; bring on plat watches anti clocks, I will
do them justice.
All goods soblon Repairing done, warranted ea I
recommend, or the money refunded.
A good assortment of Clocks, Wetcbtis and Jewelry
kept constantly on bend.
• My •motto shell be—quick sales. innals profits.
doom, 'nano credit given. Cred%t need not ho asked
for—es 1 am hound not to snake it. sainaintence.
Towanda. July 12,1850. A. M. WARNER.
LiMUM • ES1111211307;11111a7i.
ficHE largest and utast complde assortment of school,
blank and miscellaneous BOOKS & STATION
ERY ever °Serai in this marlictond at • loiv mien,
coo jirt opruing 'et dlO O.L. D&RTLETT'S.
Standard itledlcines.
Headache. Dyspepsia, Heart Durn, Costiveness,
Griping. Urinary Diseases. Obstructions of
the Menses, Influenza. Asthma, and for a
variety of othe. Chronic Diseases; in
fine. for all ordinary family uses.
GEO. W. POTTER wouki respectfully ' somounee
to the public that be is in possession of the New
ad Commodious
1 0 0112111111 LT * IMULIMMI t he
in the botough of Towanda, a the place where the
Chair end lledstaid Factory formerly 'toad, where he menufacture and keep anatently on band
all such work in the above line as the wants of the
public require, such as Mill Irons and Gearing, Saw
mill rods and CiderdnUl screws, Horse-power work,
Ploughs, of varicaspatterna, Corn Ploughs, Scrapers,
Cultivators, &c. &c.
He pledges himself to use his best endeavors tokesp
up with the improvements of the age in ankles of hue.
twndry in the linerof his manufacture. He has long
since learned that the best way so serve one's self is to
serve the public; and he feels confident that his efforts
from time to time to introduce such articles u experi
ence has Weed to be useful to the riser, will be pnr
• poly appreciated.
He would ay in short, that he intends to be in pos
session of the best patterns of Ploughs and Cultivators,
and all articlelof hosbandry in his Ina. He would
also say that be has had an experience of five and twen
ty years in building Machinery, and has great accom
modations for that purpose, and would invite time who
may want Casting* or Machina fitted to give him a
all; and as be attends to his own business personally,
he pledges himself that the wants of the public in his
capacity shall be folly attended to.
As he is desirous of 'bringing his basins= se near cab
vs possible, be will sell astonishingly low to cash pay
ing cudomers. Come one, come all ! and tbe subscri
ber pledges himself to plane all who will be pleased.
oj* He has on hand and will manufacture STOVES
for sale. Towanda, May 28, 1851.
No. 128 Fulton street, Sun bxilding, New York
No. 17 Canal street Row, brew Orleans.
To Newspaper Publishers and ?rioters.
WITH confidence I invite the trade, before they
purchvte elsewhere, to give me a call at No.
128 Pulton.street, New York, or at No. 17 Canal•st.
Row, New Orleans, where I am ready to furnish
them with all kinds of
of the newest and most beautiful , style. I am also
umpired to supply the much admired Scotch letter.
having lately procured from Scotland a series of
these beautiful faces, together with every variety of
form and pattern of
Bordering, &c. I feel assured that the elegance
and accuracy dal! the Type manufactured by me.
cannot be surpassed by any Founder in the Union.
By an entirely new methodin the mixing and cast
ing I am enabled to retain the' virtues of the compo
nent parts of the metal, and thus to produce, in addi.
tion to an elegant the most
heretofore offered the public. To this last feature I
would in particOlar call attention, for solidity and
durability of Type is on the principle of economy,
of the greatest importance to all typographers. The
members of the craft will also find me ready to sup.
ply all kinds of
for the establishment of complete Printing Offices,
such as Presses, Wood Type, Cases, Stands, Brass,
Press and Wood Rules. Imposing Stones, Compos
ing Stick, Brass and Wood Galleys, Riglets, Closet
Racks, &c.
Old Type taken in exchange for new at 9 cents
per lb. The Trade dealt with on the most liberal
terms, and patronage solicited on the ground of fur
nishing to the purchaser of an article with which
he will be pleased and which will bring him the
worth of his money.
Editors or Printers wishing to establish a News.
paper or Job Printing Office, will be furnished with
an estimate in detail of the cost by stating size of
paper and kindpf work to be executed.
Publishers of Newspapers who will insert this
advertisement three months and send me the papers
containing it addressed to " Nesbitt, Register,"
New York, will be paid in materials of my manu:
facture, provided the' purchase six times the amount
of their bills for advertising.
'No. 128 Fulton-st. New York, and •
m 45 No. 17 Canal-st. Row. New Orleans.
Removed to B. king t ,sbery's Block !
Jr 4. Chamberlin,
••• It 1.1 AS just returned from the city
- itP: Xi of New York with a large
. . , AK supply of Watches,. Jewelry and
0 7 silver ware, comprising in part,
1 . . 1 r the following articles • Lever
.. L'Epineand Plain Watches, with
j , :t)la. -- 4 ' -I;7 ' a complete assortment of Gold
Jewelry, such as Ear Rings. Fin
ger Rings, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chains,
Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware,
and any quantity of Steel Beads—all of which he offers
for sale eaceeedingly cheap for CASH.
Watches repaired on short notice, and warranted
to run well, or the money will be refunded, and a writ.
ten agreement given to that erect if required.
N. IL—MAPLE SUGAR,. and Country Produce
taken in payment for work; and ohm learn now, and
foreveraaW the Produce must be paid wAen the work
is done--I war against credit in all its forma.
Towanda, April 28, 1850. •
C - r.k IP uPti 4: Co)
COUNTY snaysTaa.
HAVM° located in Towanda, his services may
be obtained by addressing a line through the PoN
Woe, or by calling at the office of Ulysses , Mercur.
Esq., where he will be found, or where a written ap
licatpton may be left. Nov. 1, 1850.
o. u. P. 'KINN EY,
(Kr Office, North side of the Public Square.
oblie will
MiDA 1
IPEEMI(ALIISS m onazimosT 9
OFFICE on Main street, four doors below Bridge
k/ safe, where he may be found, when not prof s
sionally engaged. Towanda, N0v.30, 1850.
ass, Pd.
HE subscriber respectfully informs tbe.public that
he has taken possession of his old stand, in the
south part of the Bow' of Athens, where he will be at
all times happy to smith friends, and will endeavor to
maks their stay with him agreeable. He trusts that an
assiduous attention to the wishes of the travelling pub
lic will :score him the favor of the old patrons of the
Mansion," end the visit of those who desire a com
fortable and coosenient stopping-place.
His Tssca will e well supplied.--and the ; best li
quors be procured-for the Bea.
Goat) STABLISO is attached with carefu l an d
live hostler*.
CC? An omnibus will be ruts to the Waverly sta
tion, to carry passengers to and ftoM every train, east
or west. E. S. MATHEWSON.
Athens April IS, ISSI.
i f DOZEN more of those cheap and good LINEN
f 4 COATS, this day received by
. Ray 20. , U. &A. CA, !rBELL.
r i c7 r M
Afflicted do not Despair.
Another *out being rescued/tom Death by M en a.
ATI ionic Syrup.
The following case is one of the grenest trioao,
of medic' ins over disease ever published in reedit:l4i.
torg t - a r ted d it!
by no olberlthan thaleeling of benevol // ,,
and for the benefit of my afflicted fellew beings, ti
sire to make known a short description of my din,.. end the unimpeded etnel obtained from SCHEMei
PULMONIC SYRUP. A yeast ago I e l ,
afflicted with a' Went coldW ee senled en My ba ll/
and side, and stay law days woad
.raise consid t .,,
his blood; my aittgb *as tight and distressing. E. /1
day I had violent fever creepieg chills , and pr y
sweats at night, with great difficalty of breathing 1/ 4
great loss of appetite; my system wee entirely pr t ,
UMW, being confined to my bed mat of the time..
Two of the Most eminent physicians of this city a
tended me. sad after exhausting ail their skill, ph
monad my case incurable. Indeed, one said ti O
, kings were almost gone, and 1 could not possibly a 4;
cover. Alibis stags of my disease, I was pntaaii k
Upon to try Dr. &hawks Puistemic Syrup, and bek t i
I had taken half a dozen bottles. 1 / 8 11 . 1) reamertiri
as to be to go about the bowie. It seemed to extent, :
en my whole system—it loosened the cough and
pod the bleeding—my bowels became regular,
every thing I ate, seemed to digest easily and scant
my whole system. Indeed, such was the rapid p t
green of my health and so sudden the change, the;
became too sanguine of a speedy cure, and abaa4
ed the use of the medicine before the disease IN - 2
thoroughly eradicated, which ref tilted in another att. /
of bleeding at the hinge last tall, accompanied by
crewing cough. I again commenced taking the p,
movie Syrup, and sent (or Dr. Schen& who, op t ,
careful examination, advised me to continue adore'
Before I had taken four bottles, an abscess formed
my side,which gathered end broke, discharging, et• Eft
u I can jrnige, a pint of very disagreeable yellow as,. :
ter. This seemed to cleanse and purify my wholerp
tern, Pram this time I began to get better, sod
happy toss; entirely recovered. I am sure at tb
time I enjoy better health than I have for the hit
years. Since I commenced taking the Palmate 8p:
op, I have never failed to recommend it labeler /I p,
went, that others, as well as myself, might be anti':
Saved from that awful disease; for I feel it a duty !,;,
owe to the of to publish it to the world. Pou t
me to mention a few cases which have come tinders
immediate observation. Being on a visit to Can*
N. J., last summer, I saw a child, evidently in the In
stage of bowel consumption. The mother inform /
me that the physicians bad given the child up as a
curable. I told her what benefit I bad received fro
the use of Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, and indstal
her to procure a bottle. I heard nothing more Ira
the hula sufferer nutil•about three mouth after;
in the market, in; attention was drawn to a lady 4.
observed me very attentively. She finally spin...
me, and asked if I was not the lady who recant...
ed Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup to her dying child .
summer in I "sanden. I replied that I was. She
that her child had entirely recovered, and was untie
manly healthy. Her name is Mrs. Wilton, and ow'
resides in Bridesburg. Another lady I would mei:alai
in particular, who had • scrofulousaffection. HerfmTi.
and neck presented one continued sore,and one of
eyes was variously affected with it. tilt° bad brew
grehtly emaciated, and to 511 appearances past recov....,
I induced her to try Schenek ' s Pulmonrc Syrup, vibe:
she did, and is now perfectly cured. Another lad
Mrs. McMullen, whose residence I will give on ap,7
cation, was evidently in the last stage of Consinopti ,
I prevailed upon her try the Polmonic Syrup. Iw
very short time she was entirely recovered, and ono;
joys excellent health, having become exceedingly
These are three cases within m y knowledge, which
know were cured by Schenck's ulmonic Syrup,
who doubt this statement, and will take the trouble
call on me at metesidence Parrish street five d...
above tenth north side, think I will be able to sat
factorily convince them by own case, and ;other*
I know have been cured by this Syrup. Since
core, there have been so many. to see me to know w
I took, that I have had a very good opportunity
knowing a great mans that have taken
been greatly benefitted thereby, and .1 think if persoa ,
afflicted with Consumption or Liver Complaint, woos;
send for Dr. Schenck, and let him carefully ,
their lungs, and if be says he cab core them,
directions, and prevent taking cold, they will rapid;`.
Philadelphia, May 29, 1949.
J. H. Senesce—Dear Sir—l have known Mr
Leibert for several years. an a member of be
end have all confidence in her siteinent.
joieed to find her again restored to health.
more, in addition to her statement, is nbeiil
Yours, truly. THOS. L. JAN E.
Pastor of the North Presbyterial
Philadelphia, June 20, 1849. 6th st. ,
Prepared and sold by J. H. SCHENCK,
orratory S. E. eprner Coates & Marshall
the following Agents in Bradford County.
Geo. A. Perkins, Athens; D. Bailey, Leo
Humphrey, Orwell; Maynanl & Woodl
J. J. Warfoid, Monmeton ; D. D. Parkhuo
C. E. Rathbone, Canton ; King & Void
and by MIX & MASON, Towanda.
Pries, $1 per bottle or $5 per half daze,
:4:7 * \ tij )I_`\i
The Great COUGH BE3IE:
(antiglare of eiperisoee, and mote then • Um
wad Owen of Osotantaptive Comp!alma
the undoubted sadelation of all persons who tat
Imbued with thle wades/ad nowdr, that It is (react
beaus it Li soodiute snd kaaNsqg, sad wow eel
Catisaptpas of the latatte. thin env
woad. We know, however, bent b said ty
don can not be cared. Ilethat dm opinion or the ma
we shall trot iatsnipt to argue with seek btu We we
do swirl ea • den which which ean be proved In Meows
that this medicine law mei Ca 'a and dew= ort
sane were elected, Were Weld seal eittanwpri I
were anzaded with symptom that neweibled. scul
spews tike the symptoms of those who dirt, and were
have died with that fataidlatess twartimptlon.
has eared elownwo of meow who .were,satd to be tu.,
dicted-wbo hard tb7,
of Cennine.-.Paiw fa the Bre-
We, and dast-Milleulty BreathingPere/mg Din t
tba -nectar Foxe - wasting away d
Flesh and reruns knell inch computer" two
cured oiler it was said they atedd sot lye a week !Mgr! M
Medicine has eared some who were Supposed to be in s
state, bet. by the ass of this remedy, they new live, and of
poi health
Ugh Balsam isvinery owerubte
take, and near doer book In any stage °Manse or under sr , a;
eurostanees. It edicts Its wroaderral and wheal wlrseelt&
Cates by Pomffytlatag, Sernigtharisig and Tersigerst lst
whole system-by efraliaiep Oadrentatialend prodUCCJI
action-4w Cough -etwitieo Nero - ea-red
red PerJaelie9 Kipectaration. It Cures the folloatti
imam ns•--
w goo cot* Dmodo elstkw4, What, d
Amin• am.o , eu. o red fu ,4, Y..-
n.lhrosi i liaa_ Hop grew limo* so 4 MIA',
PI sae alsomai arising therafoon, curers ism
tam s be
Jar riffTrito pardeolon of CUM, IRO
01139t, tsa
ift-0,11 Aiwa ham therm co itoo or •
lor bale b klUis FON & POR i ER, • seem
C. H. Herrick, Athens ; C. E. Ratbbene. Can'
D. D Perth urst,-, Leroy ; J. Hanson, Monfortas
W. Baird, Rommenfield; D. Bahr,' & f 'n• 14°.
silk; T. Humphrey, Orwell ; Maynard & Wc"' "
Rome; B.S. Tracy, Smithfield ; Com)! A: Ga, I
lin ;tots ; L.& E• !Wigan Troy. ,
All orders must be addressed O, WALLACE
Co. 304 Broadway, N. Y. : veer
Very Strange but true.
,t Gentleman of Utica. N. Y has obtairiei
the Witch-hasel, a simple relit*, which ! 111
Mae just Claim to the name of " curs all
any Medicine we have ever before knowt.
is connected with it but • little Alcohol to preoW
and yet it acts with great certainty in remosise
and all local intimation, curing all sows, bums. •
sea and lameness, ispidly. Piles. bowel c° 6 "
cholersemorhus, hemorrhage, ear ache, tooth•seht, '
eyes, and all nervous affections. It is white .ss
and as harmless, and it is called
"Pond's Pain Destroyer and Healing Extract.
None is genuine eicept "Pond's Esinict" is blog
the bottle. Mr. Pond.first introduced this codices
the public and has expeefded a vast anl of live
money in bringing it to a high!state of perfection ,
we now warrant every bottle to give satisfaction.
A man by the name of Spencer has cut. lured
article called "The Coyle Estract" which &are
be from the Watch.baseL If from that shrub, lit
a a perfect deception, sad it is • very impcifeet
clot be not deceived, get a pamphlet and see.
For sale at btsetanye's St Co. Towanda, S. z"."
Inen . Menroclen. Pktkhuibt dr Limb Leßoy,
Willey naklie. Jour sth